How to make "Engri Berdz" from plasticine? How to make angry birds paper with your own hands? How to make evil birds and slingshot

It is unlikely that there is at least one child who at least once did not play in the birds (well, or at least I did not hear about this game). Angry Birds is, if you can say, the game symbol of our days. The creator of this icing game is Peter Westerbak - now Marketing Director in Rovio Mobile.
The company that was destined to enter the story as a record holder among the developers of mobile devices, was formed, as it often happens, on the usual student enthusiasm in 2003. Several people gathered together and mainly engaged in the development of Java versions of popular games. And after some time, the world overwhelmed the wave of telephone phones. The developers decided to bet on this market, but the problem was that the money was exactly one game ...

None of the developers of the Birds did not expect such success. (By the way, it was far from the first of their game). The project, which was originally conceived as "initial", to make money for the next games, shot and brought the company millions of dollars! Now these birds can be found absolutely everywhere!

Last summer, an interesting story happened to me. We went with her son to our friends to give. Three adults and five children gathered. And in one of the first evenings, we asked the children, what they want to play all together. And here to my surprise, the guys shouted in one voice "in the birds"! I must say that at that moment I fell into some kind of stupor and was very upset. After all, the idea was to play all together - in some fun game, interesting to everyone. And in my idyllic picture did not fit into the children who buried in the tablet ... And the owner of the cottages with a mysterious smile was removed somewhere and returned with .... self-made game based on these birds. She was done as a children's darts with velcro. But you need to throw felt birds.
The girlfriend then said that when her boys at some point could not share the tablet because of this game and staged a scool, she decided to try to resolve this eternal discord differently. They all together made this game and now children are glad to do not play (but the fairness must be said that the game was not thrown on the table).

After this incident, returning home, I collected a whole collection of ideas, how to make Angry Birds himself. And now I am glad to share with everyone!

Paper birds. Templates can download

Or those


Metal cans (for example, from a children's milk mixture)


From the details of the designer

And the birds themselves can be seal from felt.

Or tie

Sew from fleece


Sip from polymer clay


And you can take balloons and fill their cereals


And pigs too :-)


How to make Pompon

Pigs from cups ready

All children for proper and harmonious development must be engaged in creativity - modeling or drawing. In this article we will tell you how to make "Engri Berdz" from plasticine quickly and simple. You will not need any special tools or skills.

The easiest way

Let's start with the Azov. To blind "Engri Berdz" from plasticine is quite simple. At the heart of this figure - a ball. Therefore, take red plasticine and roll a neat ball. Then take a small piece of yellow mass, roll out the ball from it and form a droplet from it. Stack of beak. Then gently stick to the beak to the red ball.

Take two small pieces of white plasticine and make two round cakes from them. These are the eyes of "Engri Berdz" from plasticine. Tell them as in the photo. From black plasticine, stick the brow and pupils in the bird. In addition, from a small piece of white plasticine, a white breast is tightened, so the bird looks much more beautiful. From red plasticine to form a small hokholok. Now you know how to make a plasticine "Engri Berdz". Other birds are keen on the same principle.

Other models

Please note that these figures are in the photo below, the eyes are blinded slightly in another way. First, black circles are molded, and then white. So the view of the birds becomes more expressive. Moreover, you can make another joke. To do this, take a strip of mass of red and scissors give it the necessary form. Then stick to the khokholok to the bird.

To make the ears in the green pig, take two pieces of plasticine suitable color and form balls from them. Split them. Then take the black plasticine and make the pellets smaller. Couple together black and green circles. Ears are ready. Now they can be stuck to the body.

More complex birds "Engri Berdz" from plasticine

But for birds on the legs, the framework will be required. It is best to take a copper wire, as it is less flexible and better holds the weight of plasticine. So, first form a wire frame. Then you begin to carefully cut it with plasticine.

After the body is formed, blinding the beak, eyes and eyebrows. Do not forget about the tails, horses and breasts. Hold the bird while laying behind the legs. Stack give the texture of the punching. And in the last place, enhance the legs of the birds. Make them better from orange plasticine. You can, if you wish, stick to small claws.

Materials and tools

If you want to sculpt with the child "Engri Berdz" from plasticine, remember, this material is soft, there is a low price, it is found in almost all children's stores and has a wide color palette.

If you want birds to serve you for a long time, it is better to take a polymer clay. This material is accoured to bake. After baking, the platform will become durable and flexible. True, keep in mind that plastic is not the cheapest material. In addition, you can create birds from mastic and decorate them a children's cake.

    The most simple and interesting manufacturer of the Birds of Angry BRDS from paper is of course origami. There are several master classes for the manufacture of these birds from paper. We will need a square sheet of one-sided paper of the desired color. Bend it according to the instructions below.

    Here is a master class of birds in 3D

    Another video master class how to make birds from paper on a stick

    Such birds are very cool to decorate a children's festive table, as well as just play along with children. Folding from paper is greatly developing children's orchard.

    Make Angry Birds from paper is not so difficult. True, they will get lungs and playing fully with them will not really work out (in my opinion). Colored paper figures are made, according to the principle of gluing simple geometric shapes. Eyes, mouths, horses, tails and other details can be cut out of paper and glue the body. Here are some gluing schemes.

    There is an easy option - make white squares and paint them, pre-drawing eyes and mouth

    Evil birds (Angry Birds) can be made of paper in various ways, for example, origami technique. Carefully see how they do in this video and repeat the instructions.

    In this video make yellow birds.

    And in this red.

    And here is blue.

    Angry Berdz (Evil birds) You can make in different ways from paper and color cardboard. We need schemes, templates.

    And to make a three-dimensional image, you will need a predetermined scheme for volumetric crafts in the Pencraft technique - that is eaten carved from paper and glued together.

    Angry Birds (Angry Birds) are of different colors: white, yellow, pink, red, blue and black birds. And besides the birds, you must not forget to make green pigs (Green Pigs).

    These are such beautiful crafts can be made of paper with templates for various techniques:

    Here are the schemes to gather Angri Berdz in the Pappercraft technique. It is necessary only to reduce all sides and glue together, then the volume of the birds will turn out:

    And this scheme is suitable for someone:

Evil birds are recognizable computer characters. Children are fascinated by such heroes, and they all their free time spend behind the computer, they are fascinated by a dynamic and bright game. For the child to be interesting not only to sit in front of the monitor, but also read the books, make a wonderful craft with him - bookmark in the form of one of the birds of Engri Birds.

In this lesson, the steps of creating a red individual, which are still called ed, is available to gamers from the very first levels of the game. In the future, you can create other bookmark options, focusing on these prompts, you will have a unique collection of paper evil birds of your own execution.

To perform a beautiful bookmark, prepare:

  • Square sheet of scarlet paper (preferably bilateral);
  • White, black, yellow (orange) paper;
  • Small scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Black gel handle.

How to bookmark the corner of Engri Birds as a hand

Take the square of the scarlet paper of arbitrary size, approximately 20 cm for 20 cm or more. The choice of color is dictated by the features of the appearance of an evil bird. We plan to simulate the individual, which is referred to, so we need red. Bend the square on one diagonal in half, clearly combining opposite corners.

Measure the center of the widest part in the resulting triangle. Holding this point with the blade of scissors, bend one side of the shape down one side, then the second. At the same time, you must turn out the square of four times smaller than the original figure. The center in the square (diagonally) will be slit.

Raise up the corner of the triangle, which in the previous stage we fucked down. After such a procedure, you will have started folds that will help us in further work. Raise the top layer corner in the triangle up. Clearly dock it with a central point of a wide part.

To turn your red craft in Engri Birds, cut out a few extra details of white, black, orange and red paper. It is necessary to create an appearance of a computer character using eye, wide eyebrows, beak, a horser and a white spider on the chest. Thus, you need white and black circles (pair pieces), black stripes, orange triangle, red dual feathers and white circle segment.

Stick two black circles, on top of two white (black parts should be a little larger than white). From above, impose petty eyebrows to make the look harsh. Between your eyes, glue an orange triangle.

Draw on white squirrels black pupils with gel handle. Get the shoes. At the bottom of the sharp part of the bookmarking of a white breast. Further, this part can be rounded with scissors so that in general the form has become more rounded.

Planned paper crafts for children is ready.

Such a detail will help you find the right page in the book in a second.

It is enough to attach to the corner, as we observed 90 degrees when modeling the product, the evil bird will be securely held inside the book.

In the closed form, you will see only a ridiculous joof the charming bird.

Evil birds are recognizable computer characters. Children are fascinated by such heroes, and they all their free time spend behind the computer, they are fascinated by a dynamic and bright game. For the child to be interesting not only to sit in front of the monitor, but also read the books, make a wonderful craft with him - bookmark in the form of one of the birds of Engri Birds.

In this lesson, the steps of creating a red individual, which are still called ed, is available to gamers from the very first levels of the game. In the future, you can create other bookmark options, focusing on these prompts, you will have a unique collection of paper evil birds of your own execution.

To perform a beautiful bookmark, prepare:

  • Square sheet of scarlet paper (preferably bilateral);
  • White, black, yellow (orange) paper;
  • Small scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Black gel handle.

How to bookmark the corner of Engri Birds as a hand

Take the square of the scarlet paper of arbitrary size, approximately 20 cm for 20 cm or more. The choice of color is dictated by the features of the appearance of an evil bird. We plan to simulate the individual, which is referred to, so we need red. Bend the square on one diagonal in half, clearly combining opposite corners.

Measure the center of the widest part in the resulting triangle. Holding this point with the blade of scissors, bend one side of the shape down one side, then the second. At the same time, you must turn out the square of four times smaller than the original figure. The center in the square (diagonally) will be slit.

Raise up the corner of the triangle, which in the previous stage we fucked down. After such a procedure, you will have started folds that will help us in further work. Raise the top layer corner in the triangle up. Clearly dock it with a central point of a wide part.

To turn your red craft in Engri Birds, cut out a few extra details of white, black, orange and red paper. It is necessary to create an appearance of a computer character using eye, wide eyebrows, beak, a horser and a white spider on the chest. Thus, you need white and black circles (pair pieces), black stripes, orange triangle, red dual feathers and white circle segment.

Stick two black circles, on top of two white (black parts should be a little larger than white). From above, impose petty eyebrows to make the look harsh. Between your eyes, glue an orange triangle.

Draw on white squirrels black pupils with gel handle. Get the shoes. At the bottom of the sharp part of the bookmarking of a white breast. Further, this part can be rounded with scissors so that in general the form has become more rounded.

Planned paper crafts for children is ready.

Such a detail will help you find the right page in the book in a second.

It is enough to attach to the corner, as we observed 90 degrees when modeling the product, the evil bird will be securely held inside the book.

In the closed form, you will see only a ridiculous joof the charming bird.