Orange guide. Legendary weapons! Tory "gave a star rage

Ulstracy, similar to more than a frozen thickener of dark energy than Dragon, spent his entire short life, absorbing the essence of the captured dragons of emptiness. He is the only Twilight Dragon, ever honored praise forgers, and his arrogance is inferior only to the power raging in his body of energy. Ulstracy, devoted to his owner, swore destroy the temple of the dragon rest.

Boss abilities

Ability aspects

Aspects help players in the battle with ul.

Differences from Normal

The heroic mode of Ulfexion is not very different from the normal. Perhaps the most significant difference is much higher DPS requirements. Well, in addition to this, in battle you will notice the following differences:
  • The extinguishing light is now hanging on a larger number of players. In 10K, the heroic Debuff receives a tank and 2 more players, and in 25ku - tank and six more players.
  • For 5 seconds after falling out the excess light, the player receives 100% more physical damage (instead of the effect that turns off the generation of aggro).
  • Twilight time should now hit a minimum of 2 players in 10K, and at least 5 players in 25k.
  • If you are in the twilight measurement during the caste of twilight time, then you are superimposed by a two-minute debuff of the impending darkness that kills you if you receive damage from the twilight time for the second time.
  • Well, by itself, the boss crushed, his attacks in the near battle began to beat more, and the damage from the unstable monster also increased significantly.


The strategy for Ulfexion in the heroic is the same as for normal. The only difference is that you will need to build a rotation from players surviving in turns under the twilight time. Well, perhaps you have to use less chielars to keep in the Berserka timer.

Survival in the time of twilight

As we said, every time the player receives damage from the time of twilight, the impending darkness hangs on it. This debuff does not allow to receive damage from the time of twilight over the next two minutes. Therefore, you will need to divide the raid into three groups that will take turns to get damage.

In 10k, these are three groups of 2 players - total 6 people.
In 25, these are three groups of 5 players - a total of 15 people.

However, it only concerns RLL. From the point of view of the usual player, the process of survival in the time of twilight compared to the normal has not changed.

It is important to remember that the impending darkness is superimposed on you only if you have damaged twilight time. And therefore, if you managed to avoid damage, then Debuff you do not get, and you can stay for the second time for the twilight at twilight measurement. This is a little unlocking your hands when forming groups. The following classes can avoid Debuff:

  • Robbers - Use first shadow cloaks, and then false lunge.
  • Hunters in the specialization "Shooting" can also stay twice for the time of twilight, twice taking advantage of the preparedness through talent.
  • Paladins - first use the divine shield, and then divine protection
  • In the arsenal at the magicians of the ice boulder and cavity.
Since the tanks are not lost in the heroic, they can also be shovel into the absorbing time of the group twilight. Before the start of the caste, do not forget to raise the shields on the players remaining in the twilight measurement, and the players themselves must give up their protective cooldowns.

Timer Berserka.

Tactic on the heroes - which is native to all "heading" - where without it. Only in the case of the ul of the Berserka timer is perhaps the only problem. When you figure out with rotations, the wipes will start directly by several percent of the Bosa HP.

Yes, the small nerve of the bosses is already included, which should help with the Berserka Timer, but what the hell is not joking. If you experience such problems, the first thing to be done is to reduce the number of chielars to a minimum. In 10k, you can do with two healers, and in 25 - five. In addition, at the beginning of the battle, until the damage is small, Hilers should also help to qualify Ulfexion. Disciplines are especially useful from this point of view.

On the last seconds of the battle, do not forget to build a rotation from the raid kuldaunov, as damage on the raid will be huge in truth.

In general, if none of the listed methods helps - continue to farm the previous bosses, gradually get better dress up, and sooner or later, but you will succeed!

With each new addition of World of Warcraft, everything further leaves what it was before. Therefore, it was time to return to the past and remember about the legends that the methodically added methodically during previous releases. Most of these legends, such as striking quest chains, how many weapons models themselves - even without the possibility of transmographing legends,they are worth collecting.

It does not matter whether you are trying to collect one of the legends to get acquainted with the history of Varcraft, or you were the first in the guild, who gathered one of them -legends will forever take a separate place in the heart of each player.

Unfortunately, there are several legendary items that are completely unavailable, but some of them still can be worn, for example Atesh - this refers to those lucky who managed to collect it in previous content.

Staff just Mast Heavy for any Castera in fiery expanses plus it turns you into a dragon appearance of Taresgos. The collecting legend will have to organize raids for pharmaceutical objects from bosses and perform quests to help the genus of blue dragons.

    Step 1 : The player independently passes the role event and fights in an alternative version of Nexus. Subsequently, it needs to create charged focus from several bosses in fiery expanses, which will open access to the fiery anvil. Raid helps the player getBranch of Nordrasil and special temporary title.

    Step 2. : Then the player needs to collect 1000Flaming coal in fiery expanses, which reminds the collectionShard of ice of darkness in the citadel of an ice crown. After all the coal assembled, Kalesgos opens another event, for which the passage of which is givenRunic Staff Nordrasil.

    Step 3. : Next to getThe heart of the flame, you need to charge the Runic Staff using 250 glowing entities. During the battle with Ragnaros, an interesting debaffa appears on the player - after you successfully seize the heart, your entire capital will admire a large-scale investment with blue spectral dragons and Tarengosa, which will tell about its history. In the award, the player will receiveThe wrath of the dragon, the eternal peace of Taresgos, and his guild -Baby Taresgos and achievementThe wrath of the Dragon, the eternal peace of Taresgos (guild).

Special Prokuha - Rage Taresgos

As with any legendary subject, the provoke has a unique GOY and it is really interesting: the rage of Taresgos. Its description indicates that the effect is more like the arts of shamans-elements: art: excitement of elements. If you believe it, then the duplicated Spell causes full damage. In the combat log, the duplicated spell is also displayed as the main one, so it is almost impossible to track it.

But on this good news do not end. There is another effect that manifests itself in classes using periodic damage (dota), for example, at Varlock-Afficator or Shadow Prost. Dots are also duplicated, but they are displayed as a spell rage Taresgos, which for one tick shall be laid as well as Dota.

These legendary daggers are available only for robbers, their output was scheduled to release 4.3. Daggers allow robbers literally "flying" - the dexterity starts to be stuck, which ultimately creates wings that give a good burst.

Dark sorrow

This two-handed ax was introduced after the hatching of the citadel of the ice crown. Wearing it can warriors, Death Knights and Paladins. It was easy to collect it quite easily even with a group of level 85 players (what to say about 90 levels), killing bosses in the normal.

    It is a pity that because of these items was so much bad; Thus, they lost the true essence of any actions and solutions of close friends and enemies of Arthas.

Dark grief and dark sorrow (guild).

It is impossible to say exactly how the sulfuras collection will be delayed, for you can suffer for years or turn out to be the rare lucky. This I want to say that everything rests on the knockout of Oko Sulfuras with Ragnaross and Sulfurone ingot. It would still be worth the blood of the mountain, but I do not consider the problem to get this reagent in the right amount for a short time.

Tory "gave a star rage

It rarely falls from Kil "Dzhenn, the last boss in the plateau of the Sunny Well. At one time he was the only small arms that did not require ammunition (until they were completely removed in the cataclysm). Archery animation looked like blue glowing shots. When onions only introduced into the game, disputes arose about how such a toy without epic arrows is able to compete with the top at that moment with epics like the golden bow cell "Talasa - this is in memory of those of the guilds who gave the legend, first of all, robbers as a cheerful stick with stats.

There were disputes and for the history of this onion. Some were convinced that this was the onions of the allerge of the versa, allegedly due to the style of the higher elves. Others believed that Haldaron was a light wing and there is a legal owner of Luka, since this is the only NIP in Azeroth with exactly the same arms model. Others still believe that the bow is associated with the energy of the solar well or the forgotten hero - exactly the same way the book of highboring hymns refers to the times of turmoil and discord between the night elfs and the highest elves.

For this legend, Tory "gave, star rage and Tory" gave, star rage (guild).

The chain itself will begin after you seize any of the two outlook, which falls from Baron Geddon and Garra on fire. After you choose both words, go to Silitus and talk to Supreme Lord Demitrian. He will give you a rebirth vessel.

Next, demitrian will ask you to bring the following items: Again, as in the case of Sulfuras, all the difficulty mainly rests on the knocking out of the winder's handcuffs and handcuffs of the wind seeker. Of course, all these bars stood in a penny, but I did not regret the money spent.

After returning with the necessary items to Demitrian, he will quickly call the Gomorean. After the defeat Gomorean will throw his sword from which you will get
Dormant blade of a playful wind. Take it to Demitrian, and he will create for you

In the past, only certain classes could complete the chain, but now it is available for any class that the sword can wear. Comrades Mages and Varlocks, has come to your turn!

Thunder rage is given for this legend, the blessed blade of the wind seeker and the thunder rage, the blessed blade of the wind seeker (guild).

Ates, Big Staff

Legendary staff owned by eachThe guardian of Tiris Fale, Ates was the first legend for casters, whose stats were a little diverged in accordance with the class of magicians, film rolls, priests and druids. Each Procha had his own color tape, in order to highlight the class of their owner. Because of this, the staff is a different buffal group or raid - for example, the power of the guard. As for the Ponte, the staff encourages the flock of crows, circling around the head of the player. You can also open the portal in Karazhan. Since this weapon is more inaccessible, the owners received Ates, a large staff of the guard - perhaps, this is the most interesting quest chain in the whole game.

Ates - Personal Staff Mediva, he was a tool for focusing his magical power and the artifact of the Great Power. Unfortunately, because of the presence of the spirit of Sargeras in the body of Mediv, the staff has been spoiled. Sargeras endowed a staff some reason. After the death of Mediva Kirin Tor projectile the expedition of magicians to search and study the artifacts stored in the Karazhan. Then Ates was found and delivered to Dalaran. But all the magicians Kirin Torah, in contact with the staff, died as a result of a series of strange incidents, so the Council of Six decided to protect the staff with magical barriers, assigning an observer to protect. This observer was Angela Archmag.

During the destruction of Dalaran by Archimond, the staff was lost; Presumably, an emergency barrier system worked, cutting it into a lot of fragments. Angela still searches these fragments. According to rumors, part of the fragments is in Naxramas at Kel "Touzada and his servants - a lich wants to collect staff himself. The foundation of the Atiasha fell into the hands of the famous researcher of the bronze branch, but it was lost during his bare in the An" Kizara.

Aspects of Dragon

What is all starting!

Aman-Tul, The great father of Pantheon, gave part of his universal power to the enormous bronze dragon, nosdorm. The Great Father ordered Nosdormum to protect the time itself and control the eternal flows of rock and fate. A courageous and noble nosmdram became known as timeless.
Eonar Titan-patronage of all living things, gave part of his strength with a huge Red Alekstrase. Since then, Alekstrase is called the keeper of life and protects all the creations of this world. For her wisdom and limitless compassion for the whole of Living Alekstraza, the Queen of the Dragons was elected and led his genus.
Eonar Also bestowed by the younger sister of Alekstrasta, an elegant green Draconian Izer, a certain power over nature. Izera fell into the eternal trance, called "Sleep Creation". Famous under the name of the dormant, she follows the nature of the world from the kingdom of emerald sleep.
Titan Nugannon, Keeper of Knowledge and Vladyka Magic, gave Xeno Dragon Maligos part of his great strength. Since that time, Maligos, known as the keeper of magic, keeps magic and secret knowledge.
Titan Kaz "Gorot, whisk and blacksmith of the world, gave part of his huge strength to the mighty black snake nellarion. The generous netharion, later known as the keeper of the Earth, received power over the soil, stone and underground subsoil. Improving the strength of the world, he became the most powerful supporter of Alekstress.

Having received power, five aspects were authorized to guard the world in the absence of titans. Leaving dragons, ready to defend their creation, Titans left Azeroth forever.

Five aspects of dragons:
Nozdors (Bronze), Alekstrace (Red), Izers (green), Maligos (blue), neutharion (black)

War between aspects of dragons

During the "war of the ancients", Nosdormum and his bronze dragons joined the army of black nellarion, the keeper of the Earth, which he collected to combat the burning legion. Neulturion convinced other aspects to create a powerful artifact, combining some of their strength to save the world from demons. Other dragons did not know that Neultharion did not launch in the artifact, later called the Demon soul, his strength. Neulturion betrayed other dragons during the battle with demons. Since most of their strengths were laid in the unclear arifact, they could not resist the crazy dragon and fled from the battlefield.

History of the Dragon "Nosdorma"

After the CaliModor's split, Noskstraly flew with the Queen of the Red Farn Alekstrase on Mount Hydagh, to see the new Eternity Well, created by an alidian rage storm. Knowing that the existence of a well will bring the return of Legion, Alekstrase threw the seed of the giant tree of Nordrasil to the center of the well, where the world tree Nordrasil has grown. Nosdorm was enchanted by a tree, which made the night elves with unstasive and non-perceptual diseases while it lives. After that, Nosdormum disappeared into the caves of time, where he lost interest in the world, with the exception of the various artifacts that his dragons were brought from different times.
This disinterest lasts 10,000 years, while the Red Dragon Coriovistrase with the help of the Izers did not convince him to help him release Alexstrase from the hands of the orcs who kept her at the expense of the Demon's soul. The appearance of Neulturion, now known as the wing of death, the beginning of the battle between him and other aspects, but even four of them could not overcome him, while the magician named Ronin could not destroy the Demon's soul scales of the death wing. Then Alekstraza, Israel, Nosmdra, and Maligos received back all their abilities and defeated their former fellow, and he flew away, licking his wounds.
After a few years, Nosdormum noticed an anomaly in space-time threatening to break the world into parts. In order not to give this hole to smuggle, he had to use all his abilities (as well as the ability of all his personalities from the past and the future). Therefore, he called on Coriovascular to be able to investigate what the matter. Coriovstrax in the image of the wizard-elf Krasusus, Ronin and Orc Brock kigar were sent to the distant past - during the times of the ancient war. Soon they found out that the ancient gods, trying to return to Azeroth, began to use the Legion portal for this. That is what was the cause of anomaly. The destruction of the time well put an end to their plans and closed an anomaly. Also, the same ancient gods were guilty of the insanity of Neultairion, knowing that the dragons could resist them. At that time, the interests of Nosdorm were presented by his main wife Saridor. Then Nosdormum sent Krasusa and Ronin home to prevent further changes in history
World of Warcraft.
You will be able to find it in the location of the graveyard Dragon by coordinates 72.38

History of the Dragon "Maligos"

War ancient
A flock of Maligos surrounded Neultharion and tried to stop him. But by one mighty spell of Neulturion (now known as deathshit) destroyed all the blue dragons, and Maligos himself was very wounded (mentally and physically) and spent a long time in unconsciousness. Loss of flocks of the mighty mugger spells crazy for 10,000 years. He lost all interest in the world.
Second War
After the second war, the Queen of the Red Dragons of Alekstrase was kidnapped by orcs to create dragons for the horde. Her younger spouse, Coriovistrase, in his elven appearance, known as Krasus, asked the help of Maligos in the liberation of his beloved. Although Maligos was first refused, he changed his mind after Krasus said that she was still alive, and precisely because of him was caught by Alekstraz. Then he convinced Maligos that Alexstrace would help Maligos to revive his flocks (convincing Maligos and Noskstract's noskstract's junior sister - saint). Maligos agreed to return to the world and deal with Neultharion.
After the victory over the deathshit and the destruction of the soul, the Demon Maligos again became himself. Magician Ronin destroyed the artifact using the scales of the scales of the formerly, which returned the great aspects of their full force. As Krasus and promised, Alekstrace helped Maligos to revive his flock, although they are still quite small compared to the former quantity. Blue eggs, which Krasus saved during his stay in the past were also helped.
World of Warcraft.
All the famous almost blue aspect, Maligos is now in Borean Tundra in the Danzus raid Nexus: Especially Eternity.

History of the Dragon "Alekstraza"

The ancient queen of dragons, aspect (chapter) of red dragons. Endowed with Titans for the protection of Azeroth. It is found in the dragon appearance after the battle with Maligos, as well as when performing a task chain with a final cartoon at the end and receipt of achievement.
The creator of Nordrasil is the first world tree on Mount Hydag, the source of the immortality of the night elves to the battle with Archimond. He received its strength from the Eonar, the Bronze-discovery of the Titanian woman before the departure of the last of Azeroth.
He was captive by orcs, and during the second war gave offspring, providing them with dragons, the father of which was tyrannos.
After the second war, Satrathl unwittingly freed her, running away from other aspects. Alekstrase dismissed the cubs and with his spouse, Coriovascular flew to the nest in the sovereign
World of Warcraft.
In the game of the Red Dragon, you can meet after the chain of quests in the dragon graveyard.

History of the dragon "Izers"

As already mentioned above, she is a famous dreamy, the younger sister of Alexstraism. One of the five aspects (keepers) endowed with the Pantheon by the authorities. Titan Eonar endowed himself from a particle of natural strength. May be in sleeping dreaming to contact others or warn them. Sometimes travels through Azerost in the image of a dark elves in a green hood, with eyes closed. The character is soft, not married, but in anger is very terrible.
World of Warcraft.
Now Israza is located in Nordskol in the Drakonius Zone (Emerald Dragon Sanctuary)
More information about Izeru is not!

History of the Dragon "Neulturion (Forgel)"

War ancient
During the battle, Neptarion betrayed his allies and used the power of the Demon's soul (the new name of the artifact) against them. The first strike of the artifact destroyed almost all the blue dragons of flocks of Maligos, because of what Maligos was then slightly crazy. Other dragons, powerless against nellarion, ran from the battlefield.
Second War
Neulturion returned to his lair and forced the goblins-engineers to privar the plates of Adamantite to his scales, as his body was torn apart because of the huge power of the Demon's soul.
The betrayal of Neulturion, who changed his name to deathshit, did not pass for him without the victims. Almost all the black dragons were destroyed, and other aspects were able to impose a speech on the soul of the demon, which does not allow the formerly to use the artifact. When the Orcov Orcs invaded Azeroth, he found new pawns for his plans. He became an ally of Norm "Zul and even lived for several years in Dratenor. In return for free access to the dark portal, formerly (or as he prefers, Lord Madrathl) moved to Draenor to seize the world without interference of other creatures. For unknown reasons, black dragon Also took himself a skull of hum. "Dana. The deathshill settled on the mountain range near the Hello Citadel and began the struggle for the place of residence with gods living there and the restrictions. With the help of the alliance's troops, the giants managed to destroy most of the eggs and the cubs of death-in, and Magu Hadgar managed to hurt the great dragon, damaging his plate. Running from the battlefield, the former aspect returned through the portal in Azeroth.
During the Second War in Azeroth, the death agent gave an artifact of the orc eating the college (Eng. Nekros SkullCrusher]). Thus, Noskos was able to capture Alexstra and keep it in the former city of the juggles of Grim Batol. There, he forced her to give birth to dragons for the orc war with the Alliance. Mortalistral expected, after the orcs won the war, he will be able to become the ruler of Azeroth. He also loved to take a human appearance and call himself Lord Davalle Press - a nobleman of a small state destroyed by orcs. Thus, he destroyed the confidence between the alliance nations. The main goal of the Black Dragon is the Board of the world and the revival of black flock.
The plans of the mowers were disturbed by Magome Ronin and the Red Dragon Coriovascular, which destroyed the soul of the demon and freed Alekstrasta. In the last battle with other aspects, the deathshit was very wounded and ran from his former fellow. Although many people believe that he is dead, the deathshit is hiding in the depths of the makeup of Batola, building his revenge plans.
Today, Onyxia and Nafarian (daughter and son of Neulturion) continue the evil work of the Father. Onyxia creates children-dragons in dust tops (eng. Dustwallow Marsh) and at the same time introduced into the capital of the stormagrad in the case of Lady Catrana Poll. Nafarian lives on the top of the Black Mountain (English. Blackrock Spire) and fighting the God of Fire Ragnaros for the board of the mountain, and also trying to create a new kind of dragons - chromatic. It is also known that the main spouse of the formerly, syntaria, also tried to create a new kind of dragons under the ladies of Lady Synesta. She was killed by her own creation - Twilight Dragon Dargonax.
World of Warcraft.
At the moment, it is not observed in the game, but it is known that he will soon appear and become the main boss in the new addon.

History Sandoragosa

On one of the sources, found a small article

As we all know well with you, society loves that the leaders would be family mans, in this Maligos was married to Sandragos, and, as the surviving sources reported, even loved her.
They would live happily ever after, but as it shoulded, the trouble occurred. Ancient gods trying to return to Azeroth, brought the leader of black dragons, neutharion, crazy. Crazy Neulturion created a powerful artifact - the soul of the demon, in which the part of the forces of all dragon aspects placed, besides his.
The artifact was created for the battle with the flaming legion, but during the battle the leader of the black dragons, used the Demon's soul against his allies, thereby practically completely destroyed the flock of blue dragons and with the mind of Maligos, and Sandragos was abandoned far from the north. Satrondragosa understood that her end was close and tried to get to Dragongrow, to die there, but Drakoni's forces were not enough. She was forced to die on the lands of an ice crown. In the death rack of Sadragos, he swore to take revenge on the world of mortals.
The place where Sadragos died, was called the Candanragos Death Canyon.

We make conclusions from such parameters who will be stronger at the moment (Wrath The Lich King), not at the expense, because in the game it is not observed, and it is known that he will be in the following addition to the best of these as the main boss, although probably Dragon can add more stats (except for Maligos, as it is already considered dead in the game).

Finally it happened. Alone and half a year) Fish fangs - collected by my robber! Mission Accomplished. What can I say about the quest chain itself? How epic she was?

I do not know how other quests for the legendary weapon, because I haven't done anyone anyone, but I watched how the treasures were collected, I can say one thing that in part it is unknown how many crap, they are all the same. But just what happens at the time of the delivery of these pieces or intermediate quests is just the most interesting.

Doing the legendary for the robber, I really liked the stealth mission, whose task was to kill the black dragons covered by madness so that in the end only one black Prince Gneuzion remains, the egg whose egg was saved out of the paws of insane force. Unfortunately, I did not record the brake, and there were 2 them, in Stelce, but I will say that it was quite difficult. Here I found a record of the first stealth action on YouTube, after which 333 fragments are given:

To some extent lucky with these quests, because when I got to the boss, and they were rather thick and it was necessary to fight with them for quite a long time, avoiding from the specials of the Abbilk, in time, knocking down the caste and constantly regenerate life. So, lucky with what both times, another robber already fought with the boss, and the enemy. But when there is a common enemy, you always come to mutual understanding. Together, we are without problems to make these reptiles. But it was also necessary to get to them. Every time I was discovered, I had to start the zone and everyone had to start first. Here it was necessary to try and lay out full, and this for me was the most interesting.

Then in the intervals were charged with fragments and clusters. Maybe I would assemble these daggers much earlier, but sometimes there was no Internet, and sometimes I was late or on the contrary, there were no people to the raid. In common, instead of the scheduled 8 weeks of fees of the second fragments, they stretched to 12. At the end, there was still a surprise that it was still necessary to get the head of minerals, and I received the 60th gem that I received it from the death age, therefore, 1 CD had to go into an empty Only because of the head of the formerly.

But here, the head is received and you need to pick up my daggers. The estate of the crow is burning, and Gnevion claims that he was trying to kill and remained the last black dragon, his rights hand. Throwing this dragon is a bit, the black prince takes it out of himself and makes it takes a true appearance. Well, everyone, I think. Right now will be the last fight. But no, no fight. A simple order of black show my new-acquired strength and I am in flight with two wings behind your back from one strike kill the last insane black dragon. Epic Yes, hell there!

I always liked when I flown on the stormygrad, epic events took place. Blue Dragon vitals above the city and praises a new happy owner. As for me, it is rather epic and a little satisfies a sense of own importance. And here, I was only a witness to this scene, and my horticulties who saw a fortune in the chat. That's all.

The effect of wings, which are caused by the use of daggers, look cool and have an analogue of the Enchantter parachute, but with a CD in 5 minutes. For a long time and not very effective: (In general, I will not say that it is disappointed because the bonus for the damage they give a great, but still, I would like somerugal buns. But apparently such our share, robbers, remain in the shadows and content small \u003d)

P.S. I completely forgot about the official selection of video rollers about the chain of quests on the legendary daggers from the nearby. This is completely clear what even to those who did not play for the robber or decided not to participate in this test.