The Chronicles of Riddick. Game Review. Chronicles of flight. Review of the game The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay & Quot Review game The Chronicles

Vin Diesel is a big fan of video game, because of what he founded. But moreover, it is rumored that he starred in the "Chronicles of Riddick" only for the possibility of creating. After comparison, the reason for such ideas becomes immediately clear: "Chronicles" - a frank middling, but the game came out very good.

The scenario is one of the most realistic with the participation in general. No borde on the topic "One guy disassembled from the whole universe." You are here - just a criminal who wants to escape from prison called Butcher Bay. On the "great destination" only mumbling hints are made.

At first glance affects a gloomy atmosphere. Graphics, sounds, plot and dialogues are chosen so that the impression of an infinitely more severe prison, than any other. Prisoners are regularly killed (and often the jailers themselves). Without additional explanations, it is clear: before us is hopeless, dangerous place where you need to be laid out on the full and body, and the mind only in order to survive. Fortunately, there are no problems with this and he is ready to risk everyone for his freedom. Not too much like a typical "movie game"? And so it is. It helped the developers very much that the events occur to all the events in films (in other words, you can think of almost anything and no one will dare to blame them).

The gameplay is an interesting combination of shooting, fighting and stealth, all from the first person (in some cases, we will show us all the protagonist - when knocking out the ventilation grille, for example). Personally, it reminds of Breakdown, but with one difference: if there was a boring and tedious realization from the first person, then things are in a completely different way. There are ways to deal with the enemy of Lyma, from naked hands (if the weapon has not yet come to find, or if you need to break the neck) to a good firearm arsenal.

Stealth elements here are implemented differently than in the games dedicated to them. For example, they are often optional - to deal with the enemies "in the forehead" in the presence of weapons are quite real, and Riddick himself withstands suspiciously many hits for a guy without a body armor. Signals the player about its imperceptibility in the shade through the shift of the image shade. Sit down, and the shade will change again: now you will not mind even passing enemies. Noise and scratched corpses everywhere - your enemies, of course.

Another difference is the security reaction on you. Noticing a fugitive once, they will remain alert where much longer than in most stealth games. And I approve such an approach. Is it normal for the protection of a highly hazardous and important object to grab a bullet, and in two minutes to patrol on, no matter how you happen? There are still such moments, but in most cases the enemy, alarmed once, so remains.

The famous ability to see in the dark has a serious impact on the gameplay immediately after receiving it. Now you can get rid of the light anywhere, without taking care of what they yourself are lost in the dark, and besides, use the flashlight as a beapon to attract the enemy. I really liked this (undoubtedly expected) element, and not only because of the influence on the stealth tactics. With such capabilities, Riddick becomes more like a predator suffocating in the shadow than just another wander around the corridors.

Shortcomings? Them in a bit. I already mentioned about some, the worst - the game is too short. On medium complexity, it passes in less than twenty hours, after which you do not have a multiplayer, nor a special desire to cross it. Well, except for the comments of developers listen ... The second serious problem is. Enemies will sometimes be stuck in the doors for a few seconds, thinking where they go on, and sometimes you ignore you at all. "Fucking prisoner? Ba, Eka Nevidal!"


Small flaws (which are quite a bit) are unable to spoil a good game, which once again proves. It is one of the best "licensed" video games known to me, and one of the best games of 2004. But this is my opinion, and your liberal to create yourself.

When Activision Blizzard refused ASSAULT ON DARK ATHENAI was inherited from Sierra, many raised their eyebrows inheritance. Long-awaited continuation / reissue The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay , cult hit 2004, - tea, not any LEISURE SUIT LARRY: BOX OFFICE BUST To throw it! It seemed strange that the calculating chiefs of Activision did not appreciate the commercial potential, ignored the army of loyal fans. The logic of managers became clear after a full-time acquaintance with " Athena" Oh yes, they were right.

The misadventures continue

System requirements

Pentium D 805 / Athlon X2 3800+

1 GB of memory

GeForce 6800 / Radeon HD 2600 XT

12 GB on Winchester

internet connection

Recommended requirements

Core 2 DUO 1.8 GHz / Athlon X2 5200+

2 GB of memory

GeForce 8800 GT / RADEON HD 3850

12 GB on Winchester

internet connection

Loved not a remake. So what, and Escape from Butcher Bay , Loosely tightened to the current standards of graphics, delays with your head and five years later. Its models and textures are unlikely to receive prizes, but the story of how Space Criminal Richard B. Riddick escaped from the most severe prison, bright characters, excellent dialogues and exciting gameplay to this day deserve high marks. The pleasure does not spoil the "sublitting" scripts, nor the lack of normal "savors".

The problem is in ASSAULT ON DARK ATHENA, once declared as an additional chapter, continuing the plot of the original. As soon as a digestion from Butcher Bay at the company "Hunter for heads" Jones, a bald recidivist gets to renegade mercenaries. Villains are not just pirate, attacking the shovels of the colonists, - they attack settlements and kidnap people to turn them into puppets cyborg. The fugitives were lucky: the sweep of the "Athens" captain plans to return both to the "zone" for the remuneration.

But first, she needs to catch Riddick, noticeably expanding the arsenal of hand-to-hand techniques and cruel counterdashers (by the way, affordable and in the converted EFBB. ). Fucking the public with short "stealth" -slaps surrounded by pipes and boxes, ADA Makes a fatal mistake - several types of weapons give us immediately, locks in linear corridors and sends to meet the pack of soldiers. Welcome to the Kondov Third Test Shooter!

Where He Doesn "T SHINE

"The Darkness ... for me, IS Where I Shine," - bass Wine Diesel (Vin Diesel) In the introductory roller, not yet suspecting that it is not allowed to shine to him here. Riddick with his five miserable "healthy" health and incredibly oblique "guns" - not a drop of not Duke Nyuk. You have to fight by partisan methods, making the enemies on the "bugs". Sculpted AI meets reciprocity: the enemies notice the goal without a flashlight, even in the pitch darkness and "lead" her, despite any obstacles. Yes, and guns with pistols in their hands are much more accurate, punching thick walls.

The riddic trialing through the spreads of the same type of giant vessel compartments, designers reset it on the sun outlit to the sun, where all the same brainless cheaters and vile rubber robots, shooting the queue of half-life. Walking along the stamped scenery of the dead city, we bump into the holey wooden doors, beyond the fists and bullets (only explosives!), And we wonder when we stop to ride "half gras".

Height for two meters, in the coverage - good three cabinets, stupid as a plug, in the paws holds a machine gun and a grenade launcher ... familiar Tiper, right? You can finish off your handsome man from a SCAR rifle shooting velcro grenades. Naturally not less than five pieces, undermined, ran up to the mutted mutant and pressed "E". Repeat almost every location. And this - Chronicles of Riddick. ?!

Attack on the Dark Sicvel

"Yeah!" - Singing sadists from Starbreeze and double the number of corpses into a square inch of the screen, along the way, reducing Reeddick's replicas to chopped "One-Liners". Freedom, let the illusory, no. The witty conversations remained on the other side of the lattice. The essence of the game is a quiet murder of opponents and silenced bodies in long-range corners - smuthes. Instead of cunning challenges, the authors fit the dull "platform" gymnastics. Apogee Mazzma - a four-story journey of the boxes, along which we climb up, hiding from the spotlight installed on the elevator. Know, the design has specially flipped to combat saboteurs.

Holders of console editions can safely multiply these thoughts at ten - about so many times aiming from the gamepad worse than the "mouse". Ironically, Starbreeze was not trying not to PC (in the original announcement about the "Persons" and did not remember). ASSAULT ON DARK ATHENA Addressable to the owners of modern consoles who missed the legendary blockbuster, because the XBOX version does not start on the Xbox 360, and the PlayStation family did not attend the Riddick at all.

Debuts B. ADA And the multiplayer, where Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and CTF, judging by the empty Table of Records, do not need anyone. More interest calls Butcher Bay Riot and Pitch Black. First - like

In 2004, Starbreeze Studios Studio appeared to the world, probably one of the best games on kinolycency. We are talking about actions of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, which exceeded all the expectations of both the press and the developers themselves. On the sequel called Assault On Dark Athena pinned hopes as a full, expensive and excellent blockbuster.


In 2004, Studio Starbreeze Studios. He brought the world, probably one of the best games on kinolycency. We are talking about action that exceeded all the expectations of both the press and the developers themselves. On the sequel calledhoped hopes as a full, expensive and excellent blockbuster.


The game events unfold immediately after the end of the first part history. Riddick will have to get out of the ship of Black Athens workers. Much here reminds of Butcher Bay - tasks, location design, etc. It is understandable, because, according to the recognition of the developers themselves, only textures and special effects have been updated, but the main technical side remains unchanged.

The ship is the main hub (market with slaves), from which you can always get into any point of the cosmolete. In addition, Hub plays the role of a local "city" - the classic place for RPG where you can find NPC and get quests from them. Among computer characters, you can meet very colorful personalities, such as the stervish craft of the ship.

Diesel Adventures on Ship

Unfortunately, almost all quests plot, and additional falls rarely. In the slave market, just like in the Russian village, everyone knows each other, hate or love, so during conversations Riddika has to be thought out every phrase. Dialogues play a very important role in the quest system. Perhaps a successful find of developers could be the "non-return" of some of the ways of negotiations, they say, blurted out too much, ruined the quest and as a result did not receive a reward. But this is only an illusion. It seems to be NPC, and no longer wants to flush with us. But after a minute you can speak again with him, choosing this time the correct sequence of replicas.

The tasks are diverse - our ward will be silent to jump into well-protected rooms and kill guards, participating in hand-to-hand fights or using guns. Powed fists, Riddick wipes no worse than branded curved knives. However, turning the enems of the neck quickly bored. This case provides weapons - from the acute female hairpin to the grenade launcher. Moreover, you can shoot in the enemy from the rifle, just overlook on the head with the butt, strangle it, or perform a series of blows in the face with the subsequent shot. Also, Riddick is able to predict the actions of enemies, in time, intercepting weapons and directing it against the owner. Developers have retained the spirit by allowing you to allow almost any dispute with knives (this also applies to some bosses). In the near battle, Riddick also holds well, as shifting from the machine, being at a distance from the soup.

The battles with bosses make a variety in the gameplay - you can throw a bunch of mines, or apply the unique technique "Smeal lives, hit in the near battle, still dodged lives, etc.". Most of all, we liked the battle with the captain of the ship, which completes the game. Bosses although they look like each other, but perfectly cope with their task, inspiring fear. After meeting with these healthy, you begin with caution to be published on the sides waiting for another danger.

  • Minimum System Requirements: Pentium 4 / Athlon XP 1.8 GHz, 256 MB of Memory, Video Card with 64 MB of Memory, 3.7 GB on Winchester, Windows XP SP1
  • Recommended System Requirements: Pentium 4 / Athlon XP 2.6 GHz, 512 MB of Memory, Video Card with 128 MB Memory, 4.4 GB on Winchester, Windows XP SP1
  • Here she is, Butcher Bay. Ran?

    I recently wrote that games based on movies, as a rule, do not succeed. Maybe the whole thing in the constraints of kinolycency, and maybe this is an ancient Indian curse, but the fact remains a fact: it is usually no more than souvenirs. However, the fame of the theory of chaos, from this rule there are exceptions. It is one of these products that this article will be devoted. This is a game made based on two films. One, of them - a "black hole" (Pitch Black), not recognizable, in the measure of an interesting low-budget science fiction film. Another - a lousy, unpropered and comedian fighter The Chronicles of Riddick, whose name is the game and inherited that he alone did not foresee anything good. Moreover, she first reached the X-box, which also promised only trouble. But the young Starbreeze company presented us with a surprise, unexpectedly creating a genuine masterpiece worthy to be placed in one row with Titans such as Far Cry, Doom 3 and Half-Life 2.


    In brief, the gameplay is a typical high-quality first-person shooter remotely resembling Deus Ex. Do not get me wrong, there is no hint in the RPG. Riddick Chronicles No character development, and the inventory is absolutely rudimentary, but there is a lot of interactive dialogues in the game, barely catchy the shadow of non-linearity and a large portion of a strong, very thoughtful stealth action, which allows you to talk about some similarity.

    Gameplay is able to satisfy the most demanding taste. There are ferocious, dynamic shootings, in which the one who recaptures the weapon in time and shoots without a mischief (it is a pity that the developers were generous on the cartridges, and they do not have to consider them at such minutes). There is also a slightly tense stealth action when the player is clogged into the darkest slit and is waiting patiently when the enemy makes a mistake. It also did not cost without acrobatics, well-supplied Cutscenes and piloting combat vehicles.

    Diverse, dynamic gameplay with an derived rhythm and high-quality director - this is a recipe for guaranteed success, especially when the eye does not climb the obvious surrounding world and the player allows you to enjoy at least the illusion of nonlinearity, leaving space for freedom of choice and self-expression, which takes place in Chronicles Of Riddick. Probably, it is still worth saying a couple of warm words about the tutorial, because it is not just organically woven into the gameplay and justified (I will not tell you for what exactly - play and find out) he is also interesting that, you see, very unusual.

    It would seem, all, nothing need for a good game. But the authors wished to bring something new to the genre, and caused the mass of magnificent strokes on the basis described above, which turn Chronicles of Riddick into a masterpiece. The most memorable of them is, of course, the near battle.

    Until recently, it was believed that fighting, even the most simple, cannot be implemented overlooking the first person. But it was so before the release of EBB. In this game, it was possible to effectively implement a simple fighting battle with four main blows, a block, combo, melee weapons, and even fataliti (they are the same counterdads) using a first-person view.

    The hand-to-hand combat was rarely strong and impressive, he is quite slyly arranged, so as not to bother, but it is easy to learn. In the exercise here will not have hard, the disposal of the near battle is intuitive.

    Externally, everything is decorated for solid perfectly - shocks applied by enemies look extremely strong and dangerous (especially if in the hands of a sharpening), and the confruders cause a storm of childish delight. About the system of confrudar should be said especially. If the player begins to strike simultaneously with the enemy, then instead of an ordinary impact, a rapid and deadly lunge is performed, guaranteed by the opponent's death. The specific type of special depends on what you armared and what the opponent is armed. The most impressive option is unarmed riddic against an armed with a rifle or a shrove of the guard. At that moment, when the guard wants to strike the butt, the hero intercepts the weapon, directs the soup in his face and presses the trigger with his finger.

    Such scenes cause admiration for 9 respondents from 10

    Interestingly, many actions, even such simple as pressing the button, are demonstrated by a third party. Justice should immediately make a reservation, which does not interfere at all.

    Powerful movement mode is extremely interesting. The creators of the game managed to do without stupid A-La Far Cry aggressometers and at least fetched illumination meters. Stealth turns on immediately as soon as the player goes away. If the presence of a player does not give out and it is in the dark, the image acquires a pleasant blue shade, and at the time of detection, the color becomes normal again.

    In the dark, the outlines of melting, melting in the dark ...

    It's nice that the delicate hearing of the main character in secretive mode captures the beating of enemy hearts, which allows not only in time to establish the fact of the presence of enemies in close proximity, but also approximately determine their number. Light bulbs and other lighting devices can be broken, immersing everything in the pitch darkness, to see in which another interesting ability of Ridica, Eye Shine. This ability is an analogue of a night vision device from Aliens Versus Predator. Similarly, it allows you to see in the pitch darkness, and in the same way guarantees instant blinding the first enemy lantern (which is sometimes letters). If the player succeeds in imperceptibly to die to anyone from behind, he will be given to the choice of two ways to attack - instantly collapse the enemy's neck or do it, clinging to his mouth, so that he definitely could not shine anything that he would take a little longer time.

    Talented "spy" episodes and a unique melee mechanism are quite sufficient to acquire this game.

    An unusual is the approach of the authors to such an essential element of the gameplay, as a weapon. First of all, his little. Arsenal of firearms, at first glance, pretty zakud, but thanks to this weapon, it acquires some difficult uniqueness, and brings rare satisfaction when used. Each type of weapon has its own unique use, depending on the distance and the situation. A very pleasant note of realism in the game process makes a mechanism for reloading weapons. Its feature is that the cartridges remaining in the clip during recharge are irrevocably lost. Fresh and plausible.

    Regrettably, but the balance of weapons was imperfect. Electric shepherd is definitely victory weapon, because The time he deprives the enemies of consciousness is very large, he paralyzes the protection in the exosociles, and most importantly, he does not end the cartridges. However, the player gives it quite a while, and everything is rather quickly returning to the circles, besides, for the game without multiplayer, the balance of weapons is not very important.

    Remarkable and very logical feature of EBB is both how the weapon is realized by the player. It is logical that it does not rely, and, therefore, its receipt should be difficult. And since the action of the game is unfolded in the distant future, the seizure of firearms should be extremely difficult. Already, today, there are samples of "fiery sticks" capable of identifying the owner of fingerprints. In the future prisons, according to STARBREEZE, weapons will identify the user on DNA and is equipped with a system of countering theft, thanks to which to those who touch someone else's "trunk", do not envy.

    Aggressive Kleptomania therapy in action

    In view of the above circumstances, the player rarely receives firearms, increasingly using the old good sharpening for solving everyday problems. But when he still manages to get something worthy of a real man in his hands, then the Wakhatnalia of death begins, the rumble of shots, the crown bodies of the guards fall to the ground ...

    This is not a seed, friend. Just a little unbearably hurt.

    The foot will hang around. Ragdoll is still able to turn murder in a mixpanite.

    However, in this barrel of honey there is a small spoon of tar, artificial intelligence. No, the iron guy is not so bad as his "colleague" from Half-Life 2, it is quite nicely rolling, uses shelters and works in a group, but it is not able to even reckon with a grenade if it does not pushing the script. Worse, opponents regularly shoot each other in the back, which, you see, is a gross, unforgivable mistake. AI is not stupid, but not a smart. Considering - this is what impression he leaves himself.

    Completing the conversation about the gameplay, let me casually mention such a magnificent thing as Heavy Guard. In many echetes of the past and the present, there were episodes where the player had at his disposal destructive military equipment, but where she had not caused so many positive emotions. It's hard to understand what is the secret, maybe in the midfielding flooding in all sides? Or cries of guards are especially hysterical? Or, perhaps, is the whole thing in ironic comments on the side computer? It is unlikely that you can say for sure. Art will never be understood to the end.

    The tagged voice asks to save the cartridges. Strange jokes in these military.


    All this, coupled with genuine art talent, creates almost impeccable, cruel and sullen atmosphere of the game world. Even the main menu is framed here effectively and unusually, in the form of a sullen metal cube. The appearance of weapons and characters worked to the smallest detail, and is an example of a very smart and plausible futurodizain.

    An interesting feature of the visual approach can be considered that the protagonist is no longer "hand with a gun." Now he has quite decent torso and legs.

    The game has the right leftothyine, ascetic, but untidy in the prison area and sterile in the cryonical laboratory. The architecture of the levels is exactly what should be in prison, because the place of action of the game is a stone bag on a desert planet, built with a sole purpose - to forever be locked in its depths of hundreds of people. Level design, as a rule, opens a huge scope for research, search for secrets and acrobatic exercises. The only claim to level design - industrial equipment and various computers could be both more configuring.

    Mainframe. Not the most beautiful of those found in games ...

    ... But the cooler is definitely inspires :)

    Script rollers produce an indelible impression. The operator and directing work is definitely better than those in the film, the name of the game, images "played" and voiced to Yat, in general, the cinema here is definitely chosen as art. The environment is simply soooed by the atmosphere of man-made hell. Somewhere heard desperate mothers, "friendly" jokes of security, the walls carry dark traces of "literary dating" generations of prisoners.

    This place is sinking in darkness and hopelessness, people abandoned in Butcher Bay are fulfilled in this boiler together, and this is still stronger from this to the throat. In this darkness, literal and metaphorical, the main character feels like a fish in the water ... he is not just a fish, he shark. Darkness in the skilled Swedish hands is to envy id Software, not an annoying interference gameplay, but a subtle expressive tool that allows you to create a correct mood and send the gameplay to the right direction.

    The creators of the game did not allow hateful censors to chase their work, the game is full of naturalistic, juicy violence, who were famous for the great militants 80s, and proudly carries the ESRB rating M. Writers filled this plausible, cruel world of tons of magnificent, rare chernohi. It is enough just to bring a screenshot of a wall first aid kit, yes to mention that the traditional Art opens for the sitting games to find the "interstellar" cigarettes, the inscriptions on the packages of which should be definitely seeing.

    This will be treated in the distant future, after the end of the health care reform.

    The attention of the authors to the little things that many for some reason are considered to be ignored and can also be ignored. For example, a attentive player will see how the hot edges of the holes are cooled, pierced in steel walls, flies fly around dirty garbage buckets, and monitors, finally you can smash.

    Joy Vandala

    The only petty quarid to the gaming environment that comes to mind is playing physics. It is almost rudimentary and does not allow to make a real interactive environment. There is no place there is neither the magnificence of HL2, nor even the petty Musor from Doom 3.


    Screenshots already shown in this article, better than any words indicate the quality of graphic design of the game. But if you still need words, I am happy to inform you that textures in the game have a decent resolution (and this is despite the widespread use of Normal Maps), realistic and bribe them with detail. The lighting is implemented using the famous Stencil Buffer Shadows A La Doom 3, the character of the characters is spent a fair number of polygons, they are well animated and covered with high-quality textures, their faces are almost not repeated and burdened with quite tolerant animation (although it is far to the inimitable face animation Half- Life 2). All this, the Swedes managed to be implemented in two years while holding the FPS bar on my not very modern system at 45 FPS Min at maximum detail.

    Chronicles of Riddick's engine creates rarely plausible premises, guaranteeing the "presence effect" in the gloomy, the old, cracked dungeon from alloys and concrete. The only thing he fails is open spaces. I remember a long time ago, speaking about Doom 3, I noticed that these most open spaces are extremely difficult to implement on the iDovsky engine. There are no open spaces in Escape from Butcher Bay. The most open from all the spaces seen by me in the game was this, with a fake landscape and a fake sunset.

    However, in the game, the whole dedicated to run from prison, the lack of open spaces cannot be considered a disadvantage.


    In many ways, the view of the plot gives the name of the game. The main hero of the game is the incredibly cold-blooded and inventive killer-recidivist Richard B. Riddik, a person of an inflexible will and an outstanding mind, burdened, among other things, paranormal abilities.

    Forgive me, please, you will not be so kind, you will not tell me if you do not complicate where the library is located?

    At the very beginning of the game, he, the will of the wrapped and not too smart hunter for Jones's heads, falls into the most protected prison, in Butchers Bay, the head of which has a tooth on them both. Of course, from now on, the sole purpose of our "protagonist" becomes escape. His infectious thirst for freedom and a kind of mentality becomes the rod of the whole game. On the way to freedom, he will reduce a small army into the grave, will cause the state to colossal damage, and even gives his abuser a little doom.

    The plot can serve as a lesson to the scripts of both films (especially the second), as well as many computer games. We need such plots, such images, such scenarios. Images of heroes are well discharged, the characters were bright and reliable, the dialogues are well written and really stand in order to listen to them, and not scrolling.

    Almost all the action unfolds logical and plausible, there is only some ambiguity with the origin of the "Fury" Hero's abilities and its "schizophrenic" female inner voice. The desire of Hasi (prison chief) is also strange to keep Richard life. Probably so that he suffered.

    The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is the best, most beautiful and exciting of all stories dedicated to the adventures of a charming bald killer.


    You may be surprised, but here Starbreeze has accompanied success, especially with regard to the voice of the characters. Of course, Vin Diesel voiced Ridica, and I must tell you, he managed to inform the image of the main hero of depth and persuasiveness. It immediately becomes clear that the voice belongs to a person with absolutely cold-blooded, confident, practical and cruel. On this list of celebrities, who gave their votes, the characters of the Swedish miracle does not end. ABOTT was voiced by the famous Rapper Xzibit, Jones was voiced by Cowel Hauser, and the third corpse on the left name named Jagger Vance was voiced by Ron Perlman. Dialogues played well, and, as already mentioned, they are adequately written.

    Music in the EME is not much different from the music of good Hollywood SCI-FI militant. Good, but you are unlikely to go to look for a soundtrack on the Internet.

    Technical part

    One of the main drawbacks of this excellent game is a huge number of small graphic glitches that are fixed only by a patch. Once at times you do not have to, but from time to time there are failures in lighting and animation. What is much more serious, the game is inclined to conflict with many (countless) outsiders, so the developers advise to disconnect the game for the game in Evv, even the refrigerator. After installing the game, it is necessary to reboot.

    The most serious problem is Application Error: sbzengine.exe, an occult error caused by, citing technical support service, "certain software and hardware conflicts at the level of the OS or Drivers". It is also necessary, and I thought that the Government was all. As with any occult problem, it does not have a normal solution. A complete list of tips that can help is located at\u003d7174, only here, alas, they may not help. The installation of the monitor drivers helped me. Wait for a patch, gentlemen!


    Before us is an amazing case, the game, refuting "the law of the game based on the film." She not only failed, but was able to compete with the creations of such recognized geniuses as Valve and ID. Polished to shine, solid and stylish shooter, decorated typically dvda developer commentary mode. A miracle suddenly descended from shipyard wickers and fell in love with many connoisseurs worldwide. There is everything you need for a great pastime: a worthy plot, luxurious graphics and sound, charismatic and original protagonist, atmospheric and diverse gameplay and a large number of original finds who have not met in any other game. It is sad only the absence of a multiplayer and the presence of annoying bugs, all other disadvantages - only the little things that no one except the grinding reviewer is not able to notice.


    We are waiting for your comments in a specially created.

    The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena - Independent addition to a famous game combining action and stealth. Coming out in 2009 at once for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, the game proposes again to take into his hands the fate of Riddick - fearless and ruthless mercenary. Several multiplayer modes and the exciting single game plot ensured quite good estimates - mainly from 7 to 8 points. An important minus is an excessive linearity of missions, which can disappoint a constructive modern player.

    Features of the game

    • Bloody battles or silent and imperceptible murder - choose the style suitable for you;
    • A variety of enemies - from ordinary criminals to experienced guards and even combat drones;
    • Serious Arsenal: Pistols, Shotguns, Machines - Use them if you like shooters;
    • The abundance of dark spaces allowing in all its glory to demonstrate the ability to kill quietly;
    • The extremely charismatic hero is even though he is a criminal, but how good!

    Good plot

    The story of The Chronicles of Riddick begins: Assault On Dark Athena immediately after the end of the events of the first part of the game. The Captain of the spacecraft and the head hunter - Jones - first catches Riddick and gives for a remuneration, and then heaves him from a space prison. Alas, the new partners are not too lucky - their ship captures "Dark Athena" - a huge ship of mercenaries, which leads the ruthless Gale Revas, as well as her right hand Skinner. Riddick only miraculously manages to avoid captivity. Now there is a completely unfamiliar spacecraft around him, a bit of mercenaries, who wanted to finish it at the first opportunity. In such difficult conditions, the hero should not only survive, but also to release the legitimate captain of "Dark Athens", and at the same time to rescue Lynn - a small girl hiding from cruel mercenaries in the ventilation mines.

    A fight against ordinary criminals, well-armed mercenaries, as well as combat cyborgs. Of course, the complexity varies significantly depending on the enemy. Reeddick is at the disposal of a good arsenal, including guns, shotguns and automata. However, this is a very noisy weapon - all opponents located nearby will be fled to shooting. Therefore, the real lover of stels will try to do everything quietly. Fortunately, in the near battle Riddick is able to eliminate any opponent quickly and silently. And besides, it is very impressive.

    Artificial Intelligence

    Yes, this indicator can be called an important advantage. It is plausible to be worked out and what to finish a combat cyborg is much more complicated than a simple prisoner - it is quite experienced and well armed. So, it is impossible to count on a light battle. By the way, finishing the cyborg, you can always use it with a weapon - automatic. True, it is impossible to remove the automatic machine from the body - it is firmly tight. But, a little, I will always wait for the enemy when eliminating the drone, you can always wait for the enemy and twisted them with one queue, using the machine, squeezed in the hand of a dead enemy, then quickly run away from the place of slaughter.