What are peers in games. How to choose peppers (skills and skills) in World of Tanks? Mini FAQ on skills in World of Tanks


The official website of the World of Tanks, although it contains comprehensive information about the skills that can purchase each of the crew members of the combat machine, but first, few people smile to reread multiple technical text pages, and secondly, official information is dry and streamlined . There you will not have a straight text there, that this is the skill - nonsense, but this is not bad. Therefore, tankers will have to go to the forums, where it will be necessary to shove many topics for several dozen, then hundreds of pages to find out for themselves the necessary information. The task of this material is in detail and at the same time briefly, it is intelligible and easily described each of the skills for each of the crew members, without taking absolutely nothing.

Skills in World of Tanks are not an empty sound, but an excellent prospect for a multiple improvement in the characteristics of your combat vehicle. Often the skill value is underestimated, and in vain. So, let's go.


By the humble opinion of the author, as well as many experienced tankers - the least useful skill, which is easier to replace the usual fire extinguisher. And on the statements, they say what will happen if you set fire for the second time, you can answer that such a probability is extremely small. In general, fire extinguishing - skill with frankly weak utility. In the form of an alternative, you can take the ability to "clean and order", which reduces the likelihood of engine ignition.


This skill is examined in case, especially this makes newcomers, who believe that now their tank will be minority and they can be width to play sniper mode. This is not true. The fact is that not all tanks in the game are capable of disguise. Some do it better, some worse, and some, huge, having a high profile of the machine and do not know how to disguise. For example, the T-62 with a pumped 100% camouflage may remain invisible with almost up to 300 meters, while the same E-100 can hide under similar conditions only at a distance, a little more than 400 meters. In the form of an alternative, it is better for the tank to purchase camouflage, as well as to hide the bushes. In general, disguise - more or use useful skills, but not for all tanks.


The most versatile skill for its utility. Repair can and need to pump. In the form of both alternatives and additions, the box with tools is perfectly suitable, as well as a large or small repair kit. In each tank there must be a tanker trained in repair.

The Brotherhood of War.

Another universal, team skill, giving 5% for the growth of points of all skills for the entire crew. In the form of an alternative, you can purchase ventilation, however, the effect of these two terms is summed up, so it is better and to study the combat fraternity and install ventilation. If you add a cola, chocolate or coffee to all, then the skills can grow to 120%. Not bad skill, which is especially good for artilleryrs.

Now go to the personal skills of each of the crew members.


The ability of the mentor allows the commander to faster to train its wards. The greatest effect is given when studying at the very beginning of development. However, this skill only provides the accelerated pumping of the rest of the skills, and, in fact, does not bring any benefit. In general, for the most impatient, this skill will completely come down.

Skill is not bad. It allows you to see tanks withdrawn or damaged nodes in the enemy technique, but the expert only works with 100% pumping, as well as if the enemy's technique succeeds in the target about 5 seconds, which is not always acceptable in random battles. Outcome: This skill is more suitable for duel. It carries more information assistance, which can not always be useful in battle, where you often shoot there, where you have time, and at all at all at all. Skill with controversial utility.

One of the most important skills in the game, if not the most important. The famous "light bulb" is vital in every battle. Skill, signals the fact of lighting your technology. If the light is caught fire, it means that the tank has discovered. Be sure to study, and the sooner, the better.

This skill allows the commander to replace the resulting crew member. Most often, instead, the skill players prefer to acquire first-aid kits for the treatment of victims. Not the most useful option.

Fully pumped eagle eye allows you to increase the maximum tank overview by 2%. The use of this skill is the lot of experienced players. Newbies This skill is unlikely to be useful, however, if you are fighting on Bat Chat, Patton or other technique with a good review function, then you can take an eagle eye and even need. Outcome: This skill will be useful if you can and like to use a disguise and know how to calculate the detection range. Alternatively, as well as additions, you can take a radio equipment, enlightened optics, stereotrub or an octopenk with ventilation.

Sniper skill will increase the likelihood of critical damage. Quite useful profession. This will especially be seen, after comparing the outcome of the battle on the technique, where the gunner is trained in sniper shooting, and where is not trained. The difference will be noticeable. The tank with this skill will cause much more crits, among which are so useful as a fire or an explosion of ammunition. Does not work with cumulative shells. Very worthy choice, practically, mandatory for study.

This skill allows you to see two additional seconds in the target of the disappearing enemy. It works only if this enemy was lit personally. In other words, artists who dealt swing this skill should be known that it will not be useful, because for artillery, the enemy highlights other tanks, and not Art itself. Outcome: almost useless skill, which is better not to download.

Everything is clear here: in sniper mode it will be easier to take action when turning the tower, if there is such. Do not swing skill if your tower does not rotate. In the form of an alternative, setting the stabilizer. However, the utility is summed up. To be brief, this skill is one of the most useless. You can not learn, lose a little.

Everything is said in the title. After 100 percent pumping, the gun can be predicted with a large share of the probability, which type of projectile will be needed in the future. Skill interesting and even funny, but almost useless. Instead, learn better repairs or the same disguise.

Very important skill, since damage to the ammunition immediately turns your tank into a bunch of scrap metal, and the study of this skill makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of the explosion of the wip of 13%. A fairly useful specialty, although many prefer to learn something else. Outcome: Be sure to learn if you plan on tanks with a traditionally poorly protected waggela.

Pretty original thing. Its essence comes down to the fact that, as soon as the technique remains less than 10% of health, then the charging starts faster by 10% shoot. As a supplement or alternative, the rate is excellent. Pumping this skill is better on the tank with a lot of health. Outcome: Useful, although specific, skill for charging.


This skill increases radiocommunication range. Practically useless specialty. In general, it is worth noting that special radist skills are famous for the greatest usefulness among the rest of the team. Radine is better to train common, not profile skills.

Another useless skill that increases the distance of communication with all the allied techniques. You can try to teach, but only if you play artillery.

This skill increases the review. With full 100 percent study adds + 3% to the range. Conclusion: more or less useful, although not vital skill. You can learn if you really want.

A specific skill responsible for sending information about the location of enemies a few seconds after the destruction of technology. A vengeful skill that makes sense to study only on Firelessness - scout tanks.

Driver mechanic.

This skill will be most useful for managing a tank with bad dynamics. With full study, gives a 5 percent increase to the rotation rate. Not the most useful skill, which can show its utility only when your tactics of fighting will require private turns and the like maneuvers.

At the expense of this skill, the driver's mechanic will be able to add your tank a little more maneuverability on a heavy surface of the type of marshes and other off-road. Almost useless skill that few people study.

This skill allows you to reduce the scatter when shooting on the go. 4 modest percentages are removed from the diameter of the sight. It makes sense to study only on lungs or medium tanks. The tank is slower, the less sense in the study of this skill. Not a very useful acquisition that can be replaced by a stabilizer of a smooth stroke.

Excellent skill, which allows you to increase to 15 percent damage when performing taran reception. It is an excellent supplement for heavy and fast equipment. Armed with the skill of Taran ordinary medium or even light tanks can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy. Extremely recommended for learning.

This skill reduces the probability of fire by 25%. Not bad skill, especially if you do not plan to use fire extinguishers. If the fire extinguisher is always in stock, then it makes no sense to download cleanliness and order. In addition, it can be perfectly replaced by the same overall fire extinguishing skill, although this is not the same thing at all. Alternatively, the "Cyclone" filter will also be suitable.

"Light bulb" - "Sixth feeling

This skill allows the tank commander to feel light, which is called the "spinal cord." At the same time, after 3 seconds from the moment of lighting, the light lights up on the screen. This is the most valuable Perk in World of Tanks. It is necessary to download it at all tanks, including PT and even an ART-SAU.

However, like all the skills, the "sixth sense" begins to work only after 100% study. Therefore, you will have to either ride a "non-working" first pep, or

keep some other skill for the commander and then, after the first skill is pumped up to 100%, to re-overcome the commander that however, does not solve the problem of long suffering from driving without a "lamp", but there is one budgetcunning acceleration of pumping skill 2+ times:

We train the commander of the right skill and transplant it to any other suitable elite tank, preferably premium, transplant only the commander, the rest of the "Nobby" team does not touch

Since the commander, the overall experience of "driving" will lag behind the rest of the team, according to the rules of game mechanics, it is he who will receive every battle by X2 of the crew experience, regardless of victory or defeat, the bonus prem tank will also be a minimum + 61% of the experience , Total for exampleif you earned 1000 experience in battle, then the captain will receive not 1000, but 2610 experience, it is even more faster, but also so, it is an acceleration of pumping more than twice! Well, if you further enable personal reserves to accelerate the crew pumping ... :) Really, you can open a light bulb in one evening of the game.

"BB" - "Combat Brotherhood"

This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5 (in fact by 2.15, but everything for simplicity is rounded), as well as increases the level of ownership of the skills to the same 5%, that is, you may have a disguise 100% and 105% (by the word Any increase in the level of crew preparation by 1% increases the characteristics of the tank by 0.43%) this skill for some reason is unreasonably offended by many "vehicles", for example, it is often possible to hear the recommendation to teach it only if it is also installed on the tank and Ventilation or additional solders, which is actually just illogical. Perhaps this is the second most important skill which you need to pump out on any tank because it:


2.5% recharge speed and middle damage per minute

2.5% speed information

2.5% the speed of the corps

2.5% speed turning tower

by 2.5% maximum accuracy of the gun (no, it is not an error! Accuracy can be increased)

at 2.5% masking of the tank when shot, standing, when driving, in the jump and climb.

2.5% module repair speed

2.5% tank overview

at 2.5% Pentium for all soils and therefore the overall mobility of the tank

5% effects from all studied crew skills (smooth move, disguise, etc.)


2.5% scatter from driving

2.5% scatter from the shot

2.5% scatter from turning the tower

2.5% scatter from the corps turn

surely I forgot something, but I think it is already clear

Of course, 2.5% it seems a bit, and the effect is difficult to immediately notice, but in other skills, the effect is not much more: for example, the "eagle eye" gives only 2% to the review, like many smooth stroke -4% of the fine to scattering when driving, and BB is only -2.5%, but from all fines! Virtuoso + 5% to the sharpness of the corps turning, etc. It is real if you calculate theoretically possible bonuses from the kit of the best other skills (except for disguise and repair), then they are not worth it next to the BB. But of course there is a big and greasy minus - he is that the skill works only with 100% of the development of all the crew, which means that it is impossible to take it - because the "sixth sense" and the study of his second, many players can stretch for six months, and want Everything is desirable right now ...

A bit of theory

TT - heavy tanks

In terms of pumping perks, it is little different from medium tanks. The main differences are their size - as heavy machines are larger than the average, then mask them by pumping in most cases meaninglessly. The first thing is necessary to pump the repair, and then decide - to immediately pump the BB or after pumping the second-third pepper to reset it and reissue the crew on the Brotherhood of War.


Perhaps at the beginning of the battle, it is not useful, but at the end, when alive will only have the police and the enemy is incomprehensible where, she will save you more than once.

2) "Combat fraternity." Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5, and also increases the level of ownership by skills to the same 5%.

3) "Repair". Repair The most important skill for the crew of medium and heavy tanks. The time of repairing modules in all tanks is different, and the heavy it is most, and no matter how seductive did not look like other skills, it is impossible to forget about it.

4) "Master for all hands". The skill is the most useful exactly on the "Tolstoy" technique, which and with the wounded crew is able to make a team for a long time. It is also recommended to take it with the studied skill "BB" - with it "BB" is not interrupted from the wounds of the crew.

5) "Eagle eye" - increases a review by 2%. Although you can take other skills depending on the tank (mentor, fire extinguishing, disguise)


1) "Repair"

2) "Combat fraternity."

3) "Smooth turn of the tower"

4) "master-gunsmith" - reduces the scatter of the broken gun by 20%, it is recommended to put on the tanks "Tankers" tower, T34, ST-1

5) "Sniper" - by 3% increases the likelihood of applying critical damage to the module or contusion of the crew member. By virtue of the game mechanics is almost useless. Sniper is most effective for tanks with low damage per shot and for drum tanks that are guaranteed to make several shots at one point.

Driver mechanic

1) "Repair"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Smooth move"

4) "king of off-road" - Very useful skill, which increases the speed of movement and maneuverability of the machine on medium and weak soils. (+ 10% in the swamp, + 2% of the soil). The most suitable LT and Art, but also does not prevent other tanks.

5) "Virtuoso" - increases the rotation speed of the tank chassis by 5%. No comments.

6) "Master of Taran" - Useful skill for tanks that have a large mass of aggregate with good dynamics (kV-5, AMX-50-100). Reduces damage to his own tank at a taran by 15% and increases the enemy so much.


1) "Repair"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Radioservat"

4) "Masking" - the main skill of all LTs and small st / PT. Since the bonus goes in percent, it is meaningless on low disguise tanks, for + 50% of zero will still be zero! And on the other hand, a radio player simply has no other good options.

5) "fire extinguishing"


2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Repair"

Increases ware strength by 12.5%. For tanks like T110E5, AMX CDC, T44 is very useful, but others do not hurt.

5) "disguise" take away from hopelessness ....

ST - Medium Tanks

The crew of medium tanks, up to the 7th level inclusive, first of all it is recommended to pump the disguise, and after it is repairs. After the 7th level (8+) the crew of the majority of Art teaches first repair, then disguise. After that, the crew can be returned to the combat fraternity. The commander, of course, the first pep is better to take the sixth sense, that is, the retrain is better to produce when the crew has a fully reprehension of the second perk. If the tank has the front location of the transmission / engine, the driver can be downloaded to "purity and order". Below is an option for top levels.


1) Sixth Feeling Light Bulb.

2) "Combat Brotherhood". Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew of 5% and the tank itself by 2.5, and also increases the level of ownership by all skills to the same 5%.

3) "Repair".

4) "masking" -the smaller in size (the more "flat") a medium tank, the more ulcer "masking".

5) "Eagle eye" - increases a review by 2%.


1) "Repair"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Smooth turn of the tower"- Reduces the spread of the gun when turning the tower by 7.5%.

4) "Masking"

5) "Sniper" - by 3% increases the likelihood of applying critical damage to the module or contusion of the crew member. By virtue of the game mechanics is almost useless. Sniper is most effective for tanks with low damage for a shot and for drum tanks capable of being guaranteed to make several shots in one point confidently breaking the internal module ..

Driver mechanic

1) "Repair"

2) "Combat fraternity."

3) "Smooth move"- Reduces the spread when shooting on the course by 4%. Damage and maneuverability - our everything!

4) "Masking"

5) "king of off-road" - Very useful skill, which increases the speed of movement and maneuverability of the machine on medium and weak soils. (+ 10% in the swamp, + 2% of the soil).

6) "Virtuoso" - increases the rotation speed of the tank chassis by 5%.


1) "Repair"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Radioservat" - Increases the review of technology by 3%. Best Spec Radine Skill, due to the fact that the rest are generally useless.

4) "Masking" - the main skill of all LTs and small st / PT. Since the bonus goes in percent, it is meaningless on low disguise tanks, for + 50% of zero will still be zero! And on the other hand, a radio player simply does not have other good options.

5) "fire extinguishing" - accelerates fire extinguishing by 50% (with full study by all crew). Almost useless skill if you take a fire extinguisher with you, take in the absence of other normal options.


1) "desperate" - when you fall into your HP at a mark below, 10% speeds up recharge by 9.1%. Very useful skill for technique capable and able to survive for a long time even with a small amount of HP. Since it starts to work only at 100% of the development makes sense to take one of the first.

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Repair"

4) "Non-contact units"- Increases the strength of the waters by 12.5%. For tanks like AMX CDC, T44 is very useful, but others do not hurt.

5) "Disguise"


(anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations)

Due to the fact that PT-SAU has a class bonus for imperceptibility in a fixed state, any machine of this type can be mesk. Therefore, if the PT is quite compact, then the first perk is undoubtedly changing the camouflage and play bushes, and repaired by one of the last, but if its "Ferdinand" sizes, it makes sense to roll repair instead of disguise and go tank in the forefront.


1) Sixth Feeling Light Bulb.

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

4) "Repair"

5) "Eagle eye" - increases a review by 2%.


1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

4) "Repair"

Driver mechanic

1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Smooth move" - Reduces the spread when shooting on the course by 4%.

4) "Virtuoso" - increases the rotation speed of the tank chassis by 5%. For "Saraine" PT makes sense to take before PC.

5) "Repair"


1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Radioservat"- Increases the review of technology by 3%. Best Spec Radine Skill, due to the fact that the rest are generally useless.

4) "Repair"

5) "fire extinguishing"


1) "desperate" - when you fall into your HP at a mark below 10% speeds up recharge on

9.1%. Very useful skill for equipment capable and able to survive for a long time with a small amount of HP. Since it starts to work only at 100% of the development makes sense to take one of the first.

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "disguise"

4) "Repair"

LT - Light tanks

Light machines that have low visibility both in a fixed state and in motion, first pump the disguise. It is strongly recommended!

As for repair, its pumping in the first skill does not make any sense. This is due to the fact that light machines have weak armor and quite a little hp., Literally two shots of good heavy or Fri, and if Lt died the caterpillar, it is better to quickly repair it with a repair kit, without waiting for repair. Well, the second shotting of the Caterpillage Svetlyk simply will not survive, and the skill is not needed.


1) Sixth Feeling Light Bulb.

2) "Combat Brotherhood" . Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5, and also increases the level of ownership by skills to the same 5%.

3) "masking" - increases the native masking of the tank by 50-100% (with full study by all crew). Since the bonus goes in percent, it is pointless to put on tanks with low disguise, + 50% of zero will still be zero!

4) "Eagle Eye" - increases a review by 2%.

5) "Repairs"


1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

The "smooth turn of the tower" - reduces the spread of the tools when turning the tower or tools PT-SAU, ART-SAU, by 7.5%.

3) "Sniper" - by 3% increases the likelihood of applying critical damage to the module or contusion of the crew member. By virtue of the game mechanics is almost useless. Sniper is most effective for tanks with low damage for a shot and for drum tanks capable of being guaranteed to make several shots in one point confidently breaking the internal module ..

4) "Repair"

Driver mechanic

1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Smooth move" - Reduces the spread when shooting on the course by 4%.

4) "Virtuoso" - increases the rotation speed of the tank chassis by 5%.

5) "Repair"


1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Radioservat"- Increases the review of technology by 3%. Best Spec Radine Skill, due to the fact that the rest are generally useless.

4) "Repair"

5) "fire extinguishing" - accelerates fire extinguishing by 50% (with full study by all crew). Pretty useless skill, take in the absence of other normal options.


1) "Disguise"

2) "Combat Brotherhood"

3) "Desperate" - when you fall into your HP at a mark below, 10% speeds up recharge by 9.1%. Very useful skill for equipment capable and able to survive for a long time with a small amount of HP. Since it starts to work only at 100% of the development makes sense to take one of the first.

4) "Repair"

5) "Non-contact wage" or "fire extinguishing"

ART-SAU artillery

Everything is simple: First of all, we learn all the skills that improve firing power - minimize and recharging is the rest at will. The only controversial question is whether to teach a tank that spends all the battle in the rear, the first skill "light bulb"? If "yes" - then together with the light bulb, we take a set: "Smooth turn of the tower", "smooth move", "desperate", if not, then immediately teach the battle fraternity.


1-2) Sixth Feeling Light. For rapid and low-challenging art, we learn the first skill, for Saraine - the second.

1-2) "Combat Brotherhood". Detailed description at the beginning of the article. This skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5% and the tank itself by 2.5, and also increases the level of ownership by skills to the same 5%.

3) "disguise"


1-2) "The Brotherhood of War"

1-2) "Smooth turn of the tower"- reduces the spread of the tools when turning the tower, or tools of artillery, by 7.5%.

3) "Disguise"

Do not learn: "Sniper" - 3% increases the likelihood of critical damage to the module or contusion of the crew member. Does not work with Fugas!

Driver mechanic

1-2) "Combat Brotherhood"

1-2) "Smooth move" - \u200b\u200breduces the spread when shooting on the course by 4%. And therefore, the speed is minimized after moving.

3) "disguise"

4) "Master Taran"- Surprise the enemy before death!


1-2) "The Brotherhood of War"

1-2) "Disguise"


1-2) "The Brotherhood of War"

1-2) "Masking" or"Desperate" - when you fall into your HP at a mark below, 10% speeds up recharge by 9.1%. Very rarely, but can help arth.

You can make an indisputable conclusion: the more experienced crew, the stronger your tank will affect the battle. This will give you sometimes unconditional, and at times the minimum advantage, due to which you can solve the outcome of the battle in your favor.

Undoubtedly skills and skills reinforce most of the qualities and parameters of the machine. It is still difficult to give specific or even general tips on a certain tank or all the cars in a row, because everyone has their own style game. With skills and skills, it is even more complicated than with the choice of equipment and equipment. Just try to approach the choice with the mind, thinking completely that it is necessary to specifically with your crew, plan a pumping, focusing on your behavior model in battle. Do not hurry with the choice. Read the forums, see Vod "s.

Recall the difficulty skills, such as:

Expert” - shows damage to the modules and crew of the enemy tank. But! Provided that you have brought an instrument on the enemy (sight) and you see ("shine") it yourself, and you also hold the scope for more than 4 seconds. All this makes the use of the skill inconvenient, but even learning of his cries or their absence rarely, this knowledge can be realized - what is the difference to destroy the tank with a critical navigator or healthy? - In any case, it is correct to play as if a healthy sniper sits there, from God.

Vintage - Allows you to see the tank in your visibility zone in the target within an additional 2 seconds, provided that the guns are guided.

It works only on the tanks on which you are hung the trunk and which you shine yourself.

So for artillery and all the support technique, it is useless, a little less than completely. Usefulness for the rest of the technique, most of the cards, is as doubtful. But it can be useful for Lights, especially on the GK, because with them and the rest of the team will see the enemy for 2 seconds longer (the duration of the simple 5-10 seconds, that is, with the skill will be 7-12 on the tank at LT in the sight )

Sniper- Increases the chance of Crete modules by 3%. Apparently mean that these 3% plunge the damage to a standard chance (equal to 33% by the crew, and 45 for equipment), that is, instead of 33% there will be 36% - not super in any case, and if you remember that the modules in the tank There is not everywhere, and in it first you need to get into it, and sometimes it still has a chance of 64% that damage will not start, well, if it will start, it probably will not be sufficient for Crete. Damage to damage .... In general, the intelligence of his study is very doubtful. And also on the Fugasy, this skill does not apply - all the "Fugasniki" pass by ....

Table probability of injuries internal modules

"Inventor", "Repeater" - Improve radio communication. Well, who in our game after level 3 lacks the range of radio communication? I have not met such. But if you have a favorite tank for a nagiba 1-3 level, you can learn for him and learn.

"From the last forces"- go to smoke and die ... and after death to highlight for 2 seconds longer .. Pffff .......

"Master Taran"- Favorite skill, whose problem is not in difficulty or in a small effect from application, but that the competent player, in principle, as a rule, avoids even such a change in its HP, and in general, situations where it could be applied. Exceptions: The end of the battle and there is nothing to lose, the need for Taran on the LBZ, or simply you are "kV-5".

Additional skills and skills Available for a member of the crew after mastering the main specialty by 100%. When this mark is reached, the "Plus" appears, clicking on which, you can select the first additional skill or skill. After studying it, it is possible to explore the second, third and other skills. Theoretically, the tankman can explore all the additional skills and skills available for it. But to study each subsequent skill, it is necessary twice as much experience compared to the previous one, therefore the average crew usually has no more than 3 skills and skills. For this reason, to the question of which peppers to download on the tank should be approached with the mind.


The ability begins to act from the very beginning of learning. The effect of its action is gradually increasing from the minimum to the maximum.


Description: Accelerates the repair of damaged modules. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The average level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Box with Tools".

Digital Action: Maximum value: + 100% to repair speed

Limitation: -

Summary: Repair is required primarily in heavy and middle tanks, acting under the enemy's fire, as well as heavy PT with high notice (Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, T28, T95). For them, the opportunity to quickly be cleaned under the fire of the opponent is very critical. In the second place, the repair is needed almost any car in the game, excluding unless artillery.


Description: Reduces the overall visibility of the tank. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The average level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the machine "Camping Network".

Digital Action: Maximum value: + 100% to the initial disguise indicator.

Limitation: -

Summary: The ability to absolutely need easy tanks due to the class bonus (the movement in motion is equal to standing), as well as most PT and SAU, with the exception of the most cumbersome (for example, SU-14-2). Therefore, the answer to the question of which peppers to download on PT-SAU is quite obvious.

Read more Overview and disguise


Description: Accelerates fire extinguishing. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The average level of crew skill is taken into account.

Digital Action: Maximum value: + 80% to fire extinguishing speed.

Limitation: -

Summary: The ability has lost its importance - with one fire fire extinguisher fully copes, and two fires in one battle rarely happen.

Read more Fire and fire extinguishing

Repair, disguise and fire extinguishing are most effective at 100% pumping from all crew members, so it is best to pump one of these skills in all crew members at the same time.

For example, with four crew members, from which only two studied the disguise, the tank only receives 50% masking (that is, the average value for the crew is taken).


Description: Allows the commander to master all the specialties and replace the crew members declined. Replaced only the main specialty. The replacement efficiency falls in the conclusion of the next crew member.

Digital Action: The level of ownership of the main specialty of the contused crew member increases by 50% of the percentage of ownership of the main specialty as a result of the contusion (at contusion, possession of the main specialty decreases by 50% of the initial level). In other words, if the skill "Master for all hands" is pumped up to 100%, then at the contusion of the crew member with the main specialty, pumped to 100%, the ownership will fall to 75% (50% + (100% - 50%) / 2) .

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: Useful skill with frequent crew crises, it will be useful for some heavy and middle tanks, as well as French tanks with the charging machine. The ability is useless if the commander himself is disabled.


Description: Provides additional experience to all crew members, except the commander. The number of experience increases as the skill improves.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.1 for every percentage of skill. Maximum value: + 10% to the experience gained.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: The gain to experience is not large, but the skill can be used for the forced crew pumping. Later it makes sense to replace the skill to another.

Read more Training and retraining

Eagle Eye

Description: Increases the maximum range of review. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. With faulty observation devices, the effectiveness of the skill is higher. The effect is enhanced in combination with the ability of the "Radio Hand", the equipment "Enlightened optics" and "stereotrub".

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.02 for working devices and 0.2 for broken percentage. Maximum value: 2% for working and 20% for broken.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: Useful skill for tanks with a good overview - especially for light tanks, for which it is critical to notify the enemy at the maximum distance.

Read more Overview and disguise


Description: Reduces the scatter of damaged tools. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. If the skill is purchased by two nodes, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Stabilizer of the vertical tip".

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.2 per percentage. Maximum value: -20% to scatter damaged tools.


Summary: It makes sense to take only with frequent crises of guns (characteristic of tanks playing from the reservation of the tower). In other cases, it is better to take something else.

Smooth turn of the tower

Description: Reduces scatter when turning the tower. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. If the skill is purchased by two nodes, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Stabilizer of the vertical tip".

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.075 per percentage. Maximum value: -7.5% to scatter when turning the tower.

Limitation: The gunner (including a part-time, which has this role secondary).

Summary: A good choice for almost any tank, except those who have complete reduction takes less than 2 seconds. It can also be useful for SAU and PT, especially with a large angle of horizontal vending (for example, G.W. Panther).


Description: Increases the rotation speed of the tank. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Additional primrates", the equipment "Land-Lizovskoye oil", "twisted engine revolve" and "100-, 105-octane gasoline". Increases the spread of the gun when turning.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.05 per percentage. Maximum value: + 5% to rotation rate.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: An important skill for those who are forced to actively act in mannere combat - primarily easy and middle tanks, although all other classes can also come in handy.

King off-road

Description: Reduces the resistance of weak and medium soils when the tank moves. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The skill increases the tank maneuverance and reduces the maximum speed set time. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Additional primers".

Digital Action: The coefficient of 0.1 by soft soil or 0.025 on average per percentage. Maximum value: + 10% to gentle and + 2.5% passability over the middle soil.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: Choosing for quick cars or tanks with problem patency, such as pz.kpfw. S35 739 (F).

Smooth move

Description: Reduces the spread of the gun on the go. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The skill does not affect the scatter when turning and in place. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Stabilizer of the vertical tip".

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.04 per percentage. Maximum value: -4% to scatter when shooting from the stroke.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: Contrary to popular belief, the skill is useful not only for cars, actively leading fire with the go. "Smooth stroke" reduces circle information and, as a result, after stopping, you need a little less time for full information, which is useful for almost all machines.

Master Tarana

Description: When the taran reduces damage to his own tank and increases them in enemy. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. The ability affects only moving tanks and is not taken into account in collisions with allied tanks.

Digital Action: The coefficient of 0.15 per percentage. Maximum value: + 15% to the damage to the enemy and -15% damage during the taran for the player.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: An excellent option for heavy by weight, but moving machines (IS-7, T14, E 50, E 50 AUSF. M, kV-5, AMX 50 B, AMX 50 120, FCM 50 T).


Description: Increases the range of radio station. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.2 per percentage. Maximum value: + 20% to communication range.


Summary: This skill makes sense either for tanks with a weak walkway, and even that, mostly at low levels, or for light tanks that go far into the rear of the enemy.


Description: Increases the range of review. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account. The effect is enhanced in combination with the ability "Eagle eye".

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.03 per percentage. Maximum value: + 3% to review range.

Limitation: Radist (including a part-time who has a secondary role).

Summary: The only reasonable useful skill of a radar will come in handy almost on any tank.

Read more Overview and disguise


Description: Increases the range of union tanks within the radius of the player's radio station. The effectiveness of the skill increases as learns. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the maximum level of crew skill is taken into account.

Digital Action: Coefficient 0.1 per percentage. Maximum value: + 10% to union tanks.

Limitation: Radist (including a part-time who has a secondary role).

Summary: The ability makes sense to study only when playing at low levels.


Skills begin to act only when studying 100%.

The Brotherhood of War

Tankman! Learn this skill for all crew members at the same time. The study of the "combat fraternity" is not all members of the crew makes no sense. Combat fraternity works regardless of the floor of the crew.

Description: Improves the level of ownership of the main specialty and all the skills of all crew members. Begins to act when improving all crew members up to 100%. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Improved ventilation", equipment "Extras. Dracks "," Chocolate "," Kolya Box "," Strong Coffee "," Improved ration "," Pudding with tea "and" Onigiri ".

Digital Action: All crew members receive + 5% to their basic ability and to all additional skills. The skill is not lost at the contusion of the crew members.

Limitation: It works only when pumping all crew members.

Summary: Pretty useful skill, however, having too many contraindications to use it. Most appropriate to use together with Improved ventilation and in conjunction with skills aimed at enhancing a specific tank parameter.

Sixth Sense

Description: Allows the commander to determine whether its tank is detected by an opponent. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. At the contusion, the commander ceases to work.

Digital Action: Information about the detection of the tank appears with a delay of three seconds.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: An excellent choice for any tank, since the knowledge that the enemy revealed the player's location is very important in any situation. Knowing this, it is possible with the relative ease of caring from under artillery shocks and ambidery snipers.


Description: Allows the commander to determine critical damage to tanks in the sight on its own light. Begins to act when improving up to 100%.

Digital Action: Begins to work after 4 seconds after continuous guidance on the opponent's tank.

Limitation: Commander.

Summary: A good choice for a long-range or coordinated play in a platoon / company. In other cases, the implementation of the benefits is difficult. Useless skill for sau. Read more about this pepper you can learn by looking at the video about the skill "Expert" in WOT on the Internet.


Description: Increases the likelihood of damage to modules and the crew of the tank of the enemy. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. Only for armor-piercing, pyline and cumulative shells.

Digital Action: Bonus in 3%.

Limitation: The gunner (including a part-time, which has this role secondary).

Summary: One of the most useful pumping skills is especially good for rainflaw guns, guns with an automatic charging and guns with a relatively small for its level and class caliber (AMX 50 B, T110E5, Object 263).


Description: Allows you to see the tank of the enemy in a small sector relative to the gun for two seconds longer after its departure from "lighting". If the skill is purchased by two nodes, the effect is not summed. Works if the player sees the enemy himself, and not for someone else's "light". That is, he will be practically useless to SAU.

Digital Action: Duration of the effect: 2 seconds in the 10 degree sector.

Limitation: The gunner (including a part-time, which has this role secondary).

Summary: Skill makes sense to study for appeal PT-SAU, or for far-blooded cars in combination with the skill Expert. Moderately useful for light tanks using passive light tactics. It is completely useless for artillery, as it almost never shoots his own light.

Note: Can be used by active scouts, for this, the most important goals are taken to the route, after which the driver's attention is focused on the road.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Description: Reduces the likelihood of engine ignition, preventing oil and fuel linetures in the engine compartment. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. The effect is enhanced in combination with an automatic fire extinguisher equipment.

Digital Action: -25% to the chance of fire ignition tank. For example, for the engine with the initial fire probability of 40%, the total chance will be 30%, for 20% - 15%, for 15% - 11.25%, for 12% - 9%, for 10% - 7.5%.

Limitation: Driver mechanic.

Summary: A good choice for tanks having a very high engine hazard and short case.

"Non-contact" womel

Description: Increases the strength of the wagging: shells are laid in that order that they do not touch each other. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. If the skill is purchased by two charging, the effect is not cumulative. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "Wet-step".

Digital Action: + 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the strength of the wake.


Summary: For technique with the risk of frequent CRITS of the wake, i.e. For detonation of intact ammunition from the first shot, an instrument is required with a big damage to modules.


Description: Creates the likelihood that when changing the type of shells, the desired is already charged. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. To reuse skill, you must completely recharge the gun. If the skill is purchased by two charging, the probability of response will double and will be 34%, and if three (French crews), it will triple and amount to 51%.

Digital Action: The probability is 17%.

Limitation: Charged (including a part-time, who has a secondary role).

Summary: It can be useful for tanks with frequent shift of the projectile type (E 100 for example), for players, rationally using their ammunition in battle.


Description: Accelerates reloading tools if the tank remains less than 10% of the strength. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. If the skill is purchased by two charging, the effect is not cumulative. The effect is enhanced in combination with the equipment "instrument rate". For drum techniques, accelerates the recharge of the entire drum, but not shells inside it.

Digital Action: If the tank strength is less than 10%, recharge takes 90.9% of the initial time value.

Limitation: Charged (including a part-time, who has a secondary role).

Summary: It makes sense to pump for cars with very strong armor and a large stock of strength points (MAUS, E 100). Give a noticeable effect on the drum technique.

From the last forces

Description: Allows an radio set, not disabled at the time of the destruction of the tank, transfer the positions of the enemy's tanks for two more seconds. Begins to act when improving up to 100%. If the skill is purchased by two radio drives, the effect is not summed.

Digital Action: Additional 2 seconds "Light".

Limitation: Radist (including a part-time who has a secondary role).

Summary: Very useful skill for light tanks - "Svetlykov".


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Hello everyone, tankers! This article will be devoted to one of the fundamental features of WOT -

Rules for choosing a pot crew

Hello everyone, tankers! This article will be devoted to one of the fundamental features of WOT - crew skills.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the crew skill, you must initially understand how you will use a specific machine. However, there are recommended for all peppers.

1. Sixth feeling

Some of you already probably know that the developers plan to make this skill available for all crew commanders after pumping the basic profession up to 100%. Nevertheless, while this innovation is in the status of "KTTS", it is worth pumping it
The commander first. Gorgeous after 2 seconds after lighting the "Light Bulb" will often save you from PT ps or art. If you yourself play on PT or art, your priority when you light up for enemies even higher, and the lamp is more necessary.

2. Repair

Usually this is how it is customary to start pumping the crew. First of all, the commander is "sixth sense", the rest is "repair". And this technique justifies yourself.
After all, initially repairing a shot of a hussley on some tanks at 100% main skill for more than 10 seconds! So, you lose Repair Kit or / and a significant amount of strength points without pampering repair. But you need to still drag battle!

3. Combat fraternity

This Perk adds only 5% to all the skills of the crew, so it is customary to be recommended in conjunction with working like ventilation. Then you get
in the amount of + 10%, which significantly adds combat capability to any tank.
The exceptions make up machines with drum drum and without the possibility of installing ventilation (WT E100). Reducing recharging time by 5% on the drum you will definitely notice. Pouring or not "BB" by second percom - the choice is individual.

4. Alternative Second Perk

If you decide not to download "BB" by the second, then you need to start leveling critical flaws of the tank. Weak waggerokend? (T-44, T-54, etc.) Charged - "Non-contact alert." Play on a "crystal cannon" (borsch, waffle 9th level) to all - "disguise". Play light on LT or st, it is worth increasing the review to increase the chance to light up the enemy before. Commander - "Orliniye", radio station - "Radio Hat". For mehls, it is worth advising the "Master of Taran" (for quick type IS-7
and heavy st type E-50 m) or "virtuoso" or "off-road king" for e-100 robust machines. Accordingly, the mechanos are necessary to teach smooth move, since it is often to shoot on the go.

5. Third Perk. Castomization

As a rule, with the exception of very complex machines such as WT E100, the third Perk brings the gameplay on the tank to comfortable. Previously missed peppers. It is worth studying the "disguise", the "smooth turn of the tower" of the navigation, the machines of the development of gloomy French geniuses like "BAT-CHAT" or AMX 50B makes sense to think about choosing the commander of the "Master on All Hands" pepper. The crew is coming often, sometimes can help. Charged to the classic TT it is time to pump "non-contact ammunition" and "desperate". For the gunners of drummers and tanks with a large alpha strike, a sniper will be relevant to the "Sniper" will significantly break the modules to rivals.

6. Completion of customization.

Fourth Perk should be understood that each subsequent perk requires 2 times more experience for complete pumping than the previous one. For the fourth, it is already 1.68 million units of experience. So it is worth seriously thinking: which of the remaining skills will make life easier for you. The tips in this case are hardly needed, by this moment you will have an understanding (and if not, you have 42% of victories and absolutely anyway as a crew ()).

7. Perks of the last degree of importance

Under this term, it is meant: "disguise" in heavy tanks, "fire extinguishing" from rarely burning tanks (it is better to put a gold fire extinguisher, you don't need to be afraid of spending, it will be cheaper, since the tank will not burn at all) and the likelihood.

8. Useless peppers

The developers gave rise to a number of absolutely useless perks. Most players converge in the opinion that neither one car should be downloaded: "Inventor", "Repeater", "Expert". Such peppers as "malicious" and "out of the last forces" can also be attributed to partially useless, since they are not only applicable due to their small probability. Such peels are usually chosen by embroidered players for specific purposes.

Conclusion. Some simple but important tips.

BUT) " The Brotherhood of War"Only all members of the crew are swinging at the same time and begins to operate at 100%.
B) It is worth distinguishing the skills and crew skills. For example, " Repairs», « Disguise"And" Radioerekhvat.»Begin to act with 1% study, gradually increasing efficiency, and" lamp "," non-contact beaged "and" combat fraternity "only after a complete study.
C) the study of the crew professions, though marked by interest, but this is incorrect. Each subsequent percentage requires more experience than the current one.
D) " Firefighting"- not the most useful pep, since it is not bad replaced with a gold fire extinguisher. Swing 4 M-5 M-6 M percom, excluding the "bonfires" (Germans, kV-3, etc.).
E) the general principle of the choice of skills and skills: to increase advantages as much as possible, then level the most serious shortcomings.
E) Do not be lazy, ride the test machine that you are going to swing, see guides. This will help you choose the right tank and the method of pumping it. G) if possible, do not save gold, teach, re-over and reset the peppers for gold. By the middle of the fourth pepper, the pumping is very slow, the experience does not exist.

Initially, each character has all skills developed by 35 units, which allows it to apply 85% of damage from the standard weapon damage (see the Weapon section). For each shot / punch, the skill increases (even if there was a slip), and, accordingly, the damage applied to this type of weapon increases interest. The maximum skill value is 200 units.
Thus, developing a certain skill with a character, specialization is achieved on a certain type of weapon.

There are 6 skills that correspond to 6 weapons classes.

Middle Boy

Middle-fighting weapons can be used only being close to the enemy. It makes not too big, but stable damage. Pouring this skill as the main one is extremely difficult, however, after the 5 level it will be possible to wear Tank Armor, adding 25 units to this skill immediately.

Light weapon

All light weapons in the game are all kinds of pistols. They are also not distinguished by a big damage, have an average range, but with proper development of skil, the guns may well compete with more severe fellow.

Heavy weapons

Heavy weapons are, first of all, shotguns, which need to be used primarily at close range. In the emphasis, damage from such weapons is the highest, so the tactics of using it is quite understandable - as close as possible to sneak into the enemy and apply tangible damage.


The skill of ownership of long-range weapons determines in the Sniper Magyse. It was he who can shoot at distances exceeding its visibility zone, making big damage, the farther from it the target is. Snayper is also recommended in parallel to use weapons to protect close distances, such as melee or severe.


Automatic weapons - the most common in the game, because it provides a wide range of tactics for fighting both in the near distances and on the border of visibility zone. Therefore, the fighter with a developed skill automatic can be considered, in fact, a universal fighter for any city.


This skill is extremely rarely used as a major for fighters, since its development requires tremendous cash costs to buy relevant weapons, primarily a grenade. Therefore, the attention should be focused on it after receiving good results in the game, the experience of fighting battles and, of course, is a decent amount of money.

At each level of the character's development, there is a restriction on the development of skill. Such a system is called an anti-zero system designed to ensure that the character of a certain level cannot obtain a significant advantage in the percentage of damage to the players of the same level, developing the skill to the maximum. Also, the anti-zero system limits the sum of all skills so that there is no possibility to develop all the skills to the maximum, thereby making a perfect fighter.

Reaching the maximum skill value (skill amounts) at a certain level, the further development of this skill (all skills) is frozen. It will continue pumping only after switching to the next level. You can also artificially reduce certain skills (relevant in the case of maximum skill amount), reducing the total amount of them, and giving the opportunity to develop the main skill further.

But at some levels, the skill may be higher than these restrictions through the use of implants. Learn more about implants can be found in the relevant section.

Table anti-acrut of skills

Level Max. sum
Max. skill
1 235
2 245
3 255
4 265
5 280
6 295
7 320
8 340
9 365
10 390
11 415
12 435
13 455
14 475
15 495
16 515
17 535
18 555
19 575
20 595

All peers in humans are passive, that is, working automatically and give any positive effect. Some peppers have several levels of development, distributed by character levels. That is, for studying 1 level of a certain perk, the character should be 1 level, and to study 2 levels of this peak, the character should examine the 1st level and develop to 2 itself.

Each next level does not summarize the effect with the previous ones. For example, at 1 level, the vitality gives +5 to health, at 2 level +10, by 3 +15. Although it is possible to say that at each level is given +5 to the previous one. But so that there is no confusion, we can assume that the effect of the previous level is "canceled".

Each subsequent level of pepper is increasing the cost of all other perks. Each next level of the pepper is much more expensive. Unnecessary peppers can be "forget" for money, although this possibility is required extremely rarely.

Of course, the development of all common perks is useful, but it is worth considering that it is worth very large amounts of money, so most often you have to choose between them, which is not necessary. Some specific peppers are needed only for fighters of specific specializations, as for pistols and near-weapons, they increase the accuracy of the weapon.


1 (1 UR.)
2 (2 UR.)
3 (3 ur.)
4 (4 ur.)
+5 to health
+10 to health
+15 to health
+20 to health

Each level of this ability increases the maximum number of health units by 5.

Heavy truck

1 (1 UR.)
2 (2 UR.)
3 (3 ur.)
4 (4 ur.)
+40 For carrying capacity
+80 to load capacity
+160 for carrying capacity
+320 For carrying capacity

Each level of this ability allows you to raise an additional 80 units of weight.

The best critical

1 (1 UR.)
2 (2 UR.)
3 (4 ur.)
4 (7 ur.)


Strokes in the melee more accurate.

Master of pistols

1 (1 UR.)
2 (2 UR.)
3 (3 ur.)
+ 5% accuracy
+ 10% accuracy
+ 15% accuracy

Your light weapons are more accurate attacks.


Allows you to use implants. Each level opens 1 new slot.

The dog has almost all the perfect peers. In addition, she has quite a few active perks, which allows it to apply various tricks in the fight. As well as in a person, some peppers are very scattered over the levels, and it is possible to study new on 8 levels.


1 (1 UR.)
2 (2 UR.)
3 (4 ur.)
4 (6 ur.)
+5 to health
+10 to health
+15 to health
+20 to health

The best critical

1 (1 UR.)
2 (2 UR.)
3 (4 ur.)
4 (7 ur.)
+ 1% to the chance of a critical strike
+ 2% to the chance of a critical strike
+ 3% to the chance of a critical strike
+ 4% to the chance of a critical strike

The chance of critical damage increases.

Accurate bites

A strong body brings an additional bonus to the number of armor.

Opening doors

1 (2 UR.)
Opening doors

The dog is trained to open the doors.

Closing doors

1 (4 ur.)
Closing doors

The dog is trained to close the doors.


The ability to teach the enemy by smell, even if the wall. Will give a lem signal.


1 (2 UR.)
2 (3 ur.)
3 (5 ur.)
4 (6 ur.)
Effect: Active
Heals 12 health units
Heals 20 units of health
Heals 27 units of health
Treats 35 units of health

He sticks out wounds and treats himself.

Mortal bite

1 (1 UR.)
2 (3 ur.)
3 (5 ur.)
4 (7 ur.)
Effect: Active
Apply 80 damage
Apply 100 damage
Deals 120 damage
Apply 140 damage

The dog is very biting opponents.

At miner, in addition to passive perks, there is also one active - Hammer Slash. When studying the perks of the Shakhtar, you must first decide which it will be by possession of the weapon, and in which cities to fight. This is due to the fact that, for example, if the miner does not fight in MO, then the Perk basic protection is absolutely not needed. Also, if the miner does not use the hammer, he is useless to pek slash. However, the vitality and heavy truck is strictly recommended.


1 (1 UR.)
2 (1 ur.)
3 (1 ur.)
4 (1 ur.)
+20 to health
+28 to health
+36 to health
+44 to health

The ability increases the maximum number of health units.

Heavy truck

1 (1 UR.)
2 (1 ur.)
3 (1 ur.)
4 (1 ur.)
+60 to load capacity
+110 for carrying capacity
+160 for carrying capacity
+210 For carrying capacity

The ability allows you to raise more weight.


1 (1 UR.)
2 (1 ur.)
3 (1 ur.)
4 (1 ur.)
Effect: Active
Causes 125% of damage in a circle
Inflicts 145% of damage in a circle
Apply 160% of damage in a circle
Deals 170% of damage in a circle

Punch in a circle by a hammer.

Basic defense

1 (2 UR.)
2 (3 ur.)
3 (4 ur.)
4 (5 UR.)
+52 to protection in the absence of armor
+67 to protection in the absence of armor
+83 to protection in the absence of armor
+99 to protection in the absence of armor

Adds protection in the absence of armor.