Where is the tank. Hunting for the ghost: how we were looking for a heavy "tiger". Description and characteristics of the tank

From this article, you will learn absolutely all about the tank in GTA 5: where to take a tank, how to buy it, steal and save in the garage. Is there a code on the tank in GTA 5? And also all about them in GTA online. Get ready, there will be a lot of text and video!

Sixty tons of fun with 1500 horsepower and 120 mm cannon

Tank Reno, he is "Rhino" - a combat machine in GTA 5. This is the most powerful weapon in the game.

The rhino prototype is the German Tank Leopard 2A4. The tank has a 120-millimeter gun and two on-board machine gun. True, machine guns carry a purely decorative function and cannot be used.

"Rhino" is presented in each of the games of the Grand Theft Auto Series since GTA 3. The only exception is GTA 4: He would be no place to turn on the streets of Liberty City.

Unlike previous games of the series in GTA, 5 tank is not immortal. It can be destroyed (although it is not easy), which brings the game to reality. The tank can be exploded from the three - four shots of another tank, five to six RPG shots, or seven grenades released from the grenade launcher. It can also be eliminated by several sticky bombs. Shots from ordinary small arms are also damaged by "rhino" harm, but very small. In addition, the tank receives significant damage when something explodes next to it, so be careful, driving them, and try not to shoot the car to the emphasis.

The tank has a very good armor in the front, but rather weak behind. If you attack it from there, you can break through the fuel tank, which can immobilize the "rhino".

Tanks patrol the territory in the west of the card.

The tank can be captured as well as any other vehicle. You just need to approach and press the F key. But keep in mind that in the case of the tank you will need a few seconds more than usual. And at this time you will be vulnerable to opponents attacing in you. And wishing to shoot someone who is trying to steal the tank at the military will be enough.

As not regrettable, but the code on the tank in GTA 5 does not exist. Just like on weapons. In the past games of the series, the Panzer code was worked, here you can not try to enter it - it will not work. However, you can use. It is generally more efficient to use it than since it does not affect the passage of the game by 100%. You can undergo plot missions using a tank and save the game.

If you want to get a tank in GTA 5 honest way, read on.

Where to find a tank in GTA 5

The game has two honest ways to take possession of a tank:

  • Buy
  • Save

Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

How to buy a tank in gta 5

Tank can be bought on the site Warstock. Come on the Internet through a mobile phone character, then go to the Transport section, and from there - to the Warstock Cache & Carry website. There you can buy a tank for 3 million dollars. After that, it will appear in the aircraft hangar of your hero.

For Trevor, this is the Sandy Shores airfield, and for Michael and Franklin - their personal hangars at Los Santos airport (if you bought them, of course). Keep in mind that after the purchase there should be 24 hours of internal-game time. If you do not wait to see your newest "rhino", go to the shelter and sleep. When wake up - there should be a message that the tank is delivered to the aircraft hangar.

Important! If you already have a personal plane, then after arrival in the hangar you will see it, and not a tank. Do not hurry to get upset. It is necessary to approach the plane and press the E key to change the vehicle on the tank. In the future, if the tank is destroyed, it will reappear in the hangar.

How to sobat a tank in gta 5

You can earn the tank in several ways. Consider them all starting from the simplest and efficient.

1) to lure the tank from the military base

The best way to take possession of the tank is to put it out with a military base. Thanks to this, you do not have to get the search level of 4 stars, and you can easily save the tank and use it in the future.

So, we choose the Trevor and we combine the Fort Zakukudo from the north on the side of Josiah Mountain (Mount Josiah). You need to take a position on one of the rocky ledges, which is directly opposite the single water tank. If you choose the right place, there will be several more grouped tanks to the right of you. Screenshots Below will help determine the exact location of the place:

Take a sniper rifle and look for a tank behind the base of the base. Shot into it, and you will receive 2 stars of search. Get back a little back so that the arrows from the base could shoot you and wait for the stars until the stars disappear.

At this time, the tank in which you shot, will try to take revenge and leave the base of the base to the right of you. By the time he will arrive, the wanted list should stop. Quietly grab the tank and leave the mountains away. For the seizure of "Rhino" you will give only 2 stars instead of the four, which you would get if you drove into the territory of the base.

See the whole process on the video below:

2) steal tank right from the territory of the base

The second method is more primitive, and it is more difficult to implement it.

Take a quick car and drive up the barrier at the entrance to the military base. Do not rush to rush inside, because you immediately get 4 stars. You need to wait a convenient moment. Watch when a passing tank appears behind the goal. As soon as you see it, put on the gas!

Capturing the tank, try to leave the base as soon as possible and head towards the hangar, where you can save your trophy. Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to make it, because it is almost unrealistic to take away from the helicopters that are practical. But you can put it well, shooting everything alive.

3) steal the tank during the Mission Trevor "slaughter"

Another cool way, assuming the use of secondary plot missions. As you know, this character has a series of "slaughter" missions, in the process of which is required for the limited time to kill the desired number of enemies.

In one of such meat grinders, Trevor attack the military. In the middle of the battle, pick up one of the tanks and finish the mission in it, and then simply transport it to the Sandy Shores airfield. Very simple and elegant.

Tank in GTA online

The tank was made even less durable than in GTA 5. For its destruction, there are two - three shots of RPGs or four sticky bombs. Obviously, this is done with the aim of aligning the balance, depriving the holder of the tank of an explicit advantage in battle.

In GTA online to get the tank in two ways in two ways: to buy and sobat from the military. Purchase will cost a little cheaper than offline - 1.5 million dollars.

And to steal the tank on sale is even easier, because here you can use the ability to remove the stars of search using the bell of the leater.

The first way implies lusion of a tank with a military base. The method is similar to what we were viewed above.

The second method is more sophisticated. For him you will need a cargo helicopter. Take it and flock to the walls of the base, but do not climb inside. Wait until somewhere nearby will stop "Rhino". After that, take a hook using the E key, fly to the database and cling it. You will immediately appear 4 stars, and the warriors will start shooting at you. But this is not a misfortune: Call the leater, and at the same time flies away from the base. Lester will reset the search level, and you get a tank.

The only drawback of these ways to produce a tank in GTA online is that tank will not be able to save. It is possible to use it only in the current session, so we take a place for glory!

Thank you for reading our article, we hope it was helpful.

In GTA 5, as in the other parts of the toy, there are tanks. This article will consider issues regarding where in gta 5 find tankwhy he is needed and what it represents.
Tank in GTA 5 - This is not only a decoration of the game space, it is also one of the most powerful types of weapons in the game. In addition, riding on the tank, you can wanted not only yourself, but also comrades for the game. It should be immediately noted that no codes for the creation of tanks in GTA 5 are simply not, in the game world they can be found in two ways:

  • How to sobat a tank in gta 5

    - The first method is the most cheerful, but at the same time - a sign of failing. So, you need to sobat the transport with the nearby base; Read more, how to sobat tank you can look at the video just below.

  • Purchase Tank in GTA 5

    - The second way is legitimate, but at the same time quite problematic, especially at the first stages of the game. So, the tank in GTA 5 can be bought, but it is previously necessary to purchase the hangar - only then purchased transport will be in it.
  • Bought a tank in GTA 5 where to find it

    I bought Rhino tank and where can I now find it in GTA 5? Answer: Rhino tank (rhino) is delivered to the hangar. Trevor gets to the ownership of the hangar in the desert within the framework of the plot, and Franklin or Michael will be first to buy hangar at Los Santos airport.

    As can be seen, the tank is an important part of the gameplay in GTA, and well, and the way you get it, - treat or buy it - is not so important!

    In GTA 5 game the most powerful ground combat equipment is a tank. Sitting in his armored building, you can safely fight both against criminal gangs and against the military.

    And for game fansGTA 5. surely interesting will be the question of where to get a tank in it.

    Description and characteristics of the tank

    The Tank Model in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) is called Rhino. Externally, it is similar to the Japanese Tank Model Type-90. He was adopted in 1992, and from 2012 - replaced with a more modern and cheap type-10.

    Tank in GTA 5 armed with a cannon and machine gun. Second, unfortunately, only for beauty - it will not work out from the machine gun.

    The only weapon of the tank remains the gun - the thing is powerful. True, in the game it shoots weaker than it should according to real characteristics. But this is enough for solitaryGTA 5, and for GTA 5 Online, to straighten with huge accumulations of opponents.

    Tower in Rhino turns fast enough. The angle of the vertical tip also pleases - the gun can shoot both terrestrial purposes and by air, which fly at a low height (for this, however, you will have to seriously train).

    The engine has a serious tank: accelerate allows speeds of 90 kilometers per hour. Moreover, it is equally quickly rushing both off-road and the city road. By the way, other cars are not a barrier to the obstacle: due to the huge mass, he simply moves them or plunges on the parties.

    IN agenial moment for lovers of large-scale battles: inGTA 5. (on PC and on other platforms) does not give immortality, as it was in the 3rd part of the game. It can well be destroyed, and for this you do not have to collect a huge detachment of military or players. The tank is harmful and grenades, and bombs, and the explosions of cars that are too closeand even a simple rifle weapon.

    The best tactic against such powerful equipment is just to surround the tank with several cars, and explode them. Of course, his power reserve is rather big, andthe player in the tank will endure not one and not two shots, but still destroy this technique really.

    N. there are many additional facts:

      If the tank is controlled by NPC - against the player it will be quite serious weapons. NPC shoot from his gun is not enough.

      At the road to other cars, they explode. It will damage your tank damage.

      Police officers when player hunting will not just fill the tank from pistols and machine guns. They are also cut into it on their cars, from which those exploded and cause damage to the tank.

    Option First - base

    D. you can remain a gaming tank only in one place - on (you can read separately about it).

    Options for mining - two:

      Hail by breaking through the territory of the base with the battle. Option is performed, but complex. You can travel through the automatic gate (on the Western and Eastern part of the base) that will open inGTA 5. (but will not open inOnline).

      Kidnap with a helicopter.

    The second way longer, less interesting (will have to shoot less), but more calm. For this:

      Get to your disposal a transport helicopterCargobob. It is at the same base as the tank. B.frequently ready that the helicopter will quickly open fire and from the ground, and if they do not discharge, they will raise the fighter into the air.

      Take up, we find the first tank.

      We cling the tank on the hook of the helicopter.

    IN ariant Second - Purchase

    P grove and faster getting a tank can be just necessary to buy it.

    Purchase will appear in the hangar. If you play inGTA 5. for the Trevor, you will have hangar in the desert. For Franklin and Michael - hangar will have to buy, and it will be at the airport.

    Are there codes on the tank in GTA 5?

    Unlike GTA 3 and GTA 4, in GTA 5 Rockstar Games codes did not provide. Therefore, those who remember how in the third part of the game tank fell from the sky after dialingGiveusatank - in the fifth part about such an opportunity will have to forget.

    Hijet tank in GTA 5 (video)

    Moon a scarlet village in the north of the Kaluga region. We with Alexey stand in a light greenhouse from polycarbonate. We just brought the Earth's car - for the beds. All this is an earth's car (worth 5000 rubles), greenhouse (another 30,000), and still old "Zhiguli-nine" (15,000) - a simple village electrician bought in one fell swoop and is very pleased with it. He recently touched the deal - sold the Tank of the Second World War. More precisely, not a tank even, but its location. The fighting machine (T-26, in the USSR was adopted in the 1931st) Lesha discovered once in the forest: "I go to the forest every other day, I spend five hours there: behind the rush to ignite the stove, traps for bees pick up. Well, with the metal detector, too, go - in places of battles, where the trenches were before. " The search for places of battles and old settlements has long been for the villagers in a kind of earnings.

    Metal detector costs from 15,000 rubles, paying off pretty quickly. This is what another village resident told me, 69-year-old Oleg from Novosurino (Mozhayskaya Region): "Coins, weapons in good condition, the objects of ancient life - I sell in the Internet collectors, it turns out for thousands of 10-15, given that the salary of I am driving, a dozen, plus a disabled pension, the normal amount is obtained as a whole. " Alexey also found different things in the ground - helmets, Mosina rifles. And then discovered the tank. He stood in the fallen trees and half stood into the ground. "At first I took it for the hill, and a blow to the log. Color, by the way, is not green for a long time, but brown, but everything is very good. Immediately I realized that it could be quite easy to pull out - a number of prospect, for which it is convenient to drive. "

    Information about the fact that the found tanks can be sold, walks around the villages for a long time. I personally heard from several people plans to find an old technique and get rich immediately. Alexei found concrete people who paid money for the point of location of the tank. "I was promised a million if I tell me where it is, but eventually paid only 300000. The type of tank was not in that condition they were calculated. Well, at least so much. "

    The most chassis, according to Andrey, Tanks T-34 and BTR-152

    Business for the sale of old military equipment exists quite successfully - selling cars written off from a warehouse of the Ministry of Defense, and also - exhibits found in the forest. This is what Andrei Koloskov told me, an employee of the Novosibirsk company "Tehmotors", which is engaged in the preparation of such equipment for the sale: "This is quite expensive pleasure for men. Someone travels on a tank or armored personnel carrier for hunting to boast of friends. And the tank in most cases goes to the hunting place is not by its own way - by law you do not have the right to leave on such machines on the roads of general use, so the car in the forest is taken solemnly on the loader. According to Andrei, all the cars they sell are demilitarized - machine guns were removed there, the guns are welded. Before the tank can ride, you need to carry out a huge work: replaced, repair literally all the nodes - so that they work. Even from the stoves of the Ministry of Defense, the technique does not go on the go, these are almost museum exhibits that stood in the decades' hangars. Andrei says: "As for the design, it will never be fully legal tank. And the point is not that it is illegal (a demilitalized tank is the same SUV, tractor), and we have no relevant standards, you can always find over to something. It happens, we make documents as a tractor, but this may also be questions if someone is impatient. " By the way, Andrei tells that there is also foreigners for this kind of equipment: "Recently sold T-34 (this is generally one of the most popular goods) to Germany. As far as I know, the local businessman put him on his site as a monument - I do not know what my thoughts had. "

    The price of the prepared T-34 on the go, according to Andrey, from ten million rubles. If you plan to simply put a combat machine as an ornament and technical filling is not important, such an exhibit will cost 5-7 million. In general, it is not enough to just buy a tank, you need to keep in mind that its content is a huge money. For example, at 100 kilometers of the route for rough terrain, the machine eats diesel fuel to 10-12 thousand rubles. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that no one goes on these distances on these tanks. Andrei says: "Demand is, especially one can see that it has become higher now - when all this military theme turned out to be popular on TV. In a month we sell three or four cars. " Andrei, as working under specific orders (for example, some clients want a tank or an armored personnel carrier of a certain year of release), it is asked to the customer the desired option for the price and quality. "Periodically, we redeem the technique of search engines. But you need to understand that the tank found itself is not yet a product of millions. It needs to be pulled out, put in order, and only then it will have a price. As for your example: 300000 The location of the T-26 is a very good price, probably, some kind of collector bought out. "

    Alexey from the Kaluga Region, by the way, has already landed tomatoes in New Teplice, and now he reads the pupil on the military history of the Kaluga region and looks at old maps. In his plans - find another tank and build a bath.

    In Belarus, there are not many places where you can see the real technique of the Great Patriotic War. Employees of the historical and cultural complex "Stalin Line" are sent to its searches in different parts of the country. The site sat on the tail of the expedition to the Tolochinsky district, where, according to local locations, drowned when crossing the "Tiger".

    The story is maintained in metal, gland, broken fragments, in places it is terrible, according to which you can see how hard the victory was given.

    In Belarus, there are not many places where you can see the real technique of the Great Patriotic War. To recalculate rarities that are stored in museums or installed in memorable places, it is enough for the fingers of one hand.

    Employees of the historical and cultural complex "Stalin Line" are sent to the searches of the Second World War. The exposition already has a legendary thirty highway, no less famous SAU-100 and other cars. But there is no most terrible German "predators" - T-V "Panther" and the T-VI "Tiger", for the chipping of which was given an order and a solid cash prize.

    Separated for metal, integrated on the seeders

    Find any of these "predators" is a big luck, "says Mikhail Bluma, deputy for the development of the historical and cultural complex" Stalin Line ". - Most of the tanks after the war were integrated into metal, some went to the Belarusian metallurgical plant, others were less lucky - finished their lives in the form of rusty seeders on collective farm yards. Moreover, the villagers were applied as follows: often the tank was thrown if he stuck in a swamp or river, and then only the trunk of the gun or part of the tower was erected over the water. All this opened on the metal and melted in the nearest blacksmith. Also, many tanks "died" during demining: Soviet sappers simply collected ammunition around the ammunition, folded them inside the tank and undermined.

    Self-propelled guns of Stugiii Photo: ICC Archive "Stalin Line"

    Fascists believed that they had already won

    On the account of the team of Mikhail Bitz, several raised tanks. Soviet - heavy kV, several medium T-34, light BT-7, German - Middle Tank PZ III and Self-propeller Stug III.

    Large success was raised by the German triple, which was preserved almost entirely untouched. Inside there were personal things of tankers, cards, backup handles, tablets and ... books. Each crew member was made by several publications in agronomy, animal husbandry.

    After all, according to the "Ost" plan, part of the residents of the USSR should have destroyed, and there would be conquerors on their lands.

    Where can I find the tank?

    Wartime tanks in our country have been preserved a bit. Mostly it is "drowns". Bracers in the swamp, lost when crossing or simply drunk in the quagger (so as not to get the enemy) cars. Find a tank rusting in the field or in the forest is almost impossible, and from time to time such a car will suffer seriously.

    There are few people left, who remember the fighting events well, the rejected almost seven dozen years ago. The stories about them are transmitted from the Father to the Son, the details are lost over time, the events are distorted, but among urban legends and stories told by Old-timers, sometimes valuable information come across.

    Check all the information is not possible, and how the experience shows, even in the lists of irrevocable losses of the equipment, many mistakes were allowed in the names of settlements.

    To test the next legend, Mikhail Broom with colleagues and a team of volunteer-divers from the club "Captain Morgan" went to the Tolochinsky district, where, according to local locations, drowned by the real tank, perhaps even "Tiger".

    This car was devoted to the whole material in the Molochinsky newspaper, local old-timers said about it, they even remembered that, being children, dived from guns into the river.

    But specifically, the type of tank opinions diverge. According to Mikhail, the brooms were originally said about the "tigre", but the local military commander said that he was attenner, most likely, "Panther".

    Both versions look quite plausible. Panther, although the average tank is called, but weighs, as a heavy - 45 tons (for comparison: the Soviet heavy tank is-2 weighed 46 tons). This tank was kept only the capital bridges, but the wooden bridge over each other could save before weight. Yes, and broke "Panthers" often - these tanks so until the end of the war and did not get rid of childhood diseases. Therefore, it was often kept by the crews, drove out, drunk in the swamp or treated in the river.

    And "Tigers" in the Tough region were also. In 1944, during the offensive of Soviet troops in Belarus, the 330th Infantry Division of Wehrmacht supported the 505th battalion of heavy tanks. "Tigers" of this battalion participated in battles under Borisov, and several heavy tanks were bent on the territory of the Tolochinsky district. About this in his book "Tankists" wrote another major major general Major Troop Voschenko. The fight with the "tigers" was described in the chapter "Ah, Tolochin you, Tolochin."

    Armed with these knowledge and enlisted by the help of local residents, go to the shore of the river to each other. The road more resembles the bar of obstacles, and all-wheel drive "Niva" feels better on it.

    In the photo: Alexander Bed and Dmitry Ermakov (in the foreground)

    On the bank, the search engine briefing was held by the Military Commissioner of the Tolochinsky District Military Commissariat Dmitry Yermakov:

    Fights in the Druchi area unfolded seriously, in 1941 our parts with battles retreat to the east, a plurality of baked equipment remained on both shores. In 1944, the situation has changed dramatically - the Germans fled this time, and here on the crossing, according to the stories of local residents, the tank fell from the bridge. In winter, fishermen from among the local residents and activists of the Union of officers were interested in the find. To clarify the place of its location, the ice was nicknamed by metal detectors. The contours defined with the help of devices coincided with the gabarites of the tank.

    Getting to the place where the combat vehicle was not easy - the shores of wetlands, and without a rubber boat should not even try. The first few hours of search pass to unsuccessfully: the divers begin to freeze in cold water, and there is no tank. Perhaps the river itself is to blame: every summer changes his bed, it happened this time.

    Search engines make a decision to check out this theory, shift the search area for a dozen meters to the left. Divers, armed with underwater minion dive, dive again into ice water, after a few minutes the minion discrepant notifies the peak about the long-awaited find.

    Something definitely iron is buried under the layer of Slah, it remains only to carry out underwater excavations. To do this, an ordinary Soviet shovel was in the arsenal of divers. After half an hour of hard work it turns out that all efforts were in vain: the long metal pipe is resting at the bottom of the river, which even remotely reminds the tank gun.

    Alexey Yakimenko on the right in camouflage form.

    Perhaps they did not dig there? For help in future searches, we appeal to the chairman of the regional organization of the Belarusian Union of Officers Alexey Yakimenko, who claims that in the winter of this year with fishermen, and found a tank in the winter of this year.

    Information about the tank found in the archives of the local newspaper "Our Talachynshchyna" Mikhail Korolev, in particular, mention of hostilities that turned here in July 1944. Then the main German group was stood at the village of Skurats, the German column T-IV tanks broke out to them. Not far from the search site there was a speed fight, as a result, two German tanks were shot down, and the third stepped back to the crossing with the rest of the column. And if the motorcyclists were able to cross, then under the weight of the tank bridge broke. Perhaps "Four" is there and lies with the crew. Local old-timers said that the baked tanks were separated on scrap metal, and this one remained in the river. In March of this year, 3 or 4 numbers, we decided to find its location. We helped a local resident, whose father in the boys was bought in the river, diving from the gun of this tank. Of course, he showed this place to his son. Indeed, after a few hundred meters, the minion detector worked. Soon, on the travelers, it was possible to ring the outline of the tank. It was in winter, but the friend constantly changes the line, but I'll show you the place.

    Proton magnetometer PPMA-3 helps to detect metal objects.

    This time we are divided into two detachments - one together with Mikhail Queen goes on the boat, the other together with SERGEIM Zakharov's armament specialist walks along the shore.

    In the specified place of the river, the shore is practically overgrown with a shrub, but in the hands of an armament specialist comes to life the minion detector - that's the first finds: a few sleeves from small arms. And good luck - they are German, presumably from "Mauser K98". A few more buttons, Soviet and German. It seems that place!

    Specialist in armament Sergey Zakharov.

    Divers are again preparing for a descent, checking the main gear. All in anticipation of the find, there is already a discussion, how to raise the tank.

    Meanwhile, I find a note on the Internet for the local newspaper about the battles sedes near the village of Round. Then, part of the 3rd Guards Tank Corps of General Vovchenko reflected the attacks of the German tank group (fascists had, including heavy tanks "Tiger"). The fights unfolded just on crossings, and one heavy tank fell into a swamp. Perhaps this is the "tiger" we are looking for.

    Peaceful inhabitants were often confused late, hung with anti-flame screens, tanks T-IV and T-VI "Tiger". But whatever tank is now lying at the bottom of the lake, he has fallen by badge, he still has a well preserved and is a historical value.

    After an hour, the tired divers from the club "Captain Morgan" rose to the shore, according to their gestures, it can be seen that the search was unsuccessful.

    Maybe they were not looking for, "Alexey Yakimenko regrets," the river changes the river every year, but there is definitely tank there.

    Mikhail broom is also upset, but admits that it was ready for such an outcome.

    It often happens that the stories and even documentary information about tanks that allegedly sank are not confirmed. Checking the hundreds of applications, we find one or two tanks. But they are, the war was too long, and battles - cruel, iron, buried during the time of the war in the Belarusian land, we will find many more years.

    Mikhail does not lose hope to find the legendary German tank, because there are documentary information about the missing "tigers" of the Major Levera groups. The last time the tanks were seen under Vitebsky, then all the division with their commander literally lost and never mentioned in the fighting reports. Perhaps these cars are still waiting for them, although it is very difficult, and more like a hunt for ghosts.

    P. S. If you know the place where the technique of war is preserved, write to the address [Email Protected]