Literary game for elementary grades “Whoever reads a lot knows a lot. Literary games for elementary school students Literary games for elementary school children

“My child does not like to read at all,” some parents complain. "Does he like to play?" we ask. Parents are surprised, they say, what is the connection here? Where is the game, and where is the book... Very close, and all the little readers of the Central Children's Library know about it. The youngest, still very young, together with their mothers, fathers and grandmothers, for the first time get into the library kingdom of games in the classroom Loud Readings, which are held every Wednesday at 12.00 in the game room Rastishka. The classes are a huge hit with parents, both because they are free and because of the interest they generate in their children. Each lesson begins with a fascinating reading of a short but exciting story, and then the children draw with their fingers, sculpt book characters from plasticine, and make simple crafts. And those who come to Rastishka on any other day are waiting for talking books, baby books, talkers, rustlers, and those who actively crawl will be delighted with the tunnel through which you can crawl and meet your mother, who is waiting with a smile at the exit. There is also a dry pool with a slide and balls for kids. It is worth adding that the game room is open from 10 am to 6 pm, every day except Sunday and Monday.

What about older guys? Don't they have something to play with? If you think so, you are wrong! Let's just say that there are so many games for schoolchildren in the library that you just have time to choose! Surely you have watched spectacular adventure films with famously twisted plots and mysterious incidents. If your child is between 10 and 12 years old, we suggest that he briefly be in the role of a secret agent and try himself in the difficult task of deciphering. Only we have nothing dangerous in this, but only exciting and interesting. The game "Pig in a bag" will help you find out which book you are going to read in the near future, for this you need to decipher the text. After reading the book, you can become the owner of a unique certificate of the “Decoder Reader”!

Every Wednesday at 15.00 we are waiting for children at the game "Field of Wonders in Literary Land". Each child has a chance to experience unforgettable moments of his triumph, and who would refuse the opportunity to spin the drum, guess the letters, words and get the coveted prize! Do not miss the upcoming games, you can see their topics on the Children's pages "How to become Great" of the MBUK CBS website in the Poster section.

Well, if you still consider the library a quiet and boring place, then you probably haven’t heard anything about the game "Literary fantas" which children play anytime they want. It is enough to get the treasured box, pull out your phantom and complete the task that has fallen. We play every day, even if there are only two people in the game. We are not a hindrance to rain, wind and bad weather - after all, we play in the Hall of Encyclopedic and Reference Literature! We draw, compose, sing and read tongue twisters, jump on one leg and make each other laugh. There is an unforgettable task for your child and his friends!

Very soon, in July, a new game will start in the Central Children's Library - "Story Factory". Children will be able to try themselves as story writers and collect sentences from random words, and from them - an incredible, fascinating story, unique, which has never existed in the world. The game can be played both in teams and together, you can compete, whose story is more interesting, funnier, more unusual, or you can just laugh and enjoy communication.

And now let's please teenagers, the most capricious and demanding category of readers. Nothing will please them. It's boring, it's too childish, we're not little anymore, what else - they offer to play. And we propose to recall the famous game "Mafia". Have you heard of this one? If not, "google it". And then come, best with a group of friends, to the game "Magic Tournament" which takes place in the library every Friday at 15.00. You have to expose the mysterious enemy, the ruler of the dark forces, the villain - the Dragon. Each player will find himself in a world where magic reigns to this day, and knights fight dragons. What card will you get? Will you become a cheerful Satyr, a wise Sphinx or a fast Pegasus? Perhaps during the game you will be slain by the Minotaur or the good Unicorn will save you ... You can play the "Magic Tournament" indefinitely, because each game is a new exciting "life" of the character. Let's play and find out what will be the outcome of your game!

How does all this variety of games relate to books and reading? - you ask. Let us remind those who know, and those who do not know, we will tell you that attracting people to read through the game is a win-win move. The child plays games where he needs to remember literary heroes, and the plot moves and themes of the games are borrowed from works of art. To win, for example, on the "Field of Miracles", you need to know the work the game is dedicated to well, or at least remember its content in general terms. Games and quizzes are accompanied by unobtrusive book reviews, fascinating stories and cartoons. Events dedicated to the Year of Cinema make it possible to use such a powerful resource as film adaptations of books. The game "Kinorandevu"- a vivid example of this, both children and adults play it, recalling the good old Soviet film classics.

The library game library is inexhaustible and diverse. Fans of computer games get into the virtual "Mysterious Web" in the media library. Supporters of adventure games and quests can participate in a real quest “It is terribly interesting all that is unknown”, complete the trickiest quests and find the hidden Book Treasure Chest. What game do you choose?

One, two, three, four, five - come out to play

The intellectual literary game "The smartest" is addressed to students in grades 1-4 and can be held as part of the Literature Week in primary grades. The game is accompanied by a presentation that will make the game colorful and visual.





(among students in grades 1-4)


Popularization of children's literature.


- expand the horizons of children;

- to cultivate interest in literary creativity;

In a playful way, repeat and consolidate students' knowledge about the content of literary works.

slide 1

Leading: I greet the audience and members of the club "The smartest". Yes, yes, do not be surprised - today everyone will become participants in the intellectual literary game "The Smartest". All the guys will go to the game podium, but as the game progresses, only a few participants will remain in it, who will compete for the honorary title of "The Smartest".

First, a few words about the rules of our game.

The game consists of 5 rounds. All children participate in the qualifying round. Only those who correctly answer a few of my questions will go to the first round. Thus, moving from round to round, only one participant will remain - “The smartest”. A strict jury will follow the course of the game.

I want to remind you that all the questions that you will hear today are from the field of literature. So we start.


  1. With the help of this item, the main character of the tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).
  2. This heroine came to us from a fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).
  3. In which fairy tale do the revived fruits and vegetables act? ("The Adventures of Cipollino").
  4. The toy is the protagonist of the book and cartoon, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka).
  5. With the help of this item, you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill the scary hero of Russian fairy tales. (Needle).
  6. What is the personal transport of Baba Yaga? - Stupa / Pomelo.
  7. What was the name of the father of the wooden boy, the hero of the famous fairy tale? - Papa Carlo.
  8. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
  9. In which fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
  10. This hero has a green tuft on his head, pulling for which you can cry a lot. (Cipollino.)
  11. What was the name of the doll girl whose hair was an unusual blue color? (Malvina)
  12. The heroine of this English book ran after a white rabbit, but ended up in an unusual country (Alice).
  13. This heroine did not leave the house without a hat (Little Red Riding Hood)

Leading: Now the jury will call 6 participants today's game. I invite them to the center of our hall.


(6 members)

Leading: The children will have to imagine themselves as heroes of famous fairy tales. Well, imagine that you are in fairyland? I ask a question in turn to each participant in the game, if he does not answer, the turn passes to the next player. Only 5 players will remain in the game.

So, what words should be pronounced in order to:

  1. Together with Ali Baba, open the door to the cave with treasures? (Sim, Sim, open up!)
  2. Cook porridge in a magic pot? ((One, two, three, pot, boil!)
  3. Fulfill the command of the magic pike? (According to the pike command, according to my desire.)
  4. Call Sivka-burka? (Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before grass.)
  5. What words did Masha from the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear" say to the bear? (Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie, bring it to your grandmother, bring it to your grandfather.)
  6. Thanks to these words, the kids opened the door to their mother goat (Kids, kids, open it, open it. Your mother came, she brought milk.)


(5 participants)

Leading: So, there are 5 participants left. I will call each participant a question. He must answer it - guess the fabulous animal, that is, the animal hero from the fairy tale (3 questions each)

  1. Poodle Malvina (Artemon)
  2. Doctor Aibolit's dog (Avva)
  3. Uncle Fyodor's dog (Sharik)
  4. The turtle that gave Pinocchio the golden key (Tortilla)
  5. Hen that laid an egg (Ryaba)
  6. Friend of Cheburashka (crocodile Gena)
  7. Cat from the village of Prostokvashino (Matroskin)
  8. Donkey from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh (Eeyore)
  9. The Little Humpbacked Horse)
  10. Blind cat from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (Basilio)
  11. The cat that helped the grandmother pull the turnip (Murka)
  12. The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak (Lariska)
  13. Cat Basilio's friend (fox Alice)
  14. Who got Ivan's arrow? (frog)
  15. What has the ugly duckling become? (swan)
  16. Who did Little Red Riding Hood meet in the forest? (wolf)
  17. Who did brother Ivanushka turn into after drinking water from a hoof? (in a goat)
  18. From whom did Kolobok fail to escape? (from fox)

Leading: Well done boys! And now the jury will announce 4 participants who will continue to fight for the title of "The smartest".


(4 participants)


Leading: I invite all participants to pay attention to the screen. In this round, each player needs to choose from the proposed options the correct answers to my questions. To do this, each participant receives 4 cards with the letters a, b, c, d.

slide 2 - 3

  1. What character of the work of K.I. Chukovsky was the "washbasin chief"?

a) Bibigon;

b) Aibolit;

c) Barmaley;

d) Moidodyr.

Slide 4 - 5

  1. Which of the indicated heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" is a puppet from the theater of Karabas-Barabas?

a) Papa Carlo;

b) Tortilla;

c) Pierrot;

d) Duremar.

Slide 6 - 7

  1. For what flowers did the stepmother send her stepdaughter to the forest in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"?

a) lilies of the valley;

b) tulips;

c) snowdrops;

d) roses.

Slide 8 - 9

  1. How many wishes of the old man did the goldfish grant?

a) one;

b) two;

at three o'clok;

d) four.

Additional tasks

Slide 10 - 11

  1. Why was Cipollino put in jail?

a) crossed the street at a red light;

b) pulled Cherry's pigtail;

in) stepped on Prince Lemon's corn;

d) told a bad joke.

Slide 12 - 13

  1. Whom did the little robber give to help the girl Gerda in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?

a) the firebird

b) reindeer;

c) Sivka Burka;

d) The humpbacked horse.

Slide 14 - 15

  1. Who was deceived by the fox in Krylov's fable?

a) a crow

b) dragonfly;

c) a wolf;

d) monkey.

Slide 16 - 17

  1. Which of the characters in the poem by A.L. Did Barto sigh all the time?

a) a bunny

b) a bear;

c) a horse

d) bull.


(3 members)

(musical intro by composer V. Dashkevich for the TV movie “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes….”)

Leading: Have you ever heard this music? It sounds in the detective film "Adventures ...". Do you know what a detective is? This is a genre of literature that describes various crimes and how detectives solve them in the most insignificant details, fingerprints, etc. And now I invite our participants to play the role of detectives.I announce the next round - detective.

You have to determine the literary hero from the description. After all, every respected detective has a file cabinet in which he enters the signs of people of interest to him. We also have such signs. Now each participant in turn will be offered signs by which he will have to identify the hero and name the work. If the participant guesses the hero from the first clue, he gets 5 points, if from the 2nd - 4 points, if from the 3rd - 3 points, from the 4th - 2 points, from the 5th - 1 point. If one of the guys does not determine the literary hero, then the rest of the participants in the game can give an answer.

Slide 18 - 19


1. The main character of this work suddenly got rich.

2. She made many friends for whom receptions began to be arranged.

3. They tried to kidnap her, but suddenly a young daredevil appeared and saved her.

4. The case ended in a wedding.

5. The most valuable asset of the main character was the samovar.

Answer: Fly Tsokotukha. K.I. Chukovsky.

Slide 20 - 21


  1. This hero loves to eat fish.
  2. This hero was inherited by a poor young man, a younger brother, whose brothers received a mill and a donkey after the death of their father.
  3. Our hero managed to deceive the king, the ogre giant.
  4. Our hero referred to his poor master as the Marquis de Carabas.
  5. The first thing he asked the poor youth for was a sack and boots.

Answer: Puss in Boots. C. Perrault.

Slide 22 - 23


  1. His head is full of sawdust.
  2. He likes to go to his friends' birthdays, visits, and especially in the mornings.
  3. His hobby is to compose howls, puffs and nozzles.
  4. His favorite foods are jam and honey.
  5. His biggest friend is Piglet.

Answer: Winnie the Pooh. "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all" A. Milne.


(2 members)

Leading: The most resourceful and most knowledgeable participants remained. They showed the best results. And now the most difficult round is the final game.

I will read to each participant an excerpt from a literary work, you must name the work and its author.

1. “- Grandmother, why do you have such big hands?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big ears?

To hear better, my child." ("Little Red Riding Hood". Charles Perrault)

slide 24

2. “The cradle was made from a shiny lacquered walnut shell. Instead of a featherbed, they put a few violets there, and instead of a blanket, a rose petal. The girl was laid in this cradle at night, and during the day she played on the table. ("Thumbelina". G.-H. Andersen.)

Slide 25


3. “He wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling them to everyone. (N. Nosov. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

slide 26

Winner award

Leading: In conclusion of our game, I want to remind our children of proverbs. Remember what people say:

It's never too late to learn.

Live and learn.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Leading: And my favorite proverb is:

I read the book and became smarter.

And indeed, the honorary title of "The smartest" in our intellectual game was given to the one who reads a lot!Reading is the best teaching.I wish all the other guys not to be upset, but to read more interesting books!

a a a a

b b b b


Which of the indicated heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" is a puppet from the theater of Karabas-Barabas? a) Papa Carlo; b) Tortilla; c) Pierrot; d) Duremar.

For what flowers did the stepmother send her stepdaughter to the forest in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? a) lilies of the valley; b) tulips; c) snowdrops; d) roses.


How many wishes of the old man did the goldfish grant? a) one; b) two; at three o'clok; d) four.

4 wishes

Why was Cipollino put in jail? a) crossed the street at a red light; b) pulled Cherry's pigtail; c) stepped on Prince Lemon's corn; d) told a bad joke.

Stepped on the toes of Prince Lemon

Whom did the little robber give to help the girl Gerda in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? a) the firebird b) reindeer; c) Sivka Burka; d) The humpbacked horse.


Who was deceived by the fox in Krylov's fable? a) a crow b) dragonfly; c) a wolf; d) monkey.

Which of the characters in the poem by A.L. Did Barto sigh all the time? a) a bunny b) a bear; c) a horse d) bull.

The main character of this work unexpectedly got rich. She made many friends for whom receptions began to be arranged. They tried to kidnap her, but suddenly a young daredevil appeared and saved her. The case ended in marriage. The most valuable asset of the main character was the samovar.

Fly Tsokotukha

This hero loves to eat fish. This hero was inherited by a poor young man. Our hero managed to deceive the king, the ogre giant. Our hero referred to his poor master as the Marquis de Carabas. The first thing he asked the poor youth for was a sack and boots.

His head is full of sawdust. He likes to go to his friends' birthdays, visits, and especially in the mornings. His hobby is to compose howls, puffs and nozzles. His favorite foods are jam and honey. His biggest friend is Piglet.

Winnie the Pooh

"Little Red Riding Hood" Charles Perrault

H.-K. Andersen "Thumbelina"

N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

Purpose: to develop curiosity and interest in reading books; enrich students' vocabulary; educate an attentive reader and a love of books, the ability to work in a team.

The game is designed for students in grades 5-6. High school students can serve as sentries and "station attendants". Students receive an advanced task: to prepare the name of the team, motto, emblem, corresponding to the theme of the event; reread the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, the fables of I.A. Krylov; as homework, prepare a dramatization of the fable.

Equipment: a route list for each team, puzzles, things for the Lost and Found, prizes (books)

The route sheet (made in the form of a fairy-tale map with stations marked on it) is issued to each team, taking into account the fact that they should not intersect at the same station - the game goes on simultaneously for all teams. For example, 1 team follows the route: Lost and Found - Puzzles-words - Tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles-illustrations - Fables of I.A. Krylov - Numbers, 2nd team: Puzzles-words - Tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles - illustrations - Fables of I.A. Krylov - Figures - Lost and Found, etc.

Student fans who do not take part in the game remain in the assembly hall and perform the following tasks: prepare an illustration for the work (the task is received by the captains during the drawing of lots), answer the questions of the quiz. The points they receive are summed up with the results of the team when summing up.

The following table is attached to the itinerary:

Stations can be located in different parts of the school: in the library, in elementary school, in the literature classroom, in the sports hall, in the music class, in the assembly hall.

Near each station there is a sentry and asks each team a riddle. After the correct answer is received, the team gets to the station it needs. The correct answers are recorded by the jury members in the team route sheet.

The time spent at the stations is limited - 5 minutes.

Sentry Riddles:

Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root.
Talks to us
All understandable language. (Book)

Are you familiar with the expressions:
About the first pancake, which is always lumpy,
About the rubbish that they carry from the hut ...
What are they called by the people? (Proverbs)

White field, Black seed, Who sows it - He rejoices. (Letter)

I carry a new house in my hand, The doors of the house are locked. Here tenants paper, All terribly important. (Portfolio, books, notebooks)

A short phrase where the sounds are similar. We often cannot say it. It trains us diction, it happens with rhyme. What is the name of? Who will guess? (Patter)

When preparing for the event, it is necessary to draw (print) scrolls, make illustration puzzles, letter puzzles, pick up things for the Lost and Found, think over the design of all stations.


Stage one. Representation of teams (name, motto. For example, “Wings” - “If you read a lot, you gain wings in life!”, “Sorcerers” - “As soon as we wave a wand, we will immediately find the answer to everything”)

Captains are handed scrolls. They return to the teams to read and respond. The first team to answer gets an extra point and the opportunity to choose a route sheet.

Dear my friends!

I ended up on a desert island and really need your help. In order to save me, you must go through a difficult path, demonstrate the courage and knowledge of true connoisseurs of the Russian word, great literature.

The one who first remembers my name will go on this journey along the shortest path.
(Robinson Crusoe, hero D. Defoe)

Stage two. Teams are sent to different stations so as not to interfere with each other in solving assigned tasks. By answering the questions correctly, they receive further directions along the route.


Put together PUZZLES

(you can print the illustration for the work of art yourself), guess the author and the title of the book: Baron Mühhausen (R. Raspe), Treasure Island (R.L. Stevenson), Harry Potter (Joan Rolling). For a complete correct answer (folded picture, book title, author) - 3 points.


Blitz tournament. The team answers questions about the fairy tales of A. S. PUSHKIN

  1. How many years did the old man fish? (thirty years and three years)
  2. Who did King Dadon turn to for help? (Golden Cockerel)
  3. For what salary did Balda agree to work for the priest? (for 3 clicks)
  4. How long was the old woman queen? (two weeks: “here is a week, another one passes”)
  5. How many times did the old man throw a net before he caught a goldfish? (3 times)
  6. On what island did Gvidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (on Buyan Island)
  7. How many years did Balda have to collect quitrent from devils? (for 3 years)
  8. What miracles were on the wonderful island of Prince Guidon? (wonderful squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)
  9. To whom did Prince Elisha turn with a request for help? (sun, moon, wind)
  10. What did Tsar Gvidon turn into to see his father, Tsar Saltan? (mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

For all tasks - 10 points, for each incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Continue the lines from the fables of I.A. KRYLOV that have become winged.

  1. And Vaska listens ... (yes he eats)
  2. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down ... (Everyone is not good at musicians).
  3. The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the pies ... (And the boots are stitched by the pieman)
  4. The cuckoo praises the rooster ... (For the fact that he praises the cuckoo)
  5. The swan breaks into the clouds, Cancer moves back ... (And the Pike pulls into the water)
  6. The tit did glory ... (but did not light the sea)
  7. Have you been singing? This thing ... (So come on, dance!)
  8. Ay, Pug, know ... (she is strong, if she barks at an elephant)
  9. No wonder it is said ... (that the work of the master is afraid)
  10. Helpful fool ... (more dangerous than the enemy)

For answers to all questions - 10 points (for each - 1 point)



Which of the literary heroes lost these things? Name the author and title of the story.

  1. Log (Papa Carlo, A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key")
  2. ABC (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio ...")
  3. Crystal slipper (Cinderella, G.H. Andersen "Cinderella"),.
  4. Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood, fairy tale of the same name by Ch. Perrault)
  5. Flower ("Flower-Semitsvetik" V. Kataev)
  6. Oriental shoes with curved toes (Little Muk, tale of the same name by V. Gauf)
  7. Lamp (L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych")
  8. Pea (G.H. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea")
  9. Hat (Joan Rolling. Harry Potter)
  10. Apple (stepmother, A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess")

For a complete correct answer (the name of the hero, the name of the fairy tale, the name of the author) - 1 point, for an incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Make up the name of the work of art from the letters. State the name of the author.


For a complete correct answer - 2 points


figures in literature.

Name works of art that have numbers in their titles.

1 point for each answer. For an incomplete answer - 0.5 points.

For example, the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs", the books by J. Verne "40 Leagues Under the Sea", "80 Days Around the World", A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers".

Stage three.

The teams hand over the route sheets to the jury. Points are counted, the time of passing the stages is compared.
Teams demonstrate homework (staging fables, fairy tales)
An award is being made.

Literary game for younger students

Literary and intellectual game for younger schoolchildren "Visiting Seva Chitaykin"

Kryazhevskikh Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Lyceum No. 28, Yoshkar-Ola"
Target: Development of love and interest in reading books.
Tasks: 1. Check how you read the recommended list of books over the summer.
2. Develop such qualities as the ability to reason, draw conclusions, evaluate the actions of heroes; develop memory, attention.
3. To cultivate attention to the word, respect for the authors of books, the ability to make decisions, listen to each other, play as a team.
Equipment: Projector, screen, computer.
Age: The game is intended for students in grades 2-3, it will be of interest to primary school teachers, educators of extended day groups.

For the summer, each first-class graduate receives a recommended list of books for summer reading. I do this for the purpose of orientation in the variety of books, the formation of reader interest, the possibility of choosing a favorite book. On the other hand, there is an obligation to read books, which is important for those children for whom the book has not yet become a friend. How to check how attentively children read in the summer? How to make it unobtrusive and interesting? That's what the game is for. All tasks are based on books from the recommended list, which I provide in the application.
Seva Chitaykin is a hero who sometimes appears at literary reading lessons. He is witty, reading books is his favorite pastime. He often asks students difficult, thought-provoking questions.
The interactive game consists of five categories:
"Fairy tales"
"About animals"
"About children"
"Children's Writers"
Each category has 5 questions worth 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 points.

Instructions for use:
The class is divided into several teams. The division into teams can be carried out by lot, in rows, at will.

Slide 2 shows the playing field. The playing teams take turns choosing a category and the number of points. The transition to the slide with the question occurs by clicking the button with points. If the answer is correct, the team is awarded the corresponding number of points. The results are recorded on the board.
Each question has a colorful slide. Correct answers appear on click. Return to the playing field is carried out by the button in the lower right corner.
The played number disappears when returning to the playing field.

The playing field includes two buttons with scores that open not a question, but a physical education minute. In the Animals category, choosing 10 points unlocks the Little Animals Exercise and in the Fairy Tales category, choosing 20 points unlocks the Fairytale Exercise. Physical education minutes are performed by all teams, points are awarded to the team that made the choice.
The team with the most points wins. It is necessary to think over the rewarding of the winners, sweets - to all participants.
I do not include all the slides in the summary so that the summary is not too cumbersome.

Category 1. Poems
10 points
Why did I stand against the wall?
My knees are trembling...
What was the boy from the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov so afraid of?
Answer: The boy was afraid of injections.
20 points
The lady checked in the luggage ...
Who is the author of these lines? What did the lady put in her luggage?
Answer: A poem by S. Ya. Marshak
The lady checked in the luggage ...
Sofa, suitcase, bag,
Basket, picture, cardboard
And a little dog.

30 points

In 1935, S. Mikhalkov's poem "Uncle Styopa" was first published in the Pioneer magazine. This literary hero was loved by all children. What feat did Uncle Styopa accomplish?

Answer: Alive, well and unharmed
Boy Vasya Borodin.
Uncle Styopa this time
Rescued a drowning man.
40 points
Guess the poem and author
“The boy dreamed that his mother would buy him a bullfinch, for this he became obedient and polite, stopped offending girls, but when the bullfinch was presented to him, he doubted whether he should continue to be an exemplary boy.”

Answer: The poem "Bullfinch"
50 points

Appear this medicine
I would buy two packs.
No, not two, but three.
You need whatever you say.
Remember what medicine is referred to in the poem "Miraculous Pills"?
Answer: The cure for laziness.
Category 2. Fairy tales
10 points
The heroine of what fairy tale said to herself: “it is rolled up from the spring snow, browned by the spring sun.” Who is the author of the story?

Answer: V. Dal "Girl Snow Maiden"
20 points

fabulous exercise
There is a hut in the dark forest. (we walk)
Standing backwards (turn)
There is an old woman in that hut, (tilts)
Grandma Yaga's name is. (turn back)
Crochet nose, (show nose)
Big eyes (show eyes)
Like embers are burning.
Wow, what an angry! (throw finger)
Hair stands on end! (hands up)
30 points

Expression "Stay with a broken trough" became a catchphrase. When do they say so? What does this expression have to do with A. S. Pushkin?
Answer: So they say about a person who lost everything, was left with nothing, like the old woman in A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
40 points
Which of the heroes of Charles Perrault owns these things: boots, a glass slipper, a spinning wheel and a spindle, a basket of pies, white pebbles?

Answer: Boots - to the cat from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots", shoe - to Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name, basket - to Little Red Riding Hood, spinning wheel - to the old woman from the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", pebbles - to the Boy-with-finger.
50 points
Many literary heroes become favorites for many generations of readers. So it happened with this literary hero. Monuments were erected to him in Tobolsk, Astrakhan, Ishim. Carefully examine the monuments and guess the heroes.

Answer: This is Konyok - the Humpbacked Bunok and Ivan.
Category 3. About animals
10 points

Physical education "Charging small animals"
Once - an oath,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit load.
And the foxes, when they wake up,
They love to stretch
Be sure to yawn
Wag the red tail.
And the cubs - bend your back
And jump lightly.
Well, Mishka is clubfoot,
Paws wide apart,
Either two or all together
Long time treading water.
20 points
Name the author of the fairy tale about the little brave mouse - the traveler.

Answer: Vitaly Bianchi "Mouse Peak"
30 points
Guess the fable. An excerpt from a fable performed by actor Oleg Tabakov sounds.
Answer: An excerpt from the fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster" sounds
40 points
The proverb “The mind pulls a person up, and boasting down” is suitable for the heroine of which story by V. M. Garshin. Explain.

Answer: The proverb comes to the frog from V. Garshin's fairy tale "The Frog is a Traveler". Wit helped the frog to rise into the sky, and boasting, the desire to become famous almost killed the frog.
50 points

Which of the animals is not mentioned in G. Skrebitsky's story "Cat Ivanovich"?
Answer: The story does not talk about a rooster.
Category 4. About children
10 points

What magic word helped Pavlik fulfill his wishes in V. Oseeva's story?
Answer please.
20 points

In one fairy tale, four evil wizards decide to regain their youth. All that had to be done for this was to find young lazy people and take advantage of the time they wasted. After all, the one who wastes time does not notice how old he is. Who is the author of this instructive tale?
Answer: E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".
30 points

What desire of Zhenya from V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Flower-seven-flower” do you consider the most important”?
Answer: The most important was the last wish for Viti's recovery.
40 points

What miracles could be performed with the help of a magic ring in K. Paustovsky's story "Steel Ring"?
Answer: If you put a ring on the middle finger - you will get health, on the ring finger - great joy, on the index finger - you will see the whole world.
50 points
What author's books are these characters from?

Answer: The slide shows illustrations for N. Nosov's stories "Gardeners", "Steps", "On the Hill", "Mishkin's Porridge", "Telephone", "Dreamers".
Category 5. Children's writers
10 points
What is the name of Deniska - the hero of the stories of Viktor Dragunsky.
Answer: Ship.
20 points

Name the heroes of Lyubov Voronkova's stories "Girlfriends go to school", "Star Commander", "Sunny Day"
Answer: Tanyusha, Alenka, Demushka.
30 points
Who came up with these wonderful characters?

Answer: The slide shows the heroes of Eduard Uspensky: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, the old woman Shapoklyak, Uncle Fyodor, the dog Sharik, the cat Matroskin, Khvatayka, the postman Pechkin, the cow Murka, the calf Gavryusha.
40 points
Find out the story of V. Dragunsky from the illustration.

Answer: The slide shows illustrations for the stories of V. Dragunsky "My sister Xenia", "He is alive and glowing", "The secret always becomes clear", "Chicken broth", "Where it is seen, where it is heard ..."
50 points
This literary hero of Eduard Uspensky has become the mascot of the Russian Olympic team since 2004.
Answer: Cheburashka.

Literary quiz game "Who is smarter than everyone?"


Leader, class of players.

Preliminary preparation.

From a sheet of colored paper, squares of arbitrary size are cut. In total, several dozen such squares will be required. Each player who gave the correct answer to the host's question receives such a square as a reward. At the end of the game, the guys count the squares, and the one who scored the most of them becomes the winner of the game. Since the game consists of two parts, it would be better if the teacher stocked up with squares of two different colors - for the first and second rounds.


The proposed scenario can be used to hold not one, but two or even three events, since each of the sections of the competition contains a large reserve of game material.


Guys, today we will play with you a fun game called "Who is the smartest of all", where you will have to remember some of the heroes of popular children's books - what their names were, where they lived, and what adventures they got into. Just do not rush to make boring faces. All tasks in this game will not be difficult for you at all. On the contrary, I think that you will do them with a smile. The game will go like this: I ask a question, and the one who first raises his hand and gives the correct answer at the same time will receive such a square of paper from me. And to observe who raised his hand first, and who second, and so on, will be my assistants (represents assistants). And at the end of the game, we will calculate how many squares who scored. Who will be able to give the largest number of correct answers, he will receive more squares, he will be the winner. Let's start our game with the easiest tasks.

Here is the first task.

It is necessary to supplement the name of the literary hero. For example, I say the word "woman", and you must finish - "Yaga", I say "dad", and your answer is "Carlo". And so on - is the condition of the game clear? Then let's start. For each correct answer you will receive a reward card. (Alternately names the words to which the guys should name the missing literary “pair”) .

  • Fly (sokotuha, goryukha),
  • chicken (ripple),
  • fox (sister)
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse),
  • sivka (burka),
  • Ivanushka (brother, fool),
  • uncle (Fyodor, Styopa),
  • Crocodile Gena),
  • Dr. Aibolit),
  • shark (doodle),
  • parrot (Karudo (Kesha, etc.)),
  • dog (Abba),
  • mumps (oink-oink),
  • monkey (Chi-Chi),
  • robber (Barmaley (Nightingale),
  • Karabas (Barabas),
  • king (Saltan, Peas, Dadon),
  • Ali (Baba)
  • Ilya Muromets),
  • Winnie the Pooh),
  • Christopher (Robin)
  • Tin Woodman),
  • python (Kaa),
  • tiger (Sherkhan),
  • panther (Bagheera),
  • Koschei the Deathless).


And now - the second task.

Let's remember why we like fairy tales? Probably the fact that in fairy tales the most unusual characters can come to life and talk to us - animals, dolls, trees, flowers and even straw stuffed animals. Now you will need to remember which of the characters bore the following name.

  • Rikki-tikki-tavi (mongoose),
  • Winnie the Pooh (teddy bear),
  • Pinocchio (wooden man),
  • Moidodyr (washbasin),
  • Scarecrow (straw stuffed animal),
  • ugly duckling (swan),
  • baby (boy)
  • Gena (crocodile),
  • Marquis of Carabas
  • (son of a miller)
  • Suok (girl)
  • Pull (an unseen beast with two heads),
  • Donkey Skin (Princess)
  • Matroskin (cat).

Third stage of the game similar to the previous one, where you guessed who the named hero was. It's called "Man is not a man". And now you have to remember whether the named hero was a person or some other creature. Only this stage of the game still bears the peculiar name "Silence". You don't have to answer my question out loud. And you should only nod your head, if the hero is a man, this means that you agree that this hero is a man. And if that character is not human, you should clap your hands. Remember? If this is a person - nod your head, if not - clap your hands, be careful. So, quickly remember and show with conventional signs who he is:

  • Abba (not human)
  • Piglet (not human)
  • King Dadon (human)
  • mother of the girl Ellie (human),
  • Sivka-Burka (not human)
  • Mouse King (not human)
  • Signor Tomato (not human),
  • gymnast Tibul (human),
  • Ali Baba (human)
  • Ole-Lukoil (not a person),
  • Ilya Muromets (human)
  • Bagheera (not human)
  • baby Roo (not human),
  • poodle Artemon (not human),
  • Mowgli (human).

The first part of our game has come to an end. Now I ask you to count how many coupons you got. The three people with the most tickets are the leaders. They will participate in the second part of our game, where its real winner will be revealed. For their correct answers, the leaders will also receive coupons, only of a different color, so as not to confuse them with prizes for the first part of the game.

So, the second part of the game, which is called "Game with leaders".

The tasks of the second part will be similar to the tasks of the first part, only a little more difficult. And the second part, like the first, will consist of several stages.

The first stage of the game - "Residence" - guess where the heroes of different books lived:

  • Carlson (on the roof)
  • Winnie the Pooh (at the Pooh Edge),
  • uncle Fyodor (in the village of Prostokvashino),
  • Dunno (in the Flower City),
  • Moomin trolls (in the Moomin Valley),
  • Mowgli (in the jungle)
  • wizard Goodwin (in the Emerald City),
  • Nutcracker (in the city of Konfetenburg),
  • a girl named Yalo (in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors),
  • Pull (in Africa)
  • The Little Prince (on a star)
  • White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat (in Wonderland).

The second stage is "The Beginning of the Book".

Guess the title of the book from its beginning. You need to listen to the opening phrase from the book and remember its title.

  • “It was seven o'clock on a sultry evening in the Zionian mountains when Father Wolf woke up after a day's rest” (R. Kipling, “Mowgli”).
  • “In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson.” (A. Lindgren, "The Kid and Carlson").
  • "Beyond the mountains, behind the forests,
    Beyond the wide seas
    Not in heaven, on earth
    There lived an old man in a village. (P. Ershov, "Humpbacked Horse".).
  • "In the midst of the vast Kansas steppe lived a girl, Ellie." (A. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City").
  • “Once upon a time, in a town on the Mediterranean coast, there lived an old carpenter, Giuseppe, nicknamed Gray Nose.” (A. Tolstoy, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".).
  • “In one dense tropical forest there lived and there was a very funny animal. His name was Cheburashka. (E. Uspensky, "Crocodile Gena and his friends".).
  • "Short men lived in a fabulous city." (N. Nosov, "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends").
  • “The blanket is gone.
    The sheet has flown
    And a pillow like a frog
    Ran away from me." (K. Chukovsky, "Moydodyr".).
  • “Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fyodor. (E. Uspensky, "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat").
  • "Three maidens by the window
    Spinning late at night." (A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of Tsar Saptan, of his son, the glorious and powerful hero Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess of the Swan”).
  • “Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind." (K Chukovsky, "Doctor Aibolit"),
  • “The time of wizards is over. In all likelihood, they never existed." (Yu. Olesha, "Three fat men").
  • "Once we were walking in the yard - Alenka, Mishka and I." (V. Dragunsky, "The Enchanted Letter").
  • "Once upon a time there was a pop
    Thick forehead". (A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”).
  • “Do you know how many months there are in a year? Twelve. And what are their names? (S. Marshak, "Twelve months").
  • “There lived an old man alone in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya.” (P. Bazhov, "Silver Hoof").
  • “Strawberries ripened in the forest. Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer. (V. Kataev, "Pipe and jug").
  • “Once upon a time there lived a queen who had a son so ugly that for a long time they doubted whether he was a man.” Ch. Perrot, "Riquet with a tuft").
  • "An old man lived with his old woman
    By the blue sea." (A. S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Goldfish").
  • "There were once twenty-five tin soldiers in the world." (G.-X. Andersen, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier").

The third stage is "Kits and dogs".

Depending on which animal is among the characters in the book I named, you will need to bark or meow, and then name this animal. Please note that in some of the books you will meet two of these animals at the same time.

  • "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." (Dog Bimbo).
  • Crocodile Gena and his friends. (Dog Tobik).
  • "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". (Cat Basilio and poodle Artemon).
  • Russian folk tale "Turnip" (Dog Zhuchka and cat Murka).
  • "Doctor Aibolit" (Dog Abba).
  • Russian folk tale in the processing of V. I. Dahl "The Snow Maiden" (Dog Bug).
  • "White-fronted" (Dog White-fronted).
  • "Puss in Boots" (Cat).

Now let's calculate which of the leaders scored the most cards for the correct answers, he will be the winner in our literary game.

See also: