Learning game checkers for beginners. Checkers - a useful and interesting game. Top panel buttons

Checkers - a game that trains attentiveness is instilled offensiveness and focus on winning. A good age for learning is the senior group of kindergarten. Exactly aged 4 - 5 years It is worth training children, developing them visually shaped and the prognostic function of the mind, teaching to logical thinking. Let's talk in this article about how to teach a child to play checkers from scratch.

From this article you will learn

Use of the game

Psychologists have the fact that children, since 5 years old, are mastered and actively use the associative sequence "Thought - the Word" or "Thought - Action". It is the kindergarten age that is considered the most suitable in order to begin a phased study of the rules of the game of checkers.

This intellectual game stimulates mental development, care, purposefulness. After a year of workouts, the obtained concentrations and perseverance will help achieve great success at school. And the ability to calculate the situation for several moves forward, make important decisions and carry responsibility for them - qualities that will be very useful in adulthood.

If your child is still a preschooler, then you can teach his game yourself, for this you need to have initial skills or view training video tutorials on the Internet. If a child of younger school age, and you yourself are a novice in this matter, then you can give it to the school circle, where teaching goes in different methods, depending on the level of young shirte.

Council of parents: Family evening sites in front of the TV change to the game in checkers, it will have a good influence on family cohesion, confidence in each other. Perhaps it will be a good home tradition.

Rules of the game

There are several variations in the world in the world - Turkish, English, Italian checkers. They differ in color palette, variants of moves, the number of fields and, respectively, the number of figures. We will analyze the classic Russian checkers. In order for the child to be easier to remember the rules, you can learn short cheerful rhymes with him.

Shower board for Russian version of the game consists of 64 cellsstained in black and white colors, butchers also have a black and white color. Before the beginning of the fight, all the figures are exhibited in three lower rows on a dark background.

All moves in the game are carried out only on a dark background:

"Checkers slowly but aptive

Walk only on black cells! "

  • The advantage of the first move always belongs white Figures:

"You can safely start the battle -

The first move is always behind the White! "

"Everyone knows: and old and young,

Beam beam ahead - back! "

  • Go to the other side with this position of the figures forbiddenEven if you put yourself to hit:

"Probably, the checkers are not lucky,

Going checkers only forward! "

"The rival's checker will die immediately

If your own jumps! "

"Fields suddenly the end will come,

Immediately the checker will become a lady! "

"So that your lady was not caught,

Her turns throughout the diagonal! "

  1. Kill the lady, with the corresponding position, maybe any figure.
  2. Wins the player who first kill all checkers enemy:

"The goal of the game is to beat" enemies "

And so that they did not have moves! "

Council to parents:if you have difficulty explaining the rules to your chalks, then use online training courses, where specialists give not only the instructions for the game, but also conduct online advice for parents.

How to teach

The first lesson should begin with familiarization with the game field. Let the child first trigently try to put the figures correctly, if it does not work, come to the rescue. Explain that the middle should remain free to keep a battle, after proceed directly to the game.

On a note! Try to play with a smaller amount of checkers. In the first training game, their number can be reduced to 8. This will allow you to better familiarize yourself with the rules and use more exercises.

Reaching until the figures of rivals will be near, and the cells will be empty from behind, explain that, as in any battle, it's time to kill the enemy. Makes the first thing that whose turn goes.

You can make a move back when you can eat someone else's checker. When some of you get to the opposite edge of the board, turn the figure - now it is a lady. For greater visibility to the lady, you can stick a color circle or a picture, showing its significance and the opportunity to go, how it flies: on any number of cells as ahead and back.

Usually the child is so passionate and focuses that he does not see the whole situation, does not notice the dangers that the opponent prepares him is not aware of the dynamics of the whole game. An important skill to which you must teach a young player is to calculate your own and other people's moves, predict possible situations.

Look useful tips from additional education teacher Matveyeva Irina Vladimirovna.

  • As if paradoxically did not sound, but training should pass in the form of the game. The usual reading of the rules will not lead to any result. Turn all the figures in the warriors and exercise in capturing strategies in pollen or crowing the reign of the most worthy knights. Invent every day new stories, whose participants will be your acquaintances, friends, favorite cartoon characters or fairy tales.
  • Do not let the baby are overwhelmed. No matter how interesting, your party did not pass, but take breaks for physical attachment, a snack or a small walk is necessarily. This will not only keep health, but will not give the game to be boring and uninteresting.
  • Praise, encourage your child, Specify the most successful combinations, inspire the victories and new accomplishments. Do not scold, if the child did not understand something or did an incorrect move, be patient. Show your child an interesting and understandable video with great grandmasters.
  • Do not give in! If the child will win all the time due to the fact that you all successfully "set up", then it will not be that game. It is only enough to occasionally give him ahead to add confidence in your abilities. Of course, the loss will upset the baby, tears may even appear, but this will serve as an incentive for the following victories. Just explain that it is not ashamed to lose and is not scary, you don't try ashamed of anything, but it's scary to do it better next time.
  • When the game in Russian checkers will be understandable and available, you can play in " Giveaway», « Chapaev», « Corners" These varieties of checkers are no less interesting and fascinating. When putting these fun - it's time it's time.

Gentlemen rules

The presence of Gentlemen rules is a feature of Turkish checkers. However, the use of them in the Russian version of the game is not only appropriate, but also quite justified.

  • In the sign of respect for each other at the beginning and at the end of the party, rivals shake hands. Thus, at the beginning of the game, it contributes to a friendly confusion, and at the end, despite the fact that there is a winner and loser, tension is removed.
  • Distractive the attention of the game partner, to suggest - strictly prohibited. Cheerry, like all kinds of fraud, not in honor of a decent society.
  • Play quietly, measured, not by violating figures, rearrange them without unnecessary noise - signs of a raised person.
  • Laugh at the loss of the opponent is unacceptable. Respect for a person in any situation - a sign of nobility.

Important terms

  • Simple - Normal, not lady checker.
  • Onboard checker - Figure located on the edge of the playing field.
  • Laming field - The last, 8th row of the playing field.
  • King - Figure that has come down to the laundry field.
  • Move, or a quiet course - Movement of a coarse figure from one cell to another.
  • Shock - The move at which the bumps of the enemy takes place.
  • Sacchable - Setting ordinary checkers in such a way that the opponent can kill it.
  • Exchange - The move in which both players lose the same number of figures.
  • Passing checker - A checker, which next time it takes the ladies.
  • Breakthrough - Combination of receptions, providing passage in the ladies.
  • Tetanus - The damage of the lady determines the order of the stroke.
  • Sieve - This is the location of the figures in which free fields alternate with busy through one.
  • Locking - The checker is in such a position, which is closed by the enemy figures and does not have the stroke.

IMPORTANT! * When copying materials to the article, be sure to specify an active reference to the first

Each of us loves games, in fact, they accompany us from childhood, contributing to our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. There are many games, however, few of them become truly popular and even known to the whole world, checkers are one of those.

This simple, at first glance, the game has many useful and positive qualities: it gives creative satisfaction, relaxes and allows you to forget about everyday bustle, develops intelligence and memory, makes it possible to learn how to calculate in advance, and also work well.

You may be surprised how it is all possible in such a primitive toy: one and know that moving round checkers on black cells, trying to remove from the field, as many enemy checkers as possible. The rules are simple, no special difficulties for memorizing and only experienced players know perfectly well that the visible elementality of deceptive, in fact, to win in checkers - is not enough luck and knowledge of the basic rules.

In fact, it is real art, with a bunch of combinations and tactics that are able to significantly increase the chances of winning. And then the question arises, how to learn to play checkers in such a way that always or at least, as often as possible, remain in the ranks of the winners, and not losers?

So, if you are new in this case, it will be useless to start with the simplest and even, possibly obvious to more experienced players.

  • Pretty learning the rules of the game: first, they may differ depending on the selected species (Russian checkers, international, etc.). Try to train as much as possible in practice, read thematic literature and choose more experienced opponents. Of course, you first, you will probably lose more, however, over time, the skill level will only increase. There is even such an opinion that you need to lose exactly 100 times to achieve a good level. At the same time, it should not be mindless games, every time it is important to work on their mistakes, think about the causes of defeat and make valuable lessons.
  • In order not to forget the resulting conclusions, they can be recorded in a special notebook, there the most interesting from your point of view of the party, as well as write out our own original ideas.
  • To play checkers really good, it will not be superfluous and remember some successful win-win combinations. They represent a sequence of certain moves, as a result of which the playing as quickly and successfully approaches the goal - victory. Sometimes these actions consist in a cunning threat to the enemy or, on the contrary, artificially sacrifice the checkers in order to further pick up a larger amount of checkers from the opponent or to get the arrival in the "ladies". Some of these combinations will have to just remember (from books or from a more experienced player), but in the future, with practice, you will learn how to create your own "fraudulent maneuvers."
  • Trying your own and the actions of the enemy to calculate in advance: solving it combinations, it is much easier to protect your own figures from possible risk and consequences.
  • Always strive for one: so that the enemy's checkers so far have become smaller on the board than yours. It seems to be a simple rule, but sometimes it can be achieved only by special techniques.

How to learn to play from scratch?

  • Try, as many simple checkers can be translated into the ladies, which will significantly increase your chances of winning. Move your figures in those places of the field, where there is a smaller number of rival checkers, or they are maximally scattered.
  • Last row of our own checkers hold on your positions, as long as possible - it will not give the opportunity to bring your checkers in the ladies in the early stages of the game. Of course, it will not be possible to hold it all the game, so at a convenient possibility (for example, for sharing checkers with an opponent) Do not be afraid to move your figures from the last row.
  • Try all the time to move "in Tandem", that is, move your checkers with couples or even small groups. So the risks fall into the opponent traps, and also the ability to create their own ones.
  • Sometimes it is reasonable to share with the enemy with checkers, but it is necessary to do it only if it is beneficial for you.
  • Try to always at least a few of your figures remained in the board center - so you can, if necessary, in the shortest possible time to transfer your strength to a more advantageous position of the field. If the center of the field will take an opponent - most of the advantage will be on its side.

We listed only the simplest and most basic techniques that will help the newcomer to master such an interesting game, as well as to prepare the field for the further development and improvement of our own skills. You can only achieve this with practice (if you do not have a constant strong enemy, you can help special computer programs), as well as reading theoretical literature. Successes!

Rules of the game in Russian checkers

The goal of the game is to eat all the checkers of the enemy or "locate" them (i.e., to deprive the possibility of traveling)

The game is carried out only on dark fields. A coarse board is located between partners so that the dark corner field is located to the left of the playing. In the initial position of each side 12 checkers, which occupy the first three rows on each side

Checkers are divided into simple and ladies. In the initial position, all the checkers are simple. When reached the last (eighth of yourself) horizontal row, a simple checker turns into a lady

The moves are made in turn, movement of their checkers for an unoccupied field. Power skip is not allowed. The first move always makes a player playing white. Simple walks only forward on one cell diagonally. The lady walks on the diagonal on any field, both forward and forth, and it cannot jump through his checkers

If a simple checker is next to the rival's neck, behind which there is a free field, it must be transferred through this checker on the free field, after that, the rival checker is removed from the board. If you have the opportunity to continue the capture of other rival checkers, then this taking should be produced. With a simple box, a simple checker turns into a lady and continues the battle according to the ladies. In one course, the head of the enemy can only beat once (the rule of the Turkish strike). According to this rule, if with a few enemy checkers, a checker or a lady reappears a beaten checker, then the move stops. Blowed enemy checkers are removed only after completing the stroke. Taking the rival checkers is mandatory and produced both forward and forth. With several options for taking, for example, one checker or two, the player chooses an option to take at its discretion.



  • if a participant having three ladies (or more) against one enemy's lady, for 15 moves will not take the adversary lady;
  • if in the position in which both participants have ladies, the ratio of forces has not changed (there was no take, no simple checker has become a lady) throughout:
    • in the 2nd and 3 curly endings - 5 moves,
    • in 4 and 5 figured endings - 30 moves,
    • in 6 and 7 figured endings - 60 moves;
  • if the participant having:
    • three simple
    • three ladies
    • two ladies and simple,
    • dame and two simple,
    Against the same lady of the enemy, located on the big road (the main diagonal of the board), for 5 moves will not take the dame of the enemy;
  • if within 15 moves of the participants did the moves only by the ladies, without moving simple checkers and does not produce takes.

Rules of Games in Gazaver (Return Checkers)

Give inquins are checkers with the inverse goal of the game - to lose all your checkers: make the enemy "eat" or "locked up".

Rules of the game in diagonal checkers

Rules are similar to the rules of the game in Russian checkers, but the initial placement is other (large diagonal is free, on top and to the left of it all the cells are occupied by black checkers, from the bottom and right - white).

Rules of the game in international checkers

The game uses a 10 × 10 cell board. Checkers are packed on the black fields of the first four horizontal rows on each side. Playing white goes first, then the moves are made alternately. Checkers are divided into simple and ladies. In the initial position, all the checkers are simple.

A simple checker walks diagonally for one cell. When any field is reached the last horizontal, the simple checker turns into the lady.

The lady walks diagonally on any free field both forward and forth.

Take sure if it is possible. Checkers are removed from the board only after the taking checker stopped.

When taking the rule of the Turkish strike - if with a few enemy checkers a checker or lady reappears on the already beaten checker, the move stops (that is, it is forbidden to take one and the same checker twice, while you can cross the same empty field ).

If there are several options for taking, you need to perform that of them that removes the maximum number of rival checkers (regardless of their quality - and simple, and the lad is considered one checker). If you still have several options, you can choose any of them. If there is a choice of battle or simple battle, then you can take any of them, observing and in this case the taking a rule of the greatest amount of checkers.

If a simple checker during the capture process reaches a lady field and can beat further in the role of simple checkers, then it continues to fight this move and remains simple. Otherwise, it turns into a lady and stops. The right of battle according to the rules of the ladies, it acquires only from the next progress.


The party is considered to be won in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants left the party or stated that it was surrender;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make another move;
  • if one of the opponents break all the checkers.

The party is considered to be ending in the following cases:


  • if one of the participants offers a draw, and the other accepts it;
  • if it is impossible to win a single opponent;
  • three (or more) times the same position (the same location of the checkers) is repeated, and the queue of course will be over the same side each time;
  • participants for 25 moves made the moves only by the ladies, without moving simple checkers and not producing takes;
  • if the participant, having at the end of the party:
    • three simple
    • three ladies
    • two ladies and simple,
    • dame and two simple,
    against a lonely lady or one lady against a lonely lady or simple checkers, the won position will not achieve its 5th stroke;
  • on the board there are five ladies or four ladies and one simple checker against two ladies, and the strongest side of its 50th progress will not achieve a won position.

Shower notation

The notation adopted in international checkers, all black fields have numbers (from 1 to 50). The numbering of the board begins on the side of the black and goes to the right left. To record the movement of simple checkers or ladies, the field is indicated first where the checker or the lady stood, then put a dash and write down the field to which it is installed (for example: 8-12). When recording a taking (combat), instead of a dash put a colon (for example: 12:21, 47:24:35).

Rules of the game in English checkers (Chechers)

The rules of the game in English checkers (Chechers) are very similar to the rules of the game in Russian checkers, but have some differences:

  • the first goes player playing with black checkers
  • a simple checker cannot beat back;
  • the lady can walk only on one field in any direction;
  • the lady can beat only through one field in any direction;
  • you can beat an arbitrary amount of checkers.

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.


The party is considered to be won in the following cases:

  • if one of the rivals beaten all checkers;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make another move;
  • if one of the participants stated that it was surrendered.


The party is considered to be ending in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants offers a draw, and the other accepts it;
  • three (or more) times the same position (the same location of the checkers) is repeated, and the queue of course will be over the same side each time;
  • during the last 40 moves, there was no change in strength, that is, any of the players did not manage to carry out at least one checker in the ladies, and was not removed from the board at least one checkers or ladies.

We draw your attention to the fact that the game will be stored in history, and the points will be accrued for it only if 3 and more moves are made (for example, 2 white strokes and one black for the "Russian checkers" mode).

Mode panel

The modes panel allows you to select the current game mode.

Top panel buttons

Stroke back, Move forward - Allows you to cancel and repeat moves in the game with a computer.

Suggest a draw Allows you to send an opponent about a draw. In case of its consent, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points from both players will not change;


A new game - Start a new game with a computer.

Leave the game

Additional adhesions in a joint game

Suggest a draw Allows you to send a proposal for a draw. In case of its consent, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points from both players will not change;

Surrender - completes the game (the defeat is counted).

Leave the game - allows you to immediately complete the current game (the defeat is counted).

Lower panel buttons

Settings - Opens the settings menu in which you can:

  • Choose color figures;
  • Change the complexity of the computer;
  • Include or disable an automatic course for situations where there is the only possible move by the rules of the game;
  • Enable mapping taken figures and stroke history;
  • Enable or disable the sound;
  • Prohibit other players inviting you to the game;
  • Open blacklist.

Description - Opens the game description.

Questions and Reviews - Opens a guest book in which you can leave feedback or wishes for the game.

History - The story of all your games indicating the date of the game, the enemy and its place in the ranking.

The batch won marked by you, red - lost, blue - completed drawing.

The star marked the games you entered the Favorites.

Points are accrued only for victories over the opponents (for draws and victory over the computer, points are not accrued).

ELO rating system, Elo coefficient - method of calculating the relative strength of players in games in which two players participate. This system ratings developed an American professor of physics of the Hungarian origin of the Arpad Elo.

In the Personal Account you can specify additional information about yourself, upload photos, change the password, as well as store and conduct personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registration as a guest. After registering and / or authorization, you will get access to your personal account and can send private messages to other players.

To register, you need to simply enter a name (from 3 characters) and password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another.

Checkers - a game that appeared in ancient Egypt, and exist for more than five thousand years. In ancient Egypt, the principle of movement of checkers is borrowed from the rules of movement of a chess elephant or queen.

In the 12th century, the French have improved this game, and since then the checkers have acquired such a kind as we know today.
Nowadays, the game checkers know and love in all countries, people of all cultures and ages. It is not surprising, because the rules of the game are understandable and very simple to a small child.


Learn to play checkers well. To do this, you need to explore the rules of checkers in theory, and then in practice. Consider the game in classic Russian checkers:

1. The main attributes of this game is a checkered field of 64 alternating white and black (dark) squares, as well as 12 game checkers each of the players. One player plays light checkers, and his opponent is dark.
The game is carried out only on dark field cells.
2. The image is designed for two players. Place the board of the coarse field so that the lower left cell is dark or black, relative to the players.
Checkers are placed by players on the three rank of playing fields from it and only on dark cells. Checkers must be the same standard shape, flat and round. It is not allowed that the measures of the checker itself were greater than the cell cell. There are two types of checkers: simple checkers, and checkers who passed in the ladies.
A simple checker is called moving on one cell diagonally, according to free cells.
The lady is a checker that reached the last row of the field. The lady has the ability to go to any number of cells.
3. If one of the opponents play with white checkers, he walks first.
4. If the player touched his checkers with the possibility of traveling, then he owes it to walk.
5. If on a cell going ahead, a rival checker, and there is a free cage behind it, the player's checker takes the head of the enemy. The opponent's checker is removed from the board, and the game does not participate in the game.
6. If there is the possibility of taking the enemy's checkers, the simple move on the free cell is not allowed to do - it is necessary to beat the rival's bridle. If there are several battles such, you can choose any one.
7. If a simple checker has become a lady, it has the ability to take a rival's checker, this lady continues to move.
8. The winning batch is considered the following provisions:
8.1. Recognition by one of the players of his loss and his statement that he surrenders.
8.2. One of the players cannot continue the game and make a move.
8.3. The player has all checkers on the field.
8.4. In case of violation of these rules and discipline.
9. The party ended in drawing in the following cases:
9.1. If the winnings are not possible any of the players.
9.2. If one player suggested a draw, and she accepted her second player.
9.3. If for fifteen moves, none of the players took the opponent's chips, and were the moves of the same ladies.
9.4. If the same combination appears on the three-running field.
10.Paradia is recognized as invalid and begins first and, in situations:
10.1. With incorrect location of the coat board.
10.2. With improper placement of checkers.
10.3. If the player does not go according to the rules.
10.4. If the player touched one checker, and the move made another.
10.5. If the player removed from the board any checker for no reason.
10.6. If the player has reversed.

Basic game tactics

If a novice player play with an experienced and strong rival, both will play according to the rules, but will win a more experienced player.
Therefore, it is very important to know the following basic tactical techniques:
1. To reduce all your moves to get into the ladies as quickly as possible and not allow it to make a rival. The lady is a strong checker capable of moving on long distances, which gives many opportunities!
2. Try to the advantage of the number of checkers in front of the enemy.
3. Promotion of his checkers to the board center. It is necessary to play so that the enemy's checkers are located at the edge of the board. The central checkers have more opportunities to bring victory.
4. Calculation of the possible moves of the opponent - they can be false tempting, so it is important to understand their consequences. It is very important to follow the whole move of the opponent's game, because if you do not have time to solve his idea on time, then the likelihood of your winning will decrease.
5. Catch your moves a few steps forward. The more precisely your calculation is, the more likely to win over the enemy!

Shacking Strategies

It is important to know and be able to apply, depending on the situation, several winning strategies:

Strategy №1: Gadgets are traps for the opponent at the beginning of the party. The essence of this strategy is to specifically sacrifice your figures to the enemy for exercising in the future progress of winning combinations.

Strategy №2: An occasion in "Lubovka": a situation in which one checker is between two rival checkers with the possibility of taking one of them in the next course.

Strategy №3: Promotion in the ladies. The essence of the strategy - as quickly as possible to break through and make a lady out of simple checkers.

Strategy №4: Blocking the enemy is a situation in which the player could make the move, and the cells are occupied by the enemy's checkers. Also, the blocking situation is called a threat to the loss of checkers at the next time, due to the corresponding arrangement of the enemy chips.

  1. Studying new coarse strategies to fix only on a practical game.
  2. Play with strong players, or use proven programs on your computer. In the game with a computer there is an advantage - such parties can be saved and analyzed. This will allow you to learn from your mistakes and prevent them in the future.
  3. Refer to each party seriously and play carefully, in full force. Checkers - the game is intelligent and unincessly playing - it means to waste time is wasted.
  4. Refer to losses as a useful lesson. It is not great to defeat the defeats, but to look for the causes of errors and make the right conclusions.
  5. Read books and magazines on the game of checkers, pass the tests on the checkers, which depict specific play situations.
  6. Sign up in a checked club to be able to chat with qualified and experienced mentors, coaches and athletes. In the coarse club, tournaments are held to improve the qualifications and assignment of a sports discharge on the checkers.

Master Class

You can just enjoy, but do not forget to draw useful for yourself.

And remember the main rule - practice above all.

Attracts people from the times of Ancient Egypt that it can be completely in full to reveal their strategic and analytical abilities. Specifications are especially valuable to respond quickly to each opponent's move and predict his subsequent moves.

How to learn to play checkers well? This question worries both novice players and fans of this game with experience. After all, it is not enough to just know the rules, you need to be able to operate them, always ready for surprises.

When we just learn to play checkers, it seems that a decisive role plays a clear and strict compliance with the rules. Of course, it is forbidden to retreat from the rules, but no smaller priority belongs to the knowledge of basic tactical techniques. We bring possession to perfection, we can say that your game level in checkers will be quite high.

How to learn to play checkers from scratch: key games games

You need to start learning from learning the basic rules and terms. A simple shash is allowed to move on one cell diagonally. It is worth it to reach the last line of the enemy field, as it turns into a lady, capable of moving along any free cage at any distance.

The right of the first move is given to white checkers. As soon as your head is the figure of the enemy, as you must remove it from the board. The lady has another advantage: after she took the head of the enemy, she can become the distance from Him.

Learning to play checkers: strategy and secrets

  1. using "izaeza". The strategy is based on the formulation of pre-thought-out traps for the opponent. It is necessary to sacrifice their own checkers in order to carry out winning combinations in the future;
  2. an occasion between two enemy checkers. Allows you to ensure the safety of your checkers and pick one of the enemy's figures;
  3. fast Promotion in the ladies. The more quickly, it turns out to get on the last line of the enemy, the faster in the hands there will be a powerful weapon - a lady;
  4. blocking the enemy. Checkers are located so as to eliminate the possibility of moving the enemy without losses for it;
  5. the desire to the center. Flowing, how to teach the child to play checkers, you should not lose sight of that more chances for victory from those checkers, which are located in the center of the board;
  6. calculation of possible enemy moves. We must try to provide for the consequences of the movement of each rival checker. The opponent can specifically arrange traps, which it is desirable to determine as quickly as possible.

To teach the game of checkers and increase the existing level, excellent online games. How to learn to play checkers online? It is very simple, because virtual versions are designed based on the exact compliance with the rules of the original game. The weighty advantage of online versions is that you can choose the desired level of the game. This allows you to improve your skills, feeling the sweet taste of victory.