All quests - Klondike: Missing Expedition. Tips and secrets Klondike - Missing expedition How to make a settlement in Klondike

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In the game Klondike, the missing expedition secrets are found at every step, just need to know them and remember. Kondikek's knowing secrets can be quickly earned money and gain resources. We will try in this article to give practical advice and reveal the secrets of the game Klondike to be played easier and easier.

One of the secrets of the game Klondike, which many forget about, is that the coal in the game is better independently by means of energy: Kamenotees are not very suitable for this purpose. In addition, in a similar way, you can purchase additional experience (on average for one punch is given from 4 to 54 units of experience), as well as detect the elements of the collection.

The main task of Kamenotesov is to break the stones, so they are better to send them to crushing large boulders into small parts that the protagonist can already finish. A similar secret to Klondian works with woodcutters: the large forest area they cut down, the less experience and chances to find something useful for themselves. In the case of self-deficuous, the chance rises.

At the same time, three workers perform various mining work in the quarry and sawmill.

Two free workers - Eskimos are available at the player station. The rest of the workers will have to hire for a fee if necessary from among friends. The price for hiring can vary greatly from each of the friends. The minimum cost is most likely among friends who are coming into the game with a frequency once every 2 days. Hired employees will need accommodation. Therefore, you will have to build a tent, shack, apartment, or a whole house with an attic. The quality of housing affects the cost of employee services: the better the dwelling, the smaller the employee takes for his work and the longer the time he will be able to work without a break on vacation.

Following secret Klondike - While Eskimi-Woods is engaged in their work, break the pyrite, coal, ore and clay. For prey, you can not only get a lot of experience, but also coins and energy. To finish the last unit of stone or tree is better independently, because it gives an increased amount of experience, and also often drop out elements of collections and gold. During the last blow, the energy of pyrite almost always falls the gold, which can be sold to buy something more necessary. If you resort to the help of cookels during mining, then nothing but ordinary stone, it will not be possible to get. If you need some specific type of resources, you can try to breathe in a friend: very often during this process there are several units of the fusion mineral.

Try to collect on the maximum of products, which is subsequently useful in building buildings and passing tasks, from animals (ordinary cow and sheep). We regularly examine your stations and stations of friends for the presence of nest birds on them. In order to take possession of the nest belonging to a friend, it needs to be recruited. It should be borne in mind that by performing your limit on the products, the animal dies.

Limits for different animal species are as follows:

  • birds - 25 nests,
  • sheep - 25 wool,
  • ordinary cows - 50 milk,
  • porn sheep - 125 wool,
  • porn cows - 200 milk,
  • rabbits - after eating 26 pieces of grass.

A small secret of Klondike: after death, the animal turns into a golden statue that opens by clicking the mouse. Make it can only the owner of the animal. The Golden Monument is the source of elements of collections, including quite rare, coins, experience and products from this animal often come across.

Despite the fact that the grass is found in the birds for birds (worms) and mammals (grass), it is not necessary to completely remove it: otherwise it can turn into additional costs (for animals they will have to prepare the hay, and for birds to cook feeders, because without them They will not be able to rush).

Well, the chief advice on the game is constantly dripping the neighbors with the help of 100 free shovels available daily (5 per each other). Restriction on free shovels is updated at midnight Moscow time and at 23-00 in Minsk and Kiev.

Another secret of Klondjaka - with the help of a shovel, you can pick up eggs from the ness neighbors if they are closed with decorations or plants. To do this, you must first click on the subject closing the nest, and then on the nest itself. In this case, the character rises the subject, and then take the eggs if other neighbors still have time to take them.

Right every time under the new construction or scenery of a friend, you can stumble upon a golden core, the location of which changes every week. And if you dig there, where neither one of the neighbors have not yet searched to excavations, it increases the likelihood of stumble upon a treasure in which gold and experience can be detected.

At the station of each friend, 20 lived randomly breaks, which can be located anywhere: under construction, stones, scenery and even grass. The smaller the friend at the station is located various items, the higher the chance to stumble upon the custody. The search for gold lived is a great way to improve your well-being, however, to dull the golden custody from a friend, it is pre-hired to hire it. More detailed information about gold veins can be obtained in the "Other" section at the top of the game Klondike game.

A greater number of neighbors in Klondike gives more opportunities for sharing and gifts. Therefore, one of the tasks of the player who wants to succeed in the game is to send proposals to his friends with a request to join the gameplay. You can send free gifts: the earlier after the upgrade start to do it and the more send it, the more they will return in response. Friends will be happy to get something they need something: about their needs and needs, if you can give a tick when sending gifts in front of the "Show who searches".

An important advice on the game Klondike: Do not get rid of products in stock: the need for it will necessarily arise in the course of the game. After cutting the resources in the caches, you can detect coins. They can also be dealt with the sale of collections, but it is better not to sell everything at once: they may be needed when the quests are passing. Also for sale is available gold and trays of eggs created in the barn. In this case, to sell the best of each product little by little, and not the prevalence of some one resource. In the case of a sharp need for coins, they can be accumulated under some of the buildings and scenery. All are more profitable for earning the cucumbers and cabbage, as well as rabbits that breed after each feeding.
Deciding for the exchange of the collection, it is worth thinking well: the fact is that many collections will be needed in further adventures. Collections can be treated with digging at its station and friends of friends, as well as when gold and gas found. Rare collections are inside the monuments of animals.

The character of the character grows pretty slow. It increases after passing adventure tasks. At the beginning of the game, the energy limit is equal to 15. After reaching the third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels, the energy limit is added another one. Thus, after reaching 20 levels, the energy limit will be equal to 20.
A small secret of the game Klondike - limit can be enhanced, but at a limited period of time. To do this, you need to smash the energies to break down to the edge to the last unit as many resources, stones and trees. Then, at a time you need to finish all the resources in which only one unit. From the caches hidden under these resources, a lot of energy will fall out. It can also be collected from bread dropping out of gold monuments, as well as using rabbits and baking prepared in the bakery

For a week, VKontakte's social network users have access to the new browser toy "Klondike: Missing Expedition". During this time, we learned about her a lot of new things. Pleasant surprises and indirect difficulties - what we encountered in the first days of the game. These several days were quite enough to pump up to 15-17 levels, a little clear the island for the future village, as well as go through all the tasks presented to us ..


It is better not to put Kamenotokov to extract coal. If possible, extract it yourself, with the help of energy. Thus, you can earn an additional experience (4-54 experience in one blow on corner) and find several elements of collections. Kamenotesians are better to break large stones until the protagonist can finish them on their own. The same can be said about the woodcutters - the more they produce a tree, the less you have experience and elements a collection that you can get for an independent deforestation.
Three workers can work in the sawmill and quarry, producing different resources. At the station you have two Eskimos - free workers, the rest should be hired from among your friends. The cost of hiring different friends can differ significantly. To hire at the lowest price - look for and note for yourself friends who come to the game at least once every two days and who have few friends, and therefore they rarely hire them. Or buy a hotel, the cost of hiring the same. Employee friends need accommodation. Put them a tent, shab, apartments, house with an attic or hotel. The better housing, the less you have to pay the worker in the hour of work and the more time he will be able to work at you continuously.


While the Eskimos-wood-maker chickens trees, break the pyrite, clay, coal and ore. In these resources, a lot of experience falls, as well as coins, energy and elements of collections. You need to finish the last unit of stone or wood yourself, - for the last blow on the resource there is a lot of experience, elements of collections, often gold. The pyrite needs to be broken independently - energy - a lot of gold falls from it, which can be sold to buy something more necessary. If you get it with Kamnetsians, they will bring ordinary stone. If you need some resource, dig under it from a friend, because when there can fall a few units of the resource in the digging.


Collect as much products from animals - Cows of ordinary, sheep and others - this product is useful in passing quests and building buildings. Look for the nests of birds at your station and at the stations of your friends. To pick up the nest from a friend, you need to hire it to work. To protect your nests from playful friends, you will have to buy poultry houses with guard or guard dogs.
An animal is dying by performing its limit on the products. All birds are mostly - 15-25 nests, ordinary sheep - 25 wool, cows ordinary - 50 milk, powdered sheep - 125 wool, purebred cows - 200 milk, rabbits - after they eat 26 herbs. An animal turns into a gold statue of a monument that only the owner of the animal can open, with one click on the statue. From the gold monument of any animal, elements of collections are poured, including and rare, coins, experience, materials and products of this animal. Do not delete all the grass at the stations. Though in it, there is food for growing birds - worms, grass feed mammals - cows, sheep ... If there is no place where animals are giving around, you will have to put the hay. In order for birds to become, you need to buy or cook for them in the barn, fountain or estate feeders. You can also grow birds and animals (except rabbits and swans) on a farm and poultry farm. Feeding livestock there.


Drink your neighbors using all 100 free shovers daily (5 per one friend). The limit on free shovels is updated at 00.00 in Moscow. The shovels also help take eggs from the nests from your neighbors if the buildings, resources, scenery or plants close them. You need to click on the subject covering the nest, and after - on the nest itself. The character robes the subject, and after - the eggs will take if they did not take the other neighbors of the player.
If you need energy, gold, resources, or specific collections, dig those items from which it falls from .. Exchange by the collection of good luck - get super shovels with which you can dig collection and energy from your friends.

Golden cores

Copy every time under the new building, scenery or a resource from a friend, if you want to find a golden core, which updates its location once a week. Also a chance to find the treasure rises if places in hard to reach the coppe - where there was no shovel of another neighbor. In this peculiar treasury, a capacity from 2 to 8 shovel, you can find a lot of usefulness: gold, experience, elements of collections. At the station of each of the friends, Randomno breaks down 20 lived every week and they can be located under any buildings, scenery, resources and even grass. The veins are distributed to all sections of the station, even if they are not yet available (closed). The fewer items at a friend's station, the greater the chance to find a living on him if there is still not overtaken by other neighbors. The search for gold lived is a wonderful way to get rich, but to dull the golden core from a friend, you need to hire him to work. You can read more about the golden housing on its page in the "Miscellane" section in the top menu. Much simplifies the search for the golden lived watchdog dog, which will make it instead of you for a delicious bone.


The more in Klondike you have neighbors, the more gifts and the possibilities of exchange, which means that the game is more productive. Invite new friends in the game. Select free gifts daily. The more gifts you send and the earlier after the night update of the game you do it, the more you get in response. Give your friends what they need. In this case, the tick is very helping "to show who looking for" when sending gifts. In this case, friends will be more grateful to you than if you receive unnecessary gifts instead of the materials you need.


Do not sell products from the warehouse to earn, - it will surely need it. Coins lie in the caches left after the cutting of resources, as well as they can be given for the surrender of some collections. Passing the collections, always try to leave a few of their views on the future, because they may need in adventures. You can still sell gold if there was a need to urgently buy something useful or selling egg trays created in the barn. In this case, it is also better to sell everything since the little, and not one type of materials completely. If coins are urgently needed, you can accumulate them under some buildings and scenery. Another way of earning is the cultivation of cucumbers and cabbage, as well as the sale of rabbits, the number of which grows after each feeding. Faster things can be swapped with coins, take the collection of indigo (falls out of the nests and statues of different birds, more on the collection page). Or remove it in the Exchange on the right in the menu.


The collections are required when passing some quests, so when exchanging the collection, think well, whether it is better to save it for the future. The collections fall into the digging of friends and at their station, come across the caches under the stones and trees, as well as raw from the golden livers. Good collections fall out of the gold monuments of animals in which your living crop turns, fulfilling its product production rate. For details on where you can find the required collection, you can read in the top menu section "Collections".


The permanent maximum character's energy limit is growing very slowly - thanks to raising levels. Starting the game, you have the maximum energy limit - 15. The third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels give another energy to the general limit. Thus, reaching the 20th level you will have a limit of 20 energy. The entire list of levels can be seen on the level page in the top menu.
You can increase the limit temporary. To do this, having energy filled to the edge of the limit, break a lot of resources, stones and trees to the last unit. And then once again achieve all the resources (in which only one unit) at the same time. From the caches under these resources, different amounts of energy falls (depending on the size of the resource). The effect of a set of energy can be increased if before updating the game (up to 00:00 in Moscow), proceed from the neighbors of the construction and scenery from which it falls. The same can be done immediately after the update. By increasing the overall energy limit, you get the ability to break the resources inaccessible earlier to break the main character. Energy can also be obtained using bread that falls out of gold monuments of rabbits, and another pasting that can be prepared in the bakery.


See the tasks from the adventure card on the site site in the top menu in advance to better navigate the game. There you can find the entire list of current quests and tasks you want to execute.

On any question we will reply to you.

How to send free gifts (instructions)

Free gifts (BP) are customary to send daily and by filter.

  1. Click on the gift box (at the top of the left).
  2. Choose the latest material available to you to send BP.
  3. Remove the option "Notify".
  4. Select the "Show Who searches". Those who wish to receive this material will be displayed.
  5. Click "Give everyone".
  6. Go left to the next material (red arrow).
  7. Repeat actions 5 and 6 for all materials.
  8. Remove the "Show, who is looking for" option. Those who have not chose a single BP will be displayed.
  9. Return to water or coal (they are the most sought-after) and give the remaining.

Sometimes you caress yourself to think that I would like to play something easy, relaxing, with a pleasant eye chart and a scene carrying a semantic load. And you know, such a project was found. Klondike Missing Expedition game This is what it is not a pity to spend another hour, and when and more. Like that play Klondike Missing Expedition It is possible not in a hurry, thoughtfully and thoroughly approaching each episode. Wonderful cartoon graphics will only strengthen your impression from the game, and everything you need in order to play Klondike for free, It's just register.

Overview Klondike Missing Expedition

Site Klondike Missing Expedition

You get on a modestly decorated site Klondike missing expedition. Without any excesses and complaints of a major gaming portal. Yes, the game Klondike's missing expedition does not need this. Her mission to bear good and high-quality entertainment, and not to dump the mountain players on the head of anyone who does not need information, as often happens with more eminent projects. Playing Klondike Missing Expedition will be possible after lightning registration with any of the social. Networks or input mailbox and password. And all you are in the project. Happy start!

Features of the game

Just a wonderful schedule, setting up on a positive;
Thanks to the project, you will learn a lot about the nurses and customs of the northern peoples;
Especially relaxing for the time you will play Klondike missing expedition you will not work. Research, economy and other equally important cases require increased attention;
For dating and communicating with other project participants, there is a perfectly performed chat;
Not a unwitting "farm" can be called the progenitor of this game, only the child survived his parent, in all articles.

Plot and training

This story began a long time ago. When the hero was a child, his father went with an expedition to the north, where and disappeared. The boy grown and went to search for the disappeared parent. From now on, you will start playing Klondike for free. Local aborigines will be the first on the path of the hero. Friendly and peace-loving, but all the same on your mind. It is with their help you will undergo a course of study. In this regard, the game without doubt pleased. Training takes place in such a non-obsessive form, which is practically not noticeable. And at the same time he introduces you to the process without leaving white spots and misunderstanding.

Collection of online games - a unique selection of the best projects of all time

The list of open to visit locations is huge. Play Klondike Missing Expedition, it is constantly in motion, because it is not only a good increase to the budget, but also a very exciting occupation. Locations are divided into two categories:

1. - Places that are available to you throughout the gameplay. So to speak basic. It is on their territory that you will spend the bulk of your time and lay the foundation of your well-being.

2. - They appear on the eve of any events or holidays. Their visit will bring you no little pleasant surprises. Unfortunately, some of them are closed after a certain time.

Before you go to one or another location, you can get more information about the place of visits. You will indicate how it is more convenient to get, what items will be most in demand in this area and there are additional tasks there.

Passage of the game Klondike Missing Expedition

Actually, by itself, the game of the Klondike missing expedition is built according to the type of "farm", only the management of the farm is not a fundamental factor. This is only one of the ways to feed yourself and make your existence in the game more comfortable. And, here are the adventures and all the circumstances arising from them are a game foundation of the project. So let's see what you need to do for a successful passage:

Look for treasures and caches, they can be in the most unexpected places. The search process is both fascinating and very innumerable;
Use cheap formed strength, local residents will be glad as it. They are not whimsical and very efficient. So put all the black and hard work on them;
Equip the expedition if you play Klondike for free and do not take advantage of this remarkable opportunity, then consider that time is lost in vain. People always manit the unknown, so dare, get a good dog harness and on the road;
And of course, do not miss the opportunity to play mini games, they are honest and count it hard. And they all incredibly interesting and are based on the bases of the most popular games, for example, Zuma.

Klondike Missing Expedition - Our Impressions

If you doubt that you enjoy the missing expedition to play, then absolutely in vain. There is everything in the project to pass, and most importantly spend time easily without thinking about pressing problems. Game Klondike Missing Expedition A bright representative of good, carrier only positive emotions of projects. And it's not enough important that you will play Klondike for free by passing only very short registration.

It appeared in 2012, and since then gathered thousands of loyal fans under their banners. The passage of the game "Klondike: Missing Expedition" includes hundreds of quests, work on which it is interesting and exciting. This is one of the reasons why the application does not lose popularity even from experienced players. As the beginner players are passing, they receive valuable resources and experience, and experienced gamers are even more fixed as good farm owners. At the same time, new branches of the storyline are opened, which store a lot of unknown adventures and quests.

Buildings in the application

As in any farm, there are buildings that perform different functions. Buildings "Klondike: Missing Expedition" for purpose are divided into several groups:
economic objects necessary for the production of various products;
Festive buildings that are installed, for example, on New Year's Eve;
Decorative objects needed to decorate the city and creating an interesting infrastructure;
Social buildings needed to interact with friends and neighbors.
Each construction will always take part of the city land, it is impossible to put it on the warehouse. The only option is to sell, but compensation will be minimal - about 1/10 from the funds spent on the construction.

How to get maximum results?

So you can achieve the best indicators, we have prepared tips to the game "Klondike: Missing Expedition". For example, we recommend not to send workers to mining coal or wood, and do it manually, due to its energy. Thus, you will be able to collect elements of collections falling out during mining, and get energy that also appears during manual working. These and other tips to the application will help to develop your farm as quickly as possible.

Levels "Klondike: Missing Expedition" give a player a mass of bonuses in the form of new buildings, additional energy or materials. With the receipt of each subsequent level, you will have a big reward. A total of 170 levels of the game are spelled out, but there is every reason to believe that, upon reaching the latter, the developers will make some more.

In most buildings in Klondike, it is necessary for the manufacture of products, however, there are facilities assigned to other purposes, for example - by the neighbors service. Festive texture Christmas tree and Christmas tree - 1st of buildings in a toy with extraordinary features. It is possible to make gift boxes, with filling from materials, harvest, components of collections, coins, skill, energy.

Gifts made in the Christmas trees are used only to realize them with your neighbors, open themselves unnecessary. The main thing is that the structure began to fulfill its functions, there is not enough only to purchase. Only the foundation of the building under construction is bought, which indicates only when you build it to the window, accompanying professional materials to build. If the construction is made by something, you will certainly need workers.

Structures have a decoration character. Most of them are possible to deploy, thereby create the architecture of the future city. Supplying the facilities with a variety of thematic decors, it is possible to achieve the wonderful visual similarity of your game station with a real city.

Video Overview

Imagine that one day you get a note from your parents in which they write that they leave with an expedition to the East, leaving you granted yourself. That is how it begins klondike game gamein contact, in which the chief hero will go to search for the missing expedition.

You will live the life of brave travelers, equip the places of your temporary existence, getting food and look for treasures!

You will eat, as it should be in such games, only healthy food. The main food suppliers will be various living creatures chickens, turkeys, geese and cows.

In the game you will have many different cases, so it will not be bored. If you try to generalize everything, your day will consist of approximately these classes:

  • collection of products - Collect materials and resources on buildings throughout the territory;
  • harvesting- Screw, water, seit and collect harvests on the beds;
  • search Treasure- Under each tree and stone on the territory there are real treasures that you have to find and collect;
  • trade- Buy and sell things;
  • friends - go to visit friends and find treasures on their territory;
  • hiring workers - Eskimos will help you clean the territory.

Nature will provide you with everything you need for life, and the fact that it will not provide - you can buy in Store. The game shop is a bench in which there are the following sections:

  • seeds;
  • scenery;
  • the buildings;
  • animals;
  • greenhouses;
  • energy;
  • workers;
  • extensions;
  • clothes.

In fact, the game Klondike is the same farm, but with the ability to travel, which gives it uniqueness.

Pluses of the game:

  • the presence of an interesting story;
  • good graphics;
  • brief and understandable training.

Cons Games:

  • there is no possibility to choose the floor of the character;
  • there is no voice voice.

Secrets of the game Klondike

The game Klondike is still quite new and not so many players managed to switch to senior levels. Therefore, you have a real opportunity to become the discoverer not only in the plot of the game, but also according to the real state of affairs! In the meantime, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our tips for passing the game Klondike. Well, if you have already managed to find loopholes in the application - share with other players in the comments to the article!

  • You can immediately ask several actions to your character - it will perform them in a given order.
  • If you asked a character too much actions and want to cancel them - click on the red cross in the right corner of the application.
  • To get the opportunity to travel, you need to find a map in one of the tasks.
  • If for a long time you can not find the element of the collection or the very necessary thing to pass the quest - add it to the "Wishlist" in the game, and then your friends may very soon give it to you.
  • Finding caches, know that other players have the opportunity to pick up treasures before you.

Download (Install) The game Klondike in contact is free by reference