Corsairs 2 Return of Marine Legend Addon 2.0. FAQ on Corsara: return legend. What is treasure

And now small and slightly confused own observations:

Good money is given for the transportation of goods (the task can be taken from the merchant), 4000-5000 at the beginning of the game - a very bad amount. Typically, traders give the cargo to friendly cities, but still better check this time.

As soon as you have 12,000-15,000 extra money, immediately hire officers. You can find them in the tavern, they usually differ from the rest of visitors. At the beginning of the game, they stand about 5000 and 500-600 per month. It is possible to bargain and say that he "asks too much", to which he, or reset the price, or will answer that he is "precisely so much." He really stands. Capturing a ship in battle, you can give it to an officer, bring it to the nearest port and sell it there (at the beginning of the game you can earn it another 4000-5000 + guns taken from it 1500). Those. The officer will immediately pay off. But it is better to leave a ship and increase your carrying capacity. Then the next time you will be given a job for the transportation of goods, the amount of remuneration will increase. Just keep in mind, the merchant is counting on your entire free place, so it will almost won't be left for the equipment, so they first buy me-rum-ammunition, and then go for the task to the merchant.

Do not waste all the money on officers, you need to feed the sailors and pay salary.

Good income gives an officer-treasurer. Although it is immediately not noticeable.

It seemed to me that was not profitable, IMHO. If you capture the cargo, which in the near city is considered smuggling, it is better to swim in another city, where he is read by import. And not to run to smugglers and take it over the floor of the price, losing it with the stupid on reputation.

Exchange with officers
Never throw out and do not sell items that give bonuses by skills. (Only if you have a dozen ten ...) Instead, give them to your officers. Let us use, well, or stored.

I had a problem with the exchange of objects with officers, I could not understand how much it was done. In the manuals it is written that the officers can be told in the tavern, the cabin of the company's company or anywhere in the city. And nowhere is not a word about what to do if there are no companies on the ship on the ship, and in the city-tavern of officers is also not visible.
It turned out - quite simple:
1. You need to appoint an officer by the boarding room, then it will appear next to you in the city. If it still did not appear - go to another building or to the street (just do not be afraid, otherwise I shaved myself from my own officer and almost shot it, I was very scary - in a mask, at night, in the jungle, yes And there is such a touch ...).
2. Go to his face to face.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Select "Exchange".
5. Move objects as in the "Corpse Search"
If you want to give him better weapons, and you have several species. Give everything. He himself will choose what he likes. Then we find out this by pressing F2-items, choose an officer and look at him in your hands. We take too much.
You still need to give him a gun, bullets, the potion of life (3 pcs. If he is a simple companion, 10 - if the positive), grape, amulets, and something is not sorry or severely carry.
By the way, officers can be used as porters (just do not let them be edible, but they will eat). It is more convenient to do this with the positives. If you are deep in the jungle, or in the dungeon, or at sea and are not going to enter the port in the near future. That in breaks between the fights, link the excess on the boarding books, because then (in the cabin of the enemy captain, for example, or over the already disappearing corpse) will not take everything, but to give a certain (once).

If you undertook to accompany the merchant and did not have time on time, the reputation will decrease and the country will become hostile. So better to have time.
I once took a merchant and could not leave the city for a long time. All the time pirates came across. I won, but I had to go back to the sailors and the goods to sell. And then the wind was not afraid. And I'm quite a bit late. I had to upload the last storage so many times until the wind was passing and strong.

In Cuba, Bermuda and near the harbor Belize (on Mayna), there are rhymes. They do not come close to the shore to throw anchor need to: exit the map mode → Press ENTER → Transition → "Name of the Harbor".
It will be more difficult to leave this harbor. If you have one ship, again, in the mode of the sea it will be necessary to pass reefs manually. It is not difficult, not more difficult than boarding. Worse if you have a squadron. They are not so smart, it happens and just in the sea are faced with each other, and here the rocks around ... Therefore, before raising the sails, you need to put the sail to all the ships and take reefs yourself. When after reefs, you will go to the map of the ships with you automatically.

When you have the second, etc. The ship, the question arises: how to manage it actions at a distance?
Answer: In the "Sea" mode, click ENTER → Arrow down → Select the desired one.
A companion can:
- attack - you can specify someone;
- defend - ship, fort, port (it will swim around and shoot from enemies);
- leave - dug on all sails (convenient when the ship is badly damaged or interferes);
- boarding - take an enemy ship to boarding (be careful ordering such a companion, it can decide that the new ship does not consult with you, and it will be lower in class, firepower, or capacity, and then extra goods will fly overboard, and Dear guns will disappear along with the old ship);
- fast repair - convenient in the open sea, after a fight or a storm to reach the shore, but should not be abused, and then your ship at a certain point will simply fall apart;
- Savage sails - the ship descends the sail and stops, it is convenient when you need to exchange a product in the "sea" (team) or urgently stop the ship (at reefs, for example).

Blade - Hurricane
A good middle blade "Hurricane" can be found on Tortuga. To do this, on Espanyole in Port-O-Prince, we speak with a girl, answer the question "Who was the second round-world traveler?" (Francis Drake, there are several writing options, through "E" and "E", I no longer remember which it worked, but that's for sure). Having received the right answer, it sends the GG into the dungeon under the city, on Torch. Note that this is the dungeon under the city - the catacombs, and not the cave outside the city in the jungle. In this dungeon you need to find a chest with a sword, but there is very easy to get lost. In my version it was the right corridor, behind the ball, and then on the left into a narrow passage.

Caves, grottoes and catacombs
Almost every self-respecting island has caves, grottoes, catacombs or treasure pyramids. How to distinguish one from the other and why are they needed?
If you have a map of the island and you see on it:
- Cave (Personally, this designation is more reminded by Slash) - this grotto is one or two rooms overlooking the sea (or a gap, or a waterfall), a chest and a luminous ball;
- Well and cave, then this cave is a few rooms (one of them with a ball) connected by corridors, bridges, lasies; and the cave and well are entrances;
- The pyramid is a pyramid;), there is no point without a certain task there.
Catacombs are not visible on the map. Moreover, the inhabitants of them also say nothing. The entrance to the catacombs should be sought in the city. As a rule, it looks like the entrance to the cellar (a slightly raised door of the ground) and is located between the houses are not far from entering the jungle. But there are options when the entrance to the dungeon is located in the house, or in the backyard of the house (for this you need to pass the house through and go through a black move).

Rotating ball in the cave, grotto
If you or your officer will touch this ball, then skeletons will appear. So if you do not plan to scuffle - be careful. And if you plan - take all your posboards and go ahead. It is best to beat the skeletons in the grotto. Tactics: Valid the weapon - go to the ball - a jump back - a shot (how much is) - a jump back - hand-to-handing together with the positives - collecting trophies.
Skeletons also jump out when you arrive behind the treasures.

Village of pearl curbs
If you are not hostile to Spain, it is better not to go to this settlement. The income after the sale of pearls and artifacts about 20,000, and the diplomat in the pirate settlement for the settlement of the conflict will have to post about 30,000. There is still respect.
And now more: Below Belize, on Mayna there is a harbor with reefs (inconvenience number time), to make it better for the day. The exit to the jungle is not a simple, but the confused cave (inconvenience number two), watched on the jungle, and for quite a long time (inconvenience number three), examining the sights (post, pyramid, lake, cave), we go to the village, it is possible to understand this by running hours If you just run next, he will have time to warn the village and everyone will run away if you have time to shoot it, then you can have time. We go to the village, Beying the guard and all the inhabitants, collect trophies, search at home, in one of the houses soldiers guard the chest with pearls. The soldier is pretty strong, you need at least 3 potions of life (inconvenience number four). Every time we came out of the house there is a local resident of which should be crashing. When all the houses searched, the inhabitants no longer appear. Then the same long and confusing return route (inconvenience number five), exit from the reef rings (6), extension of the lost reputation (7), the path to the pirate settlement (8), meeting with the diplomat and -30000 ...
Conclusion: It is worth contacting only if
- Spain hostile to your nation and really need money (at the first stage of the game)
- Task
- You are a pirate and you don't care

(to be continued)

What is thisthe game?

This game is a project of Russian developers from Seaward, which "grew up" from the fan adduction to the game "Pirates of the Caribbean" - "Return of the Sea Legend", which in turn influenced the old game called "Sea Legend" ("Sea Legend ").

What system requirements for the game?
Operating System: Windows 2000 / XP
. DirectX: DirectX 9.0
. Processor: Pentium IV or Athlon 2,0GHz and above
. RAM: 512 MB or more
. Free place on HDD: 5.8 GB
. Sound Map: Any DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Map
. Video Map: GeForce 4200 / Radeon 9000, 64 MB and higher (MX Series is not supported)

But it is in theory, because With such a brake system, there will be more severe.

Technical questions

Does the QLW work under Vista, Windows X64 and any non-Russian version of Windows?

It works, however, it is not about official compatibility.

Brakes in the game and departures

1 Make sure your computer meets the requirements of the game.
2 Disconnect the antivirus, firewall and other unnecessary programs. The fewer programs - the better. This is especially true of such a program as a pantosvitcher - problems are guaranteed with him.
3 Update the drivers, especially if you have standard and installed accordingly, together with the system. In general, in the game itself the video settings is not enough, so you will have to set up for the most part already in the settings of the video card itself. Also, do not forget to update the drivers for the sound, especially if you have "97, otherwise you also have a" stuttering "sound, among other things, will be.
4 Install the last DirectX.
5 Reduce the graphics settings in the game through the config.exe file, which is located in the folder where you have the game.
6. Enter the paging file, if necessary. My computer\u003e Properties\u003e Advanced\u003e Speed\u003e Advanced\u003e Memory.
7. Holders of old computers can install a special update, changing the quality of textures.
8. It is possible in your system there is no set of sch and other libraries. In 64-bit OS, they are not installed by default, go with software. Copy\u003dattach&type\u003dpost&id\u003d12968 to the game directory where the exe files are.
9. A combination of SAVE / LOAD is often used (especially when the subsidiary is under the desired). In this case, the game can "fall" when changing location. The solution is to restart the game from time to time.
10. There is an opinion that the game is unstable working under SP2.
11. Check the system for viruses.
12. During the game, an Internet messenger is enabled with the message output option over all windows.
13. A combination of Save / Load is often used (especially during the selection of the desired result of 50-100), which due to the features of the engine can lead to departures when unloading a new location. To avoid this, after a large use of this combination, restart the game.

Patches ...

Today, the newest is version 1.2. Seizes from the previous version with this incompatible. However, a small warning - when installing the patch, old saves are automatically erased, so if you for some reason want to go back to them again, do not forget to make a backup.

False definition of emulators

Patch fixes false definition of emulators If you are mounted by Raidmassive on Intel's chipset.
Unzip into the folder with the game, replacing old files to new patch.
Also, the false definition of emulators may occur if you have an alchogol emulator 120% installed and the option "ignore the media type" (Ignore Media Type) is active. Disable this option and everything will work.
If the emulator is not installed, but the error still happens, then you once deleted it, but the driver remains from the emulator. They work and need to be removed. There is another option - install the emulator again, deactivate this option and play health.

In config.exe is not determined by the video card, it is written "Primary video adapter" and no options.

"Primary video adapter" is your video card by default, so nothing is scary, just unusual a little.

What denotes the option "Postprocessing" in config.exe?

The inclusion of postprocessing smoothes sharp edges, corners and transitions in the picture, but requires additional resources, so that on a weak system, performance can fall greatly. So if there is a brake - better turn off. However, there is an opinion that it is this option that it becomes very adversely affects the game, and that it is better to disable it, but forcibly adjusting smoothing in the video card settings.

Unavailable screen settings

Screen settings work only in full screen mode.

The game is buggy when folding in Windows

If you want to use the ALT-TAB combination (for example, when hacking through Artmoney), you need to run the game in the window mode. To do this, you need in a folder where the game is installed, to find the file config.exe and make the appropriate amendments there - remove the check mark near the inscription "full-screen mode". The desired permission can be set to Engine.ini in the game folder.

I launch the game, the skull is spinning on the screen ... and all!

Problem with codecs. Especially often the super-mega codec package is given such a problem, so it is possible to figure out a bit with them, or simply delete, or turn off the option like "to use always" (depending on the pack). Easy to play video in the game codec is on the game disk. If for some reason you do not want to demolish the installed Pak codec - delete the video in the game folder.

When running the battle, the SHIFT key switcher is always triggered from the first time.

The reason is the specificity of the frequent pressing of the SHIFT key in Windows XP and older.
- We press the SHIFT key until the Accessibility Options window appears.
-In the window that appears, press the upper settings button (settings of the keys. Use StickyKeyS)
-In the window that appears, remove the upper daw (USE Shortcut)
- Press OK before exiting the settings.

The game spontaneously accelerates: the character begins to wear around land (this is especially manifested in closed rooms) with a rocket speed, or as an option, accelerated 10x.

Also, the same glitch is manifested in a global map - respectively, the ship begins to swim with the speed of light, so that it does not appear to be able to be possible.
This problem is characteristic of multiprocessor systems, especially from Intel
Methods Solutions
1. Preferred.
Disconnection through the second kernel manager. Run the game acc. In the window, then go to the task manager, processes: Engine.exe, right-click - set a match and remove the checkbox from CPU1.
2. The Kosyaki Viyakhi firewood stood (to check the "NVIDIA control panel" and there must be "3D parameters" along with the "display" and "video and television", if there is no 3D settings, then reinstall the firewood, if there is, then play With anisotropic filtering parameters and smoothing parameters (I was helped by the "Application Management" setting))
3. Or in any way some program hangs in memory and requires "attention" (for example, a temperature sensor, processes, etc. - such programs can cause glitches in any application)
4. You can play with setting in Engine.ini
Hyperthreading \u003d 0.
DISABLESSE \u003d 1.
5. You can still play with the process binding to one processor.
You can also pull and use the software from SysInternals and use to launch a type of type: PSEXEC -D -A 1 "C: Program fileskvlengine.exe"
PS: To use this program, you must have an admin rights on the computer.

Checking the licensed disk goes 5-10 minutes

Turn off the antivirus, check that in the processes it was not at all.

I can not configure buttons to control in the game.

If for some reason you want to configure the control key, which in the game is not configured (the key is already busy), then at your own risk and risk (TK you can overdo it and conflict the conflict combinations of the buttons - one press 3 actions) climb to the folder with the gameSoPtionsOptions
there text editor (notepad and TP)
look for
controls.primaryland.ChrForward \u003d Key_w.
and change what you want

some buttons
Vk_up - arrow up
VK_RIGHT - right
VK_DOWN - Down
Vk_left - left

key_W - and DR letters (buttons on the keyboard with letters)

the rest of the see in the file - they are there
Important: There should be no conflicted intersection with system buttons (for example ENTER and ESC)

WRONG Script Version.

The game crashes with such an error if the game already containing the patch, it was reused (just reinstall the game). Either the NO-CD is an incorrect version.

How to add a new character to the game?

The folder with the RESOURCE \\ INI \\ Texts \\ russian is lying the file, Herodescribe, it is given all instructions on how to create your new character. To simply add more Persians, it is enough in the same file to change the Hero_QTY parameter (3), you need to set the parameter 18. New model classes can be found in modifications.

How to view textures and edit them?

To do this, you need a Convertor TX utility. In the right window, choose the desired texture, in the left, specify the path to save.

Gaming questions

How to start the game?

For a start, take a walk through the jungle, caves - with the help of their inhabitants you can pump fencing, get peppers. Perform generated quests for the delivery of goods / passengers - so earn your initial capital, which can already be hired officers who will increase your skills. You can perform the generated quests from the governors, but now it is better to start the quest line for a nation.

I decreased the characteristics, what to do?

1. You have a ship that does not meet your navigation level. Change it to the ship class downward, hire an officer with a sufficient navigation level or wait for your level while your level will reach the desired value.
2. You have advantage of things in inventory. Sell, put in the chest on the ship, give to the officer, etc.
3. Bad health.

Do not shoot guns?

Check the condition of the guns, the presence of powder and that the guns are charged with the ammunition you have. If everything is normal, then download the last save, everything should earn.

Where is the unique shipyard?

On Bermudah there is a master Alexus, which for the remuneration can improve the characteristics of your ship.

Why do you need cards and where to take them?

The game has two types of cards - geographical and treasure cards. Geographical in order not to attempt at random to find the right object from sellers on the street or in the store you can buy different cards (to view them in the "Items" menu on the selected map click "Take"). If you still do not have an archipelago card, you can press Tab on a global map, after which, slower time, find the right island / city. Cards, if they interfere, can be removed in the chest, give to the officer, etc.
Treasure cards can be purchased in the tavern in dark personalities or find in the treasure. It is impossible to get rid of them, they disappear automatically with the arrival of the GG into the location with the treasure.

I go out to the sea, trying to get to another island, and nothing comes out.

Such movements in the game are carried out on a global map.

How to throw a subject?

Put it in some chest in the city, killed pockets, etc.

How to get rid of rats?

Finding an idol "Ranobogo" and wearing it in the inventory at home, after that, the rats will disappear. But for each ship you need to find it separately and give the captain.

Very slowly charged the tools lowered / raised sails?

Either you have an inexperienced team, or it is simply not enough to perform these tasks (for example, during the battle).

Is it possible to go through a few lines for the game?

No, the line is only one.

How much can I hire officers?

Multiply your leadership skill for 2 and get the number of possible officers.

Where to find Manovar?

At the shipyard, you definitely not buy it. Only you can capture. Most of all chances to find in the squadron, which attacks the city.

Where to get damned pearls?

They can be found during the fulfillment of the tasks of mayors.

How many ships can be with your squadron?

Not more than five with completely pumped tactics.

How to restore health?

Just swim along the global map, spend the night in the tavern, attend the brothel, pay the priest.

Character development

What is Pirates and with what they eat :)
Those who at one time played Addon PKM: this system is known as S.p.e.c.i. L., and all that you know from there can be used now. This system allows you to create a unique in its characteristics. Each characteristic varies from 3 to 10 points, and everything is given to them 42 and your task is best for yourself to distribute them. That is, think about how you would like to see your GG - let's say a good skipper, a merchant or a professional fencer, and on the basis of this, distribute skills. That is, let's say for the skipper you will need first navigation - it depends on perception and training and so on. There is no single solution here how many people are so many opinions that it is better to choose. My personal opinion is better to create a GG station wagon than having a narrow profile (that is, some skill raised to 10, and some have very low values).

What does the character class mean?
Available class 3 available: adventurer, merchant and Corsair. In contrast to many other RPGs, this difference is very conditional and affects only the initial distribution of skills and property, with which the player starts.

Rank Hero
The character level indicator in the game changes depending on the character acquired by the character. With raising rank, the life of the GG is also increasing, depending on endurance. On receipt of perks (abilities) rank does not affect.

Perks Hero
Perks are an additional hero's ability. They are divided into 2 groups - personal and ship. Accordingly, each group of these skills has its own threshold experience, to obtain the next perk. Before choosing a pepper carefully read what it gives and decide what is more important for you at the moment. Some peppers can be "closed" with the help of officers who are appointed for a suitable position. But this applies to those perforats that work automatically.
If you swing uniformly personal and coastal skills, then the peppers will be given less frequently.

Is it possible to get all the peppers?
If you have a learner of 10, then you can collect 20 personal perks, but 37 shipments do not get anywhere else.

Why do you need reputation?
Reputation is a kind of index of your popularity in the Caribbean. Itself low (negative) or high (positive). Depends on your actions. And already from your reputation depends on other characters of the game react to you. Moreover, the reputation has a property gradually strive to mark the "ordinary sailor" in the event that you do nothing, the good falls faster, bad rises slowly, respectively.

How to download skills?
The general rule - how to get it, then pumps out :)
Swing when you command people. Suppose, they took the ship to the board, captured the colony or perform some quests, such as the quests of the Roshovshchka for the return of debt, delivery of goods, and so on.
Light / Medium / Heavy Weapon, Pistols
It's simple - what a weapon in your hands, that skill and increases. Weapon description see its properties, the type is indicated there.
Play gambling - with each winning the luck increases. In addition, each successful volley of the ship and a successful fight affect.
1. Trade with counterfenders.
2. Sneak into a hostile city and spend the night there in the tavern, and in the afternoon walking before the guard. As an option - to buy yourself a trade license, then the security is not exactly noticeable for you. The main thing is that the flag is hostile to the city, so come in this case through the bay.
3. Good sailing under a stranger flag.
4. Unsuccessful walk before guarding the hostile city.
5. Cheating Ozbov.
1. With the sea.
2. In the storm, especially if you direct the ship against the wind. Dear is certainly a way, but then the recession and the help of the team.
3. The map does not swing.
Accuracy / guns
Ship guns are not for decoration :) shoot more often and more accurate.
Here it is from the name.
Abordaji and sea battles.
Refer ship to shipyard either to the sea (in the hold there should be boards and sails).
Buy / sell products / Personal things in the store. When trading with counterfenders, the level does not increase.

I met a man, he told me that there were teachers who can increase skills for money
Such teachers are really in the game, but it is almost impossible to meet them. Look for such a city in stores, churches. In the houses and on the street of the city they are not for sure.

Artifacts and all that
Some items in the game have an enhancement property or lower certain properties. Carefully read the descriptions of items and do not put any nastiness, like shoes and cormorants in your pockets. The artifact works only when the GG carries it with him. In the case when the skills of the GG reach a maximum of 100 points, the artifact affecting this ability will not be valid for him, so you can sell it, give the officer or just put in the chest for a long memory;)

Questions citizens

On the street, a man approached me and asked something, I am not Yandex and not Google ((

iron hoop to bind some parts of the mast - Bougel

name the full name of the pirate and the hell, glorifying what he wrote a book about Flibistrakh and published it in the old world - Alexander Olivier Exquelene

the full name of the ancient state of the leader, whose pirates captured in the Aegean Sea for the redemption - Guy Julius Caesar

Agreement signed by Spain and Portugal on the section of the territory of future seizures in 1494 - Tordesillas Treaty

The person who has committed the third Kurgonist Swimming - Thomas Cavendish

The name of the ship on which Maglareman made around the world swimming - Victoria

The name of the admiral of defeating pirates on the Mediterranean Sea and destroyed their kilicia base - Gna Pompei Great.

Ship Name of Francis Drake - Golden Lan

The island that Columbus called Santiago - Jamaica

Tackle of standing rigging - Vantha

Nation that first began to build the type of vessels "frigate" - France

The first English city on the coast of America - Jamestown.

Francis Ship Drake Renamed to Golden Lan - Pelican.

Year of birth Henry Morgan - 1635

Yearof deathFrancisDrake - 1596

First Spanish city, on the coast of America - Santo Domingo

Who made the second world journey - Francis Dreyk

Name the full name of the Portuguese first of the world-width swimming - Fernan Magellan

The name of the first Corsary of the Caribbean - Bernardino de Talavera

Aggregate of ship geases - rigging

Capper, contemporary F.Deka - John Hokkins

I give 100% correct answer to the question, but it does not accept it, why?

Try to enter a response with a large / small letter.

Geographical questions

I can not find the settlement I need.

Buy a geographical map from a merchant, slow down the time on the global map and click Tab to look around. Just because the real geography of Carib is preserved in the game, you can even use a real map.

Where is Fort Orange?

On Jamaica, the port is not there, so you have to go on foot. It is advisable to have a map of Jamaica.

Where to find Maine?

This is not an island and not a city, but the name of the coastline of the mainland. Look for in the West and south, there is no single card, but you can buy cards of individual parts.

Where to find Belize, Santa Catalina, Porto-Ballo, Panama, Cartagena, Maracaibo, Caracas, Kuman?

All this city of Maine.

Where is tenochtitlan?

Buy a map of pearl crafts, and see and clearly see.

And how to get deep into the mainland?

In no way. If you go to a certain location, but got into a dead end, which means you need to go back and search another path, most likely you just did not go there.

All settlements are not displayed on the global map..

Some settlements are far away in the jungle, so they are not visible from the shore :)

Patents and relationships with nations

What does the nation affect the nation?

Before the purchase of a patent on the GG, those relations are applied, which have developed at his native country with others. For example, if the GG is a Spaniard, and Spain has a war with France, then to the GG France will be hostile.

He began to play for Corsair, nation hostile to me, but do not attack?

The character "Corsair" at the beginning of the game receives a "bonus" in the form of hostile relatives with two random nations and a small NZG.

Why do you need a patent?

By purchasing a patent, GG enters the service to a specific state and it is possible to fulfill the national line of quests and the relationship of the nation is distributed, which gives him a patent. The initial reinforcement does not affect anything after receiving the patent.

How to get a patent?

There are 2 options. The first is to perform the tasks of the governors of the nation you choose (it is desirable that it was the same governor), the number of tasks is determined randomly. In case of refusal to execute the proposed task, reputation falls and the number of tasks that must be executed are increasing. The second way is to buy a patent for a diplomat for a round sum.

How to get rid of a patent?

The patent will be lost in the case of hostile actions in relation to the nation, namely the attack of the city of the nation of a patent under its own flag, the shelling of the fort and the ship in the mode from the 1st person under any flag. In the event that you do this in mode from a third party, then the patent does not lose, but worsen your relationship with the nation and for your head will be appointed award.

It remained without a patent, is it possible to buy another and start a new ruler?

You can purchase a patent of another nation, but there will be no quest tasks. Want to continue the line - restore relationships with the nation, the patent of which you lost, only so you can get a quest ruler.

What is the license for?

The license is a document that gives the right to visit the territory of hostile states that can be purchased from diplomat.

How to get a patent for a hostile nation?

We make your way unnoticed by the enemy city unnoticed and go to the governor to fulfill his tasks.

How to make me behind the head hunters (ozg)?

Pay a diplomat, he will welt. However, he will need a few days for the settlement of relationships and even after that there is a possibility that Ozgs can attack you, which are not yet aware that the reward for your head took off. It is necessary to avoid the shock with them, otherwise the award will prescribe again.

How to make not attacked pirates?

Change the flag to a pirate, but then you will attack all the rest.

The diplomat has no branch in the dialogue * to make it with the power *.

Therefore, you personally are not hostile to the nation, but your native nation is hostile, so you need to attack their ships, then it will be possible to reconcile exactly you.

I bought a license, and I can not get into the enemy port.

In order to enter the enemy port with a license, another perk is needed to raise the flag of this nation. If there is no pepper, then move in the bay and calmly go to the city - the security license will not touch.

There is perk shift flag, but I can not go to the port - you still recognize.

If you have a ship of the 1st or second class and will be - you are too noticeable, swing secrets. With small ships problems less. As an option, you can offer to leave your ship in the port control of a friendly nation, and in the enemy port already enter the ship 5-6 class.

Where exactly find a diplomat?

The diplomat can be found in the tavern in any pirate settlement.


What is treasure?

In QLL, the treasure is hidden somewhere on the archipelago items. There are two levels - depending on the card, on which you found it. The most valuable are the clasts of the second level. In the treasures you can find anything - jewels, weapons, other items, with the exception of quests (for example, Morgan Rapier). The contents of the treasure is randomly generated at the time of the card acquisition.

Where to take a map of the treasure?

Paddow cards are two levels. Maps of the first level can be purchased in the tavern in dark personalities. Second-level cards can be detected in the treasures found on the first level cards. Such cards are divided into 2 parts to view it you need to "take" any of two halves.

How to throw the map of the treasure?

In no way. Such a card will disappear automatically when you enter the location with the treasure.

I can not find the map of the treasure - no one offers.

And then stay spending the night in the taverns and in the end you will sell you the card. Either your inventory already has a treasure map, bought earlier, or a map collected from two halves found in the treasures. Until you find this treasure, there will be no new.

Sold a fake card. What to do?

If "Taking" in the hands of the map you found that she is fake, then nothing can be done about anything - you will not return money back. Always check the map in the tavern where you bought it. You can take revenge on the seller.

How to search for treasures?

Since the treasies are located in the caves of the archipelago, it certainly will not prevent acquiring and a normal geographic map of this area. Next, always carefully read the description of the area on the map. At that moment, when you go to the location where the treasure is located, a message appears on the screen, and the card will disappear from the inventory. There are no options that there is no place in location, there can be no - treasure necessarily eat carefully on all the chests and boxes that are there.

I can not carry all the treasure - too hard.

The treasure does not disappear immediately after you leave the cave - you can attribute part to the ship, and then go back back. You can distribute things between your officers (if you have). Well, you can simply choose the most valuable things, and not to take everything.

In the treasury there are chests and treasures, how to open them?

In no way. Just sell as it is.

Posted a round sum for a map of the treasure, and there any nonsense.

Well, nobody promised gold mountains, maybe lucky next time.

Slopping at the entrance, go to the tavern. Again, the drinks won all the tables, the overgrown their sea devil. "I have no rivals in my sea!" - It comes from one of the guests. "Well, yes, of course ..." - from the threshold enter the lively discussion. Close of beating

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Manuals and passage

Slopping at the entrance, go to the tavern. Again, the drinks won all the tables, the overgrown their sea devil. "I have no rivals in my sea!" - It comes from one of the guests. "Well, yes, of course ..." - from the threshold enter the lively discussion. The ringing of beating dishes, screams, crossed steel - will have to answer him for the audacity. Although isn't the fight in the tavern - it's seriously for two maritime wolves: an adventurist-Spaniard and English pirate? So, warm up only. Steaming with Bouncen, we find the right person. It is easy to learn along the clothes, they are all so dressed. "We have a product ... no, the authorities will not buy ... Yes, only for you ... on the beach? .. We will!" Walk, perhaps, on foot, here is not far. Going to the beach, we see a group of smugglers - we have something for them ... "No, this is not a slave," pirate answers, is information. Interested in? Then listen ... "

A new game

So, the game is set. Pistol for the belt, saber in hand - and forward, on maritime expanses. True, you must first decide who we will play. We offer three characters to the choice. Diego Espinosis - Spaniard, adventurer and adventure crawler. It is characterized by the balance of the main characteristics, a kind of master for all hands. Edward Tich - Englishman, Corsair. The purebred fighter, which is not surprising - in the future, Edward Tich will be known as a black beard. And the third seeker of glory and wealth is a typical dealer Alex Exvemelin, Dutchman. What is logical, the military fleet does not have, but the trade is the best in the entire Caribbean.

The choice of nation is very important. For example, Spain at the time of the beginning of the game owns most colonies on the caribbean. In addition, it is neutral with Holland - a true paradise for a merchant. England, on the contrary, is entitled with everyone, except for France. The English and French colonies on the archipelago are much smaller, so the trader's life will not be more difficult as an example. But you can rob the Spanish "golden" galleons, which once a year depart in the old light. A good crop will also bring the ruin of Spanish and Dutch colonies. Holland in terms of political relations is lucky. It consists in the secret union with France, and with Spain holds neutrality. There are only difficulties with the British, but in their colonies you can trade - about how to do it, let's tell later. If we choose France, we get neutrality with England and peace with Holland. Hostile to all only pirates.

By the way, in the game it is impossible to live in peace with all countries. On the right on the screen you can see the indicator of the country's relationship to the character - but not to his nation. That is, if you are a Spaniard and all France admire you, you will still attack French vessels and merciless to fall out of coastal fortifications.

Nation is selected, now consider game settings. There are several of them:

  • Complexity - directly affects the power of opponents, their vitality in a hand-to-hand fight, as well as the amount of experience gained. In the game 10 levels of difficulty, from the "sailor" to the "impossible".
  • Frequency of events - Determines with which regularity you will meet other ships. For beginners, we recommend the level "rare". At a high level, too many problems, pirates literally at every step. Yes, not one ship, whole squadrons up to six ships! It is impossible to withstand such raids on the starting lugger and with minimal skills. Yes, restless in the Caribbean, what did you want?
  • Pistol processing "You will not give peacefully with a gun in your hands." You can click the "Shot" button - the character will pull the gun, will shoot and remove backwards. If the option is enabled, the gun will be famously recharged right during fencing, and if not - for this we will have to put the sword into the sheath or fight without firearms. Revenge in the direction of realism, and not the only one.
  • Hardcoregame. - This is a mode for true enthusiasts, which can be saved only in churches. Explain what it is fraught, no need. Any pirate - and hello, Davy Jones. For the first passage is extremely not recommended.
  • Swim Mode - Sets the speed of the navigation. Someone in the souls are fast, dynamic fights, and someone thoughtful maneuvers. The battle process itself does not affect this parameter.
  • Profile - Finally, in Korsarov, you can play several characters at the same time, without fearing to overwrite the already saved game.

Now that you all configured it, the game begins. Starting it, unfortunately, made common to everyone. The captain of the ship was killed in battle, and our character accepted command on himself. About the hero we know that he arrived from Europe. That's the whole tie. In the same dialog, you can change the initial characteristics if you select the appropriate menu item. To the role-playing system we will return below. By the way, the sailor will suggest practicing fencing. It is not necessary to refuse - the fencing in the "return of the legend" is radically different from Korsarov 3.



In this chapter, we will analyze how to manage the vessel.

The vehicle speed depends on the strength and direction of the wind and the position of the sails, which is only three: completely lowered, raised and completely raised. It is clear, if you completely lift the sail, the ship can only drift on the waves, without moving anywhere. With raised sails, the ship moves very slowly, since all major sails are removed. Well, with completely lowered sails, we can only catch the wind, nothing depends on the boat itself. Of course, the passing wind is the best, and the oncoming will not give us to move away, but there is a huge number of "side" winds. Everything is simple: the "closer" the oncoming wind, the faster the ship is floating. Much depends on the type of ship - for example, the sailing arms of the battleships is such that it is suitable for almost any wind! But just swim - this is one thing, but maneuvering is already completely different. In essence, successful maneuvers during the battle - 50% of success. During your volley, it is best to fully lift the sail, and when the ship stops, shoot. Skillful players can pick up the ships of the enemy: the Supostat raises the sail for a shot, the player sees it and also begins to raise; And so, when two ships are almost standing, the player simultaneously shoots, lowers sails and turns his nose to the enemy. It is very difficult, but the result justifies hours of training.

Battle. You can fight with the enemy in two modes, ordinary (ship from a third party) and the captain (ship per first person). The second mode will allow us to aim yourself before shooting. You can throw the enemy ship, you can not finish before it (just why?), Well, of course, you can get into the enemy. Also in the "Captain" mode, you can carefully consider the enemy to the pickle tube: the higher the quality of the device, the more information you can learn from the speed to the number of guns on board.

Boarding. During the board, all soldiers do not participate in the battle. A total of 15 people will be on the decks of ships. If there were 300 people on your ship, and on the ship enemy 900, then on your side, there will be 4 people on the side of the board, and on the opponent's side 11. But if you are alone attack the ship with a huge team, you will have to fight one against 15 sailors. And they will have great health and damage indicators. One blow can cause damage three times more than the player of the glasses of life. After the victory on the deck, the fight goes into the cabin of the captain, and there you are one to one bend with the enemy Cap - who won the ship. Although there is a chance that the captain will give up without a fight.

It is important: After the end of the slaughter on the deck, a hotel is a good corpus, sometimes there is a lot of interesting things. Yes, and Captain's cabin would not badly clean ...

However, if your team is superior to the enemy and you have a big leader's indicator, that is, the high probability that the ship will give up without a fight. All his crew will become your slaves, and captain captive. Unless, of course, the captain will not decide to throw everyone overboard.


Office on land elementary. In the cities we can not run at all, but simply navigate through the key points using the Enter key, choosing the desired buildings. But on the jungle will have to run, yes ... I remember Maine, without a card, at night - an hour didn't have to spend at all the game time, in order to finally find the planned bay, where the ship was standing.

The battles, however, are also not distinguished by special complexity. Energy is spent on all actions that slowly increases. There are three main impacts: a quick-breaking, which causes a little damage, but it quickly beats and spends little energy. Middle blow, medium in all respects. A strong punching kick is very long and spends a lot of energy, but such a blow can easily take away all the health of the enemy immediately, and it does not pay attention to the block. There is also a circular blow that spends a lot of energy, but everyone is nearby opponents get the middle damage. There are two protective skills, block and fint, the latter reflects the blow of the enemy and at the same time can completely deprive the enemy of energy and take it out of the game for a few seconds.

But not a sword one ... In the reserve of our hero, there is, of course, a gun. The thing is very useful, depending on the game mode, it recharges either by itself, or when there is no weapon in his hands. The better the pistol, the natural, more damage.

In general, the battle looks like this: we shoot, we apply a punch strike, once again and ... run, gaining energy. Repeat to a victorious end. In this way, you can overcome five to six enemies even at the beginning of the game, the main thing is to stock up "pills", to correct a healthy, you know ...

Role-playing system and skills

Let's start with the main difference of "Corsares: the return of the legend" from the original series. This is a completely new character development system. The "Piratskaya" Special Analogy called Pirates came to replace the experience, levels and set of characteristics. You can't change these characteristics in the course of the game, except that it is possible to perform a special task, but about it later.

Consider the characteristics more.

Power (Power) - Power in "Corsaars" plays a classic role in role-playing games. It is responsible for the strength of the strike, the portable weight and the number of units of life.

Impression - The ability to see, hear and notice everything around. In particular, responsible for the accuracy of the cannonal salts from the ship. The accuracy of pistol shots does not affect.

REACTION) - Dexterity, picness and, oddly enough, stamina. Responsible for energy, at the expense of which strikes are applied. We strongly recommend to invest in this characteristic maximum points. Fight in the game will have a lot.

Leadership (AUTHORITY) - Natural charm plus conversation skills. A good leader will be able to take the ship without a fight, hire the maximum command, get the best prices in the store. In addition, leadership affects the number of personal officers (the available number of officers is equal to the level of leadership, multiplied by two)

Trainability (Talent) - A sharp and inquisitive mind, the ability to grab everything on the fly. Character with high learning is faster acquires skills. Also, learning influences many skills, such as navigation and guns.

Endurance) - The name of the skill speaks for itself. The higher the endurance, the more the character's glasses will be from the character. A little to a lesser extent affects the amount of portable weight.

Luck (Success) - Good luck - she is luck. It affects the net chance - the enemy may not fall into the emphasis, the enemy patrol will pass by, accepting his.

All characteristics change ranging from 3 to 10.

The value of the new system is that it gives a scope for fantasy. You can start playing stupid versil and steel and lead to lay a path in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, but you can become a prudent negotiable, buying cheap and selling expensive.

For example, for a purebred fighter, the maximum values \u200b\u200bof strength, reaction, trained, luck and leadership are needed. For merchant - learnability, leadership and perception. Of course, variations are also possible. It all depends on the player.

So, we looked at the basic system, we now turn to the parameters of the hero.

Rank - Now the so-called level. Increases upon receipt of a sufficient number of experience. Experience is charged for trade, tasks, destroying forts, improving skills and hand-to-hand fight. Each level adds life and energy. And in general, everything. Some special influence, as in previous "Corsaars," there is no rank. Unless the higher the rank, the better officers you can hire and the stronger the enemies and captains will be.

A life - Health Hero in numbers. Classic scheme. The more points of life, the longer the character lives in battle. Raises depending on strength and endurance.

Health - And this is an indicator of the state of the hero. Frequent injuries with time reduce this indicator, and what it is lower, the lower the main characteristics. For example, medium health gives fine -1. Together with the main characteristics, the skills are reduced. You can restore health in different ways - for a long time not to participate in hand-to-hand fights or heal in the church. Boutinal also helps. In general, rest and bedding. We recommend constantly keeping the level of health on the "good" or "excellent" indicator.

Energy - shows the stake in the hardness of the character. Each action is a blow, rebound and so on - spending some kind of energy. In fact, energy shows how much character is enough in battle. The value depends on the reaction.

Gold - Displays the number of piastra in the pockets of the character.

Reputation - shows how other people belong to the character. We start with the reputation of "ordinary sailor", and in the course of the game we can either be a bloody killer, or a hero, depending on which we will make actions. Over time, both good and bad things are forgotten, good faster, bad slower. Reputation is always striving for a "ordinary sailor." It also affects the loyalty of hired officers, but about it below.

Portable weight - Shows the current load and maximum.

Rank - This is an indicator of the progress of the implementation of the National Rule.

The experience threshold - shows how much it remains to get points in the ability to obtain the next item. We will tell you more about this in the "Personal Skill" section.

Personal skills

Along with the characteristics, the character has personal skills. They develop as appropriate skills. For example, a light weapon skill is growing when the character holds the tattles, daggers and rapies, pistols - when shooting, and so on. We met a similar system, for example, in TES IV: Oblivion. Consider the skills in more detail.

Authority - The name speaks for itself. The captain must be respected by his team and must inspire confidence. Otherwise, the rebellion on the ship can not be avoided, and on land no one wants to go to the ship. In addition, credibility affects the chance to take the enemy ship without a fight. Depends on leadership and less from trainee.

How to develop?

Hiring people in taverns. Take a lot of damaged ships with a small team to the boarding, so that they are more likely to surrender without a fight. Grows in battle.

Light weapon - characterizes the ability to own light weapons: tapes, daggers and rapies. Light weapons spend the least energy, but also damage is much smaller than other types of weapons.

It depends to a greater extent of the reaction and in less - from perception.

Middle weapons - characterizes the possession of sabers and dymeaks. Middle damage, energy costs too. Golden mean. Depends on the strength and reaction.

Heavy weapons - All the same, only the weapon is colder - the Balashi, Flambers and Axes. The energy spends indecently much, but it hits so that it will not seem little. It depends to a greater extent of strength and less from endurance.

How to develop?

Fight. The bigger, the better. Especially efficiently use a circular blow in a large cluster of enemies. If you are not playing the British, we advise you to develop weapon skills on Jamaica. Lighthouse is protected by a very large number of soldiers.

Pistols - The ability to use various kinds of devices, sending lead balls into enemies. In the "return of the legend", pistols spend bullets, the stock of them must be constantly replenished from merchants. Let me also say that damage from the bullet is very large, so we strongly recommend developing this skill. Depends on the reaction and good luck.

How to develop?

Shoot, often in all. The bullets are cheap, and the ability to kill the opponent with one shot or just strongly cutting his life worth any money.

Luck - It is necessary everywhere that in the trade, which is swimming, which is in battle. Very important skill, the need for which is difficult to evaluate at the beginning of the game. A good blow can cause damage, almost twenty times higher than the usual one.

How to develop?

There is no clear recipe when the luck works, the skill rises. It is more efficient to beat many enemies with a weapon with a small damage - a crawler or dagger. Each successful shot will raise the skill.

Secrecy - Allows unnoticed to pass by the patrol, penetrate the enemy city, enter the port under a stranger flag or to deceive other ships on the marine expanses. The ability is not very important, and it is harder to develop it.

How to develop?

Change the flag, penetrate the cities, to engage in smuggling. Here, perhaps, all.

Ship skills

Navigation - Skill to manage ships. The higher the class of the ship, the better the player should own navigation. Grade 6 - 1, 5th grade - 25, 4th grade - 40, grade 6 - 65, 2 class - 80, 1 class - 95. If the player floats on a ship, not suitable for your navigation, it receives noticeable fines on all indicators. A good navigator can solve this problem. It depends in many respects from perception and at least from trainee.

How to develop?

Floating in the storm - often a lot. Good develops during battles. You can just swim around the ship enemy.

Accuracy- The accuracy of your hits depends on the accuracy. Low indicator will not let you get from the distance of ten meters. So the accuracy should be developed as quickly as possible. Basically depends on perception and a little bit from good luck.

How to develop?

Oddly enough, the accuracy is developing by taking shots. Therefore, it is best to approach the enemy as close as possible. Iniquit It is possible, in principle, shoot and from a long distance, but it is very long.

Guns- The speed of recharging depends on this skill. Depends on knowledge and strength almost equally.

How to develop?

Hmm ... shoot! And if not just shoot, but also into the enemy, then you can accommodate the accuracy.

Boarding- Distance and angle from which you can throw "cats". Useful for real pirates. Depends on the reaction and a little from the trainee.

How to develop?

Abbord ships, so so that they do not give up without a fight. We need battle!

Protection- The ability is responsible for the crew integrity during the battle. The higher the skill, the easier it is to avoid losses among not quite peaceful, but still the population of the ship. Depends equally from leadership and endurance.

How to develop?

Mask under the blow, get shrapnels in board. Lose crew. Brutally, but there is no other way out. We'll have to sacrifice the initial team, in order to preserve real thugs.

Pochinka - affects the speed of repair of the ship. Depends on endurance and a little from perception.

How to develop?

To begin with, you will have to spoil the boat somewhere, and then it is to patch it.

Trade- The higher the skill, the more profitable conditions for you in stores. Depends on trainee and a little from leadership.

How to develop?

Buy - sell.

Personal abilities

Personal abilities are special skills that give certain advantages in a particular area. Some of them are useful, some not very. Let's deal with what. Let's start with the fact that personal abilities do not depend on the rank. To gain the ability, you need to get in the amount of 33 points of personal skills.

Main protection skill - Reduces damage to the character, by 10%. So, without delights. It is necessary to take in any case, since many other skills depends on it.

High defense skill - Reduces damage to the character by 20%. Take unambiguously, as required for most other abilities. Yes, and the reduction of damage to 1/5 will not be superfluous.

Cuirass - Allows the character to wear kids. Very useful thing, although at first, even at the usual kirass you do not get money. But when Piastra will ring in his pockets ... In general, it is necessary to take, but only when money will appear.

Critical hit - gives a chance to apply a critical strike. The chance is only 5%, but take extremely recommended. Still, damage from critical strike is very large.

Berserk - Damage caused by the character, increase repeatedly, but only 20 seconds. This miracle recharges one minute. Take with the first opportunity. Additional damage does not exist.

Required: Main Protection Skill

Growing life - With each new rank, the character will receive an additional one point of life. Value is doubtful, it is better to take something else.

Required: High Protection Skill

Heavy hand - the character blows are stunned by opponents, and they lose energy. Take it, but only at the middle stage of the game. There is still a whole hater more useful skills.

Tryingness - This is just one of the "more useful skills." Be sure to take anyway. This ability increases energy reduction rate by 15%.

Growing energy - Works on the principle of a growing life, only energy is added. Plus one point on the rank. Value is questionable.

Required: tranquility

Irresistible blow - Character strikes have a 20% chance to break through the block. Very valuable, but only on the middle and late stages of the game. At first, it is wiser to use a punching blow, and it ignores the unit, therefore, actually, and piercing.

Required: High Protection Skill

Dance with sabers - Circular shock causes 35% of damage anymore. One of the most useful skills. A circular blow is very effective when batting with a whole crowd of opponents. Be sure.

Required: Critical Blow and High Protection Skill

Professional fencer - The probability of a critical strike becomes equal to 20%, and the damage applied to the character in battle is reduced by 30%. Perhaps the most useful skill of all. To be sure, the usefulness is obvious.

Requires a critical blow, high protection skill, tirelessness

Arrows - The character is better owning pistols. Recharge rate decreases by 10%, the accuracy increases to all the same 10%. In addition, the character can use two-chain pistols. Value is doubtful, and that is why. Two-chain pistols are weaker than one-step. In addition, they are reloaded longer, on the other hand, if the "refreshing" is turned off, then such a gun will be a great help in battle. Value is controversial and depends on the circumstances.

Accurate shooter - Player with pistols on you, bullets always fly into the goal, recharging happens faster. Skill gives + 25% accuracy and reduces recharge rate by 25%. You can use four-hour pistols. Value is again controversial. It is better to first become a professional fencer. At least, the chance to die during a shot is much smaller.

Required: arrows

Additional weight - Character can wear an additional 30 pounds weight. That's so simple and without delights. Take as needed. After all, there are also positive positives, which can be used as coagulous mules.

Cancelled Health - The physical health of the character is restored much faster and deteriorates less from the Russian Academy of Sciences. The sea works worse than on land. Usefulness is high if you are often, for example, take the ships to the board.

Required: High Protection Skill

Experience exchange - doubles the number of experience that companions, officers and passengers get. Officers, companions and passengers will receive 50% \\ 33% \\ 10% of experience, respectively. Useful if you are actively using officers. That is, you can take some cheap officers and develop them to the desired level. The value is controversial, you can hire new officers with the best characteristics.

Iron will - Reduces the likelihood of insurgent on the ship. Absolutely useless ability. The rebellion on the ship happens if the team does not feed, take more than calculated, commands or not pay salary. The fact is that with low battle spirit, the combat capability of the sailors is significantly reduced, and they control the ship worse. The unpaid salary will still need to be given in the following month. That's not all; If you hire a boatswain with this ability, then it will work at the hero.

Salvation on the boat - If the ship's housing is less than 15%, then the character can float on the boat to another ship. And if this skill has a companion, then it sails on the flagship with a sinking ship or from a fireman. The utility is doubtful. Ships are too expensive to allow them to sink.

Required: Iron Will

Trust - Most employers do not pay attention to the hero's reputation. Value is very doubtful. If you have a low reputation, then you are a pirate. If high, then hunter on pirates and robbers. There is no third. The usefulness of the ability is controversial due to the high demands. Advanced trade provides an officer, but about them later.

Required: Advanced Trade and Iron Will.

Ship abilities

Flag of Pirate. The ability to raise the pirate flag over your ship. Use of this zero, but beautiful.

Flag of Spain / France / England / Holland- The skill allows you to raise the flag of a certain state over the ship. True, deception is not always triggered; If the price for the head of the player is too high, and the secrecy, on the contrary, is too low, then most likely have to fight.

Brander - The owner of the ability can send the union ship "to death" - to explode next to the enemy, causing him huge damage or even picking up with him at the bottom of the ocean. Practical benefit is very small, not always in the team there is an extra ship, people and captain.

Landing the union of landing ships- It gives the opportunity to connect all the sailors in order to attack the fort and the whole crowd. Of course, useful ability, however, it will be necessary not at the beginning of the game.

Big Distance - It will increase by a 15% distance from which it will be possible to abradia the enemy. Very useful - wrap, we take with you.

Workshop Abordazh - The distance of the Abordage increases by 25 percent, and can be taken from any angle, even though nose to the nose. If you play the pirate, then the ability will be very helpful for you, take without thinking.

Required: great Distances, Muskete

Muskete volley - Before Abordagge, the player team shoot on the enemy, inflicting 25% of damage to him. Again, for the pirate, the thing is certainly necessary, the smaller the team at the enemy, the easier it is to kill them.

Required: Increased team damage

Basic trade- gives a 10% discount on goods in stores. Of course, the skill is necessary for merchants.

Developed trade- gives a 20% discount on the goods in the store and allows you to sell 5% more expensive.

Required: basic trade

Fast recharge - The recharge rate of the guns increases by 10%. The ability is dubious. Of course, quickly recharging is good, but around as many other beautiful skills!

Pre-reload - Active skill, is used every five minutes. If you choose it, the next recharge will occur by 50% faster. Useful skill, five minutes - a very small threshold of time, ship battles long.

Required: Fast Recharge

Increased damage to the case - damage to the housing of the enemy ship increases by 15%. To take or not take the skill depends on your game. For example, a pirate, robbing and exciting ships, it will not need, but the hunter on these pirates and the merchant is very much.

Increased damage to sails- Damage to the sails of the enemy ship increases by 15%. Select the skill to everyone, very useful.

Increased team damage- damage to the command of the enemy ship increases by 15%. It will be useful to pirate, but it will come true for any character.

Critical shot - In 5% of cases, the owner of the ability will be able to inflict a strengthened shot, taking the team, sails and a case. Excessive skill will not be, but at the initial stage it is better to choose something else, and not always a critical shot needed. Why pirate to turn the enemy ship?

Required: enlarged damage to the case / sail / team

Increased distance shot- Increases distances for a shot by 15%. Suitable for any character, but you do not immediately use the benefit of doubtful.

Professional canonir - The owner of the skill is caused by 30% more damage (crew, sail, housing - it all depends on the selected type of shells), and the likelihood of a critical shot increases by 15%. Very good skill, sorry, at the initial stage it will not work ...

Required: critical Shot, Enlarged Shot Distance, Fast Recharge.

A carpenter- Thanks to this ability, the maximum possible feature of the repair increases by 10%. Suitable to everyone, but there are so many other useful skills that it can simply no longer come in handy, the officer you hire faster.

Shipbuilder - Reduces boards and sails by 10%. Almost useless skill.

Easy repair - Active skill, works for one minute. You can only use once every three minutes. When starting, the repair of the ship begins, in which no more than 10% of the ship's life can be restored. The skill is not bad - all the same every three minutes repair the ship. However, fast repair is better.

Required: Carpenter

Fast repair- allows you to repair the ship during the battle; True, the ship will not be completely "healing", only 65% \u200b\u200bof the total number of "life". It is impossible to restore fallen masts. Very good skill, but it is necessary to get it problematic, you need a skill a carpenterAnd I do not want to take it at the beginning of the game.

Required: Easy repair, carpenter

Basic ship protection - damage caused by the ship is reduced by 15%. The ability will come to everyone, to protect the ship must be both anchored pirate and peaceful merchant.

Advanced ship protection - Continuation of the main protection, now damage is blocked by a quarter.

Requires: Basic Ship Protection

Increase ship speed - The vehicle speed increases by 15%. Average skill. Of course, high speed is good, but to sacrifice other skills ... However, it is still worth it.

Increase the ships maneuverability - increases ship maneuverability by 15%. The ability is useful, just to neglect others because of it I do not want ...

Swimming in storms - Damage applied by storm decrease by 30%. Useless ability, in the storm it is better not to fall, do it is not so difficult. Note: The skill will be very useful for improving navigation, for it is improved in the storm.

Increased speakers - When the wind changes, the speed increase occurs by 10% faster. The benefits are doubtful, it is better to choose something needed.

Maneuered ship reversal - Active skill, is used every three minutes. When the ship is turned on, it turns out eight times faster for a minute. Excellent skill, only requires three not particularly important skills.

Required: an increase in the velocity of the ship, an increase in the ships maneuverability, an increase in the speaker

Fast sails- The speed of lifting and descent of sails is 10% higher. It is useless, sails are lowered and climbed at normal speed, 10% is not an increase.

Maneuvers on shallow water- Active skill at which sixty seconds the ship is not caused damage from shocks about the rock. The ability would be very useful for computer ships, they sin with the ability to beat the rocks, and the player from him is a little bit.

Required: fast sails, an increase in the ships maneuverability.

Experienced navigator- increases the ships maneuverability by 20%, but that most importantly, the owner of the ability at a meeting with any ship on a global map may not be involved in the battle. Does not act on Pirates - "Gentlemen of Good luck". But, you know, meet them in the midst of the ocean ... One of the best skills. Traders and at all be sure. After he received, they will be able to swim where they want and how they want. The rest also does not hurt, even on the contrary, it will help greatly. One thing is bad for studying requires three completely unnecessary skills.

Required: maneuvers on shallow water, increasing the speakers, swimming in the storm.

Doctor- The team is 10% less frequent from diseases and the card. Useful, but not necessary skill.

Savior Lives - A team of 20% less often die from diseases and the card. And this is a little better. Suitable for a pirate-aboratory.

Required: doctor

Magic and not very subjects

There are objects in the game that can improve or worsen the skills of the hero. Some at the same time make both. For example, one of the idols makes the hero stronger in trade, simultaneously driving authority. All these items work, just being in the character inventory. Both our and officers.

It is important: The effect of the same items does not fold. You can fill the inventory with emeralds, but the effect will be taken into account only from one.

A statue - Stone statue, idol - patron of artisans. Adds 30 points to repair. It is extremely rare, and due to carpenter officers loses its value. Moreover, much weighs.

Emerald - Gemstone. Holding them gets 10 to authority. Very useful pebbles, weighs little, meets very often. Let yourself fall on.

Cross Antonio de Souza- This small Jesuit cross can be obtained, only passing the plot line of Spain. It is a pity, the cross is very useful, it gives 30 to luck, 20 to authority and 10 to trade.

Figurine dog - Chinese thing adds 10 to secrecy. It does not ask to eat, so let them lies.

Bronze Ring - A small bronze talisman, add 10 to luck. Let it be, luck is a very useful thing.

Bronze cross - Maybe you do not believe in God, but this cross will give 10 points of luck in any case.

Emerald pendants - clearly magical, give 10 to secure.

Idol Tlaeelkuani.- Indian deity, symbolizes purification from dirt, diseases and excesses. Adds 10 authorities and secrecy, but reduces the possession of pistols for 20. Pistols, apparently, considers excess.

Poienko you have here, Muschi Captain, in my cabin still essay!

Statuette of a strange animal - Apparently some kind of toy. Lowering authority by 10, not to take in any case.

Calendar Aztec - Another magic Indian thing adds 10 trading. Very helpful.

Cursed pearls - Black pearls: for someone a cult, and for us to curse. Reduce the luck for 50 points. Throw off at the first opportunity.

Statuette Ketzalcoatlia - Golden figurine of the Indian Divine. Adds 10 to secure. Let them lies, hiding from all the pirate she even thanks to say.

Wit Cylindochtley Disk - The disc of the war of war, makes the middle weapon of the hero more efficiently 10 points. Leave according to the need, why do you need plus to the middle weapon if you are lying easy?

Idol of the Great Mother - The patroness of one of the local tribes, adds 10 good luck, oddly enough. Let it be, a lot of good luck did not harm.

Chak-Mone idol - The idol of God Chuck-Monta, who was worshiped by the Indians Mesch. The god of fire and thunderstorms lowers a latitude of 20, but adds 20 to the pistols and 10 to the accuracy. Leave, pistols are a very useful thing. Although many pirates are better to get secrecy ...

Image Hikateutli - The image of the ancient Aztec god trading, adds 20 to trade, but takes 20 authority. Pirate to take exactly - who is who, and he flew to the authority. Merchants and military prestige does not hurt, although trade ... In general, decide for yourself. It all depends on the circumstances.

Large stone disk - The ritual stone of Maya Indians, apparently, has repeatedly participated in bloody rituals. Adds 10 authority and protection, but the luck is reduced by 10. The usefulness is controversial, luck, in our opinion, is more important.

Idol of the ancient Divine - personifies the God of Echchetl, who at Aztecs was considered the Lord of the Wind. Adds 20 navigation, but you have to pay 20 secrecy points. A very useful thing - maybe these twenty glasses and not enough to control a much better ship?

Statuette of Tlaloka- The figure of the violent god of the zipper of the Aztec adds the owner of 20 points of accuracy and 10 to guns, but reduces secrets to 20. A very useful figure, with it a sea battle from the waste of ammunition can become an effective means of destroying enemy ships.

The ceremonial knife of the priests of the Main tribe - The ancient Maya knife symbolizes power over people and communication with the gods. Adds 20 to authority, but takes 10 luck. Again, decide that it is more important for you at the moment - luck or additional authority.

Ceremonial vessel - The ritual vessel of the ancient Aztecs, adds 20 authorities, but takes 10 secrecy. But this thing can be left, the subject gives more than takes away.

Strange thing - Ancient Toltec Figure War. Gives 20 protection and 10 to light weapons, but takes 10 authorities and luck. In our opinion, it is better to hire a ship doctor than to lose authority and luck.

Image of Warrior-jaguar - Mounted heavy copy of an ancient stone ax Olmekov. Adds 10 to heavy weapons.

Baklan - A dead bird among prey - a bad sign. Takes 10 authorities and secrecy. Throw away with the lowest possible.

Shoe - Wearing one shoe - bad sign. Minus 10 luck. There, where and the cormorant, that is, away.

It is important: The two shoes will not solve the problem, throw away in the urn immediately!

Crystal skulls Toltec - Find these artifacts of the ancients only in the treasures. Assessed together, they add 30 to navigation, 20 to authority, 20 to the accuracy and 20 to the abordago. The main thing is to find them earlier than they lose relevance.

Fraight - Dirty torn robes of tramp, and it smells bad. In such no one will suspect the captain in you! Adds 20 to secure, but only being put on. At the same time, it is impossible to wear kiraça and pickroins.

Musement clothes - Good cut, fashionable material. Such a robe can afford only a lucky merchant. When wearing gives 20 to trade.

Nobleman's clothing - Very expensive clothes that shows others that you have an exquisite taste. In this beautiful robe you get extra 20 points to authority.

Navigating in the menu

Menu "Characters" Shows all who accompanies the hero. There are several types of them. There are officers - they perform various functions on the ship. Companions are captains of ships as part of our squadron and passengers. Passengers are either the same officers, but without a clear position, or people taken on board on the instructions. There are also prisoners. These guys fall on the ship when an enemy ship is captured without a fight. Or the captain gives up without a fight. More these situations we will look later.

The last in the list is the captain, that is, our hero. In this menu, you can allocate the available glasses of abilities and in hired characters, as well as view other information: skills, nation, rank, and so on. Immediately you can assign an officer to the post or to shift it. It is done in the same way as in Corsaars 3, - double-clicking on an empty position icon either by a portrait of an officer to remove it.

Menu "Ships" Displays a list of ships in the squadron and information about them. Technical data of the ship, a list of goods on board. Immediately there is an interface for working with the team. Here are the skills of sailors. What they are higher, the better. The faster the ship will swim and maneuver, the faster the guns are reloaded, the smaller the losses for Aabordage. For some piastra, you can enhance the combat spirit of the team. it extremelyit is useful when the ship is over-selected. Through the same section opens the exchange menu between ships. This is done double-clicking on the ship icon on the left pane.

Menu "Magazine" - This is the chronicle of the exploits of our hero. There are active events (tasks) and already executed. Here you can find a small dictionary of marine terms and other reference materials. In the cash book, entries are stored about all deposits and loans from the price spent. The Statistics tab speaks for itself.

Menu "Nation" Shows the political situation in the Caribbean at the moment, as well as the attitude of other nations personally to the player. Also here you can choose the flag raised on the mast. It is necessary for the deception of enemy ships and even for the use of trade licenses, but later.

Menu "Trade" Contains information on goods and prices in the colonies of the archipelago. Everything is fair here, the information is valid only at the date of visits to the colony. Over time, she is obsolete.

And the last menu - "Items". This is the scarb of our hero and his companions. In addition, it is here that can be equipped with its weapon (pistol, cold weapons), a pylorous pipe and clothing (Kiras, for example).

Real estate in the tropics

Each colony has a certain set of buildings. Large colonies, like Marigot on San Martin, have a full set of buildings. Each has a specific feature. Let's consider them more.


Perhaps the main house in each colony. Here you can relax, restoring the wounds. You can hire new sailors to the ship and, of course, get a lot of tasks.

The waitress knows all the rumors in the city, but tells them only during the task. Visitors are sitting behind the tables. They are distinguished by clothing. For example, people with arms over a belt are likely an officer.

It is interesting: If you have a complete set of officers in the team, then the question of any officer in the tavern hero will answer: "I have a full set." It is necessary to contact him again, then the point will appear: "What are you in business?" And the ability to view the parameters of the officer.

You can also meet the smuggler and appoint him a meeting for the sale of smuggling, if such goods are in the trunk. Still meet personality? Offering ancient and not very treasure cards. The rest of the rare - drinking. They will meet them in most cases. With such, you can drink and learn gossip and news, for example? Prices in the store of any city. By the way, you can learn from them about the volatile dutch. Later we will tell about it in more detail, this is a topic for a separate history. There are still gross drinks, with whom you can start a fight. Made it for pointed by entourage - what is the tavern without a good fight?

It is interesting: In the room where our character will pick up, there is a bedside table, in which you can find something valuable. Excellent help at the beginning of the game.


The second after the tavern in the frequency of visits place. First, it is necessary to constantly replenish the supplies, secondly, you need a battle accessories - kernels, knapspeople, boot and bombs. When shooting from guns, powder is needed, it is also sold here. In addition, the merchant can buy bubbles with healing fluids, maps, weapons and various totems and statues.

And perhaps the most important thing - the merchant can take the task to deliver the goods to any colony for remuneration. Moreover, it is necessary to deliver as much product exactly how much discharge. It is also impossible to sell the goods, otherwise you will have to pay compensation for it, and it sometimes passes all reasonable limits. Yes, rats on the ship. These shaggy beasty have a bad habit of gnawing, devouring and spoil the goods in the trum. Not all, something rat teeth beyond - for example, kernels, silver, gold. Tasks The merchant is recommended to take together with others. For example, if you need to sail somewhere, then it is better to take the cargo to the same or passing colony. The task is updated once a day if you did not like the destination - we sleep in the tavern and try again.

It is interesting: You can save the game right in the store, and then load until the right city falls. There is another trick. If you were brought to the colony specified in the task, not all the goods and buy it nothing, then you can deceive a little game. The fact is that the merchant can leave you a product as a shipping fee. Moreover, this option is possible, even if you do not have the right goods at all, you just need to choose the desired point of the dialogue many times. As long as he gives you the goods. This can make a lot of money, selling a huge amount of cargo, for example, smugglers. However, where is the interest?


The third attendance building in the game. Repair, buying new ships and cannons - all here. Moreover, broken masts are repaired only on shipyard. Still pay attention to the prices of ships. The bought honestly Corvette will cost much more expensive than absolutely the same, but selected in bloody battle. As for new ships - there are no two absolutely the same. For example, we offer two galleons to choose from, they are approximately the same, but the first one is more, but the second is a stronger case, and so on.

You can buy new guns. They are divided into two species - guns and coolers. In the first more striking ability and less recharging time. But Kulevrins shoot on.

This is advice: If you have several ships, it makes sense to remove from all except the flagship, all weapons. Guns weigh quite a lot and occupy a place for the goods. Of course, if ships are not for military purposes.

It is important: In the game there is shipyard where ships can be improved. The pleasure is expensive, but definitely worthwhile. Located shipyard on Bermuda.


In the "Return of the Legend", the Rosovist pleasantly pleases a lot of opportunities. In addition to the usual loan, you can leave money for interest, worthy interest. Also, the Rostovist gives good orders, and some pirates use it. I remember, in one of the passages, we got a good initial capital, just selling the chest with gold, which we asked to transport us. And that before respect, so a thousand features, pirates must be afraid, and not respect!

Since the beginning of the game is quite complicated, then the services of the Roshchik are very useful, the money issued will be enough for the repair of the vessel and the crew replenishment. Here, take the first task.


The residence is the governor and its security. If you are in an enemy city, then it is better not to appear here. The governor will not talk to you, but the guard ... However, she also says will not be, only if the saber language.

The practical benefit from the residence is, but small. Here we can pass the captains of the captains, they pay pretty good for them. The average triton leaves for ten thousand. Also here you can purchase a caper contract and get interesting tasks. What is noteworthy, governors are not hunters send a hero to spread there, take something, they are those few who give really interesting tasks. True, if one governor gave a task, then everythinggovernors will wait for his execution and will not take you to work ...

Port management

But from this building of practical benefits almost no. Here you just can leave your ship for a while. True, the price of this event, to put it mildly, bites. Also, you can find out the obvious things: they say, the governor distributes tasks, and in the tavern you can drink and eat.

Knife workers and ax

Without them in the Caribbean in no way. Companions and officers are needed like air. So, consider the posts of all kinds of assistants in the game.

It is important: The officer adds the captain the difference between the indicators of the skills. That is, however, I will replace our skill with your own. In addition, if we do not have the ability, let's say, "Muskete volley", then with a hired boatswain with such a skill it will work at the main character.

Poland. This officer is or rather, the whole three officers - will follow the hero on the heels. It can be said that these are personal bodyguards. They will help in skirmishes on earth and, as follows from the title of position, will go into battle during Abordage. You need to choose a candidate in bodyguards. This officer must have personal skills for hand-to-hand combat and ideally for shooting at a high level. Moreover, it is necessary that personal abilities are present, such as "advanced protection" and "professional fencer", otherwise the assistant will not live in battle for a long time, and they are expensive. Arm the girlfriend with the best weapon. What exactly? Yes, those that they have at the best level. Do not forget to supply them with healing drugs, pistols and bullets. You can find positives in any tavern. They have battle skills always higher than ship. It can be considered for the distinctive feature.

That's what it means - not to understand the navigation and do not carry on board the navigator.

Navigator - An indispensable person in the team. Especially if you are a merchant or purebred fighter. Salt is that when controlling the ship is too high, fines are imposed on skills and characteristics. The character becomes noticeably weaker. And how to go to the boarding of such a weak? Exactly. Therefore, the navigator should take the opportunity to manage the best ship. More ship is more team on board. More team - less loss or at all chance to defeat without a fight. In general, while the ability "navigation" is not suitable for your ship, the navigator will be very weltering, and then you can transplancing it to another ship as a companion. We will look at them just below.

Boatswain. The task of the Boatswain is to inspire the team so that the boarding is as efficient as possible. You need to hire an officer with high authority "and the ability of" Abordazh ". In addition, it is necessary to carefully look at the ship's ship's ship's skills. He must have a "gentleman's set" of the abilities of the Aborda. The bigger, the better.

Gunner - An indispensable person in the team. Develop "accuracy" is the hardest, "guns" - easier, but it takes time and money. Hiring is recommended at the first opportunity. Especially at the beginning of the game. The sea battle will be much more efficient.

Doctor - A very and very useful officer in the team, but it makes no sense to hire it separately. It is better to take advantage of the ability of an officer "Deputy". In any case, even the deputy must have a good level of the "Protection" parameter.

Treasurer - The same as the doctor. There are only two skills and bonus to trade. Deputies with these abilities and skills in the Caribbean Pond Pond.

A carpenter - The importance of this worker on the ship is impossible to underestimate. Especially in the later stages of the game, when you need to storm forts. The ability of "fast repair" literally creates miracles and pulls out doomed ships from the naval devil's paws. The main thing is to have a sufficient stock of boards and sails on the ship. Boards to a greater extent, since they are not drowning from the holes.

Companion- Officer who is on a par with you on his ship. Companions are three species. Some can be hired in the tavern. Their difference from others is that such a captain already has a ship that can be sold on the nearest shipyard, and the companion without a ship will become an ordinary officer. The second type is the officers assigned to the ship. Everything is simple here. And the third type - companions on the task. They float with the player temporarily until the task is fulfilled or failed. Sell \u200b\u200bship such a companion can not.

It is interesting: Check companion pockets. Just change the companion on the officer, and put it to the post of the boarding office. Now enter the exchange mode - you can do it in the cabin or anywhere on land. Frequently in the pockets of the companion can find a good amount of money. Simple officers are only weapons with them.


Trading is one of the ways not to pop up with a belly up somewhere on marine spaces. There are a lot of settlements in the game, each can be traded, even in hostile. How? And with the help of a trade license. Buy this paper can be at the diplomat. It you will meet in the tavern of any pirate town. He can reconcile our hero with any nation.

It is important: It is the hero, not a nation. The attitude will be neutral, but the nation itself will be hostile.

He can also be purchased a caper patent and, most importantly, a trade license. The license is valid for a certain time (30, 60, 90 days) and allows us under the flag of the desired country to enter their ports. And neither the fort, no other ships to attack will be attacked. The only minus - the quick transition will not work. All movements will have to do on your two.

Note that if you play, for example, for Holland or Spain, then the licenses are not very necessary. You can choose a group of products that are well for sale and bought within the framework of Spanish-Dutch colonies (red tree, for example). The benefit of Spain owns all Maine and most of the islands in the sea. But when playing England or France, the license will be very useful, since because of the small number of colonies, the merchants of these countries will be strongly limited in choosing a product. One disadvantage - trade licenses are only available to relatively rich people, as they cost quite expensive.

Consider the trade system itself. Each colony imports and exports certain types of goods. (see Table "Islands") . In addition, the bibin of some goods is prohibited. You can buy them in the store, but at a very high price, and there is little too such a product. And you can sell such goods only in smugglers. You can find their representative in the tavern. We assign a meeting in a quiet deserted bay and brazen goods. Of course, there is a danger to run into a patrol - both on land and in the sea. From the patrol you can pay off, assure a honest person (with high reputation), and just kill patrol, but it is fraught with a deterioration of relationships with a nation. The goods in the list are of four colors: white means that the goods are sold at an average price, usually "white" goods are not very much; Green - Colony exports goods, it is much cheaper than "white", and it is very much; Blue - Colonia imports this product, it is much more expensive than "white" and "green". To buy such a product - to lose money, except that it is necessary to urgently buy medicines or the provint, in this case the cost does not matter. Finally, the red color is smuggling. The price of the goods is excellent, it is very small, and only smugglers buy it.

It is important: Import, export and smuggling in colonies do not change over time. That is, if the colony is exported something, then it will export it in spite of everything.

Random tasks

I sit in the ambush, anyone who passes ...

Traditional random tasks did not disappear anywhere, however, they were much more and some can put in a dead end. Let's figure out how not to hit the face before the employer.

Pirate offer - You can find a pirate in the tavern, which will offer together to attack any ship.

The possibility of capturing a gold caravan - Once a year, Spanish gold caravans are sent from the Caribbean Sea to the Old Light. Galleons loaded with gold can be robbed if you meet in the tavern of the right person.

Light prey - If you have a drink with drunk in the tavern and ask him about rumors and bikes, you can learn a lot of interesting things. For example, that not far from the island of some brig is lucky, one and without security. In general, the Marine Devil himself ordered to take such a tidy on the board!

Shipping shipping for shop - The task can be taken in any store. The goal is to bring the entire cargo to the specified store in another colony. In the hostile player of the city to take the cargo merchants do not ask.

Find debtors for a real estate - Any Roshovist can take an assignment to receive debt. At the same time, the player is a certain percentage.

Deliver Gold for the Roshchik - The Rostovist will give you a cargo of gold with a simple and understandable goal - to deliver it to the specified place.

Movement support - Sometimes in the tavern you can find a very needy merchant in the convoy. He will suggest being his walking. Not free, naturally.

Passenger delivery - In the tavern, you can often meet a person who needs somewhere. The passenger rises on the role of a passenger; It is necessary to deliver it to the tavern of the city specified by him, where he will give a fee for travel.

Tasks from the governor - Governors of the colonies can be taken special orders. There are several types:

Plan with banditis - Sid of gangson appeared outside the city, they must be killed. The fact is that these robbers can hide in any part of the island, except the city itself. Seamate caves, jungle and bays.

Neutralize smugglers "The governor notices that the goods" from nowhere "appeared in the store. Naturally, this is the tracks of smugglers. To fulfill this task, find the representative of smugglers in the tavern and agree on the meeting. It is necessary that the Thrum has a forbidden product. Please note that after a pair of troika, you will spoil relationships with smugglers, and you will no longer appoint any meetings. You can make a dip with a diplomat in any pirated tavern.

Pirate pirate - Near the colony appeared pirate, which heats and captures the vessels of merchants. The task is in the fact that it is not originally visible where the pirate. He is masked under the nation of the colony where the task is taken. To calculate it, you need to get closer to the ship or go to it on the boat. If you sail on the boat to an enemy ship, then after a conversation with the captain you will have to be divided with sailors on the deck.

Enemy lase - Somewhere in the city of the enemy laser. It looks like an ordinary town dweller, so you need to approach each passing and ask: "Are you a spy?" Locals will call someone to confirm their identity. The spy just can't call anyone. If you did not find the cowhide on the streets of the city, check at home.

Go to the enemy city - Governor wants you to send the parcel to the specified person in the enemy city. Some paths. For example, you can buy a trade license and under the right flag to enter the port, and you can get into the city in the afternoon and tritely run past the guard.

For all these tasks, the governor issues a solid prize to start the game. In addition, you can capture the ship of the pirate. It should be noted that if you did not fulfill the task of the governor, then no other task will give you. Because of the tasks raised, the reputation decreases.

Jail - In the forts on the lower floor there is a prison. For a specific fee, you can enter inside and chat with prisoners. These most prisoners can offer a reward in exchange for the service.

Transfer a note - Prisoner in prison will ask for a message to his friend. His friend will be waiting for you in one of the houses of the city to which the fort owns. Get ready for a fight. Rogues guys hot, can and cut.

Treasure and liberation- The task is, in principle, the same, differs only endings. In one of the cameras in prison, you can talk to the prisoner, which will ask him to be released in exchange for the treasure, which he hid out somewhere on the archipelago. The fact is that the treasure in the specified place may not be.

There are still tasks that can be found outside the city. In the jungle you can find a girl who saves gangsters. If you help, she thanks a small amount of money or an increase in reputation.

Girl in a well - There are caves on the islands. Inputs in them are usually two. One is just a hole in the rock, and the second is through the well. Passing by the well, you can see a girl who will tell that her friend somehow fell into the well, and we need to rescue it. The most interesting thing is that girls may not be at all, and there will be gangsters to wait for you.

Purchase Treasure Card - In the tavern you can buy a map of treasure. The chance to meet a merchant with a map is quite small, moreover, if you already have a map, then find such a tavern will not work at all. The value of the treasure depends on the price of the map. For example, in the putty for 12,000 piastra, you can find a good set of different things, but they only come for sale. And the cards for 30 thousand and more promise much more solid kush. For example, Toltec skulls.

Here are these two exactly the officers. Let's see what they will rise.

That Musket is so musket! Thrust, Spaniards!

* * *

"Hush, quieter, soldiers go. Leaving, rather! " - quickly whispered one of the smugglers. "Then wait for us here in a month. We still have something to say, "Spaniard said, and we quickly headed to the jungle. It is not worth contacting the authorities, the Spaniard is too stubborn about his reputation. But he, in contrast to the pirate, has long been Manova, and therefore, it is worth listening to his opinion. Let's go back to the port, we will spend this night in the tavern. There we are waiting for fibotin Nikolai, he largely helped us with this mission, it would be necessary, a thousand devils, pour him for this Roma!

About fines

So that they do not embarrass the red numbers next to the basic characteristics, let's figure out where they are taken from.

Overload "The hero has" aboard ", that is, in pockets, weight is more than it can carry. All characteristics are reduced by 1.

Poor health - If you don't pay it on time, you will have to pay attention to the same characteristics. Depending on the level they decrease to -5. And skills up to -25.

High-class ship with low navigation - If the character does not know how to manage the ship, then they don't get anything here, he feels not in his plate. If the character knows how to manage the ship, let's say, the fifth grade, then when operating the battle, it will get fine 4 for each characteristic. And this, believe me, very much.

Power of the Caribbean Sea

England.It is not going through the best times: renunciation from the papal church, troubled, almost a civil war. For a hundred years now, the country can no longer calm down. War with Spain only aggravated the situation, although the Spaniards got more, and the British were at their disposal Jamaica. War is officially completed. But it is only on paper. In fact, the Spaniards and the British trample each other at the first opportunity. With the governors, too, the complete confusion. They do not listen to orders from London, every owner itself. In general, in the English colonies there is a confusion, and many pirates use it ...

France.Having come to power, Louis XIV immediately took a bull for the horns. For five years of his reign, the authority of France in Europe has grown strongly. This is not surprising - Louis How could worked for the benefit of his country. However, the Caribbean welfare him was hardly. France's motto is "to provide peace of colonies and normal trading." This appeal was easy; The promotion of flibusers of all the masters is the key to calm. By the way, even the governor of cakes ... Pirate.

Spain. Spain is one of the bloodthirsty countries of the world. They sucked gold from the new light by all the might. But last years in the country, the devil knows what . The king died, and the heir was barely a living child. Who only does not try to seize power ... a clear case, it does not lead to good and the country cares. In addition, France and England united their efforts in the fight against it. Spaniards managed to pump everyone. But nevertheless, Spain is the strongest Power in the Caribbean.

Holland. After the Spaniards attack on the Netherlands, a religious war broke out to the country, called the "80-year war for independence". But after the end of this war, the economy of Holland sharply went up. All Europe Obomalla, seeing these growth rates. Lee Joke, the Netherlands Fleet has more than English and French combined! Only there is a snag: they do not have a combat fleet, too shallow ports, so you have to run from everyone. And under the side of aggressive English, and the Spaniards do not want to give back the Dutch colonies ...

Table 1
City Import Export Smuggling
SPAIN Belize, Maine
Havana, Cuba Cap, Caper, Silk, Copra, Oil, Bricks, Silver Provision, Medicines, Sugar, Wine, Leather, Red Tree, Paprika
Caracas, Maine. Kernels, Cart, Knipped, Bombs, Weapons, Medicines Boards, Coffee, Sugar, El, Cotton, Clothing, Copra Tobacco, wine, rum, leather, slaves
Cartagena, Maine. Medicines, coffee, tobacco, rum, leather, clothing, fruit Board, Boards, Cocoa, Wheat, Cotton, Black Tree, Oil Seasina, silk, paprika, bricks, slaves
Kuman, Maine Boards, Cocoa, Wine, Rum, Paprika, Gold, Silver Caper, Coffee, Wheat, Waters, Black Tree, Sandal, Oil Medicines, silk, cinnamon, fruits, slaves
Marakaybo, Maine Medicines, Wheat, Wine, Rum, Clothing, Fruits, Bricks Boards, Sugar, Black Tree, Red Tree, Sandal, Gold, Silver Powder, provisions, weapons, leather, slaves
Porto Bello, Maine Cores, sail, rum, leather, silk, sandalwood, paprika Medicines, sugar, wine, el, canvas, cinnamon, butter Clothing, Copra, Fruits, Bricks, Slaves
Santa Catalina, Maine Caper, Tobacco, Cotton, Silk, Clothing, Gold, Silver Nuclei, cartoon, knitting, bombs, powder, weapon, wine Leather, sandalwood, copra, paprika, slaves
Santo Domingo, Espanyola Weapons, Medicines, Caper, Tobacco, Fruits
Santiago, Cuba Powder, weapon, tobacco, cotton, slaves
San Juan, Puerto Rico Powder, weapons, canas, tobacco, wine, fruits, bricks Boards, coffee, sugar, el, canvas, leather, cinnamon Wheat, Cotton, Silk, Copra, Slaves
HOLLAND Willemstad, Curacao Weapons, Caper, Cocoa, Sugar, Paprika, Fruits, Bricks Provit, El, Cotton, Poll, Red Tree, Sandal, Oil Powder, tobacco, wine, cinnamon, slaves
Marigo, San Martin Cartoon, Provider, Savale, Wheat, Clothing, Copra, Bricks Medicines, boards, cocoa, canvas, leather, mahogany, oil
Fort Orange, Jamaica Weapons, Boards, Cocoa, Oil, Slaves
FRANCE Baster, Guadeloupe Board, Boards, Clothes, Black Tree, Red Tree, Sandal, Oil Core, powder, silk, cinnamon, paprika, bricks, silver Medicines, cocoa, leather, copra, slaves
Port-O-Prince, Espanyola Cartoon, powder, medicine, cotton, silk, fruit, gold Bombs, provisions, sugar, wine, rum, canvas, clothes Ebony, copra, oil, bricks, slaves
Tortuga, Torchuga Cores, weapons, medicines, tobacco, silk, silver Knippeli, coffee, wheat, el, canvas, leather, paprika Ebony, copra, oil, bricks, slaves
Fort de France, Martinique Knippeli, Provit, Tobacco, Wheat, Rum, Wine, Cotton
ENGLAND Bridgetown, Barbados. Provit, Boards, El, Cinnamon, Copra, Bricks Powder, weapons, coffee, sugar, sandalwood, paprika, butter Cairry, Cocoa, Waters, Clothes, Slaves
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Weapons, Medicines, Cocoa, Leather, Cinnamon, Copra, Bricks Powder, Tobacco, Wheat, Wine, Cotton, Sandal Provit, El, Silk, Red Tree, Slaves
Port piano, jamaica Medicines, Cassina, Leather, Black Tree, Red Tree, Sandal, Gold Powder, coffee, sugar, rum, el, clothes, bricks Weapons, Boards, Cocoa, Oil, Slaves
Saint-Jones, Antigua Medicines, Sugar, Wine, Leather, Black Tree, Copra, Fruits Cores, weapons, rum, el, canvas, gold, silver Coffee, Wheat, Cotton, Oil, Slaves
Charleztown, Navis Caper, Tobacco, Sugar, Wheat, Silk, Fruits Knippeli, bombs, medicines, rum, el, paprika, bricks Provision, Wine, Black Tree, Sandal, Slaves
Pirates Pirate settlement, Bermuda Powder, sail, el, slaves, gold, silver Bombs, rum
Puerto Princepe, Cuba Kernels, cartoon, cansina, ebony, oil, bricks, gold Boards, Cocoa, Coffee, Wheat, Waters, Sandal, Fruits Powder, weapon, tobacco, cotton, slaves
Le Francois, Martinique Medicines, cocoa, rum, canvas, leather, clothing, gold Knippeli, Provit, Tobacco, Sugar, Wheat, Wine, Cotton Boards, Black Tree, Red Tree, Fruits, Slaves
La Vega, Espanyola Nuclei, cartoon, weapons, medicine, canas, tobacco, fruit Provision, Cocoa, Wine, Rum, El, Sandal, Cinnamon Ebony, copra, oil, bricks, slaves