MorrowinD - Artifacts. Morrowind - Imperial Legion - Ebengard - Completion

In Ebengard we have to get the Overlord's Mail and complete the "Imperial Legion" quest. To do this, you need to raise yourself in Fort of the Butterfly of Prey either until White (the local commander) admits that he no longer has orders, or he does not send to the Temple of Vivec to kill no less, the Ordinator of the Order of the Watch right in the Judicial Chancellery Hall of Justice. A boorish task is the same as instructing a partisan to infiltrate the headquarters of the Gestapo and kill Müller. Plus, we will be immediately recorded as criminals and imposed a sickly fine. Plus, we will be expelled from the Temple, and we will also get the Ebony Mail. And at the end of all these delights, Bely will also turn his back on us, calling him a criminal, stained with blood. As if it was not he who ordered the murder of us, the hypocrite ... And all the sentry Legionnaires will chase us. Gloomy prospects from all sides.

Up to this point, the tasks are all simple. The only problem may arise with the cave, in which it is necessary to destroy the traitor. Personally, I didn’t manage to find this cave right away. The easiest way to get there is by boat directly from Ebengard to Tel Branora, and from there in a straight line, on foot on the water, to the cave. It's here -

It will be easy to figure it out in the cave, and after this task we will either be sent to a higher authority to the Knight of the Imperial Dragon, or we will be framed for a completely unnecessary contract murder. In short, there is no need to complete the next task. Generally. And you must immediately stomp into the Council Hall, on the second floor along the spiral staircase and ask for a promotion from the chief superior - the Knight of the Imperial Dragon. He will not be able to send us through the forest, because by that time our characteristics will imperceptibly become as follows -

Here he will ask us to find the stolen Overlord's Mail.
Here the procedure is as follows - go down to the hall and look for the door to the Imperial Commission. It's in the corner. Of course, in the furthest from the exit from the stairs -

For the sake of form, we need to run down to the basements under the office. We will see two guards guarding the door (with the key from which we have already been provided). As a matter of courtesy, we ask a question about the Lord's Mail, the answer may not even be listened to. We go inside and immediately break into the wall, to which the trail of musk leads. We break into the wall and understand that this is a door. No need to hack. We must return to the Imperial Chancellery, approach the man, ask a question about the Sovereign's Mail. He will immediately give a tip to a certain Furyus Acylius from the Imperial Guard Garrison. The entrance to the barracks of this guard is here, in the opposite wall, the door -

We go there, we ask the first person about this Furyus. We get a tip to the room where he lived. This is the closest door to the left. We go in. And we see that a key is sticking out from under the pillow -

We take it to ourselves and stomp again, through the Imperial Chancellery into the basements. The door, disguised as a wall, now opens easily, and we find ourselves in the caves under the castle. Beating the rats' campaign, we run through the cave until the intersection. There is a left turn on it. And very soon we see Furyus Acilius himself in the Lord's Chainmail. Furyus is rude, impudent, throws at Drazzo. He doesn't know that we have a Gold Mark. He finds out too late, when we are already stripping the armor from his corpse. Here we see vials of levitation potion. We drink, we fly. To a small gallery at the ceiling of this hall. There are a few more bags and chests with unearned income.

We take what we like - and to the Imperial Dragon. We give him the Chain Mail of the Lord (we give it back, we give it back, it’s not for long, we’ll get it anyway), ask for a raise and get a bump on our face. Instead of a promotion, we are given another task - to bring the wonderful Sword of Chrysamer, which is privately owned by a sorceress who lives near Sadrith Mora. "Return", Guild of Mages - and now we are in Sadrith More. At the first person that caught our eye, we ask about this sorceress and we get a tip to the Abanabi cave, which takes a couple of minutes to reach:

We kill the poor woman and everyone who, to their misfortune, ends up in the cave, remove the Chrysamer sword from the body (a very good sword, by the way, some use it instead of Mark. But Mark is closer to me), and bring it to the reptile-Dragon. Request for a raise. Two options are possible here - either he calls us to a duel immediately, or he raises us to the last step and offers to complete one more task. We send it to the original source and continue to demand an increase. The Dragon, upset by our rudeness, calls us to a duel, and we, disgustingly rejoicing, go to Vivec, to the Arena. That is, we read “Almsivi's Intervention” and there on foot for a short time.

Composition "On the Threshold of Death" -

In a couple of minutes, the Overlord's Mail and Chrysamer already belong to us, along with the highest position in the Imperial Legion. That is, Yoprst is now the Imperial Dragon, oh how. We rejoice, we sell the surplus to the skunk, and we run to raise the level, since the money is in bulk. And we are surprised to find that no one else can improve us in fighting skills in Balmore. Therefore, we are going to Vivek, to the settlement of Hlaalu. There, near the arch, in a corner there is an inconspicuous uncle who picks up the "Accuracy" skill. Here is his identity and passport data -

And here he stands -

We are resting in the sewerage system of the Hlaalu settlement. We go up the level by 4 and now we look like this -

Morrowind / Walkthrough

~ Imperial Legion ~

Join the Imperial Legion! The Legion has many garrisons in Vvardenfell. One of them, Fort by Moon Butterfly, is located southwest of Balmora. Legionnaires of the rank and file monitor the maintenance of law in the region, guard the caravans, destroy dangerous predators, rescue the citizens of the Empire, etc. Those who have reached the highest ranks carry out the personal orders of the Emperor and the knighthood. The Legion maintains close ties with the Imperial Cult, the Blades and the Fighters Guild, and friendly relations have been established with the Mages Guild, the Great Houses of Hlaalu and Redoran. Relations with the rest of Morrowind's factions are either neutral or hostile.

Main parameters for Guild members


The main skills for members of the Guild

Blunt weapon
Heavy armor

A career in the Imperial Legion involves mastering the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If, with a sufficient number of completed tasks, they do not want to promote you in the Guild, check if the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, then practice ...

Promotion in the Imperial Legion

Rank Performance requirements Skill requirements
Spearman Attractiveness 30
Stamina 30
One skill equals 10
Warrior Attractiveness 30
Stamina 30
One skill equals 20
Agent Attractiveness 30
Stamina 30
One skill is 30, two others are 5
Winner Attractiveness 30
Stamina 30
One skill is 40, two others are 10
Knight Errant Attractiveness 31
Stamina 31
One skill is 50, two others are 15
Knight Vassal Attractiveness 32
Stamina 32
One skill is 60, two others are 20
Knight Protector Attractiveness 33
Stamina 33
One skill is 70, two others are 25
Knight of the Wreath Attractiveness 34
Stamina 34
One skill is 80, two others are 30
Dragon Knight Attractiveness 35
Stamina 35
One skill is 90, two others are 35

Tasks and their implementation

To join the Imperial Legion, you should travel to Gnisis Village and speak with General Darius there. After he enrolls you in the ranks of the legionnaires, you can start completing tasks.

General Darius' Quests (Gnisis, Fort Darius)

1. Bill of sale for land
Your first task is to collect documents for land from the widow Wabdas, whose husband recently died in an egg mine. The widow's house is located to the west, outside the village gates. Go there and talk to the widow. However, in conversation, the widow will refuse to give you the documents, arguing that the Imperial Legion is responsible for the death of her husband. Do not press on the widow, it is better to talk to her. She will say that her husband was last seen in the Gnisis egg mine. This is where your path lies. After wandering around the mine, you will meet the ghost of Mansilamat Vabdas. He will tell you that he was killed by the legionnaire Lugrub gro-Ogdum, whose ax lies in the water nearby. Take it and return to Darius. After you present evidence of the legionnaire's guilt, the general will instruct you to carry out a just execution over him. Kill him and go to the widow with the message that her husband's killer got what he deserved. After that, the widow will give you the documents. Return them to Darius and the quest will be counted.

2. Heal the uterus kwama
The next task will be to heal queen kwama in the egg mine of Gnisis. kwaama in the egg mine of Gnisis. Not a very difficult task. You should go to the Gnisis mine and heal the sick queen Kwama. For this purpose, you will need a healing spell that acts on a distant target.

3. The Lost Pilgrim
Madura Sedan, a pilgrim from Ald Velothi, has disappeared a few days ago, and you must rescue her. Speak with Legion Scout Ashsh-Ammu about the fate of the Lost. And he will say that according to his information the pilgrim was kidnapped by the Rogue Ashlander, whose camp is located north of Gnisis and south of Ald Velothi. Find this camp and pay the ransom for the pilgrim. After that, they will let her go. Escort her to the outpost in Ald Velothi and you can return to Darius.

4. The missing tax collector
Tax collector Ragash gra-Shuzgub went missing some time ago. She was last seen heading towards the Arvs Drelen tower in Gnisis, towards Baladas Demnevanni. Since then, no one has seen her. Go there and find out her future fate. Before talking to him about Ragash, raise his relationship with you to 60 or higher. After that, say that Ragash has already received her lesson or that no one will disturb Baladas anymore. In this case, he will let the orchess go. Don't try to force him to pay tax, the smug wizard Telvanni will still refuse to do so. When Ragash is free, return to General Darius.

5. Talos cult conspiracy
General Darius suspects an incomprehensible ferment has begun among the soldiers. And he believes that the cult of Talos is involved. Talk to Oritius Maro first, and then, when you express your desire to join the cult, with Arius Rulizian, in the cult's sanctuary. Once in the sanctuary, rummage through all the chests and find a note from Ortius Maro, which refers to the assassination attempt on Uriel Septim VII when he arrives in Morrowind. Return to Darius with this note. When you show him evidence of a conspiracy, he will give you a task - to execute both conspirators. When Maro and Rulizian are dead, the quest will be considered completed.

Next quest for rank only Winner or higher.

6. Plans of Numidium
Emperor Uriel Septim VII needed the blueprints for the legendary Numidium, with the help of which Tiber Septim was able to conquer all of Tamriel. You should go to the Red Mountain area and return the ancient blueprints. The exact location of the blueprints is unknown, so you will have to carefully search all the fortresses in the Red Mountain area. When you have the blueprints, return to Darius.

Imsin the Seer Quests (Motley Butterfly Legion Fort, Ald "Rune)

1. Smuggling
There is a massive stream of Dwemer artifacts being smuggled through Ald "Rune, and Imsin believes Drinar Varion is responsible for this. Go to his house and find any evidence that might prove his crime. Any Dwemer artifact will do. searched, take the artifact and deliver it to Imsin. It is not recommended to kill Drinar himself.

2. Save the knight
Jonsis Dalomax, a knight from the Order of Ebengard, is in trouble and you need to save him. Imsin believes the knight is being held hostage at the Daedric shrine of Ashurnibibi, northwest of Hla Oud. Travel there and help Dalomax. When the knight is safe, head back.


3. The sign of the virgin
The exiled from the Telvanni house Varona Nelas stole a glove from one of the Eternal Guardians, which was presented to him by his beloved. And now he is blackmailing the brave warrior, threatening to betray his secret. You need to go to Assumanu cave, southeast of Ald Redainia and find the glove. When you meet Varona Nelas, you can either persuade her to give the glove in an amicable way, or kill her. When you have the glove, take it to Imsin or return it to its rightful owner, Ilmeni Drenn. In either case, the quest will be considered completed. Ilmeny Drenn lives in Vivec, in the district of St. Delin, in the South One canal.


Quests of Rudd the Hard-hearted (Moonmoth Legion Fort, Balmora)

1. Summoning the Eternal Guardians
The Eternal Guardians have challenged the Legionnaires. To adequately answer it, you need to find and kill any Dwemer centurion and bring Rudd scrap metal taken from the body of the defeated robot. To complete the task, any Dwemer ruins where you can meet centurions, for example, the same Arktandt, are suitable.

2. Save the hermit
The Imperial Cult Priest Josien Anqua was on his way to the Ashlander camp of Erabenimsun in order to introduce them to the Imperial culture. However, the Ashlanders were hostile to the preacher. And soon he disappeared altogether. You should find out the further fate of the unfortunate. So, arriving at the Erabenimsun camp and talking to them, you learn that Josien is held captive by a witch named Zenammu. Go to her yurt. The sorceress will tell you that she will release the priest only in exchange for a tribal hunter named Assaba-Bentus. To persuade the hunter to go to the witch, you can play on his pride by saying that he is afraid of the witch. To prove his courage, Assaba-Bentus will accompany you to Zenammu. When he gets there, the witch will release the priest. After that you can return to the Fort.

Erabenimsun camp Yurt Zenammu

3. Captive in Abernany
You need to rescue a citizen of the Empire Dandsu, who is being held by the kidnappers in the Abernanite cave, near Gnaar Mok. Go there, kill all the raiders and take the woman out of the cave. When she thanks you for saving you, return to Rudd.


4. A pair of netches
You need to go to Gnaar Mok and kill a couple of netches that threaten the city. They have a mating season, during which these creatures can be quite dangerous. You must kill one male and one female. Unfortunately, it is impossible to visually distinguish them. However, when you kill each of them, you will receive the message: "You have killed a sexually mature Netch." As a hint, most often these creatures keep close to each other north of the village. When you kill both, return to the fort.

5. Necromancer Dagon Fela
Not far from Dagon Fel is the lair of a necromancer, whom I call Sorkvild the Raven. You need to find him and kill him to prove to the Dunmer that the Imperial Legion always punishes those who practice the black arts. The necromancer's lair is located in the Dwemer ruins, not far from Dagon Fel. Kill him and return.

Quests of Frald the White (Fort of the Butterfly Legion of Prey, Ebengard)

1. A duel in wit and poetry
Salin Sareti, Eternal Guardian in the Tower of Dawn at the Ghost Gate, accused the legionnaires of lack of good manners and now you need to prove to him that he was deeply mistaken. Before you go to him, read the "Red Book of Riddles". After that, go to Sareti and start the duel. To prove to him that legionnaires can not only break bricks with their heads, you will need to solve his riddles, do not forget to take a book with you. You can only answer correctly if you have the "Red Book of Riddles" or if your Intelligence is at least 50. When Sareti recognizes that the legionnaires have good manners, return to Frald.

2. Find a traitor
You need to kill Hontyolf, who was once a member of the Order of Ebengard. However, he soon escaped and is now working as a guard for Llaruzea Andreti in Acharnabi, a refuge for sorcerers and followers of Daedra, near the Temple of Azura. You need to find and kill the traitor.


3. Slander of the resident
One of the residents is spreading slander about the Legion. You need to find and punish Surin Atones. You will find him in the Vivec Judicial Offices, in the Temple District. You won't be able to persuade him with kindness, so you can safely kill him. He is alone in his office, so no one will hear his screams. This incident will not spoil relations with ordinary residents. By the way, this is one of the legal ways to get Indooril Armor. When Surin Atones is dead, return to Frald.

4. Search for the killer
One of the legionnaires tainted his honor with murder. You need to find him before the Ordinators can get to him. Find Saprius Antius so the Legion can ferry him to the continent, where he will be tried by the Imperial Court. The criminal is hiding in the Arena Warehouses. Find him and bring him to Ebengard, to Frald the White. On the way, try not to be seen by the Ordinators.

Varius Vantinius' Quests (High Council Chambers, Ebonheart)

The Dragon Knight Varius Vantinius can be found in the Chamber of the High Council, in Ebengard, next to Duke Vedam Dren. However, until you reach the level Knight Protector, he will not give you assignments.

1. Mail of the Overlord
You need to return one of the relics of the order - the legendary Mail of the Overlord. For more information about her and how she was kidnapped, talk to Rufinus Alleius. He will tell you that he suspects a certain Furyus Acilius and will advise you to inquire about him at the Imperial Guard Garrison, at Ebengard Castle. The guards in the castle will not say anything good, but report that Furyus occupied the southwest room. Go there and search her thoroughly. Under the pillow you will find a key (Frayed Imperial Key). After that, go to the building of the Imperial Commission and further to the sanctuary of the order, in one of the walls there will be a secret door that opens with this key. Outside the door you will find a passage to the underground caves of Ebengard. This is where the thief is hiding. Since he will voluntarily refuse to give the cuirass, you will have to kill him. After the battle, remove the chain mail from the body and return to Varius. The chain mail will have to be given to him.

2. Blade of the Paladin Chrysamer
The legendary weapon was stolen many years ago by a traitorous knight and is now in the hands of the powerful sorceress Drama Chloran, whose lair is located near Sadrith Mora in a place called Abanabi. You have to kill her and return Chrysamer to Varius.


The next quest is only available for rank Knight of the Wreath.

3. Duel with Varius
To reach the highest rank - the Knight of the Imperial Dragon, you will need to fight in the Vivec Arena with the current holder of this title, Varius Vantinius. Please note that Varius will have the Lord's Chainmail, and he will hold Chrysamer in his hands. When Varius is defeated, you will become the new Imperial Dragon Knight. By the way, both the Lord's Mail and Chrysamer will become your property.

Bipolar Blade

The Bipolar Blade can be obtained for correctly completing the quest in TES III: Tribunal Matchmaker. It is necessary to bring the woman in the Great Bazaar to the merchant and on the second day after their last meeting, come to the merchant for a reward.

Mace of Molag Bal

The Mace of Molag Bal is awarded for completing the quest for the statue of Molag Bal in Yansirramus (Daedric Sanctuary), west of Sadrith Mora.

Mace of Vice

The Mace of Vice can be obtained in Godsrich at the Sadri estate, or rather get a quest to find it.

Dagger of Symmachus

Work in Mournhold for the king and you will receive this dagger as a gift from him.

Fang of Heinektnamet

But with this it will be more difficult, you have to completely cover the most unpleasant place called Mameya Cave, which is to the east of Koala Cave.

Spear of Bitter Grace

Quest of the statue of Shigorata, which is in the District of Saint Delin (Vivec), in the sewers in the sanctuary of Ihinpalit.

Skull Crusher

Just go to Ebengard in the Imperial Chapel, enroll in the Imperial Cult and complete tasks for the clairvoyant. And if you can't wait, then find an island in the east of Sadrith Mora (behind the Daedric ruins without an entrance), on it the Omaren family tomb, the entrance to the sanctuary in it, there is the Skull Crusher in a floating chest.

Ice Blade of the Monarch

For the Ice Blade of the monarch, you will have to go to Dagon Fel, to the south of which is the Dunmer fortress Roteran, find there Llaren Terano's chela and your blade.

Auriel's Bow

The best bow in the game will have to be confiscated from Ralyn the Poisoner in the Ghostgate on the quest of Lady Terana of House Telvanni.

Bow of Shadows

The Bow of Shadows lies quietly in the ancestral tomb of Venim, which is slightly north of the Zainab camp.

Umbra Sword

An orc stands to the east of Suran and asks you to kill him, after which you will get a named sword.

Hammer of Stendarr

Well, everything is simple: in Godsrich, in the Museum of Artifacts, there is only one artifact, well, of course, if you haven't handed it over to the museum, use the stealth mode and your hammer, though it would not hurt to have more than two hundred

Staff of Hasedoka

In the ancestral tomb of Gimotran, the orc Koffutto Gilgar is standing, holding a staff in his hand, you can already order a coffin for him. Oh yes, a burial site south of the Dunmer fortress of Falenzarano, south of Camp Zainab.

Staff of Magnus

Near the Kand mountain there is Assu cave, there are people of Dreveni Hlaren.

Justice of Veloth

Go to the Temple missions in Molag Mar and get 96 pounds of pure artifact there.

Gold Mark

There is a flooded sanctuary not far from Hla Oud, at the bottom lies the head of a statue of Boethus, talk to her and after about a month or two, you will be holding 40 pounds of 999-carat gold in your hands.

Finaster's Ring

To the southeast of Dagon Fel there is the Senim ancestral tomb, where, after digging into the already decomposed body of Pop Ye, you will find this expensive ring.

Warlock's Ring

In Ashirbadon, just east of St Olms' District in Vivec (behind the Daedric shrine of Bal Fell), you can find a Warlock ring.

Vampiric ring

Well, with the Vampiric ring, it's generally an interesting thing, it turns out: you have to go to hell (or rather, to the skeleton) on the little kulichi, right to Ald Redainia itself, to visit the skeletons, which is in the very west of the island of Shigorad, to the north of the Urshilaku camp. There, one of the skeletons, kindly for a couple of tastes of metal or three fireballs, will provide you with a ring. Do not forget to drink from the Bitter Cup, because once in a lifetime such luck falls.

Earthworm Helmet

To the west of the Erebenimsun camp there is the ancestral tomb of Maren, in which the Crazy Batu lives with a helmet on his head, I think there is no need to explain further. And do not pay attention to the message about "the damned world that you yourself created", just someone put a tick in front of essential (plugin builders will understand me).

Orein Bearclaw Helm

The best helmet in the game can be obtained again through the quest of the statue, this time in the Daedric sanctuary of Assurdirapal, which is west of Dagon Fel (south of Vasa) or from Huul we go along the coast to the east, we reach Velenvarion, from which we sail to the north.

Auriel's Shield

And the second Auriel item did not go beyond the Phantom Gate. Look for Drelin Llenim.

The Spellbreaker

But not everyone will be able to get this shield, since you need to be a vampire, go to the ancestral tomb of Salvel, which is under the Phantom Reach (on the northeastern side) to the west in the mountains from the tomb of Venim, on the spot to receive a quest from the vampire living there.

Eleidon's symbol

The best shield in the game is located in the Ibar-Dad cave, west of Urshilaku camp, which contains a Daedric burial with a shield hanging from the ceiling.

Boots of Blinding Speed

On the road from Caldera to Ald "runes there is a merchant Pemeni, after you bring her to Gnaar Mok, she will give you her boots.

Apostle's Shoes

Perhaps the best footwear in the game can be found in the dungeons of the Dunmer Fortress of Berandas, which is located south of Gnisis, east of Koala Cave.

Walking boots

They lie in a chest in the already mentioned Bal Fell

Overlord's Mail

You get it after one of the final quests of the Imperial Legion, if you can't wait, then climb the dungeons of Ebengard, find chelas in chain mail. You can get into the dungeon, for example, through the door under the water near the duke's castle.

Dragonbone Breastplate

The breastplate lies in the Mudan grotto southwest of Ebengard.

Ebony Mail

Before you receive the title of patriarch in the Temple, the archcanon from Vivec will send you to Mount Assarnibibi for chain mail.

Savior Hide Breastplate

The cuirass lies in Tel Fira in a closet with a lock not far from Divayt Fira itself.

Lich Mantle

You will find the Lich Mantle on Gedna Relvel, during the passage of the quest Neril Andaren from the temple of Mournhold about the bloody plague.

Randagulf's Gloves

The famous Ilunibi cave in the town of Saint Island, which is not far from Gnaar Mok, it is there that they are infected with corrus. They are well hidden. Lying behind a large engraved bathtub, of which there are many in the caves of the Sixth House.


a spear found in the Telvanni treasury in Vivec in the Telvanni Settlement.


a hammer gathering dust in a chest next to a dwarf in the Corprusarium.

Ring of Khajiit

Received for the Mephala quest, in Vivec in Morag Tong under the Arena.

Teacher's ring

lies in a tomb west of Seyda Nin