Full passage of the game Dragon Age Awakening. Da: awakening quests in the Tower of Ridge. Passage of the main plot

Dragon Age: Start

The guard can make decisions, as a result of which the satellite can leave or even die. If the satellite leaves the guard or dies, his / her equipment is lost.

In Dragon Age: the beginning of nine potential satellites.

Young Gray Guard,
One of the satellites of the hero (Ini) Ferldena,
the last representative of the Tayyrin dynasty.

Romantic interest for women's guard.

Joins: in Ostay.

Personal quest:

Alistaer seeks to meet a hungry, a woman who considers his single-born sister. With the help of the guard, he in the end managed to find it in deserim. However, the desire to reunite with his family turns out to be not mutual. Goldna accuse him of the death of their mother and in the fact that while Alister "lived like a prince," she had to be styled in poverty.

The character of Alistair did not change:

Alistair saddens the reluctance of the sister to accept him, but it hardly affects his worldview.

Alistair tightened:

Alistair grieves the unwillingness of the sister to take it, but he realizes that he is aware that it is worth reconsidering his worldview. He becomes tougher and pragmatic, he also begins with much greater calmness refers to the possibility of becoming a king in the future.

You can execute it at the lands meeting.

If Alister becomes the king, the relationship will end if the guard of no noble origin and Alistair is not tightened. Even if it is tightened, the relationship will end if the guard will spare Logyne or choose the wrong replicas in the dialogue after the lands meeting. Choose a replica "No one can force the king to do what he does not want to do," to convince Alistair to continue relationships. However, even if Alister broke up with guardian, he retains tender feelings to her, although she tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the guardian and other coarse.

If the guard did not agree to the offer of Morrigan and took the alistar on the battle with the archdoor, he would bring to the sacrification even if he broke up with guardianship on his own initiative.

If you go to Amarantine when Sigruun is in the group, a gnome will be a meeting with its old friend's friend. It turns out that she once patronized Sigrun, despite the fact that she is untouchable, until Sigrun substituted her, as a result of which the Mushroom lost its position in Ozammar and was forced to go to the surface. After this meeting, Sigruun will be upset and wants to apologize to the old girlfriend and even give her a ring, which received from his only friend in the Legion - Varlana Tryolna. This activates the Quest "Vorovskaya Past Sigrun". In it, the Commander can help Sigruun sort out his feelings.

If in the final to take it into the Mother's Lair, when meeting with the architect, Sigrun will be skeptical to the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging the species of darkness. It will be outraged by the opportunity to go to the transaction with the architect. If the commandman decides to accept a proposal, Sigruun can blame him / her that it is not gray guard, once is ready to go on this. Commander can convince her in the correctness of his decision or enter it into battle and kill.

Golem Amgarak

Go down to the ground to save the missing expedition of the gnomes, which went to look for the ancient secrets of creating terrible creatures ... Only you can find out the terrible destiny that has suffered them.
Return your guard into operation and explore new locations, meet new characters and fight with previously unprecedented creatures.

Brogan Dais

Brother Jerrica Dias and an experienced warrior. Jerric and Brogan were brothers, members of the noble house Diece from Ozammarära and the cousins \u200b\u200bof the head of the house, Avedena. Although both were excellent warriors, the eldest, Jerric, got more recognition than Brogan. But Brogan, it seemed, was pleased to be in the shadow of Jerrica, celebrating Brother's victory as if they were common.

Brogan - a fierce warrior and every time the house Dais arranged raids on the deep paths, Brogan was in the front rows. Following the other warriors a little naive and even simple, most associates consider it hard and reliable as a stone. Belief Bogan never was questioned. A strong bonds are associated with his brother Jerrik. Such a fraternal relationship is considered rare among the nobility of Orsmmar.

Guardian and Jerrica find Bogan caught in the shadow in Teig Amgrak. It became a mentally unnewned due to the strong impact of pure Larium, but sustained enough to keep the ability to own his weapon. After the group finds Darion's corpse, he successfully convinces Jerrick to destroy an anvil in Amgaras to make sure that the experiments that were held here will never repeat.

Jerric Diase

Morden's nephew of the Lord Dias, the head of the house Dais, and the satellite of the guard.
Jerrick has a growing gnome reputation, coping with any complex task. An experienced veteran of many expeditions to the deep trails, he survived in the battle for the fortress of Okol, the last battle of Perina Eduukan, and participated in the last campaign, in which the origin of Darkness was pushed out of the Ozammar mines for the Crididine crossroads.

Jerric Dyase loves to use a long sword and dagger in battles. Pyotine calls Jerric to the faithful ally and an inexorable enemy, adding that "you should be wiser to be confident that he is on your side." Dais always takes a baby with him, faithful bright, whom he went out during his first campaign. The baby fiercely faithfully, is surprisingly clever and rarely leaves her owner.

The rules say that when the Anvert Diax will die, the dance house can support the majority of the candidacy of Jerrica, and not the son of Anver Mandara. Of course, two cousins \u200b\u200b- cruel rivals, who have fulfilled with each other many times in the arena, and Jerrica always went out the winner. This rivalry may be associated with several attempts to kill Jerrica, in which he remained alive.

When the scientist Darion Olmech came to Deisam with evidence that he found the location of Teig Amgrak, one of the centers where the creation of the golems was studied, Dais's house financed and supported his expedition, having considered that it would bring them wealth and a higher position in society. Brogan, Brother Jerrica, went to the expedition, which then disappeared. Although Lord Anver Dias said that the expedition is lost and all of its members are dead, Jerrica did not accept the death of his brother and gathered his own team to find the missing expedition. Ultimately, Jerrica turned to gray guards for help.

Faithful hand-made armor jerrica deise.
When Jerrick, together with the guardian commander, goes to Teig Amgrak in search of the missing expedition, among whose members was Jerrick's brother, Brogan, the baby follows his owner.

Baby is a unique being. Only jerric can call him. Other tracpeople characters cannot call him even with a developed skill; The ability of the "call of armor" does not exist.

Due to the fact that the kid is classified as a caused by the creature, Jerric can not cause other trap pets until it responds to him. But then, Jerric again changes any creature caused by the baby. Talent Master Pathfinder Increases the characteristics of the kid.

Ariana and the Guardians are found in the empty hut. Fiber in the wilds of Corcari. She says that he found himself here on the instructions of his keeper who soldered Asha "Belanar. Ariana hoped that she would help find her daughter, Morrigan, who stole the stored clan an ancient foliage about Eluviana Times of Arlatan. Ariana suggests going to the circle of magicians on Lake Calenkhad and Search hooks in the extensive library, since the book brought into the clan an elf-magazine who escaped from the circle.
Upon arrival at the Cemetery of Dragon Bones Ariana, asks the Guard to ask Morrigan about the book and keep Finn, waiting to learn the acting Eluvian. During the conversation, Morrigan will say that the book remained by the fire and Ariana can pick her up that she does before leaving the cemetery.

Florian Fineas Horatio Alpurant, Esquire or Just Finn - Young Magician from Ferlanden Circle in Citadel Kinloh, gray-side satellite.
Finn considers himself the best linguist of a circle and a specialist in the history of an ancient Tevinter, although other magicians consider it to be a book worm and a rejection, spending all his time by setting up in the library. Finn is smart and strives for knowledge, be it history of elves, dwarves or ancient magic. He was never inclined to adventures, but the thirst for knowledge can push the Finn to leave the safe library and go into adventures. Battles, however, scare him, and due to the type of her own blood, Finn may faint. It rarely makes attention to the problems of others and also rarely spares their feelings, leaning what he thinks. Unlike most magicians who do not support contact with their families, Finn is very close to their parents.

The Guardian Commander for the first time meets Finn in the Library of the Circle Tower During the search for prompts on the contents of the book, that Morrigan stole Ariana from the clan. After the Guardian detects the mention of the term "Eluvian", somehow associated with the goal of Morrigan, the prophetic Finn explains that this is a magical mirror of ancient elves. He tells, Mages Tevinter tried to awaken the strength of Eluviana after the fall of Arlatan, but could only use them to communicate at a distance. Finn believes that it is possible to find a whole elowian with the help of fragments of a broken, found by the Sabre clan in the forest Bnessilian. Finn is extremely interested in the theme of Eluvianov, so he will join the search, even if it will have to leave the tower for this, but for the beginning, he will offer to ask for advice from the one who knows about the ancient Tevinist is not on the helic.

Finn leads to the Guardian and Ariana in the basement of the Tower, where the "live" statue, the spare on the spirit of the Tevinister Growing, Elena Zynovia. The statue will confirm that the search for the fragments of the broken Eluviana will be needed, as well as the lights of Arlatan. Also, she regret notes that this is her last conversation with Finn, as he will no longer return to the tower. This prophecy scares Finn, but still he leaves a circle. Skatch - scientist, nervous magician, which becomes frighteningly capable when pressed against the wall. Though Skatch and does not like to travel, but prefers the Bardian lifestyle in a cage under the supervision of the temples. Skatch knows when you need to silence and often uses it.

During the events of Leliani's song, Skatch is a company of Leliana and Tagu during the game in deserim. It is very suspicious of everything that is happening because of his fear. Skatch participates in the penetration into the mansion of the Ralea, and then together with Leliana and Tag is falling into the dungeon. When Leliana, Skatch and Silas Kvteit, find the body of Tag, sketch is very worried, because Tag sacrificed himself, distracting the guards. Otherwise they would cut off the Maga hand. The sketch also participates in the killing of Captain Ralea.

Gnome-town, satellite Leliana. He's cheALS, cunning and simple - a magnificent advanced thug, which does not ask any questions and knows that someone else will make a plan for him. It is devoted to his friends, even if it is experiencing not better times. It is strange to see it in the ranks of bards, although it claims that there is no better place.

The tag helps Leliana and the Sketch to perform the task of Margelaine in deserim. An attempt to return valuable Orselsian paper ended with the betrayal of Margesolain, and he falls into the dungeon, where he is tortured and killed by the girlish commander Harwin Ralea. As Leliana Skket told, Tag began to torture because of his constant chatter, which he began to protect the sketch from cut off the hands (according to the guards, the only way to make the magician "safe").

Silas Kortheit

Warrior man, Leliana satellite. During the war between Ferlden and Orrei Silas was a soldier. After the war, he became poacher. At this occupation, he caught Captain Ralea and put in the dungeon. He stayed there for several months when Leliana found him.

Leliana finds him in the dungeon of Ralea when running from the dungeon, which was due to the betrayal of Margeolain. After Leliana, Skatch and Silas, with a battle, got out of the dungeons, Silas becomes a member of the church.

If the memory of Tague Leliana will give Silas to Silora Tag, he can use it as a weapon.

Silas joins Leliana and Sketch in pursuit of Margelain and Harvin Raelie. When they overtake the fugitives, Leliana may (on the choice of the player) to instruct Silasu to put the Raeli of the last blow.

Personal tasks of satellites in Dragon Age: Awakening appear after reaching a certain level of location or execution of certain conditions. The higher the level of location, the higher the chances of learn from the confidence conversation about the past satellites, their personal stories, experiences, committed mistakes and other secrets. Personal tasks are one or two additional orders, after the execution of which relationships are moving to a new level of confidence. Highly arranged and made decisions on the game. The location changes on the basis of the characters and beliefs of satellites: that one by moral, the other can annoy. There is no romantic relationship in addition, too little time.

List of personal assignments of satellites and conditions for the appearance in Dragon Age: awakening:

  • Anders (The task "Freedom Anders!") - After talking with Namaya not far from the northern exit from Amarantyna. She will tell about the Amulte with the blood of the magician, according to which it can be found and track. The amulet is stored on an abandoned warehouse in front of the Gloous Glass Glass Guide, on the side of the main gate of the city. In the warehouse will wait for the temples, ready to arrest Anders and send to the circle of magicians. Amulet to find will not succeed.
  • Nathaniel Hou (Task "Hou family") - after meeting with the gardener Samuel in the courtyard with the houses of the villagers east of the entrance to the garde tower. The gardener will tell that Nathaniel's sister made alive and married the Amarantine merchant. All other relatives died during the Civil War. You can meet my sister near the master Henley in the trading orders of Amarantyna.
  • Ogren (Task "Ogren - Father of the Family") - Felsi, the mother of the child of Ogren, will appear in the Tower of Ridge, angry with the fact that the husband neglects his family duty. Sincere conversation with a friend, at a high level of location, will help to settle the problem.
  • Velanna (The task "Exile Velanna") - during the transition to black swamps there will be a random meeting with the former fellowships of a looting elf headed by Marerene. As it turn out, it was expelled from the clan, but it will be known about the reasons later, after a mental conversation in the Tower of Ridge.
  • Justice (The task "Cristoff and Justice") - Ora, the wife of Cristoff, in search of her husband will come to the Tower of Ridge after the return of the detachment with black marshes. Of course, she will experience a terrible shock when justice will explain that Christoff is dead, and in his body now dwells the spirit of the shadows. The experiences of the woman will end in the Church of Amarantyna after a re-conversation with justice.
  • Sigrune (The task of the "thieves' past Sigruun") - in AMARANTYNE, if you go on the right road from the constable Idan towards the tavern and the church (not reaching the ladder and carts), you can meet a mosper, a long-standing girlfriend Sigruun, which was expelled from Ozammar by her fault. The meeting will be held at elevated colors. After a frank conversation with Sigruun in the Tower of Ridge, it is necessary to return to Amarantine and go to the tavern "Crown and Leo", where it will be possible to settle the world.
    The MSI will not appear on the streets of Amarantyna, if they were fulfilled, or even taken, the assignments of the Aidan's constable to destroy bandits in the task "". You can correct the error in the task issuing logic using the "Sigrun" s Roguish Past & Law and Order Fix file. Download the file Sigrun_law_Order.rar. From the social network BioWare, copy the folder SIGRUN_LAW_Ordercontaining three files in / Packages / Core / Override With the installed game. To fulfill the personal task of Sigruun will be before the defense of the ridge tower or before the rescue of Amarantyna, that is, before the start of the final stage of the game. To delete a fix from the game, delete the Sigrun_LAW_Order folder.

Vigil's Keep / Street Fortress - Arrival

Scene Quests

Attack on the fortress of vigil

Briefly informed you that the division of darkness did not return to the deep trails, as they were supposed after the death of the architeon, and therefore it should be dealt with the situation as the acting guard-comer Ferldena, you will be sent to the fortress of vigil in Amarantin. If you remember, this is the former possession of Arla Hou was given to the gray Guards of the monarch of Ferlden at the end of the previous game.
Accompanied by Mary - Warrior with a shield and a sword - you will arrive at the fortress and immediately notice that something is wrong here. In a second, a frightened soldier will fly directly to you, which is pursued by several treatments of darkness. After you figure it out with them, he will tell that the fortress is captured by the disacciers of darkness, which somehow managed to get into the inside, without being observed with gray guards.

After the report on the situation, the soldiers will leave the ravisa - either, according to your order, will go to look for a safe place, or in search of reinforcements from possible patrols on the road. Now you have the opportunity a little more close to get acquainted with your companion - Mary, who had earlier than the knight in deserim, and now the recruit of gray guards. Mairi has not yet passed the ritual of mergers, but full of enthusiasm about the possibility of being gray guard. For a couple with Mairi, you will have to clear the courtyard of the fortress from the species of darkness. You will meet Glocks, Harlocks, Krikuna, and even one OGR, but none of them are elite, so it is unlikely to present a problem for you.

In some places, the surviving soldiers that you can save are fighting from the darkness. There are four of all four (two in the outer courtyard, two in the internal) plus a trader who turned out to be in the fortress at the moment. From the salvation of soldiers, you will not get anything other than moral satisfaction, but the saved merchant will later sell his goods a discount fortress, and he, in turn, will distribute this discount and on you.

Survey every corner - sometimes opponents appear only when you cross the specified point. In addition, many unlocked chests are scattered near the fortress. If you exported to the awakening of your old GG, then their contents may not be something significant for you, but if you started the game as the guard from Orlea, its equipment and cash supply are very limited, and the costs are coming there are considerable - so that any trifle will help the cause.

When you get closer to the domestic goal of the fortress, you will greet the emissary of the Genelocks with salute, the usual, not elite. Crawing with him and the rest of the secages in the courtyard, look at every case to be confident that you did not miss anything, and go to the building.

After a brief dialogue with Mairi at the entrance to the fortress (where you can lose or get influence with it) you will immediately attack a few cries. Having understood with them, inspect the area. You will see that the northern corridor is closed with a grill, and the western door is locked on the castle that cannot be hacked. You have only one thing - follow the eastern corridor.
Barely you take a step out of the door to the eastern corridor, how to meet one more surviving at the attack - Magazine Anders. If you play the magician yourself (no matter, the GG from the beginning or an Orlzian), then Anders may notice that he remembers you on the tower, but, in principle, it does not play much. Anders frankly admits that he is a magician-apostate, escaped from the magician tower. The temples caught him and were on the way back, when they decided to make a stop in the fortress of vigil. None of them survived in a collision with the sealing of darkness. Regardless of how you will tell a dialogue with Anders, he will offer you temporarily combine forces.

Anders is a spiritual healer, which has a super-sensitive Cone of the Cone of the cold, which can be quite by the way, especially if your (a) GG is not a magician (but even even a magician, then the second in this situation is hardly prevented). He has several non-scattered glasses that you can immediately invest in spells and skills at your discretion.
Threesome follow the door to the fortress wall. There you will be waiting for a group of targets of darkness led by your first elite opponent in the awakening - Emissary of Genelocks. If your (a) GG is able to hide, then he (a) can imperceptibly slipping to the ballliner and put an impressive blow to the enemy before they hurt you. Defeating the enemy, follow further. Stepping the threshold of the next door, you will find yourself in the western part of the entrance hall - just behind the door that it was impossible to open earlier. As it turned out - it was impossible to open it in a completely valid reason - the impressive barricade from different fragments of furniture and stones was browned. The lever, which is outside the door, opens the grille in the northern corridor. When you turn it, you will see how a kind of gnome is very spectacularly undermined the group of species of darkness and disappeared.

Disappear with those a few that survived and follow the grille to the north. In the north of the lattice, you will meet Orena, chopping from several types of darkness, which include the Emissar of Genelocks and Alpha Harlock. After the end of the battle of Ogren joins your group. His welcoming will be somewhat different depending on whether your (a) GH is the hero of the beginning or guard from the Erasea, but in any case, his respect for you will shift to the zero mark, as if he never saw you in life before. Alas. From the eye, one - from the heart of Won, not otherwise ...

So, now you finally got a full-fledged group at your disposal! Go further, painting with opponents, which are sometimes elite. On the way you will run on the wounded by the name Rowland. In general, he will not tell you anything new except for one interesting detail - he saw the difference of darkness, which spoke on the usual human language, which, in principle, they are rather unusual. Depending on how you behave in a conversation with him, you can lower or increase Mary's respect. (If you order her to finish off Rowland, then this is, of course, she will not like it, but if you tell him "Gather with the Forces!", I will rise to you.) Rowland, unfortunately, you can easily save. After the end of the conversation with him, go further to the door to the outer wall.

Making the threshold, you will come across this weighing, about which Rowland spoke you. He really talks, but the conversation will not last long and almost immediately turn into a battle. This is your first battle with an orange boss in awakening. At the end of the battle, Seneshyl Varen thanks you for salvation, but his thanks will be interrupted by the arrival of anyone else as a monarch of Ferlanden personally.
If you exported the GG from the beginning, then it will be the one who became the ruler at the end of the game, and if you are playing the guard from Orleai, then it will always be an alistair. In the subsequent conversation, OGRN will offer himself as a recruit on gray guards. If you refuse, you will not have any more opportunity to get it in colleagues. Also accompanying the monarch, the temple will require an immediate arrest of Anders. If you decide not to intervene, then more Anders will not see. Alternatively, you can declare your right of call and, despite the objections of the temples, the ruler will allow you to pick up Anders as the recruitment of gray guards. Alisser / Anora will talk a little about your direct task in Amaranthin. The conversation will be slightly different depending on whether your ruler knows personally and how personally, but in any case, after that, he / she will come back in Dencherim, wishing you good luck. Now you have to be present at the ritual of the merger, which will hold the Seneshroom Varen. After his end, you will finally get control of your hero and you can start executing the duties of the Guardian-Commander.

Note: The outcome of the merge is predetermined in advance. Regardless of how you did and what they said earlier, it will not affect his result.

Navalny Quests

Medical gear

At the walls of the fortress in the western part of the courtyard, one of the surviving defenders will ask you to bring medical equipment for the wounded. The chest with medpripasses is located in the southeastern part of the yard. Keep in mind - this soldier can perish if you do not come to help him in time, and then you cannot get this quest.
Note: In the chest not far from the wounded, for the medicines for which you run, is a helmet from the set of Storm Catcher (Stormchaser).

Survived at attack

Inside the fortress, find and help to escape several surviving inhabitants. You will receive this quest when you run on a man who is fighting off from two Darkness Faces a little further than the place where you met Anders. You need to find the rest, and there are four of them (counting the above). The second surviving sits in the side room in the northern corridor literally a few steps after the lattice, which blocking you. Go to the big hall through the door next to this room and then turn to the east - in the next rooms after the hall you will find two more. (And in the last eastern room you will also find the emissary of genes and alpha-harlock.)

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

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Street fortress - after attack

So, you have at your disposal a whole fortress, which from this moment is your base of operations. Near the door to the yard is a chest where you can store what you do not want to download a backpack. Here, in the throne room, all your comrades will be.
Ambassador from Mghadz Séra In addition to selling Rune Recipes and Runes themselves can enchant your weapons and armor if you need it.
Look here more often. Not all tasks appear immediately - for some it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions or a certain amount of time. In addition, it is here from time to time your companions will feel the need to talk to you (occurs after you reach with them a certain impact or to fulfill their personal quests).

Scene Quests


Talk to the henewable Berell, the captain Magazel and Mrs. Woles, who will inform you about the situation in Amaranthin. A conversation with them will give you three main mission games: the last of the Legion, the path of justice, the shadow Blackman.

Navalny Quests


A soldier guarding entrance to the castle will tell you that the gray guards grasted the unknown, who tried to get into the fortress. They had to work hard to catch him, and one of the guards of Halfup noticed that a good recruit would have come out of it. The captive is found in the keyway of the castle, while you as a commandman and the acting Earl Amarantina do not decide what to do with it.
Go to the dungeon and talk to the guard. He knows nothing about the prisoner, since he refused to call his name. Go and talk to him. You will tell you that his name is Nathaniel Hou and he is the son of the late Earla Hou. Nathaniel will be slightly more aggressive if your GG is a guard from the beginning and especially if it is (a) - Kryland, but somehow he admits that he came to the fortress with the thought of killing you, but he had changed his mind on site and wanted only to pick up Which of the memorable things, since he did not have anything connected with his family.
At the end of the conversation, Seneshyal will appear, which will ask for your solution. Your options are to execute Nathaniel, let him go to freedom or take advantage of the right of calling by making it the recruit of gray guards. In this case, the seshenev will hold the ritual of mergers and Nathaniel - without much joy, it must be confessed - he will join the ranks of your associates. Nathaniel is an archer robber, analogue of Leliana. It can be very useful if your GG is not a robber, controlled with locks and traps and exploding the terrain.

Trade should continue

If you return to the throne room a little later than your first appearance, then you can ask Mrs. Vussi if she could not help with equipment for your soldiers. She will advise you to search for more merchants who would agree to establish trade relations with the fortress of vigil. You can find two such merchants. At Lillit, you will prover to traveling around the world map, where you will have the opportunity to save it from the attack. Another merchant - Kunari Armas - is located in the Silverite mine of the Vending Forest. In order for he agreed to cooperate with the fortress of vigil, you need to apply the conviction.

Oath of loyalty

Seneshyl Varen will present you to the Bans of Amarantina. If you are pumped belief, use it in your greeting to get more support.
If your GG is a guard from Orlea, then Lord Guy, if you talk to him, the subordination of the Amaranthina Orlzian is loudly declared. You can calm it with the help of conviction, and after that you have to make a decision that to do with it. You can execute it to eliminate other dissatisfied (which will worsen your relationship with you know), let go with the world or put under the arrest.

Protection of land

This quest appears with you while taking an oath of loyalty from the Banns of Amarantina, if you speak with Lord Eddelbrek. The problem is that you are not enough soldiers to protect both the city, and the surrounding land, and you need to choose that of them is a priority. (As the third option - you can choose to protect trading paths.)
Lord Eddelbrek, a large landseller, will advise you to protect the villages. If you talk to a bath of Esmell, then she will try to convince you that the city as the center of Amarantina needs to protect more than simple peasants. Of course, they have their own interests to advise that way - Bann Esmell lives in the city, and Lord Eddelbrek owns the land around him. Inform the Sayshal about their advice and give it instructions in accordance with your choice of protection priority.

If you choose the defense of merchants, the merchant in the fortress of Jurai will offer you a richer assortment of goods. If you decide not to protect the peasants (that is, they chose trade or city), then in the future you will be harder to negotiate with them. If you decide to protect the peasants, it will affect the epilogue and you will get more influence with them to calm them with the possibility of rebellion.

Nazable plot

If you applied the belief option in your greeting while taking the oath of loyalty from the Banners of Amarantina, talk to the gray Troy - she will warn you that a conspiracy is preparing against you. She promises you to deliver letters of conspirators in a few days. If you did not apply a conviction, talk to Anders at the time of the ceremony, and he will tell you that he accidentally overheard a suspicious conversation, causing a conspiracy against you.
Talk to the Senesh, and you will have several options to resolve litigation. You can not do anything and wait for the news from sulfur Tamra (or do nothing at all, if I didn't share my suspicion with you, and you have learned about the conspiracy from Anders). You can invite the "bosom" in the castle of family members of the surrounding nobility, which, if necessary, will perform hostages. This option will not be too approved by Seneshyal, and your Vassalam will not particularly like it. You can send soldiers to spy behind the nobles, but this will not bring any tangible results, as simple soldiers are not too strong in the subtle case of intelligence. And finally, Seneshyal will mention some "dark wolf", which you can hire for the mining of information.
If you decide to find it, then in Amaranthin you will be given a note with an invitation to a meeting. Dark Wolf (or the one who gives himself for him ... You already know that if you have completed a certain line of quests at the beginning) will add you the necessary information, but first requires 50 gold as a fee. If you do not have the necessary amount, it will wait until you collect it. After receiving the fee, he will tell you the place where the conspirators are going, after which you will only leave to go there and kill them. If you want, you can kill it after he gives you information.
Note: You can get a note from a dark wolf even if you decide not to resort to its services in a conversation with the senes.
Note2.: In order for the dark wolf to receive the information you need, you need to retire from the territory of the Amarantina streets (input-access to any building is quite suitable).

And you, Esmell?

One of the possible options for the development of the quest A nascent plot. It appears if GG decided to wait for the development of events with the conspiracy given and not take anything about this. In this case, after an attempt to the uprising of the peasants in the throne hall you will be waiting for several banners led by Esmell. Seneshyl Varen will catch you from the arrows of the murderer, but you will have to spend the future battle without it. Bunnes are not very strong (and besides, you will have your colleagues), but with them there will be an orange boss - the hired killer of the Avtivsky raven.
After graduating from the battle, leave the throne room so that everything in it returned to its place.
Note: This quest will not appear if you have already visited the site of collecting conspirators, acting on information obtained from a dark wolf.
The end of this quest will also graduate with the Quest "Nazing Conspiracy".

Court Day

This quest will appear after you complete one of the story quests. The watch at the gate will tell you that Seneshroom was looking for you.
Go to the throne room. As Earlu Amarantina, you will have to make decisions on the punishment of your who guessed vassals. You can also completely refuse to deal with the affairs and convey solutions on them at the discretion of Senezhal. If the solutions will be taken by Weren, then there will be no consequences from them - neither positive nor negative.

All you have to disassemble three cases. One of the peasants, Alec, stole two cassening grain bag to save his family from hunger. For theft of the crown property, the death penalty is assumed, although if this grain belonged to someone else, he could get riding. You can execute him, order him to do or told him to join the army, which will allow him to feed his family. The execution of the Alec (less - spanking) will excrete displeasure of the peasants and in the future you will be harder to agree with them.

The second case concerns the case of desertion. Soldier named Dellala left his post, as her family threatened to break the darkness. You can execute Danella, because even in peaceful days, desertion always meant the death penalty, you can take into account her circumstances and put it in prison for a year, but you can not take anything against it and offer her to transport her family to the fortress where they will be safe. In the latter case, it will worsen the situation with the desertion of soldiers who will not be afraid of severe punishment. If you complain Danella, it will worsen your reputation in the eyes of the peasants.

If you have received a warning from sulfur tamps and have not yet set off to deal with the conspirators on the tip of a dark wolf (or they didn't hire him at all), instead of Daelala you will have to deal with the case of sulfur Temerly on the nicknamed bull. Summer Tamra was found dead, and sulfur Temerly seen running away from the crime scene, but there are no more evidence against him. You can execute it, let go of the ravoisi or put under the arrest for an indefinite time - while the investigation lasts.

The last thing is the proceedings of land claims. Earl Khow promised Lady Liza Pakton Earth sulfur Derrene, who in the past spoke against him and Teirna Logaine. In addition to the explicit options, take the side of Lisa or Derren, you can pick up the land to yourself (it will bring you 100 golden) or give it to Lisa, but to apply the belief to sulfur Derevu, promising him relevant compensation.

Rise of peasants

Business price

Voldrik, the Glavonda, the Gnome-Builder, will contact you with a request for additional resources to update the fortress. You can tell him to do the amount that he has already been issued, but if you want to improve your castle on the last word Gnome technology, then promise to him 80 gold (or immediately pay them if they have them).
Note: Your decision on additional funds to the fortress can affect certain events at the end of the game.

Build on century

If you talk to Voldrik by the Slavonkom, after a while after the completion of the quest price of the business, it will complain about the unimportant condition of the fortress walls and will suggest you search for suitable material - for example, granite - for their repair. Granite you can find in the forest Vending, where to go on the story quest "Justice path". Report about finding a Volchik and send soldiers to protect workers.
Do you strengthen the walls with granite or not, can affect certain events at the end of the game.

Necessary materials

Herren and Master Wade, who temporarily settled in your fortress, will ask you to provide them with materials from which you could make it possible to make a suitable equipment for your soldiers.
In total, you can find three deposits:
Vyridium's deposits are located in the dungeon of your own fortress, where you will go across the quest "What is lighted in the abyss."
The deposits of iron are located in the Kal'hirol shopping area, where you will go on the main mission "Last Legion".
Silverite's deposits are located in the mine in the Vending Forest, where you go through the story quest "way of justice."

What lures in the abyss

Talk to Sergeant Mverlis. She will suspicion that the attacking fortress of Darkness appeared from the dungeons of the castle, which, according to some, achieve deep trop. Sergeant also suspects that the explosions arranged by a gnome shrimp caused several collaps in the dungeon, and now there are proceeds, cut off from the surface. Tell her to order to disassemble the camber and go inside the dungeons.

In a small room labeled on the map as "lists of prisoners", you will be pounced from ambush several cries. In the same room there is a cache - activate the statue of Andrasta, and then the torch on the wall, and the secret wall will move aside by opening a chest with good prey, including a ring that gives + 4 to the physique.

In a room labeled as "Dungeon", there are several prisoners under the lock. If you release them, it will approve Nathaniel and Anders. The corpses on the floor here are revived when you enter the room, so be prepared. Slightly west of the prison chamber is a closed door. If you hack the castle, you will find an Avvarian crypt for a small corridor. A dozen or so skeletons - warriors and archers - will appear in the crypt when you enter it. Their appearance can be activated in Stelc mode - if you want to throw them out from afar before they hurt you. After the battle, inspect sarcophages. In one of them you will find the key. This is one of the four keys that you need to unlock the door in the crypt, the rest you will find a little later when we cleave the blockage in deeper parts of the dungeon. If you do not have a robber with it or his hacking skill is not enough to open the door - nothing terrible. A little later, after clearing the second rolled, you will find the key.

In the northern part of the dungeon you will find Adraya, undead and Veridium's deposit, which Herrena can be repeated. You will also find that because of the next roller, you can not move on. Sergeant Mverlis promises to immediately inform you when the ruins will cleaned.

Divues will be cleared after you complete one of the story quests. Talk to Sergeant Mverlis - she will deliver you to the cleared place.
So, you were on the deep paths, so it is not surprising that you will meet with the most different dissensions of darkness. Also, in some places the undead live here, but you will not find anything too serious until you meet the orange ghost boss - the Dark Ghost. Dark ghost can cause a big damage with electricity, which, if you remember, absorbs mana and endurance. After a while, when his health decreases somewhere by 25%, he will call for the rescue of several skeletons. When you deal with everyone and reduce the ghost's life almost to zero, he will retreat in a kind of dungeon, where he will not harm you, but you can not do anything too. Activate the device from which the Holding Ghost beam comes. This will free it and give you a subquest "Revenge of the Ghost", but to complete this task, it is optional.

Move forward and soon you will find another orange boss - commander of the fires surrounded by other dissection of darkness. When you get crash with him, the Dark Ghost, will post it with the body and you will have to fight him for the second time.

After the victory over obsessed with huge, Sergeant Mverlis and Vadrik will appear. Vadrik will continue protective mechanisms that will allow the fortress of the ridge to be safe from the attack from the bottom at least another ten years. After you say a sergeant that you want to go to the surface, this quest will be completed.

Molver Adraii

This quest is closely related to the task "What is lighted in the abyss." In the first room in the castle dungeon you will see the wounded Mabari. It is tied to a note about help from a woman named Adraia. You can simply inspect the PSA and take a note or use the survival skill and first calm the animal (you will receive + 2 points of respect with Nathaniel). Apparently, Adraya fled to the basement, fleeing from the origin of darkness. Nathaniel This note is very excited, because, according to him, Adraya was like his mother.

Adraya can be found in the northern part of the dungeon. Alas, she has already appealed to Gowel and will attack you as soon as notice. Her death will complete this quest.
From the body of Adraii, you can remove the beautiful ring for the magician - the skill ring - giving + 10 to the power of magic.

Temple of Korta

In the room north of the entrance to the depth trails you will find the Church of the Court. If you touch the altar, then you will have a choice what to do with it.
If you offer a donation in the form of a diamond or a gold idol, which can be found on the body lying near the darkness of darkness, then as a reward you get a good two-handed ax "Rage". If you put the "corrupt iron" altar, which can be found a little further on the paths, then it will defile the altar and destroy it. You will not get anything. If you take donations from the altar yourself, you will get 15 gold, but the golems in the room will come to life and attack you.

Revenge of the ghost

This quest appears with you after the release of the dark ghost from his light dungeon on the deep paths. After you defeat it in the case of the commander of the orders, the ghost will disappear. He will retreat in Avvar Cyrp, which you probably have already survived during your sweeping of the dungeons of the fortress of the ridge.
To get into the crypt itself, you need a key that is located on the body of the form of darkness on the deep paths near the gate that the Vadrik seal, but in the same way you can just hack the castle. But in order to get with a room with a ghost, you need four more keys. One of them is right there in the crypt, in one of the sarcophagus. One lies in the chest not far from the church of the court on the deep path. Two others are located in locked chests, also on the deep paths.

When you drink all four castle, you can proceed to the room where the dark ghost will post the body of Avvarsky Lord (orange boss). He will help him two more revived awesome lords. When you defeat all three, your quest will be over.

Letters guard-commercially:

The watch at the gate of the castle has several letters for you. This petition from your vassals with different requests for help.

Redemption for daughter

One of your vassals - Lord Bensley - Bandits kidnapped his daughter, Lady Eileen, and demand for her redemption in 30 perfects. Go to the territory that appeared on your map. You can pay bandits the desired amount - and then on this everything will end. You can refuse to pay - in this case you will have to fight the chance that the girl will perish, pretty great. If you have a conviction you have developed, then you can persuade bandits first return to you, and then you will pay them. After Eileen returns you, you can either pay, as promised, or attack them - the girl in this case will not suffer.
If Eileen remained alive, then the gate will give you a message from Lord Bensley with gratitude and 10 gold.

In the far side

Living in the estate TournaBel Widow asks you to protect it from the species of darkness. Unfortunately, apparently, the way it does not exist - even if you go to the specified location immediately after receiving the letter, all the inhabitants of the estate and their few defenders will already be dead. You can only kill the origin of the darkness that captured the estate, and this quest will be completed.
From the body of the widow, the tour believes, among other things, you can remove 13 gold and diamond, and on the body of the temple, close to the exit is part of the set of a storm catcher.

Missing goods

This quest will appear after some time after the addition of the two previous quests - redemption for the daughter and in the far side.

This letter is not even a petition as such, but just information for you, that the ship with the goods broke off off the coast of Amarantina. People managed to save, but there are no goods - no, and they remained on the coast, where, most likely, they will be looted in the near future and robbers. Go there and disperse with a group of marauders, as part of which in addition to archers and warriors will be both a blood magician. The quest will end when you take the first batch of goods from the chest.
Note: Apparently, this product is suitable only to sell it - but, on the other hand, each party costs two gold, and there are more dozen them there.

Work Masters

Waid still dreams to work with exotic materials that you can find during your travels. This quest includes three small convens - by the number of exotic raw materials that you will find during the execution of three main missions:

Before the bone

If you bring Waid's bone of an ancient dragon, which can be found in the queen of Blackmash, he will give you a list of ingredients needed to turn it into weapons according to your choice - one-handed or two-handed sword.

The bone of the ancient Dragon
Fresh Dragon Egg (located in the Sylveterite Forest Mine Vending in the Dragon Trainer Room)
Diamond (can be found - for example, on the deep paths under the fortress of voyage)
A large potion of protection against fire (you can buy from Jurai in the Throne Hall)
Fire rune Grandmaster

The sword "Vigil" will have the same bonuses, regardless of whether you select its two-handed or one-handed option. In addition to the basic characteristics, you can ask Weide to pay attention to the attack, protection, ease of impact, or give it to make a choice.
Protection bonuses: + 10 to protection, + 10% probability of evasion from attacks
Attack bonuses: + 15% Critical damage / bending damage, + 3% probability of critical strike
Bonuses of ease of impact: +50 endurance, +0.5 stamina in battle.
Selection of Vadea himself: + 3 to all characteristics

Depending on whether you will choose a migratory or power to choose the following bonuses: mobility: +6 to the attack, + 5 damage by cold force: + 1.5% for breaking armor, + 5 damage fire

Power of Golem

If you bring Waid a piece of armchair angely Golem, you will have to fight in the final battle of the mission in Cal'hirol in Quest "Last Legion", he will give you a list of ingredients you need for forging armor.

Armor Inferno Golema
Lirima's master's care team (I personally did not come across in the drop from monsters, nor from traders, but you can do it yourself, if the magicians have an appropriate skill of potions. The potion recipe is in the sarcophagus in the dungeon of the fortress of vigil - where you come to the final battle By Quest "Revenge of the Ghost")
Clean iron (sold in Amaranthin at Glassika gunsmith)
Woolen pack - in the chest on the northern street of Amarantina, not far from the dark wolf
Bloody lotus - you can find almost everywhere, including the neighborhood of the fortress of the fortress (when you arrive there at the very beginning of the game) and the forest Vending.

Armor of the golem is a massive armor with a magnificent increase to strength, the physique, resistance to fire and physical resistance.

Forest heart

If you bring Waid a piece of wood from the oldest Silvana, which is located in the Vending Forest, then he will give you a list of ingredients you need to make your choice onion or shield.

Wood oldest
Impeccable ruby \u200b\u200b(can be found - for example, in Cal'hirol - or buy Henley's Master in Amaranthina)
Oil (in the kitchen Taverns "Lion and Crown" in Amaranthina)
Feline veins (located on Dead Mabari in Black Mar)
Electric Runa Grandmaster (can be done)

After the completion of quests, the heart of the forest, the power of the golem and the work on the bone, the quest work wizard will be considered finished.

More explosions!

This quest you will receive from Dvoranika Chief after you finish one of the plot quests. For work on the bombs to which he nourishes a rather unhealthy addiction, he needs the sand of Lirum (not to be confused with dust!). To complete the quest, you can just give him 2 portions of Lirum sand.
Lyrimete sand can be found in Cal'hirol and in Silverite Rudnik in the forest Vending.

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Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city


Scene Quests

Black shades / blackman

Senenev Varen told you that one of the gray guards was absent when attacking the fortress and, most likely, still alive. This guardian, named Cristoff, tried to find out the reason for which the darkness of the darkness did not sneak on the deep path after the death of the architeon, as happened earlier. Seneshyal predicts that Christoff is currently located in Amarantin and will advise you to ask him about it in hotels.

In the hotel "Lev and Crown" in Amaranthin, talk to the host of the institution. He will confirm that Christoff really stayed with him - in fact, one of the rooms still lists him - but did not appear in the hotel for several days. The maid is a naughty, with which Christoff, according to the host hotel, sometimes talked, will tell you that he often led the record and if you need to know what it was he who was investigated, perhaps you will find the key in his notes left in the room. In the Christoff Room you will find an amarantine map with crossed areas. The only unlocked territory on the map is Blackmarsh, so it is rightly assumed that Christoff went to explore this area.
More here you have nothing to do, the continuation of your research will be held directly in Black Mare, which will appear on your card.

Last of Legion

Captain Garezel has already told you that the pair of hunters randomly climbed to the inlet of the depth trails. You will find this couple near the city gate. Colbert will tell you exactly how he and his buddy Mika found the entrance, and mark it on your card. If you want, you can reward it with perfect. The rest of the quest will be performed directly on the place of fault.

Righteous way

Not far from the bulletin board of the Trade Guild is the merchant merchant, whose caravans, if you remember the story of Mrs. Woles, are constantly attacked in the Vending Forest. Mervice promises you a generous donation if you are able to stop the one who robs caravans and mark the Vending Forest on your map. The rest of the task you have to do there.

Navalny Quests

The law and order / case of smugglers

These two quests mutually exclude each other, so think carefully before taking one of them.

Not far from the city gate some "suspicious person" whispered to you that he has a profitable offer to you and ask for him to follow him. The essence of the proposal will be reduced to the following: smugglers believe that you as a commander of the Guardians and Earl Amarantina should receive a percentage of profit from them. What services are required by them in return, it is not difficult to guess.

At the entrance to the city you will stop the guards, which will announce the need to search for your things for smuggling. After that, the constable Aidan interferes, who learned the pedigree-commanders in you. Constable will complain about difficulties with smugglers and hint that if you wish to help, he will be very happy.

The adoption of the quest from a suspicious subject or constable Idan will forever cross the ability to perform the tasks of the other party.

Law and order

If you accepted the offer of Aidan's constable, then go to the trading rows. There, next to the gunsmith, you will find a suspicious subject. After you talk to him, he will rush to run. Has him, along the way, painting with the gangs aromant on your path (there will be five of all, and their leaders are always magicians).

After the last gang, the suspicious subject disappears in the locked basement of the abandoned house, and you can go to the Rippot of your success to Aidan's conservative. Constable suggests that somewhere nearby Logov smugglers is probably a security guard, and it certainly has a key. Return back. A suspicious entity is really guarded (and a couple of bandits will join him after the start of the fight). Take the key from his corpse and go to the basement.
The basement is small - literally after a few steps, you will score on the leader of smugglers with several assistants. A short conversation will end the fight. Go back to the contest for the report and the completion of the quest. If you want, you can do it through the second way - it leads to the tavern "Lion and Crown".
Nathaniel and Sigrund will end your actions.

Care of smugglers

If you decide to help smugglers, the suspicious subject will give you your first task: to persuade Bangtender Taverns "Leo and Crown" to discover the secret passage in one of the rooms.
Go to the hotel. Be sure to see the Bangpender (alternatively, you can simply pay it 1 golden) and come back to a suspicious subject. Now he has other problems - some robbers are not prevented from their organization under their feet.
Go to the specified location and pass them. Now talk to the leader of smugglers. Looks like Lieutenant Guardi creates a problem for them. Lieutenant needs to be removed, but in order to get to it, you need a key from the city guarantee building. This key is in Sergeant, and he himself - on the urban wall. Kill it and take the key.
Having got the key, go to the house. After a brief conversation with the lieutenant, we deal with him and the rest of the guards. On the body of the lieutenant you will find the key from the camera. In the chamber there is a certain Jasein. If you free it, he can help you at the end of the game during the defense of the fortress of the Ridge. Report by the leader of smugglers about your success - and the quest will be completed.

Problems with trade

This quest is very closely associated with the story quest "Righteous Way", but you do not need to complete the latter to fulfill it. Follow the main plot until you encounter Wellann for the third time (in the camp of the Doli) and it will join you. (For details, see the description of the story quest "Righteous Way" in the Section "Forest Wending".) Immediately after that you can report to Mervis about success.
If you tell Mervis that an elves stood for the defeat of his caravas, it would not approve Wellanna, but Nathaniel approves. If you do not mention the elves, but simply say that we solve the problem and shook the guilty as we thought it was necessary, then it would like the velanne.

Until the death separates us

You will receive this quest if you speak with a woman named Alma, which is located in the Church building. From her climbing phrases, you can understand that her husband was disappeared somewhere. Go to the tavernu "Lion and Crown". In the corner of the main hall you will find the scope of the note, from which it becomes clear that the carker has a habit of walking through the city walls. Go to the door to the right of the Constable Idana - and at the end of the passage on the wall you will see another note. Now go to the southern part of the city. In the house opposite the exit to the world map you will find a carker. Alas, you can't do anything to him - tell Alme, what happened, and your quest will end.

Botanist Ines.

This quest gives you wine, standing near the entrance to the Amarantina church. If you exported a hero from the beginning and during the game Winn died, this quest will not be available to you.
Find Ines in the Wandening Forest, as Winn wishes her to take part in the Mages Collection. Ines is located in the very southeast corner of the forest map. However, just as she will not go anywhere, as it wishes first to find a particularly rare plant. The desired flower grows on the northern border of the map, slightly north-east of the entrance to the Sylveterite mine.
In addition to the fact that Ines will finally go to the meeting, you will receive an additional reward from it - Recipes for Superxile (Superb) Health and Lyrima.

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

Quests of the Trade Guild

Collect four bottles of the Antiwest poison scattered through the streets (thereby ten them, but they are scattered around the four locations). Bottles are located: on the counter of the Glass Armor, on the trolley almost north of the Aidan's constable, on the table on the northern street (not far from the Dark Wolf), near Masters Henley.

Missing Singer of Alvard

Sier Alvard's sword you can find in one of the boxes in the docks Blackman. These docks will be open to you only after you return from the shade. You will not be able to find a sword until you get a quest. Alvard's sword is not necessary to give anywhere, you can leave it yourself. The quest is considered finished immediately after you find it. This is a pretty good two-handed sword.

Statues of Murfert

Find in the forest Vending eight pagan statues with inscriptions and copy them for research purposes. Four statues are located in terms of the map to the bridge, followed by Wellann, and four are behind the bridge.
Statues are:
On the hill almost exactly east of the entrance to the vending card;
at the camp of marauders;
on both sides of the southern road leading to the bridge;
to the south - west of the bridge itself (the one north, stands on the hill);
South of the bridge, very close to him;
a little north of the camps of the values;
on the hill north of Ines;
Not far from the Camp of the Fine Darkness;
The last statue is in the end of the dead end almost accurately to the east of the previous one - or accurately to the west of the Sylveterite mine.

From my point of view, these statues are much more convenient to look for in the "Camera Rear" mode, since, unlike the "camera from above" mode, you can view much of the large territory.

Merchant goods

Find silk, which I had to deliver the caravan on the road in the guild of merchants.
All you need to find nine parts of goods, and all of them are in the forest Vending:
in a barrel of a plundered caravan, almost at the very beginning of the card;
in the chest on the other side of the same looting caravan;
in barrel not far from the place where you met the first group of marauders;
in a pile of clothes in the ladder camp;
on the Marauder's corpse after the battle at the Marauder camp (southeast corner);
along the northern road in the drawer at the inverted wagon and a little further in the box in the second inverted wagon;
Inside the chest at the last plundered caravan.

From under the ground

This quest appears on the bulletin board only at the completion of quests The law and order / case of smugglers. Go to the underground passage where you met with the leader of the congratulations, and disappear with several rates of darkness (including emissary).

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

Quests of church

As usual, the quests of the church hang on the bulletin board next to the church building, and you receive a reward for them from the preacher worthy.

Hunt for weakness

Robbers and extortionists do not give rest to the residents of Amarantina - mostly those who live in a suburb, where there is almost no guard. All you need to do is to deal with four groups of bandits in the southern part of Amarantina.

First aid kits for church

Donate five ordinary first aid kits in favor of the church.

Potions for church

Donate five powerful church (Potent) healing potions.

Out of control

Talk to gray Rielin in the building of the Church. She will ask you to help the temples find three magic aparters (which, according to her, are also blood magicians). Keep in mind that consent to this quest will cause Anders's discontent and Wellens (although their respect will decrease only one unit).

Mages are quite easy to calculate - they roam the streets of the city, murming something under his nose. One is located at shopping ranms, the other is not far from the entrance to the fortress wall in the north, and the third - in the southern part, closer to the tavern "Lion and the Crown".
If you try to speak with them, they will rush to run and become hostile. After you deal with them (unfortunately, the options simply talk and get a choice - let them go or not, you will not be), you will get the key (then you mean the label on the map) to the location of their leader. He is hiding in one of the stupid south of the shopping rows and hostile from the very beginning. This is an orange boss, so be prepared. After his death, go to the bulletin board and get a reward.

From the depths of the living forest

Tempets are needed five samples of the cortex of ancient Silvanov, as it is good for antimagic shields.
Ancient Sylvanians are acquired in the Vending Forest. They are not hostile from the very beginning, but look like ordinary trees and attack only if you come close enough. Two sews you in the southeast corner of the map, northeast of the place where you find Ines. One is located near the surviving police member, just north of him. Another one is located on the hill almost exactly east of the previous one. The latter sits a little south of the pit with corpses in the northwestern map.
If you complete this quest, it will not approve Anders and Velanna.

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

Quests orphans Mora.

A series of risks of the city residents (and you) from a couple of local jokers, masking under orphaned kids. These quests can be obtained by reading the bulletin board in the main hall of the tavern "Lion and the Crown".

Simer Mora

Donate 50 silver coins for orphans (click on the donation box next to the ad).

Simer Mora - again

For complete happiness, the orphans need a bottle of the best wine of the tavern (Antiwest brandy) and two performed. Buy wine from Bangpender and put it together with money in the donation box.

Moonlight for children

Some Hubert is engaged in the manufacture of "lunar light", something like an analogue of local marijuana. Poor orphans ask their benefactors to bring it to them, as they, no doubt, can find better use for him (exclusively for medical purposes, of course). Hubert's hut is not far from Oktama's grocer. Her three inhabitants will attack you when you enter it. Disappear with them, take the "Moonlight" and put it in the box for donations in the tavern.

The book of sermons of Justinia second

Unhappy orphans ask you to get a book of sermons for them, which is in the reverend mother in the church. The book lies on the altar and is not guarded by anyone, so you can marry forward, without hiding, and take it. This will cause the displeasure of Nathaniel and the justice and approval of the velans and Anders (as for obvious reasons, these two Magians are disliked). Their attitude in any case will change only per unit. Put the book in the box for donations in the tavern.

These cute orphans

Grateful kids wish to do something pleasant for Rev. mother Lianna and ask you to throw special fragrant herbs into her bed. The grass lies next to the bulletin board. The bed of the mother is located in one of the side rooms of the church.
Nathaniel, Sigruun and Justice will not approve of your actions, but Ogrena and Anders, such a joy will fully like.
If you come to the church a little later and listen to the muttering of the mother Lianna, then you will understand that it was her "cute orphans".

Return lost

Cute kids managed to lose a bunch of things on the street, which they humbly ask for benefactors to return. So what do they need? And they need: cake, hammer, pair of ties, doll and forks. All of them are on the streets of Amarantina. The cake is next to the master Henley, the notes - not far from the blacksmith of Glassika, the doll - in the southeastern part of the city, next to the wagon with hay, the hammer - to the right of the entrance to the hotel "Lev and Crown" (he is not on earth, but how Would on the wall), forks - north of the entrance to the hotel.

Gift for Melissa

Syarots want a little to make a lady named Melissa. Nothing is especially terrible - they just offer you to put on her house scarecrow with a knife in your hand. You can find a knife in the kitchen in the hotel "Lev and Crown", and scarecrow - in the southern part of the map, on the field behind the city gate. A little-east of the Aidan's constable is Melissa's house. Place the scarecrow and the knife at the point marked "soft earth".
Ogren This joke will have to do, but justice and sigruun will not approve it.


Children want to ask for forgiveness from Melissa for their trick with scarecrow. You should put a bouquet of flowers on the threshold of her house. Flowers can be found in the room of the reverend mother in the church. The excuse of apologies to Melissa will have to taste justice, Sigruun and Nathaniel.

This is the last of this quest series. If you fulfilled them all, then joker will be mentioned in an epilogue and you will see that from all this, Kavardaka still came out something good. (Sometimes because of the bug version 1.3, they are mentioned even if you did not finish their quests, but it is the bug.)

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

Wood Vending

Scene Quests

Righteous way

As soon as you enter the forest area, you will see gangsters driving near the plundered caravan. Go ahead and deal with them - but be careful: there are much more of them than that group that you noticed at the beginning.

Wedding Vending is conditionally divided into two parts - you start in a smaller, south. With the northern part of it connects the one-only bridge in the eastern part of the card. Go there. On the way, you will have to deal with the gangsters and Silvans - who attack not only you, but also on each other. As soon as you cross the bridge, one of the surviving soldiers will run right on you. From its very fragmentary phrases, you can disassemble that the elves for some reason revive the trees and make them attack people. He's long with you, however, will not talk, and will run away from all his feet, and you will be the mentioned elf - or rather, the elf. She will tell a brief speech that appreciates you to leave her alone, and will disappear.

The camp of the Doli elves is approximately in the center of the map, but at the moment it is empty. You will find there only a few shallow graves and for some reason weapon scattered everywhere. Surveying the camp, go to the western part of the card. There you will meet your good acquaintances - the species of darkness that made the camp in the northern part of the forest. There you will find a large pit filled with corpses.
Follow the south, and you will find the surviving member of the police that clearly suffering from infection with the poison of the Darkness of Darkness. He will tell you very curious facts: they attacked the elves at all. They are not at all, and the developments of darkness that scattered in the camp of the values \u200b\u200bis standard Fenden's weapons, which forced the elves (or rather, one surviving elf) suggest that people are guilty of the attack. However, all police members were already killed before - remember the pit in the north?
The poor fellow will ask you to stop his suffering - you can do as he wants or not, but at the end of the conversation at you, in any case, the group of origin of darkness will attack. Disappear with them and wait the corpses. On one you will find an elf medallion.

Go back to the camp. On the way, the elf will meet you, but it is currently not going to listen to you. Calling for the help of wolves and Silvanov, it will again disappear. Go to the camp where you will find it near the graves. In order to convince her in the innocence of people, show the elf the elven medallion found on the corpse. Wellanna, finally I am convinced by your words, will join your squad (even if you do not want it) in order to try to find your abducted sister.
Because the deaths of darkness have a habit of dying underground, it will suggest that they can hide on the Sylveterite mine, which you could have noticed earlier. Go to the mine, which is located in the north-central map.
(ATTENTION: In version 1.3, there is one unpleasant glitch, because of which your (a) GG may ever lose its uniform, so do constant preservation before you enter the mine.)

Far into the mines of the mine you will not be given. A few minutes later, the architect will welcome you - the person talking and very reasonable, although belonging to the species of the species of darkness. The architect will be able to subjected you up with magical effects, as a result of which you will find yourself in a dungeon without equipment and outfit.
ATTENTION - if your (a) GG turns out to be dressed in simple clothes with an empty backpack, then everything is in order. If he / her remains at least something from the old property, then you have a glitch and have to reboot, because in this case your former uniform you will no longer see.

After you get behind bars, Sister Wellanny, serenny speak with you. She will give you the key from prison and with the successful use of belief can also give you the key to the chest in the architect room. After seren care, you will have to fight with several seasures of darkness, but they are not very strong, so the lack of weapons and uniforms should not stop with them to deal with them. Take the key from the corpse of one of the proceedings. It opens up other chambers of the dungeon - it's just impossible to hack them.

So, while you have to use the equipment that you are at hand. In the architect's laboratory, you will find a couple of levers on the likeness of the balcony. Look down and you will see the room, hidden fog clubs. The door to this room is under a protective barrier (which not only will not allow you to open it, but also will apply an impressive damage with electricity. With each attempt to touch it). To remove the barrier, you need to pull the levers in a certain order. Considering the left lever for the number one, this is the order: one or two or two or two.
In the chest, which is located in this room, you can find the leather armor from the Blackclobeid set (black blade) and a bow with excellent damage against dragons.

Go on. Your equipment was divided among themselves gull-shaped creatures under the name "Experimental Objects" - every time they appear on the horizon, your companions will comply with their appearance. Go further, on the road, knocking off from the hordes of opponents. When you reach a kunari merchant named Armaas, it means that you are almost at the exit. In the chest not far from him there must be the rest of your things.
Armaas can even give you a discount on your products if you successfully apply the belief option. You can also persuade him to establish trading with the fortress of vigil (Quest Mrs. Vulssi "trade should handle").

Having passed on the door next to the kunari, you will have to fight with two dragon males. The most unpleasant in this battle is that they are from time to time to leave the battle and fly throughout the hall, but the same can turn to your benefit, as you can, for example, to get or drink an additional protective potion during their absence.
It is not necessary to run for dragons around the hall - shoot in them from the onions and staffs - and they will return to you.

After your victory over the opponents, look at a small roller in which the Arritector and his assistants are removed from the mine in such a way that it will be impossible to follow them.
So, the path is currently open and you have completed your quest. At this stage, Wellanna expands the desire to join the gray guards - you can agree or not, it will not affect the main storyline.
Attention: You will not be able to return to the mine after getting it. Therefore, if you have not yet examined it to the end - do it now.

Navalny Quests

Stone brothers

In the forest you will pull over two stone statues - the statue of war and the statue of the world. The statue of war will suggest you when you approach her. She will tell you their story (which reminds a little like the story of a similar statue in the magician of the magician at the beginning) and will ask to kill the Tevinter Master, who concluded the spirit of two Avvarov brothers to the stone.
After you listen to the statue of war, the statue of the world will speak with you. The spirit of the second brother will set out your point of view on what you should do.
So, choose whether you will follow the request of the first or second brother. If you decide to kill the master, then activate the bunch of stones a little north of the statues - the secret horror will rise from it (orange boss). Disagree with him and report the statue of war. If you decide to follow the path of the second brother, then just come back and talk to the statue of war. Surprise the spirit of the warrior is that the revenge will not give him the desired peace, and return to the statue of the world to report on your success.
The statue of the world will give you a reward recipes of several potions: workshop and powerful (POTENT) stamina and large (greater) potion protection against damage to the spirit. The statue of war will reward you with a good one-handed sword Winter Blade.

Last wish

In one of the eastern caves of the Silveter Mine, you will find hard wounded guard by the name of Keanna. Keanin is one of the Orlzian guards, which arrived in the fortress of the growing before your arrival and who still listed missing after the attack of the species of Darkness. He will ask you to attribute his wife a wedding ring and transfer it to her farewell words. To persuade him to take your help and get out of the mine alive it is impossible - the poor thing is unshakable in the desire to die heroic death.
The wedding ring is at the Dragon Trainer in the Dragon Pan. When you deal with him and take a ring from his corpse, give it to Nida, which is located in the hotel "Lev and Crown" in Amaranthina in the company ... GM ... Perhaps that is why Keanna was so strongly configured to die?
Give her a ring and on this your quest will be completed.

Mystery of the stone circle

On the corpse of a scientist about the north-central part of the forest you will find an unusual stone and a note. Read it carefully. When examining the forest, you will find a circle of stones with one empty place where you can put your find. If you activate the stone, it will light up. This is a mystery, which is akin to the mystery of the demon from the village of Honnlit at the beginning. You need to create a line of fire (starting and ending with the first stone), which will be continuous and covers everything without exception in the circle - both big and small. Variations, as in Honnlit's riddle, there may be several. When you spend on all the stones a continuous fiery line, you will get a reward.
Note: Because of the bug, the chest with a reward appears immediately after you put the missing stone.

Other collaborators related to forest:

More explosions!

In the Silveterite mine is the sand of Lirum, the discharge of the Slavonka for the manufacture of powerful bombs. (For details, see the Vests section of the Ridge Fortress.)

Work Masters

In the forest, you can remove a piece of wood with the oldest Silvana, which is necessary Waid in the quest "Heart of the Forest", and in the Pan for the Young Dragon in the mine you will find the Dragon Egg, which is necessary for him for the quest "to the dice." (For details, see the Vests section of the Ridge Fortress.)

Build on century

Approximately in the north-central part of the forest you will find the granite deposits, the desired Vadrik to upgrade the fortress. (For details, see the Vests section of the Ridge Fortress.)

Botanist Ines.

In the forest you will meet Ines, in search of which you sent wine. (For details, see the Amarantine Quests section.)

From the depths of the living forest

In the Vending Forest, you can find a boron, the necessary temples for the manufacture of antimagic shields. (For details, see the Amarantine Quests section.)

Statues of Murfert

In the forest you can find pagan statues from which you will be able to copy the inscriptions on the task of the trading guild. (For details, see the Amarantine Quests section.)

Merchant goods

On the forest scattered silk from a plundered caravan, which you need to return to the task of the merchant guild (see the details of the Quests of Amarantina)

Additional Information:

Not far from the place where you met the second object of experiments, you will find a pickling tube - a special gift for Sigruun.

A helmet from the seta Blackclobe can be found in the chest for a secret wall in the room in front of the one in which you met the first object of the experiment.

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

Cal "Hirol

Scene Quests

Last of Legion

After Kolbert and Mika will apply a new location to your card - Nowood hills - go there.
Literally after a few steps, you will see that the path is splitting and a little toward the north you will be waiting for an elite opponent - Berscarne - a bear creature, similar to a demon of a feast from the magician's prologue at the beginning. If after you deal with him, you will go further to the north, then scroll on two bandits and their unfortunate sacrifice. The victim, alas, no longer help, but you can revenge her executioners. On the chest of overgrown, you will find a note that will explain why the unfortunate finished life in this way, but it is not connected with any separate quest.

Return back and follow the path until you reach a very narrow and not too reliably looking bridge. Go down through a series of the same narrow bridges and paths. At the foot of the last bridge you will wait for an ambush from the depth pursuers. Go a little further - and you will see that the raising of darkness captured the gnome in the armor, which tries to fight back from them. Join the fight and help the lady. After the battle, she will tell you that he is a member of the Dead Legion known to you and firmly intends to return to Cal "Hirol to finish his mission, namely - the destruction of the nest of the species of Darkness.

Sigruun is a robber, but because of an extremely low trick of tricks, some of the robbery skills are unavailable. She is a very decent warrior, since because of good strength can wear pretty good armor and fight with two swords. If you yourself are not a robber and do not have in the Nathaniel group, then you may think about improving its tricks - if, of course, such a skill is important for you as the opening of locks and disarmament of traps.

After the conversation, Sigrun will join your group, but you do not need to take it in Cal "Hirol, if you do not want to do this for any reason.

Your affairs on this terrain are completed - so descend to deep trails. Admire the view of Cal "Hirol from height and go on.

Literally a few steps, you will find the dying gnome Jucca - one of the combat comrades Sigruun. He will mention the army of the species of darkness and the module - yes, in a plural. Go further, on the road, knocking off from several not too terrible opponents - the strongest of them will be an elite alpha Harlock - and cross the bridge. After you figure out with the deep pursuers who are waiting for you, go away slightly from the bridge. In the ancient chest of dwarfs you will find ancient boots. At the moment they are useless, but you will have the opportunity to bring them into the wearable state a little later. A little further than you will be to wait another detachment of the definition of Darkness under the leadership of alpha. In the chest to the northeast of the destroyed bridge you will find a grinding stone - a gift for Nathaniel.

Go through the gate. If Sigruun is in your group, then she will tell you about the sad experience of his comrades and will offer to look for a secret move instead of passing through the central door. After a conversation, you will be attacked by the children who mentioned Jucca - depending on where you have already had time to visit this, it can be your first meeting with these cute creatures. They are not so strong in themselves, but possess a prenegenial ability to knock down the enemy from the legs on the manners of spiders or Mabari, which can be quite dangerous - especially for the thrill.

Despite the caution of Sigruun, you can brave to proceed directly to the main gate and meet the disadvantages of darkness, but if you still prefer to do in battles with minimal physical damage, then you should find the side door and bypass the lifetime at the entrance the detachment of the Darkness from the flank. A secret mechanism that opens the pass to the secret door is approximately in the center of the Western Wall.

Having walked through the central or side door, you will find yourself in the central wards of Cal "Hirol. The room at the main entrance is stuck at least a dozen traps - another argument in favor of using a secret move, because during the battle your robber will most likely not be up to Their disarming. On the other hand, they are mostly spitting fire, so if your group has a good fiery resistance - traps can not imagine a big problem. You will still have to go through this room to proceed further, but if you Will pass through the side entrance, you will have time to prepare for the fight.
ATTENTION: In version 1.3, there is a bug, because of which the GG-robber sometimes cannot see the traps regardless of the trick and development of the skill of deft hands. (Nathaniel with the third stage of skill deft hands recognized them without difficulty.)

The side entrance will not meet you any ambushes - so you can prepare as you wish before opening the door to the hall with an impressive enemy detachment. It consists of Harlocks, Golets and Master of the Goles. If you kill the wizards of the golems, then all the golems will immediately turn off (but you still get experience for them). Take from the body of the Master of the Golemov, the wand control of the golems - he can come in handy a little later. Having passed on the corridor to the east, you will notice the Wall of Fixed Golem. If you have a rod in your backpack, you can activate it. Unfortunately, you will not be able to manage them as a companion - he will simply die forward to twist your enemies.

In the room a little further there is a detachment of the species of Darkness led by emissary - so distracting their attention to your golem can be a good idea. Be careful at the entrance to this room - there is still a couple of traps. In a small room north of the bridge with emissary, you will find a chest of scrolls with a gorgeous recipes (Masterpiece) Paralycha runes and perfect (Paragon) runes paralysis. A little further on the steps you will see ghosts of battle gnomes. This is your first excursion to the past, in the last days of Cal "Hirol - like those that you could see in the fortress of guards at the beginning. A little further you will see another ghostly scene, where the gnome leader calls on the others to fight for Cal" Hirol. In the room to the southwest of them, you put the recipes of a magnificent and perfect rune of cold iron and a cracked bib, which can be fixed a little later.

In terms of a map marked as "slums", an ambush from spiders will be painted. In the aisle leading to the southern room, you will find a student scout, a new type of rally of darkness - and also the elite. A little further than you will be a detachment of genes, including two elite emissaries and Alpha. In the Central-Eastern Room (north of the one you find a luristic sand), you will find the recipes of a magnificent and perfect runes of immunity and a lurium ring - a special gift for justice. In the northeast room, there is a detachment of the species led by Alpha Harlock and Emissary of the Herlokov. On the emissary's corpse you will find a very good staff for the magician and broken hammer - another thing you can recover a little later. This is your last opponent in this area.

Now you can follow the trading quarter, the entrance to which is located in the East-central map. At the entrance to the shopping district, you will witness the scene in which the darkness of darkness is fighting between themselves. One of the speaking generations will mention a certain "lost", after which it will be removed. Go ahead, straightening with both groupings (the enemy of my enemy, of course, is my ally, but these creatures are currently not clearly thinking and will be hostile to you just as to each other). In the room north of the first large hall, labeled on the map as "Hirol Temple", you will find the Rune Recipe elemental (Elemental Rune), and in the sarcophaga is a very good belt. If you take things from sarcophagus, three elite golems standing nearby, come to life and attack you.

In the northeast room marked on the map as a "forge", you will find recipes for a magnificent and perfect rune of fire, a broken ax, mountain and golem. If you activate the mountain, golem will replete you to those broken things that you have managed to work in Cal "Hirole. Parts of broken armor, for example, will become part of a very good set of massive armor" Protection of Hirol ". The Kuzne is also located a bucket with a lurium - a conversational subject for Anders.

If you go from the forge into the south pass, you will find the cell with a prisoner in the next room - as well as several types of darkness, including ALLFA and Emissar. After the battle, the prisoner - Stephen - will ask you to release it and will offer a certain valuable thing in exchange, which he found in ruins. If you ask him what he did here, he admits that he was overhearding the conversation of Colbert and Miki about this place and decided to see if it could not be rejected here. If you are playing not too kind hero, you can take a reward and either leave it in a cage, or kill. If you release Stephen to freedom, you can meet him later in Amaranthine, where he will thank you again for salvation.
Award from Stephen - Gorgeous (Masterpiece) Runa Fire.

In the cave south of the hall with Stephen, you will be witnesses to the premium scene of devouring by children of other trees of darkness, as a result of which they are directly in your eyes evolve into a somewhat more improved view.

If you follow the southern corridor from the cave with children, you will find a room with sarcophagus and several plates on which various runes are depicted. This is a mystery. You need to do so that the image of the same rune appears on the vertical, and on the horizontal plate. To do this, activate any horizontal slab and then - a horizontal rune, the vertical plate is near the same image as we have already activated. Repeat the process until you handle all the plates - and the sarcophagus will open. In it, among other things, you will find gloves from the set of Hirol Protection.

In the southernmost room labeled on the map as a "Treasury", you will find a helmet from the "Hirol Protection" set, the recipes of the magnificent and perfect Rune of the Fortress (Masterpiece / Paragon Stout Rune), a decent amount of money and other pleasant little things, including the engraved gem - Gift for Velanna.

Follow the southern corridor to the west. On the way to you, the ambush from children will be thrown out several times - sometimes reinforced and other rates of darkness. In the latest cave at the end of the corridor, you will again see fighting in each other. Be careful - when you approach them, another ambush from children will be pounce. This cave has three outputs. To the north of it, if you turn the lever at the end of a small corridor, you can get out almost to the door itself leading to the central chambers. Along the southern wall there is a passage, which will lead you out - in the hills of Nowood. Finally, the passage in the western wall will lead you in even deeper places of Cal "Hirol. Go there.

Deep tunnels are quite small. Having passed through the bridge, you will see the scene, where "lost" with the help of a huge inference-golem is seized with the leader of the attackers of the darkness that you have seen earlier. After that, he will turn its very unfriendly attention to you. "Lost" - Mage, and, Golem, of course, a very strong melee fighter, so divide your group, respectively. From the "Lost" corpse, you can remove the magnificent staff for the magician.

Steaming with this couple, go further into the western corridor. In some places, the tentacles of the module will be attached to you - but the most ordinary, without a single elite. At the end of the corridor, you will see a hall with a moat, in which there are several modules. All you need to do is to wrap on them hanging over the ceiling of a huge plate (I wonder who and why hate this strange decoration in such an inappropriate place?) For what you need to destroy any two of the four chains holding it. If Sigruun is in your group, then after that you will have a chance to offer her to join you as a gray guard. After the end of the conversation, if you have already completed everything to examine, you can get out of deep tunnels directly to the world map. The exit is located in the East Wall.

Navalny Quests

Talisman Good luck

In the impression of the last bridge in the territory of Hills, NovaWood is a bag in which you will find an amulet from a deer hoof, belonging to Elf Mike - one of the hunters who told you about Kal "Hirole. All you need to do is to give it to Mike. When you next time to visit Amarantin.

Buried past

At the foot of the second bridge on the territory of Hills Nowood in the chest you will find a letter. It will become clear from it that Some Darren Lyle in the past found some treasures here, after which he left for Amarantin. In Amaranthina on the bookshelf at the entrance to the room of the Rev. Mother you will find entries indicating that Darren Lyle lived in the suburb of the city. Go out for the city gate - and in the ground near the house almost northeast of the exit to the map of the world you will find a wonderful ring for the robber. This will complete your quest.

Memory stone

In the trading quarter in a small room south of the hall with a luminous well (where two hostile groups of the species of darkness were fought) You will witness the last seconds of the leader of the defenders of Cal "Hirol Dialan. On his remains you will find a great paternal shield and a broken sword that can fix Golem in the forge, and on the stove nearby - a list of the names of the fallen when defending Cal "Hirol Dwarfs-untouchable. In order to complete the quest, give a copy of this list to the Dvorkin of the Sage in the fortress of the vigil, which will give it to the Orzammar archive.

Other quests related to Cal »Hirol

More explosions!

In the room accurately east of the tagging "Slums" you will find on the skeleton the luristic sand - the substance, the necessary Dvorkin of the Sage for the manufacture of bombs. (For details, see the Vests section of the Ridge Fortress.)

Necessary materials

In the cousin in the trading quarter you will find the Iron deposit, which you can report to Herrena and Waid. (For details, see the Vests section of the Ridge Fortress.)

Work Masters

With Inferno Golem, you can shoot a piece of armor needed by Waid for the quest "Power of Golem". (For details, see the Vests section of the Ridge Fortress.)

Trade should continue

When you for the first time you travel to Nowood hills, then in a random meeting on the world map you will be given a chance to save the merger Lilli. After you are shaking with the attackers, it will thank you 15 gold and continue your way to the fortress of vigil, where originally and went. You can talk to her already there, and she will tell you what has established trade connections with the fortress.

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Kris Everheart.

Kris Everheart.

  • Moscow city

Blackmarsh (black swamps)

Scene Quests

Shadows of black swamp

Having received a new mark on your map after studying the map in the room of Cristoff in the hotel of amarantine, go to black swamps.
The swamps, as be expected - the place is rather dull, dark and ominous. Literally after a couple of steps after arrival, a flock of swamp wolves led by an elite alpha elite leader. A little further, the fight is a "conversational" tree - if Nathaniel is in your group, he will tell you what he knows from the history of this area. Another group of wolves - this time with two elite leaders - awaits you a little further. Several of them are attacking an ambush behind your back, so watch your magicians.

Follow the path and it will lead you to the ruins of the village. Almost at the very gate you will find the corpse of the Darkness of Darkness, after which you are attacked by a slightly short. An ambush from the iswolf, including several elite, will also wait for you from the northern exit from the ruins. As usual, some of the root will appear behind you. The gate leading to the docks cannot be opened at the moment, so follow the only way available to you - in the northern direction. Coming out of them, follow the development and keep the left side. You will find an old camp - apparently, Cristoff - but in it obviously no one has already been acquired by a rather long amount of time. There will be a few elite shadow iswolves on you - from the corpse of one of them you can remove a good ring for a warrior.

Go to the north-eastern part of the map. When an ambush from children is scored on you (this may be your first meeting with these cute creatures or not - depending on where you managed to visit this) - this means that you are on the right track and almost the goal. Go through a little further - and you will find Cristoff, and after that the first will speak with you - one of the reasonable treatments of Darkness. It doesn't matter what and how you answer him - as a result, he will make a magic rite that will send you and him with all his squad straight into the shadow.

After waking up, the first will express anger on a kind of "mother", because of which he was in the shade with you, and will be able to look for a way out on his own, leaving you to deal with the rest of his detachment - several children and genl.

In the shade, as you should expect, full of demons of all stripes and sizes. You need to get down to the docks - they are in the southeastern part of the map. Go around the docks and you will go to the door to the crypt. After a conversation with the Spirit of the girl who will offer you to hide in a crypt, an ambush from skeletons will be painted. Regardless of whether you want to hide from the enemy or not - you still have to go through the crypt to gain access to the rest of the card.

In the crypt, be careful - the skeletons on the floor usually come to life when you approach them too, and from the coffins that are scattered here everywhere, additional reinforcement gets out to them. The door to the surface is in the southernmost point of the crypt.

Talking with the guard at the gate, go to the goal of the castle. They are trying to storm an angry crowd under the leadership of the very spirit, which the guard told you. The Spirit will give you as justice and asks if you will not join him against the Baroness. In general, it does not matter, on whose side you will set, but in any case do not rush to go to the castle's courtyard - it will not be possible to return to return. First go around the surroundings and activate scattered around the essence. Making sure you did not miss anything, go back to the goal. Talk to justice (if you decide to support residents of the village) or with the guardian in the courtyard (if you decide to support Baroness). Join that grouping that you are closer to your beliefs, and join the fight. Baroness and Justice are currently occupied by each other - so you have to fight first and either shadows (if you are on the side of the peasants) or peasants (if you supported Baroness). At the end of the battle, you suddenly be again in the real world.

Once back on the swamps, inspect the equipment of justice - you may need to replace it. With the first corpse of the first, for example, in addition to other trifles, you can remove the beautiful armor, which is superbly suitable for your new ally. Justice is a warrior with a shield and a sword, almost full analogue of Alistair.

Go to the castle. You will notice that new opponents appeared around - they appear from several open Barona portals of the shadow. Each portal is guarded by an elite rhennant. Destroy them. The portal can be attacked by weapons or magic in the same way as any other opponent. There are four of them.

In the courtyard of the castle you will have to deal with the baroness personally - or rather, the demon who settled in her soul. It looks like a particularly nasty OGR - but it is still able to protrude to a huge force, it is still able to crack spells - and it seems, it seems especially prefers freezing and crushing the dungeon. Keep the spells and abilities that scatter magic. During the battle, the daemon will open the shadow portals - destroy them immediately, or from them to the baroness will be drawn by an endless reinforcement. Demon Death will complete this quest.

After the battle, talk to justice and decide, he needs you as a companion or not. (He can decide not to join you, if before that you supported the baroness against the peasants.) Do not forget to inspect the Demon's corpse. Among other things, it is the key that opens the gate to the docks, where you need to look at several extra-wicked quests.

Navalny Quests

About the trail of love

In the destroyed house a few steps from the place where you met with the second group of wolves, you will find an empty bottle of poison on a skeleton and an angry letter from a certain maiden named Bonnie.
Go further until you reach the ruins of the village. Turn left immediately at the gate. The smokeshief you will find a "hidden key" with a hint where you should go further, namely, to look for the next key at the tree with some lighting. Get out of the northern gate and follow the path. At the fork, turn left. A little south of the old Cristoff camp at the tree with a torch you will find another "hidden key", which refers to a dead dragon. Dragon dance scattered everywhere, you probably have already noticed, and since the eyes are talking about eyes, then, apparently, you need a skull.
The skull is located in the central western part of the map, but you can get there only after you return from the shadows, following the plot quest "Shadow of Black Swamps." Opposite the skull in another hint, you will read about the place of water "opposite the baroness socket." Go to where you discovered the body of Cristoff. At the shore of the lake you will find another key - about the "high stones." Go to the place designated on the map as a circle of call. At the highest stone you will find the last key that will send you to a kind of pond. This refers to a small pond to around the middle of the path between the call of the call and the place where you found the body of Cristoff. At his shore you will find a bottle, and in it - a letter with a proposal of a hand and hearts and a ring, which was intended for Bonnie (+2 to all characteristics). This will complete this quest.

Cargo guilt

In the northern part of the ruins of the village - a little east of the place where you found a "hidden key" - you will find an old letter. It describes how not a very honest way earned a certain merchant in the past. The chest with his reward is located in the north-central part of the map, almost at its border, next to one of the breaks in the cover. When you take its contents, it will complete this quest.

Gap in Pokrov

Being in Blackman, you have already noticed that in some places the cover was noticeably tamed. Your companions probably commented this phenomenon when you passed by. You can improve the situation when you get into the shadow. In the northern part of the shadow blackman, there are three points, each of which is protected by several desire demons. Separate with demons and activate the devices that they protected. It shall the holes in the cover and will allow you to go among other places of the swamp among others. In the chests that will appear in these places in real blackmarch after your manipulations in the shade, you will find parts of a great delay of the Guardian (Sentinel).

Mystery of stones

This quest does not appear in the journal and is a similar quest gap in cover. You need to solve a small riddle in the Black Marchers to get a prize in his real prototype. In the northwestern part of the shadow blackman, you will find six stone blocks installed around. When you press them in the correct order, the fiery line runs to the center. Activate them so that a burning hexagon is formed as a result of the center. (Tip - After the first correct activation, activate the stone exactly opposite. After finding a third stone - again, activate the stone on the contrary.) That's what you should get as a result:

After you discuss the entire hexagon, several demons will alternately pounce. Disappear with them and activate the pedestal in the center of the circle. In the chest, which will appear in this place in real Blackmach, you will find an excellent gladiator belt.

Girl in danger

Near the crypt in the eastern part of the Shadow Black Marusha you will meet a girl who, unlike the other inhabitants of this area, it seems, is perfectly aware that is in the shade, and not in reality. After a short conversation, the undead will attack you, and it will run away to the crypt.
Separate with opponents and follow it. Woman you will find in the easternmost room. A further conversation will show that it is actually a hunger demon. If you decide to fight it, then be prepared for the battle with an orange boss and several of his assistants. If you are successfully applying the threat option, it will change his mind to attack you. The quest will be completed in any case, but if you defeat the Demon of Hunger, it will free the ghost of a real girl from his captivity. True, it is not enough for you in addition to moral satisfaction and some additional experience from killed opponents. You decide. In the room with a girl you will find an essence of magic, and behind the lid of one of the coffins in the same room - the essence of the physique.

The bones of the ancient Dragon

Collect the five bones of the dragon scattered across Blackman. You can collect them all only after you return from the shade, as some territories of Blackmarsha will not be available to you.
Bones are:
On the shore of the lake almost definitely to the east of the southern label "Incover" on the map;
Almost exactly in the middle between the labels on the map in the cover (the southernmost) and the call of the call;
In small ruins, slightly southeast of the Body of Cristoff;
in the docks (only available after the victory over the baroness);
At the skull of the dragon in the central western part of the map (only available after returning from the shade).

Having gathered all five, assemble (activate) them at the skull of the dragon, from which you found one of the bones. The passage to the north will appear.

Get ready for a battle with a dragon. It attacks electricity, so drove the corresponding potions. After you take about 25% of lives at the dragon, it will turn into a fixed ball. Little balls around the big bowl will begin to move towards it. Every time a small ball is somewhat with a large, dragon will heal a certain number of lives (the greater the higher your level of complexity). After all the balls are alone in one, the dragon will return to its former shape. It will turn into a ball several times after the loss of the next 25% health. Keep in mind that you can still apply damage to the dragon - even in the shape of a ball, although in this form it is immune to critical shocks.

If in your group there is a magician with at least two spells of the type of power field, paralysis or the runes of paralysis, then the battle can become very easy. Castae a paralysis or a power box on one of the little balls, preventing his merge with a dragon, but not damage without damaging him. Let the rest of the colleagues be straighted with other balls, and then will take a dragon. In the shape of a ball, he cannot answer you - so just threatened by him until he demolish all his life. And do not forget to push the holding spell on a small ball - if it rolled down with a dragon, he will immediately gain his former look.
The death of the spectral dragon will complete this quest.

Other quests associated with black swamps:

Work Masters

On the corpse of Mabari in the north-western corner of the first ruins - a little north of the place where you found the first "hidden key" in Quest "On the trail of love" you will find the veins that we are needed for the quest "Forest Heart". In a bunch of stones after the victory over the spectral dragon, you will find the bone of an ancient dragon, which is needed by Vada for the quest "to the dice."



A special gift is a kitten (located in the courtyard of the fortress of the fortress).
Gifts - jewelry, knitted scarf, collar with a bell, book about phylacteria.
Points of conversation - Statue of Andrasta in the courtyard of the fortress of the fortress, tree on Amarantina Street, Lyrium in the blacksmith of Cal'hirol.

Quest - Freedom for Anders

Not far from the tavern "Lev and Crown" there is an elf named Namaya. If you start with her with Anders in the group, then it will inform him that I found what he asked about, and it is in Amaranthina. After that, Namaya will be removed, and Anders will tell you what his phylacteria was meant. Anders intends to kidnap his phylactery, as it does not trust the temples and does not really believe that the status of a gray guard can protect him if they think of him to pursue him. Go to the building of an abandoned warehouse in the eastern part of the city - it is close to Gloous Glass Armor. Come inside. Survey the warehouse - and the temples will appear (they usually appear when you come to the back door), which specially arranged a trap. Looks like Anders did not know danger. If you are bypicing the wishes of the temples to arrest Anders, then you will have to fight with them. To settle the question of the world in this case will not work. Note: If you gave Anders a kitten, then it will appear in your inventory under the name of the sam Lancelap. Activating sulfur Lancelapa returns to the life of all the colleagues in the battle, while consciousness remains at least one member of the group.


If you have left Anders in the fortress of vigil and have not returned to her defense, he will remain alive if you have completed all quests to strengthen the castle and the equipment of your soldiers. Anders will die if you have not finished all quests in the fortress. Depending on whether you finished the personal quest of Anders or not and how highly its approval was, he can remain gray guard or leave their ranks.


A special gift is a toy pony (in the ruins of the village on black swamps).
Gifts are alcohol of any kind.
Talk points - bulletin board at the foot of the staircase leading to the Church in Amaranthina, Mountains in the Kal'hirol trading quarter, boat on black swamps.

Quest - Family man

Felsy will appear in the fortress of the Ridge, when the respect of Orena will exceed 25. Their root dispute will show you that Ogren joined the ranks of gray guards, contrary to the desire of Felsey and is not going to return to the family. In order to complete this quest, you need to wait until the ratio of Orena to you does not exceed 75. After that, in a conversation, he admits to you that is not created for the family and that Felsey is likely to understand it too. Depending on how you behave, you can get or lose influence with Ogren, but the quest in any case will be completed.


Ogren will die if you leave him to defend the fortress of the vigil, will remain to defend the amarantine and do not finish all the quests to strengthen the fortress. If Ogren remained alive, he always stays with gray guards. Depending on whether you finished his personal quest and how exactly, he can preserve good relations with Felsi and visit his son or completely eliminate their lives.


A special gift is the bow of the hoow (in the smile in the dungeon of the fortress of the fortress).
Gifts are all related to family Hou, useful things (sextant, tools, grinding stone).
Points of conversation - Statue Andrasta near the church in Amarantin, tree not far from the entrance to black swamps

Quest - Hou family

In the courtyard of the fortress, the old caretaker recognizes Nathaniel and tell him about the fate of his sister. Nathaniel will express the wish to find it in Amaranthin.
Nathaniel's sister, made, is located near Glassrica gunsmith. Her conversation with his brother will complete this quest.


If you do not take Nathaniel with you to Amaranthin and will remain to protect the city, Nathaniel will die if you have not fulfilled all quests for improving the fortress. If you strengthened the fortress with all possible ways, it will stay alive. Depending on how highly approval it was, it can remain gray guard or leave their ranks.


Talk points - Statue Andrasta at the entrance to the temple in Amaranthina, Elf Corpse in the Dolished Camp in the Vending Forest.
A special gift is a lurium ring (in Cal'hirol, in one of the eastern rooms of the central chambers).
Gifts are all related to Lyrium and Christoff.

Quest - Justice for Cristoff

Aura, the wife of Cristoff, will speak with justice, when he will appear in the courtyard of the fortress of the fortress, having accepted him for her husband. Upon finding noting the truth, the poor woman would be very upset and removed away, and justice will suggest you to find her in Amarantin to try to calm her a little. The aura is located in the Church building in the room opposite the room of the St. Mother. The conversation between her and justice and the promise of justice to revenge for the death of Cristoff will complete this quest.


Justice will die in the siege of the fortress of the Ridge, if you do not take it with you, going to the amarantine, and will remain to defend the city. He can die from your hand if you took it with you, took the side of the architect and could not convince him that this is the right decision. Depending on whether you finished a personal quest of justice or not and how highly approval it was, he may remain serve gray guards or choose its own way.


A special gift is an empty diary (in the church in Amaranthina).
Gifts are all related to elves, precious stones.
Talk points - Statue of Andrasta in the courtyard of the fortress of the fortress, a tree in Amaranthina near the building of the Church, two elfs near the southern entrance to the territory of Amarantina.

Quest - Execution

In version 1.3, there is a bug - the probability of a random meeting, which starts this quest, very small, and it may not happen at all. When traveling around the world map (usually between Amaranthine and the fortress of vigil) you will be stumbled upon a group of the Doli elves. Talk to their leadership, and then, in the fortress - with the velated. That's all you need to complete the quest.


Wellanna will disappear in the battle with the sealing of darkness in the siege of the fortress of the ridge, if you do not take it with you to Amarantin and will remain to protect the city. According to eyewitnesses, a huge stone collapsed during the battle of Elf, but her body will not be found.
In addition to approval, the relationship of the velans to the GGs after the end of the event of awakening may depend on whether the side of the architect has accepted. Upon completion of the personal quest, high approval and accepting the side of the architect Wellanna remains with gray guards. In other cases, it either leaves after a while or remains, but its relationship with the GG leaves much to be desired.


A special gift is a pylon tube (in the Sylveterite mine of the forest Vending).
Gifts - Toys, Book "Warrior Heart", flower in a pot.
Points of conversation - the counter of the Glasarian gunsman in Amaranthina, tree not far from the entrance to the forest Vending.

Quest - Past Sigrun

In version 1.3, there is an unpleasant bug - if you started the quest law and order or path of smugglers, then you may not get the Quest Sigruun at all. The meeting, which begins it, simply does not happen.
In Amaranthina, not far from Gloous Glassarika, you will push the Gnomka named Misha, who was familiar with Sigrun in the past. Talk to Sigrun about her, and she admits that it is not very beautiful (although forced) came with Misha at one time. Sigrun wishes to find Misha to somehow apologize. Misha is acquired in the tavern in Amaranthin. Sigruun apologize and suggest her ring as compensation for damages.
If you want, you can pay Misha yourself so that Sigrun keeps the ring as a memo about your friend, but in any case, after that, the quest will be completed.


Sigruun will perish with the siege of the fortress of the Ridge, if you do not take it with you to Amarantine and do not return to the protection of the fortress, regardless of whether all quests have completed on the fortress or not. She can die from your hand if you took her with you, took the side of the architect and could not convince her that this is the right decision.
Sigruun will remain with gray guards if its respect for GG is high and its quests are completed. In other cases, it will go back to deep trails. Awakening - Final

Ridge Fortress - Council

After you finish the three story quests - the shadows of black marshes, the righteous path and the last of the Legion - Seneshroom, Wereren applies to the Lords of Amarantina to discuss the military strategy. The Council will be interrupted by a girl-elf, which will report that the army of the species of darkness goes to Amarantin. In further conversations, it will be decided to send a detachment there under your command. Upon arrival in Amaranthin and disassembly from the very first group of species of darkness, the constable Aidan will speak with you. He will declare that the city fell and nothing can be done. After a few minutes, the parliamentant will be suitable for you - one of the reasonable origin of darkness sent by the architect. The architect transmits you anxious news - the army of the mother goes to the fortress of vigil.
You have to take an important decision. Stay and try to save the city or set fire to it with all the enemies (and remaining in living residents) and try to return and help defenders of the fortress. If you are interested in the consequences - the fall of Amarantina will rather negatively affect the reputation of gray guards in the future. On the other hand, if you have completed all the quests to strengthen the fortress, it has a chance to survive under attack and without your help. If you have not completed quests to strengthen it and improve the ammunition for your soldiers, the fortress will fall, and your friends left in it almost will die. But you decide.

Battle for amarantine

If you decide to save Amaranthin, then your first task is to help surviving defenders. Go around the city, helping the soldiers to deal with the sealing of darkness. In the main mass of opponents of rather weak, although from time to time among them come across elite.

When you deal with all the cutting of darkness on the streets and get an update in the journal, talk to the police leader. He will offer you to relax in the church building, where they keep the defense surviving defenders, after which you will automatically find yourself there. Coming out of the room where you, apparently, spent the night, you will receive a message that getting darkness so far somehow penetrate the city - and penetrate, judging by eyewitness, from the hotel. Get out of the church. Be careful - at the exit you are waiting for a couple of elite trees of darkness, including an archer, which can send your magicians to the forefathers with one shot.

Crashing with the breakers on the street, go to the hotel. There you are waiting for an orange boss, the student-general is a warrior-two-handed. Seveled with him and his minions, go to the secret move in one of the rooms of the hotel, which you could have noticed earlier during the quests of smugglers or Constable Idan. In a small dungeon, you will find the second general - this time the magician. Clearing the stroke, go further and you will go to the outskirts of Amarantina.

A little south-east of the place where you went to the surface, there is another generator of the species, this time for a variety of one more boss - a semi-ripped alpha ribbon. If you apply a few damage to the general, it will die for neighboring houses, and the BOSS-OGR will run out. It is better to fight with huge there, where you went outside, so as not to be distracted by the general - he himself will not suit you. With greatness everything is clear - as for the general, his class remains a mystery to me. He is casting a lot of spells, but at the same time can fight in hand and spell kicks mana for him. Perhaps combat magician?

In any case, after you are shaped with this couple, the defense of the amarantine will be completed. You will be reported that the event of the architect is now known where the mother's lair is, so you can only go there to put the final blow. Gloomy Glassrician and magic engineer stand not far from entering the world map, if you need their services in front of the final jerk.

Battle for the fortress of vigil

If you decide to come back and help the defenders of the fortress, then after returning you will joyfully welcome the comedors in it (and you will get the benefits in effect with all of them).

After the sum of the Saneshal report about the situation, you will have to fight back from the groups of the Darkness attacking the courtyard of the fortress. This battle will be much easier if you have completed all quests to strengthen the fortress and the equipment of your soldiers. For example, if you strengthened the walls with granite and hired good masters, then you will not have to defend them - the enemy will not be able to break them.

On the right side you will have reserves icons - like those you used in the final part of the beginning. If you have completed the Quest of Dvorkin on bombs, then you can use them (bombs) from there. Also, you will have an archers icons - if you follow the ways of smugglers in Amantin and released the will of the captive archer, then your arrows will be slightly more efficient. Archers and bombs can be used any number of times, but they will need time to recharge after each use.

The battle for the fortress of the voyage mainly consists of rather short battles in one part of the courtyard, after which you usually report that the new enemy wave attacks on the other side - so you should run there and correct the situation. After several battles, you will see a roller in which Seneshroom Barl alone protects the gate from the rib. Unfortunately, you will not be able to intervene in what is happening.

Take advantage of the break in the battle and, if necessary, buy medical recreensions in the healer standing in the courtyard. The battle for the fortress will continue until an orange boss appears in the yard - armored OGR alpha. After you deal with him, proceed to Herald. Like most students, he is a magician.
Herald's death will complete the battle for the fortress. You will be informed that the retreating causes left a clear trace and you can follow it directly to their lair.

Last jerk

Go to the new territory that has discovered on your map. It is a narrow mountain pass, where the most different developments of darkness live - from ordinary harlocks and gellocks to the heavily-seeming guiltle (though, this time, not the boss, and the elite).

At the end of the passage you will find ancient ruins. Do not rush to pass under the arch - it is better to carry out the origin of the darkness. If you go under the arch, the highest dragon will be painted on you, and in the battle with such creatures it is better to focus on them and not distracted by little things.

Go inside the ruins. They consist mainly of narrow bridges and as narrow stairs, which you will probably have a variety of rates of darkness, including heavy trucks and students (the latter are usually magicians). Inside the ruins, golden tevinter crystals are scattered everywhere. They can be found in the chests, in the "lumps of the flesh", on the corpses of the defeated enemies. All of them are twelve. Also inside the ruins there are three ancient magic circles - if you insert four crystal into each circle, you will get a small magic bonus for the last fight - you can once the spell of mass paralysis, healing (which also resurrects from the dead) and the fiery ball.

The second magic circle will welcome the architect. You can attack it right away or still listen to his explanations and then decide, agree on his proposal or not. If you refuse to offer an architect, then this will not approve Nathaniel, Velanna and Ogren. If you agree with his proposal, then this will not approve Sigrun, Justice and Anders. In the case of Sigrun and justice, you will have to apply conviction (a good impact will also help the case) - otherwise they attack you. If you decide to deal with the architect, keep in mind - it is a very strong magician and casts powerful spells of mass lesion. You can not pay attention to the Uta or to allocate a maximum of one member of the detachment on it. Compared with the architect, it does not cause big damage. If you have accepted the offer of the architect, then in the final fight, it is on your team once the fiery storm for you to help you. (The team appears in the fourth window next to the tev interc spells.)

One of the most unpleasant features of the mother is that she loves to impose a rune neutralization on your magicians, which instantly sucks all their mana and cancels all the protective spells, so keep the potions of Lyrima. At the beginning of the battle, the mother will cause himself a few elite sucks. After you deal with them, it will constantly call the help of children. Hold the spell or the skill of the mass lesion - the children always appear in an impressive quantity. Do not forget that they can shoot down. The spells of mass paralysis and the likes are usually very helpful in this battle. The rest depends on the composition of your group and your favorite tactics.

Upon completion of the battle, see the epilogue where you will be told about the further fate of Amarantina, its inhabitants and your associates. Congratulations on the completion of the game!

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- LPNRSAFETOBS RPG (TPMECHBS YZTB) h Tobote Fenopspy Zhofii PF BioWare.



PV YZTE with the BMM, OP RPLHRBFS OE Upetbmus. Rpuenh? Chuo RTPUPP, NEO Rpotbchimbush Pvmpslb - about Tedlpufs Omeupepnbfychobs Ztbzhylb oh n Yuen. DB, FBN EUFSH DTBPUPUYIL LTPCH MPZPFYR YZTSTSH. Chuye LFP Lbuufucopope Pftuopchbop, OP YozhpTNBGY PV Yzte about Pvmpsle Okmsh.


Hountem with YZTH h Dekfchyiy about LPNrshaft DThzb OphestoOP Umkhyubkop th Rposm, YuFP YZTB-FP Ochermpibes. Orulmshlp Sovie Oermpibes, with FPDDB EEE OE YOBM. DMSA LFPP Okhtsi RpsTBFSH JT LB LB Nyoynkhn Yuba. YuFP with th Udtbem.

Yuete RBTh Yubupch Yusztz with Vushch Hcheteo, YuFP LFP FB UBNBS DPMZPCDBOBS RPG on HTHPH NEUB NBZYY (6.7), RPSchmeoys LPFTPK with CDBM. RTyjobfshus Hztsu Oe Ttubuyifshchchbm, YuFP Rpschyfus RPG TBCHOBS YMY YUHFSH HUFHRBAEBS MIGHT & MAGIC.

B ChPP Rpschymbush. with VSchch h Chpuffze.


With OE MAVYFEMSH YZTBFSH About Lpanbtea Püheosh Hdychmsmus Uphtskophufi RTPIPPCDeejes Yztshch DBCE ON HUBBOPCHEOPN UMBVPN HTKHOE. RPFPN about PDOP ZhPTKHN RTPYUFBM h Yuen RTPVMEB Yu Chu Ufbmp Susov. RTPVENB MEYUYMBUSH RBFUEN, OP About NPA Chetuia Yztzchop Oh Pdyo RBFY OPNBMSSHOP OE UBBCHIMUS ... Crawyubfmeoy Ubbumb UBNB YZTB, Her Watsef, her Ztbühlb bfnpewest. Chuu Lushppts Uddeball PfMyuop th ether-spheres-item Zmal at Htpchoen Uphtskophufi ChPurtyoynbmus IPFSH at NBFPN, opireinp.

Ya, RPMShhhshushshuhuben, with RPPZTHYMUS H NYTT about 98 YUBUP 46 Nyokhf 2 Elektshpzp (Tabmspzp) Tuba. Holich H RTPGEUUE 2468 Rppzobogy Yiy 42 inputs 38 Dtbelpopch. B Rpftgfych 456 Oppults ( DMS Tobayia).

Rethechishie Lezhod's DP Zhigemb Yztbefus on PDOP Dzhetchoeois Uphbmpufy Yu Yukhufchhefus IBMFHTSCH, Chue Umbchop th chydob Lboueufsoobs RTPTBVPFLB SELI ІNEOFPCH YZTSTSY PF JDEPMPZY DP ZTBZhILY.


Nwby Yneen RBTh VMShyyi Zpectpdpch Yeulpmshlp Bethylene, LPFPTCTP RP Waacefh h Predemaoshk NPNofof Yztshch Rpdetzbafus Obrbdaisn ChThersch. X EUFSH HUME 6th VMShi MPLBGYK, LPFPSKET Okhtsi RPPUFIFSH. OelfPFPTCTCH Mplbyy Ynef Sciences Nyoy-Mplbyy, YuFP UEE VMSHPCHPK NYT.

Retepd of non-Retal MPLBGYSN Pooheeufchmsefus Raputedfchpn Lbtfshch, LPDB ChP Ktnez Rkhfi about ChBU NPZHF Obruboufsh, Obrubdbaf Chuslya PFNPTPLY ( Osebrumboytpchboop Utbceaue), LFP FPE OE DBEF TPUUBVYFSHUS. LBTFB NYTB HDPVOBS RPOSFOBS. Nya-LBTFB FPE. LTPNE IFPZP EUFS EEE LBTFSH SPTPDPCH Ocherputdufteopope Mplbyk. Momub, Reeetech, ITBNCH.

mbzetsh Omeshs OwppheychBFSH




NPTTYZBO - OBBFY ZTINKHBT Zhenhmeph, Khifsh Zhemeph (Pugeos Yofteethek th PDJA Uborfshi FThdashi Lesufpch)
Chlyo - Tboulbsef P UEV, Lesufpch Of
Retupobz Ya Lenoshet Hykg - Oe Otoba, Hym Uzp Utbi Oe Tskmem PV LFPN


Ya Oebbvschben DBTYFSH DTHSHSN Oil FPMSLP Brdbtlai. h Lfpn Umkhyuby Pfopesois Rapschebafus RP NBLUINKHN, Op Fblis Chu RTyoyunbaf Rapufy Maw Spring Rapdbtly.

BMYUFET - Zhibhtli spr
PZTEO - Khschchlb
Ufao - Tsychpryush
Skim - Raposfis OE YNEA
Memie - Gchefshch Bodtbufe
Complex - Lpufi.
Retupobz Ya Lenoshet Hykg - Dtbzpogo Lbna, Pedesdb


YZTBFSH NPCOP RPDLMAYUKHYUKYUS Yuete Yophetoef L Pzhygybmshopnh UBBFH YZTSTSHI FPDDB Updubbing Chbni RTpjymsh in Chbi Dpufyceauis VKHDHF Pvopchmsfshus about UBBFF RP IPDH Chbekhek Yusch. B FBLDCI VHDHF Demb phsus Wyltbob (Eumy TBTEYFEF) N Rpmshpchbfhem UNPSHF Rpobvmadbfs BB Tbchyfien chka Lbnrbya LB Zpchptymfsus on-line.

H RPIPD NPCOP VTBFSH FPMSLP FTEI RETAPOCKSK + Zambhchoshk Zetpk, Pufbmoshoschoshoshki Pufbafus h Mbzyt. Rtupobtsy RTyoopediosifus L Chbn RP EPDX YZTSTSHI PF CBU Obbchjuif RTyoynbfs yi h LPNRBAY YMY Of. NPS RPUFPSOBS RBTFYS - LFP DCHB ChPYOB at Hneojen DCHTHYUPP PTHTSYS DCHB NBZB. About the NPK Châzmsd LFP Yebdemshobs RBTFYS. FL NPPK YZT Ltyfyyoshucheosz, NPCop PVPKFYUUSI TEE CPTPCH, BDFFCH Lbnofoylpch y Mhuelpch ( Yurpmshkhs RPUPIY LB DBMSHOPVPKOPE PTHTSYE). FBEURPMEY FBLSKLY BMINY ( LTPN OBUBMSPP HTPCHOS), Czchzychyum th thumping MPChhylo. OP PP FPMSLP NPU UKHELFYCHOPE. Mealimli B Brevel Chkemosh about Retachpni Rpumedoen Obbre Yusch. About Retobilep, LPDB OEF Chlyoy Oellpnh Chpuhaybfsh. B. LPOKHPMSHP LSSPMSHP UmptsopchbFP YZTBFSH DBCU NBZPN-Melben h Rbtfy.


h Lbbn RPTSDLE with rtpipdim yzth.
PUFBZBT - MPFETIZIOS - TEDLMYZH - VBBIOS NBSR - PTBNNBT - Zhenf - Deethene - Khtob RTBIB - Meau - Deette


h yzte eugs oulpmshlp lenchefpch dpchpmshop urveza, Op Chutub NPCOP Urtpuyfsh about zhtknby
(http://forums.ag.ru/?board\u003dti_bg&action\u003ddisplay&s\u003d0&num\u003d1257193616&start\u003d0 ), Eumen OE RPMKHUBFEFUS RTPKFY UBNHIN. h YZT EUFSH OEULPMSHLP RPVPURSHOP LSUFHPH, LPFPTSCHA OE PupVP BZHYYTHAFUS, OP CHRACTERY LPFPTCHES DBEF CHBN HOYILBMSCHOP RTEDNFSH. h yzte RTPUPPP RTylpopopee L NBMPBNEFOPK UFBFCH NPCCF DBFSH Nadchchki Yofteethek Leruf in geo-rivers RTybni psppn.



PVSUSCHCHBFSH PVUKHSDBFSHA YPH NPCPA DP Woe Veulpoyufufi Furniture YozhpTNBGY RP LFP Fennel Hzze Czhatware About RTPUFTBI Yofetoefb About Nopey Eggs Nightb. B with FPMSLP CHISTBYM studio of RTyjobfemshopufs TBTBVPFülbn BB RTEDPUFBCHMUCK RTBDEYL Rpdemimus Affini Chreyubfmeoysh PV Pugeos Yiptpyek YZTE. MHYYUK RPG BBB RPUMEDAYA 9 MEF.

Jahchumptophop Yofteetoobe, OP OE Completion Prtbchdboba Uyufenb Chibinppophope at the Smya PFTSDB. LPFPTCT, L SMFCh, kbbuyuyuhh h Lfbodh, B RPFPN EEE RTBCHB Obujobafe LBYUBFSH. FBLYI CHAY ZOBFSH PVIDP. J Oh Okhtsi Yi Rpdbtlby Labdbwichbfs. NOE CHPN RFMBE RPCHIMI OILFP YAKY PUPPECTS RETAPOCKSK OE LBTYYYUYUBMY Y OE RTYPDYMPUKH RPFPN TSBMEFSH Перугемскочок Чпетцео е е езп Utdofchby y kneeoya. FPMSLP at the NPTTYZBO SHMSHKHUFSH SHEY PFOPEYS WILL OE OTSE 100.
YUHFSH OE Kvbvschm EEE PV PDOPK Yofteetopk Pupweoophufi Yztshch - ChPNPTSOFUFS VTBFSH H RBTFY WBVBTY CJSC. OP BFP Pfopufemshop Umbvschk, IPFSH V. Velapoyyuop Ting Chbets.

unscan of a grazing choshoschu h yzte (at the ONNY RTYMPUSH RPCHPSHUS):
NBZ LTPCH h in the NBSR,
Dtbep-PVPTPFOCH Zhemeph hdili Obenmsi,
NBFLB about smchvyofi ftprby,
Vechoshchuk briefly h Thyobi,
MPZEKO H Deousein,
Bielddenpo Ch Deethue


H Umkhyubi at Dtbnpopn-Pvptpfoen Zhemeph with DBCA RPDHNSchChBM, YuFP Khvifsh Her OE RPMKHYUFUS ChPCHE, RPFPN PRBBMPUSHPUSH, UFP with RTPUP TBOP FFDB RTYEYM (CTPCHOK RETAPOBSB X Neos Vile 12 ym 13). OP OPESP, Urtbchimus. DBCE TEN NPTTYZBO in its ibbnptplpk.

YZTH Kbälpuyim about 20 HTHR, Onenopp OE Dpfsokhm dp 21-zp ( BFB YozhpTNBGS DMS Tobayia).



ultyochemzhtzhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyzte Dragon Age: Obubmp.

dRP DMS DRAGON AGE: Origins - Awakening / RTPVHCDEY
Pzhigibmshop DPRPMoy - Ufbchyfus about YZTH Dragon Age: Origins - CHER DTBBPOD RTPDPMCBEF Wastufoha Mayaia Yuschch.
Ryubfsh NPPP PV LFPN OE VHDH. ULBCH FPMSLP, YuFP Cash Iptpbs pp Scales Yofteetobs. YZTPCHPU KATNES RTenetop 20-25 YUBUD. Eumy Lpoyoyop PupVP OE FPTPRIFSHUS YUFETYFSH.

PS. EMUY CHETIFSH LPOPCHLE - HZTPB NPTB Khuftboeob Khuchdbet, b h Otedby Obenmium Obtpcdbafus TBUB TBOHNK OCYFY. Tseden "In RTPDPMETSAYS WBBERF ... YMY OE Tden" y.

Chuzp about lpog 2010 z. x Th chchep 36 dls. RPUMEDAYY YA DPRPMAFEMFEEMS NYUUK:

babr BNZBTBTBBB (DPCHPMSHOP UYMCHOSTEKK Zhyobmoshoschakk VPU, OP Waacef L B Schui DPRPMYK Lchgshchk). CHAPVEE SKMKHVOSE FTPRsch h yzte about the NPK Châshmsd Vushchbr Ubnbs Umptsobs Yofteetuobs MPLBGYSI DPRPTUMYUS RP OEK Uppüchfufchhay Rpmkhemyush.
reosh Maimibunch (NEE Pümeos Rpotbchimus Wastuchef Ophi Nyutik).
pippb about schzn (RTPDPMCEYE YUFPTY CHBENPPFOPEYAKA Zambchopzp Zetps Dragon Age: Origins Jeschnach NPTTJSBY (PlpByuya BFK YUFPTY OBBCHUYF FPMSLP PF Cembaws YZTPLB)
ipoil RPTPCDEYAK FSNCH (YZTBEN BBBBBRK, RPLBBB Zhigemshobe Wyfchb, Zea Okhtsop Ubufy Btydenpob)

Starting the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening, you immediately have a choice, import the old hero or take a new one. I will not describe all the stages of creating a new character, as they are in the original passage. Yes, and I imported my old hero, which was developed much better than a new possible character. So, I imported or creating your hero, we start passing awakening ...

But everything will begin with the fact that you look at the screensaver in which the history of recent months is told. Archdoor Pal, but the division of darkness did not disappear. Let's bypass without spoilers, because you yourself can wonder what was in the video. You are heading to the tower, which previously belonged to Earlu Hou, but nobody meets on the way. Strange, right? And then the survivor will run away to you, followed by the waste of darkness. Kill them rather, it is not difficult. After the death of the terrible creatures, three talk with the survivors, asking him about everything I can. He will leave for the help that should be on the road, and you still talk to my companion Mkhairi, I think the information from it will not be superfluous. Next, go inside, straighten with grows and a pair of shallow dark choke and go first to the right corner of the card, save the survivor, then into the upper left corner. Two survivors will wait at the gate, and you go to the domestic gate.

Careful, you can suffer from the explosion of these most gates. And by entering them, the first thing is to kill the Emissar Gennel, which will be very unpleasant to conjure. In general, in Awakening, the passage of battles in most cases need to be started with the murder of magicians, but this is so, a lyrical retreat. After his death, run again to the upper left corner, saving one of the survivors. Here you will have updated the task for which you will need to get bindings for the guards. Quickly run to the right where you will have to save two more survivors and get bandages on the mark on the map. Did you get? Run back, wounded die! Give bandages and continue moving to the inner part of the Vygiva Tower. By the way, this location throughout the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening will be your home, so carefully with it.

And going inside, you will be surprised that the outpost is crushed. Finish the dialogue with Mkhari and go to clean the building. Immediately wrap the right on the map. There you will see a sorceress that smelled one of the origin of darkness. Talk to him and take into your squad. Go through this corridor to the end and save the survivor, which will update you the quest. So, we need to choke the entire tower and find other survivors than we and continue to do. Rise to the teeth on the walls and go ahead. Exterminate all that can resist, turn the ballast and make a volley. After the deaths of all opponents, go through and pull the lever. You look at the video video, in which you will see how one very cunning gnome blew off the detachment of the species of darkness. Well, we go further, because the passage of Dragon Age Awakening - awakening just begins ...

Disassemble the barricades, go down, kill the damage of the darkness and move to the opened gate. Before passing to the main hall, open the door on the left and release the survivor. Now - inside the main hall. After the death of all the origin of darkness, go into the room to the left, and then - right. After passing along the corridor, you will meet the old acquaintance of Ogren, which will be saved from the crowd of the species of darkness. Kill them and take an old friend in your team. By the way, it should be said that in all the passage of Dragon Age Awakening Ogren always accompanied me. Excellent jokes, great fighter ... Well, okay. Collect trophies and go to the right - you also killed everyone there. Free the last survivor and move to the north, since only there is a passage available to you.

In the corridor you will find Rowland, which expires blood. He will tell you the storm story of the fortress. And an interesting story about the talking effect of darkness. Well, it means there is something to do during passage. Go ahead, the road is there alone, along the way I cut the species of darkness, which in large numbers there is poured. Have reached a new way out of the walls of the walls? Save! And just now keep moving.

Go forward and kill the boss of the species, which, besides, also chatting a lot. At murder and end the liberation of the fortress. You look at an interesting video, in which you can take the neck and Anders in the gray guards. And you can not take. Choosing for you, but I would recommend, after all, take them. The company is superfluous. After that, you will tell you that this estate belongs to you. And the first thing you need to decide is to increase the number of gray guards. Conduct dedication. True, not everyone will survive him ... Let it be resting with the world faithful fighting girlfriend Mkhari. After that, continue to watch the video and end the chatter. So you complete the first stage in the passage of Dragon Age Awakening.

After that, you will find yourself in the throne hall of the Ridge Tower. There is a sorceress that you can enjoy the weapon, and a merchant who can buy something or sell something. Talk to the Mrs. Wulls, who stands to the left of the throne, and agree to her help. After her - talk to the captain Garvel. Both have one task that it cannot but rejoice. Well, Varel finally. After a conversation with him, you can already leave the throat hall, because there is nothing more to do here.

Going out of the throne hall and choosing assistants, you will talk with the guardian who will tell you about the small thief, which fastened four guards. She takes two more tasks. After that, immediately descend to the dungeon of the Tower of Ridge and speak with the jailer. And it turns out that Thorish is the son of Earla Hou. That's so an unexpected meeting. I think another gray guard does not hurt. Take it in your ranks and do not be afraid - he will survive. After that, talk again with Varla and press the oath when bringing the oath. Then again a conversation with Varla and two conversations in a row with those he calls. Also, the tammes should take a task about the attempt. And in general, talk with everyone in a row, I think it will not be superfluous to you. After all this, you have a difficult decision. Choose what is more important - protect the city, trading tracks or farms? I chose Ferm protection. And do not forget to talk about the conspiracy, after which you can safely finish the reception. In general, it should be noted that the passage of Dragon Age Awakening is just shot by solutions. Sometimes they are small, sometimes important, but decisions have to be taken independently.

Select to the street, you have a lot to do. First go to the blacksmith and listen to his eternal nagging. There you will be mentioned about good metal and armor for soldiers. Catch communication? After that, go to the sergeant, which is standing near the door, and talk about the remaining trends of darkness. Naturally, agree to help!

So, you go to the dungeon of the fortress where the creatures could still remain. The challenge will be cleared and it's time for you to move forward. And the first one you will meet is Mabari. Inspect his body and remove the scroll with the note. Some adiria hides on the lower floors. Well, bringing the way. In the next room you are waiting for darkness. After their death, go to the room in the north and select a letter and a gift. Then - in the room in the south, where the crypts jumped from the ceiling. They should also be deprived of life, after which they pull the torch in the wall in order to open a secret door with chests in which there are many supplies. Try to go to the passage of Dragon Age Awakening you have no undiluted territories and not completed quests.

Now you can return to the hall and continue moving to the dungeon. When you get to prison and overcome the ghosts, you will again have two ways to go. First we go to the west. Before you crypt with aggressive skeletons, which are best to bust. After that, search all sarcophages. You will find one key, and the locking wells will be four. Well, then will continue the way. Now from prison north. There you will meet that the adrio that you need to save. True, now it must be pretended, and not to save, since she became a ghost. The world of her dust, but it's time to move on. And then we have a challenge, whose clearing is needed about a week. Well, then moving upstairs. To the top, we were left to talk to the gnome and give him a big amount in 80 gold, if, of course, you have. And now you can leave the location.

Now let's go to the lost refuge, where the poor girl is held captive. The passage of awakening does not give us to relax. When the rogue leader speaks with you, you first demand to show you a girl, and then convince him to let her go. When he releases a captive - the robbers can be killed. From the leader of the robbers, be sure to take a very good dagger of the 9th level. All, from this location you can leave.

We go to the estate of the touroblov and go to the north right away. Here you are waiting for a handbone of darkness led by huge. Kill them naturally. True, the family will not save you. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to the sharing of the corpses and the killing of all hostile entities.

Come in Amaranthin and immediately go to the right to the box. From there, take the necessary diary from there, it will be more useful for you, because in Dragon Age: Origins - awakening the passage is thought out so that any trifle is given. Having passed straight, you will come across the Colbert, which you needed very much. Talk to him and ask where he saw the species of darkness. Finish the conversation with him, thank it and go through a little forward, where you will be passed the next letter. Well, excellent. Now I advise you to return a little back and wrap left, in order to take a task from a kind of dark person. The task is to talk to the innkeeper. Consider and move on.

You will try to block the road guards, but immediately his boss will appear and remove the negligent game of order from doing business. You will also make an offer to talk to him about smugglers. Well, you can talk and even need! True, if you go for the guard, then in the passage of Dragon Age awakening you will not be able to get into one location. Agree to his task and go to the market (it is left) to suspicious type. As soon as you start saying, he will run away. Do not worry, just follow it, systematically destroying a group behind the group. After the destruction of the last group, which will stand for the fortress, you can return to the guilty of the Guardians, Constable Aydan. He will send us into the lair of smugglers. Kill a dark personality near the entrance and take yourself a key. Now you can go down to the basement.

Immediately at the entrance, take a gift in the box and go on. By the way, it should be said that in Dragon Age the beginning - the awakening of the passage and dotting with gifts. And gifts are useful things, as they increase the ratio of the hero to you. And in the first room you will be waiting for the head of smugglers of companions. Not really and wisely on their part to stand and wait in the middle of the room, well, oh well, the world of their dust. Get out through the same input as they entered and put the task. Did you pass? Move on the market and ask the goods to the merchants, they are very good there. After that, talk to Mervis, a representative of the Trade Guild. He will tell that the darkness of darkness is sailing in the forest. Well, we need to run back there, and then trade is worth it. So, go there and go.

And here we are in the forest Vending. All that we need to do here first is to kill everything alive to the bridge. Sharpen every corner, search all the chests and kill both trees and robbers. When finished - cross the bridge. And then there will be the most interesting in the Awakening passage of this location. Elf will appear, which will require the return of her sister, otherwise it will continue to kill people and rob caravans. Well, move forward. Here you again have to beat and cheat until you find the survivor. Its location is noted on the map, so do not lose. After you bring a blow to mercy, darkness will appear ... poor creatures, we thought to get excited ... Now we move to the cubs of the Doli elves, along the way, destroying the enemies called by elf. At the top you will have to talk to her again. Here you will have to take it into a detachment and go to take the assault of the mines in which the waste of darkness is hidden.

Not dark in mines? Yes, in the fresh air is definitely calmer and more cozy. Go down and get used to the passage of Dragon Age Awakening will often challenge us in such corners of the world. Passing by the circle you will witness your own showdown by Emissary. Okay, we'll figure it out with him. In the meantime, we are waiting for the end of the roller, in which serenions, the sister of our new alliance will give us the key and run away. And we should not linger, it's time to run. First, run to the north, we are well ahead and get a pair of records in the diary, and then down, south. Take the ballist, which gives the crowd of enemies, then go down and seek the survivor. From the next hall, there are still developing darkness, which you should also kill. Move everything down and down. On the way, you will be attempted to make the darkness, which shook the armor of Ogren. Well, isn't the creature? Kill it and re-dress our beloved gnome. On the first fork you will see the last surviving gray guard, which will ask to take the ring, which he stolen, his wife. Okay, we will take it. But when we find. In the meantime, moving on ... In a large cave we throw in our bare hands another crowd of the species of darkness and begin to collect trophies. There will immediately lie the corpse, dressed in the uniform of your mug. We change it soon, let two characters already be normally equipped. Now you can go further. The passage is still one ...

And now autosave and a new hall with two experimental, dressed in our clothes. Pick and equip, there is nothing to roam bare. Although they fought well without armor, but still the passage of Dragon Age Awakening is made much easier if you are dressed ... there will be the first fork. And we first go east. In a small impasse, take the lyry sand in the deposits and explode the remaining room in the East. In this room, two useful enemy are at once - the Dragon Tamer from which a pretty hammer drops. The ring that we need across the quest, and the dragon, from which you need to pick up the science. Also here is the fresh Dragon Egg, which is better to pick up than to leave garn. There is nothing more interesting here and you can go to the southern tunnel on the first fork. And again the hall in front of us, in which you need to kill everyone. From the useful here only the scales of the dragon, filmed from the carrier. And we also have only one - south.

In the south, roll to the architect room in the east. A small piece of the code and a small amount in 8 gold coins should brighten the absence of your things. By the way, you can not collect the code, but the most complete passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening is a passage with a fully assembled code. In the meantime, moving down the map. And there you are waiting for a tricky merchant, with whom you can bargain and which you need to invite a voyage to the tower, as well as a chest with all your things. Broken at the merchant what you need and go to the next room. And there you will see the most interesting leader of the species of darkness. And dragons that will try to kill you. They are pretty strong, and they will not be able to kill them. Therefore, try to combine the potions and skills, braking the opponents. The main thing is not to give them to take off, otherwise they come out from under the fire, tearing away the skills. After their death, the mysterious effect of darkness will leave, and you will need to take Velana into the gray guards. Excellent, an extra ally will not hurt. Now collect trophies from the bodies of the dragons and move on, to the long-awaited exit.

Now I suggest visiting the Tower of Ridge, where it is worth talking to the Kuznets. Talked and got a task? Excellent, now give it to the subsection of Ruda and talk to the Dvorannik, who stands right there, nearby. He should give the lyry sand you found before. Then talk to Voldrik, which will ask to find the granite deposits for the repair of the tower. Agree and go to talk to the rank, which will give you 10 gold gratitude and send to the throne room for the court. Be sure to survive before going there, suddenly you swell something into the passage of awakening ...

In the Throne Hall talk to Varla and the court will begin. The first thing is the case of a peasant Alec, who stole two grain bag from our treasury. What do you do with him? Hold? Or punish your whore? I decided to invite him to the army and did not lose. Everyone was satisfied. The next thing is civil. There you must choose who to give the earth - the arrogant maiden or our ally. But the trouble, the girl has official paper confirming her right to property. What do you choose? I chose the third option. And the last thing. Place a noble nobleman in prison and all things to think about choosing? That's fine, the task is made and you can go out.

Now talk to the sergeant, which is standing opposite the entrance, and pass to the cleared rip. And they found out the depth trails. Well, we will explore. We immediately move to the north, where you can get used to a little and sacrifice the gold statuette, and then we go south and exploring the territory. There, having passed along the alley and killing a couple of treatments in the opposite, turn to a mine with gems and get out there. Then return to the main path and move on. When you come to the fork, it will be found that it is no development, and the path is only one - south. Before the circle forgotten, be careful, since there are skeletons that need to be drunk. Do and go on, because the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening does not stand still.

Follow the bone track and save in front of the door to the forbidden room. As soon as you go, the ghost attacks you, which is quite difficult to kill. And when you almost dismiss it, he will fly away in an unknown direction. It is necessary to find it soon. Our path lies east. Run along the corridor, along the way, collecting all the goodies. When you get to the corridor with evil spirits - autosave will occur. Kill the boss and all trifle around. Then quickly pick up the restriction of trophies from the body and kill the ghostly appeared. So, killing the ghost, you will finish the task and start a video in which our friend-gnome will reveal the gnome mechanism to close this passage. Excellent, the task is made and you can go upstairs with the sergeant Mverlis. Now you can leave this card. I propose to go to the stubble hills.

First run north and destroy two executioners. Then go along the path to the east, go through the bridge, listening to Nathaniel comments and persist. Next, go and go in one direction, along the way, choose the things of hunters and save the gnome woman, which is the fiber of the Darkness. She will tell that Legion did not cope with the creatures and alive was only alone. Take her to yourself and go down to Kel Hirol.

Here you are in a long forgotten city of gnomes. Now admire the view and go down. There, talk with Yukka, gnome when death, and move forward. One way is not mistaken. Kill the species of darkness, collect trophies and pass through the bridge. After it will immediately save just in case. Nothing remarkable will not be to the largest hall, in which you first get acquainted with the larvae children. Kill them all, there is nothing to leave all sorts of scum, and enter the main hall. Caution, here a bunch of traps. Kill everyone in the hallway and go further. You will see one enemy who has not attacked you yet. This is the owner of the golems. Quickly quickly kill it and take the rod of the head of the golems from his body. It will be useful to you for the painless killing of the above-mentioned golems. Now collect trophies from them and go on. Ahead on the stairs, revitalize the golem, let him hold for you. And you kill everyone, take the trophies from the chests in the north and south, and pass the lobby. Next, you will see the sea of \u200b\u200bghosts who pretend that they live their lives. Go and go on one way. Something particularly notable on the way you will not meet. So you will come to yourself calmly at the entrance to the trading quarter. In general, it should be noted that in awakening the passage of locations is quite linear, therefore it is easy to do it ...

Immediately you will see a roller in which some of the raising of darkness kill others. Well, let him fight evil with evil, good - a little will help. Go forward. And from the main hall to the room in the north. Take the belt from the sarcophagus and kill three of the busiest golems. After that, you can move on, east. In the next room, kill the species of darkness, which are fighting each other and go to the room to the south, where the gnomes should be taken. They will fit you on. Now - north.

Having reached the forge and again destroying the crowd of the treasures of darkness there, go for it, collect trophies and replete broken things with the help of your head and anvil. Let me remind you that throughout Dragon Age: Origins - awakening passage does not happen unnecessary components. Things are not very good, but for the collection will be by the way. So you will reach prison. A certain stefan is concluded in the cage. Take a rune from him and release to the will. To the left of the cell is an anvil. Use it and chat with Ogren. After prison, the development is waiting for you. First, south, where you will find the area marked as grave. Before you Runet Stones and Sarcophag in the Center. Click the runes so that the signs on them correspond to signs on the walls. It is easy to do it, so it's not worth attention. When all five signs are in their places - run to the grave and take interesting gloves from there. Now you can return and go to the southwest with a fork.

Clean the remainder of the terrain, shake the treasury, and go to the pile hills, so that you go to the Tower of Ridge and unload a little. I personally did not have place left at all, so we will continue to clean Cal Hirol a little later. In the meantime - in the Tower of Ridge. Here give the ruda to the blacksmith, and the sketched - Dvorkin. He is also a luristic sand. After that, go back to the pile hills and from there to the shopping area. And from the shopping area - to the lower limits. We continue clearing ...

And below you start running the tunnel until you reach the Golem and Maga-Ringing of Darkness. They must be killed ... What, in principle, not so difficult to do. I immediately threw my thief to the magician, having wrapped it, and, while the thief was entertained, the rest killed the golem. And the magician was no longer difficult. Then move along the remaining corridor, killing the crawling tentacles. When you get at the very end - overripe two chains, which will kill the uterus. After that, it can be considered Cal Hirol stripped and exit from there. Another stage in the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is completed.

And we will go again to the Tower of Ridge. Push the riot of peasants in the bud, after which, talk to the Kuznets, giving him the shell of the golem. He will give you a list that he needs to get to work. Well, we will look for. For while go down to the basement and go to the glue that you still have not opened. All three remaining keys should already be with you. Opened? Come inside, clean the tomb from ghosts and collect trophies. Very good boots are lying there. Now you can leave the basement and climb into the throne room. And in the throne room you are attempted. Well, death to them. After that, take those wishing to gray guards and finish with equipment. We are waiting for Amarantine!

In Amarantyna, give a happy empty Mike, for which you get a cash reward. After that, go to the market and inform the excellent news of Mervis. If you convince you to pay extra, then get 30 gold in the amount. Excellent. In the same place, take all the tasks from the Board of the Trade Guild. Pass a little north, and, rebuilding the house, take a woolen coat in the chest near the locked door. Here is an element for armor. By the way, the lyrium potion of the master was welded to me Velana, for which she thank you so much. Now let's go to the restaurant "Crown and Lion". First go to the end of the restaurant and talk to Nida. She must give a wedding ring that her husband died, trying to make this world better. Then go to the owner of the tavern and talk to Him about Christopher, gray guard. Take the key to the room, since Christoph did not appear for a week. It is necessary to check that it can be. Inspect the card from which it becomes clear that Christoph is on black swamps. We go there, but later. Take trophies from the chests and go to the innkeeper. Convince him that it is necessary to prevent the view that trusts smugglers. On this purpose, the task will end, since you now just help help. Well, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening will not appease from this.

And now we go to church. If not pray, then for a bunch of tasks. From the bulletin board, take everything, and take the flower pot. Now talk to Winn, old familiar. Agree to fulfill its task, the old girlfriend is still. Then dive into the church. There, collect all the trophies, inspect everything that you can, and talk to the temple. Then go to the girl and take the quest for the search for the missing husband. Now move to the restaurant, where to the right of the rack you will find a piece of scope. It mentions the pavements high above the city. Okay, get there. But first go beyond the city walls and destroy all the robbers. Returning, find the second home to the right of the trail and in the compacted land will find the treasure that was looking for. This is a pathetic ring, but the task will be fulfilled and it will be possible to sigh on this subject with relief. Next run around the city, finding three malers, and kill them. After that, get a quest for killing their leader who is in the corner of the trading area. After his death, we go to the preacher for the award. Took? Well, of course, you should not leave her, not in vain in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening passage is always trying to lure money from us. Now go to the gate, where it is constable, and go to the left door, if you stand back to the city. Here you will immediately see the chest with the first-aid kit, and a little further - a new piece of note. Now go beyond the city, to the exit itself. On the left stands the house in which there is a hanging husband. The world of his dust ... Go to Alma, tell her about everything. Now we have finished all quests in the city and let's go to the forest Vending.

In the forest, we need to find nine silk sections, which are necessary in Quest, eight statues and five pieces of Silvanov's bark. So run around the map, searching corpses, describing the statues and killing Silvanov. Clear location is impossible. When you all do it - you definitely discover the corpse of a scientist from which you need to take a stone and a diary. Next, run to a circle of stones in which the missing stone should be invest. After that, go around the circle, pressing all the stones. This will give an emerging chest with a necklace inside. True, the necklace is silent, so you can not really try. Then, in the same part of the card, go south and talk to Ines. She will ask to bring her seeds of one plant, northern sinkovids. And after that, she will go with you to the conservimium magicians. Well, it is necessary so necessary. You can find it in the north of Ines, to the right of the mine. Take the seeds and come back to Ines. She will thank you, will give a reward and go on the road.

Now and we can return to Amarantine and take all tasks. Did you pass? Go to Glassrik's gunsmith and buy a clean iron. You can now go home to go home. Talk there with Voldrik, give him a granite samples and highlight the soldiers. He will be happy and happy, and you will receive a unlocked achievement and completed task. Then give all the ingredients to the blacksmith and take the armor from him. The blacksmith, of course, will smoke, but the armor will be excellent. He and in the original game, and in Dragon Age the beginning - awakening grumbled a lot ... So it's time for us on black swamps ...

You meet dates fell in the video. You will have to straighten with them as soon as you go through a couple of steps forward. Well, we will do. Now collect trophies and go along the path. On the first fork, destroy another batch of wolves, take a love letter from the destroyed house in the "process" of the trails in the south and move clearly north of the development. Having passed a little along the path you will come across the dragon bone. Guess why do you need her? That's right, to insert into the skull lying nearby. Come forward to the break in the veil and inspect the veil. It will not work here, so unfold and go to the fork with which you will go to the northeast, to the destroyed house and on, in the gate of the destroyed city. Here you will first come across with seeds, but they are banging opponents. In the city, you should first go to the north, where there is a riddle, which is a continuation of the quest, and seize the corpse of Mabari, from which we get the veins we need. Also, a little on the right, there are a chest, an old letter and a bundle of the root, which behave extremely aggressively. Destroy them and go even east to pick up urban archives. Now you can go through the northern gate. Again will meet a break in the veil, which will give you a new task. In the fork, go back to the north, where you will find the third riddle and a few iswolves. And the temporary refuge of Christoph, which is much more interesting. So in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening The passage is gradually revealed ...

Well, we take a little west. In the circle of stones, take the discarded page, kill the next west and, having passed a little more west, take the dragon bone. Now go along the top edge to the east. Here, one of the breaks in the curtain, you will find a cache that left a unlucky merchant. Everything, his mission is complete, we are moving south, after another dragon bone and a bundle of experience from killing inhabitants of the swamps. When they found the third piece - go to the east, to the body of Christoph. There you will find the last piece of dragon bone. Then use Christoph's body and find yourself surrounded by the rally of darkness. And some one will try to throw you into the shadow. But she also throws himself too. Here is the valley ...

Then he refuses to cooperate and will on our wards, which is elementary to kill. Well, we will act here, the benefit of the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening it allows. Go along the path to the first clash. Here you will see the right device for breaking the veil. Use it and one of the ruptures closes. I think it is clear what they want from us. Further go along the top edge of the map to the West. Next to the Runic Circle you will find another device. Destroy desire demons and close the device. Then go to the rune circle and begin to light the stones. Slash them very easily, therefore it is not worth the description. After the insight, you will be attacked by the demons of the wrath that will appear in turn. After the death of the latter, a stand for the rune will appear, which must be activated, in order to influence the real world. Going further to the west, still holding the edges of the passage. In the corner you will be stumbled upon the last device to be put out. Have extended? Go ahead...

And then it's south. When you get to close entrance to the village - save. Then envelope it on one way available to you, killing everything and everything on the way. On the pier there will be another permanent increase. But further, before the entrances to the crypt, you will meet the girl who comes to visit the ashes of his father. But again, "someone" goes, and she hides in horror in the crypt. You will deal with these "Kemi". Then - dive into the same crypt. There run on the road to the first fork. It will wait for you a restless soul. She will run along the corridor to the west, you run behind her. It turns out she arranged a trap. Burn the demon and move south with a fork

There you will be waiting for monsters and the transition to the new area. We need us there. Come in bold. Sun around the village, collecting new constant gain, and come to the center, to the spirit of justice. Talk to him and mooring to the evil baroness. Op-Pa, surprise, which in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Passing is thrown into the mass. Our old acquaintance has already agreed with her. So first kill him. And kill, since he is constantly distracted on your random allies. It is easy to do. Now he is the corpse and Baroness takes his strength, and you are in the real world. And the very spirit of justice joins you, only in the human body. Re-gain a detachment, given the impossibility of throwing out the spirit of it. After that, quickly run, destroying the shadow portals. After all portals are destroyed - we run into the estate. There you will have to kill the demon, which was in the baroness, which is not difficult to do. After that, go to the west, open the gates closed earlier and shake all the boxes, and the dragon bone including. You will also find a sword there, which was needed by one Lord. Great, now moving to the head of the dragon. When the last bone becomes in place, you will see the flashing something that the spectral dragon will be on the calibration. Go up and kill it. And when he jumps into a circle, do not let the lights reach it, as it will be treated. But it is not difficult to kill it, just for a long time and Mouorne, which is not typical for the passage of awakening. After that, take the bones and trophies and go ... to the place of death of Christoph. There you will find the fifth riddle. Then run to the circle of stones and take the sixth riddle. And from there - run right on the map, to the pond, which is the third left. There you will find a bottle with a ring and a note than and finish your quest.

Head to Amaranthin. There are going to the restaurant and take oil into the room on the right. And then - to the Tower of Vigil. Give the blacksmiths sword for execution, collect all the necessary components and enjoy the wearing weapon in the game. Yes, just not rolling your lip. After graduating from the game, it will be stolen. And you will not be able to complete the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening so that it remains with you. But while it belongs to you, so use. Then, if you have finished all the other things, talk to your sene and go fight. And here, at the head of the tiny detachment, go to destroy the origin of darkness. Nothing reminds? And I have good associations with the original game ...

Come to the city and kill those nearby. Then you will bring the news that the mother will soon storm the Tower of Ridge. And you are the choice where to go and what to protect. I preferred to burn amarantine and advance to protect my tower. Perhaps the most difficult choice throughout the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening ...

And then there was a tower protection. A lot of fighting and not enough that you can tell. Four stages of protection, all are associated with the murder of enemies - that's all. Orel Pal, and it was a grave loss. But after the enemies retreated from the walls of the fortress, I decided to move behind them to kill the uterus. Get out of the territory and go to the mother's lair. There you have to move in a straight line, killing the origin of darkness. At the end of the location, you will see the highest dragon, which also has to kill. When everyone is dead - go inside. As soon as you enter - a sister of your wizard will speak with you. And she will give us a message from the architect. Okay, we will understand. While the road is one - go ahead, destroying opponents and collecting crystals. Under the screw staircase, insert four crystals into the cells than activate the artifact. Go further and you will have a conversation with the architect. You choose, listen to him or not. I just don't have confidence in all sorts of creatures, because I rejected his proposal and killed the difference in darkness. Then activated the second tower. Are you collecting crystals? When all three artifacts are activated - dive into the nest.

And in the nest, everything is completely simple - talk to my mother and kill it. Kill her for a long time, but just. It is better to immediately throw three fighters on the tentacle, and one, the strongest, chop the mother itself. So you keep the balance and give an interesting achievement of the hero. And the death of the mother will end and the game ... You will honor a lot of interesting things about the coming events, but ... you can read them themselves. For SIM I discard the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening completed!