Games about nature for children. KVN game on the world around the world "Live and non-resident nature"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Lighting Center"

per. Timiryazevsky, 9. Tel. 8-415-31-65-3-65

Yelizovsky Municipal District

Abstract classes

by section of the program "Magic Word":

"Expansion of the vocabulary"

execution on the topic: "Concepts -" Live non-living "

I. Year of study for students of 4 years.

Amounted to: Ushakov Ekaterina Rasimovna

Teacher of additional education

yelizovo, Kamchatka Territory

2016-2017 Academy

Form of study: occupation

Type of classes: Educational

Type of classes: thematic, duration 1 school hour

Training methods: conversation, game.

The subject of classes: "Concepts -" Live Not Live "

Purpose: give the concept of words that call items.


Correctional educational:

    clarify the idea of \u200b\u200banimated and inanimate objects;

    learning to put questions about who? what?;


    develop visual perception, small and general motorcy; Voice power, air jet;


    bring up the ability to independently perform tasks and bring them to the end;

    educate collaboration skills.

Equipment: Cat toy from the cartoon "Parrot Kesha",projector, computer, soft cube,cartoon "Tolik and Bolik",toys (leopard, hippopotamus, parrot, cat, dog, ball, pencil, yula, mushroom), cards for the game "Fourth extra", pencils, hoop to imitate lake, fishing rod, fish with pictures, two buckets, handouts for reflection.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Game with a soft cube.

Pedagogue: - Repeat the sound that I sang for a long time. (I-RA, O-la, ah, and-chase, and lia, a-Sia).

2. Articulating gymnastics.

Pedagogue: Today, a cat from the cartoon "Parrot Kesha" came to our class. Let's show him how we are great to charge for the tongue. Charging.(While the teacher reads the poem. Children perform articulation exercises)

While I read the poem, you exercise.

"Hippo" (Slide 1)

Open your mouth sewer

In Hippo playing:

Widely reveal the mouth,

Like a hungry hippoplate.

It is impossible to close it

Up to five I consider me.

And then close your mouth:

Hippo rests.(O. Perova)

"Pancake" (Slide 2)

Baked pancakes a little bit

Cooled on the window.

There are them with sour cream,

We will invite a mom to dinner.(O. Perova)

"Delicious jam" (Slide 3)

Damn we ate with pleasure -

Purchased jam.

So that the jam from the lips to remove,

Rotik need to lick.(M. Sinitsyn)

"Horse" (Slide 4)

I am a cheerful horse,

Dark like chocolate.

Tongue snatch loud -

The knock of the hooves will hear the ringing.(M. Sinitsyn)

Main part

2. Acquaintance with the new topic.

a) Please, please my request.

Pedagogue: - Tell me, what is this subject? Could you fulfill the request? Why? Tell me, what is this subject,ball, doll, pyramid, blade, toys . Could you fulfill the request? Why?

Pedagogue: Where, we did not go, so that we do not do, we surround our objects. How many items, as many words. Each item is called Word.

b) Differentiation "Live - non-living"

Pedagogue: Items are alive and inanimate. What do you think are called alive?

Children: cat, dog, etc.

Pedagogue: That's right. And inanimate?

Children: table, chair, etc.

Pedagogue: What would be good to remember and never confuse where a living thing, and where inanimate remember that the living items have a heart, and there is no ineverance.(Slide 5) Live subjects include fish, animals, people, birds, insects. They all have a heart.

c) cartoon "Tolik and Bolik"

Pedagogue: Tell me, guys, live items can be offended?

Children: No.

Teacher: Why?

Children: They hurt them, offensively, etc.

Pedagogue: More Guys We must remember with you that living objects answer the question of who?, And inanimate answer the question what?.

3. Fiziminutka.

These are eyes. Here. Here.Show the left eye first, then right.

This is the ears. Here. Here.They first take the left ear, then for the right.

This is a nose. This is a mouth.One hand shows the mouth, the other is the nose.

There is a back. There is a belly.One palm is put on the back, another on the stomach.

This is a handle. Clap clap.Stretch both hands, clap twice.

These are legs. Top, top.Put the palms on the hips are twice.

e) "Magic Pouch"

Pedagogue: Cat brought with him a "magic bag". In this bag, he put his toys that are going to take to Paris. Hearing the topic of our classes, he came up with the game. Now you will get toys from the bag one by one, and can it be alive or not to say.

g) "fourth extra"

Pedagogue: Look at the screen. You see four items. The same pictures in front of you on cards. Some subject here is superfluous. Find you cross or circle it and explain why it is superfluous.

Table, sofa, bed, cat(Slide 6)

Apple, dog, pear, orange(Slide 7)

Dog, squirrel, tree, hare(Slide 8)

Boots, sneakers, caterpillar, shoes(Slide 9)

Towel, Bird, Apron, Napkins(Slide 10)

Beetle, mug, kettle, plate(Slide 11)

h) "Cube"

Pedagogue: The cat really like our lesson. And he again conceived to play with us. Now I will take turns to throw a ball and call the item alive or inanimate, and you have to catch and say what question we ask for this subject who? or what?.

4. Password on the output.

Our cat, like any cat loves fish to catch. Look, here we have a lake in it float. Let's catch the cat's fish for lunch, but the fish are not easy for them on the scratch painted pictures with the subjects "alive and non-residents". We need to catch her fish to put it in the right bucket. In the green bucket, we put fish with alive objects, and red with non-residential objects.

5. Outcome.

Teacher: Sasha, tell me, please, what's today in the lesson you liked most?

Katya, what didn't you like in class?

Vova, what's new you learned today?

Faith, what did you learn today?

6. Reflection

Pedagogue: Go to the board and select a picture that matches your mood at today's lesson. The cat chose the sun, because he had a good mood at today's lesson.

Children: (take pictures)

Pedagogue: In the next lesson, we will continue to study living and non-living subjects.

Cartoon "Trail and roller"

Cockin Margarita
Interactive game "Live and inanimate"

purpose: Familiarity with the concepts "Live" and « non-fat» nature

Tasks: learning to distinguish which objects relate to wildlifewhich k inanimate natureAnd which are man-made.

Develop attention, memory, speech

Description of the game.

The game Consists of 18 slides. The transition from the slide to the clock click on the control button. The game accompanies the hero - wise owl, which sums up and rewards the nuts for the right answers. On 3-4 slides we consider photos and find objects related to nature. 6 Slide - the game"Find a couple". Dano 8. pictures: In the upper row there are a dome of the Church, a plane, a helicopter and a submarine, a seagull, bud, cough and dragonfly are located in the bottom row. It is necessary to find pairs and explain your decision. By clicking on the desired picture from the bottom row, it moves to its pair. On the eighth slide workout. 11-12 Slide the game"Putting pictures": on the slide 6 pictures that need to be distributed across columns « living» and « non-residents» . 15-17 Slide the game"One extra". On each slide of 6 pictures, you need to choose an excess picture. If the answer is the right picture disappears by clicking and shake if the answer is incorrect. Three slides and accordingly three groups: What belongs to inanimate nature, what belongs to wildlife, and what is created by a person. At the last Slide of Owl thanks for diligence.


Bondarenko T. M. "Environmental classes with children of 6-7 years".

Internet sources

Publications on the topic:

Interactive game Objective: Develop verbal and logical thinking, ability to classify, compare, generalize, establish causal, logical.

Interactive game "Fruit Assorted" The relevance of using information technologies in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of the information.

Interactive game "Where Logic" A distinctive feature of our time is the rapid entry of information technologies in all areas of life. Modern children, k.

Interactive game "Surgical Cards" (Author's Development) Purpose: Motivate children to draw up their own stories about the object.

Interactive Ecology Game Purpose: Expansion of the ecological horizon of the problem: an introduction to culture, the nature of the native land, the development of cognitive interest,.

Interactive game "Professions" The game consists of gaming tasks. Selecting the correct answers in each task is carried out by pressing on the picture. Right and wrong.

Interactive game "Journey through Ufa" Goal: Secure the knowledge of children about the city of Ufa. Tasks: 1. Expand the knowledge of children about the hometown, know.

Subject:KVN "Live and non-fat nature"


Generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the topic "Live and non-resident nature";

Development of memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination;

Expansion of the horizons of students.


To form interest and desire to independently study the world around the world and its phenomena;

Educate sustainable interest in educational, observational activities;

Develop interest in reading popular science and artistic literature on the world.

Equipment:posters, drawings of animals and plants, distributing material, phonogram of nature sounds, team emblems, winner medal, incentive prizes.

Structure occupation

1. Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in the walls of our class. Guys 2B class will show us today the KVN game. We meet the participants of the game.

2. Music sounds (phonogram 1). Teams occupy their play places.

3. Look my dear friend,

What is around?

Sky light blue

The sun shines golden

The wind is playing,

Tuchka swims in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, beasts and forests,

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season -

It's all around - ... (nature).

What are these guys? Well, of course, this is nature. And today we will summarize in the form of a game in KVN on the topic "Live and non-resident nature". Play two teams.

We need to choose the jury and this right we provide our guests. Let's greet a respected jury. And teams wish good luck!

Greeting teams.

The first team "Orange" -We like orange slices - we are friendly and indivisible.

Second team "Dandelions" - Keep together, so as not to blow.

The first competition "Workout".

For jury: For each correct answer 1 point.

Each KVN game begins with a warm-up. I will ask questions to teams in turn. On the thinking of each team is given 5 seconds. If one team cannot respond, the following command is responsible for the same question.

Remember what nature is? (All that surrounds us and not created by the hands of a person).

What is nature? (Live and non-fat nature)

Give examples of alive and inanimate nature (live - plants, man, animals; non-fat - air, sun and water).

What is needed by plants and animals for life? (In Seed, V. yes, food, warmth, light).

What is nature phenomena?Give examples ( All changes occurring in nature ).

How much do you know the seasons?(Four - Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn)

What kind of weather is called clear? (When there are no clouds, the sky is clean, solar)

What is the spruce different from the other trees? (Aeri needles instead of leaves)

- What distinguishes birds from all other animals? (The body is covered with feathers, two legs, two wings)

Who are called a forest doctor? (Dyatla)

The greatest animal inhabiting water (KIT)

What birds are terrible in winter: cold or hunger? (hunger)

The second contest "What is too much." For each correct answer 1 point.

I give you cards, and you have to determine what word "extra".

Card number 1.

bear, Hare, Cow, Squirrel, Elk (Cow - Pet)

Card number 2.

aspen, Oak, Rowan, Spruce, Cherry (spruce - coniferous tree)

The third Competition "SCHOOL".The word "larch" is postponed on the board, this word is given to teams on the leaves. It is necessary to think as much as possible short words (leaf, fox, forest, vein, fox, screw, strength, weight, lion, retinue, price, drain, last, nina, gallows, tween, spring, nasty).

For each compiled word - 1 point.

Fourth contest "Mailbox".Guys, Mrs. Natrea sent us by mail letter-descriptions. And asks you to guess about whom in this letter is in question. If the command is incorrect, the word is transmitted to another command. For the answer - 1 point.

Letter Description number 1 "I am a small animal with a big fluffy tail, I put my fur coat for the winter. The nest is ranked in the development of branches or hollows of trees, the walls of the nest linse with moss. By winter, I make suppresses, eat nuts, mushrooms that kept in the summer and autumn. They guessed, who am I? "(Squirrel)

Letter Description number 2 "I have a black hat on my head, the back, the wings and the tail of the dark, and the breast is bright yellow, as if it was dressed in a vest. In the summer, I eat bugs, worms, and in winter, in the unfortunate, eat all: and different branches, and bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love the unsalted fat. They guessed, who am I? "(Tit)

FizminutkaWe enter the forest, how many here are miracles. Hands raised and shocked - these are trees in the forest. Hands bent, the brushes bent - the wind knives the dew. In the direction of the hand - smoothly fell - this is the birds to us fly. As they sit down, we will also show - the wings folded back. Leaned and sat down, they sat down again.

Fifth Competition "Guess the Sounds of Nature"

Answers: Wind, Wolf, Wind, Dolphins, Cat, Nightingale, Ducks, Seagulls( phonogram 2).

Sixth Competition "Mysterious Animal"

Guys, now one person from the command must choose an envelope with the task. You need to collect scattered letters in words and call them. For the correct answer - 1 point.

1. Rosok Shackok

cat Frog Soroka

2. Yazaca Yoslo Zakuri

hare downtown chicken

1. Well, who of you will answer:

Not fire, but hurts

Not lantern, but shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bake (sun)

2. Decorated night blue

Silver orange.

And passed week only -

Solka (Moon) remained from him

3. The sun ordered: "Stay!

Seven color bridge cool! "

Clouds hid the sun light -

Bridge collapsed, and there is no pinch (rainbow)

4. Fluffy Vata.

Flowing somewhere.

Than wool below

The rain closer (cloud)

10. It is fluffy, silver,

But his hand is not a trick.

Will be the drip clean,

How to catch the palm (snow)

5. No boards and axes

Through the River Bridge is ready.

Bridge - like a blue glass:

Sliply, fun, light (ice)

6. Who is this gardener?

Poured cherry and gooseberry,

Poured plum and flowers,

Washed her herbs and bushes.

And how twilight has come,

We were told on the radio

What and tomorrow he will come

And Polate Our Garden (rain)

7. I beat me, crop

Turn, cut,

I'm all terpling

And all good crying (earth)

8. What in the light of all fat? (Land)

9. Breathe, grows,

And it can not walk (plant)

10. Spring fun,

In the summer

Autumn dies.

In the spring comes to life (forest)

11. Summer grow

And fall falls (leaves)

12. Winter and summer

One color (spruce, pine)

Why do I love nature?
Because year from year
She gives me strength
And confusion takes.

You can feel to the pine,
Her power is charged.
At the Birch Beauty
Ask do not be afraid you.

For blades and flowers
About health ask again.
On health and good luck
You can pay in addition.

We all went out of nature.
And at any time of the year
We assist she,
Power is full.

Take care guys, nature,

And flowers and trees, and meadow,

And animals, and soil, and water,

After all, nature is a reliable friend!

Summarizing. Now the word jury.

In this interesting and cognitive game, both teams showed themselves to true connoisseurs of nature. You are awarded medals!

On this, our game is over. Thanks to everyone for work. Thank you jury and guys.


Consultation for educators "Didactic Ecology Games in working with preschoolers"

The game
It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of the game to the development of the child, including the formation of its environmental consciousness and environmental culture. Playing, the baby learns the many-sided world of nature, learns to communicate with animals and plants, interact with the subjects of inanimate nature, assimilates the complex system of relations with the environment. As a result, the intellectual and volitional skills of the child are improved, its moral and aesthetic feelings, physical development occurs.
The game - This is a way to understand the surrounding world and its place in it, the development of the corresponding models of behavior corresponding to various situations. In the game, the child is given the opportunity to solve many problems without fatigue, overvoltage, emotional disruptions. Everything happens easily, naturally, with pleasure, and most importantly, in a situation of increased interest and joyful excitement.
A sufficiently serious problem for preschool children is the assimilation of the rules of behavior, as well as such moral norms, as responsible, disinterested assistance, compassion, and digest on these norms and rules are best in gaming activities. The child not only plays himself, but also watches the games of other children. So there are prerequisites for the formation of conscious behavior in nature and society, self-control over the actions and actions, that is, there is a practical development of moral norms and rules of behavior.
An important role is played joint with other children, a collective game. In such games, children exhibit themselves with good and bad parties, which gives the educator to use joint games to diagnose children's relations to nature, to other children, to adults, as well as to understand the degree of formation of ethical qualities of personality, environmental empathy and Reflection.
After trying on the game on the role of animals and plants, recreating their actions and states, the child penetrates them with feelings, comes to them, which contributes to the development of environmental ethics in a child.
Among the educational tasks, which decide pre-school teachers with the help of the game, an important meaning is to create a favorable psychological environment for immersion in the world of nature.
However, it is necessary to keep in mind that not any game is environmental in its goals and content. In the practice of preschool environmental education, the selection of games is often not sufficiently thoughtful and often even random. To implement the task of environmental education through the game, careful pedagogical selection and analysis of the gaming material are necessary.
What are the requirements for ecological education of preschoolers can be taken?
Games need to be chosen taking into account the patterns of the development of children and those problems of environmental education, which are solved in this age stage.
The game should give a child the opportunity to apply in practice already received environmental knowledge and stimulate to absorb new ones.
The content of the game should not contradict the environmental knowledge formed in the process of other activities.
Gaming actions should be made in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature.
Preference is given to those games that make it possible to solve not only the tasks of environmental education, but also ensure the solution of the common tasks of the education and development of the child preschooler.
In order for the game to be an effective means of environmental education preschoolers, it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games. This will predict what existing experience the child will rely on what new step will occur in its development.
In modern pedagogical literature there are various approaches to the classification of children's games. But in the beneficiaries on preschool environmental education attempts to systematize games were practically not observed.
To classify environmental games, various principles can be used:
On specific characteristics;
On the thematic distribution of content;
In the form of an organization, and extent regulation;
In the direction of actions.
According to specific characteristics, creative games and games with the rules are distinguished. They, in turn, are divided into subgroups.
Creative games:
On the thematic distribution of content, there is the following classification.
Games on the topic "Living Nature":
recognition, calling;
properties, signs, appearance features;
Functions. Behavior;
growth, development;

relations with other living organisms, man;
variety of wildlife;
Assignment to the group "Living Nature".
Games on the topic "Non-fat nature":
recognition, calling;
characteristic features, properties;
Non-fat nature as a living environment of a living;
the difference between inanimate nature from alive;
assignment to the group "Non-fat nature";
connection of wildlife with inanimate;
the relationship and interdependence of living and inanimate nature;
natural communities;
Environmental chains.
In the form of the organization, and extent regulators are allocated:
independent game activity of the child;
Joint game activities with teacher (under the leadership of an adult).
In the direction of actions (aimed at obtaining sensory experience; to study the properties of objects, their beat; to imitate anyone, something, a mapping of someone's actions, states; to improve communication skills, interaction with other people; to receive a win; The following games are allocated for greater success in comparison with others):
sensor engine;
Games with reincarnation (imitation);
The content of environmental education, allowing to acquaint children with objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature, their variety and accessible to the perception of preschooler with relations and relationships, is the basis to use games on the following topics.
1. "Where is the living and non-fat nature?"
2. "Neighbors on the planet" (wildlife).
3. "Who is friends with whom?", "Who is afraid of whom?"
4. "Who likes where", "who lives."
5. "What is growing".
6. "Who needs what you need."
7. "What is?", Who is this? "
8. "Why does it happen?" (Communication of living and inanimate nature).
9. "Why are we different?"
10. "As it is possible and as it is impossible" (rules of behavior in nature).
11. "We are all needed to each other."
12. "Natural - man-made."

Within each topic, you should use different variations of games. For example, inside the topic "who, where the following options live" are possible: "Find your home", "Russell animals (plants)", "Who is needed," which house is needed. " In the topic "What is?", "Who is?" You can include the games "Once, two, three to birch (ate, rowan) run", "Find a couple of yourself", etc.
Pedagogical leadership games with environmental content.
The effectiveness of the pedagogical process of environmental education using gaming activity depends largely on the competent pedagogical leadership.
When choosing the direction of management, environmental games should consider the fact that the special role of the game in education requires saturation of the whole life of children in the group. Therefore, building a pedagogical process of environmental education is necessary in such a way that the game is included in all the mode.
Defining the place of the game in the pedagogical process of environmental education, it should also be considered to take into account its relationship with the difficulty of children in nature and training in classroom classroom.
With the transition from one age group to another in children, the stability of attention is constantly increasing, the processes of deliberate memorization and remember are developing intensively, becomes more perfect visual, auditory, tactile perception. Children gradually begin to distinguish rather complex forms of items. Starting from the middle age, the guys increase the supply of words, it develops visual-shaped thinking: along with a generalization of external signs, children begin to group items in quality and appointment, establish the simplest causal relations in familiar phenomena.
Based on the age of the age characteristics of children, didactic games, ensuring the development of the personality of each child, the elements of its environmental consciousness, as well as deepening, clarifying and consolidating knowledge about living and inanimate nature. The game includes didactic toys, a varied natural material, ready-made tablespoons are used: various lotto, cut pictures. It is also appropriate to appeal to didactic games activating movements combined with the solution of mental tasks.
In such games, like "Find your own couple", "find your house", the children pick themselves a house or a couple with a leaf attached to them, similar to the color or form that was issued by a teacher. Such games are also useful because they suggest various forms of organization of children (they can be carried out with the entire group or a small subgroup).
The selection and introduction to the pedagogical process of didactic games is made in such a way that, relying on the existing experience in children, gradually and consistently expand the presentations of wildlife children, teach them to use the knowledge to solve the didactic tasks, develop and improve such mental operations as analysis , synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification.
Distortion of the Didactic Games
For the convenience of using the didactic games to familiarize themselves with plants, they can be distributed to groups on didactic tasks.
The tasks are diverse, and to help you which didactic tasks need to be planned to be placed before children on acquaintance and the use of environmental games may include tasks:
Games for recognition of plants and animals.
Games for comparing plants and animals.
Games for the ability to group plants and animals by any sign.
Games for the formation of the moral position of the child.
Games for establishing connections and dependencies in natural phenomena.
Didactic environmental contents can be combined into three groups:
1. For enrichment of environmental representations:
About the variety and variety of natural objects.
On the relationships in nature.
About man as part of nature.
On the culture of behavior in nature.
2. For education emotionally - value attitude towards nature:
For the development of aesthetic perception of nature.
For the formation of moral and appraisal experience in nature in nature.
3. For the admission to environmentally friendly activities

1. N.K.andrienko "The game in the environmental education of a preschooler",
Jl "Preschool Pedagogy" №1 2007
2. L.P.Molodova "Game Environmental Classes with Children". Minsk "Asar" 1996.

Tatyana Troitskaya
Environmental education of preschoolers. Chatting "What is nature? Live non-fat nature "

purpose: Teach children to distinguish natural Objects from artificial, created by man, objects inanimate nature.

Form a child's understanding of the inseparable communication of a person with nature., (a person is part nature.) .

Machine with basic natural Components and their connections.

An explicit way to consolidate the knowledge of air, develop the speed of the reaction, the intelligence.

MATERIAL: Pictures nature and not nature; Alive I. inanimate nature; For the experience of a bank with water, a glass, a bottle.

Preliminary work: Viewing pictures nature and not nature; alive and not alive nature..

Move: Children come in. Educator is reading poem:

Here on earth a huge house

Under the roof of blue.

Live in it the sun, rain and thunder,

Forest and sea surf,

Live in it birds and flowers,

Merry ringing of the stream.

Live in that house bright you

And all your friends. (L. Daineko.)

Children, and you know that such nature?

(Children express their assumptions that such nature, and lead examples: sun, air, forest, sea, animals, birds.)

Children, which can not be called nature.. (- What is done by the hands of a person)

-Nature is somethingthat exists without the help of a person.

The car is B. nature? (Children express their opinion.)

But a horse and a camel, which also drives a person. Where to take? (children speak)

Man often comes up with such things like nature. (The helicopter looks like a dragonfly, a submarine at China. The mushroom looks like an umbrella. Rainbow looks like a bridge. The rain is similar to the shower. The plane looks like a bird. The wind looks like a fan. The carpet looks like grass, etc.) Children continue this series.

The game: "What looks like"

A ships came to visit us, and I confused all pictures on the table. On one table, put what belongs to nature, and on the other table - what does not apply to nature.

The game: « Nature and not nature»

Fizkultminutka: Hands raised and peel.

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken

The wind knives the dew.

Smoothly with hands

This birds fly to us.

As they sit down, show

Wings we fold back.

(Children perform movements in the text.)

All nature Earth can be divided into two huge mira: peace inanimate and the world of wildlife. Living nature is thatWhat moves, grows, develops, dies and breeds.

Name what applies to live nature(children call: animals, birds, fish, insects.)

The game « Living non-fat nature»

(Called, Living Objects nature.-Derty take a step forward inanimate nature - stand on revenge.)

Guys, and a person to what nature will take?

Children: To Living nature.

And what a person is different from animals (children's responses.)

And what do you think, nature Maybe without a person? (can.)

And man without nature.? (No, children explain why.)

And what will happen if there is no air?

Responses of children.

Now we will have experiences with air.

The tutor takes a glass, (Shows children)

Guys and what do you think this glass is empty (Yes) And let's check if it is. (on the table with water container.)We turn the glass upside down and slowly lower in the container with water. What happens? Does water fall into a glass? (Not) There is no water in the glass, the air does not allow water.

Output: in the glass there are air, it does not allow water there.

And why did we first think that there is nothing in a glass? Because the air is pross, invisible. This is the first air property.

Guys, we managed to see the air - invisible, and now I propose and hear it.

Take a bottle, cut to the bottom lip and jump into the neck. What do you hear? (sound). Air trembles. When the air is trembling, sounds occur. What makes an artist playing on the brass tool? It blows into the tool hole. The air trembles, the sounds are obtained, unlike whistle, musical. Sounds apply to air. Sounds are only where there is air. for example: on the moon, where there is no air, nothing is heard. (output).