Games "Memory". What it is? Different types of the game "Memory" What is a memory game

When Yana was 2 years old with a little ponytail, we started playing memory. I think this game is familiar to most, but I want to describe our version and the rules for effective memorization. The essence of the game is classic - we lay out cards with images, then we invite the child to remember them. After you remember, turn it upside down and offer to find where which image is hidden.

We started playing with 3 cards. As Yana coped with the proposed cards, I increased their number. At the moment, with the right attitude, we can cope with 16 cards. Often they are all guessed, and I have a desire to increase the number, but so far it stops the instability of the result.

In the video you can see how Yana guesses 12 out of 15 cards:

Memory tuning and performance

And now more about how to make memorization more effective. Already at the first attempts to increase the number of cards in the game, I was faced with the fact that Yana does not remember them. I already wanted to give up and remove the game from the arsenal, but a wonderful combination of circumstances happened, and at the next game, Yana suddenly guessed easily the offered 5 cards out of 5, then 6 out of 6, 7 out of 7, 10 out of 12! When figuring out the reasons for such efficiency, I realized that Yana had the perfect setting at that moment.

At the moment, I believe that most children are able to memorize this number of cards at the age of Yana without much preparation. The main thing is that the child is tuned in and understands the rules of the game.

How to set up a child to remember better

By proper tuning, I mean not only the child's interest in the game, but also the readiness of the brain to memorize. Yana is always happy to accept ideas to play cards, but she does not always guess them well. This is surprising, but even a child's interest in the game does not give such effectiveness as brain tuning. In fact, both are required.

Now a few tips on how to set up the child's brain for the game. We use the tuning elements from the Shichida technique. Therefore, here, looking ahead, I will give some specific tips, and this will be described in detail in the article about Shichida. Recommendations for setting up effective memory exercises:

  • Make sure the child is not overexcited. Overexcitement is the first sign that the session will fail. The ideal time for memory games is immediately after sleep.
  • For more effective activation of brain activity, turn on the background music with the addition of alpha waves. This is another big and interesting topic that mothers interested in memory development should know and I will definitely write about it in the future. For those who are unfamiliar with this topic, you can simply download the compositions in alpha processing by Jeffrey Thompson that we are listening to. For those who are familiar with Shichida, this surname may be known. But I want to draw attention to the fact that Thompson is processing music with different types of waves. You should not include any of his compositions, thinking that it is alpha. Attention, despite the fact that this music seems to be soothing, it activates the brain, so it is absolutely impossible to listen to it all day or during sleep. I usually turn it on 10 minutes before the start of the class and leave it to play in the background for the entire class.
  • Offer your child a breathing activity - blow out candles, blow soap bubbles, gurgle a tube in a glass of water (if the child does not drink water, you can add shampoo for effect), etc. Important If these activities are offered to the child rarely or for the first time, then most likely they will cause overexcitation and memorization will be difficult. Ideally, breathing exercises should be carried out regularly and be a source of calm rather than overexcitation.
  • Invite the child to imagine or recall a story. It is necessary to ensure that the child is immersed in the images of his memories or fantasies.

Rules of the game

Everyone knows the basic rules of memory, but I want to talk about our options. Not the fact that they are suitable for everyone, but they are the ones that cause the most effective memorization for us.

In conclusion

In addition to developing memory, memory can be used as a tool to track the progress of memory development. To do this, it is necessary to keep records of the results of the baby in the diary of his development with a certain frequency. Interesting games and good memory!

UPD 05/20/2015: Our new maximum is 20 cards without one mistake.

If you liked the material, I advise.

P.S. I foresee questions about our cards, in the posted video they are used from Clever. Also for memory, we use the most understandable images of our age from.

UPD 09/18/2015: The series "Smart Cards" from the publishing house Rosmen again appeared on sale. They have excellent quality at a very economical price. They are denser than Good Girl cards. Images are realistic, color correction is excellent. Aesthetes will be satisfied :-). Approximately 10 by 15 cm in size. The series has both sets of cards for the first acquaintance with the outside world, as well as various lotto and logic games for older kids. On the reverse side of the cards is additional information about the objects.

Julia Chernykh

I want to tell you about a game that is very popular in our group. It's a game " memory".

For games you need a set of paired cards with images on a topic. Meaning games is to find paired cards and collect as many of them as possible.

Rules games"memory"These are. All cards are shuffled and laid out on the table face down. The first player makes a move, opening two cards at once. If the images on them are the same, then the player takes the cards for himself and gets the right to one more move. If not, then the cards are placed exactly where they were, face down. The next player goes next. The winner is the one who has at the end games there will be more collected pairs of cards.

The game " memory"perfectly trains the visual memory of children, develops their attentiveness, perseverance, figurative and logical thinking.

We have several kits for games"memory".

"Color memorial". This kind memorial helps to consolidate children's knowledge about colors.

memory"Geometric shapes", thanks to which we also repeat colors and consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.

Memory on the topic"Transport": repeat and pronounce the names various modes of transport.

memory"Road signs" - a great tool for repeating the rules of the road.

Memory for a fairy tale"Turnip": find and collect paired pictures with your favorite characters.

In the plans - replenishment of the collection of games " memory with new themed options!

The Memory game (aka Memo and Memory, not to be confused with the military board game Memoir about 44) is built on the familiar “find a pair” mechanics. This is an exciting and accessible entertainment for all ages, which perfectly develops memory and attention.

Memo exists in a huge number of versions: in the simplest, players are looking for pairs of familiar objects, such as a ball or a house. Other sets are dedicated to specific topics and consist of complex colorful pictures. Memo is a good choice for family pastime, it is equally suitable for both adults and children.
space theme

Features and varieties of the game

Initially released by Ravensburger, Memory is presented on our market in a huge number of themed versions. The mechanics always remain the same: the box contains multi-colored double-sided cards.

On the one hand there is a “shirt”, on the other - a pair of identical pictures. You can easily find a set according to your interests: it can be a set with birds, paintings by artists, characters from your favorite cartoons, toys or military equipment.
Animal world

Most of the games in the memo series are divided into thematic blocks. Conventionally, all of them can be divided into:

  • for kids,
  • about the animal world
  • about the countries of the world
  • about art,
  • about space.

Memo for kids is a varied line dedicated to individual cartoons, Disney princesses, funny cars or little animals. The animal world option offers to explore the inhabitants of the underwater depths or get acquainted with a dozen species of birds, funny pandas from Asia, or even immerse yourself in the history of huge prehistoric dinosaurs.

Memo and art

Connoisseurs of beauty will probably be interested in the version about the history of art or the memo game with paintings by Russian artists. No need to go to a museum or gallery, if you want to touch the beauty, just buy the version of the same name.

The paintings presented in the game are a virtual walk through the best museums in the country. “The Girl with Peaches”, “Again the Deuce”, “The Swan Princess” and even “The Black Square” - in the booklet you can read about the history of the creation of each of them and feel the atmosphere of those times when it was a sign of good taste for the creators to know foreign languages, write memoirs and rotate in secular society.
The whole world

Memo about the countries of the world

The group of games about the countries of the world allows you to study the geography and history of Estonia, Belarus, the Crimea, many European countries, to pair the wonders of the planet. Those dreaming of a round-the-world cruise will appreciate the travel package. This Memo game will allow you to appreciate the whole world without leaving your home. The Colosseum in Italy, the Sydney Opera House, the Great Wall of China are just some of the places featured on the cards.

Want to teach your child to understand the geography of their native country? Evaluate St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring and wooden Suzdal, which will show the game Memo: Sights of Russia.

Domestic publishing houses are well aware that Memo helps to develop both the attention and erudition of the players, and regularly release versions that introduce participants to the Motherland. The game Memo: Natural Natural Wonders of Russia will help to continue the geography lesson for all ages, where a couple will have to be found for the landscapes of the Far North or the waters of the Black Sea.

Memo Space

Have you ever dreamed of going on an intergalactic journey and exploring starry space far and wide? Find out what the surface of Neptune looks like? The new Memo game will allow you to explore space from your own room, even without the help of a telescope.

There are 50 cards in a set, that is, 25 pairs. All images are dedicated to the space theme. It can be planets and stars, shuttles, famous astronauts - try to guess what is shown in the picture, without hints from the manual. If not, the answer can be found in the information booklet, which contains brief but detailed descriptions for each.

What develops

First of all, Memory is a game for memory, its active training. Look at the card, remember where it lay, put it face down in its place and repeat again until you find a pair. Such a pastime also has a positive effect on visual perception, because these two processes are inseparable from each other.

The Memo game has a little more than 44 cards, which is the optimal load: it does not tire you yet, but it already trains your brain. The game takes approximately 10 to 30 minutes, which helps to teach the child to perseverance and enhances his concentration.
Natural Wonders of Russia

Information booklets, which are included with most games in the series, enrich the participants with knowledge and increase the level of erudition on various topics: art, technology, zoology, geography, and even the history of dinosaurs.

People interested in mysticism and the occult can safely try using Memo cards as a deck of divination cards to get a yes or no answer to a question that concerns them. By the way, using memo in this way is great for developing your intuition.


In the box of standard versions you will find:

  • 50 double-sided cards (25 pairs),
  • regulations,
  • booklet with detailed information on the topic.

Some game sets differ in the number of cards. For example, Memory for children includes 72 elements, Memory with animals - 48. High-quality and bright cards for the Memory game will differ in content from version to version.

Rules and move

The Ravensburger Memo or Memory game is designed for 1-8 players. It can even be played alone to kill time or practice mindfulness. The sequence of moves is chosen arbitrarily. Shuffle the cards and place them randomly face down next to each other. When everything is laid out, you can start.

Each player turns over two random cards in turn so that all participants can see them. If they match, he takes the pair for himself and gets an extra turn. If the images on the exposed cards are different, the player puts them back in place face down and passes his turn. The one with the most pairs wins.
Paintings by Russian artists

As such, the Memo or Memory board game is one of the easiest to understand and great for the youngest players. If you get tired of the standard way of playing, try playing with the alternative rules described below.

Classic variant

In its original version, the Memory game consists of pairs of identical cards. They are laid out on the table or the floor face down, the turn is determined by agreement, two random cards are opened per turn, and the game proceeds according to the standard rules. Thanks to this, victory depends more on the player's actions than on luck, namely on how successfully he remembers the place of each of the pair of cards.


At the beginning of the game, the cards are shuffled and laid out on the table in a random order, face down. The youngest participant starts. He opens the first card and leaves it open on the table. The next player makes the same move.

As soon as two identical cards are revealed on the table, that is, a pair, each participant tries to find and cover with his palm the one that was open first. In addition, he needs to shout "Found!" or "Found it!". The one who manages to do this before the others takes a couple of cards for himself and opens a new card from those lying on the table.

If the player made a mistake, for example, covered the wrong card with his hand, then he must return one of the previously won pairs (if any) to the box. The game ends when only two cards remain on the table. This last pair is taken by the participant who won the previous move. The winner is the one with the most cards left in their hand.

dexterous fingers

Take the cards out of the box and spread them on the table. Have one of the participants shout “Go!” - this will be the signal for the beginning. Now all players must simultaneously try to find pairs. Cards can be flipped face up or vice versa.

Did you see two of the same? Grab them and put them on the table in front of you. It is important that you can pick up a pair only when you see both parts of it on the table. You cannot pick up one card and after that you cannot look for a pair.
All Russia

If two players divide a pair between themselves, grabbing at the same time its components, then it is eliminated from the game and sent to the box. The game ends when the one lying on the table can no longer be paired. If one of the participants mistakenly picked up cards that did not match each other, he must additionally put one of his correct pairs into the box.

small house

Create two stacks on the table face down so that each of them contains one card from a pair. The first pile will be called "house". If you are, try the option where the child is asked to arrange the cards of the second pile "shirt" up in the form of a rectangle consisting of 5 rows of 6 cards each. This will be the ground.

The youngest participant gets the right to start the game. He removes the top card from the “house” and places it face up next to him. Then he reveals one card from the "earth", chosen at random. If this is a pair, the player takes it for himself and makes the same second move, removing a new top card from the pile.

If the card from the rows of the “land” does not fit, then it must be turned back and the move is passed to the participant sitting on the left. His task is to try to find a pair on the first try. The party ends when the elements of the "house" run out. The one with the most pairs wins.

Who will suit

The advantage of Memo is its simplicity and accessibility for all participants. You can even say that the possible age of Memo players is from 4 to 44 years old, and with a little help from parents, younger children can also take part in the process.

Memo is the perfect family entertainment, it can be played alone, in pairs or in a group, used to expand the horizons of schoolchildren, a cozy romantic evening at home, fortune-telling by candlelight cards or a noisy alcohol party, it depends solely on the imagination of the participants.

Video review

Games - "memory" in individual and subgroup work with children of compensatory groups
Why are games “memory”? A child's memory develops through interest in everything that happens around. It represents a complex of processes: perception, memorization, storage and reproduction of the necessary information. Malfunctions at each of these levels can cause difficulties in subsequent schooling. One of the leading channels for the development of the perception of the surrounding world - visual - this emphasizes the need to include in the system of work in groups of a compensating orientation methods and techniques that cause the activity of the visual analyzer. Games - "memory", aimed at stimulating visual perception. In combination with objective activity, they contribute to the dynamic development of mental processes: memory, attention, as well as the formation of positive motivation in children for the development of speech. These games can be used in their work by speech therapists, educators while teaching the elements of mathematical representations, getting to know the outside world, developing speech and in the daily life of children. The specificity of games involves the gradual complication of games, as well as their variability.

- "MEMORY" in individual and subgroup work with children in compensatory groups contributes to: * creating an interested, relaxed environment for mastering educational and developmental tasks; * increasing speech motivation, encourages children to communicate with each other; * developing mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, processes develop faster, new skills and abilities are acquired more firmly. * Through playing games, cognitive and speech activity develops, which contributes to the mental development of a preschooler. * The inclusion of such games in the educational process of a preschool educational institution gives high guarantees of school success.

Better known in Russia under the name Find a couple, which many of you have probably played, or at least heard about. And this is not surprising, since she has already managed to gain her popularity in almost all countries of the world.

memory is a set of pairs of identical cards. The number of pairs in a set usually starts from twelve - the version for the smallest. And for those who are older, there are more cards, usually two or three times.

The essence of the game is very simple. These cards are laid out face down on the table. Then, in turn, each player opens any two cards, showing them to everyone. If they have the same designs, he takes them for himself and opens the next pair. However, if the images are different, then he returns these cards face down back to their places, and the move passes to the next player. When all the cards have been sorted out, the winner is chosen - the one who scored the most cards.

AT Memory you can play alone, but then, for fun, you can pinpoint how long it takes you to reveal all the pairs. However, there are a lot of such versions of the game on the Internet - play, I don’t want to :)

Memory it is recommended from 2.5-3 years old and right up to old age, because no one will ever get in the way of extra memory training :) However, in addition to memory, Memory contributes to the development of figurative and logical thinking, observation, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

Memory, which we know, was born in February 1959 under the leadership of the company Ravensburger, famous all over the world for its puzzles and, in part, games for children. Now memory is their proprietary brand name.

Despite the modern name, the simplicity of the game and its somewhat routine in the modern world, all the most interesting remains "behind the scenes" under the name "story". The history of this game has its roots in Japan, when it was adopted by the nobles during the Heian period.

Among the Japanese nobility, awase entertainment, which means "connection" in Japanese, was very popular. Their main meaning was that of several factors indicating artistic and aesthetic feelings, the best one was chosen. Among these entertainments, there was also kai-awase - a game of shells.

A complete set of kai-awase consists of 360 pairs of shells of approximately the same size (2.5-3 inches). Outside, the shell retains its original appearance, and inside it is carefully cleaned and painted. Each pair of shells contains one image. And it is the image, because sometimes the pattern of one sash is harmoniously complemented by the pattern of another.

Inside the shells are usually depicted flowers, costumes, poetic images, literary characters and so on, although in some cases they even carried poetic texts divided in half between the shells.

In the Edo period, the game was of an aristocratic nature, and the items of this game sometimes served as a dowry for women.

Currently, Kai-awase is still popular, although it has hardly made it outside of Japan.

It is a pity, of course, that the game of shells did not reach us, but we can enjoy its descendant - memory. The theme of illustrations for it is quite diverse, and you can safely choose the one that you like :)