Passage "game with fire. Passage "game with fire Witcher 3 mission game with fire

The necessary conditions: Perform a plot task: "The Last Court"

Reward: 2250 XP.

Legal Agrippa makes the Egyptians in the Citadel to work on a weapon that will affect the enemy with fire. The Roman engineer Vitruvius is involved in the case.

You get this quest when helping Praxilla (1) In the green mountains during the story quest "The Last Court".

Find and save the Cade from Citadel Kerenaiki

Go to the Roman Citadel of Kerenaiki and send the Sene to find Cada in prison (2) .

Enter the hole (2) . Kill the guard, who often stands before the tent (3) .

Make sure that on the nearest tower (4) No one, then eliminate all soldiers from the side of the eastern entrance (5) as well as a soldier in the central tower (7) . Start west to lower level and use high grass (6) .

Go to Western entrance (8) And kill all the guards in the guard towers. Make yourself a way to prison. You can pass through the building (9) .

Help the Cade save other prisoners

Before freeing Cad (10) Open cells - (A), (B) and (C)To free the prisoners.

Keada from Citaedee

Free Cade and run to the West in the mountains. Stay at a great distance ahead of the Cade, so that it is not a temptation to seek trouble.

Talk to Cad.

Bayek tells the Cade that his mother is safe, and that Praxilla took her in the balarage. Cad says that the Roman engineer in the aqueduct invented a special ballast.

Talk to Vitruviem, an engineer of aqueduct

Go to the aqueduct. If you have not yet fulfilled the additional task "Good Roman", then when approaching Vitruvia (11) The opening cat-scene begins for this quest.

Help Vitruvia

If you have not finished the quest "Good Roman", then make it now to achieve the next goal in this task.

Follow Witruviem

Follow the Witruvie when it goes to the other side of the aqueduct. He tells you that the Leah Agrippa must have a record about a baller.

Find and steeoting the formula in Leah Agrippa

Roman Citadel Kerenaiki

The necessary conditions: Log in Citadel

Award for Location Study: 900 XP.

Objectives in location: Kill Captain (2), commander (1), find treasure (4)

Return to Roman Citadel (12) To kill a legata and get notes. Use the entrance through the water tunnel (12) to get inside. You go to the southern part of the fortress (13) . Climb on the top floor and get access to the walls. Start eliminate soldiers, and then get to the top of the guard room (14) to assess the situation.

Keep track of a number of watchdog (17) . If she is engaged in soldiers, then shoot them out of Luka, from the place of your shelter (14) .

Install brazier trap (15) and destroy everyone in the yard (16) , including legata.

Lev Agrippa, dressed in the skin of a lion, a rather complicated opponent. First, imperceptibly remove all the soldiers in the area so that you can focus only on Legate. Confirm his murder to get the formula Witruvia.

Destroy greek fire

Three task markers appear indicating the location of the reserves of Greek fire: (18) , (19) , (20) .

Carpe Diem.

When you enter the building (21) Where the captain sits at the desk, you can find a report from the North Bruta on the table. Read to activate the optional CARPE DIEM task. One of the four treasures of the citadel is also located on his desk.

Use fire arrows or torch to destroy vases with Greek fire. Return to the aqueduct when the work is performed.

The game begins with the fact that the Witcher rests in the bath. Yennipher wakes him and our hero begins his way and gets the first task to get out of the bedroom.

In order to use the witch to use a witch to the right mouse button, and explore the bedroom. All items that have some quest value are highlighted in red. The key lies on the table on the open book. Take it and use to open the door of the bedroom.

Go down to the first floor talk to the old Witcher and with the Cirins. Complete training from Cirins and with Elemere where you find out how the Witcher is moving and fighting. Also study 5 witch signs.

  1. AARD - Telecinetic blow stuns the enemy and sometimes knocks down
  2. Igni. - causes damage to fire
  3. Irden - Magic trap which slows down enemies
  4. Axii. - allows you to temporarize enemies
  5. Kven - guard shield who protects against damage

After that, Geralt will see hunters and wake up.

Lilac and gooseberry

Discuss a letter from Yennipher with Elemere, after which we will attack Guli killing them with a silver sword. Next to the horse look lies the quest crystal Skull. Sky on the horse for Elemere, we will see the giffon hit on the merchant on the carriage. Harfon's prejudice ask the peasant about a woman. He will send us to the tavern village White Garden.

In the tavern ask the sister of Brother about the girl, she will say that she did not see her. In the tavern, the peasants will be sitting with them in the dialogue using the sign of the Aksii to unleash their languages, but they do not know anything. After another table sits a card. With him you can sigure in Gvit. Your task is to gain more points than the opponent, arranging the cards. Winning two rounds get a reward

And after another table, Gunter's traveler oh, Dim ask him about Yennipher. He will say that he saw her in Nilfgaga garrison. Talk to the garrison with the boss. He will give us a new task to search for the griffin.

White Garden Best

Go to the hunter's hut to ask him about the body of the group that went to search for the griffin (Point 09 of the village is white garden). Find the traces of the hunter and follow it. Hereinafter, he will lead to the griffin jar. In place we will find the griffin female. Talk to the grass Tamira (White Garden West Point 06) She will tell where to take the grass to attract Griffin.

When everything is ready to go to the tavern and talk to Elemere. Near the meeting of the Witcher will be trapped for griffin. Before the fight, Yevmere will give us an arbalet. We destroy the griffin. It will take off in the air and roll on us when he is in the air shoot it from the crossbow. If you hit or after several goals, it will land on the ground, where it is with a steel sword.

After he remains half of his lives, he will fly away to the old mill, step him out there and achieve. Bring the head of the griffon captain of the garrison. He will tell you that Jenniphre went to Ilzima and also suggest the award. You can take money if you refuse that you do not get money, but get more experience.

Important. If you have not done everything yet in the White Garden, then do not come to Elemere and do not tell me what I learned where Yennipher went, or otherwise, lose all the additional tasks on this map, so you first do all additional tasks.

When finished, talk to Elemere to leave the white garden. Before leaving the tavern, the sweatshirt will begin. Weolate gangsters. At the exit we will be waiting for Yennipher and asks us to go along with it in an audience to the king. Elemere will leave us and go to Kaer Morhan.


Having met with Yennipher, we will go with her on the castle on the audience to the king. On the way, we will drive and she destroys the bridge and with her soldiers. Before the audience with the king, the Witcher will wash and win. You will be offered three outfits, you can pick them up everything and put one of them. After that, the chamber will teach you to worship the king, the correct second option in the dialogue.

After that, follow the caller, he will lead you to the king, you will have a choice to bow the king or not. If you don't bow. then nothing terrible will happen, although do not forget our actions determine the ending of the game. The king will ask us to find his daughter Cirill, which we have seen at the beginning in a dream by a young girl. Now she has already become an adult girl. After talking with the king, follow the caller. He will lead you yennifer, talk first with her, and then with the ambassador, they will give bleacing detailed information

At the output from you to meet the chamber, it will give the equipment of the Witcher and on this task will be completed. Go to Velen

White garden East (right piece of map)

Map White Garden East (left side of the map). To open click on the picture

01. Start game start. Here we start our way together in Vesmir. Here are looking for Crystal Skull

02. Pointer. Notice near them to open the rapid movements of the map.

03. Crossing through the river. In this place for the merchant, Griffon will attack, he will send us to the village

04. Duni Character. Near the bulletin board you can get the quest "Missing Love." Talk to him He will offer you a fee if you help you to cope with the guys to find the body of his brother.

05. Meeting with Duni. When talking to Duni About Brother Meet him in front of the battlefield. He will send you to the place of battle.

06. Box. In which the recipe is albedo

07. Use the Witch Face to find the Temer Shield. Near one of the shields you will see traces, go along to the hut.

08. Bastic Hiding in the hut after the battle. Having found his task "missing" will be fulfilled.

09. Smuggling. Under the bridge, we have a modest boxes and collect all the lout.

10. Bandit camp.Drawing: Impact Bolt and evalted page: Broth of Wilothet

11. Bandit camp. Ruins of the castle Amavet. Drawing: Snake Steel Sword and the interrogation protocol. As soon as we take the drawing and the protocol we get a new additional task.

Wedmanic antiquity: Snake School Equipment

It is necessary to find all the drawings of the Snake Witch School. One we have just found. Read the interrogation protocol about the witcher, which was condemned for not doing. After that, we will need to find the remains of Colngrim. The second drawing is in the crypt (point 10 white garden north)

Silver Sword Snake School

When you collect two drawings and all the ingredients then in the garrison of the blacksmith, you can collect yourself both: Steel and Silver Snake Sword

12. Treasures under guard. Recipe: Nigredo, Drawing: Cydeal Gambezzon, Recipe: Cynanar

13. Camp Banditov.

14. G. nezoto monster. You can destroy a bomb Samum or a booth. Ingredients for bombs you can buy Tamira from herbal (looks point 06 White garden West)

Village White Garden (Map of the Village)

Map of the village itself White Garden

01. Tavern. In the tavern, talk about Yennipher with visitors. Buy Cards from the seller you will have a task

Collect a complete collection of cards

02. Bulletin board It will hang a lot of ads take them all and get an additional task and the witch order

Additional task: missing

Duni Velweumer lost her brother. In the burnt village (see point 04 on the map East of the White Garden) Talk to the Duni. Further move on the task until you find his brother Bastien.

Order: famously at the well

One of the peasants hung an ad who asks to destroy the ghost near the old well. Go to point 07 and talk to odoloan. He will send us into an abandoned village where he examines the place we will find out that this is a half-naughty ghost, which will need to be destroyed (watch more white garden south).

03. Blacksmith Willy.Get His task

Playing with fire

Talk to the dwarf, he has burned the workshop at night, offer him its services to search for the arsonist. Follow the trail to a nadeil. See the points 04, 05. By completing the task, we get a good discount from the blacksmith and the opportunity to ride weapons.

04. Traces for workshop Willy

Use a witch vision to see them and follow them to the water. On the shore you will see your boots. Pass under the bridge and see on the shore of the continuation of the traces that lead back to the village.

05. The character Network.Going on the trail will come to Khlev, where you will see the wound on the hand of Network. In the dialog you can choose it or not. If you decide to give it to the task "game with fire" will be performed.

06. Coming out of the tavern you will be waiting for soldiers on the street to fight you. You can agree with them, but you can buy them.

07. Oderan. Talk to the odoolen about the order: famously at the well, he will send you to the southern part of the map in the abandoned village (map of white garden south 01). When you destroy the ghost come back to it for remuneration and to end the quest.

08. Old woman. Talk to the old woman, she will tell the soul-patient story about how he lost his pan. Do they have a task. Inside home Recipe: Ether

Frying pan as new

Use the Ard sign to break the door in the hut. Inside, using a witch's eyesight, inspect the corpse, find a monocle, burned paper and a separated frying pan. The frying pan was needed to make a mascara from her soot and write letters. Give the baboon frying pan.

09. Use the witch's eyesight at this point. We will send the head of the Nilfgaga garrison and go to the south to find a mysterious (point 09 south white garden)

White Garden South (bottom of the map)

01. Abandoned village. Native village, using the witch of the flair to find the proof of the presence of the Spirit. After examining the corpse of a dog and traces near the well, find out that this is a ghost-half-hearth. Native a house in one of them will find the remains of a man. Next, take the yellowed diary from which we learn about a certain bracelet, which binds the spirit to the village.

Completely in the footsteps of the blood, examining the traces of understanding that the traces lead to the well itself. Seeing the rope inside the well, we will see a hanging corpse of a woman. Surveying the skeleton, jump into the well and at the bottom we find the bracelet of the girl. Let's float to the lake.

02. Inside the well, when we sail under water to the output of the lake, you can find a drawing: bolt with a wide tip and Broken page: decoction of water women.

03. Here we will swim from the well, then return to the well yourself, go to the skeleton of the girl and the half came, destroy it. Receive Mutagen Poludennese.

04. Camp Banditov. Deserters. Drawing: Gwennel and evalted page: Decoration from Katakana

05. Place of Power. 1 point skills

06. Place of Power. 1 point skills

07. Empty settlement. Residents leave these places when some danger appears nearby, for example monsters. If you destroy all enemies next to him, then people will begin to settle it.

08. Treasure under protection. This treasure is guarded by the drunks. Evalted page: Decoration from Ghost

09. Character Mulza. (Need to fulfill the task of the Beesting from the White House, get it in the garrison. Help him destroy wild dogs at 10.

10. Destroy wild dogs for the mysterious and go to the next point behind it.

11. Place of death of Nilgaga soldiers of the griffin. Explore this place using a witch vision and go to point 12.

12. Dead griffin. To this place, come in the footsteps of the soldier of the garrison Griffin is needed for the task of a beast from the White House.

White garden North (top of the card)

01. Old mill.

02. Hidden treasureHere you will find the key with Temer lilies to the chest in the cellar under the house point 03.

Temer values

We will get the task as soon as the military orders impregnated with blood. Go to point 03, where and open the treasure with the key. This task will be completed.

03. Secret and hidden Temer. Go to the house jump into the basement, you will be a closed door, use the AARD sign to open it. Also here will be a closed box The key to it is at point 02. We will get Doriana sword drawing, Vasilisk's decoction page

04. Hidden treasure. Drawing: Temer Dagger, Drew Page: Decoration from Doppler

05. Hidden treasure. On the corpse, raise the spy notes.

06. Camp Banditov. Deserters and leader of deserters.

07 Bridge Svashka. Use the witch sign Igni to set fire to the barrels near and open a passage further.

08. G. next to monsters and place of power. The place of force gives one point of skills. The nest is destroyed by bombs or a carriage. Ingredients for bombs can be bought in Tamira's grass (looks point 06 White garden West)

09. Power place.

10. Treasure under guard. Go down to the crypt, protects the ghost. Here is the second part drawing: Silver Snake Sword Sword.

11. Place of power and nest monsters.

White Garden West (left part of the card)

01 Nilfergardian garrison.

02. Head of the garrison. Talk to him He will give you a task of a white house that is a plot task. After completing the task, he will tell us where yennipher went.

03. Lout. It is necessary to surcharge before it.

04. Protected treasure.

05. Military trophies. Look carefully here you can find crash to the setting of a white house.

06. Tamira's grass. We need to fulfill the task of a beast from the White House, she will tell you where you can find the grass to attract the griffin crawl. She can also buy Selitra and Cellity to make bombs for the destruction of the monsters.

Also standing on it to look after you fulfill the order of the well, it will give you many different ingredients, for this she will have a dialog branch about Clara.

You also get an additional task from the herbal.

On deathbed

It is necessary to create an elixir swallow for a girl who dies. Cellular can be found, looking around the house of Tamira. Brain Utility, look around the point 07 In the swamps or kill the utteres, they usually live near the water. The third ingredient can be bought in the village's tavern. When you make the elixir, give him a girl.

07. Treasure under guard. Guarded by aquatic woman.

08. Camp Banditov. Drawing: Composite Bolt

09. Power place. Guarded by the ghost

10. Empty settlement. Kill the guli so that people could settle it

11. Merchant. Talk to him Get the task from him

Valuable cargo

The merchant will ask you to bring him one chest, using a witch vision. Find the place from where the wagon came from the road, then read about the point 12.

12. Medical Wagon. Need to task valuable cargo. Walking around the road. Get to it and examine the place carefully around. The wagon is all cooked by arrows, near the corpse with a punched head. The merchant is clearly not something. Raise the chest and go back to the merchant. If we tell him that we were painted him, he would try to hide from us on the horse. We catch up with his horse and shirt with a sword to reset. Then he admits that he is a Timer's military and destroyed a medical wagon. You can choose the three options to handle it not to pass and not to pass, but pick up the medicine yourself. If you let him go, he still will throw a little money.

Map Royal Castle in ova

01. Starting point. Here you will wash and give clothes to meet the king. Here you will be waiting for the chamber when you dress to go to the king.

02. Emperor Emgyr Var Emrais. Asks us to find quiyi

03. Ambassador Var Attre. Talk to him after talking with Yennipher, he will give more detailed information.

04. Yennipher. Talk to her after the king. She will give us a tint on Cirins in Verpea and Novigrad.

05. Gvit. Here you can shirt in Gvit.

06. Point of movement. From here you can move to Velen.

Characteristic Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
CPU Intel Core i5-2500 3.3 GHz
AMD Phenom II X4 940
Intel Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz
AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
Video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
AMD Radeon HD 7870
DirectX 11.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
DirectX 11.
35 GB 35 GB
Operating system Windows 64-Bit: 7 / 8.1 Windows 64-Bit: 7 / 8.1

Registration. How to use passage

All the passage is divided into gaming areas. At the beginning of the description of each area there is a convenient list of links to all tasks. Any task can be found in two clicks: 1) Select the area, 2) Select the task.

The framework allocated actions, not required to pass the plot of the game: additional tasks, witch orders, secret places.

1,2,3 - If the line of the text begins with the number, it means that this is just one of the options for gaming events. In the "Witcher" there are a lot of such places where you can choose how to behave further.

White garden

Task Selection Menu in White Garden:
White Garden map


At first, we see how the girl Jennipher got on the battlefield between the two armies, but she managed to protect themselves with the help of magic and climbed alive. Heralt's Witches and Elemere walk in the footsteps of this girl and arrange overnight in the forest.


Caer Morcher. Witcher's stronghold on the Gwenleh River

The Heralt's Witcher washes in the bath, and next to him a naked yennipher girl. We are examined, we use the witch flair (right mouse button), we find the perfume of the girl, a table silver, but we only need the key on the left. We open the door with the key, go down to the courtyard.

We speak with the Witcher Velmere, we go to the small girl of the Cirins, along with it we pass to travel in the game. After that, we study the battle system.

Five magic signs:

During training, the cirins runs away behind the wall of the fortress. At that moment, the air ship of the wild hunting with ghosts on board, they kill the girl. On this training and sleep, the Witcher is completed.

Lilac and gooseberry
Witcher 3. Wild hunting. Passage



Weremir can discuss seen sleep, looking at the letter from that very yennifer. A flock of Guli attacks us, kill them with a silver sword. In the bushes on the road for the roads Crystal Skull, remaining from the magic crow Yennipher. After that, I sit on my horse roach and continue the journey.

(From the place of the prival, we can go to the field to the northeast, it was there that the battle was happening between the two armies, which we saw in the prologue. On the battlefield you can find many sets of simple weapons and armor, and then pass their merchant).

Burned village

We pass by the destroyed village, in it only killed men and crying women. In the largest house there is a chest. To the left of the village on the sandy shore, a flock of utilities, we kill them, collect objects of two chests.

Crossing through the river

At the crossing, we see the griffin attacked on the wagon. I drive a monster, from under the carts, the surviving peasant is chosen.

1. We can take 50 crowns from it for salvation.

2. If you do not take money, we get discounts from his relative in the nearest tavern.

Village White Sad.

Through the bridge of the placker, we arrive in the village. In the tavern, we speak with the hostess, and then interview three visitors, did not see anyone a girl Yennipher with the aroma of lilac and gooseberry.

The first is a peasant, we use the dope of the magic of the actions on him to untie the language. He knows nothing.

The second is a scientist, invites us to play the Gwint board game (the essence is simple as in Black Jack - you need to dial the card number more than the opponent, but it looks like a collectible card game). For the victory we get the map of Golden Chiwai.

The third - tramp Gunter about "Dim, tells us that Jennipher saw near the local military garrison. Let's go there as soon as we look at the whole village.

Local people meet us at the exit of the tavern. They want to beat us. With any choice, the fight will take place anyway. When choosing the first dialogue, we are also deceived and we will still fight everyone. If you know one of them to calm down, then we will only fight with two. But we can avoid this battle, if you do not approach them, but immediately run away away.

The trader saved by us from Griffin is now standing at the entrance to the village. He can buy a unique set of Temer Armor (only in DLC). Armor 4 level, cost 676 kroons. Armor for horse cost 595 crowns.

White garden. Additional tasks
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Passage

In the center of the village there is a bulletin board, it has 6 messages, but only 1 of them is a task. On a large tree in the center of the village, the announcement is made separately that Tamira's herbage is buying honey.

(Some additional tasks are given only at a certain time, if we do not fulfill them immediately, and continue to pass the plot, they will be failed).

Additional task: game with fire

In the village approach the Glome Blacksmith, he complains that someone from the locals settled his house. We can find the arsonisors for the left units.

Turn on a little, inspect the land around the house. Near the white bushes behind the house we find traces, highlighted in red. We get to the water, here traces are broken, but walking under the bridge, we find blood on the other side. Bloody trail leads us to a person named a lack of challenged hand.

1. We can take 20 crowns and not tell the blacksmith about the criminal.

2. We can enchant the mind of a person and force him to come with a mounted to the blacksmith. The criminal will hang, and we will get a discount at the blacksmith and 20 kroons.

Additional task: frying pan as new

In front of the house on the shore in the north-west villages we find an old woman. She gave her frying pan to the wanderer, left for the night, and now can not go to the house where he spent the night.

We look at the door, knock it out by the strokes of the steel sword. Inside, learn that the wanderer needed only soot from a frying pan to create ink and write a letter. The house lies the dead deserter, whom the military wanted, the wonderland has long been not. Next to find cracked glasses such as monocle. In the fireplace we find the remnants of burned letters. In the chests we collect useful items. We give the frying pan with the old woman, we get several portions of food.

Additional task: missing

On the bulletin board Message: The Peasant Duni asks to go with him to the forest and find the missing brother.

On the map we find the marked house, we go to him, then following the Duni we go to the search place. On the battlefield, you fight the monsters of the Territory - Gulyas. We are looking for a blue shield with white flowers. There are several shields, but the one we are looking for is in the southwestern edge of the search area. From this place the dog will take a trace, run after her.

We arrive at the abandoned house, the two soldiers were covered inside: the editor of the Bastiege, whom we are looking for, and Nilfgardian who saved it. Duni wants to pick up only her brother, but brother refuses to leave a new friend Rosen on an inevitable death. We can solve it fate:

1. Pete to take Nilfgard with me.

2. Agree that it is risky.

Additional task: on mortal odds (ur. 2)

We communicate with the local herbal Tamira. Now she is trying to cure the girl Lina, which Monsters was laid in the forest. For treatment you need to prepare a witch elixir swallow.

To create an elixir We are looking for the necessary components: 5 portions of swallow grass (grows in the glades of a white garden, this is a plant with small yellow flowers), 1 Utoka brain (the utopians live on the banks of the rivers, in the swamps) and 1 Boton of the Krasnolyudsky alcohol (you can buy in the tavern or Find in bandit camps).

Return to Tamir. Cooking the elixir - in the inventory menu, go to the left to the Alchemy tab, we find the desired recipe and use it. We give the potion, we receive other recipes and 50 kroons.

If we come back here a little later, we will see how Elixir Lina helped.

Additional task: valuable cargo

Coming out of the military garrison, we go on the western road, turn to the south. On the side of the road we see the victim, he gives us this task. It is necessary to find a monster that attacked the trade wagon.

On the road we find traces of the wagon, and then her remains in the swamps. We inspect the bodies, find traces from arrows. People were attacked on the wagon, not the monsters, and the merchant himself somehow was mixed in this. We speak with the merchant:

1. "The task is completed."

2. "I exposed you." In this case, the trader will drive from us on horseback. Spending the riding and catch up with a fugitive. Calculate, apply one blow, and man falls to the ground. We choose what to do with it:

1. "I will deliver you to Nilfergham." (+30 CZK).

2. "Good. Drive. " (+30 CZK).

3. "I will let you go. But I will leave the medicine. " (+50 kroons, 5 portions of swallow grass).

Additional task: Collect a complete collection of cards

We will perform this task throughout the game. Cards can be bought from traders or receive a reward for winning Gwint. But in local villages there are no good cards, real rivals and access to the heroic card will be in the city. You need to collect more than 100 different cards.

Order: famously at the well (Ur. 2)

Find an order on the bulletin board near the crust.

In the village talking to the odoole, who left the order. We go south into an abandoned village, inspect the evidence. I see the burden around the well, in one of the houses we find a skeleton of a girl without hand, her diary.

We learn the type of ghost, in Bestiary we read information about Halfunice (open the map, turn the pages to the right to the Bestiary).

The girl's hand will find hanging in the well, jump into the well. At the bottom of the reservoir we find a bracelet with the hands of a girl. Back can be selected only on the underwater tunnel in the lake. We return to the well.

Boss: half daughter

We are preparing for battle: Lubricate the silver sword with oil against bringing. We endure and set fire to the skeleton with the bracelet, after that the ghost will appear. Ghost flickers, and therefore it is not always possible to get. Using the magic trap sign Irden so that the cast becomes vulnerable.

By defeating the enemy, collect his remnants. We return to the customer for the award. There are options here:

1. Take money. We get 20 gold.

2. Refuse to pay, we get amethyst as compensation.

(History of the half and the history of the hunter thought, which helped us track the griffin, are connected. We can learn more by visiting the herb to Tomer after that).

Treasure Hunting: Temer Values \u200b\u200b(Ur. 4)

On the bridge near the mill, the dead deserter find the key. We dive into the water, on the bottom we will find a locked chest, open it with the key, take useful items and a letter. We find and read the "Spy Letter" in your inventory (Tab plot items).

Treasure Hunt: Gold Deserters (Ur. 3)

We go to the house to the west of the mill. Inside the house we divide the scattered boards, we find the entrance to the dungeon under them. At the bottom there are many chests, one of them is closed, open it by the key found.

Treasure Hunting: Dirty Money (Ur. 2)

To the east of the "Mill" pointer, we find the "hidden treasure" point, we kill deserters, we take a letter from them. After reading it, we get a task. We go further east, we find the main camp of the bandits, we kill them, take the treasure from the chests.

Witch antiquities: Snake School Equipment (Ur. 6)

We look at all the signs of the question appearing on the map. In one of the gangsters, we find a list of equipment. We can make this task active, and we will see where the special things of the Snake School of Witches are located.

1. One of the things lies in the sclepe north of the mill. Ghost at the entrance you need to kill using the Irden sign.

2. The Snake's Steel Sword is in the lair of deserters west of the "burned village", in the ruins of the tower on the hill. You can climb only one way - from the West.

According to the foundations, you can shoot unique blades, but for this you need to find masters of the blacksmith. (Bronnikniki to Korot this will not be).

White Garden Best
Witcher 3. Passage of the game

We come to the military garrison of Nilfgard, located northeast of the village. The guards miss us, having learned that the Witcher in front of them, and demand to talk with the boss.

In the yard of the garrison, we can inspect the goods or create a new thing in the artisan in glasses.

The Commander of the Garrison orders us the murder of Griffin, who already killed 9 local residents. Only after that he will tell us where Yennipher went. Take to order. We ask all the necessary information, learn where to find the local grass (for the extraction of primate plants) and the hunter (he knows the place where the griffon attacked for the first time).


We come to the designated hunter's house, it is not in place. We activate a little, notice the tracks in front of the house, carefully inspect them, only after that all other traces will appear. On the trail we go to the forest.

The hunter of thoughts tracks the wild dogs, we can help him in this:

1. Help you to kill your 5 dogs, find the body of the person whom they bred. (+350 experience).

2. Refusing. We are waiting for the hunter.

After that, the hunter takes us to the place where the griffin ripped a few soldiers.

Griffon nest

We remain alone and study the place of the attack of the griffin. In the bodies of people you can find a couple of items. I find traces by a little, find out where soldiers came from. Under the destroyed bridge there are a pair of chests.

We return to the destroyed bridge, from the road pointer quickly teleported closer to herbal.


We communicate with the local herbal Tamira. Now she is trying to cure the girl, which Monsters was studied in the forest. She needs to stop intracranial bleeding, but we can not yet help with it.

The herbal can always buy ingredients or hand over their collected herbs.

We ask about the desired grass-bait craft, learn that it should be sought in the center of the lake in the deepest place.

Herry mining

We go into the lake to the north of the village, float, and then dive under the water. Under water, there are a lot of bushes of the desired grass, long to search for long. In addition, at the bottom we can find several chests.

Trap for griffon

Having gathered the grass and information about the griffin, we return to the tavern to Elemere. We get a recipe potion "Thunder". Together with Elemere, we go to the north field and arrange a trap for griffin.

Before the fight, we are transferred to the crossbow, it can be selected in the same way as magic (press "Tab", select the bottom cell, and then in the game we use it with the "Middle Mouse" button), but the crossbow apply only if the opponent in the air is better Act across the old man - sword. Before the fight we can use the magic of the shield to protect against the shock monster.

The griffin arrives on the smell of a fading crash, entering with him into battle. When the griffin flies past, bounce aside. Or bring up a bird shot of a crossbow, or after several goals he himself land. It is necessary to fear the wings of the wing monster, it is impossible to block them, it is also not always possible to dodge. But the monster is dangerous only from the front side, he is absolutely defenseless. In battle, we are passing forward, we turn out from the hind paw of the griffin, we hit it from behind. While the monster turns, moving after him, to always be rear, in case of what, rolling back.

Having lost half of health, the griffin will fly away from us towards the mill. Sit down on the horse, catching up monster. On the hill, we continue the battle, we finish the enemy to death, taking trophies.

Return to garrison

From head of Griffin, we return to the soldier's garrison for a reward. (If you do not move around the map, and go to the horse, then on the way we will fall on the cemetery. There is an altar of power and one ghost. We use a silver sword, waiting for the ghost, and attack it. Losing health, the ghost will hide in the crypt, go down There and finish it. After the victory, we approach the stone of the force, we get +1 an additional point of the skill).

In the garrison, we report to the commandant about the execution of the order. We learn that Jennipher should be sought in the nearby settlement - in the otzima.

1. Additionally, we can take money as a reward. (+300 CZK).

2. Or refuse it.

Path in wave

Return to the tavern to Elemere.

(If we have not yet completed additional rustic tasks, you need to take on their passage. Going to the world, we will finish the story part in the White Garden, and the unfulfilled tasks will be failed).

Locals, dissatisfied with the new power, are attacked in the Witcher Tavern. Coming into battle, we kill all the gangsters.

At the exit, suddenly, Ianniphar meets with imperial security. The girl hired to work on Empener Nilfgardians Emgyra, and invites us to follow her example.

Elemere leaves us and goes to Caer Morkers to wintering. And together with the girl giving a neighboring city. In the forest, the squad of ghosts "Wild Hunting" attacks us, miraculously sauna from them outside the city walls.

Royal Castle in ova

Witcher 3. Passage Website

Preparation for the meeting

We are accepted in the Royal Castle. Another scene with a bath and girls. Geralta lead to a civilized species before meeting with the emperor.

Questions (Transferring from The Witcher 2):

During our shave, the general asks questions about the past. (From our answers, the option is changing what happened and what actions we made in the previous part of the game - the Witcher 2. If you manually import saving from the game "Witcher 2", then the interrogation scene will be skipped).

The fate of Prince Arianna during the siege (Witcher 2. Prologue)

"Siege of La Valletta Castle. Fate commander of the defense, some Ariana ... "

1. "I killed Ariana. So it happened. " (We will meet with the mother of Prince - Marie Louise Le Vallett in a story Quest in Novigrad. Her attitude to us will affect the course of the quest. If we killed a prince, she will refuse to talk to us).

2. "I gave him life. He was running". (If the prince stayed alive, then Marie will talk to us, and will accompany us on racing in the estate).

Whose side we chose in the Flotzama (Witcher 2. Chapter 1)

"Then you hid in a charming fleet and from there I got to Vergena. Just like? The city was considered cut off from the rest of the world. "

1. "I got out of the fleet with Vernon Roche." (When meeting with Rosh, we will easily go to his secret camp. The initial level of confidence with Roche is slightly higher).

2. "I joined Jorvetu." (Before the camp, Rocher will have to fight the guard. Yorvet himself will not see the part of the game in the third, perhaps it will appear in additions).

Who helped in Lok Minna (Witcher 2. Chapter 3)

"Inglorious meeting with Lok Muinne. You were there. And again intervened in the affairs of the strengths of this world. "

1. "I needed to save the trisss." (When you meet with TRISS, we will not hear from her words of gratitude for this, but the initial level of relationship with it will be higher).

2. "I helped Roche repeat Anais." (This answer, the general will notice that you only moved the pawns on a chessboard. Sasquia girls, the side of which we chose, no in the game. Perhaps it will appear in the add-on).

The fate of Shealy de Timerville (Witcher 2. Chapter 3)

"Soon after that, you watched how spoiled Megaskop bursts your friend, Söal de TranServille, on pieces."

1. "Schaya fled." (We will meet Shealu in prison in Oxenfurt).

2. "So she needs." (We will still meet Shealu in the plot, but it will be at death).

Fate Witcher Summer from Guletto (Witcher 2. Epilogue)

"In the interests of the state, sometimes it is necessary to conclude difficult unions. Even with witches. "

1. "This union is already terminated. I killed summer. " (In this case, we will not meet the summer in the Witcher 3).

2. "And this union is still in force? What's since summer? " (We can find the summer, performing additional quests in the village of Zalipier: "Falling at home Reordan", "Ghosts of the Past". A little later, summer can help in a battle with wild hunting).

We choose one of the three suits, put it on. We rehearse the bow to the emperor, repeating the steps of the court (correct option 2).


We enter the throne hall to the audience to the emperor.

1. Perform a bow. (The emperor is surprised that Heralt decided to bow to someone).

2. Just stand and wait. (If you do not bow, nothing terrible will happen, the emperor only casually notice that we did not taught the manners. The punishment will only receive the court, for the fact that he did not prepare us).

The emperor called us so that we find His daughter Cirins. At the beginning of the game, we saw a dream about this little girl, but now she is already an adult girl. It actively enjoys witch magic, and therefore wild hunting chasing it.

1. We take for this order for a large amount of money.

2. Voluntarily causing to help our former student.


After an audience of the emperor, we can talk to his arms close in the waiting room.

After that we go to the room to Yennifer. She is still cold to us, recired old resentment (in the first part of the "Witcher" Yennifer was a beloved Geral, and in the second part hero lost his memory, and contacted many other girls, on the choice of a player). Jennifer only says that he also participates in the search for cereals, kisses Geralta for goodbye and immediately goes into a magic teleport leading to the search place.

We can inspect the entire castle. Ambassador Var Attra tells the political situation in the world. We go into the garden, here we see one player in the Gwint. While playing with him is useless, we have a weak deck, but later you will need to return to it.

Secret. In the garden, to the left of the player in the Gwint, on the wall we find a pressure plate. From its pressing the secret room in the wall is opened. We enter there, we find a skeleton with a chest, take the boots and a note that sends us to the events from the previous parts of the game "Witcher".

We go to the goal at the exit from the castle, the global map quickly move in velen. (To move quickly, you need to press the middle mouse button on the lock map, it will move us to the global map. On the world map, we choose the area "Venten", in the most velennium twice by clicking on the only open post "Holder Tree". Rapid move on the map Perform only between such symbols of green road pillars).

In the village of white garden, there is a small forge of Old Krasnolyud Willy, which is located near the local Corch. Krasnolyud 50 years worked in this village, thought that he had already become for the local. But recently burned him for a smoke to hell with dogs. And the poor people had nothing else.

Talk to Krasnolyud, about his trouble. After touching replicas, Kuznets asks to find you a heighter.

We go for a forge, we break the flair and follow the red tracks to the river at the bridge.

There traces are broken, but enough to go under the post and on the shore you will see new traces with abandoned boots.

To which Heralt will say that Rottsy attacked her poor fellow and wounded him.

By smell and trails of blood from the wound we reach the house. And find the arsonist.

They were the local "racist", heaving the inheritance remaining from Mom. And who, at the drunk, decided to teach Krasnolyud, who aged the weapon for Nilf, who then killed his fellow.

You have a choice, small, but there is:

  • Take the crowns from drunkchi and report Willy that they did not find anything.

  • Use Axisi and drag it to the Blacksmith, demanding a reward.
  • I did not pass the stirrer, because if you pass it - in the end, they ride, caused by Willie Nilf. And so so many deaths. But if you remember, he swore. What to play with fire will not be. Your business, what to do in this case and what to make a choice ...

    Playing with fire

    Locality: White Garden

    Who gives: Blacksmith Willy

    Prize: 50 experience points; 20 kr.

    In the vicinity of the White Garden of Nerludde was very small. Krasnolyud-Willy is an excellent gunsight, from all nearby settlements came to him with orders. But not so long ago, before the Witcher arrived in the White Garden, the place of the Blacksmith burned down herd. Krasnolyud thought that his property was burned specifically, that is why he decided to turn to the witcher to find the villain.

    Ask the rustic weapon of Willie, who will tell that his smoke has burned. You have the opportunity to assist and track down the villain for money.

    We get a quest, heading for the corner of the structure, we connect the witch's flame. Noticing the fingerprints of the legs of red - follow them.

    The prints bring us to the river, where they suddenly disappear.

    We pass under the bridge, and with the help of the fault of the Witcher, not far from this bridge, we find new prints and abandoned boots.

    Follow in the footsteps, returning to the settlement. They will bring us to asylum of an attacker.

    The arsonist will offer you not to give it, in turn, promising a stake from the abducted property. Select option. Personally, I managed to calm him the sign of Aksii, after which he walked to the place of work of the customer himself.

    Next to the burned blacksmith, talking a little, the blacksmith calls the guards, those not thinking about the punishment immediately decide the fate of the criminal, sentencing to hanging ... severely.

    The blacksmith as a sign of gratitude for the help gives us 20 kr.

    The Witcher found a criminal and forced him to come to Willy. Which called Nilfgaga warriors, they as it turned out, he was in the service. Soldiers who did not think that a second sentenced the villain for the death penalty and immediately performed a sentence. Justice enthusiasm. Perhaps even too much.