Joke games, mass games (games with the audience), fun games-contests. Fun games for the little ones

One hundred pioneers

Description of the game: Everyone learns the words: “We have 100 pioneers in our detachment, 100 pioneers in our detachment. They play and sing and live merrily together. "

Then the driver alternately names the parts of the body that need to be actively moved or shaken (right and left arms, legs, shoulders, head, torso). Thus, after a few repetitions of the words, the players become like "cockroaches", which causes a surge of positive emotions in the participants.

Aunt Motya

Description of the game: The conditions are the same as in the game "100 Pioneers", the words: "Aunt Moti has 4 sons, Aunt Moti has 4 sons, they play and sing and live happily together."


Description of the game: The host says: “Show me your hands and your knees. Does everyone have two knees? Then go ahead! We will now participate in the races at the hippodrome. Repeat after me". Participants repeat the movements behind the leader. “The horses went to the start (clap-clap-clap randomly on the knees).

We stopped at the start. Crumpled (we clap quietly). Reade set Go! The race has begun (we clap quickly on the knees). Barrier (we raise our hands as if we were hovering over the barrier and say "Oops!"), Double barrier (the same, but twice in a row). Stone road (banging on the chest with our fists). Through the swamp (clap our hands with crossed fingers). Sand (three palm on palm). Tribune of girls (girls scream). Boys tribune (boys shout). The home stretch (very fast). Hooray!"

Hee hee, ha ha

Description of the game: Participants pronounce the count "1,2,3,4,5", making movements with their hands (as if knocking on the door first with their right, then with their left hand, first at a level above the head with their left hand, then with their right, then at the level below the belt with their left and right hand). Then they lean forward and say "hee" five times, then backward and "ha" five times. By accelerating the pace, gradually reducing the number of knocks and bends 4, 3, 2 and 1.


Description of the game: Let's meet at the "stadium". Offer the children a little soccer warm-up. The host divides the hall into two parts and assigns the name of the team to each (“Dynamo” and “Spartak”). The presenter says: "A flag flutters over the football field, teams play ..." One part of the hall chants in chorus: "Dynamo", the other echoes it: "Spartak"

The presenter rotates his hand clockwise, for each revolution the audience must chant: "Goal, goal, goal!" The presenter accelerates the rotation with his hand and unexpectedly stops the rotation, at this time both teams must be silent, the command from which at that moment the "Goal!" earns a goal. The game continues until 3-5 points.

Volume control

Description of the game: The presenter invites the audience to make a little noise (shout or clap their hands), and the volume of the noise should correspond to the level of the leader's hand placed horizontally - when the hand is lowered all the way down, it should be quiet, but when at the very top, on the contrary, the audience should make noise with all its might ...

By driving the wave of noise up and down and pulling your hand back and forth, you can divide the hall into two parts, each of which will be regulated by one of the presenter's hands. Then experiment with the joint volume, and then "damp" the noise, calming the audience.

Beauty Hearts

Description of the game: The presenter invites everyone to remember the words of the song's verse: "The heart of a beauty is prone to treason and to change, like the wind of May" and sing the song to the whole audience. Words are replaced in turn by movements, each word is replaced by a gesture. After the introduction of each gesture, the entire song is sung until all words are replaced with gestures. Here's what happens: a touch of hands on the left side of the chest - "heart".

We outline the contour of our face with our hands - "beauties". We make the body tilt - "inclined". We depict horns over the head - "for treason." All sit leg by leg and change legs, lower one, throwing the other - "and for a change." They blow - "like the wind." Stretch out the palm with five fingers - "May".

Lion hunt

Description of the game: The host invites the audience to hunt for a lion. To do this, everyone just needs to repeat the words and some movements after him.

- We're hunting a lion! - we knock ourselves on the chest with a fist.

- We are not afraid of him! - shake our head.

- We have a huge gun! - showing something big with our hands.

- And a long sword! Wow! - on "Wow!" pretend to chop something with a sword.

- Oh, what is it ?! - we put our hand with a visor to our eyes.

After the audience asks: “What is this ?!”, the presenter answers the audience:

- Swamp! You can't fly over it! (Shows his hands to walk over the top.) You can't get around it! (Shows his hands to go around.) Don't crawl under it! (Shows crawling underneath.) The road is straight ahead! (He points forward with his hand.)

Then the whole audience, together with the presenter, walks through the swamp, repeating: "Chap-chap-chap!" and clapping your palms. Then we repeat all over again, but on the way we meet a forest (we say "Crunch-crunch-crunch!" Shhh-shhh-shhh! ”And pretend to be walking in the desert).

And then, finally, the lion himself: the leader suddenly shouts "Rrrrrr !!!" Then everyone wipes the sweat from their foreheads: they've hunted nicely.


Description of the game:

Option 1.

Seven volunteers from the audience are invited to the stage. Their task is, under the guidance of the presenter, to depict a fairy tale about a turnip. Roles are distributed among the seven, each character receives a phrase and movement characteristic of him.

- And here I am! - shows the tops with his hands above his head.

- Tack-tack-tack! - rubs his hands.

- She would have gone! - shakes his fist.

- I'm ready! - cutesy.

- Lay-lay-lay! - barks towards the cat.

- Well, bump on me, bark ... - purring.

Option 2.

Instead of using words, participants need to squat every time their character is mentioned. Further, the presenter begins to tell the tale for a long time and colorfully, generously using repetitions. Of course, instead of "Turnip" you can tell some other fairy tale, the main thing is that there are many characters and they are often mentioned.

Gingerbread man

Description of the game: The conditions are the same as in the game "Turnip". Old man:

- No problem! - confidently. Old woman:

- It's not meant to be! - sighing and spreading his hands. Barn:

- Get tight! - straining. Suseki:

- Sure sure! - writhing and giggling. Gingerbread man:

- Tea, coffee, let's dance! - portraying a waiter. Hare:

- What time is it now? - confused. Wolf:

- I'm going home ... - pretending to be a guitar. Bear:

- What are you doing here? - with a stupid face. Fox:

- I'm not like this! - again, cutesy.


Description of the game: All participants pronounce the words, accompanying them with movements:

"Tyr-tyr, machine gun" (hold the handles of the "machine gun" with both hands).

"Above the roof of the plane" (the hand moves obliquely from bottom to top).

"Bam! - artillery "(clap).

"The cavalry is galloping" (they wave an imaginary saber over their heads with one hand).

The game continues, but each time you need to accelerate the pace, try to keep up and speak, and show the movements correctly.

A hole in the bottom of the sea

Description of the game: The presenter says the words and shows the movements. The hall must repeat:

- A hole at the bottom of the sea! A hole at the bottom of the sea! Hole, hole, hole at the bottom of the sea! (The hand, open palm down, moves to the tempo of the words.)

- A log in a hole at the bottom of the sea ... (With two hands we represent as if we are holding a tree trunk in our hands, but in the words “in a hole at the bottom of the sea” we represent the first movement.)

- A hollow in a log in a hole at the bottom of the sea ... (The hollow is depicted by joining the fingers of the hand with the thumb, forming a circle.)

- A worm in a hollow in a log in a hole at the bottom of the sea ... (The worm is depicted with a bent finger.)

The result is: “A worm in a hollow in a log in a hole at the bottom of the sea. A worm in a hollow in a log in a hole at the bottom of the sea. A worm, a worm, a worm in a hollow in a log in a hole at the bottom of the sea. I will find him everywhere, I will find him everywhere, and he will show me his tongue. " Everything is repeated at an accelerated pace. It turns out a collective tongue twister.


Description of the game: The presenter divides the hall into three groups:

1st group says "Tell us about purchases",

2nd group: "About what purchases?"

3rd group: "About such purchases." All "About purchases (3 times) are mine."

And so we begin to gradually increase the pace.


Description of the game: Speak words and show hand movements:

A balloon flies, flies across the sky,

A ball flies across the sky

But we know, a ball up to the sky

It will not reach it in any way.

(Gradually remove words and replace them with hand movements.)


Description of the game: Participants pronounce the words, accompanying them with movements: "Head, ramina, knee, fingers, knee, fingers, knee, fingers, head, ramina, knee, fingers, ears, eyes, mouth, nose." Movement: "head" - put your hands on your head, "ramina" - put your hands on your shoulders, "knees" - put your hands on your knees, "fingers" - click your fingers in the air, "ears" - touch your ears with your hands, "eyes" - close your eyes with your hands, "mouth" - close your mouth with your hands, "nose" - close your nose with your hands. Gradually, the pace accelerates to the "cosmic" speed.


Description of the game: The audience repeats the words and movements after the presenter:

- This is a bird-macarachka (palms are folded in a bucket, right hand is on top, left is below, as if holding a bird in your hands).

- She has such feathers (arms straighten at the elbows diagonally, while palms open, left arm up, right down, showing how large the feathers are).

- Taka itself is small (hands return to their original position with scoops).

- Taka is small (the position of the hands changes - right above, left below).

- Such feathers (hands open again, but already the right hand is up, and the left is down).

- This is a makarachka bird (hands return to their original position with scoops).

- I like it (the position of the hands changes, right below, left above).

After the audience has learned the words and movements, the speed of execution increases.


Description of the game: The presenter tosses a coin, the audience screams while it is in the air, while the higher the coin, the louder, the lower, the quieter.


Description of the game: The presenter invites you to listen to the sound of rain. The presenter speaks and shows, and everyone repeats the movements behind him. Before the rain, everything usually calms down, let's hear this silence. The hall falls silent.

Presenter: And suddenly the first drops began to fall from the sky (with the finger of our right hand we hit the palm of our left hand), and now a light rain has already begun (we hit with two fingers on the palm). It gradually intensifies (hit with three fingers), it intensifies (with four fingers) and turns into a downpour (hit with five fingers). It pours and pours (beat your hands as hard as possible), and then the rain begins to subside (4 fingers) and becomes quieter (3 fingers) and quieter (2 fingers), but some droplets fall persistently, hear (1 finger), and the rain stops pouring. The sun came out, the rainbow smiles at everyone and everyone is in a good mood. The hall became quiet.

The text and movements are repeated by the children immediately together with the presenter; words must be learned beforehand. The main task is to shout the last words as loudly as possible:
Two tributaries (take turns stamping their feet),
Two claps (clap your hands)
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (hands show balls into which hedgehogs roll).
Anchored, anchored (knock with the left fist from above on the right and vice versa),
Scissors, scissors (cross the straightened arms in front of you according to the principle of "scissors").
Running in place, running in place (running in place)
Bunnies, bunnies (show bunny ears with straight palms on their head, rhythmically bending their palms).
Come on together, come on together!
Girls (only girls repeat)]
Boys (only boys repeat)]


This game is a kind of parody of the above games. At the same time, it is a parody of some of the realities of our modern life: One mobile phone, two mobile phones, Pagers, pagers. Fancy cars, Girls, girls. There is a showdown, there is a showdown, Fingers, fingers. Come on together, come on together! Girls! Boys! The movements of the game can be invented by the children themselves.


The presenter pronounces a line, accompanying it with movement, and the audience responds by repeating the same movement:
- Prepare in good mood for the rocket launch! (sticks out his thumb).
- Have to get ready!
- Put on spacesuits! (pretends to put a helmet on his head)
- Have to put on spacesuits!
- Fasten belts! (claps his hands)
- Have your seat belts!
- Enable contact! (touches the index finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right)
- There is a contact!
- The key to the start! (raises his right hand up)
- There is a key to start!
- Turn on the motors!
- Yes, turn on the motors!
- One, two, three, zip! (makes rotational movements of the arms around the chest)
- Zip, zip, zip.
- Start counting down! (all together consider: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1")
- Start!
- Hooray! (thunderous applause)


A chanting game with which you can cheer up a hall or a group of children in a matter of seconds. The presenter pronounces the first part of the slogan, for example: "Param - parum", and the audience responds with the second part of the slogan: "Hey!" etc.:
Param - parum - Hey!
Param - parum - Hey!
Param - parum - Hey! Hey! Hey!


This game can be played in a circle, in a detachment place, in a hall, etc. The presenter shouts out a line, and the audience repeats:
Curbstone! Polytene-beat!
Oh, I eat bananas!
And I eat oranges!
And I eat tangerines!
And I drink tea!
Sh-sh-sh-sh ...

Then the facilitator asks a question to which the children answer:
What's your mood? - In!
Is everyone of that opinion? - All without exception!
Are you tired already? - We didn't take such people with us!
Well done? - This is us!
This is us? - Well done!


It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words and movements:
My triangular cap
My triangular cap,
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap!

Gradually the words "cap", "mine", "triangular" are replaced by movements:
o "cap" - the right palm is brought to the crown,
o "my" - * - the left hand is brought to the chest,
o "triangular" - the arms represent a triangle.


In this game, as you repeat from the game, the words "teapot", "cap", "lump" and "hole" disappear:
Teapot with a lid,
Lid with a knob,
A bump with a hole
Steam comes from the hole.
Steam comes out of the hole
A hole in a lump,
Lump on the lid,
The lid on the teapot.


The text is repeated along with the audience. You must first learn the words:

Aunt Moti has four sons,
Aunt Moti has four sons.
They didn't drink, they didn't eat,
And they only sang one verse - ...

The first time the verse is pronounced, the last line is added: "right hand", then the children repeat the verse, shaking their right hand continuously. Thus, after each repetition, a new movement is added. At the end it turns out: "right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, head, tongue ..."

This game can be played in a circle. All participants (together with the leader) of the chorus pronounce the words while showing the movements.


The rules are the same as in the game "At Aunt Mochi's", but with different words:

Uncle Abram has forty sons,
Forty sons and forty daughters.
They didn't drink or eat,
Everyone looked at my uncle.
Right hand...

(By the end of the game, all body parts are in motion)


Play is a great way to create silence in the hall and draw the attention of children to what is happening on stage. The presenter says something like this: Dear guys! Look at the sky (you can also see the ceiling)! Do you see what clouds are hanging over us ?! It will rain now! Has already fallen ...
One drop (everyone slaps one finger on the palm).
Two droplets (everyone slaps two fingers on the palm).
Three droplets (everyone slaps three fingers on the palm).
Four droplets (everyone slaps four fingers on the palm).
A torrential downpour has started (everyone claps their hands).
And the "star rain" poured down (standing ovation).
Then everything is repeated in reverse order and there is silence (the rain stops).


The text is repeated along with the audience. You must first learn the words. The presenter pronounces them and shows the movements. All together repeat after each line of the word and movement:

My grandmother bought herself a chicken (repeated twice; children depict a chicken on a perch).
Chicken grain by grain: "cluck-tah-tah" (children show with their hands how the hen pecks).
Grandma bought herself a duck (repeated twice)
Duck: "Tyuryuh-Tyuh-Tyuh-Tyuh" (children depict a duck swimming)
Chicken grain by grain: "cluck-tah-tah" (words are accompanied by the same movements).
My grandmother bought herself a turkey (repeated twice).
Turkey: "folds-baldy" (for the word "folds" - hands to the right, on the word "baldy" - to the left).
Duck: "Tyuryuh-Tyuh-Tyuh-Tyuh", a hen grain by grain: "Cluck-tah-takh".
My grandmother bought herself a little pussy. (Repeated twice)
And kisunya: "meow meow" (children show how the cat washes).
Turkey chick: "tails-baldy", duck: "Tyuryuh-Tyuh-Tyuh", hen grain by grain: "Cluck-takh-takh".
My grandmother bought herself a dog.
Dog: "woof-woof", (children raise their palms to the sides at shoulder level, showing with their fingers how the dog bites)
And kisunya: "meow-meow", turkey: "folds-baldy", duck: "tyuryukh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh", chicken by grain: "cluck-takh-takh".
Grandma bought herself a pig. (Repeated twice)
Piglet: "grunts-grunts" (they show the piglet's piglet with their hand).
Little dog: "woof-woof", and kisunya: "meow-meow", turkey: "tails-baldy", duck: "tyuryuh-tyuh-tyuh", chicken grain by grain: "cluck-takh-takh".
My grandmother bought herself a cow. (Repeated twice)
Korovenka: "flour, flour" (showing the horns of a cow with his hands).
Piglet: "grunts-grunts", dog: "woof-woof", and kisunya: "meow-meow", turkey: "tails-baldy", duck: "tyuryuh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh", chicken grain by grain: " cluck-tah-tah "
Remarks. Possible additional options: horse: "hop-hop"; TV: "time-facts"; announcer: "la-lala-la"; dinosaur: "boar quacks"; excavator: "break-breaks", etc.


The presenter speaks the words and shows the movements. The audience repeats both words and movements:

All are friends in this room!
Look at yourself, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.
All are friends in this room!
I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!
Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.
All are friends in this room!
I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!
Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left.
All are friends in this room!
I, you, he, she - together a friendly family.
Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left.
All are friends in this room!
I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!
Smile at the neighbor on the right, smile at the neighbor on the left!
All are friends in this room!
I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!
Look at yourself - together we are one hundred thousand "I"!


This is how the recitative begins before the song "The Earth has been wrapped". Children repeat each line after the presenter, after which a song is sung:

On the banks of a big river
Bee stung
Bear right in the nose
Oh - oh - her - her!
The bear cried out,
And he began to sing.

The first verse of the song "The Earth has been wrapped" begins.


The text is repeated along with the audience, the words must be previously learned. The presenter pronounces them and shows the movements, all the children together repeat after him.

The words are repeated several times in a row, gradually increasing the tempo. You can make a competition for the best performance option or for the fastest pace:

Knees, fingers (with both hands, point to the knees and snap fingers).
Knees, fingers (with both hands, point to your knees and snap your fingers),
Knees, fingers (repeat these movements).
Head, ramen (point to head and shoulders with both hands),
Knees, toes (point to your knees and snap your fingers)
Ears, eyes, mouth, nose (with both hands show the ears, eyes, mouth, nose).


The presenter pronounces the first two lines, then the third and fourth lines are pronounced together with the audience. The fifth and sixth lines are again pronounced only by the presenter. The pace increases each time:

Chiki-boom is a cool song Let's repeat it all together!
Chiki-boom-chikaraka, chikaraka-chiki-boom
Chiki-boom is a cool song, hurry up we sing together!

Once upon a time there was a grandmother

The previously learned text is repeated with the audience. The presenter says the words and shows the movements he invented, everyone repeats after him. Each time the pace accelerates:

Once upon a time there was a grandmother By the river itself,
Grandma wanted to swim in the river.
The grandmother was nimble - I bought a washcloth,
Our song is good - Start over.


The facilitator speaks words and shows the movements that everyone repeats. Gradually the pace increases:

Tram-pam-pam (pat on the knees of the neighbor on the right with your palms).
Guli-guli-guli-guli (one hand above the head, the other under the chin, tickle the head and chin with your fingers).
Tram-pam-pam (pat your knees with your palms)
Tram-pam-pam (pat your knees with your palms)
Tram-pam-pam (pat on the knees of the neighbor on the left with your palms).

Tram-pam-pam (pat your knees with your palms).
Salami, salami (alternately raise the right and left hands up).
Guli guli guli guli (repeat).
Tram-pam-pam (pat your knees with your palms).


The presenter divides all the participants in the game into seven teams: the first team - "Turnip", the second - "Grandfather", the third - "Grandma", the fourth - "Granddaughter", the fifth - "Bug", the sixth - "Cat", the seventh - "Mouse" ".

Having assigned roles, the presenter tells the tale "The Turnip". When he names one of the heroes, the team that was named must quickly get up and sit down. The task of the presenter is to tell the story in the most interesting and confusing way possible.


The game is very similar to the previous one. It can be carried out with the audience, in a circle, as well as on stage; only the number of players will be different.

When the roles are assigned (grandfather, grandmother, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox, tree stump), the presenter begins to tell a fairy tale. As certain characters are named, they either get up from their seats (if they are sitting in the hall) or take a step forward and bow (if they are on stage or in a circle). Only "kolobok" was unlucky - for every word "kolobok" it must turn around its axis (after all, it is absolutely round)!


The following dialogue takes place between the presenter and the audience:

  • - How many days in a week?
  • - Seven!
  • - List!
  • - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • - Name the working days of the week!
  • - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
  • - And now the weekend of the week!
  • - Saturday Sunday.

The host then lists the days of the week, and the audience should only clap when weekdays are called. The pace of the game is gradually increasing.

Remarks. It should be noted that attention weakens as the pace accelerates.


The presenter's left hand depicts the sea (held at chest level, bent at the elbow), the right hand depicts a fish, which, while swimming in the sea, periodically jumps out, and the audience “catches” it with claps - cotton as soon as the “fish” appeared above the sea surface. The rate depends on the frequency of the appearance of the "fish". When the "fish" swims "under water" (below the level of the hand), the audience is silent. As soon as it appears on the surface of the water (above the level of the hand) or jumps out of the water, the audience claps. If the "fish" lingered in the air, then applause is heard.


Host: "Let's imagine that we are all at the hippodrome. You will be the left tribune (left half), and you will be the right (right half). Well, let's check how you can whistle. Good! Your task is to depict the horses running in accordance with my team. "

Each word has its own movements:

Horses are brought to the start (click-click-click).
Ready! On your marks! Attention! March!
The horses are running! (stamp their feet).
The fans of the left tribune made a noise (the left half of the hall whistles).
And now the right tribune (the right half of the hall whistles).
Barrier! (clapping hands).
Horses run faster! (they stomp their feet harder).
Another barrier! (clapping hands).
Horses run on the pavement (stamp their feet).
Barrier! (clapping hands). They run further (stamp their feet).
On gravel, on the pavement. Lingering barrier! (several quick hand claps).
The finish line is already visible!
The right tribune rustled, the left one, now both whistled! The finish!


The hall is divided into two teams: a right-hand team and a left-hand team. One team shouts “Goal!” When the leader points with his right hand in her direction. The other team shouts “Barbell!” When the leader points with his left hand in its direction. Everyone shouts “Past!” When the presenter points with both hands to both teams.

Remarks. You can deceive the teams (check their vigilance and attention) by pointing, for example, with your right hand in the wrong direction, in which the required team is sitting.


The hall is divided into two groups - "Petki" and "Vaska".

The presenter says: There is a beautiful house in a small meadow, And a cheerful gnome lives in a beautiful house. Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

If he points to "Petek", they say: I have polka-dot pants, I came here from a fairy tale, Because I'm good!

If he points to Vasek, they say: I have a shirt in a cage, I came here from a fairy tale And brought candy!

Remarks. The presenter points to the groups in any order, he can point to them at the same time.

(teenagers hike in the forest)

The game is held after the presenters have learned words and movements with the children.

When pronouncing the word "Nyokawtenage", the presenters and children make movements as if they were looking for something in the grass (putting an open palm just above the eyes).
To the words "Wow!" - stretch their arms forward and downward, opening them slightly (as when meeting with someone).
To the words "Oh!" - raise their hands up, also opening them a little (giving praise).
The words "There are a lot of russula, strawberries, pineapples ..." - they point the index finger at the guys sitting in the hall.
To the words "How is that?" - shrug their shoulders. "And all because ..." - instructively raise the index finger up.

A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, Wow!
A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, let's collect a BUCKET!

Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Whoa!
Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Oh!
Lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, Wow!
A lot of strawberries, a lot of strawberries, a lot of strawberries, we will collect a BUCKET!
We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time!
They were surprised for a long time, they were surprised for a long time, they were surprised for a long time, But how is that ?! And all because ...
Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Whoa!
Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Newcawtanejae, Zu!
Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, Whoa!
Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, let's get a BUCKET!
We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time!
They were surprised for a long time, they were surprised for a long time, they were surprised for a long time, But how is that ?! And all because ...
Because pineapples do not grow in our forest !!!


The game is played with the audience before the start of any program. The program host announces to the children that they are all enrolled in the applause school.

Presenter: This school is not entirely ordinary, because it has only five classes and the training is quite fast. But on the other hand, after its completion, all the guys can perfectly skillfully give their applause to everyone who performs on stage. But first, let me explain to you some simple rules of conduct in our school. Firstly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to whistle during and after the performance of the artists. Secondly, in our school, stomping is prohibited during and after the performances of the artists. And, finally, thirdly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to show disrespect to everyone who performs on stage and sits in our hall.

So, the first grade of the applause school is a moderate applause. They are short-lived, without much noise. Let's try. Well done! Congratulations on completing first grade.

The second grade of the school of applause - thunderous applause. They are noisy and long lasting. Let's rehearse. Well done, we did the job!

The third grade of the school of applause - thunderous prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation. Demonstrate them, please. It is amazing what capable students! Congratulations on completing the third grade of our school. We pass to the fourth.

The fourth grade of the school of applause is a stormy prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of "Bravo!" and "Encore!" They are complex enough, but doable, let's try! How well you did this difficult task! And you deserve to go to high school!

The fifth grade of the school of applause is a stormy prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of "Bravo!" and "Encore!", accompanied by a general standing up and jubilation. What good fellows you are that you have passed all five classes of our school.

And now is the time to arrange final exams. So, I name the class, and you applaud in accordance with it.

Then you can repeat all the exercises from the first grade to the fifth, in a scatter, from the fifth to the first. You can arrange an exam for each detachment or selectively, etc. And at the end of the "exam", it is imperative to praise all the children and start the program with thunderous prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of "Bravo!" and "Encore!" with a general rise and glee.

Games are chants

Repeaters, clappers

GAMES - chants, repeaters, clappers

Iki La Bumba Tirli - team

Iki la bumba Waterly acha

Iki la piki wiki tyrley - tim

Hofa la tofa dofa Waterly acha

Rufa La Tufa Nufa Tirli - Tim

Indicate ti a! Neighbor to the left

Neighbor to the right

Tyrley - Tim

We all play,

And all we need is

Tyrley is a team.

Noise in the hall

How to create noise in the hall? Rain

Enough if everything can be used

Those present will be welcomed.

Speak Palms clap

The phrase “What to say when first with one finger,

Nothing to say? " then - two, three,

Success is assured. four and finally

With a palm.

Americic tamba Flea, flea, flo,

And musa-musa-musa Flea, flo, flo,

Leo-leleo Koma-ohma (3 times) vista

A-piki-lao-bebe Know-know-know

Leo-leleo-o-bamba-olya! Know-know-vista




John-Kwan Jita


Chants are accompanied by clapping on the knees and in the palm

Chants are a set of words, often without any meaning, which must be shouted in chorus, in a given rhythm. The counselor starts chanting, and the children just repeat what he said in chorus. At the same time, the charm of a chant for children lies in the fact that it is necessary to shout it, which fully corresponds to a child's need.

Here are examples of chants:

Oh-oh-oh a-le

Balis bamba la-e

About kikilis bamba

Oh sava vavimba

Oh, I eat bananas

Ay-wai lisi

Ay-wai lisi, lisi




Komalamu Vista




* * *

Vozh .: Param-parara!

All .: Hey!

Vozh .: Param-parara!

All .: Hey!

Vozh .: param-parara!

All .: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Unlike chants, chants can be shouted anywhere, anytime, and in any quantity. The most important thing is that children should accurately repeat all the words after the counselor and shout loudly.

Shilo shaved shaved psha!

Tsum - Tsum - Tsumane,- Oh psha, oh psha! Clatter, phlegm,

Abek, krabe, dramane,- Kosalari lari lari!Aber, faber, godfather

Chiki-chriki - Oh la oh la la! Iki, spades, grammatic

Drama tiki - What is your mood? Ying, wedge.


Ana, deo, rica, baka, ani beni licky paki

Shurba, urba, yak, shmaka. tulle bul-bul kalyaki relish

Deus, deus, campadeus eco beus caslaleus

How do you live

Counselor: - How are you?

Children: - Good! Wonderful!

We guys are nothing

we - guys - in!



All together: - Two floats, two flops. 1. The earth was wrapped

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs. Thin threads.

Anchored, anchored, Parallel threads

Scissors, scissors. From lakes and rivers.

Running in place, running in place, perform a miracle

Bunnies, bunnies. Stretch out your hand.

Well - how friendly, well - ka together - You need to believe in friendship

Girls: - Girls! Everyone.

Boys: - Boys!

Bala, bala, mi. 2. Warm up with a word,

Caress with a glance

Counselor: - Bala, bala, mi! From a good joke

Children: - Hey! Even the snow is melting.

Counselor: - Chica, chica, chi! It's so wonderful

Children: - Hey! If by your side

Counselor: - Chick! Will become kind and cheerful

Children: - Hey! Gloomy person.

Counselor: - Chick! 3. We dreamed for a reason

Children: - Hey! About a magic miracle.

Counselor: - Chick, chirp, chick, chick! Let the planet go round

Children: - Hey! Hey! Almighty century.

Perform a miracle

Tra-ta-ta, machine gun. Let it go out to people

Higher, higher, the plane. Let it go, let it go

Bang! Artillery! People are people.

The cavalry gallops!


Everything is very simple: the children repeat after the counselor who sings:


Calabamba la-o!

Osaki-rice-rice-rice-rice rice-bamba!

O! I'm eating bananas!


After each line sung by the counselor, the children shout: "Hey!"

Bala-bala-mi-hey! Chi-hey! Chi-hey!

Chica-chica-chi-hey! Chick-chirp-chick-hey, hey!

dyuba-dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, dzuba, dzuba, dzyuba

dyuba-dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, doni a. And dzuba shvili,

duba-doni, a charlie booba, a-a-mi.

doni-doni, One, two, three, Freeze!

doni-doni, A charlie booba, Up to a hundred

doni-doni, One, two, three, Twenty.

A! And mi, Otomri!

Asharli booba, One, two, three, Lyali, lyali, lali,

one-yes-three! Freeze, Two babies were walking

Ami! One two Three. In the Tauride Garden.

Freeze! Ani, benny, ricky, still, panties lost

Eni-beni, Turba, Urba, Sentebryaki, At twelve o'clock.

riki-taki, Deos, deos, cosmodeos, But there was a mustachioed uncle,

turba-urba- I picked up my pants,

senti-marriages, Ene, bene, faces, foci, - Stole, stole, stole!

deus-beus, torba, orba, deo, smokey. Their mother fed

chess deus! And put her to bed.

A-doni-me, Ani-beni Riki-paki And babies were screaming

A-charlie-bae, tsul bulbul kaleki-tswaki-Walk, walk, walk

Ah-mi, eus-beus rick-madeus And they had a dream:

Za-mri! Walks on the sea

En-beni-riki, pot-bellied gramophone.

Shulba-ulba-sept-bryaki, Eni-beni,

Deus, Deus, Shahmadeus, Riki. Dziuba-dziuba-dziuba-dziuba,

Bam (oh, ay!). Shorba-urba, Dzyuba-doni,

Kish-ki-da-mi, Sentebryaki. Doni ash.

Peaks-peaks-da-mi, Daeus, Daeus, A charlie-booba -

Deus, deus, cosmodeus - Shahmadeus One-two-three.

And charlie booba-booba-booba-booba

Eni, bens, riki, faki, and doni me -

Turda, yurda, synty, marriages. One two Three.

Tao, dao, kish, madao Ash tard dami A charlie be -

Emerise, fleure. Ricky spades dami One-two-three.

Chiki-toma, U-u ritat A-mi -

Van, tu, fries. Ash tar yes One-two-three,

Chiki-toms, Freeze -

Van, tu, fries. Eni-beni One-two-three.


Eni beni Bul-bul-bul Ono-dvono-trono-chetro

Ricky is still kalki-tswaki. petro-sander-mander -

Prison ulba Deus, deus, rupchyk -chupchyk-cha

Lyaki shmaki, Shahmadeus Androka, dvoka, troka, chichi, pachi

Eos deos krasnodeos nova, coca.

Um, emeri prompter -emary, emeri, Bdyn, dvadyn, trinda, lynda,

tome sprat, tome sprat, van tu fri. heel-lat, hedgehog-mendosh, dyksh.

Wherever you go with your squadron: on a walk in the forest, on a river, in a dining room or on a hike - the chant will help you organize the children and cheer everyone up. Children, especially the little ones, will be happy to recite these unusual poems.

Morning speech.

Counselor: - One, two!

Children: - Three, four!

Counselor: - Three, four!

Children: - One, two!

Counselor: - The sun has just woken up,

Children: - And the guys smiled!

Counselor: - Hurry, friends, get up,

Children: - Run out to exercise.

Counselor: - The sun is shining -

Children: Bright, bright!

Counselor: - We are from the sun -

Children: - It's hot, it's hot!

Counselor: - Sunny, stronger gray,

Children: - Warm the water in the sea!

Counselor - Sun, air and water -

Children: - Our best friends!

Lunch talk.

Counselor: - One, two,

Children: - We didn't eat!

Counselor: - Three, four,

Children: - We want to eat!

Counselor: -Open the doors wider,

Children: - And then we'll eat the cook!

Counselor: - Hands?

Children: - Clean!

Counselor: - Face?

Children: - Washed!

Counselor: - Everyone, everyone,

Children: - Bon appetit!


Walk straight.

All: Tirli-bom-bom.

Host: And it's snowing.

All: Tirli-bom-bom

Host: At least for us at all,

Not at all on the road

But only now

All: Tirli-bom-bom

Host: Tell from -

All: Tirli-bom-bom

Host: why are your feet so chilly?

Counselor: - We go -

Children: - To the stadium.

Leader: - Our detachment will be -

Children: - Champion!

Counselor: - Muscles?

Children: - Strong!

Counselor: - And we ourselves?

Children: - Beautiful!

Counselor: - Who is happy, the sun?

Children: - Hey, athletes, line up.

Counselor: - Are there teams?

Do you have children!

Counselor: - Are the captains here?

Children: - Here!

Counselor: - Get out on the field soon

Children: - To support the detachment of honor!

Evening talk.

It is usually performed at the end of the day in quiet, calm voices.

All together: - The day is noisy, and the night is enveloped

The camp calls to sleep.

Girls: - Good night to you guys!

Boys: - Good night to you - girls!

All the place: - Tomorrow we are on the road again!


“Strange name” - you say and you will be right. Because the games are unusual. They must be shown. The counselor depicts what he is talking about, and the children repeat these movements after him. Unclear? Now let's try to figure it out.

About the deer.

The deer has a big house,

He sits, looks out the window.

The gray bunny is running.

He knocks on the door.

“Knock knock, open the door,

There is an evil hunter in the forest. ”

"Bunny, bunny, run in,

Give me a paw. "

These words need to be repeated several times, constantly increasing the pace.


(clap our hands) 2 times

If it's fun for you, show the other.

If you're having fun, then do it(clap our hands)

If you're having fun, then do it(stamping feet) 2 times

If it's fun for you, then show it to another

If you're having fun, then do it.

The movements can be very diverse, at the end of the game the movements

Uncle Abram's ... (In my detachment ...)

All players stand in a circle and learn the following words:

Uncle Abram's

Seven sons

Seven daughters.

They didn't eat.

They didn't drink

And never got bored.

Then others are gradually added to these words:

Left foot (All players must jerk with their left foot);

Left leg, right leg;

Left leg, right leg, left arm;

Left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm;

Movements with all parts of the body are gradually added.

Balloon. Teapot.

A balloon flies, flies across the sky. Teapot with a lid,

A ball flies across the sky. A cap with a pipette.

But we know that this ball is a pipette with a hole,

It won't fly away from us. Steam comes from the hole.


We're hunting a lion

We are not afraid of him!

We have a huge gun

And a red-hot sword.


Who is this? Oh, what is this?

It's a river! (Swamp, forest, field).

You can't fly over it

You can't crawl under it,

You can't get around her

The road is straight!

“-Bul-bul-bul”. (Chpok-chpok-top-top, whack-whack-whack!).

These words are repeated four times. For the fifth time, the guys say these words:

We're hunting a lion

We are not afraid of him!

We have a huge gun

And a red-hot sword.


Who is this? Oh, what is this?

Yes, this is a cave!

And in the cave - lion!

And the lion roars like: - Rrrrrr ...!

And we both screech: - Aaaaaa ...!

And how we run: - Whack-whack-whack, top-top-top, chpok-chpok,

bul-bul-bul ”

And they ran away.

"How is it going"

(Merry minute)

To each question of the leader (or teacher), the children unanimously answer in chorus: “That's it!” - and show the necessary action with a gesture. The game is played at a fast pace and the gestures should not "stick out" at the expense of one or two, which is here replaced by the exclamation "That's it!"

Host's question: Children: Action:

How is it going? Like this! In the mood to show your thumb.

Are you swimming? Like this! Bending your elbows, tap your feet one by one.

Are you looking in the distance? Like this! Hands with a "visor" or "binoculars" to the eyes.

Are you waiting for lunch? Like this! Waiting Pose: Support your cheek with your hand.

Are you waving after? Like this! Farewell gesture.

Do you sleep in the morning? Like this! Hands under the cheek.

Are you naughty? Like this! To puff out your cheeks and slap your fists on them - here you can’t say: “That's it!”.

NOTE:When going to play for the first time, you can rehearse some parts of the game where the game can get stuck. Then the pace of the game will be appropriate, and the faster, the more fun, believe me!

Aunt Moti's.

All the players say the following words: “Aunt Moti has four sons, and Aunt Moti has four sons. They did not eat, they did not drink, but repeated the words: "Right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right shoulder, left shoulder, head, point on the heels, tongue."

(After pronouncing the name of the next part of the body, the song is repeated, and at the same time the part of the body sways).


Grisha-sha, grisha-sha, grisha-sha-sha (2 times)

Fists together, elbows together.

Knees together, chest forward, tongue stick out.

(The rules of the game are the same as in the previous game, but when naming a body part, you must move it left and right in time to the song).


There are two teams involved in this game. One team will be called Vaski, and the second - Petki. Do they all sing together first?

On a sunny meadow

There is a green house.

And on the porch of the house

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

“Vaska”: - Vaska!

I have polka-dot pants.

I came from a fairy tale

Because I'm good!

There is a green house.

And on the porch of the house,

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

Counselor: - Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

"Petka": - Petka!

I have a plaid shirt

I came to you babies

To eat some candy!

All together: - On a sunny meadow

There is a green house

And on the porch of the house

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

Counselor: - Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

“Vaska” and “Petka” are shouting at the same time. Whoever shouts louder wins this game.

Continued story.

This game is special because there is a song after it. Children repeat the words that the counselor says.

On the shore,

Big river.

Bee stung

Bear right in the nose.

"Oh-she-she!" - cried the bear,

Sat on a tree stump

And he began to sing.

All together sing the song “The Earth has been wrapped”.

I sing boom - chica - boom.

Children repeat the following words after the presenter:

I sing boom - chica boom

I sing boom - chica boom

I sing boom-chica-cancer-chica-cancer-chica-boom.

About her!


More fun!


Then the same words are repeated in bass, in English, etc.

The host offers the players the following phrase:

“- I have a grandmother in Brazil. “Then others will be added to this phrase. The players' task is to repeat these phrases and portray them.

“- I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such hands.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such hands and such legs.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such hands, such legs and such a head.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such hands, such legs, such a head and such a smile.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such hands, such legs, such a head, such a smile, and she jumps like that.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such hands, such legs, such a head, such a smile, she jumps and shouts like this “- Oo-la-la”. And the presenter at this time says: “- What is the grandmother, so are the grandchildren!”.

"Head, ramena ..."(Slovak musical game)

Translated from Slovak into Russian - head-head; ramena - shoulders; kolena - knees; fingers - fingers (feet); eyes-eyes; mouth - mouth.

When singing, children show what they are singing about.

Colin, toes, colin, toes

Head, ramen, colin, toes

Eyes, ears, lips, nose.

This verse is repeated several times to the music. Starting from very slow, each time the pace accelerates more and more to very fast.


All players stand in a circle. The facilitator selects two participants. They should be in the center of the circle. All players begin to sing:

There was one camel,

Another camel was walking.

(The two players who are in the center start moving in a circle).

There was a whole kavaran of camels.

(All participants begin to move in a circle).

One camel sat down, (sits down)

The second camel sat down, (sits down)

A whole caravan of camels has sat down, (all sit down)

One camel fell asleep

The second camel fell asleep,

A whole caravan of camels fell asleep.

One camel sneezed,

The second camel sneezed,

A whole caravan of camels sneezed.

One camel got up,

The second camel got up,

A whole caravan of camels got up.

One camel went

The second camel went,

A whole caravan of camels set out.

"I also..."

The presenter addresses the audience with various phrases to which the players must answer: "Me too." It should look something like this:

Host: “- I woke up early in the morning”.

Hall: "-I too."

Host: "-I quickly jumped out of bed."

Hall: "-I too."

Host: “-The sun is shining brightly through the window”.

Hall: "-I too."

Host: “-I ran to wash”.

Hall: "-I too."

Host: "-Then, I ran out into the field for a walk."

Hall: "-I too."

Host: “-There I met a kid.”

Hall: "-I too."

Host: “-And the kid looked like a piglet”.

Hall: "-Me too!"

Eh oh

The presenter offers the participants in the game different phrases, and they must repeat only the last syllable.

Get together kids.

Ra - Ra.

The game begins.


Don't spare your palms. - Wah-Wah

Lei-Lei. - Is it an ear or a nose?

Clap, clap, more fun! - Nose - Nose.

Lei-lei! - Or maybe a hay cart?

What time is it? - Woz-Woz.

Hour-Hour. - Is it an elbow or an eye?

How much will it be in an hour? - Eye-Eye.

Hour-Hour. - Well, you have some jokes.

And not true, there will be two! - You, you.

Two-Two. - Are you always good?

Think better, head! - Yes Yes.

Wah-wah. - Or just sometimes?

How does a rooster sing in the village? - Yes Yes.

Wow. - Not tired of answering?

Are you sure so? - Chat, Chat.

Well well. - Allow me to be silent!

And in fact, how? -. ... ...

How how.

How much is two or two?


Think better, head.

"The little train"

I have a locomotive, tu-tu, chi-chi,

He carries me on the rails,

He has a pipe and a stove, tu-tu, chi-chi

And a magic ring, tu-tu, chi-chi.

We'll leave from the train station

He has four halls,

We find ourselves in Paris

Well, maybe closer.

(imitation of a locomotive).

We'll all ride in the carriage,

And no one will catch up with us

We'll take a song with us

It will be more interesting with her.


A mole, a mole, a mole is a poisonous insect

A mole, a mole, a mole is a poisonous cockroach

A mole, a mole, a mole is a little cricket

Which eats everything up and down.

Mole, mole, mole ate daddy's pants

Mole, mole, mole ate mom's coat

Mole, mole, mole ate a teddy bear

I got dressed and went to the cinema!

(As in other musical games, each line can be accompanied by certain movements. The tempo increases with each repetition).

"Little rabbit"

Little bunny named Rabbit

(they make glasses with their hands and bring them to their eyes)

made us all laugh colicky

(children laugh: ha ha ha):

jumped after a squirrel, jumped after a duck

(children perform these movements),

with a paw, the tulip raised like a glass

(corresponding movement).

Oh, how funny his ears were sticking out!

(Hands with open palms behind ears)

We laughed, there is no tea in him

(laughing, clapping their hands),

but at the edge, noticing a fox

(hand raised, palm on forehead),

he winked at us and disappeared into the woods

(they make glasses with their hands, but with narrow holes).


Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Stretch your arms. They have become hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like that. The tension is unpleasant. Bring your hands down quickly, drop them on your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale, exhale.

Look: we are deer

The wind is torn to meet us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

Hands on your knees again.

And now a little laziness ...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed

Know girls and boys

Rest your fingers!

Breathes easily, evenly, deeply.


Imagine that we are on a ship. Shakes. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck swung, we press the right leg to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left is relaxed, a little bent at the knee, the toe touches the floor). Straighten up! Relaxed your leg. Swung in the other direction, press the left leg to the floor. Straightened up. Inhale, exhale!

The deck began to swing!

Press your foot to the deck!

We press the leg harder,

And we relax the other.

The exercise is performed alternately for each leg. Draw the child's attention to the tense and relaxed leg muscles.

After learning to relax the legs, we recommend repeating the resting pose again.

Hands on your knees again

Now, a little laziness ...

The tension flew away

And the whole body is relaxed ...

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

Breathes easily, evenly, deeply ...

Children hum a song, accompanying the words with movements. They must agree among themselves which movements and in what sequence will be used. For instance:

The wind blows, the wind blows, blows, blows

(smooth movements of the hands up and down),

Pluses yellow leaves from the tree

(spinning in place)

And the leaves are flying, circling along the path

(circling around imaginary or fake trees),

Leaves fall right under our feet

(squat slowly).

In this way, other songs suggested by the children can be played out.

"Cams and palms"

Rhythmic music is used.

Anyone has two cams.

He slammed one on the other lightly:

Clap-clap (4 times).

Well, and the palms are not lagging behind,

Behind them they beat merrily:

Clap-clap (4 times).

fists beat faster,

How hard they try:

Clap-clap (4 times).

And the palms are right there,

So they crumble:

Clap-clap (4 times)

Let's get angry fists

Clap loudly:

Clap yes clap (4 times)

And the pampered palms

Also did not lag behind:

Clap and clap (4 times).


The players form a circle. In the center is the driver. He chooses a pair for himself and circles under the words:

“The goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess. "

“Come on, goat, jump, jump, jump,

And we kick up, kick up, kick up our legs,

And we'll clap, clap, clap with our hands.

And we will sink with our feet, we will sink, we will sink.

Let's go round with you, go round, go round.

And we will make friends forever, make friends, make friends ”.

An acquaintance is in progress. The pair breaks up, the game continues. Now there are couples in the circle. And so on until all the couples are in a circle.

"Lazy pigs"

Procedure. Children follow the teacher and perform the necessary movements, repeating the text:

Lazy pigs

Didn't charge

And they became clumsy

Will not crawl out of the puddle

No way, no way

No way, no way.

Children, rounding their arms at waist level, raise their legs high, sway from side to side.

Now it's annoying ourselves

That they run awkwardly

That they became so awkward

There is no skill in jumping:


Children jump on two legs, then alternately on one.

And our guys

On morning exercises

Everybody does it right

Walking in step together,

Like this, like this,

Like this, like this.

Children are marching.

All the guys know how

Stand on your heels,

Breathe in and pull up

Sit down and straighten

Like this, like this,

Like this, like this.

Children perform movements.

Q: "The horses are at the start!"

And: they imitate the stamping of hooves, striking their knees with their palms, alternately with the left, then with the right.

Q: “Attention! On your marks! March!".

Q: Alternately hitting their collarbones with their fists.

Q: "Let's run on the grass!"

And: rub with palm on palm.

Q: "Through the swamp!"

And: bring index fingers to the corners of the mouth. Alternately moving them up and down, sucking in air through the mouth, peculiar sounds are obtained.

E: "Pani (panov) tribune?"

The girls shout: “Come on, come on! Hey gay! "

Boys: “Wow! and whistle "

Q: "Finish soon!"

And: the alternation of blows to the knees is accelerated.

Q: “Finish! Winner's reward ceremony!"

And: wiping off sweat, imitate putting on a wreath around the neck.

NOTE: The leader can, at his discretion, alternate tasks, introduce new ones.


Host: “In order to observe the stars, the astronomer must open the dome of the observatory.”

The players spread their arms bent at the elbows, which are in front of the face, in different directions: “Vzhih-vzhih”.

Q: “Extending the telescope”.

And: stretch the neck forward, hands remain in the same position: "Oooh !!!"

Q: "Wipe the lens with a soft cloth."

And: I make rotational movements with my open palm in front of my face: “Shih-shih, shih !!!”.

Q: "We aim at the target!"

And: with the right hand they imitate the rotation of the flywheel, the body turns to the right, then to the left: "Z-z-z-z !!!"

Q: "We look through the eyepiece!"

And: they look into the ring formed by the thumb and forefinger: "Oh-oh-oh !!"

Q: And there the stars light up!

And: they open their palms in front of them, alternately with their right and left hands "" Chpok-chpok-chpok! "

Q: Asteroids are flying, comets are flying!

And: they wave their right and left hands: “Bzh-zh-zh. Three! ”

Q: "Buran is flying!"

And: arms spread out to the sides, gently swaying: "Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh!"

Q: "The astronaut fell out of the hatch"

And: roll on their side with a groan: "A-a-a -..."

Q: Flying saucers fly straight in shoals.

And: with the index fingers of both hands, they share rotational movements near the shoulders: "Ulyu-lyu-lyu-lyu!"

Q: “Meteorites are falling. A meteor shower has started. "

And: they applaud, the applause turns into a thunderous ovation.

Procedure. The teacher chooses "Zucchini", which stands in the center of the circle. Children, together with the teacher, walk in a circle and sing:

Zucchini, zucchini,

thin legs,

we fed you

we gave you water.

They put on their feet

(go to the vegetable marrow and raise it),

forced to dance.

Dance as much as you want

choose whoever you want.

"Zucchini" dances, children clap their hands.


Host: “My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift (fanning himself with an imaginary fan, the audience repeats). A friend of mine came from India and brought a fan and a sewing machine as a gift (he first depicts a fan, then a typewriter, the audience repeats it). ” Gradually, more and more new items are added, for example, skis, a meat grinder, an air gun, a saxaphone ... The players should not get lost.

Dwarfs and giants.

All players are in a circle. When the host says “dwarfs,” everyone should sit down quickly. When he says "giants" - you need to get up. The host's task is to confuse the players. Anyone who incorrectly fulfills the commands, goes to the center of the circle and performs any fant of the leader.


All players are divided into 3 groups. Each forms its own circle. All players run in a circle. When the leader says, “Shovel,” each group should form a circle with their hands raised high. When the leader says: "Path" - all participants should line up in a chain and sit down. If the presenter said: "Hill" - then the players should line up, while the one in the middle stands in full growth, and the players at the edges gradually squat down, forming a slide. The winner is the group that performs the tasks of the leader better and faster.


All players form a circle, in the center of which the leader remains. He can point at any player and say one of three words _ "Skunk, elephant, palm". If he said “Sleep,” the player he pointed to should extend his arms forward like a trunk, and the two players on either side should form his ears. If the presenter said “Palm”, then the player to whom he pointed should raise his hands up, and the one who stands on either side of him should extend his arms to the sides. If the presenter said the word "Skunk", then the player he pointed to simply stands, and those on either side of him should turn away as if from an unpleasant smell. The facilitator's job is to confuse the players.

Two more games similar to "Giants and Dwarfs".

"Boatswain and cabin boy"

The leader is in a circle. At the word "boatswain" the players must show that they are strong. With the word "Junga" - weak. The presenter confuses the participants in the games.

"Walk in the woods"

The leader is in a circle. Conditions of the game: with the word “tree” - hands should be raised up, with the word “bushes” - at the waist level, and with the word “grass” - lowered down. The facilitator's job is to confuse the players.


On the leader's word "Kochka" - the children should sit down, on the leader's word "path" - the children put their hands on each other's shoulders, on the leader's word "sheaf" - the children should hold hands and lift them up, the row wins, which performed more accurately the leader's commands.

"Pay attention!"

Children walk to the "March" S. Prokofiev. Then, on the word “bunnies” pronounced by the teacher, the children should start jumping, the word “horses” - as if hitting the “hoof” on the floor, “crayfish” - to move back, “birds” - to run, arms outstretched to the sides, “stork” - stand on one leg.

Game "Four Elements"

Procedure. Children sit on chairs in a circle. At the command of the teacher, they perform a certain movement with their hands.

Command Movement

“The Earth Put your hands down

"Water" Stretch your arms forward

"Air" Raise hands up

“Fire” Rotate with hands in the elbow and wrist joints.

"Listen to the hlocks"

The players walk in a circle. When the teacher claps their hands once, the children should stop and take the stork pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides), two claps - the frog pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between feet on the floor), by three - resume walking.


The host invites all players to stand in one corner and snuggle tightly to each other. They will have to respond to his words as follows:

Host: - Wolves, wolves,

Players: - No wolves!

Host: - Wolves, wolves,

Players: - No wolves!

Host: - Wolves, wolves,

Players: - No wolves!

Host: - Full corner of fools!


The entire hall should be divided into three groups. To each of them, the presenter gives his word:

Group 1 shouts: "- Boxes!"

Group 2 shouts: "- Cartilage!"

Group 3 shouts: "- Matches!"

Then, in turn, he points to each command, which must immediately shout its word loudly and sharply. When the leader raises both hands up, then all three groups should shout at the same time. And what will come of this you will see for yourself.

Comic carcass. In the form of congratulations

you can sing a comic carcass: in Africa

Elephants live, they reach the sky,

without raising their tails.

Joke games:

1. Kangaroo

Number of players: any

A volunteer is selected. One presenter takes him away and explains that he will have to portray the kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but not making a sound, and everyone else must guess what kind of animal he is showing.

2. "Who loves chocolate?"

Leading. “Now let's see how attentive you guys are! I will ask you questions, and you answer: "I am." But be careful, sometimes it is better to remain silent.

So who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who Loves Pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears? - the answer of the inattentive: "Me!"

General laughter. The presenter is exaggeratedly surprised: “Are there really such children who do not wash their ears? You must be joking! Listen and be attentive! "

Who walked down the street?

Who fell into a puddle? - the answer of the inattentive: "Me!" But the majority is already silent, listening to questions. The host praises the children and continues:

Who helped mom ?!

Who swept the floor?

Who washed the dishes?

Who broke the cup? - in response - laughter. There are almost no inattentive people left. This game delights children from 6 to 11 years old.

3. Phrase in a circle

Some simple phrase is chosen, for example: "Apples were falling in the garden." Now, starting with the first player, this phrase is pronounced by all in turn. Each participant in the game must pronounce a phrase with a new intonation (interrogative, exclamatory, surprised, indifferent, etc.). If the participant cannot come up with anything new, then he is eliminated from the game, and this continues until there are several (3-4) winners.

4. Competition of telephonists

Two groups of players (10-12 people) are seated in two parallel rows. The facilitator picks up a difficult to pronounce tongue twister and communicates it (in the ear) to the first in each team. At the signal of the presenter, the first in the row begin to transmit it to the ear of the second, the second - to the third, and so on until the last.

5. Receive the fax

Two teams (at least 4 people in each) are built up to the back of the head to each other. A blank sheet of paper and a pen are placed in front of the first in the columns. Then the presenter comes one by one to the last players in the columns and shows them a previously prepared simple picture. The goal of each player is to draw what he saw on the back in front of the player.

6. Five steps to happiness

A chair with a prize is placed in the center of the room. The volunteer stands in front of him, turns and walks 5-6 steps forward. There he is blindfolded, turned around his axis 1-2 times and offered to go back to the chair with the same number of steps and take the prize.

The winner is the participant who took the prize.

Mass games (games with the audience):

For the younger ones:

1. "Hedgehogs, hedgehogs"

The presenter asks the participants of the game: “Who is friendlier: girls or boys? do you want to know? the game will help you with this. we repeat all words and movements together:

Two slaps (claps)

two tributaries (stomp),

hedgehogs - hedgehogs (perform a movement reminiscent of screwing in light bulbs) ...

forged - forged (knocks with one fist on the other),

scissors - scissors (perform the movements of the cutting scissors),

running in place, running in place (imitate running),

bunnies - bunnies (depict bunnies flapping their ears) ...

Come on, together, come on, together ... "

After these words, the girls loudly shout: "girls !!!", - boys: "boys !!!", - and then they all shout together. the presenter, summing up the results of the game, says that the most amicable thing happened when everyone was shouting together.

2. "Sneezing of an elephant"

The presenter asks the children if they heard the elephant sneeze and invites them to listen to his sneeze. for this he divides all the players into three groups. at the signal of the leader, the first group starts shouting: "boxes!"; second: "cartilage!"; third: "dragged!" the host conducts several rehearsals. First, the groups take turns speaking the words. then the start of the game is announced. at the signal of the group leader, they simultaneously start shouting loudly. then the presenter says: "be healthy!"

3. "Fish"

The presenter depicts a wave with one hand, and a fish with the other. as soon as the “fish” emerges from the water, the participants need to catch it with a cotton. laughter and fun are guaranteed for everyone!

4. "Lavata"

The presenter invites the children to learn the words of the song:

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Our merry dance -

This is Lavata.

Are our hands good?

All: Good!

Host: What about your neighbor?

All: Better! (join hands and sing the song first).

The host then asks, "Are our ears good?"

All: Good!

Host: What about your neighbor?

All: Better! (take each other by the ears and sing a song first).

The facilitator may ask such questions: "Are our heads good?", "Are our knees good?" etc.

5. "The deer has a big house"

The facilitator learns words with the children and explains that each word is played up with the appropriate hand movements. The tempo gradually increases as the song is repeated.

The deer has a big house.

He looks out his window.

The hare runs through the forest

Knocks on the door.

"Knock Knock,

Open the door.

Out there in the woods

The hunter is evil!

Open the doors quickly

Give me a paw. "

with arms above their heads depict the roof of a house;

parallel hands in front of the face show a square window;

depict running in place;

depict knocking on the door with a fist;

knocking with the right foot on the floor;

open the door;

the right hand with a protruding thumb is shown back;

depict a gun with their hands;

with the right hand they imitate an invitation to the house;

hands put forward palms naru

For teenagers:

1. "Shook"

In the rules of the game, the presenter says: "when you say" shook "you need to hug yourself, and when you say" uncoiled "- spread your arms to the sides." the words of the presenter can be as follows: “shook - uncoiled. shook on the neighbor on the left - uncoiled. shook it on the neighbor in front - uncoiled. "

2. "You and I are one family!"

the presenter offers to repeat the text and movements to it all together.

You and I are one family:

you, we, you, me.

touch the nose of the neighbor on the right

touch the nose of the neighbor on the left

we're friends!

you and I are one family:

you, we, you, me.

hug the neighbor on the right

hug your neighbor to the left

we're friends!

you and I are one family:

you, we, you, me.

pinch the neighbor on the right

pinch the neighbor on the left

we're friends!

you and I are one family:

you, we, you, me.

kiss the neighbor on the right

kiss the neighbor to the left,

we're friends!

3. Game "Captains".

Rules. When the leader addresses the captains sitting in the hall and asks them to perform an action, the participants must perform it. If there was no corresponding appeal, and the actions are indicated, this team should be ignored, and the one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Example. The host says: “Captains, hands up. Captains, stand up. Turn right ”; From the examples given, team members should raise their hands up, stand up, but not turn to the right, since they were not addressed as captains.

At the end of the game, all the applause goes to the most attentive captains.

4. Game "Giants and dwarfs".

Rules. If the presenter says "Giants", the participants should stand up, if the "dwarfs" - squat down. In this case, the presenter performs actions with the participants - he sits down and stands up, confusing them (that is, he performs the actions the other way around). Children often, looking at the presenter, do not hear what he is saying, but repeat the movements after him. Therefore, it is easy to confuse the participants.

5. "hee hee, ha ha"

The presenter suggests repeating words and movements to them with him:

four (lower the left hand down to the left),

five (raise your right hand up to the right).

haha (leaning back).

times (raise our right hand up to the right),

two (raise our left hand up to the left),

three (lower the right hand down to the right),

four (move the left hand down to the left).

hee-hee (lean forward slightly),

haha (leaning back).

times (raise our right hand up to the right),

two (raise our left hand up to the left),

three (lower the right hand down to the right).

hee-hee (lean forward slightly),

haha (leaning back).

times (raise our right hand up to the right),

two (raise the left hand up to the left).

hee-hee (lean forward slightly),

haha (leaning back).

times (raise your right hand up to the right).

hee-hee (lean forward slightly),

haha (leaning back).

all together shout "ha!"

the rate of pronunciation must be increased from verse to verse.

Fun games-contests:

For the younger ones:


There are different ways of movement in the animal kingdom: running, walking, crawling. Many animals move by jumping. Try jumping the same way ...

sparrows; kangaroo; hares; frogs; grasshoppers.


Everyone knows how to sing correctly. But sometimes it is not interesting to sing “in the right way”. Try to sing the song "Little Country" (from the repertoire of Natasha Koroleva), but at the same time ...

pinch your nose with your fingers; take water in your mouth; pull in the cheeks; bite your lower lip; hold a match between the teeth.


A fairy tale can have a good ending (like “Turnip”), maybe a bad ending (like in “Teremka”). But the end of the tale is always the same, no matter how many times this tale is told. Is this correct? Try to come up with a new ending for such famous folk tales as ...

"Ryaba Chicken"; "Kolobok"; "Turnip"; "Teremok"; "The wolf and the seven Young goats".


As a rule, all human actions are accompanied by noise. When a person writes, paper rustles and staples the pen. When a person reads, the pages rustle and the binding of the book creaks. Especially a lot of sounds are heard when a person picks up kitchen utensils. Try to refute the persistent expression "rattle dishes", try completely silently ...

put a spoon in a glass; put a fork on a plate; put the cup on a saucer; close the pan with a lid; remove the lid from the kettle. When completing the task, it is allowed to use not only hands, but also additional devices.


All physically strong people know how to squat. Squatting is considered a very beneficial muscle strengthening activity. True, sometimes squatting is boring. In this case, the exercise can be slightly complicated and more fun. Try to do 10 squats, but with a prerequisite:

stand only on toes, without touching the floor with your heels; hold an unfolded newspaper in outstretched hands; squeeze a tennis ball between your knees; hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your back;

For teenagers:

1. Guinness show

The most important thing in this competition is to come up with many unusual and completely frivolous competitions to determine the very-very. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary equipment, explain how to the presenter what the Guinness Book of Records is, present the secretariat, which will weigh the registration of records, and inform about the glory that awaits the winners. The guys can prepare for the competitions in advance. You can call everyone to any competition, the main thing is to make sure that all the guys in your squad participate in at least one. Competitions can be as follows:

1. Who will sit on a stool longer, lifting it above the floor and not holding on to anything with his hands.

2. Who will quickly eat a piece of black bread and then hang down.

3. Who is faster to tie five knots on one large long hair.

4. Who will put the newspaper into an empty bottle faster without tearing it up.

5. Who can roll out the longest "sausage" from a piece of plasticine in one minute.

6. Who will quickly drink a glass of water through a plastic tube.

7. Who can tear an A4 sheet of paper in one minute without folding it into more pieces.

8. Who will be able to shout the sound "I" longer without air intake

As a reward, you can assign each title, prepare sets of "business cards" for each nominee.

2. Fate connecting thread

Ten participants must unravel the bundle of ribbons by holding onto the ends. The players help each other with advice, at first not yet knowing who the ribbons were tied with in a pair. The winner is the couple that got out of the silk captivity faster than the others.

3. Mysterious chest

Each of the two players has his own chest or suitcase, which contains various items of clothing. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of the leader, they begin to put on things from the chest. The players' task is to dress up as quickly as possible.

4. Cracker

Players are given a bunch of keys, a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as soon as possible.

5. Linked by one chain

Cheerful company and logical thinking are the main things that are needed to be successful in this game. The driver must untwist the thread entangled in a strange ball. In the role of a naughty thread - the rest of the game, holding hands.

The all-round development of a child is an important part of his life, so that he grows up communicative, agile, dexterous and attentive. Interesting fun games for the little ones can be held at home, on the street, in the kindergarten, as well as at birthdays, so that the child has an unforgettable holiday. When playing with young children, it should be remembered that prizes should be given to everyone, without exception, the winner is the main gift, and the loser should be encouraging.


Round dance game "Goat"

A fun game for children that develops coordination of movements, attentiveness, eliminates shyness.


Children walk in a circle after the leader, who says the countdown. Children should repeat after the leader in separate phrases. “The goat goes along a wide road. Found a hornless, hornless goat. Let's jump, jump, jump goat (Children jump together). And kick up, kick up, kick up (Children kick up). Let's goat clap, clap, clap (Children clap their hands). And we will drown with our feet, we will drown, we will drown ”(Children stamp their feet). The presenter repeats the counting-rhyme several times faster and faster. The game ends when the children get tired.

Ball game

A game for the little ones that develops dexterity and motor skills.


Children stand in a circle. The leader stands in the middle of the circle and holds balls on strings in his hands. Each child is assigned a number if there are children with the same name. The presenter calls the name of the child and releases the ball. The child's task is to catch the ball before it touches the floor. If the kids are older, you can use helium balloons, then the child needs to catch the balloon before it flies up. If the child has caught the ball, he stands with him in the center of the circle. If the child does not catch the ball, he becomes the leader.

Flowerbed game

A fun children's game for attentiveness, reaction speed and speed.


The presenter lays out colored hoops equal to the number of children on the floor. Each child gets into his own "flower bed" and remembers the color. The child is a "Flower", to the music he runs out of the flower bed, begins to dance, imitating the blooming of a flower. When the music is over, the child must quickly return to his "flower bed" and not mix up the color. The child who happens to be the slowest drops out. The fastest "Flower" wins.

Game "Bear"

A game for small children who can talk and read rhymes. The game develops quick reaction, coordination of movements.


The presenter appoints one of the guys as a "bear" who will lie down on the ground. All the children walk around the “bear”, pretend to pick mushrooms and berries, sing a song: “I pick mushrooms, berries in the bear's forest, but the bear does not sleep, everything is looking at us! The basket overturned, the bear rushed after us! " When the children finished the song, the "bear" rises and runs after the fleeing children. The one who was first caught by the "bear" becomes the new leader, and the game begins anew.

Simon Said Game

An active game of children for attentiveness and coordination of movements.


Children stand in a row, the presenter explains the rules of the game, that it is necessary to perform actions only after the words: "Simon said ...". The facilitator starts the game: “Simon said to jump,” all the children are jumping, “Simon said to dance,” all the children are dancing. If the presenter just says “run,” the children respond, “Simon didn't tell us,” and do not follow the instructions. The child who turned out to be inattentive and performed an unnecessary action is eliminated from the game. The most attentive child wins.

The game "Stream"

A calm play for children that fosters a team spirit, friendliness and removes stiffness.


Children line up in pairs in a row one after another. One child should be without a pair. If everyone has a pair, you can involve an adult in the game. Couples join hands, raise them. The instigator player walks under the raised arms along the "stream" and looks for a pair. The instigator breaks the pair, takes the hand, the children walk under the "stream" and stand in front. The child who finds himself without a pair repeats all the actions of the instigator. The game goes on until the children get tired. You can make the game harder by making waves from your hands. One pair holds their hands below, the other on top, the instigator should pass under the wave or above it.

Game "Planet"

An interesting children's game that develops imagination, fine motor skills of hands.


The game requires markers and large balloons. The presenter gives each child an inflatable ball and several markers. A ball is a planet that needs to be populated with plants, animals, people. At the signal of the presenter, the children draw plants and animals on the "planet" for 1 - 2 minutes. The child who managed to populate the "planet" with a large number of creatures wins.

Game "Only cookies"

A fun game for children that develops attentiveness, eliminating the feeling of isolation and shyness.


Children stand in a circle, the leader stands in the middle. The presenter explains to the children that for any of his questions, the word should be answered: "cookies". The facilitator prepares children's questions in advance so that they can be asked quickly. The facilitator asks questions in turn to each child, who must answer, the conceived word, without getting confused. The game is very fun. Example questions: "What is your name?", "What do you put on in kindergarten?", "Who is your friend?" etc.

Game "Colored children"

Nice and calm game, so that all children can get to know each other.


Children are sitting at the table. The presenter invites all children who have green in their clothes to stand up. The children get up and take turns giving their name and age. If it's a birthday, the child can tell who the birthday boy is. Then the children sit down, and the presenter names a different color. The leader must observe that all the children are involved in him.

Obstacle game

A fun game that develops coordination, thinking and attentiveness.


All children stand next to each other. The children should be helped by two adults who will hold a wooden stick or rope. In front of the children, adults hold an obstacle so that the tallest child will pass under it. When all the children have passed, the adults lower the stick lower. The obstacle goes down lower and lower until children crawl under it. Those who hit an obstacle during the game are eliminated. The winner is the child who has never hit the bar.

The game "Eat - do not eat"

A fun game for children for attention, dexterity and thinking.


Children sit next to each other. The presenter holds the ball in his hands. Rules of the game: the presenter throws the ball in turn to each child, while naming edible or non-edible objects, things and food. If it is edible - the child must catch the ball, if not edible - hit it off. The game can be played up to ten points, whoever makes a mistake fewer times wins.

Game "Plasticine picture"

Calm game for children, which can be done to relax after noisy relay races. The game develops children's hand motor skills.


In advance, you should prepare to warm up plasticine and coloring for children or homemade drawings with contours. Give each child drawings and plasticine. The child's task is to lay out a plasticine mosaic along the contours of the picture. After that, you can give the children a large shared drawing, for example a cake with candles (if celebrating a birthday), so that they can decorate it together collectively.

Game "Only three"

Children's game that develops attentiveness, thinking.


Prepare ten disposable plates, with one to six items on each plate. The task of the children is to report or remove the excess from the plate, so that only three objects remain on it. Items can include small toys, walnuts, apples, candy, etc.

Game "Repeat"

A good game for young children that develops attentiveness, trains memory, coordination of movements, and imagination.


All children sit in a row opposite the leader. The leader invites each child in turn to go to the center and show everyone some kind of movement. Then the second child comes out, repeats the movement of the first and shows a new one - his own. The next participant shows the movement of the first children and adds his own.

Movements can be: jump, raise your left arm, swing your right leg, etc. All children play in turn, adding a new movement each time. During the game, a child who showed the sequence of movements incorrectly is eliminated. The most attentive child who was able to remember and show the entire sequence of movements wins the game.

The game "Bring the water"

A fun outdoor game that develops children's coordination of movements, attentiveness, dexterity and accuracy.


At the other end of the room, the facilitator places a flag or draws a line. All children are divided into two teams. The teams line up next to the starting line. The leader gives the first participant a glass filled with water. The player's task is to reach the finish line with a glass in his hands, then run up to the start, give a glass of water to the second participant. Each player must run with a glass in hand. The winner is the team whose players came back faster and has more water left in the cup.

Game "Catch the Snowball"

An active game that develops dexterity, coordination of movements, attentiveness and quick reaction.


Before the start of the game, the presenter must prepare a bag of cotton balls with snowballs. The number of snowballs can be arbitrary, the more, the more interesting. Each child is given a plastic bucket. At the signal, the children are ready to play, the presenter starts throwing snowballs in different directions, the task of the participants is to catch them in buckets. The game ends when all the snowballs from the bag are scattered. The leader counts the number of snowballs for each player. The child who caught the most snowballs in the bucket wins.

Game "Trees are"

An interesting game for children for attentiveness, thinking, logic and speed of reaction.


Children sit in front of the leader in a row. The presenter says: "Trees are tall," and lowers his hands and shows the bottom. The task of children is to show attentiveness, logic and show correctly by raising their hands up. Further, the presenter continues to list what trees are, all the time, showing it incorrectly. Children must show correctly, without getting lost. The child who went astray and showed how the host was eliminated from their games for several rounds. The winner is the participant who made the least mistakes and showed correctly what trees are like.

Find your prize game

An exciting game for children that allows you to reveal your imagination, artistry, and eliminate feelings of shyness.


Before the start of the game, the host prepares two boxes, cardboard and prizes. Two pairs of different shapes should be cut out of cardboard (two triangles, 2 squares, 2 circles, and so on). On one of the pair of figures, write a task for the child, on the second - the name of the prize. Put the cards with the tasks colored side up in one box, in the other - their pairs with the names of the prizes.

The facilitator invites each child in turn to take out a card from the first box and complete the task written on it (sing, tell a poem, dance, etc.). When the task is completed, the presenter gives the child a second box and offers to find a pair for a figure (if the child took a square out of the first box, then he must find the same figure from the second). The second card contains a prize to be awarded to the child for the good performance of the assignment. Prizes can be small: a pen, a small toy, a key chain, a notebook, etc.

Game "Where are our pens?"

A game for the little ones, which will teach them to better recognize their own body, will help them master new movements. Develops memory, thinking, motor skills and coordination.


The presenter asks the children: "Where are our hands?" Children should first hide them behind their backs, when the presenter says: “Here are our hands!”, Show them. After the presenter asks the same questions about many parts of the baby's body, which must first be covered with a palm, then shown. The last question should be: "Where are our children?" appear or shrug their hands, showing how big they are.

Game "Merry Zoology"

A fun game for children that develops memory and attentiveness.


Children stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle, closes his eyes, starts spinning, pointing forward with his finger and repeating: "Fish, animal, bird, plant." When the leader has stopped, the child to whom the finger is pointing should quickly name the animal, bird or fish, as the leader demanded. After the name, the leader starts spinning again, then the next player answers, etc.

It is impossible to repeat the already named words, in addition, inappropriate names are not accepted (if it is necessary to name "animal", and the child said a crow). If the child said incorrectly, he is out of the game. The winner is the one who answered the most names correctly.
