How to change the name of the clan in minecraft. How to create a color name of the clan in Minecraft. How to make the name of the clan color in minecraft. How to get out of the clan in minecraft

Have you a long time and successfully act on the server expanses?
Then it's time to officially declare myself, and create clan, your own clan!
It is for these purposes that plugin Simpleclans..
In order for you to avoid difficulties in self-studying of all functions of this plugin - and this manual was compiled.

Clana Creating:

  • /clan Create. <tag> <clan name>
tag - The word is long from 3 to 8 letters, in fact - a brief abbreviation of your clan. Will be displayed before nickname in the chat game. The words " mod.", "admin.", "adm. "Reserved for the project administration Minecraft. Moscow and are not available for use as tag.
clan name - It may contain any symbols of the Latin alphabet and the numbers.
Important! Claus Cost - 250 000 C.
  • /clan Verify <tag \u003e - Verification of the clan, after creating the clan, it is necessary to confirm its creation
Note! Not relevant, when creating a clan - it is already verified by default.
  • /clan Modtag. <tag \u003e - allows you to change the color and register tag
List of possible colors:

Note! Colors &9 and & C. Reserved for the project administration and are not available for use.

/clan MODTAG & 0tag - Move tag clan black.
/clan MODTAG & 0 T & 6 E & D G- such a team can be set for each letter tag clan your color.
/clan modtag tag - Translate tag clan in the top register

Between the color code and the tag should not be gaps!

Clan Management:

  • /clan Invite. <nick \u003e - Invitation player in the clan
Important!The cost of an invitation player in the clan - 25 000 C.
  • /accept - to accept an invitation
  • /deny - abandon the invitation
  • /clan Trust. <nick \u003e - increases the status of a new invited player to verified.
  • /clan Untrust. <nick \u003e - lowers the player status to not verified
Newbies in the default clan is not proven status (unconfirmed).
Because of this, they cannot view some clan functions. It is done to protect against the "Salads of Cossacks", which they just want to spy, and find out the coordinates of the clan base and other information. As soon as the newcomer proved its devotion to the clan, it can be enhanced to "verified"
  • /clan Kick. <nick \u003e - expel player from the clan
  • /clan DISBAND. - dissolve / delete your clan
  • /clan Resign - Leave the clan
Note!If you are the only leader of the clan and decide to leave the clan - the clan will be deleted!
  • /clan Home Set. - Put the point of the clan house (available to the clan leader). Cost 5000 C.
  • /clan Home. - Teleport to the point of the clan house
Important!Teleportation cost - 75 C.
Note! From the moment of entering the command to teleportation, you need to wait 10 seconds standing in one place.
  • /clan Home Regroup - Instant teleportation of the players of the clan to themselves (available to the clan leader)
  • /clan Promote <nick \u003e - increase the Soklanove to the level " leader of Clan."(the number of leaders is not limited)
  • /clan Demote. <nick \u003e - Lower the leader of the clan to the level of the usual player
uRL - URL Address Pictures, Expansion 64x32
  • /clan Setrank. <nick> <rank\u003e - allows you to install the player rank
Other teams:
  • /clan List. - list of all clans
  • /clan Profile - View your clan profile
  • /clan Profile <tag\u003e - View Alien Clan Profile
  • /clan Lookup. - information about you
  • /clan Lookup. <nick\u003e - View the information about the player (not necessarily from your clan)
  • /clan Leaderboard. - View Leadership Page
  • /clan Roster. - View full list of clan players, their rank and status, are they in ON LINE
  • /clan Roster. <tag\u003e - see a full list of players of another clan, their rank and status, are they in ON LINE
  • /clan vitals - see the condition of health, hunger, armor and weapons of players of your clan
  • /clan Coords. - see the distance to all players of your clan, their accurate coordinates and the world in which they are
  • /clan Stats. - See the stattes (achievements) of your clan players
  • /clan BB. - Show ads.
  • /clan BB. <message \u003e - Add a message to the list of ads
Note! In total, 6 messages are placed in the list. If you add the 7th message, the first will be deleted.
  • /clan BB Clear - Clearing the list of ads (available to the clan leader)
  • /clan Toggle BB. - Includes / disables display list of ads when entering the game (each clan player can pass on or off for itself)
  • /clan Toggle Tag. - turns on / off display tag clan in front of the nickname in the chat (each clan player can enable or disable for itself)
  • /clan Rival Add <tag \u003e - add the clan to the list of hostile clans.
Note! At the time of the announcement of the war in the clan should be at least 3 players!
  • /clan Rival Remove. <tag \u003e - We remove the clans from the list of hostile clans - declaring a truce.
Note! For the truce, it is necessary to confirm the hostile clan.
  • /clan rivalries - View all the opponents of the clan
  • /clan War Start<tag\u003e - Announcement of the beginning of the war with the clan
Note! It is necessary to confirm the hostile clan. It is impossible to start a war with a clan without adding it to the list of hostile clans.
  • / Clan War End<tag\u003e - termination of war
  • /clan Kills. <nick\u003e - shows a list of those whom and how many times the player killed
  • /clan Kills. - Show a list of those whom and how many times you killed
  • /clan Clanff Allow. - Include friendly fire - the ability to attack Soklanovtsev
  • /clan Clanff Block. - To ban friendly fire.
  • /clan FF Allow. - Allows the player of the clan to include the ability to attack it when a friendly fire is included in the clan
  • /clan FF AUTO. - sets the mode of friendly fire, which is currently acting in the clan
Note! If damage is allowed in the clan, it cannot include protection for itself. However, if such protection is included in the clan, it can turn it off for myself

  • /clan Alliances. - View all alliance players
  • /clan Ally Add<tag> - Add the clan thus creating the Alliance
Note! It is necessary to confirm from the leader of the invited clan
  • /clan ALLY REMOVE. <tag> - break the union with the clan
Clane / Alliance Chat:

Unfortunately, the chat is not supported. But you can always create a special channel in a chat for your clan / alliance by using this manual for
  • If, the player consisting in the clan does not appear in the game more than 30 days, it loses its belonging to the clan.
  • If, the clan is not active for 7 days, it is removed.
  • Under the activity of the clan, the authorization of any of the Clan participant is meant.

How to make the name of the clan color in minecraft B0% D1% 82% D1% 8C% 20% D0% 9D% D0% B0% D0% B7% D0% B2% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5% 20% D0% 9A% D0% BB% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B0% 20% D0% A6% D0% B2% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% BD% D1% 8B% D0% BC% 20% D0% B2% 20% D0% 9C% D0% B0% D0% B9% D0% BD% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B0% D1% 84% D1% 82 Many are asked how to make the name of their clan color. To do this, it is enough to register the command: Clan Create color code of the clan. Here is an example of how to make the color name of the clan in the otvet minecraft, well, there is nothing to make the red need to register & C and the name of the clan, without a space after & c. How to make the name of the clan color, etc. in Minecraft how to make color nickname in Minecraft without mods and plugins? How to make a clan, change the color of the clan, in the clan and all this in one videos from 1357 in Minecraft 1.5.2 - MR 1357MC 20 name of the clan in Minecraft. Video from the game Minecraft game, but many worries a small question: "And how to make a color name for my clan?", - We will understand this. To create a clan on the server you need to check if there is such a plugin there? Enter the "CLAN" command. Clans in minecraft Minecraft color names How to make a clan colored in minecraft. Many have probably seen that the name of the clan is written with colored letters or simply color text, and how to make the clan colored in minecraft do not know. How to make a color name of the Clan clan Claft how to make the name of the clan in the miniskraft crushed and color. Related videos. Brought the boys, and his wife !!! Bezobrazieandcrazy. How to build a beautiful house in Minecraft. How to make the name of the clan color and so on in Minecraft Portall where and how to install the Faithful 64x64 texture on Minecraft 1.5.2. How to make the name of the clan color in minecraft - 12 how to make a clan, change the color of the clan, in the clan and all this in one vidio from 1357 in minecraft 1.5.2. In this video, I will show you how to make the name of the clan with colored underlined and crossed you, you will put a good job in the Like Clan in Minecraft crushed and color. Nogti2 tips How to make a clan, change the color of the clan, in the clan and all this in one vidio from 1357 in Minecraft 1.5.2. Clan Create & 0you & 4tube. This is the entire table of the codes: the clan colors in the mincraft crushed and color. Answers the name of the clan in minecraft crossed and color My

With clans. Each player of our servers in the right to create your clan, but not everyone knows how to create a clan in minecraft, although there is nothing difficult in it. On servers to create your clan, a certain amount of gaming money is required, on our $ 5000, this is done so that the player who has just come to the server could not immediately create a clan, and played a little and comforted, learned, acquired friends and made money.

Let's go back to how to create a clan. Well, you gained the cherished amount of the game currency, proceed to the creation of the clan server. We write a command to chat / clan, look into chat and see that the server brought 2 commands

- team to create a clan
/ CLAN LIST - Show a list of all clans on the server
It means to create a clan write / Clan Create [Clana Name] everything! Now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, as you can see everything. Do you know how in Minecraft writing with colored letters?

How to make a clan colored in minecraft

Many have probably seen that the name of the clan is written with colored letters or simply color text, and how to make the clan colored in minecraft do not know. In fact, there is also nothing complicated here. The main thing you need to know as in minecraft to write with colored letters. When writing a color text on Minecraft servers, this symbol is used & to specify the color, letter or digit, for example, you want to write text in blue, take for example the word test, write so - & 1Test in this case & 1 is blue. Here is the most convenient table of minecraft colors, it will be easier for it to write with color letters.

I think everyone understands how to write with colored letters to minecraft, it means that we figured out the color name of the clan.

Having created the clan time to think of whom to call him, but for this you need to know how to invite a player to the clan. Only its creator can be invited to the clan, there are no other ways to join it. To send an invitation to the clan write
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player]
the request is sent and now everything depends whether the player will accept an invitation or not. Player whose invited will receive such a message.

/ Slan Accept - take an invitation to the clan
/ Slan Deny - abandon the invitation to the clan
After that you are available Chat Personal Messages Clan / CC Message

How to get out of the clan in minecraft

As I already wrote to get into the clan, you need to get an invitation from the Clan creator, and how to get out of the clan in minecraft? Yes, very simply by writing a command / CLAN LEAVE
/ CLAN LEAVE - leave the clan

How to remove clans in minecraft

How to remove the clan in minecraft and such a question does not rack, remove the clan only the Clane Claus, no one else has the right to remove it. To remove the clan We write the command / Clan Delete
/ Clan Delete - Clan Removal

All available clan commands

To view all commands / clan, the / clan command after creation gives more commands. than before creating the clan.
Teams available clan creators.
/ Clan Delete - Delete Clan
/ CLAN LEADER [Nick Player] - transfer the leader's leadership
/ CLAN INFO - information about the clan
/ CLAN Online - Who is online from the clan
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player] - Send an invitation to the clan
/ CLAN KICK [Nick Player] - expel player with clan
/ CLAN LIST - list of all server clans
/ CLAN LEAVE - Exit | clan
/ Clan Welcome [Message] - Greeting Clan.
/ CLAN TAG [name] - change the name of the clan
/ Clan Addmoder - Assign Clana Moderator
/ CLAN DELMODER - Delete moderator
/ clan msg - give an ad clan
/ CLAN SS [message] - message in chat clan

The clan moderator has access to all commands except deletion and destination of leadership.

Here's actually all, now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, how to make the name of the clan color, how to invite in the clan and how to get out of it.

To diversify gaming days, you can create your clan and continue the game, together with other characters. Being the head of the clan, you will arrange war, to conclude a truce, gain volunteers and much more.

How to create a clan in minecraft - server search

  • Not all servers are suitable for playing clans. The server should be with the "Survival" status and have clans plugin. This is usually indicated in the description. Go to any site with a list of clans and select the appropriate. Please note the server must match your version of the game.
  • You can check your version by running the launcher and looking at the left right corner, as in the screenshot below.

Clana Clana in minecraft

Once you have chosen the server with friends and settled on it, create a clan using the command:


  • After that, the clan is registered, and you will receive an alert in the chat.

Now, some new teams are available at the clan administrator rights. For example:

  • / Clan Roster - View a list of members of your clan. Every day, new players will arrive at you to always be aware of the composition, check the list of participants.
  • / Clan Ally Add / Remove Clana name - add / remove union clan. So you conclude a truce or challenge. Participants of the Allied Clans do not attack each other and do not destroy the construction.
  • / CLAN INVITE Player Name - Invite a player. Send an invitation to players, they, in turn, can accept it or refuse.
  • / CLAN TRUST The player's name is to establish a member status as "trusted".
    / CLAN Untrust The name of the player is to establish the status of a member "without trust".
    These two teams allow you to notify other players that in the clan may be inland. Or vice versa, indicate all players for a trial.

In your clan there will be your little life, and you will become a responsible person. After all, if you put everything on a self-shot - lose good allies and players.

Plugin FACTIONS allows players to create their own fraction (clan).

Main teams.

  • / F Help. - show aid window.
  • / F List. - List of clans on the server.
  • / F show_name_Klan - Detailed information about the clan.
  • / F Create. Klanna name - Create a clan.
  • / f tag_klanname - change the name of your clan.
  • / F Open / Close - change the mode of entry into the clan ( open. - anyone can join close. - Only invited players can join).
  • / f join_name_Klan - Join the selected clan.
  • / F invite_ player_- Send invitation to the player (available to the chapter of the clan or his deputy).
  • / f join_name_Klan - Join the clan.
  • / F Leave. - Leave the clan in which you are, or remove the clan if you are its founder.
  • / f kick_ player_ - eliminate the player from the clan. Moderators (Zama) clan can exclude conventional players. Clan moderators may exclude the administration (chapter) of the clan.
  • / f mod name_ - Install or remove the moderator rights to the selected clan member (to perform this action you must be the administrator of the clan). Guild administrators should choose to themselves deputies (guild moderators), for cases when the clan leader is not online.
  • / F admin name game - Transfer administrator rights to another clan member.
  • / f title_ player title - Install or delete player title (Displayed when you see the information about the clan).

Bank Guild

What to join the guild territory is needed money 1 "Chank" (16 × 16 blocks) \u003d 3000 covers.

  • / f Money B - View the Balance of the Guild.
  • / F Money D sum - Put the guild guild bank.

Territory fraction.

On the territory of the clan, only its members can break and build blocks.
Access to objects such as wooden doors, hatches, chests, furnaces, distributors, as well as buttons, only members of the clan will have.

  • / F map - View drawn symbols in the chat map of the nearest territories. On it you can see the surrounding "Chanki".

"+" On the map - your location, "-" - free "Chank".
Green "/" is the Chang of your clan.
Purple "\\" is the territory of your allies.

  • / F Claim - Attach the Chank territory where you are to your clan.
  • / F Unclaim, Declaim - eliminate Chank on which you are from the possessions of the clan
  • / F Desc Description - Change the clan description. (Displayed when the player is entering the clan territory).

Each player has an indicator called "Power", which is used to determine the size of the territory that the guild can capture.

Joining / Exceptions in Minecraft is Chank.

"Chanka" (from the English. Chunk is a cell) - a method that uses notch for separating endless cards to pieces. The dimensions of one "Chanka" - 16 blocks of width, 16 blocks long, from the "bottom" of the world to its "ceiling".

If you attach the territory next to another fraction you should start with its border. The ability to attach the territory is available only to administrators and modulators of clans.

The "power" of the clan is the sum of the forces of all members of the Guild equals the maximum number of chunk, which it can capture.

In the event of the death of any member of the fraction, the fraction loses 1 strength, and absolutely does not matter how you died, whether they were killed by the enemy, or drowned. The player's power is restored over time when a person on the network (time is summed).

Attention: force decreases from the faction when a person off-line.

The maximum size of the "force" parameter for each player is 15 points, minimum -20. In case the clan loses its strength (the sum of the forces of all participants in the guild falls) and the "force" of the clan is lower than the index of captured Channels,
The enemy can capture her land, but only in the size of the difference between these indicators.
For example, two members of the clan, with force in 15 each, created the territory equal to the sum of their forces - 30 Channels. One of them drowned, the fraction lost 1 strength.
The amount of their forces has changed and became equal to 29. The enemy can capture the section in 1 "Chank", but only on the border of their territory. Claim the rest of the Enemy
Could not, so as 29 Channels are owned by the faction.

Rights and access to "Chank" -am

  • / f owner_ player_ - Allows you to limit the access of the members of the fraction to certain Channels. An example of using: You want to make a storage room in one of the Channels, which will be available only to several members of your clan.
  • / f Ownerlist. - View a list of Chanka owners on which you are.

Clan relationships

  • / F ALLL name_Klan - Conclusion Union with the clan (if both clans are ready for the Union). You will never be able to harm the members of the ally clan, wherever they are, so as the fire between these clans is always disabled.
  • / f neutral_Klanname - Neutrality. You will never be able to kill a member of a neutral clan to you on its territory.
  • / f enemy_name_Klan - declare War Clan. You can always apply damage to the enemy clan, as well as players not entering any of the teams. If you are on your territory, damage from your enemies will be only 70%.

Other features

  • / F Home. - Return (teleportation) in the HOME point of the clan.
  • / f Sethome. - Install the HOME point of the clan (only available to the clan administrator).
  • / F Noboom - Enable / disable explosions on the territory of your clan.

Chat system

Each clan has a private chat that is visible only to the guild members.

  • / F Chat. - Change Chat Mode: Public (P), Allies (A), fraction (F).

Colors denoting the delimitation of players in chat: cooging marks are marked with green, violet allys, neutral white, and enemies are red.

1 star before nickname (*) - guild moderator.
2 stars in front of the nickname (**) - the guild administrator.

Administrator teams

  • / F Disband name_Klan - dissolve the clan.
  • / F SAFE radius - Attach the territory for SafeZone (safe zone).
  • / f Autosafe - Automatically attach the territory for SafeZone (safe zone).
  • / F Safeunclaimall, SafeDeclaimall - dissolve all SafeZone (safe zones).
  • / F War radius - Attach the territory for the warzone (hostile zone).
  • / f autoWar - Automatically attach the territory for the warzone (hostile zone).
  • / F Warunclaimall, Wardeclaimall - dissolve all warzone (hostile zones).
  • / F Peaceful name_Klan - Toggle The Indicated Faction's "Peaceful" Status
  • / F Permanent_Klanname - Make a clan constant. A permanent clan will not be deleted when there are no participants.
  • / F BYPASS. - Enable bypass mod administrations: build / break anywhere.
  • / F Lock. - See all recorded materials.
  • / F Saveall, Save - Save data on fractions to disk.
  • / F Reload File - Download all data from disk, or only data in special files. (Available files: configuration file, fractions, players)
  • / f config - Change any parameters in conf.json directly and immediately.
  • / f version. - Find out which version of the plug-in is used on the server.

With clans. Each player of our servers in the right to create your clan, but not everyone knows how to create a clan in minecraft, although there is nothing difficult in it. On servers to create your clan, a certain amount of gaming money is required, on our $ 5000, this is done so that the player who has just come to the server could not immediately create a clan, and played a little and comforted, learned, acquired friends and made money.

Let's go back to how to create a clan. Well, you gained the cherished amount of the game currency, proceed to the creation of the clan server. We write a command to chat / clan, look into chat and see that the server brought 2 commands

- team to create a clan
/ CLAN LIST - Show a list of all clans on the server
It means to create a clan write / Clan Create [Clana Name] everything! Now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, as you can see everything. Do you know how in Minecraft writing with colored letters?

How to make a clan colored in minecraft

Many have probably seen that the name of the clan is written with colored letters or simply color text, and how to make the clan colored in minecraft do not know. In fact, there is also nothing complicated here. The main thing you need to know as in minecraft to write with colored letters. When writing a color text on Minecraft servers, this symbol is used & to specify the color, letter or digit, for example, you want to write text in blue, take for example the word test, write so - & 1Test in this case & 1 is blue. Here is the most convenient table of minecraft colors, it will be easier for it to write with color letters.

I think everyone understands how to write with colored letters to minecraft, it means that we figured out the color name of the clan.

Having created the clan time to think of whom to call him, but for this you need to know how to invite a player to the clan. Only its creator can be invited to the clan, there are no other ways to join it. To send an invitation to the clan write
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player]
the request is sent and now everything depends whether the player will accept an invitation or not. Player whose invited will receive such a message.

/ Slan Accept - take an invitation to the clan
/ Slan Deny - abandon the invitation to the clan
After that you are available Chat Personal Messages Clan / CC Message

How to get out of the clan in minecraft

As I already wrote to get into the clan, you need to get an invitation from the Clan creator, and how to get out of the clan in minecraft? Yes, very simply by writing a command / CLAN LEAVE
/ CLAN LEAVE - leave the clan

How to remove clans in minecraft

How to remove the clan in minecraft and such a question does not rack, remove the clan only the Clane Claus, no one else has the right to remove it. To remove the clan We write the command / Clan Delete
/ Clan Delete - Clan Removal

All available clan commands

To view all commands / clan, the / clan command after creation gives more commands. than before creating the clan.
Teams available clan creators.
/ Clan Delete - Delete Clan
/ CLAN LEADER [Nick Player] - transfer the leader's leadership
/ CLAN INFO - information about the clan
/ CLAN Online - Who is online from the clan
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player] - Send an invitation to the clan
/ CLAN KICK [Nick Player] - expel player with clan
/ CLAN LIST - list of all server clans
/ CLAN LEAVE - Exit | clan
/ Clan Welcome [Message] - Greeting Clan.
/ CLAN TAG [name] - change the name of the clan
/ Clan Addmoder - Assign Clana Moderator
/ CLAN DELMODER - Delete moderator
/ clan msg - give an ad clan
/ CLAN SS [message] - message in chat clan

The clan moderator has access to all commands except deletion and destination of leadership.

Here's actually all, now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, how to make the name of the clan color, how to invite in the clan and how to get out of it.

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Our office has begun with the guidance of the order in the terminology of professions - the co-workers were called the authors of student work, capable of making high-quality rehyt. Seo Rerait and Ceo-copywood adequately come to replace the usual rewriting and copywrithip.

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No office operating in our direction has no such results. You can only book services and find your way to success!

With clans. Each player of our servers in the right to create your clan, but not everyone knows how to create a clan in minecraft, although there is nothing difficult in it. On servers to create your clan, a certain amount of gaming money is required, on our $ 5000, this is done so that the player who has just come to the server could not immediately create a clan, and played a little and comforted, learned, acquired friends and made money.

Let's go back to how to create a clan. Well, you gained the cherished amount of the game currency, proceed to the creation of the clan server. We write a command to chat / clan, look into chat and see that the server brought 2 commands

- team to create a clan
/ CLAN LIST - Show a list of all clans on the server
It means to create a clan write / Clan Create [Clana Name] everything! Now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, as you can see everything. Do you know how in Minecraft writing with colored letters?

How to make a clan colored in minecraft

Many have probably seen that the name of the clan is written with colored letters or simply color text, and how to make the clan colored in minecraft do not know. In fact, there is also nothing complicated here. The main thing you need to know as in minecraft to write with colored letters. When writing a color text on Minecraft servers, this symbol is used & to specify the color, letter or digit, for example, you want to write text in blue, take for example the word test, write so - & 1Test in this case & 1 is blue. Here is the most convenient table of minecraft colors, it will be easier for it to write with color letters.

I think everyone understands how to write with colored letters to minecraft, it means that we figured out the color name of the clan.

Having created the clan time to think of whom to call him, but for this you need to know how to invite a player to the clan. Only its creator can be invited to the clan, there are no other ways to join it. To send an invitation to the clan write
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player]
the request is sent and now everything depends whether the player will accept an invitation or not. Player whose invited will receive such a message.

/ Slan Accept - take an invitation to the clan
/ Slan Deny - abandon the invitation to the clan
After that you are available Chat Personal Messages Clan / CC Message

How to get out of the clan in minecraft

As I already wrote to get into the clan, you need to get an invitation from the Clan creator, and how to get out of the clan in minecraft? Yes, very simply by writing a command / CLAN LEAVE
/ CLAN LEAVE - leave the clan

How to remove clans in minecraft

How to remove the clan in minecraft and such a question does not rack, remove the clan only the Clane Claus, no one else has the right to remove it. To remove the clan We write the command / Clan Delete
/ Clan Delete - Clan Removal

All available clan commands

To view all commands / clan, the / clan command after creation gives more commands. than before creating the clan.
Teams available clan creators.
/ Clan Delete - Delete Clan
/ CLAN LEADER [Nick Player] - transfer the leader's leadership
/ CLAN INFO - information about the clan
/ CLAN Online - Who is online from the clan
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player] - Send an invitation to the clan
/ CLAN KICK [Nick Player] - expel player with clan
/ CLAN LIST - list of all server clans
/ CLAN LEAVE - Exit | clan
/ Clan Welcome [Message] - Greeting Clan.
/ CLAN TAG [name] - change the name of the clan
/ Clan Addmoder - Assign Clana Moderator
/ CLAN DELMODER - Delete moderator
/ clan msg - give an ad clan
/ CLAN SS [message] - message in chat clan

The clan moderator has access to all commands except deletion and destination of leadership.

Here's actually all, now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, how to make the name of the clan color, how to invite in the clan and how to get out of it.