Wow teleports. How to get into class stronghold

Questions of character "How from Darnas get to the stormagrad and back?" There are not only new players players "Word of Warcraft". But those who have long received a high level also forget the route back. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the guide and find out how from Darnas to get into the stormagrad and vice versa.

What is Darnas and where is it?

Darnas is one of the main cities of the fraction of the capital of the night elves, so it is located on their initial location. That is, anyone who began to play for this race, after the tenth level fall into Darnas. There are quests (tasks), and only through this city you can get to others. After all, the initial location is located in the north of the mainland Kalimdor, on the island in the branches of a huge tree.

In connection with this location, many players often have a question: "How to get to the stormgrad from Darnas or in another city?" After all, when you go to the capital of the night elves, then the first time it is not clear, there is any transport or teleport.

Sometimes at high level players forget how to get to Darnas back. It is asked: why do they need it at all, because location like the initial? As mentioned earlier, Darnas is not just a city, it is the capital. Here are all teachers of professions and classes, here you can learn horse riding, buy transport in the form of sabersubs and several pets (owls and hawks). Therefore, many people come back here when they hide gold to replenish the collection of vehicles and satellites.

How from Darnas to get into the stormagrad: we are looking for means of movement

In Darnas itself, there are no means of movement. Therefore, to get into the stormagrad, you need to get out of it. To do this, go to the middle of the city to the large tree, where the bank is located. From there, head to the west. You will see a big pink tent. Go to it - you teleports to the shore of the location. Here you can already get anywhere in the world of the Great

WoW: How to get to the storm from Darnas?

Practically from any city can be made in four ways:

  • air transport;
  • through the magic portal;
  • on the ship;
  • with its move.

When you went through a tent from Darnas to the shore, then you can see three pier. And if you go on a little further, you will also find

In order not to visit any other locations and immediately get into the stormagrad - the main capital of the Alliance, it is recommended to use the ship. To do this, pass to the end of the pier, which is located on the left of the house located behind the tent-portal. Wait for the ship, go to the deck and sagate. You will have a download screen on which your route from Darnas to Stormgrad will appear. You sail to the port of the main capital. Therefore, you can go back in the same way.

You can also get to the stormagrada and bypass tracks:

  • To take the air transport manager of flights and fly to the village is the next leakage location, and from there fly further and so with different transfers to get to the stormagrad. Such a route is useful if you plan to pump your character in places planned by the game itself.
  • Meet a high level in Darnas and ask him to open a portal in Stormagrad.
  • To join the guild and ask for someone who is now in a stormagra, urge you with the help of an appropriate spell.

If you are already a high level and you have air transport, you can independently fly water and land on the lands of Kalimdora, and from there you have to fly to the stormgrad.

Back to Darnas, they fall into the same ways that they are chosen from it.

→ Methods of movement in World of Warcraft

What do you think it takes the most time in the game? What does your character do almost constantly? That's right, moves. The newly created character runs on its two, and on the twentieth levele can already be transferred to transport in World of Warcraft. With the help of the Mounts, you will move significantly quickly. There are different Mounts, and every race has their own, but any character can collect everything. There is a helicopter and motorcycle in World of Warcraft. These means of movement make engineers, but can buy and use a motorcycle any player. Also exist in WoW portals, through which you can teleport from one city to another. As you can see, travel in the WoW game can be in different ways. Consider everything in more detail.

What exists in World of Warcraft transport

You can move in the game on the Mount, airship, through WoW portals and on foot. Walking slowly, but until the 20th level you have no choice. There are flights located in any settlement. They help save time. Mainly use for movement via windows WoW transport in the form of mats. On the 40th levele, there is an opportunity to transfer to a faster Mount, and on the 60th you can buy a vehicle air facility. Fly much faster than moving around the ground, so it will be much less to spend the quest. Flying Mounts can also run on the ground, but at any time you can easily raise into the air.

Unique means of movement

In WoW, transport in the form of unique mats just does not buy. To do this, you will have to or fork out, or walk in the raid. Moreover, for example, in a raid by 25 people on a rare Mount, another 24 player will be applied. But there are such mats that fall from the bosses in the heroes, though the chance of the drill they have small.

A variety of vehicles can be obtained for reputation and achievements. For example, dark phoenix can be obtained for achieving "fame of the cataclysm raider", and the dragon of the wings of emptiness will only be obtained after receiving the maximum reputation in the wings fraction of the emptiness.

Unique Mounts in the game abound. For example, in World of Warcraft you can buy a helicopter or make it yourself if you own the engineering profession. You can buy a large Mount, which will turn out to ride friends. If you have a motorcycle, you can easily roll a single partner in the wheelchair.

Very rare Mounty

There are means of movement that will very rarely meet anyone in the game. If a helicopter is made in the war, then rare mats you can get only for entering the Lutcode. For example, the well-known spectral tiger comes across in one of about 500 decks collection of playing cards "Fires Casting". To do this, you will need to spend a large number of real money. Now you understand why such rare mats are infrequently found at the WoW world expanses? Horse turtle, a large battle bear, spotted riding dragon, a wild lizard and other similar riding animals also come across only in playing cards.

Professions and means of movement

Some professions make it possible to crafting the means of movement, and they can only use those characters that possess this profy. For example, in WoW helicopter, which has already been described above, can create and fly on it only engineers. The carpet aircraft is available only for Taylor.

Journey to WoW through the portal

Between some cities in the game you can move through the portals. Outwardly, they look like a sparkling egg. These portals are located in some cities, but there is one class, which is accomplished by doing them anywhere - this is the magician. Mages can make portals to any capital, but for this you will have to be with it in the same group. Otherwise, the Mahagovsky WoW portal you will not be able to use.

In this section, Hyde by class of classes that appeared in Legion.You will learn how each character can get into the stronghold of its class, as well as in which locations they are located.

How to get into class stronghold

When you first visit Dalaran after launch Legion.You will find a representative of your class. The task of this representative will turn into a whole chain, by completing which, you will receive an artifact of your specialization. After receiving the artifact and passing the entire task chain, you will fall into the stronghold of your class.

How to return to class stronghold

    Death Knight: Gate death.

    Demon hunter: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran and plan from the platform straight to the soaring island. On it you will find teleport.

    Druid: Teleport in class stronghold with a sadder.

    Hunter: Head to the Beauty Playground in Dalaran and talk to Talua. She will give you an eagle who will take you to the class stronghold of hunters.

    Magician: Teleport in class stronghold using Teleportation: Study Stretch.

    Monk: Teleport in class stronghold with a spiritual journey.

    Paladin: You will find a portal in the class stronghold in Dalaran in the refuge of the kidnapper of the Sun (Horde) or Silver Anklava (Alliance).

    Priest: The portal in the class stronghold is located in the zone of your fraction in Dalaran: the refuge of the sun kidnapper (Horde) or a silver enclave (alliance).

    Robber: Go to the store to the right of the fountain in Dalaran. In the left wall of the store there will be a secret corridor straight into the class stronghold of the robbers.

    Shaman: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran. On the platform to the right you will see a teleport in the class stronghold of shamans.

    Witch: Head in Dalaran's drains, and on the left you will see the portal as soon as descend from the stairs.

    Warrior: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran and stand up in a post near Val'kira. Click on the additional button that appears and you will fall into the distribution of soldiers.

Where are class optics

Each stronghold is in meaningful and historical place in the history of the world for one or another class. Here is a list of locations of all class optics:

    Death Knight: Akerus, black stronghold, which in Legion. Moved to the split islands.

    Demon hunter: "Ground Molot" in Mardrum.

    Druid: Ross Dreams, Val'shara.

    Hunter: The shelter arrow, Krutogorye.

    Magician: The fortlies of the keeper, located in Dalaran.

    Monk: The temple of five dawns, which is located on a wandering island.

    Paladin: The abode of light in the eastern plague lands.

    Priest: The temple of the light of emptiness, which, apparently, is located in the city of Karabor in the valley of the Ghost Moon.

    Robber: Chamber of Shadows in Cloake near Dalaran.

    Shaman: The heart of Azeroth over the whirlpool.

    Witch: The fracture of the sinister scar in one of the worlds of the Legion.

    Warrior: Heavenly Citadel in Stormheim.

Greetings, reader! Below I will give a list that will help us travel on the expanses of Azeroth!

  • [Returning stone] - appears in the bag, as-only create a character. The destination is determined by what tavern you stopped. Recharge 30 minutes (with Level 8 Guild Bonus, Recharge 15 minutes).
  • [Return Scroll I] is an analogue of the return stone, but for the design. Recharge 20 minutes, does not divide with a stone of return. When using a character, whose level is higher than the 40th, with a high probability will send to the random point of Azeroth.
  • [Return Scroll II] - Analogue of Return Stone, Just, Only for Intelligence. Recharge 20 minutes, does not divide with xs.. When using a character, whose level above the 70th, with a high probability, will send us the same not by meaning.
  • [Return Scroll III] - Another analog xsa For descriptors. Recharge 20 minutes, does not divide with a stone of return.
  • [Daughter of the innkeeper] - is mined with the help of archeology, the projects of the dvant. So to speak, old tuning xsa. Recharge is common, the guild bonus applies.
  • [Ruby shoes] - are mined with a witch in Karazhan. Chance of Drop - 30%. Recharge is common, the guild bonus applies.
  • [Etherized portal] - is mined from LUT-cards Set IceCrown. Beautiful animation, a surcharge total, the guild bonus spreads.
  • [Orda] - In order to buy this cape. You need: the super-eyed horde champion, 50 champion printing. Teleports the caster in the ristar of the silver tournament. Recharge does not divide with a stone of return.
  • [Alliance] [The coat of arms of the Knight of the Silver Avant-garde] is exactly the same, but for the Alliance.
  • [Orda] [Heb Cold Cold Clamp] - Cape is bought in Tol Barade. Requires respect To the hellish scream battalion. For the purchase requires 40 recommendation badges Tol Barad. Cut on daily tasks and victories to Tol Barade. Recharge 4 hours.
  • [Alliance] [Stroby Cape Defenders Tol Barad] - Again, the current is distinguished by the name of the fraction to which to download the reputation.
  • [Kirin-Torah seal] \\ [Kirin-Torah Loop] \\ [Ring Kirin Torah] \\ [Kirin Torah ring] - Garold Winston is bought (40.34). The price is 8500g (with exceeding - 6800g). Recharge does not divide with a stone return.
  • [Boots of the Pirate Bay] - we get as a reward for this quest. Essence? Just win Kaluak fishing. Recharge 1 day.
  • [Jain Medallion] - The item is mined as a result of a dope from [Chest], which we get for the quest. Creates a portal (analogue of the MAGOV), carrying members of the group in Dalaran entering it. Recharge 1 hour. This item is safe and can be purchased or transmitted.
  • [The blessed medallion of Carabore] - teleports the carrier to the black temple, Illidan fortress. Recharge 15 minutes. Reward for a long chain of quests. Beginning with Tamets Baa "Ri.
  • [Super-safe conveyor: Pribambask] - This item is available only to the dwarf engineers. Creates a portal for 1 minute through which you can get into Prijambassk. Recharge 4 hours. There is a chance that passing through the portal, you will break.
  • [Ultra-safe conveyor: the station was tossed] - only dwarf engineers are available. Recharge 4 hours. You can crash, passing into the portal.
  • [Spatial Pester - Zone 52] - Wheel Bun for Engineers ... can only be used by goblin engineers. Recharge 4 hours, there is a chance to break up when teleportation.
  • [Spatial Pester - Combor] - Only Goblin Engineers is available. Recharge 4 hours. When teleportation, you can crash.
  • [Harvest Generator: Nordskol] - This item is available only to engineers. Creates a portal for 1 minute through which the engineer can travel in Nordskol. Recharge 4 hours. There is a chance that passing through the portal, you will break.
  • [Interdimensional factory] - Another teleport for engineers. Recharge 15 minutes. This subject can you buy it. Ports B. random place. Looks like a compass Jack Sparrow from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • [Interdimensional factory] - analogue of the previous portal, but on the list random locations New locations appealed as a result of cataclysm.
  • [Site control panel] - The remote is dropping from horseradish Kudovore during the celebration of the Cross Festival, with a chance of 30%. Teleports, click on the Bar of the Depths of the Black Mountain. Recharge 1 hour.
  • [Orda] [Cooking of cooperation] - a raincoat obtained for the guild achievement. Bought at the Guild Venndor. Recharge for 8 hours.
  • [Alliance] [Cooperation Cape] - similar raincoat, but for the Alliance.
  • [Orda] [Unity Cloach] - a 05 guild level of the guild. Just at the Guild Venndor. Recharge 4 hours.
  • [Alliance]

What can the player dream of who started his way in World of Warcraft.? When all the quests are still invented, each location causes surprised to clap his eyes, and the global map leads to indescribable horror by the number of unexplored territories? So, the first dream is usually the acquisition of your own horse (more precisely, the ride animal, or mount).

What can dream of a level of the 60th level, which has long known all the charms of the game, dressed to the maximum, who knows the Azeroth so much that he can travel from the end to the end with his eyes closed? Before exit The Burning Crusade Such a player dreamed that the addon someday would come out. Now such gamers are just like newcomers, study new territories, run through the head on fresh quests and ... want to acquire flying Mount.

No matter how far from each other is newcomer and old WOW, they will definitely comply in one: the huge areas of the game somehow it is very sad to conquer on their two. Mounts, public transport system, return stones, teleports and challenge ... Today we will try to summarize everything that can help novice players deliver themselves to a beloved from point A to point B with the greatest comfort, and their more experienced fellows - to open a few curious and not The most obvious facts about WOW-Zoom and Logistics.

Fly by airplanes ...

As in the real world, all transport in the game is divided into two large categories: public and personal. And no matter how loved your horse, but to move from one continent to another, you will have to use the ship (by sea) or zeper (by air). This transport is free, in addition, it does not require opening destination points, so everyone can use it. The only minus - the boats (that the sea, that air) walks strictly on the schedule and sometimes they have to wait. However, neither plugs nor drunk drivers are there, so the interval of five minutes is withstanding very strictly.

On any continent also operates its own movement system: in each city and many villages there are "Points of flight". But in order to take advantage of them, first, first, know the place where you fly (that is, it will first have to run around the world and open all these "movers"), and secondly - to pay the carrier. The Horde in the role of the air taxi is the bats and visivers, the Alliance - Hypogrifs and Griffins. Accordingly, the opposite fractions cannot fly each other with air routes; In any neutral city there will always be two wizards of flights, one for the horde and the alliance. By the way, we immediately note that when the PVP-raid passes to the town of the opposite faction, one of the main achievements is the murder of a local flight mastery.

Public transport in WOW is convenient, very fast and inexpensive: Even the trip from the end to the end of the external lands will cost less than in the crawled, which is for a player who has reached the level of level, which has reached these lands. On the other hand, there is a system of transport for which and scold: let's say you can not (as in the same Everquest 2. and some other games) jump from the bird exactly in the point that is needed; In addition, there is actually no teleport movement system (excluding SHATTRATH City in external lands).

The only one affordable to everyone and each teleport is the so-called "return stone", which can be "tied" to the tavern in the selected town, so that it becomes possible once an hour to move from anywhere in this city.

It is not surprising that in fact all classes in the game are jealous of the magicians who know how to discover teleport in friendly capitals (plus everything in the same Shattrath City). Mages, in turn, envy Varlocks that can be transferred to themselves with two players to themselves (Summon) any member of the party.

Players have long been trying to come up with ways to quickly jump out from one location to another, and Blizzard helped at the same time, and prevented them. On the one hand, the game is drawn so beautifully and with such a taste (once again we will bow to the vice-president of Blizzard on Gamedizayn Rob Pardo!) That with a ten-minute flight, it is too pleasure for a ten-minute flight. But on the other hand, sometimes (in particular, when you are late to buy some kind of meganuzhny thing from the auction) it becomes no longer before admiring the beauty - you would get to quickly.

Clear players have long learned to use some features of the game, let's say, not quite in purpose. For example, you need to quickly jump into the capital, and standard methods are either too slow, or unavailable ("Return stone" recharges or appointed to another city, and there is no magician in the party). In this case, you can ask for any familiar (or even unfamiliar) to you a person in the right city, take you to the group and put in line to Battleground. The invitation usually comes within a few seconds, after which we leave the arena and find ourselves ... where the leader put you, that is, in the capital.

Another way appeared relatively recently when the search system of the group in instances was replenished with the ability to drag into this instance of any member of the party. You will have to find two people in the desired location, simplify them to approach the champion of the call near any local cave - and instant teleport is provided. Another thing is that in search of these two and negotiations regarding your requests can go more time than if you were waiting with your hand and went to our move.

Before the release of Addon, the world of the game was one. Called O. Azeroth(Azeroth) and shared for two large continents - Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms. With the release of addon the worlds became two - added Outlands, or external land. Strictly speaking, the external lands are not a whole world, but only a piece of the divided planet Drenor, the historical homeland of Orcs, Drasev and some other races. Standard method of moving between worlds - dark portal ( Dark Portal.Located in Blasted Lands location, coordinates 57.55).

To get to external lands through the portal is not very convenient, but get out of there to "civilized" places very easily: in the city Shattrath City. (Terrokar Forest location, coordinates 30, 23) stand portals to all world capital. Thus, when studying the external lands, it is more profitable to link the "Return Stone" it is precisely this city - so you will always have the opportunity to quickly jump into another world, and if necessary, I immediately return to the homeland. True, a stone is recharged for a whole hour of real time and it imposes some limitations.

"Ferrari", "Jaguar", "Cadillac" and others

Public transport and instant movement is needed exclusively for rapid coverage of large distances, but when the conversation comes to traveling on a specific territory, local ways to accelerate displacement are on the fore.

First, we note that some classes in the game have our own acceleration bonuses. The same robber can turn the sprint briefly, and the magician jump forward for a couple of tens of meters. The most lucky Druidam: In the guise of the beast, they used to run much faster than the rest of the characters, and with the exit of The Burning Crusade they also received a "bat" and now proudly blocked the world of the game, happily overlooking on the other born.

But with all this, nothing in the game can be compared with your own ride animals. The robber is not trained to run long, the magician cannot often apply his jump, and the Dusid bat looks, of course, well and helps to overcome obstacles impassable for other players, but does not give such a big speed to speed.

Beginner players should immediately remember a few simple things. Each race has its own branded riding animal. For example, people go to the horses, the orcs - on wolves, trolls - on the ramps, the bloody elves - on Khakstreder (such combat ostrises of absolutely acidic colors), and so on. All creatures are divided into ordinary (give speed increase by 60%) and elite (added 100% speed and look much more impressive).


Before the release of The Burning Crusade in the game there were only terrestrial mats, now appeared and flying. There are only two kinds of them - a griffin for all races of alliance, Vidriader - for the Horde. They are also divided into ordinary and elite, however, with a very significant difference in speed: the usual flying mount gives an increase in 60%, but an elite is already 280%. In fact, this means that the player can get a bird who is quite capable of competing with local "public transport." But, alas and ah, you can fly on griffins and vigraiders only by external lands - to move to the world of Azeroth these animals categorically do not want.

The first Mount in his life player can purchase at the 40th level, in the 60th appearance there is an opportunity to settle the epic beast, and on the 70th - to take into the hands of the winged. Prices for mats are very bussy; Omitting details, let's say that the minimum, in which you can cost the usual horse, is a little less than 100 gold, and the maximum (for a flying epic) is about 5000. There are two classes in the game who get their driving animals in fact for free, - Paladins And Varloki. True, at the 60th level they have to go through a very difficult quest for the epic horse, but they can fully boast a completely special, not like other riding animals.

Qiraji Battle Tank.

However, other classes are also unlikely to feel greatly deprived. In WoW, besides ordinary driving beats, there is still a sufficient number of rare copies, however, for them we must be very hard to hunt. But what you can't do if you want to stand out from the mass of yourself? Here are the brightest examples.

Deathcharge. Even before connecting The Burning Crusade, many players managed to focus on Stratholme instances until a complete redemption, trying to take away from Baron Rivendale (Baron Rivendare) of his corporate horse. And what only speculations were not about the chance of his falling out! It seemed that the horse falls only when the entire party consists of players with a reputation exalted in Andersithi and that beat the baron should be strictly in a certain way. In general, dancing with a tambourine around this boss were held almost every day, but dry site statistics Thhotbot. indicates that the chance of loss of the Rividalkovsky horse is 0.1%. It seems if there are some ways to increase this chance, the players have not yet found them. By exterior and riding qualities, this horse is almost no different from the epic Mount Andede.

SWIFT ZULIAN TIGER.. Very stylish tiger, which is mined in the Zul'Gurub raid instance (boss codenamed Tiger, real name - High Priest Thekal). At one time, for the possession of this Mount, the sixties were ready to give hundreds of DKP (read more about the DKP system in the article " How to dress yourself in World of Warcraft"In the last issue of" Game "). The chance of his falling is all the same unfortunate 0.1%, in appearance and essentially this tiger is similar to the epic Mount Elves, but in a unique coloring.

In the same Zul'Gurub you can get another interesting beast - SWIFT RAZZASHI RAPTORwhich is a certain original variety of epic trolls (Drop with Boss Bloodlord Mandokir, chance about 0.6%). However, the Raptor as a riding animal is not too convenient - he has a very specific, somewhat jogging and after the smooth course of other animals riding on the raptor, whatever he was, it may not be pleasure, but a solid headache.

Qiraji Battle Tank.. A unique driving animal (or rather, insect), which can be used exclusively in the TEMPLE OF AHN instance "qiraj. It is embarrassed in the instance or is given as a reward for the quest. On some sites there is a long (and insanely complicated) chain of quests that need to perform So that you can use this mount anywhere in the game, but there is no word on the official website WOW that such an opportunity exists.

Riding turtle. This is not a riding animal, but just a bonus for entertainment. Speed \u200b\u200bThis turtle adds exactly zero and is given as a reward to the one who uses WoW Trading Card.


SWIFT NETHER DRAKE.. Remove the hats, gentlemen. Before you the most powerful and rarest Wow Mount. At the time of writing this article, the owners of these dragons in the game were not at all or on one server. The thing is that this flying monster is given as a reward of every member of the team, which, according to the results of the season, will be the best in the arena. In fact, it is an incredibly beautiful jet plane, an increase of speed by 310%. Players are already in might and main on the topic, whether such a beast will be exposed as a reward for increasing reputation at the Netherwing grouping, but Blizzard still keeps meaningful silence. Most likely, if it is even given such an opportunity, it will not appear in no earlier than when a para-three hundred of such animals appear on each server, then both blood earned in PVP battles.

When you get to get a driving animal, which is very different from the four-legged (or winged) friend who bored you, consider the following. Ride on the Mount, this as a reward for the quest or knocked out as a dragon, maybe a representative of any race. But here to settle the purchased unusual horse (such, too, are found in nature, the truth is rare enough) or the Mount of another race, you will have to learn the corresponding skill. And to learn it otherwise, except for being exalted with a reputation with its "native" race, it is impossible (in detail about the reputation system, we have already written).

For example, there is such a unique Mount as WINTERSPRING FROSSABER- Snow-white tiger, which can buy any representative of the Alliance in Winterspings. But only elves will be able to immediately settle it, for which riding nor tiger - own riding skill. Dwarfs, people and other Drasenei risk persecution for a couple of months of exhausting reputation pumping also with the capital of elves.

Nevertheless, on any server, there is a sufficient number of players who are launched on unique "non-rigging" animals. Sometimes this is the result of everyday trips to instances, sometimes - a reward for the endless farm, sometimes the indicator that a person begins to invest in the game not only its time, but also quite real money. And sometimes just luck and the ability to be in the right place at the right time.


Do you know that...
  • Between the two capitals of the Alliance - Stormwind and IronForem - the railway is laid, in fact - the subway.
  • Initially in the game it was impossible to indicate the final point of the flight and accounted for all transplants to do "manually".
  • Blizzard introduced a system of noting the interlaced points of the flight after they saw it in one of the homemade addons, but the calculation of the flight time did not connect.
  • There is a huge number of cheats and cunning techniques that allow you to speed up the character - both standard speedhak, and more exotic methods such as the launch of the snowball after the flying giffon. But if for the speedhak you will probably be banned, then the snowball was long enough until it was covered with one of the patches.
  • Birds used to move between cities are never subject to attack, while with your own flying mount you may well knock you down.
  • On the chapels you can not rush the Mount, but there are several dead points, where this limitation is not valid.
  • The most expensive, used only in critical situations (with a shortage of time), the way to get out of some very far from civilization is to die and reborn in the cemetery. Some players have learned to bypass the Revival Board, for which the Blizzard lifelong bath was cruelly punished.
  • On the official website of Blizzard there are interactive cards on which all destination routes for the Alliance and Horde are indicated (

* * *

If, before the output of The Burning Crusade in the "garage" of the average-packed high-level player, it was possible to find two, less often - three mats (own epic, Mount with Battlegrad, sometimes "Riveldalki horse" or "Kuray battle tank"), now everyone who wishes At the maximum enjoy Hi-end-content, it can add a collection of a flying mount, the "military goat of Nagredda" (yes, there are also such) and quietly dream about the very dragon.

Surprisingly, Blizzard seems to know some terrible secret that makes players dream of riding animals no less than the acquisition of a chic foreign car. And therefore, the players often forgive them with them not the most convenient transport network, the absence of teleports and through the fingers look at the ship just left from under the nose. They know that at any moment they can sit on the horse (or not quite a horse) - and the world will fall under their feet. Even a restriction on the use of flying mats only in external lands does not stop them to spend frantic amounts for the purchase. Why? Blizzard know. But never say, because it is one of the questions worth a hundred million dollars and almost 10 million players.