What does TY mean in English. Abbreviations, terms and abbreviations in CS: GO. What does the term NH mean in poker

In poker jargon there are many terms that the usual beginner does not know. Sometimes such words are used in a conversation between poker players or sound from the commentator in the television tournament.

To understand what we are talking about, you need to get acquainted with unknown poker terms and know their essence. Today we will tell, which means NH in poker and when this statement is applied.

What does NH term mean in poker?

NH in poker is a reduction from Nice Hand. Translated this term means "good hand". However, not every combination in poker can be denoted by such a name. Usually a good hand is considered a kara and all combinations above it. This is not by chance, because such cards in poker fall out quite rarely. Usually monster combinations are almost impossible to "move".

Sometimes NH in poker is called lower combinations that unexpectedly opened in a specific distribution. In poker jargon you can see a reduction in VNH. This means "very good hand." The term also applies as for high and rare combinations.

When is the term NH in poker?

Such an expression is often used in online poker in a shared chat. When you show a high combination, players show their emotions of surprise and apply the term "good hand".

Sometimes this expression is used after an unsuccessful attempt to bluff. His rivals read this action and opened the "trash hand." Therefore, in this case, NH, there is a form of sarcasm and the designation of a completely unsuccessful hand.

If the player hears in his NH address in poker - this does not mean the praise of his game style or a successful poker strategy for a particular party. It is just a statement of the fact of a good combination that comes quite rarely. In this expression, the rivals emphasize that the player at the moment was very lucky, and he had no option for losing, no matter how good or badly played.

Specially wait for praise and phrases NH in the chat during the game poker is not needed. It is not recommended to purposely open your cards to "boast" players. Even with the rare combination, try not to reach the autopsy so that the rivals do not guessed about your tactics of the game.


With rare and high combinations, you need to try to squeeze the maximum amount of money. Provocate rivals on a bluff, make high bets and strive on the river to bring at least one opponent of the Wa-Bank. Then the expression NH in poker will concern not only a rare and successful combination, but also a great level of game on your part.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the conversation of two gamers, as the slang contains a huge number of incomprehensible words.

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A b c d e f h i k l m n o p r s t u v w x y i
A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Agro (abbreviation from English. Aggression - hostility) - Characteristics of enemies in games that defines who they will attack. In MMO, for example, many players when hitting the monster increase in the latter Agro indicator. What a player generates the most agro, that monster and beats.

Agronub - A player who craves violence over other players in PvP, but at the same time little can take into force by the unqualified mechanics of the project. The agronub is born when ordinary nob begins to think that he is GM (not to be confused with cancers: every agronub is cancer, but not every cancer - agronub).

Hell - 1) English. Add (add) - an enemy joining battle. When a lonely boss calls assistants from nowhere, they are called hell; 2) Directly hell (Hell) - a place where sinners are boiled in the boilers. The gaming industry is often used as the name of the level of complexity.

Addon, Add-He, Eddon (English Add-on) - Additional material for a specific game. Usually, the add-on includes new levels, modes, weapons, skills, skins for heroes, continued plot, etc. In most cases, the installation of the supplement requires the presence of an original game, although sometimes developers produce additions in the form of independent products. Some time after the release of the game, the developers support the interest of the game community by the release of additions. Usually addon costs significantly less than the game itself.

Account, Account (English. Account) - Special entry in the database that correlates a real person to the virtual property belonging to him - characteristics, equipment, subscriptions for additional services, etc.

Alpha Tester (English Alpha Tester) - A user who participates in the alpha testing of the game.

Alpha testing, alpha test (eng. Alpha Testing) - One of the first stages of the samples of the game on which a large number of errors are caught. At this stage, a relatively small number of people is involved, and in most cases these are special employees, any developers themselves. After completing the alpha testing, the developers work to eliminate all errors found by alpha test participants. After applying, the project proceeds to the stage of beta testing, or re-alpha test.

Anona - The Nameless Member of the Gaming Community.

Antag (eng. Untag - not labeled) - In the MMO character without a clan sign.

Antagonist - Usually it is one of the main storytellers in the game, which is actively fighting with the main character - a protagonist. Often the antagonist is the main villain of the game, although it is not always the case.

AP, UP, AP - 1) Up (up) - the transition of a character to a new level. Appeat - survive to survive the level of level; 2) AP (Sokr. From English. Attribute Points) - glasses that rack on improving the characteristics of the character; 3) AP (Sokr. From English Action Points) - Action glasses in step-by-step games; 4) AP (Sokr. From English. Arena Point) - Points issued for victory in the arena (in MMO); 5) AP (Sokr. From English. Attack / ability Power) - Attack / skill strength.

ART (eng. ART - art) - An image created by artists in the early stages developers of the game project. It is usually a conceptual look at the game world and inhabiting his characters, which can change significantly to the final version of the game. It also includes artworks created on the basis of a ready-made game (most often this is a fan art).

AFK (English AWAY FROM KEYBOARD, AFK) - Abbreviation, frequently used chat. It is literally translated as "departed from the keyboard" and means that the user will take off the computer for a while.

Achievement (eng. Achievement - achievement) - Award for performing a certain condition in the game. In most projects, achives are given both for the passage of certain stages of the storyline and the implementation of special actions - for example, finding all hidden treasures, or killing several opponents with one shot.
Achievements are used to compare the skill of players and raising interest in the game - all modern game services provide the opportunity to compare their achiviks with achive friends.

Bug, glitch (eng. Bug - Beetle) - Error in the game or any other program. The bug can be both completely harmless and not interfering with the gameplay, and completely making the passage of the game is impossible. Glitches may occur both because of the error in writing code and in the incompatibility of iron or installed software using the program or the game.

Ban (English Ban - prohibit) - One of the methods of punishment of users for violating the established rules. Usually, the ban is issued by the administrator of the game for rude communication with other users, botherytics, intentional use of bugs or hacks, not allowed the purchase of game goods or currency for real money, as well as other serious violations. Ban can be permanent and temporary, also the bank does not always completely block the account - sometimes they simply superimpore the use of some services.

Buffing, Buffing (English Buffing) - The imposition of characteristics on the game character, which can be both positive and negative.
Positive Buffam is often resorted to meaningful battles to increase the combat abilities of the group. Sometimes in MMO projects, other users are buffed to express their sympathy.
During organized hostilities in IMO projects, for the band's badge, one or more members of the detachment is usually answered. This allows the group to fight more effectively even during prolonged battles. A person who can impose Buffes is called Buffer.

BB (Sokr. English bye bye - While [Farewell]) - Farewell to the interlocutor in any network game.

Beta tester (eng. Beta Tester) - A user who participates in the Beta Testing of the game.

Beta testing, beta test (eng. Beta Testing) - The stage of developing a game, on which the project is almost ready, but additional catching of bugs rewards sales or commercial launch is required. During beta test, developers try to attract a large number of users who can recreate as much as possible the possible number of play situations.
Beta testing is carried out by the developers themselves, or conventional gamers are attracted, ready in the testing process to report on the found bugs. Beta test can be held in several stages, after which the game is allowed to sell or commercial launch.

Bezha - Sokr. from "jewelry". Bracelets, rings, earrings, etc.

Build (English Build - Style) - Setting the characteristics of the character under a specific style of the game, or to achieve some kind of purpose. Because It is often affected by the characteristics of the character, the things are also affected, a certain set of things serving certain purposes is also called Bild.

Bind (eng. Bind - to bind) - 1) Binding the numeric keys to the group of troops, items or skills in strategies and RPGs, after which you can resort to the press of this key. "Bring" - assign a key for a group, skill or skill, subject, etc.; 2) the choice of location to which the character is tied by having the ability to return it quickly; 3) Binding things to the player, after which it is impossible to sell it for money or give another user.

Bum - A player not belonging to any alliance or clan. Usually used in multiplayer games where you can lead clan wars.

Boss (English BOSS) - Very strong opponent, usually occurring the hero after completing the level or at the very end of the storyline. Usually, for victory over the boss, it is required to make a lot of effort and find its weaknesses, although recently the latter is not as often as often in modern, more fastened projects. Often, for victory over the boss, you need to perform one or more QTE sequences. If as a game is passing, several bosses are found, then each next, as a rule, becomes stronger than the previous one.

Bot - Special program that manages the alarms of the game character. Bots can be divided into two types: 1) Bot acting as an opponent in a network game where you can train without real opponents; 2) The program imitating a real player used to automate the processes of pumping and pharmace. Such bots are prohibited in almost all multiplayer games.

Boost (eng. Boost - raise) - The phenomenon at which any characteristics increase. Using acceleration in races, Buff for raising damage, or the use of power potions - all this examples of boosts. Something that can give such effects, is called booster.

Railway carriage - A low-level character, which combines a group with high-level, and receives experience in murder, without making anything. Used for attracting.

Wipe (eng. WIPE - destroy) - 1) the fatal coincidence in the MMO, in which the whole group goes to the cemetery in the status of the dead; 2) Spam chat in order to hide an incomplete message beyond its frames (each new message retracts the wip target per line, and with repeated repeats it is completely hidden from the view).

Vanzote (English One Shot - One Shot) - Death from one blow / shots / skill.

Var, Holyvar (English War - War, Holy - Saint) - The term is widely used: the Battle of the clan on the clan, the battle of the teams in the Mova or opponents in the multiplayer, the main condition is a duration. Whether it is a long batch, or its mapping in real life: the eternal opposition of two players or other sides. Most often, the lesson is more than useless.

Warlock (Eng. Warlock - Warlock) - In RPG games a character specializing in dark witchcraft.

Vartag (English War Tag - war label) - Member of the opposing guild. In MMO, there is a label directly: the guild members are marked by hated rivals.

Video review (eng. Video Review) - Review of the game made in the form of a small video. In it, the author talks about the main features of the project, and the video order at this time demonstrates the gameplay. In high-quality video recluses, the featured gameplay is shown to most of the time showing what the announcer says.

Virtual Reality, BP (eng. Virtual Reality, VR) - Fictional world created by technical and software complexes. The perception of this world is a man through various sensations of a person: vision, hearing, smell, touch and others. Virtual reality imitates both the impact and reaction to the impact. To create a convincing complex of reality sensations, computer synthesis of properties and virtual reactions are performed in real time.
To achieve greater realism, when creating a virtual reality, the goal is often to recreate as many laws of material reality. At the same time, in entertainment purposes, users of virtual worlds are allowed more than possible in real life (for example: to fly, create any items, etc.).
At the same time, it is not worth confused by a virtual reality with augmented reality, because the purpose of virtual reality is to create a new world, and supplemented - only make new objects in an already existing one.

Age rating - Legislative restriction by age of various works of mass culture and games including. This restriction is intended to limit the impact on the not yet fully formed consciousness of a minor person. In different regions, there are content rating systems.

Release, takeure, pick up - eliminate anything. You can make the command of the opponent, an enemy hero, etc.

Drinking (eng. Cutting) - knocking the player from some location or level zone. Very often working in a team, players are engaged in drinking campers. In other words, drinking can be described as knocking out an opponent from a certain location on the map, depriving it tactical advantage.

Hyde, Guide (English GUIDE) - Guide to the game, which contains tips, helping to better master the gameplay. Often, the guide includes step-by-step passage of the game.

Game (eng. Game - Play) - Play any computer or video game.

Gang, Gank (English Gang Kill - murder crowd) - Killing rival crowd. The term is widespread in Mova and MMO.

GARENA (English Garena) - Network service intended for a network game. The service allows you to create a virtual local network between players connected by the global Internet network, just a few clicks and does not require additional settings to start using. Since this service allows you to play on a network in many pirated versions of games, it is very common among the more younger audience of gamers.

GG, GG (Sokr. GOOD GAME - Good game) - 1) The statement of a fact with a collective game: the game [Party] as he considers writing, good. Nowadays, the reduction has almost lost its original meaning, and is used as synonymous with the end of the game [Party]; 2) Sokr. from g.live g.epoy, Protagonist.

Game Over, Hamper (Eng. Game Over - The game is over) - ending the game. In modern games, this phrase usually ends with a loss in the game, but earlier such an end meant the overall end of the game, regardless of whether the gamer won or not.

Gamer (eng. Gamer - player) - Man playing games. Despite the fact that the term includes people who do not consider themselves full players, they are often called those who spend a lot of time behind the games or are interested in them.

Gameplay (eng. Gameplay) - Gaming process of a computer game from the point of view of the player. The concept of gameplay is of a very generalized nature and usually expresses the sensations from the gameplay, which is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the plot, sound and graphics. Thus, the same combination of gameplay factors can lead to different, sometimes even absolutely opposite, its assessment is two different people.

GIMP (eng. Gimp - cripple) - Useless in PVP character. Gimps can be the victim of incorrectock or procurement.

Gm - 1) Sokr. English Game Master is a venerable title frequenter, master of a particular game. In the domestic realities, Gmami players call themselves; 2) Sokr. English Guild Master is the host [founder or manager] guild.

Gosu, Goser - Synonym GM or Dad. Very experienced player.

Grena, Grenka (English Grenade - Grenade) - A frequently used name for a grenade in shooters. This term is called both ordinary grenades and any other explosive devices.

Grind (eng. Grind - grind) - Gaming process, consisting in the nuddenness of the same type of action. Kill an endless amount of weak mobs for experience or lute - the classic example of Grinda.

Griefer (English Griefer - Makes to suffer) - A player who enjoys the fact that spoils the game to other people.

GFS, FS, Frishhard, Frierc, Frich, Shard - Sokr. from "Fryshard shit." Free pirate game server. There are no good examples.

Damag (eng. Damage - damage) - Damage, or damage applied by the hero to other game characters and vice versa. This value has a numerical representation, which is torn from the current number of the character's health, which caused damage. Often, the size of the damage is affected by the weapon used, the skill and other characteristics of the character characters, as well as the armor used.

Dungeon (English Dungeon - Dungeon) - limited boundary (material, for example, in the form of mountains, or logical in the form of invisible walls) Location - cave, dungeon, ruins, etc. Usually, the hero is sent to the dance to perform a specific task - to find anything or kill anyone.
In multiplayer games, group dances designed for passing the company with comrades are common. At the same time, the mobs in such locations are much stronger than normal, and at the end of the group is traditionally waiting for a fight with one or even several bosses.

Engine Engine - Motor, Engine) - A complex program of programs designed to create computer and video games. Modern engines include mass of modules - rendering, physics, sound, scripts, animation, artificial intelligence, network interaction, multi-threaded calculations, memory management, etc. All this allows you to significantly reduce temporary and resource costs for creating and porting games.
On one engine, games can be created absolutely different genres and setages.

Debuff (Eng. Debuff) - Any negative impact on a player or a mob that does not affect direct damage. Usually for each parameter that can be improved by Buff, there is a debuff that reduces the value of this parameter. Typical examples of Debuff can be called a decrease in the basic characteristics, a slowdown or a complete character stop, blindness, silence, as well as a decrease in resistance to a certain type of damage.

Device (Eng. Device) - device, device, mechanism. The word has both an in-game mapping (gravel-gun is a device) and free: devices call mice, gamepads, etc.

Grandfather - Started and frequenter of the game. Extremely experienced user.

Demo Demo, Demo - Demonstration version of the game that is distributed free of charge (although there are several exceptions when the demonstration version of the game was sold). Demos are released in order for the potential user to make sure that it buys an interesting game of proper quality.
Demonstration versions are usually limited to several initial levels, which require no more than a pair of hours.

Ding (eng. Ding) - The sound resolution of the transition moment to a new level, which began to mean this phenomenon.

Disconnect (eng. Disconnect) - Dispute connection with the server.

DLTS, DLS (eng. Downloadable Content, DLC) - Additional downloadable content for games distributed online through various digital distribution services. DLC can be both paid and spread absolutely free. To install a DLT requires the presence of an original game.

Donate (English donate - sacrificing) - One of the ways for developers for receiving money from players. It is usually present in "free" projects, where there is an opportunity to play without paying the game itself. It has the opportunity to get some benefits for a relatively small amount of money. Usually, for donat, you can quickly pump your character or get unique items and abilities.
Recently, developers are trying to keep the balance between payers and free users - the donat system is developed as to reduce the time required by the user to achieve certain results. At the same time, the user playing the same results can achieve the same results, spending a significant amount of playing time.

Supplement (English Expansion Pack - expansion package) - Additional content for any game. Unlike DLC, it can be distributed not only through digital distribution services, but also on separate disks.
Usually add-ons include new levels, weapons, characters, continuation of the plot and so on. Most often, the presence of an original game is required to install the supplement, however, there are independent additions manufactured in the form of full-fledged games.

Augmented Reality (English AUGMENTED REALITY, AR) - The term describing all projects seeking to supplement the real world by any type of virtual elements.
Augmented reality in games is achieved by using the camera and other additional sensors. The information obtained is processed and the man can see the image captured by virtual objects on the screen.

Dot (Sokr. English. Damage Over Time - Damage in time) - Damage that is applied over time. On one enemy there may be several dollars.

DPS (Sokr. English. Damage Per Second - Damage per second) - The number of damage that the character can cause in one second.

Drop (eng. Drop - Fall, drop) - Items that fall from the enemy when victory over it.

Druzh - Druid. Character class in MMO and Mova Games.

DUE - Creating a duplicate of the subject, or the amount of money in the game through the use of error developers.

ZBT (eng. Close Beta Testing, CBT) - Closed beta testing game. The beta-test takes separately selected players from all submitted to participate. Typically, the selection criteria are both social parameters and characteristics of a potential candidate computer. Such a method allows you to score the most wide range of audience and test the stability of the game on a large number of different configurations.
Also to participate in a closed beta testing, you can get, receiving a special code, often called "invite". You can get invites, often on various game portals with which the game developers have agreed to conduct special shares.

Zerg Zerg (English) - 1) Big cluster of people or units. The general form of this word occurred from 2) the name of the race in Starcraft.

Zerg Rush (eng. Zerg Rush) - Blitzkrieg Game World: Fast attack with a huge number of units.

Event, Event, Event (Eng. Event - Event) - Not standard for the game process, an event expressed in the form of a special contest, the fair of special goods or the appearance of special mobs in places where they were previously not. Usually, the events are arranged by the project administration for holidays or other significant dates, although they can be conducted by the players themselves - for example, an informal tournament or an organized mass attachment in the position of the enemy.

Game Studio - A group of people engaged in the development and creation of games. Sometimes several studios can be combined to work on a large project. After the release of the game, the studio continues to work on the project, releasing patches and additions.
Gaming studios can create projects both under the guidance of the game publisher and completely independently. In the second case, the studio is called independent.

Game World (eng. Game World) - The world that is embodied in the game, thanks to the plot implementation and the game process. Speaking about the game world, implies the user's immersion in the plot of the project with the presentation of the history of the world of the game, describing his laws and events. The game world tells about the heroes and anti-peers that produce any significant event, developing effect on the player's eyes.

Playman - Man experiencing addiction from computer and video games. At the moment there are clinics specializing in treatment against gaming addiction.

gambling addiction - Dependence, as a result of which a person cannot lead a normal lifestyle, since all his time the playman seeks to conduct playings.

AI, AI (eng. Artificial Intelligence, AI) - A special part of the game program code that is responsible for the actions of the game characters under the control of a computer.

IMB, IMBA (English Imbalance - imbalance) - The definition relates to something very steep in the project that does not fit into the game balance. It may be some kind of class, PERS, incredibly cool skill or subject.

Instance, Instance (English Instance - case) - In MMO location, which is loaded personally for the group.

INSTANT KILL (English Instant Kill) - Instant murder. Any Vanzote is an instant kille, but not any instant Kill is a Vanzot - death can come and as a result of Ganges.

Kite (eng. Kite - [Air, Paper] Snakes) - The process of attacking the enemy when the enemy cannot give delivery (this can occur both when using a remote attack, with impenetrable armor or with 100% attack evasion). When Cate Aggro, the enemy should be on the attacking (buatter), while the rest of the group can calmly destroy it without having received damage. Kite can also be used as a steam locomotive.

Cartridge, Karik (English Cartridge - Cartridge) - Electronic device based on the microcircuit of the ROM where the game is located for the corresponding gaming console. In addition to a number of advantages (good copy protection, console capabilities, quick access console to the game content), the cartridges have several large minuses - the cost of production and fast mechanical wear as a cartridge with a frequent replacement of the game and the connector of the console for cartridges. In this regard, from this format, the manufacturers of consoles refused in the late 80s.

Caster (eng. Cast - apply [spell]) - Character, capable of conclusive, create spells.

Quest (English Quest - Search) - 1) the game genre, the main task of the player in which is to solve logical tasks and puzzles, often related to the need to initially find items in the available locations, and then come up with use; 2) The task issued by the player.

Quick Time Ivests (Eng. Quick Time Events, QTE) - One of the gameplay elements in games. The meaning is that the buttons appear on the screen, and the player must have time to press them on time. Sometimes a quick multiple pressing of one button is required, or even the simultaneous pinch of several buttons, which sometimes turns QTE to the "Twister" for the fingers.

Camper (English to Camp - split the camp) - The player in the network shooter, distinguished in hard-to-reach and poorly detected places with a good overview of the location of the card. From this position, the player conducts sudden attacks. Such players are very often perceived as professionals or cheaters, which are put on inept and do not miss the players, playing the match.

Kk - 1) Sokr. ang. OK, OK - Okay, okay. The affirmative answer to the replicas of the interlocutor, who excludes further discussion of the issue; 2) Pair Socond. From English. Kilo - one thousand. That is, a thousand thousand, a million.

Clan War, Clan Var, KV (Eng. Clan War, CW - Clan War) - Competition between two clans or alliances in a multiplayer game, which are often expressed in armed confrontation. Typically, clan wars are held by prior arrangement or within the tournament conducted by the Administration of the Gaming Project.

Console (English Console) - 1) Game console, connected to the TV. Consoles also call portable gaming devices having their own display; 2) Interpreter of commands, through a string of which you can directly enter commands to execute the system. In the console games, it is most often used to enter special cheat codes or direct interaction with the engine to make edits to the gameplay.

Controller, manipulator - Information entry device, with which the player interacts with the virtual world. There are a lot of varieties of controllers - the keyboard and mouse (standard for PC users), gamepad (used by most consoles), motion sensors (for example, PS Move and Kinect), touch screen (distributed in mobile devices), etc. A variety of controllers increases every year, providing players with more simple and intuitive ways to interact with games.

Checkpoint, check Point (English Check Point, CP - checkpoint) - Special point (often in no way marked visually) on the map specified during the development of the game. When such a point is achieved, automatic saving takes place, although sometimes the checks of the Points are used for other purposes (for example, a mark on the successful passage of the site of the routes). Usually, when hero's death and the presence of control points in the game, the game is automatically loaded at the time of the last checkpoint. In some games where the complete saving of the gameplay is not provided, the control point may be the place of respauna hero.

Config (Sokr. English Configuration) - 1) Personal user settings; 2) technical parameters of PC.

Kryak, tablet, crack (eng. Crack) - Special file or program that allows you to run the unlicensed version of the game. The use of such programs is illegal in most countries.

Ku (eng. Q) - 1) a brief form of greeting online; 2) Sokr. English Quest - Quest.

Cooldown (English Cooldown - cooling) - Recharge time of the ability, subject or spell. There are also kuldauna for game events.

Lag (eng. Lag - delay, delay) - Delay in the game, manifested in the form of temporary hanging the gameplay. Often, lagows arise either due to insufficient performance of the computer, or due to the problem of communication with the server. Permanent logs in online games can be associated with a low data exchange rate between the user's computer or the North, or the regional remoteness of the player from the server, which increases the ping value.

Lacker (from English Luck - Good luck) - A player who achieves success purely due to a random coincidence.

Lamer (eng. Lame - chrome) - Beginner user. Unlike nob, Lamera, as a rule, claim to be a good player / user.

Level Cap (eng. Level Cap) - limit of character development, maximum level.

Level, Lvl (English LEVEL, LVL) - The level of character pumping or account. Level is a numerical characteristic that rises with time spent in the game or improving skill. Often, to obtain the next level, you need to dial a certain number of experience points (or similar parameter), and most of the leisure increase systems are made in such a way that to achieve each next level requires significantly more experience.

Liv, Liver (eng. Leave - leave) - user care from the server during the game. This care is usually voluntary. At the same time, about the player say that he "showed up", and the player himself is called "Liver." As a rule, users then become a leader when the game is not in their favor.

Lich (eng. Leech - leech) - The player who enters the partnership solely for its own benefit, while not helping the team. When such cooperation occurs, by mutual agreement (locomotive pillarling), a more trusted definition of the "car" is adopted.

Location - Part of the gaming world, geographically separated from its other parts.

LUT (eng. Loot - rob) - The common name for items remaining after the murder of a mob or a character that can choose a hero. In addition, it includes objects found in chests and similar containers, as well as objects, simply flashing on the floor in any game location. In other words, LUT is items that can be selected, after which it is used or selling / exchanged.

Late, Leit (English Late - Late) - Late stage of the game. The term is used mainly on the Mova Arena, where the significance of the heroes either increases, or decreases with the time of the party, thereby changing the Parity of the Parties.

Mana, MP (eng. MANA) - One of the characteristics of the character, often used in the RPG projects with fantasy setting. Mana's stock determines how many spells can create a hero, or how many times it can take advantage of special skills. Typically mana is displayed as another strip next to a strip of life.

Mount (eng. To Mount - Sit for (c) vehicle) - The object on which you can ride, increasing its speed of movement. Car, horse, lizard, ostrich, flying boss head - Mounts can be the most diverse.

Machine (Engl Machinima, from Machine - Machine and Cinema - Cinema) - The film, the creation of which is conducted on the playing engine. At the same time, playing characters, models, textures, locations and other resources are used. Often the creation of the machine is engaged in fans, so most of the obtained works are a very mediocre level. Machine in its essence is a subspecies of cinema, which takes inspiration from the gaming subculture.

Media Franchise (Eng. Media Franchise) - Intellectual property, which includes characters, setting and brand of the original media work. Usually, franchises arise when any project appears in a different form - for example, the game takes off the movie, or the game is created on the basis of the television series.

Mob (eng. MOB, cut from English. Mobile Object, Mobile Object) - The view of the NPC for which a specific property is typical - to be a destroyed player for a set of experience, money or various items. In order for the process to be more interesting, often mobs are trying to kill the player at this time. Sometimes mobs act as a complicating factor when performing quests - in this case, his murder may not bring anything to the player.

MOD, MOD (eng. Modification - Modification) - Modification of the game, bringing small edits to the gameplay, or complementing it. Most often, fashion makes users, although sometimes developers carry out posturalness support for their projects, releasing official mods. Often, the creators of the projects themselves produce tools for modding, but sometimes it is also found to create mods through hacking game resources.

MT (Sokr. Engl Main Tank) - The main tank of the group.

Mule - Character on an IMO account or other network game that is created exclusively for storing things.

Trash, trash (eng. Trash) - the slang title of weak mobs, ads or lute.

Mutator - Analogue of fashion, but contributes only minor edits into the gameplay. Unlike large-scale mods that can not always work in parallel, mutators can be used simultaneously in large quantities. At the same time, the order in which they are activated are very important. For example, if a mutator "turns all the weapons into sniper rifles" is used for the mutator "Without a sniper rifle", sniper rifles disappear, and all the rest of the weapon turns into a rifle. If you apply mutators in the reverse order, all weapons disappear.

Nerf (Zharg. English. Nerf - Weaken) - deterioration of any characteristics in the new version of the game. Reducing the damage of the tank, the health of the boss or the performance characteristics - all this is the NEF.

Nickname, Nick (English Nickname - Nickname) - Alias, which is used by users on the Internet and games. Nickname can reflect the real name, and may designate the subject, an animal, some phenomenon, can be written in various symbols and combine letters. Used as a name for game characters, or when creating accounts in various services.

Ninja - A player who in the thick of battles is engaged in collecting a lute, opening the chests, takes quests, etc. Also ninsees are called those users who, when distributing a lute, claim all things, not even their class.

NP, NP (Sokr. English NO Problem) - Abbreviation of a replica, meaning "without problems."

NPK, NPC (English Non-Player Character, NPC) - non-character, which is managed by a special program - AI. Usually the NPC can communicate with the hero and is one of the main possibilities of user interaction with the virtual world. NPC is often asked to perform any tasks or provide trade / exchange service.

Nubhant (English Noob Hunt) - Hunting for noobs.

Nub (English Newbie - Newbie) - Beginner, inexperienced player. Most often, NUBE gives out an inept play, or asking stupid and simple questions. Sometimes the term "noob" is used to insult someone after making the last one ridiculous error.

Noise, Nubland, Nubona - The location of the characters is much weaker than the player level.

NUK (English NUKE - application of nuclear weapons) - Use of all combat abilities in a short period of time. Used when finishing bosses, ganges or focus, to get rid of the enemy as soon as possible.

Action area (AEO, Area of \u200b\u200bEffect) - Phenomenon in which the effect of spell or ability applies to the area. Heat the hero with a sword, whether he rises a grenade, waters of the lawn with a hail of ice - all this examples.

ONT (eng. Open Beta Testing, OBT) - Open beta testing game. To take part in this stage of testing can anyone want a player without any restrictions.

Overbuff (eng. OverBuff) - The situation at which one Buff is supplanted to others.

Oldheimer (English Old Gamer) - Gamer who prefers to play old games. Usually, for the launch of old games on modern PC, the Olderians use additional programs and emulators.

OI (Sokr. English out of MANA) - The expression with the dried man - "no mana". Actual for Hillers in MMO and Mova.

Offtop (OFF Topic - "Outside the topic") - Network message leaving a predetermined communication topic. For example, a message, a comment or post, which is not suitable for news / themes, within the framework of which the entry is left. In other words, in the topic or news about Battlefield, a discussion of new petes in Sims will be offtopic.

Dad Father - A very experienced player. Synonyms - GM or Goser.

Locomotive or Train (Eng. Train - Train) - 1) The view of the kite, in which the collection of several opponents takes place to further eliminate them by any-attack; 2) The process of joint passage of the game team from low and high-level characters, in which the last kills all opponents, while the first (it is called the car) gets experience.

Easter eggs, Easter eggs (eng. Easter eggs) - The secrets left by the game developers who do not fit into the overall concept of the game. Usually, it is necessary to perform completely non-obvious actions to activate Easter. Easter eggs play the role of peculiar jokes for attentive players or viewers.

Pati (Eng. Party - detachment) - A group of players united by a common goal.

Patch, update (eng. Patch - Patch) - File introducing updates to the game. The update most often includes edits found after the release of the error game. In addition, the patch often contains small straightening of the balance and interface, and sometimes even new gameplay elements and additional content.

Pve (Sokr. English Player VS Environment - Player against Environment) - Game content based on the confrontation of users and virtual enemies.

PVP (Socre. English Player VS Player - Player Player) - Unlike PPE, such a game content is opposed to the confrontation of players: guilds, fractions or groups.

Perepipovka - Replacing the chip in any device. As a result, the performance of the device can be improved, or the functionality is expanded. The game topics usually refers to rereading consoles, after which it becomes possible to play pirate content, or the use of content calculated for another region.

Perk (eng. Perk) - The character's ability acquired as the hero development. Usually peppers are present in the RPG projects and the player has the ability to choose the desired perk when switching to a new level. Perks help to achieve the individuality of each hero, allowing to pump the character under the style of passing.

Permanent death (eng. Permadeath) - or death forever, an extremely popular feature in Roguelike games and various RPGs. Its essence lies in the fact that after the death of the character, the game breaks down, and its passage should be started first.

PERS (eng. Personage) - Game character. Gamers use this reduction regardless of the genre of the project.

Pet (eng. PET) - Animal player who travels with him.

Pickup (eng. Pickup - Random acquaintance) - In MMO Games Collect a group of strangers.

Ping (Eng. Ping) - Server response time on the sent command. Ping is very important in multiplayer games and characterizes the speed with which the transmitted information to the server affects the game world. Measured in milliseconds. The value is less, the more pleasant will be the gameplay. With too large ping values, it is almost impossible to enjoy the gameplay. Ping affects both the quality of the channel and its workload and the speed of the server with the current number of active players.

PC - 1) Sokr. from a personal computer; 2) Sokr. English Player Killer - Killer Players. In MMO, a member of the opposing fraction, which hunts the enemies, which is much weaker than it.

Platformer (eng. Platformer) - The game, the gameplay of which lies in the frequent need to move the hero or heroes from one platform to another. Often, unsuccessful jumps between platforms lead to a fall in the abyss and instant loss of the hero's life.

Pouverleving (English Power Leveling) - Fast pumping of the character at which this drainage is the sole purpose. For paverleving, special game techniques are used, like a steam locomotive or grind.

Prime - Best time to play. Some guilds in MMO assign their prime, and entering them, the user is obliged to attend the game at a given time.

Princel (eng. Prequel) - New part in a series of games telling about the events preceding the time previously released part. Thus, the developers can tell more in detail about the virtual world and respond to the plot questions that appeared at the players after the previously released game of the series.

Game prefix - Special device designed for video games. Usually, the game console does not have its own information output device and it must be connected to the TV or a special monitor - it is from this necessity that the name "Prefix" appeared. On modern game consoles, it is also possible to reproduce a variety of media content, including the ability to access the Internet using the browser integrated into software.

Pumping, Kach, Leveling - The process of raising the level or any character skills. For pumping, special techniques are usually used, and sometimes special programs (bots). Also possible in some game projects Pumping account for donat. The legitimate and free method of pumping the account in any game is the performance of available quests and other actions for which experience is issued.

Protagonist, protagonist - The main character of computer or video game. Typically, the main hero, the protagonist, throughout the game opposes the main villain - antagonist.

PROF - It may be synonymous with class in some MMO projects (Warlock, Paladin, Sith, etc.), or the name of the specialization (Herbalist, Kuznets, seamstress, etc.).

Firmware (eng. Firmware - firmware, firmware) - In the game understanding of the firmware is the console software. Firmware updates are both official and pirated. The official update allows you to use new features, also without it, it is sometimes impossible to run newer games. If a newer firmware is required for the game, it usually comes with the game.
The use of a pirate firmware violates the license agreement, but allows you to run on the game console, pirated versions of games and additional software that has not passed certification in the console developers. Warranty repair of consoles on which the pirated firmware has ever been installed is not carried out.

Game Developer (Eng. Developer) - Studio, group of people or, less often, one person. The developer is engaged in creating computer and video games. The task of the developer is to create a virtual world of the game that exists on established laws. After the release of the game, the developer is still engaged in the release of patches that correct errors, as well as additions.

Cancer - In network communication, and in particular in a gaming environment, a person, obviously, not admitted this topic. In contrast to noordination, the conservation is very glorified, since cancers do not consider themselves newcomers in the area, trying to get into the gaming environment, often ineptly using its terminology and functionality.

Rush, Rush (Eng. Rush - Hurry) - Fast passage of the mission, without any stops. In strategies, the reception of Rush is very common when the attack on the enemy is carried out at the very beginning of the match by a group of cheap YUITS, affordable to construction at almost immediately.

Reir (English Rare - Rare) - Extremely rarely falling out of enemies. Reir falls, as a rule, from bosses.

Reconnect (eng. Reconnect) - Restore connection to the server after its loss. Reconnect to the server.

Remake (eng. Remake - redo) - Updated version of the game, created on the basis of an older project. Usually the remake has more modern graphics, and the gameplay itself and the plot remains almost intact.

Repop (Sokr. English Repopulation) - Restoration of already dead opponents. Ordinary monsters will repulse in a few minutes, bosses in many games will not be repulsed at all.

Res. - 1) Sokr. English Resource - resource; 2) Sokr. English Resurrection - Resurrection. Restoration of the player from the state of death through the help of another player.

Respaun, Repawn, Rep (English. Respawn - rebirth) - The process of restoring the character of the game after death. Depending on the settings of the game, after the respounter of the character, health, mana, ammunition, etc. is restored. Also in the RPG projects of Repareg in the form of a fine can take part of earlier experience or in-game currency earned. Typically, the respaun occurs at certain points on the Kate, in advance designated location by designer.

REST (eng. REST - Recreation) - Restoration of health and mana, requiring the interruption of the gameplay.

Reuse - Reuse.

Roll (English Roll - Cube Cube) - The well-known DND system, in which the in-game events occur according to the chance of throwing a cube: what damage will be caused, which is obtained by Lout, etc.

Rotat, Rotation (English Rotation - sequence) - Certain alternation when using skills or spells. The correctness of the use of one or another Rotata is a very controversial question, because Often characterizes only the style of the user's game. But there are also completely obvious rotates, for example, the use of water spell up to the burning, and not vice versa.

RPG, RPG (Sokr. English Role-Playing Game) - Genre of computer games based on desk games. It offers a vaccine of a character, skills, experienced experience and quests, as well as other elements of classic board games.

Raid (English RAID - raid, raid) - In MMO, the passage of instances by a group of players. A raid may be called a totality of several combined instances.

Salo, Silence, Molchanka (English Silence - Silence) - Debuff, not allowing a player or enemy to pronounce spells.

Sammon (eng. Summon - call) - the ability of the character to call for a creature or another object to help or for the company (Pet). Sammontite can also live players, teleporting them to themselves from another location / zone / level. A character that can create such spells is called a sammoner.

SAPORT (eng. Support - Support) - 1) a legal or an individual carrying out customer support; 2) Character whose role is to assist in the fight. Hilers, Buffers - here are classic sabrids.

Seth (eng. SET - set) - A set of things that gives any effect. In the event of the collection of all sets of set, its overall effect is usually stronger than the sum of the effects of all things separately.

Setting (from English. Setting - furnishings, room, installation, rim) - A specific environment, within which the game is happening or any other artistic work. Typically setting describes the time and place of action, the laws of the world, inhabiting its beings, etc.

Sikvel (eng. Sequel - continued) - Continuation of any project. Sixel implies the continuation of the storyline, and the events of the new game develop immediately or after a certain time from the moment where the events of the previous game are run.

Simulator - a virtual imitator of real algorithms and processes. The simulator can perform in the framework of the genre of computer and video games, for example, a limit limit, pilot, farmer or a policeman.

Single (Eng. Single - Single) - The game without collective support, whether it is the sole passage of the raid in the MMO or the story campaign in the beam games. Modern projects often provide both single and multiplayer.

System Requirements (Eng. System Requirements) - Requirements for hardware and software for the normal functioning of the game. If the PC characteristics are below the minimum required, the game may not start at all, or work incorrectly. System requirements are often divided into minimum and recommended. The first indicate the minimum necessary parameters to start the game, and the second describes the parameters required to play at high quality settings.

Skill, Abiliti, Abilika (English Skill, ability) - The ability of the game hero to make anything. Healing, collecting herbs, Plumbing prunechnics - all this is an ability. Such skills can be both passive and active. They can develop with the hero or be unchanged.

Screenshot, Screenshot (eng. Screenshot) - Screenshot from the game or any other application. Screenshots can be created as external applications (for example, FRAPS) and in some cases the tools of the game itself.

Slacer (English Slacker - Lazy) - A player who is engaged in his affairs during an important game event. Clauses can be Mova users who are purchased on the basis during an important battle, or MMO players who are a bunch of armor or boil the medication right during the siege of the castle.

Spawnkill (English. Spawnkill - murder appeared) - Killing a character who just appeared at the rebirth point. In most cases, such an action is not welcomed in the game community, since the killer has a significant advantage due to the best equipment and willingness to apply a sudden attack. Most of the modern projects have protection against such actions that makes the emerging character invulnerable to a short period of time after respaun.

SS (Sokr. English Miss [Mi sS] - Lose) - No enemy hero on the line in Dota and other Moba games.

Stak (English stack - pack) - several of the same type of objects in inventory that occupy one subject. If this happens, it is customary to say that such an object is stuck. The same type of buffs on the character can also be stuck, while having a cumulative effect.

If you have already played online poker, then it must have already faced with a huge number of incomprehensible words with which players chatting communicate. In fact, this is not even real words, but some combinations of letters, information about which inability to find in any dictionary. If before that you did not play any online games, then, most likely, you will not be able to understand most of these messages. In this article, we will look at what "TY" means in poker and other messages of this type.

"TY" in poker and other reductions

"LOL" The most popular abbreviation. Its are already used for a long time ago and the topic no less she does not lose its popularity. This abbreviation is decrypted as "Laugh Out Loud", which translated from English means "laugh loudly". This combination of letters is so popular that it can be found not only in poker chat rooms, but also in social networks, and sometimes even lively communication. And poker plays a lot of poker players.

Another word that can be often found, playing poker, Rofl. In the full version, this combination of letters sounds like this: "Roll On the Floor Laughing". It translates how to "ride on the floor from laughter." As you can guess, the first two examples are used when something funny occurs. This is a kind of virtual replacement of laughter.

Abbreviation "WP" Already wears a more serious nature and in the full version denotes "Well Played". This phrase translated into Russian means "good game". Most often, this phrase is used to praise the player for a good move, but sometimes can wear sarcastic character. It all depends on the context.

"GB" and "GC" Deciphered as "Good Bet" and "Good Call", which is translated according to a "good rate" and "well level. "GB" and "GC", in contrast to the previous example, is practically used directly, without irony, just to praise the poker player. Another example from this series of abbreviation "NH" (Nice Hand), which is translated as "good hand."

"GL", Although it looks like previous examples, but has some semantic difference. It is deciphered by this abbreviation, as "Good Luck", which means the wish of good luck in the upcoming gaming session. Most often this reduction is used before the start of the game in tournaments.

Abbreviations are not only with letters, but also with numbers, such as "M8". Means this word "Mate", that is, "buddy." What's the eight? The thing is that the English word "eight" (EIGHT) although they are written differently, but sounds the same as "Mate" without the letter "M".

"TY" In the poker in the full version means "Thank You", which in translation means "Thank you" or thank you. Sometimes there may be other versions, according to the type "TX" or "TH", which indicate the same. But most often will meet "TY" in poker.

"GG" Deciphered as "Good Game". It translates like a "good game". This is usually written after the poker party is over. That is, unlike the "WP", the player does not just praise some course of his opponent, just thank you for a good session.

"BRB" Means "BE Right Back". In Russian, this means "will soon come back. This abbreviation also has several variations: "BBS" (BBL "(BE Back Later). In essence, they mean the same thing. Most often, this phrase can be useful during a poker game for a cache-table when you need to leave the game for a while. There is a more specified abbreviation option - "BRB 5". This means that you will not be in the game during the next five minutes. And if you need to leave for longer periods of time, you can write "BB in 1H", which means that you will again be in the case after one hour.

ZZZZZ or "buzzzz" are not abbreviations, rather sounds imitating sleep. It is used to hint the opponent that he thinks too long and delays the game. Atain-poker is often found players who still cannot decide to do this or that move. It is good that this problem was solved by timer. But, if you and this period of time seems long, you can write in the ZZZZZ chat, so that your opponent thinks faster.

«OMG» In full, looks like "Oh My God". This expression is translated as "Oh, my God." Usually it is used when the player wants to express his surprise.

Now we will turn to more emotional variants of cuts in the chat. Most often, they are written players who fell into the tilt. These include FU, SOB and MOFO. These abbreviations we, perhaps, will not decipher, simply, know that they do not carry absolutely nothing good.


As you can notice, nothing complicated in expressions that are used in chat rooms. "TY" in poker and other cuts are only abbreviations of English phrases. Now you yourself can freely use them during the game. On this, all and ty for paying attention to this article.

How often, entering the forum or in the game chat, you seemed to fall into another world, where do people talk to some wildly strange language? Perhaps you heard something in this way:

  • Patza, pliz, buy me fly, and then Golda is missing on an elephant.
  • Horosh UBU, you do not bear it, it's all in arts, it sludge Stopepff!
  • Yesterday for 5 bachlgandov never brought out.
  • These nups Niibatsz Zerg collected.
  • Bla ... I Mob Sagril, and I merged.
  • Drop Dager from Ragna.
  • That sketches on the zerg, we kept teleport and pavani them there for two hours.
  • In short, I went to sab swing.
  • Scribe Ricky SKA ... Host Boy! feeder!

From how virtuoso you are playing a game, you understand the game concepts and abbreviations, it depends on how experienced gamers will be perceived. Novice not knowing elementary terms from online gamesIt is unlikely to enjoy the respect in the Gamerski Tusovka.

On this page, most of the terms of online games will be collected, which will help the nubs to become In the ass owner In the game world, buy new friends and quickly get used in any MMO game!

These terms are invented initially either by the developers of the games, or - what more often come from the subsoil of the game communities themselves. The players lack time on correspondence during the game, in connection with which they reduce many words ( graph, kach, log, acc, alt, go), as well as invent ways to bypass all sorts of mat-filters in games ( danuna, Szukonakh, Bla, Psolnas, Epta). All these words will quickly fly through the forums, go from the game to the game and become as a result of crowd expressions, which, due to their brevity, capacity and expressiveness, acquire the character of the Mem (common in the Internet, or Frielzochka).

Led below game Dictionary It will help you to figure out all the most common concepts that are not always obvious and often can contradict each other.

Abilka / Ability / ability - skill, spell or character ability.

Agritis - Call the aggression of the mob, provoke it to attack himself. Alarms are usually tanks, prevailing the mob's sumps on other team members.

Agro / Aggro / Agra - aggressive mobs, attacking character first. In some RPG, agra are such aggressive, which can attack each other (from English. Aggression).

Addon - Supplement to the game, for example, adding new levels, weapons, shump, etc ..

Add - 1) Mobs, suddenly attacking players when he is busy with other mobs. 2) Mobs that make up the "Sweet" of the boss.

AI / AI - The same thing that AI.

Account / acc - A combination of person's personal data (floor, age, name, surname, password, etc.), often referred to as a record, with the help of which it exercises the entrance to the site or the game.

Alto (from Alternative Character) - an additional character in relation to the main (char). Altov usually hardened for curiosity - when it becomes hunting to play by another class. Sometimes a new class is more interesting than the old one, and then the first PERS becomes alt.

Antag. - He is nouklan, He is a soloist, loner, character without a clan.

Oo (From English. Area of \u200b\u200bEffect Damage) - Carpet bombardment, magic spell affecting the whole area. Accordingly, the damage get all the goals in this area.

Ap. - achieve the next level.

Apt - a first-aid kit applied in MM-Games to increase the level hels. (Life glasses).

Arcade - Simplified version of the simulator. We usually have primitive physics and graphics, often two-dimensional .. These are the same racing simulators, spacecraft, etc., only in a simplified form.

AWP / Armor / Armor - Armor, armor.

Arch / Archer / Archer - Character, sharpened on the ownership of a bow or specializing in the Far Boy.

Assist - Attack of one goal at the same time multiple players. Usually applied to the removal of the strongest enemies - tanks and bossov.

AUC - auction; Alternative to the game store in many MMORPG, where you can buy a variety of goods issued on the bargaining players.

AFK - Status denoting, lack of player in place while his gaming character is in the game.

Bug / Bug - Any error in the game and any program. Usually arises due to the underdevelopment, non-heavenly project, as well as errors made by developers. Bugs usually do not particularly interfere with the gameplay, and sometimes even bring considerable benefits to ingenious players using gaps in the game to get different advantages.

Baguzer - A player using bugs games in order to receive any advantages (Bug - error, use - use).

Bind / Bind. - Binding a specific subject to a specific player when equipped. After binding, the subject cannot be untied (transferred or sold to another player).
Ban - Temporary or lifelong excommunication by the player's administration from the game. The cause of the ban may be any violation of the rules: rudeness, botreat, cheaterism etc.

Banya - She is banned, excommunication from the game by the administration of a person who violated the rules of the game.

BAF / BUFF / Buffing - term meaning temporary improvement of certain characteristics of the game character or game items. Buffing you can or other players.

Buffer - Character capable of impose buffes.

BBMOG / BBMMOG. (From the English. Browser Based Massively Multiplayer Online Game) - Browser multiplayer bulk online game. A variety of browser, characterized by a huge number of interacting players.

Bers – 1) berserk (Berrocket), fierce warrior; 2) berbs, two axes used simultaneously; 3) a weapon that takes the character from the character, but in return to the attack indicators; 4) Spell imposed on mobs with a view to their impact on each other.

Bezha - Jewelery: rings, earrings, necklaces, etc. As a rule, these items have magical properties, but sometimes it is also a purely decorative daytime, nothing addifiable.

Bild - Sharpening a character for a specific goal. In PVP builds, the characters are sharpened under takeaway Charov, and in Pve-Buildah - under farm Mobov.

Blah - Used in online games where the "Antimat" stands (bla ... Yes, there are docking mobs!).

Boss - Especially strong monster in location. This is usually a separate mob with artificial intelligence having its own name and sweat, in a special armed and dressed. From the bosses you can knock out a particularly valuable shmot.

Bot - A programming of the player imitating in any normal game is prohibited in any normal game. Used by chitrust smeelli gamers for automation pharming and accelerating Persian Pumps.

Browser / browser - online game that runs right in the browser. Most often, these are small casual flash games, although serious MMORPG, the number of players in which are calculated by millions of the browser. The browser is often contused with client games, although many browser MMOCs also require installation client.

Wipe - term meaning the death of the whole group when trying release boss. Comes in a poultry moment, as a rule at the end instantance Or any mission, in connection with which it causes a storm of negative emotions.

Vanshot - Murder from one blow.

Var / Vartag. (From the English. War Target) - a member of the enemy clan / guild.

Wah - Online game Warhammer Online.

Vendor - Mob-trader.

Paddle - In shooters, a rifle with an optical sight.

WWO / Vovka / WoW - WORLD OF WARCRAFT online game.

Removal - Murder.

Hyde - Guide containing information about the passage of the game, secrets and methods to achieve a particular good in the game.

Gank - Sudden, unexpected attack.

Gank - killing low-level players or noticeably weakened in battle with mobami.

Guard - Mobs that make up a retinue boss (from English Guards - Guard, Defenders, Guardi).

GVG / GVG. (From English Guild Versus Guild) - Guild against the guild, game mode, denoting battles between alliances, races or fractions.

Gameplay / Gameplay - gameplay, as well as the characteristics of playability, interest, originality of the game as a whole.

Guilda - She is the guild, a permanent combination of players in a language, geographical and other sign.

GIMP - Illiterately swinging or simply useless Persian in PVP. (from English GIMP - cripple).

GM / GM. (From English Game Master) - Game Master or Administrator of the game.

Go / go. - Go, move.

Gold - (from English Gold) - Gold, Gaming currency in many MMORPG, purchased for real money or produced in the game.

Goldseller - Player, illegally engaged in the trade currency trading for real.

Count - graphics or appearance of the game.

Graphocreter - a person for whom the main advantage of any game is not gameplay (gameplay), and count (appearance of the game).

Grind / Grind. - the most stroke type of pumping or farm. Grindat means to destroy the same mobs in the same place.

GS / GS. (From English. Game Sage) - Game Cage, a player providing voluntary assistance to the project, as well as helping the Nubam to be mastered in the game.

Gusli. - Tank caterpillars, often used word in tank MMOG. Course - Load the caterpillar.

GFSH / GFSFRISAD. - Pirate free server.

Damag. - Damage caused by one character to another.

Damager - Character, able to apply the most significant damage. Damaggers are far or melee.

Dange / Dungeon. - separate location, populated mobami and bosses or instantansDesigned for team passage.

Dunzhen - The same thing is that instances.

DD / DD. (from the English. Damage Dealer) - the class of a character, the main specialization of which is to damage.

Debuff / De-Buff - A negative spell, imposed on a monster or a character of another player with the goal of weakening, put damage or just mocking.

Donut - pour into the game real.

Donator - a person who often makes purchases in a game store for real. On the Donators there is almost the entire game industry industry. Honor and praise!

Dot. (from Eng. Damage Over Time) - View debuffaThis includes all sorts of poisons that cause damage for a certain time.

DPS / DPS. - No, this is not a road patrol service. DPS is a characteristic that denotes an approximate amount of damage that the character is able to apply per unit of time (from English. Damage Per Second).

Drop. - He is the same, mining, obtained from the defeated bosses or mobs in bed, as well as - less often with defeated players.

Other friend / Druzh - Druid, character class in some MMORPG.

DUE - Cloning of game items with a chitrustic dishonest method. Usually punishable bay.

Eve - Space online game Eve Online.

Zadrot / Drocher - A person who is almost unwashed in a single game or "editing" certain functions of the game, becoming a virtuoso in them. Often walks for valuable lutom to the same boss, hoping to knock out exactly what you need. Due to frequent use, the term has lost its negative color and is often used by the players themselves in relation to each other.

Sharpen - Improve the characteristics of the subject.

Zbt- Closed beta test.

Zerg Rush. - Planned attack by a large crowd, for example, the siege of the enemy castle.

II - artificial Intelligence. In games are often called mobov - characters managed by a computer program.

Imba (From English Imbalance) - some kind of steep weapons or character characteristics capable of disrupting the gaming balance.

IMHO - There is a commodity word meaning "my personal opinion."

Instance / Inst. - dungeon or other space having its own rules and densely populated hostile pug.

k / KILO - Thousand, 1000. They say: i yesterday I knocked out 2k coins.

kk / kilo kil - Million, 1000000

kkk - billion, 1000000000

Casual game - A variety of computer games, often referred to as mini-games. As opposed to MMO-games, "Kazalki" are short, very simple and most often solitary. These include all sorts of cross-Noliki, shooting, tetrisi. etc.

Kiting - Tactics of the battle in which enemy mobov You are constantly held at a distance, attacking remotely (from English. Kite is a paper snake).

Cap - The largest level of something in the game. For example, lvcp - The largest level achieved by the player.

Crebrian (English Carebear) - Almost complete opposite zadrota, a player who plays exclusively for fun and does not chase for levelami, stats, skill And so on. Usually they swing for a very long time, causing mockery from Zadrotov.

Cast / Cast. - Word meaning spell overlay on play character. Caste - So impose a caster.

Katch - process of pumping (development) of the game character, as well as an increase in machine characteristics, armor, weapons, pets, etc.

Quest / Quest - The task is usually obtained from the NPC, or the mission, for the passage of which is rewarded.

Camper - rat or an experienced player who knows everything whirl on the locations And preferring to hide, shoot because of the shelter (from the English. Camper - resting).

Class - Specialization of the character, in accordance with which it develops. The term is distributed in most RPGs. Most common classes: Magician, warrior, priest or leakage.

Client game - A variety of online games, requiring installation on a special program called computer, called client. Unlike the browser, client games have usually more trusted graph and wider gameplay features, but are very demanding of computer resources.

Korean random - a pseudo-random event that does not obey the calculation that cannot be calculated and predicted by any methods. It is characteristic of all Korean MMORPG.

Kosyanka - Popular Counter Strike Shooter.

Contra - The same as a casman.

Crab - Cruise player.

Kraft / craft - The process of creating any items directly by the Character Himself. Craft - It means to engage in craft, namely, to produce weapons or any things.

Crete / Crit. (from the English Critical Hit) - a critical blow that is capable of a crucial value in battle.

Rat - a character who rat (hiding behind the corners, sitting in the ambush, attacks the soda). Professional feature of the sniper, as well as the battle style in some online shooters.

Kuldown / KD. - time interval between using skill / spell / object. Characteristic denoting the frequency of strikes in battle (eng. Cooldown - letters. "Cooling").

Lag / Lag. - Network problems during the gameplay. The cause of lags can be the Internet connection itself, or the computer inconsistency by the system requirements of the game, as well as problems in the game itself. Often say - game lagow, hangs.

Lagger - a player with a slow or poor-quality connection of the Internet, which is why it moves with "hanging", which is usually annoying other players (from the English lag - delay).

Laker - Vesunchik, a lucky player (from English. Luck - Good luck).

Level / LVL - level in the game

Line / la2. - Korean online game Lineage-2.

Lok - He's barrel, a warlock in some MMORPG (from the English. Warlock).

Location / Location / Location - A separate area of \u200b\u200bthe gaming world.

Lol / Lol. (From English Laughing Out Loud) - "Laughter", meme denoting everything is funny.

Lotro. - Online game Lord of the Rings Online.

Onion / Lukar. - a character armed with a bow and specializing in remote bay.

Lout / Lut. - The same thing that Drop.

Miner - Rudobop, character specializing in mineral mining (from English: Miner).

Mana / MP / MP (from English. Mana Points) - magic energy or points needed to use spells and skills.

Mount - Riding animal or - more often - some unknown Epana Kuynya, which can be riding much faster to move through the game world or fly at all.

Mile / Milishnik - Mob specializing in near battle.

MMO. - The same thing that MMG.

MMOG / MMOG. (From English Massively Multiplayer Online Game) - Mass multiplayer online game. Under this abreitature is not any web games, but only those who have or aimed at high attendance (as a rule, many thousands, hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of players). Moreover, without high attendance, these projects cannot exist at all, because For their operation, a large number of players interacting with each other are required.

MMORPG / MMORPG. (From English Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) - mass multiplayer role-playing online game. These are the games with deep as a rule of the plot, the process of which is based on the development of one or more characters, pumping gaming abilities, constant accumulation of all sorts of glasses, as well as game shump, weapons, spells, etc. At the same time, the player chooses what characteristics to develop first.

MMORTS / MMORTS. (from English Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy) - Mass multiplayer online strategy in real time. This type of online games, combining a large number of players in one game world and gameplay of real-time strategy.

Mallops / Mmotps. - mass multiplayer online-shooter from a third party (from English Massively Multiplayer Online Third-Person Shooter).

MMOFPS / Mmofps. (From English Massively Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter) - mass multiplayer online first-person shooter. This is a type of online games that combines the gameplay of the first-person shooter and some players on each card (as a rule not more than sixteen).

Mob / mob. - Character with artificial intelligence or without a computer managed. These include monsters, as well as characters helping players or distributing quests.

Cartoon - the same thing alto.

Multiclass - The term denoting a character that can effectively perform two and more role in the game.

Muc. - Mutant.

Fly - Grenade launcher or (more often) sniper rifle. The name occurs seems to be due to a specific sound when shooting.

Necr - Necromancer, character class in many MMORPG.

Nepse - The same thing that the NPC.

Nerf (eng. Nerf) - deterioration of something in the updated version of the game. For example, pouch the class - Make it weaker in the next patch.

NPS / NPS / NPC / NPC (from English. Non-Player Character) - a variety mobadenoting a resident of the gaming world. It is usually merchants, guards, blacksmiths, witches, etc., whose quests can be taken, shop, orders, etc.

Nob (From the English. Noob, which, in turn, comes from Newbie) - He is a kettle, soygot, gloomy. Newbie in any game. An isolated characteristic for lamersaccustomed to pretend that they guru, or trying to enjoy "your".

Nub zone / noise - It is a novel-borler, location for low level players.

Whim - Places in location where you can hide from enemies or arrange an ambush.

Oht - Open beta test.

Online game - Computer game using an uninterrupted internet connection. Thanks to this advantage, at the same time thousands of players from different cities and countries can play in one online game.

Offline game - Computer or video classic type game. These are the very games that are still sold on CD and do not require a permanent Internet connection. Offline games are often called solitary, although in many of them a network mode is implemented (which, however, almost never uses nobody). Unlike onlan-Games, have (not always) a more trusted graph, and on this their advantages end.

Pavner / Padner - Good, experienced player in MMORPG. Chant - We defeat, kill the enemy (from the English. Power, "Power, Strength").

Pack / Pack - Related herd mobov, Attack on any of which immediately defamits against you the whole flock.

Locomotive - a character who steamosomit (running, collecting a large crowd of mobs, seeking to be closely crowding, and then destroys them with ayo). The most cunning smart players are locimulated in order to kill other players by discharging this crowd of mobs on them.

Pati. - A group of characters in the game, united to achieve any goal.

Pve / PVE (From the English Player Versus Environment) - a player against the environment. Game mode, meaning the confrontation of the player and the environment. Unlike PVP, not other players act opponents of the players, but mobets (Computer characters with artificial intelligence).

PVMP / PVMP. (From the English Player Versus Monster Player) - a player against a player who plays for a monster. Exotic gaming mode, involving reincarnation or resettlement of one of the players in moba.

PVP / PVP. (from the English Player Versus Player) - player against the player. This game mode, imposing active interaction and confront the players with each other.

PVPVE / PVPVE. (From English Player Versus Player Versus Environment) - player against the player and against the environment. It is a game mode, which suggests a player's competition against a player with the ability to interfere with the third party, as a rule - mob. There is, in particular, in the game Juggernaut.

Persian - The same thing is that Char.

Pet / Pet. - Pet, animal, more often spin cooling or some magic manaccompanying the character and helping him in battles, as well as in peaceful affairs, but at the same time needing care, feeding, pumping, etc ..

Pikaper - A player collecting a group for any purpose using a tyk method for this.

PC / PK. (from the English.Player Killer) - inadequate or antisocial type, repairing chaos in a game that kills other players with a muddle, not escaping the concepts of the majority.

PM - Internal mail or place for sharing personal messages in the game. They say: "Write me in PM".

Pri / Priest. - a character who specializes in the treatment of others is usually a doctor, priest.

Pug / Pug. (Pickup Group) - a group consisting of players randomly selected picaper.

Put, swell - Attack of chitrust tank on stupid moba ineffective remote weapons to lure the latter on an unequal battle.

Pooh - Gun or any small arms. They say: sharpen (pro-painting) fluff.

Push (from English. Push) - attack, push.

Random - action occurring randomly. They say: random action.

RAR (from the English Rare) - especially rare and valuable lut, with an extremely low probability of falling out.

RASH - Fast open attack on any object. Rain - It means to fight in-open in contrast kohdney (from the English. To rush - hurry).

RVR / RVR. (from the English Realm Versus Realm) - a group against the group. Game mode, meaning a contest of one group of players against another group of players.

Real - 1) real (non-chamber) money; 2) Real (unpetual) world. They say: did you do in real life? The sword for Real bought or nested?

Realcher - Player lining in the game real.

Raid - Hike, which is carried out in order to pump the character level, mining of game items, etc. They say: go to the raid for a valuable melt.

Renj - Radius of defeat goal in the game.

Res. - Restoration. Reserve - So resurrection (from English. ResurRect). The usual phenomenon in all online games, but in the real world, no one was able to anyone except Jesus Christ.

RES / Ressellek (from the English. ResurRect) - revival (usually another player) of the deceased Persian in the place of death.

Repawl (from English. Respawn) is the same as repop.

Repawn - Restoration or resumption of anything in the game.

Resi. - Resources in RTS and RPG.

RPG / RPG. (From English. Role-Playing Game) - role-playing game. Many elements of traditional RPG are borrowed from the game process of desktop card games. The most famous classic example of the game of this genre is "Diablo".

SAB / subclass (from the English. Subclass) is an additional one in relation to the main class of Persian.

Sapport - A special service in which a player can apply to solve any problems in the game. (from English Support - Support)

Seller - Character engaged in trading.

Set - clothes / armor that can sharpen. As well as the designation of the complete set of armor in MMORPG (FUL Set).

SKA / STSUKO (-n) - "bitch." Crucial appeal, often applied to cheaters, flooders, rats etc.).

Squad - a small tactical group of people united by a common goal. For example, in the game BUBG.

Skilla (Almost always writes with one "l") - certain skills of the player in a particular game (from the English. Skill - skill). Skill Middle - a weak player, High Skill - a strong player. They say: pump skills,

Plum - Depending on the context, passing, losing or vice versa victory. Merge - lose. Merge - Kill.

Match - sniper, sniper rifle in many shooters.

Spot (From English Spot) - point in location, where the player moves with the portal and other means of teleportation.

Stan / Stun. - Popular in many MMORPG magic effect, forcing the character or monster inactive for some time, without responding to the actions of the enemy.

Stat - Characteristic of something in the game. They say: push stat.

Stats, Stats. - The main characteristics of the character in MMORPG. These include damage, damp, power, accuracy, etc.

Summone, Sammon (from English. Summon) - Call (capture) peta or mount For the purpose of its taming and further training.

Tank / Tank. - Character with a high level of health and protection that takes over the strongest mobov During passage instances And all sorts of raids. While tank tankuet, other players damazhat. These mobs.

Twink - An additional character from MMORPG for which the player plays less time than the main thing to find out his class or just shakes the second hero. Unlike alta (alternative character), twinks are created under a certain task, they are dressed in the best equipment available for their level, equip the best buffami and other bonuses. Twinky As a rule, their own alto, or acquaintances recently come to the game.

Trade - Barter in games (you are me - I'm to you), the process of trading or exchange.

Tresh (from English Trash) - Small mobetsIn large quantities living in dungeons and gloomy forests. Play the role of "dance" bossov, they are taken away, but also a reward for their murder is usually Mizern.

Urca - Orc (ross invented by John Tolkin and living in many MMORPG).

Fan / Fun. - He is a pruh, word, meaning fun and a sense of pleasure in games. They say: fan walked, embarked out!

Farm / Farm. - the process of active destruction mobov in Game. Farmit (Repeat the same and the same actions to destroy enemies) love most zadrotov.

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{!LANG-d0b934ea223577f7e5cc6599e40b1822!} - {!LANG-de27d9ac56e5ea1578921b179e090968!} - {!LANG-66a97d13c5746a857d36102237cd99f8!}{!LANG-a45d5b7b0d5447ea3e1c59906caa603b!}
{!LANG-c3dfd4e5e28e8a352e43a20869f7e3d0!} - {!LANG-c673d2c6340ec614b81086dd98f69a19!} - {!LANG-800803ebd30723c1d925208073a54076!}{!LANG-7dca1e9983b0a3591ec60c5582b773e6!}
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{!LANG-0a8606def0ad415d926f4484cefa5ee5!} - {!LANG-bcd0ede6a18c0b9ac66f6954b1cf0b8d!} - {!LANG-f0581f1a8d0b324a3856bd01c04f44f0!}
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{!LANG-e544e8bb207ed8d5b22ad53c879bcd55!} - {!LANG-1f36b8e5c7fe2dfffe23d9179ed6c621!}{!LANG-631dcd1dc61acaafd226b9fbfb586e04!}
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{!LANG-bfcc9da4f2e1d313c63cd0a4ee7604e9!} - {!LANG-b052b28f8360616ca92f434f497585ff!} - {!LANG-b12d569b6d99627c18f56db1f4482600!}
{!LANG-fdfb710d1eb65c5b694ab8de624c8562!} - {!LANG-eff5bc1ef8ec9d03e640fc4370f5eacd!} - {!LANG-d9839abdf1915425c52b88374f433355!}
{!LANG-ab481efaf8092ff066199d022df4d761!}{!LANG-2de84800f73dd659d4f8ee3fb452d31b!} - {!LANG-337258b8170f3325ab161f685fbf725c!}
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{!LANG-59bcc3ad6775562f845953cf01624225!} - {!LANG-4b9432dabd494214a56477189a134c17!} - {!LANG-a138fb6a1ea0134d2e06bc1f000843ab!}{!LANG-8f81a4033049417780ddc4c76feef5cc!}
{!LANG-10245815f893d79f3d779690774f0b43!} - {!LANG-8e52d87e6acee3f2ae080e254638bbf8!} - {!LANG-0491422b4df3f31ae9e4970a71924715!}{!LANG-5aa9c27e4540b3b36f1cfbad23311023!}
{!LANG-52fb5d465932467697149b5a205f455b!} - {!LANG-f170d492137bb710ea2f251657032445!} - {!LANG-5a7511d26b6838c9aef1c47c78eb4795!}
{!LANG-9e106c08d80bcbae7c0ed7602ef71890!} - {!LANG-721e5af813a09a442e7fbc825cd57a0e!} - {!LANG-9d0e9051d95900fe662606db821b81e1!}
{!LANG-cb4336c1aa0a0f280812a9b4f286c2de!} - {!LANG-9661b529d74aede44ee580f4079aa4ca!} - {!LANG-89b22a1288066bc754bd0c0889ef16d8!}
{!LANG-a04b18a87469eaa29a106b8ca3e6aad2!} - {!LANG-f6a914a6f9c348804b59e33e0661d57c!}{!LANG-b310e8221e20657c80c9ee4a4845c8fd!}
{!LANG-d89cf07da205d46d4bd4d5d00850d9c8!} - {!LANG-85571afa8e06a6d2c08ed4bcb98d5c14!} - {!LANG-b8a7f4dddeba1e1f55e82f93d3383946!}
{!LANG-a0df22eb9b6a1bccfb361f9bde69667f!} - {!LANG-e5509d515db158951ca12f8394421da9!} - {!LANG-5bebc06c8773434e774f09fbbcd8267d!}
{!LANG-7b518a3a007736c19342f6d629717f94!} - {!LANG-916dac725e33bfd0a008309a0f654674!} - {!LANG-d669edf1ea807ca25fdde134ef85695c!}
{!LANG-0450363d8d02f5389cd52e9f11248225!} - {!LANG-1d9d1e00699caec9bc2f1564917f5030!} - {!LANG-978494c823fcd71288477141d370375c!}
{!LANG-c2306f38edaeb5694c37cdf52b7d573d!} - {!LANG-1eac0d22b9f54b8824c600cef82d662f!} - {!LANG-96c2b666bd9c7fce8d8c353b5f902e69!}







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2. {!LANG-2ee774d7cd78ba25ef2f45cb2797dca0!}{!LANG-f7c723dc2dcec97d78ecf1b3205fa547!}
3. {!LANG-a7f2c4c18d3c23467e13892cea720400!}{!LANG-79a06841432c28f89fe91594968fe3d6!}
4. {!LANG-0b6f2d092ed42e9f54a2442b47f417e9!}{!LANG-7f5dcd4fe6b57012b79d8d7e6d6ecaee!}
5. {!LANG-6d6a95893754d542ef55b43178e103b1!}{!LANG-576b12aabcf4a16c890a36af0574fc2b!}
6. {!LANG-bcf3903aca0a703ffc31106afe0b1199!}{!LANG-c2630ccc2916384446566972ba8945f2!}


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2. {!LANG-1aaf8d9ac3712bd9e0ba0c6e5ba27fe4!}{!LANG-61a1e2d6c0132363aee9e0852e0a6c31!}
3. {!LANG-c8371465509520e64d7d535f7d5ecc4b!}{!LANG-4a0e6bb16807c515efbffa751ea46ad3!}
4. {!LANG-6e5da363cbfdfc47a272141d65732175!}{!LANG-02ce0c0effddb379856c079154f1e022!}
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2. {!LANG-3be80f726017f03777a0337d6a9e060f!}{!LANG-0478c8fc912abe4856b7d7b32695ea97!}
3. {!LANG-e008861e3b5f2152913fd820e7e4546e!}{!LANG-69bca0c0cc7656eada68179cf8bb4813!}
4. {!LANG-b538e4f5d21844b6afdfc8c5f094a6c5!}{!LANG-714d6b3071f0fa231fd267be5ebe6e0e!}
5. {!LANG-06cc79d14553a9c645d73bf91aedaf7b!}{!LANG-d34c9139fc5020d85d8babf02b0b9940!}
6. {!LANG-898501097a411d2839a666c103deab7b!}{!LANG-7288d30cfad3927c9804652997dffd1a!}
7. {!LANG-cc60cec55cfe0a68c6903f677ad35606!}{!LANG-06a8b0023f9e96a631175c65c69fc316!}
8. {!LANG-84f96373e8ecf46dad3fa0736338b4c2!}{!LANG-3e9d64306fcc2c18858e7150c47061d7!}
9. {!LANG-5b93ba65cca5522048d1fedd6c899113!}{!LANG-0cb8755c8d6b26ef56323e3a47228c7e!}