Full passage of L. Noire. L.A. game passage Noire L A Noire Mission

It is not easy to be a detective - any trifle can cost things, any error in conversation can confuse the investigation. But with the help of this guide you are easy to wind in the criminal world of Los Angeles.

Coela Phelps's career begins with a simple patrol post

The first rule of detective

The main thing is what should be remembered by a novice detective, so this is that developers, like he, blood is interested in the smaller player stuck. To facilitate life to us, they gave a lot of tips and hints of different thickness.

Here they are:
Suddenly, the well-faced disturbing music says that the hero went beyond the crime scene and will not find any evidence.
Doors handles that can be discovered are yellow.
Quiet conquer hints at the fact that within a meter and a half from us - evidence.
If the evidence is a piece of paper, it is always well noticeable, and if it is a jewel, she blends from time to time. Bright light falls on larger evidence or important containers.
If a detective, taking the subject, declares that he is not suitable in evidence, it means that it is.
Detective often looks toward the desired evidence.
If the partner proposes to go further, then you have been collected from the crime scene, everything is critical for the plot. The opposite is true - if the partner does not want to leave, something is missed and need to continue the search.
The partner is very often stuck next to the desired evidence (or at least in the same room).
If the hero took the subject, and a hint appeared in the corner of the screen that it can be rotated - it must be turned it. If a message appears that you can continue to continue the inspection, it means that the subject can be disclosed or disassembled.

"The lady, give Smolny!"

Suddenly designated on the mini-card, the phones hint that would be nice to call the office.
When the story scene ends, the hero often independently makes a few steps to the other side, in which we need to go.

And now let's look attentively on separate elements of the detective work.

Inspection on the spot

So, a crime was committed! The first thing we go to the scene of events to collect evidence, determine the hooks and develop the first versions.

First you need to find out what happened. May the policeman tell you about it. Listen to the officer who arrived at the scene first. Talk to the coroner. After that, immediately proceed to the inspection.

If there is a corpse, inspect your head and neck, as well as both hands (especially in women for traces of rings or bracelets). In men, inspect both floors of the jacket - most likely there will be documents or notebooks.

Inspect all the evidence marked with yellow signs. Will go around the territory and carefully inspect the paper, objects, traces of shoes, traces of blood - everything that is even slightly distinguished from the landscape. In the extreme case, you can try "Spam" - chase a detective at the crime scene, often pressing the mouse button.

Only then proceed to interrogation of witnesses, victims or those. Who discovered a crime.

Truthful, hidden, false

Interrogation is the most difficult part of the game. It is easiest to be mistaken and mistakes are more expensive. There is, of course, a way to facilitate interrogation, but it is not entirely honest. However, if you do not want to fill up, but the thought to start it re-seems to you not particularly successful, think that immediately after the sound speaking about the unsuccessful choice, go out to the main menu and boot - so you will return to the beginning of the interrogation.

Looks like Phelps split another heated

The easiest way to recognize a truthful answer. After him, the expression of a person does not change, he is calm (or angry) looks at a detective. But on average, only every third-fourth replies are true. But if the person after the response is obscured or twitched if the eyes ran, it means that we need to press the interlocutor or blame him to lie.

A short frame with a "doubting" expression of Felps's facial expression is usually (but not always) speaks in favor of the option "Press". To make a choice, go through the found evidence. To successfully catch the interlocutor on lies, we can come in handy:
The evidence, just found in the inspection of the housing of the one who we are interrogative (for example, the interlocutor says it was at home, but in the next room - his wet clothing).
The testimony of previously surveyed people (the interlocutor says he was at home, but the neighbor said before that he saw that he left).
The notes found earlier, phones in the notebooks (the interlocutor says that he did not know the victim, but in her things it is his phone number or note).

If the case is completely confusing, as a last resort, you can use the "intuition", which the character sails as the experience gained. It is used like this: we either request the virtual "Help of the Hall", or ask to remove the deliberately incorrect version. But there is no big sense in this, moreover, intuition is a very limited resource.

If the suspects are already captured and sit through the rooms for interrogations, after the conversation with each of the Phelps they will need to choose one and blame him to close the case. Who exactly will you choose, is not really so important.

Chase in hot blood

To put the partner in the tires, you need to tightly "sit on the tail" pursued

There are two types of chase - automobile and hiking. With automotive everything is clear: sit on the tail, taraim. At first it will be the only way to stop the fugitive, later our partner will shoot on wheels (but only if you stay closely). Car chase, in general, are made so to shoot a player, so if you are afraid to break your car, just try not to lag behind, and in a minute, another fugitive will hesitate to a dead end or disassemble his.

Very often, suspicious personalities at the sight of Phalps rushes. It is impossible to miss them. Rules in hiking such:
If at the beginning of the detective in the hands there is no weapon, it means that he needs to literally catch up with the runaway and pour to the ground (the left key of the mouse).
If in our hands a gun, you can stop the fugitive, if a few seconds aiming him in the back.
If armed and fugitive, here. Most likely, you will have to shoot.

Boxing with shooting

Schedules often end the side tasks, but there are enough of them in plot investigations. There is nothing complicated here: aimed, shoot, recharging the pistol. From the fallen enemies, you can and need to pick up rifles and "Thompsons" - they are better than a pistol. But it is not necessary to hide behind the shelter: a few gets in the chest Phelps will endure without difficulty. The fact that the case is bad, tells the changed color of the screen and the sound of heartbeat. The mini-card is very useful in shootouts. It shows not only the direction on the enemy, but also, above it or below.

Fight detective will also have often. But there are no special difficulties here. Climbing the right mouse button, beam left. Do not forget to close the block. To bring the enemy of the system as soon as possible, it's best to try to grab it for breasts and knock down. Lying beat more convenient and safer.


And finally, sometimes you need to trace a person so that he does not suspect the wrong. The rules here are:
At the car, stay away from the purpose and try not to violate the rules. The distances in which the goal on the mini-card begins to flash, is quite enough.
When leaving on foot, too, hold on to a decent distance, and you do not have to throw to the shop windows to depict a random passerby. When the object turns over the angle, run there and. Not sprinkling, wait until he leaves away again. This will help you a view from a third party.


That's all you need to know to quickly get used in the Police of Los Angeles and start disclosing the first things! Good luck!

If you have problems with passage L.A. Noire You can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game.L.A. Noire . In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you.passage L.A. Noire read on our site.

Chapter 1. Patrol Department

When we start passage L.A. Noire, we show an introductory video, after viewing which we will immediately start passing the game.

Case 1.

After arriving at the destination, we inspect the evidence: a blood stain on the door, a reflection of weapons, a newspaper. Then we go around the left side and climb the stairs. There we will find weapons. Almost all weapons in those times were registered, so we go to the right weapon shop and ask the seller to give us the address that is attributed to the weapon. Then we go to the apartment to the suspect, calm the temper, and then inspect his bedside table.

Case 2.

Mission to destroy gangster ryog. We come to the place of robbery and kill opponents: first we are working at the top, and then go to the building. We kill everyone until we say that the mission is passed.

Business 3.

We run for a criminal, catching up, beaten, and then arrest and take us in the area.

Business 4.

Go to the designated place on the map. There we first look at the body. In the jacket we find a check. Then you can explore the marked evidence, and then suck in the garbage to find a gun. On the sidewalk we find bullets. After inspection, the crime scene go to the store and dig in the shelves. Then begin interrogation of a witness. So that everything is correctly chosen such options: what happened - a lie, suspect - doubt, shooting is true. Then we go into a familiar store with weapons, we find the owner of the pistol. We go to the jewelry shop, but the seller does not want to communicate with us. We run behind him, and then, when it gets closer, we do a shot. Full description L.A. Noire You can look at our site.

Chapter 2. Road Police

Case 1.

Go to the car. We make an inspection and search for evidence: glasses, documents, check and a piece of the bloody pipe. Then proceed to the interrogation of the right person: the reason is true, familiarity with Black is doubtful, the trumpet is true. We go to place the accommodation of the victim. In the room we find matches, photos, eyewear case and ticket. Then go to the kitchen and find a brochure there with a receipt. We call on the phone and learn the address of the bar, the name of which is indicated on matches. In the courtyard we decide the puzzle with the pipes and find out that a piece of pipe in the trunk is the missing element. Interrogate the Black Wife. Choose on all questions "True", but when answering the question about the photos, she will answer the Council. Now we go to the bar. Interrogate Mr. Morgan: A car is a lie, proof - receipt, the location of Black - doubt. After all the actions done, we will have a choice - to take Morgan with political or go home and close the case. You can close it, but for moral satisfaction will go to Morgana home. There we will find Black. Morgan to go into running, so we have to catch up and arrest it.

Case 2.

We look at the corpse and clothing. Then we carry out the inspection of the marked evidence and we are looking for a knife in the tank nearby. After that, proceed to interrogations. The first witness: what happened is true, the description of the car is true, the dispute is doubtful. Witness in the cafe: an accident - doubt, acquaintance with the victim - True, a quarrel - doubt, business doubt. We go to the plot and recognize the owner of the car. Then we go to the house to him, but he, of course, will run away from us. Catch up with it. Then we are going to the dwelling of the Patchssone and interrogate the hostess: an accident - doubt, a quarrel - doubt, proximity to Sabo - a lie, proof - a letter. Then we will go to the morgue and listen to the doctor. Then we will return to the sacrifice house and discover the runaway Sabo. We shoot in it and the case is done.

Business 3.

We come to the task and search the car. We find such items in it: lingerie, handbag and some letter. Then the doctor will give us a medallion, and we will proceed to interrogation: alcohol - doubt, a passenger - a lie, proof - underwear, amulet - doubt, Bishop - doubt. After that, we go to the hospital and interrogate the girl: a catastrophe - a lie, proof - linen, parents - a lie, proof - a letter, Bishop - doubt, rape - really. Then we have to trace the girl, but you can not get too close. It turns out that she comes to a cafe. We go quickly into the institution, sit down for the desired table and listen to their dialogue. Now we go home to Bishop. There we find photos, receipt and a thing like a medallion. Interrogate his wife: Enemies - doubt, whereabouts - True, Check - False, Proof - Check, Rape - Doubt. We use the phone. Let's go to the store, there we will find a can with liquid on the shelf, and in the room there is a camera that is behind the mirror. Then we go out on the street, go around the building and notice the artificial partition and boxes for the film. Then I interrogate the owner: familiarity with Bishop is a lie, the location is true, the attitude with the Ballard is a box, blackmail - a lie. Then we leave out and fought off the guests. After that, we are going to the site for shooting and run through the elements of the entourage in pursuit of the bishop. Again shoot a little and wait for your

Chapter 3. Murder Department

Case 1.

We arrive at the destination and communicate with the police. Then we look at the handbag, pay attention to the traces next to the corpse and solve the riddle. Then we conduct an inspection of the victim and go to the bar. Upon arrival we speak with the bartender and sit down for the specified table. We start interrogation: the killer is true, the ring - doubt, the husband is doubtful. We call on the phone in the department and go home to Henry. Arriving there, look at shoes, find a box, a note and inspect the window. Then we leave out and speak with the neighbor. Upon arrival at the next point, we find a clean sheet of paper, which actually has hidden text. We find it, inspect the suitcase and speak with the owner: the transportation of the deceased is a lie, the last meeting is true, the motives are false. Arrest the suspect and go to the site. There we will continue the conversation with the owner of the apartment: weapons - lie, lipstick - really, marriage - lie, decorations - True. We go to a certain mendez and search for its home. There we find a gun and traces, as well as inspect the mirror and lipstick. After all this, the criminal declares to us and immediately run away. We go into pursuit and disable the Mendise machine.

Case 2.

Arriving on the task, inspect the handbag, the body of the victim, and also look at the traces. Then go to her house and inspection of boots and boxes. Then interrogate the guy: decorations - True, the last meeting - doubt, the wedding is doubtful. Then the Father will come and we will proceed to interrogation of the arrived: traces - a lie, the victim - doubt, Alibi - a lie, the reason is a lie. We leave out of the house and go to the neighbor, but we notice that the father intends to get rid of the evidence. Stop it, and then inspect the barrel in which we find shoes. Then we go to the morgue and listen to the conclusion of the doctor, previewing the body. Then we go to school and find there another suspect who will try to escape. We catch it, and then inspect the trunk of the car detainee. We find evidence and go to the site for another interrogation of the father of a teenager: the destruction of the evidence is true, the rope is doubt, access to the car is a lie, a car - a lie. In another room, interrogate a person who was caught near the school: traces - doubt, work - doubt, Rope - True, the motive - doubt. Then we make a choice, who is two of them the killer and close the case.

Business 3.

We come to the task and immediately inspect the evidence along with the body. Then we go along the trail from the blood and find a shill, a pipe with a key and panama. Now we go to the back plan of the building located on the left side of us and climb up. On the roof we can find a ring, cosmetics, as well as a letter. We climb a little higher and find a piece of form from the library, and then we go to the house of Antonia. There it will be necessary to simply talk to the hostess, without interrogation. We go upstairs to the sacrifice room inspect the window there, a photo with a letter on the bedside table and a case lying on the bed. Now you can interrogate the hostess: suspects - however, the victims of the victim are doubt, hacking - lie, marriage - lie. Then go to the next location, but there we will meet the gangsters. Neutralize them, and then pass to the apartment and find there matches, fruits, as well as a shirt. We leave apartments and talk with other tenants. Then we go to the Eldorado bar and interview the bartender: the jewelness is doubtful, the victim is true. We will study a little bar, passing along the corridor, and notice there a strange person and no less strange boxes. Then call the department and there are already considering all the evidence. Interrogate the suspect: Meeting - Lies (Alibi), Divorce - False (Certificate), Jewelry - True, shirt - doubt. Now we go to the shop and interrogate the Finnish: a necklace - doubt, the victim is doubt, movement is true. Then we already go to the hidden door, which is behind the seller and find the box there. We use a combination of 2-5-3, open the casket, after we start after the criminal.

Business 4.

Upon arrival, we immediately take the inspection of the dead, we also pay attention to traces from tires and shoes. Pass the witness - she will tell the truth. Then, by phone, call the authorities and ask him the address of the dry cleaning. Now we go there. There in the journal we find the desired number (F1363) and go to the next point. After arriving in the apartment, you will have to look for matches with a photo, look at the bag, a jacket with boots and go outside for the rope. Then I am interviewing the owner: the suspects - a lie (rope), Alibi - doubt, the psyche killed - doubt, the last meeting is a lie (jacket). Then we go to the refuge for homeless, but there will be nothing interesting for us. We are going to the bar and find claff there, and then interrogate it: contact with the victim - True, the tramp - doubt, taxi is true. Then you need to do the interrogation of the suspect, but first follow him. At a convenient moment, we begin to ask the suspect: the victim is doubtful, moving - doubt. Now call the department and go there, and then we are waiting for another interrogation. All questions choose doubt. We use the phone and go to the shelter, where we find some acherman. His arrest, we will find the rope and wallet in the hut. Then questioning the criminal: the motive - doubt, the victim is doubtful, Alibi - a lie (wallet).

Case 5.

We make an inspection of decorations and communicate with the seller. Then we go to the place of murder, inspect the televisons, as well as the evidence under cones. Then find the rest of the things: a bag, a movie ticket and more. After that, we produce the witness interrogation: evidence - True, the body is doubt. Then we inform the chief on the phone about the affairs and go to the bowling club. We inspect the bowling path and visitors book. Interrogation of the club's owner: the meeting is true, the attitude is true, McKeffrey - doubt. Then go to the bar and asking McKuffrey: criminal cases - doubt, relationships - a lie (book). Then we return to the plot and on the way go to the laboratory. Then we go to the bowling club, where they arrest the first scoundrel. We go to the house to McKuffrey and find a piece of writing there, as well as the pipe. Then we communicate with the neighbors and go upstairs, where we see the owner of the apartment. After that, we are going back to the plot and communicate with suspects. The first: the attitude is a lie (meeting), a book - doubt, Alibi - a lie (form), the murder tool - doubt. Second: Alibi - a lie (letter), a pipe - a lie (accusation of the accommodation). Then we will talk on the phone and turn back to the first: before the murder - a lie (accusation of the accommodation). And then back to McKeffrey: the army is a lie (criminal past). Making McKuffrey guilty and end the case.

Case 6.

We view all the data on the case, and then head to the square and approach the fountain. There we will find a part of the letter and a personality card named Short. We go to the museum, talking to the guard, climb upstairs and find another part of the letter and watch there. Then our path lies in the library. There will have to climb on the ledge, and then find a medallion and another piece of paper. Then we go to the lake and on the island we find a shoe with the next piece of letters. We return to the museum and run along the labyrinth, in the center of which will find the ring and another part of the letter. Then we go to the studio and find a ring there and ... part of the letter. Well, in the end, taking everything, we head to the cathedral. In the basement we run behind the bandit, and then send it to the next world. Go to the next department.

Part 4. Department of Malls

Case 1.

We come to the task and talk to the doctor, and then we make an inspection of the evidence and the body of the victim, we also find a wallet next to him. We go outside and go to the eatery, where we are looking for a seller. Oddly enough, he will run away from us, but we will easily catch up with a reptile. Under the welcome in the store find morphine, suitcase and document. Now we interrogate it: Morphine is a lie, receipts - doubt. We go to the travel agency and inspect the label, and also listen to the radio, configuring it to the frequency of 275. The criminals are resorted and we will have to give them in the face, and then interrogate one of them: Morphine is doubtful, it's a doubt. Call, as usual, after which we are going to the casino. We play on the machine until the desired combination falls. Then press the HOLD button and inspect the contents. After us will fall running out. We run behind him, catch up and interrogate: Morphine - a lie, a loan is true. After that, we are going to the service of the road haulage. Then we laugh in the challenge for the criminal. Arriving at the plant, we consider books on the table. Climb upstairs and with the help of a crane we cleaner. Then we find ice and morphine. Our gangster comes, but instead of detention, kill him. We go to the building near and kill Fenclestein.

Case 2.

We speak with a person and go into the room. We find a note in the closet, and then call the site and ask to provide the address of the hotel. Upon arrival we speak with the Singer and find the fourth line in the book of visitors. We go upstairs and look for the right room. It is also worth looking into the trash container - there is a note. In the room we examine candy, book and ticket. We go to the second hotel and find Carlo there. Search for his coat and find a notepad with a knife. In the room inspect the booklet and find another ticket. Now I am interrogative: Location - a lie (form), rates - a lie (bookmaker), flight - doubt. Then he will have to go after the suspect. Bookmakers find a note that you can read with hatching. We go to the pharmacy kiosk and find a taxi business card there. Then we go to the second bookmaker and find the driver we need. Track him. We go to the toilet and find a gun there along with a piece of ticket. We go to the cinema and deal with the gangsters.

Business 3.

We come to the task and proceed to examine the victims. We find morphine and box. We put three cigarettes in it and open a cache. Then interrogate the waitress: shooting - doubt, acquaintance with the victim - the truth. We go to another place and interrogate Lichtman: Morphine - doubt, the victims are doubtful. Then follow the Elsa, after the surveillance will go to the bar. There we will talk to Kohan: Finklestein - doubt, shooting in the club - doubt. Then we will go to the department and find out that there was shooting in the city bus. We come to the appointed point and go to the crash site, and then pass in the alley behind the transport. We rise to the roof and kill the arrow. We inspect the corpse and weapons. Then go back and interrogate the driver: a robbery - doubt, shooting - a lie (wallet). Now we are going to Kese, we produce arrest and interrogation: Morphine - doubt, a former paratrooper is true, weapons - however, a robbery is doubt. We are going to the dnish, and there you will have to trace the suspicious guys. Then we kill them and inspect the body. After that, we go to the theater in which we will have to still shoot. Now we go to the post office, where we destroy some more enemies. We inspect their bodies and take the evidence. Then we go to the place of the meeting, which is indicated in one evidence, and there again we kill all the stakes. Well, at the end we go to the area where we produce another interrogation: Moroi - a lie, robbery - lie. All - the case can be closed.

Part 5. Control Departmentand

Case 1.

We communicate with patrol and find electrical protection, inside which we find a note. Then I will be interrogated: Tickets - True, charity - doubt. We go to the burned house, inspect the bodies and find a crane. We communicate with the victim, and then see a suspicious type that will try to escape. Then we go to the travel agency, we look at the magazine and interrogate the concierge: charity is true, the advertising campaign is doubtful. Then we are going to the charitable center, which turns out to be false. We inspect the office and go to the fire station. There will need to collect the device. Then we go to the factory and interrogate the secretary there: the heater is doubt, technical support is a lie. We call on the phone and go to the locker room of workers, where then we communicate with the electrician: Varley - doubt, work - doubt, Ryan-keep. Then we go to the Varly, who will try to escape from us. We catch up with him and removing in the area. Now I interrogate Ryan: anarchists - a lie, heater - a lie, repair - doubt, attempt - doubt. Now I interrogate the Varley: the house of Sawyers - a lie, repair - a lie, heater - lie. We blame Ryan and close the case.

Case 2.

We come to the crime scene and immediately proceed for inspection of bodies and evidence: photos, traces, cigarette and boiler. I interrogate the bomans: strange behavior - doubt, eyewitnesses - doubt, demolition of buildings - doubt, the action is true. Then we solve the puzzle with origami. We learn the address of the office, but first we go to the ranch. There they chase the criminals and find a cache in the left wall. We are going to the Champs Elysees and interrogate the suspects: arsons - doubt, the action - a lie, buying the land - doubt, ranch - lie. Now ask the book of outfits at the secretary and go to the house to Chepman. We look at his car, and after viewing the owner itself will appear. We run behind him and neutralize.

Business 3.

After studying the documents, we begin to interrogate the detainee: problems with the credit of the object, Bachvater - doubt, the cause of the conflict is true. Again will have to go to the Champs Elysees. There we inspect documents and wait for the manager, and then it is neutralized. Then we go on a construction site and solve the puzzle with building materials. Then you have to catch up with the tractor and then go to the film studio. We are looking for a box with films and look at them. Then we go around the building, jump over the fence and find a receipt. After that, we go to another construction site, but we will wait for the bandits there. You can cope with them, but it is better to sit in the car and leave. Then we go to Elsa.

Business 4.

Go to Benson House. Upon arrival we are looking for an apartment at number two, we look at it and speak with the owner: a motive for fraud - a lie, reconstruction - "I do, Bachvater - doubt. Then go to the Kelso office. We are looking for a magazine for February 23, 1947. Then watch the video and follow the secretary. He will show us a magazine. Then you need to go to the map and specify the coordinates: latitude: 034 "04" 29, and longitude: 118 "17" 58. We get the number of the object and divide it to 90. In the end we will get 21. We are looking for a regiment with the resulting value, we go out into the street, but we will not be so easy to do it. After the fight we are going to Kese, and then in the cottage. Clean the courtyard and the house. There are looking for evidence: photos, promotions and list.

Case 5.

We play different characters, so the game will be transferred to us in different moments. For one we communicate with tenants, for the second we are looking for objects and inspect the corpses. Then we find paper and map, put one thing for the other and find a message. We take out the door, inspect everything and call the phone. Then pursue the car and go into battle, descending into the sewer. After you kill everyone, go to Elsa. We look at the final roller and end the passage.

The Red Lipstick Murder.

Together with the new partner, we get to the crime scene. After a conversation with the police, we speak with honey expert. Carefully examine the corpse of the girl: head, hands and inscriptions on the stomach. We speak again with honey expert. On the right, we study the bag: we take out lipstick out of it - you can see the inscription on it. On Earth, we find the standing white track from the shoe. We go to the benches, ahead from the corpse. We select a miniature globe. Click "A" and collect puzzle in the picture:

As it turned out, it is a lighter with engraving inside. Go to The Bamba Club. We enter the building. After the roller turn left and go to the end to the last table. We start the interrogation of McCol'a. The first question "Suspect Seen With Victim" - "Truth". The second question "Knowledge of Husband" - "Doubt". The third question "Ring Stolen From Victim" - "Doubt". Before leaving the club, use the phone to the right of the exit. Get to Henry Residence. Knock on the door, but no one opens. Then the partner is bypassing the house and discovers a broken window. Penetrates the house and opens the door from the inside. We go to the kitchen to the broken window and inspect it. Here we read a note attached to the refrigerator. In the next room, to the right of the refrigerator, approach the right window and discover the shoe. We look at the sole. Now we go diagonally to the room at the other end. Lying in front of the mirror on the dresser we study a small box, inside which initials and photograph. We go out through the door in the kitchen (broken window), turn left and jump over through the fence. Here the car appears from which a woman comes out. After talking to her, we return to the car and go to Jacob Henry's Apartment. We tear into the apartments and watch the movie. Deploy and enter the room. We inspect the sole of the shoes in the suitcase lying on the bed. In the kitchen, on the rack, select a pencil with a white sheet. Sharp movements, left stipop, paint the surface and press "A" read the hidden text. Interrogate the suspect. The first question "Movements of Victim" - "LIE", select "Bamba Club Lighter" in the list. The second question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Truth". The third question "Motive for Murder" is "Lie", in the list, choose "Death Threat Note". Next follows a fight and arrest. We use the phone in the kitchen. Get to the next Location Central Police Station. Here we continue the interrogation of Henry. The first question "Access to Murder Weapon" is "Lie", choose "Husband's Alibi" from the list. The second question "Lipstick Markings" - "Truth". The third question "Deterioration of Marriage" is "Lie", select "Marital Problems" from the list. The fourth question "Missing Jewelry" - "Truth". After interrogation, go to Mendez's Apartment. To the left of the entrance door, look at the mailboxes: you need at number 16. There is this apartment on the fourth floor, at the end of the corridor, the last door. Penetrate into it, turn right, then right again. We go along the corridor and open the second door on the left. Before the mirror, on the dresser, we find a gun. Here, near the bed, we see the sole of the boot. Near the cabinet to look into the box. In which lipstick and wand are both with inscriptions. During the roller, a criminal is declared. First, they chase him on his two, and then by car. All that you need is to get to him on the left side so that the partner can shoot the wheels of the criminal car.


Get to the place of crime. After "communication" with the press, we go to the crowd and we meet Gonzalez. He holds us directly to the place where a woman was killed. We will examine the head of the corpse, sharpening on the neck, hands and chest. We study the bag lying near the tree and the subject in it with the inscription. On the other hand, we consider the traces. We return to the car and go to Moller Residence. The door opens a girl, a daughter killed, and we can look around in the house. We go into the bedroom on the right. We study shoes lying by the window. We also look at two boxes in the dresser. By telling Michelle that her mother is dead, begin to interview. The first question "Missing Watch and Rings" - "Truth". The second question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Doubt". The third question "State of Parents' Marriage" - "Doubt". Only finished with questions, Michelle's father arrives. Of course, I am interviewing it too. The first question "Footprints AT CRIME SCENE" - "LIE", select "Size Eight Work Boots" in the list. The second question "Missing Persons Report" - "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for Hugo Moller" is "Lie", in the list, choose "Husband's Alibi". The fourth question "History of Violence" is "LIE", in the list, choose "Butterfly Brooch". Let's leave the house and run to the woman on the other side. During the conversation we see how Hugo does something in the backyard. We throw in chase after him and, approaching enough close, press "A" to grab it. We approach the red barrel and look at the sole of the shoes. We use the phone on the street. Get to Central Morgue. We communicate with honey expert and study the evidence mentioned to them. We take the last piece and sum up in the photo just below from the neck. We inspect the corpse. To the right of the first evidence we look at the fixed tracks from the shoes. We point to the left track heel and click "A". In the office we use the phone. Next location Belmont High School. After the roller, rushing in the chase for the unknown. We catch the same by pressing "A", reducing the distance. Get another evidence. After the roller, open the trunk of the machine. We look at the bloody things. Use the phone marked on a mini map. Go to Central Police Station. We enter the building and go on the right corridor. Interrogation room is a rash film on the right side. Again, interrogate Hugo Moller. The first question "Disposal of Evidence" - "Truth". The second question "Access to Braided Rope" - "Doubt". The third question "Access to Tire Iron" is "Lie", in the list, choose the "Bloody Tire Iron". The fourth question "Victim's Vehicle Recovered" - "Lie", select "overalls" in the list. At the end of the interrogation, choose "Leave Interrogation". We leave the room and communicate with the captain, which is located to the left of the stairs. Then we enter the next room. Interrogate ELI ROONEY. The first question "Footprints at CRIME SCENE" - "Doubt". The second question "PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT" - "DOUBT". The third question "Access to Braided Rope" - "Truth". The fourth question "Motive for Moller Murder" - "Doubt". At the end, choose "Charge Suspect".

The Silk Stocking Murder.

Having received a new task, we get to the crime scene. As usual we look at the corpse head, hands and stomach. After the roller, begin to learn nearby evidence: stocking near the tree and bloody traces on the ground. They lead us to a hat, inside which there is an inscription. We continue to walk in the footsteps and the next evidence it turns out to be shoes in the garbage container. Then we detect the key on the rope tied to the pipe. The next evidence is a sheet of paper probably with a secret code. Bloody spots lead us to the roof. We climb on it and in a large cage we discover the envelope. We open it, but it turns out to be empty. We leave from the cage and jump out just below. Another find of the Golden Cosmetics. We move forward and climb through the pipe. We find a ring on the rope. Climbing even higher. We inspect a brush. Finally, the last evidence bag with the first half of the check. We found the second in the hands of the dead girl. Returning to the car and go to Antonia's Residence. Knock on the door and then enter the house. We inform Barbary about the murder. We rise to the second floor and turn left. Entering the fifth room, we see that there is a mess and besides the window. Look at the suitcase lying on the bed. We open the envelope and scroll through the letter. Left, in the open branch of the chest, we look at the photo. Next I am interviewing MRS. Lapenti. The first question "Possible Suspects" - "Truth". The second question "Movements of Victim" - "Doubt". The third question "Evidence of Break-in" - "Lie", select "Broken Window" in the list. The fourth question "Breakdown of Marriage" is "Lie", in the list, select "Charm Bracelet Photograph". Let's leave the house and go to Maldonado Residence. On the mailboxes to the right in front of the doors we find the desired apartment - 304, which is located on the third floor. In the unleashed brazing, we are divided with guys and after their arrest, inspecting in the apartment. In the kitchen, next to the refrigerator, we study the bloody shirt. Here, in the corner, open the box with bottles. On the racks we look at the piece of paper. Interview your neighbors from 305, 301 and 302. Next location El Dorado Bar, but on the way we are asked to urgently drive up in Central Police Station. Let's go down to the basement to meet with the captain. After the roller, proceed to the study of notes on the table. Next climb the first floor and go to the interrogation room, where Angel Maldonado is located. The first question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Lie", select "Husband's Alibi" in the list. The second question "Divorce Proceedings" - "LIE", select "Attorney's Letter" in the list. The third question "Jewelry Taken From Body" - "Truth". The fourth question "Bloodstained Shirt Found" - "Doubt". Now we can safely get to El Dorado Bar. After talking with the bartender Diego, we get an envelope with some documents. After examining them, begin to interrogate Diego. The first question "Missing Jewelry" - "Doubt". The second question "Movements of Victim" - "Truth". Coming out of the bar, go to the building with a sign "Just Picked". We pass to the end and start a seller's survey Clem Feeney. The first question "Distinctive Necklace" - "Doubt". The second question "CONTACT WITH VICTIM" - "DOUBT". The third question "Movements of Victim" - "Truth". We take out the green door to the left and tear to the warehouse. In the center inspect the box with wines. On the left, next to a table with a green lamp, take the box from the open department. You can open it in the code. To do this, select "Dot Pattern Note" in the ClUES section. As it is easy to guess, lay out everything in the drawing. Inside, we detect religious figures. We go to another table on which a bloody knife is lying. Clem is trying to escape, and we rush behind him in the chase. We try to get from the left to our partner can shoot the wheels.

The White Shoe Slaying.

Reaching the crime scene, communicate with policemen and honey expert. Then we look at the corpse of a woman. Turning the head, we notice the inscription on the collar. Next, we find traces, as well as the brake path from the wheels of cars. We go to the phone, and soon MRS arrives. Barton. We will ask her one single question "Suspicious Persons" - "Truth". We use the phone. Sit into the car and go to Superior Laundry Services. We speak with a person on the other end of the laundry. Having received a book, pointing on the first page to the ninth line from above. The next paragraph 43 Emerald Street. Knock on the door and enter the house. In the corridor on the table with chess inspecting the matchbox. We use the phone located on the partition. In the left bedroom we look at the photo lying on the chest and another matchbox. Through the kitchen, we get into the back, where we study the boots on the floor. We also pay attention to the wet jacket hanging on the door handle. Next to the sink inspect the female handbag. Inside, we detect lipstick and card. We go out into the street, through the door in the road and turn to the right. We reach the boat and the front part is studying the moped rope. We start interviewing Lars'a Taraldsen. The first question "Possible Suspects" - "Lie", select "Bow Rope" in the list. The second question "Alibi for Lars Taraldsen" - "Doubt". The third question "Victim's State of Mind" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Last Contact With Victim" - "LIE", select "Wet Jacket" in the list. Get to Baron's Bar. After talking with the bartender, let's start the survey. First question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Truth". The second question "Vagrant Male Suspect" - "Doubt". The third question "Yellow Cab 3591" - "Truth". Having finished the conversation, Bartender points to a man in a red T-shirt, and we rush behind it. We use the car left on the road, and continue the chase. We try to sneak as often as possible and approach from the left side to put the partner to shoot the tires. Catching Bates'a, ask him the question "Contact With Victim" - "Doubt". The next "Account of Movements" is "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini-card, and we drive in the car a little on the road. Having received a message on the radio, go to Yellow Cab Trace. We catch this taxi driver and answer a little. Get to Central Police Station. We enter the site, turn right and go to the scenario to the interrogation room. We start the interrogation of James Jessop. The first question "Contact With Victim" is "Doubt". The second question "Incident with Bales" - "Doubt". The third question "Movements Prior to Murder" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Cab Ride With Victim" - "Doubt". Next location BUS DEPOT. Arriving in place, learn from the manager the driver's name of the desired bus, as well as study the resulting route card. Next, go to Hobo Camp. Turning on the flasher, forcing the bus driver to stop. In the camps come back on a bunch of vagrants, hostilely configured against us. We are separated with their leader and enter a small room. On the bedside table, next to the bed, inspect a bloody piece of rope. On the opposite side on the table, next to the mattress, we study the wallet and its contents. Return to Central Police Station. Inside turn to the left, we enter the door to the left of the stairs. Interrogate Stuart Ackerman. The first question "Motive for Murder" - "Lie", choose the list "Bloodstained Rope Piece". The second question "CONTACT WITH VICTIM" - "DOUBT". The third question "Alibi for Stuart Ackerman" - "Lie", select "Purse" in the list.

The Studio Secretary Murder.

We go to the car and get to the pawnbroker. We speak with the seller and get rings. After studying, inside each detect engraving. Next, we go to Railyard, then follow the police to the crime scene. First of all, we look at the corpse: head and hands. We study near the lying bag. Inside, we find a letter and a business card. We also notice a matchbox, inside the inscription, and a certain list. I am interviewing the workers who could see something last night. From one of them we get lipstick and ask a few questions. The first of them "Interference With Evidence" - "Truth". The second question "Discovery of Victim's Body" - "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini card. Get to Mensch's Bar. After a conversation with the bartender, I am interviewing a person at a table. The first question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Doubt". The second question is "Criminal History" - "Doubt". Next location LEVINE'S LIQUOR STORE. We speak with the bartender and then proceed to him. In the room next to the mattress we consider a photo and a book. We study the statuette lying in the corner. We return back and ask the bartender. The first question "Contact With Victim" - "Truth". The second question "Relationship with Victim" - "Truth". The third question "Knowledge of McCaffrey" - "Doubt". We sit in the car and get an urgent message on the radio, but before you go to Central Police Station, take a look at Mensch's Bar. We ask the last question Sitting at Mr. McCaffrey. "Relationship with Victim" - "LIE", select "Book" in the list. Reaching the site, go down to the basement to meet with the captain. After the roller, use the phone on the first floor. The next Rawling's Bowling Alley item. After talking with the cashier, we pass through the door to the right of the playground. Run through the suspect and try to stop it. Having done this, get to McCaffrey's Apartment. The desired apartment under the sixth number. This is on the second floor, left the near door. Knock and then we take out. On the table we find half the letter. We study the tool with engraving and bleeding shirt on the floor. When the maid declares, we are talking to her and go to the roof of the building. Here we find McCaffrey and run behind it. After a long jogging, finally catch up with him and catch. All suspects are caught, it remains only to interrogate them and identify a true killer. After the roller, turn to the left and enter the interrogation room, to the left of the stairs. Interview James Tiernan. The first question "Relationship with Victim" is "LIE", select "Victim Last Seen" in the list. The second question "Victim's Book Found" - "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for James Tiernan" - "Lie", select "LiQuor Purchase" in the list. The fourth question "Access to Murder Weapon" - "Doubt". At the end, choose "Leave Interrogation". We go to another interrogation room and begin the interrogation of Mr. McCaffrey. The first question "Alibi for McCaffrey" - "LIE", select "Tom Letter" in the list. The second question "Access to Tire Iron" - "LIE", select "Tiernan's Accusation" in the list. We return to James Tirnan and ask the last question: "Events Prior to Murder" - "LIE", select "McCaffrey Accusation" in the list. Next to the dispatching we use the phone and go back to the room to Mr. McCaffrey. The last question for him "Military Service" - "Lie", select "McCaffrey Criminal Record" in the list. At the end, choose "Charge Suspect".

The Quarter Moon Murders.

After the roller, we study a note left by the maniac, a red book and a white sheet with a message. Get to Pershing Square. We approach the fountain and climb on it. We discover the next message from the killer. Then open the map and in the northeast, we celebrate Hall of Record, the location of which is in the picture:

We enter the building through large doors. We speak with the guard and climb the stairs. Turn to the right, we go to the second passage and through the first room on the left weekend on another staircase. Using the left stick for both promotion, and for balancing, we get to the chandelier. We inspect the clock and message. When the chandelier starts to smoke, swing it and jump into a safe zone. The following La Public Library location is located in the southwest:

Climbing along the drain pipe to the roof. We continue to climb on the construction forests. Finally, at the very top, we find the medallion and the next tip. Go to Westlake Tar Pits in the West:

On the track heading to the shore. Dressing around, we enter the water and continue the movement along the sunken wooden platform. On the only fork you turn to the left. We study the shoe and messages lying near the bushes. Get to La Country Art Museum in the north:

We go to the center of the park, to the labyrinth. On the first fork you turn to the left. In the second - to the right. On the third - left. Carefully inspect the ring lying on the spherical model, as well as the message. Next, we get to the intolerance set in the south-east:

Go straight to the end. The stairs climb upstairs. When the wooden structure collapses, we try to control it so that it falls forward, and we were able to sample on the next roof. Go down, study the ring and read the message on the throne chair. Again, everything will begin to collapse, so we run without stopping. Go to Christ Crown Of Thorns southwest:

We enter the church. After the roller, we rush with the pursuit of the maniac. Finding a secret move, go down to the tunnels and continue to pursue the criminal. Using the shelter system, carefully inspect the angles. In course, we must shoot it, focusing on the sound of steps. We act quickly, without walking for a long time in one place.

Upon Reflection.

After the entrance roller, we get together with the partner to the crime scene marked on the mini-card. After talking with the detective, we are moving along the alley, performing instructions on the screen. Hearing music and feeling vibration, we understand that there is an important evidence next to us. We follow the partner, in the first task, he will strongly stop near suspicious places. Having reached the bloody door, inspecting it carefully from all sides. All our advancements are recorded in the notebook. We open it and study three points: "People", "Clues", "Locations". A little left of the door, at the top, we look at the window, which reflects the revolver from the roof of the opposite building. We climb on the roof of a neighboring building on the drain pipe located around the corner. We select a revolver and inspect it. On the left side, under the drum, we see the serial number. Press the "A" button by opening the drum. We return back to the car, sit down in it, mark in the notebook in the "Locations" section of the "Gun Store" item and go to the weapon store. We speak with the seller and provide him with a revolver. Inspecting the list, we find the desired item - on the right side, the fifth line from above. It is enough to specify with your finger, slowly moving left sticks, and click "A". Now we know the address of the suspect, choose the next location in the notebook. We get to the apartments and enter the house. On the right inspect the mailboxes. The desired box is located at number 2. Raise the second floor and knock on the first right door. After a small roller, the scuffle begins. Apply strikes by pressing "A", block - "x". The "Y" button is captured with a subsequent headband. Deffects the suspect, come to the chest. Spread green notepad and leave the apartment.


We receive a message on the racing about the attack and go to the crime scene. Kill a few criminals on the street, hiding behind the machines and picks up as close as possible. Then we enter the building, where I also hide behind the columns and taking shots, we kill the villains.

Warrants Outstanding.

We notice the criminal on the street and rush behind him in the chase. We overcome small obstacles by pressing the "A" button. In one of the corners on the roof, he stifles us from the legs, and the fight begins. A couple of shocks and powerful capture are divided with it and arrest.

Buyer Beware.

The street is a corpse. We are waiting for the appearance of a partner and begin to inspect it. Look at the right bottom pocket. Scroll from the beginning to the end found a check. Near the road, on the edge of the sidewalk, we discover the bullets. And in the garbage container - a gun. During the inspection, write a series of weapons number. Outdoors asking a man in an orange shirt. We enter the store and communicate with a woman: killed was her boss. This is our first interrogation. I ask questions regarding the found evidence. The first and while the only thing is "Eyewitness Account". Listening to the testimony of a witness, it appears to be his emotion, according to which we must determine whether a person says before us, or lies. Press "Y", i.e. "Lie" (lie). To confirm our distrust, point to the "Layaway Voucher" evidence. The next question "Possible Murder Suspect", listening to the readings by pressing "x", i.e. "doubt" (doubt). And on the last question "Details of shooting" - click "A", i.e. "Truth" (though). Let's leave the building, sitting in the car and go to Eagleson's Gun Store. By interrogating the owner of the store, we get to the next place - "Hartfield's Jewelry Store". The man for the counter is trying to escape, so we rush behind him in the chase. In the park we have the opportunity to pull out weapons. At the moment when we are at the minimum distance from the runaway, we will send weapons on it and wait until the circle is filled on the sight. We arrive at the police station. We are met by a detective and offers an increase, if we successfully interrogate the just arrested suspect. We ask the question "Argument with Gage", click "Y" (LIE) and select "Suspect Positively Identified" in the list. The next question "Possible Religious Motive" is pressing "x" (Doubt).

After acquaintance with detectives and a small meeting, we go outdoor, focusing on the "EXIT" signs. Sit into the car and get to the crime scene. After communicating with the police, come to the car and speak with honey expert. We look at the bleeding machine. Also look into the trunk in which there is a note. Next, come to the post in front of the machine. Near the glasses and wallet. The wallet is a credit card and a photo. On one of the edges of glasses - engraving. Left, between railways, inspect a bloody piece of the pipe. Now interrogate the black witness Nate Wilkey. The first question "PURPOSE AT SCENE" - Press "A" (Truth). The second question "Knowledge of Adrian Black" is also "Truth". The third question "Contents of Wallet" is pressing "X", (Doubt). And the last question "Bloodstained Pipe Found" - "Truth". We go to the next location - "Black Residence". Knock on the door and enter the house. Before you ask questions - we look at. In the bedroom, on the nightstand with a lamp, we select a yellow piece of paper. By pressing "A" open it. Here in the cabinet we find a ticket. The dresser is the case for glasses and photography. Turn the photo by pressing "A" and detect a note. Inside the case we see engraving. We go to another sleeping, in which the photo is also lying on the chest. In the kitchen, on the table, read the recipe. We go to the courtyard through the door in the kitchen. On the right inspect the basket with flowers. We go along the walls of the house until you find a shield.

We return to the kitchen and read the booklet on the table, near the recipe, on both sides. In the corridor we use the phone. We start interrogation MRS. Black. The first question "Slaughterhouse Receipt" - "Truth". The second question "Cavanagh's Bar Matchbook" - "Truth". The third question "Location of Adrian Black" - "Truth". The fourth question "STENZEL GLASSES CASE" - "TRUTH". The fifth question "Photograph Signed 'Nikole'" - "LIE" and in the list, select "Concealed Message". Sixth question "Alibi for Mrs. Black "-" Truth ". We go to the location of Cavanagh's Bar. Near the doors speak with a man in a green jacket. We enter into and communicate with the bartender. He reports that Frank Morgan is sitting at one of the tables in the next room. We ask Frank questions. The first of which "Link to Abandoned Vehicle" is "LIE", select "Receipt for Live Hog" in the list. The next question "Location of Adrian Black" is "Doubt". Get to Morgan's Apartment. We enter the building and look at the mailbox on the left. We find the desired apartment and begin the chase for Adrian, which will end very quickly.


We go outside and go to the crime scene. Arriving there, first of all, inspect the corpse. In the right lower pocket, we discover the document. Scroll from start to the end. In the left left pocket, we find a wallet in which a credit card lies. We go to the beginning of a bloody track on the road, next to the sidewalk. We move on the road, inspecting another bloody spot, as well as the track from the wheels. We go to the alley: next to the garbage container is a bucket, looking into it, we detect the bloody knife. If it is prettier to twist it, you can see engraving. On the street we speak with a woman in a lilac raincoat. The first question "Eye Witness Report" - "Truth". The second question "SUSPECT vehicle description" - "Truth". The third question "Argument Overheard" - "Doubt". We enter the cafe and begin to interview the bartender. The first question "HIT AND RUN INCIDENT" - "DOUBT". The second question "Association With Victim" - "Truth". The third question "Argument Overheard in Bar" - "Doubt". The fourth question "JOINT Business Venture" - "Doubt". We go further and use the phone. Get to the next Location Shelton Residence. After the roller, we begin the chase by the car behind Shelton. We try to cut it in every way, and applied as much damage to his car. When he stops, go out and arrest it. Go to Pattison Residence. Entering the house, we see a small scene and start asking questions. The first of which "Hit and Run Incident" is "Doubt". The second question "Nature of Argument" - "Doubt". The third question "Partnership with Leroy Sabo" - "LIE", select "Insurance Letter" in the list. We use the phone in the next room and leave the house. We go to the location of Central Morgue. We enter the building and in the room on the right we communicate with honey expert. We again get to Pattison Residence. Leroy Sabo kills MRS. Pattison, and we rush into pursuit. We laughing with it, finding as close as possible.

The Fallen Idol.

We go to the scene of the accident. After the police officer described the situation, go down the slope to the broken car. We look at it from the inside and then approach the trunk on which torn underwear and bag are lying. I get out of the bag and scroll through it. We speak with honey expert and receive an item from it that carefully consider from all sides. Return back and interrogate MRS. McAfee in an orange suit. The first question "Doping Allegation" - "Doubt". The second question "Injured Female Passenger" - "LIE", select "Underwear" in the list. The third question "Fake Shrunken Head" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Suspect 'Mark Bishop'" - "Doubt". We go to the next Location "Central Receiving Hospital". We go inside through open doors. The nurse behind the window reports that the doctor is right for us. After talking to him, we enter the ward and begin the interrogation of Jessica Hamilton. The first question "Crash Incident Report" - "LIE", in the list, select "Underwear". The second question "CONTACT WITH PARENTS" - "LIE", in the list, select "Letter from Mother". The third question "Association WITH Bishop" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Evidence of Criminal ABUSE" - "Truth". After a small roller, he is surveated for a machine marked on a mini card. Do not alive and do not get too close. If the machine on the mini-card overshadowes it means that we are not at the right distance. MRS. McAfee landed in a cafe. Quickly leave the car and, clinging to the wall, watch it through the window. When she gets at the phone, go inside and sit down for one of the tables. Having overheard the conversation, waiting until Mrs. McAfee will leave the cafe and leave. We return to the car and go to Bishop's Apartment. We tear into the building, climb the elevator and neutralize unknowns. After the roller, we turn around and study the red statue between the door on the right. Ahead we enter the room with an open door and on the floor we detect a green check. We go back and enter another room with an open door. At the rack we consider a photo. Here it is the right to explore the subject. Near MRS. Bishop we consider a photo. We go to the balcony and overturn the terrain. We start asking questions MRS. Bishop. The first question "Domestic Disturbance" - "Doubt". The second question "Whereabouts of Bishop" - "Truth". The third question "Check for $ 20,000" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Abuse of Jessica Hamilton" - "Doubt". Let's leave the hotel the same way as they came. We get to the telephone booth on the street (marked on the mini card) and use it. Sit into the car and get to Silver Screen Props. We enter the building. After the roller, follow the man. He leads us to the right place. In the next room in the corner inspect the closet with bottles, where we find the flask. On the opposite side we study the mirror. We go along the way that came here. Once on the street, turn to the left and go to the end until it is stumbled upon a table with heads. We consider black of them. Turn to 90 degrees to the left and see the illusion wall - we take it by pressing "A". Also we take out the door that is a little away. Entering inside, look at the camera. Carefully study two cases for film on the left: on the shelf and in the dresser. Open the one that is in the dresser, and it turns out to be empty. Return to the partner. We start asking a man. The first question "Association with Bishop" - "Lie", choose from the list "Chloral Hydrate". The second question "Whereabouts of Bishop" - "Truth". The third question "Relationship with Ballard" - "LIE", choose from the "Empty Film Canister" list. The fourth question "Evidence of Blackmail" is "Lie", select "$ 20,000 Check" from the list. After the roller, we sit in the car and try to hide the pursuers. The main thing is not to give them to get close, tarana them with these attempts. It is clear enough to accelerate and use sharp turns to successfully get away from the chase. Cutting, go to 'Jungle Drums' Set. Noticing Bishop'a, rushing after him. Upstairs you need to act quickly and gently so as not to please down the falling boards. Finally, holding it into the angle, we see the bottom of the gang arrived at Bishop. Go down the stairs and move forward, protecting it and destroying criminals one after another. Do not forget to pick up more powerful weapons from those killed. Going to the bottom, the partner arrives. We have a whole crowd, which can be faltered at once, shot on the barrels to the right. When the police arrive, we finish the remaining opponents. We look at the roller after which the task will be completed.

The Red Lipstick Murder.

Together with the new partner, we get to the crime scene. After a conversation with the police, we speak with honey expert. Carefully examine the corpse of the girl: head, hands and inscriptions on the stomach. We speak again with honey expert. On the right, we study the bag: we take out lipstick out of it - you can see the inscription on it. On Earth, we find the standing white track from the shoe. We go to the benches, ahead from the corpse. We select a miniature globe. Click "A" and collect puzzle in the picture:

As it turned out, it is a lighter with engraving inside. Go to The Bamba Club. We enter the building. After the roller turn left and go to the end to the last table. We start the interrogation of McCol'a. The first question "Suspect Seen With Victim" - "Truth". The second question "Knowledge of Husband" - "Doubt". The third question "Ring Stolen From Victim" - "Doubt". Before leaving the club, use the phone to the right of the exit. Get to Henry Residence. Knock on the door, but no one opens. Then the partner is bypassing the house and discovers a broken window. Penetrates the house and opens the door from the inside. We go to the kitchen to the broken window and inspect it. Here we read a note attached to the refrigerator. In the next room, to the right of the refrigerator, approach the right window and discover the shoe. We look at the sole. Now we go diagonally to the room at the other end. Lying in front of the mirror on the dresser we study a small box, inside which initials and photograph. We go out through the door in the kitchen (broken window), turn left and jump over through the fence. Here the car appears from which a woman comes out. After talking to her, we return to the car and go to Jacob Henry's Apartment. We tear into the apartments and watch the movie. Deploy and enter the room. We inspect the sole of the shoes in the suitcase lying on the bed. In the kitchen, on the rack, select a pencil with a white sheet. Sharp movements, left stipop, paint the surface and press "A" read the hidden text. Interrogate the suspect. The first question "Movements of Victim" - "LIE", select "Bamba Club Lighter" in the list. The second question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Truth". The third question "Motive for Murder" is "Lie", in the list, choose "Death Threat Note". Next follows a fight and arrest. We use the phone in the kitchen. Get to the next Location Central Police Station. Here we continue the interrogation of Henry. The first question "Access to Murder Weapon" is "Lie", choose "Husband's Alibi" from the list. The second question "Lipstick Markings" - "Truth". The third question "Deterioration of Marriage" is "Lie", select "Marital Problems" from the list. The fourth question "Missing Jewelry" - "Truth". After interrogation, go to Mendez's Apartment. To the left of the entrance door, look at the mailboxes: you need at number 16. There is this apartment on the fourth floor, at the end of the corridor, the last door. Penetrate into it, turn right, then right again. We go along the corridor and open the second door on the left. Before the mirror, on the dresser, we find a gun. Here, near the bed, we see the sole of the boot. Near the cabinet to look into the box. In which lipstick and wand are both with inscriptions. During the roller, a criminal is declared. First, they chase him on his two, and then by car. All that you need is to get to him on the left side so that the partner can shoot the wheels of the criminal car.


Get to the place of crime. After "communication" with the press, we go to the crowd and we meet Gonzalez. He holds us directly to the place where a woman was killed. We will examine the head of the corpse, sharpening on the neck, hands and chest. We study the bag lying near the tree and the subject in it with the inscription. On the other hand, we consider the traces. We return to the car and go to Moller Residence. The door opens a girl, a daughter killed, and we can look around in the house. We go into the bedroom on the right. We study shoes lying by the window. We also look at two boxes in the dresser. By telling Michelle that her mother is dead, begin to interview. The first question "Missing Watch and Rings" - "Truth". The second question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Doubt". The third question "State of Parents' Marriage" - "Doubt". Only finished with questions, Michelle's father arrives. Of course, I am interviewing it too. The first question "Footprints AT CRIME SCENE" - "LIE", select "Size Eight Work Boots" in the list. The second question "Missing Persons Report" - "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for Hugo Moller" is "Lie", in the list, choose "Husband's Alibi". The fourth question "History of Violence" is "LIE", in the list, choose "Butterfly Brooch". Let's leave the house and run to the woman on the other side. During the conversation we see how Hugo does something in the backyard. We throw in chase after him and, approaching enough close, press "A" to grab it. We approach the red barrel and look at the sole of the shoes. We use the phone on the street. Get to Central Morgue. We communicate with honey expert and study the evidence mentioned to them. We take the last piece and sum up in the photo just below from the neck. We inspect the corpse. To the right of the first evidence we look at the fixed tracks from the shoes. We point to the left track heel and click "A". In the office we use the phone. Next location Belmont High School. After the roller, rushing in the chase for the unknown. We catch the same by pressing "A", reducing the distance. Get another evidence. After the roller, open the trunk of the machine. We look at the bloody things. Use the phone marked on a mini map. Go to Central Police Station. We enter the building and go on the right corridor. Interrogation room is a rash film on the right side. Again, interrogate Hugo Moller. The first question "Disposal of Evidence" - "Truth". The second question "Access to Braided Rope" - "Doubt". The third question "Access to Tire Iron" is "Lie", in the list, choose the "Bloody Tire Iron". The fourth question "Victim's Vehicle Recovered" - "Lie", select "overalls" in the list. At the end of the interrogation, choose "Leave Interrogation". We leave the room and communicate with the captain, which is located to the left of the stairs. Then we enter the next room. Interrogate ELI ROONEY. The first question "Footprints at CRIME SCENE" - "Doubt". The second question "PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT" - "DOUBT". The third question "Access to Braided Rope" - "Truth". The fourth question "Motive for Moller Murder" - "Doubt". At the end, choose "Charge Suspect".

The Silk Stocking Murder.

Having received a new task, we get to the crime scene. As usual we look at the corpse head, hands and stomach. After the roller, begin to learn nearby evidence: stocking near the tree and bloody traces on the ground. They lead us to a hat, inside which there is an inscription. We continue to walk in the footsteps and the next evidence it turns out to be shoes in the garbage container. Then we detect the key on the rope tied to the pipe. The next evidence is a sheet of paper probably with a secret code. Bloody spots lead us to the roof. We climb on it and in a large cage we discover the envelope. We open it, but it turns out to be empty. We leave from the cage and jump out just below. Another find of the Golden Cosmetics. We move forward and climb through the pipe. We find a ring on the rope. Climbing even higher. We inspect a brush. Finally, the last evidence bag with the first half of the check. We found the second in the hands of the dead girl. Returning to the car and go to Antonia's Residence. Knock on the door and then enter the house. We inform Barbary about the murder. We rise to the second floor and turn left. Entering the fifth room, we see that there is a mess and besides the window. Look at the suitcase lying on the bed. We open the envelope and scroll through the letter. Left, in the open branch of the chest, we look at the photo. Next I am interviewing MRS. Lapenti. The first question "Possible Suspects" - "Truth". The second question "Movements of Victim" - "Doubt". The third question "Evidence of Break-in" - "Lie", select "Broken Window" in the list. The fourth question "Breakdown of Marriage" is "Lie", in the list, select "Charm Bracelet Photograph". Let's leave the house and go to Maldonado Residence. On the mailboxes to the right in front of the doors we find the desired apartment - 304, which is located on the third floor. In the unleashed brazing, we are divided with guys and after their arrest, inspecting in the apartment. In the kitchen, next to the refrigerator, we study the bloody shirt. Here, in the corner, open the box with bottles. On the racks we look at the piece of paper. Interview your neighbors from 305, 301 and 302. Next location El Dorado Bar, but on the way we are asked to urgently drive up in Central Police Station. Let's go down to the basement to meet with the captain. After the roller, proceed to the study of notes on the table. Next climb the first floor and go to the interrogation room, where Angel Maldonado is located. The first question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Lie", select "Husband's Alibi" in the list. The second question "Divorce Proceedings" - "LIE", select "Attorney's Letter" in the list. The third question "Jewelry Taken From Body" - "Truth". The fourth question "Bloodstained Shirt Found" - "Doubt". Now we can safely get to El Dorado Bar. After talking with the bartender Diego, we get an envelope with some documents. After examining them, begin to interrogate Diego. The first question "Missing Jewelry" - "Doubt". The second question "Movements of Victim" - "Truth". Coming out of the bar, go to the building with a sign "Just Picked". We pass to the end and start a seller's survey Clem Feeney. The first question "Distinctive Necklace" - "Doubt". The second question "CONTACT WITH VICTIM" - "DOUBT". The third question "Movements of Victim" - "Truth". We take out the green door to the left and tear to the warehouse. In the center inspect the box with wines. On the left, next to a table with a green lamp, take the box from the open department. You can open it in the code. To do this, select "Dot Pattern Note" in the ClUES section. As it is easy to guess, lay out everything in the drawing. Inside, we detect religious figures. We go to another table on which a bloody knife is lying. Clem is trying to escape, and we rush behind him in the chase. We try to get from the left to our partner can shoot the wheels.

The White Shoe Slaying.

Reaching the crime scene, communicate with policemen and honey expert. Then we look at the corpse of a woman. Turning the head, we notice the inscription on the collar. Next, we find traces, as well as the brake path from the wheels of cars. We go to the phone, and soon MRS arrives. Barton. We will ask her one single question "Suspicious Persons" - "Truth". We use the phone. Sit into the car and go to Superior Laundry Services. We speak with a person on the other end of the laundry. Having received a book, pointing on the first page to the ninth line from above. The next paragraph 43 Emerald Street. Knock on the door and enter the house. In the corridor on the table with chess inspecting the matchbox. We use the phone located on the partition. In the left bedroom we look at the photo lying on the chest and another matchbox. Through the kitchen, we get into the back, where we study the boots on the floor. We also pay attention to the wet jacket hanging on the door handle. Next to the sink inspect the female handbag. Inside, we detect lipstick and card. We go out into the street, through the door in the road and turn to the right. We reach the boat and the front part is studying the moped rope. We start interviewing Lars'a Taraldsen. The first question "Possible Suspects" - "Lie", select "Bow Rope" in the list. The second question "Alibi for Lars Taraldsen" - "Doubt". The third question "Victim's State of Mind" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Last Contact With Victim" - "LIE", select "Wet Jacket" in the list. Get to Baron's Bar. After talking with the bartender, let's start the survey. First question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Truth". The second question "Vagrant Male Suspect" - "Doubt". The third question "Yellow Cab 3591" - "Truth". Having finished the conversation, Bartender points to a man in a red T-shirt, and we rush behind it. We use the car left on the road, and continue the chase. We try to sneak as often as possible and approach from the left side to put the partner to shoot the tires. Catching Bates'a, ask him the question "Contact With Victim" - "Doubt". The next "Account of Movements" is "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini-card, and we drive in the car a little on the road. Having received a message on the radio, go to Yellow Cab Trace. We catch this taxi driver and answer a little. Get to Central Police Station. We enter the site, turn right and go to the scenario to the interrogation room. We start the interrogation of James Jessop. The first question "Contact With Victim" is "Doubt". The second question "Incident with Bales" - "Doubt". The third question "Movements Prior to Murder" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Cab Ride With Victim" - "Doubt". Next location BUS DEPOT. Arriving in place, learn from the manager the driver's name of the desired bus, as well as study the resulting route card. Next, go to Hobo Camp. Turning on the flasher, forcing the bus driver to stop. In the camps come back on a bunch of vagrants, hostilely configured against us. We are separated with their leader and enter a small room. On the bedside table, next to the bed, inspect a bloody piece of rope. On the opposite side on the table, next to the mattress, we study the wallet and its contents. Return to Central Police Station. Inside turn to the left, we enter the door to the left of the stairs. Interrogate Stuart Ackerman. The first question "Motive for Murder" - "Lie", choose the list "Bloodstained Rope Piece". The second question "CONTACT WITH VICTIM" - "DOUBT". The third question "Alibi for Stuart Ackerman" - "Lie", select "Purse" in the list.

The Studio Secretary Murder.

We go to the car and get to the pawnbroker. We speak with the seller and get rings. After studying, inside each detect engraving. Next, we go to Railyard, then follow the police to the crime scene. First of all, we look at the corpse: head and hands. We study near the lying bag. Inside, we find a letter and a business card. We also notice a matchbox, inside the inscription, and a certain list. I am interviewing the workers who could see something last night. From one of them we get lipstick and ask a few questions. The first of them "Interference With Evidence" - "Truth". The second question "Discovery of Victim's Body" - "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini card. Get to Mensch's Bar. After a conversation with the bartender, I am interviewing a person at a table. The first question "Last Contact With Victim" - "Doubt". The second question is "Criminal History" - "Doubt". Next location LEVINE'S LIQUOR STORE. We speak with the bartender and then proceed to him. In the room next to the mattress we consider a photo and a book. We study the statuette lying in the corner. We return back and ask the bartender. The first question "Contact With Victim" - "Truth". The second question "Relationship with Victim" - "Truth". The third question "Knowledge of McCaffrey" - "Doubt". We sit in the car and get an urgent message on the radio, but before you go to Central Police Station, take a look at Mensch's Bar. We ask the last question Sitting at Mr. McCaffrey. "Relationship with Victim" - "LIE", select "Book" in the list. Reaching the site, go down to the basement to meet with the captain. After the roller, use the phone on the first floor. The next Rawling's Bowling Alley item. After talking with the cashier, we pass through the door to the right of the playground. Run through the suspect and try to stop it. Having done this, get to McCaffrey's Apartment. The desired apartment under the sixth number. This is on the second floor, left the near door. Knock and then we take out. On the table we find half the letter. We study the tool with engraving and bleeding shirt on the floor. When the maid declares, we are talking to her and go to the roof of the building. Here we find McCaffrey and run behind it. After a long jogging, finally catch up with him and catch. All suspects are caught, it remains only to interrogate them and identify a true killer. After the roller, turn to the left and enter the interrogation room, to the left of the stairs. Interview James Tiernan. The first question "Relationship with Victim" is "LIE", select "Victim Last Seen" in the list. The second question "Victim's Book Found" - "Doubt". The third question "Alibi for James Tiernan" - "Lie", select "LiQuor Purchase" in the list. The fourth question "Access to Murder Weapon" - "Doubt". At the end, choose "Leave Interrogation". We go to another interrogation room and begin the interrogation of Mr. McCaffrey. The first question "Alibi for McCaffrey" - "LIE", select "Tom Letter" in the list. The second question "Access to Tire Iron" - "LIE", select "Tiernan's Accusation" in the list. We return to James Tirnan and ask the last question: "Events Prior to Murder" - "LIE", select "McCaffrey Accusation" in the list. Next to the dispatching we use the phone and go back to the room to Mr. McCaffrey. The last question for him "Military Service" - "Lie", select "McCaffrey Criminal Record" in the list. At the end, choose "Charge Suspect".

The Quarter Moon Murders.

After the roller, we study a note left by the maniac, a red book and a white sheet with a message. Get to Pershing Square. We approach the fountain and climb on it. We discover the next message from the killer. Then open the map and in the northeast we celebrate Hall of Record, the location of which is in the picture

We enter the building through large doors. We speak with the guard and climb the stairs.

We climb on another staircase. Using the left stick for both promotion, and for balancing, we get to the chandelier. We inspect the clock and message. When the chandelier starts to smoke, swing it and jump into a safe zone. The next La Public Library location is located in the southwest.

Climbing along the drain pipe to the roof. We continue to climb on the construction forests. Finally, at the very top, we find the medallion and the next tip. Go to Westlake Tar Pits in the West.

On the track heading to the shore. Dressing around, we enter the water and continue the movement along the sunken wooden platform. On the only fork you turn to the left. We study the shoe and messages lying near the bushes. Get to La Country Art Museum in the north.

We go to the center of the park, to the labyrinth. On the first fork you turn to the left. In the second - to the right. On the third - left. Carefully inspect the ring lying on the spherical model, as well as the message. Next, we get to the intolerance set in the south-east.

Go straight to the end. The stairs climb upstairs. When the wooden structure collapses, we try to control it so that it falls forward, and we were able to sample on the next roof. Go down, study the ring and read the message on the throne chair. Again, everything will begin to collapse, so we run without stopping. Go to Christ Crown of Thorns in the southwest.

We enter the church. After the roller, we rush with the pursuit of the maniac. Finding a secret move, go down to the tunnels and continue to pursue the criminal. Using the shelter system, carefully inspect the angles. In course, we must shoot it, focusing on the sound of steps. We act quickly, without walking for a long time in one place.

The Black Caesar.

With a new partner, get to the crime scene. Climb upstairs, turn right and go to the last apartment. After talking with Medispert, first of all inspect the glass from under the popcorn on the carpet and the wallet, in which there is a credit card and a torn paper with numbers. On the table we find a sheet with notes and some combination. In the pocket of the murdered we find a wallet with a credit card and a piece of paper. We inspect the second corpse on the chair. In the same room in the corner of morphine. In the kitchen on the bedside tables inspect the next glass of popcorn, but this time at the bottom we see hidden morphine. We choose from the room and go to the streets and go to the shop with popcorn. The seller is trying to escape, and therefore rushing after him. After catching it, inspect the bench. We open the drawer behind the rack and detect sachets with morph. We open the suitcase lying in the corner, open the subject and consider the combination. We study near the lying ticket. Interrogate the detainee Fleetwood Morgan. The first question "MORPHINE OVERDOSE VICTIMS" - "LIE", in the list, select "Popcorn Cups with Morphine". The second question "Numbers Slips Recovered" - "Doubt". We use the phone on the street. Go to Jones' Booking Agency. We climb the stairs and look at the list of apartment owners. The desired number 238. We tear into the room and search it. In the corner we look at the brown radio. Unscrew the first to the left to the maximum, the second install on the FM, the third slightly more than 1100. When a secret cache opens, we are separated with a couple of guards, and then start studying it. We look at the pack of money, a tube with morphide, a piece of paper and a package with an unknown content. On the top we study the green sticker. Talk to Jermaine Jones. The first question "Army Surplus Morphine" - "Doubt". The second question "Involvement of 'Ottie" is "Lie", select "Distributor Identified" in the list. The third question "Link to Ramez Removals" - "Doubt". We use the phone and get to Numbers Operation. Penetrate the building through the back door and climb the stairs. At the end of the room we use a red slot machine. We must build a combination: cherry, bell, "Win". Wait While this combination will fall out, there is no sense, so if the desired sign appeared on the position - fix it by pressing the "HOLD". A secret cache opens. We study the same morphine, a piece of paper and a green sticker. Run as rushing. Catching it, inspect the cane inside which we find a note. We start interrogation. The first question "Army Surplus Morphine" - "Lie", select "Finkelstein Identified" in the list. The second question "IOU NOTE FROM JOSE RAMEZ" - "Truth". Next location Ramez Removals. Arriving in place, immediately begin to pursue a truck. We close on the left side so that the partner can shoot the wheels. After catching, we enter the warehouse. We study the magazine on the first table with a green lamp. We are interested in the second line from above, the fifth top, the fourth below and the first bottom. We go to the end to the right of the entrance and climb the stairs. Get to the control panel and remove the box.

Go down and enter the freezing room through the free door. We shoot a frozen object in the center. As it turned out, it is morphine. After the roller, we catch up with the fled and shoot on it. Go to Polar Bear Ice Company. We tear into the building and rushing for Lenny, killing bad guys on the way. We act gently, sticking to the shelter. Having overtook Lenny, kill him and at the end of the room will look into the box.

The Set Up.

After the roller, we approach the person, persistently knocking on the door. We take it out and, not finding anyone - inspect. Open the second locker on the left. Inside, we find a note. We go to the next room. Coming with people, we use the phone and get to Hotel El Mar. We enter inside and communicate with a man behind the counter. We get a magazine in which you choose the fourth line on the second page - Winston Church. 207 room is located on the second floor, directly opposite the stairs. Immediately pay attention to the overturned package with garbage and remove the telegram from there. We study the candy box lying on the dresser and a torn ticket. We consider the newspaper on the table: we point your finger on the second page allocated by a dotted frame. On the bedside table, to the left of the bed, there is a piece of paper with calculations. Go to Candy Edwards Address. We speak with the lady behind the counter and, going out, turn to the left. We go to the rooms. Climbing the stairs, we enter the first door to the left. Neutralize a man, after which we look at his pockets. We detect the folding knife and a notebook with some surnames. We study the bus ticket lying on the dresser and a postcard. I interview the woven MRS. Edwards. The first question "Whereabouts of Hammond" is "LIE", in the list, select "Magazine Coupon". The second question "List of Odds Recovered" - "LIE", in the list, select "Bookmakers' ODDS". The third question "Plans to Leave Town" - "Doubt". After the roller, quickly sit down on the bench and pretend that we read the newspaper, watching at this time for MRS. Edwards. When it moves away from us, continue to be survened. If you have for a long time to flash the goal on the mini-card, then very soon the task will end with failure. Therefore, always hold the goal in sight. Learning that MRS. Edward attends the bookmaker's office, entering after it. We approach the red lamp next to which is a sheet of paper. Strike his pencil and read the received message. Get to Examiner Drugstore. We enter the building and in the corner on the radio select a business card. Then use the phone and go to Ray's Bookmakers. We continue the surveillance for MRS. Edwards, heading for a yellow taxi. Ultimately, she was killed in the bus depot, and the offender manages to hide. We inspect the gun lying on the floor and the red handbag in which the ticket is located. Let's leave the building and go to Egyptian theater. We are moving around the theater building, focusing in voice. We kill three exact shots: one on the balcony and two on stage.

Manifest Destiny.

Get to the place of crime. We enter the building and speak with our past partner Bekovsky. We look at the first corpse and a little away the second. In the inner pocket, we find morphine. We study the case with a musical instrument nearby nearby. We study every item from left to right and thereby open a cache. We consider tokens and syringe. We are going to the next room, where we approach the box with cigarettes, and a little further inspect the weapon, at the top of which engraving. We return to the hall with the first corpse and polish the administrator. The first question "111 Club Shooting Incident" - "Doubt". The second question "Knowledge of McGoldrick" - "Truth". Go to The Blue Room. Entering the inside, watch the roller, after which I will ask a few questions of ELSA Lichtmann. The first question "Army Surplus Morphine" - "Doubt". The second question "MORPHINE OVERDOSE VICTIMS" - "DOUBT". Having waited for the night, we podkrabuil and follow her. Having finished with a surveillance, watch the video. Being a restaurant for the waiter to the desired table. The first question "FINKELSTEIN DRUG OPERATION" - "DOUBT". The second question "111 Club Shooting Incident" - "Doubt". We look at the video and arrive at the police station. Follow the partner on the conversation with the detective. In the list on the second page, specify the selected lines. Get to Bus Shooting. We will not go to the open, but better bypass on the left. We run to the building where the machine gunner sat down, and climb up the stairs. Hiding behind the wall, kill the criminal. We inspect the corpse of the killed. In the inner pocket, we find a notebook. Also study the arms lying next to the weapon. After the roller interview the bus driver. The first question "Informed of Coolridge Heist" - "Doubt". The second question "Motive for Shooting" - "Lie", select "Sniper's Pocketbook" in the list. We use the phone marked on the mini card, and go to Kelso's Apartment. Interrogate Jack Kelso. The first question "Army Surplus Morphine" - "Doubt". The second question "EX-MARINE MCGOLDRICK" - "Truth". The third question "Arms Stolen from Coolridge" - "Truth". The fourth question "SS COOLRIDGE Robbery" - "Doubt". Next location Robert's Diner. Arriving in place, go to the chase of armed criminals. Drive up from the left to the partner can shoot. When their car fails, they will try to hide in the alley. Putting to the wall, the exact shots kill criminals. We inspect the corpse, in the inner pockets of which we find a list and notepad. Get to Grauman's Chinese Theater and pursue armed gangsters again. As in the previous case, we catch up and kill them. Next Location Hollywood Post Office. Arriving in place, very carefully selected to the building, killing the verbal criminals. We look at another person. After listening to him, pick up a card out of my hands. We run along the corridor to the other side, to the card file. We look at the corpse of a man in a blue suit. In your pocket, we find a note. Get to Meeting Place. We are moving around the alley, killing enemies. First of all, on the roof and with machine guns. Do not forget to pick up more powerful weapons from the corpses of defeated criminals. A mini-card will help to navigate in the pitch darkness, issuing the location of enemies. Go to Hollywood Police Station, where you are interrogating Courtney Sheldon. The first question "6th Marines Being Targeted" - "Lie", select "Note" in the list. The second question "SS Coolridge Robbery" - "LIE", in the list, select "Beckett's Confession".

The Gas Man.

Together with the new partner, we go to Steffens House Fire. After a conversation with the police, approach the fence and go along it until it is stumbled upon the shield. From the inside of the door we study the list. Next, we communicate with the victims. Having received a ticket, inspect it and ask questions Mr. Steffens' The first of which "Travel Competition" - "Truth". The second question "Suburban Redevelopment" - "Doubt". We use the phone marked on the mini card. Get to Sawyer House Fire. We approach the burnt home and speak with Medispert. We inspect the corpses and go to the fence, not far from which the blue water regulator lies. After the roller, we rush into pursuit of the unknown. After catching it, with a cigarette and arrest. Go to Gulliver's Travel Agency. We enter the building, speak with the agent and in the list, select the third and eighth rows from above. The first question "Suburban Redevelopment" - "Truth". The second question "Promotional Travel Contest" - "Doubt". Next SUBURBAN REDEvelopment location. And from there we immediately go to Fire Station No.32. After the roller we put the regulators in the desired order. Blue move higher, yellow put between blue and green, and the latter is brown in the only free plot. Run by jamming for the red lever. Next, we get to Instahat Factory. Entering the building, turn to the left and, reaching the office, communicate with a specialist. Then a little interview it. The first question "Instahaat Model 70" - "Doubt". The second question "Heater Service History" - "LIE", in the list, select "Heater Serviced by Ryan". We consider the resulting list and use the phone. We speak again with Mr. Rasic, then follow him. Give the leaflet from the third locker on the left. We also inspect the seventh and second right, carefully examining their contents. We go outside and after the roller get to Clemens' Worksite. We grab an electrician and begin to interrogate. The first question is "Knowledge of Varley" - "Doubt". The second question "Employment with Instahaat" - "Doubt". The third question "Knowledge of Ryan" is "LIE", the list is chosen "Clemens' Anarchist Pamphlet". Go to Varley's Worksite. Run through the suspect. To catch it, it is enough to hold the sight, until the circle is filled. Next location Ryan's Worksite. We catch another suspect, in pursuit by car. Taranny it, as much as possible. Return to Wilshire Police Station. Follow the partner to Matthew Ryan. The first question is "Anarchist Literature" - "Lie", select "Ryan's Anarchist Pamphlet" in the list. The second question "InStaheat Model 70" - "Lie", select "Ivan Rasic's Statement" in the list. The third question "Suburban Redevelopment" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Attempted Murder Charge" - "Doubt". Having finished, choosing "Leave Interrogation". In the queue Reginald Varley. The first question "Work at Sawyer Residence" is "Lie", in the list, select "Heater Serviced by Varley". The second question "SUBURBAN REDEVELOPMENT" - "LIE", select "Walter Clemens' Statement" in the list. The third question "Instaheat Model 70" - "Lie", select "Mosquito Coils" in the list. At the end, choose "Leave Interrogation". Go again to Ryan and choose "Charge Suspect".

The Walk In Elysian Fields.

Get to the place of crime. We go to the house and follow the Medceptpert. We look at the burnt bodies in the room, photo. We go out on the street and after the roller, unfold and go to the backyard. On the way, we look at the next evidence - the shield. Next we run to the neighboring house, marked with a white point on the mini card. Near this point is a tree. Nearby we study traces and cigarette, on the filter of which the inscription. Asking the owner standing opposite the house. The first question "Morelli Fire Withness Report" - "Doubt". The second question "Suspicious Activity" - "Doubt". The third issue "Planned Demolitions" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Promotional Travel Contest" - "Truth". A partner shows found by origami. After his detailed inspection, as well as having studied the leaflet brought by a neighbor, we use the phone and go to Rancho Escondido. Arriving in place, we are painting with a couple of rioters. Then come to the right corner of the burnt house and we look at the wall a little left of the corner. Next location ELYSIAN FIELDS. Entering the building, we go straight to the second floor to Mr. Monroe. The first question "ELYSIAN LINKED TO ARSONS" - "DOUBT". The second question "Promotional Travel Contest" - "LIE", in the list, select "Elysian Fields Flyers". The third question "Local Land Acquisitions" - "Doubt". The fourth question "Rancho Escondido Fire" - "Lie", select "Poor Cement Quality". We consider a leaflet with the name list on the table at the secretary. We are interested in the third line from above. Before going out, look into the room on the right and use the phone. After the roller get to Chapman's Apartment. Look at the trunk machine. We study the yellow box along with the contents, cartridges and leaflet. Next, we are noticed by the owner of the car, he is a criminal, and we rush into pursuit. Taranny train from all sides and as stronger as possible. When she stops, the criminal will try to kill us, so we have to do it immediately after he leaves transport.

House of Sticks.

As a new hero, we study the received document. From the card files get the folder. On blue paper, we point out the left projection. The first question "DISPUTED CLAIM PAYOUT" - "DOUBT". The second question "Connection to Buchwalter" is "Doubt". The third question "Motive for Dispute" - "Truth". Having finished the conversation, follow the girl in the pink blouse. Sit into the car and get to the destination. We enter the booth where we study various documents on the tables. On the street we beat a person in a white shirt and go to Demolished House. We pass through the checkbox and near the unfinished building we consider broken boards. Restoring them, get the inscription. We run away along the trenches from the angry men, which we beat more than recently. We use the telephone booth marked on the mini card. Next location Keystone Film Studios. After talking with the guard, penetrate the territory and jump over the right right. We study the check lying on the boards. Also on the boards near the fence there is a piece of paper with the inscription. We return back and move forward, jumping over through the central gate. We enter the building on the left and inspect the empty film case lying on the table. Open the suitcase. Adjust the levers. The top should point to the north, the average to the north-west and the latter simply switch. After the movie viewed, we return to the machine. In the security booth we use the phone. After the roller, we get to Elysian Fields Site Two. Penetrate the construction and climb on the second floor. We get into the ambush and keep until the last. At the last moment, jump out of the car and run away from the pursuers. Capture the car by the road and go to the marked place. To get rid of bandits, we use various maneuvers.

A Polite Invitation.

After the roller, we get into the street and get to the marked place. Climb the stairs; Turn the left, the desired apartment at number 2. Coming with the owner, inspecting in the house. We study the folder lying on the table and the document to the left. Next, we tear into the bedroom and discover the girl on the bed. We speak with Curtis Benson. The first question "Motive for Fraud" - "LIE", select "Share Certificate" in the list. The second question "Suburban Redevelopment" is "LIE", in the list, select "Insurance Agreement". The third question "BUCHWALTER CASETTEMENT" - "DOUBT". Go to California Fire Life. Entering the building, go straight to the elevator. Rising to the desired floor, turn right and head to the second office. We study the folder on the table. Package along the coordinates on a blue leaf next to the image of the house. Then point to the fifth line in the following document. After the roller, we enter the building and speak with the guard. We rise to the second floor and turn the door to the first open door. Follow the man in a green suit. We consider a reference to the shelf. We turn over and on the second page indicate the eighth line. Go to the map in which we specify the coordinates: 034'04'29 and 118'17'58. In the calculator, we enter - 1876988 to divide on 90000. We get the answer 20. We approach the penultimate shelf next to the window. In the directory on the second page, point to the third line from above. We kill arriving bad guys. After the roller, we enter the room and remove the phone of the caller phone. Get to Leland Monroe's Mansion. We try not to stick out, but at the same time actively cover the partners. They love to run away forward, so do not fall behind and spread with the enemies as they appear. By killing everyone on the street, penetrate the house where we are waiting for several more guards. Opening each door with caution and will be ready to kill unexpected enemies. Finally get to Mr. Monroe and wonder him in the leg. We search the office and on the table we find a list with crossed names. Packing on "Sawyer". We approach a semi-open safe, open it and consider all items.

A Different Kind of War.

Follow all three locations in notepad. Playing for Cole Phelps, we are moving behind Rusty. On the way, do not forget to look into the locker standing on the corner, left from the door. Entering the room, turn the right and learn the folder lying on the table. We specify the text, and on the next page, poke on the collapsed red text. Near the floor is a bloody ball. We look at the corpse, on the hand of which we find a lighter. On the desktop shadow the sheet of paper with a secretive card. We try to substitute the blue card and newspaper under it. After the roller, go to the house opposite and try to knock on the door. Then we strip it and consider homemade weapons to the right. We go further and in the room we find a lot of origami suspended on the ceiling. We study photos on the wall, the origami couple on the table, as well as the map. We approach the phone and watch the video. Follow the white machine on the mini card. Overclocking is not particularly worth it, since it rains. We are moving around the sewerage, painting with opponents. There will be no problems with the killing of criminals, if you do not hurry and, even more so, not so often hang out from the shelter. In one of the premises we select flamethrower. In the meantime, the flow of water is growing, and it becomes more difficult to move. Having met friends, look at the final roller.

A police detective is a genre that is very widely used in literature and cinema, however, it is quite rare to meet a similar game on the computer. After all, users like more drive, action, shooting, chase and much more, which is peculiar to shooters. But the creators of L. A. Noire were not afraid of experiments - of course, they did not rule out shootouts and chase for criminals, because without it there is no police militant, but besides that, they introduced some of the features that this project was actually unique.

The game includes absolutely all aspects that can be interesting to the target audience: and an exciting storyline with incredible turns, and a large number of basic and secondary tasks, and the development of characters, and a beautiful graphic component, and a large number of retro cars, and even attractions Some cities in which the action will occur. But the most important thing is this game has a special system of conducting interrogations, which makes it really unique. Next, you will learn more about the main advantages of this game, you will understand that all the missions have passed credited to you in percentage, and only percent in La Noire 100. Passage of this masterpiece can take you a large amount of time if you take for all third-party tasks, But the passage of the storyline will not be short.

What is L. A. Noire?

Starting with the definition of the genre of this game, which is not so easy. As it was already said earlier, this game is most reminiscent of a police actionmer, but what is included in this concept? Are there any chase and shooting - all that includes L. A. Noire? The passage of this game in reality will require you much more. Here are important and competent riding in transport, and the ability to solve riddles, and most importantly is the flair. Without him, you are unlikely to succeed successfully interrogate a witness or guess who and how could you commit this or another crime.

Plus, for the complete passage of the game you will need to find a lot of hidden items, such as newspapers or attractions. They do not affect the plot, but at the same time are very important details for perfectionists who love when the game is one hundred percent. Therefore, be prepared for serious adventures that you are waiting for when you enter the image of Cowla Phelps, a policeman who can unravel even the most difficult matter.

In L. A. Noire Tightening you just instantly, because the game is dynamic, beautiful and fascinating. And various small pleasantness, such as the change of costumes and hats by the main character, will delight your eyes throughout the game. But it is time to look at what is the gameplay as a whole and how you will move along the plot.

General plan passing

In L. A. Noire, the passage consists of several parts, and the separation is not accidental. As Cowla Phelps, you travel through various police departments - you are raised, down, and you have to be taken for various things that are little similar to each other and bring you a new challenge every time. You begin by an ordinary employee of the road police, patrol, which is investigating small traffic accidents. But gradually go to a new level - you are transferred to the transport department, after which you are in the murder departments.

Each department, naturally, is accompanied by a certain set of stories that you need to investigate. Some of them are just the riddles that you will be interested to decide whether others are gradually woven into the common storyline, creating incredible impressions of the gameplay. You will visit the morals department, you will be transferred to the court investigation department - in La Noire, the passage of all these missions will require you a wide variety of skills, but you will not even notice how time will fly when you will investigate this or that murder to look for fraudsters and robbers, chase hijackers and so on. From this will be your everyday life, but as you have already noticed, never mentioned about interrogations that make up an impressive part of the game. And all because it is worth talking in more detail and thoroughly.

Interrogations in L. A. Noire

This game is filled with various fascinating events, but most of them are all the same actions that are present in other projects, only stylized under concrete subjects. Of course, the side missions that are issued to you while you are traveling in your patrol car - this is also an original solution that allows you to get into the role of a detective even more. But still precisely interrogations made this project so popular. In L. A. Noire passage of interrogations - this is what first is worth paying attention to. If in other projects the development of dialogue and plot as a whole could depend on what replica you choose, then everything is much thinner here.

For example, you have a tip or there is a witness that you can get information. To do this, you need to talk to him, but the conversation will not be such as in other games. It is this part of the project that is drawn up to the most detailed as possible, that is, you can watch your interlocutor in the slightest details. Just on this, the interrogation system was built - you ask any question and listen to the answer, while watching the hands of the questioned, behind his facial expressions, behind his eyes. And all this should bring you to concrete thoughts, bring to the necessary conclusions. Is the interlocutor lying? Is the truth? Is trying to hide the details? Depending on how well you will "read it", you will receive the necessary information and even evidence.

As you can see, in L. A. Noire passage of interrogations is a full-fledged art, and you need to show all your hidden detective abilities to extract from witnesses and suspects that information that will be important for business. In general, there are interrogations in which everything passes is pretty smooth, but there are also those that can cause difficulties even in the most experienced readers of emotions. Therefore, it is worthwhile to disassemble some of the cases that you need to decide, because they may need help.

Passage of the Mission "Consul Machine"

The first things will be relevant to you relatively, as you will only join the game. Naturally, the first interrogations may not go very smoothly, since you will just start to get acquainted with this system, but already the second or a third suspect or a witness will go much easier. Missions in the patrol service do not deserve detailed consideration, but some tasks from the transport department should study more carefully, since for certain tasks you will need it if you are interested in L. A. Noire.

"Consul Machine" is the first quest that can put you in a dead end, therefore it is recommended to take the following steps with the following steps. First you need to inspect the scene of the incident, paying attention to all available evidence and commemorative details - they may come in handy to put in a dead end with their questions of witnesses and suspects. With the first of them, by the way, you will come across right at the crime scene - this is Oswald Jacobs, an elderly person, whose house is located next to the abandoned car. In most cases, he tells the truth. But if you ask him about whether he saw a car, the witness of the match. Drinking it, you will not get almost nothing - he only examined the car. However, from this, you can withdraw another question about whether he took something from there, and then interesting details will emerge, as he dragged the notebook.

So and happens in L. A. Noire. "Consul Machine" is not the quest with which you will cope quickly, so get ready to interrogate the owner of the auto repair shop, which will lie to each of your question, and in the end you will receive a certain Delgado address. But immediately to go to him fail - you will first have to interrogate one suspect in the police station, which will give you additional evidence. Then you can visit home to Delgado, where it is natural, no. But there is his domability, which can also be interrogated, drawing that Delgado is involved in street racing. If the interrogation fails, then you will receive a second chance - to trace the woman who will lead you just where you need. There you will have to compete in speed with a desperate rider, which should end with his arrest.


Mission L. A. Noire "Purpuling", the passage of which can also seem like the easiest one, can also be completed with an extraneous help. If you no longer have ideas left, then follow further instructions. Here you will find not only a large number of interrogations, but also a serious shootout, so you need to prepare. So, you get a message about the stolen car and go to check. As a result of the chase, you will be able to delay the suspect, which after the interrogation turns out to be innocent - he acquired a car, not knowing that he was hijacked, and decided to escape, because he had marijuana on his hands. This is not at all the crime that you expected, so the investigation will have to continue in another direction, namely in that salon, where the car was purchased.

By questioning the owner, you will learn that he sold a car a certain Ginny Archer, and he himself is an honest merchant, who has not known anything about the hijacking machine. In the meantime, a guy, in the meantime, lead a guy who, together with Archer, a car is registered, and he will collapse as a result, recognizing that it works for a whole network of distiller. After that, you can hold the detention of Ginny, which will be a withered, who does not know what she works. And here in the mission of L. A. Noire "puncture", the passage acquires an unexpected turnover, as you will need to shoot a lot of bandits that those who were interrogated. One of them will survive, and with his interrogation you will learn the name of the one who is behind it
m stands. The case will remain for small - to arrest the guilty.

Meeting with Elsoy

We study further such an exciting game L. A. Noire (passage). "Fallen idol" is the moment when the game takes an unexpected appearance. If before everything was built on the relationship between partners, as well as on police activities, now the element of romance is added to the process, because your character at the end of this mission will meet his love, Elza Lichtmann. But before that, you still need to get, so you have to interrogate enough people, to be more accurate, then four.

But this is not all - this segment of the game path is simply saturated with various actions. For example, you have a surveillance, chase, trying to tear away from gangsters and mafios. Moreover, for the successful completion of the task, you will need to bring a person from one location as possible and disadvantaged, which is not so simple, since you will constantly be under a squall fire. Therefore, be patient, gather and go to fulfill your task. It is worth saying that it is the last - the passage of the game L. A. Noire here will make a steep turn. This mission will put an end to your career in the transport department. You get the next thing already in the murder department - more and more interesting and more interesting.

Passage of "jammy madness"

In the murder department there are many interesting things that will gradually guide you on the plot, but there can not be distinguished by some missions that would be difficult to pass. Therefore, this department can be mastered on your own, but when you are transferred to the police of morals, you will already meet such a quest that can put anyone in a dead end, even the largest specialist in L. A. Noire. A detailed passage of this task will be accompanied by several detention and interrogations, inspections of premises for evidence and even a full-fledged. Such a saturation of the events makes this mission in the Police Department of the Morals of the most exciting.

You will also have to storm the house, but here you can already apply the police cunning - instead of popping up under the bullets and try to shoot the gangsters, you can quietly get into the house through a black move and quickly put them on both. As you can see, there is always one in the game, but at once a few solutions problems, so you can choose the one that you like more. Sometimes makes it pretty thinking about the plot of the game L. A. Noire (passage).

"Kosnikovy Madness" will also bring you and unpleasant surprises - your partner in this department will be unclean on the hand, and it will still affect the next plot. But you yourself will find out about all the corners of the story when you play this launching masterpiece, but for now you need to think about more urgent problems. For example, that at the end of the service in the Police of the morals you will become too bright figure, which knows too much. Therefore, you will pass the last part of the game as a police lowest rank, which investigates fires and arson. After the investigations of the murders and the disclosures of criminal syndicates, this employment perfectly demonstrates that our hero definitely crossed someone's road. Naturally, it is impossible to leave it so much, but also, even if they are not waiting for the arson. Therefore, they also need to pay attention.

Logging department - Phelps Do not stop

In L. A. Noire passage, arson is or any other mission, invariably leads to the development of the plot. It would seem that the main character was translated into one of the most discerning departments, he did not give him the opportunity to unravel the ball, which he already groped, and he could lead to something incredible. Therefore, Cole Phelps does not give up, and even in the registry office, he continues attempts to get to the truth, and some things to help him help him.

For example, the mission to which L. A. Noire will lead to us, Gasovskaya will lead you to the Suburban Development Fund, which will be involved in major frauds, and is also directly related to the main intrigue game. First of all, it is worth noting that you will have to interrogate a lot of characters here, and interrogations will definitely be not the lungs. But if you consider the fact that you have already worked in several departments, spent many hours in the game, your eye should already calmly distinguish when a suspect or witness is lying when he hides some details and when he speaks the truth. So interrogate everyone calmly before
Tim collecting evidence to use them to move the interrogated in lies - only this way you can achieve one hundred percent passing of the game.

Of course, the storyline will end after the final roller, but at the same time the percentage of completion may be lower. It will be the maximum only if you have found all the evidence in the game, the behavior is correctly chosen in relation to the questioned absolutely in all interrogations, and also did not fail a single case and answered all challenges by radio.

Latest things

Full passage of L. A. Noire will require you to fulfill the last mission, which will no longer be a certain case - it will be an interchange of the entire game. But in front of it you can deal with another thing - investigating the explosion at the electronics factory. This mission does not have almost nothing to do with the plot, it appears, rather, as a cluster before the storm. You will need only to interrogate two people and collect a little evidence. All this prepares you to the fact that in the last mission will be very hot. So you can finally ride around the city, see the sights, to do what has long wanted. In L. A. Noire Passage "Nicholson Electric Electolation" is mandatory only if you installed the appropriate loadable content, which will be discussed below. If you play the original version of the game without additions, you will immediately throw in the thick of the events of the last task called the "Other War".

Downloadable Content for Game

You can play in the original version of L. A. Noire, but it will deprive you at once several cases, as well as other pleasures. Therefore, it is recommended to upload and DLC with the game itself, which will significantly expand the gameplay. There were no changes in the mechanics of the game itself, but five cases were incorporated into the plot. Four of them have already been described above - this is the "puncture", "jam-skinned madness", "Nicholson Electroplating" and "Consul Machine". In addition to them, the Mission "Naked City" is added, which you can go to the road crime department. As you can see, in L. A. Noire, the passage of DLC does not take you much time in the ratio with the total number of hours spent on the game, but will add several fascinating cases at once, which are not so simple as it may seem.

But additional tasks are not all that can offer you a DLC. You will also get at once four new costumes that can be found during the game. It may seem that costumes are far from the most important item in the game, and this is true. You can go through the entire storyline in the same outfit, and this will not affect the process or result. But not everything in computer games concentrates only on the achievement of the goal, and costumes are just a small friend who will delight your eye. You will be able to plunge past years and try on Cole Phelps different outfits. Well, naturally, DLC add to the game what is important to every man - machines and weapons.

And now, of course, the question remained who worries everyone, to whom this game smelled to the soul and very loved: "Will the continuation?" She came out in the already pretty far in 2011, but since then nothing except rare rumors was noticed. Someone says that the second part has already been announced and could be represented on one of the game exhibitions, but the presentation was canceled, others report that the game release was scheduled for 2016. Be that as it may, all the fans will be with a fading of the heart to wait for any news on L. A. Noire 2. The passage of the first part shocked many gamers, because the industry has not yet met such a game. Many publications wrote that masterpieces like this, there are no more couples for a decade. Therefore, if you have not yet experienced a suit and hat Cool Phelps, it is strongly recommended - you will come to unforgettable impressions that will also make you wait for any news about the outlet of the second part.

Incredible and tangled, but at the same time, a deeply thoughtful and fascinating plot, an abundance of detective work - the search for evidence, chase for criminals, shootouts, surveillance, and most importantly - an unprecedented system of interrogations. All this adds to a full masterpiece. The passage of the game L. A. Noire may seem very difficult, but it makes the result only even more desirable.