What is the quality of the proof coins. What depends on the price of a coin. Pruf always remains a proof

Sometimes there are coins made on reverse technology - reverse Pruff This is a type of Pruff, which complied with all the rules for the manufacture of Pruff, but instead of a mirror field and a matte relief, they are made on a matte field and a mirror relief (see example).

It is not worth it to confuse a proof with a good state of the coin. These are different things, although the coins made using Proof technology are usually packaged in plastic weak or capsules and their state is great.

Coins are mined by Proof technology must have the following features:

  • Mirror surface of the coin field.
  • The letters of the coin have no rounded edges, but at an angle of 90 degrees, and, which is very important, they relate to the field of the coin at a right angle (this is necessary because at with any other coal it is impossible to perform a high-speed stamp.
  • The edge of coins and perpendicular to it plane form "wire rim". This is the result of increased impact strength and full filling with a metal stamp.

The perfect quality of collection coins is one of the reasons for their high cost. There are several ways to bring the appearance of the product to perfection, one of which is Proof technology. For those who want to deal with how successful will be instances of investment purposes, you need to know how to distinguish the proof from the usual coin.

Description of technology

The quality of the proof is what is called the highest category in the world of numismatics. Distinctive feature of this series - mirror surface and contrasting matte relief. To achieve such an effect, a metal sheet in the form of a circle is thoroughly polished to shine, the stamp is etched with acid, and then polished. According to the billet, they do not alone, but two blows with increased power. Due to this, the extreme clarity of the pattern is achieved.

Distinctive features of the coin Proof:

  1. letters at an angle of 90 ° relative to the surface;
  2. the presence of a wire rim on the edge of coins;
  3. expressive and clear image details;
  4. lack of scratches, notches and fingerprints.

All coins are manufactured in limited quantities using technology and manual labor. The finished copy is retrieved by hand, and then searched into special plastic bags or rigid capsules, thus preventing contact with hands or solid objects.

Did you know? From 1950 to 1955 Proof quality coins sets were sold in packs of 5 pieces in separate cellophane packages that were fastened together, wrapped in fabric and packed in cardboard boxes. In this form they were sent to collectors. This led to a damage of coins, so instances of those years have a low cost. However, if the coin did not suffer and retained an excellent form, its value grows significantly, because for Proof 1950-1960. considered the "golden age of numismatics."


For the first time, Proof technology was developed in 1797 And since that time almost did not change. It was originally created with mint yards in order to check the test rental and detect stamp disadvantages. Coins were incredibly beautiful. Their first owners became rulers and their approximate. Also glossy specimens gave ambassadors to show the superiority of power technology.

The first prototype of Proof - Broad - 20 shillings made in 1656. After her, in 1658, a coin was released with a nominal value in one crown. Both copies were made with a pronounced contrast between the surface and the pattern. But they did not appeal, since they were far from the perfect sample and had cracks, which is unacceptable in modern investment coins.

The boundary between the polished surface of the coin and the matte pattern is called Cameo, and the difference between the surfaces is CAMEO contrast.

In the XVIII century, the first private production, equipped with steam engine-based machines appeared. Production owned by the industry Matthew Bolton and the inventor James White. It was they who showed what Proof coins are due to the use of a powerful steam press.

Bolton made a special ring - a tool that allows you to achieve the maximum clear centering. Due to the fact that the workpiece was fixed by the ring, the master could apply the second blow, completely filling out the stamp details. The technology was used for the chasing of promotional and commemorative coins.

In the USSR, Proof coins began to release in 1965 And until 1979, they made them from the copper-nickel composition. Since 1977, they launched the chasing of specimens from platinum, then from gold and silver. To understand what kind of investment coins of the USSR as a proof, it suffices to see well-known samples dedicated to the Olympic and national sports, major cities and sports facilities in them, the 1000th anniversary of Russia, the Chervonians "Sewer".


Not all Proof coins have the same value, only those that were not in circulation. If the copy was purchased, and then for many years the cover was not opened, did not touch the coin, then the glitter of the polished layer will not be broken.

Such a coin remains rare and valuable sample and rises in price. If you cannot store a coin according to the rules, for example, in a bank cell without a protective layer, hairs, scuffs, dust will appear on its surface. It will be considered a defect, and the purchase price will fall in price.

Did you know?Proof quality coins have their own evaluation system, where PR70. - This is the highest score (such an assessment is very rare and practically absent). If the coin is incorrectly processed or it has wear during cleaning or circulation, then it can be assigned an estimate below PR60.So its cost will be lower. PR50 - Instances that have scuffs, dimming and sweating.

Among the investment and collectible coins, the quality is found not only to Pruf, but also Azirkulyted (Uncirculated). Copies of this quality are minted as a means of payment, but not sent to appeal. Them production is automated and does not require manual labor. The requirements for the perfect surface are noticeably less, and even a small damage during the chasing will not significantly reduce the cost of coins.

Distinctive features uncirculated (UC):

  1. matte coating
  2. simple drawing;
  3. lack of complex parts;
  4. minimum damage or absence.
Proof coins minted on special presses that work at a slower speed than high-speed machines intended for cacking instances uncirculated.

Often immediately after production, they are placed in a plastic container or cellophane film. There is also an improved version of uncirculated - Brilliant uncirculated. - Products with high quality production. They have a glossy surface, a clear pattern and lack of marriage, so appreciated on a par with Proof.

Chacking Proof has its own differences in technology. If the coin does not correspond to some details of classical production or slightly different from the standard, it is believed to one of the types:

  • PROOF-LIKE. - the absence of a traditional rim on the edge due to the fact that the blow on a coin is made once, the letters are not at a right angle, but rounded, and the surface is polished after the chasing;
  • Matte-Proof. - a series of coins of England, France and the USA, whose distinctive feature is all signs of the proof, but with a matte surface;
  • Reverse Proof. - Instances with a matte field and a mirror relief.

The easiest way to determine the proof coin or not is to put two coins nearby and evaluate their differences.

Did you know?Reverse Proof coins are a relatively new product in the world of numismatics. They began to produce in connection with large anniversaries in the world of coins. The first Reverse Proof is released by the Mint of the United States. It was an instance of it to the 20th anniversary of the series. Soon after that - in 2007 came out, in 2013 (USA), and in 2016 Silver Wolf (Canada). Collectors attracted a unique design and novelty of a newly released coin, as well as its limited circulation.

It is important to remember that one careless movement can lead to damage and loss of numismatic value. Therefore, it is not recommended to get it out of packaging, but if I had to do this, then keep it only for Gurt in special cotton mittens.

If yellow spots and cloudy appeared on the surface, fix it special liquid MS-70 will help. She copes with patina and fingerprints.

The tool must be applied to the surface with a cotton wand and carefully remove the stains, then rinse with a coin with water and dry with a paper towel.

When you read about collectible coins and precious medals, you always have aware of the phrase: chasing - proof, or the quality of the cacking anchorcuilt. So what does it mean, and how exactly the type of chasing affects the quality of the precious coin. In this article, we will tell you what is implied under the prog - chasing.

Pruf, or in English Proof is an improved quality chacking technology. The main advantage of this type of chasing is a smooth mirror field, and necessarily a matte relief of the medal itself. The first coins made using the production technology appeared in England and then these were medals or coins created with the help of the first blows of the stamps. In order to appear the contrast between the pattern and the coin field, it was necessary to move the stamp of the medal in acid, after which to carefully polish. Such coins were extremely beautiful and presented to the monarchum and the ruling world of this.

Also, the coins of the new quality were used by monarchs as evidence of the technological superiority of the country, therefore, the coincisions were medals, the ambassadors gave ambassadors, members of foreign missions, as well as the ruling levels of other countries. It is believed that the first coin created by the new technology was the BROD - a coin of 20 shillings, which he was minted in 1656. Then in 1658 another coin was created - Crown with a portrait of Oliver Cromwell. For the first time on such coins it was possible to distinguish the drawing itself and the coin field. However, there were no such coins in the cash circulation, so still some coins remain in private collections, while other coins can take in any places, along with ordinary monetary signs.

For a long time, the coins were minimally coin, but again England showed the world that such coins can be produced using machine chasing. And at the same time, coins could be paid for the goods: it was money with a par with 1, 2, 3 and 4 pence, which King Charles II distributed to the people to the Great Thursday. In the XVIII century, the quality of the coins continued to improve, which is associated with an increase in the power of the coin press.

At the end of XVIII Matthew Bolton - the English Industrialist and James Watt - the inventor organized a joint production of coins of the chasing peruf. WATT invented a steam engine, so their company gained an advantage than they did not slow down, winning a contract for the creation of 100 tons of coins for British colonies. Also, many private companies began to order their own tokens from Bolton.

One of the main inventions in the history of the peruf chasing is a special ring, where the coin itself is actually and minted. Thanks to this ring, the workpiece remained completely fixed, so coins were perfectly centered, and it became possible to apply a second stamp. Currently, the coins of chasing Pruf are produced by limited editions mainly to acquire private collectors.

Signs of peruf chasing:

  1. Mirror medal field.
  2. Matte relief contrasting with a field.
  3. Letters in the inscriptions are connected to the coin field at a certain angle - 90 °.
  4. Quite often near the sampling of the coin there is a wire rim.
  5. The presence of two or more stamp strikes.

Varieties of chasing Pruf:

  • Matte Pruf - after etching acid coin is not polished, so the field is not mirror, and matte. However, all other signs of chasing are saved. For the first time, a coin with a matte proof was produced in 1902 again in England, this event was timed to the Coronation Day of Eduard VII. Then 11 coins were released with a nominal penny of up to 5 pounds.
  • Reverse - Pruf - Here is the situation, what is called, on the contrary: the field of the coin matte, and the relief is mirror. The remaining signs of the peruf chasing are also saved.
  • Pruf - Like - that is, a lightweight Pruf. It turns out that the quality of the coin seems to be a proof, but one of the signs is not observed. For example, this situation may happen if the manufacturer has no powerful press, which means there is no possibility to apply two and more stamps. For comparison, in Russia, the Mint of the State Summary uses a 600-ton press to coach coins weighing only up to 169 grams.

Sometimes the Pruf - Like call coins that were made before the first half of the twentieth century, that is, through one strike. In England, other similar to the proof coins were created: on the one hand, the medal was a proof, and on the other stamp, the reverse side was obtained in the form of a Pruf - Light.

Appeal with coins of chasing Pruf. There are a number of rules that must be observed to collectors:

  1. If possible, the coin is not worth it from a special case or capsules, it can lose its numismatic value.
  2. You can get a medal only for Gurt.
  3. It is necessary to wear special cotton gloves, which are still called numismatic.
  4. Do not touch your fingers or other areas of the skin to the mirror surface of the coin, it is impossible to drop the traces.
  5. Dust from the coin, if necessary, to wash only a tassel with a squirrel fur.

State of coin - These are the most important criteria for which its value is estimated. For example, we take a coin in the XF state, it will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than the same, but in the VF state. In this regard, the correctness of determining the establishment when buying, selling or exchanging is gaining greater importance.

Under the state of the coin can also be implied and the quality of its preservation. There is still a term quality coin. This is the way its chasing. There are two types of coins - Proof. and UNC. Some UNC quality coins are issued in circulation and depending on the time of appeal, they will have this or that condition.

And yet the estimate coin states - This is a very subjective thing. The state of the coin is determined by such basic criteria as preservation (meaning physical) and the quality of the chasing. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the condition of both sides of the coin, the most bad side should be decisive in the assessment. The state of Gurta is often not accepted.

The most frequently used evaluation system is English. She was accepted as an international coin gradation system (The International Coin Grading System).

Proof, Pruf is not a coin condition, but the quality of the chasing. The highest category of the quality of the coin. Coins of this quality are manufactured only for collectors. Such coins with polished stamps on the billet polished to the brilliance are minted. On the coin mined in this way, a polished field and a matte figure is obtained. At the same time, the presence of any defects are not allowed on the coin, even if you look in a magnifying glass with a large magnification. There is also easy to spoil the coin, even just rubbing it with a soft cloth.

Proof - Like - This is a special technology of coin chasing used in the era of recent decades. Also, both Proof, but the polished plates are not subject to such requirements. In PROOF - LIKE coins are coins not from precious metals.

bunc, BU (Brilliant) - Not applicable coins that do not have any uninimited eye defects of chasing, with the original chased brilliance over the entire surface. The coins of this quality are minted by ordinary new stamps. Cooked also for collectors.

UNC, Anz, Az (uncirculated) - Coins are not applicable and not having damage due to walking. The coins of this quality may have damage resulting from their manufacture, for example, very small notches, burrs, scratches visible to the naked eye and the coins that have hit each other at the moments of their release into drives, with automatic recalculation and falling asleep. Coins of this state are distinguished by fresh metal matte gloss over the entire surface and a matted pattern of relief. Coins of this quality and enter the appeal. The quality of UNC can be called and the state of the coin.

XF. - Excellent safety quality. The coin was in circulation, but very short time. It was made by unavoidable stamps, it has a light loss, visible to the naked eye on the highest studies, and there are minor scratches obtained as a result of the technological process of their manufacture. All contours are contrasting, all the smallest details of the drawing are completely saved, the chased shine is saved.

VF. - Very good quality safety. Such coins were in circulation for quite a long time, they have on their surface noticeable sweetes in high patterns of drawing, minor fears and scratches. At the same time, the overall state of coins is good, the contours of the rink clear, there is no chased gloss. The commodity view is partially lost.

F. - good quality coins safety. These coins are on their surface traces of a long stay in circulation, the coin has the loss of all surfaces, as well as traces of corrosion and its cleaning. Small details of the drawing are difficult to distils, no contours are not sharp. Such a state also belongs to new coins that have insignificant checks of Chekane.

VG. - Satisfactory quality of the safety of the coin. This category includes coins that have significant losses over the entire surface, also there are the following types of damage on their surface: deep scratches, sinks, notches. Small details of the relief, as well as the inscriptions and the date of production are poorly different or completely erased. This state also owns new coins with essential checks.

G. - Defective coins, along the entire surface of which there are very serious damages, for example, disk deformation, very deep scratches, sinks, notches, etc., strong sweepers, in which it is difficult or impossible to see the dignity, inscriptions and the date of the coin chasing, and even the holes on the coin .

Coin conditionit is important to determine when replenishing your collection. Coins with low quality safety can not serve its decoration, so it is most often added to the collection with quality not lower than the category VF. But for a rare or rare coin, you can make an exclusion. In any case, each numismat is solved by what coins and what quality will be attended by his collections.

uncirculated. (UC)) - Consumer quality coins. These are coins of traditional highly automated chased production: coursework and exchange coins (applying for rates as real payments), as well as coins made of precious metals of investment purposes, whose circles can reach several million pieces. On the coins of this species there are no mirror surfaces, fields, drawings and inscriptions have the same surface matte structure, reliefs do not contrast with fields. Drawings on reverses such coins are often simple, single-pointed.

Brilliant Anchirculyted (Ba or b / a) (eng. brilliant uncirculated. (BU)) - Coins of improved quality having a smooth shiny surface surface and relief, clear clear lines of drawings. They do not have small notes, scratches and other damage caused by the features of automated production, which is achieved by more thorough preparation of tools and blanks, as well as measures to protect coins from mechanical effects in the emission of finished products to machine drives and other technological sections of automatic feed.

Proof (eng. proof.) - The highest quality coins having a smooth mirror surface of the field and contrasting the matted pattern of relief. Cooked polished stamps on polished blanks. One of the necessary conditions of the proof technology is a double blow of a blank stamp for preventing a non-stock image due to the incomplete filling of the stamp coin. The relief should be clear, with well visible smallest details. On the quality products, the proof should not be not only visible to the non-equipped eye scratches, notes, sowing, the smallest irregularities of the field surface, but also traces of touching hands. Therefore, such products are usually packaged in a special capsule to prevent surface damage. According to the production technology, souvenir coins are usually produced.

Pruf-Like (eng. pROOF-LIKE.) - Similar Pruff. This term appeared to designate the quality of coins, which are externally similar to the PRUF, but the Mint does not guarantee that when they are manufactured, the Pruf technology was fully respected. For example, it is believed that the proof can be called coins made only of precious metals. The quality coins of the Pruf Like, as well as the proof, are usually packaged in a protective capsule or film.

Reverse Frost (eng. reverse FROSTED.) - The technique of chasing, mastered by the coin courts of a number of countries in which a silk-matte field is formed on the surface of the coin, and the relief, on the contrary, mirror-shiny.

see also


  • Memo for working with coins made of precious metals. Bank of Russia. Archived


  • Technical conditions for coins made of precious metals. Archived from primary source March 11, 2012.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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