Military history, weapons, old and military maps. The last coins of the last king will acquire coins of the reign of Tsar Nicholas 2

Copper coins during the reign of Nicholas II was the basis of the country's monetary relations, and they were used for most small-scale calculation operations. Every year we were produced in multimillion editions until 1917 in such nominals as 5 kopecks, 3 kopecks, 2 kopecks, 1 kopeck, 1/2 penny and 1/4 pennies, according to the sample installed from the middle of the XIX century. Due to the frequent occurrence, they do not pose a special interest for many collectors, although there are real rarities here. These include 5 kopecks and 3 kopecks of 1917, as well as 1/2 penny and 1/4 pennies of 1894.

Copper coins in the daily life of Russians at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

Copper coins were exchanged money and constituted the basis of the monetary relations of the common people who lived in the territory of the vast Russian Empire.

From copper in a foot 50 rubles from PUD (16 kg) under Nicolae II, coins 5 kopecks were minted, 3 and 2 kopecks, 1 kopeck, as well as 1/2 and 1/4 penny - by type of denominations, which was still in the 1860s Years.

In addition to the St. Petersburg Mint In 1896-1898, a copper trifle (with the exception of 5 kopecks) commissioned by the Government was manufactured by the Birmingham Mint (United Kingdom), and in 1899-1901 - a private "Rosencrancy Plant" in St. Petersburg. Sign of the Mint - "S.P.B." - put on all the coins, regardless of the real place of chasing, until 1914, after which the sign was abolished, and samples of coins were already produced without its designation.

Rosencrana plant of the 1910s

What could be done to any winner of Jbi of such copper coins during the reign of Nicholas II? According to the statistics of the last years of its rule (data is taken from the Moscow statistical yearbook. Issue 4. 1911-1913. - M., 1916.), prices in Moscow then correlated as follows:

  • 1 kg of higher grade Circular cost approximately 17 kopecks, a potato measure - 45 kopecks (1 measure is approximately 1 Pad), PUD (16 kg) of rye bread - 1 ruble 25 kopecks (1 loop cost 3-5 kopecks);
  • pound (about 400 g) beef first grade - 24 kopecks; Pound veal - 37 kopecks; One chicken - 93 kopecks;
  • pound of butter - 50 kopecks, a bottle of milk - 8 kopecks;
  • 1 glass of beer - 5 kopecks, 1 bottle of vodka (0.75 liters), "Monsopolki" - 35 kopecks, 1 glass ("Mercy", approximately 60 milligrams) - 6 kopecks.

At the same time, any craftsman, a bricklayer, a carpenter or joiner earned a little less than 2 rubles a day; Primer (depending on the work performed) - from 40 kopecks to 1 ruble. Women paid less.

The design of copper coins Nicholas II

In the time of Nicholas II, the design of the coin remains almost unchanged, in comparison with the releases of previous years. Only on the smallest copper coins - the "money" and "half-one" (1/2 and 1/4 of a penny) changes the imperial monogram, and the monogram "H II" is used, with a royal crown in ribbons and a wreath below. The reverse of these coins is distinguished by the maximum simplicity - the digit of the nominal, two five-pointed decorative sprockets, the year of release (until 1915 and the inscription S.P.B.), and decorative curls in the middle.

The design of the range of denominations from 5 to 1 kopecks differ from the appearance of smaller coins, although it is typical. On the obverse - a double-headed eagle, around him - an ornamental Kant in ancient Russian style with inscriptions "Copper Rossiya coin", (at the top) and the letters of the digit of the nominal and the word "kopecks" (below, for example, "two kopecks").

On the reverse - the denomination is marked already in a number (for example, "3 kopecks") with two five-pointed decorative asterisks, under vignette - a sign of a coin yard. The composition is framed by a bowded laurel and oak branches, the year of the chasing is set up. Gurta in all copper coins - slammed, although there are also variants with smooth gurt.

Description of the denominations and modern prices

5 kopecks. This denomination of the overwhelming part of the reign of the last emperor of Russia was printed with silver. However, from 1911, due to the next reform (and most likely, the desire of the government to save on precious metals), 5 kopecks began to print out of copper. Such five-supported coins are interesting due to the fact that they were made only for three years - in 1911, 1912 and 1916.

5 kopecks of 1911 were minted with 4 million edition. Pieces, and today, in a state of VF are rated within 5-10 dollars. 5 kopecks of 1912 are significantly less common, because The circulation in that year amounted to about 3 million coins. They are also evaluated more expensive. Such an instance in the VF state is offered for 15-30 US dollars. 5 kopecks of 1916 are the most expensive, although their circulation in that year amounted to 8 million. In the preservation of VF, one copy is estimated at $ 50-80 US dollars. These coins of Yves 1917 were also produced, but were not issued in appeal. Information about the circulation is also unknown, and such an instance is considered a real rarity.

3 kopecks. From 1895 to 1916, annually, multi-million editions were minted in monetary calculations trocker coin. How many copies were released in 1917, it is also unknown, in the catalogs they mean as extremely rare (R4 index on the bitchina). The largest amount was released in 1916 - 25, 6 million pieces.

The average value of such a coin is determined complicated, because Prices are very large here. In a state of VF 3 kopecks cost $ 3-10, in the XF state - from 5 to 30 US dollars.

2 kopecks. "Two" minted under Nicolae II in the XIX century he was minted only in 1895, and then each year from 1902 to 1917 inclusive (and here the situation according to the circulation data is similar).

At the cost of this coin, too, in general, there is no particularly different. Private coins, find them in good preservation at a small price will not be difficult to any novice collector. Approximate prices: F - $ 1-2; VF - $ 3-10; XF- $ 10-20.

1 kopeika. It was minted only in 1894-1895, then from 1902 and up to 1916. Coming every year there are millions of copies, therefore prices do not particularly differ. Similar with prices for 2 kopecks. Only 1902 instances of 1902 are expensive, for the safety of VF, you can rescue from 12 to 25 US dollars.

1/2 Kopeika and 1/4 kopecka. The most rare semi-and-quarter-penny coins refer to 1894, when Nicholas II has not yet been crowned. Apparently, they cried them quite a bit, the index of occurrence in the bitsin - R2, and the cost of such a coin reaches 1000 US dollars and even more.

The Polkopeiki was printed from 1894-95, and then annually in the period from 1908-1916. inclusive. "Quarters" minted for only 6 years - in 1894, 1895, 1909, 1910, 1915 and 1916. The main part of such coins has no high cost: F - $ 1-3 VF - $ 3-5. Samples 1900 and 1908 are a bit more expensive. - In the VF state - $ 5-15. And of course, the most expensive are two years old - the first and last, 1895 (VF) - $ 15-25 and 1916 (VF) - more than 100 US dollars.

And in Soviet times, and now they write a lot about "rottenness" and "Bloody" autocracy, a lot. So it was backward and bloody that just a nightmare! And everyone does not care that with the Bolsheviks Russians executed 150 times more than with the last king. Well, Nicholas II, indeed, was not the perfect ruler and made a lot of mistakes, but let's consider some facts. At the end of the 19th - early 20th century, the Russian Empire has achieved truly outstanding success in its development. The industry and agriculture increased rapidly, and only under Nicolae II, the Russian ruble was recognized as the world as a solid currency. You can delay the Internet and libraries, spend a lot of hours, but still you will not find another historical period, when the Russian ruble is free and with such a hunt for the border.

Nicholas II and General Brusilov in 1915.

Prices for the last emperor Nicolae II:
Baton of rye fresh bread (450 grams) - 2-4 kopecks,
Potatoes Old Vintage (1 kg) - 5 cop.,
Rye flour (1 kg) - 6 cop.,
Tomato bucket - 8 cop.,
Sugar sand (1 kg) - 20-25 kopecks,
Milk Fresh (1 liter) - 5-10 kopecks,
Egg (Ten) - 10-25 kopecks,
Pork meat (1 kg) - 25-30 kopecks,
Sturgeon (1kg) - 80 kopecks.

The average salary of worker in Russia at the Tsar was 37.5 rubles. Multiply this amount at 1282.29 (the ratio of the course of the royal ruble to the modern) and we obtain the amount of 48085 thousand rubles for modern recalculation. During the monetary reform, which was conducted by the Government of Nikolai second in 1897-1899 under the leadership of S. Witte, was put into appeal to the golden ruble. It contained about 0.77 grams of pure gold. In the early 20th century, the royal golden ruble was a very significant monetary unit in the global market. If we compare the ratios of currencies of that time, then the royal ruble contained gold about two times more than the brand and franc, was commensurate with an English pound and only twice was "easier" in relation to the American dollar. And they took an autocratic ruble throughout Europe with a great joy. Even Russian appliances changed without problems in any Bank of Berlin, Vienna, Rome or Paris, and as for the "Ryzhikov" (golden Nikolaev coins of 5 and 10 rubles), they were taken in small shops, and even without exchanging for local money. , and even 2-3 times higher than the official exchange rate - 1 golden ruble at the beginning of the XX century. Franz was equal to 2.667. Franks.

The same famous royal Golden Chervonets, in the spacious "Ryzhik"

The basis of the fortress of the financial system of the Russian Empire under Nicolae II steel:
1. An increase in gold mining in the Urals and in Siberia. The record number was achieved in 1914 - 66,521.7 kg;
2. A sharp increase in exports - agricultural products (grains, oil, meat, honey, dairy products, etc.); petroleum products (kerosene and lubricating oils); etc.
3. Introduction of state monopoly on vodka and tobacco, and a significant increase in prices and taxes (excise) on them. By 1914, the excise tax on vodka gave 1 billion angry. rub. from the entire state budget of the empire of 3.5 billion;
4. The rapid pace of industrialization - between 1890 and 1913. Russian industry launched its productivity. Her income is not only almost equal to the receipts received from farming, but the goods covered almost 4/5 internal demand for manufactory products. Over the last four years before the 1st World War, the number of newly established joint-stock companies increased by 132%, and the capital invested in them almost tested. In 1900 Russia held 4th place in the world in terms of global industrial production, its share was 9%. The high rates of development of the Russian economy were comparable only with the pace of development of the United States. In 1913, one of the largest economists of the world Edmond Tari on the task of the French government examined the state of the Russian economy and concluded: "If the cases of European nations will be from 1912 to 1950 to go just as they went from 1900 to 1912, Russia by the middle of the current century will dominate Europe, both political and economically and financially. "
For the period 1900-1913, the state revenue is doubled (from 1,736,700,000 to 3,431,200,000 rubles) with expenses only 1.8 times, which made it possible to achieve a sustainable budget surplus. As of the beginning of World War I, the state gold reserve of the Russian Empire was the largest in the world. And the bestness of the effectiveness of the Russian government and the growth of the well-being of the people showed a rapid increase in the population: from 1897 to 1914, that is, in just 17 years, the growth amounted to 50.5 million people! If such rates of population growth were preserved, then by 2000. In Russia, there would be approximately 425 million people.

In 1917, the ruble as cursed ... The Tsar Liberals were changed to the Bolsheviks, the Bolsheviks were reformed in the Communists, then liberals came again, but none of them could make the ruble respected in the world and freely convertible currency. Maybe to put up - call the royal ministers of Finance Witte and Kokockov from the world, ask them - how to make a ruble stable and respected currency in the world? Somehow they were without oil and gas income ... And a penny with the kings - it was money!

Dear people, professionals with a capital letter:
Sergey Yulievich Witte - from 1892 to 1903. Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire

Vladimir Nikolaevich Khodtsov - from 1904 to 1914. Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire

What could you buy with a kopeck tsar?

The reign of Nicholas II entered the story as a very nervous period. The revolutionary movements originated in Alexander III were gained strength until they led to the 1905 revolution. This time the uprise managed to suppress. In order to avoid new unrest, several reforms are adopted relating to freedom of religion, freedom of speech and institutions of the State Duma. But all this only contributed to the strengthening of folk movements. In 1914, new interstate unions led to Russia's accession to the First World War. The opposition took advantage of the economy and the government, and at the beginning of 1917 there was a February revolution, during which Nicholas II ran away from the throne. In March, a temporary government came to power. After a year and a half in July 1918, the emperor was shot in Yekaterinburg with his family.
A lot of changes have also occurred in the mint chasing. In 1895-1898, monetary reform under the leadership of S.Yu was carried out. Witte, during which the basis of the money circulation becomes the Golden Ruble (before that, the main was considered silver). The weight of gold coins decreases one and a half times. In 1897, the last time the coins of the old weight are minimized, but with an increased face value (15 and 7.5 rubles). In 1915-1916, due to a difficult economic situation, it was planned to introduce lightweight copper-nickel coins with a par with a nominal nominal nominal coin, lower denominations should remain copper, but one and a half times easier. Even considered the issue of introducing steel money. All designed options remained trial and now highly appreciated among collectors.

Monetary refume S.Yu. Witte meant a decrease in the weight of gold coins one and a half times. Experiments with the development of new monetary units (Imperial and Rus) were not crowned with success, the imperial remained a countable concept equal to 15, and not 10 rubles as before. To simplify the calculations and preparing the population to new money in 1897, coins of non-standard 5 and 7.5 rubles were produced by multi-million-dollar circles. 15 rubles has two varieties, characterized by the displacement of the inscriptions relative to the portrait.

Perhaps the most famous gold coin of the Russian Empire with the portrait of Nicholas II and the coat of arms on the revolving side of 10 rubles became one of the symbols of autocracy. They were released a coaming quantity, so these coins became the main subject for treasure times of the civil war. Changed annually from 1898 to 1904, then in 1906, 1909, 1910 and 1911. According to informal information, they could be manufactured in the 1920s for international calculations.

Golden 5 rubles with a portrait of Nicholas II and a double-headed eagle were minted from 1898 to 1911, except 1905 and 1908. The 1907 coins enforce greater value due to a very limited circulation (a little more than 100 pieces). On the guards pattern, with the exception of some releases with smooth gurth. In the edge of the neck, the initials of the engrave are indicated.

Rubles, like other major silver coins, with Nicolae II had the same design, weight and sample as under Alexandra III, but with a portrait of a new emperor. Covered annually from 1895 to 1915. Until 1902 and in 1913 had several options characterized by the designations on the guards. Among the releases of 1896-1899 there are copies of foreign chasing with one and two stars, or with checklocks.

The 50-penny coins of the Niklayev era had the same design as Rubles: the portrait of Nicholas II in the profile on one side, coat of arms and a par. More than 1905 were minted, except 1905. Network 1896-1899 was released not only on St. Petersburg, but also abroad, there are symbols in the view of the stars or birds on the guards instead of the initials of the Mintholdster.

Since 1901, the release of 20-penny sample coins of 1867 from the bolon (500 sample) of silver is resumed. Their chasenka lasted until the beginning of 1917. In addition to the designation of the coyard, the initials of the Mint and EB and Sun are affixed on the coins. Since 1915, the designation of the mint (the letters of St. Petersburg) is absent.

Coins with a face value of 15 kopecks were produced from 1896 to the beginning of 1917, except 1910, according to the sample of 1867. Part of the copies with the date "1916" were minted on the Mint in Osaka (Japan), they do not have the initials of the Mintholdster under the eagle. Since 1915, the designation of the mint (the letters of St. Petersburg) is absent.

We were produced annually in 1895-1917 for the sample of 1867 from sample silver, the weight of the coin is 1.8 grams. Under an eagle, the initials of the Ministry of Communicationist are affected: the letters of AG, EB, FZ, AR and Sun. Since 1915, the designation of the mint (the letters of St. Petersburg) is absent. Part of the copies with the date "1916" were minted on the Mint in Osaka (Japan), they have the initials of the Mintholdster under the eagle.

Silver Pins Weight 0.9 Gram Sample 1867 under Nicolae II minted from 1897 to 1915, except 1907. Copper coins of this nominal exist only with dates "1911", "1912" (letters "SPb") and "1916", " 1917 "(without letters), they are made according to the sample of 1867.

Half-air coins with Monogram Nikolai II were produced in 1894-1900 and in 1908-1916, until 1915, they were the designation of the mint. Among the 1895 coins are found with a rare Vaiant of Monogram, having the top curls of the letter "H" three petals.

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Nicholas II Rules 23 years (1894-1917), at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, and was the last king of the Russian Empire. Over the years of his reign, the country has experienced significant transformations, joined the path of industrialization and a new coherent of economic development. All this required both the modernization of the monetary system, which was due to the monetary reform of Witte, initiated at the very beginning of the rule of the emperor. As a result, for over 2 decades, Russia produced numerous coins with gold, silver and copper.

Among the traditional rubles from gold and silver, and kopecks of silver and copper, at that time anniversary, memorable coins were also produced, an unsuccessful attempt was made to replace rubles with "Rusa", as well as the issuance of regional Finnish brands and penny. In 1916, Germany has released 1,2,3 and a penny in the occupied Russian lands. Nevertheless, these coins also refer to the coins of the era of Nicholas II.

Board of Nicholas II: Epoch and Personality

Copper coins were exchanged money and constituted the basis of the monetary relations of the common people who lived in the territory of the vast Russian Empire.

The era of the reign of the last emperor of the Russian Empire Nikolai II (1895-1917) is interesting both to many historians and numizates. During this period, the phenomenon is derived for the country, significantly affecting everything without exception - the economy, society and even the state system.

Speaking about this time, you should say a few words about the personality of the sovereign. Nicholas II - the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Mary Fodorovna, born on May 18, 1868 (entered the throne in 1895). From birth, the future emperor wore the title "His imperial Highness Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich".

But despite the highest title, the contemporaries of Nicholas II saw in it a good-friendly person in communicating a person who had natural dignity and always relate to ordinary people. Although he received an elite education and reached the rank of Colonel, many noted his indecision in the making of urgent decisions and even political uncertainty. Indirectly, it was adjusted part of the people against him as a result of defeat in the Russian-Japanese war, the revolution of 1905 and after failures in the First World War, which led to the overthrow of the king itself in 1917.

Moscow, early XX century

Regardless of the assessment of the identity of Nicholas II, with him, the Russian Empire experienced an obvious economic rise. So, during his reign, the population of the empire has grown by almost 50,000,000 people (40% more than the previous period). Thanks to the active development of agriculture, and a more thoughtful and new ways of communication, "Hungry Years" due to an irrelevant at the beginning of the twentieth century managed to completely eliminate.

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. Industry is also developed. In all the time of the board of Nikolai II, coal mining increases 4 times, the volume of cast iron smelting also increases, and the production of copper is 5 times. The number of workers employed in this area are increasing - from 2 million to 5 million people.

Finally, since the reign of the last Russian emperor, the treasury increases significantly. At the beginning of the Board of Nicholas II (1895), it was 1, 2 billion rubles, when by the end of this period (1916) - 3.5 rubles.

Before the store of the watch "Kalashnikov and Son", the beginning of the 20th century, Moscow

Despite the obvious economic successes of the described period, in 1914 the First World War begins, which only aggravates the internal political tension. The failures in the war lead to the uprising of 1917 in Petrograd, as a result of which the king voluntarily reverses from the throne on March 2. Along with this, a completely new page begins in the history of Russia.

Monetary reform Yu.V. Witte and the transition to the Gold Standard

S.Yu. Witte - Minister of Finance, and from 1903 - Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, was one of the most talented political figures of this period. The Reform of Witte, named according to his name and carried out in several stages in 1895-1897, provided for the introduction of 100% providing the overwhelming mass of banknotes issued to the appeal and their free exchange for gold (so-called "MONOMETALLY policy").

First of all, in 1895 gold coins of the new standard were introduced: 5-ruble gold coin (half-improved) was estimated at 7 rubles. 50 kopecks, and 10-ruble (imperial) - at 15 rubles, i.e. The ruble became actually devalued by 1/3. At the same time, a free exchange of credit tickets was introduced, which, along with banknotes, were issued in appeal, gold. In a volume not exceeding 600 million rubles., Credit tickets were provided with gold at least 50%, and beyond this amount - by 100%.

The Reform Witte was distinguished by a progressive value: with the transition to the Gold standard, a rather stable monetary system was created that promotes the development of industry and trade in the country.

As a result of the monetary reform, Witte changed the structure of the country's money circulation, and Russia for the period up to 1914 received a steady currency secured by gold. If in 1895 credit cells accounted for 91.7% of the total money supply, then by January 1914 in the total money supply, gold was 21.2%, silver - 5.4% and credit tickets - 73.4%.

However, the requirement of 100% of the gold coverage of the issue of credit tickets limited the issuing activity of the State Bank, which made a monetary system dependent on many factors. For example, dependence on raw materials for the production of coins from various metals, was a significant problem during the First World War. Actually, with the beginning of the First World War in 1914, the exchange of money for gold was discontinued.

Types of coins issued under Nicolae II

Under Nicolae, the second was released simply a huge amount of coins, both in the number and according to the presented species. All coins of the period of interest can be divided into 6 categories. These are gold, silver and copper coins, trial series coins, as well as memorable, or donatic coins issued for special cases, and regional coins issued for circulation in certain parts of the Russian Empire.

Coins of Nicholas II have been studied very well and are presented in many textbook directories and works. The greatest interest is such works as the hull of the coins of the Grand Duke George Mikhailovich (the last year of the 1914 edition, but there is full information on the coins of the period of interest); Volumetric work V.V. Udeschnikova "Coins of Russia. 1700-1917", as well as detailed reference materials presented in labor V.V. Bitkin "Consolidated catalog of coins of Russia" (in particular, 2 volume). In the last work, you can find the most detailed information about the circulations, the years of the release of all coins. The most relevant comparison of the prices is represented by annual releases of numismatic catalogs issued by the auctions of Korrow, Wolmar and MN. Other.

Test coins

At the very beginning of his reign, Nicholas II, who did not differ in reformators, nevertheless, tried to introduce new money into appeal instead of rubles, called the "Rusi" name, and which were to gradually replace rubles on the idea. Trial versions were minted with 5, 15 and 10 rules (only five three coins in each). But the emperor, for an unknown reason, did not approve new money, their mass release did not take place.

In the first years of introducing monetary reform Witte, experimental types of gold and silver coins of traditional denominations were also minted, but with a modified design for some details. The circulation of such coins were limited, the mass appeal did not produce, and their modern price, in view of these circumstances, is significantly higher than ordinary kopecks and rubles.

Throughout the Board of Nikolai II, various experimental issues of coins were produced, but a series of nickel coins of small denominations 1, 1/2 and 1/4 kopecks was deserved special attention to 1497-98. (Mirror image), and coins from 25 kopecks and less released in 1911 and 1916. Nickel, of course, was cheaper than copper and silver, but the introduction of such money under the Tsarist Russia was not implemented, but was already held in the Soviet Union.

Golden coins

In connection with the transition to the Golden Standard, millions of gold coins were issued to the mass appeal, which were produced from 1897 to 1911. After the revolution, the Soviet government also produced royal gold coins and used them for international settlements.

Among the gold coins of Nicholas II very rarely meet and highly appreciated the so-called. "Imperials" (10 rubles) and "Semi-Imiters" (5 rubles). Such money was released only three years in the period 1895-1897. They necessarily stood the inscription "Imperial", each year was manufactured by 125 pieces (10 rubles) and, accordingly, 36 pieces.

Their weight corresponded to the Alexandrovsky standards, while the rest had a "lightweight" option. So, if prior to the beginning of the Board of Nicholas II, the weight of coins is worth 10 rubles (so-called "stop") was equal to 12.9 grams, when after - 8.6 grams. Imperials are often confused with lightweight 5 and 10 ruble coins, which are not so rarely found. In 1897, coins of two unusual denominations were also issued - a gold coin of 15 rubles, and 7.5 rubles.

Silver coins

Despite the fact that during this period, the main emphasis was made to issue money from gold, silver coins were also produced in large quantities throughout the period of the Board of Nicholas II. They constituted the basis of the monetary system of the Russian Empire, were convenient in the calculations, and were produced by multi-dimensional circulations.

For three years (1896-1898), three yards were made by silver bank coins on an incredible amount - about 140 million rubles (several times more than all previous 50 years). In the twentieth century, silver coins were also printed in large volumes, but smaller than the editions.

Conditionally, Silver Coins of Nicholas II can be divided into two groups - the first contains 9 parts of silver and 1 part (ie 10%) copper. These are coins of three denominations - 1 ruble, 50 and 25 kopecks; Coins with a face value 20, 15, 10 and 5 kopecks only consisted of silver.

Copper coins

Copper coins during the reign of Nicholas II was the basis of the country's monetary relations, and they were used for most small-scale calculation operations. Every year they were produced by the St. Petersburg mint of multimillion editions up to 1917 in such nominals as 5 kopecks, 3 kopecks, 2 kopecks, 1 kopeck, 1/2 kopecks and 1/4 pennies, according to the sample installed from the middle of the XIX century.

In view of the frequent occurrence, they do not pose a special interest for many collectors, although there are real rarities here. They include 5 kopecks and 3 kopecks as well as 1/2 kopecks and 1/4 pennies 1894 and 1917. (years before the coronation of Nicholas II, and in the last year of his rule).

Memorable and Donate Coins

These coins were minted in honor of memorable dates and important historical events, and most fully reflect the spirit of the era of interest. Gold and silver were produced. Among the gold coins, coins 25 rubles and 37.5 rubles (100 francs) deserve separate attention.

100 francs - a coin that is considered a huge rarity. It was released in 1902, and by weight is equal to a coin in 25 rubles - 32.26 grams. Nominal coins - 100 francs. In terms of the then course in Russian currency - 37.5 rubles.

25 rubles. Known coins of this nominal, released in two years - 1896 and 1908. 25 rubles of 1896, gold was minted to the coronation of Emperor Nicholas. Circulation coins are only 301 copy. In 1908, to the forty-eyed emperor, a small circulation was also released. Gift coins, already in the year of their release were considered very valuable, as they served as a sign of special attention from the sovereign.

Silver donatal coins were often produced under Nicolae II by many thousands, and each time on a certain memorable case. The ruble of 1896, minted in honor of the king's coronation, was awarded to all those present, and the circulation was 190 thousand copies. The ruble of 1898 is made in honor of the opening of the monument to Alexander II in St. Petersburg. On one side there is a portrait of Alexander III, to another - a monument to Alexander II.

The ruble of 1912 in honor of the installation of the monument near the christ of Christ the Savior Great Tsar Alexandru 3. Another silver ruble of 1912 marked the century from the day of victory over the troops of Napoleon. 40 thousand coins were released with the inscription: "The nice year of this will prompted, but they will not pass the exploits in it." The silver ruble of 1913 was released in honor of the three hundred dolly the house of Romanov. Finally, the so-called gangut ruble - the last anniversary coin of Tsarist Russia was issued in honor of the victory in the battle of Ganguhe, held in 1714.

Regional issues

These coins can be considered the most unusual, because in their design it is reflected the essence of relations between Russia and other countries. In this regard, Finnish stamps and penalties can be considered the most striking example. Finland at that time was part of the Russian Empire, which issued money to circulation exclusively in this region of the Russian Empire.

Under Nicolae II, the release of brands and penny occurred almost annually, with preservation of design developed by Alexander II. Only Monzel has changed on the reverse penny (the initials of the new monarch, prescribed by Latin appeared - N II). The reverse of the brands decorated the eagle of the Russian coat of arms, on whose chest was the emblem of the Finnish principality and the inscription from two words from the bottom was separated by an asterisk: "Finland * Suomi". The pencils were produced in the following nominal - 1,5,10, 25 and 50, grade 1, 10 and, respectively, 20. At the then rate, 1 ruble was 4 Finnish brands.

Bona of the German occupation, another unusual regional issue of coins, whose actually, was engaged in the German government. Bona 1916 were minted in Germany and were issued in the territory of Russia occupied by German troops to the First World War (Poland, Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Belarus).

On an obverse of Bonov, the nominal in Russian (1.2 or 3 kopecks) and the year of release, inscribed in the Maltese cross. The reverse is represented by the inscription in four rows, in German: "Gebiest des Oberberfelshabers OST" ("The Office of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the East") and at the bottom of the courtyard (produced in Hamburg and Berlin).

Born in 1868. Son Alexander 3.

Under Nicolae 2, Russia's economic development takes place in Russia and at the same time, socio-political contradictions are growing, leading to the revolution of 1905-1907 and the February Revolution of 1917.

In 1905 - "Bloody Sunday". The shooting of the St. Petersburg workers of those who went to Nicholas 2 with the petition about the working need.

In 1914, the First World War began, the state of the country worsened, Nicholas's authority 2 fell.

In February 1917, a rebellion rose in Petrograd. March 2, 1917 Nikolai 2 renounced the throne.

In April 1918 he was shot.

1/4 kopeck 1900

Copper. Weight - 0.82 gr.
Diameter - 13.2 mm.
Circulation - 4,000,000 pcs.

Coins were produced in 1895, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1909, 1910 and 1915.


1/2 kopeck 1915

Copper. Weight - 1.64 gr.
Diameter - 16.2 mm.
Circulation - 12,000,000 pcs.

The obverse was minted by Monzel Nicholas 2, instead of a double-headed eagle.

They fucked from 1895 to 1900 and from 1908 to 1916.


Kopeyka 1900

Copper. Weight - 3.28 gr.
Diameter - 21.7 mm.
Circulation - 30 000 000 pcs.


2 kopecks 1900

Copper. Weight - 6.55 gr.
Diameter - 24.2 mm.
Circulation - 20,500,000 pcs.

The design of the coin appeared in 1867 under Alexandra 2

Changed annually from 1895 to 1916.

A plate of buckwheat porridge cost 2 kopecks.


3 kopecks 1899

(Trynka, Treshnikov)

Copper. Weight - 9.83 gr.
Diameter - 28 mm.
Circulation - 11 666 667 pcs.

They were also manufactured annually from 1895 to 1916 by large circulations.

In Moscow, in a cheap cab, soup with meat was worth 3 kopecks.
A kilogram of a cook salt was worth the same 3 kopecks.


5 kopecks 1900

Silver 500 samples.
Weight - 0.90 gr.
Diameter - 15.1 mm.
Circulation - 4 003 009 pcs.

For 5 kopecks - a kilogram of potatoes of an old harvest, fresh cost 15 kopecks.


5 kopecks 1916

(Pyhat, Piglet)

Copper. Weight - 16.38 gr.
Diameter - 32.4 mm.
Circulation - 8,000,000 pcs.

They were manufactured for three years - in 1911, 1912 and 1916.

Baton of rye bread cost 4 kopecks.


10 kopecks 1900

Silver 500 samples.
Weight - 1.80 gr.
Diameter - 17.5 mm.
Circulation - 14 000 009 pcs.


15 kopecks 1900


Silver 500 samples.
Weight - 2.70 gr.
Diameter - 19.7 mm.
Circulation - 12 665 009 pcs.

"Here they are two five-tag, and I - sober" - "At the bottom" M. Gorky.

The wrap clock was worth 7-10 kopecks.

A liter of fresh milk cost 14 kopecks.


20 kopecks 1917

Silver 500 samples.
Weight - 3.60 gr.
Diameter - 22 mm.
Circulation - 3,500,000 pcs.

Kilogram Macaron - 20 kopecks.


25 kopecks 1900

900 sterling silver.
Weight - 5,00 gr.
Diameter - 23 mm.
Circulation - 584 004 pcs.

"Baba and girls carry a brick to the station and load the wagons and get a fourth per day for it" - "In the ravine" A. P. Chekhov.

Kilogram of cottage cheese - 25 kopecks.
Kilogram of sugar sand - 25 kopecks.
A kilogram of fresh bream - 24 kopecks.


50 kopecks 1900

(Falloon, Poltina)

900 sterling silver.
Weight - 10,00 gr.
Diameter - 26.75 mm.
Circulation - 3 360 004 pcs

The letters on the obverse "BM" mean "God's grace."

Liter of sunflower oil - 40 kopecks.
Kilogram of tomatoes - 45 kopecks.


Ruble 1895

900 sterling silver.
Weight - 20.00 gr.
Diameter - 33.65 mm
Circulation - 1 100 002 pcs.

Kilogram of ice cream sturgeon -90 kopecks.


5 rubles 1897

(Golden, semi-imperial)

Gold 900 samples.
Weight - 4.30 gr.
Diameter - 18.5 mm
Circulation - 5 372 000 PC.

By the end of the 19th century "Gold" become
call tenpores.

"All semi-impellers with a hundred will gain you" - "Funny money" island)

Ticket to Big Theater - 4 rubles. 50 kopecks


7 rubles 50 kopecks 1897

Gold 900 samples.
Weight - 6.45 gr.
Diameter - 21.3 mm
Circulation - 16 829 000 PC.

Safety of a worker from 7 to 14 rubles per month.
Yali boots - 5 rubles.


10 rubles 1898

(Imperial, Arabichechik, Lobanchik)

Gold 900 samples.
Weight - 8.6 gr.
Diameter - 22.5 mm
Circulation - 200,000 pcs.

Imperial- So the imperial.
Lobanchik- According to the equivalent French gold, where the head of the King of the Bourbon Dynasty was depicted. Probably very labored.
Pro Arabicchik- The story is silent, and even more so.

"Well, we all our lobanks from the wallet in the wallet to flogging" (Interesting men) »Leskov


15 rubles 1897

Gold 900 samples.
Weight - 12.90 gr.
Diameter - 24.6 mm
Circulation - 11 900 033 pcs.

After 1897, "Imperial" began to cost 15 rubles.

The clerk in the store received 15-30 rubles per month.
The coat is long worth 15 rubles.
Deutile cow - from 60 rubles.


Coins of Nicholas 2 for Finland

Finland joined Russia in September 1809 and was recognized by Alexander 2 Autonomous Republic.

1 Penny 1915

Copper. Weight - 1.28 gr.
Diameter - 15 mm.
Circulation - 2 250 000 PC.

Russian-Finnish coins began to be minted in 1864.


5 Penny 1897

Copper. Weight - 6.4 grams.
Diameter - 25 mm.
Circulation - 592 210 pcs.


10 Penny 1900

Copper. Weight - 12.8 grams.
Diameter - 30 mm.
Circulation - 522 533 pcs.


25 Penny 1897

Silver 750 samples.
Weight - 1.27 gr.
Diameter - 16 mm.
Circulation - 450 172 pcs.


50 Penny 1908

Silver 750 samples.
Weight - 2.54 gr.
Diameter - 18.5 mm.
Circulation - 353 436 pcs.


1 Mark 1907

Silver 868 samples.
Weight - 5.18 grams.
Diameter - 24.0 mm.
Circulation - 348 136 pcs. Weight - 10.36 gr.
Diameter - 27.5 mm.
Circulation - 25,543 pcs.

The coin depicts a Russian double-headed eagle with three crowns, and on the chest the coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Finland.

The coin in 2 brands was minted from 1905 to 1908.


10 brands 1904

Gold 900 samples. Weight - 6.45 gr.
Diameter - 21.3 mm.
Circulation - 112 012 PC.


During World War II, Germany seizing the Western regions of Russia, was forced to solve the problems of the population of these territories and organize their issues, occupying money. And after the February Revolution in Russia, despite the presence in the area of \u200b\u200bthe money of the royal and temporary government, the occupation money was in the money circulation of the bulk.


1 kopeck 1916

Metal - steel.
Mass - 2.9 g
Diameter - 21.5 mm.
Circulation - 7,700,000 pcs.

The inscription says " the area of \u200b\u200bthe Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Front«.


2 kopecks 1916

Metal - Steel
Mass -: 5.7 gr.
Diameter - 24 mm.
Circulation - 6 100 000 PC.

Coins minted in Hamburg and Berlin.


3 kopecks 1916

Metal - Steel
Weight - 8.7 gr.
Diameter - 28 mm.
Circulation - 7 100 000 PC.