Tattoo 4 Aces peak from above. Tattoo value Ace or what means Tattoo Ace. Is it easy to collect aaaa kare

If we talk about card tattoos that are designed to play - here the symbol has several positive and negative interpretations. On the one hand, adaptation for games is quite harmless and attractive, but on the other hand and signs on the maps can symbolize something.

Tattooing card can be seen on the player's shoulders in poker. Often the tattoo is a winning combination or successful cards. The holder of the Tattoo Card thus demonstrates its past with the game and wants to attract new ones.

The value of tattoos can directly depend on the interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bof each suit. These interpretations of cards often give religion. Although it perceives them as an element of blasphemy, disrespect for and resurrection. Habitual to man playing cards are associated directly with Christ passions. For example, the peak is considered to be the designation of a spear that pierced the ribs of Christ, the tambourine reminds nails that joined the Savior C, the cross - understandable, the symbol itself, and the Cherva is the designation of a sponge with a vinegar for softening pain.

Although the masters depicted separately carry various meanings. Worms are a symbol of love and love, tambourine - unpretentiousness in desires, peaks - hopes, trephies - faith in chance. If the tattoo is a peak ace, it means unsurpassed luck. But the tattoo of the Card in the Criminal World acquires the polar meaning. So, the suit of peak is associated with rigidity and aggression. Three pierced arrows of the card give a card cheeler.

Naturally, before applying tattoos with cards, you need to think well and understand whether such a drawing should be done. Although many people tried to prove the harmlessness of tattoo with playing cards, but they failed to justify them so much. The tattoo of cards since the time of Baroque and the Renaissance Ages allegorically portrayed in the worst manifestations.

If we say that the tattoo has found a separate meaning as a subspecies of drawings in places of imprisonment, here very rarely remember the sin. In general, Schulers and gamblers who honor the laws of the cards can fill the tattoo: "Laigled - pay, won - get!".

It also has its own meanings of masts and even on a card hierarchy. The cross speaks about the thief in the law, the Trefa may be an attribute of a good thief, a cherry indicates blue and lowered, and the tambourine is called a symbol and fraudsters. However, the specific value may also depend on the place of application of card tattoo. For example, the cross kings are applied only after a long conclusion, people having a huge authority on the zone, kings embody respect and power. Ladies talk about women who are either loved or hate.

Playing cards - a good choice of tattoo with complex symbolism. Features of their images in the figure, size and suit - all this can give an additional meaning or radically change the initial one. By choosing such a tattoo, you can put in it a variety of values.

First of all, playing cards - the embodiment of Fortune. You can choose such a tattoo to encourage good luck. It will be especially effective in the case of a gate decoration of the gambler or any other gambling player.

You can apply such a tattoo to tell about your character. Playing cards are harmonized with gambling and risky people. They are looking for bright emotions and at the same time seek to trust fate. For such people their life is an exciting gambling game.

His symbolism has every suit of playing cards:

  • Tattoo with worms - heart sign, center of the world, mind.
  • Bubnes - the embodiment of a female entity. They also symbolize the money and the world of the material as a whole.
  • Trephs, on the contrary, male sign. They mean power, will, ideas.
  • Peaks - a symbol of purification and the astral world.

There is a special meaning of almost every card. Any king - Father, Queen - Mother. Valts symbolizes energy and ego, Joker - the world is intangible. Additional shades brings a suit. Queen Peak is a war sign, the embodiment of the Greek goddess Athens. The king of the tambourine symbolizes the arrow and caesar tip. Queen of worms - Venus, love, rose. The currency of the same suit is the embodiment of the God of Marsa. Buben Valnet - Fighter, Tref - Knight Lancelot and Apollo.

It has the value "nominal" cards. If there is a number on the tattoo, it usually symbolizes something for the owner. For example, it may be a digit that brings good luck, or an important date.

The largest card in the deck - ace - in the art of tattoos gets religious significance. Peak symbolizes spear piercing Jesus; Bubnov - stakes that he was knocked on to crucifix; Cross - Crucifixion itself; Chervoy - vinegar supplied by the son of God instead of water.

Other tattoo values \u200b\u200bwith ace gets in the thieves. The tambourine will indicate a fraudster, Tref - on the Finnish. Peak card chooses a criminal authority. Chervoy aces are glowing representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation. In general, the cards of this suit are pinching those who are looking for a "partner" in the zone. These tattoos prisoners can do forcibly. The same situation with the pallows in the form of a bubnic playing cards. Similarly, informants are in the criminal environment.

The same situation with the pallows in the form of a bubnic playing cards. Similarly, informants are in the criminal environment.

The history of the cards is not one millennium. For all this time, they were attributed to both positive and negative values. In many interpretations, the cards are a controversial symbol, whose value changes depending on the masters and signs of the pictures on it. Earlier on our website, the site published an article about, and if you read it, you already familiarized themselves a little with the designation of cards in the culture tattoo.

Tattoo value Playing cards

Although the cards appeared long before the emergence of Christianity, their main importance is directly related to the Christian religion and the painful death of the Son of God. All suit on playing cards have their own religious interpretation:

  • Cross - symbolizes the cross on which Jesus was crucified.
  • Peak - symbolizes a spear, piercing the body of the Son of God.
  • Bubne - Indicates the shape of nails, which Christ was brought to the cross.
  • Cherva - The symbol of the sponge, which was wiped out of the body of Jesus, to facilitate his suffering.

During the era of the revival of the map began to designate the fall of man and its vices. In those days, often even on the maps themselves, drawings with the image of human sins were applied.

If you look at the prison tattoos, then the image of the cards can be seen quite often. For prisoners, they can tell about a person much more than you can learn from a simple conversation with a carrier of this tattoo. For example, this tattoo is stuffed by people relating to shulers or professional gamns, while it is believed that the image of the cards attracts good luck (not one card is often hampered, but a winning combination of several cards). Often the drawing is located on the hand, which cards are thrown onto the table. But cards on the bodies of prisoners can tell about the status of the owner:

  • Cross - a thief in law.
  • Peak - Thief in authority.
  • Bubne - fraudster.
  • Cherva - Man with another orientation or omitted.

Currently, for young people, playing cards Symbol of Azart and Good luck, often the image of the devil, devils and other characters denoting death and vices are placed nearby.

A little bit of tattoos with the image of Tarot cards. Their meaning is influenced by many factors, including data about the man. Therefore, if you do not have knowledge in this area, it is extremely undesirable to apply a tattoo with the image of cards, because they have a rather strong energy.

If we are talking about playing cards, their symbolism is impregnated both positive and negative interpretations. In theory, all symbols for modern playing cards were taken from the famous tarot cards, but about them later.

On the one hand, the card for gambling is a harmless and attractive thing, but on the other - all signs and suites on the maps knows something and symbolize.

The value of the tattoo map can directly depend on the value of each of the strings of playing cards. The interpretation of separation in the masters of playing cards gives us how not weird, Christian religion. She primarily perceives cards as a symbol of blasphemy and disrespect for suffering death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fact is that familiar play cards are directly related to the passions of Christ. And the suit of the peak is the symbolic designation of the black spear, who pierced the ribs to the Savior, the tambourine is a form of nails, which arrived him, the cross is the symbol of the cross, on which Jesus was crucified, and the Cherva, as it turned out, refers to a sponge with a tser. soften pain.

So before applying a tattoo with playing cards, think for yourself and decide whether such a tattoo will not harm you. Although critics for a long time tried to prove the unreliability of such an interpretation and justify the harmlessness of playing cards, the true one remains true. Therefore, no accident in the art of revival and baroque cards were often an allegorical image of sin, in all its manifestations.

The tattoo of the map found its separate value in places of imprisonment, where they remember about sin, probably very rarely. In the general case, the cards are styled for their own gamblers and shuilers, that is, people who honor card laws: "Won - got, lost - pay!". Another value of the tattoo of cards is often broken down by masters and on the card hierarchy. So the cross means the thief in law, Trefa - the attribute of the authoritative thief, the Cherva - the sign of lowered and blue, the tambourine is a symbol of fraudsters and jesters. But the concrete value may depend on the context and place of application of the tattoo of cards. For example, a crusade can be applied only after long years of conclusion and with a huge authority, the king embodies power and respect. The lady of any suit indicates a woman who loves or hate.

Modern people often neglect the interpretations of these symbols, taking cards like symbol of good luck and excite. But everyone has to accept his personal decision and determine its own attitude towards the cards ancient and modern.

A tattoo of one or several of the Tarot cards is relatively rarely encountered, but the value of these figures is directly dependent on which cards are depicted. After all, variations and variations of cards are very much and for each person they can mean completely different things.

It should be said at the very beginning that the human tattoo itself is a way to express themselves, emphasize its individuality and originality. However, in addition to its beauty, a tattoo carries in itself and a certain meaning and deep meaning.

In men

Very often, the guys seek to emphasize their strength and leadership with the help of the original tattoo. Women are not inferior to them in the ingenuity and exclusivity of the native drawings, following in the leg with fashion. There are army, prison, exotic, magical and other types of tattoo.

Guys actively use various styles of application on the body of the tattoo: from traditional to modern: ethnic style, Celtic, Japanese and others. For example, it is often encountered such a drawing, like playing cards, or rather the value of this tattoo lies in the master of the most applied card on the body.

The history of the cards themselves can be observed from deep history, where the cards themselves were considered immoralism and blasphemy, sin and crucified. And if you apply a man like a tattoo, it was called indignation and condemnation.

The maps in antiquity were associated with the crucifixion of Christ's Son, and therefore the application on the body of such drawings was considered contempt for the flour of Jesus: a black peak spear, piercing the body of Christ, the embodiment in peak suit; Bubna-navigi, smashing the hands of Christ; The cross-respectively cross the crucifix and Cherva symbolizes the sponge that was brought by crucified to reduce his suffering.

It was believed that vices and suffering, human sins and trouble bearing such a tattoo. Modern men pay little attention to this, boldly applying cards on the body. In gambling, it is believed that the masta card is a symbol of good luck and excitement. Apply such a tattoo, and you will be visited in gambling and business.

Many drawings are borrowed from tarot cards, carrying a certain meaning, but modern men do not pay attention to it, as it looks stylish and throwing it. The peak Ace is considered the oldest card in the well-man in the authority. But more modern youth simplified the value of the masta of cards, which you will not say about the criminal world.

Among women

In the time the girls go to the leg. Their tattoos are peculiar, fashionable, bright. For example, an angel tattoo is you strive to know other worlds and establish a connection with them. Butterflies and different colors - harmony, beauty, love. Tattoos in the form of bracelets and the rope of character and freedom and freedom.

The symbolism of the strings of playing cards is often used, which among women is not considered something ordinary or vulgar. It is just a beautiful stylish tag on the body. The ladies actively apply it both on the body and on the hands, fingers.

Applying a symbol of cards on the body, a woman considers himself a pronounced and unpredictable, in no case carrying the meaning of the prison topics.

In prison

In places of conclusion, this picture for the tag carries quite different meaning. The baptism in the law, the peak of the thieves in the authority, the worm with an unconventional orientation or lowered, a tambourine. Trephic suit was convicted of the theft. This tattoo is often applied and women. The suit of the Bubna-card cheater is the highest rank. The taste of the worm is beaten for condemnation in a depraved attitude to juvenile. Pick thieves looking at the zone, criminal authorities.

Currently, tattoos are relevant, drawings are diverse, effects and attractive. However, it is worth separating their meaning value, bringing or good luck or sorrow.

Tattoo ace carries a lot of values \u200b\u200b- atheism, blasphemy, death, freedom-lithium, a vigilant thief, a professional shoeler, a passive homosexual, humiliation, challenge, amaziness, success, a symbol that attracts material values, the sacraments of a mystical and magical plan.

Tattoo value TUZ

Ace in a playing deck can have rank the highest or younger card. In the game, he is usually the eldest card, and in Solitaire younger. But in both cases, the aces play a crucial role. The symbolic interpretation of the card tower is entirely dependent on the table.

Ace of peak is called a mag card yet. In esoteric schools, he personifies secret mysteries, being a spiritual material of material orientation. This means that people for whom the peak ace has become a birthday card must take care of his spiritual component, despite the fact that they will pull them towards the material.

In some gadal practices, the Tuise of Peaks is referred to as a symbol of the death of the year and the beginning of a new one, turning the annual cycle. Own peak itself reminds visual reflection of death: head in the hood, a chopped head on a spear, a heart pierced by spike.

Ace of Peak served as the emblem of the Luftwaffe fighter squadron and a distinguishing sign of a soldier of one of the US aircraft regiments, that is, also a death. But the soldiers naturally considered him a symbol of good luck.

Christian religion gives his interpretation of card aces. According to the religious interpretation of the ace of peak symbolizes a spear, a peak, pushed by Jesus. The ace of the bearer became a symbol of the cross, the tambourine - nails driven into the brushes and feet. The worm Ace in this interpretation symbolizes a sponge impregnated with vinegar, which wipe the lips of crucified criminals.

Purely negative values \u200b\u200bof cards, as the personification of gambling, is identified by the church with the blasphemy, the denying of the Divine Law, and the Devil's complicity.

In criminal culture, a different role is given to the ace. In the royal times on the backs of dangerous, including state, criminals applied a sign similar to a tambourine. Such a label had a purely practical purpose, attracted attention, and served the target for shooting in the event of an attempt to escape a dangerous prisoner.

Over time, the value was interpreted differently. Tattoo "Bubnovy Ace" - a high qualification card simulator sign. TUZ TREF - the symbol of the "legitimate", the thief in law. Tattoo "Ace Peak" has the right to wear authority. The "Chervoy Ace" doll is more often violent, applied as a sign of a passive homosexual.

Abbreviation Ace in the form of a pallium may matter - the prison is already familiar, we have a jail.

All four aces fan have the right to wear only Matte Authoritative Thieves. This is the sign of the king thieves.

In peace, the value of four aces is clearly associated with skill in the game. Such a tattoo encourages the fortune. This is a sign of an experienced and lucky player. She also talks about love for gambling, desire to defeat always.

Often card aces on the tattoo complement the playing bones, skulls, weapons, money. Such tattoo simply shout about freedom-loving, as if life, and death only another tour of the game.

The fortune telling always attracted a man. And the point is not exactly the fact that interesting figures are drawn on cards, but in secret that is revealed during the process. When you fortunate, you always wait for something, hope and afraid. After it, all these feelings are saved. It is interesting to always know how the fortune telle is able to see different things in the same cards. For a large alone, these are just pictures.

Aces - cards denoting something defined in each scenario

Why cards always indicate different events

When you fortunate the maps use a regular deck. To learn them to lay out appropriately does not constitute difficulties, but to tell us the past and the future is pretty hard.

If the newbie is able to make align for three months plus past recent events, decrypt them a little easier. Taking advantage of the prompts, you can only tell what is written on paper, look for a combination of several cards, but the truth does not know or can be told superficially. Why is it going on?

Professional gadels and sooths have their secrets and most often do not speak about them. But, we will be able to open the veil of all the magical ways of professionals of card divination. First of all, the deck of maps should not be started (they never played it). For maps to tell you always truth, and showed events, they should be tamed.

It is easier to train Tarot's cards, but with a playful more difficult with a playful:

  • buy a deck in any store, but in the evening;
  • purchase is performed on any day except Sunday and the day in which the deck of cards was bought;
  • by bringing home, carry the cards with you at least 12 hours, after which it is removed from the mass from 1 to 5 plus a joker: when you fortunely, they are completely useless and no sense is not carried - 4 suites are used, only 36 cards;
  • wrap a deck in any black fabric and hide into a secluded place, there they must go to at least a year - ideally 3 years;
  • for the whole year they yourself do not take them and do not allow anyone to touch them.

Make out of a playing deck cards assumed difficult, but maybe

After the expiration of the deadline, your cards have become gaded and will be able to open you many truthful stories about you or friends. But, have only a deck for divination - little. You need to know all the nuances of layouts and value options. For a detailed acquaintance, take a lot.

All about the map TUZ

In the deck there are 4 aces on the masters: a tambourine, peak, crusade and worm. Each of them carries information in each of the layouts. If you use a fortune telling a question-answer, then when the black ace is dedicated to any suit - the answer is negative, when you fall out of red - good luck and positive answer.

The map itself is not the designation of a person or situation. It is easier to tell the option of a particular action. When sorry for events, the presence of a tambourine ace will talk about news and paper. If the fortune telling was carried out on a person under this mahi, then this is his life and changes in it. Also, you can just talk about the aces of worms and peasants.

Peak How the Nees always carries a negative. And at fortunes you can not put a person by the king or a peak lady. It costs a ban if you are not a witch or sorcerer. But, even these people try to choose for themselves to suit the color of hair and eyes, and the peaks avoid. Ace of peak has two meanings: straight and inverted, so this is also taken into account during any of the layouts on life, the situation, personality.

There are individual divination, where the cards indicate completely different things. Meet or love. And here will not play the role of the taste.

Divination on the situation and life

Immediately need to notice that it is best to make layouts on a short period of time: a month, three, a maximum of six months. In this case, the divination is true, and the person will not be lost from a large number of values.

After deciphering cards talking about the past, the future, the present, and what a person wants to forget, all the maps of the defold are collected and laid out on pairs. Those who turned out to be a complete set, promise interesting things. So four aces mean the fulfillment of desire.

During the scenario, 4 aces fell right away? It promises the fulfillment of desire!

If you walked asked to find out what it is waiting when searching for work, it means: getting a workplace that have long been dreamed of and sought. When you fortunate on the situation, the desire to get the desired (reconciliation, divorce, wedding, etc.).

Many gadels even until the moment of divination propose to make a desire or ask a question. When dropping 4 aces - unambiguous positive "yes". In a circle, aces have different meanings, much depends on what is nearby.

Ace Tuben. If the fortune telling is held on a young man or a man, a girl or a woman with blond hair and eyes, then here, falling out the ace, means his (her) hope for a normal life. Trying to establish everything and sees life only in the best paints. Explicit concern for everything happens to him. If the person is another suit, then Tuz Tuben testifies to news. What is the nature of the news, you should watch alongside the plain cards.

Ace worms. Again, if a person who is guessing, refers to the Chervam, this is all his experiences for their lives and hope. For all others, this ace means love, wedding, the cleanest and bright feelings. Indicates events in the hometown, but it can be said in more detail, only on those cards that are near.

Ace Tref.. It means everything connected with money, material benefits. If the cards are negative or a person's black stripe in life, the crusade shows: on imprisonment, problems with the bank, a possible trial, visit the hospital. All related to government agencies and places. Only specifying after viewing all the cards in the scenario.

Ace of spades. Direct position speaks of fun, feast or beautiful feast. It will happen trouble or a fight (quarrel), but this indicates next to the lying 7 peak, 9 peaks or 6. Inverted value in combination with the nine will talk about the approach of death of a person who goes or close to him. Next to 6 peak is a unambiguous unambiguous trip with major troubles.

Peak Ace combined with 6 peak symbolizes an unsuccessful trip

If there is a fuss of the peasants, a person will seriously get sick, and the disease will be very protracted and unpleasant (surgery). The queen of the peak or the king is nearby - then damage or serious problems will bring a magic ritual. Man just want to lime. The card itself, falling out "in the heart", will say that damage to death and trouble is already done and acts.

If you guess percent and love

The most common fortune telling is on love and interest of relationships. 80% of gadgets come on this issue - check the love of your pair. There are many divination options for feelings and relationships.

  1. All cards participate in the scenario. Choose the king and lady on suit (this is our pair). There is one card between them. The rest of the deck is laying out through one pigtail, under each. When the two identical card values \u200b\u200bare folded. In this fortune study, if you give pair aces, you should look at a combination of color: black and red - loves, but not so much to create a family, two blacks - only sex and joy, two red - unambiguously loves with all your heart. If the ace, any suit, fell between a pair (so the card, which was originally put between them) - mutual feelings and relationships can be called serious.
  2. Only senior maps are involved in the second situation (have pictures). It is folded along the stacks, by the number of letters of the person of the person you are interested in. Next, we decide on top of the existing stacks and so every batch. There is a decrease to one. Now lay out two letters "g". At the coincidence of the two identical value, we put it aside. In this case, the loss of any two aces speaks of love and respect for you.
  3. All cards participate. They laid out the stacks just, only except the name we take and patronymic. Stacks must be added to two. If you do everything right, then the stacks will be the same number of cards. Now we turn them in pairs, do not cross, but next to it. Here, two aces will talk about a possible marriage. Or this feature is suitable for you for marriage. We collect everything in one deck (shift on one) and again lay out "G". At the coincidence of two aces, the value should be viewed: the peak - the man who is guessing, carries a threat to himself, can harm his pair, suffers from mental disorders, Tuz Tuben - just like and nothing more, wants to build relationships only friendly, ace "A person wants to be with you in order for him to provide, there is an option that because of it you will hurt and suffer, ace of worms - really loves his feelings sincere and more reliable relationships not to find.
  4. The next fortune telling many perceive as a children's. But this is not at all. All the deck takes part in the fortune. We put up the shirts up the full name of the person who interests us, then the next row and so on. It is clear that each name has its number of rows. Now we look where there is a coincidence of a couple. Absolutely no difference how they will lie and where. The main thing is not at the intersection. In this case, the presence of a pair of aces (the suit does not matter) means real feelings for you. If all four aces fell on pairs, then the person wants to see you the second half and plans to live together for a long time and happily.

If 4 aces fell on pairs - the second half unequivocally experienced deep feelings and is ready to create a family

On the desire or fortune telling

Such divisions do not carry a certain designation of strings or values. But, there is a pattern: all the cards add up of six to the ace. The value of the ace in such a fortune. - The value of completeness. Only by gathering completely four tables and closing them with ace, says that the desire will be fulfilled.

If we consider the technique of the defold "Pyramid of Desire", then the aces here are absolutely no meaning.

Everything lies in the full analysis of the pyramid posted. This happens like this: first there is one closed card, it is laying on top of it two, then three and so while in the last stage will not be seven cards.

They should be put open. There are still cards in their hands. They help collect pairs of cards. All couples are leaking. If you can disassemble the entire pyramid to the end, so that all couples are left - the desire will be fulfilled. If not, then do not blame me, fate is not on your side.

Sometimes, to get the answer, use the "Four Tuis" method. From the whole card, 4 aces and lady or the king are chosen (who asks the question). The question of the alleged options for answers is wondering. Note that one of the options should mean a negative or negative answer to the question. Next, the figure is sent back to the deck and tausite well.

The aces are turned over so that it is not visible where which lies, stirred and lay out in a row. Now we make the alignment under each of the aces. It turns out 4 stacks. In the stacker in which there is a mysterious king or lady, and will be considered a response.


Of all the fortunes, the most significant are on life, the situation and love. Here the aces play a role and give a full-fledged answer. In addition, the map speaks for itself, and the presence of the majority should be taken into account.

If the ace of peak fell in an inverted form, it is not necessary to upset, provided that in all the defold you counted worms in the amount of five to seven pieces. This will mean that the whole negative will be able to soften the love of your loved ones, friends or loved ones. Worse, if there are more than 5 cards of the peak or peaks next to the ace.

Definitely, the trouble came or comes in very short time. Do nothing. But as they say all experts of card ghostas: "Everything that is bad in a person's life is done by God is not for punishment, but for study." These words should be understood that each of us can be stupid and lead the wrong way of life, making ugly actions, but it comes time and it is given a chance to rethink and understand all actions taken against the will of God.

If there are problems related to damaging or other magical rituals, then the help of a person who has the power and attending prayers. As far as the right predictions made a fortune teller, you can now make sure yourself, and you can try new methods to disclose your secrets and friends.

Four aces in poker - Of course, a rather strong combination that will often provide you with a victory in the distribution. It is called careAs, however, any other combination of four identical cards. So, there may be a kare of aces, kings, ladies, a dozen, tweets, etc.

In its power, Karea exceeds all other combinations in poker, with the exception of Stresh Flash and Royal Flash.

In addition, consider that any combination in poker must consist of five cards, therefore even in Kara takes part fifth card, which is called.

Note that 4 aces in poker are quite rarely losing, but still, if such a combination comes, see that there is no prerequisites for Street-flash on the table. Moreover, large stacks are often played on such combinations.

Chances to collect kara aces

In Texas Hold'em:

  • If you have one ace in your hands, then the chance to get a kare of the aces on the flop is extremely small - 0.01%
  • If you have both aces on your hands, then the chance to collect the buzz of the foops on the flop is 0.25%

In Omaha:

  • If you initially had two aces on your arms, then the chance to collect a buzz of the fuzz on the flop is 0.09%
  • If you have already on the flop there was a set of aces, then the chance to strengthen it to the carper on the cooler is 2%
  • If you already have a set of aces on the flop, then the chance to strengthen it to a kara on the river is 4%
  • If you only have a network of aces on the turn, then the chance to strengthen it to a kara on the river is 2%

In draw poker:

  • Chance to get four aces, having exchanged all five cards, is 0.002%.
  • If you leave one ace on your hands, and the other 4 cards will exchange, then the chance to collect the kare of the aces will be 0.04%
  • If you leave two aces on your arms, and three others will exchange, then the chance to get a kare will already be 0.3%
  • If you leave three aces on your arms, and the two other cards will exchange, then the chance to get a car is 4%