Salley Landau and Mikhail Tal: Endgame Love. Chess king Mikhail Tal Mikhail Tal Chess player

The chess creativity of Thale evolved from a strokebarization to a universal style.

Tal Mikhail Nehemievich was born on 9.11.1936 in Riga, the eighth in the history of Chess World Champion (1960-1961), International Grandmaster (1957), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960). Journalist; Chief editor of Shash magazine (1960 - 1970).

Chess learned to play at 10 years. Improved in a chess circle of the Riga Palace of Pioneers. At the age of 13, a member of the youth team of the Latvian SSR; In the 17th champion of the republic. At the USSR Team Championship (1953) divided the 1st-point on the 2nd board and received the right to the match for the title of Master of Sports of the USSR, who won (1954) at the Multiple Champion of Belarus V. Saigina - 8: 6 (+6, -4, \u003d 4). In 1955 he took 1st place in the semifinals of the 23rd USSR Championship and debuted (1956) in the All-Russian Championship: 5-7th. In 1957, Tal has achieved a major success in the 24th championship of the country - won the title of champion. The game of the new champion was distinguished not only by high performance, but also an unusually aggressive style of play, the speed and accuracy of the calculation of options, the risk, erected in the principle of the game. Subsequent performances. Tal - the world championship among students (8.5 points out of 10 on the 1st board, 1957) and the European Championship (3 of 5 on the 4th board, 1957) - also passed successfully. The 25th Country Championship (1958) again ended the victory of Tal, who won the right to participate in the Interzal Fide Tournament (Portorož), where he also won (1958). The right to fight for the title of world champion Tal confirmed on the 13th Olympiad in Munich (13.5 points from 15 - absolutely the best result; 1958), 26 USSR Championship in 1959 (2-3rd place) and at the International Tournament in Zurich - 1- E site, 1959.

He perfectly approached the stereotypes of the genius: a burning look, negligence in the appearance, a complete concentration on the most important and inattention to the trifles of life. Mikhail Tal occupied the world throne a very short time, but still considered a real genius of chess, the personification of the highest meaning of their meaning as a game based on both Azart, improvisation, insight and on the methodical error of the options.

The mainly of his human achievement was the fact that he fully maintained optimism and goodwill to others, despite the suffering and ailments, accompanying him all the short life.

Not like everyone

The originality accompanied him from birth - the right hand was a three-pall, which friends jokingly called evidence of alien origin of Tal. More practical biographers see the reason for such an abnormality in the fact that his parents were blood relatives - cousins \u200b\u200band sister, which is fraught with genetic failures.

Mikhail Tal was born on November 9, 1936 in Riga, in the family of doctors. As he said later: "I played black figures with fate." Her first move was dangerous: six months after birth, the boy fell ill with infection, similar to meningitis. Parents, like doctors, understood the memority of chances for survival, and they also knew that such inflammation affects the brain in an unexpected way, sometimes reinforcing the effectiveness of its work with a successful outcome of the disease. The child survived.

Shortened childhood

By five years, he could multiply in the mind three-digits, and read from three years. War Family Taly spent in evacuation, in the Perm region. The boy was accepted immediately into the third class, and the University of Riga, Mikhail Tal, was enrolled in the form of exception, from 15 years.

The memory of the Tal was phenomenal. The guy listedly reproduced the texts of the book, which seemed to be surrounding, he looked through for a minute. The information he considered particularly valuable remained in his memory forever.

At the same time, Mikhail did not consider himself in advance. His boyish interests did not differ from the hobbies of peers - he loved to play football and spent a lot of time, running with the ball, despite the early pathology in the work of the kidneys. But gradually the main meaning of chess appeared in his life.

The beginning of the way

At 6 years old, Mikhail Tal, whose biography will now be connected forever with this ancient game, first saw the board with figures. It happened when the child was at work at his father and waited in the reception of his medical office. Patients spent time for playing chess, waiting for the reception. Father showed him how the figures walk, and introduced to the basic rules. At first, the boy took the game calmly. The excitement, which was then distinguished by a future chess champion, boiled in it, when at 9 years he received from the "Children's Mat" cousin.

From 10 years he began to go to the chess circle at the Riga Poland of Pioneers. At the age of 12, he received the 2nd category, at the first 14th, at the age of 17 he became a master. The first chess teacher Talo - Janis Cruzkops - himself was a supporter of a combination, active game. In the case of Mikhail, it was imposed on outstanding abilities and fiery temperament. Tal chess player has never been afraid of risky continuations complicating the position. The legendary "incorrect" victims of Talo is also in many ways from his "pioneer" childhood.

Literature teacher

Interesting for the study of literature and history, obviously, it originated from Mikhail under the influence of the mother - Ida Grigorievna, in his youth, who had acquaintance with Erenburg, Picasso, other humanities. The topic of the thesis, after which the young teacher Mikhail Tal was released from the university, was "satire and humor in the works of Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov." Obviously, the brilliant sense of humor, inherent in the todya, celebrated by all - and long-known people, and barely familiar - had a solid foundation.

After receiving a diploma, he worked for some time at school, but by that time chess became the main profession. Philological preparation was very helpful in his classes by journalism, in particular, when he edited the Chess Magazine published in Riga, highly appreciated worldwide.


In his game, he always was looking for a fingerprint of the influence of supernatural, demonic forces - too bright, extraordinary, complete risk, limitless fantasy and unpredictable intuitive insights was the style of Mikhail Tal. The losers were looking for an explanation of their failures in the hypnotic look of the Master, in its extrasensory abilities. For those who knew Mikhail closer, these attempts caused a smile - the case was in the other.

Just the Tal chess player was the generation of his general attitude to life. The desire to seek to succeed, to know all the completeness of sensations, incontinence in desires and means for their incarnation was accompanied by his whole life.

When there was a preparation for the most important fight with Botvinnik, who decided to the fate of the world champion of the world, he conducted a whole operation to conquer the heart of the Riga Beauty Sullamife Landau. Both goals were achieved: Sally became his wife, and he is the champion of the world.

Path to Olympus

The rapid climb of Tal to the chess vertex, as well as the quick opportunities of the World Championship console, - Legendary Pages in the world in 1957, the young Riganin becomes the champion of the USSR in Chess, ahead of the Mastydnaya David Bronstein and Paul Kerez - contenders for the world crown. In the future, he won the All-Union Chess Championship for another 5 times.

The following stages of the path to Chess Olympus were international tournaments. Victory followed in the interzorone tournament of applicants in the portor, in Slovenia (1958) and on the 13th Chess Olympiad in Munich (1958). Tal won the International Chess Tournament in Zurich (1959) and held in the same year in Yugoslavia the tournament of applicants, among which were all the then stars in this sport: meanings, Glygaric, Petrosyan, F. Olafson, Cerez and Fifteen-year

The match for the title of world champion took place from March 15 to May 7, 1960 and ended in the early victory of the 24-year-old Tal, which won 6 parties, loser 2 and the first one who had reached 12 and a half points.

The youngest world champion

The young and charismatic, witty and intelligent, who had unprecedentedly bold and energetic style of the game Tal became a cumier of chess lovers around the world. When professional masters have passed surprise from the unexpected appearance of "attracting" when they learned a closer champion, a sense of sympathy for him was widespread and universal. Even famous among grandmothers and chess public Misanthrop and Sociopath easily spent the whole day alone with a thale, playing blitz.

In Riga, Tal met a huge crowd, carrying a car with a young champion from the station on his hands. He willingly met with lovers of chess of different ages in Riga and around the Union. Soon, few people left in the USSR, who would have a surname of Tal. Mikhail Nehememievich earned respect for the fact that he did not change the place of residence even in the most severe times, never allowed himself to look cloudy, where he was born, although the courage of his statements abroad was constant interest in him by state structures - at the same time he was non-rigid.

Subsequent life

In the spring of 1961, the aggravation of the renal problems of Tal intervened in the spring of 1961 with Botvinnik in the spring of 1961. He was also offered to even ask for the transfer of the match, but he agreed from respect to the opponent to all the conditions of Botvinnik. As a result, the Tal was not ready for a new struggle for the title and lost.

Subsequently, he repeatedly entered the struggle for the global chess crown, but unsuccessfully. He participated in the team A. Karpova when preparing it for matches with a revortion and Fisher, making a significant contribution to the acquisition of the championship title.

Despite the increasing health problems, he did not want to reduce the pace of life. After the birth of the son, divorce from Sally, the second and third marriage, the birth of her daughter, he remained an expensive person for everyone, who met in a life path, behaving with women in good and easy. He did not want to lose sight of simple and natural pleasures - delicious, but harmful food, good alcohol, smoked a lot ... True, sometimes it was explained to the need to drown a constant pain. To relieve pain, I had to resort to strong drugs.

Gone undefeated

In 1988, M. Tal wins the World Chess Championship with the shortened regulations and becomes the first world world champion. In his creative biography in 1970-80, there were periods when the win-win series in various tournaments numbered 90 parties in a row, which is an impressive achievement for any master.

The last official party in tournaments on classic chess Tal also won, this happened on May 5, 1992 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhis opponent was Vladimir Hakobyan. And shortly before death, he literally escaped from the hospital to participate in the Moscow Championship in Blitz, where he won from the then world champion of Harry Kasparov. It was his last chess tournament. He left his life on July 28, 1992.

Mikhail Nehhemevich Tal remained in history not only by a brilliant chess player, one of the last romantics of this ancient game, but also an outstanding person in his personal qualities, about whom the good memory is a lot of people with us and abroad.

Mikhail Nehemevich Tal (Latvian. Mihails Tāls). Born on November 9, 1936 in Riga - died on June 28, 1992 in Moscow. Soviet and Latvian chess player, Grossmaster (1957), 8th Chess Champion (1960-1961).

Honored Master of Sport of the USSR (1960), Six Column Champion of the USSR (1957, 1958, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1978), Latvian Champion (1953, 1965), the eight-time winner of Chess Olympiads as part of the team of the USSR, Six-time European Champion and Three-Strong World Champion among Students in the team competition, the winner of interzonal tournaments (1958, 1964, 1979), the contender tournament (1959), a participant in two matches for the world championship and seven matches of applicants, winner of 44-international tournaments, journalist, editor-in-chief of Chess magazine (1960 -1970).

Mikhail Tal was born in Riga in the family Nehemia and Ida Tal, who had to each other with cousins \u200b\u200band sisters. According to a number of Biographers, Tal, the real father of Mikhail, and he also knew, and the circle of acquaintances, was a friend of the Robert family. At the same time, the widow of Angelina and the daughter of Zhanna refuted it. At the age of half a year, he was very hard with meningitis. Tal learned to read in three years and possessed the abilities to mathematics (already five years later in the mind of three-digits). In 1941, the Tal family was evacuated to the village of Yural (now - the Komi-Perm District of the Perm Territory). In Yurl, they lived until 1945. When he was seven years old (according to other data, ten), his father taught him to play chess.

Tal studied in the Riga High School No. 22 and at the same time visited a chess circle of the Riga Palace of Pioneers, where his coach was a candidate for Master Janis Kruzkops. At 13 years old - a member of the youth team of the Latvian SSR; In the 17th champion of the republic. At the USSR Team Championship (1953) divided the 1st place on the 2nd board and received the right to the match for the title of Master of Sports of the USSR, who won (1954) at the Multiple Belarusian Champion V. Saigina. In 1955 he took 1st place in the semifinals of the 23rd USSR Championship and debuted (1956) in the All-Union Championship: 5-7th.

In the fall of 1956, Tal divided 5-6 places in the semifinals of the All-Union Championship, and next year he again took part in the final tournament (24th USSR Championships). At the start of the Tal, he won several victories, including the participant of the match for the world championship bronchnye. In the middle of the tournament, he lost two parties and a little behind, but at the finish of the personal party, one of the leaders, Cerez, and headed the table with the bronchteyn and whip. In the last round, Tal and Tolush played among themselves and the Tal won, having spent a spectacular attack. As Bronstein played the last batch of a draw, Tal became the champion of the country. For this success, he was awarded the title of grandmaster. The game of Talroom was distinguished by an aggressive style and willingness to take risks, which attracted fans.

Subsequent speeches of Tal - the world championship among students (1957) and the European Championship (1957) - also passed successfully. The 25th Country Championship (1958) ended the victory of Tal. At the interzorone tournament in the portor, the todya was needed not only to get into the sixth, but also take no lower place among the Soviet grandmasters, since more than four chess players from one country could not participate in the FIDE Tournament, and Cerez and Means were already provided. . Tal took the first place with 13½ points from 20, losing only Matanovich and ahead of Glygarich's half-point and the point of Benko and Petrosyan. In the same tournament, the sixth place took a fifteen-year-old. The right to fight for the title of world champion Tal confirmed on the 13th Olympiad in Munich, showing absolutely the best result: 13½ points from 15 (1958), 26 Championship of the USSR in 1959 (2-3rd place) and at the International Tournament in Zurich - 1 -Ef place, 1959. In the contendent tournament (Bled - Zagreb - Belgrade (Yugoslavia), 1959) Tal won a victory (20 out of 28, Tal won Micromati from the meanwood, Glygarich, Fisher, F. Olafsson and Benko, played a draw with Petrosyan and I lost to Micromatch only Paul Cerese) and won the right to the match with the world champion.

The match for the title of world champion on most of the twenty-four parties started on March 15, 1960 at the Pushkin Theater in Moscow. Before that match, Tal and never played with each other. Tal won the first batch, then followed several draws. The sixth and seventh batch also won the Tal, and the sixth - thanks to the incorrect sacrifice of the horse for the pawn. In the next two parties, Botvinnik won the victory. An important thing was the eleventh party, which Tal won in a classic manner, gradually increasing the positional advantage and then spending the endgame. Then a series of draws was followed, finally in the seventeenth party, Tal went to the exacerbation and in Zeietnote Botvinnik looked at the tactical blow. The advantage of Thale again grew up to three points and he brought the match to victory. After a draw at the twenty-first batch, on May 7, the match ended early with a score of 12½: 8½ (6: 2 by victories).

Tal has become the youngest world champion (Only in 1985, his record surpassed Kasparov). The new champion in Riga met crowds of people. The success of Tal was explained by the fact that he was imposed on the Botvinnik uncomfortable position for him, forcing it to go from the laid rail. For the complication of the game, Tal walked into material sacrifices or on the deterioration of position, but for the board it repeatedly worked, the Botvinnik chose the non-optimal continuation than the Tal enjoyed.

As a champion, Tal spoke at the 14th Olympiad in Leipzig (1960) and won the international tournament in Stockholm (1961). In the river-revenge, Tal lost to the brave-playing Botvinnik (lost 10 parties, won only 5).

During 1961, Tal won a very strong tournament in Bled (141 out of 19; Fisher, who Tal lost the only party, lagged behind the point, Cerez, Petrosyan and Glyigorich - for two) and divided 4-5 places with Vashukov in the next USSR Championship. As an ex-champion Tal was admitted to the Tournament of applicants in Curaçao, but the disease did not allow him to compete. Two months before the Tal tournament, the Tal suffered an operation on the kidneys, and after three laps, when Tal had three victories at eight draws and ten defeats, he dropped out of the tournament. In 1962, Tal was included by the second spare in the Soviet team at the Olympics in Varna and took the first place on his board (+7 -0 \u003d 6), and also divided 2-3 places in the USSR Championships (won the revolving). Next year, Tal won the Astalos Memorial in the Hungarian Mischiknets and commented on the match between Petrosyan and Botvinnik.

At the beginning of the new challenger cycle (1964-1966), Tal divided 1-4 places with a semantic, Spassky and Larsen in an interzonal tournament, which allowed him to go into the matches of applicants (this system changed the contender tournaments). The Tal beat Portist ahead of schedule (5½: 2½) and with great difficulty - Larsen (5½: 4½, in the decisive party Tal in the debut sacrificed the figure and Larsen did not find proper protection). In the final match against Spassky Tal lost 4: 7.


Do not choke

"Chess Paganini", "Demon", "Vortex from the Soviet Union", "pirate of a chessboard", "Wizard from Riga", "the great actor of a chess scene" ... from two dozen of such epites received by the Eighth World Champion in Chess Mikhail Thale from His enthusiastic fans and journalists, "queen all sorts" (a figure with unlimited possibilities, having a horse in stock, according to the explanatory dictionary of Dahl) seemed to me the most original and most precisely characterizing the multifaceted Personality of Tal.

He was allowed everything. For Dostoevsky, this is a great sin, but not for Tal. "Misha, you understand that this does not happen," friends told him in response to his next sacrifice in the Black and White Cell space. "I know, but I want so much! .." I have one tendency, weakness, call, as you want: I love paradoxical solutions, "the Tal himself admitted in an interview with Soviet Sports in June 1987. "So that the catt is longer than the hypotenuse, and twice two equals five."

On June 28, 1992, a great chess player of the century, "Mozart of Chess Arts" died in the 15th of the 15th city hospital in Moscow, "Mozart of Chess Art", the eighth world champion Mikhail Tal. It seemed that the favorite chess would always save this person who survived 12 of the most difficult operations for their lives, from the departure to where the present, the past and the future merge into one river. But this time the miracle did not happen. "Profuse bleeding. Varicose veins of the esophagus "- With such a medical diagnosis, even wizards live ... Cavalry with hypnosis

The appearance of Mikhail Tal in large chess, which came at the end of the 50s - the beginning of the 60s, made the effect of a broken bomb. Delightened little to the famous "hussar from Riga" managed to crush all recognized chess authorities and in 23 years old to become the youngest world champion, which is called, from the first right and in one breath. It was so impelled that many seriously spoke about the hypnotic abilities of the Tal and the cosmic origin of its combinations with fantastic victims of the figures, as if coming to the brilliant "commander". And almost mystical history of the birth of Thale, it is incomprehensible to how famous to everyone, gave birth to another "raystery" of his phenomenal victories ...

"Piece people" - "piece" relationship

The first wife of the eighth world champion dramatic actress and pop singer Salley (Sullaugh) Landau in his book "Elegy Mikhail Tal" argues that from the first appearance in the house Talya realized: "Here they live" piece people ", the relationship between which they do not fit into the framework Socialist hostel. " I think that the fact of a truly "piece family relationship", professing in the house of Taly, is unlikely to challenge and adherents of the "capitalist hostel", since the conception of Misha, from the point of view of Christian canons, was vicious. He had two fathers: blood - Robert and his husband His mother Ida Grigorievna, father of Senior Brother Yakov - famous in Riga Nechemia Tal. And it was not a banal love triangle with secret dates and scenes of jealousy, and, probably, the only one in their understanding exit from the situation defined by viral infection, which led Nekemia to the incurable impotence. Misha knew that Robert had been obliged to be owned by his admission to the world, nevertheless his father always considered Nehamia, whom he loved endlessly. And for Robert Misha was the son of Dr. Tal.

Two months before the birth of Mikhail, the Nekin's fairy-tale mouse, who inhabited in the Riga Seaside, almost broke the tail of the golden egg, from which chess genius had to appear. And if seriously, Ida Grigorievna spoke about a huge rat, who frightened her so that she, being in the seventh month of pregnancy, lost consciousness from fear. The fears of doctors about the irreversible consequences of the shock, thank God, did not justify: the birth was safe. But when mom first brought a newborn, she again, like then in the Riga seaside, he lost his senses from horror, seeing the jarred three-tongue handle of the Son ...

Black and white diagnosis

At a semi-annual age, Misha, according to another family legend, almost died, taking the most complicated form of meningitis with incessant convulsions and temperatures for 40. Recalling about it, Sally Landau writes: "The doctor said that there are almost no hope, but with a favorable outcome after such Great people grow diseases. " Mondering that the best physician of Riga was, according to knowledgeable people, Nehemia Tal, I want to ask: wasn't he the author of that black and white, like a chessboard, diagnosis? But be that as it may, the most important thing - Misha survived and really became at first in advance, and then the genius. In three years, he learned to read, five - multiply three-digit numbers and retell the pages of read books. At seven years, the Word for the Word was repeated a father's lectures for medical topics, at twenty-seven he managed without visible efforts to recall a one-year-old ten moves who met in some party of the 1939 championship. Thirty-seven freely commented on chess games at seven European languages \u200b\u200b...

Journalist Yaroslav Golovanov says:

Once again with Misha in the company, drank. I got into the hands of some mathematical problem book, and I began to read it out loud, laughed at the pools, in which water flows and flows. It took more than an hour. Tal suddenly says to anyone:

What is "24"?

In a task that you read, the answer is 24 tons! Check.

I checked. For sure! But I read the challenge for more than an hour ago, and all this time Tal took an active part in the feast, Balagenil, I did not see him for a minute swinging this task.

What is our life? THE GAME…

By itself, the attempt of a person of an ordinary invading the territory of the genius and all the more accommodate the brightest life of the Tale in two newspaper pages looks blasphemous. I perfectly give yourself a report, but, as they say, I'm not the first and sure not the last.

Misha Tal became acquainted with Chess Misha Tal and since then more with them did not part with them, considering them by his world, in which he, according to his own words, lived in full life and expressed himself to the end. "Chess was needed by Tal, and he appeared, a huge and bright artist" - a few years later, another genius of Chess, the twelfth world champion Anatoly Karpov, who, by the way, Mikhail Nehememievich helped to prepare for matches with Victor Corrun and Robert Fisher.

In 1953, a 17-year-old student of the second (!) Course of the Philological Faculty of the University of Riga Tal (he graduated from school at 15) became the champion of Latvia, in 21 - the strongest chess player of the Soviet Union. Furior in the chess world made even the final result of the 24th championship of the country, and the style of the game of his winner, distinguished by an extraordinary combination brilliance, full of sparkling fantasy, risk and romance. It was the challenge to the then Chess Corristers - Mikhail Botvinnik and Vasilyia Middlely, who confessed the same positional game.

The victory at the USSR Championship of 1957 became for the Tale of Thom, figuratively speaking, the takeoff strip, with which his rapid flight began to the top of the world chess Olympus. During the two subsequent years, "Hussar from Riga" did not lose almost a single tournament. The win-win Marathon series of 28 tours, completed by the triumph at the contendent tournament in Yugoslavia, gave Tallu the right to challenge the world title in the match with the then owner of the Crown Mikhail Botvinnik. And he took advantage of the chance, while playing Mozartt ease: however, the score of 12.5: 8.5 in his favor he speaks for himself.

Tell a journalist Lev Hariton:

I remember well the match, playing in Moscow at the Pushkin Theater. Hundreds of chess lovers who failed to get into the auditorium, along a huge demonstration board installed on Tver Boulevard, watched the match. I will never forget the famous sixth party. The playing black Tal immediately after leaving the debut sacrificed what is called, in the exact location of the horse. It was a challenge of Botvinen, all followers of the cold calculation, trying to drive chess to the procrusteo bed of faceless algorithms. No matter what happened, the Tal was flushed across the stage, and the famous champion, who defeated Lasker, Capabalanka and Alekhina, faced with a surprise, tried in vain to find a solution in his "brand" position. The arrow on the clock of Botvinnik was inexorably moving forward, but he never found a response.

What happened in the hall! The audiences discussed out loud, the cries of "Bravo!" Were distributed. Finally, Botvinnik demanded to postpone the chess table for the scenes. Both grandmaster left the scene, and the audience got the opportunity to noise in full force - as on a boxing match. Tal won this party, and despite the desperate resistance of the Botvinnik, the chess crown moved to Riganin, which became the most young world champion at that time.

"The applicant played very cunning. He sought the figures to wear throughout the board. In this case, all the time had to consider options, and the Tal in those years did it better than everyone ... "- so a few years later, Mikhail Moiseevich himself explained his unexpected defeat .

"Volga" on the elongated hands

Meeting of the eighth world champion with his countless fans at the Riga railway station is not amenable to witnesses, no description. It had to be seen, and the cadres of the newsreel, on which an enthusiastic crowd carried on the elongated hands the Volga car with the Thale sitting in it, went around the whole world. It was the top of the career of a 23-year-old chess player who became, by the way, in the same 60th year by his father: on October 12, the son of Hera was born from Sally. It seemed that Fortuna smiled Mikhail with his whole radiant smile, and the future saw a wide open expensive dear with the fans who were joined for their idol for everything. But life, they say plot, and the plots, as you know, are to all sorts of surprises: further events have developed so that the star named Tal, alas, I had to fall on sinful land ...

Kuznets his misfortune

Worked at one time in the Soviet Sports of the Chess Observer Anatoly Matsukevich told me that he often visited Moscow Tal usually stayed at the Sport Hotel, if possible in the room 1313. In response, in response, in response to the perplexed questions, it was laughed in response: "We are the forge of our misfortune." Of course, Mikhail Nehhemeyvich himself initiated many problems arising in his life. In particular, the so-called sports regime was very conditional for him. Even close people hit the irrepression of Tal, the man is not a good harness, in the adoption of alcoholic beverages, in which he, apparently, was looking for salvation.

But the sake of fairness must be said that not everything depended on him. Three-handed right hand, so scared at one time Into Grigorievna, looked no more than a natural label of a genius compared to the incurable congenital kidney disease that tormented him all his life. "From the first of our meetings, I drew attention to the fact that Misha absorbs some medicines. Suddenly pale will shrink - and the handful of capsules in the mouth, "Sally Landau remembers. According to her, almost the day after the victory over the Botvinnik, wild pain began with her husband ...

The son of Mikhail Nexhemich Herman (who now famous the doctor, emigrated in the 90th year to Israel) is still convinced that the match-revenge of Botvinnik lost not father, but his sore kidney. When, in the end, it was decided to remove it and the Tal got on the operating table in one of the Tbilisi hospitals, the most experienced doctors were amazed: why is this person still alive? "What they saw, could not be called the kidney. It was a solid molten necrotic meal ... "- tells Herman Mikhailovich.

However, Mikhail Tal himself did not endure the conversations about his health at all, and more than once applied to reports to journalists asking not to look for in it the reasons for their defeat in the match-revenge. "All the talk about the fact that I was preparing less to him are absolutely untenable. I was preparing very seriously, "he said in the already mentioned interview with" Soviet Sport ". - Nevertheless, without false coquets, I must say that I was absolutely not interested in the arithmetic outcome of the match: I preserve the crown or not. At the head of the corner there was a game. I was insanely interested to play with Botvinnik, whose fan became another boy in 1945. I was already a fairly competent chess player to conscious: Mikhail Moiseevich understands chess as no one. On the head above me. And only in the "twist" my chances were better. During both matches, I did not leave a feeling that the sophomore student was experiencing on the exam in front of the professor. Neither before, nor after the match, this happened to me ... "

The fact that Mikhail Nehhemeyvich did not exist, testifies to the fact that, being in 1961 the world champion, he did not refer to the disease and insist on the movement of the match, moreover, agreed to play in Moscow, on the "Challenger Field" ...

Blitz with pain

Then there were still many loud victories in the most prestigious tournaments, hundreds of the brightest parties, worthy textbooks for chess arts. As part of the USSR national team, Tal became the winner of World Olympiads, in 52 he won the title of the first world champion in Blitz, but I never managed to re-get to the top of Olympus. Nevertheless, the dream remained to live in it even after he, apparently, under the influence of diseases and not fallen families, seriously addicted to alcohol. Moreover, someone to this day is confident that the Tal in these years was not bent and drugs. But this is not true: yes, it was addictive to Morphia in the postoperative period, but there was a painful dump from it in the exhausting struggle with intolerant, destructive pain. And addiction to brandy together with almost round-the-clock smoking of the favorite "Kent" was just an alternative to Morphia.

"Side options"

Somewhere I read that the life of Tal was eternal pursuit for two ladies - glory and skirt. As for Glory, I think, it is unlikely that Mikhail Nehhemeyvich loved chess selflessly, and not in chess. But about the female, apparently, pure truth. And it was amazing, because, according to Beauty Sally, she "in life did not meet another person who would be so indifferent to her own appearance. I had to even catch it up for a nail haircut procedure, forcibly drive into the bathroom. "

"Once," Sally continues, "Mikhail admitted that his legs hurt all day. I looked and looked around: it was wound in two different boots, and both - with the right leg ... "

Nevertheless, the women of Tal adored, and when he, according to Sally, opened his mouth, they "just cast". His numerous novels that the Tal himself called "by the on-site options unexpectedly arising in the party", they later led to the collapse of the family - they broke up with Sally.

Then in different years, near the Thale was the soloist of the Birzka of the world Koltsov, Pianist Bella Davidovich, film actress, the star of Soviet cinema Larisa Sobolevskaya ... There was even a marriage union with the young Georgian poetess, very short, even though he was blessed by the then first secretary Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia Mzhavanadze.

And only after meeting with a modest engineer Angelina (gels), which happened one day in the Riga chess club, Tal found the "option", which I was looking for. This woman (much, by the way, younger), who became the mother of his daughter Zhanna and the Third Wife, remained with him until the end of his days.

From the dossier of the newspaper "Soviet sports"

Tal Mikhail Nehhemevich.Outstanding Soviet chess player. Born on November 9, 1936 in Riga. Honored Master of Sports (1960). International Grandmaster (1957). Daugava (Riga). The eighth world champion (1960-1961). The eight-round winner of the World Wide Chess Olympiads in the USSR national team (1958, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1972, 1974, 1980,1982), occupied, as a rule, the first places on his board. Three times showed an absolutely better result in the Olympics, in particular in 1958 scored 13.5 points out of 15 possible. Twice (1970, 1984) participated in the matches of the USSR and the rest of the world. Six-time European champion (1957, 1961, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1980). For almost a quarter of a century (1962-1985), there was among the applicants for a chess crown. Four-time USSR champion (1957,1958, 1967, 1972). The winner is about 40 major international tournaments. Three-time world champion among students in team competition. The winner of the first informal world championship in the lightning game (1988). Editor-in-Chief of the Shash magazine (1960 - 1970). He was awarded the orders of the friendship of peoples (1961) and the "Honor Sign" (1960).


Harry Kasparov, 13th World Champion:

- Despite the supercore stay on the chess throne (also a record), Tal was one of the brightest stars on the chess skyscard. Combinations, victims, inexhaustible optimism - all this was a reflection of the Soviet society, reliefly sighed after the German mittens.

Lev Khariton, journalist:

- Of course, the language of literature or cinema is more accessible to the chess language, but the risk of expressing the idea that the Bunctric Spirit was felt in silent movements and figures of the Riga "Wizard", the desire to pour at least some spiritual oxygen, which was characteristic of the early 60s. It is symptomatic that as soon as the valves with clean air closed, others came to replace others - and from chess reached machine mechanics.


In the early 70s, before the torma in Tbilisi removed the kidney (at that time, the success of such an operation was 30 percent), Chess in the USSR magazine, just in case, prepared a necrologist. When everything went and the Tal arrived in Moscow, someone from the edition of the simplicity of spiritual showed him this text.

"I am the only person who read his necrologist during his lifetime," Mikhail Nehhemeyvich then Gorkyly jumped on this occasion. - Something there, by the way, missed, and I managed to edit ...

Mikhail Nehymevich Tal (1936-1992) - Outstanding Soviet and Latvian Chess player, VIII World Champion in Chess, Six-time Champion of the Soviet Union, a multiple winner of Chess Olympiads in the USSR national team, six-time champion in Europe. For 10 years he headed Chess magazine.

"The Wizard from Riga" is one of the numerous nicknames Mikhail Tal

Mikhail Tal was born in Riga on November 9, 1936. His parents had a medical education and accounted for each other with cousin relatives. Perhaps this is why the genetic failure has happened, who left the right hand of the champion of the Three Palle. According to another version, the real father of the grandmaster was a certain Frenchman Robert, concluded with the Talya family. Therefore, the boy was actually brought up two fathers, although he always called Pape the Tal.

From the earliest years, fate voted him a big test. Already half a year, Misha fell ill with severe infection, similar to clinical features with meningitis. Despite the fact that there was a little chance for survival, he was alive and soon began to demonstrate rare abilities.

Already in three years, Tal read, and in five easily multiplied three-digits. He also possessed a phenomenal memory, easily commemorated from the first time large excerpts of the text. It is not surprising that Wunderkinda was in school immediately into the third class, and in the University of Riga, at the Faculty of Philology, he was able to come at 15 years. With chess, the boy met for 6 years, but then he did not experience much excitement. Everything changed after three years, when a relative who came to visit, set him "Children's Mat".

With ten years, Mikhail, who was able to engage in a chess mug at the Riga Palace of Pioneers. His first mentor was Janis Karovich Kruzkops. At the age of 13, Tal came to the Republican youthful team, and at the age of 17 won the championship of Latvia.

Carier start

In 1957, Tal first won the Union Championship and received the title of grandmaster. The defeated young player turned out to be authoritative at the time Alexander Tolush and David Bronstein. Then success came to Mikhail at the European Championships. True, fate again decided to experience the chess player for strength - father died. From the burning of Thale was denied legs and he was running down for a while, refusing food. Saved his son from severe depression Mother, having mastered his participation in the young blitz tournament. The result exceeded all the expectations - 17 points out of 17 possible and new interest in life.

In 1958, he was again not equal in the Union Championship. Then the interzone tournament was followed in the portor, where the todyha was to be the first or second among Soviet players. Mikhail exceeded the norm and became the best among compatriots. Later, he confirmed the right to challenge the global chess crown on the 13th Olympiad in Munich, showing the best result.

In 1959, the tournament of applicants was held in Yugoslavia. None of the rivals perceived Tal as a serious opponent. However, in his fights, Riganin worked real wonders. For example, in the party, I was sacrificed in the queen and made the opponent for 26 goes.

Tal - meaning

Candidates Tournament, Yugoslavia, 1959

The youngest champion

The fight for the title of world champion took place in March 1960 in the metropolitan theater. Pushkin. The harsh and volitional Botvinnik, ideally fit into the image of the authentic Soviet grandmaster, confronted impulsive and always ready to ride the Riga genius, which preferred to live in his rules. Find an antidote against Natiska Tal Botvinnik never managed, giving up with a score of 8.5: 12.5 points. Mikhail was announced by the VIII world champion, becoming in 23 years old the youngest owner of a chess crown (only in 1985 he broke this record).

In 1961, Mikhail won a very representative tournament in Bled, only the only time by giving way to Fisher. The final result is -14.5 out of 19 points spoke for himself. However, soon after returning home, the chess player suffered an operation on the kidneys.

The winner of the championship title Tal was not long. In 1961, a revanch was held, in which M. Botvinnik won a convincing victory with a score of 10: 5. In many ways, to show a good result of the todya was prevented by the old disease, to which the heart attack was added. Interestingly, Mikhail requested the postponement of the meeting, but Botvinnik demanded a certificate only from the Moscow clinics and the insulted Tal decided to play at his own risk.

After championship

In 1962, a tournament of applicants for Curaçao (the island in the Caribbean in the Small Antille Islands group) took place. Mikhail Tal, Tigran Petrosyan, Victor Corrhan, Paul Cerez and Efim Geller took part from the USSR. Bobby Fisher and Pal Benko participated from the United States, Miroslav Philip represented Czechoslovakia. Tal dropped down the sickness after the third round of the competition - in the seven remaining parties he was counted defeat. Naturally, with such a situation, a speech could not go about any high result.

The only chess player who visited Tal in the hospital was. This gesture is deeply troke Mikhail (Curaçao, 1962)

In the championship cycle of 1964-1966, Tal spoke quite well, dividing 1-4 places in the interzone tournament. Then not without difficulty, in the matches of the contenders of Portist and Larsen, but in the final duel gave way to 4: 7.

The disease continued to pursue the chess player and in 1969 - he was removed by the kidney. Chess remained the only salvation during periods of protracted pain. He gladly took invitations to participate in tournaments where he could distract from the torque of his illness. A few months after the operation, Mikhail won the next competitions.

The next series of success was expected by the grandmaster only in the late 70s, when he managed in 1978, the last time, to win the USSR championship, divide the palm of the championship with on the "Star Tournament" in Montreal (1979) and take 2-3 places on the Kerez Memorial . In 1988, Tal becomes the first world champion in Blitz, ahead of A. Karpov and Kasparov. He again proved that he was not equal, although many rivals considered otherwise.

True genius

Its appearance, he perfectly personified a stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bgenius - negligence in appearance, disregard for trifles, complete invisibility in everyday life, phenomenal concentration on the main thing, as well as a crewing and dyed look. However, his unmatched game, in which the excitement was intertwined, improvisation and the accuracy of the miscalculation of the course did not leave doubts that we were real genius.

View of the genius ...

Unlike many colleagues, they strive to play as rationally as possible, Tal led to the audience with his risky strokes and unexpected victims. Journalists and specialists came up with grandmaster all new epithets - Chess Paganini, Wizard, Alien. In fact, many victims of Michael with a deep analysis turned out to be incorrect. However, by this, he acquired the tactical initiative, forcing the enemy to invent new ways of protection and forcing him to make mistakes. "Many victims do not need a specific calculation at all," said Tal. That is how he knocked out from the collapse of Botvinnik in the match for the world championship.

Over time, the acute combination game began to give up a more versatile style with deep ideological ideas and verified strategic plans.

In 1968, an amazing session of the game blindly on 10 boards was organized at the Kiev film studio. This action was organized as part of a teleprotelet about human superposses. In response to a request to find a hero on this duel, the chess federation advised Tal. As a result - seven victories at three draws.

Fragment of the film "Seven Steps for the Horizon" (1968), in which Mikhail Tal conducts a session of the simultaneous game blindly.

Chess achievements

Mikhail Tal - VIII World Champion (1960-1961) and eight-time champion of chess Olympiad. Along with Botvinnik, is a six-time union champion. He won over 20 sole victories in large tournaments, among which can be noted Bled (1961), Miskolc (1963), Reykjavik (1964), Wike-An-See (1973), Malaga (1979) and a number of others. In addition, he divided the first places in two dozen tournaments. The Tal won six times at the European Championship and three times at interzonal competitions.

Personal life

During the celebration of the new 1959, Tal meets the famous Latvian actress and singer Salley Landau. In order for the girl to pay attention to him, he sat down with her "random" meetings and sent friends. As a result, the young got married, and in 1960 the beloved spouse, which Tal called Saska, gave birth to his son George. The chess player did not have a burden in a child, inventing him different nicknames. One of them - Gusten Tal loved especially. But the birth of a child did not save this marriage and in 1970 a couple broke up.

Sally and Mikhail for playing chess

Georgy Tal - Son Mikhail Tal and Sally Landau

After a short fictitious marriage with the Georgian Ira, which happened at the initiative of the latter, Mikhail was married by Taman Angelina, who gave him to his daughter Zhanna in 1975. They met during one of the USSR championships, in which Tal spoke to the commentator, and his future spouse was witnessed his speech. The gel turned out to be a very important person in the life of Tal, creating him a reliable stronghold in everyday life, where the great chess player was completely inactive.

In the late 80s, Tal is increasingly thinking about his fate and the more this is thinking about it, the less the regime is observed. He holds sleepless nights for poker, eats without restrictions and smokes five pieces of cigarettes per day. Without sustaining such a rhythm, the spouse with her daughter leaves to Germany and soon in the life of Mikhail, the last Pasia Marina appears.

Tal was famous for his love adventures. He was attributed to novels with actress by Larisa Sobolevskaya, the dancer of the Miro Round and Pianist Bella Davidovich.

Actress Larisa Sobolevskaya and actor Pavel Kadochnikov in the film "Big Family" (1954)

Who was the favorite Woman of the World Champion? According to people who knew Mikhail Tal near Mikhail, he jesterly love and tenderness to the first spouse Sally.

Forever Verne Chematam

In 1992, during the tournament in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTallu became bad and urgently delivered to Moscow. The state of the grandmaster caused huge concerns of the doctors - he could die at any time. That is the earliest to know that the chess player escaped the walls of the hospital to the blitz tournament, held at this time in Moscow. This competition will win Harry Kasparov, but he will suffer the only defeat from Tal.

Tal - Kasparov

Moscow, 1992.

This is the last party played by Mikhail Thale in official tournaments. It is possible that this is the last party in his life, but the more huge its weight is huge, as so Mikhail Nehhemevich, a month before his death, won from the current world champion. Does not begun victory and the fact that Kasparov lost in time. As he himself admits (see video above), he could not solve the problems in time, which he created a deadly sick tal on the board.

June 28, 1992 the eighth world champion was not. Mikhail Tal is buried at the Jewish cemetery of Smerley in Riga (Latvia).

  • Being in the seventh month of pregnancy, Mikhail's mother Ida Tal lived at the cottage and, once, asleep, woke up from the big rat ran around next to her. A woman embraced a real horror. Then she thought it was a sign over. Again, this idea came to her mind immediately after the birth of a child when she saw only three fingers on his right hand.
  • One day, a well-known journalist Yakov Dame doubted in the phenomenal memory of the Tale, which was able to remember over thousands of text pages. The chess player offered to take any page in the read book and read the first line. Further, Michael reproduced unmistakably all the text itself.
  • Tal always possessed big quirks. For example, he could easily confuse the shoes or for a long time to try at his wife in what sequence need to wash.
  • Even after the divorce with the first wife of S. Landau, the Tal continued to communicate with her and the words ran from the song with every phone call: "I told you not all the words."
  • In 2014, Mikhail vs. Michael opened in Riga, dedicated to the match of Botvinnik and Tal for a chess crown.

Fragment of the opera "Mikhail vs. Mikhail". Thus, Rijani decided to remember his great countryman Mikhail Tale


Meeting of the two-time champion of the USSR Mikhail Talov fans in Riga (1958).

Mikhail Tal about Vladimir Vysotsky and a song.

Parts with comments

Fisher - Tal (Sicilian Protection)

Belgrade, 1954.

(Missed opportunities<<Эта одна из четырёх партий, которые Фишер проиграл Талю, победителю турнира, завоевавшего право оспаривать шахматную корону у Ботвинника. Остроумный Таль, когда кто-то попросил у него автограф, в шутку поставил кроме свой подписи и подпись Фишера. «А что такого? — завил он. — Я столько раз бил Бобби, что имею право расписаться за него!» Внимательное изучение примечаний Фишера поможет нам ясно уловить отзвуки сильного волнения, переполнявшего его во время этого напряжённого поединка. Он упускает победу в дебюте и затем несколько раз проходит мимо ничейных возможностей, словно желая в наиболее драматичной форме показать, как можно проиграть отличную позицию, допуская незначительные на вид просчёты>\u003e (L. Evans).) 1. E4 C5 2. NF3 D6 3. D4 CXD4 4. NXD4 NF6 5. NC3 A6 6. BC4 (this move has brought success many times.) E6 7. BB3 ((in one of Session parties in California In 1964, I played less successfully :) 7. OO BE7 8. BB3 QC7 9. F4 B5 10. F5 B4 11. FXE6 $ 5 ((unprofitable for white and) 11. NCE2 E5 12. NF3 BB7) 11 ... BXC3 12. EXF7 + KF8 13. BG5 NG4! (, and blacks should win.)) 7 ... B5! (With this move you need to hurry ({В нашей партии из второго круга Таль играл слабее:} 7... Be7? 8. f4 O-O 9. Qf3 Qc7 {и теперь} 10. f5! ({в партии чёрные захватили инициативу после} 10. O-O? b5 11. f5 b4! 12. Na4 e5 13. Ne2 Bb7) 10... e5 ({но не} 10... Nc6 {из-за} 11. Be3 {с сильным давлением}) 11. Nde2 b5 12. a3 Bb7 13. g4 {давало белым сильную атаку.}) 8. f4 $5 ({Против Олафссона (Буэнос-Айрес, 1960 г.) я продолжал} 8. O-O Be7 ({если} 8... b4 {, то} 9. Na4 Nxe4 10. Re1 Nf6 11. Bg5 {с атакой}) 9. Qf3 $5 Qc7 (9... Bb7 10. Bxe6!) 10. Qg3 b4 11. Nce2 g6 12. c3? (12. Bh6!) 12... Nxe4 13. Qe3 Nf6 14. cxb4 O-O { с обоюдоострой игрой}) ({В партии Р. Бирн — Эванс (первенство США, 1967 г.) белые продолжали} 8. Qf3 {, но не смогли ничего получить:} Bb7 9. Bg5 b4 10. Na4 Nbd7 11. O-O Qa5 12. Bxf6 Nxf6 13. Rfe1 Be7 {.}) 8... b4! {Косвенно подрывая центр белых.} 9. Na4 Nxe4 ({Возможно и} 9... Bb7 {.}) 10. O-O g6? ({ Правильно здесь} 10... Bb7 {.}) 11. f5! {Этот ответ оказался для Таля неожиданным. Король чёрных, застрявший в центре вскоре станет объектом неприятельских атак.} gxf5 ({Если} 11... exf5 {, то} 12. Bd5 Ra7 13. Nxf5! gxf5 14. Qd4 {.}) 12. Nxf5! {!}<<Почти всю партию Фишер играл в стиле Таля, но вся его беда была в том, что Таль защищался не в стиле Фишера, а изыскивал единственные спасающие контршансы!>\u003e (V. Panov).) RG8 (losing an equilibrium, the Tal is not protected by a strong way.) ((It was better to play) 12 ... D5 13. NH6 BXH6 14. BXH6) ((<но не>) 12 ... exf5? 13. QD5 RA7 14. QD4 (.)) 13. BD5! RA7 (13 ... Exd5 14. QXD5 BXF5 15. RXF5 RA7 16. QXE4 + RE7 17. QXB4 RE2 18. BG5! RXG5 19. RXG5 QXG5 20. QXB8 + (- V. Panov.)) 14. BXE4? ((Correct here) 14. BE3! NC5 15. QH5! RG6 (15 ... NXA4 16. BXA7 EXD5 17. RAE1 +) 16. RAE1! (, And all white shapes are collapsed on the king (indicated by Kevitz).)) 14 ... EXF5 15. BXF5 ((Probably it was better to avoid exchanges through) 15. BD5) ((or) 15. BF3 (.)) 15 ... RE7! (A rare way to protect the king.) 16. BXC8 QXC8 17. BF4? ((It should be elected simple) 17. C3! (, And if) QC6 (, then) 18. Rf2) ((impossible) 17. QXD6? (Because) RXG2 + 18. KXG2 RE2 + 19. KF3 BXD6 20. KXE2 QXC2 + (.)) 17 ... QC6! 18. QF3 QXA4! (How unexpected that I barely believed my eyes ({Я ожидал} 18... Qxf3 19. Rxf3 Re2 20. Rf2 Rxf2 21. Kxf2 {, и после а2-а3 белые могли бы рассчитывать на использование многочисленных слабостей в лагере чёрных.}) 19. Bxd6 Qc6! {Таль вдохновенно защищается.} 20. Bxb8 Qb6+ ({После} 20... Qxf3 21. Rxf3 Bg7 22. c3 {белые оставались бы с лишней пешкой.}) 21. Kh1 Qxb8 {Каждый ход вызывал в зале шум и свист. Позднее я узнал, что среди зрителей было много спортивных болельщиков. Видимо, не состоялся какой-нибудь футбольный матч, и шахматы в тот день оказались в центре внимания в Белграде.} 22. Qc6+ ({Многие комментаторы полагали, что ход} 22. Rae1 {выигрывал партию. Сам Таль признался, что он считал свою позицию после этого хода безнадёжной. Однако ход} Kd8! {спасал чёрных во всех вариантах} ({плохо} 22... Rg6? {из-за} 23. Qxf7+ Kd7 24. Rd1+! Rd6 25. Rxd6+ Kxd6 26. Rf6+!) {Я проанализировал эту позицию вдоль и поперёк и не могу предложить ничего лучшего, чем} 23. Rd1+ Kc7! (23... Kc8? 24. Qc6+) 24. Qf4+ (24. Rd4 Qb7!) 24... Kb7 25. Rd6 Qc7 26. Qxb4+ Kc8 27. Rxa6 Qb7! 28. Qxb7+ Kxb7 29. Raf6 Rg7=) 22... Rd7 23. Rae1+ ({Чёрным удавалось защититься после} 23. Rad1 Bd6 24. Rxf7 (24. Rf6 Rg6? 25. Rdxd6? Qxd6! { (то есть:} 26. Rxd6 Rgxd6 27. Qe4+ Re6 28. Qa8+ Rd8 {— В. Лебедев)}) 24... Qc7) ({Если же} 23. Rxf7 {, то} Qd6 {.}) 23... Be7 {Наконец Таль !}<<развил>\u003e His elephant.) ((Losant) 23 ... KD8 24. RXF7! BE7 25. RFXE7 RXE7 26. RD1 + (.)) 24. RXF7 KXF7 25. QE6 + KF8! ((I only considered) 25 ... kg7 (, after ~~ it easily wins it) 26. QXD7 (.)) 26. QXD7 ((to win black led) 26. RF1 + KG7 27. RF7 + KH8 28. QXD7 RD8 ( (() 28 ... RXG2! (- V. Lebedev))) 29. QG4 QE5 (.)) 26 ... QD6 27. QB7 RG6 (for several moves there was a complete change of decorations. Now the white must fight for draw.) 28. C3! (With each exchange, an excess figure of black ones will increasingly depreciate (28 ... BXC3 29. qc8 + BD8 30. QxC3 \u003d) 29. QC8 + (erroneous idea.) (((Errongating idea.) 29. CXB4! QXB4 ( 29 ... AXB4 30. A3! BXA3 31. BXA3 QXA3 (with a draw)) 30. QF3 + KG7 31. QE2 (due to the unreliable position of the Black King.)) 29 ... KG7 30. QC4 BD8 31. CXB4 AXB4 (( In the case) 31 ... QXB4 32. QE2 (draw would be white provided.)) 32. G3? (White create an additional difficulty.) ((It is unclear how to won the Black after) 32. QE4 BC7 33. QE7 + KG8 34. QE8 + QF8 35. QE4 (.)) 32 ... QC6 + 33. RE4 QXC4 34. RXC4 RB6! (This turn I looked through. Now the black chances of winning appear.) ((I calculated only on) 34 ... BE7? 35. A3! (, Easy from Pawn B4 (if) B3 (, then) 36. RC7 ( and 37. LB7))) 35. KG2 KF6 36. KF3 KE5 37. KE3 ((now) 37. A3 (follows, of course) B3 (.)) (If white managed to eliminate the B4 pawn, it would be a theoretically drawn position .) 37 ... BG5 + 38. Ke2 KD5 39. KD3 BF6 40. RC2? (Too passively) ((but I did not want<<замораживать>\u003e Pawn on the queen flank by) 40. B3 (, although it is likely that it was the best chance. If) be7 (, then) 41. RD4 + (, while maintaining any capabilities.)) 40 ... BE5 41. RE26 42 . RC2 RF3 + 43. KE2 RF7 44. KD3 BD4! (The move behind the tal is seized by space.) 45. A3 ((if) 45. B3 (, then) RF3 + 46. Ke22 + 47. KD3 RXC2 48. KXC2 KE4 (.)) 45 ... B3 46. RC8 (( Hopelessly and) 46. RE2 RF3 + 47. KD2 BXB2) ((or) 46. RD2 RF3 + 47. KE2 RF2 +) 46 ... BXB2 47. RD8 + KC6 48. RB8 RF3 + 49. KC4 RC3 + 50. KB4 BA1 51. A4 ( ((There is a mistake in the goals!)) 51. RC8 + KB6 52. RXC3 B2 53. RB3) 51 ... B2! (White surrendered.) ((On (after) 51 ... B2! ()) 52. KXC3 (follows) B1 \u003d Q +! (Topic<<вскрытого шаха>>.}) 0-1