DIY organizer. Organizer for the game Evolution: Natural selection. The process of creating a board game organizer

Organizers are very useful, and in some cases necessary, accessories. They are appropriate in any game where there are many different elements, components and additions. Igronayzers help not only to sort the elements, but also reduce the time to prepare for the game. If you have played , or Pathfinder, then you are familiar with the waste of time preparing the playing field. Fans and connoisseurs of desktop games managed to overcome this problem and began to create organizers. You can buy them online or make your own. There are many educational videos on the Internet that will help you create an accessory for your favorite game.

Recently, it was decided to create my own gamer for the Royal Mail board game and show you the creation process. Anyone can create such an organizer for their favorite game, decorate and improve it for themselves. This is a small organizer that will allow you to sort the base game and add-ons.

What is required for this:

  1. Idea. You need to understand what you want, how many sections there will be, what they are for. Igronayzers come in several levels, invest in each other - it all depends on the components of the game. Advice! Play a game - you will immediately sort out the extra elements, for example, if there are two of you, and there are chips for four in the game, then you should sort in advance and make different compartments, and so on.
  2. Material. Organizers are made from virtually everything from wood to foam board. Of course, the heavier the material used, the more difficult it is to work with. The choice is yours. In this case, foam board was chosen.
  3. Instruments. Stationery knife (scissors if very thin cardboard), ruler, pencil, wood glue (stationery glue will not work).

The process of creating a board game organizer

  1. We determine the size of the organizer: height, width, length. To do this, we first put all the elements (reminders, the playing field, the rules of the game, etc.) that will lie with the gamer in the box with the game, and only then we measure the height.
  2. We decide on compartments and sizes. To do this, put all the elements of the game on the cardboard and trace the borders with a pencil.
  3. Carefully measure and cut.
  4. We glue the sides, they should touch.
  5. We leave to dry.
  6. Fill out and enjoy.

Each time, new ideas will arise, errors will be corrected (I will definitely correct my oversights and next time I will do it more accurately and arrange the sections differently). The first pancake is lumpy.


Yesterday the organizer for Suburbia arrived. I assembled it from the photo, everything is intuitive, I had to tinker only with the lower part of the compartments for hexagonal tiles. The end result exceeded all expectations! I really liked the "custom" dividers for tiles and recesses for rectangular tablets. Oh, I wish the same recesses for triangular fields :)) The first experience did not disappoint, I think I will order more.

Conquest of Mars

Apparently, with the growth of volumes, the quality begins to suffer. If I had no comments on the previous Game-Fit organizers, then the organizer for the Conquest of Mars is no longer so good.
Firstly, the compartments for cards are small: cards in protectors fit in with great difficulty, like herring in a barrel, and even then, provided that you do not use a separator. It is very inconvenient to take out and put cards in such cramped compartments.
Secondly, the organizer crawls out of the box a couple of millimeters - in the corner where there are a lot of small boxes.
Thirdly, the resealable box closes with difficulty and falls apart during the closing process, despite the use of glue. Apparently, you need to glue it thoroughly, or file the cover.
Fourthly, the organizer cannot be assembled without a hammer, because. otherwise, the protrusions will not fit into the grooves.
Fifthly, the surfaces of the "boards" are "terry" in places.
And sixthly, players' tablets are designed for a slightly smaller size of a paper tablet, so paper tablets in them, if they are not cut, come in waves.
In general, I regretted that I bought this organizer, because. I do not like products "tyap-blunder".

I completely agree, except for the "box", opened it, it seems to be holding tight. And with cards in general "cant". Where to put the add-on cards now - I don’t know ?????
I asked this question to Artem in the group. To which, he said that he believes that protectors are not needed in principle in this game. Next time, I will not rush to buy an organizer.

Upgrade is this thing?
"Improvement of the organizer 450 rubles"

In general, there are no complaints about the organizer. The only thing is when I took out these five sheets of plywood without instructions (for the first time I was doing the assembly), I was confused. What to insert there, where? Three evenings for an hour fiddling, collected) In some places I had to wield a hammer.
And I still do not understand the purpose of some compartments.
Instructions for the organizer. How to assemble and what this or that block is used for.

Nothing comes out of me, the lid closes perfectly, the box too, the surfaces were smooth everywhere. The fact that the player's tablets are larger, it was only in the second edition that they became such, and the organizer was made for the first edition. I read about tablets in the Lavka group and just cut it right away so that it would fit normally. And the fact that I almost didn’t have to glue, everything came together with a hammer, on the contrary, I liked it more, I don’t like messing around with glue. Places for cards, yes, not enough, the add-on will be difficult to enter.

An upgrade is an additional cost, + 30% to the price, the price of the organizer for those who bought low-quality goods becomes 1950 rubles. For 2300 rubles. You can already buy the premium organizer GameBoxAdvanced, which contains not only cards of the base and add-ons, but also cards of all add-ons.

but now it's like this:

new version of the organizer for 1590 (where everything fits)
new version with plywood boards for 2290 (where everything fits)
improvement for the OLD version for 450 rubles

no need to buy now organizer and upgrade specially. So there's something wrong with the arithmetic

Don't pretend you don't understand anything. I'm not swearing at the fact that your organizer does not fit an add-on, but that your organizer of the first version does not fit BASE cards in protectors. An upgrade is, of course, better than throwing your organizer in the trash and buying a new one, but it increases the cost of the organizer (for those who BOUGHT IT EARLIER on the boomstarter) by 30% - i.e. this is a correction of your jamb at the expense of buyers. In your organizer 750 rubles. - these are tablets and 750 rubles. - boxes for components. You resell a little more than half of the boxes for components for 450 rubles. And at the same time, you think that you are doing everything perfectly, and there is nothing to complain about.

I don’t pretend, but still, before buying such a thing as a gamer / organizer, watch the video how everything fits there, imagine how you will use it, ask the manufacturer if you doubt it. This will save time and money, for example, I came to the conclusion that the organizer would not be convenient for me, but the tablets that are plywood completely replace the gaming ones are quite good for themselves and I ordered them with extras.

Good afternoon.
All right)

1) yes, there is such a problem with thick protectors. In the improved version, everything has changed.
2) If suddenly you did not pull out the inlay, although it fits with it, if you have the opportunity, please send a photo. let's discuss everything
3) everything is not clear with this box, for some it works as it should, for some it doesn’t work very well. I assume that it's a slight curvature of the plywood. It would be necessary to glue such things. We cannot guarantee assembly without glue.
4) Here, yes, that's what it is designed for. Glue and a bit of a hammer)
5) can you be more specific?
6) Yes, the problem is that the factory has slightly changed the size, although it promised an exact copy.

Write to us and we'll figure something out!

Cavern and Terra Mystica

First order. I had no business with plywood until this day and had a general idea of ​​​​the process (a tree is a tree with all the consequences: burrs, chips, sawdust, etc.).
I paid for the order, everything was done quickly and sent.
DEPARTURE 1. There is no feedback on the cost of sending, you only choose the method. 2. Packed ... well, so probably only ZIP from adamantium is sent to Wolverine. The void in the box is filled with a modest amount of crumpled newspaper. 3. The organizer itself is packed in a cellophane film. Over the way (Business lines), the box was deformed, the film on the Terra Mystica was torn.4. There are NO assembly schemes ("finished it with a file!". At the request, the Contractor sent only a schematic to the Cavern.
ASSEMBLY. I'm lucky in life. This also affected the first assembly. The first was Terra Mystica. Shocked. Everything without burrs falls out of the plywood sheet - I manually fastened the grooves and you're done. The absence of the schema did not affect the assembly. Intuitively clear, but without a scheme for the female - ADD.
I am not only lucky in life. Cavern assembly is an example of this. The quality of workmanship is twice as bad (either the plywood is bad, or the patterns ...). The blanks are BREAKED OUT with a crack (naturally). You can't fasten anything with your hands - only by tapping with a hammer (hello, neighbors! On the air - "Morning woodpecker"!). The bottoms of the boxes are curved (slightly, but essential for assembly according to the theory of strength).
TOTAL: I collected everything, but the difference for one Contractor is significant. I'll think about another organizer. Of the pluses - the site is made - it’s more convenient for any “Vkontaktov” there, you can fill it with diagrams.)

With your permission, I will boast of another newly made craft - an organizer for the game 7 Wonders and all the add-ons that have been released so far.

After adding the last addon Babel in the box, a terrible dump was formed from many bags of cards and tokens. It got to the point that, due to the long fuss with the components, the game began to be lazily laid out. Foam board came to the rescue again.

Everything about everything took a couple of leisurely evenings and a sheet of foam board measuring 50 by 70 cm, which cost me about 4 EUR.

This organizer from “The broken token” was taken as a basis:

It seemed to me the most optimal and convenient. True, for such an arrangement of components, it was necessary to slightly “raise” the box itself - according to the height of the tiles of the tower. But the result is worth it.

Maps are also now stored vertically. It is from their width that it is worth starting when working. A single partition will separate the cards and tiles from the tablets and other boxes. Having determined the maximum available space, they can be crafted at your discretion and taste.

Players' tablets and truce tokens were hidden under the boxes. I glued them for the company with the same PVA. And what, there is enough space, and their “legs” constantly fell off.

As for the boxes for Babylon tokens and coins, they are 3.5 cm high. But there were too many war tokens, and the tray had to be made to the very bottom (6 cm). But it's even good, now he holds the tablets so that they do not hang out.

As I said, when planning organizers, I am mainly guided by ease of use. Many of the inserts that are found on the net look amazing and fancy, but in fact they add even more fuss. Yes, it is much more pleasant to dig in such organizers than in bags, but the problem of comfortable preparation remains unresolved.

That is why for the most popular tokens (coins, wars and fines) I made small boxes with one or two compartments. You don’t have to poke around in them - you dump out the contents, and you’re done! But for the rest, you can make the container prettier and lower, so that you can proudly put it on the table and, during the game, get everything you need from there without any problems.

Heh, while I was making all this, I completely forgot about the field for the tower tiles. For him, it was necessary to make an internal partition half a centimeter lower. In principle, this does not jar me, but you always need to strive for the ideal, so keep in mind.

I am sure that Babylon is not the last addition to the Wonders. It seems that initially they promised as many as seven pieces. So why do all this then? Just in light of the announcement of an independent dueling toy 7 Wonders: Duel from the same author, I believe that we will not see the next add-on soon. So for a while you can enjoy the order in the box. Thank you for your attention, I hope this note will be useful to someone. Cut, glue, hold on!

The organizer freely accommodates the entire Evolution game set. There will also be room for the next Evolution expansion, Flying, which we may publish in the near future!

We made the organizer exactly in the shape of the box with the game. It stays in it evenly and very tightly. Sections for cards, tablets and tokens are designed for the Evolution game set. Card slots are made with a small margin, in case you decide to put cards in cases.

Three-section compartment with tokens - removable! During the game, take it out of the organizer and put it on the table. You don't have to think about where to put the tokens! On the gaming table, it takes up minimal space. The food token section is slanted for easy access.

Inside the organizer, the three-section compartment is closed with a separate lid so that the tokens do not crumble when carried. And above - attention! - the amazing stand "Waterhole" is placed.

"Waterfall". During the game, tokens of plant food are laid out on the watering hole, which serves as food for all herbivores. Here, the players put cards face down, which will later determine how much food will be added (and sometimes decreased) in this round.

So, we made a beautiful tablet stand that adds banks to the watering hole. It runs exactly along the contours of the playing field, without covering anything superfluous and creating an incomparable gaming atmosphere!

It is more convenient to play with the stand "Waterhole". Cards can be stacked on the "shores" of the stand, and not to the tokens. The tokens themselves will not crumble now, even if you wave your sleeve unsuccessfully, since the three-stage (!) "shores" pass from all sides.

Thus, the stand "Waterhole" serves for atmosphere, for convenience during the game and as a closing cover for the organizer. Three in one!

Assembly: The organizer and stand "Waterhole" come to you disassembled. The assembly is easy, but with the "Vodopoy" you will need to act carefully, there are a couple of tricky moments. Of course, we will provide you with detailed instructions! It will be necessary to assemble and glue both the organizer and the stand (it is also advisable to carefully paste the “Water hole” field inside). The gluing process is a little easier than elementary. The most common PVA glue will do, it is sold in any stationery store!