Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut Passage. Computer and video game bosses. M6 - visit clinic Prostz

Deus Ex: Human Revolution It begins with the prologue, in which the player finds out the string of the plot and at the same time studying the azam games. There are no difficulties in the prologue, so we will immediately move on to the plot.

Chapter One: Detroit

Six months have passed since the prologue events - the protagonist is returned to the post of security manager Sariff Industries, and now in a seriously "modified" form.

We enter the company's building and immediately get a short call from the Boss, which asks us to go. Do not break the head to flee to the chief - you first need to go to the parable and repair the retina display.

The boss asks to deal with the radicals that captured the company's factory. We go to the helicopter platform, speak with the personal pilot Farid, and then fly to the task. On the way to decide whether we want to go through the mission is secretive or by force. The choice affects the weapon received: a gun with a sleeping pylon or assault rifle / revolver. Decide what option to suit you more, although we would advise newbies to pass by force - this is easier, and with a stealth system you can still sort out the way.

Sit down at the factory and go on it forward, testing enemies and not forgetting to save the hostages. We look at a short scene with a hacker, which gives me a bullet in the head, and then pass to Zika Sanders, who holds the hostage. Zika can be shot or smile - in the second case, it will let go of the hostage, but will run away himself. Deciding, again, you - such solutions will affect some nuances in the future, but the main canvas of the plot will be about the same as described in this text.

Upon arrival, we look at the parable, we get a turn from the gate, and after moving to the chief. This time, the task is more subtle - a neural node was mounted in the head in the head, in which our boss is very interested. Not less than the boss is interested in the node not falling into the hands of the authorities. In general, we put forward in the direction of the city morgue, where the body is now.

You can immediately go to the morgue or take a walk through Detroit Streets. City -

one of the most "open" zones in the game where there are many additional tasks. So we recommend not to hurry and resort the plot with additional missions, some of which are very interesting.

Morg is located with a police station, so getting inside will not be easy. There are several options. First, you can try to bewilled Wayne Heins on the passage so that he missed us. Secondly, find the entrance to the sewer, go through it, killing the gang of Panks, and then climbing the stairs to the roof of the police station and penetrate the morgue from there.

In the Morge very difficulties, the doctor will take us for a detective and misses the body. We communicate with the boss, make it a communication channel, and then leaving. We look at home where you connect to the neural node.

After the clinic, the events will begin to accelerate, so if you do not feel confident in battles - then look for additional missions to pump and gain money to improved equipment. All this will be needed very soon.

After the clinic on the connection comes out of the sutchard, which asks us to visit the slums and disable the transmitter deployed mafia. This is a serious mission, so first we advise you to replenish the ammunition and, if you can get better weapons. However, you can pass the mission in stealth mode.

We go into the slums and move forward, painting with the gangsters. Special attention should be paid to mines, which prevents a characteristic squeak. Carefully reach the roof, cut the transmitter and wait until Farida takes us.

Before the next mission we buy a pair of electromagnetic bombs. Then deepen in the body of the textile factory, which is the lair of the next gangsters. After a while it turns out that these are the same guys who attacked the Sariff Industries office for half a year ago - so the situation is becoming more interesting and more interesting.

We clean the factory, going down on the elevator down. When it is puzzled on a powerful mechanical robot - we use an electromagnetic bomb that will help him understand. The second bomb can be spent on the turret. Next, we move forward and up to the meeting with the first boss in the game - the mercenary "Bull". This is a fairly serious enemy, as well as the main character, equipped with a number of combat implants.

To begin with, throwing bull with smoke grenades (if any), but for now it will be disoriented - throwing exploding barrels. The rest of the time the bull is better not to meet in the open battle - it attacks straight and fast. We run away from it around the perimeter of the room, using columns as shelters and looking for moments for counter attacks. After some time, the bull will give up and give us the necessary information, and after will end with them.

We return to the office, choose to whom almost - a paradise or boss. The boss suggests that a competing company is behind the attacks on the Sariff Industries office. To find out all the details, we will have to go to China.

Chapter Second: Hansha

Going along the chamber's trail, we will fly through half of the world and find ourselves in the Chinese city. To begin with, we learn a little bit - in addition to the main storyline in it, as in Detroit, there is enough additional tasks.

The hacker we need lives in the hotel, where the fighters of the private military corporation "Belltauer" are now located - this is very serious guys who are scattered in dozens of operations around the world. There are several ways to penetrate the building. The first is to just clean all the enemies. The fastest - through the roof. Recalling patrols go to the elevator, we go to the owner belonging to Van Bruggen, there are still the top of the enemies, and then climb into the right computer. Finally, you can crawl through ventilation, the entrance to which is the right to mainly enter the hotel.

Having received the information we associate with Farida, which conveys us the coordinates of the club "Beehive". The entrance is worth 1,000 credits, but the club card can be stealing in the brothel. You can also get through the ventilation - LAZ behind the club - but then beware of the security that will try to attack the main character.

In the bar we are talking to the bartender, which recrets us to your colleague. Colleague needs to speak to access Tongo's tracer. We get access - and find out that Tong and there is a bartender with whom we just spoke. The personality is important enough - it is he who leads the local mafia. We speak with Tong and still, we are alienated by Van Bruges - a hotel for the poor "Alice Garden", capsule 301.

We go to the address, in the capsule immediately find Van Buggen, which suggests that we need to get into Tai Yun Medical, for which the employee card will need. You can get it in the Honghua brothel, where one of the workers of Tai Yun loves to relax. We are interested in room on the fourth floor, where there will be a card. You can get into the room hacking the castle. With the card we return to Van Bruggen.

Bringing out from the hotel, we speak with Farida, and then go to Tai Yun, where we go to the subway and go to the place of the next task. It is worth noting that the Tai Yun office is a rather complicated location (it is noticeably more difficult than just that . Be sure to store electromagnetic grenades - they will be very useful soon. And take at least one gas grenade - it will come in handy at the very end of the journey.

In Tai Yun rise above, we help the laboratory assistant in trouble, and then come across the guard. Just bluff in response to his questions - and go further. After the protection post, we move very carefully, quickly destroy opponents and trying to prevent the inclusion of anxiety - otherwise it will be very bad. We reach the elevator and climb Pangu.

In Pange, almost immediately find themselves in the room with drawers, for which you can climb upstairs. Then on the staircase - and in a small "peaceful" zone. Here, so far we remove the weapon - for some time it will be possible to play without firing firing.

We go ahead, cut down two guards, and then deal with another of their colleague. Everything, you have to get a weapon again and shoot protection, as well as supporting their equipment. Do not hurry - many areas can be circumvented in ventilation, without spending ammunition, time and nerves. As a result, our goal is a terminal from which you can get information about Megan Reed, the lover of the main character who disappeared at the very beginning of the game.

To find out where Megan is located, it is necessary to go even further - in the apartment of the company's heads that are very carefully protected. This is a whole four-storey penthouse, each floor of which is full of enemies. Well - start moving forward, trying to cut off part of the ventilation route and more often using stealth, so as not to break the alarm. Open all storage facilities and terminals along the way. So we get to the fourth floor, and then to the office of the chef.

This trap - the lady reached us and turned on the alarm, causing reinforcements. There will be more than a dozen enemies with which it is best to deal with a gas grenade. Then we move to the funicular, which will deliver us to the hangar. It is not necessary to immediately press the call button - it is better to hack the terminal to get control of the turret. Then click the button - it will cause protection with which it will be much easier to deal with the support of the turret. After you can leave for the funicular.

This is not all - at the place of arrival, the hero will take immediately with two combat robots. If a good hacking skill, they can be cut off in one of the rooms above. Then we find a button that opens the doors - this will allow you to fly inside Farid. That's all - the next point Montreal.

Chapter Three: Montreal

A very short episode with one task is to meet with the Elise of the Cassan.

We leave from the helicopter, we are successful to the door, we select access to the castle, and then find ourselves inside the "Peak Industries". The building is empty - the alarm of the fire worked, after which all employees were evacuated. A good idea is to run around the rooms in search of valuable production, which will come in handy very soon. Then go to the mission point, watch the video and are preparing for battle with an arrived assault group. Protection will take positions in the lobby, so we will have time to choose the option and route of passage. After the destruction of the main group of guards, it is not worth relaxing - the enemies will be in the following premises. Climbing above until it is possible to contact the parable. He will advise to go to the funicular, where you can check the familiar trick with a hacking of turret, which willingly take the arriving guard. You yourself sit down in the funicular and moving on.

A small surprise: Elizabeth Kassan - Supercomputer, created for manipulation by public consciousness. After a short conversation in the hall, a mantoly appears - another mercenary, until the stuffed implants stop.

It is not necessary to immediately enter into battle with the girl - first shir away from her attacks, turning through all the caches that are at the level. There will be a machine gun, as well as a number of electromagnetic grenades and mines. With such an arsenal, the victory becomes the case of technology - first stun the opponent with an electromagnet, and then remove her health from the machine gun. Then go to the helicopter platform and go to Detroit.

Chapter Fourth: Detroit again

In Detroit a small uprising, and in the streets is restless - much more restless than during our past visit. By the way, several new tasks appeared in the city - so it makes sense to walk through the streets and talk to the local one.

The main goal is Isaiah Sandov. Go to him home, it will be possible to talk to a chayer. Speaking with him we go to the "Front of Humanity", where we will be prompted that the insay hid in a safe place. We are not very friendly to us, so you can argue with Taggart. At the end of the dispute, we get the exact address of Isaiah.

The path to the goal is through the territory of the gangsters, so it will have to fight a little again. From the street climb the stairs, which leads to the open door. Then they get through the corridors to the apartment of Isaiah. The owner itself will not be there, so just study the room and we repeat the one. Then you have to fight with the fighters arriving in place - they will be somewhat in the apartment, the rest will wait at the exit. One of the fighters will turn off the lasers - it will be needed when passing further. Careful with mines - they can be explored at a distance, if you are attentive. At the end of the route, finally, we turn out in another office of Isaiah and see the video. He will tell us how to look for Megan - it turns out that there are sensors that work in a special frequency.

Malik pulls away - the boss again wants something from us. We go to your apartment, but do not go inside, and we are looking for the roof, where the helicopter will take us. We fly in the office and in the Cabinet of Sharif, we spend an interesting conversation with the inventor of implants. Then we again continue the journey through the familiar route - after Detroit, Hans is waiting for us again.

Chapter Fifth: Hans again

In Hanes, a transmitter was detected by the transmitter of Vasily Shevchenko - a scientist from the group Megan Reed - so it is worth flying and check. A comfortable flight, as last time, will not work - on the approach to the city, the Farida plane is knocked down, and then try to finish on Earth. You can sleep secretly, leaving the partner to die, but you can try to save Faruda - for it, the Achivka is laid, and it will be calmer. If you select a second option - then get ready for, perhaps the most complex combat in the game. There are a lot of opponents, but you can find a couple of shelters on the map, from where the territory is easily cleaned.

After stripping, we sit in the elevator - during the trip, the parable will contact us and will reveal more accurate signal coordinates. This is Chunzao District in Lower Hanesha. Upon arrival there, we observe a strange picture - something begins to occur with people who are equipped with implants. The problem gets to the main character - the systems embedded in it begin to clutch.

Pritchard again comes to contact, which advises to go to the prosthesis clinic to replace the Biochip. We follow this advice, and then continue to move towards the goal. Enemies at the entrance can be eliminated, but if you do not want - climb on the roof, and from there penetrate ventilation. Then penetrate the parking lot - it is also possible to go hidden, the main thing is not to allow the enemies to turn on the alarm. So we go down the parking down until we reach Tonga. Shevchenko is not here - there is only his hand with an elevated chip. Tong admits that Blldauer bought it at the fighters. He knows the location of the Megan group, but we will share information with us only in exchange for a counterfeit service - we must blow up the Building of Berttauer.

We go to the building, on the way you do not miss the merchant - it traditionally needs to be purchased by electromagnetic grenades. After lifting the stairs, you do not miss a pocket computer - it will be the key from the computer, it will take very soon. Next, you can open the main gate - but then you have to brand a little. Or there is an option to crawl in a break in the fence, which will be the right of the staircase. It is important to eliminate the security guard as quickly as possible.

As a result, we reach the complex, where you can find a bomb left by Tong. We go on to the goal, the lock from the door will have to hack. We enter inside - the robot will come to the aid of opponents, so it's time to use an electromagnetic bomb and slip further. Also on the way there will be a turret - act carefully. We find the entrance to the ventilation (at the top, you need to climb the stairs), we reach the office and lay down. We look at the roller and put forward in Singapore.

By the way, a small tip: Young Tong is a tracer Tong from the very first game Deus Ex.

Chapter Six: Singapore

We come to ourselves in a cryo-chamber, and after they immediately communicate with the parable, which asks to turn off the silent signal that prevents it from working. If a good hacking skill - then there will be a castle with a security level "5", followed by a very decent arms arsenal. Then we go out, without forgetting to eliminate a couple of mercenaries. One take a pocket computer in which the password will be.

Further climb the stairs and listen to the conversation more pairs of opponents - you can hear the tip in the conversation where the signal is located. After the conversation, the guards will disperse, so they can be silent to cut out one by one. Also do not forget to disable the security system.

We climb the stairs, we wake another protective system, and after it we find the muffler. I cut it down - and restore the operation of the transmitters.

That's not all. The main task is to save the Megan group. First you need to find the three of its colleague colleagues, Eric Coska and Decklan Foherty. Survey the markers on the map, you can start with the most close one. There will be a building, rising into it, break through the first room, then up, another meal with guard, after which you can find the key access to the laboratory, where there is a nucleation.

It agrees to help us arrange a small shukher on the basis, running the virus into its computer network - but only after the rest of the scientists will be released. From this place we go to the rise up - we need a third floor where Dr. Cossa is hidden.

Then go to the hall and go to another expensive, which also leads to the top. Turn off the protection system and pass to the elevator - it leads to the dacklan. Now you can make a sabotage, introducing a virus in a computer network. We are looking for a ventilation mine that leads out, and then go to the computer, without substituting under the camera so as not to fall under the fire. If it does not work, then you need to get ready for battle at once with two robots - so we advise you to stock electromagnetic grenades.

Thus, break into the room with a computer in which the virus is loaded. I hurt near the lockers - soldiers will run away to the alarm, hence it is easier to attack. You can also ignore - the soldiers run on, so there will be time to unite. We run to the elevator, sit down in it and leaving.

At the output, we will be waiting for another boss - snakes. This is an invisibility, which, however, is easy enough to notice - being invisible himself, the snake continues to cast out his shadow. Camping her movement and throw grenades in this place - electromagnetic or gas. When the boss falls out of the invisible regime - just shoot it.

After the victory, we go along the corridor and meet Megan. After the dialogue, evacuate scientists, and then fly in the pheke.

Head Seventh: Panhai

The case moves to the junction. Hugh Dero began to transmit a special signal to the whole world, which displays the implants, and our task is to prevent him. Although the events in the end can be turned in a largest way - it all depends on the solution of the main character.

To start running forward and go down the stairs. Then there will be water to which the current is connected - to bypass such an obstacle is real only if the Hero has a resistance to electricity. If not, then carefully jump over the pipes and do not forget to neutralize the reapen, which is laid before the ventilation shaft.

We go to ventilation and move forward. It still impossible to relax here - there will be a second mine ahead. At the exit from the mine, we read the pocket computer of the dead worker and find out that the wires with electricity are connected to the water. Disconnect them and travel without problems.

So we get to another lift, and then to the turret - you can just run in full speed. Join the window and see Hugh Darrow. We are talking to him and in the end we get advice where to move on. From that moment on, we advise you to spend very carefully with all the characters who are met along the way. The fact is that everyone will open a new ending version, so carefully listen to their thoughts to understand what the support of one or another character will end up.

Panhey is filled with zombies, so you have to strain and brand. With battles we reach the elevator and go down. Then the stairs are even lower, the next fight with zombies, after which you can jump into the window. On the way, we do not miss the local branch of the "Provense" (next to it will be the corpse of a dark-skinned nurse) and we buy in it kits for pumping - the game at the end becomes difficult, so every additional skill on the account.

Then we get a signal from William Taggart, which is in the server. We go to Him to the rescue, focusing on the aisles that are partially chosen by the construction garbage. You jump over the generator, and then or we wake the lock - or break the wall. William will offer us to support the organization of the Illuminati. We listen carefully his offer is the second version of the game finals. After going back and go down the stairs.

Another person who needs help is Sharif, our boss. When he comes into contact, look around - there will be an elevator, in it and you need to sit down to go down into the engine room. We understand the zombies, and after we speak with a chayer. This is the third version of the final.

We are driving back on the elevator, after quickly make up the ventilation filled with gas. Fight with another zombie group, then move to the last boss in the game.

It should be noted that on the calls for the test of Taggart and Sharifa can not be reacting - but this will lead to the fact that their ending options will not be available.

Battle with the boss Let both primitive but quite complicated - first shoot a drone, then Zhao opens, which can be damaged. If there is a fifth level of hacking - then we wake the console.

At this place it is better to save, and then do not delete it to be able to watch all the endings. In total, their four options, if we helped all interested characters - the version of Hugh Darrow, the Sharif variant, the option of Taggart and its own choice of the main character. In the latter case, the complex will simply be flooded so that no one can learn the truth. Decide yourself what option to you - the rest can be viewed if you have not forgotten to save.

For a start, several parting words. First, the levels of this game can be passed in different ways. Of course, the final of all levels (with the exception of the latest) will be one, but it can be achieved in different ways. In this saline, only a few options are described, but for the information I will tell you more than several main methods of penetration in closed areas:

1) Almost always near the closed door there is a code lock that can be hacked by a special device - multitool. 2) In addition, you can not hack this code, but enter it, but first you will need to search for all nearby rooms in search of DataCub "A (a small devicor with a blue screen) or computers on which it is recorded. 3) In addition to these options It is almost always possible to go where it is necessary, opening the grille and using the complex chimney system. 4) Sometimes it is possible to get a code or password in conversations with various characters (both friendly and not very). 5) In some cases, you have to open the door to the launder (LockPick) 6) Sometimes a special key is needed for the door (nanokey) when you find it, just use the Key Ring on such a door (wears the doors that are closed on such a special key, in most cases I did not work). 7 ) Well, sometimes the door opens only with a computer or computer console (not to be confused with the code lock).

Now about how to penetrate most computers - for this you need to have either the name and password (Login, Password), or have very high hacker abilities. I would recommend you to raise this particular indicator of the main character, because you can cope with enemies in different ways, and computers are still hacked better (Hack), and not run half a day in search of suitable codes and passwords. Do not forget to enter computers in a timely manner and disable security cameras and machine guns. By the way, you can put machine guns option "Attach everything" and then they will shoot all your enemies that are in the zone of their visibility. Consider and repair with medical and repair bots. In addition, with the help of them, you can establish new abilities (Augmentation), only for this it will be necessary to collect several necessary items. Do not forget to get a training mission, because there you can master all the main devices that you need here. And always have a big reserve of bars and multitools (Lockpick, Multitool), if you do not want to smoke in all neighboring rooms. Constantly searching the corpses of your enemies - you can find a lot of interesting things. Learn to navigate the compass and on the cards that you will be sent from time to time. All tasks that you will receive are fixed in a special menu - do not forget to come with them, they are also fixed and all conversations. So you can always scroll through any of the conversations that you have led earlier. Always be sure to fulfill the main tasks (Primary Goal), but all the minor can sometimes be lowered. Therefore, I will not always describe the execution of secondary tasks. Always try to make as little noise as possible, because the guards will always run on it, and then your fate of interest is so 90 is predetermined. Of course, if you are unthinkable cool, you can make themselves all in a row and always pass through the main gate, do not run from anyone and take out absolutely everyone in the style of A la Quake, but it is only if the skill is enough. Only I would still not advise this to do. In the end, towards the end of the game you will still have to participate in serious dumps, you want or not.

Talk to the floor (he will assign to you) and choose one of the options for additional weapons, which he will offer you. Look at the card, now go on. Talk to the guard, soon the agent will contact you and say the "Iron and Copper" password. Go to the northern docks and talk there with a man, on the left in the house. He will give you a photo of the main terrorist. Talk to the woman in the corner, now you need to go to the statue and climb to the very top. You can climb the stairs from containers, through the main input (use the locks, read DataCub "s ...). To disable the security system, go to the house with a big antenna and enter there (code 0451). Inside Enter the computer (Login - Satcom , Password - Unatco_001). After you have turned off the security system, go to the central doors and enter the terminal (login - NSF001, Password - SMashThestate). Entering the computer, disconnect the camera, open the doors. You need to get behind the laser field on the left. For This or make way through the ventilation mines, or turn off its multitool. Log in to the computer (login - NSF001, Password - SMashThestate). Talk to the Gauther (Gauther), give him your gun. After that, click on the steps on the top, kill several soldiers And talk to the main terrorist. Return to the base (Unatco HQ). Before entering the floor. Go down to the second level and talk to your boss - Mandelley (Manderley). Before you can say It and with his secretary. Go down to the third level and talk to Sam Carter and Jaime Reyes. Raise back and talk to your recruitment room with your new partner Anna Navarre. Return to Mandley and talk to him about the new task. Go to the southern docks and sit on a police boat.

From a woman agent, get a photo - read. Soon you will meet the boy who will tell you the code (9183), just first give him something from the food. This code is suitable for a machine gun that stands behind you. First, open it with the launder, and then enter this code - the secret move in the Castle Clinton will open. You can get there and more in a standard way. To do this, go on, take part in a shootout in front of a large building, talk to the corops, with Anna. Now go to the subway (SUBWAY STATION BATTERY PARK) and save hostages here. You can use a special grenade, which interferes with the operation of electronic devices in order to move through the laser field. Kill all terrorists and talk with hostages. Return to Castle Clinton and talk to your partner. Come inside, in the central house inside. Open the doors with a wash or multityl. The code to the panel on the wall is in the box next to the guy (666). Enter this code and on the door to the left. Soon you will come to a room with a green canister (no need to take it), get a new task. Come back and talk to Anna. If you have not yet released hostages in the subway, then do it now. In the metro sit down to the car.

New York. Hell "s kitchen.

Go to the output and talk to Paul Denton. He will give you the key to his apartment in the hotel, so you can search there for some devices. Go to the city and go to the hotel Hilton. Kill the terrorists here and talk to the hostage. Climb the second floor and talk to a man. He will tell you the password (Righteous). Go to the clinic (Free Clinic) and talk there with people. Go out and go to Underworld Tavern. Talk to the pilot, buy beers and talk to him again. Give him a beer, he will say the password that you already know. Go to another part of the city, where the basketball court is located. Open the container with the laundr and inside it, go down the stairs inside it. Disable the power field (the shield in the camork straight), go further and talk to the smugglers (smuggler). He will give you the key and says the password (BloodShot). Now you need to save his friend in the sewer pipes. Go outside and go to the warehouse ("Imports"). In the door to the right. On the outlet of the building, receive a message and image. Look at the picture - it is wherever you need to get. Make a small box to the stairs hanging from the roof, and climb on the top of the building. From there, go through the roofs to the site with the antennas. Go down and shoot the generator, go back to the roof. Talk to the hollow and sit down to the helicopter.

Get down to the headquarters and before the door of the boss overhear the conversation. After that, talk to Mandley, talk to Anna in his office. Go down to the third level and talk to Sam Carter. Get out of the headquarters and sit down to the helicopter.


Go to the entrance to the subway, go down and talk to Harley Filben. Close up and in small houses next door to find Kerly (CURLY). He will give you a password (6653). Return to the subway and enter this password in the telephone booth, it goes down. Get along the corridor, up, climb into the hatch. Talk to "Mole Person" on the left. This is Charlie Fann. He will give you a password (5482) to be used on the panel in the women's toilet. The panel is located under the middle washbasin. In extreme cabin, a secret pass will open - go there. Eggs a bunch of terrorists, talk with peaceful people. In particular, Kevin Bredley (Kevin Bredley), which is located next to the pipes. He will tell you about a secret move. Now go on the tunnel south. There in one of the houses break the cardboard boxes. At one of them, click on the brick - the secret passage will open. Talk to the leader of the terrorists, and he will give up. After that, take the key from the table. If the terrorist starts to shoot, just kill it. Return to the stairs, from which they came, go past her in the same direction left. Soon you will come to the new toilet (this time to male). Open the door Key Ring "Ohm.

New location in New York City.

At the intersection, go to the right, in boxes, through the pipe with steam. Kill the terrorist, visit his body - there must be a key, open the door. The laser field can be turned off or involved by the ventilation mines. If you turn off the field, then you will go through the pags, they will dodge and you will find yourself in water. Swim in the hole in the floor, then on the stairs upstairs, open the hatch. Right behind the break will be a couple of small robots, blow them down or try quickly-quickly stumble past them. You are close to the base. Kill a few terrorists inside the base, go to the green canister. After that, rise to the second floor, kill the terrorists in the toilet, take the key and open the locked door Key Ring "Ohm. Get into the control room. Click to the terminal on the right (Login - etodd, password - saintmary) and disable all systems. This code was on Datacub "E somewhere above the pipes, next to the bots. Go down to the first floor (under a running platform for a helicopter) and go to the exit (large letters - EXIT). On the elevator go upstairs. At the airfield, there are quite a few bots, you can hardly kill everyone, so if possible, avoid. Look at the airfield map and go to Boathouse. There you will find another canister. Open the Eastern Gate (Large Wires) with Key Ring "A and enter the building in the center. Behind the stairs, click Brick - A passage in the wall will open. Take the key, ammunition ... Go to the second floor and open the door Key Ring" Ohm. In one of the boxes, read DataCube (password - 5914). Enter it in the panel next to the next door. Be find yourself in a big hangar with Boeing-747. Talk to the floor of the denton and go to the Boeing Cabin. Go to the second floor and take the key from the VIP class. In the tail of the aircraft, open the door Key Ring "Ohm, talk to Lebedev. Anna will appear. Here you have a choice - either kill Lebedev, or spare (then Anna will kill him). Read DataCube here (code - 9905). Find the staircase down and find This plane is the last container. Go out to the hangar and go to the helicopter platform. Talk to the robe, sit down to the helicopter.

Go to the headquarters and talk to Mandley. There, talk to the Secretary Boss, with Jamie Raes, Walton (Walton), Tall (Tell Jaime). After that, talk to Sam Carter and restore health in high parts. Return to the site and sit down to the helicopter.

New York. Hell "s kitchen.

Go to Hilton Hotel and talk in the office with Gilbert, give him a gun and go to the second floor. How start to climb, look at Jogo and follow it. Earl the conversation between Jojo and Gilbert "Ohm. Kill Jojo and rise to the second floor. Open the floor door Key Ring" Ohm and talk to him. Slide the picture aside and enter the code (4321), take all that can come in handy. Go outside, on the way through a long tunnel. Talk to the guards before entering the NSF database. Come on the base and go to the female toilet (they have something to the network ???). Take the key, in one of the boxes you can find a protective suit. Climb the second level and open the door to the launder. Read DataCube (Login - Tjefferson, Password - NewRevolution). Climb the third level, read DataCube in the control room. Go to the computer room (do not forget to wear a protective suit) and in the corner of this room, click the button - ventilation will turn on and repair the room. Use the terminal and disconnect the cameras, open the door to the basement. Go down to the first floor and go to the hatch next to the robot. On the door "Basement". Here you can try to avoid lasers, or disable them by the multitool. Enter the Terminal (Tjefferson, NewRevolution) and disconnect the camera. In the last room, open the cabinet with the launder. Read DataCube at the very top box. Glass cabinets can not be opened, but simply shoot from a gun or any other weapon. Read all DataCub here, enter all computer systems. Get out the stairs upstairs and loose on the roof stairs. Go to the house on the roof itself. Use the computer terminal (login - Mcollins, Password - Revolution). Press all buttons and open the door . In the second room, enter the computer and enter the code (Login - Napoleon, Password - Revolution). Click the button to start the transmission. Return to the hotel (you will start shooting NSF employees - they have such an order) and talk to the floor in his room. . When a man's man breaks in black, do not listen to the floor and kill that man. Now you need to get to Battery Park, if you are killed, you will automatically find yourself in the next mission. If you survive, enter the underground tunnels (6282), talk to the underground tunnels (6282) With Anna. Here are two ways - or she will kill you or you. In Battery Park Talk to the Goffer.

Getting started Deus Ex Human RevolutionAt all, it will not be superfluous to first master its mechanics: for this there is a special section "Training". That's it, it is recommended to look at the beginnings. Such a waste of time at the initial stage will bring its bonuses and dividends later when passing quests.
After reviewing the introductory roller, talk with Megan and then walk straight to the boss. On the way, do not forget to carefully examine the laboratory, and also get acquainted with new heroes. Your conversation with the boss will interrupt alarm, which arose due to technical failures. On the service elevator (search for the left) go to the scene. To do this, enter the code 0451 and then entering the elevator, press the button directly on the panel of this elevator itself. In your hands, weapons should appear, however, right now they will not be able to use - everything is calm around. Go through the corridors, missed and pass under the glass partition. Next, you will see the scene shooting the laboratory staff, but you will pass by and kill the left to the room. Exercise, find the boxes in the wall and take them away. Spest lattice of the hatch and move straight into it (for this you have to jump). Now you turned out to be on the other side, exactly where employees were destroyed. Move along the corridor - there at the end there is a door. Pass this door (do not forget to close it later!). Now you will see that two opponents go down the stairs. Your task is to go, staying unnoticed. For this there are several ways, only you will need to catch a good moment. Sit down and move in such a position on shelters. At some point they will search for something together in the tables. When the one is that closer to the staircase, will leave, and the second will move to the first one, you can quickly dretch up to the stairs and be sure that you did not notice. Next, raise upstairs and move along the corridor. Through the glass, watch opponents. When they start moving, you will have the opportunity to get into the room - for this, press on the wall and open the door. Get to the door located on the other side of the room, easier by going to the right. At the end, use the central box - thus you will be unnoticed. And here is the last hall here are four enemy. Everything is simple here: descend down the stairs and use the shelter under it. Look at the roller. You were killed, then, if you can put it, resurrected, introducing implants. After six months, you again in business.

Detroit. M1 - again in the saddle

Go to the second floor - there is a technical laboratory where you will meet with the parable in order to repair the retina display. Choose "ignore" in the branch of communication. Then your path lies on the helicopter platform to the Boss Charon. Talk to Farida (choose the answer to the left). During the flight you have to communicate with a charter and choose an answer - non-mercy for melee.

M1 - Stripping Factory Sharif

So you arrived at the place. Now enter the building. At the end of the corridor, a policeman will fall on the way. Shatter with him and choose out. To the left of you there is a staircase that leads down. Imperceptibly squeeze to the first enemy, stun it. If you want, you can search for it. Just do not forget to hide the body after neutralization. Get ready - there will now appear in front. Stunos terrorist who stands back to you - do it at that moment, the opponent will begin to give away, which patrols right around the marked door. Hold the body and go on to the next target. Disagree with the remaining opponents in the same way. Enter the building and go straight until you see the door. Come in the room: there is a computer here and there is a staircase that leads up. Being upstairs, jump into drawers. You will see the opponent to the right, which is looking for something - neutralized it first, and then another patrolling, located nearby. Nearby is another one - herself also disappear when the patrol will be back to you. Go to the other side, podkaraul patrolling, stunning him and then shatter with opponents digging in the boxes. Now you have three ways - two doors and a staircase in the corner that leads directly to the ventilation mine. Choose a staircase. Drugs up to the mine: To do this, submarine the box (lying around somewhere here, look for), sit down and at the same time press forward + jump. Go on the tunnel and will soon find yourself in the locker room. Do not be laid out to firm on the lockers - objects can be useful for you. The next door is closed, you can open it only with the help of a password, so we boldly wake up and walk on to the hall where four opponents are conversation. While there is a conversation, gently go down the stairs. As soon as the enemies disperse, neutralize the nearest to you. Hide the body and stun another near the table. Now it remains to cope with two who are engaged in circular patrols. Descending first with extreme, and then with the second, which is in the center. Ahead of you awaits a corridor with a video surveillance camera. Monster the camera without problems is very simple: you just need to go under it and at the same time not to get into her rays. Severe the next door with the code lock and go on. Do not pay attention to the conversation of enemies, roll left and see boxes under the stairs - they mask the ventilation mine. Go straight into this mine - you will go to another room. Stun patrol and unnoticed to the elevator. Lift up and immediately select Praxis at the output. With it, you will be able to improve your implants, since you chose Stealth mode. Modernize the corresponding branches. Around the corner to the right in the wall you will see a ventilation mine. She, bypassing all surveillance cameras, will lead you straight to the door you need.

M2 - Neutralization of the leader of terrorists

Look at the roller and get to the elevator. Lift the stairs and neutralize two patrols. In the last room there is a ventilation miner - it will lead you to the first floor. From there you will easily get to the next staircase. Raise. Open the door and see another video. Now the choice is before you - try to free charming Josie. For this, all the time choose the branch "to sympathize."

M3 - Evacuation

Go to the helipad where Malik is already waiting for you.

M4 - End of Business

Talking with Malik, aim to the parable: it is necessary that he will study "Typhoon". After going to the Boss Sharif - you will get a new task and give a detailed report on what happened in the factory.

M5 - Suicide terrorist attack investigation

Agree to a new task and go to the police station. Come inside and talk to Wen Haas (it is in the window). Choose all the time the branch of "forgive". You will get access to the morgue. Look at the body, find and remove neurosezel. Go home and plug the find to the computer.

M6 - visit clinic Prostz

Arriving in the clinic, you will find out that additional injections are not needed. Here you can buy items to increase your energy and a very important resource "Praxis".

M7 - Transmission Disabling

Go to slums. There you need to break the antenna that transmits signals. You can get into these slums in different ways. The easiest way is through the door. But there is a barrier - large boxes that you can only move if you have an appropriate implant. The second method is through the roof. You will fall on the roof, climbing the fire stairs, which is located in the alley. After watching the eternity on the opposite direction. Stay down the stairs and penetrate the building. Now go to the patrol. A little further you will notice two more - they will stand and talk. Discover with them all and go further. Hold on the right side, do not forget to start. Behind the containers move on the left side. Listen to opponents' talk. Come in the next building, liquidate patrol. Now you see - two enemies are sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. Wait for the end of their conversation, then carefully pass to the stairs to the right. Lift and see mines on the walls. Pick up the barrel and throw it straight along the min. So you can destroy everyone at once with one throw. Naturally, the enemies will become worried, so they hide and pass, and then move on. Discover with enemies and start hacking the system. Display an antenna and wait for Faruda near the helicopter platform.

M9 - Transfer

Upon arrival in the area, go to the building straight through the door, take a little walk and see the next video.

M10 - Search evidence in Highland Park

Open the door and come out. Now go bypassing, adhering to the left side, while hiding behind the containers. In principle, it really can do without stunning opponents. To do this, go on the left side, move the containers and handle the door. Improve the building, inspect - on the right there is a ventilation mine. Go on to go to the elevator. Neutralized patrol, only manage to do this at that moment until the guard does not notice this. Hide the body and go to the elevator, bypassing the observation chamber. Go down on the elevator, turn the right and jump into the pit. Move the box and now shelter forward on the ventilation mine. You will find in another pit. Here wait for the enemy and eliminate it. Choose from the pit (at the same time not to get a robot patrolling the territory) and pass through the door. You will see two talking soldiers. Neutralize one of them, when he, having completed the conversation, will go to your side. After the stairs to the stairs. When you get to the room. Which has two doors on both sides, choose the left path. On the central bridge, liquidate patrol. Exercise - on the left there is a room. It has a ventilation mine near the computer. Through this mine you will fall into another room. From here, go to the stairs, it will lead you to the first floor. In case of acute necessity neutralized patrol. Go down on the elevator down - there you will meet with the first boss. You will need a powerful weapon to kill him. Having flip from the column to the column, trying to lure the enemy to explosive objects. At the same time, have time to shy away from the grenade of the enemy and throwing their own - Boss Barrett has a vulnerability and long against the garnet will not stand. By the way, the useful items are located around, among which there are weapons - they need to somehow collect. After winning the victory, come back to Malik.

M11 -The Conspiracy

First, go to the parable - he will inform you something very important. After receiving information, go to the Boss Sharif. In his reception, you will meet Bill Taggert. Start the dialogue, choose the branches "ask" and "keep calm". When you speak with the boss, use the branch to "justify". After again, talking to the boss, get a new task and go to Malik - to be departed to China.

M1 - Hakuker Hunt

A new city appears before you and, therefore, is a new part of the plot. Keep in mind: All additional tasks that you did not have time to do in Detroit, now automatically burn. And return back to their execution, already it is impossible. Get to the penthouse (you can't enter it), go past it further - in the corner you will see a ventilation mine, you - there. Pass on the mine, get the right and stepping until you stop. To the right on the wall you will see another ventilation - go through it, at the end open the door that leads out. Here you do not stick out until patrols come up. After getting to the elevator, go down and see the machines with drinks. One of these machines and covers an air vent on which you can get to the desired computer. If opponents appear nearby, neutralize them. After hacking, be sure to contact Malik, then go back the same way. Next, your goal is the nightclub "Beehive". You can go to it through the main entrance. But this pleasure costs 1000 credits. Another way is the ventilation shaft in the alley on the left, it will lead you inside the club. In the club you will talk to the bartender and find out about Tonga. After the fight with the manager on the second floor (choose the branch of "focusing"). Now you can come again to Tong and learn the location of Van Buggen. On the way, you will meet Malik, and this will seem very strange, ask her information about secrets. The quest that you will most likely give Malik, do it completely optional, so boldly move on.

M2 - Get access to Tai Yong-Medical

Shatter with the Bruggen in one of the residential areas and go to the brothel, while attempting to check the employee's card. It is quite simple to do this: penetrated the next room, then you will go through the balcony to the cherished room. Return to Van Brugger - he will redo all the data under you. View the roller. After sending Van Brugger weapons and start shooting from the area. Run to the stairs, go down on one floor, turn right, enter the very first room: there will be two opponents. Liquid them and find a ventilation shaft - exit. In the next room there will be a surveillance camera and one patrol. Do not be worn to disturb them, just womb the moment and just run by. By the way, this is easy, because the amer does not move. In the latest toilet, you will see a ventilation shaft. Choose through it on the other side and see the tunnel and two opponents. Skulls by - and get into the shower. Here your path on one side blocks electricity, and on the other - mines. Grab the boxes and throw them along the min. So far, opponents run on the explosions. You manage to slip into the laundry. Here you will see two opponents - divide with them at the moment when they will pass near you. After preserving, dried from behind the corner and see two fighters - usual and heavy. You won't pass through them, so proceed to liquidation. One will look at you, and the other will turn to the side at that time. Neutralize the first and wait when the second unfolds, after which it is very quickly running the baggage to the bedside table. Wait for the moment to turn left. At the same time, hide behind the table on the right. Wait a heavy opponent, stunning him and kind. After leaving this building and go to the train - he will take you to Tai Yong-Medical.

Tai Yun Medical
M1 - Search for evidence

Lift the stairs and hack the door. Here you will see the chipping semi-in-room employee, who was in a closed room. Save him - for this hack the door. Nearby, and unscrew the valve. After going to the room with an employee, spread the boxes and clutch to it. Shatter with him and move on. A guard will stop you in the server room, in the dialogue with which you need to choose "Lee", "then he will miss you. Hack the console in the center and go to the room on the left. Lift the stairs and walk to the room on the first bridge. Do not forget to choose a pocket secretary - in it code to open the pumping room. Return back to the server room and go down one level below. Carefully proceed by two cameras, turn right. Behind the container has a ventilation mine - she will bring you to the desired door. Use the elevator, and when you get out of it, find the right door on the right and hack it. Disable electricity and walk to the next room. By design on the right climb upstairs. Lift the stairs and see another elevator. Following the Council of the Priechande, hide your weapons and go to the laboratory. But you do not let go there - look for another way. For example, there is a ventilation shaft in the room on the right. Hacking the door door - and get to this mine. Go for the mine, then turn right. Liquidation of opponents - they will be through the room, come out and turn again to the right. The second floor is a safe zone, there should be no difficulties there. But the strict guard will definitely not allow you to go through, so turning to the right, go down the stairs just below and hack the console (see so that no one has seen how you do it!). Make lasers inactive. Uluchi the moment when a strict guard becomes giving away, catch up and neutralize it. Next, there will be two more, and one of them has a secret code for the door. Which you will need to open. By the way, this very door is quite possible and hack. Now you will get into the room with lasers - move first to the left, and then to the right. Go past the boxes and penetrate the elevator, just look so that you will not find a camera.

M2 - Entrance to the Dragon Lair

Looking at the next video, after which you go to the door that you find the left of the elevator. Now carefully - a corridor, patrolled by a serious soldier. Walk it on the right, and you will see another frozen in one place. Here and eliminate it. Hide body and go ahead. Move along the corridor directly to the desired room. And here is a surveillance camera, so carefully. Climb into the computer and find out the door code. By the way, the camera is best to drown at all. Then, with the help of the elevator, get to Zhao. Looking at the next video. After the security will appear, try to hide. Go on the right staircase. You will see a ventilation mine in the corner, which leads to the first floor. Keep in mind that getting out of it unnoticed will be more difficult, so you first simply open the mine door to lure guards. And after they calm down, you can get out and gradually reach the exit. Go down on the elevator down - in the hangar, where you must eliminate two robots. You can neutralize them in two ways: either using Emi grenades or hacking computers that are nearby. Having finished with robots, open the gate (button on the tower) and load into the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Meeting with Cassan Elise

Locked on the helicopter platform, go to the building and move into a room with a number 404. The doors will be blocked, so you have to go around. Shatter with Elise and realize that I was trapped. Get out of the room and turn right. Already in the next room there is a ventilation mine. Go right on it and overheard the conversation of enemies. Choose from the mine and turn left. Moving between the tables, go down to the stairs. Turn again to the left and step by the corridor. There is a camera, so quickly hide behind the sofas until the enemies noticed you. And already from there you will go to the elevator. Move along the corridor. To meet you will go two. Enter the room to the left, from there - to the second floor, here are eliminating all patrol (one). Go down from the back and talking towards the desired door. On the road, a heavy soldier will fall - it is desirable to neutralize it. Then go down the stairs and move to the funicular. Here, too, immediately eliminate two - they will be turned to you back. To come to the funicular directly you can hardly succeed, so we will move the vending machine and through the ventilation mine, hidden behind it, you will enter the room with a funicular. Lift the stairs, fading enemies and eliminate them. After getting the special button that calls the funicular. But do not click on it. Establish next to the door containers - to hide. The funicular will arrive only after a while, and the opponents will most likely be afraid. Your task is to wait for the funicular and go down on it. Coming out of the cable car, turn right and carefully stunned under the surveillance camera. Hide the sofas and wait for the appearance of security. After the guards respond, one of them will go somewhere. So you follow him. So you can quickly and safely turn the lasers disconnected by the guard. At the end of the enemy and hide it. Turn the right and, noticing another guard, open the first door. After when the guard is moving out a little, come out already from another door. Stun him and also hide the body. After follow the long corridor, at the very end - the camera. In front of it, go to the room - here in the computer look at the access code. And around the corner there will be another room - the warehouse of ammunition.
Open the next door, wait when the enemy goes away, and turn right. Pass forward, go down the stairs and hide behind the column. Choose the moment and quietly proceed to the door. Then go down once again on the stairs, you will see a serious soldier there. Go past when it turns away. On the left you will see the door to the room, pass through it - and you will find on the other side. Turn to the right, there you will see the room with patrol. Here, try to move carefully - roll out from one obstacle to the following, do not forget to follow the camera. Next in the corridor there will be another camera - pass under it, then go through the ventilation mine. Ploy to the room on the left, take the machine gun with ammunition and go to battle with the second boss - the leadership of mercenaries.
By the way, this leader, probably, is the most worthy and strong opponent in this game. She has a very powerful gun, besides, she knows how to become invisible.

How to overcome it? If you have the implant "Protection from Amy", you can quite quietly run around the biggest circle while she attacked you, and try to cause an explosion of its min using special devices located on the wall. It will cause the spread of electricity, because At the bottom of the floor is covered with water. Initia and use the slowdown in the leader - very quickly attack everyone than you can. There is another option. We run on the second (smaller) circle and at the same time, try to attack as accurately as possible, while evaporate from its attacks. Additional ammunition You can take in the lockers on the walls of the big circle. When the leadership is made invisible (which means that it recharges), whether it is ready that it can so suddenly attack that your assistant Eliza will not have time to warn you about it. You can see the location of the invisibility using the ability to watch through the walls. As a result, defeating this boss, be sure to consider her body and the hall in finding useful items, then leave the building and move to the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Conversation with Sharif

Go to your apartment where you are waiting for a conversation with a chayer.

M2 - find IsaiahSandoval

Get VIP-pass and then go to the conference center. Joinds there and start a dialogue with Taggart - choose the "conflict" branch. Crave him to tell, where there is a leaned, and move for the scenes. Shatter with Taggart again, go to the Grand River Road. You can get into the apartment, using the fire staircase. You will notice on the staircase of two people, just wait until they leave, and then enter the desired apartment. The second room will be Zik Sanders. Make the door and immediately disappear with it. I spread the boxes and go to the bathroom, where you also need to scatter boxes and activate the shield on the wall. You will see that the secret bunker has opened, which is most likely hiding a sanded. Go down a little bit along the stairs and jerk on the barrels, pass the design and turn to the left. Jump down. Pass forward and go back on the stairs again. After the descent, pass a little ahead and hide behind the box located on the left. Wait until the patrol deletes, and arouse in the passage - you will see it in the wall on the left. The next security guard will need to be neutralized - do it when it will be between the lasers. Hide the corpse and very slowly pass around the same min. Now you will meet sanded. In a conversation with him, choose a branch "Cruel Mercy". Choose out, get to the roof of your house - and there you are waiting for Malik.

M1 - old debts

Sadchard is absent in the office, and he asked to go to Sharif. Looking around the movie and return to the take-off site. You need to go back to Hansha to find the transmitter of Vasily Shevchenko. And even better - and his own.

M2 - find the transmitter of VasilyShevchenko

After you have crashes - the helicopter was shot down -, use the distraction of the Malik and move the ick transmitter. Turn to the right, jump down and proceed through the construction, until the opponents saw you. You have time to achieve an elevator before the helicopter explodes. Updated in Nizhny Hanes, start looking for. On the way, you will receive a recommendation from the parable - he will say that you need to visit the clinic prosthesis - get a new Biochip there. But near this clinic is the enemy, it needs to be eliminated to go further. Go to the subway and get to the area called Yuchzhao. Go to the lane, there you will see the sewer hatch - in it and go down. Go, holding the right side, is so safer. First, rub with patrol, then - with an opponent sitting on a chair. Drops reset into water. Now move on - for drawers. In order for you, two more opponents sitting on the sofa are noticed, moved rolling, straightening the sofa, and after - for rusty machines. Thus, get to the door. Remove boxes and enter the door you need.

M3 - hide and seek

Talk to Tong and go to the port "BELTUUER". Going to the surface, go on the main gate, remove the box and penetrate the territory. Pass a little forward, quietly wait, skipping the robot, go down the stairs. Here wait for patrol and eliminate it. Do not forget to hide the body. Now lift the stairs and move forward, hiding behind the trucks, it is impossible to notice you a sniper, which is upstairs. Soon you will see the observation chamber and patrol. Neutralized this patrol - he, by the way, is a pocket secretary in which the code is listed from the door next to the camera. Pass into the right room and also neutralize the sleeping guard. Next hacking the door of the locker and get a bundle from there. Return to the door near the camera. Open it with the received code. Go to the warehouse. Turn to the right and stepping until you stop. Wait until the guards stop talking and follow. You will find on the other side. Now climb on the second floor, then on the metal stairs to the very top - in the ceiling you will see the passage. Through this passage, jump inside the room, install explosives and see the next video.

M1 - Salvation Megan and her groups

Choose from the capsule in which you have stuck several days, get out of the building through the door, which is near the red gate. Turn to the right and hide behind the barrels. Listen to patrol conversation. One of the patrol is suitable for you. Liquid him and hide it. Ahead you will see the passage. Remove the container from the road and run through the window to the building. Here neutralize all opponents. Hacking a central computer (it is in the last room), thus performing an additional task. Now you have become much easier to navigate. Get out of here through dual doors and turn to the right. Walk to the terrace, wait for patrol and eliminate it. Hide the body and go into the building on the right. Passing the sterilization procedure, you will find in the central hall. Look - to the right of the camera is the ventilation mines, touch the opponent quietly and run there. Get out of the mine on the other hand and climb the stairs. Next, turn right and walk along a long corridor, while one is removed by the guards. Soon you will find a room at the door, in which one of the employees hold in hostages. Hacking this door until the camera sees it. Talk to Kolvin and go to save the rest of the group members. Doben to a scientist who is on the third floor in another laboratory. Climb the stairs in the central hall, turn left, look so that you do not notice the patrol. Enter the right door and walk along the corridor. Commier through the lasers using a security guard running back and forth. Talk to Erthom Cosos and leave the laboratory, go down on the elevator down - it is located in the next room. Now turn the right, on the next turn - again right. The guards will appear here, having imagined the moment, melting quietly and climb on the stairs to the right. Next, go through the central door, turn left and hack the terminal - so you will turn off the lasers. Going down on the elevator down - you will get to Declan Fairei -Next scientist. Talk to him and come back to the elevator. Now you need to save the glove man - Megan himself. Fairei gave you a virus, this virus must be downloaded to the central computer, which is outside this complex. This virus will deprive "Belltauer" the ability to follow scientists. Leave the building exactly as well as entered it. Be careful - the opponent will be the opponent with a turret and a guard that squeezes therea-here. I press on the wall and throw a smoke grenade or Amy in all at once when they gather together. Move on. Ahead of you are waiting for a robot and two cameras. It will be easy to get around. Upload a virus in a room with a central computer into a special disk reader (it is next to the computer). Shatter with the parable, then wait when the patrol hits and go to the elevator through the gate (they are open). See the movie and start the battle with the next boss - John Ramira. After watching the roller, immediately throw a grenade and Bay on him from the most powerful weapons that you have. Your implants do not function, so you will not be able to apply "Typhoon", etc. But on each side of the glass there are places where you can cuddle and successfully fight back from the enemy. If he wants to smoke us and throws grenades, very quickly run to shelter on the other side. Know: This John is especially vulnerable at the moment when he jumps through the glass. Take advantage of this and attack it, in the end completely destroying. Here, finally, you got to Megan. Looking at another roller and walk to the hangar - you need to open the roof and get ready for evacuation. Watch through the glass for the salvation of employees and quickly run to the Shuttle Leo. Finding on the road enemies just stun with blows.

M1 - termination of the transfer

Get instructions from the parable and go to the tower, focusing on the special bearing on the screen. Jump down and pass a little - you will hang up on electrified water. Now jerk on the pipe on the right side and move on it. Take the container and now jump into the pipe on the left. Next, passing the angle, shoot on the boxes and climb into the ventilation shaft. You can notice the mine inside - it is simply destroyed by one shot. Update in the room, turn off the electricity and go through the door. Next, turn right and follow the corridor. Once again, turn the right, climb the stairs. You will not believe it is a complex passed, now it remains only to get to the elevator. Stepsy along the corridors straight to the center of the tower. In his conversation with Hugh Darrow, choose a branch "criticize". Thus, you will get access codes, you can now return back to the elevator. You here will have to break through through a whole crowd of distraught employees. Remember: they quickly move and apply quite serious damage even one, and keep in mind that they cannot jump even through the most simple obstacles. On the way to the final battle, you can talk to the chain barricading in the machine room and the taggart in the server, on the mini-card, their location is not shown, so you have to search (a little help the inscriptions on the walls indicating the directions).
Through through the crowds of distraught people descend on the cargo elevator on the bottom. The last boss will be Jungu, it will cope with it be relatively easy. First you need to kill three clones, after activating the buttons located next to them. Top in a circle, machine guns will move (gently shoot them). Having killed clones and shooting tuned zombies taken for Zhao Yungu himself (I managed to kill it with a plasma rifle). Having finished with the boss pass along the corridor, in a small room where you have to make a final choice.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - the project is diverse, from which side do not look. Actions unfold in the future, where there were ultra-modern implants on the change of individual human limbs (and not only), the people's lives are safer and more productive. The whole world split into 2 parts: on those who oppose the introduction of foreign technologies into the body and on those who stand for the mass distribution of such products. On this large-scale idea and built all the Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The passage of the storyline more than once will push the player to make decisions on how and from which party to these technologies.

Adam Jensen is the main hero of the work and part-time the head of the protection of one of the largest firms of America for the production of implants. During the attack on Sharif Industries, the most prominent scientists involved in the development of military technologies for the government were abducted. Adam turns out to be in such a deplorable physical condition that the doctors see only one way to save lives - the introduction of implants. After waking up, the main character is surprised to consider his new body, which in the future will serve him a good service in the fight against the kidnappers.

Main thread

The game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the passage of which is possible in several ways, has a basic mission - salvation of stolen scientists, the search and definition of the attacked. In the course of the case, the game as if to offer the gamer to determine how he is going to undergo mission: whether it will be a stealth mode with a minimum of victims, dynamic and spectacular shootings or bloody mess, solve only you. All events and actions occurring in the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the passage of which is multivariate and varied, will largely depend on the player itself. The first part passes in the city of Dutub, where you need to collect initial information mainly from the police station and the morgue. Next we will be thrown in Shanghai, where you will need to detect the kidnappers and go to their trail. And in general, throughout the game, Adam will step up along the heels of enemies until finally gather all parts of the painting.

What else interesting?

Naturally, Human Revolution contains a mass of secondary quests, who performs who Adam will receive a solid cash reward or technologies that can be spent on improving the abilities. Each chapter will be available from 2 to 4 side tasks. Deus Ex: Human Revolution contains a lot of useful and interesting information scattered throughout the interactive world in the form of e-books and newspapers telling about certain global world events.

This kind of data will help more accurately and correctly understand and see the picture of what is happening, to plunge into the atmosphere of the game and feel the internal SCI-Fi spirit. An interesting point is also the dialogues, during which sometimes it is necessary to identify information from the interlocutor. A special implant analyzes the human psyche, thus determining the rational approach to the conversation. The study of locations and secret places is an integral part of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The passage of the main plot branch of quests is also associated with the search for the most convenient and rational path, which a whole busy is offered in the game.

There are two types of spurs, a blonde. Some come through the door ... And the second - through the window.

H / f "Good, bad, evil"

The working day has long ended, but the headquarters "Sharif Industries" boils life. Tomorrow in the morning, the staff is waiting for a trip to Washington and speech before the UN Commission, where Dr. Megan Reed will present his new invention to the public. Megan is terribly nervous and for some reason I am sure that the performance will turn shame. She is nervous and her colleagues - everything, from interns to professors, is fussing in laboratories and recheck calculations. Even by David Sharif, the heart is not in place - in order that he is all in anticipation of the triumph of his company.

Adam Jensen, the head of the guard "Sharif Industries", also nervous. But, unlike all the others, it does not apply - in the end, at least someone in this bedwell must preserve the face with brick. Adam checked the guard posts, personally discussed the plan of tomorrow's event with the Washington police ... It remains only to look at the chief and report. In the end, what can go wrong?

Long live the revolution!

Adam Jensen still does not know that literally after half an hour, all the precautions taken by him will go as shock.

Meg offers Adam to Sharif - she doesn't care along the way. As soon as we come to the girl, Adam will go to the scripting journey to the boss.

All the way, Dr. Reed will behave very strange - constantly ask for adam for forgiveness is unknown for what, gathered with the Spirit, to say something important, but immediately take his words back, and with each convenient case to leave the conversation about your Opening. Jensen will defistens everything to the nervous state of the girl and will not go into question. Megan will go to the laboratory of his girlfriend, and Adam - in Penthouse Sharif.

The report of the head of protection will interrupt alarm system - but not a security, but a fireman who informs the accident in one of the laboratories. And not in some random laboratory, namely, megan left for a couple of minutes ago! Most likely, there is nothing serious there, but in such an important night, neither Sharif nor Jensen wants to risk nothing - Adam would be better to personally verify what happened in the laboratories. The chef will tell us the code from your personal elevator - 0451 .

We run to the door of the elevator, enter David code, go down to the laboratory. With us, the head of the information security of Francis Pratchard will come to contact, who will have time to report that neither one of the surveillance cameras does not work on the floor ... after which the connection will be interrupted. Suspending the wrong, Adam will reach the machine ...

When these two will understand that they are not alone in the room, it will be too late.

Before our eyes, a honeycomb picture will appear - unknown mercenaries in red-black form beat the equipment, harness the laboratories and shoot scientists. We do not provide a special choice at this level - forward, through the crushed workshops, shooting occasionally coming to us on the path of raids. A straight road will lead us to the laboratory where Megan was going to go.

IT IS IMPORTANT: If you are going to get the achievement of the "pacifist", which is issued for the passage of the game without a single murder, keep in mind that the countdown has already gone. Even scum, which are smoothing "Sharif Industries," can not be killed - just bypass along the broad arc, hiding behind the equipment. It is rumored that it is a bug that will be corrected by subsequent patches.

Jensen without a loan comes forward ... and will roll directly on the commander of mercenaries - a hefty kids prosthetic from heels to ears. Adam immediately runs impact-resistant glass, demolish several tables with valuable equipment ... and for loyalty to ride into the semindicuous body a revolving bullet. The last thing Jensen sees, before losing the consciousness from pain, - as a soldier with a shock of prosthetized hand sends megan Reed to Paul ...

Again in the rank

Well, what is this "black helicopter"? Identification signs - on the spot, flashlight flashes well ... I will not attract any theory of conspiracy and behind your ears.

From the moment of the attack on the "Sharif Industric" there was six months. David Sharif's scientists have done a stunning job, literally pulling Adam from the world. True, the former body of Jensen remained not so much - from now on, the protagonist almost all consists of biomechanics.

The head of protection is pulled out from hospital alarm. David Sharif asks us as quickly as possible to follow the helicopter platform, arguing that there are lives of dozens of people on the horse. But the order of the chef immediately we cannot - the implants of the retina climb is godlessly, everything flickers before your eyes. You need to visit our great hacker, comchard.

This is a choice: When Sharif says that the cone of the life of people is not just injuring drama. The point does not tolerate deposits, so if you do not want to pour half the task in absentia, not Linger at the headquarters - run to the comchant, and then on the landing site.

Cabinet Frank is on the second floor, right from the stairs by the corridor. Hacker will replace our implants, not stop growing. In the success of the attack on Sharif Industries, he blame Jensen. You can cringe a little with the "colleague" on this topic, but will simply ignore the provocation faster. We go to the helicopter platform, where Adam is already waiting for the pilot - Farid Malik.

"Sharif" in siege

As in old comedy militants. He will go to the direction guard, and will come out - Jensen.

The helicopter is sent to one of the factories "Sharif Industries", and on the road David Sharif briefly outlines the situation. The implant manufacturing plant was attacked by the anti-flange movement "for the purity", headed by a Soviet Sunders. Special Forces already hooked the building and is ready to arrange the rebels a bloody bath, but in one of the factory workshops still lies the military implant of the highest secrecy - the system "Typhoon", to which the police can not be allowed. Jensen's task - get into the building, pull the "Typhoon" and deal with Zikom. The hostages, if possible, would also be well saved, but, in principle, it is not necessary. Sharif will ask us which weapons we prefer - lethal or non-flying, for near or long battle.

Farida will land us on the roof of the neighboring building. We go into the utility room, we communicate with special forces, ask about the situation in the factory. However, nothing valuable to us will tell us - the fighters about the situation know no more than our, they did not get inside. We leave from the back to the other side of the roof, go down ... well, we are on the enemy territory.

Immediately around the angle, a lonely hour on duty, which costs us back. Boldly give him a head. After that, under the cover of air conditioners, we pass along the alley to the courtyard and study the situation. If there is a firearm, as well as the desire to pass with a palip and noise, then you have a straight road through the courtyard. Three sleepy security guard are not serious, it is easier to deal with them simple.

Another way is longer, but bloodless. We rush to containers at the wall a couple of boxes smaller and climb upstairs. We are looking for a fire staircase leading to the roof of the factory. We reach electrical cables that block the further path, and look right. Through a small hole, covered with a box, you can crawl into a distribution panel and turn off the electricity. We run to the far edge of the roof and prior to the air duct, which will bring Adam to the setting of the warehouse - the same in which we would entered through the door.

The terrorists in the warehouse of five, to scatter past them the easiest all on the left side of the room - hiding behind racks and drawers. Next - either through the lobby, where two guards are releasing the turret, or immediately on the ramp - and through the door to the corridor.

The locker room is chatting three security officers who soon disperse in different rooms. Only one will remain in the corridor - they will be confrontated and calmly go to the gateway to the internal laboratories. We wake the lock on the door, we pass "disinfection" and find ourselves on the balcony of the first laboratory.

The hall is guarded by the four fighters, plus another searches the direction. From him and let's start - we go out on the stairs to the left, jump over the railing, prohibit in the direction, neutralize the terrorist. Then, for a second, we show in the doorway so that the patrol remarks the movement and came to check. We send it to a friend, relax. The rest are simply and infertility turn off one by one - they often and for a long time turn to each other back.

On the loggia of the same laboratory hold hostages. The door of the loggia is open, but as soon as we enter the inside, the gas bomb is activated, standing on the table. The timer on it is ticking enough quickly, so we will not come through the doors, and the propoles through the ventilation in the corner under the stairs. You can neutralize a bomb, or breaking the shot any of the flasks with chemicals, or hacking the control panel, or entering the emergency shutdown code on the same remote. 1505 ), Which can be removed from one of the guards.

These are the consequences: If Adam did not show due execution and spent too much time for walking along the building "Sharif Industries", then nothing listed is needed. The bomb exploded before our appearance in the factory, and the hostages are already dead.

If we coped with the sperms successfully, we ask the hostages to behave quietly. One of them - Greg Torp - will say that Zeke took his wife to his wife with himself in the director's office, serve the "live shield."

We continue the path to the assembly shop, where "Typhoon" lies. In the next corridor, the surveillance camera under which the guard patrols. Failure to arrange is not worth it - in the next room, two more fighters are on duty, and the camera does not premone the alarm. It is better to pass in quiet. We hate the lock on the door at the end of the corridor - we get into the assembly shop, protected by four terrorists. We are in the elevator at the far end.

We will fall into the server, the way out of which is covered with a turret. Wrouders of the implant "hacking turners" with lightning threshing through a shot through the corridor to the security terminal, hack him and turn off the turret. The rest - calmly climb into the ventilation to the right of the corridor and get out already for the rigid zone.

Finally, hitting the laboratory where "Typhoon" is stored, we will see that she is already busy with an unknown hacker, and obviously with implants - that for fighters for purity is not atypically. Another thing is still the fact that, seeing the approaching Jensen, a hacker immediately ... Shot! Sharif will order to leave the corpse for special forces, in case the implants are mined, and Adam in the meantime will select "Typhoon". Forward, in search of Sanders, - on the elevator, then through the transition, then on the staircase, until it is obscured by conversation guards.

What to say is not the most polite beginning of the conversation.

It is not worth descend on the first floor on the stairs - we will go to the conference room and from there on ventilation let go to the toilet. Due to the drawer near the toilet door, a wonderful view of the office opens. Sitting there, you can either shake the guard from any small arms, or to impede a minute, slip to the left, hide behind the office furniture and under her cover to reach the stairs to the top. And at the top - the Cabinet of the Director, in which Sanders locked, who put a gun to the head of Josie Porp. And he claims that no idea has any "modified" hackers in his team.

The worst thing that can come up with Adam is to let go of Zika along with the hostage. Sanders will get involved in a shootout with the police and run away, but Greg's wife will be killed. The option is better - to declare Zika that we do not negotiate with terrorists. In this case, it will be collected from the Spirit for a couple of seconds before shooting Josie. This is quite enough to stun the rebar with the paralyzer or kill the exact shot in the head. Finally, the most peaceful way to solve the problem is to convince Sanders to leave the hostage alone and get out of the face-to-say. The chef will be very unhappy, but ZEK reluctantly admits that he is now in Gensen in debt.

Whatever way we choose, we will learn about the consequences a little later. And now we have the road one - the helicopter and in the "Sharif Industries" ...

Wolf among sheep

In the police station, in full swing is interrogated by a small bandit. For larger affairs, public services are no longer waving.

We give "Typhoon" to the comchant, then we go to the report in Penthouse David. We get either catching up for giving a gangster to leave (or killed a valuable witness), or thanks for the transfer of stunned Zika in the hands of the police. But they will not scold much or praise. Obviously, Sanders is just a small tsha, which someone used to deliver a man with hacker implants to the Factory. Especially strange that Detroit police officers argue that nic The implants on the Hacker's corpse was not found. Sharif orders Jensen to get into a police morgue and personally inspect the Hacker's body. Plus, the Chef wants Adam to have a duty examination in the clinic "Protane".

The doctor's inspection does not take much time. But to get to the police station, you will have to try. The easiest way to which is persistently pushes the game - through the front entrance. The problem is that the duty officer on the site is old and by no means kind familiar Jensen, Wayne Haas. He immediately informs us that the site is closed, prisoner and sealed and he does not want to part with the work for our whim. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to persuade him, especially with social. After breaking, Haas will give us a pass, after which Adam will only go to the morgue, located in the basement of the building. Protection will not touch us.

If you disgust to communicate with these slug, then you can get into the building through the sewer. Jensen will get straight near the morgue, in the corridor, covered with laser alarm, which is easy to hack and disable. If you crawl reluctance on waste - take care of the back courtyard of the site. From there it is easy to get inside either through the roof (the air duct will withdraw Adam on the third floor of the building), or through a locked (but hacked) fire exit. Please note that in case of passage by the Haas, the police will be extremely against our presence in the site - until attempts to shoot Adam in place. You will need to wade into the basement as quickly as possible, because the police in the site incredibly A lot is that, in general, and not surprisingly.

The prosector in the morgue will decide that Adam sent special services, and will gladly provide access to the Hacker's body. We remove the implanted neural knot from the corpse and selected from the building through the door (if we are glad in the site) or through the sewer.

Sharif prohibits Jensen to drag the implant to the office - PRACARD has not yet finished testing the network and setting the firewall. Instead, Adam is asked to run home and connect the neural node to its home computer so that Frank can create a virtual network and explore the implant remotely.

Cassandra Reed, Mother of the deceased Bride Adam. He copes with her grief even better than the main character.

He lives Adam to Hiron Building, and in a very good apartment. Connect the implant to the computer, we will communicate with the communion, we learn very entertaining information. Neurosezel allows you to fully control the body of your owner! "Hacker" who broke the chain "Sharif Industries", did not know anything about computers - someone else was ruled by his hands. And the signal that controls the neurosezl, walked from an abandoned factory in Highland Park. But we still early. PRACARD found the company in the company's protection system - bypass channel, which transmits data to the radio tunnel in Detroit slums. Before continuing to investigate, Adam must "put out this channel of information leakage. That's just in the slums dwells the street gang of opponents of implants, so there is nothing to go there in open and think.

These are the consequences: If at the factory of Sharif Adam persuaded Sanders to quit the hostage and leave in a good way, now the zek will contact him and will appoint a meeting at Sharif Industric headquarters. At the meeting, he will give us a few notebooks with passwords that will be useful in the future.

Ghosts and pawns

Extravagantly looking young lady is not a night butterfly at all, and the police investigator under a deep cover. In addition, the old girlfriend Adam.

Get into the slums are the easiest of the roof. We climb along the fire stairs to the building located between Hiron Building and Slumbami, we go through his attic, we are chosen on the roof and highly Gently by pipes and air conditioners overlas on the attic of the extreme building in slums. Further, the happy owners of the ICAR system are demolished by a grenade (or modified hands) a cracked wall, disassembled with two guards and plan down, to the basement.

The rest can take a beautiful sniper position on the fire stairs and how to feed the gangsters with tranquilizers (or lead). Then you can run on the door, followed by only three sleepy security guard. But it is better to go down, into the sewer, which will bring Adam to almost the purpose of the task. We will only have to discard squeamishness and jump into the unclean river to get around the gangsters guarding the passage we need.

Bandits in the yard with a dozen, but they are quite easy to get around - along the wall and fence, hiding behind the containers. If we passed through the sewer, then it is not necessary to make anywhere - we are already at the foot of the desired building.

On the first floor - three gangsters. Two are watching TV and do not even look into the corridor, one will move away from natural need - well, it just suggests itself on the head. We go around the "viewers" and we climb on the construction staircase on the attic of the building. Highly Slowly and cautiously in the corridor, removing from the walls abundantly placed mines. On the roof of enemies two more, but, while they talk, they are very easy to get around and hide behind air conditioning. We break the control panel on the tower and turn off the transmission.

Now climb the roof of the building and wait until Farida arrives behind us. It's time to go to Highland Park!

Shadow play

If this elevator stops now, Jensen will have to be bad.

Not far from the place of landing is a friendly gangster, which will be happy to share news. The factory is not so desert - from a month ago, the soldiers picked here, the weapons and techniques were damaged, they dispersed all local and guard the camp so that Mom did not burn. We go to the factory building, look in the window ... Yes, there are not just soldiers, but those very The soldiers who half a year ago were smashed "Sharif Industries"! Moreover, they are already collecting things and say that it would be time for the "ends in the water." Maybe we finally find out who fills everything here.

To get through the pitched courtyard (seven people in the yard, three more in the caulier) to the storage room, in which the base of mercenaries is located, the easiest way through the roof. We go around the guard along the fence on the left side, we rush the box to the building forests, we climb them, waiting for the guard to the cigarette on the porch, run to the fence. On it the castle of the third level, code - 7984 .

Another option is through the door that the smoker guards. Third - through the main gate, along the wall right in the yard. Especially easy to do these to the owners of modified legs, which can climb into containers and cut off dangerous angles.

One way or another, we will mostly place the warehouse - either on the second floor, or on the first. Our goal is an elevator in the center of the first floor. The second tier is patrolled by a lonely sniper, which is very easy to remove. The first floor patrol four security officers, plus another one - in the guardrooms. Patrols are easy to get around or stunning one by one, the main thing is not to come across the chambers on the corners of the caulist. In the empty room on the left there is an air duct, which will bring Adam directly to the elevator.

The elevator will deliver us to warehouse basements, in a room with two mercenaries and a huge watchdog robot. We will go around the room on the left - the inlet is overnight, but we are listed to the barricade a box and jump. The main thing is that snipers who roam the bridges over the ceiling have not noticed. If you want to clean the room - in the same room there is a rocket launcher with ammunition.

What is better to deal with one robot, or with several snipers? That is another question.

In the next corridor - two security guards, and the corridor itself leads to the prison unit. Before the prison - Empty Bundle with a third-level computer (password neuralhub.). Disconnect all the observation chambers, if you wish and the presence of an implant - we switch the turret to clean up the prison unit from the protection. Security guards there are six, all mounted on tiers like cockroaches. Immediately to the left of the entrance, for drawers, - ventilation shaft. I am crawling through it, we get out on the other side of the room, we make a throw right - we are in the corridor leading to the barracks. The barracks are empty ... not counting two "feds" who will miss Adam if he knows the access codes received from Zika. If not, you have to fight. After that, the net road to the next elevator, which will bring Adam to the empty basement.

Let's run in absolutely empty hangams. The leader of mercenaries in front of Jensen jumps into the elevator - and there was such a thing, and one of his handfuls will go to the hall, Laurence Barret, first gaming boss.

Barrett will solve us from the machine gun, and in the intervals between the queues - to throw fragmentation grenades with whole horses. If you have a couple of emio or light-noise grenades, the battle will not be the slightest work for you - they are stunning Barreta for a while, sufficient to put a store of a machine or a dozen pistol bullets in his head. Without a grenade, it will be a little more difficult - you will have to run around the hall, hiding behind the columns and running away from abundantly scattered explosives. It is important to remember that when the boss throws grenades, it does not look at the sides at all, so at this moment you can quickly change the position, go to Barrett in the rear or calmly breathe, while he watering the fire has long been a long shelter. If you end the cartridges - run along the subsidies, there is this good Mountain. But about to embed to Lorens in hand-to-hand, there is nothing to think - it is worth only to approach him in the emphasis, and he himself will die so much that it will not seem little.

The dying Barret will give Adam an address - the penthouse of the residential complex "Hensha Gardens" in China, after which it will take part on its own grenade, unsuccessfully trying to capture Jensen with him to the next world. We leave the building through the elevator, on which the driver of mercenaries was hidden from us, and the faithful Farid will take us to Sharif Industries.

Black cat in a dark room

Bill Taggart, the leader of the "Human Front". Simulates charm, but in fact - the outstanding politician.

Immediately after landing with us, the commuard will contact us and asks for a meeting. It is recommended to do it before The conversation with a charter - Frank will report that the communication channel, hacked by mercenaries half a year ago at the attack on the "Sharif Industries", opened David Sharif himself, and asked to talk to this topic with him.

In the receiving penthouse, we are not waiting for us a very pleasant guest - William Taggart, the founder of the Party "Front of Mankind" and the most threesome opponent of implants in all of the United States. Politician, taping the most sorrowful mine, appeared to witness the sympathy of the Sharif and assure everyone in his complete innovation to the troubles, comprehended by the corporation. Taggart will try to testify sympathy and Jensen, but only the directions on the door will achieve it - either extremely polite, or openly Khamsky. Thus, talking in the souls, we go to the report to the authorities.

David admits that he really discovered the secret channel of communication secret from his own protection, and then safely forgot about him. To pull out of it, what for He did it, Adam would have to sweat, but it is no longer included in its main tasks.

Sharif demands that Jensen goes to China and checked the address specified by Barrett. Well, maybe at least in the helicopter it turns out ...

Black market

Even in 2027, Shanghai remains faithful to the old traditions.

Hensha island - a huge human anthill, who scolded to swell at least than stirre. Therefore, Adam will be very useful to the Implant "IKAR" - will facilitate traveling around the city. Reaching to the "Hensh gardens", we will find out without any surprise that the complex is stupid. On guard - Bertltauer security agency, hired by the Chinese government to fulfill police duties.

To get into the building, as usual, you can use a whole bunch of ways - for example, through the front door (a dozen guards) or a fire door on the roof (only two). The safest option is through the elevator mine, which is not protected at all. Relieve to the scaffolding at the wall of the complex, go through them to the end, hack the lock on the back and wake up to the elevator through ventilation. Stairs in the mine will bring us on the top floor of the hotel.

The corridor is patrolled by two soldiers, in Penthouse - more three. Owners of reinforced hands do not meet any of them, because they will move the vending machine standing opposite the elevator, and will fit into the ventilation mine, which will bring them directly to the goal. The rest can get into the same mine from Penthouse bedroom, avoiding the need to jump around the room by guard. We will find a Hacker's computer named Arri Van Bruggen, he is a miller. The person who hacked the security systems "Sharif Industries" and delve the nose to the very beginning, now in the run.

Malik will advise us to check the club "Beehive" - \u200b\u200bhis owner, Tong Si Hung, an influential criminal authority, and no loud event in the city does not pass by him. The problem is that in the "hive" we will simply not be empty. You can give a thousand credits to the guard at the entrance, but it is easier to get around the club on the left and climb into the ventilation shaft in the alley.

Asking the bartender, where to find Tonga, we will get an offer to try happiness at the top, in the VIP-hall. And indeed - only the most inattentive players do not guess that the Barman's Tube, who was fucked by implants and surrounded by bodyguards, is Tong. Before Adam, this obvious truth will reach only when using the social implant - otherwise you will have to persuade the cunning mafiosi for a meeting with Mr. Tong. If you do not persuade - it will be necessary to wade into the guarded basement, to sneak through the ventilation to the tongue cabinet and listen to the necessary information there. In any case, we learn the address for which Melnik hid is the hotel "Alice Garden".

Van Bruggen will not even unpacked from participating in the defeat of the corporation. Moreover, he will report that the customer is "Tai Jung Medical", a direct competitor of Sharif, is now trying to get rid of the unnecessary performer.

Corporate Wars

If Adam is visible due to an angle, he is shining acute poisoning with heavy metals. Right in the head.

Hacker will inform that he has evidence of the "Tai Jung" conspiracy, just they are hidden on servers of the corporation itself - Arri did not have time to copy the information before the flight. To get to the "Tuum" building, Van Bruggen will offer to steal an electronic pass from one of the employees.

The employee rests at the Honghua Hotel. To steal his card will not be any difficulty - while the guard is busy with the "night butterfly" in the bathroom, the skip is lying on the table in the living room.

Hacker, still hiding in the "Alice Garden", will re-update the document on our name. But as soon as he finishes work, Belltauer mercenaries sent to the "soaking" ends. Arri will plead about help ...

If you go down to the hall on the main staircase, then the risk is very large to stumble on the cross-fire from a heap of machine guns. So from the Van Bruges capsule turn to the left and, while the couple examines the capsules for excess witnesses, descend down the service stairs. There, under the cover of the boxes, make your way to exit.

So there is - the main entrance is tightly seal. Running will have through the laundry. The main threat on this path is not rare guards (which can be coined if not behind the backs, then according to the nearest ventilation), and the road through the shower, one pass in which is under the current, and the second is mined. Here we already proceed from the presence of improvements: either we pass through the cables, or jump onto the plumbing pipes and go through the top, or we will withclude on the right road, removing rear for mine.

The last machine gunner with a partner, which are separated by Adam from the street, can be circumvented through the LAZ on the right side. It remains only to reach the building "Tai Yung Medical", where the fast train will tap Adam to Corporation basements.

In search of evidence

It is not known than the designer of this alarm was guided, but certainly not for security considerations. Go through such a "barrier" is easier than simple.

We climb the stairs from the subway, we wake the door of the first level and ... We receive a call for help. A scientist who appears from the glass managed to damage the gas pipe. It is possible to block it from the next room ( 4865 ). In gratitude for salvation, the scientist will advise to say the guard at the entrance that we are from him. In this case, the journey through this part of the level will be practically safe. The only thing adam will be asked - not to be removed in front of the camcorders and the protection below. In addition, the guard can be bribed or go on a bluff by attaching a plumber.

To reduce the likelihood of a camera detection, you can, hacking the mobile crane control panel ( 5720 ), move it under the open doors at the top of the complex. True, this path is suitable only to the owners of the IKAR system. There is no staircase in the technical well, and the height is sufficient to kill.

After that, it will only stay to the high-speed elevator, which will raise Jensen to the level above - to the implant warehouse. On the roof you can fly in the puddle under the voltage - carefully go around it and through the ventilation make your way to the rubble, which turns off the electricity. After that, it remains to climb the stairs on racks with boxes. If there is a jump improvement - just jump, if not - do not hesitate to use smaller boxes.

We sit in the next elevator, which will deliver Adam to the top floors "Tum". Scientists will accept Jensen for the guard, the guards - for the scientist, and, thus, while Adam does not get a weapon, everyone will treat him as a native. However, our protected area will not be allowed anyway - there is a pass. On the way from the elevator, one of the employees just complains about the loss of her. We jump to him into the office, shift e-mail and find out that the skip is already found and lies in the guard room. Since Adam to security has nothing to do, they are better to break into the caul. The bypass ventilation pipe can be found in the room opposite the Cabinet of the scientist.

You can do without skipping - behind the locked door leading from the office, there is a pipe, which just goes in the protected area. And you can simply push the machine with a soda to a balcony over the corridor. But without an amplifier, the jump in this case can not do.

After that, Adam needs to climb the stairs to the Data Center. It refers to the zones of an increased level of security, and Adam there will simply be so empty. We will have to penetrate in bad. You can either turn off the laser grid, hacking the control panel, or wait until the patrol is suitable, the barrier will turn off automatically, after which it will only be used to give a security guard. Next - to reach the end of the corridor, neutralize another fighter in heavy armor and get through the ventilation to the Karaulka. There or we wake a service output ( 0703 ), or use the Security Terminal (Password: muonrule), which opens the main door.

A polite guard, who missed Adam on a stolen pass, will surely fall. However, we will not know.

On the approaches to the data center you need to depict one of the souzen friends - the room is covered with a laser detection system. Halfmented observation - and the path of passage becomes obvious. Just keep in mind that if you get into the laser rays - on the alarm, the protection is frightened almost from all over the floor.

Arri did not lie - there are evidence on servers, and very solid. This is a record of the tracking camera on which Zhao swears with the commander of mercenaries. The lady claims to kidnap the Rid team was stupid. Sharif immediately tracks them along the implanted tracking devices, and Zhao does not believe that "this your precious leaser of the Kassan" will help driving tracks.

A few seconds will go to Jensen only to catch his breath. Meg and her partners are alive! It is necessary to find Zhao and outstand from this hypocrite everything is known.

The path to the Director Penthouse lies through the elevator. A couple of guards controlling approaches to it is the easiest way to get around the meeting room. It remains along the corridor and, without selecting the camera, open the lock ( 6906 ). We have a goal. Penthouse is empty and non-shook ...

Zhao will hit the hysterics and while Adam will clap his eyes, it will last in secret refuge. The trap is more primitive. Of course, a crowd of protection will be buried in Penthouse.

If there is no desire to send the whole Orava to that light - along the right hand, near the stairs, you can find a ventilation mine, which will lead Adam almost to the exit. It will only be left to catch the moment and run back to the elevator who will lead us to the helicopter hangar.

We are looking for. Look for, eagles, look. In the ventilation look do not forget.

No hope ... The seating platform is guarded by two patrols - real titans that are able to turn Jensen into mince, just coming to it. You can deal with them, giving each emi-grenade. If there is no grenade - we swear on the ladder to the balcony. In one of the observation rooms located there, there is a button that opens the roof of the hangar, in the second - the bottle control panel. We wake, turn off. As soon as we clear the territory and open access to the seafront, the helicopter will arrive at Jensen. Forward! But not in Detroit, but in Montreal, to the main office of the TV company "Peak"! You need to ask a couple of issues Miss Eliz Kassan, the most popular TV presenter ...

White noise

From the helicopter platform, we go straight to the only entrance to the building.

Network "Peak"

With this celebrity we will reduce close acquaintance. Even incomprehensible, pleasant or not.

Go down to the main office of "Peak". Singing trouble, even cockroaches escaped from there. I don't like this situation for this situation, and he advises Adam to quickly deal with business and remove from there. On the road to the key room 404, we make all the tables on the subject of utility methodically, and we also wake all the electrical engineering to get experience and useful information.

Jensen's conversation with the Cassian Elise interrupts alarm. A few seconds, seven soldiers are broken into the office, which are relatively uniformly dispersed around the room and balconies. If there is no desire to get involved in a shootout, they can be accessed on ventilation - from the room opposite four hundred and fourth onto a balcony, and then down the stairs. Let's go into the room, which patrols a couple of guards, covered with a non-saturated camera, and along the right wall, last the lift mine.

Another option is to pass the bottom, under the cover of office equipment and tables. We wage the room around the perimeter on the left side. Then the security in the next room will be bypass, using the air duct in the male toilet.

After that, we have a straight road to the elevator. If there is an "Icar" system - you can "miss" by the elevator and plan in an empty elevator mines located nearby. One way or another, we will fall on the third floor of a skyscraper.

There you can go and without an elevator, through the server room. True, in this case, Adam will require an improvement in hand to allow walls. Or a couple of grenades. The road to the server can be found if to bypass the main office is not on the left side, but by right. The corridor himself will lead us to the staircase in the right room, after which it will only break through the path to the lower floors.

The road to the funicular is guarded by four fighters (one in the heavy armor) and stationary turret, and all this under the cover of two snipers. Strong There will be only a heavy fighter to interfere with us, so it would be desirable to get to it under the cover of furniture, to come down and hide behind some table.

If there is a desire to shoot everyone, then it is best to do this from the operator's cabin. You can get there, or hacking the castle of the third level (if you decide to ride the elevator), or through ventilation (if Adam planned on the wings "Ikara"). If adama has an improvement to this moment, allowing you to crack turret, you can turn the weapon of soldiers against them. The turret control terminal is located under the staircase from the outdoor side of the operator. Although before that, with snipers, it is better to deal in advance - the turret will not get to them in any case.

The path blocks the door with the castle of the first level of complexity. If you crack it - two security guardes aside at the bottom and go to find out who is noise there. But next to the door, the thin section of the wall, and the roar of the shocking plaster does not concern anyone.

On the way, Adam is associated with PRAARD and reports that the cable car caused by little thing that goes very slowly, it also activates the alarm, so that guests will not be promoted to look at the light.

The approach to the funicular is protected by two patrol and turret under the supervision of the chamber, so it will not work directly. If we move the turret to your side, you will receive not only patrols on the nuts, but those who frighten the sound of a working motor (seven people). The difficulty is that the terminal is located next to the gates of the funicular. But the fact that it is under the cover of the boxes, slightly facilitates the task.

On the way to the funicular, you can see the automatic with beverages - it closes the ventilation mine, outlining directly to the terminal. If Adam does not know how to move heavy items, you can sneak along the ladder fence leading to the balcony. There you can equip a firepoint or find a staircase that is displayed to the terminal.

Pods "Peak"

The electric shock eliminates the annoying enemies quickly, silently, and, with a certain dexterity of hands, imperceptibly for their colleagues.

A long descent in the cabin of the cable car will lead Adam into a semi-trunk room with one chamber. The passage to the corridor is blocked by a laser grid, whose control panel falls into the tracking area. And a couple walking along the corridor, which is unlikely to be glad to meet. If there is a camouflage system, you can safely ignore both laser protection and live protection and just pass by them. If there is no camouflage, but I don't want to meet with the security - to the left of the grid, the thin wall, in the room where the ventilation pipe is located parallel to the corridor.

One of the exits opens immediately behind the corridor and displays to the caulier. There you can turn off the cameras, watching the passages, and go to the stairs to the second floor. The further path will bring Adam to the weapon. The main thing is not to get into the eyes of the next chamber, which, finding Jensen, joyfully rolls him down towards a combat robot. You can disable or reprogram all this technique from the gun. And if you also open the door in it ( 1980 ) You can expropriate a pleasant heart and inventory items.

From the exit to the caulier, the pipe takes to the left and up. If you go to the other side - Adam looks out of the wall at two meters from the floor, right behind the backs of two talkative soldiers. The complexity in eliminating them is the camera (they are more than enough at this level) and patrol, which periodically looks at this corner. Although, if you correctly pick up the moment, you can eliminate everyone without raising anxiety.

Anyway, Jensen will enter the main hall. The only difference is that, if you wade through the top floor, you can turn off the remaining two cameras and a robot, guarding output and approaches to it.

On the stairs, you can dig up on a stunning mine. Health she does not strongly spit, but will ensure that the uninvited guest is approaching. Carefully deactivate and keep up when necessary.

Further path blocks a hefty forehead in heavy armor and with a muster machine gun. You can shoot it directly in the aisle, but if his carcass falls into the field of view of the camera, then a bunch of guests will fright. The camera, however, is calmly disconnected from the next room, you only need to smoothly lie through the passage. If you do not want to communicate with anyone, you can smash the wall in front of the passage. The ventilation shaft, located there, allows you to cut three quarters of the way to exit. If the situation allows, the door blocking the output can be simply hacked. The third level of complexity at this point should no longer be a big problem. Or will have to go around, risking to expose on other patrols.

In front of the computer center, our main goal is at the level, it will be useful to look into the back. And if at the same time also allows the place in his pockets, you can get a new machine gun. In the computer center Adam meets present Eliza Kassan. The fact that Jensen had taken for a hologram before, is just an artificial intelligence interface. The present person of the most popular TV presenter in the world is a huge server cabinet.

The conversation undertaken in an attempt to find out where all the same was done by Megan Reed, interrupts the appearance Elena Fedorova, second boss game. It was she who at one time launched the staff "Sharif Industries" and disappeared from us from under the nose in Highland Park along with her commander.

Elena is a rapid fighter armed with two guns-guns and a stealth system. But its hand-to-hand attack is the greatest danger. Fedorova quickly reduces the distance and inflicts a powerful blow to the area, similar to the action with the implant "Typhoon". To dodge this attack, it is necessary in a second until the blow towards the Fedorova with the help of a sprint; If you do everything quickly, Adam will have time to get out of the lesion zone. I cleaved all the energy of the implant, Elena will turn on camouflage and try to escape from the visibility zone. At this point, it is practically defenseless, but if you go close to her, it will open fire from the tablet weapon, capable of turning Adam in the sieve in a couple of seconds.

Eliza will turn us into a trap as much twice. But at the same time will help us more than the most faithful friends.

The walls have four electric generator, each of which can deal with a blow to Jensen Elena. Then she, and we will roll for some time - and if the lady just stuns, then Adam, who does not care about the implant of protection from Amy, can easily kill. Just dodge the explosion a little - the floor is covered with water, which remarkably carries out electricity. And it is B. server, Yes. For the same reason, it is meaningless to try to throw Elena Emi grenades.

But gas mines, grenades and the paralyzer are remarkably disconnected by the boss for a while. Fedorov is especially comfortable, going to rapprochement for a hand-to-hand attack. And while the enemy is unique, we look at it as many bullets as we succeed. And you can simply pounce under the legs of the fragmentation min, the main thing is not to get into the radius of the separation of fragments.

After the battle, Eliza will share with Adam phone call recording. Not anyone else, as Isaiah Sandoval, the right hand of William Taggart, helped traces of kidnapping. It was he who removed the tracking device from the bodies of the staff of the Sharif.

For the only possible road, we return to the helicopter platform. It's time to return to Detroit, ask some questions.

Truth and lie

Social activity of Detroit citizens can only be envied. Three o'clock in the yard, and they have a massive protest and civil unrest.

While Adam flew around Montreal, Detroit covered the wave of riots. Attendance attendant with posters "Down with implants!" I turned into a rally, the rally - in a natural riot, and now "Sharif Industries" is almost in siege. The siege is so dense that David Sharif can not even get into his own office and meets Jensen in the apartment.

In the current situation, the Chef accuses the Order of the Illuminati, who seek to assign the opening of Megan Reed. Sharif argues that her invention will forever relieve humanity from the negative consequences of prosthetics so that all people can become ... more than humans. Such as Adam. David will share the information that "the front of mankind" is practically in full force on the speech of its leader in the conference center near the main building "Sharif Industries". We will go there.

These are the consequences: If you tried to go through the main door when a police car robbery, you will meet Wayne Haas at the exit of Hiron Building Adam. He was finally stitched from work, and he once again found the guilty of his problems. You can complicate over the loser (Adam recommends him in the security service of the Sharif) or express it all that you think about him - then the case will end in the battle.

The network clinics "Protane" is open 24/7 to help everyone in need of implants.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe clinic "Prostz" with Jensen, Martard will contact and please it with the news that there is no longer a sandowing in the building. However, our route does not change - the coordinates of Isaiah did not leave, you will have to go and recognize from Taggart, where his assistant disappeared.

Once to the building, climb the second floor in the near or far escalator and head to the assembly hall, where William acts. The leader of the "Front of Mankind" will cooperate does not show. In order to squeeze information from it, you will have to defeat it in peculiar debates before the public.

If you failed to convince Taggart, let's turn for help to its computer. To do this, we return a little back, jump over the cords, brave the corridor, and go further until we get from very unfriendly types from the gate turn. After that, we pass in the male toilet, where there is a wonderful air duct, which will lead Adam where necessary. The main thing is not to fall on the head. In the same ventilation, you can also get through the spare output and technical premises, but it will take much more time.

One way or another, we learn that the beamed went home, which means there and our way.

The apartment Adam will discover the corpse and traces of what the sanded descended into the sewer. You can follow him either through the wall langed in the bathroom and descending, either searching in the same bathroom boxed the chopper, opening a secret passage to the staircase. It remains only to eliminate a couple of bandits that take place near the sewer hatch.

On the sewage to the shelter of Isaiah, it is possible either on the left side where the path is blocking laser lattices and mines, or with the right - where unfavorable personalities with weapons in their hands have picked up. Also behind the barrel can be found technical LAZ. From the exit from it to the room of Sandoval - only one laser grille.

Isaiah in the gloomy depression - all the dirty framing "Front of Mankind" Taggart shouted on him. Sanding will not even unlock. Yes, he helped mercenaries to kidnap scientists, which is now deeply repellent. No, he failed to extract the tracking device from their implants - he only changed the frequency of the signal, removing the "dead" from the radar of the ball. Look for, and unite. Having finished confession, Isaiah will give a revolver and one-only cartridge for himself. But the shot can not happen if we are able to convince the scientist that he still has for something to live.

Fallen soldiers

Not rebelled ... Farid Malik, almost the only true ally of Jensen, - somewhere there, under the pile of the burnt metal.

Regardless of the state of the sandowner, we leave the sewer through the back door of its room. It is necessary to report on all the comchant, and the only way to the deposited "Sharif Industries" lies through the air. We return to the roof of Hiron Building, where the faithful Malik is already waiting for us.

And in Sharif Industries, Adam awaits a surprise behind a surprise. Little to the fact that Prenchard disappeared somewhere, so in the office of the Chief of Jensen, I will not meet David, and Hugh Darrow, the Creator technology of biomechanical implants. The conversation about the unique project "Panhai", a huge station, which will save the Earth from global warming, interrupts the appearance of the Sharif. The signal from one of the tracking sensors belonging to Vasily Shevchenko was discovered in the Hensh area. So Adam again will have to go to China.

On the regiment, Farid will report that the Chinese government has canceled their skip, and therefore will have to look for a new planting platform. But at that moment, Amy Rocket flies into the helicopter.

Here Jensen has a rather complicated moral choice - run to the elevator until the impressive crowd of mercenaries will be methodically turning the aircraft in a bunch of fragments, or to rush to save the Malik, who did not have time to evacuate. Save Farida canBut the battle will be frankly difficult. It will be more difficult for those who go to the honorable rank of pacifist, but also nothing incredible.

The elevator carries out Adam to the Daigun district, close to the prosthesis clinic. From this point on, Belltauer's Guard will be very "glad" to see Jensen and at the meeting will be solemnly welcomed by his palp from all stems. To the Yuchzhao district, from which the tracking sensor signal is coming, you can get to the subway, the descent to which is right on the road. The second path leads by the "hive". To do this, it is necessary to climb the clinic "Tai Jung" on the stairs, go through the alley and disassemble the trash, blinking the hole in the fence. And then - follow the signs.

This is a choice: For several hours already, as Jensen's implants (and all of his surrounding), from time to time begin to climb. For us, this is manifested in short-term interference on the screen and disappearance of the interface for a few seconds. In Hansha, the Completion will be released in Hensh, which will report that the problem is well known and the World Health Organization has already released a new Biochip. It can be installed for free in any clinic "Protane" ... and you can not install it. In the end, the world will fail any Implants, regardless of generation, manufacturer and date of manufacture, and this is very suspicious.

No matter how you get - on the subway or on foot, - before entering asylum, the collectors from which the sensor signal originates is handed over to hand. But the main entrance is under the protection of six people who are in no hurry to disperse anywhere. You can get involved in a shootout, and you can simply search for workarounds. One of these paths leads through the sewage system where to leak past the security is much easier. You can climb on the roof of the building - there the ventilation grille is generally not protected by anyone.

Inside the building you need only to get to the key point located the floor-two below (it depends on how Jensen was made through). There can be descended right along the ramp, passing all that moves. Or you can cut two chattering and descend through the technical staircase on the first floor, through the fresh hole in the wall. For the machine near the hole - several boxes that are blocked by the loophole directly to the signal source.

Surprise. The sensor signal comes from a mechanical hand, which already Belongs to Mr. Tonga. We receive information from him that in the disappearance of scientists not the "Tai Jung", but Belltauer. Every couple of days, ships belonging to the corporations are departed from the port in an unknown direction. According to the press of the head of the Chinese group, which has its own interest in the weakening of Belltauer, Adam is sent to the port.

Vintage Hope

Not very convenient and not too safe asylum. To breathe and change the position.

The gate leading to the port is not enough that they are closed, so also under guard. The computer from which they can be discovered is in the trailer a little further. But the protection will definitely come to check, with what joy they have a flap behind their backs decided to rolling on the parties. If the desires to convince the warders in the eligibility of the port visit, you can get around them on the left or right side of the gate. Right - hole in the fence hit by a large heavy box. The path to the left lies through even more large-sized metal container from which you can jump over the fence. But immediately jump is not worth it - the container is under the current from the fallen electrical pipeline. You can turn off the voltage from the same trailer in which the gate control panel is located.

Port Belltauer

We sit high, looking far away. The port "BELTUUER" is clearly needed cleaning.

Jensen need to pick up the "parcel" left by the tonga people. It can be reached on both on top and sewage. Passages to the sewer - left and right from the warehouse territory of the port. But to pass this, it is desirable to acquire a respiratory implant - otherwise it will simply be necessary to get out of sewage from the sewage. By the release of a security robot, you can get around, or turn off the emi-grenade.

The house with a parcel guard two soldiers - a sniper on the roof and patrol inside. Sniper can be removed from published (and let them lies, anyway, no one will see the body) or to get to it on the boxes that form a very comfortable staircase. Inside the house, you can enter both through the door, which is under the supervision of patrol and through the window side. You can do a new door in the wall, but then the guard will suit, who is noise there.

In an agreed place lies, oddly enough, a bomb, which Tong asks to place on the table head of the port. The manager of the manager is located inside the warehouse, and the most imperceptible pathway leads further through the sewer. At the exit, we try not to get on the eyes of the turret - we get up to the garbage containers and climb on them to the level of the earth. Under the cover of the trailers, make your way to the building, inject the trash under the window and climb the balcony. With a lonely sniper can be laid away by the method. Further to the warehouse leads a locked door ( 6555 ) and ventilation, the entrance to which is located just below the rail.

If we carry the garbage tanks is not enough, you can smash the window and crawl through it, rebuilding protection. You can still, without falling on the eye of the camera, trying to the door of the warehouse ( 4589 ) And enter as a white person.

The easiest way to the Chief Cabinet leads on the left side. Under the cover of the boxes, we reach the staircase, and there on the stepladder on the roof and from there - in ventilation. You can enter into the door behind the back of the pair of idle fighters - the code 3295 . If you look into the camork under the stairs and eliminate two warns there, you can reprogram the turret, and then it will cope with the guard itself.

And everything would be nothing, but only on the bomb timer, Adam discovers not promised two minutes, and there are only ten seconds. Jensen barely time to smash the window and jump from the second floor for a fraction of a second to the explosion. After that, it remains only to follow the Tongov Council and hide in the cargo hold.

Singapore complex

In the future, laser alarms will be improved - to see the rays, Jay-Si Denton will resize as a steam locomotive. Jensen sees so.

Jensen wakes up in a pair of hundreds of kilometers from sending place - in Singapore. As a miraculous meeting, the survivals remaining in touch, the signals from the missing group of scientists are very close. But where exactly - it is not clear, the connection is unstable due to the suppressor of the signal. Therefore, it would be nice to disable it.

We leave from the warehouse. Immediately near the exit peacefully talking not waiting for trouble a couple of soldiers. We spread with them at your own discretion. The control panel "Digger" is located in the barracks nearby. The nearest path to the building leads through the window right at the rate. The next pair of patrol can prevent here, but they simply neutralize them quite simply. You can also go to the building, leaning through the hole in the fence, moving away a heavy box and taking advantage of another window, without guard. Turn off the suppressor antenna ( 0111 ). Now the commuard can accurately localize where the signals of the group of scientists come from.

The research complex leads two entrances. To the first one can get, turning the right from the building with the console. To the second, if there is no desire to move against, you can walk imperceptibly - with reinforced legs. From the entrance to the building turn to the left and move the box covering the LAZ in the fence. We are waiting until the patrol holes, jump on the transformer booth, and from there - through the fence.

You can save scientists in any order - depending on which side Adam penetrates the building. The Declan of Faerti is located in the basement of the left wing. To get to it, sufficiently go down on the elevator located near the entrance next to the laser grid. Room nickname Kolvin is located on the second floor of the right wing. There you can get from the door of the door, on the way to which you have to create something with a couple of guards, a video camera and a castle of the third level of complexity. As an option - on the first floor there is a wall, which I get into the ventilation leading right to nickname. Eric Spit stared above all - as well as on the third floor. If not lazy, we are looking for a staircase, if lazy and there are reinforced implants of hand-elevator. It is easy to find, if Dr. Kolvin is to turn right along the corridor and walk to the door. The door is locked on the castle of the third level of complexity. We wake or literally two meters further make a new passage. To get into the cabin, you just need to remove the boxes blocking the passage.

As a result of communication with scientists, an interesting picture is evaporated. Vasily Shevchenko began building the plans of escape almost from the very moment of the abduction. And even created a special virus, which, being loaded into the "Belltauer" computer network, should prevent themselves to track the sensors of scientists. That's just the plan did not have time to realize my Vasily. This task will fall on Jensen's shoulders - after all, only killing the corporate network, he will be able to enter the inner laboratories of the complex, where Megan holds.

It is more convenient to leave from the right wing - through a basement or descending on the stairs next to the Cabinet Cabinet. But in that and in another case, you will need to break the hole in the wall. In the first case, we will fall into the corridor filled with poisonous gas. You can remove it by turning the valve nearby. In the second version, it may be possible to prevent the patrol inside the building.

The road to the computer goes through the alley, where two robots are the greatest danger. It is better to get around them and reprogram the security terminal. When, after loading the virus, three soldiers will mark the alarm, bots with ease with them. Adam will also stay just reach the elevator and go down to the bunker, where it ... Jao will meet and Jaron Nir. "The third boss of the game and the very person who commanded the attack on the" Sharif Industries "and personally crippled Adam.

These are the consequences: If Adam replaced the "running" biochip, then this fight it will be forced to lead without the help of implants. Only passive improvements, such as skin shell, respiratory device and them are similar, while everything else, including even the gaming interface, will be hopelessly spoiled by Zhou's intervention.

After the attack on the "Sharif Industries", the mercenary got a disguise system and a plasma rifle. Fight with him can be both very easy and very difficult. It all depends on what implants Jensen got to this point. Improvements are extremely desirable to ignore the light-noise and gas grenades that the boss scatters just packs. It also does not hurt and strengthen the skin that reduces damage. In this case, Namir can simply be shot. If it did not work with such details - you will have to run with circles, periodically making the boss on mines. Just consider that he loves to climb on the walls and falls in traps is quite rare.

Even semi-blind, devoid of implants and pretty weakened Jensen is able to put an end to the plans of Namira.

After the victory over the commander of mercenaries, the direct corridor will bring Adam to the person he was looking for so long - to Megan Reed. It will help to bring back implants to normal if Jensen bought a trick with a "free enhanced biochip." Designed, by the way, it was the team of Meg on request "Tyum".

Adam furious from how easily Megan began to work on his kidnappers, but she informs him that she was convinced ... Hugh Darrow! Which is exactly collecting the leaders of the UN and the heads of leading corporations at their station "Panhai" allegedly for discussing the future implantation technology. Adam is trying to communicate with the charton, but late, the meeting has already begun. Jensen can only observe a direct broadcast from the Summit.

Darrow goes to the podium, clicking the switch ... and all the owners of the implants who updated the BIOCIP, and at once flow into uniform rabies. Some of them simply fall on their knees, unable to endure tearing pain in the head, but most begins to behave violently and aggressively. Megan recalls that the new BICIP allows you to broadcast any information into the brain and is able to force the mind to produce the most terrible hallucinations.

It's time to leave Singapore. Scientists invigorate the helicopter (or wait for the arrival of Farida, if she is alive) and depart in Detroit. And the path of Adam lies in the "Pheke" - the place where the installation is distorting the signals of the biochip.

Moment of truth

A huge puddle in which electrical cables float is not the best way to the tower. If, of course, there is no protective implant.

The last level of the game resembles rather Left 4 Dead.than Deus EX.. The signal affecting the BIOCIP, turned the modified people in the brunence of bloodthirsty zombies. They do not touch each other, but Jensen envy, will strive to destroy it at any cost. It is good that in such an aggressive state they do not use weapons, but prefer their own hands. It is urgent to turn off the installation that translates the Darrow signal.

Upon arrival, Adam meets chaos and devastation. All inputs to the station or blocked, or destroyed. If there is a hopping amplifier, you can get inside, first climbing containers, and then - through ventilation inside the complex. The second path leads through basement. It will also be extremely useful here to ignore the electrical impact - the floor in the basement is not enough that it will be filled with water, so also the torn cables no one bothered to de-energize. In addition, the basement corridors are mined. If the electricity is still able to send Adam to that light - make it swaying over the flooded floor of the pipes, we find a vent hole, highlighted by the detonator of the fragmentation min, and are made through it into the generator. From there, already on the stairs are chosen upstairs.

This proud building should have saved the land, and not immerse her in chaos.

It will not be possible to move around the station in full - the doors are closed tightly, and it is impossible to open them with remedies or bypass. So you must first disable the security system. The security terminal is located in the tower of the complex, where without problems can be climbed onto the elevator.

Near the Adam button meets Darrow, who explains the motivation of his act. The millionaire is convinced that people played in the gods and it leads society to destruction. Modified citizens are easily controlled, at least through biochipov, and their moral norms of the year from year we are weakened and weakening.

Hugh warns that the disabling system of the security will not only open all the doors, but also liberates the crowds of the complex of the complex. In addition, he will report that the broadcasting station is covered with the most powerful protective system of the world - "Chiron", and there is only access codes. The method of a long argument of a scientist can be convinced that his act is terrible and misuse, "then Darrow will give codes and ask Adam to tell people the truth about what he tried to achieve.

After deactivation of the security system, we descend on the elevator, and ... Darrow did not deceive. The complex is now not to push through. See madness bad but their such an oravathat they just plug through their bodies. Through the garage directly or on ventilation wells rose to the second floor and jump into the broken window. And then - on the corridor on a multi-level balcony. In the same corridor, if you push the overall automaton with a gas production, you can get into the clinic "Protane", which, oddly enough, still works.

The clinic "Protane" functions even on a dilapidated station in the Arctic Ocean.

At the balcony, Adam begins to catch a distress signal and from the top, and from the bottom floor. Taggart and Sharif collected adequate people around themselves and barricaded in the premises, to which they did not suddenly and get. Taggart is at the same level on which Jensen goes to the balcony, - the highest. If Adam has an "Icar" system and an amplifier jump, you can simply jump down, go through the room to the end of the room and there to return to the balcony in the construction forests, otherwise - make your way through the crowd of madmen. Further - silent under a bunch of beams blocking the door, we get into the corridor, followed by the cameras. You can bypass the chambers by jumping on the pipe to the left and passing along the wall to the ventilation, which will lead the surviving asylum. Or you can open the door to the right, bypassing the crowd of the zombie on top and find the entrance to the same ventilation or make a hole in the wall. The frontal route will work only at the most talented hackers - the door to the taggart locked the fifth level lock.

Sharif is at the lowest level, in the engine room. If I have "Ikara", we simply jump into a huge round well near the balconies, we calm the three aggressive personalities and we get through the ventilation to the charter. There can also be found if you use the elevator on the middle floor, and there simply mock the crowd of zombies or under the cover of invisibility, or by pipes under the ceiling.

IT IS IMPORTANT: The number of endings directly depends on whether Adam's shelter of Sharif and Taggart visited. Both will ask him not to tell people, because of what Darrow arranged all the cheese boron. Sharif will suggest that the madness modified around the world is a virus launched by the "Front of Mankind" to get rid of any opposition to progress. Taggart will offer to promote his batch in the top, intensifying control over the manufacturers of implants. To do this, he needs adam to spoke live that tragedy is just the side effects of a defective batch of drugs, overwhelming implants.

It remains only to Mavel a long corridor, the second half of which is simply teeming by the people. We proceed by them by technical balconies or simply activate the acceleration and run in the literal sense of the heads.

From the center of Broadcasting Adam now separates a long-premissive descent on the elevator. And at the bottom - Zhao, which from the very beginning stood behind Namira. The lady immediately will try to take control of the supercomputer "Hiron", but will suffer in this field a crushing fiasco - Rather, "Hiron" will take control her. But we are not easier from this - and Zhao, and the car converge on the fact that Adam is not a place here.

End of the Path

In the toilet of a cheap apartment, trying to help an old man's beetled toolate, Jensen utters a phrase, after which he would like to live even the gloomy player.

The last fight is perhaps the easiest in the game, for nothing, it divides on as many as two stages. On the first of them, Jensen will resist Hiron in the composition of three machine-gun turons on the ring rail under the ceiling.

As soon as the "Chiron" fails, the second phase of the battle will begin. Zhao, covered with armored host, starts opening compartments with patrol bots. Total robots four, you need to destroy everyone - fortunately, they are issued strictly one by one. At the same time, the package began to run into the room, stinks of the surplus workers will begin, and Zhao will periodically produce 220 volts to the floor. At first, only a quarter of the floor will be affected by electricity, but after the murder of the first robot, the current will spread at half the hall, after the second will begin to capture three quarters, and when the fourth bot will be released in the arena, every blow will touch the entire floor. You can hide from electricity and need to be hung and in open compartments for bots.

After all the robots are destroyed, the armored houses before Zhao will split into the same time, and we will only have to finish the invalid Queen of the world.

IT IS IMPORTANT: If Adam has a laser rifle, the battle can be avoided at all. "Sable" is all one - that the wall is that the shelter is that armored houses. Miracle weapons can be easily shot Zhao back in the first stage of the battle. If there is a rifle, but there are no charges - run on the subsidies, there there is a couple of batteries.

The body will cure ... But the mind is not always sufficient.

* * *

The explosion of "Hiron" will free the passage to the center of broadcasting, and the concerning Eliza Kassan itself will offer to draw up an appeal to the people. Tell people the truth about what Hugh Darrow wanted to achieve, even if it put the cross on all attempts to develop implants and then? Or maybe, brazenly to lie for the good of universal progress, unleashing the hands of Sharif? Or teach, keeping the fragile status quo at the cost of incredible strengthening of the position of Taggart?

Or ... spit on everything? You just need to go into the corridor next to the broadcast station and turn off the Phekes Pressure Control Systems. A huge station will go to the bottom - along with all these mests and technologists, politicians and inventors, each of whom is sure that he can speak for all humanity. And Adam ... he's still so tired of all this.

The choice is yours.

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