Conventional terms. Glossary terms Lack of necessary suit 6

) - The players have an equal number of bribes of 6.

Once (in Preference)- Minimum possible application (6 peak).

Collapse - Equal number of cards of one suit in beasts.

Unlocking (in Preference) - Reception, which is based on a dropping senior card or several senior cards, in order to preserve communications between hands.

Robber (in Preference)- The situation in the game when the partner remained alone with the poor mountain, and the game time has not happened yet.

Collapse - The alignment of the maps of one suit in the bustling row.

Split (in Faroou) - The appearance of two cards of one dignity in one round.

Distolute (in Asi) - The situation in the game, when the player is not obliged to beat his goat the first move card in the absence of a card with him such a suit, but if the second move is made at the same time with a bribe draw, then beat the goat then necessarily.

Miscellane Maryzh- Lady and the king of different stripes.

Playing (in preference) - Player who ordered a contract.

Selecting switching (in preference) - Changing the stroke, which was necessary for the subrange.

Cancer (in Preference)- Number 22, which means misfortune, similar to the number 13 in life.

Framework - Cards on which pictures are depicted: Valts, Lady, King, Ace.

Rams (at RAMS) - In the usual Rams, this is a combination of four aces, and at the Rams modern it is 4 currencies. The presence of a ram from the player means the end of the game and write off the glasses of this player.

RAMSH (in a scat) - Zero game, which is played in the event of a sip of all players.

Roll up - Play one batch in the preference.

Layout - Maps on the hands of the players obtained after the distribution.

Disclosure (in poker) - The situation in the game when all the acting hands are shown (cards on the hands of players) in order to determine the player who won the bank.

Disassembly or springs (in the screw, in the preference):

the type of drawing in which each of the players seeks to take as little bribes as possible;

in the screw, when all the players say "pass", then the cards are thrown and put in the record a sign "X", which is called the cross.

Punch (in Preference)- This is the name of the proposal of one player to other players play preference.

Punch (in preference)- Play, despite anything. About such a player say that he burst out.

Reverse (in Bridge) - The second application opens up a simple repetition of his suit.

Regulator (in Bridge)- Crash hand.

Redoudak (in Ra) - so called a player who loses the game.

Reducing losses - Acceptance of the draw, which lies in the postponement in obtaining a bribe in a certain suit.

Cutting, cutting or rubber- Reception in the drawing of cards when the player puts the highest card on the value in the table, but the average of those that are on hand.

Reserve - Part of the deck is not riddled by players, which is intended for future use in the game.

Props - Items that are needed for a card game: a deck of cards, chips, leaf, pencil or handle.

Reontrand - The application that is being done after the control of the opponent, and which increases the value of the loss record or execute the contract.

Relay - Unnatural application, its goal is to transfer words.

Remiz - Do not fulfill the obligations to dial the established number of bribes. Some games are prescribed a fine for this short.

Remiste - Make the opponent to lose due to the undecidance of the established number of bribes.

Remove - Play in the game due to the challenge of the established number of bribes.


lack of any suit in the hand;

to demolish the card error in another suit or trump card.

Repeika (in the Picet) - The situation in the game, when one of the players counted 30 or more points in his cards, and the opponent has nothing else, then the first considers it from the ninety.

Resource - A stock of trump cards.


in the picket - the situation at the end of the game, when 2 players are typing an equal amount of points;

in other games, this is an increase in the coefficient.

Robert, Robber - Episode of the game, consisting of two parties won. In Wasta, Vista and Bridge, this is a complete game that consists of two parties.

Horn (in Trinka) - One taking bribe.

Raffle - Game episode consisting of a fight for bribes.

Fat game - Outdated name of gambling.

Rombus - Means tipping up the tip down, that part of the cards that was removed.

Pulley painting (in preference)- Calculation of the game.

Rotation - Transferring a queue of cards, receiving cards or make a move. Most games are made clockwise.

Shirt - The side of the card, according to which it is impossible to determine it and dignity.

Rubicon (in the Pick)- The number of points in the party you need to achieve to beat the opponent. Usually it is 100 points.


maps in the player's hand;

a playing place for which cards are surrendered;

turning turn when taking a bribe: The first hand is the right one, the second hand is the one who sits on the left of him, the third hand is a partner of the setting.

Fish (in poker) - So called a weak player at the table.

Amnister - Player with the smallest record in the mountain.
Amnesty - Reduced by all players of his record in the mountain to the same number.
Uppercut "A kind of surkup, which allows you to breed a carriage in different hands and thereby get an excess trump bribe.
Without - Without one, without two - indication on the magnitude of the remise of the playing or the bester.
Necking - The suit, whose cards playing intends to take a bribe.
Shortless - The situation in the draw in the absence of a carriage on the hands.
Form , Blanca is one map of master in hand (Bridge. - singlet), for example, blank lady, king form.
Boob - non-existent player, i.e. This on which cards are distributed with the noncompliament of players, for example, when playing Gusarik.
Bomb - The bird on which the PAS is announced.
Diamonds - The third one for seniority is in the deck.
In the face - Demolition playing a council card. In the classics, when playing in four, Repair is recorded by passing.
In collapse - An indication of the alignment of the table (usually in the hands of the beasts).
Return Vist - Enforce after care for your own.
Helicopter - Synonym Mill.
Bribe - Three (or four) cards, exhausted by players open on the table in order of the order, starting with the move map. A bribe takes a player who placed a senior map of the playful suit or senior trump card.
Fork - A combination of cards of one suit on the hands of the player, the number of bribes in which depends on who walks. For example, the king-currency against the ace lady in the same suit is called fork. If the move belongs to the winner of the pair of the king-currency, he will not take a single bribe. If one should go to the Tuz-lady on the hands of the Tuz-lady, then everyone will take one bribe. In turn, the TUV-lady against the combination of King-Valnet is also called fork.
1. Account unit in Preference.
2. The obligation to take one, two or four bribes depending on the order of the player.
3. A bribe obtained by the beast in its fight against playing.
4. Map capable of taking a bribe.
Flavor - Playing a distribution with the aim of a subrost of playing and ensuring the obligations of the vast.
Wandering - Player who declared Vista.
Returnable Vist. - Vasta announcement system in two stages.
Octa , Ect - obligation to take at least 8 bribes on the game.
Inwear - Technical reception of the draw in the preference and in many other commercial games in which you need to take bribes. Its essence is that at the right moment, the move is given to the right hand of the enemy, forcing him to make the move, playing a bribe.
1. The draw, in which each player sees the card only of his hand and the exhausted cards. Declared with beast (s) or under Stalingrad
2. Participation in trade without raising cards from the table.
The second hand is the cards in the player's hand sitting clockwise behind the first hand player; Also a player having these cards.
Second - Indication on the figure (ONER) in suit of 2 cards, for example, the second king.
Second - Synonym for Trephic, for example. 9 seconds - the same as 9 treph.
Velvet - The draw in which 20 maps of the notion hands are openly laid out on the table by specifying the mixture or when the scratch is drawing or when checking the Deviment (Totus).
Extabulous map - a card that has been made or a hand from hand.
Mountain - Place for recording Remizov.
Gusarik - The game in the preferences together, often with a nerd.
Two - Synonym for ads 6 TRF.
Nineter , Ninter - commitment to take at least 9 bribes on the game.
Decarathel , A decider is a commitment to take 10 bribes on the game.
Children's trolli. - See small system.
Gentleman Vista - A system of vastation, according to which, when the player of the playing, a wasting and passing records will equally pore.
A long suit is a suit of 4 or more cards in hand.
Good - See selection.
Naby - See selected your own.
Doublette , Dubleton - two cards of one suit in hand.
Christmas tree , Christmas tree - an image of birds and corresponding to the birds of expensive games in the record. In the classic variety of preference, a place to record bombs.
Zholovsky Vist. - The system of vastation, according to which, when the pilot of the player, wists for taken bribes writes only to the wasting.
For two - The formulation of the abandonment of vastation on the heaster.
For one - The formulation of a refusal of vastation at semeric.
For their own - The formulation of the abandonment of vastation on a heashie or semeric.
Order - Announcement of intention to take the specified number of bribes and trump suit in the draw, for example, 7 tambourine or to play without a trump card, for example, 8 without a trump card or about Miser's draw.
Close up Close up - to type in the pool due to the magnitude of the value.
Record - marks in bullet rates, time, games, vista, remizov, birds, bombs, etc.
Record in Puul - a record of played games and the absence of bribes on the springs.
Record to Mount - Remizov recording.
Wist record - Record for bribes taken by the beast, recording consolances, recording under the mountain section.
Shooting - Record recording without 3 to the mountain of playing by his desire without a draw. Vista and consolances are not recorded. Sometimes they are also called Remness.
Here (Constitu. I hold) - Announcement when trading a junior hand player, after passing any hand, an order equal to the older hands announced by a player before that. A simple repetition of the last started order is allowed.
The game - Synonym for a draw or its parts - 10 moves and 20 moves from the hands, for example. A gear game is played, a strong game on hand, played a lot of games in the pool, etc.; Also running or hand with hand.
Game on the Christmas tree - The game in the classics in the presence of birds, which increases the cost of the game twice.
Play - walk or walk with the hands, for example, the second hand plays ace; It is often used incorrectly instead of playing distribution.
Playing - Player who has made an order after demolition.
Carousel - Synonym Mill.
Kibitser - Fan, watching the bullet.
Classic - Classic preference is the most common convention until 1940.
Trump - Master of a suit that the player declared a visa, this suit itself.
Trump - walk the trump card; On the springs - walk the renons of the other hand.
Wheel - 100 wists.
The deck is a preference deck of 32 cards.
Combination - A few moves that implement the tactics of playing or stitching.
Convention - Agreement system on the magnitude of the bullet, the form of the preference, the cost and form of the vista, the use of Stalingrad, the form of the springs, etc. Before starting the bullet.

1. Penalty glasses, genus, charged in various games over direct loss. In the preference with Remiz Playing, the stackers and the serve receive consolescence in the amount of the unailed to play the number of bribes, multiplied by the cost of a bribe. For example, with a substallion on a gear without one, everyone writes for actually taken bribes plus one - for a missiveness.

In the worms of the game
Played and - was without three!
Although in the shower notation
I read myself,
But immediately console
The neighbor recited me.
(Nekrasov. Govorun)

2. Remuneration when playing in four thirds for the ace (s) or marketing in a bonape.

Crown - Ace, the king and lady of one suit in hand.
Brief - Maste from one, two or three cards in hand.
Oblique layout - Singing, with hand from 5 or more cards of one suit.
Crutch - The same as the leg.
A circle - The number of drawers in the number of players (3 or 4), ranging from the first one in the pool.
Buy - See buy.
Lyzha - See no sudden.
Catch - Catch Mizer - to determine the sequence of moves and moves of the hands in order to force the playing to take bribes and make these moves.
Lie down - Specifying an embodiment of the game for the game (draw).
Small system - Lady, currency and a dozen one suit in your hand.
Malka , Little - seven, eight, nine or ten.
Marriage - King and lady of one suit in hand. King with currency is sometimes called blue (as well as Transcaucasian) marketing.
Suit - Peaks, trees, tambourines or worms.
Mill - The combination at which cards, more often, the two texts of the playing hands alternately interrupt the trumps of other hands, (less often - helicopter, meat grinder, carousel).
Mizer - The obligation of playing not to take a single bribe.
My - See here.
Young Mariazh - Lady and currencies of one suit in hand.
On the wall - in some conventions - an unsupunner player (including passing), having a closed bullet and zero in the result of the result of a zero zero for it.
Purpose - See order.
Naigrat , Naigrysh - spending a combination to give an unforeseen bribe.
Neverberry - The suit, on the bribes of which the hand does not count.
Umasakaz - See the approach.
Unusual Vista - Part of the Convention, providing for mitigation of the remise during Vista.
Leg - Malka or currencies with senior figures, preventing a fear of a trump card.
Overtaking - See ahead.
Oner - See figure (borrowing. From Bridge).
Advance - The combination, as a result of which the playing does not have time to play a suit.
Weakening - One or two strangers left by playing in hand.
Selection - A few moves in a row for bribes by senior cards.
Select yours - on the springs - selection before deployment; On the game - execution of the order and waste.
Responsible Vista - Part of the Convention, not providing for mitigation of remise during Vista.
Waste - Unbending card, the presence of which allows you to move.
Disagree - Transfer the course of an agile unbendable card or transfer the course to playing without a naigneous bribe. On the springs - transfer the move.
Ward - Others, whose cards, after several moves you can't take a bribe.
Leave - Do not give the opportunity to fulfill the order playing or committing a mixture.
Locomotive - When a Misara or Sprill draw - a situation at which, after several moves, a playing or hand is forced to breed the remaining up to 10 bribes.
Pass - Refusal to participate in trade or vista.
Pipper - the announcement of the pass does not raise cards from the table after distribution. It is allowed in the classics of the first hand player, after the passage of the first hand - the player of the second hand and after two passes - a third-hand player. Senior announcement - 7 peak.
Pasivaya - Player (hand), who announced Paz.
Beat - Stroke with the hand of the map, the eldest exhalations.
Strong - declare when trading the highest order.
Intercept - Master's card, providing the opportunity to intercept.
Intercept - Take one extra bribe to, for example, by selecting your avoiding locomotive or several bribes on the springs.
First hand - Maps in the hand of the player sitting clockwise immediately for passing; Also a player having these cards.
First - Synonym for peaks, for example. 7 first is the same as 7 peaks.
Skew - See oblique alignment.
Remind - Repeated distribution with the error of passing.
Peaks - The first, younger one in the delay in the deck.
Wist - Vast.
Writing - Play the preference.
Density - Characteristics of the map structure in a certain suit. For example, KDV10 is a dense card, and kg97 is a loose (or breathing, loose, liquid). The concept of density affects the ability to play the suit from his turn in the presence of a certain number of pace. For example, for the drawing of the KDV109, one paced is needed, and for the Q987 drawer - three pace (i.e. 3 stroke). Accordingly, the density of one or another suit is taken into account by the player when ordering a trump card, choosing a move on the springs, with a demolition, draw, etc.
Polyvista - See for your own, for two, for one.
Subject - Conscious order of the number of bribes is less provided in hand.
Truck - Renonous suit of playing.
Podroducture (ka) - Failure to fulfill the obligation. Sometimes also called Remiz.
Suck , plant - teach to someone Remiz.
To catch - Give a bribe playing Mizere.
Collective Vista - See invisible wist.
To help Help is the situation in the record at which by closing your bug, the recording for the game produces vistami to the partner.
Get into the visor - Stroke in Renons of another hand.
Popolam. - Note on an equal number of masty cards in two hands, for example, if there is a 4-tier-taper, and twist - two, they say that the tambourine in half.
Landing - See the subrode.
Last hand - See third hand.
Sustier - Map of the unbearable suit.
Outsider - The suit in which bribes are not expected.
1. Actually the general name of the game.
2. The arms decorated in the Convention, for the game 10 without a trump card with a course with any hand. Options - with the demolition of two aces or with the demolition of any two aces or the mandatory presence of four crowns. Usually ensures the bullet win.
Invitation - Vista for the invitation - consolances, additionally recorded with a whistle with an octo.
Prize - Convention remuneration for, for example, closing the bullet.
Cover , Cover, backup is the same as the leg.
Biquity - Two cards except 30 hands.
Buy - show the bite players and add to your hand; In the classic, on the Games, the bite does not open.
Precount card - Hand with senior figures in all masters.
Boning - See giving.
Breakdown -What cards in a suit at the playing Mizere, at which this suit can not be considered clean, eg. Playing Mizere Seven and a dozen tambourine - breakdown in the tambourines.
Progressive springs - The agreement of the participants to increase the cost of a bribe during repeated springs.
Check - Check Decimaque - make sure that playing orders.
Pour - Stroke with hands (not a move!) The card of taking place.
Sleet - The move, usually by the little ones, in the suit of at least two hands on the left in the presence of this suit with the senior card in the hand on the right.
Simple game - See a haze.
Bird - Mark in the recording on the springs when playing the classics.
Bullet , Pulka:
1. Party in Preference.
2. Paper (cloth table) to record the results of the game.
3. Place in recording for marking a player player and lack of bribes on springs.
Five - Synonym for ads 6 without a trump card.
Five or four - Hand with 5 maps of one suit and 4 other.
Equal as complained - Equal ascended alignment - there are no long textures in the hands.
Time - Synonym for ads 6 peak.
Once onemore - Announcement of 6 peak without raising cards from the table after distribution. It is allowed in the classics of the first hand, after passing the first hand - the second hand and after two passes - the third hand. Interrupted by an ad 7 peak. Increases the cost of the game twice, and if there are bombs - four times.
Robber - A specific type of preference, in which each player should play a certain number of specific games.
Distribution - Retired cards of three hands and bake.
Play - Planning a suit - walking with several cards of a suit in your hand for bribes with the rest of this suit.
Play the game , play the distribution - make up the plan of moves and moves from the hands to perform (non-fulfillment) of the order and make 10 moves.
Layout - Location of cards in hand (hands).
Folding Mizer - Mizer with a breakdown that can be pure in some samples.
Spasching - the game situation at which three hands refused trade, declaring pass; 10 moves in order to take a minimum of bribes each hand.
Plug - Determine the winnings and losing each player after the end of the bullet.
Remiz - Selfless bribe, subroda on the game or wist, failure to fulfill the obligation to take this or that amount of bribes on the game (or obligations not to take bribes - on mesen). Recording for Remiz in the preferences make up the mountain. It is always a loss. There are expressions: remise - to put a partner, arrange a subrode, not to give a laid bribe number; Test under the repair - do not give to take the declared bribes; A removal, wade up - the column itself, not to fulfill the commitments made on the game.
"The maid was swollenly moving along a fluffy carpet, spreading glasses with strong tea, and only rustled her starchy skirts, creaked chalk, and sighed Nikolay Dmitrievich, who put the big Remiz"
(Leonid Andreev. Big Helmet).
Renons - lack of suit in hand; An erroneous move with the hand is not in the suit. It is recommended to ask the hand of the renons.
Raffle - Distribution Distribution includes: Trade, take-up, demolition, order (appointment) playing games, determination of agriculture (s), determination of the method of vastization (absorbing or inextended) and 10 moves. Recording results to the draw is usually not referred.
Hand - Maps received by the player after distribution. Also they also say the first (second, third) hand - by order of course.
Its - His game is an indication of the order to fulfill the placing and obligations with a beast.
Passing - Synonym for distribution.
Celebrator Having gone - a player who passed (distributed) cards before drawing distribution.
Semerik , Seven - commitment to take at least 7 bribes on the game.
Sit , Sit - not fulfill the obligation on Wasta or order.
Sit on a bona - In the bullet four - to be passing.
Strong map - Spelling as masters in hand, allowing to take a lot of bribes.
Long suit - The suit of his hands, in which bribes are more than in other masters.
Singlet - See Blank.
System - King, currency and a dozen one suit in hand.
Racing , jump - see the prize.
Skviz - Stroke in Renons hand to force a break.
Sliding springs - an agreement on the transition of the next hand to the first hand regardless of the results of trade.
Weak card - Hand with less than three alleged bribes.
Short suit - The suit in which there is little (less than two) bribes.
Demolition - Two cards that playing puts closed on the table after a bakery before ordering the game. The demolition can be replaced by playing before order.
Shift - Schooler reception, secret substitution of decking cards in the game process. In shifts, the unfavorable defold is brought to extremely to the absurdity.
Remove - Remain.
Remove from Game - Reduce, buying a card with which another traded hand could play a big game.
Dog, snot - The same thing that Malka.
Rate - The cost of vista in monetary units.
Stalingrad - The duty to mix together in the detail when ordering 6 peak.
Vista cost - According to the Convention - the number of monetary units for each Vista.
Table - place for the game; On the table there is a deck when removing, the players are laid out on the players when the cards are laid, the cards are folded when the game has a bribe, a bullet is also located on the table.
Standing - Raffle one without laid out cards on the table.
To stand - Specifying ancient playing and passing about the drawing one.
String - A hand with four masters of three cards in each.
Play - play the game - fulfill the order - to dial the required number of bribes or not to take any on the meager; Play the Mashy (map) - a move or move with the hand of the Mashy (map).
1. The game situation, when the player goes to the unique suit, which does not have two other partners (Renons), one of them beats her trump card, and the other interrupts the map of the senior carriage. This technique is a formidable weapon against the playing in the game of the vastry.
2. (Constand.) To take under Surkup - to take under suspicion, observation, arrest.
Examples of use. "A long time grunted old people on harsh nihistok and searched the chance to bring them under surkup ..." (A. Herzen, "Purled and Duma"). "... Our hero clearly saw that all the persecution remained empty and vain, and therefore wondered." You will not leave, "he thought," Wolf Sheep's tears will come to Surkup; "(F. Dostoevsky," Double ").
Etymology: from Franz. SURCOUPE - "Overlapping in a card game" (Fascmer). The word consists of the SUR console - over, over - and the root of Coupe - cutting, cutting, shooting (cards.). Move in renons of two hands if you have a trump card; It often provides a mixture of additional bribes.
Remove - Branch by the player sitting to the right of the passing, from the top of the top of the top from at least five cards on the table, laying this part on the table next to the remaining cards and laying the remaining cards to the removed from the deck. Be sure to be made before distributing the deck.
Trade - Consistent increasing announcement of orders (auction) players for the right to take a bunch and appoint the game.
Trade Mizer - In the classics, seniority of the games (taking into account the texts) - 6, 7, 8, Mizere, 9, Mizere without a bakeup, 9 without a bake, 10, preference.
Tomus. - (Synonym - Decimatik.) A ten game.
Trellier - King, lady and currencies of one suit in hand.
The third - indication of the figure (ONER) in a suit of 3 cards, for example. Third ace.
Third - Synonym for tambourine, for example. 8 Third - the same as 8 tambourines.
Third hand - (also - the last hand.) Maps in the hand of the player sitting clockwise behind the player of the second hand; Also a player having these cards.
Clubs - The second one's seniority in the deck.
Three - Synonym An ads of 6 tambourines.
Fall - Order Mizere.
Fall by rapid jackt - Order Mizere without a bunch.

Fishrenons - Wrong demolition. If, when entering any suit or in a trump card, the player laid another suit for a bribe, although he had a map of this suit, or did not beat the trump card in the presence of a trump card and the lack of a move, such a violation of the rules is called Fishrenons.
Figure - Ace, king, curren or lady.
Fort. - Map (as a rule, foam), which, after the release of senior cards itself, becomes in the gaming suit of taking bribe.
Foam - See Malka, Small.
Move - The first card, played by a bribe.
Walk with hands - Move from hand to the central part of the table is not the first bribe card. A similar term Breeza is a bribe.
Host Mountain - Player with the greatest record in the mountain
Hostess - Seven
Worms - Fourth, older suit in the deck.
Fourth - Synonym for masters of worms, for example. 8 fourth is the same as 8 worms.
Fourth - indication of the figure (ONER) in suit of 4 cards, for example. Fourth king.
Four - Synonym for ads of 6 worms.
Four or four - A hand with two masters of 4 cards.
Four in four - Availability in two hands on 4 cards of suit, eg, - worms - four in four.
Quadrel - King, lady, currency and a dozen one suit in hand.
Pure - The suit, in which it is impossible to give a bribe playing Mizere.
Pure meager - Mizer without bribes at the playing.
Salerik , Six - obligation to take at least 6 bribes on the game.
Selection of cards, cleaning the hand of the enemy from all extra cards. Auxiliary reception in order to force the enemy to play a bribe in a certain suit.

Etymology: from English. Eliminate - eliminate, eliminate, eliminate, destroy.

Alert is a notice that opponents may need an explanation.
Attack - the first move.
Balance - an assessment of the possible level of the game based on glasses and folding values \u200b\u200bof both hands.
Without one - a contract, for which one bribe did not have enough fulfillment.
Bluff is a deliberate essential distortion of the onerny power or a length of suit.
Block - a high-level application (usually with a double jump), in order to prevent opponent trading. The block is done on a long suit from six cards and with a small amount of glasses.
Blackwood - the question of the number of aces, is given by the application 4bk.
Bolon - partner playing.
A big helmet is a game at the 7th level, that is, the obligation to take all the bribes.
Bribe - a unit of determining the result of the contract; The bribe consists of four cards, laid in order of one from each player.
Vista is the game of defenders (stoves) against the contract of playing (synonym - protection).
The entrance is the first application of the pair after opening opponents.
Game is a game for the execution of which 100 and more points are given.
Denomination - a suit or without a trump card, mentioned in the appointment.
Doublette, Dubleton -Dve cards in the table.
The delay is a combination of cards that does not allow opponents in a vigorous game (from 50% and higher probability) to pick up all bribes in this suit.
Application - any appointment, contra, reconstruction or pass.
The defender is an opponent playing.
Z.Z. - Reducing the phrases meaningful application.
Meaningful application (Z.Z.) - any application except Pas.
Zonalness is a condition for determining the size of awards and punishment for short bribes.
IMP - international match points. Unit counting the results of sports competition (for example, match).
IPAS is a technical technique consisting in the course of a number of figures in the hope that the figure missing in this rank lies in front of it.
Invit - an application inviting partners to bargain further if he has an extra charge (or scenario), and to pass otherwise.
Intervention - the trafficking of the pair, when one of the opponents made the first meaningful application.
The high-quality signal is a signal showing power in a certain suit.
Kibitzer is a fan, an observer (deprived of the right to vote).
Trump - every map of a suit called in the final contract.
Quantitative signal - a signal showing the number of cards in a certain suit.
Convention - Trade by agreement, when some (or all) applications do not have a natural value.
Contract - an application made following the assignment of an opponent that increases the value of the record for the execution or loss of the contract.
Contract - the commitment of the pair to take a certain amount of bribes.
The ending is the final part of the draw.
Trade range - the stage of trading after each of the players made one application.
Cubid - Application Application Masi in Competitive Trade.
Lavintal - a signal showing power in a certain suit.
The line is two players constituting a pair against two other players (synonym - side).
Excellent bribe - each bribe won by a steaming pair in excess of the designated in the contract.
Major is one of the older texts: peak or worm.
Small helmet (helmet) - a game at the 6th level, that is, the obligation to give no more than one bribe.
Mariazh - the king and lady of one suit.
Minor is one of the younger masters: Trefa or Bubne.
Misfit is the lack of fit.
Dump - values \u200b\u200b(points or alignment), on which the partner during the trade is not yet informed.
Sunbat - put in a bribe older card than previously played.
Appointment - the obligation to win the number of declared bribes (plus six) in the designated denomination.
Natural application is an application of a suit in which at least four cards.
Negative - an application showing the minimum of force.
An unsalted bribe - each bribe missing the side of the player to fulfill the contract.
Over the same as an excess bribe.
Overwalk - entrance to trade after opening opponents.
Onner - ace, king, lady, curren or ten.
Opponent - enemy.
Opening is the first meaningful application.
The rejected suit is the suit, in which only senior cards remained (the set of suit, etched).
Points of Milton Warch - Card Estimation Scale (TUZ \u003d 4, King \u003d 3, Lady \u003d 2, Valts \u003d 1). The generally accepted designation of points - PC.
Priority - the order, according to which the player for the player passes the right to make applications or play.
The queue is the right time when the player must make an application or play a card.
Partner - a player with whom playing one line against two other players.
PAS - an application that means that the player decided not to do Z.Z.
The subroda is to receive a smaller bribe playing than the contract required.
Transmission - a conscious refusal of a bribe, which can be obtained.
The jump is a meaningful application that you do at a higher level than the closest available for this suit.
Uniform distribution - the distribution of type 4-3-3-3 cards, 4-4-3-2 and 5-3-3-2 (without singletes and no more than one double).
Playing - player (lines that made the final appointment), first assigned a denomination of the final contract.
The alignment is the distribution of cards in one hand along the masters or one suit in four hands.
Regular distribution - distribution of type 4-3-3-3 cards, 4-4-3-2 and 4-4-4-1 (without pile stripes).
The reconstruction is an application made following the control of the opponent, which increases the value of the recording for the execution or loss of the contract.
Renons - no masta cards.
Robber is a classic bridge batch (similar to the preference bullet or match in hockey).
Robber Bridge is a commercial game in which the couple wins, which is the first to close the Robber (playing two game on the same line).
Hand - cards, originally handed over to the player, or their part remaining at the player in the process of drawing.
A row - several consecutive cards in suit (synonym - sequence).
Its game is a precisely executed contract.
Delivery - 1. Distribution of the deck between the hands of four players; 2. A combination of all distributed cards; 3. Trade and game with data distribution of cards.
Sequence - 1. Series of applications on the same line; 2. The combination of cards in which the figures go on each other.
Signal - the game of a specific card that transmits any special information.
Singlet, Singleton - one card in the table.
The system is a set of conventions and agreements used by partners.
Demolition - the game of the card is not in the doasta of the stroke and not a trump card. Demolition can be a signal.
Sports Bridge - the form of Bridge, the main meaning of which: comparing the results obtained on different tables on the same card.
Steyman - the question of major fours, is set after a shorter discovery of the partner.
Table - 1. The surface on which cards lie; 2. Doodle hand.
Trade - 1. The process of determining the contract by a sequence of applications; 2. A combination of applications made.
Triplet - three cards in suit.
The killer is the game of the canopha in the absence of a stroke suit.
The level of the game is the number declared before the master or without a trump card.
Fishrenons - a game of a map of another suit player who can play in the nearest move.
Figure - ace, king, lady, currency.
Fit cards that complement the number of partner cards in any suit to eight and more. Fit also refers to the distribution of cards in the visor suit at the playing pair.
Forsing - an application that prohibits the partner to paste. There are forsing on the circle and forcing to the game.
Fort is a senior card in a suit (maybe two, if the rest of the cards came out of the game).
FOOD - Map less dozens.
The move is the first card, played by a bribe.
Partial game - the game, for the execution of which is given less than 100 points. These are all games at 1-3 levels (except 3bq) and 4T / b.
The helmet is a contract in which you need to win six (see a small helmet) or seven declared bribes (see a big helmet).
EXASS - a game for a figure in the hope that she will take a bribe if a higher figure lies in front of her.
Yarborough - a hand that does not contain cards older than nine.


Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Alma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

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    Mat the horse painting the hairproof horse, as well as the skin and eyes. One of the main individual distinctive features. Like the colors of cats and dogs, the likes of the horses are not just painting, but a certain combination of colors, the type of distribution ... ... Wikipedia

    No bube, so (even) Huja Bay - regret with the absence of a map of the corresponding suit, in this case, a bubnova ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

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    the same suit - Who. . Expres The same, similar to anything in any respect. Yes, who will figure them out, waved his hand to the chevy. You, young, now all the same suit, all should: parents, school, state, and you seem like, except right, ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

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    All strings. . Disappropriate About com l. What is l. most differently by type. Bms 1998, 367; SSSF 2001, 47. All suit passed. Psk. About who experienced everything in life: and bad, and good. SRNG 18, 18. Mow not to suit. Jarg. Like. 1. Pretend. 2. Detach ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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    slust - Slust, A, m. 1. When playing a slide: four cards of one suit. ◘ No hlust, but the suit is thick. V.I. Dal. Vocabulary. 2. Title card game. ◘ Bardada in a common card game (hlust or three sheets) King of black suit ...

    force - Forcer. 1. To force. Kurganov. Forcing means to force your comrade or enemy to beat the goat, which he does not have. If, on the occasion, you or your opponents have already forced your comrade (at least you were and weak on ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

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