Where on a political map. What is a political card? Old School Political-Nostalgic World Map - Old School, Nostalgic Political Map of the World

Political map of the world is a geographical map reflecting the countries of the world, their form of government and government. The political map reflects the main political and geographical changes: the formation of new independent states, the change of their status, the merger and separation of states, loss or the acquisition of sovereignty, the change in the area of \u200b\u200bstates, the replacement of their capitals, the change in the name of states and capitals, the change of the forms of state rule, and so on .

In a broad sense, the political map of the world is not only the state boundaries of countries deposited on the cartographic basis. It carries information about the history of the formation of political systems and states, on the relationship between states in the modern world, about the originality of the regions and countries to their political structure, on the impact of the placement of countries on their political device and economic development.

At the same time, the political map of the world is a historical category, as it reflects all changes in the political device and the boundaries of states that occur as a result of various historical events.

Colorful political map of the world in English

All changes that have arisen on a political map for a long history of its formation are different. Among them are distinguished quantitative and qualitative changes. Quantitative include: joining newly open lands; Territorial acquisitions or losses during wars; association or disintegration of states; concessions or exchange between the countries of land plots. Other changes are high-quality. They conclude in the historical change of social and economic formations; acquiring a country of political sovereignty; introducing new forms of the state device; The formation of interstate political unions, the emergence and disappearance on the planet "hot spots". Often quantitative changes are accompanied by high-quality. The last events in the world show that quantitative shifts on a political map are increasingly inferior to high-quality, and this leads to an understanding that instead of war - the usual means of solving interstate disputes - enters the forefront of dialogues, peaceful settlement of territorial disputes and international conflicts.

Political map of the world before the collapse of the USSR in Russian

Large detailed political map of the world in Russian

Political map of the world of 2012

Political map of the world with real proportions of state squares

Political map of the world in the Ukrainian language

Big political world map

Political map of the world (Russian)

Map of dependent territories of the world

Very large and detailed political map of the world - Very Large and Detailed Political Map of the World

Old School Political-Nostalgic World Map - Old School, Nostalgic Political Map of the World

Political World Map in English - Political World Map English

Political World Map (Relief) - Political World Map (Relief)

Political / Physical Map of World - Political / Physical Map of the World

Political World Map - Political World Map

Political Map of Earth - Political Map of The Earth

Political World Map in Russian - Political World Map

Political World Map - Political World Map

Political World Map - Political World Map

According to experts, in the near future, the political map of the world will undergo large changes. The trends towards an increase in the number of states on the basis of ethnic principles is preserved. At the same time, state boundaries that do not correspond to the nations living within their limits will lose their meaning. On the other hand, international political unions will play an even more important role.

Political map.the geographical map of the globe, the mainland or region, which reflects the territorial-political division. The main elements of the content of the card are the boundaries of states and dependent territories, the capital, major cities, sometimes on the political map are displayed ways of communication, the boundaries of autonomous formations in the composition of states with the federal device, the capital and centers of the units of administrative and territorial division.

In the modern world there are more 250 countries. They are diverse in place in the international division of labor and in international relations, in terms of economic development, in terms of territory, in terms of population, according to its ethnic and national compositions, on geographical position and in many other indicators. 193 states are members of the United Nations (as of 01.01.2018) and 2 observer states: Holy See (Vatican) and Palestine State.

The diversity of the countries of the modern world.

The countries of the world are grouped by different signs. For example, stand out sovereign, independent countries (about 193 out of 250) and dependent Countries and territories. Dependent countries and territories can wear different names: possessions - term " colony"Not used since 1971 (there are very few of them), overseas departments and territories, self-governing territories. So, Gibraltar is the ownership of Great Britain; Island Reunion. In the Indian Ocean, country Guiana in South America - Overseas Departments of France; Island country Puerto Rico Announced "freely joined the United States by the state."

Grouping countries in terms of territory:

  • very large countries(territory of more than 3 million square meters): Russia (17.1 million sq. Cm), Canada (10 million sq. Cm) China (9.6 million sq. Cm), USA (9.4 million sq. Mc), Brazil (8.5 million sq. Cm), Australia (7.7 million sq. Km) India (3.3 million sq. Km);
  • large countries(have an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1 million km2): Algeria, Libya, Iran, Mongolia, Argentina, etc.;
  • middleand small countries: These include most of the worlds of the world - Italy, Vietnam, Germany, etc.
  • micro-state: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican. It also applies to Singapore and the island states of the Caribbean and Oceania.

In population population 10 largest countries in the world : China (1318 million people); India (1132 million people); USA (302 million people); Indonesia (232 million people); Brazil (189 million people); Pakistan (169 million people); Bangladesh (149 million people); Nigeria (144 million people); Russia (142 million people); Japan (128 million people). The population of countries is constantly changing, so this "big ten" also changes. Most countries of the world refer to the average population states (less than 100 million people): Iran, Ethiopia, Germany, etc. The smallest of the country's population is a micro-state. In the Vatican, for example, 1 thousand people live.

State system, the form of the Board and the administrative-territorial device of the countries of the world.

World countries also differ in forms of Board and in forms of the territorial-state device.

Allocate two mains forms of Board: republic where the legislature usually belongs to Parliament, and the Executive - Government (USA, Germany), and monarchy where the power belongs to the monarch and is inherited (Brunei, United Kingdom).

Most countries of the world have a republican form of government. The presidential republics allocate, where the president heads the government and has great powers (USA, Guinea, Argentina, etc.), and the Parliamentary republic, where the role of the president is less, and the head of the executive authority is the Prime Minister appointed by the president. Monarchies are currently numbered 29 .

Among the monarchies allocate constitutional and absolute. For constitutional monarchy the power of the monarch is limited by the Constitution and the activities of the Parliament: the real legislative power is usually belonging to the parliament, and the executive - to the government. The monarch at the same time "reigns, but not rules," although his political influence is quite large. These monarchies include the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, etc.

For absolute monarchy the power of the ruler is not limited. States with such a form of government are now in the world only six: Brunei, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Vatican.

Especially allocate so-called theocratic monarchies , i.e. countries where the head of state is simultaneously its religious chapter (Vatican and Saudi Arabia).

There are countries that have a specific form of government. These include states included in the so-called Commonwealth (Until 1947, it was called the "British Commonwealth of Nations"). Commonwealth - Association of countries in which the United Kingdom and many of its former colonies, dominions and dependent territories (total 50 states). Initially, Great Britain was created to preserve its economic and military-political positions in previously owned territories and countries. IN 16 countries of the Commonwealth of the head of state formally considered british Queen. The largest of them includes Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In them, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor-General, and the legislature is parliament.

By Forms of state device distinguish unitary and federated countries.

IN unitary the state exists a single constitution, a single executive and legislative power, and administrative-territorial units are endowed with minor powers and are subject to directly by the Central Government (France, Hungary).

IN federal the state, along with uniform laws and authorities, there are other state entities - republics, states, provinces, etc., in which their own laws are being taken, there are their authorities, that is, the Federation members have a certain political and economic independence. But their activities should not contradict federal laws (India, Russia, USA). Most countries of the world are unitary, federal states in the world are now numb by a little more than 20. The federal form of the state is characteristic of both multinational (Pakistan, Russia) of countries and countries with a relatively homogeneous national population (Germany).

Abstract lesson "Modern political map of the world".

Most of us regularly watch news on TV or Internet. Before those who do not look, they, one way or another, reach relatives, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. In my opinion, know what is happening in the world current time is really important. And now, once again, including the news channel, we hear many information about such major countries as Russia, America, China. Few people think about and remembers that there are much more countries in the world, how to find out about something or other information about them? A political card helps me!

What is a political card

If we speak in a simple language - this is a map of the Earth in the geographical form, on which the entire list of countries existing in the world at the moment time is indicated. To speak broader concepts, it can be said that this is a card in a physical or electronic version, which indicates all the most relevant information about the political position of all countries of the world. Today, in the modern version of this source of knowledge, I counted 236 territories and states. Here is a list of what important data about them can be found on a political map:

  • The collapse of the country to various territories.
  • Merge several different states.
  • Changes in the names of countries.
  • Forms of government and government devices.
  • Change territories.
  • Changing capitals.

As you see from the list above, this tool is really important for understanding the various global political processes. It displays a large number of important information, and since this is an official source - it can not be doubtedly in quality and accuracy.

The importance of political knowledge

You may ask if I am not a professional politician, why should I know all this? How will this help me in my life? What am I with all the confidence will give you an answer. The global and local political situation affects the life of absolutely every person without exception. Knowing about certain events in another major state, you can assume that it will be with the course of your national currency and conclude whether it is worth buying an apartment at the moment or later. You can also calculate what currency at the moment you better keep your savings or take a loan. Sometimes, as a last resort, realizing that the economic situation in your country will be in a deplorable state, you can make an operational decision and immigrate to another state in time.

The geographical map of the world is a survey relief map of the earth's surface. A coordinate grid is applied on the geographical map of the world. On the geographical map of the world, individual states and countries are not displayed to summarize and simplify the surface relief of the surface above the sea level (the darker color is the higher the surface). The geographical map of the world clearly and concisely shows information about the main continents, seas and oceans and allows you to quickly create an image of the relief of the whole world. Look at the world's geographic maps online in Russian:

Detailed geographic map of the world in Russian:

Geographic world map close-up in Russian - Opens in a new window to full screen. On the geographical map of the world in large resolution, all continents with names are shown: Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Australia.

The geographical map of the Earth shows the location of the oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. A large geographic map of the world allows you to see, bays, deserts, plains and. The geographical map of the world is a map of the globe and looks like a map of the mainland, seas and oceans. The geographical map of the world can be downloaded for free in good quality.

Geographic map of the world in Russian Language format:

The geographical map of the world with coordinates of latitude and longitude, indicating the currents of the world's oceans close-ups:

Geographic world map in Russian Large Format Opens in a new window to full screen. The geographical map of the high-resolution world shows a world map in good quality large in Russian with parallels and meridians, with the oceans and seas, with latomy and longitude, with seas and oceans. On the geographic map of the world showing the plains, mountains and rivers, mainland and continents of the globe. If you increase the geographical map of the world, you can see a separate geographical map of each continent.

Contour map of the world

In school lessons in school often requires contour map of the world:

The contour geographic map of the world opens in a new window to full screen.

What to see on the geographic map of the world:

First of all, the mountains and plains marked with different colors (the darker color - the above the mountain) are thrown into the geographical world map. The highest mountains on the geographic map are indicated by the height of the vertex above sea level. The largest rivers on the map are called. On the geographical map of the world indicate the largest cities. On this map immediately seen where the oceans, the sea, islands and lakes are located.

Continents and continents: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica. The biggest mainland is Eurasia.

Oceans of the world: The world has four oceans - quiet, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian. The largest ocean in the world - Pacific Ocean.

The largest seas in the world descending area: The largest sea in the world - Sargasso Sea, then go Filipino Sea, Coral Sea, Arabian Sea, South China Sea, Tasmanovo Sea, Sea Fiji, Sea Weddell, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Beringovo Sea, Bengal Bay, Okhotsk Sea, Mexican Bay, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Sea of \u200b\u200bSkins, Goodzons Bay, Greenland Sea, Sea Somov, Sea Risser-Larsen, Japanese Sea, Arafur Sea, East Siberian Sea.

The biggest islands in the world descending area: The biggest island in the world - GreenlandIslands go: New Guinea, Kalimantan, Madagascar, Baphinova Earth, Sumatra, United Kingdom, Honshu, Victoria, Elsmir, Sulawesi, South Island (New Zealand), Java, North Island (New Zealand), Luzon, Newfoundland, Cuba, Iceland, Mindanao, Ireland, Hokkaido, Haiti, Sakhalin, Banks, Sri Lanka.

The longest rivers of the world: The largest river in the world - Amazon, After her rivers: Nile, Mississippi - Missouri - Jefferson, Yangtze, Huanghe, Ob - Irtysh, Yenisei - Angara - Selenga - IDER, Lena - Vitim, Amur - Arguan - Muddy dock - Cerulent, Congo - Lualaba - Luvua - Lupul - Chambashi, Mekong, Mackenzie - Slashing - Piss - Finley, Niger, La Plata - Parana - Rio Grande, Volga - Kama.

The highest mountains with a height of more than 8 km: The biggest mountain in the world - JomolungmaThe mountains are slightly lowering: Chochori, Kanchenjang, Lhotz, Makal, Cho-Oyu, Dhawlagiri, Manaslo, Nangarbat, Annapurna I, Gasherbruum I, Broad Peak, Gasherbrum II and Shishabangm.

The biggest lakes on continents: in Africa Lake Victoria, in Antarctica, the East Lake, in Asia - Soler Caspian Sea and Fresh Lake Baikal, in Australia Lake Air, in Europe - Soler Caspian Sea and Fresh Ladoga Lake, in North America - Michigan Huron Lake, in South America - Maracaibo Salter Lake and Fresh Lake Titicaca. The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.