Symbols of topographic maps. Symbols of topographic maps Do you know conventional symbols

Symbols of topographic maps

Tikhonova L.Ya. Geography teacher MBOU "Lyceum No. 3", Prokhladny, KBR

Do you know the conventional signs?

Read the letter

Hello mother!

We went camping. We went out early in the morning

out, let's go up to,

turned west along and approached

. To our right was,

... Then, past along

by we returned to.

There lived a glorious hero Alyosha Popovich in Russia,

and he only knew how to lie on the stove, but with Tugarin

We will fight with the serpent. He once went gold

to release the folk from the clutches of the Tugarin.

His path lay through birch forest , past the rotten

swamps through which path was. Stopped in

Alyosha is in the thicket of the forest and sees a picturesque Lake ,

and next to him forester's house ... He asks the forester

how to get him to river where is the Tugarin army

settled down. And the old man answers him, the path is far

you have to. First you will go along dirt road ,

turn into Pine forest ... There you will see to well ,

boldly go from him to the spring , by the spring

there is deep ravine , cross it and see meadow ,

standing on that meadow lonely tree .

When you approach him, Tugarin himself will appear.

Record the story with conventional symbols

Determine the direction

Measure the distance using the scale shown in Fig. 39

in 1 cm 100 m

  • Determine the scope of the plan.
  • Measure the distance from the birch to the shed with a ruler.
  • Calculate the distance using the scale.
  • Determine the distance from the birch to the point 162.3 m; to the lake; to the wooden bridge.

0.9 cm

0.9 cm x 100 m = 90 m

Draw a plan of the area

An observer stands in the middle of the area in the meadow. He sees:

  • North, 300 m, school
  • East, 250 m, bushes
  • On the north-west, 400 m, orchard
  • To the south, 150 m, lake, the eastern shore is swampy
  • South-west, 200 m, bush
  • On the northeast, 450 m, mixed forest
  • At h, 200 m, woodland
  • Southeast, 100 m, well

M: 1cm 100m

A single point plan is called polar

Draw a route plan of the area (M 1: 10000m)

The guys went from school (vol. 1) on an excursion (the school is located in the northwestern area)

vol. 1 vol. 2 - on v. 800 m along the path through the orchard,

vol. 2 - a well on the bank of the river. Belka, the river flows from the south. US.

point 2 → point 3 - 500 m upstream of the river along a path through the bushes,

vol. 3 - spring,

v. 3 → v. 4 - on the north-west. along a dirt road through the field 400 m.

point 4 - a windmill, to the south of point 4 we saw a lake, the eastern shore of which is swampy,

v. 4 → v. 5 - to the south-west. 400 m along the path through the meadow to the birch (point 5),

v. 5 → v. 1 - on a dirt road through woodlands we returned to school

Draw a sign

Draw a sign


Draw a sign

Draw a sign

rare forest

Draw a sign

freestanding tree

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Slide captions:

Topographic signs Presentation for the mini-project "TOURISTYATA" Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution kindergarten No. 7 of the combined type of the city of Svobodny Prepared by: Anastasia Kholodnaya, instructor for f / k I qualification category 2013

Topographic signs Can be called: "Symbols" Symbols (designations), graphic symbols, with the help of which on maps show (designate) the types of objects, their location, shape, size, qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Distinguish between off-scale (or point), linear and area signs, they can be static or dynamic (for example, on animated maps). The table of conventional symbols used on the map, together with textual explanations to them, is called the map legend. Symbols for topographic maps are standard for each scale and must be used. For most thematic maps, the signs are not unified, so legends are placed directly on the map sheet.

"Map Legend" is a table with conventional symbols. "Map Legend"



Check yourself lake


meadows II II II II II II II

Individual trees Coniferous tree Deciduous tree

Field and forest roads

The poster is a riddle

Poster - a riddle Questions: - How many tourists live in the camp? - When did they come here? (yesterday, now) - Is it far from the camp to the nearest village? - What kind of weather phenomenon? - Which wind is blowing? - What time is it now? - Find a natural compass? - Who was on duty at the fire yesterday? - Where are the day and month hidden? (find and name the date)

Thank you for the attention!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"In the land of road signs."

A script for a road sign show for older preschool children about traffic rules and safe behavior on the streets ...

KVN "Traffic Light Lessons" in the preparatory speech therapy group Topic "Learning to read road signs" KVN "Traffic lights Lessons" in the preparatory speech therapy group Topic "Learning to read road signs"

Objectives: to consolidate and deepen children's knowledge of safe behavior on the street - where you can and where you can not play; rules for safe crossing the road, correct behavior of children when riding a bike ...

Every sign is needed, every sign is important

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the different types of road signs - prohibiting and permitting; Objectives: To teach children to distinguish road signs - permissive from prohibiting; - to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road ...

  • Lesson 1.
  • Topographic maps
  • Educational purpose:
  • To form the foundations of moral and psychological stability in solving the tasks of topographic support of combat operations.
  • Learning Objective:
  • 1. To form knowledge of purpose, classification, geometric essence and nomenclature of topographic maps; varieties and tactical properties of terrain and their influence on the combat operations of troops;
  • 2. To instill the ability to read topographic maps and take measurements on them, in orienteering on the ground on a map and without a map.
  • Literature
  • 1. Textbook "Military Topography". Military Publishing House 1972
  • 2. Textbook "Military topography for cadets training
  • B.E. Byzov, I.M. Clothespins.
  • 3. Textbook "Fundamentals of military service". "Phoenix 2001",
  • edited by V.A. Vasiliev.
  • 4. "Officer's card". Military Publishing, 1985, edited by Pombrik
  • I. D., Shevchenko N. A.
  • 5. IOS - information and educational site of SSTU
  • named after Gagarin Yu.A.
  • 6. The training program for reserve officers in the military
  • departments on VUS 180200
  • 7. Qualification requirements for reserve officers for
  • VUS 180200;
  • First question.
  • The essence of the topographic image of the area and its main properties. Definition of concepts: topographic map and plan; level surface, ellipsoid, map scale. Mathematical and geodetic basis of topographic maps. Topographic maps of foreign countries.
  • Second question.
  • Third question.
  • Types of conventional signs, color design of maps, explanatory inscriptions and digital designations. Classification and representation on maps of the hydrographic network, settlements, social and cultural facilities, road network, soil and vegetation cover and other topographic elements in the area.
  • Study and assessment of terrain elements on a map, determination of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, their influence on the organization and conduct of military operations of troops.
  • First question.
  • The essence of the topographic image of the area and its main properties. Definition of concepts: topographic map and plan; level surface, ellipsoid, map scale. Mathematical and geodetic basis of TC. TC of foreign countries.
  • The geometry of the cartographic image is associated with the idea of ​​the figure of the Earth - its geometric shape and dimensions.
  • The geographical position of points on the earth's surface is determined, as is known, by their coordinates. Therefore, the mathematical task of constructing a cartographic image is to design and depict the spherical surface of the Earth on a plane (map), while strictly observing a one-to-one correspondence between the coordinates of points on the earth's surface and the coordinates of their image on the map.
Such design is associated with the need to assign
  • Such design is associated with the need to assign
  • results of field geodetic measurements when calculating them
  • processing and display on the map to a certain, good
  • studied geometrically, a surface that
  • most closely matches the shape of the real figure of the Earth.
  • The figure of the Earth is understood as a mathematical figure,
  • limited by the surface of the mean sea level in
  • calm state, mentally continued under the surface
  • nobility of all continents. This imaginary surface is perpendicular
  • curly at all points to the direction of the plumb line
  • (direction of gravity) is called the main level
  • surface, and the figure of the Earth formed by it is a geoid.
  • Geoid (ellipsoid), as studies have shown, calls everywhere
  • convex, but ossymmetric, complex and irregular in
  • geometrically, the figure, which, however, is small
  • differs from the ellipsoid of rotation, i.e. correct geometric
  • which body formed by the rotation of the ellipse around its minor axis.
  • Therefore, for geodetic measurements and mapping
  • the figure of the Earth is mistaken for such an ellipsoid.
On maps, this surface is represented by a grid of geographic
  • On maps, this surface is represented by a grid of geographic
  • coordinates (meridians and parallels). Such a grid on maps
  • called a cartographic grid.
  • When drawing up a map, a cartographic
  • grid, and then based on the materials of topogeodetic survey of the terrain
  • relief and local items.
  • Thus, mapping the image of the earth
  • surfaces is a dual design process
  • including at the same time transition from actual outlines
  • of the displayed objects to their horizontal positions on
  • the surface of the earth's ellipsoid, i.e. physical design
  • the Earth's surface on an ellipsoid along the normals (perpendiculars) to
  • its surface, and an image on a plane, i.e. on the map of these
  • horizontal positions in a given scale and
  • the mathematical rules defined for this card.
  • Mathematically defined plotting on a plane
  • a cartographic grid of one kind or another, on the basis of which
  • the map depicts the surface of the Earth, it is called a cartographic
  • projection.
MAP (geographical) is an image of the earth
  • MAP (geographical) is an image of the earth
  • surface, built on a plane according to certain
  • mathematical rules.
  • The enormous value and variety of applications are due to
  • features of the cartographic image.
  • The most important of these features:
  • - scale - strict proportionality of the cartographic
  • images of objects on it - their coordinates, territorial
  • size and placement;
  • - clarity and expressiveness of the cartographic image,
  • allowing you to quickly and unambiguously perceive semantic
  • the values ​​of each of its elements. This is achieved by using on
  • clear, scientifically developed system maps
  • cartographic, color and alphanumeric designation
  • depicted objects;
- purposefulness of content and semantic capacity
  • - purposefulness of content and semantic capacity
  • images based on rational selection, generalization
  • and systematic display of the most significant features and objects
  • cartographic territory. This allows you to quickly, with
  • exhaustive for this map, completeness and detail
  • determine by it not only the external signs of the depicted
  • objects, but also their more versatile characteristics.
  • Topographic maps as measurement documents and
  • the main sources of information about the area are one
  • from the most important means of command and control. By using
  • maps study the terrain, navigate in combat conditions,
  • carry out the necessary measurements and calculations,
  • the organization of the interaction of troops is carried out, according to them
  • coordinates of targets and topogeodetic
  • binding elements of the battle order.
SCALE map - the ratio of the length of the line on the map or
  • SCALE map - the ratio of the length of the line on the map or
  • another geographical document to the length of the corresponding line
  • on the ground.
  • By its scale and main purpose
  • topographic maps can be subdivided:
  • 1: 25000; 1: 50,000 - large-scale;
  • 1: 100000; 1: 200000 - medium-scale;
  • 1: 500000; 1: 1,000,000 - small-scale.
  • To correctly and fully use the cards as
  • measuring documents must be well understood
  • geometric essence and mathematical principles of construction.
  • Plan (topographic) - image on orthogonal paper
  • projection of a small area of ​​the terrain. Plans are drawn up
  • usually on a large scale; local items on them
  • are characterized, as a rule, in more detail than on maps.
Topographic maps of foreign countries. Topographic
  • Topographic maps of foreign countries. Topographic
  • maps of different states are far from the same in projection and
  • scale, as well as in its content and design.
  • However, the principle of constructing a cartographic drawing
  • terrain and graphic representation of the terrain and its elements
  • are similar and therefore the language of topographic maps in the well-known
  • degrees can be considered international. However, one must take into account
  • that the scales of foreign maps can be drawn in inches,
  • miles, etc.
  • Terrain on most topographic maps
  • foreign states are depicted in the same way as ours. Almost all
  • states use the same colors for card decoration as
  • we have. Significant difficulty can only be caused by the inscriptions on
  • foreign languages.
  • Second question.
  • Razrafki and nomenclature of TC. Determination of the nomenclature of adjacent sheets, drawing up an application for maps according to the composite table for the area of ​​operation of the unit.
  • Each sheet of a topographic map has a frame in the form of a trapezoid, the upper and lower sides of which are parallels, and the sides are meridians.
  • This division of the map into separate sheets is called a map layout.
  • Due to the geographic grid underlying the division
  • maps on sheets is determined by the location on the globe
  • any part of the terrain shown on this map sheet.
  • In addition, the coincidence of the sides of the frame with the meridians and parallels determines their location in relation to the sides of the horizon; the top side of the map sheet is north, the bottom side is south, the rest of the horizon, respectively.
To easily and quickly find the required map sheets of one or
  • To easily and quickly find the required map sheets of one or
  • of a different scale and region, each sheet for a certain
  • the rule is assigned its own digital and letter designation -
  • nomenclature.
  • The basis for the compilation of the nomenclature of map sheets is the sheet
  • maps of scale 1: 1 000 000. Such a map sheet has 6 ° in longitude
  • and 4 ° in latitude.
  • The nomenclature of the card sheet M 1: 1 000 000 is compiled from the instructions
  • glad and columns. The row count is indicated in capital letters
  • Latin alphabet starting from the first and leading from the equator to
  • poles.
  • Columns of sheets are designated by Arabic numerals from I to
  • XXXXXX and the account is from the Greenwich meridian from the West to
  • East.
  • One map sheet at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 corresponds to 4 sheets
  • maps of scale 1: 500,000 and is designated 0-4I-A or B, C, D.
  • The counting is from A from left to right and from top to bottom to G.
For obtaining map sheets M 1: 200,000 map sheet 1: 1,000,000
  • For obtaining map sheets M 1: 200,000 map sheet 1: 1,000,000
  • divided into 36 sheets and denoted by Roman numerals from X to
  • XXXYI, i.e. a map sheet with a scale of 1: 200,000 will have
  • nomenclature 0-4I-XXI, etc.
  • To obtain a card 1: 100,000 sheet M 1: 1,000,000 is divided into
  • 144 sheets and denoted from right to left and top to bottom in Arabic
  • digits from I to 144. The nomenclature of the card M 1: 100,000 will be 0-41-1
  • etc.
  • In this way, the scaling sheet of the scale map is carried out.
  • 1:100 000.
  • Further, the layout of the cards is carried out as follows: sheet
  • maps M1: 1 000 000 is divided into 4 sheets of a map with a scale of 1: 50 000
  • and is denoted by capital letters from A to G from left to right and
  • top down. So the nomenclature of the scale map sheet
  • 1:50 000 would be 0-41-109-A or B, C, D.
  • In the same order, they receive a card M 1: 25,000 based on
  • divisions of the sheet of the map M 1:50 000, while the designation
  • carried out in small letters a, b, c, d, and will be 0-41-110-B-d.
The nomenclature of each sheet of the map is indicated above the northern
  • The nomenclature of each sheet of the map is indicated above the northern
  • side of its frame (in the middle or on the right).
  • Next to the nomenclature of the sheet, in addition, is signed
  • the name of the largest settlement. On every sheet
  • also indicates the nomenclature of adjacent, directly
  • adjacent sheets. These signatures are placed in the middle
  • outer frame on all four sides.
  • For faster selection and definition of the nomenclature
  • map sheets for the upcoming war zone exist
  • prefabricated tables.
  • Prefab tables are schematic maps
  • small scale, separated by meridians and parallels on
  • small cells. Each cell corresponds to a sheet of the map of the given
  • scale, and its numbering indicates the nomenclature of the sheet.
  • Extract the nomenclature of the required sheets according to the collective table
  • is performed from left to right and from top to bottom.
Responsibility for supplying maps and collection tables
  • Responsibility for supplying maps and collection tables
  • units and subunits are carried by the higher headquarters. Prefabricated
  • tables and maps are kept in the secret part of the regiment.
  • Platoon and company commanders receive cards at the battalion (division) headquarters.
  • Topographic maps provide detailed information on
  • terrain, allowing you to accurately determine the coordinates of points
  • terrain and objects located on it. Therefore, in any
  • the situation, every commander and all military personnel are obliged
  • handle the received cards with care, store them as
  • important documents, strictly observe the established order of their
  • accounting, storage and use.
  • Vigilant and careful use of topographic maps
  • every boss must educate his subordinates.
  • Third question.
  • Types of conventional signs, color design of maps, explanatory inscriptions and digital designations. Classification and representation on maps of the hydrographic network, settlements, social and cultural facilities, road network, soil and vegetation cover and other topographic elements in the area. Study and assessment of terrain elements on a map, determination of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, their influence on the organization and conduct of military operations of troops.
  • All objects on the maps are represented by topographic conventional symbols.
  • Topographic conventional signs are a unified designation system for various topographic objects, in combination with contour lines, they allow you to display the actual picture of the area on the map.
Symbols, according to their purpose and properties, are divided into three types:
  • Symbols, according to their purpose and properties, are divided into three types:
  • - large-scale (contour);
  • - off-scale (point);
  • - explanatory.
  • Scale or contour symbols
  • objects are indicated, expressed in the scale of the map, i.e.
  • such dimensions that (length, width, area) can be
  • measure on the map.
  • Each such sign consists of a contour, i.e. plan outline
  • of the depicted object and filling the explanatory
  • designations in the form of background coloring, color shading or
  • grids of icons of the same design indicating the gender,
  • kind of object.
  • The contours of objects are shown on maps with a dotted line, if they
  • do not coincide with other terrain lines that are indicated
  • conventional signs.
Out-of-scale or point symbols
  • Out-of-scale or point symbols
  • small objects (wells, structures
  • tower type, freestanding trees, etc.), not
  • expressed in scale of the map and therefore they can be represented
  • on it only in the form of a point.
  • The figured drawing of such a sign includes, as it were, the main point,
  • showing the exact location of this object on
  • terrain and means what kind of object it is. Such a main point
  • applied:
  • - for signs of a symmetrical shape (circle, square, rectangle,
  • asterisk) - in the center of the figure;
  • - for signs that have the shape of a figure with a wide base -
  • in the center of the base;
  • - for signs having a base in the form of an angle - at the apex of the corner;
  • - for signs that are a combination of several figures in
  • the center of the lower figure.
  • These main points should be used when conducting
  • accurate measurements on the map.
Out-of-scale signs also include linear objects,
  • Out-of-scale signs also include linear objects,
  • such as roads, streams, etc., which only have a length to scale,
  • and the width cannot be drawn to scale. The situation of such
  • objects on the ground corresponds to the longitudinal axis of the sign on
  • map.
  • Out-of-scope symbols alone do not indicate
  • the size of the objects or the occupied area, therefore it is impossible
  • measure on the map, for example, the width of the bridge.
  • Explanatory symbols are used for
  • additional characteristics of the object and showing them
  • varieties. For example: conventional sign of coniferous or
  • deciduous forest inside the outline of the sign shows
  • the dominant tree species, the arrow on the river indicates
  • direction of flow, etc.
In addition to conventional symbols on maps, complete and
  • In addition to conventional symbols on maps, complete and
  • abbreviated inscriptions as well as digital characteristics
  • some objects.
  • Own names are fully signed
  • settlements, rivers, mountains, and individual natural boundaries. Fonts
  • signatures of names of settlements and rivers at the same time
  • serve as a conventional designation, since their size and
  • they complement the characterization of these objects with their style.
  • Abbreviated signatures accompanying some conditional
  • signs, explain the properties of the depicted objects, informing about them
  • data that cannot be displayed graphically. So have
  • conventional signs of industrial enterprises and some
  • objects, they indicate the kind of object or production.
  • For example, - mash. - machine-building plant, vdkch - water pumping plant,
  • dog. - sand quarry, etc.
Abbreviated signatures also explain the nature and
  • Abbreviated signatures also explain the nature and
  • some other objects not distinguishable by the conventional sign,
  • but stand out in their meaning. For example: shk. - school,
  • gp. - hospital, etc.
  • Some numerical characteristics are indicated by numbers.
  • objects, for example: the number of households in rural areas
  • points, elevation marks, the most characteristic elements
  • relief, passes, water level in rivers, etc.
  • Color design of cards.
  • Maps are printed in ink for better readability. Thanks to
  • to this the image of the area is divided, as it were, into separate
  • elements, each of which is clearly distinguished by its own color.
  • The colors of the paints on the cards are standard and to some extent
  • correspond to the actual color of the depicted objects:
  • - forests, gardens, shrubs and thickets are highlighted in green on the maps
  • color;
- water bodies, as well as swamps, salt marshes - in blue;
  • - water bodies, as well as swamps, salt marshes - in blue;
  • - relief elements and some types of soil (sands,
  • pebble, stony rocks) - brown;
  • - motorways and highways - orange;
  • - improved dirt roads - in yellow;
  • - other elements of the map content are printed - in black
  • color.
  • All local items when depicted on topographic
  • maps are divided into the following groups, for each of
  • which has its own system of conventions:
  • - vegetation and soil;
  • - hydrography;
  • - settlements;
  • - industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural
  • objects;
  • - road network;
  • - administrative boundaries;
  • - individual local items - landmarks.
  • Coniferous forests (spruce, fir, pine, cedar, larch, etc.)
  • Deciduous forests (oak, beech, maple, birch, aspen, etc.)
  • Mixed forests
  • Characteristics of the stand in meters: in the numerator - 20 (25) - the height of the trees,
  • in the denominator - 0.30 - thickness, to the right of the fraction - 5 (6) - distance between trees
  • Narrow forest strips and protective afforestation
  • (2- average height of trees in meters)
  • Small areas of forest that are not expressed on the map scale
  • Separate groves that are not expressed on the scale of the map: 1) conifers; 2) deciduous; 3) mixed
  • Separate trees with landmarks: 1) conifers; 2) deciduous
  • Individual trees with no reference point
  • 1) Palm groves, expressed in the scale of the map; 2) palm groves, not expressed in the scale of the map: 3) individual palm trees
  • Low-growing (dwarf) forests
  • Forest undergrowth, forest nurseries and young forest plantations up to 4 m high (2 - average tree height in meters)
  • Windbreaks
  • 1) Rare forests (woodlands),
  • 2) Rare low-growing forests
  • 1) Burnt and dry forests
  • 2) Deforested forests
  • Forest glades with a width of 20 m and more - on the map 1: 25000, 40 m and more - on the map 1: 50,000, 60 m and more on the card 1: 100000; power lines along the glades
  • Other glades in the forest (4-glade width in meters); 22, 23-rooms of forest quarters
  • Forest roads through glades
  • Communication lines along glades (5-glade width in meters)
  • Borders along the glades
  • Shrubs: 1) individual bushes and groups of bushes;
  • 2) solid thickets
  • Narrow strips of shrubs and hedges
  • Shrub species: 1) conifers; 2) deciduous (0.8 is the average height of the shrub in meters)
  • Thorny shrubs (solid thickets)
  • Saksaul: 1) separate groups; 2) solid thickets
  • Stlanik: 1) separate groups; 2) solid thickets
  • Bamboo thickets
  • Meadow vegetation (less than 1 m high),
  • 2) tall grass vegetation
  • Reed and reed thickets
  • Wet meadows (hollows): 1) with herbaceous vegetation (shown only on a map with a scale of 1:25 000); 2) with reeds and reeds (not shown on a 1: 100,000 scale map)
  • Steppe (herbaceous) vegetation;
  • 2) Semi-shrubs (wormwood, teresken, etc.)
  • Moss and lichen vegetation
  • The swamps are impassable and impassable
  • (1.8-bog depth in meters)
  • Passable swamps (0.6-swamp depth in meters)
  • Bog vegetation:
  • 1) Herbaceous;
  • 2) Mokhovaya;
  • 3) Reed and reed
  • Channels from 3 to 10m wide; water distribution devices: 1) water drainage in both directions; 2) drainage of water in one direction
  • Channels and ditches up to 3 m wide; trees and bushes along rivers, canals and ditches.
  • Dry ditches: 1) less than 3 m wide; 2) 3 m wide; and more (5-ditch width in meters)
  • Rivers, canals and ditches with dams on one and two sides
  • Dams and artificial ramparts (2-height in meters)
  • Lakes: 1) fresh; 2) salted; 3) bitter-salty
  • Waterfalls and rapids (5-height of water fall in meters)
  • The boundaries and areas of floods of large rivers and lakes with a flooding duration of more than two months; boundaries and areas of reservoirs under construction.
  • Water edge marks
  • Arrows showing the direction of flow of rivers
  • (0.2-flow speed in m / s)
  • Characteristics of rivers and canals: 170-width, 1.7- depth in meters, P-nature of the bottom soil (P-sandy, T-hard, V-viscous, K-rocky)
  • Brody: 1.2-depth, 180-length in meters, T-nature of the soil, 0.5-current speed in m / s
  • Transport
  • Ferries: 195-river width; 4x3 dimensions of the ferry in meters; 8-carrying capacity in tons.
  • 1:25 000
  • 1:50 000; 1:100 000
  • Wooden bridges
  • Metal bridges
  • Wooden bridges
  • Metal bridges
  • Stone and reinforced concrete bridges
  • Lifting and adjustable
  • Floating bridges
  • Two-tiered stone and reinforced concrete bridges
  • Chain and cable bridges
  • Characteristics of bridges: K - building material (K - stone, M - metal, RC - reinforced concrete, D - wood); 8 - height above water level (on navigable rivers); 370 - the length of the bridge, 10 - the width of the roadway in meters, 60 - the carrying capacity in tons.
  • Bridges with a length of 3 m and more
  • Bridges over minor obstacles (less than 3 m long)
  • Gateways Expressed in Map Scale
  • (1-chamber, 2-sluice gate), and their characteristics for the main course: 3 "-number of chambers, 170-chamber length in meters, 15-gate width, 3.5-depth at the threshold of the gate
  • Gateways, not
  • Embankments: 1) stone; 2) wooden
  • Water gauge posts and footstocks
  • Dams: 1) carriageway; 2) impassable; K-material of the structure (K-stone, Bet.-concrete, RC-reinforced concrete, D-wooden, Earth-earthen) "250-length, 8-width of the dam at the top in meters; in the numerator is the mark of the upper level of the zoda, in denominator-lower.
  • Underwater dams
  • Ground water pipes
  • Underground water pipes
  • Active kanats (a number of wells connected by an underground canal)
  • Kyarises inactive
  • Main wells in steppe and desert areas: 51.1 ground level, 25-well depth in meters, 20- filling in liters / hour
  • Anchorages and marinas without equipped berths
  • Quays with equipped quays,
  • non-scaled
  • Moles and piers: 1) expressed in the scale of the map,
  • 2) not expressed in the scale of the map
  • Breakwaters and groins
  • Lighthouses
  • Luminous buoys
  • Floating beacons and floating lights
  • Permanent river bank signaling signs
  • Dry docks, not expressed in the scale of the sled
  • Ellings, slips
  • Tidal currents (arrows with plumage - tides, without plumage-ebb)
  • Small banks (5-depth in meters)
  • Underwater stones
  • Above-water stones
  • Drying stones
  • Surface rocks (12-height of the rocks above the water in meters)
  • Reefs: 1) underwater; 2) dry out
  • Marine channels
  • Isobaths and their signatures, depth marks
  • Seaweed
  • Locations of fin accumulation
  • 1: 25 000
  • 50,000 inhabitants
  • and more
  • less
  • 50,000 inhabitants
  • 1: 50 000
  • 50,000 inhabitants
  • and more
  • less
  • 50,000 inhabitants
  • 1: 100 000
Rural type settlements
  • 1: 25 000
  • 1: 50 000 1: 100 000
Dacha-type settlements
  • Villages with unsystematic buildings
  • Scattered settlements
Image of neighborhoods
  • Quarters dominated by
  • fire-resistant buildings
  • Quarters dominated by
  • non-fire-resistant buildings
  • Note. On a map with a scale of 1: 100000, fire resistance is not shown; orange background shading for cities with 50,000 inhabitants or more shows densely built-up neighborhoods.
  • Ruined and dilapidated neighborhoods
  • Impassable sections of streets (shown only on a map with a scale of 1: 25000)
  • Outstanding fire-resistant structures (shown only on maps of scales 1: 25000 and 1: 50,000).
  • Residential and non-residential buildings
  • Ruined and dilapidated buildings
  • Separate courtyards
  • Parking for yurts, chums, etc.
Settlement names
  • The capital of Russia, the capital of foreign countries with a population of over 1,000,000 inhabitants. Cities with a population of over 1,000,000 inhabitants.
  • Capitals of foreign countries with a population of less than 1,000,000
  • residents. Cities with a population of 500,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants.
  • Centers of edges, areas that are not part of an edge.
  • Administrative centers of the 1st order in foreign
  • territory. Cities with a population of 100,000 to 500,000 inhabitants.
  • The centers of the autonomous regions that make up the region. National district centers. Cities with a population of 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants.
  • Cities with a population of 10,000 to 50,000 inhabitants
  • Cities with a population of 2,000 to 10,000 inhabitants.
  • Cities with less than 2,000 inhabitants.
Urban-type settlements(workers, resort, etc.)
  • 2000 inhabitants and more
  • OAK
  • less than 2000 inhabitants
  • May
  • more than 1000 inhabitants
  • Artemovskiy
  • Settlements at industrial enterprises, railway stations, wharves, etc.
  • from 100 to 1000 inhabitants
  • Miner
  • less than 100 inhabitants
  • Settlements of rural and suburban type
  • more than 200 houses
  • Goncharovka
  • from 100 to 200 houses
  • Yurievka
  • from 20 to 100 houses
  • Lotoshino
  • less than 20 houses
  • Dinskaya
  • separate courtyards
  • Railways
  • Three-track railways, semaphores and traffic lights, turntables
  • Double track railways, stations
  • Single track railways, sidings, platforms and stops on broad gauge railways
  • The location of the main building of the station: 1) on the side of the tracks; 2) between paths; 3) location unknown
  • Electrified railways: 1) three-track: 2) double-track; 3) single-track; 4) roadblocks
  • Track posts, loading and unloading areas, dead ends and access roads
  • 1) Embankments; 2) notches (4-height or depth in meters);
  • 3) areas with large slopes - more than 0.020 (only in mountainous areas)
  • Highways: 8-width of one lane in meters, 2-number of lanes, C-coating material (C-cement concrete,
  • A-asphalt concrete); embankments (4-embankment height in meters)
  • Improved highways: 8-width of the covered part;
  • 10-width of the entire road from ditch to ditch in meters,
  • A-coating material (A-asphalt concrete, C-cement concrete,
  • Br-paving stones, Kl-clinker), excavations (5-excavation depth per meter)
  • Highway: 5-width of the covered part) 8-width of the entire road from ditch to ditch in meters; B-coating material (B-cobblestone, G-gravel, K - crushed stone, Slag-slag, Sch-crushed stone); casing.
  • 1) Light roadside structures (pavilions, sheds);
  • 2) congresses; 3) road sections with a small turning radius (less than 25m)
  • Improved dirt roads (8-carriageway width in meters) and difficult-to-pass road sections
  • Roads under construction: 1) motorways; 2) improved highways; 3) highway, 4) improved dirt roads.
  • 1) bridges over minor obstacles
  • 2) sections of roads with steep slopes (8% or more),
  • 3) road numbers
  • Dirt roads and difficult-to-drive sections of roads
  • Field and forest roads
  • Caravan routes and pack trails
  • Hiking trails and footbridges
  • Winter roads
  • Wooden paved roads
  • Fascinated sections of roads, gats and rowing
  • Stone, brick walls and metal fences along the roads.
  • Forest trays
  • Sections of trails on artificial cornices-ovringi (in the numerator - the smallest width, in the denominator - the length of the cornice in meters)
  • The boundary of the change of pavement material on highways.
  • Kilometer signs, signatures of the number of kilometers
  • Overpasses over
  • by rail:
  • K-stone (material
  • buildings), in the numerator - the length and width of the carriageway in meters, in the denominator - the carrying capacity in tons
  • Overpasses over
  • highway
  • (ave-passage under
  • overpass: 5-height, 9-width of the passage in meters)
  • Level transfers
  • Tunnels (in the numerator
  • -height and width,
  • in the denominator
  • -length in meters)
  • Aqueducts
  • Two-tiered bridges:
  • highway under the railway;
  • 2) highway over the railroad.
  • State (1-kopeck;
  • 2-border mark)
  • Polar possessions of Russia
  • Territories, regions and autonomous regions that are not part of the territory, administrative units of the 1st order in a foreign territory
  • Autonomous regions that are part of the province, national districts
  • State reserves
  • Industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural facilities
  • Factory and factory pipes
  • Oil and gas rigs
  • 1) Television
  • nye towers
  • (508- height
  • towers in meters);
  • 2) radio masts, television
  • ny and radio relay masts
  • (5O-mast height in meters
  • Light type towers
  • Tower-type capital structures
  • Transformer booths
  • Waste heaps "
  • dumps (25 and 15-
  • height in meters):
  • 1) Expressive
  • at the scale of the map;
  • 2). Not expressed in the scale of the sled.
  • Wind turbines
  • Water mills
  • and sawmills
  • Kilns
  • lime, charcoal
  • Factories, factories and
  • pipe mills
  • Factories, factories and
  • mills without pipes
  • Mineral extraction sites
  • fossil open
  • way
  • Expressed in the scale of the map.
  • Non-scaled sleds
  • Shafts and adits
  • acting
  • Shafts and adits
  • inactive
  • Open salt
  • development
  • Peat mining
  • Power plants
  • Expressed in the scale of the map.
  • Non-scaled sleds
  • Oil and gas wells without rigs
  • Fuel warehouses and gas tanks
  • Gas stations and filling stations
  • Radio stations and television centers
  • Windmills
  • 1) Aerodromes and
  • hydro aerodromes;
  • 2) Landing pads
  • Telegraph, radiotelegraph offices and branches of telephone exchanges
  • Meteorological stations
  • Monuments, monuments, mass graves; tours and stone pillars more than 1 m high
  • Foresters' houses
  • Churches
  • Chapels
  • Mosques
  • Buddhist monasteries, temples and pagodas
  • Mazars, suburgans, about
  • Cemeteries
  • Cemeteries with trees
  • Expressed in the scale of the map.
  • 2) Not expressive
  • on a map scale.
  • Cattle cemeteries
  • Cattle corrals
  • Apiary (shown only on a map with a scale of 1: 25,000)
  • Communication lines (telephone, telegraph, radio transmission)
  • Power lines on wooden, poles
  • Power lines on metal or reinforced concrete poles (25-pole height in meters)
  • Onshore oil pipelines and pumping stations
  • Underground oil pipelines
  • Gas pipelines and compressor stations
  • Ancient historic walls (5-wall height in meters)
  • Stone, brick walls and metal fences
  • Main point position outside large-scale conventional signs
G E O D E G I Ch E S K I E P U N K T S
  • Points of the state geodetic network (91.6-height of the base of the point above sea level)
  • 1) The same on buildings (not shown on a map with a scale of 1: 100,000). 2) The same in the churches.
  • Points of the survey network, fixed on the ground by centers
  • The same on the mounds (2-mound height in meters)
  • Astronomical points
  • Leveling marks and benchmarks (ground)
  • Horizontal lines
  • Contour lines in meters and direction signs
  • stingrays (bergstrichs)
  • Dry river beds
  • 1) Command elevation marks.
  • 2) Elevation marks
  • Elevation marks at landmarks
  • Ravines and gullies: 1) more than 1 mm wide on the map scale; 2) 1 mm wide or less (in the numerator - the width between the edges, in the denominator - the depth in meters)
  • 1) Cliffs (21-height in meters); 2) fortified ledges of fields on terraced areas of slopes
  • Mounds: 1) expressed in terms of the scale of the map (5 - height in meters); 2) not expressed in the scale of the map
  • Pits: 1) expressed in the scale of the map (5-depth in meters); 2) not expressed in the scale of the map
  • Rocks - outliers (10-height in meters)
  • Dikes (steep ridges of hard rock)
  • Volcano craters that do not show up on map scale
  • Mud volcano craters
  • Separate stones (3-height in meters)
  • Clusters of stones
  • Karst sinkholes
  • Entrances to caves and grottoes
  • Lava flows
  • Sodded ledges (edges), not expressed by horizontals
  • Landslides
  • Sandy and earthen
  • talus
  • Stony and
  • crushed stone
  • Naledi
  • Ice cliffs (barriers) and fossil ice (7 - height
  • cliff in meters)
  • Representation of some relief elements on maps
  • a) Firn fields (eternal snow), b) Glaciers, c) Glacial
  • cracks, d) Moraines,
  • e) Stone rivers. f) Stony
  • placers. g) Rocks and rocky
  • cliffs, h) Steep slopes
  • in scale
  • maps less than 1 cm. i) Cool
  • slopes of
  • the scale of the map is more than 1 cm. j)
  • The boundaries of firn fields
  • 1. Selective attitude to the content of the map: read not everything in a row, but selectively, fixing attention on those areas and elements of the content of the map that are related to the solution of the problem.
  • 2. Aggregate reading of conventional signs: the conventional signs of the objects under study should be considered not in isolation, but in mutual connection with the image of the relief and other elements of the terrain, thereby determining the joint influence of all these objects on the performance of the task in relation to which the terrain is being studied.
  • 3. Memorization of what has been read: reading the map should be accompanied by comprehension of what has been read and memorizing the image of the terrain considered on it, especially those objects that are the subject of study and identification in nature when performing a combat mission.
Self-study assignment
  • Study the material of the lesson on the synopsis.
  • In the course of independent work, use the recommended
  • literature for the lesson:
  • - textbook "Military Topography". Military Publishing House 1972 chapter 12,
  • pp. 60-63, chapter 13, pp. 63-89.
  • - textbook "Military topography for cadets of educational
  • subdivisions ". Military Publishing House 1973, edited by A.F. Lakhin,
  • B.E. Byzov, I.M. Clothespins. P. 7-33, 37-65.
  • - the textbook "Fundamentals of Military Service". "Phoenix 2001", under
  • edited by V.A. Vasiliev. P. 262-266.
  • - "Officer's card". Military Publishing, 1985, edited by Pombrik
  • I. D., Shevchenko N. A. P. 150-173.
  • - IOS - information and educational site of SSTU
  • named after Gagarin Yu.A.

Symbols of topographic maps


7.1 Concept of a conventional sign and its purpose

Cartographic symbols are
graphic constructions (designations)
a certain size, shape and color, with
with the help of which the maps are depicted
various geographic objects and subjects
terrain (settlements, rivers, lakes,
relief, vegetation, iron and carriage
roads, etc.). All terrain objects
depicted on plans in orthogonal
projections (top view) in the form of lines, points or

For lines and points that correspond to
the actual position of objects on
terrain, build conventional signs, and inside the contours
give filling (explanatory) symbols,
usually in shape and appearance
resembling the depicted object. For example, in
on a scale of 1: 10,000, the forest is depicted in circles
with a diameter of 1.1 mm, young growth - in circles
smaller diameter, 0.6 mm, rare forest -
a circle with a cut. This approach to
images of related objects
uniform conventional signs promotes
their better memorization.

The symbols are designed in such a way that
they could be easily built and drawn by hand
or with drawing tools.
Most of the conventional symbols are
a combination of dots, lines, strokes and the simplest
geometric shapes. Symbols developed
also taking into account the optimal proportions of its
structures, the possibility of their reproduction in
lossless printing

To improve the readability of the map and to distinguish
displayed terrain objects, for conditional
characters entered the following colors: blue - when
hydrographic image, brown - relief,
black - settlements, road network, etc.

7.2 Types of conventional symbols

A wide variety of objects
terrain in shape, area led
to the need to classify
conventional signs

Scale (areal) conventional signs.
Large scale symbols are applied
when the dimensions of terrain objects
expressed in terms of the scale of the map. Objects,
projected onto the map as a limited
contoured areas and filled inside
conventional signs or signatures are called
areal or contour. Inside the square
conventional signs are placed evenly in
arbitrary or strictly defined
arrangement. Symbols filling the whole
area, do not indicate any location
the objects themselves within the contour, nor their
quantity or size

Sometimes instead of filling symbols
background coloring is applied. For example,
the area occupied by the forest is painted in
green color. Sometimes filling is used
area by a dashed symbol according to
background coloring. For example, the area
occupied by fruit and citrus
gardens, painted over in green and
filled with dashed symbols in
the form of circles located
vertical and horizontal rows

Often on the original map instead of
fill symbol inside the outline
give an explanatory signature. For example,
on a plan of scale 1: 5000, the contour of the garden is not
fill with shading or gray fill
colors as done on a scale map
1:10 000, and signed - "vegetable garden"

Linear symbols.
Linear symbols include conventional
signs that have a linear extension - roads,
borders, hedges, etc. On the map, their projections
look like lines. Linear Symbols
preserve on the scale of the map the length of one or
another object, and the width of the object can
exaggerate. The conventional sign is under construction
relative to the axis of a linear object

On plans with a scale of 1: 2,000, 1: 5,000, etc. roads
expressed in the scale of the map, not only in length,
but also in width. On both sides of the freeway line
dashed green line (or two
parallel lines) a ditch is shown. V
a break in the road is given its characteristics,
denoting: 8 - strip width in meters; 2 -
number of stripes; 24.5 - width of the road from the ditch
to the ditch, in meters; C - coating material

Out-of-scale conventional symbols.
This type includes conventional signs of individual
terrain objects, the area of ​​which is not
expressed in terms of the scale of the map. Their projection onto
the map is a point. From this point
this or that off-scale sign is being constructed. To such
terrain items include items
state geodetic network, separately
standing trees, road signs, mills, etc.

The symbol is centered on the point differently, in
depending on its shape and pattern: if the conditional
the sign has the form of a geometric figure, then
the actual location of such
the object corresponds to its geometric center
(a); if there is a straight line in the drawing of the conventional sign
angle, then the vertex of the angle is taken as the center of the sign, or
the base of the sole of the mark (b);

if the conventional sign is depicted by a figure with
broad base, then such a sign
centered on a point by the middle of the base (c);
if the symbol is
combination of several figures, then such a sign
centered on a point by the center of the bottom shape

Out-of-Scale Symbols Orient
relative to the north and south borders of the map, or
the middle meridian, and not relative to the contour,
in which it is placed (d). Kilometer poles
are oriented relative to the road, i.e. put
perpendicular to its line (e)

Explanatory symbols and signatures,
digital characteristics.
A special group includes explanatory
signatures and digital data that give on
additional quality card or
quantitative characteristics. They are like
usually used in conjunction with
large-scale, linear and extra-scale
conventional signs

To explanatory symbols
include, for example, signs indicating
the dominant forest species or
bush. It also gives a quantitative
characteristic indicating the average
height of trees or shrubs, medium
the thickness of the trees, as well as the density of the forest. On
swamps are signed by their average depth

Often an explanatory caption on a map
is given in abbreviated form. She usually
located to the right of the symbol or
in an empty place where she is good
visible. The signature is placed on such
distance from the symbol so as not
doubts arose as to which conditional
sign it refers. Explanatory
signature, as well as numerical characteristics,
placed parallel to the north and south
framed map

The exception is the signatures of buildings on
topographic plans on a scale of 1: 2000 and larger. They
placed inside the outline of buildings, in the middle,
parallel to the long side of the building. The same applies to
signatures of areal symbols, for example, "vegetable garden"

7.3 Tables of symbols

Drawing, color and sizes of conventional signs for
topographic maps and plans installed
in special tables of symbols.
Tables of conventional signs published in
Of Russia are obligatory for all
departments and agencies conducting filming or
drawing up a topographic map (plan)
on one scale or another

Symbols of all scales are
standard and usually consistent
among themselves in shape (outline) and color. V
depending on the scale, only
the size of the symbol. Such consistency
makes it easier to share cards
different scales. For each or several
scales published tables of conventional signs

For example, conventional characters in the tables "Conditional
signs for a topographic scale map
1:10 000 ", published in 1977, grouped by
sections according to the main objects
terrain: geodetic points; inhabited
points and individual buildings; industrial,
agricultural and socio-cultural
objects; railways and structures with them;
hydrography; relief; vegetation; soils and
microforms of the earth's surface; boundaries and

In addition to conventional symbols, the tables contain
samples of fonts for inscriptions, scales of laying,
design of frames and out-of-frame design.
Such a grouping of conventional symbols by sections
makes them easier to use. In addition to the conditional
signs in the tables give examples of their combinations, and in
the end of the book contains explanations for conditional
signs giving instructions on
drawing this or that conventional sign (its
orientation, drawing sequence,
centering rules, etc.)

Most of the symbol tables consist of
three counts. The first column contains the ordinal
the number of the symbol, in the second - the name
a conventional sign and in the third - its image.
Near the image of the conventional sign, it is given
sizes. Sometimes the "image" column contains two
sign under the headings "a" and "b". At the conventional sign
under the heading "a" are the dimensions, and the conventional sign
under the heading "b" there are no sizes. It means that
the first character is used when the dimensions
objects are not expressed in scale, the second - when
its area is transmitted in the scale of the map

The symbol should be drawn by
color, as it is given in the tables of conditional
signs. The exception is the elements
hydrography. In the tables, they are given in blue or
in blue. When drawing
filming original line art
blue is replaced by green. Also
the same applies to hydrographic inscriptions and
marsh symbol

Sometimes the column "the image is divided into two
columns. The first column shows
the image of the conventional sign as it is
performed on the filming original, and during
the second - as shown on the colorful
imprint, i.e. on the published map. Tracing
conventional signs on the filming original in
scale 1:10 000, their image follows
take from the first column - "on the set
original "

Quite often after the name
symbol in square brackets
there is a number, it sends for
explanations at the end of the tables.
Here are examples of use

Example 1. It is necessary to draw on the set
original topographic map conventional sign
"Capital structures of the tower type". This
the sign is in the tables "Symbols for
topographic map of scale 1:10 000 "on
p. 5 tab. 3, no. 16a. The table shows that
the conventional sign is drawn in black,
its total height is 3.0 mm, and the diameter of the cast
the circle is 1.2 mm. Also, to the right of
the conventional sign is given the signature "waters", height
2.1 (or 1.8) lowercase writing (see in
tables, symbol No. 527, page 66)

Example 2. It is necessary to find in tables and draw on
filming original conventional sign "solid thickets
shrubs ". This symbol is located on page 47 No.
361. In the column "image" two images are given
this symbol. In the first case, the conventional sign
shrub is shown in red on a white background, and in
the second - in black on a green background. Image
the symbol is taken from the column “on the set
original "

In the middle of the contour, a characteristic is given
shrub: a conventional sign is drawn
wood in black and a number is put,
indicating the average height of shrubs in
meters. The size of the tree symbol can be
found in the tables (symbol No. 363). At the end
the name of this symbol is a number
203. In the "Explanations of conventional signs" on p.
109 in § 203 we find: “Continuous thickets
shrubs with additional
requirements (when filming for land reclamation
lands, etc.) are characterized on the map
an inscription indicating the prevailing
breed - "willow", "juniper", etc. "

7.4 Methods for constructing and drawing conventional symbols

This section considers
construction and drawing technique
most commonly used conditional
signs on the example of a scale of 1: 10,000 and
some signs of scales 1:50 000 and
1:2 000

Symbols are usually built first in
pencil, and then drawn in different ways
ink color. When building a conventional sign
use a sinus device, a thickness scale
lines, as well as plastic pallets and
stencils. Ink symbols
draw with a drawing pen, drawing pen
(along a ruler), single crooked leg or
double, calipers

Geodetic points.
Geodetic points are plotted on the map by
coordinates, so they must be
drawn with the utmost care. Consider
the order of construction and drawing of some
geodetic points and conventional signs

Example 1. Conventional sign of a point of state
geodetic network (triangulation point). In the table
on the left side of the sign, the size is indicated as 2.0 mm. it
means that you must first build
in a pencil, a square with sides of 2.0 mm.
The construction of the square begins by drawing in
pencil horizontal and vertical lines
through the point plotted along the coordinates and
corresponding to the actual situation
triangulation point on the ground. By shifting
sine ruler from the horizontal line by 1/3
down and 2/3 up from the specified size of the conditional
sign (approximately this will correspond to
values ​​0.7 mm and 1.3 mm), carry out
auxiliary lines

The same lines are built at a distance of 1.0 mm to the left and
to the right of the point. The resulting vertices of the triangle
connect. When drawing a conventional sign
you can use a drawing pen, but
the sides of the triangle should be drawn along
ruler. To prevent ink from a drawing pen
leaked under the ruler, best used
wooden ruler with plastic insert
in the middle of the ruler or a small plastic
triangle on small support legs, i.e.
the edge of the ruler or triangle should be slightly
raised. For ease of use, the ruler and
the triangle should be small

Settlements and individual buildings.
Drawing a settlement begins with
(industrial enterprises, structures
tower type, churches, etc.)

Conventional sign of a capital structure
tower type begin with building it
the lower part, i.e. with a circle. By placing the needle
calipers to the point that corresponds
the actual position of this structure
on the ground, draw a circle
with a diameter of 0.6 mm, then pass through this point
vertical pencil line and
lay on it up from the bottom
circumference equal to the total height
conventional sign, i.e. 3 mm. Fill a circle
perform with black ink using a drawing

After objects that have a meaning of landmarks,
draw main streets and thoroughfares, and
outstanding buildings and buildings, separately
located outside the quarters, other thoroughfares and
buildings inside the quarters. Straight sections
streets and driveways are drawn with a drawing pen along
ruler or double ruling pen, and
curved - according to patterns or drawing
pen by hand. If the conventional sign of any
landmark breaks the street line, then the line
streets are not brought to the conventional sign by 0.2 mm

On the ruler, the drawing pen draws all
large buildings, and on the plans 1: 5,000, 1: 2,000,
1: 1,000 and 1: 500 - almost all buildings.
Large buildings on a scale of 1: 10,000,
1:25 000, 1:50 000 and built-up part of the blocks
it is more convenient to draw with a drawing pen,
using the small triangle on
legs-stands or a short ruler with
insert. Small buildings are drawn
with a drawing pen by hand, while you need
make sure that the corners of the buildings are clear

When drawing a rural settlement
type on a scale of 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000 after
drawing the main streets and thoroughfares
highlight the built-up part of the settlement
by drawing lines parallel to the lines of the streets,
at a distance of 1.4–1.5 mm (1:25 000) or 1.1–
1.2 mm (1: 50,000) from them. Built-up part in
scale 1:25 000 are allocated on the set
the original is colored yellow or orange
colors depending on the predominance in the quarter
non-fire-resistant or fire-resistant buildings

On topographic plans at a scale of 1: 5,000
non-fire resistant residential buildings are shown
single shading, and the buildings are fire resistant
non-residential - cross hatching. For
shading use sinus
rulers and ruling pen. Hatching is performed
at an angle of 45 ° to the line of the map frame.

Depending on the orientation of the buildings, the angle
shading may vary slightly, it is important
so that the hatch lines are not parallel
lines of buildings (Figure 7.5a). On plans
scales 1: 2,000, 1: 1,000 and 1: 500 are given
characteristics of each building. Inside
building outline lettering material
walls (only for fire-resistant), purpose
buildings (residential, non-residential, etc.) and numbers -
number of storeys

Scale 1:10 000 shaded in the form
alternating dotted and solid lines
allocate areas of vegetable gardens. Depending on the
dimensions of area distance between lines
shading can be changed: give more
sparse over large areas and less
sparse - on small ones. In large areas
shading is performed in different directions, but
it should not be parallel to the contour lines
vegetable garden. Preliminary vegetable garden area
smash with pencil lines
into several areas. At first
a dotted line is given,
then - solid

Industrial, agricultural and social and cultural facilities.
The figure shows the construction of industrial and
agricultural objects depicted
off-scale conventional symbols. Building all these
conventional signs start from the point that corresponds to
the actual position of this item on the ground.
The dotted line shows auxiliary pencil
constructions that are performed using sine
rulers and stencils. Conventional sign of the mouths of mine shafts
in figure g, you can start by drawing with ink
circles and then do
pencil constructions
to complete
construction of a conventional sign

Lines of pipelines, power transmissions, etc. draw
a drawing pen on a ruler, a pattern or with the help of a crooked leg.
Details of these conventional signs (arrows, dots, transverse
strokes, etc.) are marked with a pencil using
special stencils or stencils made on
edge of the thick paper. For example, when executing the conditional
signs of aboveground and aboveground pipelines on supports (c)
first of all, cross-strokes are marked in a pencil, and
circles. Then draw with ink 0.1 mm thick
pipeline line. Draw with a drawing pen
cross strokes, and with the help of calipers - circles
with a diameter of 0.8 mm

Road network and road structures.
Railways and highways belong to
linear conventional signs and are drawn on
topographic maps single, double or
triple line. Straight road sections
draw a drawing pen along a ruler, and
curvilinear - by patterns, single or
double crooked legs. When drawing
the road network must ensure that
the drawing of the conventional sign was located
symmetrically relative to the axial pencil
the lines

Railways on topographic maps
are shown with a single black line. V
depending on the scale line thickness
is changing. Transverse strokes through
a certain interval is indicated by a number
tracks on the tracks

Highways and dirt roads according to their degree
technical condition are divided into motorways,
improved highways, highways, improved
unpaved and unpaved country roads,
hiking trails, etc. On highways
class is given a characteristic that denotes
the width of the road and the material of its covering. Before
draw the road, it is necessary to outline the places where
this characteristic will be given (after about 8-10
cm). On page 66 Symbols at a scale of 1: 10,000
No. 534 gives examples of numerical characteristics,
their size and font. Instead of topographic 2nd
the font on the filming original is used
in Spanning Straight font

When drawing a conventional highway sign
first draw its center line with a thickness
0.1 mm and then two lateral thickened.
Drawing begins with curvilinear
sections of the road. Line thickness scale
install the crooked legs ruling pens on
0.3 mm thick and corresponding distance
between the breeders. Then draw
straight sections of roads with a drawing pen with
using a sine device

When moving the sine ruler from the axial
lines must be considered not only
a predetermined spacing of 0.75 mm, but also a thickness
lines 0.3 mm. Therefore, the sine ruler
move by 1.0-1.1 mm
(0.75 + 0.3). Then the given
spacing 0.75mm and total road width
will be 2.2 mm

When drawing field roads, caravan routes
and hiking trails are marked in pencil with
using a plastic stencil the length of the strokes
and gaps. The stencil can be made on the edge
small thick paper with
sinus instrument or thickness scale. On the edge
papers outline 5-6 strokes and gaps between
them. Moving the stencil along the axial
pencil line of the road, mark out with a pencil
length of strokes and gaps. On sharp turns
the whole link is necessarily drawn. If
link lengthen

Conventional sign of mast semaphores and
traffic lights are drawn so that it
the longitudinal axis was perpendicular to the north and
southern framed. Construction and tracing
conventional sign of semaphores and traffic lights shown
on the image.
When drawing conventional signs of embankments and
notches first draw lines with a pencil,
limiting the length of the strokes. Strokes
are drawn at a distance of 1 mm from each other, they are not
brought to the railway line on
0.2 mm. To the edges of the symbol length
strokes are reduced to 0.3-0.4 mm

Borders and fences.
Draw and Draw Boundaries and Fences
has a lot to do with building and plotting
field roads and trails. The figure shows
construction and drawing sequence
conventional sign of the state border. Middle
dash symbols borders and centers
circles located between them must
lie on the centerline that corresponds to its
actual position on the ground

With a sine device from the center line
in both directions draw two
parallel lines that limit
length of transverse thin strokes. Then with
using a stencil, mark the length of the links and
gaps between them. Cross strokes
can be drawn with a drawing pen or drawing
with a stylus on a ruler or triangle (on stand legs)

The links are drawn with a drawing pen or
crooked leg thickness indicated in the tables
conventional signs (in our example - 0.6 mm).
The circles between the links have a diameter equal to
link thickness. They are drawn with calipers,
and then filled in with ink using a drawing
pen. If the diameter of the circles is about 0.4 mm
(conventional sign of the boundaries of areas), then they can be
draw with a drawing pen. But it is necessary
so that they have a rounded shape. Link edges
should be even

The relief on topographic maps is depicted
horizontals and conventional signs of those forms
relief that is not expressed by horizontals:
ravines, cliffs, landslides, soddy ledges,
talus, rocks, etc. Horizontals - lines of equal
heights. For the convenience of determining the height of the relief
on the map every fifth or tenth horizontal in
depending on the cross-section of the relief, draw
thickened line. If the main contour
is drawn with a thickness of 0.1 mm, then thickened -
0.2-0.25 mm

To highlight the characteristic landforms, not
expressed by the main horizontals, or
to convey changes in slope steepness
draw additional horizontals, and for
transfer of surface microrelief (depressions,
bumps, saucers, etc.) - auxiliary

Additional and auxiliary contours
depicted by a dotted line, on sharp bends
contour lines need to draw a link,
what is achieved by increasing or decreasing
the length of the link or gap. All links
complementary and supporting
contour lines must be consistent
direction, i.e. continue each other

To make it easier to read the map on the horizontals
inscriptions and bergstrokes are given - strokes,
showing the directions of the slopes, contours.
Labels are placed at the break of contour lines
so that they are located in the middle of the gap and
were turned towards
lowering the relief. Labels need to be positioned
so that they can be easily read.
Bergstrichs are drawn strictly perpendicular to
horizontally and place them along the catchment lines
and watershed

The relief image is supplemented with numerical
marks of characteristic points of the terrain, ravines,
cliffs, gullies, mounds, pits and others
positive and negative landforms.
On topographic maps and plans, most
relief elements and their numerical characteristics
are given in brown, and the marks of the characteristic
dots - in black. Rocky rocks, stone ridges, fortified ledges, etc. are given in black.

Ravines and gullies less than 3 m wide
scale 1: 10,000 draw a single
line with gradual thickening (c)

Ravines and gullies with a width of 3 to 10 m
are drawn in two lines, and in the numerical
the characteristic is indicated in the numerator - the width
on top, in the denominator - depth (in meters).
If a ravine with a steep slope has a width
more than 10 m, then its
plotted with
actual width
map scale (g)

(E) shows the sequence
drawing this conventional sign (given
characteristic only of the depth of the ravine). Before
just draw the edge of the ravine thick
0.1 mm, mark the height line with a pencil
teeth parallel to the edge of the ravine and only
after that, the cloves themselves are drawn. Denticles
ravines are shaped like elongated triangles with
base 0.3-0.4 mm and
draw them strictly
to the edge of the ravine

The maximum height of the teeth at the widest
and the deep part of the ravine is 1.5 mm, in the narrowed
parts of the height of the teeth decreases
up to 0.3-0.4 mm. Distance between teeth
approximately equal to their height. In constricted
parts of the ravine after the smallest in height
teeth the edge of the ravine is drawn
a thickened line (a sign of a gully). Conditional
the break sign is drawn in the same way
symbolic ravine

Image of turfed ledges, in
mostly resembles a conventional cliff sign,
only the denticles give in the form of "cilia", i.e.
the denticles have a slightly smaller base and
more closely spaced to each other. except
Moreover, the edge of a turfed ledge with ink does not

Building a conventional sod symbol
the ledge begins with a pencil
eyebrows (in the figure - dotted line) and lines,
marking the height of the teeth (e). Then ink
draw teeth, which by their base
are directed to the elevation of the relief. After
tracing teeth pencil line
gently erased with a soft elastic band

The talus is divided into loose rock talus
(sandy, clayey) and solid rocks
(stony-gravel and pebble).
The sequence and techniques for drawing talus
(g) the following: traced in brown ink
the edge of the scree, and in those places where the slope is steep,
- cliff teeth; outline a border in pencil
talus; draw in brown drawing ink
pen a conventional sign of sand (if it is loose
breeds), and at the edge and in the middle of the languages
debris points are given larger, and to the edges -

If it is a talus of hard rocks, then draw
conventional sign of pebble or stony
surface, and between these signs
draw a conventional sign of sand. The main
horizontals through the drawn signs are not

Vegetation cover and soil.
Elements of vegetation and soil
are mainly related to contour conditional
signs, since they occupy a certain area on
map. The contour of vegetation or soil may
be transmitted as a closed line or dotted
dotted line. When drawing contours,
all their corners, turns and sharp

The dotted line is drawn with a drawing pen
black ink with round dots 0.3 or
0.2 mm and at a distance of 1.0 or 0.8 mm, depending
from the scale. To get round dots, do
circular movements with the stylus, without tearing off both flaps
from paper. Most of the woody vegetation
shown by circles of different diameters, colors
and drawing

Forest symbol (a) for the transfer of solid
the stand is circles with a diameter
1.1 mm, full area without
graphs. First, inside the contour of the forest, they place
characteristics of the stand. It shows
predominant tree species signed and
wood pattern (deciduous or coniferous). If the forest
mixed, then two signatures and two figures are given

Figure b shows the construction and drawing
characteristics of the mixed forest stand. On right
from the picture of the trees, the numerical
characteristics of the stand in meters: in the numerator -
average tree height, in the denominator - average
the thickness of the trunks. Tree drawing and signature
prevailing forest species are located
symmetrically with respect to the fraction line. Between
dash and numbers (upper and lower)
leave a clearance of about 0.5 mm

Then the circles are drawn with calipers. Moreover, according to
at the edge of the forest, the circles are located denser, for
large areas of forest - at a distance of 6-8 mm
from each other and closer to the dotted contour of the forest.
Inside the contour, circles are placed more than
dispersed (at a distance of about 1 cm and
more). The growth of the forest is drawn in circles
diameter 0.6 mm - smaller than an adult forest

To fulfill the conventional signs of the young
forest plantings and nurseries are first built
pencil markings every 2 mm (in).
Intersection of hatch lines gives centers
circles. Drawing them with calipers is better.
do line by line, through one intersection of lines

are given in an arbitrary arrangement. Before
all over the entire area, they outline the places where they will

ruler or freehand

Symbols of rare forest, windbreaks,
deforested, burnt and dead forests
are given in an arbitrary arrangement. First of all
the places where they will be
draw these signs, and make
auxiliary construction in pencil for
each conventional sign. Ink drawing
perform with a caliper, a drawing pen on
ruler or freehand

Figure (d) shows the construction of conditional
signs of windbreaks, burnt and dead

Solid thickets of shrubs and saxaul
draw with red ink. Sign
shrub consists of circles of two sizes.
The central circle of shrubs is drawn
with calipers, and three filled mugs can be
draw with a drawing pen. Conventional sign
saxaul has a more complex pattern, on (d)
its construction is shown

Filling herbaceous symbols
vegetation, reed and reed
thickets, moss vegetation and a number of others
inside the contour are arranged in a checkerboard
okay. Therefore, they require
preliminary pencil drawing by
sinus instrument or stencil

The conventional sign of meadow vegetation has
height 0.8 mm and width 0.6 mm. Distances
between characters are 4.0 mm vertically and
4.0 mm horizontally. Specified dimensions
include the height and width of the character. That's why
vertical markings are done every 0.6 mm and
3.4 mm, and horizontal - through 0.8 mm and 3.2 mm

Drawing conditional with a drafting pen
the sign of the meadow is performed line by line, after one
cage, this order will not allow you to get lost with
accepted chess arrangement

(G) shows the construction of the conventional sign
reed and reed vegetation. Average
part of the conventional sign is executed in the form
exclamation mark, and the two side parts are
slightly curved lines with slight thickening
at the top. At the bottom, all three details
drawing should be on the same line, at a distance
0.3mm apart

The conventional sign of a hummocky surface has
view of three points located at the vertices
conditional equilateral triangle.
Horizontal outline in pencil
is performed through 3.0 mm and 1.0 mm, and
vertical - every 4.0 mm

The top point is drawn on
vertical pencil outline, and two
others - on the lower horizontal line on
distance of 1.5 mm from each other. it
the distance between the points can be kept
approximately. The conventional sign is drawn
brown ink drawing pen

The sands are also drawn in brown ink.
The symbol has the form of small dots with a diameter
0.1 mm close to each other and
evenly over the entire area. So that when
drawing the symbol of the sands did not work
any pattern in the form of concentric
circles or straight lines, first apply
points along the broken horizontal line (b), and then
evenly fill free spaces

(C) shows the drawing sequence
conventional sign of ridge sands on a scale
1:50 000. First, over the entire area in pencil
a drawing of the ridges is outlined, (the ridge should be strictly
parallel to the north or south frames).
The drawing of each ridge begins with the very
large center point

So that the ridge is perceived as one conditional
sign, other points gradually decreasing to
the edge of the ridge, placed close to each other. Their
the size must be larger than the size of the flat points
the sands that fill the rest
space. The same sequence
observed when drawing hilly sands,
dune, hole and cellular

On topographic maps, swamps are subdivided
by the passability and nature of the vegetation.
The drawing of the conventional sign of the swamps begins with
drawing signs of vegetation that
are placed without division, evenly throughout
area. If the swamp is impassable or
difficult to pass, then with the help of a flight feeder on
sine rulers are shaded with green
ink (instead of blue, given in the Symbols)
every 1.0 mm, interrupting it at the signs of vegetation

When fulfilling the conventional sign of the passable
swamps (g) after drawing signs
vegetation outline the contours of hatching in
pencil. Hatching is drawn within
pencil outline. Free and
busy with shading should be
approximately the same

7.5 Ways to implement conventional signs

It takes a lot of time to build conventional symbols
take up preliminary pencil
build. Significantly speeds up this process
the use of various palettes and stencils,
made on a transparent basis, which
allow to maintain the same dimensions
conventional sign on the whole area

The figure shows a plastic stencil for
marking the position of the circles of the conventional sign
fruit and citrus orchards. Rotated on
45 ° stencil can also be used with
building a sign of young forest plantings


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