Tigrenok on Sunflower Koval Read Summary. The fairy tale about a green horse (collection). Yuri Josephovich Kovalskka about a green horse

In our distant Ussuri Taiga, there was a tigerh.

He was Ussuriysky from the nose to the tip of the tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with the Belogruda Clamps and with a uncle of a chipmunk, who also had a strip on his back.

Only at the chipmunk stripes walked along, and the tigering was across. And who does not understand, he will look at the picture, where the stripes go.

But this fairy tale is not about stripes, but about the tigers itself.

All summer tigers played with his friends.

How did they play? Very simple.

They got all together to the oldest and huge cedar and found there the largest cedar bump.

They broke these bumps and threw down. They thought that the bump would split all the nuts from there. But the bump did not split, and the nuts had to speak. But it was very nice - to pick up the nuts that smelled of the resin.

Such a game was called them - batching.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, hazardousness. Here this game is very on nuts-proceeding, the discharge was similar.

They played, played, and suddenly - it became cold.

I went snow, winter began.

Initially it was a small winter. And the snow is slightly slightly - on the grass and the bushes. And then winter fastened, scored power. Hit frost.

Once in the morning, the tigers woke up from the cold. It looks - his friends is not visible. No one.

- Where are they?

"Yes, they went to sleep everyone," the cedridge bird crushed. - Don't you know that the bears and the chipmunks go to bed for the winter?

Tigero did not know this and was very surprised. How is it so? They all sleep, but he does not sleep. Strange.

And if you are not sleeping, what should I do? Play.

He began to play tigers with snow. Throws the snow with a paw, and then catches snowflakes. He played - tired.

And then the blizzard began. It became very cold. The frozen tiger is so strong that even shoved.

- Are you a frost, or what? - he heard suddenly.

And this uncle Burunduk jumped out of his mink, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

"Get to me," says, "warm." I have warm.

Here I climbed tigers to the chipmunk, climbs climbs, and can't get it. Mink is small, and Tigerian is big.

And while tigers lez, the chipmunk yawned, yawn - and fell asleep until the spring.

I went tigers in a taiga. Suddenly hears - someone snoring. I looked, and this is the old cedar snoring.

"Is it really fell asleep?" - thought tigers.

- Yes, you! - shouted the cedera. - Cedars never sleep. Here is the birch da died in the winter fall asleep, and the cedar - never.

- Who is hesitated so loudly? - Tigerian said and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there is not far from the top there was a huge hollow. And in the voupel of the bear slept with his bearings.

The brown bears on the ground are sleeping, in the Berorgan, but the Ussuri Belogruda live on the trees, grow on the trees, on the trees Berloga arrange.

Tigerine looked at this Berlogue, and the Medvedian opened one eye and says:

"Are you what, baby, frozen, or what?" Close to us, we have warm.

Tigers climbed in the hollow and only wanted to curl into the ball, as a bear sighed, and after that he exhaled that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But not much fell, did not break, but only in the snow I was buried. And while he flew, he thought all the time: "It would be nice somewhere in the transshipment to get warm."

And so, when he fell into the snow, he rolled out immediately in the ball and warmed up a little. Only he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, as suddenly saw on the ground under the snow Sunflower seed.

And the tigers immediately wanted to spray this seed and eat, but then thought: "It is impossible to eat everything in the world. I regret it this seed, because it is probably frozen. " And tigers have fun at seed.

Seven slightly moved. I still raised - seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared out of it.

Surrounded by his tigers in his soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep under the blizzard.

And while Tigrenin slept - seed warmed and grow, grow, grow up, grow, and even gradually flourish.

And the real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga yes in the middle of winter the sunflower was bloomed.

He grown highly high, rose above all the trees, under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, upstairs, right on the sunflower was sleeping tiger.

And it was, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

- Tigers on Sunflower! - screaming the cedridge. - Tigers on Sunflower!

Spring soon came. Woke up the chipmunk and bearish. They climbed on the sunflower, and there - tigers sleep. Woke it.

- How did I get here? - Surprised tigers.

"You walked seeds," said the wise uncle Burunduk, "and now it warms you."

That's the summer of red came, the summer is roast, Ussuriyskoye. Tigering behind the sunflower is cautious, the ground is fringed, the crucified water from the stream is worn, the sunflowers are watered. Good tiger. And all the beasts are good.

Autumn has come. Somehow friends gathered on the sunflower, the berries eat, the nuts gnaw.

- Good as! - said the wise uncle Burunduk. - And you can see everything around.

- That would be all for sunflowers to live!

- Erunda! Nonsense! Nonsense! - screaming the cedridge. - It's not enough at all sunflowers!

And then the cold wind blew. Hardened sunflower. Boer drunk and bent home drunk. There was a tiger one.

And again the snow went. The sunflowers bent until the earth itself from the wind and from the snow. Tigerian saddened. He climbed under his sunflower and saw on earth a few last seeds. Surgives them in a pile, pressed against himself, and fell asleep.

And what do you think? Our tigers all seeds warmed.

And in winter in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers. Huge flowers revealed, and on every sunflower someone under the sun he walked.

There - a bear.

There - fox.

There - Wolf.

And at the highest sunflower, tigers snapped tightly.

Current page: 1 (Total 2 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 1 pages]

Yuri Iosifovich Koval
Green horse fairy tale

Tiger's tale on sunflower

In our distant Ussuri Taiga, there was a tigerh.

He was Ussuriysky from the nose to the tip of the tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with the Belogruda Clamps and with a uncle of a chipmunk, who also had a strip on his back.

Only at the chipmunk stripes walked along, and the tigering was across. And who does not understand, he will look at the picture, where the stripes go.

But this fairy tale is not about stripes, but about the tigers itself.

All summer tigers played with his friends.

How did they play? Very simple.

They got all together to the oldest and huge cedar and found there the largest cedar bump.

They broke these bumps and threw down. They thought that the bump would split all the nuts from there. But the bump did not split, and the nuts had to speak. But it was very nice - to pick up the nuts that smelled of the resin.

Such a game was called them - batching.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, hazardousness. Here this game is very on nuts-proceeding, the discharge was similar.

They played, played, and suddenly - it became cold.

I went snow, winter began.

Initially it was a small winter. And the snow is slightly slightly - on the grass and the bushes. And then winter fastened, scored power. Hit frost.

Once in the morning, the tigers woke up from the cold. It looks - his friends is not visible. No one.

- Where are they?

"Yes, they went to sleep everyone," the cedridge bird crushed. - Don't you know that the bears and the chipmunks go to bed for the winter?

Tigero did not know this and was very surprised. How is it so? They all sleep, but he does not sleep. Strange.

And if you are not sleeping, what should I do? Play.

He began to play tigers with snow. Throws the snow with a paw, and then catches snowflakes. He played - tired.

And then the blizzard began. It became very cold. The frozen tiger is so strong that even shoved.

- Are you a frost, or what? - he heard suddenly.

And this uncle Burunduk jumped out of his mink, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

"Get to me," says, "warm." I have warm.

Here I climbed tigers to the chipmunk, climbs climbs, and can't get it. Mink is small, and Tigerian is big.

And while tigers lez, the chipmunk yawned, yawn - and fell asleep until the spring.

I went tigers in a taiga. Suddenly hears - someone snoring. I looked, and this is the old cedar snoring.

"Is it really fell asleep?" - thought tigers.

- Yes, you! - shouted the cedera. - Cedars never sleep. Here is the birch da died in the winter fall asleep, and the cedar - never.

- Who is hesitated so loudly? - Tigerian said and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there is not far from the top there was a huge hollow. And in the voupel of the bear slept with his bearings.

The brown bears on the ground are sleeping, in the Berorgan, but the Ussuri Belogruda live on the trees, grow on the trees, on the trees Berloga arrange.

Tigerine looked at this Berlogue, and the Medvedian opened one eye and says:

"Are you what, baby, frozen, or what?" Close to us, we have warm.

Tigers climbed in the hollow and only wanted to curl into the ball, as a bear sighed, and after that he exhaled that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But not much fell, did not break, but only in the snow I was buried. And while he flew, he thought all the time: "It would be nice somewhere in the transshipment to get warm."

And so, when he fell into the snow, he rolled out immediately in the ball and warmed up a little. Only he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, as suddenly saw on the ground under the snow Sunflower seed.

And the tigers immediately wanted to spray this seed and eat, but then thought: "It is impossible to eat everything in the world. I regret it this seed, because it is probably frozen. " And tigers have fun at seed.

Seven slightly moved. I still raised - seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared out of it.

Surrounded by his tigers in his soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep under the blizzard.

And while Tigrenin slept - seed warmed and grow, grow, grow up, grow, and even gradually flourish.

And the real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga yes in the middle of winter the sunflower was bloomed.

He grown highly high, rose above all the trees, under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, upstairs, right on the sunflower was sleeping tiger.

And it was, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

- Tigers on Sunflower! - screaming the cedridge. - Tigers on Sunflower!

Spring soon came. Woke up the chipmunk and bearish. They climbed on the sunflower, and there - tigers sleep. Woke it.

- How did I get here? - Surprised tigers.

"You walked seeds," said the wise uncle Burunduk, "and now it warms you."

That's the summer of red came, the summer is roast, Ussuriyskoye. Tigering behind the sunflower is cautious, the ground is fringed, the crucified water from the stream is worn, the sunflowers are watered. Good tiger. And all the beasts are good.

Autumn has come. Somehow friends gathered on the sunflower, the berries eat, the nuts gnaw.

- Good as! - said the wise uncle Burunduk. - And you can see everything around.

- That would be all for sunflowers to live!

- Erunda! Nonsense! Nonsense! - screaming the cedridge. - It's not enough at all sunflowers!

And then the cold wind blew. Hardened sunflower. Boer drunk and bent home drunk. There was a tiger one.

And again the snow went. The sunflowers bent until the earth itself from the wind and from the snow. Tigerian saddened. He climbed under his sunflower and saw on earth a few last seeds. Surgives them in a pile, pressed against himself, and fell asleep.

And what do you think? Our tigers all seeds warmed.

And in winter in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers. Huge flowers revealed, and on every sunflower someone under the sun he walked.

There - a bear.

There - fox.

There - Wolf.

And at the highest sunflower, tigers snapped tightly.

Tale about wife Snake Gorynych

Three brothers lived. Each of them had two dogs.

And once they are all - three brothers, six dogs - went to walk in Bella. One brother with his dogs went to the left. The other is to the right. And the third, the youngest, - and the dogs he had the youngest - came to the royal city. The city was covered with panic. The nine kite Gorynych walked on the main square.

- King! - shouted Gorynych. - Give me your daughter, and not that I will smoke the whole city!

The king and princess frightened out of the window and simply did not know what to do here.

- Do not be afraid! - lured Gorynych Princess. - Let's go with me on the bottom of the sea, I'll show you pearls.

- Hey, nine! - shouted the younger brother. - Why do you need a princess? You, though nine goals, and all of them stupid!

Gorrynych hungry and wanted to deal with Nahal, but the dogs jumped to him. One clung to him in the tail, the other is in the mane. While Gorynych thought what was what, the younger brother cut off all nine goals, senoming: "Chick-Chik-Chik!"

Here the king jumped out of the palace and shouted: "Hurray!" Behind the king - Princess. She saw the younger brother - and fell in love. And the younger brother, as she saw her, blushed, stretched her hand and said:

- I want to meet!

In general, a wedding played a week later, and the younger brother began to live with his princess in the royal three-story palace.

Once he went to walk to the sea. With him two of his dogs. And the princess of the house remained.

He just came to the sea - suddenly runs to the shore a heavy wave. The wave was crumbled in the sand, and came out of her terrible woman. Green face, braids are woven from brown algae. It was a wife Gorynych.

"Well," she said. - Finally, you caught me! Why did you go away with my nine husband?

She waved her scythe - and at the same time the younger brother and his dogs turned into stones.

The wife of Gorynych laughed, went under the water. Three stones stayed on the shore. And it seemed that they had long been lying here, rolling with waves, overgrown with marine moss.

Meanwhile, the middle brother came to the royal city. The princess told him a sad story, and decided he to help her brother.

Only came the middle brother to the sea shore - the wife of Gorynych comes out of the wave.

- Came after brother? She asked.

He did not have time to noddly - she waved oblique. Three more stones lay on the shore.

How long, briefly came to the royal city and elder brother. With him his dogs. I learned what happened to the brothers, was wicked, I went slowly to the sea.

Looks - lying on the shore of the stones. Six stones rolled by waves that caused the sea moss. And only if we look very carefully, you can disassemble that two of them are like people, and the rest are on the sharp dogs.

The elder brother did not have time - the wave is running ashore, scattered in the sand and goes to the shore of the wife of the Snake Gorynych. The older brother was not confused.

- Ah! - he said. - What kind of beauty are you!

The terrible wife of Gorynych was embarrassed: she was never called beautiful. The dogs jumped to her, clung to the sleeves and pulled out in different directions. They pulled the dogs for the sleeves in different directions, and suddenly - Fuck-Bach - two young girls turned out from one wife of Gorynych. Yes, such ones are cute and modest, which is just amazing! Senior brother immediately Oboml. Then one girl went to the stones and touched them to the branch of the cherry. Stones moved on the sea shore, sanded from them and the dust fell from them - and two brothers and their dogs, lively and disadvantaged. Here the brothers rushed to kiss and hug, and then went to the royal city.

- Hooray! - Screams the king. The princess is rejoiced.

The younger brother was to live with his princess in the royal palace. And the middle brother and the eldest, who was not thinking for a short time, married those two girls who were from one wife Snake Gorynych.

And what is surprising - lived well!

Tale about Wolf Evstital

There were an old man with an old woman. And they had a cat-desira, a piggy dog, a sheep-quiet and a bass-cow.

And next to them lived in the ravine of the Eustifia-Wolf. And this Evststeko was a big robber.

And the winter came, the snow fell, hit the frost. Nevertheless has become Eustifia. Here he comes to the old man and says:

- Great, old man.

"You, old man, give me an old woman, I'll eat her."

- That's what has been invented. I'm sorry for old woman.

"Then let's come on something else, and then I will burst in my stomach."

Evststeko's stuck, you will not unscrew from it. There is nothing to do, I gave the old man's chain-chisel. Swout her Evustface - again to the old man resorts:

- Let's the old woman - groking in his stomach.

I don't want an old woman to give away the old woman - he gave a piggy dog. But by the Eustifia and this is not enough. I had to give an old lamb - quiet to give. Swallowed by Eustifia Tikhonu, again resorts:

- Let's the old woman.

"Dudov," said the old man. - I will not give a grandmother!

- Duck in the stomach plays.

Gave the Basulu-Korovochka. And the cow is hefty was yes cheerful. "I hope," eaten, "the old man thinks.

But the Eustifia and the Korovka swallowed. And two days he is right - it did not come to the old man, and here again declares. It goes, some of the paw rearranges, barely barely in the ground.

"Great," says old man.

- Hello, Eustifico Wolf.

"Yes, here they are what they are," Evststeko says, "with my belly."

- What is such? - The old man says, as if he does not understand.

- Plays belly.

Listened to the old man - and rightly, plays belly. And the dog is bodied there, and the cat is meal, and the cow is might. Only Tikhoni lambs are not heard. It is not clear, in the stomach lamb or where.

- So what are you? - The old man says. - old woman, what do you want?

"Well, yes," explains Evstifeko, "let's the grandmother, I'll eat her."

"I don't give a grandmother," the old man says, "Gladay's best.

"With pleasure," Evststeko says, "I swallow. I actually wanted to swallow you long ago, but only awkwardly was to talk. Therefore, I am about grandmother and hinted.

- Swallow me, Eustifia, - the old man says. - Just say where the sheep is quiet?

- Lamb? So she is in my belly.

"Well, Gladay," the old man says, "spoil the mouth.

Here Evstifiko snapped her mouth, the old man was blocked and jumped. And Evststeko swallowed him. And so I found my old man at the wolf in the belly. Looked around.

"And here nothing," says, is not bad. Dormantly, truth, but cozy.

I went old man on the wolf belly to go. Wandered, wandered, looks - the cat-chiselock is sitting.

"You know what," the old man says, "let's turn the coup."

- What, - Cat says, is a coup?

- And such. Invert all the stomach wolf.

They hit the hands and began to do a coup. They jump on the wolf belly - the old man screams, and the cat is meachit. Soon to them and other swallowed came running: both piggy dog, and a bass-cowbow, and sheep-quietly was found somewhere in the animals of Zakoleki.

- Boday, Basul, - the old man screams, - Wolf abdomen.

Basula ran away and let the belly hurt.

Evststeko, the wolf says:

- What are you doing there in the stomach? Coup, or what?

"What you need, then we do," the cow says. - Brojo is trying, fool!

Rough after all the cow came across.

- Throw you these things, - Evststeko speaks. - Sit calm.

- No, - Ovechka-Tikhona suddenly says. - Can't, Evststeko, calmly sit. Because you, Evstilifekko, are wrong with yourself.

I knew the wolf abdomen, and everything was getting on the will. And the old woman stands, waits. They began to kiss the grandmother.

And the Eustifician and the wolf walks nearby.

"Give me," says, even though the threads are harsh, belly to sew.

Well, they gave him harsh threads, he sewed his belly and gave himself to ravines.

Fairy tale about red brother

On the dry and hot south, among the sands and tarantulas, the city of Ikusalisir spread out. And in this city there really did the cheese. That they had a folk custom. And there lived a person, by the name of the cream D L Yar to. Hairdresser.

I once sat Kremdlyaka in his hairdresser and waited for the one who would come to come. No one came. All cheese have been drose. Suddenly the window was swollen - and from the street stuck in the head of the head. Such a redhead and rude, even though Karoull shout.

- Is it possible to trust culturally? - asked redhead.

- I ask-please! - exclaimed Kremdlyak. - Come in, sit down in the chair! Overlaw in the best form! That is, culturally obstinate!

- Fu Fu Fu! - Thinking, Ginger said. - You have a very hot in the hairdresser. Strengthen right through the window. Only the beard do not sneak. Make so that I was on the sun look like.

Kremdlyaruk picked up the scissors and quickly reached redhead, that is, culturally clouded.

- Do I look like a sunshine? - asked redhead.

"Very, very similar," Kremdlyakov praised his haircut. - At the sight you want to hide in the shade.

- Thanks! - exclaimed redhead. - Well, I went.

- How did it "go"? And who will pay money?

"The brother will pay," said the redhead, and a black-black brunette brunette appeared in the window.

"Dangy then," said Brunette. - Tepery Manese Strygy! Only the mustache do not touch.

- Well, come to the hairdresser, sit down in the chair.

- Stryge through the window like a brother.

What to do? Kremdlyaruka and the second brother through the window cut. Work is work.

"But did they really have three?" - thought Kremdlyak.

And immediately, of course, the third brother appeared. White-white, that is, very gray.

- Bring me naked, - said gray, - so that the head like the ball turned out!

Kremdlyaruk shaved naked, but the ball did not work out, but turned out to be a shrouded ball.

"I pay for yourself and your brothers," he said. - How much?

- What is what? - shouted the ball. - Ruble?! Whole ruble?! Are you crazy!

And then he laid into the hairdresser's clawed paw, grabbed the hairdresser for breasts and pulled out to the street. And Kremdlyakov saw that he was in his paws of a huge two-story dragon, who had three heads - redhead, bald and pretty!

- Brothers! - Oral bald. - ruble! He asks him! What to do with it?

- Torture! Said Brunette.

"Oh, okay you," said Redhead. - He tonsured me very well, do not be tormented!

- No, you need!

"Wait, brothers," said Kremdlyak. - I did not know that you are dragon my heads. And I take it all ruble! Yes, for such a healthy dragon, yes for three heads - chase Togo!

- What about something? - all three heads stared. Clawed paw from amazement broke out, Kremdlyaruk slipped out, wrapped behind the corner and disappeared.

And then what happened. The dragon also wrapped over the corner and saw that in front of him three alley. Very narrow. And then the bald head ran straight, Usataya turned to the right, and the redhead was left. And the alleys were such narrow that they had to be squeezed. And here all three heads squeezed in different alleys, and the body remained behind. This is the story! Dragon stuck. He pulls his heads, and nothing comes out. Forward head climb, and back - in any way. Ears bother!

Kremdlyaruk fled-fled and stopped. Looked back - no dragon. Went back. Looks like a bald head! A little higher than the second floor between the walls are clamped.

- Where is the brothers? - Kremdlyaruk asks.

"I don't know himself," answered bald. - Somewhere lost. Help, Kremdlyakov! Help! Save!

- Straight and do not know how to help you. Okay, I'll go to the brothers while I will look for brothers.

Kremdlyarov walked, and found, of course, in the alleys at the beginning of the Brunet, and then red.

"But still, I'm not bad," I said, "said the hairdresser," well, just like the sun turned out. And for the work I did not pay? Eh, you! Just a ruble!

"Yes, we don't have any penny," said Redhead.

There are no dragons.

- It happens. You try three heads to the proximity!

- Do you want cheese?

Gave Kremdlyaruk red brother to cheese (he wore him in his pocket).

"Well, that," says, "I will help you, and the rest will pull out." Try my head forward to suck. Now back.

"I can't," the redhead says, "the ears interfere.

- And up?

He pulled the redhead head, - and the houses were low, the head and jumped out.

- Well, thank you, Kremdlyak, - Redhead says. "And the stop is good, and the cheese fed, and my recklessness from urban networks pulled out.

- Please - Kremdlyakov answers. "But most importantly, I really like it, as I stopped." I'm not a simple hairdresser, I am an artist.

"You're a great artist," His redhead praised. - Genius! How Repin!

"Oh, I really," said Kremdlyak.

- No, you are a genius, that's all! Aivazovsky.

And they still argued, the genius of Kremdlyak or not a genius.

And then redhead pulled out his brothers from urban networks and went to the desert. And Kremdlyarow went home.

The most, of course, is amazing that none of the residents of the city of Icusalisier did not notice. And they can be understood: they drose cheese.

Green horse fairy tale

There was a green horse in the world.

Her eyes were like a gooseberry, the mane - like hops, who wore fences and trees, the back was like a soft moss, and she always wanted to stroke her. Stockings on the legs - silver, like poplar leaves, and the tail was like, sorry to juniper. A green horse lived on the will, in the forests and in the wilderness, and she grazed where he wanted. It was very difficult to notice her among the greenery, and the people who went to the forest never noticed her.

And he lived in the world, whose name was Vanya, and he knew nothing about a green horse. Well, I did not hear, and that's it.

Here once went Vanya in the forest. I took, I took a blueberry - and I wandered into the wilderness, where a green horse rested.

She dreamed, suddenly hears - someone goes. Opened eyes - Vanya. It goes right on it, but it does not see it. Togo - comes! What to do?

Green horse spoke perfectly in Russian, but what can you say when you right on you a vanya with a blueberry run?!

The horse and herself was confused and said suddenly:

- Chu-Chu-Chu ...

Vanya is dumbfounded. He could not understand who he was telling him "Chu-Chu-Chu."

- What? He said, and the lips had shook. And the eyes of horror were so revealed, so wide-wide and bottomless, that a green horse looked into them and immediately loved him, forever and finally.

"Quietly," she said. - Calm, Vanechka. I'm here lying - a green horse.

- Who !!! - shouted vanya. - Who lies? Where? What horse ???

- Yes, do not shout you so! - said a green horse. - I am kind.

And then she waved his tail and got up in front of the Vanya in all her forests. And Vanya suddenly saw the bush juniper came to life and in general - the whole forest!

And the horse thinks: "What did he scare that? It is necessary for him to explain everything, calm down. "

And she set up for Vanechka to drag.

And he ran out of the forest, it scraps through the field to the village, and he hears the flips of the hoof. Loved - oh horror! Horse! Green! Runing him through oatmeal!

- Stop! - The horse shouts. - Stop! Do not be scared of me!

And Vanya fries even faster. Retroot to the village, in the hut fest.

- Mom! - screaming. - Folder! For me a green horse chasing!

The folder, too, was a hefty, jumped into the porch, grabbed the rake. And immediately yell both:

- Horse! Green horse! Gony her!

And they had a neighbor, by the name Pushkin. He came out of the house, saw a green horse and quickly realized everything. Grabbed a strong rope and threw the horses on the neck. And then the whip sharpened, whipped Pisul - and drove the green horse into the pen. And the pen was like such a huge barn with a roof. Called - stable. Only horses in it now was not. They worked in the field.

Tied a green horse pillow, threw it the Senza Klok, and the shed locked on a huge hanging castle.

That's how a green horse got stupid.

- Well, how? Well? - Vanechka to the Pushup runs up. - How is a green horse? Do not ball?

- What is another green horse? - Replies Pushkin. - No it is not a green horse. This is the simplest my own horse, and it is one of it because it was scolded in the grass. Invented more - a green horse!

We wanted a vanechka with a patch in a puck to look, but the pillow with a whip of the whip.

- Get down, neighbors, from my stables. I do not look at you in the barn.

Tasted the pillow of a healthy dog \u200b\u200bfrom a dog booth and tied to the entrance to the stable. And the name of this dog is Amarcord. Rassed Amamarkord's saturate yes a fanging mouth and so snatched that in the surrounding dogs a hundred kilometers around the wool stood on end. Folder says:

- What are you, Wan, invented about a green horse?

"Eh, a folder folder," said Vanechka and cried bitterly. Only now he realized that happiness was in his hands, and he escaped from this happiness, and he also screamed in all her throat. Gorky bitterly cried Vanya. So long and so bitter, he cried that forever loved the green horse and realized that she wouldn't be now, Vanechka, nearby day at night.

But the night has not come yet, but the evening has come. In the evening they drove horses from work.

Pillow stood at the gate and recalculated horses. And when everyone entered the pen, he reserved the doors again.

And the horse saw that a green horse stands in the stall.

- Oh my God! - They said. - Green horse! Is it really you? After all, you are a loose horse, how did you get the pushup?

"It's stupid," the green horse explained them, "because of one boy. True, very good. I fell in love with him.

"How so," the horses sorrified, "the boy fell in love. Would fall in love with some worthy horse!

"Horses always loved people," Suddenly a low and strong voice heard. - and especially children.

That spoke the horse of the crow. He came to a green horse and bowed to her.

- Do you recognize me? - he asked.

"I recognize you, the horse of the crow," a green horse bowed back in response.

"And now you have to think," said the horse of Voronev, "how you get out of the will."

And the horses moved their huge heads, pressed the manes to each other and began to think. They quietly thought they. Thought all night and sometimes whispered.

Nothing, of course, and no one whispered on this night pillow. But he thought, putting his head on the pillow. He really was huge on the bed pillows lay. Thick like pigs. And here's what stupidity thought Pupils:

"We need to sell this horse! To the circus! How much to take? How much will they give? BUT?"

And on the smallest pad, only on the other, without a girlet, and the Vanechka slept in another house. But he slept for a long time and suddenly woke up. Watching the night around him. In the window - the moon. On the street light, and everything sparkles the lunar greens.

Vanya dressed and went out on the porch. His heart compressed because there is a green horse in the world. He passed through the fence and went to the stable. And on the threshold of the stable, as you know, slept at that moment a huge and evil dog, named Ammarkord. Amarcord for the night was pork, and therefore snoring so terrible that the stables had a roof.

Vanechka touched the castle and began to pick it with a clove. But the castle did not open, and then Ammarcord stopped snoring. He woke up, but his eyes had not yet opened. He was what he thought first: "Pork was rotten. The stomach hurts. Pig still, this my pillow, rotten pork fed. Well, I will open the eyes now and see who this castle picks up. "

And he opened his eyes and saw a Vanechka. Razled the mouth and just wanted to rive as Vanya said:

- Wait, Amarcord, Sorry. Pillow will pop up with a gun and shoot me. I'll bring you a bone later.

"Okay," Ammarcord says. - And what are you doing here, this is doing?

- I open the horse. There is my green horse.

"I saw her," Amarcord nodded. - For such a horse, I would generally break the whole stable.

And Vanya began to roame in the castle again, and Amarcord tips gave:

- Yes, you are his brick!

- Who is the castle there opens? - I heard a voice from the stable.

- This is me, Vanya. I want to free a green horse. And who are you?

"And I am a horse of the crow," said the horse of the crow. - You can't open this castle with a clove. You better climb into our stable through the auditory window. It is necessary to unleash a green horse. Punchushkin enveloped her ropes.

Vanya took the staircase and drove into the stable through the auditory window. And even dark in the stable was, but the moon helped, and Vanya unleashed all horses. And the green horse hugged her neck and stroked, and she was still whispered in his ear for a long time.

"And now, Vanya," said Kon Voronene, "get out back and go home, sleeping a little." And how will last - get up and hide in the bushes of elderly. Watch what will happen!

And Vanya went to sleep, and got up early and did everything as the horse was ordered.

Pushup woke up with dawn. I called workers:

- Take ropes! We behave a green horse to sell!

Employees took the ropes, and the pipes of the stables challenged.

And then the horse of the crow and the sink pillow, and the rest of the employees were defeated by the rest of the employees, and a green horse ran out the latter. She waved through the fence and rushed to the forest, for her and other horses picked up. Pushushkin sees: Run money! Grabbed the gun and just wanted to shoot, as Vanya jumped out of the bush of the elder and shouted him from behind:

- Hands up, Citizen Pushushki!

Pushushkin with a frightened gun dropped, and it was so shuffled so much that workers together with a fraction of the bushes scattered.

And the Pushkin sees - Vanya stands. Grabbed the boy and threw into the cellar, and pressed the lid with a barrel with Ryzhikov. Vanya began to scream in the cellar, and there was nothing heard. The voice of him through the Ryzhikov could not break through. Pupils tied Ammarcord a, he sat down on the bike and rushed to the forest to catch a green horse and other horses. And workers all sat down on bicycles. This turned out to be a stupid picture: ahead of the Amamarcord is a hefty - roars Bluggy, and behind him cyclists on the mud. Horses, they all flew away.

- Where is the green horse? - Punchin shouts.

And she is near, in the bushes on the edge lies, and no one sees it. Do not notice - and that's it.

- Amarcord, look! Footprints Nyuhai!

Amamorkord traces sniffs, and he does not need to smell anything, he also sees a green horse. But does not want a green horse to give a pillow. Not because of the rotten pork, but just such a character.

"You're already sorry for me," he says his horse imperceptibly, "one trouble will inform you. The pillow of your Vanechka in the cellar shouted, and pressed the barrel from above.

- And in the barrel what? - The horse asks.

- I don't know exactly, but it seems - the rims. You come at night.

Pillow with workers to the very darkness of bicycles broke, but could not find a green horse. And returned to the village.

And there - the stir. Vanechka disappeared! The folder of him and the mother around the village cry, and they cannot find.

And now the evening came, and then night, and rushed into the village a green horse. And immediately to the pillow into the courtyard.

"Just in time," said Ammarkord. - Punches sleep Loe.

- And Vanya where?

- Yes, in the cellar, the stables.

The horse looked at the stable and saw a pillow cellar. Pushushkin dug him deep in the ground, in the dark place, hung over a bunch of sand and sawdust top. At the top of this heap and there was a door on which a barrel with rhymes was now.

I wanted a horse barrel to roll - it does not work.

"Try to admit the rear hooves," Ammarcord advises. - How should you cheer!

The horse aimed, jammed as it should, - and the barrel swayed.

- Stop! Pave! Do not bay barrel! Do not hit! - Skrew someone.

The horse was surprised, and Ammarcord was surprised. Looks around, and who screams - do not understand.

And the pillow at that moment slept tightly. Firmly, yes not very. And he dreamed of a green horse. And she was her beautiful that the pillow suddenly loved this horse with all his might. That's how it happens in a dream. Loved the pillow of a green horse and spinning. And before that, he was remarkable that the smallest pad (in which the girling) fell and hit the floor. And on the floor there was a copper pelvis. The pelvis stuck and jumped from the blow. And the mice, who ran through the floor, were confused from fear in a lace, which from the table hung. Lace down drove and hooked the pan with a pea soup. The saucepan fell, and such a root began here that the plates from the shelves fell. And in general, everything began to fall:

pot with porridge.

In general, everything that was in the house, all fell on the floor.

Pushushkin woke up. It looks - everything, well, literally everything, on the floor lying on! And in the yard rumble. This green horse barrel meals. Brooknet - and immediately hears:

- Do not bay barrel! Do not hit!

- Yes, who is shouting? - The horse said.

- Yes, we are, Ryzhiki, shout! How do you hit - our whole body is shaken. You're better fucking lid!

And then the Pushkin ran out on the street.

- Horse! Green horse! I fell in love with you!

And the horse of the pillow does not listen. Hit the cover of the hoof - the rods from the barrel jumped up and fused in all directions.

The horse's empty barrel pushed easily, and from the cellar Vanechka got out. Secking the whole, frozen. The horse along with Amamkord began to rub him off, but warm, yes blow on it. Walked something like.

"Go, Vanya, rather home," said the horse, "and in the morning come to the forest."

Vanya ran home, the folder with the mother to calm down, and the pillow came to a green horse and says:

- Listen, green horse, I can not live without you. Maybe you will love me?

"Listen, Pupils," Ammarcord intervened. - The same green horse in the stable locked, the Vanechka in the cellar shoved. Well, tell me, love such a blunder?

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book.

If you like the beginning of the book, then the full version can be purchased from our partner - the presenter of legal content LLC "Litres".

In our distant Ussuri Taiga, there was a tigerh.
He was Ussuriysky from the nose to the tip of the tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.
He was friends with the Belogruda Clamps and with a uncle of a chipmunk, who also had a strip on his back.
Only at the chipmunk stripes walked along, and the tigering was across. And who does not understand, he will look at the picture, where the stripes go.
But this fairy tale is not about stripes, but about the tigers itself.
All summer tigers played with his friends. How did they play? Very simple.
They got all together to the oldest and huge cedar and found there the largest cedar bump.
They broke these bumps and threw down. They thought that the bump would split all the nuts from there. But the bump did not split, and the nuts had to speak. But it was very nice - to pick up the nuts that smelled of the resin.
Such a game was called them - batching.
Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, hazardousness. Here this game is very on nuts-proceeding, the discharge was similar.
They played, played, and suddenly - it became cold.
I went snow, winter began.
Initially it was a small winter. And the snow slightly, on the grass and the bushes. And then winter fastened, scored power. Hit frost.

Once in the morning, the tigers woke up from the cold. Watching friends is not visible. No one.

Where are they?
- Yes, they went to sleep everyone, - dreamed the bird Ked-Rovkaii - Don't you know that the bears and the chipmunks go to bed for the winter?
Tigero did not know this and was very surprised. How is it so? They all sleep, but he does not sleep. Strange.
And if you are not sleeping, what should I do? Play.
He began to play tigers with snow. Throws the snow with a paw, and then catches snowflakes. He played - tired.
And then the blizzard began. It became very cold. The frozen tiger is so strong that even shoved.
- Are you a frost, or what? - he heard suddenly.
And this uncle Burunduk jumped out of his mink, which he dug under the roots of the trees.
"Get to me," says, "warm." I have warm.
Here I climb tigers to the chipmunk. Climbs climbs, and can't get it. Mink is small, and Tigerian is big.
And while tigers lez, the chipmunk yawned, yawn - and fell asleep until the spring.
I went tigering yo taiga. Suddenly hears - someone snoring. I looked, and this is the old cedar snoring.
"Is it really fell asleep?" - thought tigers.
- Yes, you! - shouted cedigrovka. - Cedars never sleep. Here is the birch da died in the winter fall asleep, and the cedar - never.
"Who is so loudly sleeping there?" Tigeslane and climbed to the top of the cedar.
And there is not far from the top. There was a huge hollow. And in the voupel of the bear slept with his bearings.
The brown bears on the ground are sleeping, in the Berorgan, but the Ussuri Belogruda live on the trees, grow on the trees, on the trees Berloga arrange.
Tigerine looked at this Berlogue, and the Medvedian opened one eye and says:
"Are you what, baby, frozen, or what?" Close to us, we have warm.
Tigers climbed in the hollow and only wanted to curl into the ball, as a bear sighed, and after that he exhaled that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But not much fell, did not break, but only in the snow I was buried. And while he flew, he thought all the time: "It would be nice somewhere in the transshipment to get warm."
And so, when he fell into the snow, he rolled out immediately in the ball and warmed up a little. Only he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, as suddenly saw on the ground under the snow Sunflower seed.
And the tigers immediately wanted to spray this seed and eat, but then thought: "It is impossible to eat everything in the world. I regret it this seed, because it is probably frozen. " And tigers have fun at seed.
Seven slightly moved. I still raised - seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared out of it.
Surrounded by his tigers in his soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep under the blizzard.
And while tigers slept - the seed warmed up and began to grow * grow, grow up, grow, and even gradually flourish.
And the real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga yes in the middle of winter the sunflower was bloomed.
He grown highly high, rose above all the trees, under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.
And there, upstairs, right on the sunflower was sleeping tiger.
And it was, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.
- Tigers on Sunflower! - Screaming the cedridge. - Tigers on the sunflower!
Spring soon came. Woke up the chipmunk and bearish. They climbed on the sunflower, and there - tigers sleep. Woke it.
- How did I get here? - Surprised tigers.
"You walked seeds," said the wise uncle Burunduk, "and now it warms you."
That's the summer of red came, the summer is roast, Ussuriyskoye. Tigering behind the sunflower is cautious, the ground is fringed, the crucified water from the stream is worn, the sunflowers are watered. Good tiger. And all the beasts are good.
Autumn has come. Somehow friends gathered on the sunflower, the berries eat, the nuts gnaw.
- Good as! - said the wise uncle Burunduk. - And it is often seen around.
- That would be all for sunflowers to live!
- Erunda! Nonsense! Nonsense! - Kedrovka shouted. - There are not enough sunflowers!
And then the cold wind blew. Hardened sunflower. Boer drunk and bent home drunk. There was a tiger one.
And again the snow went. The sunflowers bent until the earth itself from the wind and from the snow. Tigerian saddened. He climbed under his sunflower and saw on earth a few last seeds. Surgives them in a pile, pressed against himself, and fell asleep.
And what do you think? Our tigers all seeds warmed.
And in winter in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers. Huge flowers revealed, and on every sunflower someone under the sun he walked.
There - a bear.
There - fox.
There - Wolf.
And at the highest sunflower, tigers snapped tightly.

Tale about kind and brave tiger.

He lived, in the same northern forest, a small brave tiger, named Grozny Ryk. Although his name was both Terrible, but in the soul of Tigrenok was kind and responsive. He loved his forest very much. In that wonderful forest, animals lived and birds and birds of all masters lived, huge trees and flowers of unprecedented beauty grew.

Tiger, due to his young age, was too playful. He played, forgetting everything in the world: about time, about a dream and even sometimes about food. For this, he was sorted by the relatives, but they still loved, since the temper of the Grozny roar was cheerful, although frivolous.

And even the tigering was smart and resourceful, always came to help his friends.

The best friend of the Grozny roar was a barzucke striped barrel. Together they ran, and jumped.

And so he played once that the striped barrel, without noticing a nearby forest river, plunged into cold water. The river was not very good, but not a narrow. Water in it buried and worn the barcroker is lower in the flow. Tigrenok came to the rescue: he jumped to the rapid river itself, for a moment, froze, squeezed the spring, pushed out of the ground with the rear paws and he found himself in the water. The splashes flew in all directions, the tigering disappeared in depth, but then it was safely emerged and became Greing all four paws toward a sinking backer. The Grozny Ryr swed to a friend, carefully took him for the camp and floated with him as shore.

After this unexpected bathing, Barzuchk fell ill. And he coughed, and sneezed. What kind of medicinal roots and healing berries did not bring him his mother and dad to him. Nothing helped.

Then they turned to the wise grandfather of the Fire, who was very old and knew all the secrets of the forest and all-all roots and herbs. Asked him a cough medicine. Grandfather Filin complained that the golden root, unfortunately, does not grow in our forest and can be obtained only in the neighboring.

The badgers returned home with nothing, desperately because they are just little animals and for a very long time to get to this forest.

But the brave, faithful terrible roar, forgetting about his frivolousness, was in a hurry to the neighboring forest for the golden root. Tigrennok leaps moved along the trees. Suddenly heard a squeak. I stopped, looked around and noticed under the old fir tree a big gray mouse. Her name was Shusha. It came to her, she was not even frightened, as it was very upset. It turned out that the move in a mink, where the Susha mouse lived, poured a big stone. And in the mink it is waiting for five small mice. Tigering with his paw one smear threw a stone. Happy mom-mouse jumped, chched a tiger in the nose and rushed to his young.

And the fallen terrible roar went on. After some time, he again heard alarming sounds. This time, a couple of bird-bluebeans fussed over a high cluster of Malinnik. Their only chick chick with such interest examined in their absence everything around, which fell out of the nest right in the bush under the tree. Now the parents twitter over him, trying to help him climb. Tigering gently climbed into the Malinnik, took the chick-bluebeat, he found one jump on the branch next to the nest, lowered a curious baby there. Mom Chika and Dad Chick happily sang, whistled and published such Trelly, which was even more clouded by Tigrenka, and he hurried further through the clearing.

The Terrible River was already a lot to learn about the difficult life in the forest, a lot began to understand. Learned the main rule of the forest, which should always know exactly where the wind blows. If you are there, where the wind blows, you immediately know about everything. And no one knows about you!

But he did not know the tiger, which could be the enemies tiger.

How long did Tigrenno fled shortly. He jumped through the sovereign tree, as the wind brought a new, unfamiliar smell. Tigrenok began to go carefully. All his little taurus strained. The ears got sticking, the wool rose end. He did not know the tiger, that there are such creatures that are human. Especially it is necessary to fear poachers who violate all human and animal laws. They set cappos, hang traps, and they also have a guns that not only loudly pour out and scare forest inhabitants, but also the sad, deprive the life of an innocent beast. But all this Tigrenok still did not know, although he felt the danger of all his little creature. The Grozny Ryk quietly walked along the animal trail. But here ...., oh, horror, balls-taha-tadah, he found himself in a trap, three meters above the ground under the branch of a big pine. Oh, how he was upset, because it remained quite a little bit to the cherished neighboring forest. And how will his boyfriend of medicine will wait now. How long hung a tiger in this network, it's hard to say. He was growling, and tried to break rope claws, everything in no way.

Then he was really desperately a formidable roar, who heard all the beasts and birds in the forest. He learned about his new friends with whom he helped. I flew to a glass of Bird-Sin Neggudaki, became cruisers to doubt the network, deftly coped with the case. The rope succumbed to, the threads were separated and the tigering slapped, like a real cat, for all four paws, and on the ground there were already mice, the remaining ropes were over. And Tigrenok was free.

He quickly got to the neighboring forest. I dug out the golden root and rushed back home towards a sick friend. Here he was more experienced and careful, trusted his instinct and sensations. Brought the medicine barcucer with a striped barrel. Barcuchk bark golden root, and his illness went as if she was not.

Steel as before playing and jumping tigering with a baccuer. Only now they were already smarter and more careful.
Here is such a story about kindness, strength, friendship and mutual execution.

And the Tigrenka of the Terrible Ryka and Barcuchka striped barrel is waiting for many more adventures!

Yuri Iosifovich Koval

Green horse fairy tale

Tiger's tale on sunflower

In our distant Ussuri Taiga, there was a tigerh.

He was Ussuriysky from the nose to the tip of the tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with the Belogruda Clamps and with a uncle of a chipmunk, who also had a strip on his back.

Only at the chipmunk stripes walked along, and the tigering was across. And who does not understand, he will look at the picture, where the stripes go.

But this fairy tale is not about stripes, but about the tigers itself.

All summer tigers played with his friends.

How did they play? Very simple.

They got all together to the oldest and huge cedar and found there the largest cedar bump.

They broke these bumps and threw down. They thought that the bump would split all the nuts from there. But the bump did not split, and the nuts had to speak. But it was very nice - to pick up the nuts that smelled of the resin.

Such a game was called them - batching.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, hazardousness. Here this game is very on nuts-proceeding, the discharge was similar.

They played, played, and suddenly - it became cold.

I went snow, winter began.

Initially it was a small winter. And the snow is slightly slightly - on the grass and the bushes. And then winter fastened, scored power. Hit frost.

Once in the morning, the tigers woke up from the cold. It looks - his friends is not visible. No one.

- Where are they?

"Yes, they went to sleep everyone," the cedridge bird crushed. - Don't you know that the bears and the chipmunks go to bed for the winter?

Tigero did not know this and was very surprised. How is it so? They all sleep, but he does not sleep. Strange.

And if you are not sleeping, what should I do? Play.

He began to play tigers with snow. Throws the snow with a paw, and then catches snowflakes. He played - tired.

And then the blizzard began. It became very cold. The frozen tiger is so strong that even shoved.

- Are you a frost, or what? - he heard suddenly.

And this uncle Burunduk jumped out of his mink, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

"Get to me," says, "warm." I have warm.

Here I climbed tigers to the chipmunk, climbs climbs, and can't get it. Mink is small, and Tigerian is big.

And while tigers lez, the chipmunk yawned, yawn - and fell asleep until the spring.

I went tigers in a taiga. Suddenly hears - someone snoring. I looked, and this is the old cedar snoring.

"Is it really fell asleep?" - thought tigers.

- Yes, you! - shouted the cedera. - Cedars never sleep. Here is the birch da died in the winter fall asleep, and the cedar - never.

- Who is hesitated so loudly? - Tigerian said and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there is not far from the top there was a huge hollow. And in the voupel of the bear slept with his bearings.

The brown bears on the ground are sleeping, in the Berorgan, but the Ussuri Belogruda live on the trees, grow on the trees, on the trees Berloga arrange.

Tigerine looked at this Berlogue, and the Medvedian opened one eye and says:

"Are you what, baby, frozen, or what?" Close to us, we have warm.

Tigers climbed in the hollow and only wanted to curl into the ball, as a bear sighed, and after that he exhaled that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But not much fell, did not break, but only in the snow I was buried. And while he flew, he thought all the time: "It would be nice somewhere in the transshipment to get warm."

And so, when he fell into the snow, he rolled out immediately in the ball and warmed up a little. Only he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, as suddenly saw on the ground under the snow Sunflower seed.

And the tigers immediately wanted to spray this seed and eat, but then thought: "It is impossible to eat everything in the world. I regret it this seed, because it is probably frozen. " And tigers have fun at seed.

Seven slightly moved. I still raised - seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared out of it.

Surrounded by his tigers in his soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep under the blizzard.

And while Tigrenin slept - seed warmed and grow, grow, grow up, grow, and even gradually flourish.

And the real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga yes in the middle of winter the sunflower was bloomed.

He grown highly high, rose above all the trees, under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, upstairs, right on the sunflower was sleeping tiger.

And it was, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

- Tigers on Sunflower! - screaming the cedridge. - Tigers on Sunflower!

Spring soon came. Woke up the chipmunk and bearish. They climbed on the sunflower, and there - tigers sleep. Woke it.

- How did I get here? - Surprised tigers.

"You walked seeds," said the wise uncle Burunduk, "and now it warms you."

That's the summer of red came, the summer is roast, Ussuriyskoye. Tigering behind the sunflower is cautious, the ground is fringed, the crucified water from the stream is worn, the sunflowers are watered. Good tiger. And all the beasts are good.

Autumn has come. Somehow friends gathered on the sunflower, the berries eat, the nuts gnaw.

- Good as! - said the wise uncle Burunduk. - And you can see everything around.

- That would be all for sunflowers to live!

- Erunda! Nonsense! Nonsense! - screaming the cedridge. - It's not enough at all sunflowers!

And then the cold wind blew. Hardened sunflower. Boer drunk and bent home drunk. There was a tiger one.

And again the snow went. The sunflowers bent until the earth itself from the wind and from the snow. Tigerian saddened. He climbed under his sunflower and saw on earth a few last seeds. Surgives them in a pile, pressed against himself, and fell asleep.

And what do you think? Our tigers all seeds warmed.

And in winter in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers. Huge flowers revealed, and on every sunflower someone under the sun he walked.

There - a bear.

There - fox.

There - Wolf.

And at the highest sunflower, tigers snapped tightly.

Tale about wife Snake Gorynych

Three brothers lived. Each of them had two dogs.

And once they are all - three brothers, six dogs - went to walk in Bella. One brother with his dogs went to the left. The other is to the right. And the third, the youngest, - and the dogs he had the youngest - came to the royal city. The city was covered with panic. The nine kite Gorynych walked on the main square.

- King! - shouted Gorynych. - Give me your daughter, and not that I will smoke the whole city!

The king and princess frightened out of the window and simply did not know what to do here.

- Do not be afraid! - lured Gorynych Princess. - Let's go with me on the bottom of the sea, I'll show you pearls.

- Hey, nine! - shouted the younger brother. - Why do you need a princess? You, though nine goals, and all of them stupid!

Gorrynych hungry and wanted to deal with Nahal, but the dogs jumped to him. One clung to him in the tail, the other is in the mane. While Gorynych thought what was what, the younger brother cut off all nine goals, senoming: "Chick-Chik-Chik!"

Here the king jumped out of the palace and shouted: "Hurray!" Behind the king - Princess. She saw the younger brother - and fell in love. And the younger brother, as she saw her, blushed, stretched her hand and said:

- I want to meet!

In general, a wedding played a week later, and the younger brother began to live with his princess in the royal three-story palace.

Once he went to walk to the sea. With him two of his dogs. And the princess of the house remained.

He just came to the sea - suddenly runs to the shore a heavy wave. The wave was crumbled in the sand, and came out of her terrible woman. Green face, braids are woven from brown algae. It was a wife Gorynych.

"Well," she said. - Finally, you caught me! Why did you go away with my nine husband?

She waved her scythe - and at the same time the younger brother and his dogs turned into stones.

The wife of Gorynych laughed, went under the water. Three stones stayed on the shore. And it seemed that they had long been lying here, rolling with waves, overgrown with marine moss.

Meanwhile, the middle brother came to the royal city. The princess told him a sad story, and decided he to help her brother.

Only came the middle brother to the sea shore - the wife of Gorynych comes out of the wave.

- Came after brother? She asked.

He did not have time to noddly - she waved oblique. Three more stones lay on the shore.

How long, briefly came to the royal city and elder brother. With him his dogs. I learned what happened to the brothers, was wicked, I went slowly to the sea.

Looks - lying on the shore of the stones. Six stones rolled by waves that caused the sea moss. And only if we look very carefully, you can disassemble that two of them are like people, and the rest are on the sharp dogs.

The elder brother did not have time - the wave is running ashore, scattered in the sand and goes to the shore of the wife of the Snake Gorynych. The older brother was not confused.

- Ah! - he said. - What kind of beauty are you!

The terrible wife of Gorynych was embarrassed: she was never called beautiful. The dogs jumped to her, clung to the sleeves and pulled out in different directions. They pulled the dogs for the sleeves in different directions, and suddenly - Fuck-Bach - two young girls turned out from one wife of Gorynych. Yes, such ones are cute and modest, which is just amazing! Senior brother immediately Oboml. Then one girl went to the stones and touched them to the branch of the cherry. Stones moved on the sea shore, sanded from them and the dust fell from them - and two brothers and their dogs, lively and disadvantaged. Here the brothers rushed to kiss and hug, and then went to the royal city.

- Hooray! - Screams the king. The princess is rejoiced.

The younger brother was to live with his princess in the royal palace. And the middle brother and the eldest, who was not thinking for a short time, married those two girls who were from one wife Snake Gorynych.

And what is surprising - lived well!

Tale about Wolf Evstital

There were an old man with an old woman. And they had a cat-desira, a piggy dog, a sheep-quiet and a bass-cow.

And next to them lived in the ravine of the Eustifia-Wolf. And this Evststeko was a big robber.

And the winter came, the snow fell, hit the frost. Nevertheless has become Eustifia. Here he comes to the old man and says:

- Great, old man.

"You, old man, give me an old woman, I'll eat her."

- That's what has been invented. I'm sorry for old woman.

"Then let's come on something else, and then I will burst in my stomach."

Evststeko's stuck, you will not unscrew from it. There is nothing to do, I gave the old man's chain-chisel. Swout her Evustface - again to the old man resorts:

- Let's the old woman - groking in his stomach.

I don't want an old woman to give away the old woman - he gave a piggy dog. But by the Eustifia and this is not enough. I had to give an old lamb - quiet to give. Swallowed by Eustifia Tikhonu, again resorts:

- Let's the old woman.

"Dudov," said the old man. - I will not give a grandmother!

- Duck in the stomach plays.

Gave the Basulu-Korovochka. And the cow is hefty was yes cheerful. "I hope," eaten, "the old man thinks.

But the Eustifia and the Korovka swallowed. And two days he is right - it did not come to the old man, and here again declares. It goes, some of the paw rearranges, barely barely in the ground.

"Great," says old man.

- Hello, Eustifico Wolf.

"Yes, here they are what they are," Evststeko says, "with my belly."

- What is such? - The old man says, as if he does not understand.

- Plays belly.

Listened to the old man - and rightly, plays belly. And the dog is bodied there, and the cat is meal, and the cow is might. Only Tikhoni lambs are not heard. It is not clear, in the stomach lamb or where.

- So what are you? - The old man says. - old woman, what do you want?

"Well, yes," explains Evstifeko, "let's the grandmother, I'll eat her."

End of a free introductory fragment.