Fortune telling that there will be the door will open. Destination on fate on playing cards: alignment and interpretation of cards. How to read cards in the layout on fate

Look into the future, find out what is waiting ahead every second, if not all people are on earth. In order to peer the coming, a man invented many ways: astrology, numerology, chiromantia, fortune telling. One of the most simple methods that do not require long-term preparation and certain knowledge is the fortune telling on the maps.

There are different decks of cards that are used for ghosts, for example, tarot. In order to configure Tarot's cards to their energy, learn to hear them, you need time and preparation. The most ordinary method of predicting the future is the usual deck of playing cards.

There are several card handling features:

All of the above should be performed before starting to guess or someone. In addition to these general rules, there are still several conditions that follow:

Refrain from gadas on trifles, do not resort to cards during posts and church holidays.

Simple alignment for the past and the future

In order to predict the future and see the past there is one popular fortune telling on maps, alignmenting questions: "What happened and what will happen." For him you will need a deck out of 36 cards.

Before you start guessing, you need to choose a map of a person who is guessing, it will be a lady or king:

The first stage of divination will be a good tapering of the deck, after which you need to take the "fan" three cards and lay out on the table. Follow until you see a map of who you are guessing. Pay attention to which cards were next to him if they are similar in touch and the situation, it will mean that everything is fine and you set up the cards to the desired way.

The resulting "fans" of three cards each, symbolize the following:

That card that was removed to answer the question: "What will calm down?"

The value of different maps

First you need to know that each suit matches its element. So trephies - symbolize the element of fire, the tambourine - the earth, worms - water, peaks - air. The elements, in turn, relate to their spheres: Fire symbolizes power, earth - matter, good, water - feelings and emotions, air - intuition.

Let's start with a suit, symbolizing the fire.

The mastery, personifying earthly goods:

MAST - Chervi:

MAST - Peaks:

  • Six foreshadows a possible long journey;
  • Seven - lie, betrayal;
  • Eight - illness;
  • Nine - a quarrel with a close friend;
  • Dozen - hopes and dreams are doomed to failure;
  • The currency is a bad young man, a quarrel;
  • Lady - quarrels and disorders;
  • The king is an evil person;
  • Ace - bitterness and sorrow.

How can not behave with maps at fortune

Along with the rules of fortune telling on the maps, there are banners that cannot be broken, otherwise the cards will not "speak" with you.

You survived in the recent past a number of trouble that significantly changed your life. But now, looking back, remember not only unpleasant emotions, which at some point almost overwhelmed you, but also a positive thing that brought you this difficult and sad experience.

Of course, you had to withstand the difficult struggle for the right to remain ourselves and lead the life that you like. But you will not deny that after all you have happened not only stronger, but also wiser; In other words, just matured.

Yes, you have changed - but it is only half of the case. The situation itself has changed. After the previous unfavorable stage, the prospect of the best future opens. You and your surrounding could not not notice how many confidence have increased and your actions, and not for reason. A new life period began, which fortune-telling "Ra Dhi - the door of favorable visions was very unequivocally announced.

Think over the symbolism of this name. Is it not true, the image that arises in front of you is very born and expressive? Leaving the past, standing on the threshold already completed events, you look forward, through the "doors of favorable visions", and your opinion pleases and scares the new perspective that opens in front of you.

Boldly step through the threshold, without looking around and without lingering in the past. No need to revive the bad moments of life again and again. Understand: what you think with such horror, gone and never return. Yes, you have a dark room, but in front of you (and it is much more important) - a wonderful sunny day!

Having considered on the execution of some tasks, it will be reasonable to apply for advice to a person who you trust the business small alone.

You are still somewhat invented in yourself, so help from the side will not be. In advance, notice the items that intend to discuss.

Do not rely on inspiration - it may not come during a conversation. Try from the very first words to impress a person who knows what he wants.

Talking, keep in mind the task for which you started it. Remember: the more confident you will hold on, the more you will go to meet you and the more seriously will be treated for your plans!

family, Property, Personal Life, Friends and Disablers

Relationships with loved ones in your family will defiantly develop. Do not rush right away to change everything for the better. For you now the most important thing - slowly helping the fate to send your life by the right track.

Let the events develop their guys: Trust the flow of life. Do not doubt - she is very well known, in which direction should go. All that is required at the moment from you personally, to closely monitor the course of the events and do not miss a suddenly turned out to be promising (and that such an opportunity will appear, do not even doubt!).

The same full right can be attributed to all issues, one way or another related to property. Small acquisitions will now be much more profitable for large capital investments. A certain tension in monetary matters will soon be replaced by a complete financial well-being.

For you, this will happen as if by itself, without actively participating on your part. However, in fact it is the results of your past works.

Remember how once complained about the fate for the fact that many of your efforts are wasting. In fact, the seeds sown at that time only now brought their germs. Reprove your success and do not forget to properly dispose of the received.

A very favorable time has come to close to solve the problem of personal life. Now that your financial issues have finally been safely resolved (or is about to be resolved), you can with a clear conscience, without justifying permanent employment, look at the other, the intangible side of your life. Wouldn't you, you have previously heard some disturbing "calls", who reported that with a personal life you are far from all so well, how would you like to think?

At best, your relationship with your loved one is just a few sweeping from time to time (in other words, boredom broke into your house). And here is this boredom and makes you feel a little restless and uncertain: it seems, everything is in order, everything is fine, and meanwhile something is missing.

Universal recipes - how to fix the situation for the better - of course not. In many ways, as it is disappointing, the positive changes in this area will depend on your luck. Wait for you to tell you the fate on this subject: we hope that the surprise will be pleasant!

Try all your undertakings or at least most of them exercise in close contact with friends. If in matters of personal life and it is worth a couple of fatalism, then the region of relationships with others - the whole on your responsibility.

Optimal for you at this stage will be the ability to combine the hardness of the will with the flexibility of thinking. Learn to distinguish with really useful tips and sincerely thank you for them: so you will place the surrounding people even more to yourself and you can tie new friendly contacts.

Reprove the fact that a significant part of the forces go to solve truly important and serious problems; You almost do not have to waste yourself on the fight against ill-wishers. They are now so absorbed by the decision of their own cases that they, frankly speaking, are not up to you. Let's hope this information will not too disappoint you (except that you yourself are inclined to raise quarrels with others).

rest, Health, Self-improvement, Cases

After the previous one, not too successful period of your life, you still retain some tendency to solitude. It's time to stop the novel life. Dedicate the "output to the light" time allotted by you for rest. At first, you, apparently, have to overcome a certain inner barrier, but in the end, the overall fun sincerely hobble you. Have fun from the soul - you deserve it like no other!

If at this stage you will have any health problems, do not fall into panic: the treatment will be speedy and easy. Yes, and alone you will not leave you too - after all, you really have a lot of good and caring friends. Believe me: Sometimes it is even pleasant to get sick.

Practicing in self-development and self-improvement, pay a lot of time to analyze past achievements and failures. As it should, examine your behavior; The best method here will be attempting to look at yourself from the side of the eyes of others.

You can carefully ask your friends, which exist for them in communication with you pleasant (and not very) moments. And only after that, take over the thinking of new plans.

The implementation of the concrete case you will help good planning and careful analysis of the errors allowed. The sign of favorable visions indicates that you are now lucky.

Do not grab the tricks for the realization of completely grand ideas. Limit some specific, but, of course, an important desire for you. And then a firm goal, a hot desire and of course support for fate will help you make a conceived!

This is a very interesting fortune telling.
For him you will need an ordinary deck out of 36 cards. Choose a map of the gadget (forms). If you are guessing a woman, then it will be a lady of Bubi, if a man is the king of Bubi.

Tasu a deck. We lay out the cards with three shirt down and look with what two cards the blank fell. It is of great importance for the entire subsequent divination.

We put a blank to the center of the table, shuffle a deck, then put 1 card for a blank (under the heart), 1 map put on a blank (on the heart), 3 cards lay out above the form (in my head), 3 cards lay down below the bank (in the legs ), 2 cards - in the upper left corner (past), 3 cards - to the left of the forms (past), 2 cards - in the left lower corner (distant past). Next, 2 cards put on the right upper corner (future), 3 cards - to the right of the form (future), 2 cards - to the lower right corner (future).

Next, we do as follows. From the remaining deck, count 3 cards, and the fourth put "on the heart" (on the card of the gadget), then again count 3 cards, and fourth put "on the heart." So we do, while in your hands there will be no 1 card, we also put "on the heart". As a result, "on the heart" you should lie 5 cards.

And now decryption:

On the heart is what the most worried man now.
Under the Head - recently experienced, but not yet forgotten.
In the head, the fact that a person in his head, in thoughts, what he thinks, reflects.
In the legs - the fact that still has, but will soon leave his life.

During the calculation of the cards, you immediately need to see which figure from each suit (king or lady) fell the first one. If, let's say, you are posting the cards, and you first fall the king of peaks, it means that it will be a judicial character. And already swept the lady of peaks will already mean not a woman, but only the desire of the king peak.
Also admissible from the master of worms, the lady fell forward. Consequently, she means a woman in fortune-money, and the king of the worms dropping her later - this is not a man, but the desire of the ladies of Wormi. Just do and with the look of the beast. The same with the Mausy Bubi: If, let's say, the letter is a lady, then the map King Bubi will mean the desire of a woman who is guessing.

We study the cards in the resulting slade, given in which group they are (on the heart, in the past, in the legs, etc.).

Card values:

Ace Buby - own home (a man who is guessing).
Ace Chervie - News, letter, message.
Ace Crest - government House.
Ace Picks - Top up: Punch, something very bad; Top up: booze.

King Bubi - a man who is guessing; Either the desire of the lady Bubi.
King worms - young man; or the desire of ladies worms
King Kresty - a venerable person, maybe father; either the desire of the ladies of the go
King Peaks - angry or old person (and maybe both); or the desire of ladies peaks

Lady Bubi - a woman who is guessing; or the desire of the king bube
Lady Chervie - young woman; either the desire of king worms
Lady Crest - a venerable woman, maybe mother; either the desire of the king king
Lady peaks - the villain or an old woman (and maybe all combined); either the desire of king peaks

Vallen Bubi - a person who is guessing
Valts Chervi. - King's troubles or ladies of worms (depending on who the first fell in the scenario)
Curleb's currency - King's troubles or ladies of a baptism (depending on the first fell in the scenario)
Curlee Peaks - Empty troubles

Ten Bubi - the interest of a person who is guess
Ten worms - the interest of the king or lady of worms (depending on who first fell in the scenario)
Ten baptism - king's interest or ladies
Ten peaks - Bedroom interest

Nine bubes - Cardichship (feelings) of a man who is guess
Nine worms - Cartoon of the king or lady of worms (depending on who first fell in the scenario)
Nine kristen - Cartoon of the king or ladies
Nine peaks - Sick bed

Eight Bubi - meeting, a date of a person who is guess
Eight worms - Meeting, a date of the king or ladies of worms (depending on who the first fell in the scenario)
Eight kristen - Meeting, a date of the king or ladies
Eight peaks - Late meeting, later date

Seven bubes - a conversation of a man who is guess
Seven worms - the conversation of the king or lady of worms (depending on who first fell in the scenario)
Seven christmas - conversation king or ladies
Seven peaks - Late conversation

Six Bubi - the road of a man who is guess
Six worms - Road of the king or ladies of worms (depending on who the first fell in the scenario)
Six babes - King Road or Lady Cross
Six peaks - Late road

Next, we collect all the cards that participated in the scenario (the rest do not yet touch), Tasuz and lay them out in a row, removing the pair of the same dignity. That is, let's say, lay out in a row: seven peaks, six peaks, a lady of a cross, seven worms ... - Two seven (peaks and worms remove). And in the same way, lay out a number further. Only here the form cannot be removed from a row.

So, you have a small row of cards. Blanca we shift her first in this row.
Pay attention to how many cards it turned out in a row.
1 card (only the map of the gadget) remained in the row) - loneliness
3 cards - something bad, bad sign
5 cards - an obstacle
7 cards - something good, good sign
9 Cards - Miracle!

Next, the discarded cards are mixed with those cards that were postponed at first (which did not participate in the scenario at all), well tasely and stretch from this stack at a single map for each map of the row and put them on one bottom under each number of rows. Thus, you should get 2 identical in the number of carte cards.

We start to interpret the resulting alignment.
The top row cards mean the main thing, and the cards of the lower row are as if the addition of what is said.
In the upper row you have 3 cards: Lady Bubi (blank), currencies peaks (empty troubles), seven worms (conversation king worms)
You have 3 cards in the lower row: the ace of the cavity (government house), seven Bubi (Talk Lady Bubi), six peaks (late road)
You explain to a person who is guessing this alignment: "You are at a state building. Empty troubles at your conversation. A conversation of some young man at the late road." That is, always for a bundle of cards of the upper and lower row is added preposition "when".

Now we collect cards who participated only in this scenario (cards of two rows). From the other cards, so many cards are added to them, so many cards are added, so that the total number of cards become 19. That is, if you had 2 rows of three cards (only 6 cards), then stretching 13 more cards from other cards.

These 19 cards are well shuffled. Next, we do this: lay out a shirt up in a number of 7 cards, then on the first 6 cards (we do not touch the seventh) lay out 12 cards in random order, so that in each stack it is equal (3 cards), and in the seventh (last) so And only one card remained.

Now alternately open each stack and lay them on top of the down.
1st stack (1st fan) - for me (for a person who is guess)
2nd - for home
3rd - for the heart
4th - what was
5th - what will happen
6 - what the case will end
7th (where there is only one card) - the heart calms down.

The door beats.
In the door will enter.
An hour later.
To the evening.
For all over the night.

You need to spread them one, top down.
That is, you just need to pull 8 cards.

Probably, at first glance, this fortune telling will seem difficult to you and incomprehensible. But trying to repay this way several times, you very quickly remember it and master. And believe me, you will like it, as it really gives a very large number of interesting information gading.

To start free online divination, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think of what you are guessing for. Hold down a deck Until the feeling comes that it's time to finish the tastovka.

Divination online for free Kiev Vigode. There were several options for carrying out this divination, today we present the second option. We want to note that the interpretation of the scenario is given as indicated in the description should not forget that this is fortune-telling of the late 19th century. Therefore, do not be surprised in such definitions, as - knocking, rattles, everything will cover and so on. You must understand what it meant - in a short time, something worries, everything will end and so on. With a sufficiently large number of received cards, it is still not overloaded with excessive information and is available for understanding even ordinary inhabitants.

Divination technique online for free

In this fortune telling, a deck of 32 cards will help us, which we can get removed from the usual deck of six. The deck for divination should be not a better player if it will be your personal deck. Another important condition is that the deck must be asymmetric, that is, each card must have a direct and inverted value, and not only aces, 9 and 7. Tax such a deck is needed not in the usual way, but to mix cards on the table so that you prevented not Only the positions of the cards in the deck, but also their orientation as, thanks to various interpretations of direct and inverted maps, we have not 32 interpretation values, and 64, that of course significantly specifies the results we receive. After stirring the decks, slide the deck with your left hand to yourself and start laying up the card with the words 1 map - knocking, 2 - threatening, the 3-door will open, the 4th thing will end, the 5th heart calms down, 6- everything will cover. After the layout of all six cards, proceed to the interpretation of fallen values. You can spend this fortune telling on our site is completely free of charge, for this you need to click on the deck of cards located just below on the page, hold this deck until the feeling comes that it is time to finish the tack, you will immediately be interpreted by the deposited cards.