Chinese fortune telling on the coins on the book of Incen. Divination by book change: throw coins

Ancient Chinese fortune telling on coins and a book of change is considered one of the mysterious creations of a person. His creator with confidence can be called superhorecom. He managed to come up with symbols in which the mystery of the universe is hidden.

This divination gave answers to various issues in the most influential people. And now it can take advantage of each.

Fortune telling on three coins - a book of change

The book has another name "I-Jin" or "Zhou and". It was created about three thousand years ago. It describes 64 hexagrams - these are special characters consisting of cerebrals - "Yao". When you fortunate, a solid feature may fall out, which symbolizes the male beginning, and may fall out and intermittently - the feminine start.

The book does not describe changes, but is their member. With it, you can find out the reasons the emergence of the situation and how to get out of it.

First you need to prepare three coins. It can be special Chinese coins or ordinary penny. Nuance: Coins must be one nominal. If you often use three coins in three coins, it is better to highlight several coins, and use only them.

In addition to coins, you need to take a piece of paper and handle. Formulate a question the answer to which will be "yes" or "no".

Mix the moments and ejected one by one on the table. The resulting combination must be written:

  • Two or three moments fell an eagle up - a solid line is drawn.
  • Two or three moments fell a wide up - the interrupted line is drawn.

Repeat fortune telling on coins: drop six times and record the result. Six lines are written over each other. For example, the coins threw the first time - they recorded the line, threw the second time - they recorded the result above the first line, etc. It should be a column of screak. At the bottom there is a line of the first throw, at the top - the last.

We divide the column into two parts and see the trigger value.

Interpretation of values \u200b\u200b- the first twenty of ancient divination

Special table is used for interpretationwhere there is upper value and the bottom. Find your hexagram and find out the answer to the question:

The value of the second twenty in the ancient Chinese fortune

Deciphering values:

The value of the third twenty

Interpretation of the third twenty fortune telling on Fenzui on coins.

Hello, dear readers of the site site. The fortune telling on the coins on the book of change was popular since time to our era, but the relevance of the Soviets did not change and to date. With the development of the Internet technology, the possibility of implementation in electronic form has appeared, making a book of change available online, free and without registration.

I-Jing is based on the theory of the struggle of good and evil forces, confrontation of light darkness, good bad, good evil. It is believed that the situations alternate in the process of continuous struggle between these opposites. All that is associated with creating, inner life, onset, refers to the bottom trig. And what is connected with the world external, destruction and retreat belongs to the upper trig.

Ask a question with a book of change to obtain the interpretation of hexagrams, you need in a concentrated state in a specific situation. If you did not like the answer, you should not ask the question again at the current time, let the course of life fill the scales of the balance of fate. Ask a question of a book of change is only from good motivations, it is important that what has not intended to harm the world and its inhabitants. To start a divination, click on coins.

After each conversion of coins (only six times), an individual line is formed. Three lines form trigms, and two trigms are a final hexagram with the title and description.

Numerology: "Divination by a book of change: throw coins"

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Divination with the help of a book of change is an ancient Chinese fortune telling with a flushing of coins. Throwing coins 6 times, you will receive the recommendation of the book, and if you act according to it, you will come to the best solution to your problem. And then the subsequent events will develop for you a favorable way!

The fortune telling consists in building a hexagram from 6 solid or intermittent lines. Depending on which hexagram is formed, the answer is that or me, according to the book of change.

There are 64 different options for hexagrams. It is so much that they need them to be able to describe all major life situations. By the way, in the DNA molecule, which is the carrier of the genetic code of any body, also 64 possible combinations. Is this a simple coincidence - an ancient Chinese fortune telling and modern science?

Book of change - how to guess?

The fortune telling is that you first mentally ask the question to which the book gives the answer. Then throw three coins six times. Drag them with the mouse on the screen, and then release. Take up coins slowly, relax and do not rush anywhere. Each throw is one of the lines in the hexagram. If two or three virtual coins lie down by the "yansk" side up, then a solid, Yansk trait is drawn. If the coins lay down with a wide up - then this is an inisk, intermittent line. They are drawn from the bottom up, one above the other - the first at the bottom, the last line is upstairs. The fortune telling will be completed when you throw the coins 6 times.

What to ask?

Your question to which the book has to be answered must be concrete, clear, and of course, should be really important for you. He should not concern the case, which is directed by damage to others. It is also impossible to ask a book of change of one and the same twice, even if the answer you did not like at all. If possible, during one session, the book should only answer any one question. If you have accumulated many questions, do not ask them all at once. It is better to return a little later and take fortune telling again.

Still, do not forget that the virtual fortune telling is not the same as the fortune telling "live", but to a greater degree of innocuous entertainment. Therefore, if the answer of the book of change, your failed does not like, then do not be discouraged and take it easy!

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The fortune telling on the coins is known since ancient times. It was described by the Chinese in the book of change before our era. To find out the future with coins, throw them, focusing on an up-to-date question. Throw money during fortune telling on coins you need six times, every time writing the scheme. Two or three fell up an eagle - a one-piece feature, a column - intermittent. It is better to guess for one dignity. Total hexagram divide to the lower and top parts, on their intersection in the table we find a figure and interpret it on the interpreter.


  1. Wait for a six months of serious change in life. You will withstand the test and defeat the enemy.
  2. Avoid roads in the near future. If you work hard, success will come in 2 months.
  3. Ahead is a difficult period. The fortune telling advises within 3 months to conduct an inconspicable lifestyle.
  4. Do not waste forces on many cases, concentrate on more important. Not far from the corner new projects.
  5. Calestretenness and diligence will help to fulfill the desire. For 2 months, things will improve, and profit will appear.
  6. The fortune telling on the coins warns, it is better to find a partner in work. It will help to gain success.
  7. Think about further actions. You are successful, but do not relax.
  8. The fortune telling says that the worst passed. Tips for loved ones will help to quickly fulfill the desire.
  9. Luck rests, but will return within three months. Do not overvolt at work, otherwise get sick.
  10. Be confused, forget about Flirt, show respect for higher colleagues.
  11. Many spheres of life are being established. Do not speed up the fulfillment of the desire to artificially.
  12. Do not believe everyone, follow the money, otherwise others will take care of your coins. The desire will be 80%.
  13. Boldly join the battle, it will be successful. Senior comrades will help to take off even higher.
  14. You have everything, but do not relax and do not run through the trifles. Remember the main goal, it will improve the result.
  15. Thanks to fortunate on coins, now you know that you need to be restrained and patient. Do not worry and do not refuse help. This will make you the leader.
  16. Entertainment period. Do not climb in the excitement and do not waste much. The desire will be in the near future.
  17. Swim downstream and strengthen positions. Your dreams will be fulfilled and bring big changes in life.
  18. Be sure to solve problems with the surrounding. The fortune telling advises to take everything under control, then take something ingenious.
  19. You are on top of the possibilities. Everything brings success. Do not be accommodated, be careful in communication.
  20. You are waiting for an unpleasant surprise, you are worth it worthy. You will be helped by those who do not expect, do not forget to thank.
  21. Do not consider yourself a victim. Take a new business. It will change life for the better, promises fortune telling.
  22. Discover your real face, then success will come in personal affairs and business, but with a small delay.
  23. Consider, surrounded by hypocrites and traitors. Calm down and wait for change.
  24. Happiness in coins and strength. Copy them, and you are waiting for good changes in life.
  25. Work honest and get profit. Dreams will be performed at the right time.
  26. Get ready for big things, but do not overestimate the bar. Excessive zeal will prevent success.
  27. Mail conversations and appetite. Consult a doctor on the advice of fortune telling on coins.
  28. The rays of glory and happiness eclipsed your mind. Calm down, the desire will not come soon.
  29. Do not fall in spirit, gather. Happiness will come in 2-4 months.
  30. Listen to people. Senior comrade will help if you work well.
  31. Now everything is fine, but after hard work you need to rest.
  32. The fortune telling is saving from fast venture. It is better to decide what you really want.
  33. This period is better to spend in rest and entertainment. Stop and do not build plans.
  34. Be modest, treat people with great respect and the desire will be fulfilled.
  35. Do not be afraid of anything, and the deserved reward will overtake you.
  36. Good luck leaves, do not let go of love adventures and think about the coins, they will fit you later.
  37. Listen to the heart and do not give away from home. Happiness will find you next to loved ones.
  38. Observe the old things and do what you like.
  39. Follow the costs, there are no better times. On the advice of fortune telling on coins, take care of learning or science.
  40. Negative period is over. The fortune telling promises that ahead is a lot of new friends, plans, travels.
  41. Help others and life generously thanks you. Desires will turn more than expect.
  42. Everything is very good, but will only better. Wait success in all spheres of life.
  43. Be tolerant to people, do not get carried away with gambling, and good luck will return.
  44. Negative events are coming. Be kept in communication and conversations. Save, now happiness is not in coins.
  45. Boldly do what they conceived. Everything will end successfully.
  46. Get long-awaited results. Active actions will bring financial profit.
  47. You are temporarily at the bottom, the higher person will help to rise.
  48. Help others, although the most disadvantaged. Only minor desires will be fulfilled, forget about large things.
  49. Believe fortunate on coins, ahead - pleasant unexpected events.
  50. Be the leader and work in the threesome, then luck will not work out.
  51. Do not be discouraged if someone interferes. It is better to rest, everything will work out by itself.
  52. Attach every effort, refuse trips, and wishes will be performed.
  53. Well think out your actions and slowly go to the goal.
  54. Attentive to take care of personal life, do not go on the emotion. Dreams will be a day later.
  55. You go with good luck side by side. While there is an opportunity, postpone money on the advice of fortune telling on coins.
  56. Forget an unpleasant event, it prevents development.
  57. You are confused. To get out of the position, do not agree to what is not sure.
  58. Soon happy comes. Chat more with friends and relatives. Good time to occupy singing and trade.
  59. Finally, your aspirations will be encouraged. Cases go well, and there is a chance to become a leader.
  60. The fortune telling asks carefully treat new proposals and refuse to travel. Performed only real desires.
  61. Now it is better to work in the team. Be modestly, you will pay attention to you.
  62. You can well earn if you won't leave anywhere.
  63. Do not dwell on past victories. Go forward!
  64. Good luck loves power. Judging by fortunate on coins, you need to go slowly, then on the way, meet many more pleasant events.