How to teach focus from the map. The best tricks with cards for beginners. Magic in a large company

Maps - the sacred props of the magician. Why are the maps so loved by illusionists? First, there is a huge number of foci with cards. Their variations are countless, you can constantly invent new tricks. Secondly, with cards you can not only show tricks, but also make beautiful manipulations.

Thirdly, cards are very compacts, which allows them to just put in his pocket and carry hundreds of focus. Finally, the cards have become a certain fetish for magicians. They are pleased to make up, sort, twist, they develop fine motility, soothing nerves, attract views. There is only one problem ... Focifurses love cards too much.

However, among the entire variety of card tricks there are boring (type, "Choose a map - I will find it"), long and small, where you need to lay out something, count, shift, put again. And there are bright, spectacular tricks that instantly demolished the roof! You just imagine: the card selected by the viewer passes through the glass, it turns and restored, it turns out on the ceiling, the aquarium glass, flies, disappears or turn into another object.

Many viewers do not even imagine how spectacular and original card tricks can be. Sometimes, you have to hear from the audience "I do not like card tricks", after which, asking them to watch literally one trick, the idea of \u200b\u200bcard focus in the root changes.

Our task is to teach such focus that the brain would break, broke stereotypes of maps and forced to believe in miracles. Spectators should squeeze from delight and ask you to show something else!

Oddly enough, the principle of Pareto works in card magic: eighty percent of all card focus is made twenty percent of existing technical techniques. These technicians can be called basic, and it is them necessary to master if you want to learn the best focus in the world.


The card number is designed for three classes (with an interval of at least two weeks between classes).

The first lesson is devoted to the study of basic work techniques:

  • various ways to control the chosen viewer of the card;
  • basic slots (tricks) used in focus;
  • fake tacks and inserts;
  • elements of decorative manipulation (trimming, veser, tapes from cards, throws, etc.);
  • imposing the choice of the desired card (forcing);
  • several focuss, to work out basic techniques.

To work out basic technician will leave from several months to a year. Therefore, you should not decease and expect quick success. According to statistics, part of the students loses interest in foci after the card course, facing the difficulties and the need for rehearsals. However, one who masters this material opens the door to the world of card magic.

The second lesson is devoted to the study of legendary focus based on basic techniques. These are focuses from the sensational videos of David Blaine, as well as other tricks, after which the audiences often utter phrases: "I will never play with him anymore," you are probably not allowed in a casino "," this can not be, showing more time".

In any company, it will be enough to just ask the deck of cards or get yours so that it is immediately in the spotlight, if not becoming a hero of the party. And it is not surprising, because you will be able to change the color of the cards, make the disappearance of the whole deck in front of the nose in the viewers, per second change the cards without even touching them, manipulate with completely dressed sleeves as the audience it was seen only in the movies. You can clearly demonstrate the principle set forth in the legendary film about the magicians "Illusion of Deception":

"The more careful you look, the less you see."

The third lesson is devoted to the use of props when working with cards. Just learning how to handle the usual deel, you can afford to use special. Combining classic card techniques and secret props, you can confidently reach a new level of skill, without fear of questions: "Let your cards look?".

In addition, the third lesson addresses additional techniques for working with cards (palmization, false account, color shift, control methods, cheerful techniques, etc.), as well as questions of the management of viewers. These secrets are not found on the Internet and they are too well hidden in books.

IMPORTANT! It is strictly not recommended to use the knowledge gained in gambling, even though some techniques will give the temptation to do it. Cheating is another direction in which completely different accents are made. If everything is directed to the external effect in focus, then the shoe technologies are focused on imperceptibility and quite specific goals. Shulera have a different set of skills and techniques (including psychological), rather than magicians.

The use of focus technician in a shoe game will inevitably lead to unpleasant consequences, for which we cannot bear responsibility, but we consider to warn our duty and eliminate these situations. All the magicians adhere to the rules: fundamentally do not play gambling. This ethical position eliminates any misunderstandings associated with games. Yes, and the situation in which the magician wins cards (playing honestly), it will hardly be out of suspicion, and at best will cause a grin.

The training program for card focus can be changed or supplemented, and the number of classes is increased if necessary. One lesson lasts an hour, cost - 10,000 rubles.

Unlike other ways, such as playing musical instruments, it is easier and cheaper, the deck is much less than the same guitar. Do not have a musical hearing, to own the congenital ability to sing, the feelings of the rhythm, you only need desire to learn and agility hands.

How to start learning?

Focusing tools

I think you wondered how to learn how to make tricks with cards? Video training will be an excellent option.

On YouTube there are hundreds of channels of card themes. They will help start with full zero, you just need buy a deck and enable video. If you do not want to watch, you can study on text lessons, everything depends on your preferences.

Today, if only wishes it myself. On the study of ordinary illusions you may need only a couple of hours. , even taking into account the fact that before that moment you did not know anything in this area. I note that for mastering the initial skills of the game on a musical instrument usually takes about two months, at least one for sure.

Important:video lessons with cards, like text there are one minus . Your viewers can easily expose you, finding the execution technique on the Internet. As you can see the availability of the material has its own minuses. Although it is worth mentioning the existence of unique materials.

From what focus start?

I propose to start with focus "Maps through glass" famous illusionist David Copperfield It is characterized by high simplicity and extreme effect.

Once you are very new, then you probably do not know how it looks. And he looks like this:

  • Spectators and illusionist are going around the glass of the supermarket door or car.
  • The magician takes a unpacked deck and suggests choosing any card that chooses samples on it, after which returns.
  • The illusionist dries it from the marker, puts it to everyone, havingles and returns them.
  • Divorces viewers on different sides of the glass.
  • The assistant spreads the deck on the glass, and it takes the same card directly from the glass.

At first glance, it looks like magic, but in reality everything is extremely simple. To fulfill, you need to own the technique "False Tastovka" and "Palmy" .

You will not be difficult to learn them on video lessons with cards. In the process of studying the technique of performing some focuss, you will learn from various techniques that will definitely use you for others. The first than you need to master is, of course, "false tastovka", it is used in most focus.

How to choose lessons?

Card foci makes it easier to learn on video lessons

On the Internet there are a large amount of material. There are no big difference in what lessons to learn, any video is almost the same.

  • Choose rollers with good shooting quality.
  • If you are going to study on YouTube, it is better to choose people's channels with a large number of subscribers and records. These parameters may indicate the author's authority, as well as there is a chance that on the channel there are rollers who study all the movement that the author applied in this illusion.

If you look a few different rollers learning to the same trick, you can notice the difference in the authors. Here you will have a question: "Howler"? Does not exist one faithful everyone has the right to exist. Learn that option that you like well or the one that looks spectacular.

Important: If you already decided to start learning, then immediately remember - you do not need to show one focus several times in a row otherwise you could expose you.


Card fan

Such tricks are easy to study, does not require much time compared to other options, any innate abilities are not so important, it is important to bring your equipment to automatism.

They can be shown anywhere, do not waste huge money for inventory.

All this can also be added and everything is common even from a simple illusion.

The tricks with the cards were gained popularity in Russia even during the reign of Peter I. It was then, in the period of approaching the European Society, the cards began to use for a pleasant time.

Miscellaneous tricks and tricks did not give way to games and developed with them parallel courses. Among the nobles, the ability to play cards. This, allegedly, confirmed the presence of a French "trace" in the blood.

The tricks with cards can be divided into several categories:

  • decorative manipulations;
  • forcing;
  • double lifts;
  • palmitation;
  • tastovka.

In today's article, we will consider in detail every species.

Decorative manipulations

Salting - This is a great method for creating card fans, coups with one or two hands, ribbons on the tables and a card waterfall.

How to learn the Lixing Card Trick? To begin with, we note that the development of these skills will help you to hit friends and acquaintances. In addition, you will have a limitless opportunity to show creative abilities. Minute motivation! Now proceed to business. The most popular tricks are faiths and ribbons. Let's go through the training trick Fan one hand - It is not so difficult to perform it, as it may seem first.

To begin with, we take a tightly chopping deck of cards and climb hard in your hand, hackering the middle fingers. On the sides it is necessary to hold the little finger, as well as the index finger. To perform the trick, you need to press the lower left corner of the deck with a thumb. Congratulations - Fan is ready. The same fan can be made in another hand, only all instructions must be performed mirror. If you connect two fans, you will get a beautiful card trick.

Below you can revise the video, which describes the execution of the fan trick.

Forcing and double lifts

Perfect way to entertain friends and acquaintances - perform trick forcing cards. A simple example: a person chooses any card, and "Focuscript", performing a trick, pulls it out of a deck on the "Stop" team. There are a large number of forcing options. Training tricks with cards is difficult to start with forcing. Especially with its complicated variations. Let's look at such a phint as turning the top card to any other. You take a deck in your hands and demonstrate the top card, which the audience must remember. Further, the second hand palm is needed to spend over the deck - as a result, an absolutely different map should be from above. The opposite movement of the hand - and the previous map returned. This fint can also be called a trick with cards for beginners.

The main secret of the card trick, causing delight in the audience - do not make extra movements, separating the deck in half or pulling it away. From the side it looks like magic.

From a technical point of view, a double lifting can be performed with any part of the deck. Each individual case has its own characteristics. Therefore, to secure the material, we advise you to watch the video.


Excellent trick with beginner cards - palmya. Let's first look at what it is. If we speak with simple words, this is a very thin set of manipulations with a deck, as a result of which one or more cards goes into the hand of the tasing.

Let's just say that this is an effective shoe technique that allows you to create a gaming advantage. Palming is in the arsenal of all self-respecting tray and cheelets. The purpose of using this card trick may differ depending on the situation: for the surprise of the public, or to play the opponent.


If you are not a big focus focus, but love to play cards and want to please friends, pay attention to the tack. It is enough to master several types of tastovka, and you can give odds to any trick. From the side it looks spectacular. Capturing Taska is able to raise you as a player, in the eyes of opponents. There are many types of tastovka. To master them, you need to look at the training video.


How to learn to make tricks with cards? First you need to put such a goal, and move daily in its direction. The secret of fast learning lies in stable practice, as well as positive towing and faith that everything will turn out. We advise you to start learning the tricks from ordinary tackovoy, or from decorative manipulations.

And hello again, my dear subscribers!

On a direct connection with you again Kulikov Sergey, he is your humble servant - sailor!

Our today's article is called "Cool Focus" Don't Be Focuscript. " Focuses for beginners learning with cards. " It is dedicated to it will be one really very cool focus, which I really like to show. And I show very often, for I love simple and spectacular tricks. I think you have noticed that in focus I first appreciate the simplicity of the method.

Immediately everything is so easy that this focus can even show the child or a newcomer. But if you are already an average level or even higher, you still do not pass by, because this focus is very spectacular! If you want to learn more than a couple of simple and spectacular focus, then you are here: "" and "".

Well, in the meantime we will go to our trick! Before the focus is well hammering a deck, let's mix it with the viewer. In general, we do everything with her that only to us and the viewer you want :) Then we offer the viewer to choose a map, he chooses, we remove it in a deck and a deck is again well mixed.

But then, begin to interfere with the deck absolutely strangely - prevent her shirts to the faces! Let's prevent so many times and follow how much you want! We lay out the card with ribbon, and that we see the viewer - the complete chaos!

Everything seemed to not find a map. BUT! Remember the name of the trick! "Don't be a focker" :) click your finger and .... Pull out one card from all this mess, which lies with a shirt up.

And this is really a viewer card! I remember the surprised and misunderstanding of the viewer's face, and after we go to the sunset under the rapid applause .. 🙂

Demonstration and training for this wonderful trick

Well, on this beautiful note I will be forced to leave you!

With you was Sergey Kulikov, he is a sailor!

To new meetings, dear subscribers!

Hello everyone!

Long time I did not write anything and did not shoot. All time is not something. Today, all the same decided to describe one light focus. And today I have the easiest focuses with cards for children, which can be found.

It does not require any movements and tricks, everything is extremely simple.

What does the focus look like?

The child (the magician) takes a deck and follows it on the table. Further, he suggests the viewer to take a deck in his hands and decompose it into four stacks. The viewer lays the cards on the table, as the young magician said on 4 stacks.

After that, the magician declares that he didn't even touch the deck, the viewer did everything himself on his own eyes!

After that, the young focker pinches his fingers and turns over the top cards - and this is four aces!

Such a focus. And you thought he would disappear in his hands?

Training focus.

1) Remove the jokes from the deck so that the cards were 52.

2) Prepare four aces in advance and put them down the decks and hang it.

3) Take a deck in the left hand, remove the right hand from above 1/3 of the deck and put it on the table.

4) Now remove stack of cards and put it on the table.

5) Put the remaining stack next to the other two. At the moment, the aces are in the right stack.

6) Now take a stack lying on the left and put it on the middle stack.

8) Now give a deck in the hands of the viewer and ask him to decompose the cards on 4 stacks. Look carefully, it should lay on one map in each stack starting on top of the deck. As a result, the latter (lower) 4 cards will be aces, which shielded one on the top of each stack.

9) Now the focuscript must be picked up with his fingers and declare that he did not touch the deel, the viewer did everything himself! But we know what is the secret here. Now turn over the top card of each stack and voila - they are all aces.

I advise you to learn:,

I think that you will have no difficulties with this focus, because it can only be a steam turnip

Well, of course video version of this focus