Wot blitz experience. Crew experience in World of Tanks Blitz. What to spend free experience on

Every World of Tanks and World of Tanks Blitz player dreams of upgrading a tank to level 10 as soon as possible. For novice tankers, this is a priority. A considerable number of battles separate them from the cherished combat vehicle. What is the fastest way to pump out the “top” and what we need to consider further for this.

First steps

To begin with, it is worth deciding which Tier X tank your efforts will be directed to. Additionally, you need to select a few more branches. You shouldn't wait for the tank to leave the battle, it's better to play another battle on a different vehicle.

As the first "top" a heavy tank is best suited. The gameplay on them requires less skills, and the dynamics of the battle is low. Medium tanks and tank destroyers require more skill from a beginner.

A great idea is to upgrade several tanks from one development branch. This is due to the unification of modules. Having pumped one unit on one of the machines, it will be open on the rest. Thus, the time spent on studying the modules is saved.

Study the tank development tree. The path to the top ten can have transitions and branches. Try to think of the shortest route

Remember: Every new car has its own characteristics. It is worth studying the data on the newly acquired tank well. If you know all the advantages and disadvantages, it is easier to go to the next level tank. The more prepared you go into battle, the more experience you get and the faster you level up. Learn from the mistakes of others, not your own.

To move up to Tier X will require experience and credits. The amount of developed resources is determined by effectiveness in battle. Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to each battle.

You can strengthen the process of gaining experience and silver at the expense of a platoon. Playing with a more experienced player will help you win more often. Yes, and you can gain experience with a co-platformer.

Leveling in World of Tanks Blitz can be accelerated by 50% by purchasing a premium account. Not everyone can afford "prem", but whatever you do to get level 10.

Faster or better?

Now the tanker has 2 options for the development of the situation: researching the next level bypassing some modules or complete pumping. The first one is possible when the research of the unit does not bring a tangible increase to the characteristics and the pumping of the next tank does not pass through it. This option is doubtful, since the better this tank, the more useful it will bring in battle, and, accordingly, there is also more experience.

Example: You can save 100,000 experience on researching a top gun, but you will have to suffer with a weak gun in high-level battles.

Free XP and x2

Accumulate free experience and do not waste it in vain. It can also be transferred from premium and elite cars. Having accumulated enough, you can immediately upgrade the top gun or even skip through the level without wasting time on upgrading the tank.

Tip: Use promotions and combat missions. Equipment can be purchased at a discount, and for completing tasks you can get additional experience.

Every day, get double experience for the first victory of the day. Don't miss the opportunity to withdraw x3 or x5, if any. In one battle, you can get, in addition to 5000 experience, also 250 freebies.

Keep count of experience and silver. When the next tank is researched, and there are not enough credits for the purchase, it is worth "farming". For these purposes, World of Tanks Blitz is suitable for premium vehicles or pumped Tier IV-VI tanks in combination with a premium account.

If you set a goal, pump the "top ten" in tanks for android, then by putting together all the tricks, you can succeed in a fairly short time. And the long journey and the many fights don't seem so insurmountable.

A tank is not only a gun, an engine and armor, but also a crew, how effective the equipment will be in battle depends on its skill. The crew owns a new vehicle in World of Tanks Blitz by 50%, you can increase this figure to 75% by paying 20,000 silver credits at the regimental school or up to 100% by paying 250 gold credits at the tank academy.

The tank crew earns its experience in battles, it receives only the same amount as the combat one, it goes to the development of the skills of your tankers, as soon as the level of mastery of the main specialty reaches 100%, you can start pumping skills.

With the help of these skills, the tank acquires various useful properties, converges faster, maneuvers better, and more often penetrates the enemy. There are many skills and they are all useful in their own way.

Skills in World of Tanks Blitz are divided into four groups, depending on the technique that you need to use to get them. For example, only the experience that was gained on a light tank will be used to learn the “In the Circle of Enemies” skill, to get the “Melee Master” skill, you need to fight on a heavy tank. But when the skill is finally mastered, it will work on all types of vehicles from light tanks to anti-tank units.

Each skill in World of Tanks Blitz has five levels, the effect of them is increasing. At the last level, it is five times higher than at the first. In order for each of the levels to start working, you must gain 100% of the skill required to obtain the level. That is, if you have a skill of the third level and have some experience at the fourth level, it will only work at the third. If the skill's first level is not reached, then you will not get any effect from it at all.

To start learning a skill in World of Tanks Blitz, you need to select it, you can upgrade one skill in each of the vehicle groups at the same time. Once you reach 100% of a skill at any of the five levels, experience is permanently assigned to that skill and cannot be redistributed to another skill. But if you have not yet gained 100% of the skill, you can transfer the experience you gained to another skill, for example, you pumped "Armor Piercer", but did not do it to the end, you take and choose another skill, say "Courage" all experience will pass to him without any loss.

Skills can be developed not only for the experience of the crew, you can also use the free experience that you get in each battle in the amount of 5% of the total experience gained for the battle. Free XP can also be purchased by transferring extra experience from elite vehicles into it, paying gold for this action.

Crew experience was introduced starting from World of Tanks Blitz 1.5, the experience that was gained before it was simply accumulated, now you can use it, distributing it according to the skills you need. This must be done in all four groups of equipment, otherwise the skills will not work.

Answers from WoT Blitz developers 04/08/2015

- Do you plan to change the yield of SuperPershing?
- Superpershing and Lowe will most likely drop in TTX in 1.9.

- Is it planned to introduce FCM 50t in the first half of the year?
- No, not planned.

- Will there be changes to the game interface in the future (hangar, development trees, chat system)?
- Of course they will. Especially when we introduce new big features - knowledge bases, clans. And recycle old ones, for example, chat.

- Will there be any improvement towards the development of graphics?
- They will. We are currently working on it, including Metal. Most likely, the improvements will be collected in one big update. We are working on a more realistic landscape, effects, and, of course, tanks.

Will it be possible to reset all distributed experience to skills in order to redistribute it again?
- There is such a feature in the plans, but it is not a fact that we will do it this year. In 1.8 there will be improvements to the skills interface.

- Through which tanks will the Leopard I branch go: through the ST or from the Pz.1 through the LT?
- Through Pz III.

- Will you add Pz.1 and Pz.1C?
- They will definitely not be in the next updates.

- Will there be ranks in clans?
- Yes, they will.

- How and when will the issue with afk players be resolved?
- There will be something similar on anti-afk systems from WoT PC. We'll be getting started shortly.

- Will there be optimization on Android in the future?
- Will. A lot of things have already been corrected for 1.8. To avoid further questions, I’ll say right away that nothing has been done with Android 5.0. But there is a non-zero chance that the improvement will be after 1.8.

- Don't you think it's better not to introduce clans BEFORE training rooms appear?
- In the first version of clans, only management will be available - creating a clan, name, emblem, recruiting fighters, etc. That is, the training rooms will not be critical at this stage, we will look further.

- What will be the prize/reward for completing combat missions?
- Credits, experience, free experience, crew experience, premium, gift tanks (not in the first version).

- Will there be an increase in FPS in update 1.8 on Android devices?
- It should be. Both on iOS and Android. The size of the increase depends on the device, OS, etc.

- Are there any new medals and insignia planned?
- There will definitely be new medals. It is the matter of time. But not in the next updates.

- It was always interesting to know if it is possible in the future to expand the maps (in the sense of increasing the size of the map)?
- Card sizes are limited by performance. Especially the weakest weak devices. So far, there is no way to bypass it. In addition, I do not want to increase the duration of the current battles.

- Have you thought about the possibility of changing the scale of the mini-map in the game?
- Thought, of course. Will do.

- Will there be a detachment of the tower during the explosion of the BC? Should we hope for the transition of the project to the Havoc engine?
- Unfortunately, we don't have a performance head start for things like Havoc. The separation of the tower can be done.

- Will there be chips in the form of gifts for the account's birthday?
- We will definitely come up with something for the DR games (not for the account's birthday).

- When will you introduce SU-122-44?
- This year will be, after a few updates.

- Will there be any fan modes like in WoT PC?
- In the near future - no, but in general we want to do it in the future.

- Will there be experience and credits for tanking?
- We want to make a bonus.

- When will the news update 1.8 come out very soon? How will the combat missions interface be implemented?
- It will be closer to the end of April, the development has not yet been completed, plus another 2 weeks for the Apple+Google review. For BR, there will be a separate icon in the hangar at the top left, which will open a screen with available BRs, where you can read the condition.

- Will there be something like an accelerated crew leveling?
- For now, only transfer to free experience. No new options are expected in the near future.

- Do fallen trees mask the tank?
- Yes, fallen trees give a bonus to camouflage similar to bushes.

- Will replays be returned to the game?
- No, they need to be finalized, because they caused friezes.

- How soon will the graphics settings appear in the game?
- Settings will be in a few updates.

- Will there be training rooms in the game?
- Training rooms - we want, but so far our hands do not reach. There will definitely not be a clan mode before.

- Will there be marathons for premium vehicles of level 8?
- As part of combat missions, it is planned.

- Will there be a decrease in the characteristics of shells for gold?
- While we will not do it, the share of these shells in the total use suits us.\

- Will animated grass appear on Android?
- We will include grass on Android. The problem is that you need to refine the auto-detection of graphics, because setting the grass manually on all Androids that are suitable for performance is too much work. Therefore, you need to wait.

- Will there be something like an advisor with answers to frequently asked questions in the game?
- We plan to add something like a FAQ to the game.

- Will there be unique tanks in the future for completing combat missions?
- Tanks will be quite rare. None of them are sold in the PC version at the moment. In the first version, there will be no tasks from several stages in principle. These are the tasks that will need to be completed in order to get tanks. There will be three tanks that are not currently available for free sale in WoT.

- When will the new crew skills appear?
- Most likely not in 2015.

- Will it be possible to change the nickname in the game?
- Now you can change your nickname only through the personal account of a single WG account, while payment is made in gold of PC games. In the future, we will add the ability to do this directly in the game.

- Will the system of "Channels" (Group chats) be introduced into the game?
- Yes. At least it is necessary for clans.

- Will work be carried out to reduce the weight of the game?
- Yes, they are already underway. Potentially up to 20-30% of the game in weight can lose.

- When will the post-battle statistics window be reworked?
- In one of the next updates after 1.8 - 1.9 or 1.10

- Will you disable dynamic highlighting of penetration zones at levels 8, 9, 10?
- Not planned.

- Will game events like "Decisive Squad" or "Search and Destroy" be sewn into the game by way of KB?
- In the future, it is possible, although this is more likely not a BC, but a tournament/event. We need more functionality than what will be in the first version of the KB. We will iteratively improve.

- What branches of TT, if you add this year?
- There will be no TT branches in the next updates, only hotel cars.

- It is known that there will be a new map for beginners. And how is it for beginners?
- Will be at low levels only. Training will also be improved both combat and garage. But the map is the same.

- Should we expect support for Moga gamepads on Android?
- In the next versions - we do nothing in this direction.

- Will there be dynamic armor in the hangar? To understand where you have how much armor and what you need to hide?
- We have been thinking about something like this for a long time, but so far our hands have not reached.

- How do you like the idea with body kits such as logs, canisters, tents?
- Many small details on the tanks, we simply can not pull. The scale is not the same.

- Is it worth waiting for a global change in the Hot Sands map?
- For Burning Sands, we plan to lower the overall level of heights and remove diagonal shots across the entire map, slightly reduce the size of the playing area to reduce the percentage of draws, raise the central villages and make it a comfortable zone for TTs and other little things.

- Will it be possible to make purchases through Web Money, Qiwi?
- One way or another, you need to top up your account on the App Store or Google Play. Which methods are available for this, unfortunately, depends little on us.

- Will the KV-1S tank be divided into KV-85 and KV-1S?
We don't plan to split. He doesn't stand out statistically. At least that much.

- Will the Pz II j be sold?
- In free sale will not most likely.

- Will the Baltic Shield map be reworked?
- There is no big imbalance in terms of respawns on the map, but there are complaints about the gameplay. Was one of the first to be queued for recycling (after Burning Sands, El Alamein, and the Lost Temple).

- Is it planned to reduce the effectiveness of shells for gold?
So far we have decided not to change.

- When to expect Object 430, Object 140?
- 140th this year, 430th - not yet known.

- Why does the M8A1 turret on PC rotate 360 ​​degrees, while ours only rotates 180?
- Due to the fact that we use different versions of the server compared to the PC. This is where the bug came from. We will rule and have already figured out how to avoid this in the future.

- Do you think about extending the duration of the battle, because there are many draws on some maps because of them?
- 7 minutes is a sacred cow, I really don't want to touch the limit. We will slightly alter those maps with a higher percentage of draws.

- Do you plan to give the experience of elite tanks to upgrade the crew like in WoT PC?
- If you mean the accelerated pumping of the crew, then not yet.

- Will new movement physics be introduced after it is introduced to WoT PC?
- Not excluded. But let's look at the experience of large tanks.

- Approximately when will the Chinese development branch be? And when can we expect it?
- Haven't decided yet. In 2015 there will be one new branch. Most likely - either Chinese or Japanese.

- Will there be annual tasks for Tier 8 premium tanks?
- BRs will not be linked to the calendar year. It seems that the BRs for getting tanks will appear in the second iteration, that is, not immediately. There will be 3 tasks for tanks - 2-3 levels, 5-6 levels and 8 levels. All tanks are unique, that is, they will not be in the regular sale.

The next branch that will be introduced into the game will be the leopard branch 1. Will it go through Ru 251, or after all through indian Pz.?
- Through Indian.

- When will the bugs with the drawing of the tank be removed? (On the Winter Robin near the mill)
- In update 1.8.

- Will training rooms be implemented?
- We want to make training rooms, but according to current plans, they have been pushed far enough.

- Is it planned to withdraw from the sale of any premium equipment?
- Not in the near future.

- Do you plan to introduce an offline game mode (with bots) into the game?
- No, this is how the game is calculated on the server to which you need to connect. But online with bots is possible. At the moment, the game takes up 2.7 GB on the device. In the future, it is planned to add new maps and vehicles. What game size are you targeting? After all, the larger it is, the more likely it is that devices will lose performance. Or will this be offset by the removal of, shall we say, old content from the game?
Removal of old content is potentially considered, but not in the foreseeable future. The most difficult cards in this regard. In general, there are plans to optimize (reduce) the size of the game by removing garbage and packing resources more efficiently. According to various estimates, about 20-30 percent can be won

- Will 1.8 be optimized for Android 5.0?
- For Android 5.0 answered earlier. Changes in how OS drivers work have resulted in performance issues. We sent a request to Google, as we have not yet found a solution on our own.

How soon will the "damage caused with your help" column, significant for support tanks and light tanks, appear in the achievements?
- There is no this column in the achievements, it is only in the results of the battle. Later, I think, we will add.

- Will there be cars: Stug IV, T28 Concept, etc.? Will there be a French branch of tanks, if so, then at least approximately when?
- In 2015, there will definitely not be a branch or these tanks introduced into the game.

- How soon can we expect graphics/image improvements for tank models and maps?
- While it is difficult to say. There is a desire to release all the beauties in one big change.

- Will it be possible to change the graphics settings?
- Yes, we will do graphics settings. Most likely will be for both ios and android

- Will there be new modes in the near future (2-3 months)?
- We won't be able to do it any time soon. Clans and clan mode will be the first in line.

- Do you plan to commission the Object-260 for personal combat missions in the next year and a half?
- There will be other tanks behind the LBZ. 3 pcs.

- Will there be hints when loading a battle introduced into the game?
- They will appear in update 1.8.

In the World of Tanks online game, experience or exp is a special resource that allows you to unlock new tanks and modules. Getting exp in battles, in fact, is one of the foundations of this game. This article will tell you everything you need to know on this topic.

What is experience in WoT, why is it needed and how is it accrued?


As mentioned above, experience is needed in order to pump equipment and its modules. In total, there are four types of it in World of Tanks:

  • Combat - individual for each individual tank. While playing on any vehicle, 95% of the experience earned in battle goes only to it, to pump out its modules and the next vehicles in this branch.
  • Free - it can be spent on upgrading any tank or module that interests you. It is 5% of the resource received in battle.
  • Crew experience - after the battle, each crew member receives the same amount of experience as the tank itself.
  • Combat experience accumulated on premium tanks and elite vehicles is available for transfer to free experience for in-game gold at the rate of 1 unit of gold = 25 units of free experience.

Accrual principles

In World of Tanks, to earn a lot of experience, you need to perform as many useful actions as possible during the battle. For some of them more exp is given, for some less. Here is a complete list of useful actions:

  • Dealing damage to enemy tanks;
  • Disabling modules and crew members of enemy vehicles, and the higher the level of enemy vehicles relative to you, the more exp you will receive;
  • Dealing damage to an enemy by your light - you are given 10% of the experience received by an allied player for the damage that he inflicts on a vehicle you have illuminated;
  • Dealing damage to an enemy standing on a caterpillar you downed;
  • Detection of enemy tanks, moreover, for the discovery of Art SPG you will get 50% more exp;
  • Drowning or pushing enemy tanks;
  • A separate bonus for the destruction of an enemy tank - only to those who earned a frag;
  • Capturing an enemy base - only for those who are on the capture, the more base points you have, the more experience you get;
  • Knocking down a capture from your base - the more capture points you knock down, the more experience;
  • Additional bonus if you survived the battle;
  • Active combat operations - when enemy tanks near you fire a large number of shots, you get some experience;
  • The total number of points of damage inflicted on enemy vehicles - have you ever noticed that when you win by quickly capturing a base, a very small amount of experience is awarded? The reason for this is precisely in the influence of this coefficient. Damage is taken into account only for those tanks that were subsequently destroyed. There is also a widespread myth that if you destroy all enemy vehicles, the team will get a little more experience. This is not true - for the very fact of the complete elimination of the enemy team, there is no separate bonus;
  • For the victory you get +50% to the final experience;
  • If you lose for receiving the “Hero of Battle” medal, epic or platoon medal, you are credited with a bonus of 50%;
  • Premium account allows you to get an additional +50% experience and credits for each battle.

The fastest ways to earn experience

In fact, there is not so much advice on enhanced farming that can be given. You just need to play well, preferably, pull out all the battles; play with a premium account, which will significantly increase your earnings; Also, since patch 0.9.9, it has become possible to use personal reserves to speed up the leveling of vehicles.

Every day, all the tanks in your hangar have "X2" stars - this means that for the first victory that day on this vehicle, you will receive a two-fold bonus. Often, during in-game promotions conducted by Wargaming, this coefficient increases to X3, or even up to X5.

How to upgrade the crew faster?

When you play on premium or elite vehicles, you can transfer all the experience gained by a tank in battle into leveling up tankers. To do this, check the box next to the item "Accelerated crew training":

Also, the least pumped member of the crew, marked with the “Tank Academy” badge (in the picture, this is the driver lieutenant Kozlov), will receive twice as much exp compared to the rest. In addition, premium vehicles themselves have a 50% bonus to crew experience.

How to earn free experience?

The amount of free experience in World of Tanks directly depends on the combat experience, and you can earn it in any battles. However, if you are ready to invest enough real money into the game, then you can transfer it from elite and premium vehicles to free ones using in-game gold. The transfer rate is 25 units of freedom for 1 unit of gold. In this way, playing exclusively on premium vehicles, you can research entire branches of technology without having fought a single battle on them.

Summing up on this issue, it can be argued that the only way to earn as much experience as possible in World of Tanks is to play and win very well, because, say, there are no cheats for it. Drag fights, and pumping equipment will become a quick and enjoyable experience