Games for the company on the bus. Interesting and funny word games on the road. What games can you play online

Do you often have to travel with your child in a car or on a bus?

Not sure what to do with your child in line at a store or clinic?

Are you going on vacation by car and you have a long drive ahead with your child?

Our selection of travel games for kids just for you!

A distinctive feature of these games is that they do not need any additional accessories. Just you and the child. These games will allow you to spend time on the road in an interesting and useful way to develop your child's horizons. By the way, many of these games are well known to all of us from childhood. It's just that, as adults, we forgot a little about them 😉

1. Game "I know five ..."

In the classic version, I play this game with a ball, but on the road, the ball can be completely replaced with claps. I know five vegetables .., I know five fruits…, I know five colors, I know five musical instruments .. etc. Depending on the topic chosen, the game can be adapted for children of any age and significantly expand the child's vocabulary.
You can choose more difficult topics for yourself, and suggest easier topics for your child 🙂

2. Game "Generalization".

This game is great for developing analytical thinking. You name a few words, and the child's task is to think and say what these words have in common. Depending on the age of the child, the number of objects and the complexity of the generalization criterion may vary.
Trees, flowers, colors, instruments, fruits and vegetables, musical instruments, planets, seas and oceans - whatever comes to your mind!

3. Game "Antonyms"

Suitable for older children, although babies do a good job with it if you pick up concepts familiar to the child. Hot and cold, day and night, dry and wet. In this game, perhaps, it is also important how many antonyms you can pick up yourself!

4. Game "What will fit in the box"

We teach the child to think broadly and outside the box.
A box is an abstract object, you can choose a can, a bag, a suitcase, or whatever container your child can imagine.
The essence of the game is to name all the items with the selected letter that will fit into your container.
For example, all items with the letter A that fit in a box: pineapple - apricot - analgin - string bag - bus - car - autograph - fountain pen, etc.

5. Game "Extra word"

The adult names a sequence of several words, and the child's task is to choose which of the words is superfluous. Older children can be asked to determine the sign themselves, and babies can be identified.
For example, you can drink it - compote - water - juice - bread - kefir.
Or grow in our garden - apple trees - pears - carrots - rabbit - currants

6. Game "I see something ..."

This game is a great option for the road, it contributes to the development of attentiveness and observation.
I see something green ..
I see something small ..
I see someone giving milk ..

If the child fails to guess the object the first time, then in the same style the following hints are given to describe the object.

7. Familiar to everyone from childhood, the game "Will you go to the ball?"

Did you play as a child? The host asks questions and the player answers them. The task of the presenter is to ask such questions to which the answer is black-and-white or yes-no, and the player's task is to answer the questions and not name these words.
It will probably be difficult for a very small child, but children from 5 years old and older play this game perfectly.
We develop resourcefulness, attentiveness, ingenuity.

8. The "yes and no" game

One of the players suggests a word, the rest take turns asking leading questions. The moderator answers questions only with monosyllabic yes or no. The first one who guesses what kind of word the presenter was thinking takes his place and makes his own word.

9. Playing with numbers
If you are driving or walking down the street, you can play numbers with a child of any age.

Study the numbers, looking for cars with specific numbers in the numbers;
Learn the alphabet by choosing cars with specific letters of the alphabet;
Learn to compare - find cars with 2 repeating or consecutive digits;
Learn to count - add the numbers in the number in front of the driving car or look for cars with a certain value of the sum of all the numbers.

10. Learning languages.
If you are proficient in any language and want to teach him or her a child or test his knowledge, then on the way all the items you encounter can be named in Russian and, for example, in English. So, in the game, the child will perfectly master the basic words of another language.

11. Playing in the cities.

Suitable for older children and can also be great fun on the road. By the way, you can name not only cities, but also objects on any other topic.

12. The game "Caravan"- we train the child's memory and at the same time check ours!
The first player names the animal - the second player repeats the animal and names his own - the next player repeats 2 animals and adds his third one and so in turn we collect the caravan until someone makes a mistake.
It is possible to collect such a caravan-chain not only from animals, but also from various objects, and play both together and as a whole company.

13 game - everyone's favorite since childhood "edible - not edible".
It is difficult to throw a ball on the road, but you can offer the child some other actions.
For example, on an edible object, pat yourself on the tummy "Ah, delicious ..."

In advance, before leaving, think about what you will occupy the child on the road - this you can avoid the annoyed whine of a bored baby. Of course, you shouldn't just entertain your child with games all the way, leave him some time to contemplate.
If you are traveling in a car, on a train or on an airplane, you can also use these simple games in which the child is engaged on his own.

14 game - "photo reporter".

You can give your child a simple camera or phone and offer to photograph what he likes, and then compose your own collage of impressions from the best resulting photos;

15 game - "artist".

You can offer the child an album in which he can draw what he sees or what he remembered on the road;

16 game - books with stickers beloved by all children.

Now such books are inexpensive, and a huge number of them are produced with the expectation of children from a year and older.
All road games are not only fun for the child, but also of great benefit, because they allow the child to broaden his horizons, develop certain skills, and consolidate existing knowledge.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends. The weekend continues. And the theme of rest in my articles too.
A week ago, together with my younger brother Mikhail and his daughter Alisa, I went to the village to visit my parents.

On the way, they recalled entertainment that can pass the time: games in the car on the road. I listened more, amazed at how much had gone out of my head in the fifteen years that had passed after the cheerful student days. Well, my brother, who still does not climb out of hikes and is a professional organizer of outdoor activities, reminded me.

The time on the road flew by quickly. Try it yourself, I'm sure you will like it too. Moreover, you can play without leaving your home, with your family.

One of the participants asks the topic: "If I were ... (African animal, teapot, president, wizard, shard of glass, etc.)." Then everyone comes up with their own fantasy on the indicated topic.

The game allows you not only to have fun, but also to learn something about yourself, your friends and acquaintances. For example, it can be noted that a person translates in his fantasy: the idea of ​​creation, service, production, or the idea of ​​consumption and the pursuit of pleasure.

2. Balda (add a letter)

The first participant thinks of a word in his head. Names a letter from this word. Each subsequent player adds his own to this letter, meaning a word. Whoever calls the word last (cannot add a letter) is the one who lost. The loser gets the letter "B" - the first of the word bulldozer. Whoever has collected the full word is a bastard.

3. Ice cream or mustard

The driver is thinking of a word. They ask him: "Ice cream or mustard?" The driver, by his inner feelings, determines to what the word he conceived is closer to ice cream or mustard and says, for example, "Mustard". The rest of the participants offer him the following pair to choose from: "Mustard or fire?" Thus, it is necessary to find the hidden word.

4. Contact

The driver thinks of a word, for example, "Elephant". Names the first letter. Other participants ask leading questions: "Is this not white sweetness?" The task of the participants on the leading question sounded to guess what they mean before the driver guesses about it.

If someone understands what is meant, he says: "Contact." Together with the questioner, they count to five and say out loud the word they mean: "Sugar." If the answer is correct and the driver did not have time to guess it, he opens the next letter. The task is to guess the whole word.

5. Phone

One participant "calls" and tells in what unusual, amazing place he is. The other responds with his own story.

You need to turn on your imagination and tell about your journey in a convincing and exciting way.

6. I see what you do not see

The game is similar to "hot - cold" and is a variant of "Danetki".
The driver looks out for some thing in the environment and says: "I see what you do not see."
Other participants ask: is this or there is, or such and such.

The driver only answers yes or no. You need to guess what was planned.

In danetka you can guess cities, capitals, plants, animals and even whole detective stories.

7. Poems

One participant sets the first stanza and the beginning of the second:

I went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the stove

I landed on a goat ...

The second ends the begun stanza and begins the next.

It's good that I was in the basin.
But the goat was not lucky ...

Thus, a whole fairy tale or poem can be born. Meaning and rhyme are periodically lost, but it doesn't matter. The main thing is that everyone is having fun.

8. Poems - rescuers, pests

The same game, only one of the participants constantly creates problems for the hero, the second solves them.

Petya is higher for a walk.
Lo and behold bandits in the alley.
They took Petya by the breasts.

Petya shouted loudly "Ki!"
He didn't go to the gym for nothing
He ran away from the bandits.

9. The letter P

One of the participants thinks to himself a word, for example, "pie". Others tell him what letter he will give hints so that they guess this word, let it be the letter "M".

Hints sound: soft, fleshy, oily ... The task is to guess the given word.

10. Associations

Game for four. Two pairs of players are created.

The participant from the first pair thinks a word. Calls him to one of the players in the second pair. He must in one word give a hint to his partner, who is trying to guess what is meant.

If it did not work out, the chance to guess the word is passed to the representative of the other pair. One more word is added to the already voiced hint.

The game is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Develops empathy, the ability to hear and understand a partner. Captivates and can last for hours.

And finally, an eternal hit.

11. Game "Green Crocodile"

One of the participants is given a word or phrase in the ear, which he must show to friends with facial expressions and gestures. And if there are no problems with a turnip or a car, attempts to show sublimation, association or expropriation are not an easy task.

The game is always fun and can entertain any company for several hours.

This concludes my small review of games that can be played in the car or on the train, suitable for both children and adults. Subscribe to updates, share with your friends.

Happy weekend to you. And see you soon on the blog pages.
Yours Yuri Okunev.

"We're going, we're going, we're going!" - everything is good in this song, especially the cheerful mood of traveling animals and children. In life, unfortunately, everything is not so fun. Traveling with kids, no matter how wonderful the purpose of the trip, can be exhausting - sometimes traffic jams, then queues at the airport, at the border. For hours sitting in a seat for little fidgets is equally hard in the back seat of a good car, in the seat of the fastest plane and in the compartment of the best train. Travel games and fun, complete with a "magic suitcase", will help to pass the time and entertain the kid.

My eye is a diamond

This game can be played on the train and car, at the airport while waiting for a flight. First, we select the color of the items we will be looking for, for example, red. And we begin the game: my eye - a diamond sees a red ... car. My eye - a diamond sees a red apple. My eyes - a diamond sees a red hat. You can search for round, striped things.

I will take with me

This is a slightly sophisticated version of "My Eye is a Diamond". Imagine that you go on a trip and take some things with you in your suitcase. Come up with a rule according to which you will only take ... green items. Then you say, "When I go on the road, I will take with me ... a frog." This item must comply with the intended rule. Children ask if you can take an orange with you? The orange is not green, therefore, it is impossible. Can I take a cucumber with me? You answer: "You can" (since the cucumber is green). The winner is the one who can guess the rule.

The rules can be as simple (for example, what fits in a portfolio, everything is round, soft things), or complex. For example, your name and all items start with the same letter. Or all words of foreign origin.

The words

We all know how to play cities - the most common version of this fun. The essence of the word game is the same: coming up with words by continuing the chain. The first player names any word, for example, FISH, the next player must come up with his word for the last letter of the word FISH, that is, A. For example, watermelon. The move goes on to the next one, which must come up with a word on "Z". As a result, the following chains are obtained: ASH - ALPHABET - ALPHABET - VEST - ANTENNA, etc.

Very understandable and simple, younger students play confidently in words, while preschoolers can actively participate, provided that you introduce the rule of several hints. Kids who do not yet know how to read often come up with a word in A - abesian. The task of an adult is to correct in time, unobtrusively explaining the rules. We say "abesian", and we write "monkey". When the child comes up with a word for a long time, so as not to slow down the game, start slowly counting to 10. If the word does not come to mind, the player skips a move.
During the game, there are quite a lot of interesting situations when you can argue, discuss something, see a pattern: for example, that often the words end in A, O. You can prepare for this situation and come up with as many words as possible for these "tricky" vowels ...

Plant, animal, mineral

Remember how the Lion from the famous piece by Lewis Carroll tried to categorize Alice? "Who are you: a plant, an animal or a mineral?" So we often played this entertaining "guess-ku", winding kilometers in different cities and villages. The rules of the game are as follows: the presenter thinks of some animal, plant or mineral. The task of the rest is by asking questions to guess what it is? It should be noted that the ability to ask questions is considered by the supporters of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) to be a very important skill for the development of a child. At first, such games require the active participation of adults.

Here is one of the scenarios for our game "plant, animal, mineral". A 9-year-old child gave us a very difficult riddle.

    Is it a plant, animal, or mineral?

    This animal.

  • Is it a mammal?
  • He has four legs.
  • No. But there are limbs.
  • Does he have wool?
  • Yes and no.
  • Does he live in burrows?
  • Is this a pet?
  • Yes and no.
  • Is it a wild animal?
  • Yes and no.
  • Can it fly?
  • Is it crawling?
  • Sometimes.
  • Does he have a developed brain?
  • This is a man!

This is the riddle of the Sphinx.

Good bad

Together with your child, think about what you want to talk about - an event or phenomenon. For example, it is raining. What is so good about it? Plants receive moisture. No need to water the garden. You can splash in your boots in the puddles. No need to wash your car. You can see a rainbow. You can wash yourself in the summer rain. Mushrooms grow in the rain. When all good options have been exhausted, we move on to looking for bad consequences. It's raining. You cannot walk, it is too wet and cold, floods, crops are lost in the fields when it rains for too long, you can get wet and catch a cold, animals are hiding, they are cold and you will not see them. This game teaches you to look at events from different points of view.


You say any word that comes to your mind. The kid repeats your word and comes up with his own. You repeat the first two words by adding a new word. So words grow like a snowball. If you practice often, playing, you can repeat more than 20 words at a time. A very useful activity for kids, as it develops memory and attention. It is also interesting to play "snowball" with a plot:

Once upon a time there was a giant on a mountain, once he fell into a trap (the child continues), put him in a closet, and a cockroach caught his eye.

I'm packing my suitcase

“I am packing my suitcase,” you say, “And I am putting a toothbrush, socks, a mirror, a hairbrush.” Ask the kid to repeat everything that you put in the suitcase. If the child remembered everything that you put, let him also add something from himself. This game resembles a "snowball", but thematically related to the road.

Roses - frosts

For any word, you need to come up with a rhyming word. For example, you say: stick. The child is a jackdaw or rolling pin.


A very funny game, especially among preschoolers. Ask your child to choose a name for himself from the kitchen utensils: poker, plate, fork, knife. Now tell me that you will ask questions, and all questions must be answered with "Kocherga". Warn against laughing (although this is unlikely).

  • The name of?
  • Poker.
  • What's on your nose?
  • Poker.
  • And what do you eat?
  • Kochergoy.

    • And who are your grandparents?
    • Pokers.

The numbers

As a child, we counted pillars, crossings, crows. All bearded men, all dogs, all cats, trucks can be counted together.

Number plates

Each of you chooses any number from 0 to 9. Task: find 5 cars with license plates containing the selected number.


We play this game in the car. I choose an object that can be seen from afar - for example, a tree or a road sign. All passengers close their eyes, and when they think we are passing a tree, they shout "here!" Whoever is closest wins.

The lady sent you one hundred rubles

This game can be played anywhere, anytime and in any weather. The essence of the game is that the facilitator asks questions. When answering questions, you cannot say "yes", you cannot say "no", you cannot choose black or white. You need to remember the saying:
“The lady sent you a hundred rubles,

Buy what you want,

Black - don't take white,

Don't say yes and no.

Will you go to the ball? "

"Yes!" - the kid shouts happily. And ... the game starts over.

Another version of the counting room:
“The young lady sent you a piece of blanket I told you not to laugh Do not make sponges with a bow, Don't say yes and no, Do not wear black and white. Will you go to the ball? "
In this version, you cannot laugh when answering questions.

Game first aid kit

With you on the road, it would be nice to have a magic suitcase or play first-aid kit, in which you put all the necessary items to keep the child happy and you calm:

  1. Paper (notebooks, notebooks, albums). This is a universal way to take time: paper is good for drawing, for games, for writing down childhood experiences and stories, for origami.
  2. Pencils, markers, crayons. A very useful thing on the road. They draw with pencils, they are counted, sorted, you can build something from them, and also use them for imagination games, come up with fairy tales where the characters will be pencils.

One of the drawbacks of even the most exciting journeys is the need to spend quite a lot of time on the road, for example, traveling by train or bus. However, there are many interesting and unusual games that do not require special props, but allow you to spend time usefully, having fun and joking along the way.

How not to get bored on the road - TOP-10 games for the company on the road


A presenter is chosen - his task is to guess any word and tell the participants a capital letter.

Now each participant thinks of a new word for this letter, and, without speaking it out loud, tries to explain to the rest of the participants what he was thinking. If another participant has guessed what is at stake, he should loudly say "There is a contact!" and at the same time as the one who is making a guess, start counting out aloud by ten. When the count is over, you need to say the word again at the same time.

In the event that the spoken words match, the presenter calls the second letter - then everything continues according to the same rules. If there is no match, then you need to come up with another word and explain it again.

Get to know me

Participants must sit in a row. The presenter is chosen, who is blindfolded. Feeling the players, he must guess what is hidden among them.

For guessing, you can touch only those parts of the body established by the rules before the start of the game.

I never...

This game is perfect for travelers who want to get to know each other better. To conduct you need chips, but virtually any object can act in their role:

  • napkins;
  • coins;
  • matches and more.

The first player begins to tell what he has never done in his life. If among the participants there are those who were involved in this business, they must give the guessing one one chip at a time.


For this game you will need some simple props:

  • hat or cap;
  • small pieces of paper;
  • pen or pencil.

Each participant must come up with ten words of any kind and write them on paper. The leaves move to the header.

Then the participants take turns taking the leaves out of the hat and within a limited time must explain to others what is written on the paper. A point is awarded for each guessed word, and the winner is the one with the most points at the end of the game.


You cannot play this game in transport, but you may have a lot of time waiting for a train or plane. So, first, among all you need to choose one leader, and the rest form a circle around him in such a way that their shoulders are adjacent, but their hands are hidden behind their backs.

As soon as everything is ready, the participants begin to pass the cucumber behind their backs, and when an opportunity presents itself, you still need to quickly get it from behind and bite off a part. The presenter needs to guess who is currently holding the cucumber. If he succeeds, then he changes places with him.

The game ends after the last piece of cucumber is swallowed.

Keeper of the secret

This is not just an interesting and fun game. She will help you to thoroughly stretch your brains! The chosen presenter makes a well-known aphorism or quote, but he only informs all participants about how many words are in the sentence.

Now players can ask the aspirant any leading questions, trying to understand what kind of phrase he came up with. In his answers, the leader must speak one word from a quote or aphorism, while the answer must consist of one sentence.

According to the results of the answer, the players must guess what kind of phrase they were asked.


If your company loves detectives, this game was created just for you - after all, you will have to solve real secrets!

So, the essence of the game is that the presenter narrates some part of the event. After listening carefully, the rest of the players try to reconstruct the full sequence of events.

To do this, they ask the presenter questions, but they need to be formulated in such a way that any of three words can be answered:

  • Unimportant.

You can invent stories yourself, or you can search the Internet.


One of the oldest, but no less exciting games. Each player throws one item into the bag (it is clear that the bag may not be on the way, and therefore you can use an opaque bag).

A blindfold is put on one of the participants, and the presenter takes out any thing from the bag. A player who is blindfolded without seeing an object must come up with a task for her owner and he must complete it using the drawn object.


You won't really play this game on the train either, but in a parking lot or in a hotel, at the airport while waiting for a flight, it is quite possible. For jenga, you will need smooth wooden blocks from which the tower is formed.

At each separate level, the bars are laid out in different directions - so, the bars of the first and second levels will be perpendicular to each other, as well as the second and third, third and fourth, and so on.

The essence of the game is that each participant must pull out one of the bars anywhere in the tower and move it up. The player whose actions to move the bar will cause the tower to fall will lose.


One of the most popular games for companies. Its essence is to show with gestures the word that was conceived. Demonstrating a riddle is forbidden to make any sounds, point to objects, and also try to demonstrate the word by syllable.

The one who guesses right, in the next round, shows the word himself, and the one who showed him before that guesses to him.


There are no winners or losers here, but fun is guaranteed! Participants sit in a row or in a circle. The first person says any word in the ear of his neighbor, he, without hesitation, passes on, but not this word, but any other that he associates with the first. And so on, until the last participant. The result of the game can be completely unexpected and the "locomotive" can easily turn into a "stripper".

Maria Kostyuchenko , its author, made a great review for us Travel games, after all, the time of travel and trips is already very close, and today we will talk about what you can play on the road.

Summer is coming soon! We are all going on vacation and dream of going with the kids to the dacha or to the sea - and it is better, of course, to have time to visit everywhere and more than once.

Any our trip is connected with the road: in a car, bus, train or plane. And every time we rack our brains: what to captivate the child during a trip in transport, what can he play on the road?

If you prepare the right games for the road, then you will reduce the number of parenting worries, which abound on the road, literally at times. Today we will try to give a few tips to help you turn the road into a fun game. All pictures open on click!

Old tray, help!

Let's start with car trips. What is the main problem with board games in the car? Everything crumbles, falls and rolls under the seat. Blog author So you think you’re crafty found a solution to this problem. All you need is an old metal tray (playing field) and magnetic elements. Check out the options! Let's remind: all pictures are clickable.

Interesting pockets

There is one more problem in the car: how to store toys so that they are always at hand, and the child can take them himself, if the mother, for example, is sitting behind the wheel, and the baby is alone in the chair. Authors of the site Martha stewart found a solution to this problem as well. See what convenient and versatile pockets you can hang on the seat in front of or next to your child.

I'm driving!

Every child dreams of being in the driver's seat of a vehicle. 🙂 And it doesn't matter whether he is traveling in a car or flying an airplane - he will represent himself at the “helm”. Of course, there are excellent toys in the form of a steering wheel with many buttons and flashing lights that you can buy in any toy store, but they ring and hum so loudly and mercilessly ... But look what wonderful steering wheel, it is the steering wheel, it is the train control panel you can create for your child yourself.


If you are taking a little princess on a trip, who is very fond of doll houses and games of mothers and daughters, and is not ready to sit around for several hours during the trip, then I suggest you use the idea Laura bray and create a small but very cute house for your princess on the road.

Draftsman organizer

If a real artist is growing up in your family, for whom parting with paints and pencils is not possible, then I propose to please him with a compact folder for creativity on the road. You can use master class from Zhenya Yasnaya and make such a daddy out of a CD box or sew a small cloth folder with a removable pad. About, how to do it, I told on the pages of my blog "Learning by playing".

So you played, painted, and the child wanted new impressions and surprises. Where can I get them on the road? It is for such a moment that the following idea will come in handy, which is very easy to implement, but the children will receive a lot of delight and positive emotions.

Cotton fairy tale

The essence of the game is that you give the child a film with bursting pimples, and the child must burst them in order to get such a click sound. But just gorging is not so interesting and can quickly get bored. Therefore, the author of the blog Apartment therapy invites us to add pictures to this game! And then you can pop certain pictures or come up with stories with pictures and devour them as you compose your fairy tale.

There are several more options for excellent travel games that will not only interest the child for a long time, but will also help him in training his fingers and developing speech and imagination.

Labyrinth pouch

The next two games assume mom's sewing skills.

Felt book on the road

When it comes to a book, we don't have to be again. 🙂 I suggest you admire the most interesting felt book on the road developing fantasy and imagination. Everything is clear without words.

Finger theater

I invite you now to look at the bright and extraordinary toys from Evgeniya Ershova... Finger puppets take up very little space, and at the same time, with the help of 2 pupae, you can play out a huge number of plots and stories. And if you take with you on the road 5-7 main characters of Russian fairy tales, then you can not only come up with something of your own, but also arrange a whole performance on the road, played out in roles with the child.

If you do not know how to sew, but you really want to please the baby, then I suggest you remember about the one I talked about in the heading.

Lost container

And finally, another great idea. In this container, any little things for games can find shelter, which usually like to get lost, scatter, and therefore traditionally are simply not considered games on the road.

Lost container is a great solution. In addition, the container itself is not so easy to lose, and it is more difficult for it to roll up somewhere than a cube, coin or button.

Hopefully, now your choice of what to play on the road has expanded a little more. 🙂 By the way, under the heading "Develop!" there is another piggy bank on the topic And play on the road- an article written on the basis of the site "This is interesting!" Tatiana Tavika. And if you have your own interesting finds - please share them in the comments!

Enjoy your easy and unforgettable travel!

Since electronic devices with useful children's games can be very useful on the road, we recommend reading:,.