Games in the family company. Games and contests for the day of the family. Game in translation

Cheerful games and contests for the whole family on family day and family holidays.


This game turns out to be active and cheerful. People know her from childhood. At the same time, "Zhmurki" always turn out to be popular and pleasant entertainment on family holidays. Even adults will be happy to take part in this game.

The essence of this game turns out to be truly simple. First you need to choose a leading. He needs to tie his eyes. The remaining players must stand around the leading person to the center. After the signal is issued, the leading should catch the participants who will run away and in every way to do. The caught participant needs to guess to the touch. If the lead managed to guess a person, caught will fulfill his duties. The winner will only be the participant who practically could not catch.

It is important to note that at first the leading should be adults, as in this case it can be shown how existing duties must be performed. People must understand how without unnecessary risks and destruction can be played at home. Children should scatter only within a certain territory, which will comply with the rules and safety regulations. In fact, you can prevent unwanted consequences.

Stay in a circle

This game turns out to be fun and alive, active. Each participant should only play for himself, but at the same time a family pastime will necessarily deliver many pleasant emotions.

On Earth, you need to draw a circle of large sizes. Playing people (the number can reach up to 10) get up in the circle only 1 leg and cross their hands on the chest. After receipt of the signal, all participants must pushed using shoulders. The main task is the desire to oust partners beyond the boundaries of the circle. When pushing, you can not use your hands. From the game, the participant is excluded if she flew over a circle or became two legs into it. As a result, only 2 people will remain in the circle, which are satisfied with the duel with a decisive result.


This game will only suit that family that loves active entertainment. All participants must gather in the place where a wonderful review of the surrounding landscape will be opened. Ideally, a variety of plants should grow on this territory. The presenter should shout on account of times, two, three. It should be called a plant that grows in the territory. Participants must run to the named subject, but at the same time you need to change the destination. In order to successfully play, you need to quickly navigate. If the participant did not have time to turn or did not hear a team change, he drops out. So you need to play until the last player who will be the winner.

Harmful tail

Participants must be lined up together, creating a chain of the train. They will need to hold on to each other. Then the participants are all squatting together.

The presenter reports that they are a big sizes caterpillar. He must ask to show a variety of actions, namely how she sleeps and wakes up, washed off, he is charged, walks, dancing, reads, eats. The last person must interfere with the caterpillar, which will perform all actions in a coherent scheme. Most often a child is at the end of the tail, but perhaps another family member will be more restless.


The following details will be required for the game: Bag of large sizes and various clothes. Try to use bright and unusual things. You can use underwear, national outfits, a variety of accessories, chains, evening dress. All clothes should be collected in 1 bag. Then the lead is selected, which will also perform the role of DJ. The presenter includes music to which participants should dance and transmit each other bag. After the music is turned off, the participant who has a bag, at random pulls any object of clothing and puts it on. The game can continue until all things are put on participants. In fact, the effect of surprise will largely bring pleasure and determine the receipt of bright emotions.

You must be prepared for the fact that the thing that will get a participant may be unusual. Everyone will look unusual and funny.

Libo or dance "with obstacles"

Here you can offer traditional Latin American fun - passing under a rope with dance movements. Rope, if you remember, you need to lower 10 cm after each passage.
The rope can be versa to pull down at the bottom and gradually lift to the waist level of an adult. First, 10 cm from the floor, then above. Gradually remain from each team, those participants who know how to jump in height. Award!

Slaya with lemonade

Usually, the competition is carried out with a five-liter beer beer, but we have a family holiday, we will replace lemonade. Let a sweet drink mining for a family dad. Men need to keep a bag with bottles or boxes of juice (only 5 liters) on hand (just 5 liters) as long as possible. The winner takes everything.

Dance Battle or Flashmob

It is no time to prepare and rehearse us, so the musical composition should be a surprise for the team and the audience. Announce the contest and build the whole family on the stage. Task - as quickly as possible to join music and demonstrate all the dancing elements characteristic for each case.

Carefully watch the dancing! If the matter went, let me please yourself and the audience. If in the family all shy, turn off the music in 30-40 seconds, ask the hall to support applause.

Dancing most common: cadrille, lezginka, hip-hop, rock and roll, baby dance ducklings, Macarena, Gypsy, Latina, Tango, Kankan, Lambad, Little Swan dance, East belly dance, etc.

We defeat the most active and fun, of course.

Ten chairs and one egg

For the competition you will need two people, one egg and ten chairs. Participants tie their eyes, and they must no help on one of the ten chairs to find an egg (both are looking for at the same time, but their hands are connected behind their backs, as they cannot use them). He who first find an egg, wins in the competition. As a reward, you can give the winner a wooden egg, painted in a gold color, almost like a chicken row.

Sculpture "Happy Family"

You give families the opportunity to advise a minute, then your helpers closure for a few seconds closed the family from prying eyes with a width of a beautiful blanket (kept in two ends). During this time, participants create a sculpture. When everything is ready, omit "Shirma", and all the audience enjoy the parents and children. Some show an extraordinary creative, are building real living pyramids, where the smallest family member is standing on daddy shoulders.


Each is given to 1-2 box of matches. Wins the one who for the allotted time (1-2, Max. 3 minutes, we look at the performance of guests) will collect the highest well.

Pass rhythm

For this game, too, you need to sit in the circle. Each player puts the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left - on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The one who begins the game, beats a certain rhythm one hand on someone's knee from the neighbors. The neighbor must convey this rhythm further in a circle, in turn, by beating him on his knee of his neighbor. And so repeats until the rhythm costs the entire circle and does not return to the one who asked him. Then you can go in the opposite direction. Believe me until you manage to transfer rhythm without errors, you are moving away from the soul!


This contest is focused on adults, but children always like to watch them and sincerely hurt. You have to cook 2 cervical boots for a couple of adults, which consists of a woman and a man. Initially, you need to tie a handkerchief around the neck to each other, and then - to unleash your teeth. In this case, the hands cannot be used. Children, beyond doubt, will be very interesting to observe what is happening.

The most attentive

The game is held at the table, but it turns out to be interesting. The number of participants can be 2 - 3.

The presenter must tell a story of a few dozen phrases, but when the numeral 3 pronunciation, you need to take a prize. In this case, the text should include a sufficient number of diverse digits, and 3 must be left for the very end.

In a plate

The game must be carried out during meals, but after all, on the day of the family you can arrange a family lunch. Lead calls any letter. The rest of the participants should call the subject by the letter, but only if it is present in their plate. The person who first cope with the task becomes the lead. The leading, which told the letter to which the options did not follow, receives a prize. It is important to note that the following letters are under the ban: E, and, b, b, s.

Skolki with a ball

This game promises to be dynamic and more interesting than the cabin. Among the main tasks you need to mention the training of such skills as running, jumping, seeing. If you wish, you can use a tennis or rag ball, because thanks to it, the game activity becomes more active and rich. The main task is to touch the ball to the rope with a length of about 3 - 4 meters.

The leading must lead the participants. He takes himself a ball and winds up the rope on his hand.

Participants are scattered. The presenter should get a ball in the players. To turn the ball for the rope is impossible, which significantly complicates the task and makes the game exciting. After the presenter got into the member by the ball, he changed with him places.

The game is successfully completed only after all are tired.

What is my name?

The game promises to give a lot of fun for a whole evening. Initially, you need to attach cards with the names of plants and animals, a variety of items. These "names" can see anyone, but they should not be visible to the participant. For a whole evening, you need to ask lead questions to find out the name. Questions must be simple, but they should assume only a certain answer, namely "yes" or "no". People who violate the current rules come from the game. The one who guessed the "name" first receives a prize.

Games for the whole family: Games for the home, for family leisure, holidays, entertainment, for cohesion of families and recreation, educational games for adults and children, flippers, family win-win lottery.

Games for the whole family

In this article you will find:

  1. Games for the whole family with words.
  2. Educational games for the whole family for children's holidays, hiking, entertainment, family leisure.
  3. Family win-win lottery.

Games for the whole family They raid, make bright and memorable holidays and family evenings, raise the mood and develop the abilities, promote the development of creativity, the ability to manage their behavior, coat and empathize with each other.

Section 1. Games for the whole family: games with words.

In this section you will find slite games for the whole family that do not require visual material. They allow you to introduce children with letters, teach to select words with a certain letter, to build offers. And in the game in the reversal, language abilities and seducker are developing, children get acquainted with the sustainable expressions of the Russian language.

Cavarmamma (family game for adults and children from 5-6 years old, knowledgeable letters).

This game can be played on a walk, on the road, at home. You will need paper and pencil.

How to play:

Step 1. Write on a sheet of paper in the column name (child, grandmother, your name, nickname dogs, etc.). You can write and just a word. The word must consist of 5 or more letters.

Step 2.Together with the children, come up with your interpretation of this word, i.e. The proposal in which words begin with the letters of the specified word and follow in order.

Example 1.

G - giant

R - Robot

Sh - cap

A - Ataman

The offer turned out: "The gigantic robot is looking for a hat of Ataman."

Another option of the same name: "The loud roar frightened the walking artist." Or: "The robbers said to the inspector:" Sixth arrested ". Or: "Goose flashed, depicting an antelope skins."

Example 2.

C - Sergey

In - in the evening

T - hard

A - apricot.

It turned out the proposal: "Sergey in the evening he eaten solid apricot."

The proposal should make sense, although elements of fiction or humor are allowed.

Find Surprise (treasure)

You can play this game with the whole family (the task come up with parents). For kids, the task will be in pictures, for senior preschoolers and younger students - in the form of cards with words ("table", "on the window", "in the closet").

Step 1. Hide imperceptibly from children your surprises in different places of the apartment.

For older children (who learn to read or already know how to read) decompose the hints of the path in the form of words or short phrases. For example, a hint for children is 5-7 years old - the word "window" is written in large letters. So, you need to look for the next way the path on some window in the apartment. For children from 7 years old, the tip can be different: "Looking for a window." Or a tip in the form of a riddle, rebus, tasks "Guess the missed word".

Step 2. The child is looking for a surprise or on the plan or way of ways (on the table I found a note with the word "window", went to search on the windows. On the window in the kitchen found a "Cabinet" tip. After a closet of the house and found a "sofa" tip. On the sofa under The pillow was a surprise.

Step 3. The child necessarily gets his surprise (calendar, a small toy, leaflets with a pattern, etc.), even if he needed help on the way.

This game is very interesting to children and they are happy to read words in it and learn to use the plan.

Find and name.

We are looking for the items in the room in which there is Sashina Letter (that is, the letter C), Mine Letter and so on. Call items in turn in a circle (all players take turns pick up words with one given letter


Gifts of Santa Claus

(Fairies, wizard or any other fabulous hero)

The game develops memory. It can call any imaginary gifts, the most fantastic.

Sit in a circle. The first player, for example, dad, begins the phrase: "I am santa Claus (or any other character) presented ..." and adds a specific gift, such as paints.

The second player, for example, the child repeats at first: "Dad Santa Claus presented paints" and continues the phrase: "I gave me skates."

The third player repeats what the first and second spoke and adds its own, for example: "Dad Santa Claus presented paints. Dima he gave skates. And he gave me a bag of happiness. "

And so repeat until then in a circle, until someone is wrong. Task - not mistaken until the last!

Game in flipper.

Game for adults and school children. The task of players is to solve the famous expressions, said on the contrary. For each marked expression, the player receives one chip. The one who gave birth to the most reversal. He is awarded the medal. The rest of the players are also awarded, but - by diploma for participating in the game.

Here are our favorite flippers, in which we played in past New Year holidays and in the family, and with colleagues at work, and with friends.

First, give the players a few examples of flourishing and their deposits, and then start a fun game with riddles:

Section 2. Games for the whole family: educational games.

Games for the whole familyfrom this section, attention is developed, imagination, arbitrariness of behavior, creativity, social skills, attention.

If I were the king

The game develops imagination.

Before playing Agree with children from where you can take things for her (from children's, or only from the living room, etc.). And tell me that the rule of the game is after use all things will need to be decomposed in places.

Step 1. The first command begins (select it in lots). They say: "If I were (hereinafter referred to as a role, for example, the king), then I would have (hereinafter referred to as 5 subjects, such as throne, crown, servants, palace, mantle).

Step 2. Another team for the 3-5 minutes allocated by him should quickly find these things in the room. For example, a scarf can become mantle. If the stool drag the bedspread, then there will be a throne. The preparation signal ends.

Step 3. The second team represents the first thing she came up with. And the first appreciates. Then the commands change places, and the game is repeated.

You can take different roles for the game: professions (doctor, captain of the ship), fabulous heroes (Cinderella, King, Pyratino, etc.)

At the end of the game, all things are declined at their places.

Cut with a gift.

This game can be played with the whole family or friendly company. And the more participants in it - the better.

This game is developing very valuable moral quality of a person - the ability to share with others and the ability to comply with this word and rules, the ability to coat the luck of another person and not to perceive it as a personal defeat.

Prepare to the game:

First. Complete. Take a small surprise and wrap it in paper. Whole scotch tape (transparent sticky ribbon). Then wrap again in the paper layer and secure scotch again. And so on, there will be no batch from many paper layers. Layers fasten so that you can easily deploy them during the game.

Second. Surprises to each player (picture, calendar, sweetie, nut or something else).

How to play:

Stand or sit in a circle. You can play threesome with a child. And you can in a big circle of friends and friends. Turn on the music and pass the chatter to each other in a circle.

When the music stops (you can or assign someone, for example, a grandmother, "responsible for music" or write in advance music with pauses), a convolution stops. The player who has found himself in his hands, unlocks it. And further transmits a convolution with a surprise in a circle. A bundle is becoming more and more easy, and no one knows when the layers will end and the prize will finally appear.

With each step, the child is harder and harder to convey the bundle and so I do not want to give it! But you have to share, because the rule of the game is to give further, as soon as the music sounds.

At the end of the game, the last player - "lucky" - unfolds a bundle and gets a surprise! But all the players must also be able to get on a small surprichment so that children can be happy together.

Traffic light.

Denote a rope or line on the floor two lines - starting and line for traffic lights. One person in this game will be a traffic light. We choose it in counting.

Players get up at the starting line, and the traffic lights rises in the other side of the room back to players.

The task of players is to imperceptibly approach the "traffic light" and touch it. The game ends when everyone touched the traffic light.

How to play:

The traffic light believes up to 10: "One, two, three, four, five" and suddenly quickly and unexpectedly says: "Red Light", immediately turning on the players. Players must measure on the spot along this signal. If the traffic police notices that someone from the players continues to move, he refers it back to the starting line.

You can confuse the players by changing the pace of the account, making pauses.

The game teaches children to manage their behavior, control their movements.

Magic melody.

This game - experimentation will be interested in children of any age and adults. Take glasses or glasses. It is better to find a set of identical glasses or glasses (6-12 pieces), but if there is no set, you can take the same banks or the same glass bottles.

Pour water in dishes so that it is at different levels in each vessel. Show the child how you can get a sound, for example, neatly knocking a spoon with a glass (glass). Let the children experiment. Let them try to understand what vessels it turns out a higher or lower sound. Drum sticks can be used.

Try to play different melodies on this unusual musical instrument out of the dishes.

It's me!

This game can be played at home, and on the street in the summer. The minimum number of players is 4 people.

Stand all in a circle. Or sit in a circle on the chairs. One player (I choose it according to it) - driven. He calls two other players, for example: "Mom and Dasha". For these words, Mom and Dasha must change each other in places, that is, the mother should sit on Dashino, and Dasha - on Mamino. At the same time, the lead tries to have time to take someone else's place - either Mamino or Dashino. Who remained without a place - leads in the next game.

The game develops attention and speed of the reaction.

Section 3. Warely lottery in verse.

For family holidays, a win-win lottery in verses, which combines adults and children and is always delighted and laughing. Each player in a circle pulls a note in which his winnings is written. If it pulls the adult, then he reads a note itself. If a child reads his parent's note (even the smallest kids are involved in the lotteries).

The options for the win-win lottery with children are a lot - here is our family option that everyone liked it very much and has been used repeatedly in different variations :). In the lottery we will definitely include not only valuable prizes, but also humorous, as well as unexpected surprise moments. Press the prizes leading lotteries. Players are not warned that there are empty tickets or surprise moments in the lottery.

A fun win-win lottery has another plus - this game can be used in families in which there are people with disabilities (for us it is relevant). And they will feel in this game on an equal footing with everyone, which is wonderful :).

Notes - descriptions of the prizes of the win-win lottery.

If you love chocolate,
That will be madly happy.
And you do not like - not trouble.
Mom will eat it then! (Little chocolate)

To whom the soap, who is a fantasty,
And you got a bow! (hairpin - bow)

To always always with friends
You taste sweet tea
On holiday together with congratulations

Get this circle! (disposable mug or toy cup)

So that beautiful was hairstyle,
You are given this comb! (hairbrush)

Quiet! Attention! Sensation of the century!
Hey, trumpets! Play Abral!
Take a look at this person!
He is now .. (pause) lost! (no prize)

So that mathematician is great
You just need this notebook. (notebook)

Greedy to be i don't want!
I will give you a candle! (candle)

Well, you just well done!
You for this - cucumber! (cucumber)

Want to get a flashlight?
And you got just a ball! (balloon)

Better prizes in the world no -
You have a box for sweets (empty box)

You for affectionate eyes souvenir!
And it is ... (fairy tales)

Do not think about us angry - lemon on the farm will come in handy! (lemon)

Here's a ticket, so a ticket, in the rooms do not swear
Consider that there is no winnings - pay and calm down. (Handkerchief).

You will never disappear with your companion!
From any guests home hungry will not come! (spoon disposable)

Better no winnings
Than cellophane package (New Year's package).

For good people, we do not feel sorry for us,
Get the cream to the cool rope. (Rope)

Want to be strong to be like gin,
Get - vitamin. (Carrot).

Dear you are my friend, get a candy,
Only himself do not eat it, your neighborhoods. (Big chocolate candy you need to give a neighbor sitting near the table)

You're like this with a companion never wake!
She is in a hot bath any place of rubbing! (urinary)

But this is a fork! Get a sword! (Disposable fork)

Through your hand! Get the head of the bow! (onion)

It will be better! Gets cookies (pack of cookies)

Here is your lucky ticket, keep a firm pencil. (Pencil)

Your winning is quite rare,
You are happy, no doubt.
You got not three candy,
And ... three papers from candy !!! (three candy)

Happiness in your hands caught you.
You got a potato!

Comrade! Believe, Nadya and wait!
Winning your Ahead! (nothing)

You do not miss today! Get a delicious tea! (tea)

Draw better puff. Here you have a shiny pen (ball ball)

So that there was a cube, you need a lid (roof for the jar)

We wanted to win the piano, but got - calendar. (calendar)

Get the main prize is a small surprise (something valuable, the main gift of the lottery).

And not empty, and not thick! Winning - Cabbage Forks! (head of cabbage)

Lucky you for glory! Many neighbor on the right! (no prize)

Take, my friend, the coin this and joyfully go through the light! (coin 1 ruble).

To clean to be beautiful
Get this soap (soap)

All diet are not afraid of us,
If we have candy (candy)

You worried a lot.
But there is no loss!
On the ticket you fell beets
To make vinaigrette.

Merry games and Lada and the world in the family! Really want to believe that games for the whole familydescribed in this article will bring many joyful light minutes to your life! I wish you success in their holding!

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"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat Sheet for parents"

When outside the window is cloudy and sad, and everyone stays at home, it is not necessary to miss!

Spring a rainy evening, to arrange a fun holiday for a multi-year company or just to have fun to help family games for children and adults.

Home All Family: What to do?

Family games not only combine a small and friendly team, but also develop individual abilities - smelting, logic, memory, observation, speed of reaction, imagination.

They are very useful for babies, but no less important for the elders.

After all, it is in such moments that people feel truly relatively relatives and close, turning into a strong family from advertising posters.

The ideal version of the joint pastime of the house is a game, the rules of which are understandable and accessible to all participants, and grandmothers, and cappuses.

Below we will present you the most popular family games for children and adults.

For some, the props (game field, chips, cubes, cards, outfits, pencils, paper), which is worth thinking about in advance. Others are completely spontaneous and do not require training.

Outdoor and board games for the whole family

It's great when in your arsenal there is a magic regiment with cherished boxes purchased on occasion and without.

"Monopoly", "Colonizers", "Operation", "Family", "Erudit" (he "Skrabble" or "Vododel"), "Activities", diverse roots with chips and cubes ...

Detective, strategic, economic, card, joking and serious, all these family board games will bring a unique flavor to your everyday evening.

Unusual card games (classic "UNO", his humorous analog "Swints") require a special deck of cards and knowledge of the rules.

For the "twister", you will need a branded kit, consisting of a floor covering with multi-colored circles and a spinning "drum", and also - the non-real flexibility of the participants (this is almost yoga!).

Do not forget about your favorite classics, especially if you play with the elderly relatives.

The older generation will be happy to join such quiet family games like Lotto, Domino, backgammon, checkers or "sea battle."

The whole family can collect puzzles of increased complexity with your favorite landscapes or characters. And also - to train memory and agility of hands using the game "Memori".

The most creative companies can conduct experiments and show focuses - for this there is a mass of thematic sets.

Contact games (creative, with elements of communication and guessing)

If all available is fed up, and I want to block fresh inspiration and creativity (and the team gathered suitable), play creative or theater games.

1. "Associations"
Participants are divided into teams. Cards are being prepared in advance, each of which is written 8-10 words (objects).

Player's task - With the help of associations, explain the meaning of each word so that its command guess.

The more items from the card is solved, the more points of your group. Uninstall adjectives can not be pronounced.

2. "Crocodile"
A similar game, only the word mandated by the lead or team-opponent, should be explained using gestures and a pantomime (without the pronunciation of a sound).

With a small number, a person can be played without separation to the team - then guessing goes to the board to show a new word.

3. "Who am I?"
Another guessing, for which you need stickers with a sticky base and markers. Participants are coming up with each other pseudonyms ("code names").

Real people or film characters are selected (from Carlson, Kolobka and Batman to Madonna and Michael Jackson). Names are written on paper and paste to participants on the forehead.

The hero who is intended to find out who he is asking simple questions, the participants respond "yes" or "no". Example: "I am a cartoon character?", "I'm round?", "I love honey?".

4. "There is a contact!"
The chosen leading makes the concept or subject and calls the first letter (for example, "T").

All other participants come up with words on the letter T and try to describe them to each other, but so that the presenter does not guessed.

If someone in the team realized what his comrade is trying to inform him, he says: "There is a contact!". From this point on, within 10 seconds, the host should also guess this word.

Does not know? Then the participants at the expense of three simultaneously pronounce it, after which the presenter is obliged to issue the second letter of the specified word. Now in "Contact", items participate, starting with two letters, and so on.

Dialogue is approximately like this:
- I have a word. This is an appetizing dessert of butter and eggs.
- There is a contact! (consider up to ten, the presenter does not know the answer)
- Once, two, three - tiramisu.
- Okay, the second letter O. Now you need to invent words beginning with "TO".

5. "Invent a fairy tale"
The game that requires a minimum of attributes is only paper and pen. Team you need to write a fairy tale.

The complexity is that each participant writes on a sheet of just one proposal, without knowing that he invented his previous colleague.

Then the page is bend and passed to the new participant, and so in a circle. In the final, the fairy tale is solemnly read out loud: boring, as a rule, does not happen!

6. "What is missing / changed?"
Game on the development of memory and attention. The participant must remember everything as much as possible everything that lies on the table or is in the room.

Then he comes out, and the team makes changes to the interior. The player must guess which of things disappeared or changed its place.

7. "Masquerade"
Fitting on yourself of unusual images - the favorite occupation of the children, but the adults do not have to miss your costumed ball.

The game options differ - you can invent outfits of girlfriend (paper, beads, glue, fabrics, tapes, felt), or use the prepared in advance.

According to the results of the dressing, you can arrange a costume procession, a competition for the best image or put a performance for grandparents.

8. "Phanti"
On large holidays, the adventurous game "Phanti" remains the most favorite guest's occupation.

In the magic bag there are cards with appointments, and each participant with a question "What to do this Phanto?" It takes one.

For the severity of sensations in some options, the game provides a valuable deposit (bill, telephone, toy).

The most important thing is that the tasks for the Phanto were comic, decent (play with children!), Safe and not hurt!

Games for a family holiday.

Games for a family holiday are offered, they can be held with both children and adults.

Game "News".

Each participant is in advance prepared cards with words sets (4-5 words). Each participant must come up with an event that occurred in the world using these words. For example, it may be such words:

North, Hippopotamus, Hurricane, Eskimo, strike;

Moscow, Aboriginal, chocolate, field, birch.

Africa, Minister, Penguin, Promotion, Elephant.

America, crocodile, stock exchange, snail, skyscraper.

Kiev, mountain, bird, barrel, money.

Space, chess, boat, bear, sushi.

Find the subject

To all guests who come to you, distribute small items that they will have to hide in their clothes. During the evening, everyone should look for objects from each other.

Hang the list of all items and mark the found.

At the end of the evening, the one who found a larger number of items receives a prize.

The game will help to get to know each other closer.

Parner's dress with closed eyes

Participants are divided into pairs. They are issued clothing in the package.

One of them is tied eyes. The participant blindfolded should take clothing from the package and put on his partner.

The same couple wins, which will cope faster than everyone.

Wish for music

Guests get up in a circle and dance to the music, while they transmit each other ball or a soft toy. Leading suddenly turns off the music.

As soon as the music stops, the one who has a toy in his hands, must pronounce a birthday wish or if this new year is a New Year greeting.

Guess the hero of fairy tales

For this game, you need to prepare the attributes of fairy heroes in advance.

For example, a striped caocratino cap, a red hat, boots (cat in boots), a shoe (Cinderella), beard (Santa Claus), etc.

The presenter takes out the subject, and the participants must guess the fairy-tale hero. The one who guessed, says the wishes by the birthday voice of a voyage of a fabulous character.

Slow motion

Guests are invited to portray in slow motion. For example:

jump with parachute, fishing, dressing pants and shirts, pulling repka, diving into the pool, game of basketball, picking mushrooms.

Guess what is written on the back

Each guest on the back is attached a sheet with the name of an animal or subject.

Only "yes" or "no" can be answered for questions. Who first finds out - that winner.


Music turns on. Guests are sitting at the table and betray each other a glass. Everyone pours a little bit into it. Master turns off the music.

He, who at this moment is a glass, should have a drinking cocktail. If you are playing with children, use only compatible drinks!

Sochine fairy tale

The presenter comes up with the beginning of the fairy tale. For example: "Little green men lived on the same planet ...". The next player comes up with the following sentence, etc.

The presenter can help by asking leading questions. There should be an interesting completed story.

Crocodile (guess the gestures)

One of the players makes another phrase.

That with the help of gestures and movements should portray what he was told.

The remaining players must guess. The player who depicted, makes a new phrase who guess. With the help of the fingers, the player shows how many words he was fed, for example, two fingers are two words. The noun is indicated by the horizontal movement of the hand (one line), the verb - two, adjective - wavy line, the union - a circle ...

Draw a fabulous animal

The first player draws an animal head.

Then bends the leaf so that only the ends of the drawing are visible or puts the points where it is necessary to continue to draw.

The second player shares the front legs and the torso, in the same way bending the sheet.

The last player gives the remaining part.

Then the sheet unfolds, all fun laugh at the resulting "miracle of the beast", which you can come up with a name.

To have fun and unforgettable spending any family holiday, use more fun and interesting games.

All children are looking forward to the New Year - I want not only to get gifts, but also have fun. For the holiday to not turn into a boring feast and for a long time remained in the memory of the kids, parents try to think over everything to the smallest detail. And, of course, invent different fun and entertainment. We offer you our selection of the best New Year competitions for the whole family.

1. Tsarevna Nesmeyana

All participants are divided into two teams, it is desirable that each has the same number of children and adults. Participants in the team "Nonmeyanians" are sitting on the sofa and take as a sad or serious look as sad or serious. Participants of another team must laugh them for the allotted time. You can act together, and you can also take turns. Smiled "Nesmeyana" goes to the "Smeshilok" team. Then the participants change roles.

2. I believe - I do not believe

For this contest, the leading will have to prepare 10-15 interesting facts on any topic. Props: Pure Paper Sheet and Ball Handles for each participant. The presenter reads the fact, and the participants put on themselves on the sheets - "believe" or "not believe" opposite each item. At the end, everyone gives their work, and the master voiced the right answers, as well as the names of those who have done the best task.

3. Relay "Mandarin"

For guests to do not particularly be sitting at the table, and the children did not stick to the TV - we arrange a cheerful relay.

All participants are divided into two groups. We give all players on a teaspoon and 1 tangerine on the team. The participant of each group should be running from the point "A" to the point of "b", holding the mandarin on a spoon, then return and shift the fruit into a spoon to the next player, and so - in turn. The main condition of the competition is not to touch the mandarin by hand, contact with the hands is allowed only in the event of a falling fruit on the floor.

4. Drawing with tied eyes

Here you will need markers, A3 sheets or roll of drawing paper.

We divide guests for two teams. Leading whispers in the ear task one of the players. This member must draw the required subject with closed eyes, and his team will guess what exactly asked the lead. Teams can participate simultaneously or in turn, but then for a while.

5. Zhardde

A pair of tens of inflatable balls is cast on the floor. All participants are divided into two teams. Alternately, one player participates from each team. The task is next - you need to raise from the floor as many balls as possible. Moms can stuff the balls under the dress. Children can go to the floor and lay themselves with balls. The main condition is to tear the ball from the floor. Then the balls of each team are summed up, and the winner is determined.

6. The most

And this contest "will expire the crown" to parents. Only children participate. For a minute, children in turn should praise their parents. Which of the guys will tell more compliments - he won. Then you can also play with my parents, just remember - more like joking compliments so that everyone has fun.

7. Hands-spoons

One of the participants tie their eyes and give each hand on a regular tablespoon. Then in front of him are the simplest objects, such as a book, telephone, fruit or a soft toy. The player must blindfooted to determine the object lying in front of it using only a spoon. It can iron, knock or roll on the table thing-riddle. Who will be the fastest and smeezhalist, he won.

8. Guess the Word

All guests are divided into two groups. From each team alternately delegate one participant, to whom the rival team voiced the word. He must show the word-riddle of his team with gestures. Wins a team who gave larger amounts of words. Just remember that children play with you. So words should not be very complicated.

9. Lopni Ball

This is one of the most beloved contests for children of all ages. Two groups participate. Each to his leg is tied on an inflatable ball on a rope up to two meters long. The color of the balls for each team is different. All participants are built into the circle and the teams are trying to burst the balls of opponents. Believe me, adults will also be satisfied.

10. Sculptor

Prepare the plasticine and the bag in advance, with letters written on cards. We divide guests for 2 teams. Each team puts forward the "sculptor", whose task will cut out the object starting to the letter, which he pulls out of the bag. The task of the remaining team players is to guess your word and, accordingly, the letter. The team wins the team, whose participants are guessing more letters.

11. Mumia

Very fun competition. And only a few rolls of toilet paper will be required. You need two people from each team. Player number 1 (future mummy) will stand, and the player number 2 on the team lead will begin to wipe the player number 1 toilet paper. And you need to do it from your head to heels. The team wins, the participants will cope with the task faster.

12. Clothespins

Three participants. Sixty clothespins and three eyecloths. Troika can be combined, for example, - two adults and one child or vice versa. Players tie their eyes, and then weave the clothespins from the legs to the head. You can hang on your hair, on clothes, shoes and on all parts of the body, the main thing that the clothespins are scattered through the body of the players. Then, on the team, they blindly begin to collect clothespins from each other. Who will have them more - he won. A simple contest, a simple props, and the pleasure will receive participants and viewers.

13. The smartest

You can take part in this competition right at the festive table. The presenter pre-prepares a list of interesting and simple developing issues equally suitable for children and for adults. The subject may be the most diverse: cartoon characters, the names of computer games, the capital, flora and fauna. Who will answer more questions - will receive a gift. Children can play a pair with mom or dad.

14. Phanti

This competition is familiar with almost everyone. Everyone puts into a box some personal thing. After that, the presenter pulls out of the Phanti box, and his assistant, without seeing who owns this item, prescribes to distribute funny tasks. The entire chip of this contest in the unusual tasks themselves. It may be questions for erudition (Circle area, or the name of the mountain peak), and maybe on exercise, if the company is quite young. Leading just need to prepare a list in advance, then everyone will be delighted with the game.

15. Everything is outside!

Still, this is New Year's Eve! On the street is full of fun companies. Salute, Petardes. So while still all your guests are able to dress, take the children and go out on fresh air. If the weather allows, you can arrange a team shootout with snowballs, roll a snowman or just be in a snowdrift with the guys. Parents will remember their childhood, and children will be happy to spend an unforgettable time with their parents. Such moments are remembered for life.