Dragon Age 2 Tips for passing. Dragon Age Tips for pumping levels, skills, classes, batch collection. Weapons and shield

Since our warrior is so harsh, that it takes everyone without a role - the use of someone else in the near battle will rather take you into the grave than imaginary enemies. The only effective tactic - Hawk + 3 Magic / Archer. But Dragon Age 2 All the same role-playing game, so I briefly describe how to develop all companions.


Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Warrior with two-handed 1.03

The only full-fledged tank-companion in the game. Although you can do perfectly and without a tank. Points of characteristics are inserting into the physique, but do not need to forget about the power to keep up with the requirements of the best equipment. From the abilities we develop the branches, defender, weapons and shield.


Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Warrior with two-handed 1.03

The only full-fledged companion-keeper in the game. Therefore, the stock of mana is our priority. Insert 2 points due to will and 1 in magic. We learn a personal branch and creation. It will not hurt to learn stone armor, the explosion of mind and barrier. Runa repulsion will also help protect the guard.


Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Available from the very beginning of the game, but after the depth trail leaves us. Since Bethany Magic Magnifier, give 2 points on magic and 1 for the power of will. Learn the natural branch to the end (fire in the first place). We give the staff of Parliantan, runes and jewelry also on fire, and we have a death car at the beginning of the game. It makes sense to also learn treatment.


Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Archer or rather to say the crossbow. I focus on the trick to open the locks, but also about the dexterity should not forget. First of all, we learn a personal branch, and improve to the maximum exactly from the branch of the specialist. Now you can go bianca branch.


Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Warrior with two-handed 1.03

If you plan to run from the robbers only with Isabella, make focus on the trick to open locks. In another case, the dexterity is more important. We learn a personal branch and a branch of weapons in each hand. It will be useful to learn invisibility.


Warrior with two-handed 1.03

Warrior with two-handed 1.03

The only satellite combat magazine after the care of Bethany. Characteristics distribute as well as the younger sister. We learn natural branches and a sorcery. Since the magic shield in version 1.03 gives the group only 5% of resistance to the elements, it makes no sense to hurry with improvement.

Genre: Action / RPG
Release date in Russia: March 2011
Developer: BioWare.
Publisher: Electronic Arts.


The game series Dragon Age from BioWare Corporation could boast a very successful debut. The heat taken by the lovers of role-playing games, this project forced to burn except about the care of BioWare from the license of Dungeons and Dragons. However, it is politically explained very simply - Wizards of the Coast is associated with Atari Corporation, and the BioWare Studio is now working under the roof of a direct competitor - Electronic Arts Corporation.

But let's return to Dragon Age. As it became clear during preliminary posts, the second part of the game was developed with an eye on the gaming consoles. For a desire to increase the sales market in BioWare difficult to throw a stone, but suspicions are that all this will lead to certain compromises and simplifications - alas, fully justified ...

The game has changed a lot, and most of the fans of the first part are confident that not for the better. However, we will talk about this at the very end of the article, summing up.

System requirements:

Windows 7 / Vista Operating System (SP2) / XP (SP3)
Intel Core 2 DUO processor with a frequency of 1.8 GHz or better
1 GB of RAM (1.5 GB - in the case of Windows 7 / Vista)
ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro Class Video Card with 256 MB of video memory / NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB of video memory or better
7 GB of Free Space on Hard Disk

On the adventures of the main character, the leaving from the Hawk family, due to the invasion of Mora and the Haling of the Rack of the Darkness of the Morah, with the surviving relatives, begins his story of the gnother of Warrq, incessantly letting the joke in the direction of a seriously configured woman - a sort of medieval "investigator for especially important cases "(representing the interests of the church) ...

If you import a saved game from the first part of Dragon Age (including Add-on Awakening or downloaded add-ons), then in the plot of Dragon Age II, references to events that have occurred earlier will appear. If you do not have a saved game, then three alternative blanks with the description of previous events will be offered.

In the process of a storyline, you set up the appearance of the main character, choose its class, distribute the first glasses on the basic characteristics. Well, that's how it's time to get to know the role-playing system Dragon Age II ...

Characteristics and character skills

Dragon Age II role-playing system is based on the basic characteristics of the character and the set of its skills (activated actions and states, as well as permanent skills). In a separate category, information on the resistance to physical impacts and elements (fire, electricity, etc.) has been allocated.

Basic characteristics of the character

Strengthh (power). The indicator of a successful attack and the size of damage caused by the warrior depends on force. Also affects the resistance parameter: it helps to keep on the legs and not be discarded in some enemy actions, as well as not to light up when the fire attack (getting additional damage).

Dexterity. Dexterity depends on the indicator of a successful attack and the size of the damage caused by the thief. Also, the dexterity affects the probability of applying a critical strike on the enemy.

Magic (magic). The magic depends on the indicator of a successful attack and the size of the damage to the magician. It also affects the protection indicator against magical attacks (absorption of part of the damage, reducing the time of the imposed spell).

Cunning (cutter). The possibility of to open locks and neutralize traps depends on the smelling (when 10 points reached, the thief will be able to deal with the simplest locks or traps, 20 - standard, 30 - skillful, 40 - very complicated). The protection parameter is also attached to the smelter (the chance to avoid attack) and the damage size during critical strike.

Willpower (Will Power). From the force of will, the stock of mana in magicians or endurance in warriors / thieves depends.

Constitution. Increases the health of the character.

Each time an increase in the level, you provide the possibility of an additional distribution of three glasses for basic characteristics. In addition, the game has special items (books, tincture), with which you can permanently increase the basic characteristics on one or two points. And, of course, some of the enchanted items (if they are on you) also increase these indicators.

From basic characteristics, such derivatives are dependent as damage, attack, protection. The reservation indicator depends on the armor and items that are suitable on you (which, however, can also affect the damage, and on the attack with protection).

Damage (damage). The quantitative size of the damage applied by the basic weapon of the character (onions, crossbow, ax, hammer, makeup, dagger, sword, magic staff). Also here is a DPS (Damage Per Second) - quantitative damage applied per second.

ATTACK (attack). An attack indicator, next to which the likelihood of a successful strike on the enemy is indicated (as a basis is taken by the "ordinary" enemy falling in mass quantities). If you bring the cursor to this indicator, additional details will be launched: the likelihood of a successful strike on the "advanced" enemy and by "elite" (boss).

Defense. The defense indicator, next to which the likelihood of successful evasion from the enemy attack is indicated (again, as the basis is taken by the "ordinary" enemy). If you bring the cursor to this indicator, then you will learn the likelihood of successful evasion from the attack of the "advanced" enemy and the "elite" (boss).

Armor (armor). An indicator of armor, next to which the proportion of physical damage is indicated, absorbed by your armor after the enemy attack (and again, speech about the "ordinary" opponent). If you hinder the cursor to this indicator, additional details will be launched: the proportion of physical damage, absorbed by the armor after the attack of the "advanced" enemy and the "elite" (boss).


An indicators of character resistance are made separately:

The resistance of fire.
Resistance to cold.
Resistance to electricity.
Resistance to nature strength.
Resistance to spiritual magic.
The absorption indicator of the part of the damage from the enemy attack (any - magical or physical).
The absorption indicator of part of the damage from any magic attack, as well as a decrease in the time of magical impact on the character.
Resistance. The higher this indicator, the greater the chances of the hero to resist their feet and not be discarded in some enemy actions, as well as avoid additional damage due to fire after attacking fire.

Increase the resistance to the elements and magical attacks - it is very important (and at a high level of complexity - it is critical). Manipulate the basic characteristics, enchanted subjects (including the runes), pump the appropriate skills - otherwise another fight with the boss can be very upset.

Skills and spells

In Dragon Age II, only three classes of character are implemented: Warrior, Mage (Mage) and Thief (Rogue). Actually, at the very beginning of the game you provide a choice of six options (taking into account the floor of the character):

Naturally, at the start of the game, each class gets its initial bonuses, as well as - rigidly specified skills / spells that can learn. On the one hand, it is in a certain extent kills the intrigue (remember what interest you were credited to a newly found scroll with a spell in some classical D & D game), on the other, it allows to plan the development of the hero in advance. Although, of course, the practical application of a new skill in the first battle may disappoint you, and will have to go to Black Emporium for a special potion, allowing to redistribute glasses on the basic characteristics and skills of the character ...

The skills are divided into three types:

Activated actions (designated rhombus). Unique attacks, spells, special impacts. Can only be used periodically because they have a certain time to restore.

Activated states (indicated by a hexagon). When activated - block part of the reserve of mana or endurance, but at the same time give a certain bonus (to protection, attack, resistance, etc.) or additional specific capabilities.

Permanent skill (designated). Static bonus, improving characteristics, skills, or expanding character capabilities.

Within the framework of this material, it makes no sense to meet all the capabilities of the classes plus individual branches of development of each of your companion. Therefore, I will just get acquainted with the implementation of the skills on the example of one of the "special" branches of the warrior skills.

The fact is that on the 7th and 14th level of the character development, you will be given the opportunity to open the so-called. Specializations - Additional skills sets. In my case, the main character was a choice of three additional sets - reader, Berserker (Berrocket) and Templar (Tempecker).

This is what the general "tree" of the skills of the main character, who chosen the warrior class:

But - a separate "branch" of the temple:

Let's go through the skills and improvements presented here (I apologize in advance for working in original english names):

Templar (specialization). When choosing a specialization of the temple, you automatically (even before the distribution of glasses on skills), you get a 10% bonus for damage to the magicians and creatures from the other world (Fade).

Cleanse (Activated Action). The ability to "clear" the territory and its companions from the impact of unfriendly magic. Improved Lasting Cleanse allows you to additionally block the possibility of spells by opponents for ten seconds. The improvement of the Cleansing Wave increases the diameter of the exposure zone of this skill with six to ten meters.

HOLY SMITE (Activated Action). "Divine strike" by enemies damage magic of the Spirit. Improved by Righteous SMITE leads to the fact that there are double damage from such an attack of magicians and creatures from the other world. Improving Staggering SMITE allows with a 50% probability of stunning "ordinary" enemies.

RIGHTEOUS STRIKE (permanent skill). The warrior has the opportunity for 4 seconds to block the possibility of spells and activated actions by the adversary with a conventional strike in hand-to-hand combat, with a probability of 10% (in the case of a "ordinary" enemy).

Silence (Activated Action). The possibility of 20 seconds to block the possibility of spells and activated actions by the enemy. Improved Lingering Silence Reduces the recovery time of the skill (until the next activation) for 10 seconds.

Annulment (permanent skill). + 50% to the overall rate of damage from any magic attack, as well as a decrease in the time of magical impact on the character.

Some permanent bonuses appear in the arsenal of characters after the relationship with the main character reached the critical point (friendship or rivalry).

From general recommendations regarding the development of the character, I would personally allocate two: first, be sure to pump the skills involved in the translation of the enemy to stunning, fragility and disorientation, as well as the skills that benefit from such a weakening of the enemy (see next section "Combinations of Action in battle"). Secondly, pump the skills and conditions that improve the protection of your character from a variety of attacks and elements. Fights with bosses last long (especially at high levels of difficulty), and even in the case of high rates of damage, the need to somehow survive on the battlefield no one has canceled.


Each character has a certain amount of tactical slots, which increases as the level increases. You can use these slots to create rules for which the hero will behave in battle (provided, naturally, until you directly interfere with its actions).

In principle, on the light and normal level of difficulty, the use of tactics is very strongly unloading a player (especially if you play Dragon Age II on the game console, and not on PC). But as for high levels of difficulty, I am sure that the complex battles will make you manually manage the actions of the team. After all, all situations are impossible to foresee, and the enemy's vulnerabilities arising (stunning, fragility, disorientation) can be "punched" by various attacks and spells. So my subjective opinion: the use of tactics is just a pleasant additional opportunity, in demand, first of all, at low levels of complexity.

Armor, weapons, inventory

The "doll" character looks like this:

As you can see, you have slots under a couple of rings and the belt, the rest is given to weapons and armor. The weapon is a two-handed (sword, hammer, ax, staff, bow, crossbow) or one-handed. One-handed weapon, naturally, causes a smaller damage. The thief uses a couple of daggers, and the warrior of the defensive plan is a sword and shield.

In the game there are certain unique sets of armor (main armor plus helmet, gloves, boots), which give an additional bonus for a suitable complete set.

As for your companions, the manipulations with them are limited (on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe developers, it gives them greater individuality and independence). You will not be able to replace their armor (and Warrick - also weapons), but you have the opportunity to improve it, finding or buying special additions.

Some additions provide a slot to insert the runes in the armor of your combat comrade. The effect of the runes in the companion armor is automatically enhanced in the process of improving the character level.

Follow the relevance of the reservation rate from the warrior is critical. After all, armor absorbs a part of the physical damage applied, and good in the recent Past of Armor after several increases in the level of the character (and the level of development of enemies) turns into a "cardboard box", so you have to constantly look for new lats that improve the reservation.
In your inventory, all items are distributed by bookmarks - weapons, armor, accessories (rings, belt, amulets), used objects (potions, poisons, grenades), other (runes), and trash. The garbage is every dismixed nonsense ("Wailed Pants", "Opala Shard", etc.), which you, without thinking, "wholesale" sell from the nearest merchant.

In order to be easier for you to navigate in the grooves of the good, the developers marked a special rating (as much as possible - five stars) every item in the sections of weapons, armor and accessories. It will help faster to get rid of the "junk" from the nearest merchant.

Combinations of action in battle

If you choose the difficulty level of Hard or Nightmare, the use of combinations of actions by participants of your group in battle is a prerequisite, otherwise any little serious battle will take away from you a large amount of time and nerves.

Certain types of attacks or actions of your characters can introduce enemies to the following vulnerable states:

Stagger. Can be caused by the warrior attacks as SHIELD BASH (with an improvement in Pummel); POMMEL (with an improvement in Pommel Blow); Tremor (with improved aftershock); Cleave (with improved claymore); Devour (with the improvement of VORACIOUS); as well as Sunder.

Brittle (fragility). Can be caused by the magic spells like Winter "S GRASP (with improved Winter" s blast); Cone of Cold (with an improvement in Deep Freeze); Petrify (with an improvement in DesicCate), as well as an Elemental Mastery skill.

Disorient (disorientation). Can be called such attacks and actions of the thief like Pinning Shot (with improved disorienting shot); Fatiguing FOG (with an improvement in overpowering fog); Confusion (with improved Chaos); as well as the skill of disorienting criticals.

Note that for different levels of enemies there may be a different probability of successful insertion of the target in each of the specified states. At the same time, some actions with a certain "pumping" guarantee 100% success - the truth is, if the enemy (in most cases, it is, of course, the bosses) does not have a special immunity. All specific numbers you can find in the description of skills / spells (abilities) in the game itself.

Evidence that the enemy is stunned, disoriented or became fragile, is a special icon over his head. Immediately activate one of the actions of another participant of your group, which can take advantage of this state of the enemy. In general, this will cause serious damage, and the rapid destruction of the enemy at high levels of complexity is the main key of success.

Here is a list of actions that use a vulnerable state (stunning / fragility / disorientation) of enemies:

Using STAGGER status (stunning):

Magician: Chain (with improved Chain Reaction); Crushing Prison (with improved Paralyzing Prison); Hemorrhage (with improved Paralyzing Hemorrhage); Fist of the Maker (with the improvement of the Maker "s Hammer).

Thief: Explosive Strike (with an improvement in Merciless Strike); Vendetta (with improved Blood Feud); Kickback (with improved backlash), lacerate (with an improvement in MAIM).

Using the Brittle state (fragility):

Warrior: Mighty Blow (with improved Shattering Blow); Scythe (with an improvement in REAPER); Cleave (with improved claymore).

Thief: bursting arrow (with improved Shattering Arrow); Archer "S Lance (with an improvement in the Punishing Lance); assassinate (with an improvement in Annihilate).

Using the state of Disorient (disorientation):

Warrior: Scatter (with the improvement of DisPerse); ASSAULT (with improved Battery); Devour (with an improvement in insatiable).

Magician: Spirit Bolt (with improved Spirit Strike); Walking Bomb (with improved Corrosive Walking Bomb and / or Virulent Walking Bomb); Stonefist (with improved Golem "s Fist).

Do not forget that some of the skills are inherent not only to a certain class, but also a certain game character. Therefore, do not be surprised by their absence from a particular member of your team.

Here is an example of a successful use of a margin of stagnation (using lightning: Chain spell with improved Chain Reaction).

More than three and a half thousand damage points speak for themselves. In this particular case, a successful lightning distance took away from the enemy only about 5-7% of the overall stock of health, so you can permanently imagine how the extent there are your enemies at high levels of complexity (white numbers - damage from ordinary attacks in hand-to-hand combat) .

Creation of runes, potions, poisons and grenades

The game has the opportunity to create your items. In the first part of Dragon Age, for the successful creation of runes and potions, you had to search for recipes, pumping appropriate skills and find the necessary ingredients (mostly in merchants). In Dragon Age II, you will have to buy or find scrolls with recipes, and then search for sources of certain ingredients (Lyrima, mountain copper, elven root, ambrosia, Felandaris, etc.). Carefully studying the game level, you find a source of some "Silverite" in a secluded corner, receiving 200 points of experience and expanding the opportunities to create runes, potions, poisons and grenades. Next, following the foundation found (or purchased from the merchant), you "order" the desired subject on a special table of your home (additionally paying a certain amount of money).

It is clear that if you did not open the source of any ingredient from the list specified in the recipe, then you cannot create a desired subject, even if there is an instruction for its manufacture.

Created potions (restoring health and manu, improving protection and attack, etc.), as well as grenades, poisons (which can be lubricated with weapons for applying additional damage) - appear in your inventory. As for the created runes, they should be inserted into armor or weapons due to the skills of your old acquaintance - Gnome Sandal.

Unfortunately, unlike the first part of Dragon Age, remove the runes inserted into the weapon or armor, it is no longer possible. If you want to insert another rune into the slot, the previous one will be automatically destroyed.

You will have to create runes and potions. You will have mandatory. After all, one of the most powerful runes adds several points to each basic character characteristic. The potion of "stone armor" reduces the entire damage (physical or magic) caused by your characters. The flask with "mystical support" returns to the life of the character who fell on the battlefield. Such advantages significantly improve the vitality of your combat group and ignore them - herself is more expensive.

Universe Dragon Age II and gameplay

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is noticeably more beautiful implementation of graphics. The picture on the screen has really improved compared to the first part of the game.

But here the game universe Dragon Age II is very and very limited. One big city with districts ...

Plus a small number of extra places in the surrounding area.

In order to somehow brighten the absence of a large number of diverse locations, the developers have invented the "Night Mode" - you walk along the same terrain, but already practically deserted. In the twilight you may wait for the gangs of any bandits (their systematic destruction will lead to the emergence of a regular secondary quest with the destruction of the leader).

Despite the periodically encountered beautiful landscapes ...

... level design causes serious complaints. And the most important claim is the frequent use of the same "blanks" when creating locations. Pirate Logov, dungeons, city houses - in most quests are identical and so monotonous that they give the impression of a second-class game, and no way looks like a visiting card of the legendary BioWare studio. In addition, most levels are small in size, and in open spaces you will always have the feeling that you run on narrowly given corridors: beauty on the sides - only the scenery, to which you can not get closer.

In various parts of the city there are merchants and specialists in the manufacture of potions, poisons, runes. After you fulfill the key quest (by-and secondary tasks you do optionally) the current gaming act is completed. In the next act, the arsenal of merchants varies, as well as certain cosmetic changes in game locations occur.

In connection with this, it will be necessary to run on previously studied places once again - and the stocks of merchants check, and in boxes / chests / barrels, write, and write new quests.

As in every self-respecting role-playing game, the cornerstone of the gameplay in Dragon Age II is the receipt and execution of quests. Quests are divided into major, secondary, side, as well as concerning your companions. Basic quests, as well as quests associated with companions, promote the development of the plot forward. Minor and side quests are a pleasant pastime, new items (armor and weapons), cash rewards, additional experience points, etc. At the same time, do not think that the minor quest in Dragon Age II is a lung walk. Sometimes they have to fight with very serious enemies ...

Submission of the plot and dialogues, along with noticeably improved graphics - the main strong side of Dragon Age II. As for the new dialog system, the developers decided to notify us in advance about the potential consequences of the choice of each of the phrases, providing them with special icons - a sprig of myrth (diplomatic option), theatrical mask (sarcastic or humorous option), a hammer with an anvil (hard straight version, close To rudeness), diamond (confident hard answer). The icon with coins is also found - this means that the main character asks for money (or on the contrary, will offer money). Icon with a silhouette of a head on a green background - a proposal to intervene in the conversation companion, which will express his opinion or take an important decision for you. Sometimes there is an icon with a heart - it means that Hawk will try to flirt. A broken heart icon - the protagonist clearly will clearly understand about the inability (or termination) of romantic relationships.

Separately, it is worth noting the innovation concerning your companions (on the task you are sent by a team of 4 people).

Now all your combat comrades live in certain places, and not assembled under the same roof. Periodically, you will have to visit them - mainly within the framework of individual plot quests allocated in a special group.

Relationships with companions is an important component of the storyline. As before, you will be able to spin the novel with some participants or participants of your team.

Depending on the behavior lines you choose (a certain development of dialogues and the adoption of important decisions), your companions can change the attitude towards you depending on our own beliefs. So, for example, the Elfi warrior Fenris hates magicians, and Captain Guaja Alelin - loves discipline, order and compliance with the law. Accordingly, based on these beliefs, they can change the attitude towards you in response to any act or expressed point of view. When you reach a critical point (absolute friendship, or an irreconcilable rivalry) in relations with a companion - a further change in this indicator becomes impossible.

In the second part of the Dragon Age, a significant slope was made in favor of increasing the frequency of battles. If you calculate how many enemies of various caliber you are in the amount of "cut into the cabbage", the figure, I am sure, will translate far over a thousand.

At the same time, of course, you will not only come across any Melnoga: the number of enemies-bosses in the game also has grown noticeably, so you will not get to relax.

The battles have become much more dynamic (I would even say - too dynamic). Therefore, how to take care of the scrolling of the protective skills of your "brigade", so as not to be distracted every second for micro-management in the process of combat (absorption of healthy potions, withdrawal from the battle of semi-detect characters, etc.).

In general, the second main claim to Dragon Age II (the first one, as you remember, the hot approach to location design) is the implementation of the "waves" of enemy attacks. You can't sneak to the room, carefully look into her thief, calculate the number of enemies and plan the coming fight. Catching 5-6 people with whom the visual contact was initially installed, you will be surprised (and then with irritation) to continue to fight with new waves of enemy warriors, spiders, etc., which literally "fall out from the ceiling "On the battlefield. As one famous character believed from the popular video on YouTube: "This is sad."

Another horrible for fans of the first part of the game Restriction: Using onions and battle with weapons in each hand - are now possible only for the thieves class. If you are a warrior, be kind, choose between a sword with a shield and two-handed weapons. So loved by the opportunity to have in your arsenal the familiar couple of remote weapons / melee weapons (with the possibility of fast switching) - disappeared.

Another important point: in the game "Friendly Fire" mode is implemented only at the maximum difficulty level - Nightmare. Remember how you had to carefully "push out" a fiery ball into the crowd of sacustoms, so as not to hurt your own comrades? Now at all levels of complexity to Hard inclusive, this is not: Choose straight into the thick of enemies Fire and electrical storms, "ice cones" - all this wonderful way will be of your companions. In principle, the already very dynamic battle with the crowded crowds of enemies during the implementation of the friendly fire regime will turn into full chaos, and therefore the solution of developers to me, in general, is understandable. Here the initial error was in the implementation of the arcade mass slaughter, noticeably separated from the canons of the genre of classic RPG.

A separate paragraph, I would like to tell you about such a wonderful thing as the self-drived spittle flap of the dragon, with whom I had to face closer towards the end of the game. Honestly, at first I was just dumbfounded. Running from his thief from an approaching fiery ball, I suddenly noticed how he began to describe the arc (just like a self-equipped air-air rocket in some aviation simulator!), And accompanied by my character, who ran off a good ten meter from the calculation. Flame Circuit Falls! I first thought that this is some kind of mistake, however, a further battle with a high-tech "fifth generation dragon" showed that frozen reptile really knows how to let the self-equipped fire charges ...
Update articles from 04.06.2011: In the published patch version 1.03, this behavior of fiery balls emitted by dragons was adjusted.


Dragon Age II is a classic representative of the Action / RPG genre, with all the advantages relating to the ability to beautifully submit a story from BioWare, and with all the minuses that the game consoles be selected as a priority platform.

Making a step forward schedule, characteristic characters, voice acting, dialogues, beautiful screensavers - all this is caught up to the screen and makes the fans of the first part of Dragon Age agree to a number of not very pleasant compromises. Among which, first of all, it is worth highlighting the same type of location designs (in the best traditions of bedroom areas built up with absolutely identical houses) and the implementation of battles in the style of a bloody bath, with "enemies" with new detachments.

To the credit of the developers, they recognize criticism and promise to be corrected later. The lead designer of BioWare Michael Laidloau (Mike Laidlaw), in particular, said that the claims of the fan community were carefully studied and helped when drawing up further plans to create games from the Dragon Age series. "I agree that some aspects of Dragon Age II will not simply be improved, but must be improved in the future. We learned a lot on what has given a positive result, but even more - on what we did not work."

And I note on myself that if in Dragon Age III, we will be returned with the concept of the very first part of the game with a challenge graphics and evolutionary changes (with consistently high quality of the plot line) - the fans of the series will be delighted. But I am tormented by vague doubts - it is unlikely that BioWare will refuse to release the version of Dragon Age III to the game consoles ... One hope is to issue a separate version for PC, but whether the legendary studio will be seduced to save resources, and re-release a single project on all platforms ? I would like to hope for the best ...

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Graphics: 80%
Sound: 90%
Game process: 70%

Overall impression: 80%

Going in the forefront confident: the best defense is an attack. Their powerful blows are distinguished by merciless technique.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Control . In battle, the warrior relies not to rage, but on the technique. Each blow goes to the expense. This mode cannot be used simultaneously with " Power".

Attack: +10%

Recovery time: 5 sec.

Required: Level 3.

Superiority . "Control"Provides more focused attacks with an increased probability of applying a critical strike.

Probability of a critical strike: +10%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 7.
Required: Control

Power . The warrior focuses on heavy blows that are affected by several enemies at once. This mode cannot be used simultaneously with " Control".

Recovery time: 5 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 3.

Music power . When acts " Power", Critical strikes of the warrior become destructive.

Critical damage: +25%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 7.
Required: Power
Points required in the tree Avangard: 2

Attack . For a short time, the warrior invests more forces in every blow, significantly increasing the power of each attack, as well as the final damage.

Damage: +10%
Physical Strength: 3x
Spontaneous Force: 3x
Duration: 15 sec.

Cost: 20 endurance

Required: Level 5.
Required: Power

Siege . When the warrior uses " Attack", each attack acts not only on the selected enemy, but also on those who are near.

Physical damage: 6 Bind against all nearby enemies

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Attack

Dissection . At a short time, damage caused by the warrior is incredibly increasing.

Duration: 10 sec.

Cost: 30 endurance

Type: single ability

Required: Level 6.
Required: Control
Required: Power
Points required in the tree Avangard: 2

Claymore . Now the warrior retains the bonus to the damage longer using " Dissection". Some opponents lose their equilibrium, which gives a convenient opportunity to attack the magicians and robber.

Probability of stunning: 10% against ordinary enemies
The probability of stunning: 100% against fragile purposes
Duration: +5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 10
Required: Dissection
Points required in the Avangard tree: 4

Destroyer . Now the warrior is the best among the best fighters. He is so experienced that the enemies suffer more from pain, fighting with him than with the rest.

The stability of the enemy to the damage: 90% against the basic attacks of the warrior
The stability of the enemy to the damage: 50% against critical warriors

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 7.
Required: Control
Points required in the tree Avangard: 3

Massacre . Warrior scans the weak prevolution. In most cases, if the health of the enemy decreases below a certain threshold, the next blow becomes fatal.

Effect: a fatal blow against ordinary enemies with health below 20%
Effect: fatal blow against strong enemies with health below 10%

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 12.
Required: Dissection
Points required in the Avangard tree: 4

Two-handed weapon

Warriors who own two-handed weapons can apply a huge damage, with a scatter by cutting flesh of enemies, although they do not use the protective advantages of the shield.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Mighty blow . Warrior jershits and fell on enemies with crushing force.

Physical damage: 24
Physical Strength: 2x

Cost: 20 endurance

Type: single ability

Required: Level 2
Demand: Two-handed weapon

Migrating strike . "Mighty blow"It becomes much more dangerous.

Physical damage: +12

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 6.
Required: Mighty blow

Crushing . "Mighty blow"Now splits the enemies whom the magician made fragile.

Physical damage: 300% against fragile purposes

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 8.
Required: Mighty blow
Points required in the tree Two-handed weapons: 2

Giant Limit . When the warrior attacks with two-handed weapons, the blow cuts the air with such a force that forms a crushing shock wave, as if the warrior prolonging weapon. The effect affects the basic attack, "whirlwind", "mighty blow" and "braid".

Radius: +1 m When attacking with two-handed weapons

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 3.

Demand: Two-handed weapon

Split . The strikes of the warrior become so powerful that every critical blow can with some probability to stun the victim.

Probability Critical Strike: +10%
The probability of stunning: 20% against ordinary enemies in critical strike

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 4.
Points Required in Tree Two-handed weapons: 1
Demand: Two-handed weapon

Spit . The warrior breaks into the ranks of the enemy, the smysman for everyone on his way.

Physical damage: 18
Physical Strength: 2x

Duration: 10 sec.

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 20 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 5.
Required: Mighty blow
Points required in the tree Two-handed weapons: 2
Demand: Two-handed weapon

Reaper . "Spit"Deals a significant additional damage, especially those enemies whom the magician made fragile.

Physical damage: +9
Physical damage: 200% against fragile purposes
Physical force: + 1x
Physical Strength: 200% against fragile purposes

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Kosa

Vortex . The warrior dissects the rows of enemies, hitting all the goals located at the distance of attack, one blow on the arc.

Physical damage: 18
Physical Strength: 2x

Diameter: 6 m

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 30 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 7.
Required: Mighty blow
Required: Giant Limit
The glasses are required in the tree two-handed weapons: 3
Demand: Two-handed weapon

Cyclone . "Vortex"It becomes deadly and can be used more often.

Physical damage: +6
Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 11.
Required: Vichr

Tornado . "Vortex"Always causes a critical blow to weak goals.

Critical impact probability: 100%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 13.
Required: Vichr
Points Required in Tree Two-handed weapons: 6


Intercessors are distinguished by the vitality, taking over all the strikes of the enemy and remaining unscathed.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Stone Wall . The warrior is going with the forces, for a short time reducing susceptibility to damage and throwing all the enemies that they attack it.

Physical force: 2 against attacking enemies
Resistance to damage: +50%

Duration: 5 sec.

Cost: 20 endurance

Type: single ability

Bastion . "Stone Wall"Now protects the warrior even better, increasing its resistance to damage and giving temporary immunity to force effects. In addition, the warrior strikes begin to apply damage to attacking enemies.

Resistance to damage: +50%
Throwing resistance: 100%
Safety resistance from foot: 100%

Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 3.
Required: Stone Wall

District blade . Although some warriors suffer from the strikes of enemies, others prefer to reflect the enemy damage. This mode cannot be turned on simultaneously with " Protection against elements".

Protection: +10%

Reserves: 20% endurance
Recovery time: 5 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 3.

Strong legs . The warrior holds the position, becoming less susceptible to powerful attacks.

Resistance: +20.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 7.
Required: Vice blade

Defense . Personal training of defensive techniques increases efficiency " Blade's leads".

Protection: +5%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Vice blade

Protection against elements . The secret of protection against the elements is to rely on the armor, putting them as a barrier against the impact. Having mastered this technique, the warrior begins to foresee magic attacks. This mode cannot be used simultaneously with " Blade brand".

Fire resistance: +40%
Cold resistance: +40%
Electricity resistance: +40%
Resistance to nature forces: +40%
Resistance to the magic of the Spirit: +40%

Reserves: 15% endurance
Recovery time: 5 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 3.

Barrier from elements . The warrior learns even better to resist the elements attacks.

Fire resistance: +20%
Cold resistance: +20%
Electric resistance: +20%
Resistance to nature forces: +20%
Resistance to the magic of the Spirit: +20%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 7.
Required: Protection against Elements
Points required in the Tree: 2

Resistance . Warriors trained in resistance are not afraid of wounds, so that their attacks are almost impossible to interrupt, and their themselves - discard back or distract short-term natural effects. You can only interrupt the actions of the warrior only by attacks caused by damage quite large to knock off the warrior with legs, or attacks that cause long-lasting natural effects.

Throwing resistance: 100%

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 5.
Required: Vice blade
Required: Protection against Elements
Points required in the Tree: 2

Stronghold . Good knowing the art of defense, warrior acquires constant resistance to all types of damage.

Resistance to damage: +5%

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 8.
Required: Stone Wall
Required: Vice blade
Points Required in the Tree: 3

Non-flashlight . Warrior saw more magicians in battle than the majority of Tedas's inhabitants for life. Thanks to this experience, he developed such mental stability as any temple would envy.

Magic Resistance: +10%

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 8.
Required: Protection against Elements
Points Required in the Tree: 4

Master Boy

When a master of combat is sticking alone, he is just an effective murder machine. When the warrior is torn next to the allies, he becomes an experienced leader who can combine all the others and turn the fight.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Support . Ready for battle, warrior deeply breathes and thereby restores part of the endurance.

Stamina restoration: 5%

Type: single ability

Required: Level 3.

Encouragement . The warrior splits his allies, briefly increasing the speed of the restoration of mana or the endurance of other satellites and temporarily emphasizing them with the benefits of "power", "control", "blade the blade" or "protection against elements" if the warrior is active one of these long-acting regimes.

Effect: "Power", "Control", "Distribution of the Blade" or "Protection against Elements" (if something is actively) applies to satellites
Endurance Recovery Speed \u200b\u200b/ Mana: +200
Duration: 10 sec.

Cost: 15 endurance
Recovery time: 30 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 4.

Unity . Other satellites also benefit from improving to "power", "control", "Blade Demand" or "Protection against Elements" during action " Encouragements"If the warrior has an active long-term mode. Endurance or mana from satellites is now restored even faster.

Effect: Improved "Power", "Control", "Blade Having" or "Protection against Elements" (if something is actively) applied to satellites
Stamina recovery speed / mana: +400 for satellites

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 8.
Required: Heiring

Coherence in battle . If this mode is active, the warrior and its satellites in the effect of effects are fighting as a whole, becoming more dangerous than separately. (This mode cannot be used simultaneously with the "Bravery" mode.)

Protection: +5% on an ally, for all members of the detachment
Damage reduction: +3% on an ally, for all members of the detachment

Diameter: 10 m

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 5.
Required: Heiring

Fearless coherence . So far acts " Coherence in battle", the warrior teases nearby enemies, distracting their attention from satellites.

Danger Pulling: +50% of Allies to Warrior

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Coherence in battle
Points Required in the Tree Fight Master: 2

Heroian coherence . The warrior sacrifices his own health instead of satellites, voluntarily taking on the damage, which otherwise would get them.

Damage pulling: +25% of allies to warrior

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 11.
Required: Coherence in battle
Points Required in the Tree Fight Master: 2

Depth reserves . A rich military experience of a warrior gives him resistance in battle.

Mana / endurance recovery speed: +10

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 6.
Required: Support

Second wind . Thanks to the long years of training, the warrior may draw cheerness from deep reserves, instantly restoring endurance.

Stamina restoration: 100%

Recovery time: 60 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 8.
Required: Support

Deep breathing . "Second wind

Recovery time: -15 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 12.
Required: Second wind

Last jerk . Warrior quickly restores the strength after the voltage.

Effect: The skills that are currently restored, become available earlier than the usual

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 14
Required: Second wind

Weapons and shield

Warriors preferring shield, donate damage for the sake of protection. Attacks with one-handed weapon are obviously smaller than the trajectory than with two-handed, but the wearing shield has an excellent gun in order to shoot down from the legs during the battle.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Blow shield . Warrior's shield moves along an arc, leaving enemies like a ram.

Physical damage: 10
Physical Strength: 12x

Cost: 10 endurance
Recovery time: 15 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 2
Demand: Shield

Shield shield . The warrior can use more often " Blow shield", And the enemies that have shocks are stunned.

Probability of stunning: 100% against goals
The probability of stunning: 40% against ordinary enemies located near the goals
Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 6.
Required: Blowing shield

Shield defense . The warrior gets up in a protective rack and reduces the damage resulting from the front, but more attracts the attention of enemies. At the same time, he causes enemies less damage and sacrifices the ability to carry out attacks that reduce the distance.

Damage: -25%
Resistance to damage: +25% against attacks in front

Hazard provocation: +100%

Reserves: 15% endurance
Recovery time: 5 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 3.
Demand: Shield

Deaf defense . "Shield defense"Now reduces damage from all attacks, and not just from the frontal. In addition, the shield of the warrior reflects some ordinary blows, eliminating a part of the damage.

Resistance to damage: +50% against attacks from behind
Effect: With a probability of 20%, ordinary blows against warrior will be sliding

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 8.
Required: Shield Defense
Points required in a tree weapon and shield: 4

Vigilance . The warrior does not make attention to the situation on the battlefield. While the warrior in the hands of the shield, the enemies do not get a bonus for attacking him from the flank or behind.

Effect: Immunity to shocks from the flank

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 4.
Required: Shield Defense
Demand: Shield

Storm . The warrior is spinning and starts a terrible attack that causes a big damage and often throws enemies back.

Physical damage: 10 (x3 hits)
Physical force: 2x (x3 hits)

Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery time: 20 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 5.
Required: Blowing shield
Demand: Shield

Trektov series . "Storm"It can be used more often. It is also more effective, especially against enemies, which weakened the robber.

Physical damage: +5 (x3 hits)
Physical damage: 400% against disoriented purposes, with the last blow
Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Sturm
Points requires in a tree weapon and shield: 3

Diffusion . The warrior semicirc cuts the air in front of him by throwing enemies back.

Physical damage: 24
Physical Strength: 4x

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 25 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 6.
Required: Blowing shield
Required: Shield Defense
The glasses are required in the tree weapons and shield: 2
Demand: Shield

Scattering . "Diffusion"Begins to act even on large beings and especially effectively against enemies, the protection of which lowered the robber.

Physical damage: +12

Physical Strength: + 2x

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 10
Required: Dispelling

Protection . While the warrior has a shield in the hands, it does not receive additional damage from critical strikes.

Effect: immunity to critical shocks

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 7.
Required: Dispelling
Required: Vigilance
Points required in a tree weapon and shield: 4
Demand: Shield

Incurrent war

The hearing of war is a confident opponent, a clever mockery. Skllily breaks through the crowd of enemies, leaving on the ground the bloody feast. Also, the war-burning war are craftsmen in terms of control of enemy aggression. They are able to attract the attention of the enemy or, stunning him, make you forget who he fought.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Blow Ephesus . Instead of a deadly attack, expected by the enemy, the warrior hits the enemy with a blunt end of weapons and stuns him.

Duration: 5 sec.

Cost: 10 endurance
Recovery time: 15 sec.

Type: single ability

Strong punch with Ephesus . Now " Blow Ephesus"Stunches enemies for a longer time and makes strangle.

The probability of stunning: 100% against stunned purposes
Duration: +3 sec.
Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 3.

Provocation . Mocking drawing attracts the attention of the nearest enemies, forcing them to forget about the attack on the rest of the satellites and pounce on the warrior.

Danger Pulling: 100% of Allies to Warrior
Diameter: 10 m

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 20 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 3.

Robed Ryv. . "Provocation"Now affects enemies in the larger area, distracting their attention from the allies of the warrior and attracting to the warrior itself.

Diameter: 16 m

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 7.
Required: Provocation
Points Required in the War Earrigation Tree: 2

Jitter . Who is the warrior pushing, push and get. When the warrior hits weapons to the ground, enemies closest to it throws back.

Physical Strength: 8x
Diameter: 6 m

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 20 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 5.

Repeated concussion . "Jitter"It can be used more often. Now it gives the opportunity to make enemies stagger.

Probability of stunning: 30% against ordinary enemies
Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Jitter

Shake . The warrior can push more enemies, and all the fallen to the ground will be stunned.

The probability of stunning: 100% against the goals
Diameter: 10 m

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 11.
Required: Jitter

Bravery . The incomparable courage of the warrior provides him with bonuses, growing proportional to the number of enemies, with whom the warrior sticks (this mode cannot be used simultaneously with the "coherence in battle" mode).

Attack: +10% for each nearby enemy after the first
The likelihood of a critical strike: +3% for each enemy nearby after the first

Diameter: 10 m

Reserves: 30% endurance
Recovery time: 10 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 6.
Required: Provocation

Bravado . "Bravery"Attracts even more enemies to the warrior, thus increasing the bonuses of this regime.

Hazard provocation: +50% for each enemy nearby after the first

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 9.
Required: Courage

Boasting . While there is a mode " Bravery", every enemy of those surround the warrior, even more increases the damn damn damn.

Damage: +5% for each nearby enemy after the first

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 10
Required: Courage
Points Required in the War Earrier Tree: 3

Specialization "Berserk"

When the culture of the Dwarves came to decline, many of them went to the surface, bringing their habits and fighting traditions there. Rage is only part of the Berserker's combat style. Anyone can get angry, but only Berserk can focus the rage in brutal strikes, punching armor, disperse the body and breaking bones.

Abilities Requirements for opening

When choosing a specialization :

Mana / endurance recovery speed: +10

Requires: Level 7 or 14

Frying berserka. . Berserk falls into rage, inflicting powerful blows while this mode is valid.

Damage: +10% of the remaining endurance
Costs: -4 Pts. Endurance by hit

Recovery time: 10 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 7
: Berserk

Infinite fury of berserka . "Frying berserka."Mounting and lasts longer.

Costs: -2 Pts. Endurance by hit

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 11.
Required: Fire berserka

Wild furry berserka. . "Frying berserka."Begins to apply more damage for each pillar's endurance point.

Damage: +5% of the remaining endurance

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 13.
Required: Fire berserka

Adrenalin . For a short time, Berserk turns to the depth reserves of energy, thereby making more powerful every blow. If Berserk applies " Adrenalin"Several times, its effectiveness is folded (mode must be active. Frying berserka.").

Damage: +5% (summed)
Duration: 8 sec.

Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery time: 2 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 8.
Required: Fire berserka

Adrenaline jerk . Now berserk can use " Adrenalin"So often, as it wanted. The bonus to the physical damage takes off to heaven.

Recovery time: -2 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 12.
Required: Adrenaline
Points required in the Berserk tree: 3

Adrenaline Pokal . Now the bonus to the damage from " Adrenaline"Much more, especially if Berserk uses skill several times.

Damage: +3% (summed)

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 14
Required: Adrenaline
The glasses are required in the Berserk tree: 4

Avalanche . For a short time, Berserk is defended by the sake of speed, applying quick blows after another, but getting more damage from enemy attacks. (Mode must be active. Frying berserka.".)

Attack speed: +50%
Resistance to damage: -20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery time: 30 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 9.
Required: Fire berserka

Reckless avalanche . "Avalanche"Longs longer.

Duration: +10 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 13.
Required: Avalanche
Points required in the Berserk tree: 3

Resistant avalanche . Berserk gets less damage under the action of effect " Avalanche".

Resistance to damage: +10%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 15.
Required: Avalanche
The glasses are required in the Berserk tree: 4

Gusting death . Each time Berrock turns the enemy, the joy of victory restores the endurance of the Berristen more ordinary.

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 15.
Required: Adrenaline
Required: Avalanche
Points required in the Berserk tree: 5

Specialization "Rutter"

To become a real ripper, a ritual should be made and try the blood of the dragon. The leaving is not just a name. These Terrible Warriors drink death, restoring energy at the expense of the enemy suffering.

Abilities Requirements for opening

When choosing a specialization :

Physical damage: +5%
Fire damage: +5%
Damage from the cold: +5%
Damage from electricity: +5%
Damage from the Forces of Nature: +5%
Damage from the magic of the Spirit: +5%

Required: Level 7 or 14

Bloody rabies . The Ripper does not know pain, but not alien to revenge. Each wound received by the Ripper increases the damage from the attack.

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 7
: Ripper

Email . The leaving breaks the enemy by using its vitality on its own treatment.

Physical damage: 28
Restoration of health: 28

Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery time: 120 seconds.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 8.
Required: Ripper

Voracity . "Email"Strengthens so much that the enemies are automatically stunned. This makes them a light target for follow-up actions of a magician or robber.

Physical damage: +7
Health Restore: +7
Probability of stunning: 100%
Listening probability: 100% against ordinary enemies

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 12.
Required: Email

Insatiability . "Email"It becomes much more efficient, especially if the enemy's defense is weakened by the robber.

Physical damage: +7
Physical damage: 300% against disoriented purposes
Health Restore: +7
Restoration of health: 300% of disoriented purposes
Recovery time: -20 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 14
Required: Email

Sacrificial rabies . The Ripper sacrifices the health of the sake of strengthening the effect " Bloody rabies". For a short time, each wound caused by the rubber increases damage from attacks.

Damage from " Bloody rabies": 2x
Health: -20
Duration: 10 sec.

Recovery time: 25 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 9.
Required: Bloody rabies
Points required in the tree Ripper: 2

Long rabies . "Sacrificial rabies"It becomes possible to use more often.

Recovery time: -5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 13.
Required: Sacrificial rabies

Aura Poly. . Aura of spiritual torments, enveloping the Ripper, inflicts him and the surrounding enemies permanent damage from the Magic of the Spirit, while this ability is valid.

Damage from the Magic of the Spirit: 14 for the beat
Health: -5% for the beat
Interval between beats: 4 sec.
Diameter: 6 m

Reserves: 10% endurance
Recovery time: 5 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 10
Required: Bloody rabies
Required: Email

Pain flow . "Aura Poly."Now hurts the enemies, without spending on this extra health of the ripper.

Damage from the magic of the Spirit: +7 for the beat

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 14
Required: Aura pain
Points required in the tree Ripper: 3

Pain rabies . "Aura Poly."Now spends less health on your maintenance as the health of the leaving.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 16.
Required: Aura pain
Points required in a tree Ripper: 5

Dust . The death of the enemy for a short time accelerates the actions of the Ripper.

Duration: 10 sec.

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 13.
Required: Sacrificial rabies
Required: Aura pain
Points required in a tree Ripper: 4

Specialization "Temmer"

Temples, the formidable garbage of church, guard the circles of magicians, hunt for apostates and malers, and occasionally act as the usual army under the command of the Supreme Priestess. Drinking a specially cooked lyric, the temples get resistance to magic, including the ability to interrupt spells. Although the church controls the lyric trafficking, fighters with connections can minimize it sufficiently to gain the same opportunities as vigilant temples.

Abilities Requirements for opening

When choosing a specialization :

Damage: +10% against spellcasters and creatures

Requires: Level 7 or 14

Holy ka . The temple is hit by the sacred fire, causing damage from the magic of the Spirit nearby enemies.

Damage from the magic of the Spirit: 67

Diameter: 8 m

Cost: 35 endurance
Recovery time: 25 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 7
: Teast

Righteous kara . "Holy ka"It becomes effective against enemies dependent on magic.

Damage: 200% against spellcasters and creatures from the shadow

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 11.
Required: Holy Kara.

Stunning kara . When applied " Holy Cara"It becomes possible to stun the enemies, briefly leading to a non-visible state and forcing you to forget who they attacked.

Listening probability: 50% against ordinary enemies

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 13.
Required: Holy Kara.
The glasses are required in the Tea Tree: 3

Cleaning . The temple cleans the area from enemy magic, eliminating all its effects from all members of the detachment and stops the action of long-term enemy magic abilities on the entire battlefield.

Probability probability: 100%

Diameter: 6 m

Cost: 20 endurance
Recovery time: 30 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 8.
Required: Teast

Wave cleansing . "Cleaning"Captures a wider area of \u200b\u200bmagic effects.

Diameter: 10 m

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 12.
Required: Cleansing
The glasses are required in the Team Team: 2

Long cleansing . For a short time " Cleaning"Does not give enemies to apply spells and skills.

Probability of the effect " Silence": 100% against ordinary enemies
Duration: 10 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 14
Required: Cleansing

Righteous blow . The weapon of the temple is saturated with righteous energy. Each blow with a certain probability for a short time deprives the enemy of the ability to apply the abilities.

Probability of the effect " Silence": 10% against ordinary enemies
Duration: 4 sec.

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 10
Required: Cleansing
Required: Holy Kara

Silence . The temple is enveloped the enemy with negative energy, which breaks the ability to use the abilities.

Probability of the effect " Silence": 100 %
Duration: 20 sec.

Cost: 25 endurance
Recovery time: 45 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 12.
Required: Cleansing
The glasses are required in the Team Team: 2

Long quiet . "Silence"You can use more often.

Recovery time: -10 sec.

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 16.
Required: Sishin
The glasses are required in the Team Team: 4

Destruction . The lyrics dissolved in the blood of the temper protects it from the effects of the shadows. The temple is acquiring resistance to enemy magic of all kinds.

Magic Resistance: +50%

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 15.
Required: Sishin
Required: Righteous kick
The glasses are required in the Team Team: 4

Specialization Alelin "Striper"

Alelin survived too many of those who were her roads. Years of harsh tests and losses made it unshakable warrior and an invaluable ally.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Unshability . In this mode, Avelin sacrifices the speed of movement and attack for the sake of stability to strike. Each blow, which it withstands, not only increases its durability, but also reduces speed.

Resistance to damage: +8% per blow (summed)
Attack speed: -5% per blow (summed)
Motion speed: -5% per blow (summed)

Duration: 5 sec. For blow

Reserves: 20% endurance
Recovery time: 10 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 7

Expendables . Avelin speed drops not so much if the mode is enabled. Unshability".

Attack speed: -3% per blow (summed)

Motion speed: -3% per blow (summed)

Type: Improvement

Requires: Level 11.
The glasses are required in the Wood Striper: 2

Bodyguard . When this mode is active, Avelin covers the selected satellite, getting damage instead.

Damage pulling: 25% of the goal to Avelin

Duration: 5 sec. For blow

Reserves: 15% endurance
Recovery time: 5 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Requires: Level 8.

Best bodyguard . Alellin strengthens its satellite assistance, receiving more damage instead.

Damage pulling: +25% of the goal to Avelin

Type: Improvement

Requires: Level 12.

Retreat . For a short time, Alelin parries all hand-to-hand blows by immediate counterattack.

Physical damage: 4 for counterattack
Duration: 10 sec.

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 30 sec.

Type: single ability

Requires: Level 9.

Punishment . "Retreat"Now it lasts longer and causes more damage with each counterattack.

Physical damage: +4 for counterattack
Duration: +5 sec.

Type: Improvement

Requires: Level 13.
The glasses are required in the Wood Striper: 2

Depth reserves . For many years, Avelin was helped to become unusually ... hardy.

Resistance to damage: +15%

Type: Passive Ability

Requires: Level 11.

Necromotability . His exclusive power of Will Avelin does not allow himself to knock off or stun. Attacks, which would have to discard it or distract long-term spontaneous effects, are experiencing extremely weakly. " Resistance"The suspection skills tree also eliminates the impact of short-term natural effects.

Safety resistance from foot: 100%
Stunning resistance: 100%

Type: Passive Ability

Requires: Level 13.

Serve and protect . Devotion Alellin Hawk borders with power.

Transmission of damage: +10% of Hawk Alelin
Resistance to damage: +5%

Type: Passive Ability

Requires:Alelin: Friendship

Vigilant look . Now Alelin's onset.

Resistance to damage: +10%

Type: Passive Ability

Requires:Alelin: rivalry

Specialization of Fenris "Tevintersky Fugitive"

Fenris, tattooed by the lyrics and the burning revenge, instills weakness into enemies and becomes an invaluable ally on the battlefield.

Abilities Requirements for opening

Lyrium ghost . When this mode is active, Fenris becomes like a ghost. In this form, it is difficult to follow the battlefield.

Protection: +20%
Probability of a critical strike: +20%

Reserves: 25% endurance
Recovery time: 10 sec.

Type: long-term mode

Required: Level 7

Lyrimete phantom . "Lyrium ghost"Protects Fenris more efficiently.

Resistance to damage: +10%
Magic Resistance: +10%

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 11.
Required: Lyric ghost
The glasses are required in the TEVININE FIGHTEN TEVER: 2

Mask calm . Fenris is trying to stay calm, but it is only visibility. Each new wound deeply hurts his feeling, which increases damage from his attack.

Damage: increases to +50% (inversely proportionally health)

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 8.

Beating of Spirit . Fenris flashes out of dark energy and harves the opponents of the wave of spiritual power (the mode must be enabled. Lyrium ghost").

Damage from the Magic of the Spirit: 28
Spontaneous Force: 4x

Diameter: 8 m

Cost: 30 endurance
Recovery time: 20 sec.

Type: single ability

Required: Level 9.
Required: Lyric ghost

Tide of the Spirit . Energy " Baying spirit"It acts randomly, stunning most enemies.

Listening probability: 100% against ordinary enemies

Type: Improvement

Required: Level 13.
Required: Beating of the Spirit

Deviation . Fenris continues to adapt to its tattoo. Lyrhyrama symbols help resist magic attacks.

Magic Resistance: +25%

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 10
Required: Lyric ghost

Rhythm Boy . Each time after the murder, the enemy the speed of Fenris increases for a short time.

Attack speed: +30% Under the death of the enemy
Duration: 10 sec.

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 13.
Required: Mask calm
The glasses are required in the TEVINET RETERS: 4

Domestic reserves . Each time after the murder, the enemy restores the extra part of the endurance of Fenris due to the years of harsh training.

Stamina restoration: minimum 5%, depending on the rank of the enemy

Type: Passive Ability

Required: Level 15.
Required: Mask calm
The glasses are required in the TEVINET RETERS: 5

Spirit of kinship . Fenris inspires your unexpected support.

Magic Resistance: +10%

Type: Passive Ability

Requires: Fenris: Friendship

The enemy of my enemy . Fenris and you stayed each with its opinion.

Critical damage: +10%

Type: Passive Ability

Requires: Fenris: rivalry

Technically, Carver Can Also Be a Tank, But Since He ISN "T Available for Most of The Game in Addition to the Fact That Aveline, Who is Acquired: Early In The Game, IS a Much Stronger Candidate for this role, One Shouldn" T Worry Too Much About Shoehorning Him Into This Important Role. The Weapon and Shield Tree Obviously Places An Emphasis In Supplying The Frontline Warrior With Talents That Dampen Overall Damage Taken, Such As SHIELD DEFENSE., Which Fortifies A Warrior "S Capacity To Withstand Brews. Other Abilities Like SHIELD BASH. And. Pummel. Are Indispensable in a Tank "S Arsenal of Attacks. Passive Abilities Like Perception And. Safeguard. (Required, in Our Humble Opinion) Grant The Warrior Immunity to Flacking and Backside Attacks.

Two-handed [EDIT]


For Any Warrior Looking to Develop Into An Offensive Powerhouse, This Tree Should Be Filled Out. No Questions Asked.

Vanguard [EDIT]


Vanguard Fallows The Mindset That Overpowering One "S Opponent with Brute Force ISN" T What Wins The Battle. Control, Mastery, and Discipline Are Just AS Invaluable As A Warrior "S Sword. Cleave. IS PROBABLY THE BEST ABILITY IN THE TREE AND, ALONG WITH Massacre, IS A WELCOME ADDITION TO A TWO-HANDED WARRIOR "S RESUME OF DAMAGE-DALING. DEPETIONING ON YOUR STYLE OF PLAY, Might And. Control Are Also Pretty Handy Sustained ABILITIES THAT CANNOT BE ACTIVE AT THE SAME TIME. In Choosing One, We Prefer Might Over The Latter.

Defender. [EDIT]


The Abilities in Defender Reinforce A Warrior "S Ability To Withstand Enemy Attacks and Thus, Are Best Suited for Tanks Already Deep In The Weapon and Shield Tree. If there am points to spare, however, by all Means Spend Some in Defender, But Two -Handed DPPs Warriors Should Turn Their Priority Elsewhere. Of Particular Note, Resilience. IS A FINE PASSIVE SKILL FOR Any Warrior. Elemental Aegis. IS AN INVALUABLE ABILITY CONSIDERING A LARGE MAJORITY OF ATTACKS YOU "LL ENCOUNTER IN THE GAME DERIVE FROM SOME KIND OF ELEMENT.

Warmonger [EDIT]


A Warmonger Is Gifted in Controlling ENEMY AGGRESSION WITH ABILITIES LIKE TAUNT. And. Bravery.. Putting points in these is mandatory. AS FOR OTHER WARRIORS, IT "S NOT A BAD ITEA TO SPEND POINTS IN Pommel Strike., ITS UPGRADE Pommel Blow., and. Tremor, Which All Dig Deep Into The Advanced Tactic of Exploiting Cross-Class Combos (See Its Titular Section in Appendix).

Battlemaster. [EDIT]


This Is a Tree That Trains A Warrior for Long Endurance Battles and Constantly Provides Ways WHICH TO REPLENYSH STAMINA. Bolster. IS A Good Ability to Start WITH. Rally. Sounds Great On Paper and Might Be Handy to Have Around, But In Practice The Only Ability It Works Synergistically Wit Elemental Aegis..

Templar. [EDIT]

  • Used by: Hawke

This Is a Specialization Tree That Requires Spending A Specialization Point. The Templar Specialization is of Great Service to the Warrior Seeking to Render The Abilities of Magic Users Nearly Useless. ABILITIES LIKE Silence And. Cleanse Seriously Hinder Any Mages Who LEAN ON Casting Abilities to Maintain a Baneful Presence. Cleanse IS Incredibly Useful Ailments From Allies As Well. While Righteous Strike. ITSELF ISN "T AS Useful, It Paves The Way To the More Fantastic Annulment..

Reader. [EDIT]

  • Used by: Hawke

The Reaver Is Best Suited for the Daredevil Players and Is All About Dealing More Damage As Hawke "S Health Falls. Hawke Receives a Small Boost to Damage in All Elements. This tree and two-handed Support Each Other in a Very Synergistic Way. Abilities Like. Fervor Offers a Huge Boost to DPS, But Is Rather Deep In The Tree. Blood Frenzy. Works in Conjunction WITH Sacrificial Frenzy. Devour. IS An Interesting Ability That Heals You As It Harms Enemies and, Even Better, Staggers The Target, Opening Up a Cross-Class Combo Opportunity.

Berserker. [EDIT]

  • Used by: Hawke

Berserker "S Efficacy IS Directly Proportional To Hawke" S Remaining Stamina. For this reason, Battlemaster and reader game Good Trees to Compleden Berserker, with Abilities Like Berserker and Second Wind to Buttress The Berserker "S Specialty of Harnessing Stamina Into Raw Power. In Our Opinion, Most of the Abilities in this Tree Are Just Not Worth Dumping Points INTO SIMPLY FOR THE POOR RETURN ON INVESTMENT.

Guardian. [EDIT]

  • Used by: Aveline

Aveline "S Obviously Built to Be a Tank, As Suggested by The Name of Her Unique Talent Tree. However, A Few of Her Abilities - Most Notably, Immovable And. Bodyguard - Are Handy Only in Choice Situations. Immovable Should Be Activated Manually In AntiCipation Of A Devastating Attack; Otherwise It Freezes Up Aveline and Risks Losing The Embus "S Focus On Her. The Usefulness of Bodyguard Can Definitely Be Appreciated by The More Fragile Characters Who" Ve Traded Defense for Pure Damage, Like Mages and Rogues. On the Plus Side, The Other ABILITIES AVAILABLE IN THE TREE CAN BE Useful, But Only After Acquiring Other Abilities Mandatory to the Core Tank Abilities from Weapon and Shield and Defender.

Tevinter. [EDIT]

  • Used by: Fenris

Lyrium Ghost. And. Deflect. Are Mandatory Acquisitions. Spirit Pulse. Causes a Good Amount of Spirit Damage and Helps Fenris Reduce His Threat LEVEL (Which He Would Inevitably Build).

The theme of the character development in Dragon Age: Origins, as in any other game, is deeply individual. Of course, there are general rules, relying on which you can save time and get a decent result. At one time, it was enough to stay in detail on the development of the characters Richard PsmithNow there is a untime passed, in the article dedicated to Dragon Age: Origins in the magazine "The best computer games" (№11, 2009). After reading the article, the questions will disappear by themselves. I would like to briefly list those characteristics, skills, skills and spells that need to develop in a character depending on the chosen class.

For the main character, it should be learned skill "Influence" (It will take a trick), in many cases it will be useful: the character will be able to easily use the authority, relieve and extract information from the characters. It is advisable to start developing it from the very beginning, and to pump as soon as possible, trying not to forget about other skills. The third level of influence can be obtained already in lottering. For warriors Priority skills will be "combat training" and "tactics of the battle", for robber - "Combat preparation", "Production of poisons", "Production of traps" and "Thief" for mages - "Travnik" and "survival". Developed combat training in magicians reduces the likelihood of a breakdown of spell when attacking the enemy.

Characteristics Point Distribution in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Warriors Must do focus on strength and physique (approximately 2: 1), the dexterity develops only to the minimum opening values \u200b\u200bof the skills. For " soldier-tanka"Made as much as possible the skills associated with the shield: the line" kick the shield "," shield defense "," block shield ". As a specialization, we take a berserka or a ripper. For " warrior Hitchoboy"- skills with a two-handed sword:" Strike Ephesom "line," mighty blow ", from specializations - Vityaz or Berserk. Among useful skills, it is worth noting "provocation" (switching the attention of opponents on a provocateur), and "exit from the battle" (reducing the hostility of opponents). With their help, you can fight for a long time, passing the baton between the warriors.
  • Robbers Must focus on dexterity and tricks, depending on the style is also added strength. The main weapon of the robber can be a pair weapon or bow. Onions are easier for development and is best combined with traps than with poisons. For " robber-Hitchoy"Develop the skills associated with pair weapons, it is possible to add skills from the" Dirt struggle "line and" blow below the belt ", the killer and duelist are suitable from specializations. " Robber-subordinator"Must focus on Luke, but most of the battles he will be busy singing. From the skills develop the line "Shooting in the Middle Battle" or "Quick Shooting". As specializations choose a bard and trafficking. Robbers should be able to hack locks and be invisibleHaving studied the appropriate skills. In addition, after pumping the skill "Combat preparation", you can completely switch to the development of tricks, buying the skill "deadly" from the "Strike below belt" line. In this case, an indicator of tricks will be used to calculate the damage from the attack.
  • Magi. Must actively develop magic and willpower (2: 1 or 3: 1). A variety of spells are available to choose from, which make the character unique and unique. From the magician you can make a healer, and you can focus on combat development. In any case, the magician is desirable to develop under, which do not require special costs, but repeatedly increase damage or possess special effects. Mag-Healer It is a wand-grinding, helps save a lot of first-aidhek-fit and constantly saves in difficult situations, healing and resurrecting the fallen on the battlefield, without him - like without hands. It is also worth noting the beneficial spells of "Rune Paralyach", "Rune Neutralization" from the School of Creation, "Mass Paralysis" from the Entropy School, "Drinking Dungeon" from the school of the Spirit, and the entire elementary school.