Double blow in billiards. How to learn to correctly perform different types of shocks in billiards: video. Types of blows by the bitch on the sighting ball

Angled - Loud Luba is located (as applied to the bit).
Angle shot - Punch on cutting.
Apex of triangle - Top of the pyramid, a vertex ball.
Around The Table - A blow, in which the beater concerns several sides (including two short).
Balance Point - Longitudinal center of gravity cius.
Ball in Hand.
Ball ON. - Another color ball (in the sense of "non-red").
Bank Shot. - Duplet, triplet, etc.
Bed Of Table - Stove table.
Billiard - Point, efficient blow.
Blind Draw. - Trawing method.
Bottom Cushion. - Front side.
Break - Cluster picking.
Break - series.
Break Ball - ("Stretch Pool") a ball for a shotboard.
Bridge - Kytec emphasis.
Bumper. - Bumper of the Tourist Kiya.
Butt of Cue. - Kiya's horizontal bar.
Butt Plate. - Cup of Kiya's horizontal science.
Call Sot. - Order.
Called Ball - Custom ball.
Called Pocket. - Custom Luza.
Carom - Kombool.
Center Spot. - Central table marker.
Center String - Central table marker.
Chalk. - a piece of chalk.
Check Side - Inner screw.
Chuck Nurse. - Bread feeder.
Cluster. - cluster.
Clean Bank. - ("onboard pool") pure doublet, triplet, etc., when executing the ordered aiming ball before you fall into the layout did not touch other balls.
Clear Ball - Unsured Boktok.
Combination. - a combination blow.
Combination ON. - Two (or more) balls coaliented towards the Luba. It is obvious that the direct connecting centers of the balls looks into the lyuza and the distance between the balls is small. Also called Dead Combo or ON Combo.
Combination ON. - a combination blow.
CONTACT POINT. - Point of collision of the ball and the sighting ball.
Corner-Hokerad - Loud Luba is located (as applied to the bit). See also angled
Count - Point, efficient blow.
Count, The. - The current account of the game.
Cross Corner. - Doupelet in the angular layout.
Cross Side - Duplet in the middle idle.
Cross Table Shot. - A blow, in which the bertok crosses the table touching long sides.
Crotch. - The triangular zone in every coal of the table when playing in a straight cannon, which is allowed to recruit no more than three points in a row. After that, at least one visiting ball must leave the zone. This restriction does not allow the player to make long series using ??? angular feeder.
Crutch - the same as Mechanical B.ridge
Cue. - cue.
Cueball - Boktok.
Cueball in hand - The right to establish the bertok anywhere in the table, after the opponent's violation.
Cueball in Hand Behind the Head String - The right to establish the bertok anywhere in the "House" zone, after the opponent's violation.
Sueball in Hand Within The Half-Circle
- The right to establish a berton anywhere in the sector, after it falls into a glass or popping out of the table.
Cue Tip. - Sticker at the end of Kiya.
Cushion -prugging board.
Cut. - cutting.
Cut Shot. - Punch on cutting.
D Sector
Dead Ball - Windshield (or thick cutting) collision of the ball and the sighting ball. At the same time, the entire (or almost all) is the transmitted energy of the ball transmitted by the sighting ball.
Dead Ball Shot. - A blow, in which, all or almost all the transparent energy of the ball is transmitted to the sighting ball. Also in this situation, the term Kill Shot is used.
Dead Combination. See Combination ON
Diamonds. - Diamonds.
Double. - Duplet.
Double Bank. - Triplet.
Double elimination - Conditions for holding the tournament, in which the participant drops out after two defeats (in the upper and lower grids).
Double Hit. - Double punch.
Double Round Robin. - Conditions for the tournament, in which each participant plays with each twice.
Draw Shot. - Exhaust.
Drop Pockets. - ordinary luza (without the mechanism of the bus carrier balls).
English -sidework, screw.
FEATHER SHOT. - Punch on extremely thin cutting.
Ferrule - Tip.
Follow Shot - Ranat.
Follow-Through. - Maintenance (kijok).
Foot of Table. - Rear half of the table.
Foot Spot. - Back tabletime.
Foot String - Back line of the table.
Foot Rail. - Rear board.
Force Draw. - Strong delay. The term is usually used to designate the drawing on the cutting. In this case, the berton is first widely discarded in the direction of the tangent line, and only then the opposite rotation twists the trajectory of motion.
Force Follow. - Strong rolls. The term applies in the case when the bertok after contact with the aiming ball stops (or discarded on the cutting), and then, due to the top rotation, the speed is sharply gaining.
Foul. - Foul, violation.
Foul Stroke. - Punch, during which violation was allowed.
Frame. - Analogue of the party in the snooker.
FREE BALL. - A game situation When any ball may be selected as another (for a detailed explanation, see the rules of Snooker, p.22).
FREE BREAK. - The initial breakage of the pyramid, at which you can achieve a good distribution of balls on the table surface, without any risk or the ability to break the rules. This aspect is discussed in more detail in the rules of specific games.
Frozen. - The ball standing close to another ball or board.
Full Ball - Windshield collision of the ball and the sighting ball.
Game. - the consignment.
Game Ball - partial ball.
Gather Shot - Collective blow.
Grip. - grip. The manner of keeping the horizontal bar at strike.
Gully Table - Table with the actuature of the balls of the balls.
Handicapping. - Fora. Handicap.
Head of table. - Front of the table.
Head Rail - Front side.
Head Spot. - Front tablet.
Head String - Front line of the table.
Hickey - (snooker golf) foul, violation.
Hide - put a mask.
High Run. - The greatest number of points played for one series.
Hold-Up. english - Same as reverse english.
Hook - put a mask.
Hokeed -to be disguised.
Inning -gaming approach.
In hand - The same as Cueball In Hand.
In Hand Behind The Head String - The same as Cueball in Hand Behind the Head String.
In-off. - Fall of the ball into the lyuza. See also scratch.
Inside English. - Inner screw. See also Check Side
Insurance Ball - Ball for the safety net. See also Key Ball, Break Ball.
In the rack - ("Stretch Pool") a ball that prevents the installation of the pyramid.
Jaw. - Luba's lip.
Jawed Ball - The ball that clogged between the lips did not fall into the lyuza.
JOINT -shake collapsible cue.
Jump Shot. - Crosok.
Jumped Ball - Jumping ball.
Key Ball - Key balloon. See also Insurance Ball, Break Ball.
Kick Shot. - Abrikol.
Kill Shot. - The same as Dead Ball Shot
Kiss. - collision between the balls. Kombol. See also Kiss Shot
Kiss Shot. - Punch cannon.
Kiss-out. - Unwanted collision of balls, which led to the Promach.
Kitchen. - Jarnitic name of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.
Lag. - A blow in which the bertot is reflected from three and more sides before touching the aiming balls.
Lag for Break - Initial impact draw.
Leve. - The location of the balls after the player impact.
Legal Object Ball - Another ball.
Long. - The term that is usually used in relation to the ball (Long Ball) to show that its traveled path is elongated due to the running screw.
Long String - Bowlings line.
Loop Bridge. - Closed emphasis.
Losing Hazard - Fall of the ball into the layout after contact with the sighting ball. Executive blow ("Saddy") in English billiards.
Lot -lot.
Manufacture. - Naigry.
Masse Shot. - Mass.
Match - Match, Seth.
Mechanical Bridge. - machine.
Miscue - Kix.
Miss. - Promach.
Miss. - The situation in the snooker, in which, according to the judge, the player deliberately missed the next ball. At the same time, the judge declares foul.
Natural - A blow that is just presenting, to calculate and execute.
Natural English. - Natural running screw. Nearby screw, which compensates for the speed loss and narrowing the angle of reflection of the turnout after contact with the board.
Natural Roll - Natural combination of a ball.
Nip Draw. - Short sharp blow to the delay. Such a technique is used to avoid re-contacting a tite with a sticker of Kiya, and as a result of the foul (in a situation with the close-up bitch and aiming ball.)
Nurses -cut.
Object Ball - Aiming ball.
On Ball - The same as Ball ON.
Open Break - Open broken pyramid.
Opening Break Shot. - Initial blow.
Open Bridge. - Open emphasis.
Open Table - ("Eight") Open Table.
Outside English. - External screw.
PEAS. - Small balls, numbered from 1 to 15 or 16. Used in some games.
Pills. - The same as PEAS.
Plant. - Position of two or more red balls, allowing you to perform a combination strike.
Pocket. - Luza. Burn the sighting ball into the lyuza.
Position - Exit, make a way out.
Pot. - Screw the sighting bowl of the lyuza.
Powder. - Talc or soft chalk.
Power Draw Shot. - The same as Force Draw.
Push Shot. - Propy.
Push-out. - ("Nine") clarify.
Pyramid -pyramid of balls.
Pyramid Spot. - A mark on which a vertex ball of the pyramid is placed.
Race. - Match, Seth.
Rack - Pyramid. Pyramid.
Rail -handrail.
Rail Shot. - The same as Bank Shot
Red Ball - Aiming ball.
Rest. - machine.
Reverse english - Reverse screw.
Round Robin. - The conditions for holding the tournament, in which each participant plays with each one once.
Running English - Running screw.
Running Side - Running screw.
RUN. - series.
Run-Out. - Last (victory) game approach, series.
Safety -wartsy.
Scratch. - Earn a point for Fuchs.
Scratch. - Fall of the ball into the lyuza.
Screw. - Exhaust.
Seeding -placing players in predetermined places of the tournament grid - sowing, sowing.
SET. - Match, Seth.
Shaft. - Shaft.
Short - The term that is usually used in relation to the ball (Short ball) to show that its traveled path is shortening due to the reverse screw.
Short-Rack - generalizing the name of games in which an incomplete pyramid is used (nine, a dozen, etc.)
Shot - Punch.
Shot Making ability - masonry.
Side - Screw, sidewall.
Single elimination - Conditions for the tournament, in which the participant drops out after one defeat (Olympic system).
Skid Shot. - Slider
Snooker - Mask.
Snooked - To be disguised with other balls (in relation to the bit).
Speed. - The size of the strike.
Split Hit. - A blow at which it is impossible to determine which of the two balls the bertok touched first.
Spot. - Mark.
Spot -fora, Handicap.
Spot ball. - One of the benches marked with a black point.
Spot Shot. - Punch with a hand from the house by the sighting ball located at the rear mark (see the explanatory scheme). In the pool, such a blow is considered to be medium in difficulty and adopted for a certain point of reference.
Spotting Balls. - Place the balls.
Stalemated Game. - Patch position.
Stance - Game rack.
Stop Sot. - Stop. Punch with a stop shock.
Straight Rail Billiads. - The game is a straight cannon.
Striker. - Punch player.
Stroke. - Punch.
Stun Shot. - A blow to a small cutting, in which the bertok after contact with the aiming ball is slightly shifted by the tangent line.
Successive Fouls. - Several consecutive fouls.
Table in Position - The situation when the position of the aiming balls does not change during the strike.
Tester -technically complex blow.
Three Cushion. - three-billion carombole.
Throw - garbage of the sighting ball.
Throw shot - Punch with a thrust ball gambling.
Time Shot. - Strike with dynamic naples.
Top Cushion. - Rear board.
TPA.- The value inverse the number of errors made by the player.
Triangle - Triangle.
V-Bridge. - The same as Open Bridge.
Weight - Game level (jargon).
Wrap. - China's winding of Kiya.

Abrikol - Bitcho hit first about the board, and then into the sighting ball.

Bill - A series of shocks, each of which ends with the right ballorancy balls.

Boktok - A ball for which you punish kiw during the game.

Diamond - One of the eighteen pearl marks, are on the wooden part of the sides on the Luzny Billiard (see diamond system).

Diamond system - A scientifically based billiard system, providing for practical use on sides of diamonds that help draw up a clear chart of shocks with the calculation of a certain path of the balls.

Vbs. - World Billiard Union. Founded in 1959, the five billiards of Confederations (Europe, Asia, America, Africa and the Middle East) unites.

It is seen or not visible Shara - When the point of sight is visible or is not visible.

Screw - a decentned blow by a bit, in which the rotational movement also receives the rotational movement along with the progressive.

Running ball - The ball stopped after the completion of the ular outside the game surface of the table.

Output - Punch, as a result of which, after a scored sighting ball, the bertok comes under another sighting ball so that it can be easily played.

House - Part of the table surface of the table between the front line and the front side.

Doublet - A blow at which the sighting ball first hits the board, and then falls into the lyuza.

Rear line - The line passing through the rear mark parallel to the short board.

Order - The requirement for the playing to declare to strike a blowing ball and a layout, in which he intends to play it.

Custom Luza - Announced in the order of the Luce, in which the playing intends to put a sighting ball.

Customer - Announced in the order a specific sighting ball, which playing intends to play in the registered layout.

Game with hands from home - A blow, in which the bertok can be placed anywhere in the area "House".

Gaming table table - covered with a cloth flat surface of the table between elastic sides.

Cannon - A blow, in which the bertok, touching one sighting ball, hits another.

Kiy. - Billiard belonging, designed to strike a bit.

Kix - Unsuccessful blow with slipping stickers of Kiya on the surface of the beater.

Klapshtos. - A blow, in which the bertok after collision with a sighting ball remains in place.

Celebrate - The decisive party between partners who have the same number of participants won. Abbreviatedly called context, or contra.

Counterclaim - Return hit by the bit reflected from the side or other balls of the sighting ball.

Crois - A variety of dupelet, in which the sighting ball, reflected from the side, crosses the line of the traffic path.

Mace - The subject of the billiard inventory. Masik is hit instead of cue in a bit.

Smear - A position at which the ball or balls are blocked by the goal, where it is desirable to get a bit.

Machine - Billiard belonging used as a support for KIA when applying a remote bit.

a piece of chalk - Dry abrasive substance used for rubbing stickers of Kiya in order to prevent the kick.

Dead ball - When the ball stands in the lips of the Luba and the slightest push on it so that he fell. About such a ball say also that he hangs over the husk.

Row - Strike above the center of the Titka, as a result of which the bertok after collision with a sighting ball continues movement in the same direction.

Sticker - glued to the end of the front part of the circle of specially treated skin, which directly contacts the bit when performing beats.

Beginning of the game - In fact, the beginning of the game is considered to be the moment when the center of the Titke will pass a line that limits the "house" (the so-called line "House").

Start and end of impact - The beginning of the strike is considered any touch of playing to any ball on the billiards, and the end of the shock is becoming the moment of removal from the billiard table, cue, cars and the cessation of the movement of the balls.

Exterior - Punch below the center of the beak, as a result of which the bertok after colliding with the sighting ball rolled back.

From the ball - A blow, in which the sighting ball or the bertot falls into the lyuza, touching another ball.

Fighting - Positioning Ular, minimizing the opponent's chances for a subsequent result.

Partico ball - The ball, the correct softness of which brings victory in the party.

Front line - The line passing through the front mark parallel to the short side.

Front mark - Point on the longitudinal line of the table, equidistant from the central mark and front side.

Pyramid - The initial placement of the aiming balls in the form of an equilateral triangle with a vertex at the rear mark.

Press (partner) - The tactics of playing the game, at which the playing tries to press the ball to the board and thereby make it difficult to fulfill the work of the partner, forcing it to systematically play from a difficult position, as a result of which it "comes off from strike" and "loses the masonry".

Aimicious ball - Any ball on the table, except the beaten.

Longitudinal line - Line passing through the central mark parallel to the long board.

Cut - Bitcho is very thin, to the edge of the sighting ball. Hence the expression: "cut" - when the playable ball is taken under a sharper corner to the receiving pool, and "unnecessary" - when the ball is taken under a stupid angle.

Results - A properly performed blow, accompanied by a fall of a bowl in a glass and giving the right to continue the series in the table.

Raffle - The procedure for determining the participant entering the game first.

Rocambolol - Ricake in several sides.

Series (Cya) - The sequence of the effective blows of one of the participants.

Triangle - Billiard belonging used for the initial placement of the pyramid balls.

Triplet - Reflection of a ball from two sides.

Truba - Reflection of a ball from three sides.

Ace - The ball marked with the "I" (then 11 points when playing the "pyramid").

Hospital bar (tournament) - Fat part of Kiya.

Tush - Touching the ball on the table with a hand, hand, typewriter, etc.

Punch on cutting - A blow, in which the point of collision is shifted relative to the line of the centers of the Tight and the sighting ball, as a result of which the sighting ball gets to the left or right.

Elastic board - covered with cloth rubber, fixed on the inside of wooden sides. Elastic board form an external perimeter of the game surface of the table.

Fora - Dacha with one player to another forward set number of balls, glasses, shocks, etc.

Fuchs - The ball, fallen unexpectedly, unforeseen.

Central line - The line passing through the central mark in parallel to the short board.

Central mark - Point located in the center of the table surface of the table.

Russian billiards

  • Small Russian pyramid - Fundamental game in Russian billiards. 16 balls: 15 numbered + berton. The sum of all numbers marked on the balls is 120. 10 is added to the 1 1 ball number and 10 is also added to the last ball. Thus, the total amount of points is 140. The goal of the game is to dial 71 points. If the player scored 70 points ("own"), even in the case of the last ball, his partner in the party records a draw.
  • Large Russian Pyramid - The difference in changing the score of the points. 10 points are added to the balls "2, 3, 4, 5".
  • Moscow Pyramid - 15 balls + bertok. Boktok can be played like their own. The goal is to score 8 balls.
  • American - 16 balls, any ball you can beat any ball. The goal of the game is to score 8 balls.
  • Pyramid account balls - The party is considered not for glasses, but by the number of balls made.
  • Pyramid with colored balls - 5 color balls, 4 red (40 points), one yellow (50 points) are added.
  • Pyramid-Podcast - One of the partners - "Podcatch" - has two strikes in a row.
  • Pyramid without touching - One of the partners has no right to concern Bitcho on the side. Be sure to give a phora.
  • Screw - The numbers on the balls change their value depending on the number of the glued in a row of the balls and various combined shocks, which are the ball. In addition, there are additional glasses for the "crowns" - balls with certain numbers located on the shelf from each partner and for a certain number of laid balls.
  • Screw with colored balls - 7 non-ferrous: four red (30 points), yellow (60 points), green (120 points) and black (240 points).
  • "A La Guerre" - Two balls: red and white, unlimited to-in players; The first number as a result of the draw is trying to put one of two balls closer to the opposite short board to make it difficult to play the next player who puts the second ball into the house and has the right to play the Bowl of the predecessor; If your ball has been played, you get a "cross" - a definable number of crosses means disposal from the game.
  • Aleager with a check ball - The third ball is added, the essence of which is in the "lubing of their own".
  • Alarge American. - Whatever ball fell - counts; Play any ball as convenient.
  • Arctic - the game is invented by polar explorers; Identical to Alagera except that each of the participants has its own, for the definable number, the ball, and compete with both individual players and teams.
  • Boton. or bank - Another analog of Alaeger: the holding "Batifon" plays one against everyone alternately. It can give the following types of: "dense", "slip", "on yourself", "anyone", "mixed".
  • Game from sides - Analog Alaeger: A simple plug is installed on the midpoint, the goal of the game is from the side or side of the "strangers" to knock the plug.
  • Five balls - 60 points (Russian Party) - Two white, two red, one yellow. The goal of the game is 60 points. The glasses are accrued depending on the pool, where the ball got. There is a system of fines.
  • Five balls with carambols - Analogue five balls - 60 points: Points are accrued if the boiled ball is put on cannon according to the "cannon table".
  • Officer party in 5 balls
  • Polish party in 5 balls
  • Kaise (Five balls with cannons in Finnish) - five balls: two scores (2 points), two red (3 points), one yellow (cake, 6 points). For victory you need to dial 60 points. Points are accrued according to the "cannon table".
  • Batch in two balls - Two players, two balls; The goal is to put an opponent's balloon in one of the badge without order.


  • Straight pool - For each played ordered ball, one point is awarded. The one who first scores a pre-agreed total number of points. If, along with the other balls ordered in the Luba, then they are all counted in favor of playing.
  • Tröhskaya party Kenon - Two Bounds (partner - 2 points, your own from red - 3 points, from the part of a partner - 2 points), one red (3 points). The game is being done up to 50 or 100 points. (in English terminology often occurs under the name of English Billiards)
  • Pool-8.
  • Pool-9.
  • 14+1
  • In one Luzu.
  • Pool-10.
  • Straight pool to one line
  • "Meeting engagement"

French Billiards

  • French Trothes Party Carambol - Two beats, one red. Playing on a chanceless table. Karambol - its beater touches red, and then the part of the partner. One cannon is one point. As a rule, they play up to 20 points.
  • Open party
  • 4 balls - The four-stroke version of the classic carambol, common in Asia.
  • Frame 47/1.
  • Frame 74/2.
  • Cannon
  • Carameter from three sides

Abrikol - See a blow from the side.

Depreciation of return - An integral part of the shock-fly movement. Depreciation allows you to soften the blow, prevent the premature gap from the sticker under the action of peak drums. It provides a steady direction of overclocking and accompaniment of the beaker, as well as the smoothness and integrity of the entire shock-fly movement.

Aramit - Modern composite material for billiard balls. The aramite balls have now received the greatest distribution in all species of billiard games.

Beam (Snooker) - space front side and beam line.

Running screw - the type of sidework (see also reverse screw). It is used primarily to expand the angle of reflection of the turn from the side when performing outputs, waged and shocks from the side.

Billiard chalk - Special abrasive substance, compressed in the form of a standard size cube and used for navigation stickers in order to increase its friction on the surface of the string when applied. The winting makes it possible to increase the duration of the contact of the cue with the bit, give the tape to the twist and prevent KIKS when performing a strike to the portion removed from the center.

Billiard glove - One of the billiard accessories intended to facilitate the slip of the Kiya trek in hand (a wretched stream). It is made, as a rule, from silk or synthetic fibers and is put on large, index and middle fingers. Currently gets more and more distribution among masters and lovers.

Boktok - a non-measured ball, which strikes the sticker of the Kiya during the game. In the pool, the barrel and cannon uses the white bokol. In Russian billiards, the bertot may be dark red or yellow or have a special markup.

Nearby balls - Position, when the bertok and the sighting ball will take apart from each other, not exceeding the size of the standard billiard shallow (or otherwise specified by the rules). When you hit the nearby target ball, special rules apply. At the same time, the wrong blow to nearby balls in Russian billiards is considered as a prophythm, and in the pool - like a double blow.

Outset - Decentrated punch with a side twist. It is used primarily for the purpose of expanding or narrowing the angles of reflection of the turn from the side. For the extension of the angles, the sidewall with a running screw is used, for narrowing - the sidewall with a reverse screw. The sidewall refers to the number of main technical techniques of control and control of the palate. It is used when performing a variety of outputs, playing, shocks from the side, as well as when playing a bullet in a glass in the "Moscow Pyramid" and in American.

Side promotion - Acquisition by a palate, brushed at an angle to board, side twist due to friction on the onboard cloth. This effect is laid in any diamond system.

Side effect - The effect of narrowing the angle of reflection of the ball from the side with an increase in the strength of the blow. It is explained by the fact that with a deeper "grounding" of the ball, the effect of quenching the longitudinal component of the speed due to friction on the onboard cloth, while transverse changes the direction to the opposite, almost without changing the value. The onboard effect must be considered when performing doublet. When hitting the side, the bit occasionally compensate for the side twist, the so-called running screw.

Diamond system - The method of calculating shocks from the sides with the help of special marks into the handrails - "diamonds". It is widely used in a three-billion carambole, as well as in the pool when a straight blow is impossible for the next (legal) ball. The diamond system is constructed only on moderately weak natural combustion of the beaten, providing natural angles of reflection from the side. With an increase in the blow strength begins to affect the onboard effect. For its compensation use running screw.

Screwing betket - One of the techniques of playing the bullet in the Luzu (see Running Screw).

Top Pyramid - Front ball of the pyramid located at the rear mark.

Wolf (Rus.) - Tokol with an extremely strong side rotation hit him around the vertical axis and a relatively slow progressive movement towards the Luba. The top is the result of a combination of a strong side twist of the TIT path with a strong windshield of the string and aiming ball. It is used mainly when plays a contamination in the "Moscow Pyramid", and above all in cases where the position allows you to start the top along the side into the angular lyuza. Starting a wolf in a given direction - technical reception of the highest category of complexity, mastering which is best under the guidance of an experimental mentor. (Some billiards in the specified narrow sense use the term "screw", but in practice it is attached to another, more general meaning.)

Running ball - The ball, which turned out to be completed outside the gaming surface of the table and a glass.

Establishment - Specially specifically specified in the rules of each specific game procedure for returning to the game surface of the table of jumped and incorrectly scored sighting balls.

Output - The productive position when the berton, sending one sighting ball into the layout, goes to a position, convenient for the shooting in the lyuza of the following. The output is the most effective way to play game. He plays a key role in the pool, snooker and in the "American", where the success is not crabmed with the balls, but the series.

Lip - The beveled part of the elastic board, located in the location of the Luba.

Double punch - Forbidden hit, in which the sticker of Kiya touches the tight twice. The most often double blow occurs when playing the closely sighting ball.

Decentized strike - Kij's kick away from the center of the ball - above, below, to the left, right, etc. The decentned strike is applied to giving the twist tape.

Bringing to the side (Pool) - Requirement for any impact that is not accompanied by a drop in a nuzu aiming ball, bring to the side of any ball after colliding (first touch) of the Titka with the next (legal) aiming ball.

House - Part of the table surface of the table between the front line and the front side.

Kiya Tree - Front of Kiya, to which a sticker is attached. In the team Kie - part of the cue from stickers to the screw connection.

Doublet - A blow at which a sighting ball first hits one of the sides, and then falls into the lyuza. Duplet should not be confused with a blow from the side.

Natural rolling - The movement of the ball on the game surface of the table without slippage. Rolling bertok combines translational movement with natural upper rotation (see Natural Ranat). With natural rolling, the speed of the point of contact with the cloth is zero, therefore the linear (peripheral) rotation speed is exactly equal to the speed of the translational movement. Natural combustion provides the so-called natural rolling angles when performing a blow on cutting, as well as the natural angles of reflection from the sides, subject to the compensation for the onboard effect. The translational movement of any sliding ball (see slip) ultimately goes into natural exchanging to a complete stop. Natural exchanging should be distinguished from the glide of the ball with the preservation of the attached top rotation (see the sliding rolling).

Natural rolling - type variation (see Natural, Natural Compact).

Hard stop

Hard shot - A blow with bad depreciation of the return, almost unaccompanied by Titka. The hard punch does not provide controlled force, nor given accuracy, nor the transmit to the specified rotation bit. The stiffness of the strike is primarily associated with excessive compression of cius and the voltage of the wedge joint.

Scored ball - See the ball played.

Completion of the strike - Stop on the game surface of the table of all sent in motion, including rotating on the spot, balls.

Challenge - The ball, stopped after completing the blow in the leaf of the lobe in the position of an unstable equilibrium.

Rear line - The line passing through the rear mark parallel to the short board.

Rear mark - point on the longitudinal line, equidistant from the central mark and the rear side.

Order - Requirement for playing to declare to strike a blowing ball and a lane in which it will be played. There are a strict order (for example, when playing in the "Russian pyramid"), which must be announced before each, even the easiest and obvious blow to the Loupe, and the gentleman's order (for example, when playing in the G8), when obvious to the judge and rival The balls can not be ordered, however, the judge or rival is entitled to the blow to clarify the order.

Custom Luza - Announced in the order of Luza, in which the playing intends to score aiming ball.

Customer - Antensely announced aiming ball that playing is going to put into the ordered lyuza.

Closed emphasis - One of the variants of a wretcher. It is usually used in cases where it is necessary to strike with a strong twist.

Game with hands (Pool) - Bitching strike from any place on the game surface of the table after violating the rival of the rules of the game.

Game with hands from home - Bitching strike from any place in the house. The rules for performing this impact in the pool and Russian billiards are different.

Game with hands from sector (Snooker) - Bitcho strikes from anywhere in the sector, including its border, on any other ball.

Gaming table table - covered with a cloth flat surface of the billiard table between elastic sides.

Game stand - The position of the housing, legs and hands of the player when performing a strike.

Gaming approach - Entry into the game of one of the opponents.

Cannon - 1) a kind of fraudless billiards; 2) A blow, in which the bertok, touching one sighting ball, hits another. In the same name of the challenzable billiards, Karambol is a resulting blow that gives the right to continue its series. In many nice billiard games, the cannon is widely used as a tactical reception (see, for example, a shotgling). A special role is played by the cannon when playing in the "nine", when the Boktok sends a nine to the lyuza, touched upon the next sighting ball. When performing caramboles, use a wide variety of battal management methods.

Kiy. - Billiard belonging used to strike a bit. Each class of billiard games corresponds to its own, well-defined type of need for proper size and weight. There are poles for pool, snooker, Russian billiards, etc.

Kix - Unsuccessful blow with slipping stickers of Kiya on the surface of the beater. To prevent the kick, the sticker of Kiya should be thoroughly divided by a special billiard chalk. This is especially important when performing decentned shocks with making a twist bit.

Kistetic escort - accompanying the movement of the brush when twisting a string.

Kytec emphasis - Staging a hand that supports and guide the silence when performing a strike.

Masonry - The ability of the player to apply the resultant aimed blows on the pool. Masonry is the most important technical element of any husk game. However, it becomes a formidable weapon only in combination with the control of the ball and the experience of the positional game. By itself, even a good laying is not always brings success in a serious fight. A beginner player that makes a bet only on the laying, as a rule, loses a more experienced positional player.

Cluster (Pool) - a cluster of two or more balls, when none of them is played in a lyuza. The presence of clusters has a decisive effect on the tactics and the course of the game in the "eight" (see a shot).

Combination strike - A blow, in which the sighting ball falls into the layout after colliding the turn with another sighting ball.

Counterclaim - Repeated collision of the ball with a sighting ball. Especially often occurs in the case when the sighting ball is located near the side. The possibility of counterclash should always be remembered when preparing another strike.

Control bit - The ability to stop the bertok at a specified point of the game surface of the table after completing the hit. Along with technical techniques, the palate control is the basis of the foundation game bases. Control of the bit is needed when performing any positional impact, be it output or wage. But the creature is the one who controls the berton controls the whole game. This should constantly remember the novice billiardist. To control the score, a wide arsenal of technical techniques is used, but the most important thing is the ability to control the force and, accordingly, the size of the impact.

Control of the sighting ball - skill stop the sighting ball at a specified point of the game surface of the table. Along with the control of the Titke, the control of the aiming ball is necessary when performing most positional shocks. It is especially important at the paddle, picking, formulation of mask and guard. The rules of the wage of many billiard games ("American", "Eight", "Nine", etc.) require in some cases bringing the sighting ball to the side. The control of the aiming ball is based on the correct cutting and the ability to adjust the strength of the strike taking into account the roller.

Legal ball - See the next ball.

Line beam (Snooker) - straight, parallel to the front side and the length of the table from it on 1/5.

Pogs return line (Pool) - part of the longitudinal line of the table from the posterior mark to the rear side, which spacked the rushing balloons.

Line at home - See Front Line.

Aiming line - Straight line connecting the center of the torque with a point of aiming. The steady direction of the movement of KIA strictly along the aiming line is the key to the accuracy of the impact.

Slip line - Direct, passing through a target point, parallel to the tangent to the point of collision.

Window collision - Watching a ball with a sighting ball with a frontal impact when aiming point coincides with the center of the sighting ball. In front of the front statement, all the energy of the progressive movement is transmitted to the sighting ball. However, the rotation energy remained at the time mainly persists. The winding collision plays a crucial role in the implementation of a number of technical techniques (rolling, stop, delay, top, etc.).

Front shock - Bitcho on the sighting ball is not on cutting ("in the forehead"). The frontal blow should not be confused with a direct impact.

Mask - Position, when one or several sighting balls interfere with the straight blow to a specific sighting ball with preservation of the straightness of the trajectory of the traffic path. Mask production is one of the common ways to maintain a positional game in almost all varieties of billiards, but its role is especially great in the pool and snooker, when the next (legal) balloon or balls mask. The ability to put a mask and get out of the mask need to any serious player.

Most - A special category of strikes by bit tilted or vertically raised kiw. These strikes are French origin and borrowed from cannon. It is characterized by an extremely strong horizontally oriented rotation with a long-term slip with a relatively small proportion of the progressive movement. Essentially, this is a horizontal top. In bullet, mass is often used to exit the mask. At the same time, a strong, but soft decentrated blow at an angle of about 70 degrees with an extremely strong side twist is applied by bit. When hitting the right half of the ball, the bertot under the action of the drum force at first sharply deviates forward and left, and then due to strong rotation with the slip goes to the right, turning the masking balloon or balls. When performing the mass it is especially important to ensure reliable contact stickers with a palate and a steady direction of the movement of Kiya. The possibility of using mass largely depends on the quality of the billiard table and, above all, the cloth. Not every billiard table allows you to perform the mass and, moreover, check the trajectory of the motion of the beak. To find out this question is necessary before the game. The mass belongs to the impact of the highest category of complexity, and it is practically recommended to master it under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Machine - Billiard belonging used as a support for cius when applying a remote bit.

Soft kick - Blow with good impairment of return. Only on a soft, well-depreciated impact, you can provide a steady direction of acceleration and accompaniment, that is, the accuracy of the impact. The softness of the impact is ensured by the ease of the harsh of KIA and the relaxation of the auspic joint (wrist) in proportion to the strength of the blow.

Soft stop - Variety of Stop Titka.

Naigesh - A kind of positional impact, as a result of which one or several sighting balls move to a more convenient for playing a playing position in terms of the further development of the party. Naigrysh is one of the main methods of conducting a positional game. It is widely used in almost all billiard games. The naigersh can be combined as with an effective impact on the pool (see a shot), which allows you to continue your series at the table in a more advantageous position, and with the wound. When performing the naigry, the control of both the beaten and the sighting ball is important.

Row - A blow, in which the bertok after collision with a sighting ball retains the residual top rotation. Along with the stop and delay, the roll is one of the main technical techniques of control and control of the palate. It is used in a wide variety of game situations. Depending on the nature of the collision, the natural and sliding rolls should be distinguished. With the natural circuit, the scoundrels up to collision retains natural combination. With the natural frontal branch, the beater continues to combustion in the same direction with almost no delay. When performing a blow on cutting, such a rolling provides the so-called natural corners of rolling. Natural gas is technically simple, and beginners often build the whole game on this blow.

With a slide of the tone, down to collision saves a slide with the upper rotation (attacked or acquired by the promotion. Unlike the natural sliding rolling, it allows the most different combination of the energy of the progressive and rotational motion. You can, say, perform a strong frontal blow with a slight rolling Titka Forward. With a sliding frontal circuit, with the preservation of a strong top rotation, the berton first stones on the spot, and then vigorously rolled forward. As cutting increments increases, the circle is reflected from the sighting ball on a clearly pronounced convex arc, which is often used when the "American" is often used when plays "Moscow Pyramid". A strong sliding rink especially with a large distance from the sighting ball represents a technically much more complex blow. It is used in the pool and sneakers when performing complex outputs, when the bertok, sending a sight ball in a glass, rolled forward, reflecting, as a rule , from two and more Her sides.

Sticker Kiya - a piece of specially treated leather, which is glued to the end of the treated skin, which is directly in contact with the bit when performing a strike. Currently, stickers along with other accessories are issued by many specialized firms. The diameter of the sticker varies within 11 - 14 mm depending on the type of cue and the species of the game.

Start hitting - The moment of contact with the stickers of Kiya with a bit.

Initial strike - Specially specified by the rules procedure for introducing a BAT into the game (see the rules of specific games).

Wrong breakdown (Pool) - a violation of special requirements relating only to the implementation of the initial strike (breaking) in specific identical billiard games, providing for a fall in a layer of one or bringing the agreed number of balls.

Reverse screw - the type of sidework (see also running screw). It is used primarily to narrow the angle of reflection of the beaten from the board when performing outputs, waged and shocks from the side. At the same time, the side rotation gives the side rotation in this direction so that he, by friction on the onboard, it obtained the braking, "counter" pulse, quenching the longitudinal component of speed. The counter impulse is the greater, the stronger the rotation and friction about the board. Accordingly, the same angle of reflection.

NOTE. The angle of reflection, as well as for the mirror, is counted from the perpendicular. Therefore, the angle between the direction of motion of the reflected bit and the board becomes, on the contrary, is wider. A strong reverse screw can not only be reduced, but also change the angle of reflection of the turn from the side to the opposite sign (hence its name). The reverse screw is widely used in Russian billiards when plays a turn at an angle to the pool when the bertot before falling inevitably hits one of the sponges. In the overwhelming majority of cases, for screwing into a glass, due to the running screw, the intermediate collision of the tight shaft shall happen with a reverse screw. It is to this gaming solution that most real positions leads. In any case, after impact, the beater retains the affected direction of lateral rotation. Friction between the balls can only slow down it.

The peculiar features of the return screw are due to a small inhibitory counter impulse towards the point of collision. Friction between the balls is relatively small, therefore the effects listed below appear to a much lesser extent than onboard, but they must be considered when performing many blows: 1) the reverse screw narrows the angle of rolling with a natural and sliding circuit; 2) the reverse screw reduces the length of the residual slip and increases the arc steepness with sliding blows; 3) The reverse screw narrows the rollback angle when the delay is performed. When performing outputs and wage, it is necessary to take into account that the reverse screw reduces the size of the strike.

Stop (BUT) - one of the main technical techniques of control of the bertka (see also a flat kick). When it is properly executed, the bertot stops immediately after the frontal collision with the sighting ball. To stop, it is necessary that the collision is flat, that is, the berton to the moment of collision maintained only a sliding translational movement without upper, lower or lateral rotation. It should be distinguished by a rigid and soft stop. With a rigid stop, a strong blow is applied slightly below the center of the beaker almost without the bottom twist in the calculation of the fact that due to the strength of the strike force, the bertot will not have time to unleash the sliding translational movement to the collision. In Russian billiards, a rigid stop is usually used with a strong direct strike into an angular lyuza.

When performing a soft stop by the bit, almost the same blow is applied as with a delay (with a lower twist). The strength of the strike, however, is calculated in such a way that due to the friction about the boktok, the lower twist has lost its lower twist at the time of collision with the sighting ball, not earlier and no later. As a rule, professional players prefer a soft stop by a blow at the bottom of the bottom. It is also called stopping on the slider, as it is preceded by a strong braking of the ball. A special kind of stop is to stop on the swing.

Along with the rollover and delay, the stop is one of the main technical elements of any billiard game. It is used both at exit and when playing, when it is necessary to put the battle on the place of the sighting ball.

Stopping on the rental - Stop the Bound on a quiet natural frontal dutch, when all the translational movement is transferred to the sighting ball, and the rotation remaining at the contraction is quenched by friction between the balls. Being the easiest way to stop the berth, is often used in a practical game.

Residual slide - Slide beaten after colliding with a sighting ball when performing a sliding blow on a cutting. The residual slip always occurs in the direction of the slip line, that is, in the direction of tangent to the point of collision. With a flat blow, the bertok continues straight movement strictly along the slip line. With a sliding circuit, the bertot retains the right-to-top rotation at an angle to the sliding line. As a result of the side slip, the trajectory is twisted and the bertok moves along a convex arc. Due to the friction about the cloth, the movement inevitably goes into natural rolling forward - rental. The mechanism of the curvature of the trajectory with a delay the same. Due to the combination of residual slip with the residual lower rotation, the bertot is moving first along a concave arc, after which the movement moves into a natural rolling back.

Return - The opposite influence of the Titka at cue when performing a strike in full accordance with the third Newton law. In relation to the billiard game, it can be formulated as follows: the power of the influence of Kiya on the bertok is equal to the effect of exposure to the circuit at cue. When performing a strong, but hard impact, returns in cue is transmitted tightly compressing his hand. From this twitching elbow, shoulder. As a result, the accuracy suffers.

Range - Natural exchanging beaten back by residual lower rotation after colliding with a sight ball when performing a delay. The controlled rollback is a necessary condition for the exit and witch (see also the angle of rollback).

Open breaking (Pool) - a special requirement relating only to the initial strike (breaking) and providing compulsory contacting at least four sighting balls or a drop in at least one in the Luza.

Open table ("Eight") - the initial stage of the game in the "eight", when groups of balls (solid or striped) are not selected. With the open table, there are special rules (see the rules of games).

Outside - The easiest and most common way to produce hands. Used primarily in cases where it is necessary to strike without a strong twist, as well as when applied to remote balls.

Exterior - A blow in which the bertok after collision with a sighting ball retains the residual lower rotation. Along with the rolling and stopping, the delay is one of the main technical techniques of control and control of the palate. When performing a delay, it is important to prevent the premature promotion of the string. With a strong frontal delay, the berton first sinks on the spot, and then vigorously rolls back. As cutting increments increase, the bertot is reflected from the sighting ball on a clearly pronounced concave arc. The delay is widely used when performing a variety of outputs and playing, as well as when plays a turn in the "Moscow Pyramid", less often - in "American".

Fighting - A positional blow, minimizing the chances of the opponent for a subsequent result. Fighting may be passive (forced) and active. Active wagery, as a rule, combine with other tactical techniques, for example, the challenge or formulation of the mask. In this case, use various technical techniques of control of the ball and the sighting ball. The rules of the wage in various billiard games differ significantly. For example, when playing in the G8 can be from tactical considerations, declaring the wage to strike, score the obvious target ball and transfer the opponent's blow. The point, however, is the same - to leave the opponent with a position unfavorable for him.

Position assessment - the most important element of the positional game. It provides for the adoption of a particular gaming solution, taking into account the position of all the balls on the game table surface. Evaluating the position, you must first of all determine where you should stop ("Put") the bertok after completing the impact (see Circuit Control).

Another ball (Pool, Snooker) - aiming ball with which the first collision (touch) of the Titka should take place in accordance with the rules of the game. The specified sense also uses a more general term - a legal bowl, for example, a ball of its group when playing in the G8.

Partico ball ("Russian Pyramid") - aiming ball, the correct playing of which he brings victory in the party.

Patch position ("Eight", "Russian Pyramid") - a position when applying any blow to each opponent leads to an inevitable defeat in the party (see the rules of the Games).

Front line - The line passing through the front mark parallel to the short side. The front line is not part of the house. If the center of the ball is accurately located on the front line, it is believed that it is outside the house.

Front mark - Point on the longitudinal line of the table, equidistant from the central mark and front side.

Crosok (Pool) - a blow, in which the bertot is removed from the gaming surface of the table and jumps through the masking target ball. Used in the bullet to exit the mask. The method of performing the correct jumps is specified by the rules. The main requirement is to strike a raised kiwa in the upper half of the ball. Croskok is based on spring elastic effect. Having received an impact pulse on top, and on the bottom almost the same impulse from the plate, the berton is compressed and bounces like a ball. The jump, as a rule, is carried out by a special lightweight kiim and a completely relaxed brush with such a calculation so that under the action of the power of the return of Ki, immediately bounced back, without being repeated with the bolt bitch. Naturally, this is a very complex technical technique that needs to be specifically developed.

Pyramid - The initial placement of the aiming balls in the form of an equilateral triangle with a top at the rear mark used in many nose billiard games.

Flat collision - collision of the Titke with a fixed sighting ball in case the bertok by the time of collision retains only a sliding translational movement without top, lower or lateral rotation. Flat winding collision leads to a bus stop. With a flat collision on a cutting (flat impact), the circuit and aiming ball divergent at an angle of 90 degrees (see the flat collision rule).

Flat strike - Sliding (as a rule, a strong) blow, when executing which the bertok by the time of collision maintains only a sliding translational movement. Flat punch provides a flat collision of a ball with a sighting ball. It occupies an intermediate (neutral) position between rolling and delay. The concept of a flat impact is essentially a generalization of the impact concept with stopping a circuit for the case of a cut on the cutting. From the point of view of the technique of hitting the battery, the stop and a flat blow are performed completely equally. Like a stop, a flat blow may be tough and soft. With a flat impact there is a flat collision rule. It is used in the case when it is necessary to reflect the bertok from the sighting ball in a straight path (without an arc) towards the point of collision. Such a need often occurs in Russian billiards when plays a tite in a glass or when applying a strong targeted strike on playing with the staging of the beate on board, etc. In the pool, a strong flat punch is used, in particular, when clustering (breaking) clusters, as well as in cases where you need to play aiming ball and prevent a fall into a bullet.

Head - A kind of naigry, when the bertok, sending a sight ball in a glass, brings one or more sighting balls in such a way that they occupied positions are more convenient to continue the series. This blow can also be viewed as a special case of cannon. The shot is very often used in the pool, snooker and "an American". When playing in the "eight", it is used to destroy clusters. It is especially great to its role in the game "14. 1 with a continuation", since only a carambower to be a shot from the fourteenth bowl of the new pyramid of fourteen balls allows you to continue your series. Both essentially, the entire party is based on this blow.

Twist - giving the rotation bit in the specified direction. At giving a bit, along with the progressive movement of various twists, it is essentially all the control and control and control technique. Drill has two sides. On the one hand, you need to be able to give the bit to the specified rotation. On the other hand, it is necessary to maintain it up to collision with a sighting ball or side. In the Luzny Billiard, most of the blows are performed by a horizontally oriented KiM. At the same time, a decentrated strike is applied - above, lower, to the left or relevant center of the ball. Upper tweak is used for rolling, lower - for stopping and deception, side - for sidewalls. However, these fundamental technical techniques of their application are not limited. Shots raised kihe belong to the mass category. They are inherent in special effects and trajectories of the traffic. When transmitting the twisting bit, the correct hemispherical shape of the sticker and its good friction with the surface of the string, as well as the softness of the impact and the smoothness of the accompaniment. A special role is played by embankments.

Posted game - A combination of tactical techniques (positional strikes), designed to ease the game and make it difficult to play the opponent. The positional game is built in such a way as to secure the continuation of the game in a more advantageous (simple) position and, on the contrary, transfer the blow to the opponent in a disadvantageous (complex) position. In this sense, billiards are most similar to chess. The idea of \u200b\u200ban active positional strategy is to build such positions that do not give an opponent with satisfactory to recoup and force it or violate the rules, or put the battle in such a position where it is convenient to start your series of efficient blows. Opportunities for a positional game in various billiard games are far from the same. Accordingly, the set of tactical techniques used is different. However, the main thing in any positional game is an assessment of the position and control of the contraction.

Posy - Tactical reception, the purpose of which is to improve the position in their favor. Excellent positional strikes (for example, output, shift) allow you to continue your series in a more advantageous position. Positioning strikes that are not accompanied by a drop in a bowl of a bowl (for example, wagery, naigry, mask), are designed to pass the opponent's blow to a more profitable position and less profitable position for him.

Slider - Sliding blow using the braking effect of the lower twist. The slider is usually used when hitting the remote target ball when it is necessary to reduce the speed of the bit to the time of collision. Refers to the category of complex technical techniques from the arsenal of professional masters.

Full stop - stopping all the movement of the ball, including lateral rotation in place.

Staging for the Gup - A position when the lip of the Lubbe does not allow you to make a straight punch by Tuck: in Russian billiards - on any sighting ball, in the pool and snooker - for the next (legal) ball.

Consecutive violations (Pool) - Violations of the rules committed by the same player when performing a first strike in consecutive gaming approaches. The rules of some Pulov Games, in particular "nines", allow no more than three consecutive disorders.

Handrail - uncovered with a cloth upper side.

Rule of flat collision - a rule according to which with a flat collision on the cutting (when the circuit at the time of collision with a fixed sighting ball retains only a sliding translational movement without rotation) the circuit and the target ball after collision diverges at an angle of 90 degrees (see the discrepancy angle), while the sighting ball Moves on normal, and the bertok - by tangential to the point of collision.

Aim - procedure for determining the point of collision, point

Chapter IX. Dictionary of Billiards Terminology

Abrikol - Bitcho Punch first about the board, and then to the sighting ball.

Boktok is the same as "his" ball; A ball that is hit by other balls.

The diamond is one of the seventeen pearlescent labels on the wooden part of the side on the Luzny Billiard.

The diamond system is a scientifically based billiard system, providing for practical use on the sides of the "diamonds", which help to make a clear chart of shocks.

Screw - a blow at which the tick is attached or a sighting ball.

The output is a resulting blow, as a result of which the berton, sending one target ball into the lyuza, goes to a position, convenient for the reflection in the lyuza of the following. Exit is one of the most effective ways of doing the game.

The house is a place on billiards for an initial strike, limited by sides and a chalk line passing through the first point of the billiard parallel to a short board.

Duplet - a blow, in which a sighting ball hit the board, reflected from him and fell into a glass.

Natural combination is the movement of the ball on the game surface of the table without slipping. Rolling round combines translational motion with natural upper rotation. With natural rolling, the speed of the point of contact with the cloth is zero, therefore the linear (peripheral) rotation speed is exactly equal to the speed of the translational movement.

Playing "from the hands" - play from any place at home, putting on this place the ball with hands. Used in cases established by the rules.

The frontal blow - the punch of the bitch on the sighting ball is not on the cutting. The frontal blow should not be confused with a direct impact.

Mask - a position at which one or several sighting balls prevent a blow to a specific ball. Mask production is one of the common ways to maintain a positional game in almost all varieties of billiards.

The machine is a subject of inventory that serves as a stand for KIA when applying some shots. It helps play balls that are not to get in the usual way.

Catrhr is a reflection of the ball from four sides.

Kix is \u200b\u200ban unsuccessful kick in a bit when the sticker clenches from the ball. There is a "misfire".

Claspshtos - a torn, short blow, as a result of which the bertok, hitting the sighting ball will remain on the place of contact with him.

The house line is straight, spent through the front mark parallel to the front side.

Range - a blow, in which the bertok after colliding with a sighting ball retains the residual top rotation and continues to move forward after the sighting ball. Along with the stop and delay, it is one of the main technical techniques of control and control of the palate. The punch is made in the upper part of the ball (see Fig. 86).

Extinguishing - a blow, in which the bertok after collision with a sighting ball retains the residual lower rotation. Along with the roll - this is one of the main technical techniques in billiards. With a strong frontal delay, the berton first sinks on the spot, and then vigorously rolls back. As cutting increments increase, the bertot is reflected from the sighting ball on a clearly pronounced concave arc. The delay is widely used when performing a variety of outputs and wage.

The slider is a sliding blow using the braking the effect of the lower twist. When executing the slider, a "deep" blow to the bottom of the beater is applied. The slider usually applies when you hit the remote target ball when it is necessary to reduce the speed of the bit to the time of collision with the sighting ball. Refers to the category of complex technical techniques from the arsenal of professional masters.

Full stop - the cessation of all the movement of the ball, including side rotation in place.

Staging for the "luban" - a position when the "luba" of the Lubbe does not allow to produce a straight blow to the bitch: in Russian billiards - on any sighting ball, in the pool and snooker - for the next (legal) ball.

Stopping impact - the development of sustainable motor skills to properly perform shock-fly movement.

Consistent disorders (pool) - violations of the rules committed by the same player when performing a first strike in consecutive gaming approaches. The rules of some Pulov Games, in particular "nines", allow no more than three consecutive disorders.

The handrail is not covered with a cloth upper part of the board.

The sight is the procedure for determining the point of aiming and aiming line (see the chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution").

Aimicious ball - any ball on the game surface of the table, except the beaten.

Slobsovka - a type of sliding motion of the bits on the clutch (see Slip). Compared with the equilibrium natural rolling, the toncite has overhaul. In an effort to an equilibrium state, it acquires translational movement due to friction on the cloth. In this sense, the slip is a diametrical opposite of promotion. Along with the promotion, the phenomenon of the slip lies at the base of all without the exclusion of technical tape control techniques. It should be distinguished by primary and secondary, as well as longitudinal and transverse slip. The primary slip occurs until collision with the sighting ball, and the secondary - after. Longitudinal - in the direction of the progressive traffic, and transverse - across this direction. Primary longitudinal slip is observed with a batch, secondary - with any frontal risk and frontal delay. The primary transverse slip is observed when the mass is performed, the secondary - when performing the roll and deceleration on the cutting. Unlike the longitudinal, the transverse slip is twisted by the trajectory of the traffic path.

Rental (Russian billiards) - Playing a beatel in a lane by a quiet and moderate natural rigging on cutting in Polshar and thicker. Rentally, as a rule, combined with a running or reverse screw (depending on the position).

Rolling is a natural combustion of the tite forward due to the residual upper rotation after impacting with the sighting ball when performing the roll. Controlled rolling is a prerequisite for the exit and witch.

Propimes - a forbidden blow, in which the time of contact is overly tightened with a palate sticker with a bit. Until now, there is no single interpretation of prophych. In the Pulet, the prophythius is treated as a push, in which the accompaniment of the ball is delayed disproportionately shock-fly movement of the hand. In Russian billiards, propimes are interpreted as tightening the contact of the sticker of a cue with a bit to its collision with a sighting ball. The sneaker rules allow both the other interpretation (see the chapter "Rules of Russian Pyramid Games").

A straight blow (on the pool) - aimed frontal blow toward the pool when the berton, aiming ball and the center of the Luba are located on one straight line.

A straight blow (on the ball) is a direct hit of the contour in a sighting ball in a straight trajectory without prior to sides and other sighting balls.

Pool is the appearance of a nose billiard. A combination of billiard games on the Pulov Table. The sports punch includes the "eight", "nine" and "direct pool".

Acceleration is the initial stage of the shock-fly movement (see chapter "Basic blows on billiards and their execution").

The size of the strike is the path passed by the column until the stop. The ability to adjust strength and, accordingly, the size of the strike underlies the control of the TIT.

Roll - the ability of the billiard table (game surface, cloth and sides) to maintain a progressive movement.

The promotion is the purchase of associated top rotation by bitch due to friction about the cloth (see also slip, natural combination, slip). The friction seeks to translate a non-equilibrium slip into an equilibrium natural combination. The promotion occurs in the event that the balance is shifted towards the translational movement. In the process of promotion, the Boktok "sacrifices" in progressive and "gets" the missing passing rotational movement. Eliminating the implementation of the natural russum, the promotion greatly complicates the delay, especially with a large distance between the balls. Before temporarily promotion, the colt to collision with a targeted ball leads to the fact that instead of the frontal deceit it turns out a stop, instead of stopping the rolling and even the rolls instead of deception. For her compensation, the bit, first, give an additional lower twist and, secondly, they apply a stronger blow to the fact that the berton before the collision will not have time to unleash. And the more the target ball goes, the lower and (or) it should be stronger to hit the bit (see the chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution"). At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the promotion can be useful. Masters often use it when performing a controlled ross.

Cutting - shifting point of aiming away from the center of the sighting ball (see chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution"). Proper cutting - the basis of good laying. At the same time, on what cutting the target ball is played, the possibility of using those or the possibility of using certain technical and tactical techniques.

Cutting in Polshar - Cutting, in which the point of aiming is shifted to Polchara away from the center of the sighting ball.

Raffle - the procedure for determining the participant entering the game first (see Chapter "Rules of Russian Pyramid Games").

Russian billiards - a variety of Luzny billiards. A combination of husk billiard games in a Russian billiard table with large balls and strict luses. The sports Russian billiards includes: "Russian Pyramid", "Moscow Pyramid" and "American" ("Free Pyramid"). Recently, the term "Pyramid" is used as a synonym for the Russian billiards as a synonym for Russian billiards.

Prefabricated cue, consisting of several (typically two) parts, bonded with a screw connection.

The series is a sequence of the effective blows of the same player in the same approach.

The impact strength is the prolonged energy and pulse of movement. Upon other things being equal (the same bertok, the same cue, the same technique of shock-flying movement) The impact force is determined by the final speed of overclocking to the time the stickers with the palate. From the strength of the blow largely depends on the trajectory of the motion of the tight after collision with the sighting ball or side. The force determines the size of the strike, which is based on the implementation of many blows with the output (see the chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution").

Skat - Playing a Bound in a Luza quiet and moderate natural rolling on cutting in Polshar and thinner (see also hire). In the latter case, the phrase is used thin scat. Unlike beginners, the masters use the "thin scat" extremely rare, preferring to play with a reverse screw.

Slide is a progressive movement of a string with a slid point of the bottom point according to the game surface of the table (that is, the speed of the point of contact is not equal to zero). In contrast to natural rolling, a natural equilibrium between the translational motion and rotation is disturbed. If the equilibrium is shifted towards the translational movement, the promotion begins, if the rotation is slipping. And in that and in another case, friction about cloth seeks to restore the balance and translate any sliding movement into natural combustion.

Watchman - tight, but skillfully disguised aiming ball, located in the immediate vicinity of the Luba. Staging at the same time, the worshipers and masks are characteristic of many nuclear billiard games and is a very effective technique for conducting a positional game.

The played ball - a ball that fell into a glass as a result of the right blow.

Playing a ball - a blow, in which the bertok after colliding with a sighting ball falls into the lyuz. Unlike the pool, Snuker, as well as the "Russian Pyramid", where the fall in the Luzu Titka is considered as a violation, when playing in the "Moscow Pyramid" and "American" ("Free Pyramid"), the Bottie Playing is an effective blow. In the "Moscow Pyramid", the playing of the ball, as a rule, combine with a wage, when the bertok either falls, or stops at the Luba. It uses the entire arsenal of technical methods of control and control of the palate. Uniform recommendations do not exist on this account. It all depends on the position and mutual location of the balls.

Point of collision - the point of contact with a target ball at the time of collision (see the chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution").

The aiming point is an imaginary position of the center of the beak at the time of collision with a sighting ball.

The triangle is a billiard belonging used to arrange balls in many nose billiard games.

The tournament is a thick part of Kiya (at the collection Kie comes to the screw connection).

The rollback angle is the angle between the aiming line (in the direction from the aiming point back to the center of the ball) and the rolled back direction (see Fig. 89). With a frontal delay, a rollback angle is zero.

The rolling angle is the angle between the aiming line (in the direction from the center beaten forward to the point of aiming) and the rolling direction. Natural angles are characterized by natural corners (see Fig. 89). The largest natural angle of rolling (34 °) is achieved on cutting in Polchara.

The discrepancy angle is the angle between the direction of movement of the aiming ball and the direction of motion of the beaten after collision.

The angle of cutting is the angle between the aiming line (in the direction of the motion of the beaten) and the thrust direction of the sighting ball. With a frontal blow, the cutting angle is zero. On cutting in Polshar - 30 °. On the limit cut - almost 90 ° (see Fig. 89).

Shock (in billiards) - unfortunately, very blurred and multivalued, but deeply rooted and established billiard term, under which hesitates both the collision of Kiya with a bit and the preceding hand movement of the hand, as well as everything that happens as a result of this Gaming table surface. Thus, the exact meaning that is investing in the word "blow" can be revealed only from the context. Here are some major values \u200b\u200bof this term:

1) blow \u003d shock-fly movement;

2) blow \u003d collision of cius with a bit

3) Strike \u003d Collision Tights with aiming ball;

4) Blow \u003d resulting as a result of a collision of a cue with a bit of the movement of the balls on the game surface of the table up to their complete stop, falling into a glass or population population;

5) Blow \u003d Technical reception, such as delay;

6) Strength \u003d tactical reception, for example, wagery.

Shock-fly motion - coordinated in time and space movement of the hand (shoulder, forearm and brushes) when performing a technically correct hit on the bit (see chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution"). Introducing a holistic movement, it, however, consists of three interrelated stages: overclocking, horses and support. At the stage of overclocking, the hand reports to the progressive movement forward, accelerates it to the required speed, gives it the necessary kinetic energy. At the chillet stage, a dispersed cue comes into contact with a fixed bit. The hides ensures the depreciation of the return and the smooth transition from overclocking to the acceleration of the ball (softness of the hit). At the accompaniment stage, there is an acceleration of the bertka to a predetermined speed, giving it a given movement. It is for this that the entire preceding preparation for the blow and the very shock-fly movement in general is reduced.

The blow from the side (sides) is a type of impact, in which the bertok first hits the board, and then into the sighting ball. In the pool and snooker, this blow is mainly used in cases where a direct blow is impossible on the next sighting ball, that is, when the mask is set. When performing a strike from sides, it is recommended to use a diamond system. In Russian billiards, the blow from the side is used when refrigerantly bits in some positions, when it is directly impossible to play, as well as when wagering.

Punch for playing (Russian billiards) is one of the main techniques of the game in Russian billiards, when a player, without being confident as a result of a blow, combines aiming blow to a poisoner with a wage.

In the event of a fall in a ball in a pole, he continues the game, in the case of a mischief, the blow goes to the opponent. At the ware on playing almost entirely a game of the Moscow Pyramid is built. This technique is often used in the "Russian Pyramid", less often - in "American".

Punch with a hand from the "House" - the strike of the beat of the bit from any place in the house on the balls outside the "House" (see chapter "Rules of Russian Pyramid Games").

Bitchom management is a set of technical techniques that allow you to change the trajectory, direction and nature of the motion of the Titke before or after collision with a sighting ball or board.

Foul - violation of the rules of the game, providing for the imposition of a fine. The type of fine is negotiated in special rules for each specific game.

Fuchsovaya Party - a party won only thanks to a happy chance.

Fuchsovy ball - a ball that fell in a glass in an unforeseen. In games providing for the order, all fuchs balls are considered incorrectly played, and the right of impact proceeds to the opponent. In games without order, fuchsum balls are counted, and the player continues its series (see chapter "Basic blows on billiards and their execution").

Grappi is the method of holding a cue in hand when performing a shock-flying movement (see chapter "The main blows on the billiards and their execution").

Chlest is an intermediate step of shock-fly movement (see chapter "Basic blows on billiards and their execution").

The central line is straight, spent through the central mark in parallel with short sides. The central line divides the playing surface of the table into two halves - the front and rear. The central mark is a point located in the center of the game surface of the table. The central kick is a blow to the center of the ball without giving twice. The central blow is strongly recommended at the initial stage of working out the correct sight and shock-fly movement.

The ball is exhibited on a general basis - according to the new international rules, this means that an unfounded or incorrectly scored ball is set to the back of the table. If multiple balls are set, they are set up in an arbitrary order on the balls of the balls from the rear mark to the rear board as close as possible, but not close to each other. If any balls prevent the placement process, the exhibited balls are placed on the line as close as possible to the rear mark, but not close to interfering balls. If the plans are not enough for the balls between the rear mark and the back side, then the balls are set between the rear mark and the center of the table surface as close as possible to the rear mark.

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