Walkthrough of The Banner Saga 1. Walkthrough of The Banner Saga - how to play? Which is better armor or strength?

They founded the Stoic studio and took to Kickstarter with the initiative to create a fantasy role-playing game with a turn-based combat system. People liked the idea, the project received funding and began to grow. First, the authors released the shareware online game The Banner Saga: Factions, where they presented original combat mechanics. Now comes The Banner Saga, a single-player game with a long campaign that constantly forces the caravan owner to make difficult decisions with far-reaching consequences.

In this fairy-tale world, rooted in Scandinavian legends, evil has awakened. The army of darkness destroys cities and villages. People and giants are forced to retreat with caravans, unite, seek refuge in cities, so that in a minute they can again hold back the onslaught of the advancing forces.

The story is presented in text form, there are very few videos, dialogues between the drawn figures of the characters rarely appear on the screen. Much more often, as in a game book, you just have to read the lines and choose answer options. Moreover, you need not just a good knowledge of the English language, but an excellent one, since The Banner Saga uses difficult vocabulary, and choosing actions at random is highly discouraged.

The owner of the caravan must resolve disputes within his community, punish drunkenness and theft, calm greedy comrades, and resolve tense situations with jokes or force. Each conflict, of which there are many, gives the right to choose an action, but the result is not always obvious. The result can be either reconciliation with a subsequent reward in the form of local currency - “glory” (Renown) - and raising “morale” (Morale), or the loss of supplies (Supplies), people and key characters.

The main tests are external problems. Negotiations with the mayor of the city may break down. People who join the caravan with your permission turn out to be robbers. The decision to set a trap for the enemies turns into its own defeat. Deprived of supplies, the caravan begins to starve. People leave and die, morale drops. This forces us to take extreme measures, take off the smiling “good guy” mask from our faces and destroy the farms we meet, refuse those in need of help, drive people forward without rest in the hope of getting to some village.

A similar approach is seen in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels by George R.R. Martina. Fantasy without heroism, right and wrong, good and bad. Here it is important to survive at any cost, even if this means sacrificing friends and relatives, destroying alliances and betraying allies. You can't be nice all the time.

It's a bit of a pity that choices can only be made at certain moments. Hunger in a caravan becomes an integral part of unpleasant accidents and bad decisions. Instead of welcoming the residents of the next village, you want to “dispossess” them. But no, the head of the caravan gathers people and moves on to the next troubles and victims.

The art style of the game is not conducive to fun. Everything is drawn by hand, but without grotesque, bright colors and big eyes. A similar style was observed in old Disney cartoons (the authors did not hide the fact that they were inspired by the works of artist Eyvind Earle, who worked on “Sleeping Beauty” in 1959). It’s a pity that the style of “magical realism” is rarely used today. The dialogues are not voiced, the scenery for the events described in the text must be thought out by yourself, but the characters are drawn in such a way that from afar you can see their character and feel sympathy for them. The music, by the way, was written by composer Austin Wintory, who gave it a special mood.

The intense plot is not the only advantage of The Banner Saga. Often conversations fail to resolve the conflict, and the action is transferred to the battlefield. At first glance, everything is familiar. The flat map is divided into squares, along which warriors alternately walk and exchange blows. If before the battle they assure you that “hundreds of fighters rushed at each other,” do not believe it. The owner of the caravan places only six of his best warriors - heroes - on the front line.

The characters are part of the plot in one way or another. They are unique not only in appearance, but also in abilities (each has one). In addition, they are divided into classes. Spearmen, for example, strike diagonally and across one square, archers attack in any direction, and knights strike by getting close to the enemy.

Almost chess rules are diluted with a couple of interesting features. Heroes have "armor". Good defense is difficult to penetrate, so heavily armed warriors are superior to light infantry in close combat. On the other hand, the “health” indicator here is “strength”, so wounded soldiers are not capable of much. During the battle, you need to monitor not only the balance of forces on the field, but also their condition: knock off the armor of the knights, weaken the barbarians with enormous strength, and wisely use the unique abilities of the heroes.

The Banner Saga's combat mechanics have few components, the development of heroes is linear, and they can only be equipped with one artifact that enhances their characteristics. Very simple. On the other hand, this is quite enough to turn each battle into a tricky puzzle, which sometimes has to be replayed several times in an attempt to find the correct sequence of actions.


If-if-if - The Banner Saga sets a lot of conditions to please. If your English is excellent. If you are not bothered by the textual presentation of the plot and the almost complete absence of videos. If you like role-playing games without progression systems and turn-based combat with simple mechanics... Then you will most likely like this game. She has her own charm: beautiful drawings and magical music. She attracts with her cruel world and difficult decisions. She stimulates curiosity by offering to choose between several varieties of evil and observe the consequences. The merit of The Banner Saga is also that it does not try to seem better than it actually is. This is a fun game book with puzzle combat. You turn the first page and you can’t tear yourself away until the very end, where you find out that this is only the first chapter of a big saga.

  • Fascinating storyline with many forks
  • A dark fantasy world without “good” and “bad”
  • The game constantly presents the player with difficult choices, and the consequences can only be guessed at.
  • Simple but interesting mechanics of turn-based battles
  • Superb art style and soulful music


  • Elections can only be done in certain places
  • Neglecting graphics in favor of text descriptions of scenes
  • Linear and simple character development
  • Complex vocabulary and lack of translation into Russian

It is a mixture of role-playing game and simultaneous turn-based strategy in the distant past, only about guys from the north - the Vikings. The original appearance, the crazy inhabitants of Scandinavia and the heroes of their myths, sweeping away enemies in one or two and the opportunity to change history - that’s what this game rests on. And now more about the passage The Banner Saga.

Walkthrough The Banner Saga- how to play?

Basics of Game Mechanics

The Banner Saga is a turn-based strategy game, and that's saying a lot. A standard battle in the game is a battle between two opposing sides, with a limit of 6 units on each side, although in rare cases more are possible. In turn, each side will perform some action - attack, defense, use of special abilities.

The battle map is an analogue of a chessboard with square cells for units. Each unit can move a certain number of cells. Melee units, like regular warriors, can only attack adjacent cells. Although, for example, spearmen can attack two cells. Ranged units, for example, archers - up to 5 cells, but they cannot attack adjacent cells.

Combat tactics: what is better - to kill or seriously injure?

If we are talking about powerful enemy units or those who can cause serious damage to your army, then they definitely need to be killed. It is enough to seriously injure the weak, but it is not worth finishing them off. The reason is simple. In The Banner Saga, units move in turns, first a unit on one side, then a unit on the other. And when a weak enemy unit dies, his strong units will simply start moving more often, which is not beneficial for us.

That’s why it’s important to have 2-3 strong units in your team rather than 5-6, but weak ones. It’s like with a new laptop - it’s better to buy an excellent model with a basic configuration and forget about laptop repairs, than to buy a cheap but “sophisticated” one and struggle to find a repair service every couple of months. And where to find her.

Which is better armor or strength?

Health in The Banner Saga consists of two parts - strength and armor. An important aspect is that the strength indicator affects not only health, but also attack power. However, they usually try to reduce the enemy's armor (this is easier to do). However, against particularly strong units, it is advisable to use a strength attack to make it weaker.


Strength - affects your health, as well as attack power. It is therefore important to monitor this indicator, since it affects both defense and attack. Perhaps the most important indicator in the game The Banner Saga.

Armor - affects health in The Banner Saga. Armor reduces damage to health itself. If the armor is higher than the enemy's attack power, there is a chance for the attacker to miss in The Banner Saga.

Gap - this indicator is permanent and does not change during one battle in The Banner Saga. Reduces the enemy's armor level. Good for armor-piercing units in The Banner Saga.

Will - used both to increase attack power and the ability to take an additional step onto a cell. It is useful to develop Will along with Effort for mobile units in The Banner Saga.

Effort - shows how many willpower points you can use per turn.

Approach each choice with extreme caution, because any incorrect answer in the dialogue leads to big losses. Although for the most part there are no correct answers here - you have to choose the lesser of evils.

The maximum squad level is 5. How to get it?

Level 2 - 2 kills and 5 glory points

Third - 5 and 10

Fourth - 9 and 15

Fifth - 14 and 20

After the third and fifth levels, the squad gains special abilities. Each level gives two points towards upgrades.

Don't forget about morality, it affects Willpower in battle. Low morale will reduce it by 2 points, and high morale will increase it by 2.

The Banner Saga is a tactical game with RPG elements. The action takes place in Scandinavia. The main character of the game is a Viking who craves battles and glory. This is the whole premise of Banner Saga. Read the walkthrough of the game below.


A very interesting project, which is very undemanding in terms of hardware and was released on various platforms, including smartphones. Because of this, the Banner Saga project gained great popularity. The game's release date is the very beginning of 2014.

The first and second chapters of the game

In the very first city you will have to fight in the palace of the head of the Strand. There is nothing complicated in it - many hints and tips will help you understand the mechanics of the game. After this, you will be briefed on everything that is happening by Eirik, with whom you will have to proceed to the market. There we learn the details of the incident and go to the tavern.

Here the player awaits the second battle. Whether to get into a fight or not - it all depends on the option chosen in the dialogue. It is best to agree to the battle, since it will give you experience and a reward that will be useful in the future. If you downloaded the English version and do not understand the dialogues in The Banner Saga, you can download the crack for free access on the Internet. You can also find cheats that will make the battles easier if the game becomes too difficult.

After the end of the battle, we must go to meet with the guests of the city and talk. Now the player can choose to either stay in the city for a little while longer or leave it immediately. Once you have decided to continue your adventure by joining the prince (guest of the city), you travel to Grofheim. Along the way, you will encounter several squads of enemies; you can deal with them quite easily and quickly even on medium difficulty. This will end the first chapter.

At the beginning of the second chapter, the player will have to go to Skogr. Adventures in a new location begin again with battle. After this, the hero picks up provisions and quickly goes to the city. In Skogr, your squad will be joined by a new character - Iver. Next, another battle will begin, as a result of which you can lose one of the characters.

Next, go to the throne room. There you will be asked to level up your characters and distribute skill points. After a dialogue with the leader of the settlement, your companion Iver is about to leave the city. There are no important choices in the dialogue, they differ only in wording and will not affect anything in the further history of the Banner Saga. The passage continues outside the city.

The difficult journey to the neighboring settlement of Frostvelr is accompanied by battles. The difficulty of the battles gradually increases, so do not forget to stock up on supplies before leaving each city. The caravan is very tired and moving unevenly, so it is wiser to decide to rest.

Along the way you will meet hunters who can join the Viking squad. However, for this you need to have a certain number of fame points and provisions.

The path ahead is long, and many caravan participants break down. One such incident occurs at night when one person gets drunk and starts a fight. The main character is responsible for what to do with the culprit.

In general, the path to the city will take up the entire second chapter of the Banner Saga. The passage continues in the third part of the game.

Chapter Three

Now the caravan's path lies to Vedrefell. Along the way we meet more robbers who no longer pose any threat to our caravan. After all, even more Vikings joined the detachment. There will be a small reference to the new part of The Banner Saga 2 series, so be careful.

On the road there will be a small camp of traders. You can bargain and talk with them. In any case, these NPCs are peaceful, so we pass by them. It is not recommended to buy provisions from them as they sell stale food. Because of this, the caravan may be poisoned.

Next you will meet an army of dredges. Now the player will get acquainted not only with small battles, but also with another mode called war. It is a table in which the forces of opponents are compared with the forces of the player, and it is proposed to choose one of the developments of events: attack, battle formation, defense, retreat and automatic battle decision-making. It is very reminiscent of the principle of battles on the global map from any part of Total War.

Chapter Four

In the fourth chapter, the scene of action is transferred to the city of Frostvelr. Our caravan is parked near its outskirts and cannot get inside. While we are outside the walls of the settlement, we can complete several additional quests.

Stock up on provisions at the local market as food has been brought in. Before leaving the city, several Vikings will want to join your squad.

If you decide not to leave the city, but to stay in it, then the development of events will take a slightly different path.

Chapters Five and Six

Now we move back to the main characters of the third chapter of the Banner Saga. The passage continues in the city of Sigrholm. Here you have three branches of development of events. You can gather your squad and leave the city, help or help defend it. The choice depends entirely on the player's decision.

It is best to help the residents, as this will bring a lot of experience and military glory. You have to endure three difficult battles, during which you can lose fighters, so be careful.

But it still won’t be possible to protect the bridge - it will be broken using magic. All you have to do is leave the city with your caravan. The Banner Saga, which could take several pages to review, has almost reached the final stages of its plot development. Then the penultimate chapter of the game begins.

On your way to the new city, you will have to complete several simple quests. You can choose the long path and spend a lot of time, or you can take the short road. But there will be many enemies on it, so it’s up to you to decide. It is better to take a detour, since more than half of the people can be lost in battle. And bypassing will give you additional fame points. Also in the sixth chapter there are a number of side missions that are completely optional.

The final chapter

The entire chapter is devoted to the siege of Bersgard. The entire battle will take place in five stages, one battle per day. Every day the opponents will become stronger, so your squad will lose many combat units. On the last day there is a boss battle. After this, the game ends, and the continuation of the story can be seen in The Banner Saga 2.

Before starting the game, you are given a choice of characters that you can play as. There are two of them:

Rook- an experienced hunter who lost his daughter, but still continues to go. An excellent fighter at close and long range.
Alette- a young hunter who learned a lot from her late father and now she will continue his path. She is agile and maneuverable, capable of hitting multiple opponents.

Regarding the first part The Banner Saga 2 has minor differences: improved game mechanics, more variability in battles, new characters, enemies and classes. The new game begins with a tutorial battle, where you are introduced to the already familiar battle mechanics, but there are still changes in it (for example, the appearance of obstacles). The training battle is quite easy, you will have two varls and a previously selected character under your control.

After the victory, a dialogue will follow with the bard you saved. In the dialogue you will be offered answer options; they are only informative and provide an opportunity to shape the character of the main character. After the splash screen you will switch to caravan mode, a dialogue will open with Ubin. He will offer you to buy food, which is what you should do. After closing the dialogue, click on the market and buy supplies, the price for them is quite good, 5 rations per unit of glory. Also, you can buy various items at the market, but you won’t need them now. Do not forget that the item can only be used by a hero of the appropriate level. After purchasing rations, you will be able to talk with Oddleif, Bolverk and others. Don't be lazy and talk to everyone, this will help you get to know all the heroes better. Do not forget to rest; by resting, you restore wounded soldiers, increase morale and morale. Having finished talking, click on the pier in the lower right corner, here you will have to talk with Hakon, and then your caravan will set off.

Chapter Nine

Bolverk and his warriors left Boersgard along with the caravan Rook, but follow along with him until Arberrang, he didn't intend to. IN Ormsdalre he decided to separate, taking some of the supplies, and fell into a berserker rage when Hakon started threatening him. Yrsa calmed the enraged berserker with the help of fire.
In the ninth chapter, Bolverk stole his caravan anyway - this is where the chapter begins. This time you will control Bolverk. He and his fighters headed towards Bindal, hoping to find work for his people there, besides Juno gave him an order to drown a huge closed cart in the river, the contents of which are unknown.

After talking with all the members of the caravan and completing combat training, you can hit the road.

  • Bolverk berserker, a very strong warrior who can strike twice, but you cannot control the second strike and you can hit your own.
  • Folka warrior, good in defense and offense.
  • Sparr wanderer, can control the initiative in battle.
  • You may also have some characters from , but it depends on your saves.

Random Events

Case 1: lack of food supplies

  • Go hunting – 3 rations
  • Bolverk is the best ranger - 4 glory, 10 rations and increased morale
  • Stop complaining - nothing will happen

Case 2: scouts discovered a camp

  • Take supplies and kill if they resist - 5 glory and 10 rations
  • Kill everyone and take everything - 12 rations
  • Walk by - nothing will happen

Case 3: Oli found mushrooms

  • They are not poisonous - you still need to choose
  • Take mushrooms – 8 rations
  • Throwing mushrooms will lower morale

Having walked a little way down, Mogun will ask about the cart that needs to be sunk. If you choose daring answers, you can run into a fight (the group of fighters is not too strong, but it is better to avoid an unnecessary battle), so choose neutral answers. Further along the route, Oli will ask you for help in a dredge battle. If you agree to help, you will have Oli as an additional character, it will be easier to defeat enemies together, and then he will join the caravan. If you refuse the request, Oli will be injured and you will still have to fight the dredges. Continue on your way and you will find a village. You can continue to move - you will begin to lose the morale and morale of your squad. Or you can attack the village - you will need to fight with archers who are hiding behind the barricades. So the battle is not the easiest, to win, position your fighters so that they can bypass the barricades. After winning the battle, you can recruit new fighters, 10 rations and improved morale. Continue on your way you will come across Godstone. Sparr will begin to tell legends, which will increase morale, and then you need to choose:

  • Explore the place - you will find Pipe Plant
  • Examine the wounds received - you will find Pipe Plant
  • Shut up Sparr - morale will drop greatly

This will be followed by a forced camp. After some time, you will hear strange sounds; it turns out that prisoners are being led nearby. You can help out the prisoners and then give them food, or you can just pass by. Further on your journey you will meet Bak, he has a small detachment that you can take over. Or you can refuse them, after which you will have to kill Bak and his squad, for this you will receive 10 glory. Soon after this you will need to stop for the night. Early in the morning your camp will be attacked.

You will lose some people and have to fight with low morale. If you accepted Bak to himself, he will help deal with the attackers. The battle is a battle with a squad of archers who stand behind barrels. Try to get to the archers as quickly as possible and kill them. So that they cause as little harm to you as possible. If you win, you will receive 15 rations and 10 glory. At the end of your journey you will arrive at Bindal. Here you need to talk with the locals and make some less important decisions, and then the chapter will end.

Chapter Ten

In this chapter you will return to RookorAlette. Perhaps in the last chapter your caravan thinned out considerably, do not miss the opportunity and take care of your troops. If your squad has Ludin, you can talk to him about his father. You can also talk to Eyvind, and if you play for Alette then you will get the opportunity to become Mender(Weavers or Craftsmen). After talking with everyone, hit the road, just don’t forget to buy supplies.

Random Events

As before, various random events await you in this chapter.
Case 1: a group of peasants and a little girl

  • Give food - you will lose 15 rations, but get a morale boost
  • Ask why they are here - you will still need to choose
  • Ask to join you - you will receive 24 people in the squad
  • Ignore - you will have to give 3 rations if you asked them

Case 2: if you took peasants into your home, the girl starts stealing

  • Ask why she does this - you will lose the peasants who joined
  • Kick her out - she and her family will leave the caravan
  • Give the girl to her parents for punishment - nothing will happen

Case 3: hunters found footprints

  • Let the hunters follow the trail - they won’t find anything
  • Go hunting yourself - go to the right (last option), get 5 glory and 25 rations
  • Don't stop and move on - nothing will happen

Happening4: a game

  • Continue watching - morale will improve and you will receive 10 glory
  • Place a bet on Aleo your mood will improve and you will receive 2 glory if you decide to leave

Happening5 : witch

  • Ask the guards about the witch - the witch will prove that they don’t call her that for nothing
  • Taking a witch into your caravan will lead to an event in the next chapter
  • Free the witch, but do not take her in - she will return later and you will lose 25 rations
  • Leave - morale decreases

Happening6 : your scouts sense surveillance

  • Tell them to warn them if they see something - nothing will happen
  • See for yourself - nothing will happen

After some time, it will start raining and the terrain will change to rocky hills. Ludin will comment on the event, and after which the scouts will find some marks. You can:

  • Send scouts along the marked path - the mood will fall (there will be graves there)
  • Ask about another way - you still have to decide
  • Walk past the marked path - morale will decrease

After this you will meet Kragsmen. Dialogue options:

  • Prepare for battle - fight
  • Trying to talk won't work, but morale will improve
  • Send Tryggvi- they will kill him

So everything leads to a fight. You have to fight a small squad of people and a bear. Take strong warriors into battle and first deal with the spearman, then the shield bearers, and finally the bear. The fight is not too difficult, but still be careful not to get too wounded. After finishing the battle, you will move on. On your way you will meet a man who lost his son. To help him, you go on a search together Iver, this way you will save the boy and increase his morale. Sooner or later you will set up camp to rest. At this point, if you have Hogun, you need to help him decide whether to stay in the caravan or leave. He will listen to you in any case, so decide for yourself what to do with him.

After resting, continue on your way. Very soon you will come to Godstone, Varlwill leave you for a while. Here you can ask Aleo about the god he represents (battle is possible). Here you can try to find something useful, but this venture will not be successful. And if you decide to rest here, you will be ambushed and will have to fight off the attackers. Your opponents will again be a squad of people with a bear, but this time the battle will be more difficult. If you neglect the safety of your people, you may regret it later. After the battle you will meet centaurs.

Once in Grundar, you will have to explore this community. Here you can go to the merchant and replenish supplies there, as well as by contacting Scathach you can take him and his two brothers into your caravan - Ro"Ech And Derdriu. Soon you will arrive at Lundar, now he is besieged by centaurs, and the dredges are attacking on the other side. You need to decide what to do first or split up and deal with everything at once.

Stop the centaurs now
In this case you can send Oddleif and centaurs on the wall, they will survive, but may be injured - this way you minimize the loss. The battle will take place in an open area with centaurs. They have great mobility, but still they are not very strong in battle. They have the annoying ability to attack and run away. After the centaurs are forced to retreat, you will enter a city that has been captured by the dredges. You will have to fight them in a large hall. There will be a fire on the battlefield from which you can take coals and throw them at the dredges. If you win, you will receive new additions to your caravan.

First of all, deal with the dredges
In this scenario, you can send Ludin to the rear, but he may die. It’s better not to split up and just accept the fight of the drags. This is a standard fight with dredges - stand your squad tightly and use ranged characters. After your victory, centaurs will burst into the city and your task is to drive them away. When choosing to split up or stick together, it is better to stay together. This way you will save important places in the city and you won’t have to fight.

Regardless of which path you choose, this will lead to the end of the chapter, and as a reward you will receive 120 rations and people for the caravan.

Chapter Eleven

You will return to the clan of ravens and their leader - Bolverk. If at the end of the ninth chapter you decided to sleep on the street, then this chapter will begin with a battle against the drags. It is no different from the previous ones, but you shouldn’t relax. And if you left Bolverk in the city, then at the beginning of the chapter you will lose nine fighters. Having won, you will need to talk with the key characters in your squad. After that, inspect the houses and go to the market to replenish your food supplies. Then you will go to the mine. Immediately after entering the cave, you have to make a decision:

  • Go back and see what happened - this will lead to a fight with the dredges, it will be difficult due to the presence of two Stonesingers(singers of stone).
  • Crows are mercenaries, not volunteers - you still have to choose
  • Refuse to return to the top - Gudmundr will die

Continuing on your way, there will be a forced stop. Talk with Zefr and you can move on

Random Events

As before, various random events await you in this chapter.
Case 1: Prospector Finds Gold

  • Threaten him - you will lose fighters in search of gold
  • Put a debt on him - morale decreases
  • Send a search party - you will lose 9 rations and morale will decrease
  • Moves further - you will lose 3 tribesmen

Case 2: people heard the sound of water and want to find it

  • Stop the crowd and send scouts to look - you will lose 8 people
  • Go ahead of everyone - you will lose 4 people and morale will decrease
  • Let them look for themselves - you will lose 8 people and morale will decrease
  • Threaten those who want to go astray - morale drops

Case 3: people start disappearing andZefr wants to find them

  • The caravan must not stop - you will not find anyone
  • Shout into the darkness - you will challenge your opponents to battle
  • Send Zefr on a search - some of the missing will be found
  • If he agrees to help, go down the road and to the left, you will find everyone

To calm down, Bolverk decides to go to sleep, but soon wakes up. The scouts go for water and you lose 6 people. Tasking Folka with finding water will grant you glory and increased morale. Further down the road, the caravan is forced to cross a rickety bridge that is not designed for carts. If you just try to get through you will lose a lot of food and people. But by asking the magicians to strengthen the bridge, everything will remain intact. You can also decide to carefully transport one cart at a time, this way you will cross the bridge safely and at the same time increase morale. After some time you will find yourself in Godstone. Here you have discovered some kind of gem, you can tell people not to touch it and then nothing will happen. If you pull out a stone for yourself, you will lower your morale. Just by remaining silent in this situation you will receive a gem Vez"Nan. After this, the caravan stops for a rest, and you need to talk with Bak, Nikels and Sparr. Having rested, hit the road. Before you leave the camp, your people will discover strange berries. They are harmless, so don't throw them away. Either way you will receive 15 rations and increase your morale.

After this, difficult battles with dredges await you. In the first, try to kill the possessed first. After this battle, your few people will be lost, don't cause panic. And contact Zefr for help, unfortunately, she will lead you into battle, but the losses will be minimal. Regardless of your choice you will face Warped Stoneguards. They are incredibly durable in battle, use the cracks in the ground. Having won, you will finally leave the cave and this will end the chapter.

Chapter Twelve

This chapter will reflect the events of the tenth chapter. Depending on what you decide to save: the market, houses, hall - you will receive rations, fighters, people. Once in Lundar, explore the city, and then hit the road.

Random events await you ahead and some may be repeated from the tenth chapter.

Random Events

Case 1: beautiful flower

  • Inspect it - you will lose 20 rations and morale will decrease
  • Move on - you will lose 6 people

Case 2: You get lost and people start to worry

  • Go left - you will lose 26 people from your squad
  • Insist that you are not lost - you will lose 8 people and lower morale.

Case 3: blue flame

  • Will join those who went to him - you will find Hunnfang
  • Bringing back those who left means morale will decrease
  • Keep going and you'll lose 23 people and lower morale

Upon reaching Ettingbekr, the village will be plundered. You can just pass by or try to help. In the second option, you will have a battle with centaurs, and it will be much more difficult than the previous one. Keep your fighters behind, and then try to crush Trigecannthae. By winning you will receive 8 glory, as well as access to the city. If you decide not to help, you will stumble upon a forest fire and you will have to cope with the disaster. It is best to tell everyone to follow you, in this case you will cheer up the squad and get out without losses. Continuing on your way you will find a village and a strange man will greet you. It’s better not to rest here, but to prepare for battle. A squad of robbers with a bear will attack you. During the fight, try to stay away from the beast, deal with it at the end.

Having reached Godstone Ahoy, you can explore the area (you will find Brenna's Lock), discuss faults with EyvindAnd Juno or immediately set up camp. After the cutscene, talk to EyvindAnd Juno and hit the road. Soon you will arrive Fiskivik and the chapter will end. Iver is about to leave you and Eyvind, you should decide to take or leave the items.

Chapter Thirteen

Returning to Bolverk you will join the battle with Folka. Even if you have very strong fighters under your control, this is not a reason to attack without thinking. Having won, you will return to the camp, here you need to talk with Zefr.

And on the way from the camp, Sparr will offer to hire woodcutters; by hiring them, you will receive 35 fighters.

Random Events

Case 1: strange child

  • Let them kill him - you will lose 3 tribesmen
  • Examine a child - still need to choose
  • Ban killing a child - your mood will improve

Case 2: dense undergrowth

  • Cut your way through - you will lose rations and morale
  • Look for a workaround - you will lose a day, but morale will increase

Case 3: scouts discovered a hole

  • Inspect the pit - you will receive Clasp of Kyn
  • Tell everyone to stay away from this place - nothing will happen

Once in Godstone, take a break and move on. You will be informed that in Einartoft need help, agreeing you will have to defeat the dredges. The battle will not be difficult; for winning you will receive 25 rations. After some time on the road, it becomes obvious that you need to get rid of the weak ones. Don't insist that the weak leave the caravan, otherwise Gudmundr will leave you. It is better to choose another option, in this case you will not lose important squad members. Soon your caravan will be attacked by dredges, try to rally the caravan and repel their attack, so you will get glory. The last fight will be a little different, you need to clear the ice.

Upon arrival in Old Ford, a few videos will follow. Here your comrades may return to you, but this depends on your decisions made earlier. After talking with your comrades, look around the city and proceed to the last battle in this chapter. It is not too difficult, but quite long, be careful in your battle tactics.

Chapter fourteen

Returning to Rook or Alette, you start a conversation with Hakon, and then go to the camp. Events related to Rugga will occur here, they will depend on your earlier decisions.

Random Events

Case 1: dirty water, Varl doesn't like it

  • Let them drink - the mood improves
  • Try first - get 15 fame and improve morale
  • Boil - nothing will happen
  • Pass by - you will lose people and lower morale

Case 2: Varl’s birthday

  • Celebrate - your mood will improve, but you will lose a day
  • Raise a toast - get 10 fame and improve morale
  • Congratulate, but don't stop - morale will decrease

Soon after the holiday, you will have to fight centaurs. This will be a difficult battle, take care of your rear, they can come behind you and destroy your squad. Afterwards, you will come to Godstone, there may be slight differences between playing as Rook or Alette, but they are not significant. Having reached Arberrang, your people will want to leave you - ask them to bring the caravan, so you will get people and glory. After this, you will need to get inside the city; all your decisions in this dialogue will lead to the loss of people. But if you help Oddleif/Yrsa, a fight will begin, after which you will receive glory. After this, you will need to participate in the meeting. Negotiations will not go very smoothly and everything will lead to the fact that you will need to fight Rugga or the king. If you go against the king, you will lose most of your allies and the battles will be very difficult. So think carefully about your decision and listen carefully to your comrades. This concludes the fourteenth chapter.