MONOBRATION GAME RULES GAME. Funny contests. Games for a big company

Inflate me
Each of the participants give on a whole pack of chewing gum, for example, orbits. By the "Start" team, each of the participants proceeds to the chewing process. The challenge is the fastest of the rest of the soldiers all the plates and inflate the biggest ball. The winner and owner of the strongest jaws are a prize.

Crazy dancing

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one leg of one participant binds to one foot of the second participant. The presenter includes music and give the teams that you need to dance, for example, Lambad, Kankan, Chunga Chang, Hip-Hop and so on. It will be interesting to look like a couple will interact and dance with connected legs. The most eccentric and talented pair is supposed to be a prize.

Feel Poya

Competition is cheerful and interesting. Each participant closes his eyes and put on a chair of any object, for example, a nut, spoon, pencil, and so on. Each participant is sitting on a chair and tries to guess that he has at a soft place. Who more and correctly guesses items, he will receive a prize.

Do not take me to weak

In this competition, the host proposes to make one of two: spawn 500 times or:
- drink a glass of vodka (in fact, water will be in the glass);
- drink a liter of manganese (diluted cherry juice);
- eat 2 worms (actually worms will be marmalade);
- smear the face of mud (melted chocolate) and so on.
It will be interesting to whom not weakly commit "feat" and funny to observe surprised persons when the truth will be wrong. And the prizes are reeling the most brave.

Make up your word

For this contest, the lead must consider and choose interesting words. For example, in front of the guests of Molbert and the word is written. y Nya lead explains that guests should think carefully and pronounce a word that suits, that is, just add letters instead of points. Or, for example, you need to make a word of 5 letters, in which the letters p, s, d, a, are necessarily present. Thus, guests will raise their spirits and enter the courage. But the answers are completely simple. To the first option - the kitchen, and the second option is the West.


Participants are divided into two teams. The first team is customs, and the second is the people who go abroad. Customs will not miss them until they respond to the main question: "What will you first take with you abroad?" Travelers must call things that began on the same letter as their name.
Who will call more things, he won.

Feet can do

Each participant sits on the ass, takes a marker in his feet (between the stop) and the sheet should write a phrase, for example, I am a well done. All letters must be clearly visible. Which of the guys will faster will write phrase, he will receive a prize.

Draw a word

The host with the guests comes up with the Word and say it to one of the participants in the competition. His task to portray this word on paper without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws. The task of the players team guess what word is speech. The one who fits first will receive a prize.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

Those who are ready to show their speaker abilities for speed are involved in this competition. Each participant keeps two nuts in the mouth, at the leader's leader. Everyone in turns with nuts in the mouth pronounces a simple patter: "Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on cucusulok hood. How in the hood it is ridiculous! " You can choose another. Who in the shortest time will tell the patter and will not relieve the nut out of his mouth, he won.

Show your tongue

Guys are divided into teams. On one participants of each team are invited to the center of the room, the participant pulls out his phanta from his hat, in which some definite phrase is written, complex for pronunciation, for example, "Kuvokes with abroad" or "ships were still able to harvest" and so on. Each participant goes into the center and opening his mouth wide, pulling out his tongue completely, says to him the phrase, and his team should guess as soon as possible and literally pronounce this phrase. If you guess the team in which this member consists, she gets his score, if the opponent's team guess - she gets 2 points. The stimulus is and fun will certainly be after each show his tongue and try to say something.

Dress lady
Each woman holds in his right hand twisted in the tangle. A man takes her lips tip and, without touching his hands, wipes a woman with a ribbon. It wins the one who gets more successful, or one who will quickly cope with the task, or by decision of the jury.

I love - I do not like
The presenter asks for all guests sitting at the table, to name two parts of the body: what they love and that they do not like the neighbor on the right. For example: "My neighbor on the right I love your ear and I do not like my shoulder." After everyone calls it, the presenter asks for everyone to kiss what they love, and bite what they do not like. A minute of rapid laughter is provided.

Write on paper hearts the first lines of songs about love and offer each of the guests to keep the song that the first line of which he got.

Poor loved
Guests are divided into pairs. In each pair - a man and a woman. The task of each pair - joint efforts without hands to deploy and eat candy, which will give the presenter. Couple made it first, wins.

Fellows of your favorite number 2
Guests are divided into pairs. Each is a man and a woman. Before each pair, a few meters are plates with ice cream. The task of women is to take a spoon, emphasize the ice cream and, taking a spoonful of the cuttings with lips, carefully go back to your partner and feed it, without letting the spoon from the mouth. Couple, the first eating ice cream, wins.

The presenter asks:
1. You came home, and an unfamiliar man sleeps on your bed. Your actions?
2. You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place. Your actions?
3. You were invited to restarant, you have dinner and suddenly your satellite disappears without paying. Your actions?
4. You bought paint for hair, painted your hair, and it turned out that it is green, but you have no time to repaint you in front of a solemn reception. Your actions?
5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that does not fall asleep in any case. Your actions?

Boxing Match
Props: boxing gloves, candy (preferably caramel)
Before the competition, the presenter causes two real men, which for the sake of the ladies of the heart are ready for everything. Heart ladies are present immediately to have a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. Cavaliers dress boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The task of the master - as much as possible to pump the situation, to suggest which muscles it is better to smoke, ask to even spend short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, as in this ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring, welcome each other. The lead, he is the judge, reminds the rules, like: Below the belt does not beat, bruises not to leave, the battle is before the first blood, etc. After that, the host presents the fighters along the same candy, preferably caramel (they are harder to deploy, especially when they have mercy), and asks for their ladies to turn this candy as soon as possible, without removing boxing gloves. Wins one who earlier the opponent will cope with the task.

Props: Ribbon or Rope
In my signal, the first participant takes a rope in hand and one runs all distance. Returns to the start, the second "baby" from the group grabs the rope. Now I run all the distance already two, then three, etc., while the whole group will not hold for the rope. Which group comes running to the finish line first, she won.

Road to "Freedom"
Two teams: in one man, in another woman.
Two teams are formed: in one man, in another woman. At the signal, players of each team begin to remove clothing from themselves (what they want) and lay out in the line. Each team has its own line. The team made the longest line from clothing wins.

7-8 people are involved
The game is generally something, for children of the pre-preschool, but at the eves and weddings goes to "Up!". 7-8 people participate, each eats the animal and shows the rest of the hipotime movement of this animal, only movement! :) So it is "acquaintance". After that, the leading from the stands knocks the beginning of the first game. He should show "herself" and a disgraced "animal", this "animal" shows itself and someone else and so on until anyone is wrong, i.e. Show a disgusting "animal" Nepiorally or will show the dropped out. Allowed the error leaves. The game ends when two remain. "Then toast :)

Props: Pencil
Commands in which men alternate and women should transfer from the first to the last simple pencil, but it is transmitted to hesitated between the nose and the upper lip of playing! Naturally, it is impossible to touch the pencil with your hands, and everything else can touch your hands :))) if the guests have already accepted some of the alcohol, the spectacle will turn out abalden

Props: Toothpicks (Matches), Ring
The big company (any ripast) rises in the time of M - M - M - M - g. Each participant runs into the poth the toothpick (match). The carriage is put on the match (any, it is possible. The meaning of the game: to move the ring along the chain (with matches on the match), of course, without the help of the pitch to the last participant.

Compass of gpomsky cartsits
Props: Newspapers Any, Men participate :)
The presenter announces that participants should be able to face how they are reading the newspapers out loud to the entire family aloud, and the one who will be better will win it all. To do this, they sit in Kpezla or on the chairs, rush to the knee one pantu (so that a naked foot is visible), throw the leg to the leg (naked leg, naturally, fresh) and they are given in the newspapers. Texts for reading should be as long as possible. According to the team of the leading participants, they begin to read the newspaper out loud, becoming the movement of the fees. Such a funny guzzle underwhelms that zputers ride laughter ... by the "Stop" command reading, and the master declares the winner. The last ppikov: The master announces that in fact this competition was not reading, but on the most hairy legs, and it is possible to go to the most "shaggy". :)))))))

Props: Scotch, balls
From the girlish material (preferably large sizes), for example, balls, participants are pushing a woman or a man and explain the built. To bond use tape. The participant wins, blinding the most honestly sculpture and most picturesquely explaining her.

Where to invest money?
Requisites: money-candy
The presenter causes two paps (in each pape a guy and a girl): "Now you will be able to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing in each one by one checkout. Get initial contributions! (Issues money-candy money). Banks for your deposits can serve KAPMANS, LAPS, and all undermined places. Stay as quickly as possible to official your deposits, open as many banks as possible. You were finished, started! ". The presenter helps the papams perform the task, after 1 minute, the host sums up. Host: "How many checkp left do you have? And you? Great! All the money is invested in the case! Well done! And the warmth I will throw women to change places and how quickly you will take off the full amount. Open banks, shoot money! Warning, started! ". (Music sounds, women find money from other steps).

Requisites: two sheets of format - A4 or just a newspaper sheet
Two young men and two girls take part in the game. Two stools are put, boys on the boys. Next, two A4 sheets are running and put on his knees to young people. After that, the girl sits on the clips of the paper lying on his knees. The task is to measure the sheet within 1 minute. From the forecast it looks very spectacular and fun! :)

Leg girlfriend
A good company, a festival with friends (only to spend this joke with parents, grandparents or the opposite of children - do not), birthday, etc. In the room on the chairs are ladies, man 4-5. From practice - no longer needed. Show the man that his wife sits among them (a friend, familiar) and they will be taught in the other room. At this point, all women are transplanted, and among them (for color), 1-2 men are satisfied. Everyone is broken down one leg (slightly above the knees) and let a man with a bandage. He squatches, alternately, with all the touching leg with his hands, should learn his wife. Hich is not very terrible, and jokes - otpad. Many options. And the man long "climbs" on the legs for a long time, and it happens not recognizing the "fabulous", well, and if I pointed to another man, I melt my wife (and to hide the hair dressed stocking) - the outpad will be complete. Then all men want to want to catch it !!!

Props: Inflatable Sharks (1 per each), Rights ordinary, leukoplasty, stationery button (1 per each)
The number of people - the more, the better. The game can be both team and everyone for himself.
Sharick inflates and picked up with a thread in the waist paйна (Sharc must be on the up and in the pan of the buttock). The button is pushing a piece of leucoplasty and glued on the forehead of the game. Such a procitor is pumped with each participant. Then each game should fold the bugs on the GPI or behind the back (for the course of the game it cannot be used by them), and you can tie them. After all these plexigations, it is given to become (somewhat occurring - for the command game, after being considered, who survived; and for the game everyone for himself - it's going to the last one), after which the task of the game is a button on the forehead. Using the PUs). It looks all right, most importantly - so that people were more. HU and the winner of the encouraging program.

Props: Absolutely any (and how much) PRGNOVATE IPIs are picked on the vessels and are in the bag.
Call Dobrink, tie his eyes. When the eyes are tied, the presenter pulls out of the bag and brings to the nose of Dobrotent, one of the harvested podmets, hanging on the vesion. Always without the help of the PU, only the meaning of the sense of smell is: what is this thing. Guess, you will get it the most in the feed ... it gives something to something popposel, like an apple. The rest, inspired by the right, will then stand in the wonder. It happens very funny when the unfortunate Nyukhach is coming to the nose, we will use it, in a suspended can of beer, which woves there and here ... The won the case comes to the point that Dobrobelizes are allowed to smell the associated ppezes. Davodolets struggles to the air, and the progress from the laughter is climbing under the furniture. You can also give sniffing. And if guessed, let him say, what dignity was money. PPAKATIC shows that one is always the one who is able to guess the dignity of the smell ...

About the first marriage night
Props: handle and paper for the lead
Every guest is asked to try to get to their heel, without bending the knees. Everything that the player says during this exercise, the presenter writes on the sheet (not forgetting to specify the name of the speaker near each statement). If the player is silently trying to perform this exercise, the presenter sets the leading questions: what do you feel now, what are your feelings, etc. When all guests passed through this, and all of their statements are recorded in detail, the lead announces: "And now we will learn what it thinks (for example, Anna) about your first marriage night," and reads all the recorded statements of this player. And so with the statements of each guest.

Props: Thick winter mittens, shirt or bathrobe.
Male players are issued fat winter mittens. Their task is to faster the larger number of buttons on a shirt or a bathrobe, which is put on top of the clothes of their partners on the game.

Hunting on balls
Requisites: Inflated Sharks
GPPP Wait for IPY "Shariki". Evening implications are not a hindrance. The hawls are called inflated shapers (we were picked up one by one), for the absence of shakers or their shortage on all, you can replace them with "feed products" (it is not worse). On the team, everyone buses to burst the dpug from the dpug shapes with legs, becoming protecting your own. The game is pushing to the last shap. The winner is the owner of the very last shap. The game is very burst, noisy, fun, but, unfortunately, quickly (but the impressions of Uym).

Put the ball
Requisites: a few ping pong balls
There are several pairs in the game. Each couple receives two ping pong balls. Men ride these balls from the right sleeve lady in the left sleeve. Ladies ride balls through men's pants from the right pants to the left

Supported apple
Props: Apple (Vinogpad, and the like) Poly beyond the tail thread and hangs
The first WAIAN is the simplicity of apples to the scope of the apples, not yet taken from Deeva, in the second: the apple is poured behind the tail of the thread and hangs on the chapter (apply). In both cases, it is impossible to help myself. The most interesting Waunt of this game is a team, when in the eating of each apple, internally and puzzle, and the girl. Under the conditions of unloading apples, they can be replaced by gpozogs of the Winoga, but the absorption of these Paian fruits should be performed simply by the pappy and the girl to create a spike situation.

Props: Two chairs and rope or tape two meters long
Remove the sleeves of two jackets (jackets) and hang them on the backs of chairs. Put the chairs at a distance of one meter, the backs to each other. Under chairs, put a rope (ribbon) two meters long. Both participants are standing at their chairs. By the signal, they must take jackets, turn out the sleeves, put on, fasten all the buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on my chair and pull the rope (ribbon) by taking her to yourself.

Understand me!!!
Participants of the game (at least 4 people) are divided into two teams. Assigns a "leading" team. Another team comes up with the word so that he is not heard the opponent players. This word is reported to "on the ear" one of the representatives of the "leading" team. The purpose of this participant of the game is to portray gestures to the meaning of the words reported to him so that his team calls the said word. Use letters, pronounce this word with lips without voice (and, of course, voice), and also shown on the subject, called this word, is prohibited. If the team guess the word, then it gets the point. Next, the commands change places. In the next round, other representatives must be made from the teams, and so until everything will be performed. Of course, this game may not seem very funny, but if you give the will of fantasy, you can come up with very "interesting" words: "vacuum cleaner", "orgasm", etc. In addition, of course, the players need freeness and lung, with a sense of humor, attitude to the fun.

Princess on the Pea
Props: Buttons on the leg (preferably more)
Only women participate in the game. It is necessary to put in a row of stools (or chairs without a soft upholstery) by the number of alleged participants (best 3-4). A certain number of round caramels is placed on each stool (there are such sweets, in form - small buns), you can buttons on the leg (preferably more important). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. Top stools are covered with opaque polyethylene packages. Cooking finished. Wishing are called. They are seated on stools. Music turns on. Usually we turn on the song for this competition "Ride Poyo". And so, dancing, sitting on a stool, participants must determine how many candies under them. Win the one who will make it more and more correctly.

With closed eyes
Props: Thick mittens. Nulling thick mittens, it is necessary to determine the touch, what kind of man in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls - guys. You can feel the whole person.

The most attentive
Conducted at the table. Play 2-3 people. The host reads the text: I will tell you the story of one and a half dozen phrases. Only I will tell the figure 3, "the prize immediately take:" Once the pike we caught, we saw small, and they saw small fish, and not alone, but as many as seven. "When you want to remember the poems, they are not a zubu until late at night. Take a time for the night - another, and better than 10". "Dreams the guy hardened to become an Olympic champion. Look, at the start it is not sicks, and wait for the team: once, two, march!" Once a train at the station I had to wait for 3 hours ... "If you do not have time to take a prize, he takes the lead:" Well, friends, you did not take a prize when there was an opportunity to take. "

Matching tournament
Multiple teams participate.
Props: Several boxes of matches
"Merry relays for any age. Multiple teams are involved (the most optimal number of teams is three). If the team completed the first, it is awarded three points, the second one - two, the third one. Who after all the stages more points are the winner of the competition. It is possible for each competition to stick matches in potatoes, and then count how many needles have such "hedgehogs". The relay is considered complete when the last participant of the team delivers boxes to the place from which the movement began. If the boxes will fall, participant of the relay Must stop, hoisting it into place and only after that continue his way.
Competition tasks:
1. To carry the matchbox, putting it on the scalp.
* Put the boxes, putting it on the back in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist.
* Put the boxes, putting it with an end to a compressed fist.
* Put the boxes, putting it on foot in the rise of the foot.
2. Transfer the boxes by pressing him the chin to the neck. In the chin and the neck of the boxes should be dried by ends.
3. Transfer the outer part of the box, taping it on the nose. Transfer the relay without the help of hands, the next participant must remove the boxes with the nose.
4. Put empty boxes on the floor and blow on it so that he moves himself. Move the boxes in this way in one direction, back run.
* Stay out of matches the word "Congratulations!".
5. Who will quickly collect scattered matches. For each team, 5 boxes of matches are scattered in a certain place.

Arrows Amura
Props: Big slingshot (with an adult palm), inflatable heart balls
A large slingshot is bought (size with an adult palm), craftsmen can recommend to make themselves. Inflatable heart shapes are inflated slightly, so to be placed in a slingshot. "Angel of Love" must hit his chief "Arrow Amur" in the heart, the first time it happens rarely, since the chosen one is at some distance. Places in which balls fall, you need to kiss. The game is underway until "Amur" does not fall into the heart. It is especially interesting when a few men armed with slingsters are trying to hit the heart of one chosen.

Thorny path
Props: Several bottles from the table
The presenter invites three married couples. Men get 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and puts them on the path of each man. After that, each man tie his eyes, turn several times around themselves, put face to his wife and ask to reach her and hug. When the eyes are already tied up, the leader quickly removes the bottles and changes their wives. Spectators are asked to save silence :)

Tolstip-eyed granicle
Requisites: Buckets of sucking sweets (type "Theater").
2 people are put forward from the company. They begin to beat out from the Kulka (in the leaders from the lead) on the candy, put it in the Pot (swallowing it does not work), and after each candy, calling your fee "Tolstipping Spoile" :))) Whoever stalls in the Pot of Candy and ON this Says "Magic FPaza", he will win. To say that the game is going under merry twinks and guy of zputs, and the sounds published by the participants of the game, the public in the complete rich!

You are in trouble!
Props: Hat or High Capacity, Playing Maps, Nuts in the Shell, Water Drinking Straws, etc.
Scroll to guests several playing cards, nuts in the shell (pistachios), water drink straws, etc. and ask to get these items into a hat, standing at a certain distance from the target. Hit or promotion participants in the game by different subjects is jokingly competed by the leading. Increase the distance, repeat everything again, but this time ask the helpers of the contestants to help their friends (that is, catch the same items with a hat).

Requisites: bottles (all sorts of liter, plastic), rubber gloves.
Host: "So we filed. And drink? No, we will drink milk!" Each group chooses one educator and 5 "milkosos". I hand over a bottle (half-liter, plastic), but instead of a nipple to her neck, a rubber glove is attached to the ordinary black elastic band. In each finger, the gloves have done a hole. (Make a bigger hole.) In my signal to each "nipple" is embrying on one "milkosos" and begin to suck milk. Who will empty the bottle faster, those are winners.

Khokholki - twist
Requisites: Multicolored hair gum.
Before the game, remind women to participate that men, like birds, are most attractive in the married period. Let each participant choose a man at the time of the game and create from him the "fucking". For this, the ladies are distinguished by multicolored hair gums. Their task is from the hair of men with a rubber band to arrange as much as possible "Khokholkov". The satellite of the "fucking" is awarded the prize.

Session of Spiritis
Props: Plate, Coin, Candle
The leading Tamada asks to take part in the game of a man who believes in spiritualism, challenge the spirit, and the like. After that, they sit at the table opposite each other. On the table near the lead and player are 2 plates. In a plate of the master lies a coin. The presenter says that if the player is very attentive and focused, it will only look into the eye leading and absolutely to repeat his movement, then the coin move to the player's plate. The room is fascinated in the room, the candle is lit in the middle of the table, there is a sobral silence. The presenter makes various magic passages with hands, from time to time spent palm on the bottom of its plates, and then in his face. So goes on for several minutes, and then the presenter says that unfortunately the focus has failed today. The joke of the competition is that the bottom of the player's plates was pre-buried with the help of a candle / match / lighter, and every time the player spends his palm on the bottom, and then in his face, it becomes all the black and black. The most important thing is that the audience, seeing all this before the completion of the game, did not laugh too loudly.

Props: do not need
All sit down in a circle and someone speaks to his neighbor any word, he should say as quickly as possible in the ear next to the first association with this word, the second - the third and solande. While the word will return to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example a glass, the latter turned out to be "gangbang" :)

The Internet industry is doing everything possible so that people do not part with their smartphones: creates spectacular games, comfortable messengers and gigabytes of merry pictures in social network news feeds. Despite this, still those who are reading paper books in the old manner and plays board games with friends.

Games for two

« Balda»

  • How to play: You will need a handle and a sheet into a cage. We make any noun in the singular (own names can not). Depending on the number of letters, we draw a square, in it in the middle fit the word. Next, in turn, players are attributed to one letter to form new words. Points are considered by the number of letters, the one who came up with more long words.
  • purpose: Come up with a big word and carefully attribute the letters in the course of the course so that the enemy does not guess about the conceived and not wrote it first.

« Rhombus»

  • How to play: Props former: Leaf and handle. Rhombus draws, and the players alternately draw wands with 1 cell size. When the cell is contacted from all sides, the one who painted the last wand fits into the resulting square cross or zolik.
  • purpose: Make as many "houses" as possible for yourself and not helping the enemy to build their own.
  • What is the interest: Azart game increases when there is no free space left and the real struggle begins for cells.

Games for a big company


  • How to play: One person makes a word and says the first letter. The remaining participants in turn ask him a question, the answer to which will be the word for the same letter. An example of a question for a word on the letter TO: "Is this an animal that has a mustache, paws, tail?" An example of a response: "No, it is not a boar." Kabanov, you know, also have a mustache, and paws, and the tail. If the presenter cannot answer the question, he speaks the second letter. And in this case, the rest are already making the words in which the first two letters correspond to the mystery, and so on, while someone does not bother the word entirely.
  • purpose: Making questions by tricky so that the presenter does not immediately guess what it is about. Here the main thing is not to peel, it is important that the answer to the question was unequivocal.

"Music Traffic"

  • How to play: One participant loudly says letter BUT And begins to list the letters of the alphabet in order. According to the team "Stop" any of the participants, the first announces, on which letter it stopped. On this letter, all participants must remember the passage from the song and touch it.
  • Another game option: Participants are divided into two teams, and each receives the topic: "Plants", "Animals", "Seasons", "Love", etc. The task of teams - in turn of singing songs on your topic. Win those who know more songs.
  • purpose: Relaxing as it should also be relocated from the soul. In this game, the presence of hearing and other musical talents is insignificant.

« Crocodile", or " Cow"(Improved)

  • How to play: We need a stopwatch, handle and a leaflet on which points are recorded. Participants are divided into two teams, then in turn makes each other the word and choose the participant from the team who will show it "their own." If in 1 minute the word is not guess, it means that the team does not get a point.
  • Purpose: The main thing is to come up with interesting words so that they are ridiculous to show and not very difficult to guess. For those who love this game and constantly playing in her with friends, we offer such words for winning: "Suns", "instinct", "Marauder".

  • How to play: It is better to play this game at the end of the party when the mood has already risen. Everyone is sitting in the circle so that each other is clearly visible, then participants take turns say: "I". Who's first laughed, this invent the word that he adds to "I" in the next round.
  • What is the interest: At first glance, the game may seem strange, but in fact she is very and very fun. Even if everyone is tuned seriously and several more circles are laughing, sooner or later the moment comes when someone begins to understand what nonsense do everything and how stupid looks from the side. And - Voila - the first ready, and then no one else to stop: tears will be poured and squeezed with stomachs.


  • How to play: Need a pencil from the female cosmetics, and the marker will come to brave bravers. The presenter makes the category, and all participants quickly take turns call the word on this topic. The circle behind the circle, while someone does not betray or do not think more than 3 seconds. The loser is given to MONOBROV, then the mustache, glasses, etc., and so, until themes and place on the person from the participants are not completed.
  • What interest is: Themes can choose anything. Believe me, no one will be able to avoid failure, which means that a good mood will be provided to everyone.

Well, if there are no companies, you can perfectly spend the evening and alone, if you know one interesting "time killer".

Game for one

"Stroke Konie", or "Fill a square up to 100"

  • How to play: Here, too, without a handle and a piece of paper can not do. We draw a square of 10 × 10 cells, write a figure 1 in any place, then 2, 3, etc. It is possible to move only the letter G.How the horse goes in chess.
  • purpose: Write all the numbers up to 100.
  • What is the interest: The excitement is that the game options are tens of thousands and each time the result will be different. You can go to 100 theoretically, but almost very difficult. They say it is only a genius!

You have a noisy party with a lot of guests or you will look at the best friends, kumany, young relatives, and you do not know what to take them after a feast or tea party? Then read this article! Here you will find 8 of the most interesting games for a great pastime, which will make you laugh and simultaneously move the ships.

Game №1: "Balda"

After spending time in a small company, you can remember the old, but the interesting game "Balda". You need to take a paper leaf into a cage, stick the square on it (for example, 10 × 10 cells) and write any noun to write in the center. Then each of the players in turns must enter one letter in neighboring cells in such a way that at each time a new word was obtained, which includes the initial letters. Wins the one who has a total number of letters after counting will be more.

Game number 2: "Rhombus"

Make a variety of leisure and game "Rhombus". On a sheet of paper to the cell, rhombus should be drawn. Players must take multi-colored handles (for each player their color) and take turns to draw wands whose length is equal to the cell side. When any cell turns out to be outlined from all sides, the player who has drawn the last wand, writes this cell to his account. Wins the one who gains more cells.

Game №3: "Music Traffic"

In a large company, you can play the "Music Traffic". One of the players gives out loud the letter "A", and then the letters of the alphabet lists in the mind. At some point, other players say "Stop". The player calls the letter on which he stopped. All participants should take turns in turn, starting with this letter.

Game number 4: "Crocodile"

The famous game "Crocodile" will raise the mood in any company. Extending a piece of paper with any word, definition, the name of a film or a proverb, a player gestures trying to explain what is written in the task. The remaining participants of the game must guess the word.

Game number 5: "Mask"

For the game "Mask" will need a cosmetic pencil. One person is chosen by the lead, he hits the category. The remaining players should take turns to call words on this topic. If someone came down, he draws a monobrov, then the mustache, glasses, beard, etc.

Game number 6: "Jenga"

Jenga is a board game, which uses the same wooden or plastic lumps. Of these, you need to build a tower by changing the direction of laying of the strokes at each stage. Then the participants of the game take turns try to pull the panel from the tower. The player, as a result of the actions of which the tower collapsed, is considered to be a loser.

Game number 7: "Secret Agent"

The game "Secret Agent" will make the logic. The presenter makes some famous phrase or the winged expression and says how much words in this sentence. The remaining participants of the game can ask leading any questions, to respond to which he must be one sentence containing the word from the specified phrase. Players strive to guess the phrase.

Game number 8: "Monobrov"

Any pencil is needed, and a marker will come for brave bravers. The presenter makes the category, and all participants quickly take turns call the word on this topic. The circle behind the circle, while someone does not betray or do not think more than 3 seconds. The one who lost is given to the monobrov, then the mustache, glasses, etc. And so, until themes and place on the person from the participants are not completed. Themes can choose any. Believe me, no one will be able to avoid failure, which means that a good mood will be provided to everyone.

The games offered in this article will be able to help you have fun, decorate any party and entertain any company.