Methods for conducting games with elements of sports (bowling pins). Sports event "Relay with balloons Playing with a suspended ball with skittles

Fania Amirova

Target: improve health; develop dexterity, coordination of actions, attention; improve running skills; foster a sense of collectivism.

Equipment: Balloons, skittles, baskets, rackets, shawls, gymnastic sticks, bags.

1. "Volleyball with a ball"

Beating with your hand air reach the ball to the pins, go around and back with the same task to return to the team, pass the ball to the second participant.

2. "Kangaroo"

The ball is between the legs, we squeeze the balls with our legs, jumping to reach the skittles, go around. Back without assignment.

3. "Waiter"

Put the balls on the racket, without holding hands to reach the pins, go around and return without a task.

4. "Playing with balls»

The first participants with a ball run to the pins, put them in baskets, return to the team, pass baton by hand... The latter run to the baskets, pick up the balls, pass baton third party, etc.

5. Competition of captains. Variants:

1) To inflate the balls, whoever bursts faster wins.

2) Inflate the balls and release on command. Who will fly away next?

6. "Help Matryoshka".

The competition requires two balls and two headscarves. There are two girls in front of the players. In their hands balloon... Draw a nesting doll on each ball before the start of the competition.

The first players from each team run to the balls and tie a handkerchief on the ball by one knot and pass baton... The next players reach the nesting dolls and carefully remove the scarf. The winner is the team that finishes faster and does not make a mistake in putting on the headscarf.

7. "Garden"

The leader gives into the hands of the team captains a bag each containing 6-8 balls.

The game is next: at the signal of the leader, the team captains run to the line, shake the balls out of the bag, run back, pass baton... The second ones collect them in a bag, run back.

8. "Race"

To drive the ball on the floor, bending around the skittles spaced by a snake.

9. "Sweet couples"

Stand in pairs facing each other. The ball is between the stomachs, hands behind the back. Use side steps to reach the pins and return to the team.

10. "Face to face"

Participants stand in pairs, the ball between their foreheads, hands behind their backs and thus reach the pins and return to the team.

11. "Twins"

Carry two balls, pressing them between your palms, go around the pins and return to the team.

12. "From hand to hand"

The teams are stretched out on an outstretched arm.

Transfer of the ball over the head from hand to hand. The last players who have balls run forward, pass balls and so on in this way until the captains fall into place.

13. "From hand to hand"

As in point 12, only the transfer of the ball from below, between the legs. The main thing is that no one throws the ball.


Rewarding teams.

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Methods for conducting games with elements of sports (bowling pins)

The essence of the game. After a run, consisting of 3 steps, the participant guides the ball over the boleban with his hand in order to knock over the maximum number of pins installed at the opposite end of the bowling alley with one send.

The value of the game. Skittles are a truly athletic game. It requires solid physical fitness and, above all, endurance and an excellent eye. The alternation of movements during the game occurs in such a way that almost all muscle groups are involved in the work, especially the muscles of the legs, back and shoulders. In this case, the load is distributed evenly. In addition, the concentration of the athlete necessary for each next throw is a good training for his psyche.

Bowling is a sport that can be played all year round regardless of weather conditions and at any time of the day. Historical development. Skittles are an old game. Even the ancient Egyptians had a game very similar to pins: they knocked down wooden figures with balls. In an Egyptian tomb, which is estimated to be 5200 years old, a set for playing bowling pins was found, or rather, similar to what today's bowling fans play.

Skittles are an interesting, useful and very common sport. People of all ages are fond of it. The world and continental championships are held in pins. It is assumed that the game of bowling in Europe first appeared in the territory of modern Northern Italy. In Central Europe, the bowling game arose from the game of hitting stones, widespread among the Germans, in which they threw stones at 3, 7 and 9 wedges (pins) made of wood or horse bones. It has now been established that for the first time in Germany the bowling game was mentioned in the famous Rothenburg Chronicle dating back to 1157. It indicates that already at that time bowling was in full bloom and there were certain rules of the game.

During the Middle Ages, bowling was played at fairs, during church holidays. There were bets around the game, its rapid development entailed numerous prohibitions. For the most part, the ruling classes did not support this type of physical exercise, since it seemed to them that they were not suitable for strengthening the country's defenses.

In 1885, the first in Europe sports organization for bowling was created - the German Bowling Association. However, the different types of tracks that existed at that time made it difficult for the game to develop in accordance with sports principles. It was only as a result of the rationing of lane types after the First World War that bowling could develop on a sporting basis. Games were played with 50, 100, 200 and 300 throws in succession, and the first international bowling competition was organized.

The International Bowling Federation (FNK) was created in 1952. It originated from the International Bowling Association. Currently, the International Bowling Federation includes about 60 countries. World and European championships are held regularly.

The leading countries in the asphalt bowling alley game are GERMANY, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia. GERMANY has over 130,000 bowling players on the asphalt track. Athletes from GERMANY have been world champions more than once. The strongest bowling player from the capitalist countries is Germany.

Bowling Leaders: USA, Mexico, Japan, Sweden and Finland. Bowling is also becoming quite popular in a number of countries. Material support. In the old days, bowling alleys were set up in the open air, often at fairs or in hotel basements. A level platform with a solid surface was enough to arrange the pins, which were of a wide variety of shapes. Later, fenced and covered bowling alleys began to be built. Clay, slate, wood, gypsum and marble were used as material for the manufacture of hard surfaces to accelerate the ball. Currently, wood, asphalt and plastic dominate. Creation of national federations at the end of the 19th century. contributed to the formation of bowling in four types with appropriate sports equipment for each type, track parameters and rules of the game. The rapid development of this sport has led to the creation of complexes with multiple lanes, changing rooms and showers, as well as stands for spectators, instead of installations with one or two tracks. In GERMANY, for example, there are currently over 4,000 bowling alleys.

Track types. From the many that existed before, 4 types of bowling alley were formed, standardized in all components, namely an asphalt track, a boleban and a shereban, as well as a parquet track for 10 pins, or a bowling alley, created in America. The latter type goes back to the South German type of parquet track, or plank track, designed for 9 pins. German travelers brought this game to America. Since a huge number of risky bets began to be concluded around the game, it was banned. The ten-pin game emerged as an option to circumvent this prohibition. Asphalt path. The surface of the track is covered with an absolutely even layer of asphalt or synthetic material. The thickness of the concrete base depends on the unevenness of the soil on which it is installed. On the sides, the asphalt track is bounded by 10 cm high bumpers that reach the front skittles, as well as grooves where the ball hits if the throw is unsuccessful. Currently, asphalt paths are the most popular in Europe. Among the countries with a large number of pavement skittle players, GERMANY is in first place, followed by Romania and Hungary.

Boleban. Throughout its entire length, the height of the track increases by 10 cm. Along the entire rolling surface of the track (width 35 cm), a groove is made with a depth of 4 mm, which gives direction to the ball. The homeland of the boleban is the northern regions of GERMANY and the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as Denmark and Poland. Shereban. The track is a bar with an embossed groove 3.5 mm deep, which, gradually expanding, reaches two corner pins (on the principle of scissors), hence the name Shereban. "Shere" - scissors. The height of the walkway is also gradually increasing by 10 cm. The skittle shereban is popular mainly in the Federal Republic of Germany. Belgium, Luxembourg, France and South America (Brazil, Uruguay).

Bowlingbahn. The track is completely horizontal. The section of acceleration is separated by a black line 2.5 cm wide. The surface of the track is made of polished parquet. On the sides of the track there are branch grooves with a width of 23 cm, which have a slope with a height difference of 4.5 cm. The ball that has rolled off the track continues to roll along the groove past the pins into a special receiver-trap. Originating in America, bowling has spread to all continents. Of all four types, it has the greatest international significance.

Track components and sports equipment. Segment (bar) of launching the ball. On the asphalt track, Shereban and Boleban, the section for launching the ball is covered with linoleum. On this segment, the athlete can control the rectilinear movement of the ball. The disadvantage is that the athlete is forced to launch the ball only on this narrow (35 cm wide) segment, in contrast to the bowlingbang, where the width of the launch segment corresponds to the width of the parquet-covered part of the track. Firpas. Standardized area for setting pins with 9-10 pins for them.

Skittles for asphalt bowling, boleban and sheban have the same shape, a height of 40 cm (only the height of the middle pin is 43 cm) and a maximum diameter at the ball impact level of 10 cm. At the base of the bowling there is a ball that protrudes slightly due to a steel spring, which makes it possible to set pin in a special recess on the surface of the firpas. This ensures accurate pin placement. The diameter of the base of the pin is 6.5 cm. At a height of 16 cm from the base, the diameter of the pin gradually decreases to 5 cm, forming the “neck” of the pin. The rounded top is like the "head" of the skittles. Pins No. 14 and No. 6-9 weigh from 1750 to 1800 g each, weight of pins No. 5 is 1800-1950 g. The maximum difference in the weight of one set of pins should not exceed 110 g. 3 front pins, most open to impact, are marked with color rings on the "neck"; pins number 1 in black, pins number 2 and 3 in red. Skittles are made entirely of wood, made of wood with a plastic sleeve around the thickest part of the pin, and entirely of plastic. Plastic skittles last ten times longer than wooden ones.

The bowling pin resembles a convex bottle. There is a recess on the base of the pin, which sits on a special protrusion on the surface of the firpas, which also allows you to fix the position of the pin. Bowling pins are wooden, plastic sheathed, weigh from 1305 to 1640 g.

The pin height is 381 mm (10.7939 mm). The "head" also has an "arcuate" shape with an arc radius of 32.33 mm.

Ball. The weight of a ball for an asphalt bowling alley and a shereban is 2800-2900 g; for boleban-3050 - 3150 g. The bowling ball's circumference should not exceed 68.58 cm (diameter = 21.8 cm), the weight should not be more than 7255 and less than 4536 g. Since a ball of such dimensions is difficult to hold in the hand, It has three holes for the thumb, index and middle fingers. The holes must match the thickness of the fingers.

Previously, balls were made of especially hard species of South American wood, now pins made of "novotex" or ebonite, which have great strength, are used. Automatic pin aligners. The invention of the automatic device for placing the pins is increasingly replacing the hard work of "helpers" who did it manually. There are devices with and without ropes. The cable-free device is fully automatic. It takes out the remaining pins from the recesses, drops the pins knocked down onto the conveyor belt, returns the balls to the athlete through the underground channel, puts the remaining pins back into the "nest" and places a new set of pins if they are all knocked down.

Thanks to the introduction of automation, bowling has developed rapidly throughout the world in recent years. Automation significantly reduces the financial costs of paying for the work of "assistants", allows you to engage in this sport almost at any time of the day and contributes to an increase in the volume and intensity of training of athletes of the highest categories.

Dress. At all championships, tournaments and cup competitions, players are allowed to start in the appropriate sportswear. Uniform for men: long or short white trousers (they should not be tight), it is allowed to have a white belt. In addition, a white sports shirt, white knee socks and white sports shoes are provided. Uniform for women: dress with short sleeves or shorts with a sports shirt, white knee socks, special shoes. As a rule, all team members are dressed according to the same pattern. Athletes should also train only in athletic form. Technique. The alternation of movements when playing on an asphalt track, boleban and shereban is the same. First of all, the player catches the ball returning to him along the drop channel. To prevent the ball from striking with force on the hand, it is recommended to take it from the side in relation to the direction of its movement. Right-handers catch the ball with their left hand so as not to create unnecessary stress for the throwing hand. This is important, given that there are approximately 200 shots in a row. The athlete then takes a position at the start. This position is approximately at the end of the launch leg, depending on the athlete's stride length. Attention is focused on the target of the throw — the passages between the rows of pins. The gaze is directed to the point of the first contact of the ball on the track. The ball should, as it were, "sink" into the palm of your hand. The fingers are set as wide as possible and pressed tightly to the surface of the ball. The thumb is set aside, the middle one is under the center of gravity of the ball and is directed towards the throw.

Of the technical elements, a three-step take-off run and a straight throw with a full swing are of particular importance.

Asphalt path. The basics of throwing a full set or for knocking down individual groups or individual pins are the same. Only the starting position changes. A three-step take-off run is used to perform a throw on a full set. From the starting position, the left leg protrudes forward, the outstretched right hand is carried forward past the body. At this point, the ball is still supported by the left hand. During the second step, the throwing hand is pulled back, the left maintains the balance of the body. During the third step, the left hand is extended far forward. With the correct transfer of the center of gravity, the body tilts so low that the throwing hand almost touches the floor. Weight transfer is critical to a flawless and successful throw. After sending the ball, the athlete straightens up again and monitors the progress and action of the ball, so that in a calm state of the final position he can note the mistakes. For example, the ball, despite the straightness of the swing, hit the surface of the bowling alley too sharply or is not rolling in a straight line. Only by establishing errors, the player can change something in the starting position on the next throw and not repeat the mistakes.

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the fingers.

A relaxed, calm finishing position looks good from an aesthetic point of view and gives the athlete the opportunity to collect himself before the next throw.

Competitions on the asphalt bowling alley acquired completeness in a sporting and technical respect only after the technical principles of throwing the whole set and knocking down the pins with one blow were combined in the game. Fluency in the three-step take-off is a prerequisite for successfully knocking down the remaining pins. When throwing the remaining pins or groups of pins, the basic technique remains the same, but the starting position changes. The main rule is that in the starting position, the outstretched arm is always directed towards the finish line, i.e. imaginary line between points: the throwing hand - the point of contact of the ball on the surface of the track-finish, must always be straight. After the first throw, groups of the most different configurations remain throughout the set, which, however, are often repeated and can be knocked down by the athlete by means of appropriate changes in position.

Shereban. On a shereban, due to the existing depression on the surface of the track, the point of application of the ball should be different than on an asphalt bowling alley. Deepening gives the ball a certain direction, which must be taken into account by the player when sending the ball. So, for example, if it is necessary for the ball to enter a certain passage between the pins, it is necessary to launch it on the side opposite to this passage, since the ball, due to the groove, will deviate to the side during the rolling process. From the point of application to the entrance to the “corridor”, the ball describes half an arc. The trajectory of the ball is always determined starting from the side of its application to the bar. Since the groove on the shereban reaches only the beginning of the “fork”, the ball, leaving it, makes its further path in a straight line. Thus, he changes direction (side) once and strikes the left "corridor" if he first touches the surface of the track on the right side. game skittles inventory

It is especially difficult to knock down corner pins. If, for example, you need to knock down the left corner pin number 4. you can send the ball from the left side of the acceleration bar. In this case, the athlete deviates to the right and sends the ball so that it is on the left side at the top of the fork, that is, where the groove turns into "scissors". When throwing, the hand is strongly bent at the elbow, the thumb turns to the left, so that the last to break away from the surface of the ball is the little finger.

Boleban. The design of this track allows you to throw only over the entire set of pins. The average number of points scored for a throw on a boleban is 7 (on a shereban - 6, on an asphalt track - 5). Since on the boleban the groove along which the ball moves continues to the firpas, the ball, during normal rolling, describes one or two full arcs, that is, it changes sides twice. Thus, if you want to send a ball to the right "corridor", it must be launched from the right side as well. In contrast to the asphalt bowling alley and shereban, the boleban ball is sent more calmly and less abruptly.

Bowlingbahn. Fundamentals of technology. The take-off run is 4.5 short strides to the black line. The starting position is such that, in straight-line acceleration, the throw can be made slightly to the right of the middle of the track, approximately behind the third marking in front of the black line. In the starting position, the weight of the ball is concentrated mainly in the left hand. The thumb, middle and ring fingers of the right hand are located in the special holes of the ball, the rest of the fingers are also on the surface of the ball, but they are not widely spaced. Thus, the hand forms a natural straight line with the forearm. The body is in an upright position, the shoulders are at an angle to the track, the right leg is half a foot forward, the body weight is transferred to the right leg - in this position, the athlete prepares for the throw.

The first step is a calm, short advance of the right leg forward (15-20 cm) while simultaneously directing the ball forward (not upward) with both hands.

The second step (with the left foot) is slightly larger than the first. At the same time, the hand begins to move, similar to the movement of a pendulum, down and back, with the ball taking the lowest position. The elbow, forearm and wrist form a straight line. Like a pendulum, the arm swings from the shoulder joint near the leg. With the third step (right foot), the ball is simultaneously pulled back to about shoulder level. Raising the ball higher will make it difficult to move forward and to perform the final phase correctly. A back swing too low makes the throw “flat” and short. With the fourth step, the final phase begins and the throw itself. Oscillation of the body is accompanied by a slight movement of the left knee. The right leg and left arm maintain the balance of the body in the final phase. The shoulder axis is parallel to the black line. The right shoulder, together with the pendulum swing of the hand, moves forward and falls below the left. The thumb, as before, takes a position similar to the hour hand showing 10-11 o'clock. He is the first to leave his hole. Then the middle and ring fingers are released. The pendulum movement of the hand continues until all fingers come out of their holes.

All steps are performed with legs slightly bent. If you perform them with straight legs, this can adversely affect the pendulum movement of the arm.

In all circumstances, in all phases of the take-off and throw, rotations of the wrist joint, which can change the direction of the throw, should be avoided.

Special training (technique of knocking down groups or individual pins). The prerequisite is mastery of all phases of the take-off and throw movement. In the initial position, the distance from the boundary line remains the same as when throwing a full set. When throwing on pins 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9, the starting position remains the same. Only the axis of the body is slightly shifted due to the extension of the right leg in the direction of the knocked-down pin. When knocking down pins No. 4 and 7, the athlete takes the starting position slightly to the right, as far as the width of the foot. When knocking down pins No. 6 and 10, the starting position is taken approximately to the width of the foot to the left.

Rules. Division into age categories.

In GERMANY there are the following age categories: 10/11 age category (girls from 10 to 11 years old, boys from 10 to 12 years old); age group 12/13 years old, age group 14/17 years old; juniors (men and women) from 18 to 23 years old; men from 18 to 55 years old; seniors (men) from 55 years old; women (group A) from 18 to 50 years old; women (group B) from 50 years old. Representatives of youth teams (women), juniors (women) and women of group B can play in teams of women of group A. Juniors (men) can play in adult men's teams. In special cases, the relevant committees may give special permission for the representatives of youth teams (men) to compete in adult men's teams (bowling with 100 throws, playing on asphalt and boleban, playing 4 series and bowling). Seniors and representatives of youth teams who play in men's teams during a given sporting year can no longer play in teams of the age category to which they belong during this year. In individual championships, they have the right to compete only in the age categories of seniors and youth.

Disciplines. All age categories, with the exception of the junior age category, play skittles on asphalt and bowling. Juniors do not have bowling on the asphalt track. Number of teams. Women's and men's teams of all playing classes consist of 6 athletes (female athletes) - bowling on the asphalt track and boleban; out of 5 athletes (female athletes) - bowling. Children's, youth and senior teams of all playing classes consist of 4 athletes (female athletes) in all disciplines. Mixed teams (girls and boys) are acceptable within the age category of children.

Types of games. The so-called mixed game is widespread on the asphalt track. In this case, half of the throws (see also the section "Number of throws") is carried out with a full set of pins; the second half of the throws is intended for knocking down individual groups or individual pins (knocking out the remaining pins to the last). During the boleban game, throws are made at a full set of pins. A change of corridors is required. The game starts from the left lane, it is located between the 1st and 11th pins, the right lane is located between the 1st and 3rd pins. At competitions in each of the disciplines, the change is carried out after the execution of 25 throws, for example: on the asphalt track, 25 throws are performed on a full set of pins, then 25 throws are designed to knock down individual groups or individual pins. During the boleban game, 25 throws into the left lane are first performed, then 25 throws into the right lane. The lane changes after every 50 throws.

International rules are established for bowling only. Distinguish between the "European" style of playing with a change of lanes after knocking out 10 sets and the "American" style of play, in which a change of tracks occurs after knocking out each set.

The number of throws. In all asphalt and boleban bowling championships, each athlete must complete 200 throws (Special League, Major League, and District League) and 100 throws (District League and District League groups). In children's, youth and women's teams, as well as in senior teams in all playing classes, each athlete performs 100 throws. Game time. A maximum of 20 minutes is allowed for the execution of 50 throws. If, due to the fault of the competitor, 50 throws are not performed during the period of time intended for the game, then for each unfulfilled throw the athlete receives a zero mark.

Assessment and counting. On all types of tracks, the game is evaluated by points. For each pin knocked down, one point is awarded. Points for knocked down pins and penalty points for faulty throws in all disciplines except bowling are recorded from left to right and then calculated. And here international rules exist only for bowling. Compared to bowling, in the course of playing pins on the asphalt track and the boleban of a pin that remains standing after being hit by a ball, but outside its "nest", is not considered knocked down. This pin is re-installed in its original position using the automatic pin aligner. It is not considered to be knocked down when placing the pins manually. A pin, knocked down by a ball or other pins bouncing out of the "trap", is considered knocked down.

Zero grade. Such a mark is given in the following cases: if the ball rolls off the track (on a boleban); hits the sides (on an asphalt bowling alley); rolls down the side gutters (bowling); if, during the game on the asphalt track and on the ball, the ball first touches the track next to the acceleration bar or behind it (after one warning). In the course of the game of knocking out individual groups of pins, as well as individual pins, the pins knocked down as a result of such throws are put in their original place. In the course of playing bowling pins on the boleban, a zero score is given if the throw is directed to the wrong lane. If an athlete, when playing bowling pins on the asphalt track and on the boleban, crosses the white front boundary line (it is allowed to touch it with the toes of the foot) and during the game on the boleban crosses the back boundary line, then after a single warning he also receives a zero mark for the throw. Any time the athlete touches the dark dividing line on the lane (bowling) without warning, the athlete receives a score of zero. The knocked-down pins must be put back in place.

A zero mark is given after a single warning if the athlete slides on an asphalt track or boleban, and after the ball is launched, being behind the white line, holding or leaning on something. In bowling, sliding is the result of a throw. When you are in front of the demarcation line, it is allowed to use a support.

Summing up the results of the game. On the asphalt bowling alley, shereban and boleban, the basis for summing up the results of the game is a fixed number of throws. The situation is different in bowling. Here the game is played in series ("passes"). Each "pass" represents the knocking down of 10 sets of pins. Each set consists of 10 pins arranged in a specific order. For knocking down one set, 2 hits are given (a set is 10 pins in a certain arrangement. This principle is guided when calculating the results of the competition. set of pins (in this case, the second hit on the first set falls out.) This hit is called a “strike.” If the athlete manages to knock down the whole set with two hits, he also gets 10 points for this, but only the points he gets for the first hitting the next set of pins This hit is called a spur.

If two hits fail to hit all the pins, only the number of pins knocked down is counted. Such a blow is called "mis". The results of knocking down individual sets are summed up from blow to blow.

At the end of the "pass" the athlete throws free kicks depending on the result of knocking down the 10th set. If the set is knocked down with one blow, two free blows are made, if from two hits, then one free hit is made. If pins remain unbroken, this is called a split position.

"Foul" is an improperly executed throw when an athlete stepped over the black line or if a ball rolls off the track.

International rules provide for bowling "double wrestling", in which, after punching for each set, the athlete changes the lane.

With an equal number of points, the winner in individual competitions is determined as follows: a) on an asphalt bowling alley - by the best result in knocking down. If these results are the same - for fewer wrong throws; b) on boleban - on the last five throws into each "corridor" on each lane; c) in bowling - at least the difference between the highest and lowest results of individual series (meaning all the series played in the individual standings) of one athlete. If these results are equal, the number of "strikes" decides. If these results are equal, a larger number of "spurs" decide. If this comparison does not upset the balance, the victory is distributed among the respective athletes.

The panel of judges. The management of championships, tournaments and cup competitions is carried out by the person who leads the home team. The regulation on refereeing defines the duties of the team leaders; referees, including secretaries, representatives managing the conduct of competitions, tournaments, relay races, and representatives of gaming commissions; as well as the tasks, rights and obligations of all persons involved in the preparation and conduct of championships and tournaments.

Preparation and training. To achieve high results internationally, as in other sports, a top skittle player must train intensely several times a week. Along with practicing techniques, such as training throws throughout the entire set or in separate groups or pins, throws in the left and right "corridors", as well as training in conditions close to competitive, you also need general physical, special strength training and special training for the development of mobilization readiness.

Areas and forms of application. Skittles are an ideal sport and leisure activity, they can be practiced by people of any age, regardless of climatic conditions, at any time of the day. The rules of the game and competition are simple and easy to understand. The technique of the game is easy to learn. Another advantage of playing bowling pins is that the load period alternates evenly with the relaxation period when the athlete picks up the next ball. The constant alternation of load and rest eliminates the possibility of overwork. Unlike other sports, with the age of athletes, bowling does not cease to be available to them, but, on the contrary, attracts an increasing number of participants.

There is no need for special refereeing when playing bowling pins during leisure hours. An objective measure of the achieved result is the number of pins hit.

Bowling can be successfully used as a remedial exercise, especially in the treatment of injuries to the feet, legs and arms, as well as as a compensatory sport.

Bowling is one of the popular forms of mass sports. For such competitions, temporary bowling alleys may be constructed of wood, concrete or plastic sheeting. You can use floors in schools, gyms, or short grass lawns.


Relay 10 pins
Representatives of the two teams compete in who will pick up and then place 5 pins faster. The skittles are placed at a distance of 2 meters from each other in one row. The first participant collects all the pins - the next one puts them in their original places. After the end of the stage, all pins should be in their places.

The set consists of 9 pins (one higher) and 2 balls. The pins are placed on a flat path, preferably in front of a fence or wall, so that the balls do not roll far, forcing children to run after them. Balls are rolled from a distance of 1.5-3 m.
The winner is the one who hits more pins with fewer throws of balls. The game can be gradually made more difficult by introducing different structures: skittles closely in one row, high in the middle; skittles in one row at a distance of 3-5 cm from one another; skittles in a circle, high in the middle; pins in three rows of 3 in each, the distance between the pins is 7-8 cm; skittles in two rows, high between the rows.

You need a pin to play. Participants line up in two lines and face each other. The distance between the players is 10 m. The players in each line are settled in order. A pin is placed between the ranks at an equal distance from the participants.
The presenter calls some number. Participants run out. Everyone tries to grab the object first.
The one who succeeds, runs away to the side of his line, and the enemy seeks to stain him. If the competitor with the pins still returns to the line without being spotted, his team receives two points. In the event that he gets tarnished, the team gets one point. After that, the host calls another number, and the players repeat the above steps. The team with the most points wins.

The pins are positioned differently. Pins of different sizes filled with sand are used. Children run between them; drive the ball between them with their foot.

Equipment: skittles 2 less than participants; 2 buckets.
Thermometers will replace pins, they are put in a basket. The number of pins is 2 less than the number of participants. At the signal, the first "Aibolit" takes the basket and runs to the mark and returns (the way to Africa). When he returns, he takes out the skittles one at a time and puts them in turn for all participants (like thermometers) under the arm, except for the last one. "Aibolit" gives him the basket, and he is out of the game. The new "Aibolit" quickly collects pins and again does what the first player did. Skittles (thermometers) do not need to be dropped.
The relay ends when there is only one "Aibolit" left, who returned from "Africa", and not a single patient.

Playing in pairs "TWO OUT OF THREE"
Children are divided into pairs. Three pins are placed on the floor in front of each pair. The task of the players to the music (or the sound of a tambourine) is to run around the pins. As soon as the music dies down, quickly grab 2 pins. Whoever succeeds wins. The pins are put back on the floor and the game is repeated.

Children stand in two columns, each participant has one pin in his hands, the first has two. At the end of the relay line, there is a pin in the hoop.
The game develops attention, quickness of reaction. The player's task is to run to the hoop, replace one of his pins with the one in the hoop and, returning to the team, give one of the pins to the next participant.

Participants are divided into teams and stand in two columns behind the starting line.
5-7 pins (or any other vertical object) are placed in front of each team at a distance of 1-2 meters from each other. At the very end, a stand is installed, which will need to be run around.
At the Start command, the first players from each team run forward and place each pin horizontally, then run around the rack and return to their team.
The next participant runs forward and puts all the pins upright, runs around the rack and passes the baton to the next player.
The next one runs and puts the pins horizontally, and so on.
The team whose players finish the relay first wins.

Children build a fortress out of pins, the task of the teams is to shoot down as many enemy pins as possible during the battle. The signal for the beginning of the battle and its end is given by an adult. You can shoot down with balls.
Each team tries to protect its fortress, blocking it from blows, catching the thrown balls.

Shootout game "ONE EXTRA"
The pins are placed in a circle, their number is one less than the number of players. To the music, the players run around the pins, with the end of the music they try to quickly grab the nearest pin. The participant who did not have enough pins is eliminated from the game.
The game resumes, but before the start, one pin is removed again, so that in the end there are again one fewer of the players.


A set of exercises "DRAW BALLS"

One, two - don't be lazy

Become a warm-up!

Do you want to draw?
But we have no chalk or brushes, we will be helped with this by the body parts.
- "Draw with the head": feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt; circular rotation of the head.
- "Draw with elbows": feet shoulder-width apart, arms to shoulders; circular movements with the elbows forward (4 times); circular movements back (4 times).
- "Draw with the body": feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the side (4 times).
- "Draw with a knee": one leg is bent at the knee and set aside, hands on the belt; a circular motion with the knee of the left (right) leg; return to ip (4 times)
- "We draw with the foot": one leg is bent at the knee and raised, hands on the belt; rotational movements of the foot in one direction and the other (8 times).