How to play a card game Old Virgo. Old Virgo Card game Old Virgo Rules

"Old Virgo" is a classic card game that is played all over the world. . In Germany, she is known as "Black Peter", and in France - as "Old Bachelor". To start playing with friends and family, read the rules of the game.


1 Preparation of maps

  1. 1 Start with at least three and no more than six players. To do this, the number of players will need only one deck of cards.
    • If players are more, use two decks, but make sure the decks are identical.
  2. 2 Take the standard deck of 52 cards and pull out three ladies from it. The remaining lady will denote the "old girl".
    • The goal of the game is not to stay with the "old Virgin" in the hands at the end of the game, when no one has anymore cards.
  3. 3 Select a player who will hand out cards. This player shifts the cards and distributes them to players, observing how an more equal number of cards among players can be.
    • Some players can have one card more than others. This is normal.

2 running game

  1. 1 Put on the table all the available pair cards.
    • Couples should be shown face up on the table so that everyone can see you have any couples.
    • If you have three matching cards, you can post only two cards in a pair, and to leave the third.
  2. 2 The player who distributed, shows his cards face down the player to the left of him.
    • The player sitting on the left of the distribution must choose one of the cards and take it.
    • If the card forms a pair with one of the cards of this player, it must lay out this pair on the table.
  3. 3 The course of the next player. The player who just took the map shows his card face down the player to the left of him. The player on the left must choose any card, take it yourself and lay out a couple on the table if it was formed. This procedure continues clockwise.
  4. 4 So continues until all pairs are laid out on the table, and while someone has only "Old Virgo".
    • In the end, all pairs will be posted on the table, and the players will not have cards.
    • As soon as someone has only one "old Virgo", the game will be over.
  5. 5 The player remaining with the "Old Virgin" is announced by the loser.
  • Change the rules as you please. For example, in the English variation of the game "Little lady", the loser player at the end of the game pulls out any card from the deck, and, according to the digital equivalent of this card, this player must skip the card deck so many times on his bones on his hand.
  • If you play with children who like any cartoon character, special cards are sold in many stores for the "Old Virgin" with cartoon characters drawn on them instead of currencies, kings, etc.
  • This is a good card game for children, as the rules are simple and easily remembered.
  • Use alternative cards and "nickname" for this game. For example, you can use currencies or kings as a key card instead of ladies.
  • You can also play the opposite version of the game. In this version, the person who remains with the "old Virgin" is declared the winner.

What you need

  • Standard deck out of 52 cards without three ladies
  • At least 3 players

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Card game "Old Virgo" (old man)

Preparation for the game

Two decks participate in this card game. Each deck is at the beginning of all maps. Players can be several. In this game you need to do so that the player does not have cards. Such a player is considered to be winning.

Rules of the game Old Virgo

The Card game "Old Virgo" under the following rules. From both decks you need to remove all the ladies. The lady, which remained, will have the name of the old Virgin. A person who gives cards is determined by lot. It is necessary to drag the deck and remove the card. Players receive cards in equal amounts. The rules of the game "Old Virgo" say that each participant must sort his deck and other participants see each other's open cards. Maps all the time must be kept open.

At the beginning of the game "Old Virgo" walks the participant who is on the left hand from the person of the passing card. This participant gives another participant to pull out one card. If this member card is a pair of another participant map, then this pair is removed from the game. After that, every player who sits on the left hand from playing. The game passes along a cyclical circle between all participants, and when the card sheets end on the hands, he drops out of the contest. The rules of the game "Old Virgo" say that the player who, according to the results of the gameplay, remained with the sheets in his arms, is considered to be a loser.

The game may have some exceptions. The game passes without currencies. There is only a rings of peak. The cards are discarded by those that in a pair have the same color or value.

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Old Virgo (old man)

Number of deck: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 52
Number of players: from 3 and more
Heart seniority: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: Get rid of all your cards.
Rules of the game. Any lady is removed from the deck. A lady that will remain alone in red or in black suit is called "Old Virgo". The first surveyor in the game is determined by the lot, in the following games, players pass the cards in turn. The deck is thoroughly housing, removed and all cards are distributed equally between all the players. Each player sorts his cards, showing its cards to other players. Discarded pairs of cards of one value. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the serve. The player offers his neighbor on the left to pull one of his cards. If this map of the neighbor is a couple of maps of one value with its cards, then this pair is discarded. Next, the neighbor offers the next player clockwise pull out the card. Thus, the game continues in a circle as long as one of the players will not have a single card. The player who stayed with maps is considered to be a loser. He is called "Old Virgin".

Old man

The game is played according to the rules of the old Virgin for several exceptions. All currencies are withdrawn from the deck, except for the rush. The pairs of cards that have the same value and the same color are discarded.

Card game "Old Virgo" A light game for the three and more little players is also called to miss a lady.

Rules of the game "Old Virgo"

There are no winners in the game. Players try not to lose, getting rid of their cards. Used standard deck Of 52 cards without one of the ladies. The remaining deck includes a couple of ladies of one color and one - the old girl - the other. All cards are distributed by picture.

The number of cards on hand can be unequal. Players sort their cards without showing them to other players. Pair of cards of one dignity are discarded. If the player has 3 cards of one dignity, he discarded their two of them, leaving the third in his arms. If four cards are discarded two couple. . The player to the left of the passing, not showing the cards to the neighbor on the left, suggests him to pull one of his cards. This card can make a pair with card available. In this case, the player pulls out the card drops the pair. If the map is not partial, the player leaves it and offers his card his neighbor on the left.

The game continues until all pairs of cards are discarded and there will be no one "old maiden" that does not have a pair. The player remaining with this card in his arms, is called "Old Virgin" and consider losers.

Le Wu Garson (old man)

The French card game, called Le Wu Garson (an old man), by the name of the rush, is similar to the game "Old Virgo". All other currencies are out of the deck. In this version of the game, pairs of cards having the same dignity or color, for example, a pair of red aces or a pair of black dozen pair of red aces are collected.

You need an ordinary deck of fifty-two cards without one lady. As a result, a pair of ladies of one color and one lady will remain in the deck, she is the "old Virgo", another color.

Purpose of the game
All players try to get rid of their cards.
They distribute the whole deck on one face down, it is not necessary to equally.

The game
Players sort their cards without showing their neighbors. Those who have paired cards on their hands, lay out their face up. (Couple is two cards of one dignity.) If there are three cards of one dignity in the hands, then two of them are lay out, and the third leaves. If four cards of one dignity are in hand, both pairs are laid out at once. Sitting to the left of the passing unfolds his cards in the hand of the fan and, without showing them, suggests a neighbor on the left to pull out one of them. If he pulls out the card, the pair of one of his own, he lays out a couple face up. If he does not have a steam card, he leaves her herself, after which, in turn, turns his maps by fan and offers a player to choose one. The game continues in a circle until there are a couple of all cards, except for one - "old Virgin", which has no pair. The one who remains with this card receives the title of "Old Virgin" and loses the game.

There is an option of the game called "Old Bachelor", which is the role of peak currencies. The remaining three currencies from the deck are withdrawn.

There is an option of the game when the pair is considered to be maps of one dignity and one color, for example, a pair of red aces or a pair of black dozen.