Games for girls. Games for girls online funny tests for girls

What made modern girls made from? From fashion, outfits, good, sweets, knowledge, rainbow, fun, mind. Many constituent lures in the young female soul, and all of them reflect games for girls! Having gathered to relax at the computer, the lady of all ages will easily find entertainment in our category.

More young ladies willingly get involved in coloring, drawing, puzzles, logic games in which they will help their favorite animated and fabulous characters. Older girls will also not be bored. They work for them the best fashion stores and beauty salons, in which the usual schoolgirl will easily become a real princess, and the game characters will be converted to be unrecognizable.

Also for girls the best games are plots with dates, love, romance of gentle relationship. In this category, let's wait for the most beautiful boys, princes and celebrities. With them you can solve tests, go to parties, koking and relax.

In our world of games there are best fashionists and beauties, known for all girls without exception. This is a schoolgirl Monster High, Winx air fairies, Disney princess and other stylish, spectacular and charming ladies. Play with them is a pleasure.

For anyone who spoke about the gender equality, the difference between them is noticeable from childhood. Girls, often, more obedient, calm, dreamy, with them it is easier to agree, and sometimes even make something to do. With boys, such focuses rarely pass - most stubbornly defends their point of view to the end, without agreeing to concessions and not going on compromises. And the guys, usually, much conflict and sharper in judgment.

It is not surprising that they like different entertainment. Games for girls - Oda tenderness, care and care. Games for boys are eternal warmen and fights. The age of gamers has great importance. For example, gamers of 3 and 13 years will differ fundamentally from each other. In this regard, we perfectly embarrassed the brains and made up their graduation of the best flash toys for girls, which will help cute crumbs and their parents to decide on the choice. So let's go ...

From three to six

At this age, young young ladies are distinguished by increased impressionability and love for pink color. But freely handle the keyboard at first almost do not know how. So the one mouse to manage it will be quite enough. With it, you can play all the games for girls from the series about the baby Hazel, as well as in the dress up of charming magic pony from Equestria. In entertainment with Hazel on the screen, tips appear regularly in the form of pictures and arrows, for which you need to click on time, performing the necessary action. Thus, you can bathe and feed the main character, drive it for walks and in kindergarten, help mess around in the garden and ride a swing. As for the pony, it is even easier with them: it's enough to hook a bow like a bow or outfit and just drag it to a horse for fitting.

It is also worth paying attention to the corresponding age-mentioned games for girls in the form of virtual puzzles (usually emerging no more than 8 fragments) and simple coloring. The latter consist of several cute black and white pictures with large details, brush cursors and bright paints palettes. You need to move the brush-cursor first to the color you like, click on it with the mouse, and then move the picture to the fragment, which you want to paint. Comfortable bonus: the last move can be canceled. So if the color for the picture was selected unsuccessfully, it can be easily "erased" using all the same mouse.

In the same section, we attributed games for girls, free offering meetings with your favorite kids cartoon characters: Smeshariki, four-lunctric, Masha and Bear, Fixy. With them together, it is very fun to know the world, get acquainted with the basics of natural sciences, solve simple examples and conduct all sorts of experiments.

From six to nine

At this age, excellent sex still keeps interest in pony, but mainly to those games where they turn into pretty teenage girls, as well as to ferakers on fabulous Equestria, in which there are simultaneous orders for the princess of selestics. We are also interested in the young wearing young ladies, but now they are much more fun to dress the heroine about one of the age. For example, the Four of the Charming Friends Bratz - Jasmine, Jade, Chloe and Sasha, students of the Monsters School Monster High or their rivers from another fabulous educational institution - Ever After Hai.

It is also possible to participate in the fascinating adventures of the heroes of famous cartoons. For example, Elza and Anna from the "Cold Heart", funny minions from the "ugly me", Dr. Plusheva from history with the same name, Gelble twins and Dipper Pines from "Graat Falls" and many others. Puzzles and coloring in this category of toys are also available, but much more complicated than for kids from the previous group.

We advise you to pay attention to the selection of funny toys "in the doctor". In them, the kids will have to try on an impeccable white robe and make a very strange healer: the extraction of a snowman from the brain Princess Anna, the reception of childbirth at the twilight sparkle, sealing of the teeth with minions, the sewing of the paws of plush toys and other, equally important medical tasks.

In all of the listed games for girls, you can play as much as you like, the infinite number of times changing the appearance of characters, patient's patient, or passing exciting quests for fabulous castles and dungeons.

From nine to thirteen

What is worth, for example, a series of exciting adventures in the company Winx's magicians. In each game, the heroine of the sensational Italian animated series is bravely fighting with enemies, fearlessly come into battle with the powerful forces of evil, to the right and to the left are applied magic, and sometimes they even attend a parallel dimension. In the interruptions between the exploits, they manage to attend school (and well to learn, by the way), guts and even run on a date. In all this whirlpool, you can take the most direct participation by starting to play fascinating games for girls with Fairy Winx.

By the way, dress ups in the category for the elders are also available - where without them, we are talking about girls. But now your "experimental" will become adult girls who can not only change clothes for a hundred times, but also to make them different hairstyles, apply makeup, hold spa treatments and so on. And it will also be possible to make fun on the appearance of famous persons: Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, actors of the popular TV series "Twilight".

Separate attention deserves a selection of comic tests and horoscopes. They offer girls, responding to some (small) number of questions, learn about the hidden features of their character, guys who are perfectly suitable, a future profession and other interesting things.

At the same time pay attention to the toys simulators, free of charge for girls on our website. For example, medical offering gamers to take part in the operations on the heart, the brain of patients, its limbs and in the oral cavity. Graphic design of such entertainment is amazing realism: on the screen in front of you it turns out a set of all kinds of drugs and tools that look just like real. To deal with and when to use, prompts will help, from time to time spent by the sister-assistant present in each operating room. Without her help, it would be unthinkable without her assistance, but with her - any player is quite forces.

Simulators of romantic rendezvous - also cool online games for girls, offering Young Gamers to go on a date (let him also virtual) with a guy her dreams. In addition, that in them, you will break the brain in search of the right outfit, at the very meeting there will be a passionate kisses. But it will be necessary to do it so that no one noticed anything, and the excretion of the delight on the screen was filled to failure. By the way, such toys usually have time limitations, so that there will be quickly, decisively, but ... cautious.

We listed only the most popular and most numerous categories of online entertainment for girls who can be found on the Internet and, of course, on our website. In fact, there are much more of them. So rather complement the lessons and sit down to play - the online world world has already been waited.

Modern young lady does not think their lives without a computer. Here he is the secret of why games for girls have become so relevant and popular. All sorts of adventures in the company of the winged fairies and the princesses, visiting the boutiques and beauty salons, the manifestation of care for the neighbor and the ability to cocorate, - here they are suggestions that can carry the girls and deliver them a lot of pleasure. Hurry to find yourself in the world of magic with your pets, choose the most interesting for yourself. Purchase a lot of useful skills and invaluable experience in the process.

Among numerous proposals that are able to captivate girls of all ages, a lot of interesting things. There are games about the care of kids or animals, together with your favorite characters, girls can learn to be tasty, stylishly dress, pick up accessories, engage in landscaping their own cozy nest and learn more of a lot of useful and necessary.

Without difficulty, you can find the lesson to the babes, who yesterday they themselves were more like dolls. To play such amateurs will undoubtedly attract bright and colorful toys with simple control, as well as all sorts of puzzles and coloring with images of favorite cartoon characters.

The crumbs are happy to be accepted to treat their wards, feed them, relay, in general, to show care in everything and everywhere. It is quite another game of the game for girls older age. In the process of the game, you can learn a lot: to dress with taste, look good and watch yourself, prepare a wide variety of dishes, develop the subtleties of etiquette. In general, you can acquire invaluable experience and knowledge that young ladies will always be useful in real life.

Magic for princesses

Good faces and evil wizards, charming princesses and knights, ready in the battle with dragons and sorcerer to prove their bravery and defend the honor of the beautiful lady, all this and much more chooses girls in games with a magic story. Among them are charms and platformers, there is also a mass of quest proposals, tasks in which the most diverse.

Moving from one level in other girls you have to search for all sorts of objects, guessing diverse riddles, lay solitaires and mahjongs. In general, in the world of magic, it is not bored. Even the games of three in a row have here their unforgettable stories here, the continuation of which opens the curtain of the mystery to the girls as the next levels passing.

Voyage, visage and other things

All girls are a little fashionable. That is why they are very attracted by the games in which fashion boutiques or beauty salons are needed. In the process of the game, you can choose your wardrobe, make a fashionable hairstyle, visit the beautician or go to the solarium. At the same time, girls have to speak not only in the role of visitors, as well as the masters who should demonstrate all the agility and skill in order for each of the fashionista, looking into the salon or the shop, is satisfied.

You can pick up clothes and makeup by hours, especially with the fact that in different games it is proposed to do it in different ways. In some girls you will need a princess on the ball to send or a bride's girlfriend to wear, and in others it is picking up a tribe for a fashionable party or a carnival costume for Halloween celebration. Agree, it is not at all the same.

Secrets of virtual cuisine

Very attracting many young hostesses Games for girls about cooking. In a funny company, you can learn how many culinary wisdoms can be learned. It remains only to decide what you want to cook and who exactly want to see in the role of the hostess.

You can cook in the company of the hospitable girl of Sarah or Baby Hazel. No one will prevent participation in the cooking of food with an angel and demon. By the way, in this cheerful company you can not only learn how to cook, but also afford some pranks. Do not want to stop on the preparation of individual dishes, you can try yourself as a restaurant. In such games, everything is just starting with servicing several customers in a small cafe, and ends, as a rule, international recognition and network of restaurants around the world.

By the way, very valuable for girls here is that, in contrast to recognized chefs, nobody keeps recipes in secret, and even on the contrary, it is happy to share with all the wishing delicious secrets. In addition, at the virtual kitchen prepare one pleasure. Everything and always at hand, any ingredients are ready, the kitchen utensil is picked up perfectly and dishes do not have to wash.

What useful in games for girls

In the process of the game, you can easily master the basics of the future profession. And by whom to become a caring doctor or culinary, educator or secretary, hairdresser or makeup artist, each of the girls decides on their own. Unambiguously, one can say one thing: all the proposals of this plan teach extremely good. There is no hint of aggression here, but the benefits are even debugging.

Girls in the game learn to follow themselves, pick up clothes, handle the kids. And today it is just a game, tomorrow knowledge acquired in this way will help many of the girls become excellent hostesses, careless mothers, successful business women.

Games for girls - Of course, modern girls are interested in different areas of life, they have many new hobbies and they are not inferior to boys in sports, construction, in love for adventure. However, they do not forget about the usual things: cooking, fashion, flirty. Moreover, these spheres have become more diverse, and also combine several directions. For example, collecting cosmetics, the heroine travels on a pink cadyllac on a hilly terrain, overcoming barriers, and to collect jewels, she needs to destroy all monsters.
Games for girls online take into account the variety of tastes and the interests of the modern generation of Amazons, which can stand up for themselves, save each other and show the flexibility of logic in the confusing situation. Recall Fay Winx is a vivid example of stylish girls, ready for a minute of danger to rush to the monster, save the inhabitants of your world, and then go to the beauty salon and correct the manicure, repaint hair, update the makeup and pick up fashionable clothes.

A variety of topics for multifaceted natures

Free games for girls are filled with plots for future business ladies and housewives. This is a great platform to practice in raising children, baking, building chain stores, animal breeding, wedding organizations. Each event requires exposure, accurate compliance with the rules, good reaction and logic. We are ready to offer a rich collection of fun for every taste.

In the world of bright colors

Where there are girls, reigns comfort and a riot of color. They will be transforming the room, they will serve clothing and surprise it with cut, cover the table. Open any toy for girls, and you will be in the rainbow tones, warm in smiles. That all is designed for a good mood, a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure, a variety of images, plots and topics.

Despite the fact that most flash games are more suitable for boys, for girls there are also many interesting things. Girls are more calm in nature, because in this section is not militants, where you need to shoot your enemies, fights and races. For excellent sex, games are suitable in which you need to make makeup, dress up dolls, build cute houses, etc. Fortunately, there are a lot of such games and the girls also have something to play.

  • Cartoon games. Some of the most popular cartoons for girls are Winx, Barbie and Monster High. Games with characters from these cartoons are very high;
  • Dress Up. All girls, from childhood, love to measure clothes. We did not have time to become on your feet, and already go on my mother's heels. The games of this category allow you to select unique outfits for your models;
  • Hairdressers and makeup. In addition to beautiful clothes, girls love beautiful hairstyles and bright makeup. As a rule, children are not allowed to use cosmetics, but in games you can anything. They have cosmetics for every taste. It is also possible to make a wide variety of haircuts and styling;
  • Games about cooking. There are many interesting games where small housewives can learn to prepare in a game form. In such games you can cook cakes, donuts, drinks and many other goodies.

What is the benefit of such games?

Playing such games, girls since childhood learn to care for themselves, dressed beautifully and behave well. There are also many different quests and blots for girls who need to solve complex riddles and look for a way out of difficult situations. Such flash drives are very well developing logical thinking, attentiveness and generally have a positive effect on the development of the child. With confidence you can say that in this section is not bad games. All of them are very calm and made in bright colors.

If you were looking for a website where you can play good games for girls, then you found it. There are several reasons for this:

  • All games on the site are completely free;
  • Games do not need to download and install, they start directly in the browser;
  • Selected only good, colorful and interesting games;
  • It is not difficult to make a choice, because users leave feedback on the game.