Technological maps are general history. Technological map of the lesson of history according to FGOS. Viewing the contents of the document "Technological map of the lesson in history"

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« Development of a technological map of the lesson »

Artist: Ogloblin. V.A.

Tver. 2016.


The purpose of the lesson

Tell about the neighbors of the Slavs, their location, occupation, level of development and relations with the Slavs.

Educational resources

Textbook "History of Russia from ancient times to the endXvicentury ", workbook for the textbook, presentation, video fragments test cards for checking homework

Lesson plan

1. Inhabitants of the forest belt of Eastern Europe

2. Turkic and Avar kaganates

3. Khazar Kaganate

4. Volga Bulgaria and Byzantium

Personally significant problem

Was the environment favorable for the Slavs for further development?

m methods and forms

Methods: visual, partially exploratory, practical, control.

Forms: individual, group, frontal, collaboration technology, activity method technology

Basic concepts

colonization, settlement, kagan, Islam.

Planned results


Metasubject UUD

Personal UUD

Learn to: to show personal properties in the main activities.

They will have the opportunity to learn: work with the text of the textbook; analyze diagrams and tables; express their own opinions, judgments, apply historical knowledge to identify and preserve the historical and cultural monuments of the world; define concepts; establish causal relationships, draw conclusions. With the help of documents and written sources, form an idea among students about the neighbors of the Slavs; to form an idea of ​​the relationship and mutual influence of these tribes; teach to form your own view of historical events.

Cognitive: establish causal relationships and dependencies between objects. Receive the necessary information, argue your point of view, the ability to organize cooperation and joint activities with a teacher, other students and work independently, the formation of the ability to compare, generalize facts and concepts; development of students' independence; developing mindfulness when looking for mistakes

to form in students a scientific worldview about the peoples who lived in the VI-IX centuries. next to the Slavs; to educate the moral qualities of respect for other peoples; develop skills and abilities to work in a team. Develop students' cognitive interest in history; develop students' creativity; develop a sense of imagination.

Communicative: plan goals and ways of interaction; exchange opinions, listen to each other, understand the partner's position, including one that is different from their own, coordinate actions with the partner.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task; take into account the reference points of action allocated by the teacher;mastering the techniques of control and self-control of the assimilation of the studied

Show interest not only in personal success, but also in solving problematic tasks by the whole group; express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition; adequately understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities. Fostering a sense of self and mutual respect; development of cooperation when working in pairs; fostering interest in history as a science.


Lesson steps



and developmental components, tasks and exercises

Teacher activity



Forms of organizing interaction


training activities






to educational



Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the studied material

Creates conditions for the appearance of an internal need for students to be included in educational activities, specifies the thematic framework. Organizes the formulation of the topic and the setting of the goal of the lesson by students

Listen and discuss the topic of the lesson, discuss the goals of the lesson and try to formulate them on their own



Personal : strive to study well and are focused on participating in the affairs of the student; correctly identify themselves with the student's position.

Regulatory : independently formulate the goals of the lesson after preliminary discussion





frontal survey

work with the map

occupations of the Slavs, religion. Conversation

1. The teacher summarizes the students' answers, helping to formulate the topic of the lesson, its purpose, draws attention to the form of conducting

    What tribes did we meet in the last lesson?

    Who are the Pre-Slovens?

    When and where did the Pre-Slavs live?

    What linguistic group did the peoples of Eastern Europe belong to?

    When and into whom were the Balto-Slavic tribes divided?

    What territory did the Slavs occupy?

    What branches were the Slavs in Eastern Europe divided into?

    Show on the map the territory populated by the Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries A.D.

    Show on the map the tribal unions of the Slavs Polyana - the Dnieper River; Ilmen Slovenes - Lake Ilmen; Drevlyans, Dregovichi; Polotsk - the Polota river; Krivichi, Rodimichi, Vyatichi; northerners, Volynians; catch it, Tivertsy.

1. Answer questions, express their own opinion, write down the plan in a notebook.Listen.

East Slavs

Ancient ancestors of the Slavs

In Central and Eastern Europe, 4000 years ago

Balto-Slavic Indo-European language group

In the 5th century BC. to the Balts and Slavs

The middle course of the Dnieper River to the Oder River and from the Carpathian Mountains to the Pripyat River; from the Black to the Baltic Sea

Western, southern, eastern; our ancestors are Eastern Slavs

From Lake Ilmen to the Black Sea steppes from north to south and from the Carpathian Mountains to the Volga River from west to east

Frontal work.

Cognitive: independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal.

Communicative: are active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive tasks, raise questions

1. Work

in notebook

Verbal responses

Notebook entries


The study



Working with documents by groups

Reading document # 1

We work with the map

Reading document # 2

Reading document # 3


Working with the map

We read document number 4

Working with the map

We read document number 5

Questions to the document

Working with terms

The work is carried out according to the documents that are distributed in rows. The first row receive handouts (documents no. 1,2,3). The second row receives handouts (no. 4). The third row receives a handout (documents no. 5)

We will begin our acquaintance with the neighbors of the Slavs with the inhabitants of the forest belt of Eastern Europe, who lived in the north and northeast of the Slavs. This is what the Tale of Bygone Years, a written source from the 12th century, says about it:

Questions to the document:

What are the peoples listed in the document?

Teacher: These peoples lived on the territory from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains.

"Resettlement of the Slavs", we find the listed peoples. We attach the name of the language group to which these peoples belonged to the board - Finno-Ugric tribes

Questions to the document:

What contacts with the Finno-Ugric tribes can we learn from the documents?

What did they do?

Why did these words appear late in written sources? (Basically, the annals contained church information, historical events, and not economic life)

Questions to the document:

What information can we get from this document about the occupations of the neighbors of the Slavs?

Why did the Slavs not borrow the words "kirvez", "nucleus", "yagez" from the Finno-Ugric peoples?

The inhabitants of the forest zone lived in a harsh climate and did not receive large harvests. Therefore, they were engaged in cattle breeding, hunting, fishing, gathering, and for long winter days they were engaged in handicrafts. They lived in semi-dugouts. Near the settlement, a settlement was built - an area protected by a ditch and an earthen rampart - here, in case of danger, they drove livestock, brought grain and property. Religion is paganism.

The Balts (Baltic peoples) lived in the northwest. We attach the term to the board. On the map we find tribes: Lithuanians, Latvians (Latgalians), Prussians, Yatvyags, Narva, Livs, Ests, Semigallians.

Questions to the documents:

What kind of contacts between the Slavs and the Balts do the sources say?

Conclusion: There were close contacts, close languages, word borrowing.

Religion is paganism.

The main occupations are agriculture, hunting, craft, fishing.

Attaching a term to the board.

What did the Scythians do?

Conclusion: There were peaceful contacts, gradual penetration and borrowing of cultures, words

All, merya, muroma, cheremis, mordva, chud, Perm, yam (eat)

a) They caught fish - capelin, walrus - new species for the Slavs.

b) They mastered new household items - sledges, pimas, nodia - for survival.

c) The development of nature - tundra, blizzard, huts - small forest.

The main occupation is agriculture. Neighbors of the Slavs borrowed the names of tools - "sickle", "flail" - a similar pronunciation

The Slavs already had their names - ax, plow, harrow

a) Hunting (bison)

b) Exchange, trade (tar, amber), jug.

c) Food (herbal soups based on quinoa). The Slavs have grain soups and cereals.

not Perun, but Perkunas, Perkun

In the south, the neighbors of the Slavs were Iranian-speaking tribes. The Scythians belonged to them. They occupied the territory of the Northern Black Sea region and the Crimean peninsula. On the map we find the places of residence of the Scythians.

Cattle breeding, agriculture, craft

god, hero, hut, ax, dog

General conclusion: The Slavs lived peacefully with all these peoples, there was a mutual influence on each other, the peaceful development of neighboring territories. This process is called colonization.

Individual work.











Personal : show interest in new educational material; express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition.

Regulatory : together with the reader, discover and formulate conclusions

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the textbook; complement and expand the existing knowledge and ideas about their ancestors, about the relationship between generations; are guided in their system

knowledge: independently assume what information is needed to solve an educational problem; select the sources of information necessary for solving the educational problem among those proposed by the teacher.

Communicative: read aloud and silently the texts of textbooks and at the same time conduct a "dialogue with the author" (predict future reading, pose questions to the text and look for answers; check themselves); separate the new from the known; highlight the main thing; make up a plan



Verbal responses.

Oral assignment

Notebook entries

Verbal responses.

IV. Primary comprehension and consolidation of what has been learned

Working in pairs

Work on the map

1. Directs students to independent work, explains assignments, organizes selective control.

Organization of work in pairs or in groups.

On the map we find the states: Türkic Kaganate, Avar Kaganate, Khazar Kaganate, Volga Bulgaria, Byzantine Empire.

We fill in the table: State formations of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the VI-IX centuries. In the absence of time, we enter data on the Türkic Kaganate, Avar Kaganate, Khazar Kaganate in the table. Students enter data on the Volga Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire into the table as homework.

Teacher:Can we now answer the basic question? Was the environment favorable for the Slavs for further development?

1. Completion of tasks in the workbook.

2. Reason, answer questions. Asking each other questions

Yes, there were good-neighborly relations with most of the peoples and tribes, there was a peaceful penetration into neighboring territories and the fusion of languages. Military conflicts were not protracted and occurred mainly with the southeastern states. This allowed in the future to create their own state.

1.Individual work.

2.Frontal work

Cognitive: independently search for the necessary information.

Regulatory: are guided in the textbook and workbook

Checking the completion of tasks in the work


V. Lesson summary. Reflection

Generalization of the information received in the lesson

Test solution

Answers questions. Determine their emotional state in the lesson

Frontal work

Personal: understand the meaning of knowledge for a person and accept it.

Regulatory: predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material

Assessing students for classroom performance


Concretizes homework

§ 2, continue filling in the table

Write down homework

Individual work

Neighbors of the Eastern Slavs


A) kingB) kagan C) the emperor

A) HunsB) Finno-Ugrians C) the Scythians

A) Constantinople B) Kazan C) Rome

A) cattle breeding B) trade

C) military campaigns

A) quitrent B) corvee C) bargainingD) tribute

A) 907 B) 680B) 860 g. D) 911

A) muroma B) whole C)Lithuania D) measure

10. The meadows paid tribute:

A) Khazars

A) Byzantium B) Constantinople

V)Rome D) Constantinople

C) glade D) vyatichi

A) Tamatarha B)Itil

C) Sarkel D) Igren

C) both statements are true D)both judgments are wrong


Neighbors of the Eastern Slavs

1. The religion of Judaism spread

A) in the Türkic Kaganate B) in Byzantium C) cKhazaria

2. The head of the Turkic state was:

A) kingB) kagan C) the emperor

3. They believed in the god of thunder Perkun:

A) HunsB) Finno-Ugrians C) the Scythians

4. The capital of the Byzantine Empire was the city:

A) Constantinople B) Kazan C) Rome

5. Avars were mainly engaged in:

A) cattle breeding B) trade

C) military campaigns

6. Natural or monetary extortion from the conquered tribes and peoples is called:

A) quitrent B) corvee C) bargainingD) tribute

7. The first attack of Russia on Constantinople known to us refers to:

A) 907 B) 680B) 860 g. D) 911

8. The path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" connected:

A) Scandinavian Peninsula with the Byzantine Empire

B) Scandinavian Peninsula with the Turkic Khaganate

C) the Byzantine Empire with the Volga Bulgaria

D) Volga Bulgaria with the Scandinavian Peninsula

9. Which of these tribes does not belong to the Finno-Ugric:

A) muroma B) whole C)Lithuania D) measure

10. The meadows paid tribute:

A) Khazars B) Varangians C) Bulgars D) Vesi

11. Among the names of this city, indicate the excess:

A) Byzantium B) Constantinople

V)Rome D) Constantinople

12. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the Khazars were paid tribute with double-edged swords:

A) northerners B) Ilmenian Slovenes

C) glade D) vyatichi

13. The capital of the Khazar Kaganate is the city:

A) Tamatarha B)Itil

C) Sarkel D) Igren

14. Are the following judgments correct?

A. Even before the appearance of the Eastern Slavs, the East European Plain was very densely populated.

B. The Slavs, with weapons in their hands, conquered part of the East European Plain from the local tribes.

A) only A is true B) only B is true

C) both statements are true D)both judgments are wrong

15. The state of the Volga Bulgaria was created:

A) Iranian tribes B) Slavic tribes

V)Turkic tribes D) Finno-Ugric tribes

Document No. 1

“… And on Beloozero the whole person sits, and on the Rostov lake there is a measure, and on the Kleshchina lake there is also a measure. And along the Oka River - where it flows into the Volga - Muroma, speaking its own language. That's who only speaks Slavic in Russia: glades, Drevlyans, Novgorodians, Polotsk, Dregovichi, northerners, Buzhans, so called because they sat on the Bug, and then became called Volynians, But other peoples giving tribute to Russia: chud, Merya, all, Muroma, Cheremis, Mordovians, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kor, Narova, Livonians - these speak their own languages.

Document No. 2

Contacts of the Slavs with the Finno-Ugric peoples. The dates in parentheses are when this word first appears in written sources that have survived to this day.

(Peoples of Russia: encyclopedia, M., 1994, p. 125)

Document No. 3

Contacts of the Finno-Ugric peoples with the Slavs.

"The basis of the Vepsian economy since ancient times was agriculture (with the remnants of the undercutting system), the main tools of which were an ax (kirvez), a plow (adr), a sukovatka harrow (yagez), a serrated sickle (syp), and a flail for milking grain (chep)." (Peoples of Russia: encyclopedia, M., 1994, p. 125)

Document no. 4

Contacts of the Slavs with the Baltic peoples (Balts). Balts are Lithuanians, Latvians. And also the now existing Prussians, Yatvingians. The names came from the Baltic peoples to the Slavs:

degugtsas , tar - "burn"

cleanup - community work
for a treat, mutual assistance

Belarusians, Poles, Russians,

Lit:telcti - "Recruit, hire"

amber - petrified
yellow resin

Belarusians, Serbs, Russians, Ukrainians, Croats


balanda - a liquid dish
(more often bad)

Belarusians, Russians,

Lit:gruel "quinoa"

jug - an earthen vessel,
with handle, spout

Belarusians, Russians


Perhaps we got the words from the Baltic peoples: bison -sambris (in Yatvyazh), hand -wound (in Lithuanian), ten -deshimtas (in Lithuanian), alive -givas (in Lithuanian), lake -ejeras (in Lithuanian).

Document No. 5

Herodotus about the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region

“To the east of the Scythian farmers, on the other side of the Panticapa River, the Scythian nomads live; they do not sow anything at all and do not plow ... Beyond the river Hero are the so-called royal possessions. The most valiant and most numerous Scythian tribe lives there. These Scythians consider other Scythians to be subject to themselves. Their area to the south extends to Tavri (Crimean peninsula), and to the east - to a ditch dug by the descendants of blind slaves (on the Kerch peninsula) "

In the 7th century BC. the Scythians lived in the Black Sea steppes. In the 3rd century BC. formed a slave state on the territory of the modern Crimean peninsula. Perhaps the descendants of the Scythians merged with the ancient Slavic tribes and enriched the Slavic language with the words: "good", "ax", "dog". These words existed along with the Slavic words: "good", "ax", "dog".

We fill in the table: State entitiesTurkic-speaking peoples VI-IX centuries.

capital - Itil



VIII century took
tribute from



Middle Volga region



agriculture, cattle breeding

X century - dependence on

XII century subordinated
Bashkir tribes


Balkan Peninsula,
Asia Minor, Syria,
Palestine, Egypt

The emperor



As the chronicler Nestor called the ancient river path, indicated on the diagram by the number "1".


Nestor called this path "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

Review the diagram and complete the assignment

Write the name of the marked route on the map.


The map of Ancient Rus shows the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks, which passed along the rivers of the Russian Plain.

List of educational and information resources:

Software and regulatory support:

    FSES: basic general education // FSES. M .: Education, 2009.

    Sample programs for academic subjects. History. 5-9 grades: project. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2011.

    The concept of a unified educational and methodological complex in national history ().

    Historical and cultural standard ().

    Danilov A.A. Work program and thematic planning of the course "History of Russia". 6-9 cl. (basic school) / A. A. Danilov, O. N. Zhuravleva, I. E. Barykina. - M .: Education, 2016.

Textbooks implementing the working program:

- "Russian history. 6th grade".N. M. Arsentyev, A. A. Danilov and others, edited by A. V. Torkunov... 2 vols. M .: "Education", 2016

Composition educational and methodical kit:

    Textbook. Russian history. 6th grade. Arsent'ev N.M., Danilov A.A., Stefanovich P.S., Tokareva A.Ya. , edited by A.V. Torkunov.

    Lesson recommendations. Russian history. 6th grade. Zhuravleva O.N.

    Workbook. Russian history. 6th grade. Danilov A.A., Lukutin A.V., Artasov I.A.

    Set of cards. Russian history. 6th grade. Compiled by N.M. Arsentiev, A.A. Danilov.

    Book to read. Russian history. 6-9 grades. Danilov A.A.

    Reader. Russian history. 6-10 grades (in 2 parts). Compiled by Danilov A.A.

    Work program and thematic planning of the course "History of Russia". 6-9 grades. Danilov A.A., Zhuravleva O.N., Barykina I.E.

    A set of teaching materials to help a history teacher. Compiled by Danilov A.A.

Technical means:




Internet resources

    Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources.

    One collection of digital educational resources. - Official site of the "Teacher's Newspaper". The site contains news of education, discusses issues of upbringing, social protection, teaching methods - All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council - The newspaper "First September" and its supplements. Information for educators - Creative Teachers Network of the journal "Teaching History at School" with an archive "History" newspaper and a site for the teacher "I'm going to a history lesson" - FIPI - teacher portal - on subjects - lessons, presentations, extracurricular activities, tests, planning, computer programs - All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - Head teacher-info (methodical library, pedagogical fair, community of teachers, news ...)

    - Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius

    - Chronos. A collection of resources on history. Detailed biographies, documents, articles, maps - portal "Culture of Russia"; - "The World of History". Electronic journal

Technological map of the lesson in history, grade 5. Lesson "The Art of Ancient Egypt".

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"Technological map of a history lesson in grade 5"

Technological map of a history lesson in grade 5

on the topic "Art of Ancient Egypt"

Teacher: Petelina M.F. history teacher MOAU secondary school with UIOP number 10 in Kirov

Pedagogical goals

To promote familiarization with the construction of the pyramids, the peculiarities of the funeral rite of Ancient Egypt, the role of the pyramids in the world perception system of the ancient Egyptian: create conditions for considering the structure of ancient Egyptian temples as the greatest monuments of world architecture, determining the rules that Egyptian masters had to follow, depicting gods, pharaohs, nobles; to contribute to the disclosure of thoughts about the high artistic merits of the art of Ancient Egypt

Lesson type and type

Study and primary consolidation of new knowledge / lesson excursion

Planned results (substantive)

Willingness to apply historical knowledge to identify and preserve the historical and cultural monuments of their country and the world; the ability to study and systematize information from various historical and modern sources, revealing its social identity and cognitive value.

Personal results

Understanding the cultural diversity of the world; respect for the culture of one's own and other peoples, tolerance

Metasubject results

Ability to solve creative problems, present the results of their activities in various forms (message, presentation, drawing, etc.); the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group; formulate, argue and defend your opinion.

The main content of the topic, concepts and terms

Purpose of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. Construction of the pyramid of Cheops (about 2600 BC). Sphinx. Methods for building pyramids. The story of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Features of the funeral rite. The device of ancient Egyptian temples. Pyramid, tomb, sarcophagus, wonders of the world, obelisk, column, architecture, sculpture.

Educational resources

Textbook A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya "History of the Ancient World", M .: "Enlightenment"; Electronic supplement to the textbook. Atlas on the History of the Ancient World, Moscow: Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography. author's presentation “The Art of Ancient Egypt”. Ancient Egypt Map

Lesson steps

Forms, methods, methodological techniques





I.Organizing time

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher's word

Welcomes students. Checks readiness for the lesson

Greet the teachers. Organize their workplace

Quick inclusion in the business rhythm

II. Knowledge control

Individual, frontal. Verbal, practical. Dictation.

Knowledge of chronology and meaning of terms is monitored (see Appendix 1)

Record the dates of events and terms as they are defined

Cognitive: reproduce from memory the information necessary to solve an educational problem

III. Staginglearning task

Preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material.

(there are three concepts on the slide: architecture, sculpture, painting)

Together with the children, the topic of the lesson is formulated.

What do these concepts have in common?

In case of difficulty - joint definition of concepts. The generalizing concept of "art" will surely sound.

Discuss the issue

Together with the teacher, the topic of the lesson is formulated.

Writing a topic in a notebook.

Cognitive: highlighting the problem.

Communicative: the need for communication, the ability to find a common solution


Demonstrate knowledge. Formulate the title of the lesson topic

IV... Assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.

1. The first of the wonders of the world.

2. Temples are the dwellings of the gods.

3.Tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

4. "Let's go to the museum"

Frontal. Verbal, visual, practical. Working with text, map, conversation, story, presentation.

Reading. Working with text, conversation,

Individual. Frontal. Verbal, creative.


Frontal, steam room. Working with text, illustrations. Test

talks about the Egyptian pyramids and

organizes a conversation on issues (see synopsis).

introduces students to the terms: architecture, sphinxes;

Organizes work with the map, teaches students to verbally determine the location of the object (pyramids) on the map.

introduces students to the terms: obelisks, columns.

Offers to listen to the message about the tomb of Tutankhamun

Organizes work with illustrations and text of the textbook item 4, to determine the features of the work of ancient Egyptian masters, conversation on issues.

Listen to the teacher. They give answers to the teacher's questions, give arguments to prove their opinion.

Show on the map and verbally locate the pyramids

Write down in a notebook the date of construction of the Cheops pyramid

Name and describe the main elements of the temple.

They come out with a prepared message.

Search for the necessary information in the text of the textbook. Determine the features of the work of ancient Egyptian sculptors and artists


They extract the necessary information from the listened story, carry out the analysis, draw conclusions.

Possess the skills of semantic reading; use symbolic means to solve educational problems


Hear and understand the speech of others


accept the learning task formulated by the teacher


Possess the skills of semantic reading.


Express their opinions, listen to the opinions of others


Extract the necessary information from the listened text


write messages using information from different sources


Possess the skills of semantic reading,

analyze objects in order to identify signs, make a conclusion

Communicative: take part in the work in pairs, express their opinion

V. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action

Collective, individual. Verbal, practical. Test.

Organizes collective work with the test (see Appendix 2)

Carry out the test


are able to consciously and arbitrarily build a speech utterance in writing

Vi. Reflection

Frontal. Verbal. Conversation.

Complete the sentences:

In the lesson I worked….

With my work in the lesson, I ...

The lesson seemed to me ...

For the lesson I ... ..

The lesson material was ...

End sentences:

Active / passive

Satisfied / dissatisfied

Short / long

Not tired / tired

Useful / useless

Interesting / boring
easy / difficult


Show openness in understanding their actions and self-esteem: predict ways of self-regulation and cooperation

Vii. Homework information

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher message

Technological lesson map

Information about the teacher: Kalashnikova Natalia Gertsenovna.

Subject: history Class: 10 Textbook (TMC): TMC on history. "Russia and the World", A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina, M.Yu. Brandt. Moscow .-: "Education", 2007.

Lesson topic: The oldest history of our Motherland Lesson type: combined, with elements of research.

Equipment: Computer, interactive whiteboard, projector, multimedia presentation "The Ancient History of Our Motherland."

Characteristics of educational opportunities and previous achievements of students in the class for which the lesson is being designed:

Students are proficient in:

* Regulatory UUD:

Formulate questions on the topic based on key words (level 2).

They are transformed into a practical task into an educational and cognitive one (level 2).

They are able to present their work, analyze, compare different interpretations of historical facts, formulate conclusions, develop the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue

* Cognitive UUD:

Collect and highlight information that is essential for solving the problem (1 level).

Know how to structure the knowledge gained

Know how to think effectively and work with information

* Communicative UUD:

They are able to express their opinion, create oral and written texts.

Unfortunately, not many students have the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner

* Personal UUD:

Reflect on their attitude to the content of the topic.

The objectives of the lesson as the planned learning outcomes, the planned level of achieving goals: the formation of the value attitude of students to joint educational activities for the development of new knowledge recalling material about the ancient history of our Motherland, getting an idea of ​​the main stages of development of mankind in general and our country in particular.

Type of planned training activities

Educational activities

Planned level of achievement of learning outcomes


* Define the basic concepts of the topic

* Name the sides of the study of the ancient history of the Motherland

Level 1 - they are guided in the material, recognize, recognize, define in speech.

Level 2 - reproduce information and methods of action from memory; called, define.


* Organize their cognitive activities (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result).

* They choose adequate ways of activity and models of behavior within the framework of the realized basic social roles.

* Plan and carry out activities aimed at solving research problems

Level 3 - students' independent action based on the learned algorithm of actions.


* Plan and predict their actions.

* Perform cognitive search tasks and extract the necessary information on a given topic.

Level 2 - joint (group) actions of students.


* Communicate and interact productively in the process.

* Take into account the positions of other participants in the activity.

* Objectively determine their contribution to the overall result

Level 1 - express their point of view.


* Develop their position in life.

* Students show cognitive interests and form a readiness for independent knowledge.

Level 2 - performing an educational action using key words.

Lesson stage, stage time

Stage objectives

Methods, techniques of teaching

Forms of educational interaction

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD and objective actions

Motivational target stage

(5 minutes.)

Provide emotional experience and awareness by students of the incompleteness of existing knowledge;

Arouse cognitive interest in the problem;

Organize independent problem formulation and goal setting

Creation of a problematic situation of doubt.

Committing a new learning task


Good afternoon, dear guys!

Organizes immersion in the problem, creates a situation of rupture.

In the previous lessons, you and I considered the "Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean", and now what do you think we will start to study today? The pictures on the slide will help you figure it out faster.

So, the topic of the lesson: "The oldest history of our Motherland."

Ponder information.

Listen carefully.

The students answer.

Bring out the topic of the lesson.

1. Realize incomplete knowledge and show interest in new content.

2. Formulate the questions to which it is necessary to find answers (the purpose of the lesson).

Cognitive UUD:

Reproduce knowledge orally.

Communicative UUD:

participate in a collective discussion of the problem, take an interest in other people's opinions and express their own

Personal UUD:

be aware of the incompleteness of knowledge, show interest in new content

Regulatory UUD:

define the goals of educational activities

Indicative stage

(5 minutes.)

Organize independent planning and selection of research methods


Group, frontal

Asks a question about ways to obtain new knowledge needed to solve a problem.

Name the research methods known to them and determine the sequence of actions.

Write a lesson plan:

1.Ancient people on the territory of our country

2. Greek colonization of the Black Sea region

3. Scythian state

Regulatory UUD:

plan, i.e. draw up an action plan based on the final result

Search and research stage

(10-15 min.)

Organize a search for a solution to the problem

Research (collection and analysis of facts, generalization)

Individual, steam room

Shows the territory of our Motherland, its borders on the map.

Tells about the first settlements of ancient people in the North Caucasus and in the region of the Kuban River.

Shows these territories on the map.

Tells about the fact that it was difficult to live alone and people united in small groups.

Shows on the map the further settlement of our country on the territory of the Lower Volga and the Middle Urals.

Tells about the fact that the weather conditions have changed, a cold snap has come. To adapt to weather conditions, man had to settle further and further north.

The map shows the territory of settlement of Siberia and the north of the European part of Russia.

Tells about the emergence of agriculture, cattle breeding and handicrafts.

Tells about the fact that the primitive society is gradually beginning to disintegrate. Family ties are weakening and the neighboring community comes to replace.

The state gradually appears. Asks what the state is and what are its main features.

Smoothly moves on to the story about the Greek colonization of the Black Sea region, on the map shows the territory of the settlement. Asks what is colonization.

Tells about the time and what city-states were formed.

Listen to the teacher.

They look at the map, then write down the date and place of check-in in notebooks.

They listen carefully and write down the date and further place of settlement in notebooks.

Teachers listen attentively and say what the state is and its signs.

Then the definition and signs are recorded in their notebooks.

They look at the map and answer what colonization is.

Listen to and write down key dates.

Cognitive UUD:

Search and highlight the necessary information;

Selectively retell text;


Practical stage

(10-15 min.)

Ensure the application of the knowledge gained to provide new facts, proof of your point of view



Group, steam room, individual

Says about what is in V v. BC. the Bosporus state was created. Instructs them to read the textbook material on page 55 and prove that the Bosporan Kingdom was a developed state association.

Tells about the emergence of the Scythian state, the main events.

They read the material from the textbook and write in notebooks evidence that the Bosporan Kingdom is a developed state.

Then there is a conversation.

Teachers listen attentively, write down the date of the emergence of the state.

They read the material of the textbook, think over the task and draw a diagram of the "Management System of the Scythian State" in notebooks.

Then one of the students goes to the blackboard and draws the resulting diagram.

Subject UUD:

Communicative UUD:

participate in a pair discussion of a problem, be interested in someone else's opinion and express your own

Reflexive-evaluative stage

(5-7 min.)

Understanding the process and the result of the activity



Concludes that this is how the ancient era ended on the territory of our country, which became widespread only in one corner of it - the Black Sea region.

Sets homework:

Gives marks.

Teachers listen attentively, for themselves they draw a conclusion about the ancient history of our Motherland.

Write down homework.

Regulatory UUD:

authorize completion of actions

Communicative UUD:

adequate display of your feelings, thoughts in speech expression

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment - the teacher prepares the class for the lesson: a blackboard, includes a presentation, an interactive whiteboard.

II. Homework check:

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! Sit down! In order to see how you have mastered the topic "Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean" I suggest you do a little test work. The work consists of two options (Appendix 1).Children are doing test work.

Hope you did a good job.

III. Learning new material.

Teacher: In the previous lessons, we looked at the "Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean", and now what do you think we will start to study today? The pictures on the slide (slide 1) will help you figure it out faster.Children answer: about Russia. It is true that today we will begin to analyze the history of our Motherland. So, the topic of the lesson is "The Ancient History of Our Motherland" (slide 2). We open notebooks, write the number and the topic of the lesson.Children write down the topic of the lesson. We will work according to the following plan: 1. Ancient people on the territory of our country. 2. Greek colonization of the Black Sea region. 3. Scythian state (slide 3). Based on the plan, let's define our objectives.Children answer that it is necessary to consider where exactly the most ancient people in our homeland were settled; how was the Greek colonization of the Black Sea region; what was the Scythian state.
Teacher: Our Motherland - Russia is located in the vast expanses of Eurasia - from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea in the south (slide 4). This area has been inhabited since time immemorial. Ancient people settled on the territory of our country from time immemorial. About 700 thousand years ago, they appeared in the North Caucasus and in the region of the Kuban River (slide 5-6). Life was full of dangers and it was very difficult to survive alone. People united in small groups of 20-30 people (slide 7). They came to be called the human herd. 100 - 35 thousand years ago - settled on the territory of the Lower Volga and the Middle Urals (slide 8).Children write down the date and place of check-in in notebooks. About 80 thousand years ago, living conditions changed dramatically - a cold snap set in. Heat-loving animals were replaced by mammoths, bison, woolly rhinos, reindeer, horses (slide 9-10). To adapt to weather conditions, man had to settle further and further north. 35 - 10 thousand years ago - the settlement of Siberia and the north of the European part of Russia (slide 11).Children write down the date and place of check-in in notebooks.

14-12 thousand years ago, as a result of the ice age, many animals became extinct. And now it was difficult for a person who was engaged only in hunting and gathering to feed himself. Looking carefully at the picture, you can see what they were already doing at that time (slide 12).Children answer: fishing, cattle breeding, agriculture. Right, from ancient gathering in the south of our country 5 thousand years ago, agriculture was gradually emerging. Hunting is being replaced by cattle breeding (slide 13). Having learned to work with clay, people began to make dishes. Women learned how to spin fibers and sew clothes from fabric. On the slide you can see the dishes made at this time (slide 14). Gradually, tribal ties are weakening, which was characterized by collective labor and consumption, where people are related by kinship. It is being replaced by a neighboring (territorial) community, based on the separation of small families from the clan who separately manage their households. Neighboring communities were then united into tribes (slide 15). Naturally stands out to know. Functions of elders and leaders: 1. Supervised collective work. 2. Controlled the exchange with other tribes. 3. We monitored the observance of the established order. 4. Raised the tribe for protection from enemies (leaders) (slide 16). The state is replacing the tribes (slide 17). Please tell me what is a state and what are its signs?Children answer: the state is a single territory of the population, there is a single organization. Signs: army, territory, responsibility, population, uniform laws. So, let's write down the definition: the state is an independent organization with sovereignty, special mechanisms of control and coercion, and also establishing the legal order in a certain territory (slide 19). Signs of the state: a) the presence of an apparatus of power and administration, an apparatus of coercion; b) the division of the population by territorial units; c) sovereignty, i.e. independence in external and internal affairs; d) the adoption of a number of obligations to the people (to defend the territory, to fight crime, to carry out the goals of general well-being, etc.); e) the existence of a number of monopoly rights (the right to issue laws, issue banknotes, collect taxes, issue loans, etc.) (slide 20).

Faster rates of social progress were observed in the Black Sea region. Massive Greek colonization became the catalyst for acceleration (slide 21). Tell me, please, what is colonization?Children answer that colonization is the movement of the population from one territory to another. The first states emerged in the south of our country. In the VII - VI centuries. BC. the city-states of Olbia, Panticapius, Chersonesos, and others were formed on the Black Sea coast. They united into the Bosporan state (slide 22). In the paintings you can see the ruins of Olbia and the painting where the reconstruction of Panticapaeum was made.Children look at pictures. The closest neighbors of the Greeks in the Black Sea region were the Iranian-speaking tribes - the Scythians, which were divided into cattle-breeding and agricultural. The pastoralists led a nomadic way of life, and the Scythian farmers were sedentary (slide 23). What is this nomadic way of life?Children answer: a nomadic way of life is the movement of people from one territory to another when the land is depleted. Good. Which sedentary is it?Children answer: a sedentary lifestyle is the living of a people in one territory. So, well, the answer is correct.

Write down in your notebooks the date of the emergence of the Bosporus state.The students write it down. Now, using the text of the textbook on page 55, prove that the Bosporan Kingdom was a developed state association (slide 24). You are given 5 minutes to complete.Children read the textbook and highlight the proof that the Bosporan Kingdom was indeed a developed state association. Students answer: The Bosporan state is a developed state association, because it has its own territory (the Taman Peninsula and other lands on the eastern coast of the Azov Sea), the capital is Panticapaeum, power is inherited, culture and economy, trade is developed). There is a conversation. Okay, you have identified the evidence correctly.

To resist the invaders, the Scythian tribes began to unite. A king stood at the head of a strong tribe. This is how the 4th century BC appeared. Scythian state (slide 25-26).Children write down the date of the emergence of the Scythian state ... Now, your taskusing the text of the textbook on pages 55-56, draw up a diagram of the "Management System of the Scythian State" (slide 27). You are given 5 minutes to complete.Children read the material and draw a diagram in their notebooks. One of the students goes to the blackboard and draws.

Scheme "Management System of the Scythian State"



Cattle breeding

Council of Elders (chiefs) were elected by the population

KING Council of nobility limitation of power

(inherited power ) People's Assembly of the Tsar

IV. Conclusion

Thus, the antique era ended on the territory of our country, which became widespread only in one corner of it - the Black Sea region.

V. Homework (slide 28).


Annex 1 .

Option 1.

2. The Greek ruler who abolished debt slavery in Athens:

a) Cleisthenes c) Alexander the Great

b) Solon d) Octavian Augustus

1) Marathon fight A) 776 BC

2) Solon was elected archon B) 490 BC

3) Founding of Rome B) 594 BC

4) First Olympic Games D) 753 BC

4. Indicate the name of the peninsula where the ancient Romans lived:

A) Balkan B) Crimean C) Apennine C) Pyrenean

5. Write down those statements with which you agree (write down only numbers):

480 BC

Verification work on the topic "Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean"

Option II

1. The states belong to the period of antiquity:

a) Ancient Greece c) Ancient Rome

b) Ancient Egypt d) Ancient India

2. The founder and first king of Rome is:

a) Romulus; b) Rem; c) Remus; d) Frame; e) Novel; f) Romei

3. Correct dates and events.

1) The battle in the Strait of Salamis A) 776 BC

2) Founding of Rome B) 27 BC

3) First Olympic Games B) 753 BC

4. The last king of Rome is considered

a) Tarquinius the Proud; b) Pyrrhus; c) Julius Caesar; d) Romulus Augustus

5. Write down those statements with which you disagree (write down only numbers):

1) the basis of ancient civilization was the polis-state

2) the foundations of Greek democracy were laid by Pericles

3) the emergence of theater in Greece is associated with the name of the god Dionysus

4) there were many philosophers and artists among the Spartans

5) tsar Leonidas commanded the Greek troops at the Battle of Marathon

6) after the expulsion of the last king Tarquinius the Proud, Rome became a republic

7) during the struggle of the plebeians with the patricians, the plebeians achieved the recording of laws ("Laws of Hammurabi")

6. Write with which event the date is associated -

Stepanova Olga Pavlovna
Position: teacher of history, social studies
Educational institution: SKSiP NRU MGSU
Locality: Samara
Material name: Methodical development
Theme: Technological maps of lessons in history 1st year. 1st semester
Date of publication: 17.01.2017
Chapter: secondary vocational

Technological map of lesson number 1.

Lesson topic:
Introduction. Basics of historical knowledge.
Occupation type:
Introductory lecture.
formation of knowledge and skills about the basics of historical knowledge.
Lesson result

OK 1

OK 2
OK 3
OK 4
OK 6
OK 7
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, psychology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, questions to test school knowledge. Schemes for uch. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "No. 1-9.

2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about the basics of historical knowledge.
3. Control of homework:
Frontal Conversation

1. The value of the study of history 2. The problem of authenticity of history. 3.Historic. source. and methods of study. history. 4. Concepts of history.
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Pinning a new topic:
Presentation on the topic under study.

Home assignment:
Abstract. Introduction. Answer the question page 12 ..
History under the author. Artemova V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., World history under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 2.

Lesson topic:
The oldest stage in the history of mankind. Human Origins. Neolithic revolution and its consequences.
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the most ancient stage in the history of mankind, about the origin of man. About the Neolithic revolution and its consequences.
Lesson result:
OK 1
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections

Equipment (TCO
): a history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed. Schemes for uch. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "No. 1-9.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about the most ancient stage of human history, about the origin of man. About the Neolithic revolution and its consequences.

: 1. Source. knowledge about the most ancient man 2. Types of man 3. Problems of the origin of man 4. Conditions of life 5. Neolithic revolution and its consequences.
Pinning a new topic

: § 1-2 repeat pp. Answer the question. pp. 22 - 31. Seminar questions.
: History under the ed. Artemova V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. World history under the author. N.V. Zagladin.

Technological map of lesson number 3.

Topic of the lesson.
Civilizations of the Ancient World 2.1 The most ancient states. Great powers of the Ancient East.
Occupation type:
Travel to the past. Seminar.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the most ancient states. Great powers of the Ancient East.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3

OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed, atlas of the Ancient World.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the most ancient states. Great powers of the Ancient East.
3. Homework control:
individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
4.Explanation of the new material:
filling in the table “Civilizations of Dr. the world ”- river civilizations. State-va Questions. Egypt. Sumerians. Kingdom of Babylon Phenicia India China. Location. Origin story. Emerging powers. Economy. Build. Social development. Personalities.
Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
Summing up the results and results of the lesson: with comments:
"5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
Assignment for d
ohm: §. 3-4-5 answer the question pp. 41, 47. Questions of the seminar.
: History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. World history under the author. N.V. Zagladina

Technological map of lesson №4.

Lesson topic:
2.2 Ancient Greece. Ancient Rome. Culture and Religion of the Ancient World.
Occupation type
: Lesson - seminar
: the formation of knowledge and skills about Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome. Culture and Religions of the Ancient World.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography
Equipment (TCO
): a history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed, atlas of the Ancient World.

2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome. Culture and Religions of the Ancient World.
3. Homework control:
4.Explanation of the new material:
Presentation of students on the issues of the seminar. Vopr. State Location. History of origin. Emerging powers. Economy. Build. Social personal development. Culture. Draining Greece. Ancient Rome
5. Pinning a new topic
: Completing the table given on the board.

7 home assignment
: § 3-7. repeat §. 1-.2. ... answer the question p. 139.
: History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. World history under the author. N.V. Zagladin.

Technological map of lesson number 5.

Lesson topic:
3. Civilization of the West and the East in the Middle Ages 3.1 Great migration of peoples and the formation of barbarian kingdoms in Europe. The emergence of Islam. East in the Middle Ages.
Occupation type
: A journey into the past of history.
: the formation of knowledge and skills about the Great Migration of Nations and the formation of barbarian kingdoms in Europe. About the origin of Islam. East in the Middle Ages
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections
Equipment (TCO):
history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladin, individual cards with questions (10), frontal survey, atlas of the Middle Ages.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the Great Migration of Nations and the formation of barbarian kingdoms in Europe. About the origin of Islam. East in the Middle Ages
3. Homework control:
individual question cards (10), frontal survey.
4.Explanation of the new material:
.1. The reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire 2. The history of the formation of the barbarian. state - in. 3. Barbaric truths 4. The emergence of Islam 5. Arab conquests.
5. Pinning a new topic

6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: § 8-9. repeat §. 3. to answer the question. pp. 74, 79-80.
: History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. World history under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 6.

Lesson topic:

Byzantine Empire. Empire of Charlemagne and its disintegration. Feudal fragmentation in Europe ...
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the Byzantine Empire. Empire of Charlemagne and its disintegration. Feudal fragmentation in Europe ...
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, tests on options to consolidate the passed, atlas on the history of Cf. centuries
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish the knowledge and skills of the Byzantine Empire. Empire of Charlemagne and its disintegration. Feudal fragmentation in Europe ...
3. Homework control:
questions about options to check your progress.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Eastern Roman Empire 2. Attempts to restore the Roman Empire 2. Byzantine culture 3. Slavicization of the Balkans.
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.

with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§. 10 - 11. repeat §. 8., answer the question. pp. 83, 88.

Technological map of lesson number 7.

Topic of the lesson.
3.3 The main features of Western European feudalism. Medieval Western European city. Catholic Church. Crusades.
Occupation type:
Combined. Presentation.
: the formation of knowledge and skills about the main features of Western European feudalism, a medieval Western European city.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections

Equipment (TCO):
history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting lesson
a: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the main features of Western European feudalism, a medieval Western European city.
3. Homework control:
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. The main features of Western European feudalism. 2.Medieval Western European city and its features. 3. Catholic Church. The sources of her existence. 4. Crusades.
5. Pinning a new topic:
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§. 13-14-15. repeat §.12. answer the question pp. 88 - 98 - 102.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. World history under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 8.

Lesson topic
... 3.4 The emergence of centralized states in Europe. Medieval culture of Western Europe. The beginning of the Renaissance.
Occupation type
: Lesson - round table. Presentation.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the emergence of centralized states in Europe, the medieval culture of Western Europe. The beginning of the Renaissance.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
textbook History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed. Presentation.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the origin of centralized states in Europe, the medieval culture of Western Europe. The beginning of the Renaissance.
3. Homework control:
individual question cards (10), frontal survey.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Hundred Years War (diagram) 2. Reconquista Hussite Wars (diagram) 3. The beginning of the Ottoman conquests 4. Folding is centralized. state-in 5. Medieval culture. Renaissance (Presentation)
5. Pinning a new topic
: tests by options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§.16-17. repeat §12-13. answer the question pp. 115, 119. Literature: History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. World history under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 9

Lesson topic
: 4. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century 4.1 Formation of the Old Russian state. Baptism of Russia and its meaning
Occupation type

: the formation of knowledge and skills about the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century, the formation of the Old Russian state. Baptism of Rus and its meaning.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4

OK 6

OK 7

Interdisciplinary connections
Equipment (TCO):
history textbook, ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests on options to consolidate the passed, video, Presentation, schemes for the account. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "No. 14,15, 16,1

: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century, the formation of the Old Russian state. Baptism of Rus and its meaning.
3. Homework control:
individual cards with questions (10), Presentation.
4.Explanation of the new material
: 1. Eastern Slavs in antiquity (video) 2. First Russian princes (video) 3. Baptism of Rus and its meaning 4. Russian Orthodox Church.
5. Pinning a new topic
: Consolidation of the topic according to schemes No. 14,15, 16,1
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §.18-20. repeat §. 18-19. answer the question pp. 125-126,129-130.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. History of the Fatherland under the ed. N.V. Zagladina., V.F. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ".

Technological map of lesson number 10.

Lesson topic
... 4.2 Society of Ancient Russia
Occupation type:
Combined. Video material.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the society of Ancient Russia.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4
... Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7
... Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks.
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO)
: History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N add. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to check what has been passed, tables by account. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "No. 18, 19. Video material.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting ur
oka: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the society of Ancient Russia.
3 homework control
: Option tests to check your progress.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Management system (table number 17) 2. Social structure (table number 18-19) 3. Board of princes 4. Yaroslav the Wise (video) 5. Vladimir Monomakh (video)
5. Pinning a new topic
: tests by options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §.twenty. repeat §18-19. answer the question P. 133-134.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N. History of the Fatherland under the ed. N.V. Zagladina., V.F. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ".

Technological map of lesson number 11.

Lesson topic:
4.3 Fragmentation in Russia. Mongol conquest and its aftermath
Occupation type
: Combined. Presentation.
the formation of knowledge and skills about fragmentation in Russia, the Mongol conquests and its consequences.
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6
... Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, a survey by options, tests by options to consolidate the passed, according to the academic. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in charts and tables ”charts 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25,26. Presentation.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the fragmentation in Russia, the Mongol conquests and its consequences.
3. Homework control:
survey by options.
4.Explanation of the new material (according to plan):
1. Causes and consequences of fragmentation (Scheme 20, watching a video) 2. Principality (studying according to schemes No. 21-24, watching a video).
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed. Presentation.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§.21, 23. repeat §.20. answer the question p. 138, 146.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. NV Zagladina, VF Glukhovsky “Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ".

Technological map of lesson number 12.

Lesson topic
: 4.4 The beginning of the rise of Moscow.
Occupation type
: A journey into the past of history. Presentation.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the beginning of the rise of Moscow.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6
... Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with taking responsibility for the result of completing tasks
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), Presentation, on account. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "diagrams No. 30 -35., Atlas of Russia
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the beginning of the rise of Moscow.
3. Homework control:
individual question cards (10), frontal survey.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. The further strengthening of Moscow 2. The reign of Ivan III (diagram, video) 3. The fall of the Horde yoke 4. The new state. 5. The reign of Vasily III. (according to the scheme, video).
5. Pinning a new topic:
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §. 24 repeat §. 22-23 answer the question. page 146.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina. VF Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ", atlas of Russia

Technological map of lesson number 13.

Lesson topic
: 4.5 Formation of the Unified Russian State.
Occupation type:
Combined. Video.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the formation of the United Russian State.
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with taking responsibility for the result of completing tasks
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to check the passed, according to the account. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in charts and tables ”charts 28-29. atlas of Russia.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about the formation of the United Russian state
3. Homework control:
individual cards with questions (10). Frontal survey.
4.Explanation of the new material:
(Video). Reasons for strengthening Mosk. book-va 2. The reign of Ivan III. (video) 3. The reasons for the fall of the hordes. yoke 4. New state. 5. The reign of Basil III. (Video)
5. Pinning a new topic
: tests by options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§.25 repeat §.24. answer the question pp. 160-161.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the second. N.V. Zagladina., V.F. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ”, atlas of Russia.
Technological map of lesson number 14.

Lesson topic:
4.6 Russia under the rule of Ivan the Terrible.
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about Russia in the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2

OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with taking responsibility for the result of completing tasks
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests according to options to consolidate the passed, according to the account. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in charts and tables ”charts 39-42. atlas of Russia.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about Russia during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
3. Homework control:
individual cards with questions (10), Presentation.
4.Explanation of the new material
: 1. Social structure of Ros. state-va (diagram) 2. Board of Elena Glinskaya (video) 3. Board of Ivan III (video). 4. The essence of the oprichnina (video) 5. The assessment of historians.
5. Pinning a new topic
: tests by options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §. 26 repeat §. 25 answer the question. p. 171 (1,2,5,7,8).
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina., V.F. Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ”, atlas of Russia.

Technological map of lesson number 15.

Lesson topic:
4.7 Foreign policy under Ivan the Terrible
Occupation type
: Combined. Presentation. Video.
formation of knowledge and skills about foreign policy in the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6
... Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, atlas of Russia, tests by options to check the passed. VF Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "№ 42 - 43.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about foreign policy in the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
3. Homework control:
option tests to check what you have passed.
4.Explanation of the new material
: Foreign policy (work according to the atlas scheme): Questions Eastern direction Western direction 1. Date 2. Reasons 3. Occasion 4. Move 5. Personalities 6. Result.
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: With comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §.26. repeat §.25. answer the question P. 171 (3,4,6,9).
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina. VF Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ”, atlas of Russia.

Technological map of lesson number 16.

Lesson topic:
4.8 The Time of Troubles began 17th century.
Occupation type:
Combined. Presentation. Video.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century.
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1
... To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7

Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO
): History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed, atlas of Russia. VF Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables "No. 44-45.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century.
3. Homework control:
4.Explanation of the new material:
Time of Troubles (work according to the atlas scheme): Questions Time of Troubles 1. Date 2. Reasons 3. Reason 4. Movement 5. Personalities 6. Outcome.
5. Pinning a new topic
: tests by options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §.27. repeat §.26. answer the question p. 171.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina, atlas of Russia. VF Glukhovsky "Fatherland. history in diagrams and tables ".
Technological map of lesson number 17.

Lesson topic
i: 4.9 Economic and social development of Russia in the 17th century. Popular movements ...
Occupation type:
Combined. Presentation. Video.
the formation of knowledge and skills about the economic and social development of Russia in the 17th century. Popular movements ...
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
t: to replenish knowledge and skills about the economic and social development of Russia in the 17th century. Popular movements ...
3. Homework control:
individual cards with questions (10).
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Consequences of the Troubles and the beginning of the revival 2. Development of crafts and industry 3. The reasons for the strengthening of serfdom. 4. Popular uprisings (work according to the scheme).
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §.28. repeat §.27. answer the question page 178. Messages about Nikon, Avvakum.
Technological map of lesson number 18.

Lesson topic
: 4.10. Formation of absolutism in Russia. Russian foreign policy in the 17th century ...
Occupation type:
Combined. Presentation. Video.
: the formation of knowledge and skills about the formation of absolutism in Russia, Russian foreign policy in the 17th century ...
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the formation of absolutism in Russia, Russian foreign policy in the 17th century ...
3 homework control
: individual cards with questions (10), Presentation.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Strengthening of the royal power 2. Transformations in the army 3. The reasons for the schism of the Church 4. Development of Siberia. 5. Russia's foreign policy (video).
5. Pinning a new topic

6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment
: §.29. repeat §.28. answer the question p. 191.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 19.

Lesson topic: 4.11
Old Russian culture. The culture of Russia at the end of the 13th - 17th centuries.
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about Old Russian culture, the culture of Russia at the end of the 13th - 17th centuries.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about Old Russian culture, the culture of Russia at the end of the 13th - 17th centuries.
3. Homework control:
individual question cards (10), frontal survey.
4.Self new material - filling out the table.

XIII-XIV centuries

XV-XVI centuries

XVII century
Features of the development of culture Literature. Architecture. Art. Typography.
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§. 30. repeat §. 29. answer the question. p. 198.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 20.

Lesson topic:

The origins of industrial civilization: the countries of Western Europe in the XVI

-XVIII centuries. 5.1
Great geographical discoveries. Establishment of colonial empires (§ 32, §37, §38, §39).
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the great geographical discoveries and the formation of colonial empires.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the great geographical discoveries. Formation of colonial empires
3. Homework control:
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Beginning of colonial conquests (filling in table number 1). Bartolomeu Dias Christopher Columbus Vasco da Gama Pedro Cabrala Fernand Magellan Hernan Cortez Francisco Pizarro Geographical discoveries and its results.
Fill in table number 2 "Formation of the colonial system in the XVI-XVIII centuries."
State of His colony, the years of their capture.
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
With comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§ 32, §37, §38, §39. repeat §26. answer the question pp. 208-231-238 ..
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 21

Lesson topic:
5.2 Economic development and changes in Western European society. Formation of absolutism in European countries. England in the 17th - 18th centuries
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about economic development and changes in Western European society and the formation of absolutism in European countries. England in the 17th - 18th centuries
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7
... Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about economic development and changes in Western European society and the formation of absolutism in European countries. England in the 17th - 18th centuries
3. Homework control:
individual question cards (10), frontal survey.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. New in the economy of Western Europe 2. Science and technology 3. Military technology 4. The essence of the price revolution 5. Development of trade.
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
me: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7. Quest for before
m: §.31,35,36. repeat § 32, §37- §39 .. answer the question. pp. 203,221,227.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 22.

Lesson topic
: 5.3 Renaissance and humanism in Western Europe. Reformation and counter-reformation
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the Renaissance and humanism in Western Europe. Reformation and Counter-Reformation.
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary communication

Equipment (TCO)
: History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about the Renaissance and humanism in Western Europe. Reformation and Counter-Reformation.
3. Homework control:
frontal survey.
4. Learning new material:
1.Fill in the table "Figures of the Renaissance": Figures. Lived Major Creations.

2. Fill in the table "Reformation-Counter-reformation": Reasons. Reformation Counter Reformation Objectives. Whose interests does it support? Personalities. Works Results.
Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
: §. 33 - 34. repeat §31,35,36. answer the question p. 211,215.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 23.

Lesson topic
: 5.4 War of Independence and the formation of the United States. French Revolution of the late 18th century
Occupation type
: Combined
formation of knowledge and skills about the war of independence and education of the United States.
Lesson result
: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4
... Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6
... Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary communication
and: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the War of Independence and education of the United States. French Revolution of the late 18th century
3. Homework control:
frontal survey.
4. Learning new material
(filling in the table): Questions of the United States (War of Independence). French Revolution 1. Date 2. Reasons 3. Reason 4. Personalities. 5 Move 6 Value 7 Outcome
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§ 41-42. repeat §.31, 39. answer the question. pp. 247-254.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 24.

Lesson topic:
Comparative characteristics: The development of European culture and science in the 17th - 18th centuries. The Age of Enlightenment and Russian Culture XVIII.
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the development of European culture and science in the 17th - 18th centuries, about the Age of Enlightenment and Russian culture of the 18th century.
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2
... Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7
... Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, tests by options for repeating what has been passed, tests by options to consolidate what has been passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the development of European culture and science in the 17th - 18th centuries, about the Age of Enlightenment and Russian culture of the 18th century.
3. Homework control:
tests on options for repeating the passed.
4.Explanation of the new material:
Fill in the table “Development of culture. Age of Enlightenment ": European Enlightenment Issues. Culture of Russia XVII-XVII centuries 1. The main directions in culture ... 2. Cultural figures of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Their main creations.
5. Pinning a new topic:
tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§.40.46 repeat §.33. answer the question p. 243.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 25.

Lesson topic
I: 6.1 Russia in the era of Peter the Great's transformations.
Occupation type
: Combined
the formation of knowledge and skills about Russia in the era of Peter's transformations. Economic and social development in the 18th century Popular movements.
Lesson result

OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections
: Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO
): History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson
: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about
3. Homework control:
frontal survey.
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. The beginning of the reign of Peter I 2. The first transformations: a) State. reforms. b) Economy c) Social. sphere. d) Military. Sphere 4. The meaning of reforms 5. Disputes about Peter.
5. Pinning a new topic
: tests by options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
7 home assignment:
§. 43-44. repeat §. 29. answer the question. p. 264.268.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 26.

Lesson topic:
6.3 Domestic and foreign policy of Russia in the middle - second half of the 18th century. Popular movements.
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the domestic and foreign policy of Russia in the middle - second half of the 18th century. Popular movements
Lesson result:
after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 3.
Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting
Rock: marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment
: to replenish knowledge and skills about the domestic and foreign policy of Russia in the middle - second half of the 18th century. Popular movements
3. Homework control:
individual question cards (10)
4.Explanation of the new material:
1. Reasons for palace coups Ivan Peter I Evdokia Lopukhina Anna Marta Skavronskaya (Catherine I) Alexey (Peter II) Elizabeth, Anna (1728) Catherine I (1725-1727). Peter II (1727-1730). Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740). Elizaveta Petrovna (1740-1761) Peter III (1761-1762) Catherine II (1762-1796) Domestic policy Foreign policy. 2. Economy. development 3.Sots. development in the 18th century 4. People's movements
5. Pinning a new topic
s: tests on options to consolidate the passed.
6. Summing up the results and results of the lesson
: with comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" - Assignment to the house: §.45. repeat §43-44 answer question pp. 277-278.
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Technological map of lesson number 27.

Topic of the lesson: 7.1.
Industrial revolution and its consequences. International relationships.
Occupation type:
the formation of knowledge and skills about the industrial revolution and its consequences, about international relations. Summarize knowledge for the first semester.
Lesson result
me: after the lesson, students must master the following competencies:
OK 1.
To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2.
Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3
... Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4.
Search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 6.
Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7.
Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control
Interdisciplinary connections:
Social studies, political science, chemistry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, geography, history of the native land.
Equipment (TCO):
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., ext. history textbook, ed. N.V. Zagladina, individual cards with questions (10), tests by options to consolidate the passed.
1. Organizational moment and goal setting of the lesson:
marking the absent, checking the readiness of the group and the office for classes, communicating the purpose of the lesson.
2. Motivational moment:
to replenish knowledge and skills about the industrial revolution and its consequences, about international relations. Summarize knowledge for the first semester. 3.
Explanation of the new material: 1.
Industrial revolution 2. Consequences. 3. International relations. 4. Test for 3 options
Summing up the results and results of the lesson:
With comments: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -
History under the ed. Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N., History of the Fatherland under the author. N.V. Zagladina.

Lesson stage Components of the lesson assignments exercises Teacher activities Student activities Forms of organization of interaction in the lesson Formulated UUD Cognitive Regulatory Communicative, personal TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF THE LESSON Forms of organizing interaction in the lesson Stage of the lesson Components of the lesson assignments exercises Teacher activities Regulatory UUD Activities of the student Cognitive LUD Examples UUD at the stages of the lesson

Educational and developmental components of the lesson assignments exercises Further Drawing up a table according to the text Recovering an incomplete table Drawing up a comparative table Drawing up a chronological table Drawing up a synchronistic table Filling in the table

Educational and developmental components of the lesson assignments exercises Further Working with the text of the textbook Working with illustrations of the textbook Working with a historical map Working with a historical document Working with a historical picture Drawing up questions on a given topic

Teacher activity Checks the readiness of students for the lesson Announces the topic and purpose of the lesson. Clarifies students' understanding of the lesson goals. Raises a problem. Creates an emotional attitude to ... Formulates an assignment ... Reminds learners how to ... Suggests individual assignments. Draws a parallel with previously studied material. Provides motivation to perform ... More

Teacher Activity Controls the performance of the work. Carries out: individual control; selective control. Encourages people to express their opinion. Indicates the degree of student involvement in the classroom. Dictates. Gives: a commentary on the homework; Gives a task to search for features in the text ... Organizes: mutual verification; collective verification; Organizes: checking the exercise performance; a conversation to clarify and concretize primary knowledge; Further

Teacher activity Organizes: evaluative statements of students; discussion of solutions; Organizes: search work of students; Organizes independent work with a textbook; Organizes the conversation by linking the lesson results to its objectives. Leads students to the conclusion about ... Emphasizes attention on the final results of educational activities of students in the classroom Leading questions helps to identify causal relationships in ... Provides a positive reaction of children to the creativity of classmates.

Student activities Make up a chronological table. Make up a synchronic table. Perform the task in a notebook. Take turns commenting ... Justifying the choice of spelling ... Providing examples. They write under dictation. Perform tasks on cards. Carry out a creative task Perform a problematic task Work with a textbook from a memo Participate in a conversation Speak a concept ... Reveal a pattern ... Analyze ... Work with historical documents. Work with the text of the textbook. They work with a historical picture. Work with illustrations in the textbook. They work with a historical map. Answer the teacher's questions. Perform tests Next

Student activities Determine the reasons ... Formulate the conclusions of the observations. Explain their choice. They make their assumptions in pairs. Compare ... Read the text. They read the outline of the description ... Listen to the report, share their impressions about ... Express their opinion. Carry out: self-assessment; self-test; mutual verification; preliminary estimate. Find a concept, information in the text. They compose a crossword puzzle on the topic .. Formulate the final result of their work in the lesson. They name the main positions of the new material and how they mastered them (what worked out, what did not work out and why) Emphasize the characteristics ...

Cognitive UUDs Know how to choose the semantic units of the text and establish relationships between them Create a structure of interrelationships of the semantic units of the text Allocate the quantitative characteristics of objects given by words Reconstruct the subject situation described in the problem by reformulating, simplified retelling of the text, highlighting only information that is essential for solving the problem Allocate generalized the meaning and formal structure of the problem are able to replace terms with definitions are able to deduce the consequences from the data available in the problem statement Allocate the formal structure of the problem Allocate objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts Analyze the conditions and requirements of the problem Select the type of graphic model adequate to the selected semantic units Select symbolic means for building a model Express the meaning of the situation by various means (pictures, symbols, diagrams, signs) Express the structure of the task by different means Perform operations with signs and symbols leave and substantiate the methods for solving the problem Analyze the methods for solving the problem from the point of view of their rationality and efficiency Further

Cognitive ECDs Know how to choose generalized strategies for solving a problem Allocate and formulate a cognitive goal Carry out a search and highlight the necessary information Apply methods of information retrieval, including using computer tools Structure knowledge Consciously and voluntarily build speech statements in oral and written form Choose the most effective ways to solve a problem depending on specific conditions Extract the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres Determine the main and secondary information Orient and perceive the texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official-business styles Understand and adequately assess the language of the mass media Allocate and formulate the problem They independently create algorithms of activity when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature Analyze the object, highlighting essential and insignificant signs Composing a whole from parts, independently completing, replenishing I missing components Choose grounds and criteria for comparison, serialization, classification of objects Establish cause-and-effect relationships Build logical chains of reasoning Put forward and substantiate hypotheses, suggest ways to test them

Regulatory UUDs Compare their mode of action with the standard Compare the way and result of their actions with a given standard, detect deviations and differences from the standard Make adjustments and additions to the plans drawn up Make corrections and additions to the way of their actions in case of discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product Allocate and are aware of what has already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation, they are aware of the quality and level of assimilation Realize the quality and level of assimilation Evaluate the achieved result Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result Prepare a plan and sequence of actions Anticipate the time characteristics of achieving the result (when will there be a result?) Anticipate the result and the level of assimilation (what will be the result?) Set the educational task on the basis of correlating what is already known and assimilated, and what is still unknown; fulfillment and clearly fulfill the requirements of the cognitive task. Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Communicative UUDs Know how to listen and hear each other With sufficient completeness and accuracy express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication Adequately use speech means for discussion and argumentation of their position Are able to present specific content and communicate it in written and oral form Interested in other people's opinions and express their own Enter into a dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, learn to master monologue and dialogical forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of their native language; Understand the possibility of different points of view that do not coincide with their own; positions Learn to establish and compare different points of view before making a decision and making a choice Learn to argue their point of view, argue and defend their position in a way that is not hostile to opponents Determine the goals and functions of the participants, ways of interaction Activities Plan common ways of working Shares knowledge among team members to make effective collaborative decisions Next

Communicative ECDs Able (or develop the ability) to take the initiative in organizing joint action Able (or develop the ability) to obtain missing information with the help of questions Learn to resolve conflicts - identify, identify problems, seek and evaluate alternative ways of resolving a conflict, make a decision and implement it They learn to manage the partner's behavior - to convince him, control, correct and evaluate his actions, establish working relationships, learn to effectively cooperate and promote productive cooperation; Develop the ability to integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction with peers and adults; Learn to translate a conflict situation into a logical plan and resolve it as a task through analysis of conditions Show respect for partners, attention to the personality of another, adequate interpersonal perception Demonstrate the ability to empathy, the desire to establish trusting relationships I of mutual understanding Demonstrate a willingness to adequately respond to the needs of others, provide assistance and emotional support to partners Use adequate linguistic means to reflect their feelings, thoughts and motives Describe the content of actions performed in order to orient practical or other activities Further

Personal UUD Further The idea of ​​the territory and borders of Russia, its geographical features Knowledge of the main historical events in the development of statehood and society Knowledge of the history and geography of the region, its achievements and cultural traditions The idea of ​​the state organization of Russia Knowledge of state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem), knowledge of state holidays Knowledge of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, basic rights and obligations of a citizen Orientation in the legal space of state-public relations Knowledge of one's ethnicity Mastering national values, traditions, culture, knowledge about the peoples and ethnic groups of Russia Mastering the general cultural heritage of Russia and the global cultural heritage Orientation in the system moral norms and values ​​and their hierarchization Fundamentals of social-critical thinking Orientation in the peculiarities of social relations and interactions Establishing the relationship between social and political events knowledge Recognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations Knowledge of the basic principles and rules of attitude to nature Knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and health-saving technologies Civil patriotism Love for the Motherland

Personal UUD Feelings of pride in their country Respect for history, cultural and historical monuments Emotionally positive acceptance of their ethnic identity Respect and acceptance of other peoples of Russia and the world Interethnic tolerance Willingness for equal cooperation Respect for the individual and his dignity Friendly attitude towards others Intolerance to any kind of violence and readiness oppose them Respect for the values ​​of the family Love for nature Recognition of the value of health, one's own and other people Optimism in the perception of the world The need for self-expression and self-realization, social recognition; Positive moral self-esteem Feelings of pride when following moral norms Experiencing shame and guilt when moral norms are violated Willingness and ability to participate in school self-government within the age competence (duty at school and class, participation in children's and youth public organizations, school and extracurricular activities of a pro-social nature ) Willingness and ability to fulfill the norms and requirements of school life, the rights and obligations of the student

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson Further Stages of the lesson Educational tasks of the UUD, which are formed at this stage 1. Organize the actualization of the requirements for students from the side of educational activities. 2. Create conditions for the emergence of internal needs, inclusion in educational activities. 1) Regulatory: - volitional self-regulation; 2) Personal: - meaning formation (I have to look ...) 3) Communicative: - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and with peers. 2. Checking homework. Preparation for work at the main stage. 1. Organize the actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient to build new knowledge. 2. To fix the actualized modes of action in speech (repetition of the rules). 1) Cognitive: - general educational skills to structure knowledge, control and assessment of the process and results of activities. 2) Logical: - analysis, comparison, synthesis. 3) Regulatory: - control and assessment of forecasting (in the analysis of educational action). 1. Organizational moment

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson Next 2. Checking homework. Preparation for work at the main stage. 3. To fix the actual methods of action in the signs (standards, schemes, support according to the rules). 4. Organize the generalization of actualizir. ways of action. Motivate learners to take action. 5. Organize the implementation of the learning action by the students. 6. Record learning difficulties (group or individual) 1) Cognitive: - general educational skills to structure knowledge, control and assessment of the process and results of activities. 2) Logical: - analysis, comparison, synthesis. 3) Regulatory: - control and assessment of forecasting (in the analysis of educational action). Stages of a training session

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson Further 3. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action To organize the construction of a project for the study of new knowledge: 1. Students set the goal of the project (what is the goal - the topic). 2. students identify the means (algorithms, models, reference books, the Internet ...) 3. students formulate the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal. 1) Regulatory: - goal-setting as a formulation of an educational task, - planning, - forecasting. 2) Cognitive: - the ability to structure knowledge, formulation and formulation of a problem, the ability to consciously and voluntarily build speech statements. 3) General educational: Modeling, the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems. Stages of a training session

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson Further 4. Implementation of the completed project and consolidation of the studied method of action. 1. Organize the implementation of the completed project in accordance with the plan. 2. Organize the fixation of a new way of acting in speech. 3. Organize the fixation of the new action in the signs. 4. Discussion of the possibility of applying a new method of action to solve all problems of this type. 5. To organize the assimilation by students of a new way of action in external speech (in pairs or groups, frontally) 1) Communicative: Planning educational cooperation 2) Cognitive: - searching and highlighting the necessary information - semantic reading - building a logical chain of reasoning Stages of the educational lesson Educational tasks emerging at this stage

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson Further 5. Control and self-assessment of knowledge and methods of action 1. Organize students' independent fulfillment of typical tasks for a new method of action. 2. Organize comparison of work with a standard for self-testing. 3. According to the results of self-fulfillment, organize reflection of the activity on the application of the new method 1) Regulatory: - control and correction in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard. 2) Cognitive: - the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build statements. Stages of a training session

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson Next 6. Correction of knowledge and methods of action 1. Organize the identification of types of tasks where a new method of action is used. 2. Organize the repetition of educational content necessary to ensure content continuity. 1) Regulatory: forecasting 7. Summing up the results of the lesson, information about homework. 1. Organize the fixation of the new content learned in the lesson. 2. Organize the fixation of unresolved difficulties in the lesson as directions for future educational activities. 3. Organize discussion and recording of homework. 1) Cognitive: - the ability to structure knowledge - assessment of processes and results of activity 2) Regulatory: - volitional self-regulation - awareness of what has already been learned and what else is to be learned Stages of the lesson Educational tasks

Examples of UUD at the stages of the lesson 8. Reflection 1. Organize the reflection of students about their psycho-emotional state, motivation, their activities, interaction with the teacher and classmates. 1) Communicative: - the ability to express one's thoughts - assessing the quality of one's own and general educational activities Stages of the training session Educational tasks of the UUD, which are formed at this stage

List of used literature 1 METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE TO CREATE A MODERN LESSON ON FGOS Armavir 2013 2 Formation of universal educational actions in basic school: from action to thought. System of tasks: a guide for the teacher / (A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya, etc.); ed. A.G. Asmolova. - M .: Education, - 159 p. 3 Technological maps of lessons for the textbook history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 E. V. Agibalova G. M. Donskoy, author compiled by T. A. Galaullina Volgograd Teacher 2013 4 COLLECTION OF METHODOLOGICAL MATERIALS "Designing technological maps of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" Nizhny Tagil 2012