Best protection in chess black. Sicilian protection. What is Alapina? Starindian Four Pawn Protection

At this lesson, the coach of Olesi - Oleg Kislitsyn - conducts a part of Olesy's party and Isachkina Artem from the qualifying tournament for the 1st category. Olesya played a good debut - sicielian for whites, Only a little "did not do" the opponent.

1. E2-E4 C7-C5

2. KG1-F3 KB8-C6

In the future, if black go somehow sharply, for example on D5, we will move our pawn on E5 (this is a reception from the protection of Nemtsovich).

Pawn C5 is very weak in such positions and we will chain it. For example, by fixing it with the course B3 and turning the horse on C3, and an elephant at A3.

The main idea is the red arrows - not to change something, but in the fact that we "attach" to the pawn C5.

Return to the analysis.

As soon as black made a move on A6, they loosen the B6 field. Now we will follow this field and, at the first opportunity, jerk there with a horse and make a plug.

Weak Field - B6

This opportunity to make a "plug" Olesya missed. Need to remember.

Good afternoon, dear friend!

There are options in chess, which over time became something like brand. Partly due to popularity, partly the sonorous name. Sometimes thanks to his "barred." A vivid example of such a "toothy" version can safely be considered "dragon". So today on the agenda - Sicilian protection version of the dragon.

What is the Dragon Option?

The variant of the dragon is one of the branches of Sicilian protection. It is characterized by a double-edged game with mutual chances.

The main position of the Dragon version:

The identification mark of the Dragon variant is the pianletting of a black elephant.

The essence of the counterparts for black: they have pressure on the diagonal of H8-A1 and through the line C. In the case of long casting of white - attack on the king on the queen flank.

White are trying to strengthen their position in the center and use the operational space on the royal flank for the attack. An important task is the neutralization of an elephant G7, which is achieved:

  • exchange on a black elephant on the H6 field
  • strengthening the position of the horse on D4
  • less often - overlapping a large diagonal of E4-E5.

A bit of history

The story of the name appearance itself is curious. The authorship is attributed to the Russian chessist Fyodor Duz-wantimier. He was fond of astronomy and once, looking at the starry sky, - drew attention to the external similarity of the constellation of the dragon and the configuration of H7 G6 F7 E7 and D6.

So with the light hand of the Russian master-astronomer and the "birth" of a chess "dragon" took place.

Main options

According to the wealth of ideas and branching, the dragon is one of the most difficult debuts. Including its current state. The author of these lines is far from the thought of embraceing immense, and introduce you to the main relevant options:

A) the main dragon


6 ... CG7 7.F3 Rauzer Attack.

White initiative, however, and black has a conjunction.

Another method of black counterparts is associated with H7-H5. An example in the next party:

Anand -Kasparov New York 1995

6.se2. Classic option

White castle in a short side and translate the game in the positional direction.

Approximate option:

White is a little better.

6. G3

Answer Phianketto

On the board, approximate equality.

6. F4.

Black has enough prepongress.

B) early dragon

Black refrain from the D7-D6 stroke and immediately piankett the elephant.


A black full game for the pawn. This option demonstrates the idea of \u200b\u200bearly dragon - to conduct a d7-d5 undermining without losing a tempo on the course of D7-D6.

5.C4 Marotsi System

More principled compared to 5.x3. The root stops the counterpore associated with the course of D7-D5

The position of white is freely, but also the position of black is quite strong.

Typical errors

1. Enemy to the order of moves

White do not pay attention that black instead of D6 has already managed to make a castle. In this case, the order of moves changes everything. After 8 ... FB6 White already at the broken trough. They are at least losing a pawn. In the absence of casting black, the white has a progress KF5, and in this position elephant G7 is protected.

2. High-end game

White did "program moves", apparently forgetting that the ear should be kept in the dragon. As for black, alone and white.


As you can see the Dragon Elephant, it is capable of such surprises.

What is good and what's bad "dragon"?

At first advantages:

  1. White must play for sure. Including the order of moves. Playing the dragon white ababa as, you can very quickly not only miss the advantage of the stems, but also easily get "worse."
  2. White should play carefully. There are various tactical strikes in the dragon potential. Horse D4, pawn E4. Behind them need an eye yes eye. An elephant on G7 is sitting in the ambush and constantly "shifts" the center.

I will say on myself: the dragon is easily played with non-executable chess players. Usually it is easily possible not only to equalize, but also get the best game.

To the disadvantages of the dragon, I would take:

  1. White has a rather large selection that play. Black can only choose to play or early dragon or usual with D6. White in both ramifications have a choice of continuations.
  2. With the right game, white should still get an advantage.

For example, playing early dragon, I can not evade the Marotsi system. And this is such a thing for black, what we think ten times, whether to climb there.

Approximate parties

Ivanchuk - Khodzhzhson, Amsterdam 1998

Spassky-Miles, Bugoyo 1978

Adams -Topalov, Wake An See 1996

In general, the verdict of the author is this: the version of the dragon is quite correct debut. He entered and enters the debut repertoire of world champions. Botvinnik, Fisher, Kasparov, Kramnik - I guess, these names are known to you. Is it not a mark of the quality of the debut?

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Good day, dear friend!

We continue the topic of the "elk trop", on which white shy away from well-designed options. Today on the agenda of the Cycilian Protection, the option of Alapine.

What is this system?

Alapine version or system appears on the board when white after 1.E4 C5 Play 2.c3

The option seriously appeared on a chess depositz at the end of the nineteenth century. In one of the tournaments in 1898, a Russian chess player played in several parties Semen Alapin. With his name and tied this order of moves.

Alapin was not a theorist, but he first drew serious attention to this course. In the future, a significant contribution to the theory of the option was made and Tartakover.

From contemporaries would like to mention the grandmaster Evgenia Sveshnikova who spent a deep analysis of the option and even wrote a book.

Basic ideas:

The first turn of black in Sicielan 1 ... C5. prevents the capture of the center with white pawns 2.D4.

However, white is not obliged to refuse this idea so easily. Move 2.c3 It is unequivocally to understand: the next move will be d2-D4..

If black is ignored by this threat, such as choosing 2 ... G6. or 2 ... B6., 2 ... D6.- They give the center. This method of the game is possible, but in this edition, the White Center is very stable that the default gives them an advantage.

Alapina option is appropriate to compare with 1.e4 E5 2.S3..

With this order of strokes, black respond 2 ... KF6., attacking on a pawn e4.and taking advantage of it is blocked. In the variant of Alapine on 2 ... KF6. White can play e4-E5. This is one of the two main continuations of the option.

Main options

Consider the most logical and frequent black answers:

2 ... d6, 2 ... e6, 3 ... d5, 3 ... kf6

Other moves are less common.

2 ... D6.

3.D4 KF6.

Using the fact that the field c3.not available for the horse, the pawn attack e4..

The simplest is white - 4.SD3.

For example:

With the advantage of white. Karpov - Yu.Pang , Monte Carlo, 1994

For example:

I was found by I. 4.dc.what black should play 4 ... ks6!

For example:

And black are close to victory. Harlov -Smirin, Oviedo, 1993

2 ... E6.

This move is used by players who are not averse to play protection after almost mandatory:

It turns out a closed version of French protection, which most sicilyanists are not in taste.

2 ... D5.

3.ED F: D5 4.D4

Now black has two main opportunities:

A) Immediate Attack Pawns d4.

For example:

With a little freaking in white.

B) struggle for central points d5.and e4., often creating a white isolated pawn.

For example:

And black are close to equality.

Stevich -Topalov , Khanty-Mansiysk, 2007

2 ... KF6.

This course today is most popular for black.

Black attack on a pawn.


The only opportunity to deal with the debut advantage.

Pawn protection is unlikely to give an advantage. For example:

The black has a convenient game.

After 3.E5 KD5

Black horse is located on d5.more stable than in where white without loss of time can capture the center without loss of tempo:

In the version of Alapine, this comorted white is not provided and they prefer other plans.

Most often occur 4.Kf3 and 4.d4


White do not hurry with the move d4.And sometimes they do not make it at all.

For example:

With the advantage of white. Shirov - Topalov, Bastia, 2003.


Natural and principled move.

With the initiative for the pawn in white.

Kamsky - Grischuk , Moscow, 2008.

With more than sufficient compensation for the pawn in white.

Adams - Valensuel. Bled , 2002

If the option is running 2 ... KF6. It seems interesting to you, you can read a whole book about it. Author E.E. Sveschnikov. You can download here


The Alapine variant is a completely correct and interesting way to combat the advantage against Sicilian protection.

Allowing, as well as, which we considered a little earlier, bypass theoretical disputes in the main versions of Sicielian. Alapin is not so popular as the same Rossolimo system, but quite a good version.

The option of Alapine is used by leading chess players: Nakamura, Ivanchuk, Mamedjarov, Rajabov, Adams. Earlier - Karpov . This means that it can be played and necessary, provided that the positions that arise like you.

Typical mistakes and traps

White wins. Black viewed pretty typical "post" e6characteristic of such positions.

And white won. Black lagging behind in development and fell under the "dead" bundle.

And again "Stick" e6 puts the difficult problems with which they did not cope.

Approximate parties

Nakamura - Nepomnyazham , Baku, 2015, 1:0

Kamsky - Mamedyarov , Moscow, 2008, 0:1

Van Hao - Hill, Abu Dhabi, 2016, 1:0

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A popular debut in chess, which is formed as a result of the initial E4-C5 stroke is called Sicilian Protection. Chess with this technique of play becomes a real field for combat. The player from the very first minutes seeks an asymmetric position to enter into unequal struggle and, subsequently, win the championship. For this and loved to all lovers of chess, from newbies to masters, Sicilian defense. In chess in such a "defense" you can play on many new and varied schemes.

Sicielian in open

This is a system of moves in which players are fighting for the center of the board. They use the moves of KG1-F3 and D2-D4. The game, with this debut, is considered one of the most principled. The opponent may behave ambiguously.

1.e4 C5 2. KF3 D6 3. D4 CD 4. K: D4 KF6 5. KS3 G6.

The name of the method is like the location of the black figures D6, E7, F7, G6, H7. This scheme on the board is very reminiscent of the dragon. Black build a black elephant on a large diagonal, where he will attack the central and queens flank rivals. At the same time, white is castible in the long side, and rivals in short. The opponents begin to mutually attack the king, while the principle of rapid attack is used.

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Young Dragon - Option for Black

1.e4 C5 2. KF3 KS6 3. D4 CD 4. KD4 G6

Black are trying to walk on D7-D5, it happens in one reception. Such tactic narrows the likelihood in the victory of white if they need to cast a long side. But in this version, White falls the opportunity to go 5. C4, go to the production of TN Marotsi, in the hope of defeating black in an equal struggle, trying to convert in space. Sicilian protection in chess as a result of use will lead the team to victory.

Sicilian Gazbit - option for white

White on the second move can play a pawn B2 on B4. Such a stroke in the chess world should be considered incorrect and rarely used during an honest game of chess. Sicilian protection for black is carried out by beating the attack. As a result, the team remains with an extra pawn.

Sveshnikovsky option

In this case, black should adhere to the active central attack. White will use the weakness of the opponent on D6 and D5. A typical way out of this situation in this embodiment: 6. KDB5 D6 7. CG5 A6 8. KA3 B5 9. KD5 CE7. The game of black pawns is very risky, this mechanism is actively used and during the chess game of professionals.

1.e4 C5 2. KF3 KC6 3. D4 CD 4. KD4 E5

Very similar to the previous option. Black player starts active actions much earlier than planned. Horse G8 must be transferred to E7. But the absence of this figure on C3 allows the enemy to go on a pawn on C4 - in the end they will better control the central Frang.

If you just started learning to play chess, you can watch video of Sicilian protection.

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With what game can you teach a person to think logically, calculate your actions for several moves forward? Of course, chess will succeed in this. Some people refer them to the category of sports games, others perform categorically against such a statement. After all, how can the game in chess be a sporting event? Here, neither run, nor jump, nor throw anything. But it's necessary to think, think, analyze. And this is much more important than throwing, riding and tumbling.

Where did they come from?

Many researchers argue that India is. But there are theories that their invention is associated with Mesopotamia and the Middle Kingdom. It goes without saying that before India presented the world of chess in the form in which we know them today, they were preceded by other games, not so difficult, like chess, but still something resembling them.

Among the ancient manuscripts, it is possible to find the legend that the creation of chess is a work of some Bramin. He asked his Mr. for such a valuable invention, it would seem a slight reward. He wanted to receive such a number of wheat grains, which should have come out if they were put it on the chess board in the following order: on the first cell one grains, on the second - two, on the third - four and so on, increasing the amount of doubles every time. As a result, it turned out that there are no so many grains on the whole earth.

But since neither in one literary source about chess is not mentioned until the sixth century of our era, most historians believe that chess appeared at this time.

A little from the history of Sicilian protection

Sicilian protection is it begins 1.E4 C5. Players still knew this defense in the XVI century. Her in his part was used by Hyoachino Greco and Julio Polesi. The basis of this debut is a tendency to create an asymmetric position.

For the first time, Sicilian defense mentioned in the sixteenth century in the treatise of Lusien. Then historians can find information about this debut in the later works of Greco and Paleio. The relative relevance of defense had in the nineteenth century. She was used by such popular chess players as Howard Staunton, Louis Charles Makh, Louis Paulsen and De La Baardonnis. But with the beginning of the twentieth century, the demand for Sicilian debut fell significantly. José Raul Kapablanca, the third world champion in the game of chess, considered this defense imperfect.

Only by the beginning of the 40s of the last century, the demand for protection became gradually increasing. Aleksandr Kotov, Isaac Boleslavsky and other players contributed to this. A little later, in the theory of this defense was made by Lyubomir Lyuboyevich, Leonid Stein, Ben Larsen.

Among modern grandmaster preferring to Sicilian defense, Harry Kasparov, Boris Gelfand, Alexey Shirov, Vanvan Anand and some other famous personalities.

How do black react?

Sicilian defense is a favorite debut of many players. It uses only novice personnel, and professional grandmasters. In this protection distinguish many breeding and systems. Consider some of them.

Open Sicielian

This group of systems includes games where white chess is struggling for the central location of D2-D4 and G1-F3 moves. Black figures can react in different ways, for example, a dragon option. Such a name happened from the location of the black pawns, which is like a dragon in its type.

Option Swordfish, or Chelyabinsk Option

Protection in chess on this system is indicating that the plans of black figures include an active game in the central part of the board. The one who plays white figures will try to use all the weak points of his opponent. This option is actively used by grand category grandmaster.

There are many other options for sicilian protection, but someone who just came to the world of chess is enough and what is already described.

for chess player

Some skeptics are confident that physical training does not matter for the chess player. You know how Sicilian Protection and other debuts in the game work, and enough. And here is not! Health condition for grandmaster is as important as for any other athlete. After all, the chess player spends several hours indoors, sitting at the table and thinking tensely. Therefore, it should be well prepared for this process and the conditions in which will be located.

So, the player will need dumbbells, treadmill, rod. Actively engaged in all this equipment, the grandmaster will affect physical strength, the oxygen to its brain will act more active, and accordingly, and the ideas for playing it will appear more productive.

Start playing today

Having met the expression "Sicilian Protection" (Chess) and reading the description in this article, you can not understand much without practices. All this can push and summarize that chess are not on your teeth. But it is not at all. It is only necessary to find patience and desire in themselves, and everyone can become a famous chess player.