American tank destroyers: now with a turret! Which tank destroyer branch is the best in World of Tanks

Hello everyone! I want to present you not quite a typical article, however, which may seem interesting to many, namely: an opinion on a passed branch. It will be interesting first of all to those who decide what to download next, and in the event that there are no special preferences. What will you see below? A brief description of each of the nine cars, highlighting bright pros and cons, and of course subjective feelings from its passage, which is also very important, because it is unlikely that many will want to go through the whole branch, wasting a lot of time, knowing that only "cacti" are waiting for you ahead, even if a very good tank is waiting at the tenth level. True, I want to warn you right away that it’s rather hard to say something about the first levels, because after playing only 10 fights, the sensations remain rather faded and inexpressive. However, this is unlikely to bother anyone much, because low-level cars go through quickly, and many generally start playing only from the fifth level.
So, we will talk about a branch of American tower anti-tank guns. Well, let's get started.

We start with T18. Even at this level, a pleasant surprise awaits us: this PT is able to bend very well. We have excellent frontal armor for the second level - 51 mm, good speed - up to 48 km / h, and a good selection of guns, among which we can distinguish 75 mm Howitzer M1A1 - a high-explosive gun with 175 average damage, which practically guarantees "one-shots" of single-level opponents. In general, a very pleasant car, and the only negative may be that it is passed too quickly, after all, the second level. However, no one bothers to leave it just for fun. T18 can safely be called a sandbox storm, playing it is a real pleasure.

Next comes the T82. It is also a rather interesting car, which also has good mobility - the same 48 km / h, but, unfortunately, unlike its predecessor, it does not differ in armor. However, the armor is completely redeemed by excellent weapons: there is a high-explosive bomb with insane damage, capable of killing even higher-level targets with one shot, or an accurate and very penetrating 57mm cannon. It will be much more difficult to play on this PT than on T18, but if you use it correctly, the bend is guaranteed. And it’s more than pleasant to kill a KV-1 with two hits on a third-level AT.

Next comes M8A1 - not so bendy, but still a pretty good PT. It is from her that the PTs with the tower begin, and go like this until the very end of the branch. The M8A1 is no longer as remarkable as its predecessors: it does not have an imbovy land mine, not excellent armor. However, adding up all its pluses, of which there are many (excellent speed of 58 km/h, a rotating turret, and a gun with a good combination of armor penetration, accuracy and damage per minute), you can understand that in skillful hands this tank can easily pull out battles. Moreover, at the next levels it is worth getting used to just such a gameplay: a cardboard anti-tank gun with a good weapon and a turret.

Having finished with M8A1, we enter the world of bending. The next vehicle, the T49, has everything you need to destroy the enemy, and is probably the most atypical of all the ATs in the game. Much more it looks like a firefly - the maximum speed is 61 km / h, a low silhouette, except that the review let us down - only 350 meters, but with optics, and at such a speed, in some cases it is possible to highlight. And don't forget about the rotating (albeit extremely slowly) turret, and a good choice of guns, among which you can choose either a gun with higher damage, or a more accurate one with excellent damage per minute. The only thing that makes us very different from the firefly is that it is very difficult to spin someone due to the too slow turret rotation, but it fully pays off with a great choice of guns.

Next comes the well-known M18 Hellcat, which is considered by many to be almost the best tank destroyer in the game. And, although it is just as atypical for the PT class, like the M8A1, it has more than enough pluses, and there is something to love it for. We still don’t have armor, moreover, it’s even less than that of the M8A1, but there’s not much difference in this, they still pierce both all the same and always, but in the case of the M18, there is at least a small chance of not penetrating into the tower - in forehead 76 mm. With mobility, everything is not as good as before, but not bad either. Although the maximum speed is indicated as 72 km / h, in reality we will drive around 50 km / h, which is also very good. It is also worth taking into account a good overview - 370 meters, and excellent aiming angles -10 .... +20. And of course, one cannot but mention an excellent weapon - 160 mm of penetration and 240 one-time damage, coupled with excellent accuracy, make for an excellent weapon. Adding up all the pluses (and this PT has practically only them), we get an excellent car, having played it a couple of times, it immediately becomes clear why everyone loves it so much.

Next comes T25/2. Also a very good PT, but the M18 is still a little losing (with a discount on the levels of battles, of course). The first thing that catches your eye is the significantly increased size, that is, now you should not count on the fact that we will not be noticed right away. However, everything else remains the same. Remaining true to tradition, we don’t have armor, but at least land mines won’t take us head-on, and you can rely on the gun mask in general - it can quite often reflect shells from not very serious guns. The speed is not so great anymore - the maximum speed is 56 km / h, but in reality, as always, the average speed will be much lower, but still, together with the ST, we are quite capable of driving. With the rest, everything is the same as before - the tower barely turns, the aiming angles are still just as good, and the gun as a whole is not bad, except that the penetration is disappointing - only 170, which when playing with the tenth levels does not go anywhere. However, it all depends on the style of play, and perhaps someone might like the T25/2. This PT no longer drags like the ones that came before it, but it is not difficult to master, and it will not be a problem to pass it, and even some fun is guaranteed.

And on this we move on to the most delicious and interesting - 8, 9, and 10 levels.
At level 8, we have the T28 prototype, and it's really out of line. After the previous machines, it will be quite difficult to play on it, it is very different from them. We get the long-awaited, and by the way, very good armor, but we pay for it with speed. And how we pay... Playing on this T28 prot, you will envy even the owners of British PTs, even they will overtake you. So, top speed *drumroll*… 18 kilometers per hour. Yeah, after the previous PTs with their speed, it will be a real torment. However, if you have patience, it becomes clear that T28 prot. very good: the frontal armor perfectly saves from enemy projectiles (of course, until they go to gold), and the gun does excellent damage. Plus, the tower also rotates, though not completely, but most often it is enough. It is worth mentioning the gun separately: we have average accuracy, but excellent breakdown (248) and good damage (400), and even a good rate of fire, so we have an excellent gun. By the way, about booking: it is good only in the frontal projection, on the sides, stern and roof, we will endure even from land mines, let alone artillery. As a conclusion to this machine, we can say that it is very peculiar, and you will have to put a lot of self-control to pass it, but just like in the case of the T25 / 2, it has quite pronounced advantages that do not allow the game to fall into the sludge on it . Yes, there is also a transition from it to an alternative branch of American PTs, although in this case you will have to endure such a speed for another 2 cars.

Having rolled back the painfully slow T28 prot., we get the long-awaited T30 - a very interesting, and in skillful hands, a very bending car. Opening it, we return to the origins - we again have no armor. To understand this, just look at its appearance - and outwardly it is almost indistinguishable from the T34 and T29, and their armor is also the same, and the T29 breaks through quite often at the seventh level, let alone 9 and 10 - there are our 102 mm do not save even from fireflies. And given our not too high mobility - the maximum speed is 35, but in the game it is around 25-30 and the lack of armor, as well as the presence of powerful artillery at high levels, it is clear that the position must be chosen very carefully. But if in the case of the hull, we have nothing to show, then our turret holds the damage as it should - they can only penetrate into the commander's turret, but it is very difficult to hit it. And our most important advantage is the tool. In terms of numbers, it is almost similar to the object 704’s gun, and that’s exactly what it is – absolutely crazy numbers: 276 penetration and 750 one-time damage, although the accuracy is 0.39 and the charge is about 16-17 seconds, which makes you carefully aim and choose the moment for a shot. Given these advantages, "tanking with a turret", or moving out from behind cover to exchange shots, we can deal crazy damage per game. T30 is a great car, but, as always, it has its drawbacks and advantages. With the right choice of position, she can very well pile on opponents with powerful splashes. After the passage, pleasant sensations remain, and the desire to leave the T30 in the hangar for pleasure.

And now we finally get what we have been going for so long - anti-tank guns with armor and heavy load mobility, a turret and an excellent weapon. And the T110E4 does not disappoint - indeed, everything is true, in terms of speed, of course, we are a little behind the same T110E5, but this is not critical. The tower rotates only 180 degrees, so what, we are PT, we should not have a tower at all! And the armor is just as pleasing, the numbers seem to be small, however, substituting the body with a rhombus, dancing, it is often quite difficult to break through the T110E4, but she does not have such a problem - after all, three hundred penetration and 850 average damage can surprise anyone. And do not forget about a solid margin of safety - 2000 hp. The only thing that disappoints is the same long reload time of the gun (16 seconds), and rather mediocre accuracy, it is quite easy to miss with this gun. But given all the other benefits, this is the least we can pay. And again, you can play it as a typical heavy with an eye to a long reload, which brings its share of pleasure to the gameplay. The T110E4 is a very pleasant car to handle, which is worth finishing this thread, especially since it also brings mostly positive emotions to this passage.

Well, in the end, I would like to say something like a conclusion about the branch itself: for me personally, absolutely all the cars were pretty in their own way, and there was not a single one that I really would not like to play on. Starting from the second and ending with the tenth level, it was interesting to play, and I did not want to abandon pumping, as sometimes happens in other cases. In general, this is probably one of the best branches in the game in terms of balance, and if you do not know what to download next, I could advise it.


When playing Blitz after update 1.7, keep an eye on enemy vehicles. Especially to American tank destroyers: decide to get used to the clumsy T110E3 from the side, and she will take it and turn the turret out of nowhere and make a hole with a diameter of 15 centimeters in your tank. Then it will become clear that this is not the T110E3 at all, but the T110E4 - the top-end vehicle of the new branch of American tank destroyers with a turret. It's time to learn about the features and main features of the new technology! Shall we start?

Fluttering and stinging levels IV–VII

The words of the famous boxer Mohammed Ali are the shortest and most accurate description of the new tank destroyers from IV to VII levels. Sometimes it seems that these light and mobile machines are able to be in several places at the same time. Elusive as butterflies, they always end up where they are not expected, and the guns in the rotating towers sting like bees (and with increasing levels - like wasps and even hornets).


This vehicle cannot boast of armor: 29 mm will only protect against a light tank machine gun. But the speed of movement and one of the two good guns allow you to climb far into the rear and flanks of the enemy and inflict impressive damage from there. One of the obvious disadvantages of the M8A1 is the open turret cabin, which practically guarantees taking full damage from HEs. However, the M8A1 has very small dimensions. Against the background of other machines, this is really a small bee, and getting into it from an inaccurate high-explosive gun is not an easy task. In addition to the rather slowly rotating turret, everything in this tank destroyer calls for light tank style: always be on the move, deceive the enemy and put him out of balance, and disable his equipment at the most inopportune moments for him. Also, do not forget about tank destroyer tactics, because the small silhouette provides excellent camouflage. Be sure - this petty dirty trick will cause angry statements of defeated enemies more than once!


The armor of this vehicle is even weaker than that of the M8A1. But why do you need armor when there is a top speed of 61 km / h, a small silhouette and appropriate disguise, as well as a quick-firing gun from ? The T49 continues the style of play set by the M8A1: it is a tank destroyer that can “bite” the enemy from nowhere without being noticed, and in case of danger, instantly change position or even go on reconnaissance. However, the T49 is still not a light tank: the lack of maneuverability and the slowly rotating turret make close combat dangerous, not to mention the danger of HE and ramming. Thanks to good elevation angles, this tank destroyer fights well in hilly terrain: even at medium range, the small T49 turret becomes completely microscopic in the enemy’s sights. It is not easy to get to this moving point, but it snarls quite noticeably. Angering more powerful enemies on the T49 is a sweet thing, and it will appeal to many. The temptation to leave this car in the hangar will not be easy to resist!

M18 Hellcat

The bee is slowly turning into a wasp: the M18 Hellcat (which can literally be translated as "hell cat") in the top configuration is armed with a 90-mm gun with good penetration and heavy damage. But the reservation has been weakened to the limit: 13 mm - much less? Hellcat is very afraid of land mines, battering rams and maneuverable vehicles in close combat: its hull and turret turn reluctantly and lazily. But there will be plenty of reasons to love this car: this is a maximum speed of 72 km / h, and excellent camouflage, and good visibility. The gun aims very quickly and hits accurately - just what you need for the intrusive playstyle that this machine requires. Like the T49, the “witch” (the second nickname) has good gun declination, so playing from the turret is a must. Moreover, the front of the turret is covered with a sufficiently strong gun mask, which will save you from premature departure to the hangar. Perhaps it is Hellcat that will give you some of the brightest and most emotional battles. This machine fully justifies its name: it loves risk, adrenaline and audacity, but at the same time it requires the composure of a fatalist from the commander.


Take a deep breath: the armor of this car will not be weaker than that of the M18 Hellcat. After the insanely gambit-prone Hellcat, the T25/2 may seem like an unremarkable tank destroyer, but don't be so quick to judge by first impressions. The armor has finally stopped thinning and is back to a more soothing 76mm. However, at level VII, this still cannot be considered a good defense. In terms of running characteristics, the T25/2 is very close to medium tanks. It does not have a high maximum speed, but it has good acceleration dynamics and good maneuverability. While inferior to medium tanks in terms of mobility, the T25/2 is quite capable of whirling a clumsy tank destroyer without a turret or even a heavy tank. But resorting to such adventures is only a last resort. The gun of this self-propelled gun penetrates 170 mm, and this is not always enough at Tier VII. Just in case, you'll have to keep a few sub-caliber shells in stock. However, the weapon cannot be called bad either: its potential damage per minute can exceed 2000 units. Combined with fast aiming and good accuracy, the tanker gets a tool that needs to be used correctly: the gun forces the use of T25/2 mobility to confidently deal damage to the weakly protected sides and rear of enemy vehicles.

Tier VIII–X Changed Wings to Carapace

Starting from Tier VIII of the new branch, commanders will have to change their habits. After swift self-propelled guns, the time comes for leisurely, well-armored and heavily armed vehicles.

T28 Prototype

This self-propelled gun is often affectionately called "sprat", but we will call it culturally. In short, the T28 Prototype is like the T28, only with a turret. The destiny of this machine is the choice of a specific direction, preferably with the most protected flanks, followed by a leisurely attack or impregnable defense. Strong frontal armor allows you to perfectly withstand a blow, however, very thin sides and poor maneuverability make you be very careful about the choice of direction and the presence of fire support in the face of the allies. The T28 Prototype gun is a slower-firing variant of the T28 gun, but this is offset by the turret. The new self-propelled gun is supposed to stay away from close maneuvering combat and inflict heavy portions of damage to anyone who dares to face off.


You can tell about this tank destroyer in just a few words: if you played on the T34 or T29, you know perfectly well what kind of vehicle is in front of you. By and large, the T30 is a T34 with a 155-mm "baba", taking away an average of 640 HP per penetration. The tactics of the game are very similar to those on American heavy tanks: we hide the hull, show an almost impenetrable turret, and fire when ready: armor-piercing shells with 276 mm of penetration will do their job. Has the right to life and "passing" gun, the former "top" on the T28 Prototype. It allows you to shoot more than 6 shots per minute, and in combination with bonuses from equipment and equipment, it can give out more than 2700 damage per minute. This vehicle should avoid close combat due to the weak hull armor and low turret traverse speed: you may have time to “slam” one shell into an enemy medium tank, but it will not be easy to catch it in the scope later. But with the hidden hull, the T30 turns into an insurmountable obstacle, because the huge gun mantlet is extremely reluctant to let shells through, and damage can only be inflicted on the commander’s hatch or the “cheeks” of the turret. Hitting those vulnerable spots is not easy, even at medium range.


Finally, having passed a branch of six wonderful cars with a bright and strong character, we got to the top - T110E4. The armor protection of this vehicle is weaker than that of the T110E3, but more powerful than that of the T110E5 (on the basis of which both tank destroyers were built). If you look at the performance characteristics, the forehead armor of the hull and turret of the E4 and E5 is the same, however, the self-propelled gun has a very large and thick gun mantlet, which allows you to safely take shells from any guns. Good turret protection also dictates a similar playing style to the T30: the use of terrain and elevation angles. Well, against vehicles below the level, you can safely “tank” with the forehead of the hull, just don’t stand still for anything: the machine-gun turret on the turret will become the main goal of most enemies. As for the sides and stern, take care of them like the apple of your eye, because any enemy can break through them. The T110E4 turret rotates 90 degrees to the right and 90 degrees to the left, so this machine is not able to cover its own stern. Let's finish with the main argument of the T110E4 - a 155-mm gun capable of making a hole in the armor of almost any enemy. It's not the fastest fired, but it's accurate enough to deal significant damage. Remember that exchanging head-on shots with the T110E4 is a disastrous business!

In this review, we will present the TOP of the best tank destroyers in World of Tanks. In our case, we will talk about machines that are the most invisible to the enemy and best of all manifest themselves from camouflage.

10th place

In tenth place is the M18 Hellcat. This tank destroyer has been nerfed, as far as you know, now it is not as mobile as before, although the speed is still quite acceptable when moving forward. But now the Helkat is going back very slowly, the same applies to turns. But as a "bush" machine, this self-propelled gun performs well - a high camouflage coefficient, it has a turret, you can easily target opponents. There is a good penetration, especially gold. The alpha strike remains the same - 240 - which is quite normal for the sixth level. There is fast mixing and good accuracy. Stabilization is generally not bad, although the DPM developers nerfed.

In general, the Hellcat remains a machine that shoots well from afar, from the bushes, and rarely glows, especially at level 6, where opponents have poor vision. Of course, the M18 is not oppressive, as before, you won’t be able to have fun driving around, riding and dismantling opponents on it, but it’s quite possible to attack from cover.

9th place

Despite the fact that the ISU-152 has been in World of Tanks for a long time, it can still bend very well due to the giant alpha strike of 750 units and good penetration. Overall accuracy is good. Of course, the disguise of the ISU is not the best, but it is quite enough at level 8 in order to make a shot and only then light up and go into cover. But, because the alpha of the ISU-152 is gigantic, absolutely any enemy will feel this shot.

In general, the ISU is not the most mobile vehicle, with cardboard armor, if you do not shoot at the gun mask. However, this SPG remains a powerful vehicle at level 8.

8th place

Object 704 takes 8th place. The machine is an improved version of the ISU-152, the gun is the same, with a huge alpha strike, but the DPM is slightly higher, the accuracy is better, the mixing is faster. In addition, the Object 704 has stronger armor, has sharp armor slopes, so ricochets and non-penetration are often obtained. Object 704 - faster than ISU-152, camouflage is also improved. The same applies to the review.

Tactics for the 704 are as follows: shoot from a distance from the bushes, deal massive damage and roll back into cover.

7th place

Another fast tank destroyer with a turret is the T67. At level 5, this vehicle is famous for its smart camouflage, turret, good visibility, and a high DPM gun with good penetration. The most successful tactic for the T67 is similar to the previous ones: hide in the bushes, shoot damage, drive forward with your gorgeous speed, take a new position, disassemble the enemies due to your excellent EHP and inconspicuous disguise. And no one sees you.

This tank destroyer has such good camouflage that during almost the entire battle it can hide in the bushes and very rarely glow. Enemies stupidly do not see the T67, and if they do, then the speed of the self-propelled guns will be enough to change position.

6th place

If you don’t want to take a steam bath and choose tactics, it’s best to take the Object 268. This tank destroyer is quite simple - it left, inflicted huge damage on the enemy and drove back. Most often you are in the bushes, waiting for light and dealing damage. This tank destroyer is not boring, it is quite mobile, you can go on the attack, the camouflage is excellent, you can play from cover, while rarely glowing and doing a lot of damage. The gun is accurate, with high penetration, there is a high DPM, good accuracy and fast aiming. What else is needed to shoot damage at someone else's light?

Object 268 is an excellent choice for this purpose.

5th place

We have reached the middle of our TOP of the best tank destroyers in World of Tanks, with the SU-122-44 in fifth place. This tank destroyer has an awesome DPM, 3,000 damage per minute for level 7 is a lot. You will be able to dismantle opponents so quickly that you will be surprised at this. There is also a large alpha strike (390) and a generally fast mixing.

Accuracy and average penetration are lame. This tank destroyer is fast, nimble, you can easily go on the attack on it, take up non-standard positions. She has a good disguise, however, a very poor view, so you shoot mainly at someone else's light and do not glow yourself.

4th place

The fourth place is occupied by the British tank destroyer Charioteer. This car is very fast and can take non-standard positions, even play it a little aggressively at times. The camouflage of this tank destroyer is good, so in general you can take any position and shoot damage from there.

There is a tower from which you can easily shoot at the enemy from the corner, however, the UVN of this self-propelled guns is so-so. The gun is good, accurate, fast-firing, with excellent penetration, there are high-explosive shells. This tank destroyer is suitable for those who like to play fun and aggressively.

3rd place

Let's move on to the top three. In third place is the tank destroyer Waffentrager auf Pz. IV. It is thanks to this tank destroyer that you will understand how easy it is to inflict damage on the enemy in World of Tanks if you have good camouflage, a turret, excellent visibility, and a powerful accurate gun. The Waffen has it all. The main thing is to take a competent position, have a way to retreat, but otherwise everything is simple - you can inflict a huge amount of damage on someone else's light, while the opponents will not see you. And due to the tower and good mobility, you can throw it at opponents even in close combat.

2nd place

In second place in our TOP is Rhm.–Borsig Waffentrager. At one time, this tank destroyer made a revolution, before this was not the case. The Borsig can stand in the bushes for the entire fight, deal massive amounts of damage, and rarely glow.

This tank destroyer has two very powerful, accurate guns, one of them with a large alpha strike, the other is more accurate. Borsig's camouflage is even better than Pz. IV, and it is much better than the ISU-152. In addition, Borsig has good dynamics and a tower that allows you to easily target the enemy and shoot a lot of damage from any position. So far, it is one of the most powerful, it is pleasant to play on it due to the ability to deal a lot of damage.

1st place

Finally, the title of the best tank destroyer in the World of Tanks game is occupied by the E-25. This vehicle has the best camouflage of all the tank destroyers mentioned above. The E-25 has such good camouflage that it can drive close to enemies, stand in bushes, shoot damage at them and not glow at the same time. In addition, there is a wonderful dynamics and maneuverability, so you can take non-standard positions. There is a gorgeous gun with good accuracy, fast aiming, good penetration and a very high DPM. You will be so close to disassemble the enemies that they will not even understand how they ended up in the hangar.

In addition, the E-25 has good EHV, so you can play well from uneven terrain. In general, just a chic tank destroyer.