Card Ace Picks value. Love cards (fate): Tuz peak. Each suit symbolizes a certain

  • Maps, how and you need to arrange rest.
  • Never guess without need, there is nothing to do.
  • In no case do not guess without desire. If you feel the internal mood to communicate with cards, it is better not to take them in hand.
  • Do not make more than 6 - 7 layouts per day, otherwise the card will start to lie.
  • If the cards give you an unclear answer or you cannot read the cards - the fortune telling is better to postpone. In the same way, when stirring the card decks are all the time falling out of the hands, the prediction is unlikely to be intelligible.
  • At night, it is better to refrain from divination, especially if you have a small experience of divination, the night is associated with certain dark forces. It is impossible to do it on Sunday and for large church holidays. It is also not recommended to guess at a decreasing moon.
  • P.S. Never guess without the need or from boredom, otherwise not the card will serve you, and you cards!

    Presented recommendations Are not iron rules. You are free to choose which of them do you like, and from what to refuse. Over time, you can work out our own traditions. But all the recommendations nevertheless should not be nevertheless because they also arose not in an empty place, but were formed with centuries.

    Interpretation of playing card values

    Each suit symbolizes a certain:

    Element of fire (power) - Aries, Lion, Sagittarius

    Element Earth (material benefits) - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    Element of air (feelings) - Gemini, Scales, Aquarius

    Element of water (intuition) - Cancer, Scorpio, Fish.

    Interpretation by masters.

    - All sides of love relationships.

    - Izvestia, plans, news related to money and papers.

    - Business and material relationships.

    - troubles, chagrins, negative emotions.

    Interpretation by images.

    Ace - house.

    The king and lady (except peak) are certain people.

    Valts - troubles.

    Ten - interests, hopes, desires.

    Nine - love.

    Eight - conversations.

    Seven - meeting.

    Six - road.

    Six - Not bad card. Usually it means a pleasant journey that can make very positive changes in the course of your affairs.

    with nine peak - bad news from Rodney;

    with a dozen tambourine - fulfillment of desire, receiving money;

    with nine peak - death;

    with a seven tambourine - troubles in the house.

    Seven - joy, trouble, affairs; Business date, purchase, sale, commercial deal (good or bad, looking through the nearest map). You will receive financial support or from an old friend or from a new acquaintance that expresses a desire to help in implementing your plans.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with the figure - a happy incident;

    with a dozen tambourine - successful hassle about money.

    Eight - You will be waiting for small household problems and troubles. You will be nervous, fuss, and this is in vain - the situation will be corrected by itself without any additional measures on your part.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with the eight of the Peasons and the six worms - the news of the fire;

    with the king or a lady of peak (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad man;

    with currency worms - talk about money;

    with a dozen tambourine - the appearance of a new source of income;

    with a seven tambourine (near the figure) - impermanence.

    Nine- Good card, money card, with the same king, lady - love. Your affairs will be fully successful, however, you should carefully weigh your abilities in order to achieve the full implementation of the plan.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with six peak (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant case, failure;

    with currency worms - avoid unpleasant travel;

    with a dozen tambourine - indispensable and quick receipt;

    Ten- It can mean an unexpected jerk in his career, money, a date, receiving money; A blow from a loved one, ingratitude. Probably your bosses paid attention to you and is now going to make you a very pleasant offer. Congratulations!

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace peak (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel because of money;

    with the nine tambourine - the indispensable and quick receipt of money;

    with eight tambourine - remote money, big money;

    with a seven tambourine - successful hassle of money;

    with the six tambourine - the fulfillment of desires, receiving money;

    with six peak (right) - road for money;

    with currency of the peasants - success in cash;

    with a dozen peasant - indispensable money; With seven worms - great inheritance;

    with nine worms - profitable work.

    Valet- This is not a good card. Often it means a man who can deceive you in financial affairs, and you cannot discover this immediately. Usually, such a trick is revealed only after a while. Be careful!

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with seven peak - merchant;

    with the king - a commercial man, fake;

    with a seven peak or nine tambourine - hostile man, ambulance;

    with the lady of the peasant - trouble;

    with six peasants - an unexpected and ambulance trip with some kind of man;

    when the king, the lady and the jack of tambourine with a masting card of a gadget person - success in cash.

    Lady- Woman with a grumpy and irritable character, young girl, wrong woman, maid. It can be your employee or someone from close acquaintances. Most likely, she envies your financial situation and can decide on some Caverz.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a currency tambourine and a dozen peak - an unpleasant guest.

    with nine worms - for women well, for men - theft.

    King- Man endowed with power. It may be a woman or a man - no matter. The main one - some of your events depends on this person, and if you behave prudently, you will get huge support. Young man, love date, familiarity with the future fiance, idle person (if there is no lady tambourine nearby); Reliable partnership, success.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen tambourine (with shaft) - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;

    with the six tambourine - indispensable fulfillment of desires;

    with Chervami - Fun, oblivion of the past and change in life.

    Ace- day, summer; Such a map suggests that important news is waiting for you. Letter (the nearest figure will show, from whom); Favorable changes. And now look at the rest of the cards.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a tambourine - a quick receipt of money;

    with seven, nine or dozen worms - joyful or love letter;

    with crespers or peaks - giving a desired minute, large troubles;

    with six peasants - a date or conversation at dusk;

    with nine peak - cunning, deception of loved ones;

    with a dozen worms - a love message; with a dozen peak (left) - sad news;

    with a dozen tambourine - a letter with news about receiving money.

    Six - It is likely that you have a love date. However, do not rush to rejoice - you still do not know what you can expect from this person, and what is his intention.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with Chervami - the path to the expensive person;

    with a dozen worms - road and hearty date;

    with nine worms - undoubted success in love.

    Seven- It suggests that a romantic meeting is waiting for you. Some of your friends have long experienced sympathy for you and will decide to invite you to a date.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen peak - an unexpected offer;

    with a dozen worms - a pleasant secluded date;

    with nine worms - meeting;

    with four kings - a fun conversation.

    Eight- Interesting map. Most likely, you will receive confession in love, perhaps in writing. It is unlikely that it will cause your joy - this person has never been perceived by you as a potential partner in the life path.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with currency worms - heart conversation;

    with seven peasants - unexpected happiness (left);

    with a dozen worms - a secluded date;

    with nine worms - meeting;

    with a dozen tambourine (near your card) - getting money, great inheritance.

    Nine- Most likely, you have a not very nice conversation. Probably it will be a conversation with your regular partner about your relationship. If a peak suit will be next to this card, then peaceful exchange of views will turn into a loud and disgusting scandal.

    with any king, a lady - love;

    with a dozen worms (with a complete worber suit) - the joy of love, at the king, a lady - a wedding;

    with eight or seven worms - a date with your favorite special;

    with the nine Press - Favorite (Favorite) will answer you reciprocity; news or thing from him (from her);

    with any six - an unexpected meeting;

    Ten- A trip with your loved one. However, it can turn into the quarrel. Most likely, you will begin to talk about your plans for further life, and this will cause irritation of your companion or companion.

    Of particular importance, this card acquires:

    Valet- blond, commoner, unpleasant guest; prosperous news, cheerful company; Thoughts of the Chervon King; Good luck in work, study. In your environment there is a person who experiences rather mixed feelings towards you. If you hurt it with something, then he can get angry and tried to take revenge.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with Chervami - Success;

    with ace worms - a pleasant news, an explanation in love;

    with nine peasant - ride;

    with the nine tambourine - it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant travel;

    with the eight of the worms - a heart conversation;

    with the eight of the tambourine - talk about money;

    with the eight peak - news of the disease or death of a relative;

    with the eight of the peasant - an unpleasant conversation;

    with a lady or king - guest;

    with a seven of the peasants (with four ladies or seven) - the rapid birth of a son (at the same time four aces designate the mind and richness of the child).

    Lady- married woman; a strong family. If there is a map next to her, which means your husband, then, most likely, we are talking about his mistress. But if the lady is located next to you, this suggests that you have a close friend, which is always ready to come to the rescue.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with the six and a dozen worms - tears for gadgetting, but with a crusade, an unexpected joy;

    with Chervami - Success in Love for Men;

    with other masters - the achievement of the goal;

    with a dozen worms - a friend.

    King- Usually this card will mean a married man. If we are talking about your husband, then take care of the cards that are next to him. The presence of peak when you fortunate on the maps, suggests that this man will wait for the troubles associated with family relationships.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks - trouble;

    with tambourines - getting money;

    with kresses - troubles;

    Ace- Morning, Spring; This is your home and your family. If there are trephists nearby (any), prepare for quarrels and tears. In the neighborhood, you saw peaks - your family hearth threaten trouble. And nearby tambourines will tell about your material condition.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace of Tuben - a joyful letter;

    with a dozen peak - sad news;

    with currency worms - a pleasant message;

    with six peasants - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening;

    with a nine peak - a bush, a date and location of a friend.

    Six- Business trip or business trip. Take off with all the responsibility of this trip - your further career depends on it.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen peasant - unexpected departure;

    with ace of worms (with a figure) - date in the morning;

    with ace tambour - date during the day;

    with ace of peasants - a date in the evening;

    with ace peak - a date at night.

    Seven- You will have to keep business conversations (perhaps not very pleasant). This may mean a conversation with the boss. It is now difficult to say about the result of this conversation, but if there is a peak suit nearby, unfortunately, the conversation will end for you no matter. Close road, news about success, inheritance, thoughts of the ladies of the peasants.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace of peasants - the successful completion of the trial, victory;

    with a dozen peasant - wealth and happiness (the same, that nine and eight of the peasants);

    with the eight of the peak, the "second half" changed by it;

    with currency worms (with four ladies and seven) - close birth of a son;

    with a dozen worms (with three other seven and ladies or currencies) - the birth of a child.

    Eight- You will find a meeting from which your further fate will depend on (conversation about a professional aspect). The high probability is that you will be offered a new job. If you see the king of any suit nearby (except peaks), according to the value of the cards during fortune telling, it is explained by what you need to agree with the proposal, after which you will achieve great success.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace of peasants - success;

    with the king of the peasants - rumors about the events on the sea, the death of the ship;

    with the lady of the Peasons - the help of relatives or a close woman;

    with a currency of the peasants - an unexpected turnover of happiness in favor of a gadget person;

    with a dozen peasant - the emergency acquisition of real estate, receiving inheritance, wealth and happiness;

    with currency worms - a conversation about loss;

    with seven of the peasants (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness;

    with seven of the peasants and ace worms - happy marriage or legacy.

    Nine- Interesting map. In most cases, it means changes in life. The rest can be judged only after you consider neighboring cards: - Peaks - trouble - tambourines - a large purchase - worms - changes in personal relationships. Inheritance, doubt; when figure indicates that it will disappear from your life; nice conversation; With the same king, a lady - love, jealousy.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with nine or dozen worms - success in love;

    with tambourines - the right acquisition of money and useless spending on their pleasure;

    with Chervami - mutual love;

    with a dozen peak - a monetary relationship;

    with currency worms - travel;

    with the king of the peasants - an influential person, a favorable person;

    with a dozen peasant - fun with loved ones, surprise;

    with a dozen and eight or seven peasants - good luck, luck.

    Ten- Beautiful card! You will find a big profit, winning the lottery, premium, inheritance or something like that, with a direct attitude to finance. Congratulations!

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with seven peasants - joy, news of affairs;

    with six peasons - sudden departure;

    with a dozen tambourine - indispensable money;

    with a dozen worms - success in love;

    with nine Press - Fun with loved ones, surprise;

    with the eight of the peasants - inheritance, wealth, happiness;

    with nine and eight or seven peasants - one of the happiest combinations means well-being in all spheres of life;

    with a ace of peasants - change for the better; with a seven peak (without ace) - deception, tears;

    with seven and six peasants - a big society.

    Valet- a man in shape or military below officer rank, buddy, an upset and friend; Without ace or without a king - large troubles. If the currency of the peasants falls the first in the fortune study, it means that the prediction will surely come true. Probably, one of them needs your help.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with seven peak (rarely) - misfortune due to goat enemies;

    between the two ladies is an incorrect wife;

    with a dozen tambourine - success in cash;

    with the eight of the peasant - a military man; unexpected joy;

    between the two currencies is a restless future.

    Lady- Objective Map: If next to it: Bubnes - We are talking about your employee who is hostile to you configured; Worms - probably your husband has a mistress; Peaks - you will quarrel with my mother-in-law or neighbor, and the scandal will be very loud and unpleasant.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a peak lady (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles because of marriage;

    with the eight of the peasants - help relatives or a close woman.

    King- Most likely, we are talking about your boss. But if you do not work, such a card means an elderly man (mother-in-law or father). Military; true friend.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with kresses - a close man, friend, husband, groom, lover; In general, foreshadows happiness;

    with nine peasant - an influential person, a favorable person;

    with the eight of the peasants - rumors about enterprises at sea, ship's death;

    with ace of peasants - a happy outcome of the conceived case, the fulfillment of desires;

    with a jacket of peasants with your card (if you are not cross suit) - big grief;

    with one of the sixes - the road with a certain goal; If the king of the peasants does not fall out in despervation - fail.

    Ace - evening, autumn; Such a map of fortunate means your business relationship or place of work. By the way, it is possible that you will get some important news associated with finance,

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with six - railway;

    at the king (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship;

    with seven peasants - winnings, victory;

    with nine worms - tender love;

    with six peasants - a date and conversation on the street, on the road, in the evening; when peaks - death;

    with nine peak - a profitable event;

    with the king of the peasants - the happy outcome of the conceived enterprise, the soon fulfillment of desire.

    Six- An unexpected trip associated with the solution of unpleasant problems. It can be both financial issues and cases relating to your personal life. Probably, this journey will bring you tears and irritation. Far journey, late road, with your card - loss.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a peak - a cheerful journey, with the kits - unsuccessful;

    with a nine or ten tambourine - the road for money;

    with seven or eight tambourine - anxiety about financial well-being;

    with Chervami - a date with expensive people.

    Seven- Bad card. Usually, it means quarrels, scandals, etc. If the worm suit is nearby, then the troubles will be waiting for you in personal relationships (perhaps the husband will decide to leave for another woman). Next to her is a trephing card - you are collapsed with someone from close friends or relatives. Next to the Bubnovy Maste - the troubles are waiting for you at work.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a buben currency - depicts a merchant;

    with the currency of the peasants - misfortune from enemies;

    with a dozen peak - unexpected news about the change of circumstances;

    with one of the eights - treat;

    with a figure - a nuisance, especially with a nine peak - trouble in loved ones;

    with six tambourine - problems in the family.

    Eight- be careful. Failure, sadness, conversation, illness, room, apartment solid person; At seven peaks should not be guessing on this day, with nine peas - misfortune.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with currency worms - the news of the disease or death of loved ones or acquaintances;

    with seven peasants - treason of beloved;

    with four kings - a bush, drunkenness.

    Nine- obvious disease. It does not mean that you get sick exactly you are - the case can concern someone from your close relatives. Inspect the cards that lie nearby: - \u200b\u200bThe worm suit - a husband sick or someone from the children - the Trephal Mother - Probably, your mother will fall into the hospital, father, etc.- Bubnovaya MAST - There will be problems with health from someone from Business partners, and this can complicate your overall plans.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace peak - illness;

    with a ace of peasants - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest bright or dark map);

    with ace of worms - the proximity of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend;

    with ace of Tuben - cunning and deception of loved ones;

    with a dozen peak - unexpected receipt of money.

    Ten- Unfortunately, this card does not mean anything good. In most cases, the peak ten suggests that you are waving a crash of some hopes, plans, etc. Troubles, diseases; At the king, the lady is a marriage bed. Sound desires, failures, with the same king, a lady - a prominent person manifests your interest.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a ace of peak - unexpected receipt of money;

    with nine peak - misfortune;

    with nine peasant - trouble in money;

    with ace Tuben - Mourning, a sad letter;

    with one of the aces - a false letter;

    with the eight peak - a disease, with one of the eights - an unpleasant news;

    with a seven peak - an unexpected news of the change of circumstances;

    with a seven tambourine - an unexpected offer;

    with a dozen peasant - recovery from the disease;

    with a dozen worms - great money interest in the future.

    Valet- Means man who can deceive you. Usually this card speaks of fraud, and by the person from whom you never expected such a trick. Quarrel or fight, bad or black-haired man, commoner, bad news, the thoughts of the peak king; Disease of your children or grandchildren.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks in general - a faithful ally;

    with kresses - liar, envious, gossip;

    with a tambourine - accomplice, messenger, drunk man;

    with a worm - friend;

    with a lady peak - a big quarrel, a fight;

    with the eight of the peak - a big trouble between the in love.

    Lady- The value of the peak lady in all fortune telling has the power of black magic, so it is called a witch. This is a strong black force, and good from this card should not be waiting. It means that the person hangs or a family curse, which was applied by an experienced witch or sorcerer. Old woman, boredom, gossip; Bad woman, interference, quarrel. Between the two figures - a tank between them, near your card - grief, trouble, especially when a seven of the peasants or a nine peak.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks in general - a kind old woman;

    with kresses - villain;

    with a bubble - greedy, envious woman impeding in affairs and in love;

    with nine worms - happiness.

    King- Unpleasant card. Probably, you will be waiting for major troubles associated with someone from high-ranking people. Solid Mr., an official endowed with great power, enemy, bad man, rival.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks - foreshadows;

    with kresses - counteraction and evil;

    with the eight of the peak (on the sides of your card) - prolonged trouble;

    if the king of the Buben is right - the help of a noble person;

    with the lady and currency - the help of a man, respectable family:

    with kresses - his hatred;

    with a tambourine - its location;

    Ace- Night, winter; ambiguous card. If his tip is directed upward, you will wait for a big trouble (severe disease, robbery, financial collapse, etc.), but if it is directed downwards, then get ready for the holiday and drink (wedding, corporate party, birthday, etc. d.)

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen peak - unexpected receipt of money;

    with a dozen tambourine (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel because of money;

    with some six - travel;

    with ace of peasants (both edges up) - fright.

    Four six - long-distance ride.

    Four seven - overcome obstacles in love.

    Four eights - family troubles.

    Four nines - change for the better, success.

    Four dozen - good luck; wedding.

    Four currencies - quarrels, troubles.

    Four ladies - Peresa, gossip, intrigue.

    Four kings - glory, success.

    Four aces - deafening success.

    The fortune telling always attracted a person. And the point is not exactly the fact that interesting figures are drawn on cards, but in secret that is revealed during the process. When you fortunate, you always wait for something, hope and afraid. After it, all these feelings are saved. It is interesting to always know how the fortune telle is able to see different things in the same cards. For a large alone, these are just pictures.

    Aces - cards denoting something defined in each scenario

    Why cards always indicate different events

    When you fortunate the maps use a regular deck. To learn them to lay out appropriately does not constitute difficulties, but to tell us the past and the future is pretty hard.

    If the newbie is able to make align for three months plus past recent events, decrypt them a little easier. Taking advantage of the prompts, you can only tell what is written on paper, look for a combination of several cards, but the truth does not know or can be told superficially. Why is it going on?

    Professional gadels and sooths have their secrets and most often do not speak about them. But, we will be able to open the veil of all the magical ways of professionals of card divination. First of all, the deck of maps should not be started (they never played it). For maps to tell you always truth, and showed events, they should be tamed.

    It is easier to train Tarot's cards, but with a playful more difficult with a playful:

    • buy a deck in any store, but in the evening;
    • purchase is performed on any day except Sunday and the day in which the deck of cards was bought;
    • by bringing home, carry the cards with you at least 12 hours, after which it is removed from the mass from 1 to 5 plus a joker: when you fortunely, they are completely useless and no sense is not carried - 4 suites are used, only 36 cards;
    • wrap a deck in any black fabric and hide into a secluded place, there they must go to at least a year - ideally 3 years;
    • for the whole year they yourself do not take them and do not allow anyone to touch them.

    Make out of a playing deck cards assumed difficult, but maybe

    After the expiration of the deadline, your cards have become gaded and will be able to open you many truthful stories about you or friends. But, have only a deck for divination - little. You need to know all the nuances of layouts and value options. For a detailed acquaintance, take a lot.

    All about the map TUZ

    In the deck there are 4 aces on the masters: a tambourine, peak, crusade and worm. Each of them carries information in each of the layouts. If you use a fortune telling a question-answer, then when the black ace is dedicated to any suit - the answer is negative, when you fall out of red - good luck and positive answer.

    The map itself is not the designation of a person or situation. It is easier to tell the option of a particular action. When sorry for events, the presence of a tambourine ace will talk about news and paper. If the fortune telling was carried out on a person under this mahi, then this is his life and changes in it. Also, you can just talk about the aces of worms and peasants.

    Peak How the Nees always carries a negative. And at fortunes you can not put a person by the king or a peak lady. It costs a ban if you are not a witch or sorcerer. But, even these people try to choose for themselves to suit the color of hair and eyes, and the peaks avoid. Ace of peak has two meanings: straight and inverted, so this is also taken into account during any of the layouts on life, the situation, personality.

    There are individual divination, where the cards indicate completely different things. Meet or love. And here will not play the role of the taste.

    Divination on the situation and life

    Immediately need to notice that it is best to make layouts on a short period of time: a month, three, a maximum of six months. In this case, the divination is true, and the person will not be lost from a large number of values.

    After deciphering cards talking about the past, the future, the present, and what a person wants to forget, all the maps of the defold are collected and laid out on pairs. Those who turned out to be a complete set, promise interesting things. So four aces mean the fulfillment of desire.

    During the scenario, 4 aces fell right away? It promises the fulfillment of desire!

    If you walked asked to find out what it is waiting when searching for work, it means: getting a workplace that have long been dreamed of and sought. When you fortunate on the situation, the desire to get the desired (reconciliation, divorce, wedding, etc.).

    Many gadels even until the moment of divination propose to make a desire or ask a question. When dropping 4 aces - unambiguous positive "yes". In a circle, aces have different meanings, much depends on what is nearby.

    Ace Tuben. If the fortune telling is held on a young man or a man, a girl or a woman with blond hair and eyes, then here, falling out the ace, means his (her) hope for a normal life. Trying to establish everything and sees life only in the best paints. Explicit concern for everything happens to him. If the person is another suit, then Tuz Tuben testifies to news. What is the nature of the news, you should watch alongside the plain cards.

    Ace worms. Again, if a person who is guessing, refers to the Chervam, this is all his experiences for their lives and hope. For all others, this ace means love, wedding, the cleanest and bright feelings. Indicates events in the hometown, but it can be said in more detail, only on those cards that are near.

    Ace Tref.. It means everything connected with money, material benefits. If the cards are negative or a person's black stripe in life, the crusade shows: on imprisonment, problems with the bank, a possible trial, visit the hospital. All related to government agencies and places. Only specifying after viewing all the cards in the scenario.

    Ace of spades. Direct position speaks of fun, feast or beautiful feast. It will happen trouble or a fight (quarrel), but this indicates next to the lying 7 peak, 9 peaks or 6. Inverted value in combination with the nine will talk about the approach of death of a person who goes or close to him. Next to 6 peak is a unambiguous unambiguous trip with major troubles.

    Peak Ace combined with 6 peak symbolizes an unsuccessful trip

    If there is a fuss of the peasants, a person will seriously get sick, and the disease will be very protracted and unpleasant (surgery). The queen of the peak or the king is nearby - then damage or serious problems will bring a magic ritual. Man just want to lime. The card itself, falling out "in the heart", will say that damage to death and trouble is already done and acts.

    If you guess percent and love

    The most common fortune telling is on love and interest of relationships. 80% of gadgets come on this issue - check the love of your pair. There are many divination options for feelings and relationships.

    1. All cards participate in the scenario. Choose the king and lady on suit (this is our pair). There is one card between them. The rest of the deck is laying out through one pigtail, under each. When the two identical card values \u200b\u200bare folded. In this fortune study, if you give pair aces, you should look at a combination of color: black and red - loves, but not so much to create a family, two blacks - only sex and joy, two red - unambiguously loves with all your heart. If the ace, any suit, fell between a pair (so the card, which was originally put between them) - mutual feelings and relationships can be called serious.
    2. Only senior maps are involved in the second situation (have pictures). It is folded along the stacks, by the number of letters of the person of the person you are interested in. Next, we decide on top of the existing stacks and so every batch. There is a decrease to one. Now lay out two letters "g". At the coincidence of the two identical value, we put it aside. In this case, the loss of any two aces speaks of love and respect for you.
    3. All cards participate. They laid out the stacks just, only except the name we take and patronymic. Stacks must be added to two. If you do everything right, then the stacks will be the same number of cards. Now we turn them in pairs, do not cross, but next to it. Here, two aces will talk about a possible marriage. Or this feature is suitable for you for marriage. We collect everything in one deck (shift on one) and again lay out "G". At the coincidence of two aces, the value should be viewed: the peak - the man who is guessing, carries a threat to himself, can harm his pair, suffers from mental disorders, Tuz Tuben - just like and nothing more, wants to build relationships only friendly, ace "A person wants to be with you in order for him to provide, there is an option that because of it you will hurt and suffer, ace of worms - really loves his feelings sincere and more reliable relationships not to find.
    4. The next fortune telling many perceive as a children's. But this is not at all. All the deck takes part in the fortune. We put up the shirts up the full name of the person who interests us, then the next row and so on. It is clear that each name has its number of rows. Now we look where there is a coincidence of a couple. Absolutely no difference how they will lie and where. The main thing is not at the intersection. In this case, the presence of a pair of aces (the suit does not matter) means real feelings for you. If all four aces fell on pairs, then the person wants to see you the second half and plans to live together for a long time and happily.

    If 4 aces fell on pairs - the second half unequivocally experienced deep feelings and is ready to create a family

    On the desire or fortune telling

    Such divisions do not carry a certain designation of strings or values. But, there is a pattern: all the cards add up of six to the ace. The value of the ace in such a fortune. - The value of completeness. Only by gathering completely four tables and closing them with ace, says that the desire will be fulfilled.

    If we consider the technique of the defold "Pyramid of Desire", then the aces here are absolutely no meaning.

    Everything lies in the full analysis of the pyramid posted. This happens like this: first there is one closed card, it is laying on top of it two, then three and so while in the last stage will not be seven cards.

    They should be put open. There are still cards in their hands. They help collect pairs of cards. All couples are leaking. If you can disassemble the entire pyramid to the end, so that all couples are left - the desire will be fulfilled. If not, then do not blame me, fate is not on your side.

    Sometimes, to get the answer, use the "Four Tuis" method. From the whole card, 4 aces and lady or the king are chosen (who asks the question). The question of the alleged options for answers is wondering. Note that one of the options should mean a negative or negative answer to the question. Next, the figure is sent back to the deck and tausite well.

    The aces are turned over so that it is not visible where which lies, stirred and lay out in a row. Now we make the alignment under each of the aces. It turns out 4 stacks. In the stacker in which there is a mysterious king or lady, and will be considered a response.


    Of all the fortunes, the most significant are on life, the situation and love. Here the aces play a role and give a full-fledged answer. In addition, the map speaks for itself, and the presence of the majority should be taken into account.

    If the ace of peak fell in an inverted form, it is not necessary to upset, provided that in all the defold you counted worms in the amount of five to seven pieces. This will mean that the whole negative will be able to soften the love of your loved ones, friends or loved ones. Worse, if there are more than 5 cards of the peak or peaks next to the ace.

    Definitely, the trouble came or comes in very short time. Do nothing. But as they say all experts of card ghostas: "Everything that is bad in a person's life is done by God is not for punishment, but for study." These words should be understood that each of us can be stupid and lead the wrong way of life, making ugly actions, but it comes time and it is given a chance to rethink and understand all actions taken against the will of God.

    If there are problems related to damaging or other magical rituals, then the help of a person who has the power and attending prayers. As far as the right predictions made a fortune teller, you can now make sure yourself, and you can try new methods to disclose your secrets and friends.

    The values \u200b\u200bof specific cards in this default system are not given due to the fact that it depends on the combination of these cards with others and on the place of their locations in the scenario. The aces are also self-meaning, so they are sampled separately.

    Located above the portrait and directed by the edge down, means a big love.

    If he is lying to the left of the portraitBut also down the edge, cards talk about anticipation of love.

    Ace right Indicates rivalry, in the legs of the portrait - on unrequited love.

    Ace of worms in "Konound" means strong friendship, and in the "tail" - Happiness, well-being in the family, wealth in the house.

    Ace worms lying over a portrait Top up, it means happiness that suddenly floods.

    Right from portrait - big profit, unexpected wealth,

    Sleva From portrait- Love without reciprocity in secret from the object of love, under the portrait - a quarrel with a loved one or the best friend.

    Bubnovy Ace In the usual position lying above the portrait, it means the patronage of a high-ranking person, right - a big gain in the cards, on the races, in the casino.

    Left - Dreams take a high position, make a big career.

    Under the portrait - Requests from a person's unpleasant, whose execution cannot be evincible.

    The same ace in "Konound"So a pleasant surprise, a random meeting with joyful consequences.

    Ace Buben in the "tail" foreshadows a business trip.

    Bubn Ace upside downLying in the heads of the portrait, talks about the proposal to take part in the enterprise, full risk.

    On right from portrait it means getting an inheritance left - expensive gift.

    Tuz tambourine in the legs of the portrait speaks about debts on Konound - about material difficulties, in the "tail" - foreshadows the arrival of guests from afar.

    Ace treph tail down under the portrait It means the revenge of a high-ranking person.

    He same on right - crash of secret hopes, left - collapse of certain calculations.

    Ace under a portrait Speaks about deception, on Konound - About someone else's mystery in the "tail" - about humiliating requests.

    That ace but tail up over portrait foreshadowed empty gossip left From him - intrigue, on right - betrayal of friends, under the portrait - the resulting insult.

    Ace on "Konound" - Speaks about treason and betrayal of a beloved person, in the "tail" - foreshadows empty conversations "nothing about anything.

    Ace peak edge up, which is over the portrait, means the offensive of a long series of failures, "black stripes" in life.

    He same on right means divorce left - warns from the fatal step, under the portrait - warns of possible goat, enemies.

    On Konound - speaks of obstacles on the way to the goal, in the "tail" - About lies, small and large deceptions, disappointment.

    Ace of spades top down over the portrait means death on right - Long, painful, severe illness, left - Unpleasant, painful news.

    Under the portrait - Change for the better in the sooner future.

    In the "tail" - Mourning in the family or personal, on Konound - Material difficulties.

    Two black aces top to each other Mean the scandal in the family, a stormy quarrel of loved ones. Two red aces in the neighborhood talk about soon reconciliation after a long-term quarrel, perhaps about the wedding or hoop.

    Four aces surrounding a portrait: black - tails to it, ace worms - edge, tambourine - the base means all-consuming happiness.

    The same aces in the opposite position speak of the same severe degree of misfortune.

    It should be borne in mind that while simultaneously finding in the scenario of two or more aces:

    • peak Ace has 2 minus points,
    • tref Tuz - 1 minus,
    • ace Tuben - 1 plus,
    • ace worms - 2 plus.

    By producing calculations in accordance with mathematical laws, it is possible to determine which of the aces the action of the other or partially neutralizes it.

    It also matters the fact that the ame was easily. If the peak ace and ace of worms are directed by the rally in different directions, the advantage will be on the side of the peak.

    If the same aces are sent to the tip on each other, their actions are mutually destroyed.

    If the two aces surround the portrait, advantage on the side of Togo, whose edge is directed directly to the portrait card. The same thing happens if next to the portrait of Tref and Tuben.

    Worms have a translate over a trophical masty, peaks - above the tambourous. They weaken the prediction of less severe suit. So, the ace of peak, the edge aimed at the portrait, with the neighborhood of the ace of worms, will not mean death, but a severe disease.

    There is another factor that weakens or enhancing the aces value - the presence of the dominant opposite suit. Four aces, usually speaking big happiness, with a predominance of peak masta cards lose their influence to a large extent. In this case, we can only talk about some of some pleasant emotions that will be tested by a gudy.

    The presence of a peak and trephing ace when dominating peak suit in the scenario enhances the value of this suit twice.

    The aces are primarily expressing the male creative beginning, regardless of the floor of the people born with them. They perfectly imagine how to embody the ideas of life. They are in a constant creative search, getting energy from the highest strength, go ahead and create something new.

    They like when their ideas are implemented. With a great desire to improve and, with a lack of time, they can't wait. From the aces, the energy is literally the key, these are people actions that tolerate cannot swim downstream and wait for the weather by the sea. If it seems to you that they are cutting, then this is just because they are engaged in an important thing and completely focused on it.

    Aces can be caring and charming, because they themselves need support and care. Often their life is similar to an endless flow of telephone conversations, negotiations, trips, much time they spend in the society of people. In fact, they are real individualists.

    They need time to be alone with themselves, deal with all the plans, come up with how to implement this or that idea. Yes, and they support relationships mainly from those who can get practical benefits.

    The suit of the ace indicates the area in which it will apply his diverse talents. Ace of worms trying to find himself in the field of relationships with people. Trephic aces will know themselves through the acquisition of new knowledge. In love relationships, they strive for the ideal, rarely find him and because they jell.

    The tambourous aces want love, and money, but they cannot immediately reach the same. Peak aces face personal life with such difficulties that seems to have never achieved happiness. Therefore, they give a lot of strength to work and the improvement of their professionalism. Peak Ace is the most ambitious in the deck of cards.

    The main thing for all aces is self-creating. However, since they seek to find themselves in the professional sphere, getting up with their achievements, they have no time to look inside themselves. The main discovery for them: what they seek all their lives are inside them themselves.

    TUZ PIK - Card ambitious and secrets. The most spiritual map of the deck, but also the most ambitious and logically oriented. It is also a magic map, a symbol of many esoteric directions.

    In the aces of peak, there is a conflict between material needs and a deep spiritual heritage of past embodiments. Aces Peak will be able to gain happiness only when they learn to relate to the losses of any kind when they will look for satisfaction in the spiritual development of their personality. In this case, many previously unsubstituted capabilities will appear in front of them - this will become a reward for the correctly chosen path.

    Ace Pick - a man of extremes, he is either extremely pragmatic materialist, or a highly born person who mastered esoteric knowledge. Self-dedication is a natural manifestation of the essence of these people. Part of the most difficult tests lies in the area of \u200b\u200brelationships with friends and relatives. They often come to help close, may even become professional advisers.

    Only in this case they may forget that they are not the truth in the last instance and other people have the right not only to their opinion, but also for their mistakes. It is very important for them to learn to respect someone else's opinion and the right to be free and love close just for what they are. Such lessons for the aces of peak are quite painful.

    Life Task Tuz Peak - to gain the inner peace by serving other people and follow the highest spiritual principles. To the understanding of this, they can come when they work karma and will understand its main law: that we will sing - then you will get enough.

    Often these people are climbing a huge burden. If they retreat from the law or neglect spirituality, they are sternly punished. The materialistic aces of peak face in life with constant problems, and only the desire to follow the spiritual principles, awareness of the richness of their own souls and inner voice will help them to gain peace and a sense of security.

    From how spiritual life they live, their personal relationships depend. Love disappointments, treason, betrayal will chase peak aces until they understand that the root of their problems in their own painful attachment to another person. Another problem lies in the fact that they are looking for an ideal partner and are often waiting for a lot from ordinary people.

    These problems are although serious, but quite solved, most importantly, recognize their existence and try to internally change their attitude towards people and to what is happening around the events. Touches peak dream of beautiful love, and she can visit them even in adulthood.

    Women peak Tuys Like society worms and treph, men are actually peaks.

    The life of the peak ace is very significant - Princess Diana. Despite the fact that many of her life considered the most real fairy tale - a beautiful princess found her prince, - in reality she collided with many losses and disappointments. To become happy, as it turned out, there is little princess. Unfortunately…

    At the age of thirteen years, the peak aces will have to learn not to wait for too much too much, not to impose great hopes on them, and something to do something. And they should understand that each person is a person who has the right to their decisions and opinions on their mistakes and disadvantages.

    In the period of Venus, they need to develop a sense of satisfaction with the fact that they have (in material plan). At the age of twenty-six - thirty nine years, they are waiting for changes, good or bad, depending on the lessons learned earlier. Under Jupiter Tube Peak learn sacrificial love. And in Saturn can change all the former ideas about life, otherwise they are waiting for large losses and disappointments.

    I know a few more people with this birth card. One of my old friend ace peak (he is already in fifty) and did not find his happiness in any career, nor in the family. Unfortunately, he did not have enough strength to change himself and the current situation when it was still possible ...

    The number of peak is 40.

    Naina Vladimirov - Magical manipulations on the matrix of the fate of a person.

    Solid and volitional, you will succeed, combining your dedication with the ability to work a lot. The influence of Mercury and Neptune in the earthly slander indicates that you have a vivid imagination and insightful, susceptible intelligence. Thanks to a thin mind, you can help people and give them advice, but try to show your stubborn characteristic of you as much as possible.

    Uranus and Saturn in spiritual defold say that you appreciate your independence and do not like to obey orders, unless they come from people you sincerely respect. You show yourself in the best possible way, working yourself or being as free as possible.

    Although you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes disappointing makes you too serious and demanding. Developing natural idealism and humanity, you can always overcome despair and become a power that bears good. Exploring the secrets of the Universe, you will respond to an unconscious need for a deeper understanding of life. The suit of Peak indicates that the work will be the most important key to gaining the meaning of life. Combining dedication with the power of the ace, you will bring in yourself the will and confidence to overcome the vital obstacles and achieving the desired goals. The introduction of new projects and innovative activities may be particularly attractive as areas of you.

    Your replacement cards: Seven Worms and Two Treft

    As ace of peak, you share the same planetary position as the seven of worms in spiritual scenario. This means that in the depths of the soul you are more sensitive than it seems. The stronger the faith in you in your own strength, the more optimistic and directly you can react to any vital tasks.

    In the earthly scenario, your card shares the same position as the Two Treph. This means that the best of all you show ourselves, relying on congenital psychological skills to work with people, communicating with them in a diplomatic manner and without excessive factories. A witty company of friends and common jokes entertain you and help to overcome hidden insecurity. However, it is not necessary to behave too defiantly. With all your independence and severe will, you perfectly understand the benefits of cooperation and collective efforts.

    Usually you are closely, even karmically connected with people represented by seven worms or twin treph, as we share with them the same planetary position. You can be close friends and understand each other with a half-clow, but even if you did not find a common language, you still clearly see the motives of these people.

    Planetary sequence of peak ace

    Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury
    • Although you are able to exercise extreme generosity, in love life you are not only too soft, but also unnecessary hard.
    • In some situations you are charming, sociable and readily go to cooperation.
    • To avoid sense of loneliness in relations with people, develop the ability to move forward, and do not cling to all the forces for the past.
    • Ideally, you need a partner with the same insightful mind as you.
    • People represented by seven tambourine can help you become more loving and immediate. They are well suited for love relationships, close friendship or good business partnership.
    • You have energy, vital strength and purposefulness; All this will help you succeed.
    • The energy you spend on impulsive and restless behavior, invest in new projects, travel or help people.
    • In an effort to improve, do not forget that the development of patience is one of your basic vital tasks.
    • You have a developed intuition, thanks to which you can take responsibility in such situations that others cause confusion.
    • People represented by the five peak can have a positive effect on your enthusiasm, energy and enterprise, but do not compete with them, argue or show impatience.
    • You are subject to strong emotions, thanks to which you can soar in heaven, and you can indulge in pity.
    • You are ready to go to the victims, but with the right attitude to what is happening remain open and loving.
    • Thanks to the living, creative side of their personality, you can develop artistic, musical, dramatic or literary talents, as well as inspire others.
    • You can find good luck thanks to foreign relations.
    • People represented by currency worms are able to expand your understanding of life and make you more optimistic. Communication with these people can be a spiritual bond bringing good luck. Avoid frills.
    • You like to keep abreast of events and constantly expand your knowledge and experience.
    • Do not let the disappointments and feelings of discontent undermine your self-discipline and excellent performance.
    • You are striving for perfection, and therefore need to work, thanks to which they could develop their outstanding potential
    • Fulfilled enthusiasm relative to some project or goal, you show yourself a good teacher or leader, willingly share knowledge with others.
    • People represented by the nine treph can be your mentors. They will help to evaluate your shortcomings. If you are ready to work on yourself, these people can teach you very valuable lessons.
    • If people disappoint you, you start manifestation or resistance, but hardly you win.
    • The development of humanistic views will help you see your life in a broader perspective.
    • The more objective you become, the more actively gets rid of the negative emotions generated by the internal struggle.
    • Interacting with people in the spirit of true modesty, you will gain genuine happiness.
    • You can find deep wisdom, persistently pursuing those things that you benefit.
    • People represented by nine peak will help you more objectively and impassively treat yourself. This is a good connection for friendship and exchanging original ideas.

    Birthdays represented by ace peak

    Although your birthday points to hard work, you can achieve outstanding results, combining natural purposefulness and willpower. Congenital creative abilities will bring you joy and emotional satisfaction, if you can overcome your nature pessimism peculiar to your nature, it will be easier for you to get rid of negative thoughts, having developed a positive philosophical approach to life. Finding a job capable of strengthening your sharp intelligence, you can succeed. You are practical, but have an increased sensitivity, often affecting your life choice. You will readily help others thanks to amazing insight.

    By nature, you are friendly and really evaluate your bright individualism, and therefore is looking for people or classes that are working your interest. If you are optimistic, then you show the generosity and latitude of thinking. Thanks to the magnificent sense of humor and understanding human nature, you are objective and know how to let go of the past, and therefore overcome many difficulties and problems arising on the way. The study of spiritual and metaphysical disciplines will help you see your life in a broader perspective. You are very sociable, and human relationships are extremely important for you, but do not show excessive demands and do not fall dependent on others. Purpose and volition, you will achieve much if you do not be afraid to take risks.

    Insightful and extremely sensitive people who are born on this day, it is necessary to overcome the desire to rely on the emotional state, whatever it is. You are a person of extremes, and therefore learn to balance your strong will and an independent nature with natural sympathy and the need for close relationships. Possessing imagination and initiative, you are a type of practice-practitioner who is readily starting new projects and hard to work on the incarnation of its ideas into life. Generous and kind, you are not alien to idealism and humanism. Thanks to subtly developed intuition, you can succeed, directing the power of emotions to help others.

    You are purposeful and attentive and represent a born leader, the initiator of new projects, a bold experimenter in the uncharted areas. Casual Routine catches melancholy on you, so try to find a lesson that generates bright sensations and enthusiasm in you.

    If you are negative, strong analytical abilities will entail excessive cynicism or make you plunge into yourself. However, if you believe in your talents, it is easily inspired by others. For your confidence and pressure, sensitivity and idealism are hidden, although sometimes people interpret your stubborn determination as arrogress. Nevertheless, the combination of energetic and aspiration to perfection will help you better understand yourself and will give a chance to achieve material well-being.

    Practical and endowed with acute analytical mind, sociable and friendly, you are looking for a variety in order not to get bored and not fall into anxiety. Your strong intuition and thirst for gaining experience sometimes conflict with the need for stable and reliable life. Dammoning his will, believing in the need for open and direct behavior, you will find the freedom that you need so much. Invention and thoughtfulness will help you succeed. Usually you work better when you turn the egocentrism into the ability to inspire those surrounding with its energy and understanding.

    Light on the rise, you like to learn and strive to express yourself in many ways. Creative and original, you strive to work on projects in which you can invest your numerous talents and use natural sociability. Ignoring your own ideals, allowing yourself to surrender to the mercy of anxiety or indecision, you will become cynics and you will not be able to fully realize your outstanding potential. Having invested his talent of eloquence into literary or oratory, engaged in the widespread dissemination of his ideas, you can succeed.

    The combination of sensitivity, strong will and the desire for leadership may initially bring certain problems to your life. However, as we grow and understand the need to help people, your life will gain increasing meaning and significance. You have something to give the world, you are filled with knowledge and magnificent ideas, but first you need to overcome an excessive interest in your own person. Although you love to keep everything under control, the family can be the only area of \u200b\u200blife where you are willing to go for certain sacrifices for creating a harmonious atmosphere. Despite the desire for stability, the development of congenital healing abilities and the desire to help people will give you the opportunity to gain confidence and become a person who always supports others.