Script Hook V for GTA 5 December. We install modifications for Grand Theft AUTO V. Error related to the utility script Hook

ScripThookV. - This is a library that will allow you to use.asi plugins and scripts in the Grand Theft Auto V game. In online mode, this utility is turned off automatically and disconnects all yours, i.e. Custom scripts to ensure equality among players and avoid a ban.

The advantage of scripting mods over the usual is that they do not make changes to the game files, respectively, they will not create such problems such as: a problem with compatibility and some unreasonable errors.

Error related to utility script Hook

You know this error: "Script Hook V Critical Error. Fatal: Unknown Game Version " ? You can see this error in most cases after the new patch is released for GTA V.

Solve the problem of You can as follows: you need to delete all the files of the previous scripthukhuk (asiloader.log, scriptehookv.dll, scripthookv.log dinput8.dll, nativetrainer.asi) from the game and set the updated version of the utility. Everything is very simple 🙂

In this version of the plugin there is still. Native Trainer for GTA 5 will open for you new opportunities in the game: get a lot of money, change the appearance of the character, teleports, cause different machines and so on.

How to use the train?

  • F4 - Activation
  • NUM2 / 4/6/8 - navigation
  • Num5 - choose
  • Num0 / Backspace / F4 - Back
  • NUM9 / 3 - Acceleration
  • Num + - release rockets

Script Hook V is a library that allows you to run scripting in GTA v .ASI fashion.
How to resist the temptation to install a few modifications in your favorite GTA V and ride on unique models of cars or expand the capabilities of your character?

In turn, ordinary modes make certain changes to the game files and can cause unforeseen errors. In this case, the scripting modifications are noticeably preferable, since they are installed by unpacking the ASI files to the Grand Theft Auto directory. The game remains untouched and everything works correctly

To connect such modes, you need to install special software that will run scripts on your computer. Script Hook V will be just such a program.

Please note that Scripthookv does not work in the GTA Online, the plugin turns off when trying to enter the multiplayer.

Installing Script Hook V
Download the Script Hook V. archive. Unpack scriptekv.dll and dinput8.dll to the root directory of the game. This is where GTA5.exe lies.
To check, place the nativetTrainer.asi file (sample script) in the root. Run the game.
To call the mode, press F4.

The program is compatible with patch 1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, but, unfortunately, access to OnLine will be closed. In order to play multiplayer mode again, remove dinput8.dll.

Supported versions:
1.0.335.2, 1.0.350.1/2, 1.0.372.2, 1.0.393.2/4, 1.0.463.1, 1.0.505.2, 1.0.573.1, 1.0.617.1, 1.0.678.1, 1.0.757.2/4, 1.0.791.2, 1.0.877.1, 1.0.944.2, 1.0.1011.1, 1.0.1032.1, 1.0.1103.2

Description Script Hook for GTA 5

Script Hook V. - This is a library that allows GTA 5 game to execute scripts built into special * .asi plugins. Please note that it does not work in the GTA Online, Script Hook closes GTA 5 after switching the multiplayer player, more in the "readme.txt" that goes along with the archive.

This archive contains the latest versions of ASI Loader and Native Trainer.

Script Hook V installation method for GTA 5

  • 1. Copy the scripThookv.dll to the main game folder, that is, in the folder where GTA5.exe is located.
  • 2. To download ASI plugins you need to install ASI Loader, you can download it separately or use the latest version that is in this archive (DINPUT8.DLL). You must delete the previous version of ASI Loader (dsound.dll) if you have already installed it.
  • 3. This archive also contains the simplest plugin - Native Trainer if you need a trainer, then copy it too (NativeTrainer.asi).

Native Trainer functions for GTA 5

Keys and their values:
  • F4 - turn on the train;
  • NUM2 / 8/4 / 6 - navigating the train menu (Numlock must be turned on);
  • Num5 - activate the selected menu item;
  • Num0 / Backspace / F4 - Return to the previous menu;
  • NUM9 / 3 - Enable transport acceleration (if activated);
  • Num + - Enable transport rockets (if activated).

Example of using Script Hook V + Native Trainer Video

Native Trainer Menu Description

Player - player
  • skin Changer - Skin Chain Switch;
  • teleport - teleports character in a given location;
  • fix Player - replenishes the supply of health and armor to the maximum;
  • rESET SKIN - resets the skin to standard;
  • add Cash - adds money in quantity + $ 1,000,000;
  • wANTED UP / DOWN / NEVER - Increased search / decrease in the search level / Police does not respond to you in general;
  • Invincible - makes your character immortal;
  • police IGNORED - Full Ignoring Police Character;
  • unlimited ability - activates endless special ability;
  • noiseless - makes your character silent;
  • fast Swim / Run - activates quick running / swimming;
  • super Jump - activates a super jump (holding the "Space" key allows you to make the highest possible jump).
Skin Changer - Changing the appearance of your character
This feature will allow you to choose any of the 690 affordable skins, including animals and even fish, and apply it as an appearance of your character. With some of the skins you can drive transport and use weapons. True, animals can normally use only throwing weapons (grenades, hammeries).
If you have chosen fish as a skin (except for whale) and at this time are not in the water, then you will die.
Weapon - weapon
  • GET ALL WEAPON - allows you to get all the weapons, including a unique and exclusive for PS4 and XBO One. But, weapons without mods;
  • NO RELOAD - activates "without recharging" mode;
  • Fire AMMO - includes "Fire bullets" mode;
  • Explosive AMMO - includes "explosive bullets" mode;
  • Explosive Melee - activates the "explosive blows in the near battle" mode;
  • Vehicle Rockets - allows any machine to shoot rockets.
Vehicle - transportation
  • CAR SPAWNER - Sleep any vehicle;
  • Paint Random - Painting of transport, including even tanks and aircraft, in random color;
  • Fix - repairs the vehicle;
  • Wrap in spawned - allows your character immediately appears in transport;
  • Invincible - the car never breaks, immortal;
  • Speed \u200b\u200bBoost - speeds up your transport.
CAR SPAWNER - Creates in the game any selected transport

With this feature, you can create absolutely any vehicles selected in the game, including cars, motorcycles, tanks, airplanes, helicopters, and even trailers, which will appear before your character. You can create any transport that is in the game GTA 5 and GTA Online, as well as unique machines from the console version of the game. At the moment you can get 346 different vehicles. With each new addition, this number will only grow.
  • Moon Gravity - activates the mode of lunar gravity;
  • Random Cops - activates a random number of police officers;
  • Random Trains - activates a random number of trains;
  • Random Boats - activates random number of boats;
  • Garbage Trucks - includes garbage trucks.
Time - Time
  • Hour Forward - Transfer the time for 1 hour ahead;
  • Hour Backward - Transfer time 1 hour ago;
  • Cloak Paused - suspend time;
  • Sync with System - synchronize with real time. Time in the game will flow as in reality.
Weather - Weather Effects
  • WIND - includes windy weather;
  • ExtrasUnny - activates sunny weather;
  • Clear - turns on a clean sky;
  • Clouds - makes cloud weather;
  • SMOG - adds smoke in the area;
  • Foggy - causes foggy weather;
  • OVERCAST - Catches clouds;
  • Rain - Calls upon the rain into the game;
  • Thunder - activates thunderstorms;
  • Clearing - clean weather;
  • Neutral - neutral weather mode;
  • SNOW - adds snowfall into the game;
  • Blizzard - causes a snowy storm;
  • SnowLight - Snow falls with sunlight;
  • Xmas - Christmas holiday.
Misc - Miscellaneous
  • Next Radio Song - switches the song on the radio;
  • Hide Hud - Hide Trainer Interface.

Script Hook V is a library needed to start scripting modes in the GTA 5 game in ASI format.

Important moment: In GTA Online, scripts do not work, before entering Online, delete the dinput8.dll file from the root folder.

NativeTrainer is present in the archive. With the help of it, you can change the skins, getting all the weapons and immortality, a bunch of money, create cars, turn on the mega jumper mode and super run. And this is just a small part of all the possibilities of Native Trainer, actually there are much more. For example, with the help of it you can play for chimpanzees or deer.

Download Script Hook V You can like from our site and from the official page of the author.

Installing Script Hook

Copy the contents of the BIN folder from the archive to the root folder of the game. You can determine the root folder by the presence of GTA5.exe in it. That is, the scripThookv.dll file must be in the same folder as GTA5.exe.

The nativeTrainer.asi file from the BIN folder to copy should be optionally, it is a built-in game train. If you need it - copy.

How to use NativeTrainer

If you installed NativeTrainer, then just go to the game and press the F4 key to activate the train.
NUM 2 / NUM 4 / NUM 6 / NUM 8 Keys - Menu Navigation
Key Num 5 - Selection
Key NUM0 / BackSpace / F4 - Back
Key NUM 9 / NUM3 - acceleration and braking in Speed \u200b\u200bBoost mode

This is what the console is inferior to PCs, so this is the possibility of changing the original content. And I will not hide, for many GTA V release on personal computers there was a slightly overshadled: First, the modests stated that the game files are unsuitable for intervention, and the other day Rockstar themselves have tried with a patch, finally chopping any experiments on their children.

But PC is on the PC to find loopholes everywhere. A couple of focus, about which we will tell in this article - and the road to immortality, Slow-Mo, the retailists falling from the sky to the whales and a bunch of other goodies is open.

Attention:All manipulations with the GTA V files are made at their own risk. Most of the existing modes currently work only in a single game, but some affect GTA Online. If you do not want to scream on the ears two-week banWith which the Rockstar is punished careless, you do not need to shine installed in the network mode, and it will be better to pre-cancel all changes. It's easy to do by right-clicking on the game in the Steam Library, go to Properties\u003e Local Files and choose Check the integrity of the cache.

Even more attention:According to the latest (on 05.05.2015), changes made by developers in EULA are prohibited, whatever modification of game files is prohibited. Banyat now even for the most harmless fashion for the single - so we recommend to refrain from their installation, in order to not lose access online.

So, first, we need to get rid of the problems arising from the last version of 350.1, to which you most likely have already mastered automatically. The update prevents the work of modifications, so the solution here is only one thing - to roll back the game to the previous version. Download old executable files here and replace your own: gta5.exe and gtavlauncher.exe are located in the root directory of the game (Steam version is somewhere in \ Steamapps \\cOMMON \\Grand.Theft.AUTO.V \\), and update.rpf - in the folder \ update.on the same way.

Now you can proceed. The entire toolkit is limited to the Script Hook V and Lua Plugin, the installation of which will not take a long time.

Script Hook V.

As the name says, thanks to the Script Hook V for the authorship of Alexander Blade, the modders can write their scripts and cling them to Singla GTA V. Roughly speaking, this is a basic means of creating modifications, without which it would not work. .

Package contains the latest versions of ASI Loader and Native Trainer. First you need to put surely, and the second is a set of basic cheats such as teleportation, high jumps and faster running. Optionally, in general.

How to install Script Hook V:

  • Copy scripthookv.dll from folder \ dLLthe downloaded archive in the root directory of the game where the executable file is gta5.exe.
  • Do the same with dsound.dll - it will be needed to download custom scripts.
  • Spend a similar procedure with nativetrainer.asi, if (what does it mean "if"?) Whether you want to try out the starting cheats or, say, play for the monkey.

GTAV Lua Plugin.

This HEADScript plugin allows user LUA scripts to work with the game. For modding, Lua's support is supported by a new degree of freedom, and if you have come across it in some Garry's MOD, then you will probably imagine what we are talking about. Without exaggeration cool - therefore.

How to install GTAV Lua Plugin:

  • Transfer the contents of the archive (folder \ scripts.and the Lua_sdk.asi file) to the same directory with the game: \ Steamapps \\cOMMON \\Grand.Theft.AUTO.V \\.
  • Pay attention to the contents \ scriptsnamely - to the folder \ addins.This is the place where all LUA files you want to use are to use. At the time of installation there is empty, yes.

Examples for checking

In order not to miss after the work done, let's immediately show something. You can choose a model to taste yourself, and we will take two scripts as an illustration: Bodyguard Menu from Jedijosh920 and Ragdoll / Limp On Demand from Sakratt.

How to install Bodyguard Menu:

  • Copy bodyguardmenu.asi from the archive to the root folder of the game where the scripthookv.dll is located.
  • Everything. What did you wait? Run the game, press the End key and adjust yourself bodyguards using a digital keyboard unit.

How to install Ragdoll / Limp on Demand:

  • Since the mod uses LUA scripts, transfer Ragdoll-on-Demand.lua to the catalog \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Grand Theft Auto V \\ scripts \\ addins.
  • Celebrate the successful installation of the launch of your game. Now with each press of U, the hero will fall the last aki rag doll. More information on setting up Fashion will find in the applied readme.pdf.

On this, all, Grand Theft Auto V is successfully modified and desecrated. Now you can smoke only different scripts into the game, but over time the community promises to adapt: \u200b\u200bcustom vehicles are expected, types of weapons and player models - everything is as in the good old.