Poker statistics. Basic Poker Statistics Poker Optimal Stats Positions

Use game statistics in poker - One of the very important conditions for profitable game. We strongly recommend getting relevant software as early as possible. According to most players, currently the best program is Holdem Manager. In this case, it makes sense to abandon the habits of many Russians not to pay for the software. The statistics program will pay for itself for the period of free use (in other words, during this time you can easily benefit money on her purchase). In addition, you can purchase it in. Therefore, we advise not to postpone the beginning of its use.

Statistics are used in two ways:

  • Own statistics are the most important means of improving their game, it must be found when analyzing its sessions, lay out on the forum to get advice from experienced players.
  • Statistics of opponents, displayed on the table during the game () - the most important means to help make decisions in the game. Recommendations for the spectra of the hands and methods of playing them, which you study in the descriptions of strategies on our website are focused on medium -5 opponents. They are quite good, but if you learn to adjust your game under specific opponents, then radically increase the profitability of your game. And the most important means for this is precisely the statistics of opponents. (The second tool are notes that you write on them, and the importance of which we do not get tired of reminding you).

In this article we will look at the main statistical indicators, and what they can help.

Statistics for preflop

VPIP - what percentage of the opponent plays

VPIP (Voluntarily Put Money In Pot, sometimes a VP $ IP) - reflects what percentage of hands the opponent will voluntarily play. All hands are included here when he enters a call (Limp or Coll Raisa) or makes a raise himself. Game on blinds in the indicator VPIP. Not taken into account (since there is not voluntarily made there).

For a tight-aggressive player with a short stack on the full tables, this indicator should be within 8-12%. With an accurate basic strategy game - about 8%, but as it lifted over the limits, the spectra of the hands are slightly expanded, with mandatory adaptation under opponents (if not, it is better to stay in an 8% indicator). If you have less than 7%, then this is an unnecessarily careful game, which also reduces profits.

When playing with a long stack, the indicator VPIP. It should increase by about 5%.

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Program Poker tracker 3. Using the built-in HUD.allows you to output the statistics of the game of all opponents online. Let's analyze the most important characteristics that are displayed by default opposite each of the players at the table:

Money, speculatively delivered to the bank - VPIP

VP. or VPIP. - Reduction OT Voluntarily.Put.Money.IntotheirPot.That literally translates from English as "money voluntarily invested in the bank." Speaking with simple words, this is the number of distributions in percentage terms in which the player before the flop made a bet compared with the total number of distributions. For example, VPIP. equal to 25 means that the player entered the game on the preflop 1 time out of 4, VPIP. Equal 100 says that he played in all the distribution without exception.

This is the fundamental indicator of the game to the flop - the best indicator to determine the range of opponents starting hands. Using VPIP, players can be divided into super-tight, tight, lousse, super-low (maniacs).

As a rule, the higher this indicator of your opponents, the more hands they play, and the worse their game. Good players usually have vPIP no higher than 25%. We must always understand that the player with a little VPIP enters the game only with premium hands. Such players must often be attacked on the preflop, taking their blinds, but if they are in the game, then you need to have a real combination to defeat them. If at the table players with a VPIP, then you can increase the range of your starting hands for the game.

Preflop Raising - PR

Pr. - Reduction OT Preflop.Raise.(literally: preflop raising) . Pr.shows how often the player's flop is included in the game with an increase. In other words, this is the percentage of distributions in which the player increases or make a reread to the flop. This is the second most important indicator that shows how aggressive to the flop. The average value of this characteristic of good players varies from 5% to 15%.

If PR opponents are very low, then you do not need to worry about what your weak hand is raised. Therefore, you can limp with the most speculative hands and expect a lot of cheap views of the flops, which will give you excellent potential chances in the game. Be sure to use it in the game against such players. But if such a player (for example, with PR 2%) makes preflop raise, you can safely drop the overwhelming majority of your speculative hands. He will have at least AK, and most likely the older couple.

The combination of high indicator Pr. with high VP. Shows that maniac sits in front of you. Behind the game table is better to sit at such players that can be able to dump cards in a timely manner or to make a reread.

Aggression factor (postflop) - AF

AF - factor aggression, Factor aggression Shows as far as the player is aggressive postflop. It shows the ratio of bets and the raises to the call (that is, how much more the player puts and increases than calls) the indicator is calculated according to the following formula (the percentage of bets plus the percentage of raises / percentage of collov). Usually, a common factor of aggression is derived, which shows the player's aggressiveness on all the streets, but if desired, you can analyze the aggression factor on each street: Flop, Turn and River. Adequate players have average aggression rate of 1.5 - 3, This value may vary for different streets. A good poker requires an aggressive game - good cards must be protected, and bad throw off. If the player is very aggressive postflop, then you should not be very afraid of its bets and increases. And, on the contrary, you need to be careful with passive players - they will simply call with the strongest hands.

Preflop aggression and post-thief aggression is two different things, so you should not expect the player to be passive or aggressive on both parameters. There are players who are super-aggressive in preflop, but turn into a sterling stary in the postflop. And opposite the sluggish limpers can play hyper-aggressively post-thief if the hand comes. If you see an opponent with an incredibly high factor of aggression, then collecting your hand, you probably have to play Slopley, providing him with the opportunity to attack you on all the streets.

Colliding before autopsy - WSD

The fourth most important indicator consider WSD -WentTo.ShowDown. (%), which is translated as " reached the opening. "This percentage shows how often the player who looks flop comes to opening. For example, a WSD value is 25% says that this player, looking at the flop, comes to opening every fourth time. The average value of the oscillation range of this characteristic of adequate players 25% – 40%.

The WSD indicator is most important to use for the proper use of bluff. He shows how much the player resists Blebuf. Low WSD players play very carefully, and with a large share of probability will reset the cards on a dangerous flop, unless they have NATsa on their hands. Against such players, the use of bluff is particularly effective. Players with high WSD Or they are also called "Colling Steshn", will fully respond with weak cards, so the bluff against them does not make any sense.

These were the four most important characteristics for which you need to judge the game of your opponents. These indicators using the built-in program Pokerace Hud. Displays directly on the game table.

Poker tracker provides other less important indicators of the game, the description of which will be presented in another article. See also.

It's no secret that in poker, both online and offline, statistics play a primary role, especially when playing a long distance. After all, it is thanks to mathematics in poker you will be able to make decisions that will be beneficial for you if not exactly now, then throughout the entire game session so accurately.

And if in Offline poker, statistics are usually considered a player on their own, what is called, "in the head", then various programs have long been invented for online poker, which can display statistics both by your game and on the game of your opponents at the table. However, the uninitiated person understand the simplicity of these programs is very difficult.

What is PFR? How is it calculated? What does it indicate how to use this opponent's game parameter when choosing your further action? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Pfr. - Preflop Raise) - raising the bet on preflop.

This is one of the main statistics, or rather one of the two main statistics on which you determine with what player you play. Other statistics are vPIP..

All situations where the player makes the raising rate, i.e. puts more than at least the Big Blind rate go to this statistics. There is one more condition: this should happen before the table will appear three first common cards (flops).

Respectively, in the PFR indicator, you can judge the hands with which this player exhibits aggression at the table. However, consider that for the accuracy of this indicator you should have information, at least about 50 played distribution by this player. If you have information about 500 and more played by the hands of this person, you can consider PFR completely accurate.

RAISE and preflop raise in particular refer to the category of aggressive actions. It is recommended to give more preference for this particular action in counterweight equalization of opponents rates.

Such an action you create an advantage for yourself, as well as get some information about other players. Now they need to look at their cards and weigh their strength. Are they capable of playing further with their cards, can they equalize or even increase your bet.

The actions of the players after your Ecchin will tell you with what you have here. And in the coupe with statistics on this player it will be possible to make an assumption that the cards can be in his hands.

Also, preflop raise will be the basis for continuing aggression on the flop, even if you have not collected any combination of cards.

After all, if you were the initiator of the aggression on the preflop, then on the flop the specified pace of the game needs to be maintained, especially if all players have been reading. Otherwise, you will show your opponents that "did not get into the board", which will give them an advantage on the next rounds of trade. Also, do not forget that if you did not get into the flop, it is not such a matter, because according to statistics 80% of flops are not suitable for players.

Probably, you have more than once asked what can help you increase profits in online poker. With confidence I can declare that the most effective way to increase profits in online poker is the use of HM2 statistics tracking programs. But you just just use it, you need to know how to do it right ...

Good day to all readers AP, with you again I, Artem "BlackBeard", and today we will touch on the topic of exploiting opponents using the Holdem Manager 2 program. Why did I decide to devote the article to this? In group classes, I saw interest in this topic, and, as you know, the demand gives rise to an offer. Therefore, dive immediately from the room in the quarry and go to the first item.

Basic statistical indicators

VPIP. - This indicator characterizes the percentage of hands on the preflop, in which the player himself invests money in the bank (beta, coll, lipid or raise). It is important to remember that the situation is not included in the VPIP indicator when the player says the poker check in the BB position and looks free flop, because in this case the player does not invest in the bank.

The higher the VPIP indicator, especially the rival plays a rival, and vice versa. VPIP in poker majority regulars ranges at the mark 19-25% . Depending on the level of the stack and the number of players at the VPIP table will be varied. When a player plays with a deep stack, its VPIP can grow by 5% of the average. VPIP also increases with a small amount of OPPs - by 3-4% for 6-max tables.

Pfr. - One of the most important indicators that should always be in the face. PFR shows how many percent of the hands player raised on the preflop. Most of the good players, the PFR value varies with the VPIP value by 4-6%. For example, if a VPIP player is about 20% then PFR will be equal 14-19% .

The greater the difference between VPIP and PFR, the greater the opponent is subject to the so-called Cold Colela (collars that follow after increasing). If you see a player with a VPIP equal to 35%, and PFR 10%, then, most likely, Fish in poker is sitting in front of you.

ATS. - This statch shows how often the player takes an attempt "Stick"(Steal) blinds from the Katoff position or Button. ATS takes into account only those cases when neither lemps nor raises were not to the player in the later positions.

As it grows in limits, it is necessary to gradually increase the value of ATS, since the level of rivals will also noticeably increase (at higher limits, the values \u200b\u200bof the players can reach up to 43-45%).

3b. - This statch shows how often the player re-razit is someone else's bet on preflop. Usually this indicator helps to determine the range of 3-bet. As an example, a 3% value of 3b means that the player applies 3-Bet only with Hands of the AA-TT type and any AK-AQ. In the range of such a player, it is almost impossible to meet more lowed 3-beta.

CB. - This statch shows how often the player puts a bet (continued rate) in the postflop being preflop by the aggressor. Most players have the value of CB in the area of \u200b\u200b55-88%.

I advise you to pay attention to Stat CB along with PFR static, because They are strongly interrelated. The lower the value of PFR, the greater will be the value of Cb. This is because the fewer hands opens the player, the time it will be its range. And the stronger the range of the player, the more often it will make CB with a rather strong finished hand.

With increasing the value of PFR expands the range of the Open-Reza player (betting, opening the bidding). It means that the higher the value of PFR, the less demanding the player to his hand. And this in turn means that it will be good to fall into the flop few times. If you see the opponent's table with high PFR and CB, it means that in most cases it simply puts into the air. Think about it.

FC. - This statch shows how often your Folding OPP is at the contra beta.

The high value of the FC shows that the player is inclined often to folute to the beta. Such players play on the principle either fall into the flop, or make a fold. And the lower the value of the FC, the most likely that the player often calls the bit beta with marginal hands.

AG - This statch shows the factor of the player's aggression. He can tell you how aggressively plays your ODP. On average, this value ranges between 1-3. All the numbers that less than these values \u200b\u200bmean that your opponent is too passive, and those that above will mean excessive aggression.

If you confront a player with a value of 0.5 AG, then most likely this player will not bluff, and to continue the fight against it you need to have a rather strong hand.

Well, if the value of AG oppa is 6, then your TPTK (top pair with top kicker) will be almost nax against such a player.

WTSD% - or in Russian passage to Schowdauna (opening). This statch shows how often the player comes to Schowdauna, after the flop looks. Usually this value is located at a mark of 20-32%.

The low WTSD% value can mean two things: either the player often folters before opening, or often makes his rivals to make Fold to Schowdaun.

It is best to consider the WTSD% couple with AG static. If your OPP is rather passive and does not often reach the Schowdaun, then he means a weak well player.

If you are opposed to an aggressive player with a small value of WTSD%, it means that he often makes you keep my rivals to Schowdaun. But the aggressive player with a high WTSD% value will be most likely a weak player, because Overly comes to opening on the river with weak hands.

Types of operation of opponents

Next, I would like to focus your attention at an equally interesting point - on the use of OPP operation. Species of operation are the most common poker techniques.That should be in the arsenal of any good poker player.

The ability to use them correctly and in a timely manner will help you increase profits several times, in comparison with the usual knowledge of the basic statistical indicators HM2.

Float. - One of the most common bluff techniques, the purpose of which is to call the rival rate without a hand in order to pick up the bank on the following streets.

Flocket is particularly effective against the too aggressive OPP. The most vulnerable rivals for the float are players who often put contact beta, but quickly give up if their contact does not work.

Float against oppa from position.

CONT-BET - This is the first bid on the flop made by the player who was preflop by the aggressor.

Very effective bet and is rather convincing from the player who demonstrated power on the preflop with his raise. Even being bluffing, Touch Beth can make the opponent throw the best hand.

Stil - As I said, the reception, which is usually used from the Late Positions (Katof and Button). The purpose of this reception is to theft of chips from players sitting on MB and BB (players who are tied to the bank because of their positions, and often having bad hands), by raising the bet on the preflop. Styl suggests that all players before us sent maps to pass.

Standard style from Position Button.

Re-styl - Reception, in which the player tries to replay a stylish player, because he thinks that he does not have a good hand. It is usually used as the protection of the blind, and is fully based on the fact that the opening range from the later positions will always be wide enough.

4-bet - This is a raise after the bet, after which the raise was played and further reread. Thus, this is the fourth action in the Trade Circle (Fourth Beth). In 95% of cases are played for Valu (in order to extract profits) and with a very good place of QQ-AA. Sometimes applied with a wider range, usually against the opponent, which "abuses" 3-bets.

The use of 4 beta against aggressive oppa on the battle.

Barreling - The term denoting consistent postflop rates (1st barrel - a bid on the flop, the 2nd barrel is the bet on the turn, etc.). It is often used in order to displacing too aggressive OPPs, the truth is as often as applied and in order to extract the highest possible benefits.


Summing up today's article, I can unambiguously say that this may have been one of the most difficult articles for writing, since it is almost impossible to fit all the conventions and details of each term within a single issue.

Therefore, if you want to understand deeper in all aspects of the operation of opponents and statistical values \u200b\u200bof HM2, I will be happy to help on my individual classes ( the first, the study lesson will be absolutely free). You can sign up, as always, by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article. Well, I was me, Artem "BlackBeard", to new meetings!