Wall panels do it yourself a monetary tree. Topiary from coins: money tree with their own hands. Money tree from dollars with their own hands

The money tree can be different: flower bills "grow" on one, and on the other - coins. And that and other options are good, the matter is performed. Nevertheless, Topiaria from coins look more convincing, and somehow more associated with the theme of wealth and financial plans.

Money tree is not just a souvenir. This is a toopiary, which in any sense of the word has the value also because there are often new ten-membrane coins for its manufacture. Why new? Because you do not have to get them with your own hands to the brilliance or somehow decorate - they themselves look good.

To create topiary from coins you will need:

  • Foam ball for the base;
  • Ten-mela coins (new or souvenir);
  • Thermopystole;
  • PVA glue;
  • Aluminum cable;
  • Pot or plastic cup;
  • Decorative trifles - sparkles, rhinestones, tape, braid;
  • Acrylic paints.

The master class begins with the fact that you will have to glue the ball. The ball is or a billet from the foam, or the base for the crown, which will have to do with your own hands. It can be a design of papier-mâché, or filled with mounting foam slightly inflated balloon. Clear coins can be on children's little balls.

To glue coins well, the ball surface should not be slippery. Place it with paper or napkins. Clear coins are needed by a thermopystole. If you glue the swamp, the tree will not have a beautiful crown.

The coins are glued:

  • First glue one coin, and two more two above it. These two must be fixed so that the first coin is under them, in the middle, and they have laid on it on the principle of scales.
  • Then the island of these three coins are placed on all sides. And then gradually scaly gluhable coins.
  • In one of the places of the ball, leave a small plot for the hole in which the barrel will enter.

The money tree should have a beautiful crown, so the alternateness of gluing coins is so important.

Topiary from coins (video)

Topicia from coins with their own hands: We take a step by step

Actually, Crohn is the most difficult thing that you have to do with your own hands, if we consider specifically this master class. If you are afraid that the coins are not sticking as needed, orient to the photo. If it turns out to make the same row as in the photo, go on.

And now what the trunk should have a monetary tree. This master class suggests it from an aluminum cable. You can bend the cable as you need, and then it is perfectly fixed on the glue in the hole-crown hole. You can decorate the trunk, simply wrapped it with a fine golden ribbon.

Next, see how the trunk looks like with the crown. If you want some other decoration, then rhinestones are on the coins, not everything, of course. Another option is bulk stickers. These are the same beads and rhinestones on a sticky basis, which can often be bought in the department for children's creativity.

Money tree: ideas (video)

Topicia from coins: decorate the pot with your own hands

The next thing that says to make this master class is a pot. It is difficult to find a vazonchik, which is ideal for souvenir. It is clear that it should be the same on the decor, that is, - golden.

How to make a beautiful potty do it yourself:

  • This mini master class consists of simple steps. Take an ordinary plastic cup, preferably - wide. Declaring it and paint a beautiful golden acrylic paint.
  • Just paint will not be enough. You can use sequins, color salt, small rhinestones and painted butchers. Dedovsky way, when sparkles are made with their own hands with flourishing Christmas tree toys, will also fit. In general, the photo gallery is shedding, perhaps something will want to repeat what to do in its own way.
  • Next, you need to fill in plasterAnd so far the plaster is not frozen, stick the table in it, making sure that he fastened firmly. The top layer of plaster must be decorated, otherwise Topiaria from the coins will be a space in this place. The easiest option is to throw the same coins or just pour a sparkle.

Do not forget to make a photo - if the tree turned out to be beautiful and elegant, it will not be superfluous to boast. And you can remove the photo master class.

Topicia from coins with their own hands (video master class)

Topicia of coffee and coins

And another tree from coins can also be coffee. Coffee Topiary is good with its aroma and perfection of coffee beans. How to combine coins and coffee?

Master class - Coffee Topicia with coins:

  • The most popular Topiary of this type, which you can create your own hands, is a coffee wallet. Such a tree has its own highlight, and it lies in the fact that the crown you are caught by the grains of coffee, leaving the triangles for coins. This triangle is distinguished by a zippecker, where coins are visible. The complexity is only that everything needs to be fixed very neatly, and coffee, and coins.
  • Often, the topiary of coffee and coins is performed in the form of a packing cup. The main thing, with your own hands to build a durable frame in the form of a jet of coins and coffee. It is he who fastens the design. Coffee grains can be on a plate where the jet is presumably poured.
  • Sometimes coffee is painted under the color of coins. Then it turns out a beautiful golden design that does not lose its raisin, and this, of course, coffee fragrance.

And sometimes the topiary from coffee is complemented by a pair of coins in a pot, as if beat the topic of money tree.

Specificity of the coffee decor (video master class)

Topiaria - exquisite interior trees, by the number of various photos one can judge how popular is the creativity today. Try and you create your topiciary from the brilliant moment, and let him help fulfill your desires and be the keeper of finance in your home.

Topiary from coins (photo)

Good day!
This "money tree" I made a gift.

I used:
- Wooden 30x40 photo frame; 30x45 (can be less than size)
- DVP (chipboard)
- PVA glue, thermopystole or titanium glue (glue "Moment" transparent)
- coins (washing powder, "comet", vinegar, salt, alcohol or degreaser, rubber gloves)
- Tassel, pencil, scissors, foam sponge
- Two-layer paper napkins - three-layer, papier mache from egg trays, pieces of wallpaper, panel, twine, thick threads for knitting
- Skin slice for money bag (leatherette), braid for decor
- Paint Black Acrylic Enamel (Dark Brown) for primer
- paint bronze acrylic enamel for stamping
- Scrapbooking: Castle-keechik, Owl, pebbles-shells, egg shell (glue on PVA glue, beans are pebbles (glue on the "moment" adhesive), chain, money bag, butterfly birds, leaf flowers, sunshine, turtle , Ladybug and any trifle.

1. Prepare a framework and foundation: remove the glass, replace the cardboard on the chipboard. The glass can then be inserted on the back and under it to place a congratulation or a description of the symbolism present on the panel). Description of symbols can be read here - if on the reverse side to make the mount to hang the picture, then the glass will not need. Drill in a chipboard hole 2 pieces, insert screws and secure a robust cord to which panels will hang. With the front side, the screws will be closed by a coin layer. The frame can be left originally as it is, but you can stamp with a sponge with a gold or bronze acrylic paint or to form with mint napkins on PVA painting and watching before inserting a panel into the frame.

2. Prepare coins: Soak in vinegar 9% with salt in a thick casket for 20 minutes. And linnet in gloves) can be descended by washing powder, soda, "comet". Degrease with alcohol (degreaser). Dry.

3. Screw flaking flasks from 2-3 layer napkins (strips width 1.5-2 cm or different widths): * Take a strip, moisten with water, twist at an angle of 45 degrees in one direction is not tight. Dispatch flagellas for drying.
To form the trunk, you can use thick threads, pass, papier-mache from egg trays, twine. The background on the chipboard can be made by napkins on PVA with airy effect.

4. Draw a sketch of the barrel and crown. Loose a place where the trunk of PVA glue. We form a barrel from flavors, gluing to the base of the chipboard on the PVA. If the flagella burns, sprinkle them for elasticity with water from the pulvelizer.
When gluing extreme barrel circuits, use as little glue as possible, without leaving the sketch boundary.

5. To form a trunk, branches, roots and hollow for owls. With the help of a thermopystole or just glue from the bottle, create a crown of a tree from coins first along the contour of the sketch, then fill the middle.
Dry and remove the "cob" from glue using a rough brush.

6. Glit symbols: Sunshine, owl in hollow, butterflies and birds in a pair, key lock on a branch, chain on the trunk, ladybug, a bug, leaflets on the crown, pebbles or eggshells laying on the roots of the tree, the money bag at the bottom of the panel ( Made of thin skin or leatherette, inside the foam), flowers, etc.
The first coin layer and all panels are covered with black acrylic paint, painting all the slots. Dry out

Pamp the bronze acrylic paint or golden: the foam sponge is slightly dipped into the paint and neatly, slightly pressing, stamped along the entire surface not only the tree, but also the background and symbolism. A sponge with paint should be almost dry. Before stamping, make a trial writing on a sheet of paper to remove an excess paint. The sun is highlighting swinging movements, forming rays.

We glue the second coin layer (empty intervals between coins so as not to translucent). The last 3rd layer of coins of the most brilliant and beautiful to stick the coins on top. The picture can be covered with varnish.
Ready panel insert into the prepared frame.

"The money tree attracts money.
Let them always grab them in your house!
Let this gift bring this joy.
Together with the growth of the tree, let the income grow "

Made with their own hands Beautiful Panel "Money Tree" - not just a decoration, but a symbol that attracts money and contributing to material well-being.

Of course, you can skeptically refer to this statement, but the original decor will not be less attractive. The mint panel is suitable for the wall of the home office, hallway, office, the room in which the cashier is located. Such a gift is ideal for the head or accountant of the company.

Materials and tools for creativity

To make a panel with money trees, you will need:

  • frame A4 format;
  • a piece of textured wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • tube with plow glue;
  • twine;
  • thermopystole with silicone rods;
  • coins of different denominations;
  • small pebbles;
  • metal figurine "Owl";
  • brush;
  • polyethylene;
  • acrylic paint of black, bronze and gold shades;
  • transparent glossy varnish.

Prepare everything you must immediately, in order to be distracted in search of parts on a creative wave. Think while working on good, charge the talisman for enrichment.

Step-by-step equipment manufacturing

Take the A4 format frame and remove the basis from it made of organity.

Pick up a piece of textured wallpaper. The color does not matter, but the drawing is important. Wallpaper with burlap texture is perfect.

Puck the basis of the basis, generously smearing it with PVA glue.

Once the glue dries, you can continue to work. Take the twine and make a small one from it placing on an organote. Motkey can be from 15 to 50 turns, their quantity depends on the desired tree thickness.

The central part of the received empty is a thermopystole in the middle of the framework of the panel. Scissors cut each turn from above and below.

From the upper tips of the twenty, make twigs, and from the lower - the roots of the money from the coins. Silicone does not need to regret, it is important to securely fixed all the elements of the panel.

Now take coins of various denominations. The color does not matter, the main thing is that they have different diameters.

Stick coins in chaotic order on a loose tree branches.

Lock them with a thermopystole near the roots. Place the pebbles at your discretion, rarely or completely filling the space below.

At the trunk, glue the hollow, formed from a piece of twine, and secure the metal figure of the owls in it.

You practically made a monetary tree for panel with your own hands.

The next stage is painting. Put the work on a piece of polyethylene and cover the entire surface of the black acrylic paint.

When the black paint dries, stem, branches, roots, coins and pebbles bronze and gold acrylic.

Mails apply either over the entire surface of the elements, or partially. The last stage is the application of glossy varnish. Cover the work 1-2 layers and leave for the night until complete drying.

Here is a beautiful tree turned out!

A panel of coins is already in this form you can hang on the wall. But it is better, of course, insert the craft into the frame.

So work will look more complete.

Do not be lazy and create your own symbol of wealth.

A tree with coins will definitely bring the success of your home, a company and financial stability to the entire team.

Master class on the manufacture of panels The money tree is prepared specifically for the site for women's hobbies. Want to know from what else, read our publication about this form of needlework.

Even more lessons with step-by-step photos. All MK is grouped on appliances, but choose not only from acquaintances, but also from new needlework techniques.

A selection of master classes on how to make a monetary tree (Topiary) from coins, bills and beads with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and video tutorials.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Complexity: 5/10

  • shell from under pistachios;
  • coins, souvenir bills;
  • beads;
  • bath salt;
  • plastic plates;
  • motor wire;
  • building gypsum;
  • gold paint;
  • small flower pot;
  • drill;
  • FUM tape or thread;
  • glue.

A tree that brings happiness. Who will refuse such a gift? We offer to make this magic village do it yourself.

Money Tree (Topiary) Gold Color

We will need:

How to make money

Step 1

We do holes in shells from pistachios. To do this, we use our drill

Step 2.

In order to make a leaf for wood, we will use wire and shells with done holes.

Cut off 15-20 cm wire and tie to shells

Step 3.

We twist the wire spiral

Step 4.

To get a small twig, twist a few leaves with each other

Step 5.

For a whole twig you need to connect 2 - 3 small. We try to repeat the structure of the real tree

Step 6.

We connect a few whole twigs among themselves - we get a small tree (so that it is natural, the structure is sampled with living trees)

Step 7.

So that the trunk was durable, wind by its thread or fuma ribbon

Step 8.

Apply a golden paint

Step 9.

While the paint will dry, take the pot of small size and stuff it with plaster. We sat down a tree and wait for frozen

Step 10.

Pain the pot

Cash Money Tree

We need:

  • Coins
  • Drill or drilling machine
  • Gold paint
  • Newspaper
  • Copper wire
  • Aluminum wire
  • Disposable plastic plates (deep and small) or pot
  • Glue (PVA and instant)
  • A rock
  • Gouache
  • Bath salt
  • Zelenka (if there is no gouache green)
  • Figurine toad with a coin in the mouth (optional)

Step 1

We take coins of the same size and do holes in them. To do this, use a drill or machine for drilling holes

Step 2.

In place where we will paint coins, we will drag the newspaper, so as not to get dirty everything around. We lay out coins and put the paint of gold color. Do not forget that they need to be painted on both sides

Step 3.

Making little twigs. To do this, fasten 3 coins copper wire

Step 4.

Making big twigs. We fasten 3 small twigs in one big

Step 5.

From aluminum wire, make a sign of the American dollar (you can do any other, which more like it :))

Step 6.

Connect the copper wire

Step 7.

Now we attach large twigs to the dollar icon. To do this, use copper wire

Step 8.

We make a pot for money. To do this, we will need deep and small plastic plates, PVA glue diluted with water 1 to 1, which must be mixed with plaster. We pour a deep plate with a mixture, insert the shallow into it and fill everything again (tree trunk too). On top put stone, for beauty and weighting design

Step 9.

Take gouache and paint the trunk and a pot of brown paint

* We applied on top of the gold paint, you can not do it

Step 10.

For glitter, cover our lacquer tree

Step 11.

This is not all, go to the decoration of the tree. To do this, use a bath salt mixed with a greenfoot or gouache. Its glue around the tree, using the moment or any other instant glue

This master class is almost completed. For decoration, we added toad with a coin in your mouth, you can not do it.

We need:

  • Clay pot
  • Paralyon cone
  • Wooden sticks (you can use wands for sushi)
  • Money
  • Pins
  • Toothpick
  • Paper
  • Scissors

How to make a money tree from bills

Step 1

Cut the part of the cone and put in a pot

Step 2.

On wooden sticks on the cone and put in a pot.

Step 3.

With the help of pins, fasten the bent money to the cone. We do it gradually, in the ranks, starting from the bottom.

Step 4.

After you feel the whole cone, we consider the tree from all sides so that there are no gaps

Step 5.

Cut out of paper with an asterisk and glue it to the toothpick

Step 6.

Wear an asterisk to the top of the cone

You can decorate a tree from dollars with festive ribbons and bright labels.

Based Money Tree (Bonsai)

We need:

  • Green beads
  • Copper wire (fat and thin)
  • Old plate
  • Foil
  • PVA glue
  • Building plaster
  • Gouache

How to make a monetary tree from bead (bonsai) with your own hands.

Step 1

We take thin wire and ride 9 beads - we get 1 small leaf. We make such 5 things and connect them. It turns out a small twig

Step 2.

Click all 5 twigs to form a "bunch"

Step 3.

From such twigs, make full branches. It all depends on your imagination and creative ability. They can do an unlimited number

Step 4.

Let's get a thick wire and make a frame for wood (we note again, it is not necessary to do as we, experiment). Thumb rods connect thin wire

Step 5.

Put on a plate (pre-wrapped in foil), see how it will look

Step 6.

Lubricate the skeleton with a mixture (recipe: weighing glue and water 1 to 1 and add construction gypsum). Do not forget to smear the bottom of the frame, it will be a kind of stand

Step 7.

Using thin wire, screw the sprigs to the frame

Money talismans made by their own hands will never lose relevance. The thing is that manufacturing such an amulet, you charge it with positive energy, which will further attract material streams, giving your home wealth.

The doctrine of cash talismans practiced long before our era. Previously, people easier treated material problems, not considering them important. After all, in the absence of money, amulets made by their own hands have always come to the rescue. They helped attract money into the house, intercepting energy information flows and directing them directly to their owner. The strongest mascot of wealth is considered to be a monetary tree or topiary manufactured from bills.

How to make a monetary tree Topiary: Step-by-step instructions

The crown of your money tree will be covered with fake bills that can be purchased at any store drawing or independently type on the printer. Money, albeit unreal, must be all standard and the same size. Thus, the toopiary will be lush, voluminous and very beautiful.

For a start, you will have to betray each bill shape of a pentagon. This is necessary in order for you after you have a symmetrical curek from each banknote. Arm yourself with scissors and cut all the money in half. Then form the coilers, for convenience, the edges of the bill can be cut off. Be sure to glue the fold of the fold so that your cash flows do not work out, and its tip is adjusted and stick to the main part. As it shown on the picture:

The required amount of cash petals cannot be calculated in advance, so at first it is best to do about seventy pieces. After the workpieces are ready, you need to start creating the trunk of your money tree. You will need a small, smooth wand, twig, wire or thick cable, which you can improve: sparkles, decorative ribbon, paint, etc. Creating a Topiaria is a creative process in which there will always be a place of improvisation.

The basis of the money on which you will stick the petals can be lying around a round and elastic object. We advise you to purchase a ball that is sold at any store in animal products. The diameter of the toy - 2, 5 - 3 cm. The core of the ball roll the knife, so that your decorated wand fit there. For reliability, it is best to bind the trunk with liquid glue, from the pistol.

It came to be remembered about your cash billets. Start glue from the bottom, exactly where you strengthened the future trunk of your tree and an elastic ball, serving the core of Topiaria. Print the kulets not only to the ball, but also to the trunk, be sure to glue them with each other.

Topiary Topiary should be made jewelry and carefully, because it is the most responsible and noticeable part. At the end, you should get a money ball on a beautiful stick to put in the pot.

The pot can be made from a regular jar, which remained after yogurt. Paint his acrylic paint of any color. If you want, you can give will imagination and decorate the pot grid, ribbons and other decor items.

The next step is that it will take a small amount of cement, water and land for landing of money in the pot. Move the mixture to a dense, pour it into your pot, and in the core smoothly install a cash tree. After the mixture is dry, it is desirable to decorate the sparkles on top.

Last strokes remained. The crown of the tree is straightened, you can coat with a transparent lacquer for fixing and natural shine. The trunk of Topiary is desirable to decorate with artificial leaves, gluing them to the base. Everything, your money tree, which does not require care, is ready. Now you can no longer worry about material problems.

Creating money amulets for yourself remember that your thoughts should fully belong to the manufacturing process. Forget about all the problems and troubles, concentrating on the energy of light, well-being and abundance. I will not be superfluous if you present yourself how you got everything about what dreams of. This will launch the mechanism of the amulet. We wish you success. be happy And do not forget to click on the buttons and

29.08.2017 01:22

From time immemorial, the amulets helped the financial success. In a cash talisman, providing a stable purse filler, ...