Magic: from A to Ya. Focus 'Map of Pocket' Povenaya Focus Pocket

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Few people know that, despite the magic, which illusionists bring in everyday life, many of them are actually large skeptics and question all the "paranormal" doubt. For example, popular magicians Raymond Teller and Penn Gilllett in their transfer broke in the fluff and dust of dubious theories about the end of the world and the interception of psychics.

Nevertheless, brilliant tricks performed by professional professionals, and to this day are fascinating the audience.

In this article website I decided to open the curtain of secrets and reveal the secrets of some famous focuss so that you were calm for the life of His performers at the next time viewing the dangerous trick. And one focus you can easily repeat yourself, using the props that you have at home.

Focus with the transformation of one person in another

The magician climbs into a bag that tows his assistant tightly. Then it is placed in the chest and closed on the castle. The assistant rises on the chest, raises the screen, and when it lowers, a magician appears in front of the viewer. Then he unlocks the chest and unlock the bag in which the assistant is turned out, often in another suit for consuming effect.

What's the secret: In the bag, the magician has an output, usually it is zipper that can be opened from the inside. Assistant rises legs on the edge of the chest, but the top panel is easy opens . When the girl raises the screen, the magician quickly jumps out of the drawer, grabs the screen, and the assistant, on the contrary, jumps inside. While the magician opens the chest castle, the girl is closed into the bag and removes the top suit under which the other turns out. The faster I. sostly Actions, the spectacular performance is obtained.

Throwing knives in man

At first glance, this trick seems very dangerous. But a person who is fixed on the target is not threatened.

Secret thereinthat the magician does not release knives from the hands, and the dexterous movement hides in a countersight pocket of the costume. For the target there is an assistant, which with the help of a special mechanism shoots knives from the reverse side of the target. All the work is very coordinated and fast, so it seems to us that the knife is dug in the target, and does not come out of it.


The girl is placed in a large box with departments for the head, brushes and legs. The magician moves her head, hands and legs, demonstrating an unprecedented stretching, which is not capable of a human body.

Actually When the magician opens and closes the front and rear doors, proving that the box is empty, there are two more assistants between the flaps. They make their way inside the drawer through the rear doors, and each squints his hand and foot in the appropriate compartments. To the viewer did not notice the substitution, all the girls make the same manicure. The helpers breed hands and legs to the sides, and the girl whose head sees the viewer, gets on a stool or falls down.

Transformation of water in ice

The magician pours water into a glass. But then a piece of ice drops from a glass instead of water. No violation of the laws of physics, of course, does not happen.

Inside hid ordinary spongewhich absorbs water, and the ice in advance placed in a glass. Such a focus you can repeat at home, but remember that the "magic" glass should not be transparent.

Disappearance of pigeons

The wizard places one or more pigeons into the box. But when he raises the lid again, the birds did not happen.

Do not worry, with them everything is in order, just in the roof there secret The compartment, it is very small and imperceptible, but the birds are calmly placed there.

Burial zamivo

This trick is performed in open areas. The magician is placed in a box and truly bury in the ground, but after a few seconds it is selected from this dangerous trap. Not everyone is solved for such a risk, but with competent execution, the magician will not suffer.

Few people know that, despite the magic, which illusionists bring in everyday life, many of them are actually large skeptics and question all the "paranormal" doubt. For example, popular magicians Raymond Teller and Penn Gilllett in their transfer broke in the fluff and dust of dubious theories about the end of the world and the interception of psychics.

Nevertheless, brilliant tricks performed by professional professionals, and to this day are fascinating the audience.

In this article, we decided to open the veil of secrets and reveal the secrets of some famous focuss so that you were calm for the life of his performers. And one focus you can easily repeat yourself, using the props that you have at home.

Focus with the transformation of one person in another

The magician climbs into a bag that tows his assistant tightly. Then it is placed in the chest and closed on the castle. The assistant rises on the chest, raises the screen, and when it lowers, a magician appears in front of the viewer. Then he unlocks the chest and unlock the bag in which the assistant is turned out, often in another suit for consuming effect.

What is the secret: in the bag, the magician has an output, usually this lightning, which can be opened from the inside. Assistant rises legs on the edge of the chest, but the top panel easily opens. When the girl raises the screen, the magician quickly jumps out of the drawer, grabs the screen, and the assistant, on the contrary, jumps inside. While the magician opens the chest castle, the girl is closed into the bag and removes the top suit under which the other turns out. The faster and more coherent action, the spectacular representation turns out.

Throwing knives in man

At first glance, this trick seems very dangerous. But a person who is fixed on the target is not threatened.

The secret is that the magician does not produce knives from the hands, and the clever movement hides in a countersight pocket of the costume. For the target there is an assistant, which with the help of a special mechanism shoots knives from the reverse side of the target. All the work is very coordinated and fast, so it seems to us that the knife is dug in the target, and does not come out of it.


The girl is placed in a large box with departments for the head, brushes and legs. The magician moves her head, hands and legs, demonstrating an unprecedented stretching, which is not capable of a human body.

In fact, when the magician opens and closes the front and rear doors, proving that the box is empty, two more assistants are hidden between the flaps. They make their way inside the drawer through the rear doors, and each squints his hand and foot in the appropriate compartments. To the viewer did not notice the substitution, all the girls make the same manicure. The helpers breed hands and legs to the sides, and the girl whose head sees the viewer, gets on a stool or falls down.

Transformation of water in ice

The magician pours water into a glass. But then a piece of ice drops from a glass instead of water. No violation of the laws of physics, of course, does not happen.

Inside the ordinary sponge, which absorbs water, and the ice is placed in advance in a glass. Such a focus you can repeat at home, but remember that the "magic" glass should not be transparent.

Aventurism - behavior, activity of someone, characterized by risky unprincipled actions for the sake of achieving easy success, benefits; Next to adventures.

Artist - (Franz. Artiste, from Lat. Ars - art), the same as the actor. In a broad sense, a person involved in creativity in the field of any art. In a figurative sense, a person who has achieved skill in his business.

Scam - (from Franz. Affaire - business), fraud, dubious deal.

Volt - (Franz. Volte, from Ital. Volta - turn) Hidden from the eye of the audience Returning the deck in the original state after its removal. (Sent Rafael)

Jumbo cards - cards whose dimensions exceed the size of standard playing cards. (Sent Rafael)

Double Lift (Double Lift) - This technique is used in various focus with cards. His focker raises the deck from top of the decks not one and two cards in such a way that it looks like a part of the magician in his hand only one card. (Sent Rafael)

The game is the type of unproductive activity, the motive of which is not its results, but in the process itself. In the history of human society, he was intertwined with magic, religious behavior, etc.; It is closely related to sports, military and other workouts, art (especially its executive forms). It is important in the upbringing, training and development of children as a means of psychological preparation for future life situations. It is also characteristic of the highest animals.

Illusions - (from Lat. Illusio - Cheating), distorted perception of reality, deception of perception.

Illusionism - in the visual art of the deception of the eyes, imitation, which creates the impression of the real existence of the pictured space and objects, as if the eraser's face between the real and depicted world.

The illusionist is a pop-circus artist, shows focuses based on the use of special equipment or on hand, speed, accuracy of movements.

Art - 1) Artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts, music, dance, theater, cinema and other varieties of human activity, united as artistic and figurative forms of development of the world. In the history of aesthetics, the essence of art was interpreted as imitation (monesesis), a sensual expression of supersual, etc. ... 2) in a narrow sense - the visual arts ... 3) a high degree of skill, skill in any field of activity.

Lishk - an extra map used in many shoe techniques and in some focus. You can be a variety of Monte map. (Sent Linar Henri Vaziethis.)

Magister - (from Lat. Magister - Head, Chapter, Teacher), in DR. Rome official (Master of Horsemen, etc.); Later in Europe, the head of some secular and church institutions (eg, the Grand Master, or Grandmaster, the head of the spiritual and knightly order).

Magic - (from Greek. Mageia) (witchcraft, magic), rites associated with faith in the supernatural ability of a person (sorcerer, magician) to influence people and phenomena of nature. Magic arose in primitive society and became an element of rites.

Manipulation - (Franz. Manipulation, from lat. Manipulus - a handful, handful, manus - hand), action with hand or hands when performing any complicated work; Complex reception in manual work. In the figurative sense - the trigger, fraud.

Manipulation - handmade.
1. Genre of pop-circus art. Speech by artist on stage, less often in the circus. Show focus. Externally differs in small sizes of items used as a details, which manipulates the artist. M. is based on common techniques of illusion art.
2. Complex actions with hands with small objects, relatives in size
With hand palm. (Maps, coins, balls, etc.)

Masking - Illusion reception, masking of the illusionist, is executed at the time of climax of focus. M - distracting moment, a kind of play with the spectator. For example: Magic spells (Abrakadabra, Focus Pokus, Ahalai Mahalai, etc.), Magic wand, Salon, Magic bedspread, Theatrical action, introducing an auditorium into the atmosphere of mystery.

Mikromaggia - Focuses with small objects: Maps, paralyon balls, pins, coins, handkerchiefs, cigarettes, matchboxes, etc. Show in a narrow circle, often on the table (from here - drinking tricks). Modern technique allows you to demonstrate micromaging a wide circle of viewers thanks to video projectors and video cameras, allowing you to display an image to a large screen.

Fraud - in criminal law - a crime concluded in the capture of foreign property (or in acquiring rights to property) by deception or abuse of confidence.

Palming - hidden retention of the subject in the palm of palm. (Submitted Valera.)

Passing is a false transfer of the subject to another hand. (Submitted Valera.)

Passes are mysterious movements of hands, distinguishing the attention of the audience. (Sent MailTo.)

The Second Deal) - Delivery of the second card instead of the first from the top or bottom of the deck. (more: support card - on Zharg. Shooter) (sent Valera.)

Sumy - (podium) (Lat. Podium),
1) A high rectangular platform, with a staircase, on which antique (mainly Roman) temples were erected.
2) The elevation on the stage, the stadium, in the hall, in the studio of the artist, sculptor.

The hemisphere is half the ball, inside which the core is removed in such a way that the ball is easily charged there. Half asphere is made on so much fine (only about 2-3 mm even less) that it seems as if you only have one ball in your hand, but it is worth picking up the ball and it is easily rolled out of the hemisphere and from the side of the audience seems to be in your hands The second ball appeared miracle. (This technique is used for the reproduction of other objects, such as candles, smoking tubes, cigarettes, etc. approx. Editor) (sent Rafael)

Wills, a trade-end poverty pockets in a magic costume for the appearance or disappearance of objects of manipulation. (Submitted Valera.)

Prestigitator - The magician producing illusions exclusively by aging hands. (Sergey Ryazhin sent.)

Prestigating - From the Italian words "Presto" - quickly and "dijito" - finger. Literal translation: quick finger or fast finger. (Sent Rafael.)

Survant - a secret regiment under the table or pocket in a covering cover for the appearance or disappearance of things. (Submitted Valera.)

Talking - 1) The ancient Russian name of the hiking tent, in which the senior warlord was located (commander).
2) Mounted salary size, salary.
3) In gambling, the money amount that the player "puts on the card".
4) In the figurative sense - the orientation, the calculation for anyone, anything.

Scene - (Lat. Scaena, from Greek. Skene)
1) a platform on which the presentation (theatrical, pop, concert, etc.) occurs.
2) in the play, the performance is part of the action, the act.
3) In a broad sense, the same thing that theater.

Theater - (from Greek. Theatron - a place for spectacle, sight), the genus of art, a specific means of expressing which is a stage effect that occurs during the actor game in front of the public. The sources of the theater are in ancient hunting and agricultural playing, mass folk rites. In dr. Greece has existed various types of theater with their traditions, scenic technology. Rich and diverse forms of spectacle were created in the countries of others. East, in India, China, Indonesia, Japan, etc. In the Middle Ages, the Western European Stray Actors - Gistriions, Jonglers, Scromoros were the medium-sized century. The first professional European Renaissance Theater is the Italian People's Comedy of Masks (comedy del Arte, 16-17 centuries). From the Renaissance Age, the theater becomes literary, a settled existence in urban cultural centers. The work of theatrical art - the performance - is created on the basis of dramatic or music and scenic works in accordance with the design of the director (in ballet - balletmaster and conductor, in Opere, Operette - director and conductor) and under his leadership joint efforts of actors, as well as the artist.

Turnstile - (see French Reset) (sent Valera.)

Fakir - (Arab., Letters. - Poor), ..
1) Wandering Dervish ...
2) In India, in addition, a community servant, less often - a magician, a trainer, a badge (in the last meaning, the word "Fakir" was distributed in Europe) ...
3) in cf. Asia and North. Afghanistan in 18-19 centuries. The term "Fakir" was used in the meaning of the "people" ...
4) In Kurd-Yezidov, a representative of one of the higher spiritual estates.

Focus - (from him. Hokuspokus), skillful trick based on visual deception with deft and fast techniques. In the figurative sense - a trick, a cunning reception.

The magician is an artist showing the tricks in the circus, on the stage; It is also called a manipulator, illusionist, prestigitator.

Forcing - forcing a card i. )

French reset - This is a clastic motion at which palm is palmitized (held between the muscle of the thumb and the inner side of the palm) of any item (coin, ball and so on. In addition to the card). (Sent Rafael.)

Challenge - Scratched from the viewer's eye of a substitution of a particular item. For example: The magician shows the map of black suit and the "magic" movement of the hand card changes color. Or a magician wraps a red ball in the handkerchief, and he in turn changes the color to another. (Sent Rafael.)

Schuler is a man using sculpture, fraudulent techniques when playing cards.

Spit on fate - Play cards for honest. (Sent Ilya.)

Esquepism - these tricks are based on the fact that the artist is exempt from any way and makes escape from any "Western". To perform such focus it is necessary for excellent health and uncommon dexterity. Typically, the task is to quickly get rid of the most incredible components and locks, and while in conditions that make movements. Harry Gudini was the most famous master of similar tricks.

Close-Up Magic - (Close-up Focuses "), are executed in front of a small audience, at home or in places such as nightclubs and restaurants, although the speeches themselves can be broadcast on television. Usually in such cases, the magician uses small items - cards, coins, ropes. During the presentation in restaurants, he can move from the table to the table.

Stand-Up Magic - (tricks "standing before the public"). So called tricks that are performed on stage or in front of the camera. At the same time, the artists use large props, many auxiliary materials, and an important component of the show becomes impressive visual effects. Often have to resort to the help of assistants.

Last updated 29.11.2002.

Add your word.

First suggests choose a suit. Then - digital maps (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) or with pictures (shaft, lady, king, ace). From the ordered, we stop still, until one remains map. Now ask to call the number in account of which map from the pocket. When the viewer calls him, the card appears from the pocket, which the audience was chosen by replies, and it was the one who was guessing the ordinal number. Truly fantastic!

Prestige (secret):

Focus with cards

Before putting a deck in a pocket, imperceptibly peep the lower map. Now all art comes down to fit under famous Lower card. For example, the bottom card is a peak king.

Please indicate the viewer: black or red. If black is indicated, then everything is fine, and if red, then we declare that we throw it red, and we take black for your next game. Next question: Which of the two black masters - peaks or trees? If you call peaks, then we continue to work further with it (after all, it is the peaks that you need).

And if not, then again deceiving maneuver: Say, throwing away the trephies, we take peaks.
Next Stage: Maps-numbers or pictures cards? Then among the selected (the selection mechanism has already mastered - this is a sliding under the desired card) take the oldest or youngest. Again, the traveler - and so on, while the viewer is not supplied under the desired card (in our case, it is a peak king).

Now the selected card is needed beautiful Present, intriguing the viewer. To do this, suggest to call, what account will this map. After all, from the pocket you can always pull out any card, and at the right moment - to get it exactly, it lies a mansion (the lowest).

The viewer has the impression of the mysteriousness of the spectacle and virtuosity of the performer! Here is a focus with cards


Show the same viewers this focus It is not recommended more than once, since it is not so difficult to solve the focus mechanism.
I wish you good speeches!